42-48 - the NAWCC!
42-48 - the NAWCC!
Watches for Sale F I R ST T I M E O F F E R E D w atches, repeaters, and musical repeaters: • 18kheavyfancy¼hr.repeater, hunter case -- No. 10. • 18khunterminuterepeater, split second chrono -- No. 11. • 18khunterminuterepeater, Longines chrono -- No. 12. • 18k¼repeater,musicalKW, late 1700 to early 1800s fancy pumpinoriginallockingwooden fancy box plays music loud and crisp.--No.9. • Silver ¼ hr. repeater, split second chrono.--No.7. • Enamel fusee, fancy scene, gold with80nicecutdiamondbezel signed Vaucher, mid 1700s. -- No. 8. • AndmanyotherfineRRwatches from prominent Hawaiian estate. Calloremailforprice,photos,and descriptions. JOHN BOATMAN. 85877N.BankLane Coquille OR 97423 [email protected] Pocketwatches,movements,cases, dials,chains,etc.onthewebat: NHwatchsite.com DAVEBUSH,PortsmouthNH. FREEWatchListbyEmail! R.ROBERTS.Ph:440-623-6939. Email:[email protected]. Leavemessageformaillist. ForSale:181pocketwatchcases, 94pocketwatchcovers,173pocket watchbacks,377pocketwatchbezels, 300pocketwatchcrowns6.Pocketwatch glasscrystalfit$15ea.plusshipping. GORDONBUCKNAM.321-258-6253. 218SandPineRd.,IndialanticFL32903. ANYTHINGILLINOIS WillsellortrademyduplicateIllinois wristwatches.PleasecontactFRED FRIEDBERGat5319UniversityDr., #610,IrvineCA92612or call714-552-3524. Email:[email protected] www.rolexandtudor.com,650-862-6385 www.paloaltomicro.com,DAVIDWU Buy/SellRolex&parts,[email protected] Rolexpartsandbandsforsale. GORDONBUCKNAM.321-258-6253. 218SandPineRd.,IndialanticFL32903. ImpressivecollectionofAmerican pocketwatches.Mostlyrailroadgrd. orbetter,ingoodcondition.Willsell inlotsof10ormore.Somearesolid gold, including multi color and w ind indicators.IncludedareAm.Waltham, Ball,Elgin,Hamilton,Hampton, Howard,Illinois,SouthBend.Contact EDLOCKHART.Ph:505-988-2057, oremail:[email protected]. SouthBendwatchesbuy-sell-repair 43years’exp.F.FOX,3287Sheffield Rd.,DaytonOH45449.937-294-8868. FineRailroadPocketWatches, Vintagewristwatches& hard-to-findparts. www.WatchesByHourMinSec.com BARRYHANSTEIN Ph:636-352-3128 Pocketwatches,Ball,Illinois,Elgin, Hamilton,cases,anddialsforsale. R.HANEWALD.Ph:513-465-8562. vintagequalitypocketwatches.com S E P T E M B E R /O C TO B E R 2015 N AWCC M a r t & H i g h l i g h t s For Sale 42 We have nearly every style and variation of men’s tank styled watches for sale from the 1920’s thru the 1970’s. If you don’t see a model on our website at www.vintagehamilton.com, you can email us at [email protected]. We also buy collections, inventories, parts, movements, dials, cases, bands, or memorabilia. Now Available - The SECOND EDITION CHELSEA CLOCK COMPANY, THE FIRST HUNDRED YEARS By Andrew and David Demeter The second edition has been updated and expanded! Copies of this limited edition can be purchased for $128.50, which includes USPS Priority Flat Rate shipping with tracking number and insurance. Checks payable to: Andrew Demeter / 4 Great Hill Drive / Topsfield, MA 01983 or via PayPal: [email protected] Other for Sale NewFor2015 - Viola Italian Precision Tweezers Brass-Stainless-CarbonSteel-Nickel Many styles & materials Giftsetsavailable A. BAIZERMAN. store.baizerman.com IwasapresidentofLongIsland Chapter.IalsohadabusinessinLong Beachforover50years(Frank’sClock