July-August 2012 - First Baptist Church of Virden
July-August 2012 - First Baptist Church of Virden
The essenger F IRST B APTIST C HURCH 157 W. J ACKSON S T . V IRDEN , IL 62690 www.virdenfirstbaptist.com R EV . J OHN P ARRISH P ASTOR C HURCH P HONE : 965-4028 C ELL P HONE : 217-358-9577 D EBBIE K ERSHAW , E DITOR E-mail:[email protected] July - August 2012 This year’s VBS will drive you ‘Buggy’ Join the action at First Baptist Church of Virden as we share the excitement of this year’s Vacation Bible School with 5 other area churches to present “Bug Zone” Transformed by our BIG God – on Sunday, July 22 through Thursday, July 26. A fuzzy caterpillar crawls along a leaf, attaches to a twig, hangs upside down, and spins a chrysalis. Then God changes that little caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. Our great God transforms people in even bigger ways. Come be a part of an amazing transformation. VBS will kickoff with swim party at the Virden swimming pool on Saturday, July 21 from 6-8 PM. Then on Sunday evening we will gather at the United Methodist Church at 6:00 PM for our opening. We’ll go until 8:30 PM each evening after that through Thursday and will have our closing at the Methodist church as well–so parents can drop off and pick up at the same location! VBS is open to ages 3-grade 8. To register your child(ren) just go to our church website virdenfirstbaptist.com or to the City of Virden website virdenonline.org. You can also pick up a registration form from the table at the back of the sanctuary or use the form in the Virden Recorder newspaper. As in the past, we’ll need lots of helpers for food, crafts, games, and of course–the lessons. See Debbie Kershaw today for ways to help. This year students will experience the “change” of great Bible characters such as Joshua, Gideon, Naomi & Ruth, Zacchaeus, and Saul of Tarsus. The Bug Zone theme verse is the expression of a person whose life has been transformed by God: “O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the people” (Psalm 105:1) Let’s respond to God’s wonderful love with love, trust, and courageous obedience. Join us as we enter the “BUG ZONE”. If you haven’t already, take a look at the newly redesigned virdenfirstbaptist.com web page! Steve has updated the look and its super user friendly! You can easily reserve Pitman Hall on line, register for VBS, view the church calendar, look at current and past Messenger issues….you can even listen to a recording of a Sunday morning worship service–just in case you missed it! Now it’s easy to submit information for the newsletter, find the pastor’s contact numbers, pull up the prayer chain, even submit a date for your committee’s event to be added to the calendar. Once you’ve checked out the new webpage, go to the bulletin board and vote on whether you like the old format or the new format better. If you have suggestions you can talk to Steve Kershaw or submit your ideas on-line under the “Contact” tab. As time goes by and technology changes, it drags some of us along too–if you would like to receive your church newsletter online, just go to the Messenger link under “What’s Happening” and sign up. Not only will you save the church postage, but you’ll help the environment by going “paperless”! If you begin to use the web page as your first line for information, you may save yourself some time and actually have some fun along the way! The July - August 2012 essenger –2– July Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 American Legion 4th of July Roger & Gloria Smith No exercise class Thursday 5 Floors being Cleaned in Pitman Hall Friday 6 Saturday 7 Softball in Carlinville 6:30 and 7:45 No Kid’s Club Dale & Betty Mullen 8 9 10 Exercise 6:30 July Business Meeting 7:00 PM 15 16 17 Exercise 6:30 Trustee Mtg 7:00 Sunday Bring a canned good or two! 22 11 Supper & Kid’s Club - 6 PM Bible Study 6:45 Choir 8:00 18 12 13 Debbie Liles 19 No Kid’s Club Audrey Price 20 Macoupin Co Fair week No Softball Linda Gerson 23 VBS Begins 6-8:30 24 25 26 14 Bye week for Softball No games 27 21 VBS Pool Party 6- 8 PM Don & Audrey Price Sharon Crawford Travis Kershaw Trevor Kershaw Cody Stiltz 28 Bye week for Softball No games No Exercise 29 30 Worship in the Park 10 AM 31 Exercise 6:30 Pastor & family on vacation Debbie Klocke Marge Berriman Youth to have game at Legion 4th of July celebration The American Legion’s 4th of July celebration will be held July 2-4 on the square in Virden. The S.W.A.T. Youth will be having a game or two to help raise funds for their many projects. This is a fun family event and we encourage you to attend and support both our youth and the Legion! Donations needed for camp service project Kelsey Parris is looking for donations of Birthday supplies for her Jr. High Church Camp July 22nd-28th. The following items are needed for a service project (gift bags, birthday candles, cake mixes, birthday decorations for children, blank children’s birthday cards, etc.) The idea is to create a bag of supplies to provide everything needed for a kid whose parents can’t afford these things. The camper will be packaging supplies in to bags to donate to families in need. Let’s help make birthdays possible for kids who deserve it! The July - August 2012 essenger Alex Walters has taken a summer job at Lake Springfield Baptist Camp. He’s a maintenance worker and is staying at the camp during the summer camping season. Here’s a note from Alex: July Business meeting moved due to holiday The regular monthly hurch business meeting falls on the 4th of July, so we are moving the meeting to Tuesday, July 10 at 7 PM. The trustees will be talking