Financial statements
Financial statements
Original in the Russian language CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” Separate financial statements As at 31 of December, 2006 together with independent auditor’s report Original in the Russian language Company CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” separate financial statements CONTENTS Separate financial statements of CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT Balance sheet ........................................................................................................................................................................1 Income statement ................................................................................................................................................................2 Statement of changes in equity ..........................................................................................................................................3 Statement of cash flows .....................................................................................................................................................4 Notes to the separate financial statements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Principal activities....................................................................................................................................................5 Basis of preparation.................................................................................................................................................5 Significant accounting policies...............................................................................................................................6 Cash and cash equivalents ......................................................................................................................................8 Short-term financial assets......................................................................................................................................8 Accounts receivable.................................................................................................................................................9 Inventory ................................................................................................................................................................11 Other current assets ..............................................................................................................................................12 Property, plant and equipment, capital construction in progress and Intangible assets ..............................13 Long-term financial assets....................................................................................................................................14 Borrowings .............................................................................................................................................................14 Liabilities.................................................................................................................................................................15 Income taxes ..........................................................................................................................................................16 Share capital…………………………………………………………………………………………...16 Revenue ..................................................................................................................................................................17 Cost of sales ...........................................................................................................................................................17 Selling and administrative expenses ....................................................................................................................18 Other operating income and expenses ...............................................................................................................18 Related party transactions.....................................................................................................................................18 Events after the balance sheet date.....................................................................................................................19 Original in the Russian language Company CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” Separate financial statements INCOME STATEMENT (Thousand Russian rubles) 2005 2006 Revenue 15 3 525 767 6 249 162 Cost of sales 16 (3 240 458) (5 309 343) 285 309 939 819 Selling expenses 17 (36 204) (87 026) General and administrative expenses 17 (35 320) (113 989) (625) (612) 202 384 (101 866) 415 544 636 326 Gross profit Taxes, other than income tax Other operating income/(expenses) 18 Operating profit 1 373 12 029 Interest to payment (33 504) (43 402) Course difference (16 544) 34 927 - (2 317) 366 869 637 563 (105 218) (184 912) Interest income Change of amortization cost of financial actives Profit before income tax Income tax 13 Net Profit Base and watered profit on the share 261 651 452 651 1 308,26 2 263,26 The accompanying notes are the essential part of these separate financial statements. 