coeur d`alene seventh-day adventist church church directory
coeur d`alene seventh-day adventist church church directory
Welcome to Coeur d’Alene Adventist Church! • • • • We are so glad you’ve chosen to come and worship here today! It is our prayer you will discover God’s Presence and that you will receive a blessing through the worship service today. If you are new with us today, we hope we’ll get to meet you. Please join us for our Fellowship Meal just across the parking lot following our service. If you’d like to receive our communication through newsletters and e-‐mail, please fill in a Communication Card found in one of the racks of each pew back -‐ place it in the offering or bring to the church office. Visit for sermon video/audio, bulletins, news and coming events. Come LIKE us at If you would like to know more about Jesus through Bible study or want to know more about this church family, please speak to one of our pastors, greeters, stop by the church office or mark a Communication card. We’ll be sure to be in contact with you. Please Come Again! BIBLE CLASSES -‐ 9:30am ADULTS Sanctuary Mothers’ Room South Side of Sanctuary Class Room Education Wing: Rm 7-‐ 8th LCJA School Building -‐ Library CHILDREN Beginners: 0-‐3, Ed. Wing, 1st on the right Kindergarten: 4-‐6, Ed. Wing, 1st on the left Primary: Grades 1-‐3, West hallway, left to the end Juniors: Grades 4-‐6, Education Wing: last on the right Earliteen/Youth: Gr. 7-‐12, Youth Room, S of Sanctuary CHURCH DIRECTORY CHURCH OFFICE HOURS 9am-‐30m: Monday, Tuesday, Friday 9am -‐1pm: Friday Address: 111 E Locust Ave, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814 Church Office ......................................................208.664.5473 churchoffi[email protected] COEUR D’ALENE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Community Service Center .................................208.664.5473 Open Tues/Wed from 9am-‐12pm Lake City Junior Academy ..................................208.667.0877 Ron Jacaban, Principal ........................................208.449.1695 Upper Columbia Conference Office ...................509.838.2761 Adventist Book Center, Spokane .......................509.286.0161 Church Website Eric Brown, Senior Pastor ...................................208.277.5349 [email protected] Mike Larson, Spiritual Life/Outreach Pastor .......208.771.3715 [email protected] Lloyd Munson, Outreach Coordinator ................208.818.5138 [email protected] Patti Schultz, Office Manager ............................208.699.2699 [email protected] Jo Anne Bell, July worship coordinator ............208.660-‐8380 Bill Meyerholtz, Head Elder ................................208.664.1454 Diane Wells, Church Clerk ....................................208.762.3119 Reuben Rodriguez, Treasurer ............................208.660.4920 “Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you.” Deuteronomy 16:17 Church Budget Budget Actual Received Surplus (Shortfall) YTD through 5/31 $64,835 $54,927 (-‐$9,898) MTD June $11,000 $9,760 (-‐$1,240) We are Christ’s hands bringing HOPE to our community Healing - Opportunity - Peace - Encouragement orship W Family Life H Prelude Cher Kyle Praise Church Family & Ministries Marvin Mitchell Call for Offering Marvin Mitchell Kids’ View Mihaela Cazan Worship through Praise Prayer Rand Edwards Special Music Michaela Peterson “Homeward Bound” Today’s Message Pastor Eric Brown “Do You See What I See?” Special Music Benediction Postlude “Give Me Your Eyes” video by Brandon Heath Pastor Eric Brown Cher Kyle “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:5 Sunset Today: 8:51pm Next Friday’s Sunset: 8:49pm June 29, 2013 10:45am -‐ 12:15pm appy Sabbath! Welcome to worship at the CDA Seventh-‐Adventist Church We invite you to use the Green Cards found in the seat back for prayer requests, special needs, membership transfers and comments. May you receive God’s Sabbath blessings to the fullest! acilities Management Team -‐Vote today We have a new ministry team ready to begin work here at CDA Adventist. Our Facilities Management Team will be organizing the upkeep and maintenance on our church facilities, build a d e v e l o p m e n t p l a n a n d o v e r s e e m a j o r improvements that we decide to do. The Ministry Placement Team (MPT) has developed the job description and recommends these names for you to vote on today. Nominated: Senior Pastor, Eric Brown; Finance Chair, Kathy Dutro; Head Deacon, Robin Roberts; Clint Anderson, Clyde White and Monica Wold. F M embership Transfer -‐ 1st reading We welcome to our church family Pastor Eric, Robin and Aaron Brown from Riverside Community Church, CA. Leaving to the Post Falls SDA Church is Dawn Andrews. C ome picnic in the park next Sabbath, July 6th at the White PInes Community Park behind Don & Irma Koch’s house. The Koch’s address is 2854 N White Pine, Coeur d’Alene and the phone number for more information is: 208.765.3062. This potluck will take the place of the one generally held in our Fellowship Center. A note from my desk, from Patti Schultz CAMP OUT -‐ AUGUST 2-‐3 Let’s go camping! Be sure and call the church office to reserve your camp spot by July 25th. Stop by our lobby Information Table for details and camp site prices. VBS -‐ INVESTIGATION STATION! Note date Change: July 29 -‐ August 2 We are looking for your help to bring this awesome summer ministry to our community. You will want to call Camille to be involved: 208.561.1639. Just wait ‘till you see those little eyes light up as they realize how much Jesus loves them! PLEASE REMEMBER TO PRAY FOR Scott Johnson recovering from back surgery following a boating accident. There are some of our church family studying for baptism. Keep them in your prayers. Can we pray for you? Please let us know! You may use a Green Card today or speak to one of our pastors or the church office. LAKE CITY JUNIOR ACADEMY FINANCIAL AID requests are due now. Please contact Pastor Eric or the church office to pick up or have the forms sent to you. We believe strongly in the benefits of Christian education and we will do all we can as we partner with you and God to find a way to have your student in this school. UCA aid forms can be found online at There are scholarships through your church and the UCA Foundation to help you send your student to UCA. Ask us! I have had the amazing privilege of serving as your worship coordinator for 111/2 yrs. Over and over you have abundantly blessed me and others by your willingness to share your talents and to allow God to come through as you participate in our worship ministries. I am, as of July, stepping back from doing the coordinating and will become part of a team of volunteers who have a passion for God and worshiping Him. As they work to create our worship experiences you may receive a call from Katie Henneberg, who is coordinating the praise teams; from Kara Chrispens, Ruthie Rodriguez, Jeane Campbell or Daniela Larson who are coordinating the Kids’ View; or, from one of our elders who will be responsible for scheduling the platform announcements/prayer time. For the month of July, the overseeing Coordinator is Jo Anne Bell. We are, by the way, looking for 2-‐3 more people who would be willing to consider this Coordinator ministry. If you are interested or have questions, please talk with Pastor Eric. It is my prayer that the generosity of your spirit of willingness, your kindness and encouragement that you’ve shared with me so well, will be extended to those who are new to this team. Please share any ideas you may have, join in praying for our services and ~ “THANK YOU” ~ for having made my job pure JOY. This is the best family! (Yes, I will still be in the office! ;-‐)
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