andWatchRepair)whereIrepaired watches.Iamnowliquidatingmy businessduetoillness.Ihavemany parts,watches,andclocks.Ifinterested, pleasecall516-835-3780(cell)oremail: [email protected],andaskfor JoyOliviero.Thankyou.AMEDEO OLIVIERO. V intage w atch material, Sw iss andAmerican,includingtoolsand equipment,watches,andmore.Suited foravintagematerialdealerorforlarge volumevintagewatchrestorer. [email protected] PMCompanyisafull-servicesupplier ofclockparts,watchparts,tools,and supplies.Weprovidepartsandsupplies forclockbuilders,repairmen,hobbyists, tinkerers,andprofessionals.Ownerhas retiredandallmerchandisemustgo. Visitwww.pmclocks.comtoviewour catalogandpricelist.Allmerchandise iseligibleataliquidationdiscount. P lease email all inq uiries to: [email protected]. SwissalloymainspringsforAmerican watches$15&up.GenuineWaltham staffs$25.EckcellsSupply.VISA,MC, AMEX,andDISC. JACKKURDZIONAK.603-726-7646. MicroSetPrecisionClock&Watch TimerModel3withTCXOtimebase. Optical,acoustic,andinductivesensors. Mintcondition.$200. DAVIDDENNISON.Ph:603-643-4487. Sherlinelathes,mills,accessories.10to 15%offlistplusshipping.P.CRONOS. [email protected] Qualitycustomprecision-madeRolex oscillatingweightaxlesformovements 2130,2230,and3135.Theseare USA-manufacturedpartson Swiss-typemachinesandfitright! Theyareasolutionfromwatchmakers forwatchmakers.CallJoelSmith: [email protected] A.DENVIR SHERLINEPRODUCTS STARRETTCOLLETS FreeSherlinecatalogs.Limitedsupply onhandofaccessoriesatoldprices. Pricereduction5-15%.Starrettcollets $11.50each,discountsavailable. 21colletsrecommendedbyNAWCC LatheSkillsFieldSuitcaseWorkshop. $245/includingS&H. G.BOOTH,AntiqueClockworksLtd., P.O.Box201,LorettoMN55357. Toll-free:877-643-7698 Email:[email protected] www.AntiqueClockworksLtd.com Timetrax Model 50 Beat Amplifier Built in rechargeable battery, charger, USB cable. This is a brand new product specifically designed for Watch & Clockmakers with incredible high gain sensitivity and amplification. All prices NET with Free Shipping to all US addresses. www.adamsbrown.com • 973-723-7947 • Steve Petrucelli, Box 357, Cranbury NJ 08512 S E P T E M B E R /O C TO B E R 2015 N AWCC M a r t & H i g h l i g h t s Model 50 Amplifier with Model 20 Acoustic Pickup Sensor: $ 49.50 Model 50 Amplifier Only: $ 29.95 Model 20 Acoustic Pickup Sensor Only: $ 19.50 43 Services CLOCK MOVEMENT MACHINING All your horological machining needs. Full-service machine shop specializing in repair, restoration, and replacement. M. BURT, 11179 McFalls Drive, Fort Mill SC 29707. Ph: 704-517-8562. Email: [email protected] www.clockmovementmachining.com CLOCK & WATCH APPRAISALS If you need an appraisal of your single clock or watch or an extensive collection, contact the only specialist expert instructor who teaches the only courses accepted by the appraisal organizations in the USA & professional brokering. Don’t use a generalist; hire the specialist. NAWCC STAR FELLOW J. C. COHEN. Ph: 954-917-4676. Master Watchmaker from Poland. Do repairs - fusee, cylinder, repeater. THOMAS PAKULA, 5580 Eastwind Dr., Sarasota FL 34233. 941-925-7550. Glass Domes Largest Selection of New & Antique domes Call or Email for prices & sizes (386) 658-1167 Email: [email protected] Website: www.glassdomes.com S E P T E M B E R /O C TO B E R 2015 N AWCC M a r t & H i g h l i g h t s BEN BOWEN 44 HOROLOGICAL MACHINING We specialize in machining your clock needs. All work expertly done and guaranteed. 