about roof repairs and the claim on the hail damage to the roof. As with all Bi-monthly business meetings, the things discussed are of importance to everyone at First Baptist and your vote as a member of this church is important. Please plan to attend. “A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing and the lawn mower is broken.” –3– “Camp has been great so far! I have met some cool people, reunited with some old friends, and have been able to work with them to make a camp an awesome place for us and others who come out this summer! I am growing closer to God everyday and working hard! Thanks for your prayer and support!” – Alex Kelsey Parrish is a member of the LSBC board of directors, not to mention a leader for Jr. High Camp #2. Thanks also to S.W.A.T. Youth, Mariah and Joey who served as volunteer counselors during the Grade 4-6 camp. And of course, to pastor John who also serves in a variety of ways all summer long at LSBC. This year First Baptist Church is helping to sending or has already sent 7 youth to LSBC. Attendees include: Brianna Walters, Samantha Jackson, Carter Dibler, Ayden Liles, Sophia Hawkins, Jenna Cormier, and Kyle Brown. If you would like to help sponsor a child for camp, just indicate “Camp Fund” on the bottom of your check or on your church envelope tithe. The church will be billed for the entire amount, and your donation will be applied to that. Thank you in advance for helping our children experience Christ in a unique and special way by attending Summer Church Camp. –James Dent Our place in the universe When I look at the galaxies on a clear night, when I look at the incredible brilliance of creation, and think that this is what God is like, then instead of feeling intimidated an diminished by it, I am enlarged,” said author Madeleine L’Engle. “I rejoice that I am a part of it.” How wonderful – and mysterious – that the Creator of the universe not only knows and loves us but wants us to know and love him! Incredibly, we are at once infinitesimally small and yet immeasurably significant because of whose we are. The July - August 2012 essenger –4– August Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 Friday 3 No Kid’s Club this week Saturday 4 Softball in Carlinville 6:30 and 9:00 Pastor & family on vacation 5 6 8 7 Supper & Kid’s Club - 6 PM Bible Study 6:45 Choir 8:00 Canoe Trip 9 10 11 17 18 BACK 2 MAC 9-11 AM Exercise - 6:30 Lonnie & Sharon Crawford Jay Turner 12 13 14 15 Kim Liles 16 Softball League Tournament Exercise - 6:30 at LSBC 2-4 PM swim–meal to follow Ray & Libby Klocke Steve Kershaw 20 15 21 Exercise - 6:30 Committee Planning Mtg 7 PM Sunday Bring a canned good or two! 26 27 Tracy Lewis No Kid’s Club this week 28 Libby Klocke Exercise - 6:30 Drew Hawkins Della Phillips Richard Weerts Linda Liles Tim Snodgrass 22 23 24 25 Supper & Kid’s Club - 6 PM Bible Study 6:45 Choir 8:00 Alex Walters 29 30 31 No Kid’s Club this week Carroll Morony When you can’t see It’s that time of year again. Time to hit the river with our friends from Greenfield Baptist as we head out on the annual Canoe Trip. August 5-7. We’ll hit the road right after church on Sunday morning and return on Wednesday. This event is open to all Senior High Youth and any adults that would like to go along as well. It’s always a good time! Please see Mike Hawkins for details including the total cost per person. The sun was sinking below the horizon when the sightseer approached the Grand Canyon’s North Rim. By the time she reached the overlook, night had fallen. Before her was one of the world’s most spectacular views, yet she couldn’t see it. When darkness closes in around us, we’re tempted to think we’re alone and nothing is left. But our senses can deceive us; for though we may see no trace of it, we just might be on the brink of something spectacular. Hang on to hope, “for we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7, NRSV) The essenger July - August 2012 –5– It’s Hot Outside!!!!!!!!!! Today as I sit to write this article it definitely went over 100 degrees on the temperature gauge, a hot one indeed! And for those of you keeping record, on this hot day, our softball team did win our first game. (I had to throw that in there.) But as summertime is in mid season, and everyone is out swimming and doing family activities, and with vacations, and camp going on, it’s as if everything is in full swing. I love summer; the pools, the cookouts, and yes even the heat! But as I sit and reflect on how hot it has been, it made me think of my spiritual life. Summer is known for getting pretty warm at times, especially here in central Illinois. And as summer ends and fall begins the temperature drops, and it seems as life slows down some. Our walk with the Lord is much like summer. When it begins, we are on fire, steaming hot, and burn up everything in our paths for the Lord. But as time goes on and a “fall” sets in, things seem to slow down, and life appears to go back to “normal.” But what if it didn’t have too? What if our spiritual lives didn’t have to cool off? What if we could be on fire for the Lord all of the time? You know it may sound pretty cliché, but it could happen. The only person stopping you is you! Yes, Satan convinces you to take a break to stay home from church one Sunday, or to not pray this time, or puts thoughts in your head such as, “I’m not good enough.” But when we do some deep soul searching, it is only we ourselves who cools off the fire. Church, you have heard me say we are growing and making strides, and while all that is true, I know God is leading us to do more. I have been here now for 9 months, and I have had ample opportunity to sit and observe the community, how it functions, what works and what doesn’t. I have ben able to get involved in a limited setting so far, but have worked with some of you to be more available to others through counseling non-members, officiating funerals for non-members, communicating and building relationships with community groups and services. I don’t say this to pat my own back, but I say this to show you that there is a need in this community. That need is Jesus. It’s my prayer that although we are small in number we don’t become small in faith, or small in action. We need to work together to fellowship more with one another, hold each other accountable, and to keep the fire alive and burning all year round. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Hebrews 2:11 NIV As summer continues and will come to an end in a few weeks, let this verse remind us to run the race with perseverance in everything do! May our lives be living examples of Christ, and may we stay on fire, stay hot for Him, so that the whole world knows His grace. Will you step up and challenge yourself starting this very day to study your Bible on a regular basis, to pray for your neighbor and the broken-hearted, will you live with that child-like faith that you once had? One that was on fire for Jesus, and took Him everywhere, and shared Him with everyone! If you don’t, who will? Let’s work together church to keep the temperature hot! Our community needs it! -John Remember to sign up for a Sunday in the nursery or to present a children’s sermon during worship–or both. This is a ministry that indicates growth, and our future! See Pam Hawkins or Kim Liles for details. Pastor John and his family will be leaving for Walt Disney World in Florida on Sunday, July 29–the day of the VBS worship in the park. Needless to say they have one VERY excited three-year-old! They will return to Virden on Saturday, August 4. Have a great time meeting Mickey Mouse, Pastor John, Kelsey, Peyton and Piper! The essenger July - August 2012 –6– The following is a letter received from one of the two of our sponsored children, Mala Roy. Mala lives in Bangladesh. She is 8 years old and in grade 3. You can find out all about Mala on the church website or look at the bulletin board in the downstairs basement. It includes the picture of the mango that Mala has drawn. Our Wednesday night kids have written Mala cards and described themselves to her and included their own drawings. We will share future correspondence from Mala as it is received, but for now, enjoy this from the facilitator at Kotalipara: Kotalipara Area Dev. Program Dear Sponsor Warm greetings and love to you from your sponsored child Mala. The entire family members are very happy to know that you have chosen her as your sponsored child and give thanks with gratitude. She hope that she will be able to continue her studies well with your kind help and assistance from now on. She lives in a small house with her parents in a village. Their house is mad by tin-shed roof and wood. The village is situated in the eastern side of Gopalgonj district, which is about 225 kilometers away from the capital city of Dhaka. This area is flat & low-lying. There are two primary schools, high school, girl’s school, play ground an many crops field in this area here. The weather of this area is moderate in temperature. Her father is a day labor and mother is a housewife. She has one sister and two brothers. World vision Bangladesh has taken various development activities in her area. They arrange different types of training & workshop for people awareness. They have access to arsenic free drinking water. Their staple food is rice & fish. She goes to school regularly on foot and school is about half km far from her house. She read in grade three. She wants to be a nurse in future. You are requested to pray for her so that she can continue her studies well in future. She is very much interested to know about your family and country. She would be glad if you write a letter and send photograph for her. She is sending a drawing of mango for you and hopes that you will like it. Again she conveys her best regards to all the members of your family. May God bless you and your family! With thanks and best regards. Bye now (written by: Sima Roy, facilitator of Kotalipara ADP -- translated by: Darren A.D’Costa) Church Picnic - August 12 You are invited to attend the annual church picnic on Sunday, August 12. This year it will be held at Lake Springfield Baptist Camp. Swimming will begin at 2 PM and we will eat our potluck meal in the main dining hall at 4 PM. Plan now to attend! No Excuses When Jesus wanted to feed the crowds of 5,000 and then 4,000 people, his disciples instantly offered excuses. It would be too expensive. We won’t be able to get enough food. This is a remote place. Plus, it’s too late. But Jesus didn’t address any of those excuses. All he asked in both instances, was “How many loaves do you have?” Then he miraculously satisfied everyone’s hunger, with leftovers to boot. Jesus doesn’t want our excuses, either. All he wants is us – and what we already have. Watch in amazement as God blesses that and uses it mightily. The essenger July - August 2012 –7– “Faith in Action” - Service Sunday plans being made There is something very special in the works at First Baptist Church. It is ministry with “feet”– a chance for everyone to share in service to others, just as Christ served. It will happen on Sunday morning, September 30, 2012. Planning has already begun and you will hear more details as the date approaches but read on and begin now to pray