Donations 2010


Donations 2010
C M 7 N e w s l e t t e r - Fa l l / w i n t e r 2 0 1 0
Summer Programs 2011
Mark Seven Bible Institute
KODA Teen Leadership Camp
KODA Children’s Session
KODA Youth Session
Deaf Youth Session
CI Youth Session
Deaf Children’s Session
CI Children Session
Elder Camp
Silent Week
Marriage Encounter
June 1 - 10
June 17 - 24
June 26 - July 8
July 10 - July 22
July 24 - August 5
July 24 - August 5
August 7 - August 19
August 7 - August 19
August 21 - August 27
August 21 - August 27
September 1 - 4
Message from Fr. Tom Coughlin
Page 2
Words from the M7DF Chair
Page 3
Notes from the Executive Director
Page 4-5
A Message from the Foundation Director
Page 6
A Message from the Silent Week Director Page 7
Profile of Gregoire Youbara
Page 8
Donations 2010
Page 9-10
Donations 2009
Page 11-12
CM7 Wish List
Page 12
Brick Fundraiser
Page 13
Donation Form
Page 14-15
Special Events 2011
Walk-n-Sign 5K, Rochester, NY
CM7’s Opening Weekend
CM7’s 11th Annual 5K Run
May 14
May 21
June 11
Photos courtesy of Richard Thierry, 2010
M e s s ag e f ro m F r . To m C o u g h l i n
To our dear benefactors and friends, it is always a privilege to write
this message to you every year. You have been an important link in
the life and function of Camp Mark Seven (CM7). Without you and
your support for CM7, we would not have succeeded. Thank you
for what you have done for us.
This year we lost two significant people. They both contributed
many years of unselfish and dedicated services, and recently went
to their eternal reward with God. First, my beloved mother, Bertha
Coughlin died at the age of 89 years old from old age and short
illness. Fortunately she was able to travel from her home in San
Antonio, Texas to CM7 in early June, and she was happy to be back at camp in which she had faithfully served
for 29 years. She died peacefully at the camp ten days later on Friday June 18th, 2010 much to our grief and
loss. We feel blessed that Bertha went home to God from CM7, her beloved place which she often called her
“home”. Bertha served at the camp as a volunteer, mostly in the kitchen, cooking her famous spaghetti and
meatballs. A Summer Bible Camp Program Scholarship at CM7 was established in her honor with an
endowment of $4,500.
Secondly, we are saddened at the departure of our great friend and supporter, John Ward of Forest Hills, NY
and Loon Lake, NY. He served CM7 faithfully for over twenty five years as our attorney at no cost to us.
Needless to say we owe him an enormous debt of gratitude. He also faithfully attended our Board meetings
twice every year and gave us valuable legal advice and guidance. After his one year courageous battle with
cancer, John died at the age of 66 at his beloved summer camp at Loon Lake in the company of his beloved
wife of 42 years, Mary Beth and his children, John and Faith and other members of the family. He will be
greatly missed at CM7. We hope to set up a Memorial Fund in his honor at CM7 in the near future.
Thank you Bertha and John for your outstanding services. We can never adequately thank you for what you
have done for us and our children and people at CM7. We pray and hope that you will continue to bless us
with your abiding presence in the green woods and cool blue lakes of the eternal Adirondacks.
God bless you, our friends, and benefactors, for what you have done for us at CM7. Please always feel
welcome to visit us during the summer months, for we will be happy to see you.
Father Thomas Coughlin
Mark Seven Deaf Foundation Board of Directors
Charmaine Hlibok, Chair, MD
Jane Moran-Breiter, Secretary, NY
Michael Kane, Treasurer, NY
Virginia Borggaard, MD
Gerry Buckley, NY
Fr. Thomas Coughlin, TX
Frank Dattolo, NY
Ken Finton, NY
Mark Greco, Il
William Griffin, PA
Kim Brown-Kurz, NY
Mark Sommer, NY
Jeff Sterly, NY
Krista Leitch-Walker, MD
Wo r d s f ro m t h e M 7 D F B oa r d C H A I R
Greetings, Families and Friends of CM7!
What an exciting year it has been already with all the new transitions and events hosted these past few months
for M7DF! We welcomed 2010 by hiring our newest Executive Director, Dr. Andy Brinks, and Ms. Lisa
Flynn-Brinks as our Foundation Director. Before serving on the Board of Directors, both Andy and Lisa
had worked closely with the Foundation in several capacities over the past twenty years - Andy as Camp
Director from 1992-95 and Lisa as our bookkeeper in 1996 and as Executive Director from 1997 until 2001.