45 yrs experience. J JAMES ALDEN LEA, Clockmaker PO Box 25, Rockport ME 04856 207-542-3025 or [email protected] You Tube - The Village Clockmaker W Website: www.jamesleaclocks.com N NAWCC member since 1967 All Atmos clocks overhauled. 5-year warranty on parts and labor. Electric motors and rotors serviced and sold with a 2-year warranty. Atmos parts sold. MIKE MURRAY. Ph: 877-286-6762. Website: www.atmosman.com CLOCK GEARS, BARRELS & PINIONS made from your sample. Missing teeth replaced in barrels and gears, pivots replaced, custom work also available. All work guaranteed. Fair prices and quick turnaround. Call MIKE LOEBBAKA. 1-800-411-4542. 86 Mullens Lane, Saugerties NY 12477 Email: [email protected] TOWER CLOCK RESTORATION T Tower clock face restoration Time & strike auto wind system . . . $7,300 Howard pendulums Certified Master A.W.I. R. DAVID SEAY Regulator Time Co. 803 Pierre Street, Manhattan KS 66502 Ph: 1-800-559-6977 Email: [email protected] Website: www.twrclock.com A. BAIZERMAN, Swiss Watchmaker Conservation & Repair since 1999 Safe insured shipping nationwide New for 2015 - Viola Italian Precision T Tweezers. See: www.baizerman.com TELECHRON ROTOR REPAIR Rebuilt Rotors Bowen Clock Service R. BOWEN. Ph: 616-889-0511. Website: BowenClockService.com HIGH GRADE CLOCK REPAIR Need a Hand? Repeaters • Carriage • French • Atmos • Chelsea • Pocket Watches From cleanings to museum quality restorations. 30 years exp • Free estimates • 3-4 wk. avg. turnaround 1 (518) 791-2686 • www.jackthejeweler.com • [email protected] Sorry, no cuckoos! Mr. J. Betterly, Proprietor PARTSFABRICATIONSERVICE Vintageormodernwatchmovement partsmadetoorder.Platformrepairs andrepivotingwelcome.Calloremail MATTHENNING,CW.413-549-1950. Website:www.henningwatches.com BEZELSFITTEDforhunting-cased pocketwatches,$35each.Glass crystals,$25.Goldcasesrequiregold bezels,$140-$200.Next-dayservice. DONBARRETT.Ph:330-677-1914. Website:www.citybankantiques.com GOLDLEAFING Woodenandmetalclockcasesand parts.Originalgildingtechniquesused. Completewoodrepair. Metalpartscast,fabricatedandrepaired. NANCYTHORN c/oGoldLeafRestoration Mail&postaldeliveryto: P.O.Box14867,PortlandOR97293 Allothershippingto: 544SEOakSt.,PortlandOR97214 Ph:503-236-2260 Email:[email protected] Website:www.goldleafdesign.net WATCHREPAIRSERVICE 50years’experience!Specialistin pocketwatchesandhigh-gradewatches usinggenuinematerialforRolex,Tag Heuer,etc.Quartzcertified.Forinformationorpricelist,callREMY’S WATCHREPAIR.RemyBattain. Ph:417-544-0011 Website:www.remyswatchrepair.com RATTANDSONWATCHMAKERS WatchRestorationandRepair J.STELMASZAK.Nashville,Tennessee. Website:www.rattandson.com DASHTO INC Tom Mister NAWCC member since 1971 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Email address: [email protected] Sold by Internet only HAMILTON MILITARY PARTS Supply ing material for the H amilton marine chronometer, M odel 22 deck w atch, and military 16S w atch models 23, 39 9 2B , 49 9 2B , 29 74B , as w ell as much 9 50B and 9 9 2B material. Also selling VERY LARGE collection of ship’s clocks consisting of many