0003- Musarrat Shaheen- Ento. Journal (Jan
0003- Musarrat Shaheen- Ento. Journal (Jan
Pakistan Entomologist Journal homepage: www.pakentomol.com SCREENING AND EVALUATION OF INSECTICIDAL RNAI PARTIAL GENE CONSTRUCTS IN NON-TARGET INSECT SPECIES Mussarat Shaheen, Imran Amin and *Shahid Mansoor Agricultural Biotechnology Division, National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (NIBGE), P O Box 577, Jhang Road, Faisalabad, Pakistan ARTICLE INFORMATION Received: November 6, 2013 Received in revised form: December 16, 2013 Accepted: December 20, 2013 *Corresponding Author: Shahid Mansoor Email: [email protected] A BS TR A C T Potato Virus X mediated VIGS mechanism was employed for colossal reproduction of dsRNA in tobacco plants to screen partial gene RNAi constructs of 152bp Calcium channel alpha 1a (CAα1a, 325bp nuclear gene) and Elongation factor-1a (ELF1-a) from cotton mealybug P. solenopsis Tinsley and Arginine kinase (AK) from A. gossypii in non-target insect species. Feeding dsRNA of CAα1a and ELF1-a in aphid species M. persicae Sulzer exhibited no significant insecticidal RNAi effect in terms of adult aphid mortality and nymphs reproduction by adult aphids and non-significant insecticidal effects in terms of larval mortality in H. virscens (p<0.05). Feeding CAα1a showed significant insecticidal effects on larval mortality and larval development in S. litturalis and dry weight gain in H. virescens (p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively). AK exhibited visible and strong significant insecticidal RNAi effects (p< 0.01) in terms of adult aphid mortality, nymphs production and survival of M. persicae ,as well as in term of larval mortality and dry weight gain of survived larvae of S. litturalis and H. virescence on transgenic tobacco plants. The results showed visible clues of some of the non-target RNAi effects which seems to be highly dependent on homology and length of nucleotide sequences utilized closest to taxa in evaluation of nontarget RNAi effects. Keywords: dsRNAs, RNAi, tRNAs, GDP, PVX Blocking the expression of specific gene targets holds considerable promise for the development of novel RNAibased insect pest management strategies (Burand and Hunter, 2012). The specificity of RNAi-mediated insecticidal effects is an important consideration with minimum effects on nontarget insects for the use of RNAi for a practical application in insect resistant transgenic plant technology (Gatehouse et al., 2012). Various reports of unintended targeting of genes even with low level of homology share by target gene sequence raised the question of RNAi specificity and compromised the important concern of target specificity even then if these may not be perfect and in terms of both targeted gene and targeted organism (Tschuch et al., 2008). Previously, Baum et al. (2007) tested dsRNAs of β-tubulin, V-ATPase-A and VATPase-E gene from western corn rootworm (WCR), Diabortica vergifera vergifera, southern corn rootworm (SCR), Diabrotica undecimpunctata Howardii, colorado potato beetle (CPB), Leptinotarsa decemlineata and cotton INTRODUCTION RNAi is sequence specific highly conserved and promising RNA based technology of knocking down gene expression in all eukaryotes including arthropods.(Burand and Hunter, 2012; Gatehouse et al., 2012; Gatehouse, 2008; Zhu et al., 2012). RNAi is sequence-specific gene silencing mechanism at post transcription level induced by double stranded RNA (dsRNA) to disrupt endogenous gene expression and modern plant biotechnology is offering double stranded RNA (dsRNA) as an impending insect control strategy to build up the basis of new generation of insect resistant transgenic crop plants (Gordon and Waterhouse, 2007; Niu et al., 2010; Walker and Allen, 2010). Breakthrough reports based on transgenic RNAi plants expressing dsRNAs and silencing have signified highly sequence specific functional universality of RNAi in nematodes and insects (Baum et al., 2007; Price and Gatehouse, 2008; Dubreuil et al., 2009). Cite this article as: Shaheen, M., I. Amin and S. Mansoor, 2014. Screening and evaluation of insecticidal RNAi partial gene constructs in non-target insect species. Pak. Entomol., 36(1):13-20. 