Integrace „hormonálních“ signálů
Integrace „hormonálních“ signálů
Integrace „hormonálních“ signálů příklady z novější doby Integrace regulací GA s dalšími „fytohorm ony“ IAA spouští zvýšenou produkci GAs. Narušení transportu IAA brzdí degradaci DELLA represorů působenou GAs. BR a IAA Indukují řadu identických mRNA. Hladiny auxinu a cytokininů inverzně korelují. IAA inhibuje degradaci cytokininů stimulací cytokinin oxidázy, Auxin stimuluje produkci etylenu stimulací genu pro syntézu ACC. Etylen inhibuje polární transport auxinu. Světlo a IAA Světlo zasahuje do auxinem regulovaných změn v dlouživém růstu buněk a diferenciace. ABA interaguje antagonisticky s GAs i IAA. Přidání ABA může snižovat hladinu volné IAA a zvyšovat podíl neaktivních konjugátů; ABA interferuje se sig. drahami GAs. Zvýšená hladina cytokinů a potlačení GAs je konstitutivním parametrem dělivého centra apikálního meristému. Naopak pro vývoj listových primordií je podmínkou zvýšená hladina GAs. Interaguje prakticky každý s každým a to jak na úrovni přenosu signálů/regulace genové exprese, tak také na úrovni regulace biosyntézy inhibice či aktivace akumulace partnerského "fytohormonu". Plasmodesmata rostlina jako symplastická síť Symplastická konektivita je dynamická, regulovaná! Plasmodesmy vznikají při buněčném dělení i de novo a mohou být regulovaně uzavřena. Buněčně autonomní = molekula působí jen uvnitř buňky. Buněčně neautonomní = molekula působí mezi buňkami. MP = movement protein injekce FITC-MP bílkoviny;C nepoh. mutant G – NCAP pomáhá pohybu dextranu. PD=plasmodesma NCAP = non cell autonom. prot. S transportem jsou spojeny regulované změny SEL (Size Exclusion Limit). NCAP =non cell autonom. proteins Mechanismus mezibuněčného pohybu Dvoustupňový proces rozbalení a vazby. Size Exclusion Limit je pravděpodobné, že na regulaci SEL se podílí myosin VIII. • podobně jako při importu do organel se jedná o interakci „adresového“ motivu s translokačním receptorem, rozbalením (u velkých bílkovin/RNA), změnou SEL a posléze proběhne vlastní transport. Floemem se pravěpodobně šíří květní signál – bílkovina FT HPTS= 8-hydroxypyren 1,3,6 trisulfonová kyselina Rostlinný organismus jako nadbuněčná integrovaná symplastická síť. Systemické šíření RNA RNA viruses can block expression of a transgene if a copy of the transgene has been added Tobacco plant expressing GFP protein Infected with RNA virus with GFP gene Virus infection travels through veins GFP expression inhibited starting at veins. Gene silencing and RNA viruses share potential to produce ds RNA Fire and Mello proved that ds RNA inhibits expression of endogenous genes homologous to that dsRNA a RNA interference: A type of gene regulation Involving small RNA molecules and induced by double stranded RNA Adding a Chalcone synthase gene from Petunia fused to a strong viral promoter to transgenic Petunia interfered with expression of the native homologous’ gene. Gene Silencing Plant Gene “Co-Suppression” ¾ First discovered in petunia (1990): • • • • Increase in expression suppressed activity Transgene mRNA degraded Called co-suppression Also called post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) Gene Silencing 1. More common from strong promoters. 2. More common from inverted repeat inserts (could make a double stranded RNA). 3. Induced by RNA viruses (have double stranded RNA replication intermediates). Biological significance of RNAi • Cellular immune response to viruses In certain organism (especially plants), RNAi serves as a first line of defense against viral infection, as viral replication typically includes dsRNA species • Genetic stability RNAi repress the mobility of transposable genetic elements in C. elegans and S. pombe which requires the formation of dsRNA Revealed that RNAi can also effect transcriptional gene silencing by promoting heterochromatin formation (histone and DNA methylation) • Organismal development and germline fate Developmental processes are affected by endogenous non-coding RNAs that function through the RNAi pathway (microRNAs) RNA interference (RNAi) • RNAi is the process whereby double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) induces homology-dependent degradation of cognate RNA (i.e. gene silencing) • RNAi is central to cellular mechanisms of posttranscriptional gene silencing (PTGS) and can also effect transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) • RNAi is highly conserved among eukaryotes (fungi, protozoans, plants, nematodes, invertebrates, mammals) Features of RNAi Induced by dsRNA with homology to exons Catalytic: very small amounts of ds RNA are sufficient Spreads: injection into gut silences genes in embryos Small RNAs produced What is the function of RNAi mechanism in non-transgenic organisms? Protection against viruses Keep Transposable elements inactive Gene regulation Transcriptional gene silencing is initiated by RNA directed methylation of promoter regions dsRNA homologous to promoters leads to methylation and inactivation by recruitment of chromatin remodeling enzymes. RNA directed methylases also affect methylation of genes in germline. May be important to imprinting RNA directed regulation of gene expression is more common than we thought. How does RNAi work? RNAi works postranscriptionally…….. in key two steps! Overview of RNAi • Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) is processed by Dicer, an RNase III family member, to produce 21-23nt small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) • siRNAs are manipulated by a multi-component nuclease called the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). • RISC specifically cleaves mRNAs that have perfect complementarity to an siRNA strand Components of the RNAi pathway • Dicer – u Arabidopsis 4x Dicer like = DCL Dicer belongs to the RNase III family of dsRNA-specific ribonucleases. Contains dsRNA-binding motifs and a PAZ domain believed to mediate protein-protein interactions. • Argonaute homologs (Dicer/RISC associated) - u Arabidopsis 10x. argonaut byl popsán jako meristémový mutant Arabidopsis. Argonaute family members are highly basic proteins that contain PAZ and PIWI domains. RISC komplex „rozmotává“ dvouřetězcové fragmenty RNA a ssRNA RISC komplex pak působí po „hybridizaci“ s cílem degradaci RNA, blok translace či metylaci DNA. • RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) Endogenous RdRPs influence RNAi in certain eukaryotes including fungi, plants, C. elegans. Function to amplify the dsRNA signal. Catalysis: RdRP copies mRNA making more ds RNA. Dicer cuts that generating more siRNA More RdRP is activated and more dsRNA is made. Spread: dsRNA transported to other cells step one: processing the dsRNA into 21-23 nt fragments QuickTime™ and a GIF decompressor are needed to see this picture. r 34 27 21 20 16 short-interfering RNA Dicer contains two RNAse III domains long dsRNA siRNAs siRNAs have a defined structures 19 nt duplex Rostliny 2 nt 3’ overhangs siRNA rostlinných virů a miRNA = délka 21-22 nukleotidů Působí DCL1,2či 4 siRNA endogenního původu (transposony, repetitivní sekv.)= délka 24 nukleotidů. Působí DCL3 step two: the antisense strand of the siRNA guides cleavage Tuschl, Cell 2002 Mechanism of RNAi Dicer binds dsRNA And cleaves making siRNA siRNAs direct Risc to copy homologous mRNA Dicer binds dsRNA and cleaves it. RNAi based methods History: Early 1990’s, phenomena first found by plant scientists: co-suppression 1998, in C.elegans, formally discover dsRNA as signal for RNA interference 1999, small RNA species derived from mRNA detected 2001, discovery of dsRNA processing enzyme Dicer More components in RISC identified Figure 3 | Tobacco plant phenotypes after infection with a satellite-virus-induced silencing system. Results show plant phenotypes four weeks after infection. Phenotypes caused by the silencing of the genes that encode a | cellulose synthase, b | transketolase and c | phytoene desaturase are shown. Images courtesy of M. Metzlaff, Ghent, Belgium. Reproduced with permission from Ref. 48 © (2002) Blackwell Publishing. Please close this window to return to the main article. Note: some figures may render poorly in a web browser miRNA genes • To date, 1185 miRNA genes have been identified in various organisms, including approximately 200 in each human, mouse, and rat genomes. Několik set u rostlin. • Certain miRNAs are highly conserved among eukaryotic species. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) • miRNAs are products of endogenous genes and function through the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway to posttranscriptionally regulate the expression of other genes. miRNAs in development • miRNAs are differentially expressed among various tissue types and at various stages in cellular differentiation. e.g. there exist stem cell and neuronal cell specific miRNAs. • Disruption of RNAi pathway results in early embryonic lethality due to depletion of stem cells. • Certain miRNAs are known to control developmental timing and fate specification in C. elegans, leaf morphogenesis in plants, and hematopoetic lineage differentiation in mice. • o miRNA hovoříme tam, kde vznikají z nedokonalé vlásenky kodované v genomu. Cílem jejich regulace/inhibice jsou transkripční faktory a jsou tak důležité pro regulaci vývoje rostlin. • siRNA vzniká z celé délky dokonale homologní dvoušroubovicové RNA (produkt RDR nebo příp. endog. inv. opakování). Jsou produkty i intermediáty obrany proti invasivním/aberantním/abundantním RNA jako jsou vir, transgeny a transposony. Dvojí shrnující schema. A B RdDM = RNA dependent DNA methylation. RDR = RNA dependent RNA polymerázy Stress Responses & Gene Expression • plants must adapt to stresses because of their sedentary lifestyle Fig. 22.2, Buchanan et al. Adaptation and Acclimation • Adaptation - evolutionary changes that enable an organism to exploit a certain niche. These include modification of existing genes, as well as gain/loss of genes. – e.g., thermophilic enzymes in organisms that tolerate high temperature • Acclimation – inducible response(s) that allows an organism to tolerate an unfavorable or lethal (to some plants) change in the environment. – e.g., heat shock response Types of Stress Abiotic 1. heat 2. cold 3. drought 4. salt 5. wind 6. oxidative 7. anaerobic 8. heavy metals 9. wounding 10. nutrient deprivation 11. excessive light Biotic 12. pathogens 13. herbivores Plants respond to stresses as individual cells and as whole organisms. Stress-induced signals can be transmitted throughout plant, making other parts more ready to withstand stress. Fig. 22.3, Buchanan et al. Regulace iontové homeostasy během reakce na zasolení. Reakce na osmotický stress a ABA. Transkripční regulace v odpovědi na chlad Heat Stress (or Heat Shock) Response • Discovered in Drosophila, polytene chromosome puffing • Specific response to temperatures ~10-15oC above normal growth temp. • Ubiquitous • Conserved • Rapid • Transient • Dramatic change in pattern of protein synthesis Heat stress effects on protein synthesis in soybean seedlings (J. Key). Heat stress/shock protein synthesis in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus. Generalized order of events in heat shock response Initial events: 1. Inhibition of protein synthesis 2. Inhibition of transcription & RNA processing 3. Induction of new hs (hsp) mRNAs 4. Pre-existing cellular mRNAs still present but not translated (initiation factor eIF4A & B deactivated) Phase II events 5. Partial restoration of protein synthesis, mainly translation of hsp mRNAs – bez čepičky!! 6. Accumulation of hsp (heat shock proteins) 7. Gradual resumption of normal cellular protein synthesis 8. Decline in hsp synthesis Function: Thermotolerance • Enables organisms to survive high temp. • A sub-lethal heat shock allows organisms to survive a lethal treatment. • Production of hsps correlate with acquired thermotolerance. • Some mutants (yeast) and transgenic plants with altered expression of certain hsps don’t show thermotolerance. 28oC Soybean seedlings. 