makers. Inquire with wants. detent21@ aol.com or 757- 650- 9 470. LA R R Y C R U T SI NG E R P . O . B ox 8514, Norfolk V A 23503. W eb site: w w w .hamiltonparts.com K&LCLOCKSHOP Wheelandpinioncuttingspecialists. Custommachining,repivoting,tooth replacement.Allworkguaranteed,quick turnaround. KEVINMOORE 110N8thSt.,MontagueCA96064 Ph:530-459-0226 oremail:[email protected] TelechronandHammondRotorsRebuilt witha2-yearwarranty.GeneralTime Corp.Capsule(cupcake)motorsalso available.GEORGEJONES. Ph:518-428-2201or518-273-1313. Email:[email protected] 105HillsideAve.,TroyNY12180-6722 REVERSEPAINTINGsince1970. TOMMOBERG Ph:989-723-3112(MI) LESLEY’S CLOCK DIAL RESTORATION 20 yrs. experience, patched or from scratch; reversed glass; specializes in tall case, moon & calendar dials; ogees too. References/sample photos. LESLEY (NEFF) FERNANDEZ. Ph: 619-472-1303. [email protected] 3009 Shelby Drive National City, CA 91950 Check out our site: www.dashto.com or www.dashto.org MicroSet Precision Clock & Watch Timer Precision electronic timers for clock and watch repair with many unique features. Prices start at $250. Call, write, or visit our website for complete details. www.WatchTimer.com Bryan Mumford Mumford Micro Systems 3933 Antone Road Santa Barbara, CA 93110 (805) 687-5116 Butterworth Clocks, Inc. 5300 59th Ave. West, Muscatine, IA 52761 Tel: 563.263.6759. Fax: 563.263.0428 Email: [email protected] B U S H IN GS : $5 P E R 20- P I E C E P A C K O R $20 P E R 100- P I E C E P A C K . K W M O R B E R G E O N SI Z E . F ree U S mailing. Q uartz : T ime only $3, T ime and P endulum $6. F our shaft siz es. M. BUTTERWORTH S E P T E M B E R /O C TO B E R 2015 N AWCC M a r t & H i g h l i g h t s We offer a huge and ever changing selection of used and new horological items. TOWER&STREET CLOCKRESTORATION Towerclockpartsmadetoorder (pinions,gears,escapewheels,etc.). Towerclockdialsmadeanysize. WANTED:Towerclockparts. CHUCKROESER.Ph:716-625-8578. Email:[email protected] Website:www.ustowerclock.com FENDLEY&COX WheelandPinionSpecialist 1530EtainRd.,IrvingTX75060 RICHARDCOX,FNAWCC,CMC CMBHI.Ph:972-986-7698. www.fendley-cox.com 45 CLOCKDIALSRESTORED: Professionaldialcleaning,patching, re-inking,repainting,andresilvering. BEATRICENIEMANN [email protected]. CLOCKREPAIR&RESTORATION 49years’experience.Specializesin ship’sbellclocks.RetiredMaster ClockmakerforChelseaClockCo. LEONARDTAUBE.Clockmedic.com 6951VialeElizabeth,DelrayBeachFL 33446.Ph:561-637-7184. DIALPAINTING&REVERSE PAINTINGONGLASSnewor restoration,antiquetraditionalfinearts. Moondialsaspecialty.SendSASEfor brochureofadditionalservicesorvisit website:www.ClockDialsLtd.com ASTRIDC.DONNELLAN 21MastHillRd.,HinghamMA02043 Ph:781-749-1441 Clockdialsrestoredorcompletely redone.Decorativepaintingonmetal orwood.Professionalwork,reasonably priced.Referencesonrequest. JONCESAR,5531CountyRoad36, KillenAL35645.Ph:256-272-0379 oremail:[email protected]. MAINSPRINGS Clockandmusicbox-Allsizes. Custommade.Brassgearblanks. Timewise(formerlyTANIEngineering) LARRYWISE.Ph:330-947-0047. Email:[email protected] FixedInTimeClockRepair—Clock parts made, gear and pinion cutting, barrelgears,toothreplacement,repivot, horological computer- aided design, escapementandrackfabricating. BILLCURLEYJR.,265PlankRd., WaterburyCT06705.203-755-6480. Email:[email