The M7DF Board is fortunate to have such an experienced pair leading CM7, and the future of the
Foundation. We thank them for their continued loyalty to ensure that CM7 remains in good hands. Also, the
Board especially thanks Dr. Kim Kurz for serving as our M7DF executive director for the past two years, until
she assumed new responsibilities as Chair of the ASL and Interpreting Education program at NTID.
Fortunately, for us, Kim has joined the M7DF as a board member.
Two more sessions were added to the summer 2010 schedule - the wildly successful National KODA Family
conference from June 24-27th which attracted over 28 families and the Cochlear Implant program - which
took place in August alongside the Deaf Youth program. Should you know of any CI teens (ages 13-17) who
wish to participate, please spread the word about it for next summer!!
Fundraising efforts between January and May have been remarkable with the well-orchestrated teamwork of
board members Jane Moran Breiter and Frank Dattolo, both of NYC, who co-chaired a spectacular
Metamorphosis Gala in the core of the Big Apple at the Lincoln Center-Kaplan Penthouse that took place on
Saturday, May 15th. That evening, the M7DF Board honored Meredith “Muffy” Greenough, who, in
memory of her mother, has established the Beverly Sills and Meredith Greenough Trust with a goal of one
million dollars for Camp Mark Seven. This Trust will be overseen by five Trustees, among them three M7DF
Board members - Virginia Borggaard, Frank Dattolo, and Mark Sommer. Much appreciation is extended to
Jane and Frank, and especially Meredith and her close friend, Michael Kaufer, as they all worked tirelessly
for months on this recent event. More information on the new Trust will be released in the near future.
CM7’s Brick Fundraiser deadline has been extended to allow for more bricks to be ordered. These will be
laid in front of the Lodge foyer entrance area. See newsletter for further details. You may be interested in
buying one or two bricks for your family or to honor someone.
Last but not least, CM7 still welcomes donations, and especially volunteers to assist us with building
renovations/maintenance, as well as planning fundraising efforts, be it big or small - from a gala extravaganza
to an intimate dinner party!! If you would like to host an
event, please contact me ([email protected]) or Lisa
([email protected]) for more information.
Your continued support of Camp Mark Seven is paramount
to us! Don’t forget to check our website for current updates
and further details!
Yours in M7DF and beyond,
Charmaine Hlibok, M7DF Board Chair
Notes from the Executive Director
Dr. Andrew Brinks
Hello everyone! I felt greatly honored to return to CM7 as an Executive Director. I have been quite busy since
there were so many new things that happened at the camp this past summer, especially with new staff and
programs. When I worked as a Deaf Programs Director during the summers of 1992 to 1995, I only handled
the deaf programs for the Youth and Children sessions—quite a difference from what I do now! We, the CM7
community, should be proud of all the hard work that our staff did, showing their passion and energy with our
campers. I could not have done it without them. God bless their wonderful souls!
How many of you heard about what had happened during registration day for
KODA Children session? Our septic sewer system shut down, and there were
110 people at the camp who used only 4 toilets in the two cabins and the
bathroom in the main lobby. We had at least 5 KODA counselors help me dig,
get the old pipes taken out just before the campers arrived in less than 2 hours!
In spite of this unusual situation, it didn’t dampen our CM7 spirits at all, and I
truly appreciated the families’ patience during that hectic Registration Day.
Also, our 23-year old conventional oven wore out, and we had to order a new
one from Missouri. When it arrived, our brave counselors and staff helped bring it in, all 500 lbs of it without
any problems. Many of our items at the camp are now becoming old and will need to be replaced soon. Your
contributions and donations will be appreciated and this will definitely make a huge difference to our CM7
campers. CM7 has a wish list of different items (listed on page 12) that we would like to have for the camp,
and it will also be posted on the CM7 website.
We are very excited to announce the Summer 2011 Program Schedule as you can start planning for next
summer. Registration will open in January 2011 for all programs.
Summer Programs 2011
June 1- 10
June 17 - 24
KODA Children
June 26 - July 8
KODA Youth
July 10 - July 22
Deaf/CI Youth
July 24 - August 5
Deaf/CI Children
August 7 - August 19
Elder Camp & Silent Week
August 21 - August 27
Marriage Encounter
Sept 1 - 4
Sept 8 - 11
Mark Seven Bible Institute
KODA Teen Leadership Camp
Due to ongoing concerns regarding the procedures of registering for KODA Children and KODA Youth
sessions online, this procedure has changed for next summer. This will take place during the first two weeks in
January 2011 specifically for the KODA campers. For all other programs, registration is ongoing until
programs are filled.
For the KODA sessions, there will be three different phases, each of which is first
come, first serve. Families are not able to register two or more children on one
registration form; each child must have their own registration form. If a family
ignores this procedure, then they will not be placed on the first come, first serve
list. The good news is, there is no limit on how many children per family can
register for any camp program. No registrations in the mail will be accepted.