40oC Æ 45oC 45oC Fig. 22.42, Buchanan et al. Heat Shock Proteins (hsp) • ~100, ~90, ~70, and ~60 kDa • Low molecular weight (LMW) hsp: ~27, ~20-22, ~15-18 kDa • all induced within 30 min. • more LMW hsp in plants • 2-Dimensional gel electrophoresis and molecular cloning indicates most hsps are families of related proteins, particularly hsp70 and the LMW hsps HSP functions • 1 LMW hsp is ubiquitin, which tags proteins to be degraded by the proteasome • hsp90, hsp70, and hsp60 involved in protein folding: "molecular chaperones" • hsp100 may promote translation of hsp mRNAs, via CAP-independent mechanism Dominantní regulátor termotolerance u Arabidopsis. HSP70, a chaperonin • Essential gene • Homologues found in cytoplasm, ER lumen, mitochondria, and chloroplasts • function in protein targeting and assembly in normal (non-stressed) cells, hydrolyze ATP • Constitutive & heat-induced (cytoplasmic) forms – the heat-induced form first appears in the nucleolus, then goes to cytoplasm (may protect pre-ribosomes from heat stress?) • Also, some hsp70s are light-induced; chloroplast hsp70 helps protect PSII from light/heat damage in Chlamy HSP60 (cpn60) • first one termed "molecular chaperone“ • Discovered as the RuBPCase LS binding protein that participates in RuBPCase assembly • in eucaryotes, only in mitochondria and plastids • similar to E. coli GroEL gene • exists as abundant 720 kD complex with two subunits of 61 and 60 kDa (ATPase) • associates with cpn10 (GroES homologue) • facilitates folding/ assembly of other proteins LMW HSPs • highly heat-induced • 4 nuclear gene families: 1. 2. 3. 4. Class I cytoplasmic Class II cytoplasmic Chloroplast localized Endomembrane localized (ER) • found in organelles only in plants • function mostly unknown • aggregate in vivo into "heat shock granules" HSP regulation • most work on LMW hsp in plants • induction is mainly transcriptional but also translational control (hsp mRNAs preferentially translated) • genes induced coordinately, but not equally in all tissues • light can also induce some LMW hsps Cis-acting transcriptional regulatory elements • HSE (heat shock elements) in the 5' regions: – ~10-15 bp partial palindromes – multiple copies required – also found in other HS genes (e.g., hsp 70) – similar to HSEs in animals HSEs in plants and animals. Heat-shock transcription factor (HSF) • • • • • studied mostly in animals and yeast Binds to HSEs Contains leucine zipper motifs Binds DNA as a trimer Activity is induced by heat, and phosphorylation • Activity Repressed by HSP70 Fig. 22.43, Buchanan et al. Fig. 22.44, Buchanan et al. HSFs u Arabidopsis Sequencing of the Arabidopsis genome revealed a unique complexity of the plant heat stress transcription factor (Hsf) family. By structural characteristics and phylogenetic comparison, the 21 representatives are assigned to 3 classes and 14 groups. Particularly striking is the finding of a new class of Hsfs (AtHsfC1) closely related to Hsf1 from rice and to Hsfs identified from frequently found expressed sequence tags of tomato, potato, barley, and soybean. Evidently, this new type of Hsf is well expressed in different plant tissues. Besides the DNA binding and oligomerization domains (HR-A/B region), we identified other functional modules of Arabidopsis Hsfs by sequence comparison with the wellcharacterized tomato Hsfs. These are putative motifs for nuclear import and export and transcriptional activation (AHA motifs). There is intriguing flexibility of size and sequence in certain parts of the otherwise strongly conserved N-terminal half of these Hsfs. We have speculated about possible exon-intron borders in this region in the ancient precursor gene of plant Hsfs, similar to the exon-intron structure of the present mammalian Hsf-encoding genes. PCD rostlinné buňky a vakuola Geneticky a vývojově řízená sebevražda buňky. Programmed Cell Death = PCD programovaná buněčná smrt • Concept developed in animal systems • Each cell has intrinsic genetic program for ordered cell death • Cell suicide pathway encoded by genome of dying cell • Self-execution and dismantling in the context of the organism. Funkce PCD • Control development and morphogenesis of multicellular organisms. • Remove