13 77 Shaheen et al. / Pakistan Entomologist 2014, 36(1): 13-20 720C 45sec, 720C 10min followed 40C 10min. ELF-1a (NCBI AB439212) forward primer: ELF-1a 5' GGTATCGATACAGTACCAGTAGGTAGAGT and ELF1a3' TTTGTCGACCGGGAGTATATCCGTTGGAA as revers primer and PCR profile: 940C 5min, 940C 3min, 500C 30sec,720C 45sec, 720C 10min followed 40C 10min. Arginine Kinase (AK) (NCBI GU937512) from A. gossypii gene specific primer sequence (AK)5' AAGATCGATACAAAATTTGGATCCACG as forward primer (AK)3' GAGGTCGACCGTGGAAGAAACCTTATC as reverse primer and PCR profile: 940C 5min, 940C 3min, 500C 30sec,720C 45sec, 720C 10min followed 40C 10min The 152bp CAα1a,225bp ELF-1a, 402bp AK bp PCR products were resolved on 1.7% and 2.5% Agrose gel(0.5X TAE buffer) by gel electrophoresis at 60V using GeneRulerTM 100bp DNA ladder in midigel apparatus (18 x 15cm) and 0.5X TAE (20mM Tris acetate and 0.5mM EDTA [pH 8.0]). The cloning in PVX was confirmed by respective restriction endonucleases (Fermentas, Life Sciences) using Cla1and Sal1 according to compatible buffers and incubation temperatures for appropriate restriction as recommended by the manufacturer. The cloned construct of 152bp CA, 225bp ELF, 402bp AK in PVX binary vector was transformed in Agrobacterium tumefaciens (GV3101) harboring a helper pSoup plasmid for binary vector Rep in bacterium by electroporation using a pulse of 4.8-5.00. Bacterial cultures were grown at 280C for 48Hours with Kanamycin@ 25μg/ml, Rifamycin@25μg/ml and [email protected]μg/ml in Luria Bertani (LB) liquid medium on shaker 220 rpm for growth up to OD 1. The inoculum were prepared by pelleting the bacterial cells and suspending the pellet in 10mM MgCl2 adding an equal volume in µl of acetosyringone (final concentration 100μM) and incubated overnight at 40C. The construct of 152bp CAα1a/PVX, 325bp ELF1-a/PVX, and 402bp AK/PVX were separately Agro infiltrated in 4-6 week old tobacco plants which were inoculated and bioassayed after 12-16 days of post inoculation (dpi) on arrival of mild PVX symptoms on inoculated leaves. Symptomatic leaves after 12-16 days after Agro-infiltration expressing 152bp CAα1a/PVX, 325bp ELF1-a/PVX, 402bp AK through PVX, empty PVX vector and healthy were bioassayed independently in completely randomized design (CRD) with three treatments and 10 numbers of repeats both in vivo and detached leaf assay. Twenty five (25) adult potato peach aphids, Myzus persicae Sulzer and 5 neonate larvae of S. litturalis and H. virescence were released on plants clip caged for leave while detached leaf assays were done by using petriplate to encage and tight through film. About 6-8 week older healthy plants with ample biomass were used in bioassays. Tobacco plants, N. benthamiana L. used in the study were raised in glass chamber at 22-250 C and 70-75% relative humidity. About 4-6 weeks old plants were used for Agrobacterium-PVX co-infiltration in replicated experiment. Eggs and neonates larvae of H. virescence and S. litturalis for control experiments were acquired from Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB), Faisalabad and University College of Agriculture, Department of Entomology, Bahauddin Zakariya University (BZU), Multan, Pakistan. The aphid species of M. persicae was acquired from Aphid Rearing Laboratory, Boyace Thompson Institute (BTI) Ithaca, USA. Tested insects were obtained from insect boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis Boheman with sequence homology of 83% and 79% induced an effective RNAi response in terms of significant larval mortality in non-target insects species cited above. Whereas, A. grandis larvae showed insensitivity to orthologous dsRNA mediated RNAi response in terms of larval mortality and phenotypic defects compared to control (Baum et al., 2007). The transgenic tobacco plants expressing nuclear receptor complex (ECR) dsRNA (HaEcR) of Helicoverpa armigera with 89% homology with Spodoptera exigua were bioassayed for RNAi response in tested insect causing significant molting defects, failure to complete pupation, adult emergence and 40% more lethality compared to control plants (Zhu et al., 2012). A nucleotide sequence of 480bp