2 Original in the Russian language Company CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” Separate financial statements STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY For the period ended 31 December 2006 (Thousand Russian rubles) ‘000 RR Share capital Share premium Retained earnings Total Balance at December 31, 2004 Errors of last years The corrected balance at December 31, 2004 Net profit/(loss) for the period Dividends The corrected balance at December 31, 2005 Net profit/(loss) for the period Dividends 200 1 037 72 063 (72 063) 234 005 71 026 306 268 - 1 237 - 305 031 306 268 - - 261 651 (40 000) 261 651 (40 000) 1 237 - 526 682 527 919 - - 452 651 (40 000) 452 651 (40 000) Balance at December 31, 2006 1 237 - 939 333 940 570 The accompanying notes are the essential part of these separate financial statements. 3 Original in the Russian language Company SCJC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” Separate financial statements STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (Thousand Russian rubles) Profit before income tax Adjustments for net profit: Depreciation (Profit)/loss from assets sold For period ended December, 31 2005 366 869 For period ended December, 31 2006 637 563 34 797 98 705 1 265 2 274 (15 338) (54 105) Foreign exchange (gain)/(loss) 16 544 (1 886) Interest income (1 373) (12 029) Interest expense Income from participation in other organizations 33 504 43 402 (9 008) (10 335) 9 203 131 384 401 666 736 268 Other income and expenses Operating profit before changes in working capital 40 121 (129 098) (2 928 891) (745 547) 76 682 (71 262) (Increase)/decrease in Accounts payable 1 559 915 294 976 Cash and cash equivalents from operating activities (850 507) 85 337 (48 049) (237 804) Net cash and cash equivalents from operating activities (898 556) (152 467) Acquisition of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and construction in progress (467 510) - 13 644 14 183 (Increase)/decrease in Accounts receivables (Increase)/decrease in Inventories (Increase)/decrease in Other assets / liabilities Income tax paid Proceeds from selling of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets Acquisition / selling of long-term investments, securities and other financial assets - 529 613 11 143 10 335 (216 205) (107 958) 1 071 12 029 Net cash from investment activities (657 857) 458 202 Amounts borrowed 2 049 146 581 220 Repayment of amounts borrowed (439 611) (805 535) Dividends paid to shareholders (39 328) (36 628) Interest paid (33 544) (43 342) 1 536 663 (304 285) (19 750) 1 450 24 101 4 351 4 351 5 801 Income from participation in other organizations Acquisition / repayment of deposits Interest income received Net cash from financial activity Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period The accompanying notes are the essential part of these separate financial statements. 4 Original in the Russian language Company CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at 31 of December, 2006 (Thousand Russian rubles) 1. Principal activities The company CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” specializes in mass house building under brick and monolith technology in the field of higher comfort and business-class housing. At present the share of the building market falling on the objects constructed by the Company constitutes around 7,1% of the whole building market of Saint-Petersburg. In 2006 CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” constructed building of total area of 168 637 sq. m. The Company performs the whole cycle of investment and building process – from projecting of real estate to its operation. The company CJSC Specialized Building and Assembly Association “LenSpecSMU” was registered under the Resolution of the Registration chamber of Saint-Petersburg dated 28.12.1995. The last edition of the Articles of Association was registered by the Resolution of the Registration dated 16.03.2007. CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” has the following licenses: • Licenses to carry out activity on building construction. • License to carry out realty activity. • License to carry out activity on operation of underground constructions. • License to carry out activity on projecting of underground constructions. • License to carry out design of buildings. The main office is located in Saint-Petersburg at the following address: Bogatyrskiy prospect, 2. In 2006 259 employees on average worked for the Company. 2. Basis of preparation General The accompanying separate financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) and is represented in thousand Russian rubles (“thousand rubles”). The Russian ruble is utilized as measurement currency as the majority of the Company’s operations are expressed, measured or paid in Russian rubles. Operations in other currencies are treated as transactions in foreign currencies. Preparation of the separate financial statements requires from the head body certain estimates and assumptions in respect of amounts stated in the statements. Such estimates are based on the information known at the date of the separate financial statements. Actual results, therefore, may differ from such estimates. The Company must maintain accounting records and prepare financial statements for the purposes of regulating bodies in Russian rubles in accordance with the Russian Accounting Standards (RAS). The