(5 years), PGDHRDE, Chemistry, Hindi, Zoology, Urdu
(5 years), PGDHRDE, Chemistry, Hindi, Zoology, Urdu
THE LAW SCHOOL UNIVERSITY OF JAMMU Baba Sahib Ambedkar Road, Jammu Tawi - 180 006 (J&K) INDIA Ref No:t{-sFu/ [/rr\1 Dated..L.e..;1.:.(.6 . The Law School. University of Jammu Admission Notificntion for 8.A.. LL.B (Five vears) session 2016-17 (The Larv School as lit Preference) Onen Merit (List-ID The Admission Committee has approved the names of the following candidates for provisional adrnission to B.A.,LL.B (5 years) I't Term Course. They are required to bring their original certificates with them and deposit fee in shape of Demand Draft of Rs. 3l$20A (for J&K Board students) and Rs. 32,285 (tbr CBSB students) drawn in favour of Director, The I,aw School, Universit-y of Jammu payable:rt Jammu hv 22-A7-2016 till 1:00 P.M. Those who fail to comply will lose their seats and no relaxation what so ever ivill be given for the default. S.No. Name JUET Score Aggregate Score JUET Score +75o/o Of l2th Score) (25o/o of 01 02 -_-03 --- 04 05 06 07 08 09 Neesha Bharti Surva Dev 44q$8qie 28. 36.5 35 Bhanu Dev lram Sabha 35.75 ArshiGupta Seerat 46.5 Dhairya Sharma Tarun Sambval 33 30 44.5 71.86 71.78 71.68 71.658 71.65 71.65 71.33 71.31 71.25 34.25 Coqnc'lDr. Sanjay Gupta Director, The Law School No. TLS/JU/!61 t3-)p Dt.20-07-20L6 Telephone No. : TellFox No. :0191-2430525,2431625. University Exchonge' 2435248, 243S2Sg Ert. 2332, 2906 THE LAW SCHOOL UNIVERSITY OF JAMMU Baba Sahib Ambedkar Road, Jammu Tawi - 180 006 (J&K) INDIA Ref. No T'i$l1P-[ tt I r Js o Dated...L.P.:.1.- I(. The Law Sghool. Uni!,ersity of Jammu Admission Notification for session 2016-17 Onen Merit (List-ID The Admissio-n Committee has approved the names of the following candidates tbr provisiona[ admission to P.G Diploma in Human Rights and Duties Education lst Term Course. They arer required to bring their original certificates with them and deposit fee in shape of Demand Dral't of Rs. l0r220i.drawn in favour of Director, The Law School, University of Jammu payable at Jammu by 22-07'2015 tiil l:00PM. Those who fail to comply will lose their seats and no relaxation what so ever will be given for the default. 75oh of 25o/o of Aggregate S.No. Name Parcntage Graduation JUET Score 0l Score Score Mohinder Kumar 48.5454 5.7083 s4.2s37 Naresh Kumar Chander Mani 42.3636 I I .5416 53.9{J52 Vishal Kotwal Ashok Kumar 42.3156 I 1.5 53.8 I 56 Mandeep Kour Jaswant Singh 45.52s 7.9583 53.4833 Nisha Sharma 02 03 Kotwal 04 AqiGy No. TLS/JUlt6l Dt. 20-07 -2016 Dr. Sanjay Gupta Director, The Law School Telephone No. : Tel/Fox No.:0.l9.| -2430525,2431625. University Exchonge . 2435248, 2435259 Ext. 2992, 2306 T,TC"a ', I)SfirVEq,SIW O$' !-n :-n ', No. : PGD tChemll6l.??.2. Dated' . .*.--.Q.?.:. ? *iQ..... ADMISSION NOTICE The following candidates have been provisionally selected for admission to M.Sc. Chemistry I't Semester 2016-2017 session in the Main Campus University of Jammu, Govt. Degree College Bhaderwah and Govt. Degree College Rajouri, subject to the: l. Production of all original certificates including the state subject, where applicable; 2. Approval of admission by the Vice-Chancellor; 3. Payment of dues before ('oo(tl of zl. b-1. 