protected] MUSEUMQUALITYCASE RESTORATIONbyDutchMaster Restorer.Alsoboulle,marquetry,and veneer.Emailpicturesforquote. THEOBURGER.650-906-5275(CA). Email:[email protected] SERVICEANDSALESOFTIMING ANDCLEANINGMACHINES Vibrograf,L&R,Watchmaster Over17years’experience Quickrepairs&reasonableprices www.timemachinerepair.com DALESUTTON.Ph:609-374-5880. Email:[email protected] S E P T E M B E R /O C TO B E R 2015 N AWCC M a r t & H i g h l i g h t s 46 • Bezel, Flat, and Convex 0" to 7" $30 7" to 10" $35 10" to 15" $40 15” and up $45 • Carriage Glass Small $30 Large $40 • 18th Century Antique Wavy Glass Cut-to-size and Polished 0" to under 10" $40 10" to under 16" $60 16" to under 24" $80 No charge for return shipping. 415-756-0805 www.handbeveling.com [email protected] ESCAPEMENTS—MICROPARTS Platformescapementsrestoredand partsmade.Staffs,cylinders,pinions, escapewheels,pallets,jewels,screws, regulators,repivoting,andmore. Chelsea-SethThomas-Schatz- Hermle-Kieninger-Urgos-Swiss- F rench - E nglish - R ussian - C hinese andallplatformescapementsrepaired. JOHNN.P.BARRS 14610BerryValleyRoadS.E. YelmWA98597 [email protected] Dennis Kaye HAND BEVELING & UNIQUE GLASS WORK ERIC HANSEN 11 Heather Ln., Novato, CA 94947 ACCUTRONSACCUTRONS CertifiedAccutrontechnicianalways buyingAccutronwatches.Alsolooking forgoodpartssuchascoils,indexwheels, tuning forks, etc. We also purchase all types of watches, wrist, pocket, and chronos.WeofferAccutronrepair,with allworkguaranteed.42yearsofexperience.Also,largeselectionofAccutrons forsale.Pleasecallforavailability. DONROBBINS,P.O.Box416,1838 MonroeSt.,SweetwaterTN37874. Ph:423-337-7067.Fax:423-337-0172. Email:[email protected] ***Beforesendingwatches,*** pleasecallforpolicies,procedures, andshippingconfirmation!! 108 Corgy Drive Cary, NC 27513 540-SERVICE / 888-363-9510 Fidelity Restoration Service We specialize in complex restoration of all high-grade wrist and pocket watches including ROLEX, PATEK, & all other European & American watches ROLEX-authorized parts. All work done on premises using genuine material only—31 years’ experience! We offer complete repair, sales, and service for clocks, antique barometers, and watch timing machines specializing in Vibrograph. Replacement thermometer tubes made to fit your scales and replacement barometer tubes made for wheel, stick, and marine barometers. Contact N. CROAN at 603-472-3860 Web: mitime.com. Email: [email protected] Porcelain Dial Restoration Watch · Pocket Watch · Clock Platform Escapement Repair Atmos & 400-Day Parts & Service Kundo Coil/Electric Clock Motors All Type Clocks Repaired Prompt Reliable Service...Guaranteed™ Call us or visit dialrepair.com THE BAROMETER SHOP Antique barometers purchased & sold. Complete repair service for all mercury wheel & stick types, also aneroids. Thermometer tubes made to match your scale. All parts available. NEVILLE LEWIS. Ph: 207-354-8055. 