accompanying separate financial statements have been prepared on the basis of official accounting registers with the necessary adjustments and re-classifications of particular items to comply with the requirements of IFRS. Correction of fundamental errors and classification change At detection of errors by preparation of financial reports of one or several previous periods all corrections are considered at calculation of net profit or the loss for earliest of the presented periods In the separate financial reporting of the Company for the year which has ended on December, 31st, 2004 the sum of the share capital it is reflected without inflation, an indicator of retained earnings it is erroneous declassed as the issue income for the sum of 72 063 thousand rubles. Initial and comparative indicators of the individual financial reporting of the Company for a year, ended on December, 31st, 2006, are prepared taking into account share capital updating on an inflationary component at a rate of 1 037 thousand rubles and retained earnings. Separate articles of the separate financial reporting for the previous period were declassed according to a format of the data presentation, accepted in current year. 5 Original in the Russian language Company CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at 31 of December, 2006 (Thousand Russian rubles) 3. Significant accounting policies Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents are stated at fair value of cash inflows. Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, cash in banks and highly liquid investments with maturity date up to ninety days from the date of issue not charged with any agreed liabilities. Accounts receivable Accounts receivable represent amounts due from individuals and legal entities under settlements for not redeemed flats. Accounts receivable are stated at cost less provision for impairment. The amount of provision is recognized directly in the income statement. Taxes recoverable Taxes recoverable comprise incoming value added tax (hereinafter – VAT) as well as debit balance for other taxes. Inventories For accounting of construction in progress the company CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” applies IAS 2 “Inventories”. This standard is used due to the inappropriateness of applying IAS 11 “Construction Contracts”. Rejection to apply IAS 11 is caused by the fact that the principal activities of LenSpecSMU are those of investor and customer-builder. The Company invests in and organizes construction and operation of typical housing. The Company does not perform construction works under construction contracts. Sales of construction objects are performed through execution of share participation agreements (SPA) with future owners of housing (shareholders) or through executing agreements of preliminary sale (PSA). Notwithstanding considerable differences in two schemes, risks associated with buildings being constructed are transferred to shareholders (buyers) after commissioning of a house by the State commission and registration of ownership rights over the housing being purchased by co-investors and shareholders. Till such moment housing and premises (including garages) under construction are accounted in LenSpecSMU books as inventories, within "Production in process". Inventories are evaluated at the lower of cost and net realizable value. The cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase, production costs and other related cost included in cost of finished goods. Administrative expenses that do not contribute to bringing the inventories to their present condition as well as selling costs are not included in the cost of the inventories. Short-term investments Investments are accounted for in accordance with IAS 32 “Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation” and IAS 39 “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”. The Company determines the corresponding classification of investments at initial recognition and re-evaluates this designation at every reporting date if it is required under IAS. Short-term investments comprise shares in garage-building cooperative societies, bills of exchange of banks and legal entities purchased for short-term financial investments and recognized at fair value. Changes in the fair value of short-term investments are recognized in the income statement. Long-term investments Long-term investments comprise long-term bills of exchange, investments in other companies’ shares, shares in garage-building cooperative societies, interests in garage-building cooperatives as well as loans given to legal entities. Investments in shares and interests which do not have an active market are stated at cost. In case of permanent diminution of long-term investments value, the carrying amount of such investments is adjusted accordingly. Property, Plant and Equipment Property, Plant and Equipment are stated at historical cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses.. 6 Original in the Russian language Company CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at 31 of December, 2006 (Thousand Russian rubles) At each reporting date the Company’s management assesses whether there is any indication that any asset of Property, Plant and Equipment may be impaired. If any such indications exist, the Company estimates