The first phase of registration will be honored to those who were on the 2010
waiting list, regardless if they were new or returning campers. This phase will serve
33% (or 24 campers) of the total 74 campers.
The second phase will honor campers who have never enrolled in either KODA
Children or KODA Youth programs. This will take place after the first phase has been completed. This second
phase will serve 33% (or 24 campers) of the total 74 campers.
The third phase will honor campers who have attended KODA programs (either KODA Children or KODA
Youth) and this will take place after the second phase has been completed. This third phase will serve 34% (or
26 campers) of the total 74 campers.
Please note that the program fees changed for each program. The $200 non-refundable deposit remains the
same; however, if placed on the waiting list, it will be deposited until space becomes available. If the space
does not become available at the time of the program, it will be refunded to you. Should a camper wish to opt
out of the waiting list, it will be refunded immediately. We hope that this new registration procedure will be
more effective, and a wider pool of applicants can get in. Please contact me at [email protected] if you
have any questions.
On behalf of our Camp Mark Seven staff and Mark Seven Deaf Foundation, I truly appreciate all of our
volunteers contributing their time, especially during Opening Camp weekend, and contributions given, to keep
the camp in excellent shape.
Once again, I want to thank you for working with me, and I look forward
to meeting and working with you next year. Please keep your eyes peeled
for our upcoming website, which will be revamped with information and
details related to our camp and its programs.
God bless you all!
Andy Brinks
S P E C I A L E V E N T S ! C h e c k o u t w w w. c a m p m a r k 7 . o r g
f o r m o r e i n f o r m at i o n !
May 14, 2011: Walk-n-Sign 5K-a-thon, Rochester, NY. Contact Erin Kane for more information.
May 21, 2011: CM7’s Opening Camp Weekend. Contact Andy Brinks for more information.
June 11, 2011: CM7’s 11th Annual 5K Run. Registrants/visitors may stay at CM7; contact Lisa
Brinks for rates, more information.
A M e s s ag e f ro m t h e f o u n dat i o n d i r e c t o r
Hello everyone! It’s wonderful to be back, and be a part of Camp Mark Seven (CM7) once
again. For many of us, CM7 is “home” and isn’t that a wonderful feeling?
I want you to realize how you and so many others are so important to CM7, and I’d like to
explain why. There are several things that are essential to supporting an organization’s
survival, especially a non-profit camp like ours - they are in-kind services and financial
What are in-kind services? This is where people donate their time and skills; for example, it can be a child
helping us clean up the fallen branches during our annual opening camp weekend to our engineer, Joe
McDonald, who wrote the blueprint of our septic tank systems for the NY State Health Department.
Fundraisers are another significant way of providing support. Many of you have given so much of your time,
energy, skills, since CM7’s inception in 1981 - thousands of hours have been given, especially since our
century-old lodge always needs work, and renovations are always an ongoing task. Perhaps this is a blessing
in disguise - if it didn’t always need work, we wouldn’t have met so many wonderful people with big hearts,
who wholeheartedly support our vision of serving deaf, hard of hearing, and koda children, as well as deaf
adults, and hearing families with deaf children.
I would like to take a moment to recognize one of our beloved volunteers who recently passed on, Arthur “Art”
McLoughlin. He lived in Old Forge, and loved to come to CM7 each summer while I was the Executive
Director and did different things around the camp. He was the guy who made
the black bears “walking out” of the forest near our entrance—they looked so
real, and folks would stop to look twice before passing them. He also made
different signs for the camp, and one of them is that welcome sign when you
enter the CM7 entrance (see photo). Art loved our CM7 spirit, chatted and
laughed with us, and always asked for work to do. Even though he was hearing
and did not know sign language, this fact didn’t faze him—with usual aplomb,
he always boomed, “I’m done! What can I do next?”. We always say, and it’s true, CM7 is your home away
from home!
In-kind services are very important to a non-profit organization, especially when one wants to write grants or
seek sponsors. Sponsors from diverse companies are interested in knowing if people are giving, both
financially and in-kind. They also take into consideration how the M7DF Board of Directors supports CM7, as
they are supposed to promote and carry out our vision. I’m very proud to say that we have had tremendous
success in all areas!
Our Board of Directors is called a “working board” - a company will either have a working board or policy
making board. Yes, we do make decisions regarding policy affecting CM7, but we are primarily a working
board. Board members are required to make a financial contribution and donate their time with their areas of
expertise. For example, they may help out with establishing and organizing fundraising events, networking to
seek people with certain skills, or help renovate the camp.
As I mentioned earlier, financial contributions is another important aspect of supporting CM7. Financial
contributions can be in the form of cash or non-cash contributions.