dsRNA with 41.6% orthologe homology in mosquito was failed to induce RNAi response in terms of phenotypic or mortality but dsRNA were recovered from mosquito gut (Coy et al., 2012). The orally ingested species specific dsRNA of V-ATPase A and E gene were designed across taxa, tested against fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster; pea aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum; tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta; and red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum and exhibited obvious deleterious effects on tested insect species but these (Whyard et al., 2009). Mohamed and Kim (2011) reported little adverse effects of Integrin β1subunit dsRNA specific to S. exigua with 71% sequence homology on diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella and bPx1 expression Integrin β1subunit orthologe gene caused larval development. Potato Virus X (PVX) has been extensively used for transient gene expression and VIGS based gene silencing studies in plants (Lacomme and Chapman, 2005; Vleeshouwers et al., 2006). Insect lack RNA dependent RNA polymerase enzyme (RdRp), therefor, PVX mediated dsRNA production has been employed in this study for VIGS mediated enormous, cheap and simple way of reproduction and amplification of dsRNA in tobacco plants for higher concentrations of dsRNA available for oral ingestion of insects. Keeping in view the importance of emerging RNAi technology in insect pest control, the objectives of this study was to elucidate the target specificity of insecticidal RNAi gene constructs through feeding bioassays on non-target insects. MATERIALS AND METHOD Extraction of insect nucleotide sequences from database Nucleotide sequences for various possible target genes were retrieved by using NCBI, Genebank and Basic Local Alignment Tool (BLAST) using www.ncbi.nlm.nlh.gov to analyze the nucleotide homology of the partial gene sequences used in this study. Two partial gene sequences as 152bp EST of Calcium channel (CAα1a), 325bp, Elongation Factor (ELF-1a) genes from cotton mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley and 402bp, Arginine kinase (AK) from Aphis gossypii Glover were used in this study and cloned in Potato Virus X based binary vector pgR107 vector. 152bp ESTs cloned from CAα1a from P. solenopsis cDNA library. CAα1a5' TCCAATCGAT TGGCCAAGAAAACGTTGAGC a s f o r w a r d p r i m e r : C A α 1 a 3 ' ACCGGTCGACATTGGAATGAAGTAATGTAT as reverse primer and PCR profile: 940C 5min, 940C 3min, 500C 30sec, 14 Shaheen et al. / Pakistan Entomologist 2014, 36(1): 13-20 (AK) through PVX by M. persicae caused significant mortality in terms of mean alive adult aphids/leaf on AK/PVX (7.6), PVX (21.7) and Healthy (22.2) plants. Nymphs survived on AK/PVX, PVX and Healthy were 16.8, 51.7 and 51.9 nymphs for 5 days feeding duration at p=0.01% and p=0.05% (Table 1). The results indicated a highly significant feeding effect of dsRNA of AK on M. persicae aphid population, vitality and survival. The linear trend of adult aphids and nymphs production on AK/PVX plants compared to control plants was established (Figure 6, (1 & 2). rearing facilities at National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (NIBGE). Protocols have been well established for Agrobacterium infiltration and Agrobacterium infections to achieve transcription and translation of transgenes in plants. Virus induced Gene Silencing (VIGS) mediated dsRNA transient expression through PVX in tobacco plants was confirmed by Reverse transcriptase (RTPCR) from inoculated plants. RT-PCR was performed to check PVX based transient expression of partial gene transcripts of 152bp of CAα1a, 325bp ELF1-a, 402bp (AK) and along 798bp CPP gene of PVX as control fragment, PVX empty vector, 798bp CPP gene of PVX, Healthy plants and +ive control plasmid of ELF-1a and -ive control. Total RNA from infected plant was extracted by grinding 100 mg symptomatic leaf of inoculated plants which were collected and immediately dipped in liquid nitrogen. Total RNA was extracted by TRI-REAGENT (Invitrogen /Molecular Research Centre, U.S.A). For preparation of first strand complementary DNA, the Revert-Aid® H