the recoverable amount of the asset which is the higher of its net realizable value and value in use. Depreciation of assets under construction and assets not commissioned for operation starts from the date when such assets are put into operation. Depreciation is calculated using a straight line method based on the following estimated useful lives: Years Land Buildings Machinery and equipment Other FA Not applicable 25-30 3-5 5 The carrying amount of assets included in Property, Plant and Equipment is reviewed at each reporting date in order to estimate whether their carrying amount is higher than their recoverable amount. In this case the carrying amount is reduced to its recoverable amount. The impairment loss is recognized in the income statement of the current accounting period within administrative and operating expenses. Repair and reconstruction costs incurred for items of Property, Plant and Equipment are recognized in the income statement as incurred within other administrative and operating expenses in case when they are not capitalized in the structure of corresponding fixed asset value. Obligations, liabilities, advance payments received In 2005 in Russian Federation there was adopted the Federal Law “On participation in share Company in building apartment houses and other real estate objects”. This law reinforces control over building and sales of houses under scheme of executing share participation agreements. Enterprises engaged in the field of construction and using share participation agreements, starting from April, 2005 must: - register each share participation agreement; - define with high degree of accuracy the price of agreement and the order of its payment, warranty term of share building, amounts of forfeit for breach of obligations by the parties etc; Such conditions complicate execution of new share participation agreements. Therefore, starting from April, 2005, LenSpecSMU started using new scheme for attracting finance for housing construction – execution of preliminary sale agreements. For agreements executed before 01.04.2005 the former scheme of share participation agreements is used. In accordance with the agreement LenSpecSMU engages its subsidiary CJSC “CUN” as an agent responsible for attraction of buyers and preliminary sale agreements execution. At finishing construction LenSpecSMU acquires ownership right over the building constructed and, the buyer having contributed 100% of prepayment, within 30 days executes sales agreement with such buyer and actually passes over the objects constructed to him. In accordance with the share participation agreements and preliminary sales agreements investors (shareholders, future housing owners) invest in LenSpecSMU paying advances intended for housing building. At finishing building, objects of building commissioning by the state commission, registration of ownership rights for housing by the shareholders and passing over the objects of building to the respective owners there performed writing-off of the deferred income and advances received to the financial result for each object. Deferred taxes Deferred taxes are calculated using the balance sheet liability method which is based on the concept of temporary differences. Temporary differences are differences between carrying amounts of assets and liabilities recognized in balance sheet and the amounts used for taxation purposes. In accordance with this method deferred taxes are recognized for all temporary differences except for some particular cases. The amount of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities provided is based on the expected manner of realization or settlement of the carrying amount of assets and liabilities, using tax rates enacted or substantially enacted at the balance sheet date. A deferred tax asset 7 Original in the Russian language Company CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at 31 of December, 2006 (Thousand Russian rubles) is recognized only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which the unused tax losses and credits can be utilized. Share capital Share capital is stated at historical cost. Contributions to share capital in the form of assets other than cash are recognized at fair value on the date of contribution. Profits and losses from sales of shares redeemed from shareholders are attributed to or written-off from the additional paid-in capital account. Ordinary dividends are recognized in equity in the period in which they are declared. Dividends declared after the balance sheet date are disclosed in the section “Post-Balance sheet events” according to IAS 10 “Events after the Balance sheet date”. Incidental expenses Incidental expenses are recognized in financial reporting only at occurrence of circumstances in which there may be needed assets to regulate liabilities the amount of which can be evaluated with sufficient reliability. Incidental income is not recognized in financial reporting but is disclosed when there appears probability of economical benefit receipt. Recognition of operating income/expenses The proceeds from sales of built housing and other operating income and expenses are recognized in the same period. In accordance with IFRS 18 “Revenue” the revenue is recognized when substantially all risks are transferred to customer; the amount of revenue can be measured reliably; the amount of related costs can be measured reliably; it is probable that economic benefits will flow to the company. All income received and expenses incurred are shown in these financial statements separately net of VAT. Financial income and expenses Interest income and interest expense are recognized using accrual concept and are calculated using effective interest rate method. 