2016 , failing which their admission shall stand cancelled. \,oD 4.tl If it happens to be a holiday, the payment of dues be made before , of the next working day; 4. Production of the "No Objection Certificate", if they are engaged in employment. 5. Condition that the candidate is seeking admission for the first time in the Post-Graduate Course of the teaching Dept. in the University of Jammu. 6. The candidates who take admission in G.D.C. Rajouri and G.D.C. Bhaderwah will be offered migration to the Department of Chemistry, New University Campus, Jammu, if any seat in their respective category remains vacant in order of merit. Catesorv: OPEN MERIT b No. of Seats (New University Campus Jammu = Nil; G.D.C. Ra;'ouri:08; G.D.C. Bhaderwah:09) S.No. Form No. Name of the Candidate t. 109 z. 923 VIPAN KUMAR FAZAL RAJA DEV Father's Name JUET 3omposite Merit Roll No. 72.L5476 BODH RAJ 2L822 2289L 72.t4285 72,L369 SAIDULIAH DEV 623 PRATIKSHA KHA'URIA PAWAN KUMAR 24807 1. 513 ANOOP SINGH MOHINDER SINGH 26588 72.LO714 5. 82 RIMJIM GUPTA RAJESH JANDIAT 72.03571 PREETI DOGRA RAI KUMAR t. 5. 611 7. 702 RUCHI RAJPUT SHAMSHER SINGH 8. 399 VASUNDRA SUDARSHAN KUMAR 26520 22399 26346 26L42 ). 348 MOHITKUMAR NARESH KUMAR 26118 71".83929 10. 11. 100 MOHIMA MALLIK MUKTHAR ALI 2IL5L 71.80952 350 MEENALSHARMA SANJEEV DUBEY 2LLO3 7t.72024 Page I of 2 71.9881 7L.90476 71.86905 q,r/tr% Remarks - \" i i:s.r; Father's Name Name of the Candidate Form No. JUET Roll No. omposite 12 288 DIGVIJAY SINGH PAWAN SINGH 246LO 13. s06 RUBI SHARMA VIJAY KUMAR 25513 14. 817 QURAT UL AIN KHUSHBHAKT NISAR AHMED BHAT 2t423 7t.70834 71.58929 7L.5LL9 15. 107 HIMAN DEV SINGH SAGAR SINGH 26383 71.42857 16. 203 PARVEEN KOUR SWARAN SINGH 7023 SONIA SHARMA DARSHAN KUMAR 22455 26339 71.4707L 77.27976 960 SANCHI SHARMA JIA LAL SHARMA 280 BABY PALLAVI BEHARILAL 7L.23214 7L.20238 779 MANlSH SUDAN ASHOK KUMAR SHARMA 452 SAHIL SHARMA ASHOK KUMAR 785 PALLVISHARMA GOPAL DUTTSHARMA 27206 2290L 2s626 20034 233L4 346 PUSHPA DEVI AMAR S!NGH 21479 7L.O357L 530 DAUEETSINGH PARSHOTAM SINGH 27287 SURINDER MOHAN 20L26 ASHOK KUMAR 2L28t BADER MAJID 70.97024 70.95238 70.92262 70.8809s 70.82738 70.76L9 17. Remarks Merit Waitine List r8. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 3L4 NIDHIKRALIA 786 ANJALISHARMA 296 QAMMER MAJID 27. 28. 45 29. 497 PRIYA RANlANTHAL RAGHUBIR SINGH 28119 27L36 INDU BHART! SHIVANISHARMA TANIA KATARIA KHAMINDER KUMAR 20109 ARUN SHARMA 30. 155 31. 67 32. 688 RITIKA MANSOTRA SHANSHAH 33. 155 34. 853 SAHILSHARMA TANIA GUPTA RAM GOPAL VINOD KUMAR GUPTA 25766 2L269 26743 24014 26712 3s. 824 ANJALISHARMA CHAMAN LALSHARMA 23813 GOPAL KRISHAN KATARIA 71.13095 77.!O7L4 7t.o9524 70.63095 70.29762 70.25 36. 56 SANJOLIMAHAIAN SWATANTER GUPTA 22607 ,7. 676 SHEFFALI SI.ATHIA RANJITSINGH 242L9 70.20834 70.20238 70.7607L 70.LO7t4 70.09524 38. 902 KANIKA SHARMA RAJ KUMAR 20199 70.05357 ROMESH KUMAR SHARMA 2L27L 70.o238L ,9. 305 SURBHI SHARMA ADMISSION COMMITTEE '+ 1. : z.W t. frY -Lo'?' lG HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT FEE PAYABLE: Rs. 11030/- Page 2 of 2 I E"F bQa Ag{rgBq.Srru Q$ .q-a ' .'