Minus first strand cDNA synthesis kit (Fermentas, Life Sciences) was used according to prescribed protocol by using oilgo(dT)primers. Feeding effect of dsRNA of 152bp of CAα1a and 325bp of ELF-1a partial gene transcript from P. solenopsis and 402bp AK from A. gossypii on S. litturalis and H. virescens Feeding CAα1a a dsRNA on transgenic tobacco plants caused very few larval mortality and less leaf area damage as well as stunted larval growth of the tested insects on CAα1a/PVX plants. Feeding of S. litturalis and H. virescens on CAα1a/PVX plants imposed some negative effects on larval survival, growth and development compared to control plants (Figure 1, Panel 2). Mean alive larvae of S. litturalis on CAα1a/PVX (4.5), PVX (4.8) and healthy (5.0) and mean dry weight of its survived larvae on CAα1a/PVX (0.125), PVX (0.795) and healthy (0.792) plants for 5 days feeding duration was significant at p=0.05% and p=0.01% (Table 5.2). Whereas, mean alive larvae of H. virescence on CAα1a/PVX (4.5), PVX (5.0) and healthy (4.9) plants for 5 days feeding duration (Figure 1, Panel 3) was non-significant but dry weight of its survives larvae was significantly lower (CAα1a/PVX=0.368, PVX=0.703, Healthy=0.766) for 5 days feeding duration at p = 0.01% (Table 1). The linear trend of larvae survival and dry weight gain of S. litturalis and H. virescence on CAα1a/PVX compared to control plants was observed (Figure 2, (3 & 4). The visible feeding effects of ELF-1a on S. litturalis were as followed; pale and yellowish color of feeing larvae, stunted larval growth, reduced/tapering body, less dry weight gain on ELF-1a/PVX plants as compared to control (Figure 3, Panel B). Although, mean S. litturalis alive larvae on ELF-1a/PVX (4.7), PVX (4.8) and healthy (4.9) plants was non significant but mean of dry weight gain by survived larvae on ELF1a/PVX (0.298), PVX (0.788) and healthy (0.809) plants for 5 days feeding duration was significant at p=0.01% (Table 1). In case of H. virescence, neonate larvae feeding on ELF-1a/PVX plants although survived but poorly grown and developed with reduced larval size and less leaf area damage compared to control plant ((Figure 3, Panel C). The mean larvae survived on ELF-1a/PVX (4.4), PVX (5.0) and healthy (4.7) plants and dry weight gain on ELF-1a/PVX (0.378), PVX (0.738) and healthy (0.81) plants for 5 days feeding duration were significant at p=0.05% and p=0.01% respectively (Table 1). The linear trend of larvae survival and dry weight gain of S. litturalis and H. virescence on ELF-1a /PVX compared to control plants was observed (Figure 4, (3 & 4). Feeding of dsRNA of AK caused high larval mortality, very lower dry weight gain of surviving larvae and less leaf area damage (Figure 5, Panel B). Mean numbers of alive larvae of S. litturalis (AK/PVX=1.4, PVX=4.7, healthy=4.8) and dry weight gain (AK/PVX=0.298, PVX=0.788, healthy=0.809) RESULTS Feeding effect of dsRNA of 152bp partial gene transcript of CAα1a and ELF-1a from P. solenopsis and 402bp AK from A. gossypii on adult M. persicae population and survival The adult aphids normally which were fed on tobacco plants expressing dsRNA of 152bp CAα1a through PVX survived and reproduced enormous nymphs/babies on all treated plants. Moreover, no phenotypic and behavioral change like feeding deterrence or reproductive abnormality was observed on CAα1a/PVX and control plants. The adult aphid profoundly produced nymphs and newborn nymphs also survived and colonized the leave of plants (Figure 1, Panel A). Non significant effects had been evaluated for adult aphid population as well as production and survival of nymph against p=0.05% (Table 1). The linear trend of adult aphids survival and nymphs production on CAα1a/PVX was established compared to control treatments (Figure 2, (1& 2), respectively. Tobacco plants expressing 325bp dsRNA for ELF-1a through PVX explained high adult aphid mortality and less number of nymphs production on ELF-1A/PVX plants compared to control plants (Figure 3, Panel A). A significant reduction was .scored in adult aphid population in terms of aphid mortality and nymphs production by adult aphids on ELF-1a/PVX (13.7), PVX (20.9) and