4. Cash and cash equivalents As at 31 of December 2006 cash and cash equivalents consist of the following items: 2005 Cash Cash on hand Current and settlement accounts Cash equivalents Others TOTAL 5. 2006 3 251 822 2 429 1 100 1 100 4 351 5 151 1 894 3 257 650 650 5 801 Financial assets (short-term) As at 31 of December, 2006 short-term financial assets include other items: 2005 2006 Held-to-maturity investments 15 116 550 Deposits 15 116 550 - 220 135 Available-for-sale financial assets Loans given to legal entities 18 005 39 812 Loans given to affiliated companies 16 507 26 025 Loans given to other companies TOTAL 1 498 13 787 18 020 376 497 The loans which have been given out to legal bodies, include the loan which has been given out to subsidiaries company of Joint-Stock Company "ACTIV" (for the sum of 25 175 thousand rubles), the loan which has been given 8 Original in the Russian language Company CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at 31 of December, 2006 (Thousand Russian rubles) out association to the company of LLC "Orgtechremstroy" (for the sum of 850 thousand rubles) and the loans which have been given out to the external companies. 6. Accounts receivable As at 31 of December, 2006 accounts receivable of the Company consist of the following items: 2005 Accounts receivable (short-term) 2006 1 157 545 1 559 075 Accounts receivable for the principal activities 271 244 579 621 Accounts receivable for the principal activities 268 748 256 680 2 496 322 941 Advances to suppliers for the principal activities 105 348 735 997 Other accounts receivable and advances payment 784 858 325 026 Bad debt reserve (16 993) (89 474) Taxes recoverable 13 088 7 905 13 088 1 459 - 6 446 528 930 167 024 1 686 475 1 726 099 Accounts receivable accompanied by bills of exchange VAT recoverable Other accounts receivable under taxes Accounts receivable (long-term) TOTAL The major debtors for advances given are LLC “LenEnergo” (settlements for electricity), LLC “Medprofi”, CJSC “Interservis – Garant”, LLC “SPbMontage”, LLC “Promis” – settlements for building and assembly and architecture and planning works. Other accounts receivable and advances given include settlements under rent agreements, settlements for flats redeemed from individuals, settlements for shares in garage building cooperatives (GBC) and other settlements. 9 Original in the Russian language Company CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at 31 of December, 2006 (Thousand Russian rubles) Considerable part of accounts receivable of CJSC SSMO LenSpecSMU falls on settlements with subsidiaries and associated companies: 2005 2006 Accounts receivable (short-term) Accounts receivable for principal activities CJSC “SPb MFTC” CJSC “LenSpecSMU – Reconstruction” LLC “ORGTECHREMSTROY” CJSC “Energy company “Teplogarant” OJSC “SMU "Elektronstroy” CJSC “CUN” CJSC “Etalon-PozhStandart” CJSC “AKTIV” Advances given CJSC “Energy company “Teplogarant” CJSC “Etalon-PozhStandart” Other accounts receivable and advances given CJSC “CUN” CJSC “LenSpecSMU – Reconstruction” CJSC “SPb MFTC” CJSC “Energy company “Teplogarant” OJSC “SMU "Elektronstroy” CJSC “LSO” CJSC “AKTIV” Accounts receivable (long-term) Accounts receivable for the principal activities CJSC “SPb MFTC” Advances given CJSC “Energy company “Teplogarant” Other accounts receivable CJSC “SPb MFTC” LLC “ORGTECHREMSTROY” OJSC “SMU "Elektronstroy” 108 588 2 052 1 631 11 47 54 232 77 5 767 5 642 125 100 769 79 097 90 139 18 680 365 2 398 458 818 458 818 458 818 - 224 480 137 912 8 736 111 772 17 404 4 100 4 100 82 468 31 135 214 363 11 81 714 15 403 722 722 14 549 14 549 132 47 85 TOTAL 567 406 239 883 10 Original in the Russian language Company CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at 31 of December, 2006 (Thousand Russian rubles) 7. Inventories As at 31 of December the inventories of the Company included the following items: 2005 2006 Raw materials 20 690 29 144 Construction 8 936 7 264 Scrap metal 121 - Metal-roll (armature, angle bars, metal bars, etc.) 151 772 Wood Boards, Low density wood boards - 1 821 Wood Boards, Low density wood boards 113 5 73 145 Special clothing - 118 Inventories and utilities 6 454 2 978 Cement 1 907 - 107 65 Instruments Sand Concrete and reinforced concrete items Others 10 1 360 6 626 20 616 991 - Tare and tare materials 1 130 1 Spare parts 2 594 1 263 Fuel 413 - 1 060 979 1 206 211 16 445 5 651 Own flats 809 533 826 519 Built-in premises 231 169 370 309 - 3 732 Other raw materials Finished products and goods for re-sale Secondary market flats Others 3 832 - Construction in progress 4 699 895 5 291 756 Flats and built-in premises 3 863 630 4 933 769 836 265 357 987 5 781 564 6 527 111 Addition (hours, albums, vacuum cleaners and so forth) Garages TOTAL In comparison with 2005 year cost value of stocks of raw materials and materials in 2006 has increased, article "Own apartments" and "the Built in premises (uninhabited)", sold on the habitation market has slightly increased. The volume of a construction in progress at the expense of article "apartments and the built in premises" has grown. 