Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Program – Lyndhurst Centre
Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Program – Lyndhurst Centre
Understanding Patient Needs in the Transition from Inpatient SCI Rehabilitation to the Community: A Multi-Faceted Needs Assessment Sandra Mills Patient and Family Educator UHN TR Spinal Cord Rehab Program HCEA Conference Education on the Fast Track: Transforming the Patient Experience October 15-17, 2015 1 Agenda • • • • • Objectives UHN – SCI Rehab Program overview Partners in Care Needs Assessment & Results Program Opportunity 2 Objective • Describe processes and mechanisms used to fully understand the lived experiences of patients with spinal cord injury in their transition from inpatient to the community. 3 UHN Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Program – Lyndhurst Centre May 5, 2015 4 Spinal Cord Injury in Canada The most common causes of SCI • Traumatic SCI • Non-Traumatic The changing demographics • Increasing non-traumatic • Increasing co-morbidities • Increasing females • Aging Spinal Cord Rehab Program • • • • Lyndhurst Lodge- WWII Veterans’ Legacy Largest Spinal Cord Rehab Program in Canada 3rd largest in North America On-site partnership with SCI Ontario In 2014/15 : • 60 beds - 323 inpatients • Average LOS 57.1 days • 87% of patients discharged home 6 Our Inter-Professional Team • Medicine (Physiatrist & Family Physician) • Nursing (RN, RPN) • Health Professions (PT, OT, SW, SLP, Rec Therapy, RT, Psychology, Spiritual Care, Pharmacy, Neuropsychology, Rehab Engineer, Dietician) • Leadership (APNE, APL, PFE, PIL) 7 Spinal Cord Outpatient Services Bone Density Clinic - DXA Lab Therapeutic Recreation Gynecology Clinic Occupational Therapy Nursing Follow-Up Clinic Physiatry Physiotherapy Psychology Robson Urology Clinic Skin and Wound Clinic Intrathecal Baclofen / Spasticity Clinic Respiratory Therapy Hydrotherapy Assistive Technology Service Social Work Speech Language Pathology Seating Clinic Nutrition 19,546 Visits 8 Partners in Care is About… Creating compassionate, caring and collaborative work environments for staff Engaging patients as advisors in important planning and decision making activities Expanding on existing ‘pockets of excellence’ and make them leading practice across UHN 9 Patient Partners Program Engage patients and their caregivers as partners/ advisors on specific high-impact priorities across UHN UHN’s Patient Engagement Strategy • Build a Community of Patient Partners who are recruited and prepared to work with us • Work together with patients on specific projects, goals and activities to enhance and improve care at UHN • Consider & incorporate input and feedback from patients to make changes/improvements to care • Support patients & staff in this important partnership 10 Introduction The transition from inpatient rehabilitation to the community following spinal cord injury (SCI) is a critical time. Individual’s perceived readiness for discharge varies, but are there common elements that can be set in place to assist the individual, their family and caregivers in this transition? 11 12 Strategies Used in Needs Assessment: • • • • NRC Picker In-Patient Satisfaction Surveys – Quarterly surveys used to identify patient needs across domains related to transition processes. Patient Engagement Research Study – Findings were used from Care Transitions Measure Survey and interviews with outpatients recently discharged. Interview questions explored patients’ experiences with transition points providing recommendations for process improvements. Outpatient Interviews Phase 1 - Face-to-face and phone interviews – focusing on services accessed, wait times, community supports, information shared, skills/resources needed and available at discharge, nursing follow-up phone calls and overall rating of the discharge process. Outpatient Surveys and Interviews Phase 2– Face to face interviews focusing on skills and community resources required at discharge to facilitate a smooth transition into the community. 13 Results NRC Picker In-Patient Satisfaction Surveys 14 Patient Engagement Study: Care Transitions Measure Survey and Patient interviews: Dec 2013-May 2014 (n=46) 15 Patient Interviews Phase 1 Nov-Dec 2014 (n = 21) 16 Outpatient Surveys and Interviews Phase 2 Feb-Mar 2015 (n=12) 17 Key Themes Identified • 79 people with SCI involved with these key themes emerging: – Isolation was common in the early weeks following inpatient discharge – Medication management required further clarification and details – Family meetings and weekend passes prior to discharge were very beneficial – Transfer of information between inpatient team and others (outpatient & community) needs improvement – Written information in plain language in addition to verbal education enhanced problem solving in the community – Spinal Cord Injury Ontario Regional Service Coordination and Peer Support was of high value 18 Common Themes • Common transition themes exist for people transitioning from inpatient rehabilitation to community. A patientoriented discharge summary considering medication management, follow-up appointments, and community supports can assist in this transition. 19 Patient Oriented Discharge Summary (PODS) http://pods-toolkit.uhnopenlab.ca/ 20 Next Steps Add these two process steps: 1. Personalized, written Patient- Oriented Discharge Summary (PODS) document provided for 100% of inpatients by discharge. 2. PODS meeting to occur for 100% of inpatients one week before discharge. + 2 Patient Advisors on the Working Group! 21 MASTER TEMPLATE’s Discharge Summary I came to Lyndhurst and am leaving . I had my meeting with . I came in because I have inc/ complete quadri/paraplegia or other. I am going to my (home/ condo/ apartment/ retirement home/ hospital) when I leave. This summary is my interpretation of my plan for discharge. For profession-specific recommendations please refer to the appropriate professional documentation. Medications I need to take Medications will be reviewed several days before leaving by Pharmacist or Doctor. You need a Family Doctor appointment immediately after leaving to renew prescriptions in time for refills. Bladder supply list (GU prescription) has (not yet) been reviewed with Nurse or Doctor. You need to choose a vendor and arrange delivery or pickup of your supplies. Care Plan Issue Plan Swallowing/ Breathing Skin Bladder Bowel Pain Thinking/Memory Dressing/ Bathing/ Grooming Transfers/ Mobility Equipment Housing Eating Cooking/ Shopping Leisure Transportation Coping/ Relationships Signs and Symptoms and What to do What if I… What to do Feel dysreflexic Have more mucous, difficulty 22 6 Pre-PODS N=12 Results 5 4 strongly agree agree 3 neutral disagree 2 strongly disagree 1 0 Purpose and use of medications sign and symptoms what to do at home 16 Post-PODS N=15 14 12 10 strongly agree 8 agree 6 neutral disagree 4 strongly disagree 2 0 Purpose and use of medications sign and symptoms what to do at D/C confidence PODS useful? home 23 Lessons Learned • Be invested in really listening to patient and family needs, ideas, suggestions • It takes an army…. • Change is a process, change takes time, change can have an impact • Patient advisors are crucial 24 Key Take Away Points • Patient Engagement • Understanding from the patient voice • Clinical change based on identified need 25 Thank you! Sandra Mills [email protected] 26
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