Healthy (22.1) as well as in nymph production on ELF-1a /PVX (24.8), PVX (51.7) and healthy (54.9) plants at p=0.01% (Table 1). The linear trend of adult aphids survival and nymphs production on ELF-1A/PVX plants compared to control plants was established (Figure 4, (1 & 2). Significant adult aphid mortality and reduced nymphal production were observed as most of the adult aphids did not survive to reproduce, few adult aphids developed into winged isoforms while neonate nymphs died as soon as they started feeding (Figure 5, Panel A). Feeding of tobacco plants expressing 402bp dsRNA partial gene transcript of A. gossypii 15 Shaheen et al. / Pakistan Entomologist 2014, 36(1): 13-20 Table 1 ANOVA for feeding effect of dsRNA 152bp Calcium channel alpha 1a (CAα1a), 325bp Elongation Factor (ELF-1a), partial gene transcript P. solenopsis Tinsley & 402bp Arginine kinase (AK) partial gene transcript A. gossypii Glover on M. persicae Sulzer aphid population survival, larval mortality and dry weight of bollworms S. litturalis and H. virescence. Insect species Mean SOV df MS p-value Adult aphid M. persicae Sulzer CAα1a/PVX PVX 21.4 21.6 Rep Treats 9 2 2.004NS 0.233NS 0.1157 - Nymphs M. persicae Sulzer Healthy CAα1a/PVX PVX 21.3 15.2 17.00 Error Rep Treats 18 9 2 1.048 NS 21.259 NS 8.40 0.0030 0.3603 Healthy CAα1a/PVX 15.8 4.5 Error Rep 18 9 7.770 0.152 - PVX 4.8 Treats 2 0.633* 0.0325 Healthy 5.0 Error 18 0.009 - Dry weight S. littoralis CAα1a/PVX 0.125 Rep 9 0.006 - PVX Healthy Larval mortality H. virescens CAα1a/PVX PVX Healthy 0.795 0.792 4.5 5.0 4.9 Treats Error Rep Treats Error 2 18 9 2 18 1.49**1 0.007 0.163 0.700NS 0.219 0.000 0.0645 - Dry weight H. virescens CAα1a/PVX 0.368 Rep 9 0.005 - PVX Healthy ELF-1a/PVX PVX 0.703 0.766 13.70 20.90 Treats Error Rep Treats 2 18 9 2 0.458** 0.009 6.596NS 206.40** 0.0000 0.1295 0.0000 Healthy 22.10 Error 18 3.585 - ELF-1a /PVX 24.80 Rep 9 321.719 PVX Healthy ELF-1a /PVX 51.70 54.90 4.7 Treats Error Rep 2 18 9 PVX 4.8 Treats Healthy 4.9 ELF-1a /PVX 0.298 PVX Larval mortality S. littoralis Adult aphid M. persicae Sulzer Nymphs M. persicae Sulzer Larval mortality S. littoralis Dry weight S. littoralis NS 0.1203 2430.10 170.507 0.089 ** 0.0002 - 2 0.100 - Error 18 0.10 - Rep 9 0.018 - 0.788 Treats 2 0.835 0.0000 - S.D S.E 0.467 0.207 5.256 0.960 0.43 0.079 0.330 0.060 0.484 0.088 0.197 0.036 4.302 0.785 19.320 3.527 0.407 0.074 0.276 0.050 0.535 0.098 0.202 0.037 7.106 1.297 Healthy 0.809 Error 18 0.020 Larval mortality H. virescens ELF-1a PVX 4.4 Rep 9 0.330 0.1669 PVX Healthy 5.0 4.7 Treats Error 2 18 0.900* 0.196 0.0246 - Dry weight H. virescens ELF-1a /PVX 0.378 Rep 9 0.003 - PVX Healthy AK/PVX 0.738 0.810 7.60 Treats Error Rep 2 18 9 0.535 0.005 1.870 0.0000 - PVX Healthy AK/PVX 21.70 22.20 16.80 Treats Error Rep 2 18 9 687.033** 4.070 254.311 NS 0.0000 0.0243 PVX Healthy AK/PVX PVX Healthy AK/PVX 51.70 51.90 1.4 4.7 4.8 0.298 Treats Error Rep Treats Error Rep 2 18 9 2 18 9 4083.433* 86.211 0.478NS 37.433** 0.433 0.018 0.0000 0.4084 0.0000 - 20.348 3.715 1.732 0.316 PVX Healthy AK/PVX PVX Healthy AK/PVX 0.788 0.809 2.4 4.9 4.8 0.206 Treats Error Rep Treats Error Rep 2 18 9 2 18 9 0.835** 0.020 1.144NS 20.033** 0.922 0.005 0.0000 0.3315 0.0000 - 0.276 0.050 1.520 0.277 PVX 0.783 Treats 2 1.073 0.0000 0.287 0.052 Healthy 0.762 Error 18 0.011 - Adult aphid M. persicae Sulzer Nymphs M. persicae Sulzer Larval mortality S. littoralis Dry weight S. littoralis Larval mortality H. virescens Dry weight H. virescens NS SOV=Source of variation, Rep= Replication, Treat= Treatments df=degree of freedom, MS= Mean squares, p-value= estimated at corresponding degree of freedom, df= degree of freedom, S.D=Standard deviation, S.E=Standard error, NS= non significance, *= significance at p=0.05%, **= Significance at p=0.01% 16 Shaheen et al. / Pakistan Entomologist 2014, 36(1): 13-20 Table 2 BLAST results of 152bp Calcium channel alpha 1a (CAα1a), 325bp Elongation Factor (ELF-1a), partial gene transcript P. solenopsis Tinsley & 402bp Arginine kinase (AK) partial gene transcript A. gossypii Glover with other economically important insect species. 