11 Original in the Russian language Company CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at 31 of December, 2006 (Thousand Russian rubles) The construction in progress objects are situated at the following addresses: 2005 2006 Lanskoy block 17 921 18 503 Zhivoy rodnik (1, 2, 3 turn, infrastructure objects) 31 995 36 543 Zhivoy ruchey - 113 719 Morscoy kaskad, morskoy fasad - 4 747 395 575 1 102 435 1 025 365 64 267 Grazhdanka-City V. O. Birzhevoy passage, 12 House on Serebrystiy 5 368 1 543 Infrastructure objects 95 803 74 233 House in Ozerki Shuvalovskiy kvartal Zolotaya Gavan’ 7 156 7 650 - 61 571 1 515 932 1 774 541 HC Polezhaevskiy - 114 588 The house in the street Rudnev - 67 565 Ol’minskogo st. House on Avangardnaya st. House on Serebrystiy 8 101 2 615 252 672 12 204 5 368 - 88 597 310 185 Novoye sozvezdie 147 217 636 267 Other objects TOTAL 266 560 530 593 3 863 630 4 933 769 Housing complex "Yuzhniy" Object comparison for 2005 and 2006 shows that the largest objects of building during 2006 year were objects: “Zolotaya Gavan” and “Grazhdanka - City”. Flats redeemed for further re-sale (in particular – at the secondary market) for the amount of 5 651 thousand rubles as well as built at Company’s own account or at account of saved assets of depositors for the amount of 826 519 thousand rubles are included in the structure of finished production and goods for re-sale reserves. 8. Other current assets 2005 2006 Other current assets 6 375 - Prepaid expenses 9 597 91 172 15 972 91 172 TOTAL Other assets, liabilities Prepaid expenses have the following structure: 2005 Prepaid expenses Subscription Insurance Staff training 2006 9 597 91 172 134 167 1 074 1 718 265 - 27 - Marketing - 71 339 Agency services in individual share contracts - 17 899 8 097 49 Licenses Others 12 Original in the Russian language Company CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” NOTES TO THE SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at 31 of December, 2006 (Thousand Russian rubles) 9. Property, Plant and Equipment, intangible assets and capital construction in progress objects Property, Plant and Equipment flows during 2006 is as follows: TOTAL Cost as at 31 of December, 2005 Additions Disposals Cost as at 31 of December, 2006 Accumulated depreciation as at 31 of December, 2005 Depreciation accrued for the period Depreciation on disposals Accumulated depreciation as at 31 of December, 2006 Net book value as at 31 of December, 2005 Net book value as at 31 of December, 2006 575 550 70 058 (58 703) 586 905 (77 110) (29 329) 14 972 (91 467) 498 440 495 438 Land plots 443 733 443 733 443 733 443 733 Buildings and constructions 33 519 17 326 (30 519) 20 326 (216) (3 406) 120 (3 502) 33 303 16 824 Machines and equipment 71 941 29 414 (3 479) 97 876 (61 784) (25 013) 2 547 (84 250) 10 157 13 626 Vehicles 3 205 (3 139) 66 (2 752) (450) 3 139 (63) 453 3 Devices and installations 15 794 45 (15 144) 695 (9 239) (73) 9 123 (189) 6 555 506 Other FA 5 464 19 066 (322) 24 208 (3 119) (387) 43 (3 463) 2 345 20 745 Construction in progress 1 894 4 207 (6 100) 1 1 894 1 Intangible assets of the company constitute 640 thousand rubles and include software, trade marks. Intangible assets were not impaired. 13 Original in the Russian language Company CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” Notes to financial statements NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at 31 of December, 2006 (Thousand Russian rubles) 10. Financial assets (long-term) As at 31 of December, 2006 financial assets are represented by long-term investments: 2005 Long-term financial investments Long-term investments Long-term investments into the other companies Financial investments available for sale Loans given to legal entities 2006 378 758 366 913 7 11 838 379 716 366 896 431 12 389 Long-term investments are investments in the following subsidiaries and affiliates: 2006 Long-term investments CJSC “SPb MFTC” CJSC “CUN” CJSC “LenSpecSMU – Reconstruction” CJSC “LSO” LLC “ORGTECHREMSTROY” OJCS “SMU” “Elektronstroy” CJSC “Building materials factory “Etalon” CJSC “AKTIV” 366 896 2 616 40 3 3 2 1 725 76 362 431 Long-term loans issued by CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” for the amount of 12 389 include the loan issued to LLC “Severnaya viysota and K” – 12 330 thousand rubles as well as loans issued to associated companies CJSC “LSO” for the amount of 59 thousand rubles. 11. Borrowings and loans As at 31 of December, 2006, borrowings of LenSpecSMU can be represented as follows: Total, borrowings Balance at the beginning of the period (principal amount) Received (principal amount) Repaid (principal amount) Exchange difference Balance at the end of the period (principal amount) Balance at the beginning of the period (interest) Charged to expenses (interest) Paid up (interest) Balance at the end of the period (interest) Balance at the end of the period (principal amount) in the following currencies US dollars borrowings Total, borrowings (principal amount) at the end of period at cost Payables within 12 months after the balance sheet date (principal amount) at the end of the period Payables within 2 years after the balance sheet date (principal amount) at the end of the period Payables within 3 years after the balance sheet date (principal amount) at the end of the period Payables at the end of the period at the amortized (balance) cost Investment borrowings 540 862 581 220 (805 535) (574) 315 973 29 43 313 (43 342) 315 973 315 973 315 973 540 862 581 220 (805 535) (574) 315 973 29 43 313 (43 342) 315 973 315 973 315 973 186 898 186 898 64 564 64 564 64 511 64 511 298 596 298 596 The long-term loans is presented by the loans of Amsterdam Trading bank N.V. For the sum of 298 596 thousand rubles, crediting it is carried out by transfer of money resources through Open Society "Alpha bank”. 