576 Pleasant Point Road Cushing ME 04563 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.barometershop.net e-mail, [email protected] website, www.watchcaserepair.com Peter Wuischpard 4900 Pinewood Place, Cocoa, Florida 32926 call toll free 1-888-750-6853 Wuischpard & Son Watchcase Repairs We fabricate new cases. We also make bezels, covers, bows, case lugs, cuvettes, threaded bezels, and backs. We repair hinges, remove dents, replace case springs. We work in gold, silver, platinum, and stainless steel. Electroplating in silver, rhodiun, nickel, and gold. PORCELAINCLOCKDIALS— Wemakeanysize,anyshape,anycolor. Customizeddials,signatures,multiple dialdiscount.Wearealwaysbuying AtmosclocksandlargeornateFrench CloisonneandChampleveclocks! Seewebsitewww.proclocks.comfor info.ROBERTCROWDER,ProClocks, Inc.,8611Cincinnati-ColumbusRd., WestChesterOH45069.Ph:513-777- TIME(8463).Fax:513-755-3761. BANJOREPLACEMENTPICTURES forspring-drivenclocks,ships,Mt.Vernon,oval,pirates$3-$15.Broch.&5x7 colorphoto$1.50.FREDCATTERALL, 54ShortSt.,NewBedfordMA02740. [email protected] LASERMICROSCOPICWELDING • Gold,steel,brass,andothermetals • Watchandclockpartsrepair • Goldwatchcaserepair • Solder,torch,orlaserwristwatchlugs • 25yearsaMasterGoldsmith • ExpertService-ReasonablePrice See:www.davesnelling.blogspot.com formanyexamplesandpictures. CallDaveSnelling:cell630-650-9898. DOUGSHUMAN.Ph:630-584-7919. REVERSEPAINTINGONGLASS, goldleafing.Restorationandreproductions.Repairofbrokenglassaspecialty. SendSASEforbrochure. LINDAABRAMS.Ph:781-647-0672. 54FullerStreet,WalthamMA02453. Email:[email protected] NOTENOUGHTIMEONYOUR HANDS?NEEDHELP? Establishedclockrepairshopseeks tradeaccounts.Allmechanicalclocks repaired.20years’experience.GARY NEWHOUSE.Ph:724-433-2547.302E. MainStreet,NewAlexandriaPA15670. CARRIAGECLOCKS Ispecializeinescapements,repair, makingofparts,andcompleterestorationofEuropeancarriageclocks,small Frenchclocks,andChelseaships'clocks. MARKST.PETER 407LyonsAve.NE,RentonWA98059. Phone/Fax:425-255-3621 Estimatesarefree.Workisguaranteed. Website:www.thecarriageman.com REVERSEPAINTINGONGLASS COLUMN&CASE GILDING/STENCILING Checkoutsamplesofmyworkat: www.flickr.com/photos/reversepainting DAVIDLIMA.MentorOH. [email protected] CUSTOMCARVEDCLOCKS Clockcasesandfinecarvings.New ideas,restorations,finials,andparts. JUSTINGORDON.Ph:978-521-0363. www.customcarvedclocks.com G eneral mechanical w atch repair, w atch &clockwheelrepivot,dialrefinish, crystals,reasonablerates.43years’exp. F.FOX,3287SheffieldRd.,DaytonOH 45449.Ph:937-294-8868. TRADEWORKONCLOCKS Weightspring,Atmos,andsomecuckoos.MARKEGIZI,CMC.Hugh'sClock Shop,125GanttownRd.,Turnersville NJ08012.Ph:856-228-1539. Email:[email protected] REPAIRANDRESTORATION Whistlers,singingbirds,musicalclocks, refeathering,bellows,woodinlays. Workguaranteed.JONCESAR,5531 CountyRoad36,KillenAL35645. Ph:256-272-0379 oremail:[email protected] Bryan Smith - The Clocksmith Painted – Antique Clock Dial Restoration – Painted and Silver Dial Restoration – or Complete Repaint (if needed) Silver *All work performed by our staff at our location. Call before shipping dials - See our website for additional information. TC_NAWCC_Print_Ad_Final.indd 1 919-649-0120 clockrepairraleigh.com 7/23/14 10:09:23 PM Atmos Service & Repair Two-Year Warranty Parts and Labor 1-877-437-1774 • 314-968-1010 2537 S. Brentwood Blvd., St. Louis, MO, 63144 [email protected] Robert Good Clockmaster has been repairing clocks and watches for more than 30 years. S E P T E M B E R /O C TO B E R 2015 N AWCC M a r t & H i g h l i g h t s 6814 Lynn Townes Court Raleigh NC 27613 47 Whistler,birdbox,andbirdcage restorationorrepair;bellowsa specialty.Nowrepairingbellowswith rubberparts,birdboxandcagebirds, customrefeathering.M.GOLDY,701 SEForgalSt.,PortSt.LucieFL34983. Ph/fax:772-340-0652. Announcements Stolen Items Duetoillnessmustsell25-yrcollection, tools, watches, clocks, benches, lathe, ultrasonicmachines,etc.