152bp Calcium channel alpha1a (CAα1a) partial gene transcript P. solenopsis Tinsley Accession No. Description Max score Total score Query coverage E value Max indent XM001943894.2 PREDICTED: Acyrthosiphon pisum mRNA voltagedependent calcium channel type A subunit alpha-1-like (LOC100164406), Aedes aegypti voltage-dependent p/q type calcium channel partial mRNA 292 292 100% 4e-76 100% 100 100 96% 2e-18 75% XM003698860.1 PREDICTED: Apis florea voltage-dependent calcium channel type A subunit alpha-1-like (LOC100864653), mRNA 123 123 100% 3e-25 80% XM003394356.1 PREDICTED: Bombus terrestris voltage-dependent calcium channel type A subunit alpha-1-like (LOC100647135), mRNA 113 113 100% 5e-22 79% NM001165904.1 Apis mellifera cacophony (Cac), mRNA, [GQ202019.1] Apis mellifera cacophony (CAC) mRNA, complete cds 114 114 100% 1e-22 78% NM001272548.1 Drosophila melanogaster cacophony (cac), transcript variant P, mRNA 95.1 95.1 98% 1e-16 73% XM001943894.2 PREDICTED:Acyrthosiphon pisum voltage-dependent calcium channel type A subunit alpha-1-like (LOC100164406), mRNA 82.4 82.4 96% 6e-13 72 NM001165910.1 Tribolium castaneum cacophony B (CAC) mRNA, complete cds 69.8 69.8 96% 4e-09 71% GQ202018.1 Bombyx mori cacophony (CAC) mRNA, partial cds 68.0 68.0 96% 1e-08 70% XM312358.4 325bp Elongation Factor 1a (ELF-1a) partial gene transcript P. solenopsis Tinsley AB439212.1 Phenacoccus sp. PAK EF-1a gene for elongation factor 1a, partial cds 470 579 100% 3e129 100% AY427241.1 Phenacoccus solani elongation factor 1a (EF-1a) gene, partial cds 452 561 100% 8e124 100% FJ768770.1 H. virescence elongation factor 1alpha(EF-1a) gene partial cd 208 208 65% 2e-54 77% AF151624.1 Spodoptera litturalis elongation factor-1 alpha (EF-1 alpha) gene, partial cds 212 212 65% 2e-56 78% EF419315.1 Myzus persicae isolate Fuzhou population elongation factor 1 alpha (EF1a) gene, partial cds 208 208 98% 9e-56 71% 402bp Arginine kinase (AK) partial gene transcript A. gossypii Glover GU797831.1 Aphis gossypii arginine kinase-like mRNA, complete sequence 618 618 100% 1e-173 100% XR045869.2 Predicted: Acyrthosiphon pisum mRNA arginine kinase-like (LOC100166732), 464 464 100% 1e-127 90% GU726905.1 Helicoverpa. virescens arginine kinase mRNA, complete cds 165 165 97% 3e 37 70% HQ840714. Spodpterea litura arginine kinase (AK) mRNA, complete cds 140 140 92% 4e-35 69% HQ327310.1 Plutella xylostella arginine kinase mRNA, complete cds 125 125 97% 2e-25 67% for 5 days feeding duration was estimated significant at p=0.01% (Table 1). Feeding effect of dsRNA of AK by H. virescence suffered high larval mortality, very lower dry weight gain and a less leaf area damage (Figure 5, Panel C). Alive larvae on AK/PVX (2.4), PVX (4.9) and healthy (4.8) plants and mean dry weight of survived larvae of H. virescence on AK/PVX (0.206), PVX (0.783) and healthy (0.762) for 5 days feeding duration were significant at p=0.01% (Table 1). The linear trend of larvae survival and dry weight gain of S. litturalis and H. virescence on AK/PVX compared to control plants were recorded (Figure 4, (3 & 4). DISCUSSION Three highly conserved housekeeping genes have been utilized to determine the specificity of RNAi. Voltage gated calcium channels are central to calcium-dependent gene transcription, muscle contraction, cardiac action potential propagation and CaV regulation and plays a vital role in endocrine by hormone neurotransmitter release (Catterall, 2011; Minor and Findeisen, 2010). Elongation factor 1a (EF1a) in all organisms including insect species is a nuclear protein coding. Gene is part of an enzymatic complex involved in the 17 Shaheen et al. / Pakistan Entomologist 2014, 36(1): 13-20 Panel A Panel A Panel B Panel B Panel C Panel C Fig. 1 Feeding effect of dsRNA 152bp partial gene transcript CAα1a of P. solenopsis expressed in tobacco plants through PVX vector on M. persicae adult aphids and nymphs (Panel A), S. litturalis ( Panel B) and H. virescence (Panel C) larvae, respectively survival and development compared to control plants, where(A)= CAα1a/PVX, (B)=PVX and (C)=Healthy as control plants. Fig. 3 Feeding Effect of dsRNA 325bp partial gene transcript ELF1a of P. solenopsis expressed in tobacco plants through PVX vector on M. persicae adult aphids and