Cash is described as a:
Non-cash contributions are:
 personal gift;
 in-kind gifts;
 family member, and friend matching gift(s);
 stocks;
 contribution matching gift(s) with a friend;
 personal estate;
 employee matching gifts of family and friends;
 paid-up insurance policies;
 corporate matching gift; and/or
 charitable lead trusts; and/or
 a multi-year pledge.
 future “legacy” deferred gifts.
Gifts, in the form of a donation, can include items, such as working equipment that we need and can use. It
can be something simple such as donating a rake, to something larger, like a van. If you have something you
no longer use and still works, please contact us and see if we need it - we may be able to use what you have
to give.
For each one of you who has contributed, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. CM7 is so much better for
it, as the camp has always been a “labor of love” and your gift is a testimony to that. That’s why each and
every one of you is so important to us in one way or another! If we paid everyone for helping us out, I don’t
think CM7 would still be in existence today. I can see Fr. Tom nodding his head, agreeing! We are always
seeking people who want to contribute their time, energy and skills; if you are interested, please let me know.
Again without you, CM7 would not have come this far. Thank you so much for all you’ve done for us!
Lisa Brinks
Silent Week
A message with gratitude from the Instructor, Jane Fluman
A successful Silent Week session took place at CM7 during the week of
August 22, 2010! Our Silent Week campers enjoyed this program this past
summer; we had an unique experience with participants from the Elder
Camp session and the Total Immersion Vacation (TIV) group from
Connecticut. This opportunity allowed all campers to socialize and
converse, from the Elder Camp and TIV campers who used fluent ASL
skills to the Silent Week campers who tried to learn as much ASL as
possible within six days! It was a really great opportunity for the campers as it helped them to learn the general
rules of using conversations in ASL and deaf culture. I was amazed that my campers improved their ASL
skills by communicating with deaf people, who themselves use a variety of signing styles and hand shapes
during different events that took place at the camp, including field trips.
For years at CM7, I have seen individuals who possess different ASL skills. Some of them come back to CM7
several times to polish up their ASL skills, and become rejuvenated just being at CM7. By coming back every
year since 1998, I increased my teaching experience and have a high respect for those who learned to interact
with individuals who have different ASL skills. I created different teaching tools and methods to teach various
aspects of ASL. At CM7, the campers are always motivated and enthusiastic.
I have been involved with Silent Week since 1998, and I always have a great time working for this program. I
always want to come back each year because I cannot resist the CM7 spirit that I see in the campers and the
staff every summer! I have worked with different assistant instructors and volunteers over the years at CM7,
and want to thank all of them for working hard to make this
program successful. I am also grateful for the CM7 staff and
volunteers. I also wanted to express my appreciation for their
wonderful effort to make my campers feel welcome. We all had
a marvelous time working together and enjoyed each other’s
company. I look forward to seeing this continue next year, and
for many more years to come.
See you all again in the summer of 2011!
Cheers, Jane Fluman
From Cameron, Africa, to CM7 with love! For the past 3 years,
Gregoire has become an ordinary figure at Camp Mark Seven. He was
born and raised in Cameroon, Africa. Cameroon is one of the 54
countries that shape up the African continent. Cameroon, a former
German, French and British colony, is located at the crossroad between
Western and Central Africa. It is home to 2 official languages (French
and English) and is made up of over 240 tribal groups, which means
more than 240 different idioms and dialects. Because of this ethnic and
linguistic diversity, Cameroon has been nicknamed “Africa in
miniature,” or plainly, “Little Africa” if you will, given that almost all
major African cultural faces are represented. The tourist who has been
in Cameroon has hypothetically, had a foretaste of what it is like in African cultures in general, except maybe
for the fact that Egyptian pyramids are nowhere to be seen.
Gregoire is from a devout catholic family. He grew up in the small town of Mbandjock, some 40 miles away
from the capital city, Yaoundé. His father worked at the local sugar cane factory as a mechanic and his mother
ran a small grocery business in the local market. He attended the local public primary school with his 3 oldest
sisters and was, with his family, very active in the local catholic parish, Notre Dame-des-Champs: his father
was a catechist for adults who were from his ethnic group, his mother taught crochet and embroidery to young
women with the local nuns, his sisters were on the youth choir and Gregoire enjoyed serving mass as an altar
boy from his early childhood years.
Growing up as a devout catholic, Gregoire felt he had a vocation to the priesthood at a very young age. He
found about Father Tom Coughlin and his House of Studies for Deaf Seminarians in NYC through an article
Fr. Tom had posted in the World For Deaf (WFD)’s quarterly magazine. He got in touch with Fr. Tom who
then invited him to come to continue his college studies in the US while discerning his vocation with House of
Gregoire came to the US in 2003 and first lived in San Francisco, California, where Fr. Tom and House of
Studies for Deaf Seminarians had relocated. He attended City College of San Francisco and later transferred
to California State University, Hayward where he obtained a BA degree in Spanish with a minor in Philosophy
in 2007. A year later, he began his graduate studies in Spanish Languages and Literatures at Texas State
University in San Marcos, TX and graduated with a MA degree in that discipline in 2010. He plans to teach
Spanish and French to college Deaf students and be a translator.