14 Original in the Russian language Company CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” Notes to financial statements NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at 31 of December, 2006 (Thousand Russian rubles) 12. Liabilities 2005 2006 4 521 645 Short-term liabilities, including 6 806 630 812 816 571 579 Advance payments received on primary activity 2 509 813 6 093 295 Other short-term liabilities, including Long-term liabilities 1 199 016 141 756 2 810 970 1 596 595 Advances received from the principal activities 2 810 970 851 029 - 745 566 7 332 615 8 403 225 Payables to suppliers and contractors Accrued reserves TOTAL In 2005 of CJSC SSMO "LenSpecSMU" has passed to the new scheme of realization of the constructed habitation and uninhabited premises - by the conclusion of contracts of preliminary purchase and sale. According to the new scheme of CJSC "CUN" carries out search and attraction of potential buyers, and also from a name and at the expense of CJSC SSMO "LenSpecSMU" concludes contracts of preliminary purchase and sale (PPS). The means received by CJSC "CUN" from buyers of the future apartments and transferred by CJSC SSMO under contracts of preliminary purchase and sale , are presented as advance payments received on primary activity Along with contracts of preliminary purchase and sale in the Company the scheme of realization of habitation under individual share contracts operates. The means received CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” to shareholders under contracts of individual share are presented as advance payments received on primary activity. Write-off of advance payments received on primary activity on financial result occurs in process of delivery of objects of building of the state commission. Short-term liabilities in the amount of 571 579 thousand rubles include settlements for building and assembly works with affiliated companies for the amount of 172 446 thousand rubles, with "Novator" company (building and assembly works at objects "Lanskoy quarter", “Invigorating spring” and others) for the amount of 98 282 thousand rubles as well as other settlements on building and assembly and other works performance and services provision related with constructing houses and premises, for the amount of 300 851 thousand rubles. 2005 Other short-term liabilities, including 2006 1 199 016 141 756 Payables to personnel and accompanying liabilities 10 756 3 239 Short-term liability for taxes payable 77 511 59 696 Dividends payable Other liabilities and accrual expenses 728 - 1 110 021 78 821 Other short-term liabilities in the amount of 78 821 thousand rubles include settlements with subsidiaries company CJSC “CUN” for the amount of 60 537 thousand rubles. The essential share of creditor debts of CJSC SSMO "LenSpecSMU" is necessary on calculations with subsidiaries and assosiated the companies. Liabilities, total, including CJSC “SPb MFTC” CJSC “CUN” CJSC “LenSpecSMU – Reconstruction” CJSC “LSO” LLC “ORGTECHREMSTROY” OJCS “SMU” “Elektronstroy” TOTAL 122 532 1 281 124 48 414 636 443 421 1 453 570 Liabilities for settlements with suppliers and contractors 122 532 48 414 636 443 421 172 446 Advances received on primary activity 1 220 587 1 220 587 Other short-term liabilities 60 537 60 537 15 Original in the Russian language Company CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” statements Notes to financial NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at 31 of December, 2006 (Thousand Russian rubles) 13. Income taxes As at 31 of December the deferred tax assets and liabilities consist of the following items: 2005 Deferred tax assets Financial investments Accounts receivable Inventories Prepaid expenses Property, Plant and Equipment and construction in progress Intangible assets Long –term loans given out Reserves Borrowings and loans received Others Deferred tax liabilities Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable less doubtful debts reserve Inventories Intangible assets Liabilities Long-term borrowings and loans Others Total, net deferred assets (liabilities) 42 752 395 3 261 16 758 12 663 2 416 95 256 6 908 25 450 395 9 250 15 645 401 (241) 17 302 Movement 1 285 064 (395) 18 213 (16 758) (8 339) 1 246 256 (95) 556 7 557 44 600 (6 531) 1 262 449 (395) (9 250) 1 223 072 18 (401) 49 164 241 22 615 2006 1 327 816 21 474 4 324 1 248 672 556 7 557 44 856 377 1 287 899 1 238 717 18 49 164 39 917 Income tax expenses of the Company consist of the following items: 2005 2006 Current income tax (97 290) (207 527) Deferred income tax ( 7 928) 22 615 TOTAL income tax (105 218) (184 912) The Company files tax returns for different taxes including income tax. The applicable rate of corporate income tax for Russian companies constitutes 24%. 