nymphs (Panel A), S. litturalis (Panel B) and H. virescence larvae (Panel C), respectively survival and development compared to control plants, where(A)= ELF-1a /PVX, (B)=PVX & (C)=Healthy as control plants. Fig. 2 Feeding effect of dsRNA 152bp partial gene transcript CAα1a cotton mealybug P. solenopsis on (1)= population survival of adult M. persicae, (2)= Number of nymphs produced (3)= S. litturalis (4)= H. virescence respectively larvae survival and development compared to control plants. Fig. 4 Feeding effect of dsRNA 325bp partial gene transcript ELF 1a cotton mealybug P. solenopsis on (1)= population survival of adult M. persicae, (2)= Number of nymphs produced (3)= S. litturalis (4)= H. virescence respectively larvae survival and development compared to control plants. GTP dependent binding of charged aminoacyl-transfer RNAs (tRNAs) relocate to the acceptor site (A site) of the 80S ribosomal subunits during translation (Stuart and Chamberlain, 2003; Zhou et al., 2008). Arginine kinase (AK) is a phospho-transferase enzyme that executes a critical role in cellular energy metabolism in invertebrates (Zhou et al., 2008). Genes encoding proteins with crucial biological functions are the best RNAi target genes as they might cause mortality/lethal effects, clearly morose growth and development and phenotypic abnormalities (Mito et al., 2010). Hence, parameters understudy are appropriate indicator of RNAi effects in insects. In answer to the question whether other insect species will be affected by the application of non-specific dsRNA in non-target insect species, the results of CAα1a nucleotide sequence from cotton mealybug P. solenopsis was BLAST against other insect species to access sequence homology for establishing analogy in statistical and molecular results of these bioassays. The BLAST results of 152bp CAα1a partial gene transcript from P. solenopsis revealed 80% similarity with A. pisum (Table 1) and BLAST did not resulted any orthologe found from M. persicae although estimated 14.4% mortality in adult M. persicae and 2.3% less nymphs were produced compared to control. The BLAST results revealed H. virescence and S. 18 Shaheen et al. / Pakistan Entomologist 2014, 36(1): 13-20 Panel A Panel B Panel C Fig. 5 Feeding Effect of dsRNA 402bp partial gene transcript (AK) of A. gossypii Glover expressed in tobacco plants through PVX vector on (Panel A)= M. persicae Sulzer adult aphids& nymphs,( Panel B)= S. litturalis, (Panel C)= H. virescence larvae respectively survival and development compared to control plants, where(A)= AK /PVX, (B)=PVX & (C)=Healthy as control plants. Fig. 6 Feeding effect of dsRNA 325bp partial gene transcript AK of A. gossypii Glover on (1)= population survival of adult M. persicae Suzler, (2)= Number of nymphs produced (3)= S. litturalis (4)= H. virescence respectively larvae survival and development compared to control plants. litturalis nucleotide homology (˜10% mortality) was nonsignificant but dry weight of survived larvae was significantly lower than larvae fed on controls. The results indicated that feeding of non-specific dsRNA of CAα1a on non-target insect species reflected its non-significant effects on insect mortality was but significant effects on development in terms of dry weight gain for H. virescence and S. litturali larvae. Previously RNAi effects scored gene, 20 hydroxyecdysone receptor complex in S. exigua were as deleterious as revealed in this study although, sequence homology was 89% with H. virescence ECR gene reported by Mohamed and Kim (2011) and Zhu et al., 2012. The results of present studies could help to predict and evaluate the commonly harmful gene knocking down effects of feeding dsRNA of CAα1a with crucial biological function. A phenotype resulting from knockdown of gene expression may also enlighten the target gene function and certainly helpful to characterize target gene effects (Alves et al., 2011). In this study, ELF-1a of cotton mealybug P. solenopsis revealed 12% and 6% more mortality of H. virescence and S. litturalis, respectively compared to control while BLAST results of orthologe sequence homology was 77% and 78%, respectively. The dsRNA significantly affected the development of larvae in term of significant reduction in dry weights of the larvae but ELF-1a of cotton mealybug P. solenopsis caused a significant mortality explaining 45.2% more adult mortalityand 52% less nymphs compared to control (Table 1) and nucleotide sequence homology was 71% of M. persicae (Table 2). The AK gene is highly conserved in insects and AK from cotton aphid A. gossypii, by BLAST generated 90% of sequence homology with A. pisum but this insect is not tested in this study. The bioassay H. virescence and S. litturalis with 70% and 69% sequence homology in BLAST (Table 2) revealed a 52% and 72% more mortality in respective insects compared to control and statistical results were highly significant for mortality and dry weight gain of surviving insects while none of the Arginine kinase orthologous could be found in database for M. persicae. But results of bioassay revealed an estimated 69.6% more adult mortality than control. Arginine kinase feeding dsRNA exerted a drastic effect on Myzus aphid mortality and survival with 30% lesser number of nymphs production by M. persicae compared to controls. The BLAST results discussed helped in concluding that nucleotide homology of partial gene transcript could help us to explain the significant mortality effects for the insects of same order. RNAi effects are highly dependent on the amount of dsRNA intake by the tested organism and perfect sequence homology of designed dsRNA that have been employed (Tschuch et al., 2008). To evaluate the silencing efficiency of RNAi, method of delivery of dsRNA has to be taken into account It is generally assumed that RNAi will always occur once dsRNA is delivered inside the insect cell and limiting factor subsists at the level of its functional uptake, nucleotide homology of dsRNA with target gene, concentration of dsRNA up take, type of the gene targeted and presence of systemic RNAi machinery (Terenius et al., 2011). There is a great variation in sensitivity, strength and severity of the effects of RNAi for homologous gene transcripts in various insect species (Garbutt and Reynolds, 2012). Three partial gene transcripts of 152bp, 325bp and 402bp have been utilized to express long dsRNA of corresponding gene transcript in tobacco plant through PVX and also vet that the effective length of dsRNA >300bp was effective to induce RNAi in non-target insects. The dsRNA of 152bp was scored to be ineffective to produce significant insecticidal effects in non-target insects so, a long chain of >300bp nucleotides of dsRNA might be effective to establish coincidental homology/consecutive conserved region to induce effective RNAi response in non-target insect species. The dsRNA 152bp of CAα1a partial gene transcript 19 Shaheen et al. / Pakistan Entomologist 2014, 36(1): 13-20 Lacomme, C. and S. Chapman, 2005. Use of Potato Virus X (PVX)–Based Vectors for Gene Expression and Virus-Induced Gene Silencing (VIGS). In "Current Protocols in Microbiology". John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Minor, D.L., Jr. and F. Findeisen, 2010. 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This study provided us valuable clue of some of the effects of non-specific RNAi in somewhat closely related insect taxa. The inherent specificity of RNAi should be conserved by designing highly conserved short nucleotide stretches of dsRNA to minimize the chances of consecutive nucleotide matches with homologous and orthologous gene copies in non-target insect species for designing more ecologically friendly approaches for the control of insect pests. The results of non-specific dsRNA in non-target insects suggest careful application of dsRNA based technology with resilient need to design sequence specific and problem specific dsRNAs and their screening and evaluation through bioassays on nontarget insect species. Keeping in view the essence of RNAi specificity we emphasize on screening of potential insect genes that work specifically in insects to target specific insect pest problems for potential application RNAi technology in insect resistant transgenic plant development. 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