unwanted or displaced cells, without exposing cell contents to trigger inflammatory response • Defense mechanism against pathogens, cancer, and environmental insults Apoptosis- specifický typ PCD • • • Characterized in animal systems Term coined in 1972 by Kerr Has a distinct set of morphological features Specifické symptomy apoptose • • • • Shrinkage and vesiculation of cytoplasm Condensation and shrinkage of nucleus Condensation of chromatin Endonuclease cleavage of chromatin in to 300 and/or 50 bp fragments • Cleavage at DNA linker sites between nucleosomes, resulting in DNA fragments multimers of 180 bp • Results in DNA laddering • TUNEL assay- (Terminal deoxynucleotidyl Transferase Biotin-dUTP Nick End Labeling) • uses terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) to transfer biotin-dUTP to these strand breaks of cleaved DNA. The biotin-labeled cleavage sites are then detected by reaction with HRP conjugated streptavidin and visualized by DAB showing brown color. Důležitou roli hrají mitochondrie • Leakage of cytochrome C from mitochondria into cytoplasm precedes death a výtok cytochromu C z nich. • Formation of apoptotic bodies- blebbing of DNA into membrane-bound bodies and engulfment by phagocytosis to prevent an inflammatory response Živočišná vs. rostlinná buňka = autofágie. Iniciace PCD je regulována preteázami - kaspázami • Regulated by caspases- cysteine proteases • Very specific proteases known- usually no more than 1 or 2 breaks substrate • Orchestrates cell death- eg. Caspase-3 an executioner caspase that starts a cascade • Regulated by pro and anti-apoptotic proteins• BLC-2 like proteins- cytoplasmic proteinsregulate caspase activation • Trigger or suppress PCD, can also act on mitochondrial permeability • Highly conserved among animal kingdom • Ceramide signalling also involved INHIBITORY PCD • • • IAP proteins- inhibitors of apoptosis Suppress PCD by deactivating caspases p35 from a baculovirus Účast PCD na vývoji rostlin příklady • Aleurone cells- aleurone in monocots form a secretory tissue that releases hydrolases to digest the endosperm and nourish the embryo. Die after germination is complete. • Root cap cells -protect the root apical meristem during seed germination and growth. Root cap are continually displaced to the root periphery by new cells. • Happens when growing in water, not a caused by abrasion. • TUNEL positive • • • Tracheid elements- part of xylem Functional cells are dead After they elongate, deposit cell wall components, including lignin, then undergo autolysis. • Actinomycin D or cycloheximide block cell death • Leaf senescence- induced by ethylene- a way of recapturing cellular material for use in other organs- i.e. to the roots. • Membrane integrity and cellular compartmentalization are maintained until late into the process, so there is little leakage • Hypoxia- results in aerenchyma formationempty cells with internal air spaces to allow transfer of O2 from aerial organs to waterlogged stem bases and roots. • Can be blocked by mutants in ETR (ethylene responsive gene) Hypersensitivní Reakce hypersens. resp. (HR) • A hallmark of resistance- non-host, host specific • the rapid death of plant cells in association with the restriction of pathogen growth • Effective against biotrophic fungi, bacteria, and viruses …je nespecifická a širokospektrá JE HR FORMOU PCD ? • Do plant cells show PCD or apoptotic characteristics during infection? • Ryerson and Heath 1998showed TUNEL and DNA laddering in resistant reaction with soybean rust. ANO • PCD seen in cells treated with mycotoxin • Wang et al. 1996. Tomato treated with AAL toxin (Alternaria alternata lypcopersici). • A sphinganine analog mycotoxin • Saw DNA laddering and TUNEL in AAL- treated protoplasts and leaf cells • Also showed TUNEL in root cap cells and leaf tracheids • Victorin also causes apoptotic response, including mitochondrial alterations (Curtis and Wolpert, 2002) Victorin, the host-selective toxin produced by Cochliobolus victoriae, the causal agent of victoria blight of oats, has been