-cttg[4'(). No.: PGDlChemll6l Dated z 7zz ]oo.i-' Lall CANCELLATION NOTICE /' The admission of the following candidates, who have been selected for admission to M.Sc. Chemistry I" Semester for the session 2016-2017, vide this office Admission Notice No.: PGD lchem/l6l_2l2-_ dated: 19 I o7 and have failed to deposit the Admission Fees upto t9lo :irll tl'@ pm, is hereby cancelled: provisionally Catesory: OPEN MERIT S.No. Form No. Name of the Candidate JUET )omposite Roll No. Merit Father's Name CHARUL CHAMAN LAL KHAJURIA 2386s 82.31548 MENAKSHIDHAR ARTIMANHAS KANYA I.AL DHAR 21353 YASH KARAN SINGH 79.45238 77.65476 77.54762 1. 4 z. 235 3. 5. 236 920 SAVITA DEVICHOUDHARY 525 TANU DEVI 6. 139 7. 263 CHAKSHU GUPTA 8. 198 MANVIRAJPUT CHAIN SINGH 9. MANSISHARMA ONKAR CHAND SHARMA 10. 715 5L2 21265 20722 265s9 244/;9 262L8 26424 26270 KULDEEP SINGH MOHINDER SINGH 26585 11. 299 AMITS!NGH CHAIN SINGH t2. L47 PRIYASAINI RAM 13. 533 ARCHANA KHAJURIA JAGDISH KUMAR 2740L 23329 27303 t4. 87 MANISHA CHOUDHARY BHAGWAN DASS 236t1 4. 15. 16. !7. SHAMLISI{ARMA 422 SUDHANSHU MEHTA 50 SHIVALISHARMA L48 SANTOSH DEV] KULDIP KUMAR CHOUDHARY PREM NATH RA'!NDER SHARMA YASH PAUL GUPTA MURTI r RAVIMEHTA 25475 OM PARKASH 25156 SHIV KUMAR 27LzL Remarks 7.6.6369 76.33334 76.09524 75.48214 75.2619 75.17262 74.988L 74.7857L 74.55952 73.4LO7t 72.83334 72.3637 72.29L66 ,v )a ?,1{ ' THE DEPARTMENT -':-\ a .,r\ E ii .-\'\ -i ,. 1' ,l I POST GMDUATE DEPARTMENT OF TIINFI UITIVERSITY OF IAMJMU.IAMMII No. PGD/Hrll5l Dated. ;!5 OPEN MERIT LIST-II Ai+ Ir? i lc NOTICE The following candidates who have applied for admission in this department shall provisionally be admitted to MDP Hindi-lst semester for the session 2OL6-L7. They are required to deposit their fee by modeof bankdraft of Rs.622O/ (infavourof H.O.DHindi,Universityof fammu, lammu)between 10.00 a.m. ro 4.00 p.m. on or beford 2l-07-16 up to 4.30 p.m. failing which their admission will be treated as cancelled. They are also required to bring in their all documents in original for verification' s.No 1. 27 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 156 45 12. 59 13. tt7 Ms. Rashi Thakur D/O Sh Des Raj Ms. Nadia Choudhay D/O Sh Abdul Rashid Mr. Lekh Raj S/0 Sh Parkash Singh Ms.lvoti Devi D/O Sh Rattan Lal Ms. Diwa Bharti D/0 Sh fameet Singh Ms. Pooia Bhagat D/O Sh Kamal Lal Bhagat 136 101 33 128 50.32 50.08 49.98 49.90 49.90 49.72 49.65 Ms. Nisha Devi D/O Sh Jasbir Singh Ms. Sheena Gupu D/O Sh Parveen Gupta Ms. Aniana Rani D/O Sh Khem Raj 10 r39 157 49.58 Mr. Razit Dutta S/O Sh Rakesh Kumar Dutta Ms. Simmi Karloopia D/O Sh Gharu Ram Ms. Alpna Bakshi D/O Sh Ashwani Kumar Bakshi 42 1, Dean Faculty o, o* REMARKS MERIT 50.54 50.42 50.39 NAME WITH PARENTAGE Ms. Pritti Sharma D/O Sh Vilay Sharma FORM NO 49.49 49.40 N:I;N "@l)ctL-'<f lead ^j 2.Prof, Neelam Saraf 3. Prof. Farmeshwari Sharma ..--1 Dwivedi H..'uY,.i 4. Dr. O.P.N. :..: 5. Dr. Ashok KumarGupu 6. Dr.,Raini Bala 7. Mr. Pdrsholam Kurhar t .{. !t il*-',,1 Jir"rL,, /f€^ d-' 4- / / 0 oce-'"-''@ i. A-t"-'Put -n, I I, l, \ E' , .'i.. -3 t PG DEPARTMENT OFZOOLOGY TINIVERSITY OF JAMMU Suhiect: ZOOLOGY No.JU/ZooVrc I Admission Notice No z 811->o Dated z zotbltzorc 2 OPEN MERIT l. Subject to the final approval by the CompetentAuthority, following candidates are provisionally selected on the basis of merit to Master's Degree Programme in Zoology for the session 2016 2017 under OPEN CATEGORY. 