Gregoire loves to travel. He has been in countless interstate road trips and visited quite few countries
including Canada, France, Mexico, Japan, and South Korea. He would love to tour the world someday. He is
also an avid reader. Among his favorites are classic authors such as Cervantes and Shakespeare. He also loves
outdoor activities, exploring huge cities and unknown places.
Gregoire first came to Camp Mark Seven in the summer of 2003 and
worked as a dishwasher for 3 weeks. He was not used to a camp
environment and was more than eager to go back to bustling San
Francisco and to begin pre-season training with his college's soccer
team. He came back in 2006 as a volunteer for the Bible Institute.
Since 2008, he has spent the summer at the camp working as a
groundskeeper and office manager this year. He is now proud to call
CM7 and Old Forge his summer home!
Donations 2010
We are very grateful to all our friends and several organizations for their donations and in-kind services.
These contributions have made a huge difference for the CM7 community.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!
Rocky Point Directors Club: $500-$999
Gary & Jeanne Behm
GE Foundation
Rick and Deonna Humphress
Moose River Club: $250-$499
ASL Interpreter Referral Service, Inc.
Christina Buchanan
Black Bear Club: $100-$249
Richard A. Borggaard
Big Moose Community Chapel
Kimberly Kady-Asack
William Freije
Felice & Teresa Minieri
Carol Mulvhill
Albert & Sally Pimentel
Floyd & Lynn Reandeau
United Way Of Central Indiana
Joseph & Sue Wheeler
Cayuga Donors: $25-$99
Jacob Aywas
Mitchell Berger
Phil & Judith Bravin
David Costello
Mary Dall
Henry & Barbara Evans
Marion Evans
Kennedy, Lewis, Green Foundation
Garrison Forest School
Bernard Hurwitz & Stacy Lawrence
Denise Kavin
Christopher & Kim Kurz
Kenneth & Connie Monroe
J.E. Rooy
James & Amy Tully
Chipmunk Club: <$25
Matthew P. Cornelia
Brian & Christy Hennessey
Gary & Kathleen Meyer
Beatrix Murphy
Matthew Sacco
Mark Summers
In Memory of Bertha Coughlin
Sharon Ambrose
Bernadette Attleweed
Cathlyn & Robert Babb
Loretta Baran
Pauline Berrigan
Patricia & William Bowman
Philip & Judith Bravin
Robin Brennan
Pat Bridge
Andy & Lisa Brinks
John & Megan Catanzarita
Carl & Dorothy Cerniglia
David & Joanne Christenson
Stanley & Shirley Cleveland
Sandra Coco
John Coughlin
Jean Cox
Carol H. Craghan
Helen Dardis
Luke Day
Diocese of Canden
Joan & John Dixon
Ricky & Susan Eads
Barbara Finegan
Carrie Fisher
Maria Garden
Terri Harrison
Dorothy Hastings
Thomas Hattaway
Greg & Charmaine Hlibok
Alan & Vicki Hurwitz
Marian Katz
Anthony & Mary Lomastro
Virginia Mae Finneran
Christopher Magliocchino
Mauro & Patricia Magliocchino
Barbara Martin
Bernadette Mayhall
Mary McGory
Susan McLeod
June & Robert McMahon
Mark Mellenger
Darol Nance
Norman & JoAnne Nelson
Grace Netti
Penelope Newman
Bernadette O’Hara
James & Sue Pedersen
Frank & Pauline Rakowski
Maureen Rose
Elizabeth A. Sale
Vivian Sarantopoulos
St. Benedict Church
St. Lucy’s Deaf Community
Ronald & Hedy Stern
John Sullivan
Catherine Sweet-Windham
The Toronto-Dominion Bank
Miriam Thumann
Edward & Beverly Timko
James & Norma Tourangeau
James & Mary Margaret Van Damme
Rita Visco
Gary & Christine Wilde
In Memory of Arthur McLoughlin
GEA Farm Technologies, Inc.
In Memory of Josephine Torsiello
Gloria Dyer
Greg & Charmaine Hlibok
Yin Yuk and Shui Yau Stanny Lam
Virginia & Thomas Noll
Joyce & Harold Rizzitello
Danielle Simonelli
In Memory of Jack Ward
Susan Abramson
Laurence & Ellen Anderson
Carolyn Babula
In Memory of Jack Ward, con’t.
Robert & Diane Babula
Allison & Oliver Bajrachara
Richard & Joyce Bartz
Rebecca Baxter
Sherry Ann & Scott Beloten
Andy & Lisa Brinks
Casagrande Liquors LLC
T.B. & Deirdre Dame
James Feldmann
Carol Galizia
Douglas Greenwood
Greg & Charmaine Hlibok
William & Louise Hoffman
Edward & Mary Jane Hughes
Margaret Janes
Edwin Kruse
John & Madeline Kane
Christopher & Kim Kurz
Thomas & Cathleen Masterson
George McDonald
Martine McGuiness
Lisa Mezzetti
Mill Neck Manor Education Association
Myra Hager-Oates
Nancy O’Conner
Albert & Sally Pimentel
Jerome & Margaret Plunkett
Patricia & Peter Pottle
Bryan & Alexa Renehan
Catherine & William Richmond
Frances & Marjorie Riordan
William & Eileen Skehan
Geneview Ward Street
William & Eileen Raymond Thesis
James & Kathleen Treanor
Jane & John Tully
Mary & Francis Valentine
Frank & Agnes Venice
Vodou Foods Corporation
Conrad & Sherry Whitaker
Grandchildren of William J. Ward
Much appreciation to our photographer friend:
Richard Thierry
Much appreciation to those who volunteered:
Miguel Macias - roof shingle work/maintenance
Jeff Sterly - roof shingle work/renovation
Mike Kubeida - camp and boat maintenance
Bob Fluman - camp maintenance
Margie Lundy & Deb Shaffer - kitchen consultation
Al Pimental - lawn maintenance
Opening Weekend: May 21-23
Diane Amero
Arun Bellare
Kelly Jo Connolly
Amy Crumrine
Kelly Decker
Dean DeRusso
Kelly Gibbon
The Jones Family
Michael Kubeida
Miguel Macias
Eudore Muhlbauer
Julie Perry
Paul Shreeman
Stephan Souky
Judy Surline
Teddy Tice
Karen Thurnheer
Chris Villareale
Steve Walker
Closing Weekend - Oct 1-3
Jerrit Bochle
Lori Carlin
Derek Cummings
Matt Hackett
Michael Kubeida
Miguel Macias
Rodney Reid
Teddy Tice
Marie Tice
Donations 2009
CM7 Benefactors: $5,000+
John & Eleanor Fogarty
GoAmerica, Inc.
National Fraternal Society of the Deaf
Mohawk Hotel Benefactor:
$2,500 - $4,999
Purple Communications, Inc.
The Fulton Chain of Lakes:
$1,000 - $2,499
William Koch
Sorenson Communications, Inc.
Rocky Point Directors Club:
$500 - $900
Kim Brown Kurz
Joseph and Sue McDonald
Phoenix Emporium
Tully Community Vacation Bible Camp
James & Mary Margaret Van Damme
Moose River Club:
$250 - $499
William & Elizabeth Allen
Ron & Shirley Cooligan
Kelly Decker
Charleen DeWindt
Dustin & Marcie Ellis
Marilyn Griffin
Gregory & Charmaine Hlibok
Howard County Assoc. of the Deaf, Inc.
Mary Angela Kernan
Michael Kuibeda
Marjorie Lundy & Deborah Shaffer
Jim & Barbara McCauley
Rita Slater
Mark & Lisa Sommer
Stephen Souky
Rita Spencer
Pamela Stutzman
Scott & Patricia Warburst
Sondra Williams
Black Bear Club: $100 - $249
Association for the Hearing Impaired
Big Moose Community Chapel, Inc.
Richard Borggaard
Virginia Borggaard
Carl & Dorothy Cerniglia
Mary Dall
Eugene & Marjorie Fink
William Freije
Julie & John Hodgetts
Peter & Mary Huntington
Lisa Jacobs
Edwin Kruse
Richard & Kathleen Kush
Richard & Eileen Loughran
Michael & Frances Marzolf
Douglas & Margaret Masters
Robert & Susan Mather
Felice & Theresa Minieri
Ernest & Rosemary Pettis
Thelma Schroeder
Philip & Barbara Seiferth
James Skvorak
Stephen Souky
Rita Spencer
Helen Stacy
The Kenmore Cottages
The Slater Family Trust
Paul Waller
Cayuga Donors: $25 - $99
Alfred & Marie Anderson
Robert & Cathlyn Babb
Barnum Tax Service
Arthur Boczar
Michael Brennan
Michael & Theresa Buckman
William Campanaro
David and Joanne Christenson
Victoria Cotter
Carol Craghan
Curl, Dan
Pamela Dall
Barbara Digiovanni
James & Alice Dillion
John & Joan Dixon
Bob & Karen Downs
Henry & Barbara Evans
Thomas & Joan Finn
Kenneth & Lynette Finton
John & Silvana Fiorito
Louise Foley
Margaret Franco
Dorothy Fraychineaud
Gary & Linda Geiger
Mary Giannini
Mark Greco
Mark & Terri Harrison
Irene Hearn
Francis & Anna Higgins
Patricia Hoffmann
Sam & Barbara Holcomb
Jeffrey & Tamara Hossler
John & Julie Hudgetts
Peter & Mary Huntington
G. & Irene Kane
Raymond & Josephine Knapp
Donna Kosloske
Samuel & Grace Lancelotta
Gilles & Mary Ann Langevin
Ho-Ming & Brenda Lee
Raymond & Adora Lehmann
Maryellen & Gilmer Lenz
Dorothy Leonardi
Karen Patrick Mackolin
Donald & Regina Mallette
Timothy & Deborah Maloney
Marilyn J. Grffin Trust
Elizabeth Marsh
Thomas McCarthy
Roberta Mercure
Kevin & Mildred Milligan
Ministry with the Deaf
Judith Mounty & Robert Weinstock
Harold & Mary Mowl
Robert & Marabeth Nurin
Kevin & Tracy O' Hara
Jacqueline Ortlano
Edward & Barbara Paparell
James & Isabella Parsons
Janie Pearson
J. & Susan Pedersen
Therese M. Quinn
Amelia Ragis
Lois Reese
Robert & Debra Reilly
Diane Richardson
Walter & Shawn Rohlin
Michael & Lucy Sabia
Carmelo S. Sciandra
Robert & Eileen Seremeth
Vicki Shank
Ann Siebert
James & Lorraine Simpson
Vladimir & Emilia Slavov
Luisa Gasco Soboleski
Dorothy Steffanic
John Sullivan
Chris and Vicki Sullivan
Deborah Swamback
Viable Technologies Inc.
Allen & Ellen Warner
Gary & Kay Woods
Thomas Zerecker, Jr.
Chipmunk Club: <$25
Alfred & Marie Anderson
Steven & Christine Atkins
Eleanor J. Baribault
Deborah Bosworth
Helen Buthusiem
Elisa Buttino
Helen Capeless
Cosmo & Jennie Caragliano
Richard & Jean Chmylak
Judith Condenzio
James & Laureen Connelly
Matthew Cornelia
Paulynn M. Cox
Carol Craghan
Cosmo & Mary Debiase
Robert & Rita Depcik
William E. Donegan
June Duvall
Audrey Flanders
Matthew Frawley
Marcia Gagliardo
Dominick & Patricia Galletti
Glynis Gibson
John & Rochelle Goul
Ryan Griske
William Gulvin
Florence Hagan
Dorothy Hastings
Georgina Hollister
Jeffrey & Tamara Hossler
Joyce Hutchings
Joan Jones
Gail & Adrian Kantor
Eugene & Regina Kelley
William & Yvonne Kinney
Raymond & Josephine Knapp
Joseph & Catherine Kutcka
Alan & Susan Lasker
Mary Lou Lennon
Maryellen & Gilmer Lentz
David & Julita Levesque
Richard & Mary Lind
Mary & Anthony Lomastro
Lucy & Tamara Marcinuk
A. James & Angelina Mattera
Richard & Joan Miskell
Dori Monitz
Kenneth & Cornelia Monroe
Jeffrey Nardozza
Michael O' Donnell
Kevin & Tracy O' Hara
Frances Olawski
Oshman, Francis & Lisa
Palmer, Margaret
Edward & Eleanor Pessolano
Kelly Pestana
Corinne Potter
Therese M. Quinn
Frank & Pauline Rakowski
Nancy Reedy
Theresa Reilly
Richard & Maureen Rose
Thomas Ryan
Sachs, Marvin & Sora
Philip & Barbara Seiferth
J. Shannon
Sister Ann Albrecht
Sister Maura Costello
Nancy Smrz
Henry & Vicki Spencer
Daniel & Kim Taylor
Gary Viall
Rita Mae Visco
Alta Waldau
George & Judith Webster
Sondra Williams
Timothy Wolf
Paula Wollenhaupt
Maureen Woods
CM7 Wish List
15-passenger van (2)
Push Lawn Mower (2)
Life jackets (20)
Commercial Washing
Deli Meat Cutter
Large group tents
Two man tents
Vacuum (2)
Defibrillator (CPR)
Proceeds from the Brick Fundraiser will go towards the:
Deaf and KODA Camperships, supporting our campers.
Consider a brick for:
Yours/your family’s name
Your company’s name
Memorial - honor a loved one who has passed
An inspirational message
Please write clearly! Each brick holds 3 lines of text, with 18 characters per line
including punctuation and spaces.