$7,000. Call NELSON BORONAT. Ph:754-281-6102forlistandpictures. NAWCCmembersliststolenitemsatno cost on the Art Loss Register website. [email protected], or visit the website: www.artloss.com. IdentifyyourselfasanNAWCCmember to receive the free ALR listing. Gold Coast Chapter 60 seeks speakers. Upto$250honorarium.Wemeetthe 3rd Sunday of each month except June andJuly,9a.m.tonoon.PleasecallJ.C. Cohen, President, at ph: 954-917-4676. Chapter99,thePalmBeaches,invites all NAWCC South Florida visitors: Mart-Meet,8:30a.m.1stSundaymost months, West Palm Beach near Airport. Email:[email protected] or call ARTHUR SILVER. Ph:561-734-5598. 48 Do you need financial help to attend an NAWCC clock or watch repair course or seminar? •Helpmaybeavailablethrough theMidwestRegional’s ScholarshipFund.Eachyear awardsaregiventoqualified applicants. •Foranapplicationormore information,emailMike Dempsey at:[email protected] •Applicationsmustbesubmitted byMay15ofanyawardyear. •Winnersareannouncedatthe NationalConventionofthe awardyearandmustbeused withinoneyearfromthegrant date. CHIME TUBE + MUSICAL BELL CLOCK RESTORATION CLOCK GLASS for all clocks I specialize in the maintenance, repair or total restoration of antique chime tube, cylinder and chain-driven fusee musical bell, gong nest clocks, tall case or bracket clocks made by Elliott, W+H, Hershedes, etc, for Walter Durfee, RJ Horner, Tiffany, etc. I have HUNDREDS of photos and references who will to talk to you on the phone. Cleaning & restoration of the dials, resilvering chapter and subsidiary dials, replace black shellac in the numerals and engravings. Cleaning & polishing of wood cases. I am extremely meticulous and treat every clock as if it were my own. Must have bezel or frame for perfect fit. Circles, flat or convex 0-5" = $25, 10"-15" = $35 5"-10" = $30, 15"-20" = $40 Small carriage clock = $26 Large carriage and crystal 3 1/2"-6” x 5"-10" = $34 All above glass 3/32" or 1/8" thick for 3/16" or 1/4" add $4 Shipping & handling = $12 Call for shipping on larger pieces Bent glass for oval clocks Sm = $40 Lg = $54 G. F. glass from $70 5/8" max. bevel for G. F. clocks Please give specifics: thickness, flat, convex, etc. Loosen screws, straighten frames No metrics please Patterns or samples are your responsibility Fast Turnaround time! I also have restored clocks for purchase 1-YEAR WARRANTY ON WORKMANSHIP 50 yrs. experience Visit my website: www.dlbantiques.com AA GLASS SERVICE MUST have a check with order Payable to Click on “Previous Repairs” and follow the instructions to view slide show of repairs. (919) 345-4488 Email: [email protected] R. Holder S E P T E M B E R /O C TO B E R 2015 N AWCC M a r t & H i g h l i g h t s SCHOLARSHIPS FUNDED BY THE MIDWEST REGIONAL AVAILABLE TO NAWCC MEMBERS. 2920 9th Street North (Dr. M L King Jr. St. No.) St. Petersburg, FL 33704 (727) 822-4400 Email: [email protected]
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