14. Share capital For December, 31st, 2006 declared, registered and completely brought share capital of the Company consisted of 200 shares a nominal of 1 000 rubles for the action. Shareholders of the company as of December, 31st, 2006 were: Shareholder Quantity of shares Participation share, % Nominal The sum corrected taking into account inflation CJSC “The operating company - building holding “Etalon – LenSpecSMU” 197 98,5% 197 1 218 Others 3 200 1,5% 100% 3 200 19 1 237 16 Original in the Russian language Company CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” statements Notes to financial NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at 31 of December, 2006 (Thousand Russian rubles) 15. Revenue 2005 Proceeds from sales 3 525 767 6 249 162 Construction Commissioning of objects of building (houses) 3 525 767 6 206 294 3 346 010 5 197 121 Flats of the secondary market Own flats Built-in premises 16. 2006 2 038 14 755 99 623 749 864 846 222 920 Building and assembly works 23 364 5 283 Other sales 53 886 16 351 Rent - 19 275 Other production, goods, services - 23 593 Cost of sales 2005 Cost of sales Objects of building commissioning (houses) 2006 3 240 458 5 309 343 3 103 153 4 554 905 Materials for inside furnishing 29 123 18 727 Own flats - 376 339 Flats of the secondary market - 11 597 Built-in premises - 189 479 - 54 798 994 254 Sale of other kinds of works, services Energy (electricity and heat) Water Wages and other payments to personnel Depreciation Goods for re-sale written-off to cost Other costs 428 35 20 143 50 314 1 265 2 274 79 308 5 164 6 044 45 457 In 2006, as compared with 2005, the absolute value of proceeds and corresponding cost of sales decreased. The indicator of total profit has increased practically in three kinds. 2005 Proceeds from sales Cost of sales Gross profit 15 16 3 525 767 (3 240 458) 285 309 2006 6 249 162 (5 309 343) 939 819 This fact evidences that in 2006 the profitability of objects commissioned was higher than in 2005. 17 Original in the Russian language Company CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” statements Notes to financial NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at 31 of December, 2006 (Thousand Russian rubles) 17. Selling and administrative expenses Selling and administrative and operating expenses for 2006 included the following items: 2005 Selling expenses Advertisement and marketing Other General and administrative expenses Wages and other payments to personnel Office and polygraph expenses Business-trip expenses Advisory, legal, audit and other professional services Informational (subscription, satellite TV and other) Insurance expenses Communication services Transport Protection services Representative expenses Other Total selling and administrative expenses 18. 2006 36 204 35 889 315 35 320 20 502 60 193 12 233 58 765 316 1 017 96 80 71 524 Other operating income and expenses 2005 Other operating income (expenses) Bad debt reserve Incomes (expenses) of realization of shares in GSCS Services of social nature Write off of accounts payable/accounts receivable Income from participation in other organizations Income (expenses) from sale of assets Current legislation cases reserve Fees, fines, forfeits Liquidation and write-off of assets Other income 19. 87 026 72 532 14 494 113 989 88 419 94 290 5 660 631 1 111 8 908 114 8 762 201 015 2006 202 384 (7 249) (2 662) (2 247) 9 008 15 254 651 (1 870) 191 499 (101 866) (72 481) 53 504 (13 594) 13 335 10 335 (4 074) (1 571) 2 410 (89 730) Related party transactions Company performs production operations with the following subsidiaries: Share of CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” CJSC “SPb MFTC” 61% OJSC “SMU” “Elektronstroy” 88% CJSC “AKTIV” CJSC “CUN” 100% 40% In 2005, 2006 CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” has acted as the guarantor under bonded loans (to a series 01,02) which emitter is Joint-Stock Company "CUN". Total of placed securities - 2,5 million piece, face value of the bond - 1000 rubles (including in 2005 1 million piece, in 2006 1,5 million piece). 18 Original in the Russian language Company CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” statements Notes to financial NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As at 31 of December, 2006 (Thousand Russian rubles) The Company also performs operations with the following associated companies: Share of CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU” CJSC “LenSpecSMU – Reconstruction” CJSC “Building materials factory “Etalon” 25% 25% Operations with the connected parties are opened in corresponding sections of the separate financial reporting 20. Events after the Balance sheet date 26.04.2007 years of Joint-Stock Company SSMO "LenSpecSMU" have represented itself as the borrower in the scheme on release of credit notes for the sum of 100 million US dollars. Term of the reference of notes - 5 years with the offer in two years. The rate - 9,75 % annual. As the technical emitter in the transaction company Golden Ring Finance S.A has acted. (Luxembourg), guarantors - subsidiaries companies CJSC SSMO “LenSpecSMU”: CJSC “SPb MFTC”, CJSC “Aktiv” and CJSC “CUN”. The organizer of release – OJSC AKB “ROSBANK” (Russia). 19