Address: ____________________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code: __________________________________________
Email/phone number: __________________________________________
O Master Card
O Visa
O Check (payable to Camp Mark Seven)
Card Number: ___________________________ Expiration Date: __________
Signature: __________________________________
Please mail to:
Lisa E. Brinks, Foundation Director
Camp Mark Seven
8100 Glendale Drive, Frederick, MD 21702
Any questions? Email Lisa at: [email protected]
or call/VP: 240.575.2073
Camp Mark Seven (CM7) invites you to become a special
part of CM7’s history through a Brick Fundraiser.
Donation Form
Please mark the category in which you’d like your contribution to go to. All contributions are welcome, and are tax
deductible to the extent allowed by law. CM7 is supported by program fees, monetary and material donations as well as
in-kind services.
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________________ State: __________ Zip code: _______________
Country: ____________________________________________________________________
VP/Phone number: ________________________ FAX Number: _________________________
E-mail address: ________________________________________________________________
Adirondack Mountains’ Benefactors
The Mohawk Hotel Patrons
The Fulton Chain of Lakes Club
Rocky Point Director’s Club
Moose River Club
Black Bear Club
Cayuga Club
Chipmunk Club
$5,000 and up
$2,500 - $4,999
$1,000 - $2,499
$500 - $999
$250 - $499
$100 - $249
$25 - $99
less than $25
Brass Leaf
Copper Leaf
Aluminum Leaf (looks like platinum)
Small Donor Rock
Regular Donor Rock
Large Donor Rock
$1,000 - $1,999
$2,000 - $4,999
$5,000 - $9,999
$10,000 - $14,999
$15,000 - $24,999
I would like my contribution to go to the fund of my choice. Please check one:
o CM7 Campership (for both Deaf and KODA campers)
o Deaf Campership (9-16 year old Deaf campers)
o KODA Campership (9-16 year old KODA campers)
o KODA Teen Leadership Camp (16-18 year old KODA campers)
o General Funds (CM7 maintenance, renovations, and purchase of new equipment)
o Name a Brick! Fundraiser (write your name on a brick; $250.00)
o Friends of the Foundation ($1,000.00)
o Tree of Life (see above to choose either a leaf or rock, and choose the kind/amount you’d like to contribute)
o Bertha Coughlin Bible Institute Scholarship Fund
o Beverly Sills and Meredith Greenough Trust for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (for renovations to CM7’s 100-year old lodge,
the establishment of a multi-purpose amphitheater for summer performing arts programs, for future
camperships for the performing and visual arts programs).
Other: ____________________________________________________________________
Employer Matching Gifts:
o My employer will match this gift. I am mailing the company forms to CM7. My employer is:
o Please contact me regarding more information about matching gifts.
o I would like this gift to remain anonymous.
o This gift is in memory of: _________________________________________________________
o This gift is in honor of: ___________________________________________________________
o Please send a card of acknowledgment to:
Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________________ State: __________ Zip code: _________________
Acknowledgment Message: _________________________________________________________
I would like to do a payment plan since we/I can’t pay it all at once:
o Monthly
o Quarterly
o Semi-annually
o Other; please explain: ____________________________________________________________
o I/We pledge ________________, beginning from _______________ to ____________________
(monetary amount)
Please remind me:
o Monthly
Please charge my/our contribution:
Card Bearer’s Name: __________________________
Credit card (circle one): MC/Visa
Card Number: __________________________________________________________________
Expiration Date: ________________________ 3 digit code (on the back): _____________________
Print name: ____________________________________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________
Please make check payable to: Mark Seven Deaf Foundation, Inc., and mail this form to:
Lisa Brinks, Foundation Director
Mark Seven Deaf Foundation, Inc.
8100 Glendale Drive
Frederick, MD 21702
[email protected]
240.575.2073 VP/Phone
All contributors will be acknowledged in the annual CM7 Newsletter.
CM7 is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mark Seven Deaf Foundation, Inc.
M7DF is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.
Non Profit Org.
US Postage PAID
Frederick, MD
Permit No. 476
Address Service Requested
8100 Glendale Drive
Frederick, MD 21702
For more information about CM7, please contact:
Executive Director: [email protected]
Registration: [email protected]
Deaf Programs: [email protected]
KODA Programs: [email protected]
SUMMER ADDRESS: June 1st - August 25th
Camp Mark Seven
144 Mohawk Hotel Road
Old Forge, New York 13420
315.367.6089 V/TTY
315.369.6403 FAX
May you have a joyful and blessed
Holiday Season and New Year!
OFF-SEASON ADDRESS: August 26th - May 31st
Camp Mark Seven
8100 Glendale Drive
Frederick, MD 21702