demonstrated to bind to the mitochondrial P-protein and also induces a form of PCD . (FCCP je mit. uncoupl.) Evidence pro PCD v HR • Lesion mimicks of Arabidopsis• Single-gene mutations in regulatory pathway results in phenotype similar to HR • mimick the effect of infection in the absence of the pathogen. Thus, plants contain an intrinsic genetic program that initiates and carries out cell death sentences on infected cells. • Lsd mutants- Lsd 1-5 (lesion simulating disease) • Acd mutants (accelerated cell death) • Lls mutants (lethal leaf spot) in maize Lsd1 mutant Lsd3 mutant Lls mutant Funkční analýza LSD1 • LSD1- gene has been cloned. A zinc-finger protein needed to restrict lesion size during HR. • May be a transcription factor that down regulates or dampens cell death-a negative regulator of PCD • This pro-death pathway requires ROS LSD1 = Negativní regulátor HR lezí. • Epple et al. 2003- found a paralogue of LSD1- called LOL1, acts as a positive regulator of cell death • Both affect superoxide dismutase (ROI) • May regulate SOD- changes superoxide to H2O2, and the balance of H2O2 and NO control HR. Rop GTPázy všude – i v PCD funkce dalších lokusů PCD • Lls- codes a putative dioxygenase required to limit the spread of cell death in leavesmay degrade SA or other phenolic compound • Mlo resistance gene from barley- encodes a transmembrane protein • Absence of this protein causes a leaf lesion phenotype and increased resistance Účastní se kaspázy PCDrostlin ? • No homologue to animal caspases have been found- looked through genome of Arabidopsis. ale • Chichkova et al. 2004- identified a metacaspase in tobacco • Used a substrate of human caspase-3 (VirD2 from Agrobacterium) as a target, and found an enzyme that specifically cleaved this in HR-induced with TMV • CLPs • Caspase inhibitors, effective in animal systems, also block PCD in plants • Lam and del Pozo, 2000, Del Pozo and Lam, 2003- used p35 from baculovirus, to inhibit caspase and HR when expressed in tobacco. • Disrupted N-mediated resistance- TMV became systemic • Mutated versions of p35, impaired in caspase inhibition, were not effective VPE - vakuolární kaspázy (Casp.LikeProt.) u rostlin Vacuolar Processing Enzyme (VPE) je vakuolární cysteinová proteáza, která štěpí substráty specifické pro kaspázy. Rostliny s potlačenou expresí VPE mají částečně potlačen také kolaps vakuoly při HR. Ale PCD je celkem normální u kombinovaných mutantů bez VPE proteáz… A co známe živočišné regulátory PCD – fungují u rostlin? • Regulators in animal systems- the Blc-2 family (Bcl-2 and Bax)- have not been found in plants. • However, when expressed in plants, affect PCD Existují homologní regulátory… • DAD1- defender against apoptotic cell death)-highly conserved among both animal and plant kingdom • A universal negative regulator of PDC, homolgues have been found in Arabidopsis, citrus, apple, tomato Plant programmed cell death and the point of no return Wouter G. van Doorn The point of no return during programmed cell death (PCD) is defined as the step beyond which the cell is irreversibly committed to die. Some plant cells can be saved before this point by inducing the formation of functional chloroplasts. A visibly senescent tissue will then become green again and live for months or years. The mechanism of this reversal is only partially known. The point of no return in fungi and animals is often associated with lack of mitochondrial function. In plant cells that do not regreen, there is no evidence for PCD reversal that results in a long life. It is unclear why chloroplastcontaining cells, in contrast to those with only mitochondria, have long lives after PCD reversal. (i) no examples of plant PCD conform to the apoptotic type (ii) many examples of PCD during plant development agree with the autophagic type, and (iii) that other examples are apparently neither apoptotic nor autophagic. Hlavní nástroj genetické transformace rostlin je derivátem biotické interakce mezi rostlinami a Agrobakteriemi. Genetic engineering of plants with Agrobacterium tumefaciens • A. tumefaciens: used extensively for genetic engineering of plants. • Contains T-DNA (bacterial plasmid) • Genes colud be integrated into the plant chromosomes when the T-DNA is transferred. Tumor induced by A. tumefaciens Biology of A. tumefaciens Well known to induce crown gall tumor A.tumefaciens lives around root surfaces (in rhizosphere) where it using nutrients that leak from the root tissues infects only through wound sites and actively chemotactic to them djup/plasm.htm Bacterial T-plasmid produces receptors for acetosyringone Plant wound produces acetosyringone The basis of Agrobacteriummediated genetic engineering • T-DNA of A. tumefaciens is excised and integrates into the plant genome as part of the natural infection process. • Any foreign DNA inserted into the T-DNA will also be integrated. Important genes encoded by Ti plasmid 1. Cytokinins (plant hormone for cell plant division and tumorous growth) 2. Enzymes for indoleacetic acid (auxin) synthesis Another plant hormone (inducing stem and leaf elongation, inducing parthenocarpy and preventing aging) 3. Enzymes for synthesis and release of novel plant metabolites: the opines (uniques amino acid derivatives) the agrocinopines (phosphorylated sugar derivatives) . Nopaline Opines and agrocinopines are NUTRIENTS for A.tumefacies. They can not be used by other bacterial species It provides unique niche for A.tumefaciens Opines are nutrients that are also for quorum sensing The plant cells start to secrete the opines from transferred bacterial T DNA opine diffuses into the surrounding cells and serves as a signal molecules for the conjugation of the agrobacterium (Quorum sensing) Ti Plasmid T-DNA region Tumorproducing genes Opine catabolism Virulence region ORI DNA between L and R borders is transferred to plant as ssDNA; T-DNA encoded genes can be substituted by target genes Ti-plasmid based vectors Binary systems Co-integrated vectors Needs 3 vectors Needs 2 vectors: Disarmed Ti plasmid with gene of interest (no vir genes) Helper vector for infection (with vir genes) Form co-integrated plasmid after homologous recombination on T-DNA Disarmed Ti plasmid capable for infection Intermediate vector with T-region and gene of interest (transferred by conjugation) Helper vector for transfer of intermediate plasmid into A.tum Co-integrated vectors (hybrid ti-plasmids) Right now rarely used DISADVANTAGES: 1) Long homologies required between the Ti plasmid and the E. coli plasmids (pBR322 based Intermediate vectors) making them difficult to engineer and use 2) Relatively inefficient gene transfer compared to the binary vecto Ti plasmid vector systems are often working as binary vectors T DNA region removed Gene of interest Plant selectable marker Bacterial selectable marker Disarmed Ti plasmid ori for E.coli Virulence region ori for A. tumefaciens HELPER plasmid ori for A. tum DISADVANTAGE: Depending on the orientation, plasmids with two different origins of replication may be unstable in E. coli ADVANTAGE: small vectors are used, which increases transfer efficiency from E. coli to Agrobacterium. No intermolecular recombination is needed Promoters used for expression in transgenic plants 35S, cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter CaMV is a circular dsDNA genome virus CaMV 35S is a strong promoter that is active in essentially all dicot plant tissues. s vyjímkou pylu! Procedure for creation a transgenic plant 1. Both plasmids are transfected into A.tumefaciens 2. Plant cell culture is infected with A.tumefaciens 3. Products of Vir genes excised gene of interest within T-DNA and transfer it to plant chromosome T-DNA Repeat Polylinker Kan-resistance gene T-DNA Repeat Gene of interest 4. Plant cells are selected on kanamycine 5. Presence of transgene confirmed by PCR 6. Whole plant could be grown from transformed cells !!! U Arabidopsis je možná vysoce účinná transformace ponořením mladých květenství do suspenze Agrobacteria. Dochází posléze k transformaci zárodečných vaků a vzniku heterozygotních transformantů po opylení. Účinnost je kol. 2%.