2. Selected candidate shall be admitted provisionally subject to the production of relevant certificates in orignal for verification at the time of depositing the fee. 3. Candidates arerequired to depositthe prescribed fee inthe office ofthe Deparfrnent ofZoology upto22l0712016upto 1l.00am failingwhichthey loseclaimfortheadmission inM.Sc Zoolog. S.No. JUET App. No Name of the Candidate Parentage Merit 74.857 1. 23329 Priya Saini Sh.RamMurti 2. 26270 Mansi Sharma Sh. 3. 20602 Sh.ArunKumar 74.375 4. 20100 AditiMahajan SofiaSaini Sh. Basant Singh 74.25 Nameofthe Candidate Parentage Merit 74.797 OnkarC. Sharma WAITING LIST l.No. JUET App. No 1. 22651 VanshikaGupta Sh. Sudesh Kumar 74.2380 2. 28437 Sh.IftiKharAli 3. 2s307 JaaziaKazrni ShakilaRani 74.1547 74.0238 Sh. Shatt BabuRam (_Prof. (Head of Dean Academic Affairs for information please Centre for IT & Enabled sevices for information and n.a Members of Admission Committee 1. * il/ y,\/ Xext 3v list will be displayed on 22107t2016 at 11.30am -'\ Q/w"' ? In )-- ----:"-rs:\l, li .-: .' .. t,,'l ': 'r ,.i;,. .., I l. rrr ..J,lti, lb. - t ; a6l+l i, "t':'( ' -i. ') , ,,, , '-;./ .. \ M J TTUU P.G. ITEPAf,IXtrEITT OT UBITU, z'd,opFtt cnreeohY +sf ron'ur sesqt'otu zorg-r7. s.N 'FORM o. NAMEWITH PARENTAGE - ilto. JUET MAR ACADEMIC MARKS. %AGE ADMISS ION IN .REMARKS WHICH KS CAMPU S L76 1 1eo 2 66 3 4' '.', 5 98. 5 '24 Tahir Shakeel S/o Shakeel Ahmed 66.00 Haq Nawaz S/o Saidullah 7L. Batt Arifa Chowdhary D/o Peniaiz Ahmed Meenakshi Rajput D/o tvtooisineh .. .lfraz Ahmed S/o'Mohd Jhanseei Moharnme{ lsrar ul Haq S/o Abdul Rashid Asfar Ahmed 5/6 Mohd 7 1gq 8 113 9 729 Rdhdela Akhter d/O Abdul Ahad Mussarat Nazir D7o 59 Mushtaq Ahmed Faguir Mohd S/o Mehrab urolleso 5L.45.Yo NOC frOM RLD. DEPTT., M/C of finalsem. 943/16s0. s4.69% s89/16s0 52.glYo 30.50 1040/15s0 52.35Yo 40.00 1004/16s0 52.3OYo 66.s0 906/15s0 s2.26% 31i00 103u16s0 52.O3% 30.00 LO34lL6sO 52Yo 24.@ rcjss/rsso 5t.95Yo 42 983/16s0 5t.68Yo '44.50 deptt. Migration from Gap Case Ashraf 10 Din 11 L2 13 L4 . 130 Asiya Choudhary D/o 28 1033/15s0 5L.62Yo L46 Mushtaq Ahmed Asma Jan Wani D/o 40.25 98s/16s0 5L..48Yo s8 Ghulam Ali\iVani 'Saika Hbbib D/o Habibullah 54 934/16s0 51.45% 31.s LOL4(L6sO 51.34Yo Yasmeen Kousar D/o Ch 37.00 918/15s0 51,.26% lamalDin Amii shabir s/o shabir 52.05 $4lL6sO 5t.2QYo 40 9791L6s.0. 5!.L6Yo 39.2.5 s8u16s0. 5t.L3Yo to7 rather Bilal Ahmed S/g Lal Gap case Hussain 15 '?o 15 07 Ahmed t7 05 Nargiss lqba! D/o Mohd lqbalSheikh 18 63 Biddan SinEh S/o Raj Singh Gap CASE RLD KU \, a a-,' t1 20 rvrotra Auas tt6 s/o Mohd Ashraf Waseem BandaY S/o Ali 31.25 1010/16s0 5t.LL% 38 98s/16s0 5L.LOYo 60.15 89s/16s0 s0.80% Raza Ba.nday 2L L64 RuehbirSingh S/o Des Raj GAP CASE sii their admissidn fee of .Rs.7535/- for JU'and Rs. 5tg5l- for Bhaderwah-college ( in the form of DD in 'favour of Head e.e. departryint of Urdu, University of Jammu Payable pt Jarninulfr omzo2ho to would be reteased. zzliltt before 12:00 P.M. on 22 lTlt:ithe third list Piof. Sh'ohab lnayat Malik H.O.D Urdu . '. ' Copy to:- . 1. Dean Academic affairs for information. 2. l/c Oire6or, tT& Enable Services, for uptoading the list on the university website.