for this special day of service. In early August Pastor John will begin an 8-week sermon series focusing on service and what the scriptures call on us to do. On Sunday morning September 30, we will skip Sunday school and begin our “worship” at 9:30 am. There will be four teams, each centered on a different area of service. After a brief time of dedication at 9:30 am, the four teams will head out to their “mission field” to complete their service tasks. After their tasks have been completed, everyone will return to Pitman Hall for a potluck luncheon meal. A team leader will be needed for each group of people. The team leader’s job will be to recruit volunteers to serve on their team as well as coordinate the supplies needed to carry out their appointed task, and make any and all arrangements for their project’s success. Each team leader will be asked to give a short description of their team’s mission and purpose during a morning worship service leading up to Service Sunday. Team #1 will be our “Hospitality & Prayer” group. Their job will be threefold. They will bake cookies that can later in the week, be delivered to the Virden Police, Fire, and Ambulance departments. They will also be asked to have one or two individuals from their team in the sanctuary at all times during the service event, lifting up each of the teams and our church as a whole in prayer. Finally, team #1 will coordinate the pot-luck meal that we will all share as the teams complete their tasks and return to the church. Team #2 is called “Kids Can Minister 2”. This team will gather as many of our youth as possible to visit the local nursing home and present a morning worship program for the residents. Team #3 is named “Volunteer & Mission Outreach”. Jill Hawkins will coordinate all the supplies needed to create a service project that requires no walking, or strenuous activity. This group will be able to sit and assemble kits that will then be sent anywhere in the world a need is identified. These members may also serve as prayer warriors with Team #1. Team #4 is appropriately named the“Roll Up Your Sleeves” crew. This team will meet in the yard or yards (depending on the size of team #4) to knock out a Yard work clean-up project. This team will need to be prepared to put in some muscle and sweat to help out a neighbor in need. Pastor John will be moving from project to project along with another volunteer to document the progress of each team by taking pictures and offering encouragement. A video diary of the day will be prepared and presented–possibly even after the luncheon on that Sunday afternoon. Obviously, a day like this can’t just happen–it takes planning and it takes a LOT of people willing to step out of their comfort zones and put “feet” to the ministry Christ calls us to do. So first and foremost, mark your calendar for September 30 and plan NOW to be a part of this special “Service Sunday” event. You may be asked in the next few weeks to be a team leader–pray about your answer right now. And if your answer is yes, pray about who will serve best on your team and what your team’s mission and purpose is. Watch your bulletin for meeting times to help coordinate and plan your team’s activities. This is something different than we’ve ever attempted at First Baptist and it will take everyone to get on board to make it a success. Please pray daily for the success of this special “Faith in Action - Service Sunday”. The essenger “Like” us on Facebook If you are a Facebook follower, add First Baptist Church of Virden as a friend and you can easily follow current activities or add comments to the church Home page like the one below: I would like to thank the church for giving Brianna the chance to attend camp. She always enjoys going and never wants to come home when its over. At first I would get nervous leaving her and try to talk her into the shortest camp stay (Brianna would not have any part of that). The wonderful staff at camp seem to have become part of my kids family and I now feel comfortable leaving her. I cannot thank you all enough for giving the kids the opportunity to attend camp. They have made great friends over the years. It's great to see Alex going out and working at the camp. They have each made so many memories at camp. –Post from Heather Walters, mother of Alex and Brianna Walters. July - August 2012 BACK 2 MAC Saturday, August 11 The churches of the North Mac school district will unite again this year to sponsor the 3rd annual back to school event. This year we’ve named it “Back 2 Mac” and it will take place on Saturday, August 11 from 9 AM to 11 AM. The location has yet to be confirmed, and may indeed be in Pitman Fellowship hall–watch the newspaper and Sunday bulletin for final details. Each church has been assigned a grade level and will put together a complete backpack with all the supplies needed by that age student. We will use the numbers collected from last year’s event to prepare plus a few extra. All clothing donations will be handled by and through the Grace Place location and if beauticians are available, haircuts will be handled through their shops and at their convenience. How can you help? First Baptist has been assigned Grade 2 which means we need 16 backpacks filled with 2nd grade supplies. You can purchase the supplies and fill a backpack yourself, or if you prefer, you can donate money and we will assemble the pack for you. Approximate cost of a backpack with supplies is $20.00–give however the Lord is leading you. The essenger First Baptist Church 157 W. Jackson St. Virden, IL 62690 –8– RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED