2013 annual report - YMCA of Middle Tennessee


2013 annual report - YMCA of Middle Tennessee
Our Mission: A worldwide charitable fellowship united by a common loyalty to
Jesus Christ for the purpose of helping people grow in spirit, mind and body.
Dear Friends,
For nearly 140 years, our YMCA has been listening and responding to our
community’s most pressing needs. The Y that took root in Nashville in 1875 with
a desire to nurture strong Christian characters in young men is today the region’s
largest nonprofit dedicated to strengthening community. In 2013, our Y offered
313,966 people—nearly a third of them children—the tools and support they
needed to learn, grow and thrive.
At the Y, we believe our community is strongest when we give people from all
walks of life the opportunity to grow in spirit, mind and body. As Paul’s letter to
the Corinthians reminds us, it takes many parts to form the body of Christ, and no
one part is more important than another. And so it is with the Y. It takes all of us—
combining our unique gifts and talents, to make a lasting impact in our community.
Like the pieces of a puzzle, when thousands of individuals come together for the
common good, the full picture of what’s possible in our community is revealed.
We hope this annual report offers a glimpse of what’s possible when dedicated
individuals join our cause of strengthening community. Through our shared
commitment to Youth Development, Healthy Living and Social Responsibility, our
Y will continue to nurture the potential of children and teens, improve health and
well-being and provide opportunities to give back and support neighbors in need.
And at a time when the achievement gap affects too many of our kids, when chronic
disease plagues our nation and when more and more people are struggling to make
ends meet, it’s never been more important for our Y to fulfill its Christian mission by
investing in our kids, our health and our neighbors.
To you, our volunteers, donors, friends and staff, we extend our deepest gratitude.
You are all important pieces in the puzzle that is our community, and we remain
forever grateful to all who joined hands with us in 2013 to ensure that our Y will
continue to strengthen our community for generations to come.
May God continue to bless each of you, and may He continue to bless the lifechanging work of our YMCA.
John Mark “Journey” Johnson
Marty G. Dickens
in 37,681 youth and teens
who participated in YMCA
programs designed to promote
healthy exercise and nutrition
habits as well as the Y’s core
values of caring, honesty,
respect and responsibility.
Nurturing the Potential of
Every Child and Teen
We believe that all kids deserve the
opportunity to discover who they are and
what they can achieve. That’s why, through
the Y, millions of youth—including more
than 100,000 in our region—are cultivating
the values, skills and relationships that lead
to positive behaviors, better health and
educational achievement.
Give Kids a Place to Belong
How a child spends their time away from
school and home can be critical to their
success. The Y gives youth and teens a
safe place to belong while offering quality
programs and services that make sure our
kids’ learning and growth never stops.
Teach Values and Life Skills
to 9,723 participants
in YMCA Fun Co.
The Y connects kids to caring adult role
models whose example and leadership
demonstrate the critical character values
and life skills they’ll need to reach their full
potential in life.
Foster Healthy Habits
by allowing 6,604 youth the
chance to experience the magic
and adventure of summer camp.
Children can only thrive when they are healthy
in all areas of life—spirit, mind and body.
That’s why our Y has committed resources to
a wide range of youth wellness programs and
initiatives—from diabetes prevention to youth
sports—designed to keep kids healthy and
lower our community’s youth obesity rate.
Help Those Most in Need
to 8,758 youth
and teens
Whether it’s providing a literacy tutor to
close a child’s achievement gap, offering
swim lessons in communities with a higher
risk of drowning or providing a mentor to a
teen trying to overcome a past mistake, the
Y believes in giving every child the chance
to reach their potential, regardless of their
socio-economic circumstances.
Giving Kids a
Place to Thrive
When Paola Morales
first visited the DonelsonHermitage Family YMCA
nearly a decade ago, she
thought she was joining a
gym for adults. “But when
I went there, I saw that
was about family.”
At the time, her youngest son,
Giancarlo, was just a baby.
Today, he’s an active 10-year-old
whom Paola says would rather
spend time at the Y than
anywhere else. “We’re
usually at the Y at least
five days a week,” Paola
says, “but even on days
that I may not feel like
going, my kids are like,
‘Mom, come on, let’s go
to the Y.’ They’d rather
be there than at home
or even the movies.”
Like more than 100,000 other
youth and teens in our community,
Giancarlo and his older brothers
spend much of their out-of-school
time at the YMCA, and Paola says
the safe and nurturing environment
has been a Godsend for her family.
All three of her sons are active
youth sports participants and day
campers, so for Paola, the Y’s
commitment to Youth Development
means her children’s learning doesn’t
end with the sound of the school bell.
She knows the character values, positive
behaviors and social skills her kids are
learning will help them become confident,
connected and responsible adults.
“Everyone at the Y—from the sports coaches to swim
instructors—treats us like family. As a parent, it’s
great to look out while you’re exercising and see your kids
having fun and learning to follow directions and become
leaders for other kids.”
Encourage Healthy Families
Improving the
Nation’s Health
and Well-Being
In communities across the
nation, the Y is a leading
voice on health and wellbeing. With a mission
centered on balance, the
Y brings families closer
together, encourages
good health and fosters
connections through
fitness, sports, fun and
shared interests.
As a result, hundreds of
thousands of youth, adults
and families in Middle
Tennessee are receiving
the support, guidance
and resources needed to
achieve greater health and
well-being for the spirit,
mind and body.
As our community’s leading provider of familybased wellness services, the Y is uniquely positioned
to help families live healthier lifestyles. From our
family-friendly group fitness classes to incorporating
physical activity into every one of our youth
programs, our Y is committed to making it easier for
families in our community to make healthy choices.
Break the Income-Obesity Connection
Studies show that individuals and families with
the lowest incomes are considerably more likely to
become obese compared to households with higher
incomes. Through our Income-based Rate Scale
and other forms of financial assistance, the Y is
working to help everyone in our community improve
their health and well-being regardless of financial
Assist Targeted Health Populations
Programs such as the YMCA Diabetes Prevention
Program, Full Circle and After Breast Cancer all serve
to meet the health and wellness needs of individuals
and families who most need our help. Our Y is also
partnering with area health providers to offer
medically-based services including physical therapy,
nutrition education and cardiac rehabilitation.
276,285 MEMBERS
by offering subsidized
membership rates
to approximately
1 in 4 YMCA
members through
our Income-based
Rate Scale and
other financial
of thousands of
individuals who
participated in the
more than 7,000
YMCA group fitness
classes offered
throughout Middle
Tennessee each month.
by serving as a leading
provider of family
wellness services and
by inspiring others to
make healthy choices
through events like
YMCA Healthy Kids
Day and Nashville
on the Move.
If the YMCA is going
to help our entire
community improve
their health and
well-being, our work
can’t begin and
end inside our own
facilities. That’s why
the Y works with
community partners
and leaders in all
levels of government
to advocate for
public policies and
programs that can
help everyone in
our community stay
active and make
healthy choices.
Challenging Yourself to Make Healthy Choices
Keith Kenemer weighed 465 pounds, was bound to a wheelchair for a majority of
the time and suffering with diabetes, among other physical ailments. He knew he
was heading in the wrong direction—and fast.
Then Keith joined the North Rutherford YMCA, and began to transform his life
one day, and one healthy choice, at a time. He started by using the weight machines
on the wellness floor and attending water aerobics classes. He and his wife also
transformed their diet, following a simple rule of thumb: “If God makes it and it
grows on a plant or on a tree; you eat it. If a human makes it in a (manufacturing)
plant, you don’t eat it.”
The result: Thanks to Keith’s hard work and
dedication, and some much-appreciated
advice and support from YMCA staff, he
has been able to lose more than 180
pounds. He’s also been able to
cut his medication intake by
more than 50% and regain
control of his diabetes.
“You have to learn to make
wise choices,” he explains,
“and those choices are
something that is not
necessarily easy for
a lot of people and
that is where the
staff of the Y
comes in.
“The Y offers
the chance
to challenge
yourself, and
the staff members
are there to help push
you along and give you
encouragement from a
Christian perspective.
I can’t tell you how
much that means.”
$14.1 million in
financial assistance
and other charitable
support so deserving
individuals and families
could become members
and participate in the
Y’s life-changing
96 ED
to 2,868 caring volunteers who
devoted 41,712 volunteer
hours to strengthen their
community through the Y.
$6.7 million
thanks to the
generosity of
11,488 donors
who gave to
the Y’s Annual
Giving Campaign
in 2013.
Supportive Communities
Science is starting to prove what the Y has long
Giving Back and
Providing Support
to Our Neighbors
Our Y has been listening
to and responding to our
communities’ most critical
social needs for nearly
140 years. That history
has taught us that lasting
personal and social change
only comes when we join
hands to work together
and support one another.
That’s why we’re committed
to fostering a sense of
social responsibility in our
community by providing
opportunities for people to
give back, make meaningful
connections with one another
and develop the community
support and resources
needed to meet our region’s
most critical needs.
known: that when people form positive and
mutually supportive relationships with one another,
they can accomplish remarkable things for both
themselves and their community. From group
exercise to teen centers to senior social clubs,
the Y seeks to provide opportunities for people
of all ages, backgrounds and incomes to make
meaningful connections with one another.
Providing Opportunities to Give Back
As a volunteer-led organization, the Y recognizes
the mutual benefit that results when people share
their time, talent and financial resources in support
of a cause larger than themselves. That’s why
we’ve made it a priority to develop new systems to
both help the Y engage its current volunteers and
encourage others in our community to give back
and support their fellow neighbors.
Community Partnerships
Recognizing that we must work together to
move our community forward, the Y seeks out
relationships with local schools, nonprofits,
businesses, churches and other partners who wish
to join hands in our effort to give everyone the
opportunity to learn, grow and thrive.
The Healing
Powers of
Jeremy James moved to Nashville in 2011 to seek healing at a local recovery house
from his addiction to alcohol and drugs. As he started to work his way through
treatment, a friend suggested he try out the Margaret Maddox Family YMCA in east
Nashville, which partners with half-way houses to allow patients to work out as
part of their recovery.
After completing treatment and finding work, Jeremy was able to continue as a
member thanks to the Y’s Income-based Rate Scale, or IBRS. Last year, Jeremy was
among the approximately one in four Y members who received a total of $8.6 million in
financial assistance so they could belong to the Y in their community.
Venturing away from the security of the recovery house, Jeremy said the
environment at the Y provided a place where he didn’t have to worry about
temptations—which was important at that stage of his recovery­­—and supported
his new faith in God through its emphasis on Christian values. It was also a place
where he did not feel judged for his past.
“Before I hit bottom and found healing, the relationships I formed revolved around
the wrong places. After treatment, I didn’t know how to live life sober. The first
friends I made out of recovery were at the Y.”
2013 was a challenging year in many respects. Like many other YMCA
associations around the country, our revenue growth has slowed significantly
over the past five years while costs have continued to rise. Despite over $2
million in annual savings from our 2012 debt refinancing and internal efforts
at cost containment through centralized purchasing and property management,
for the second year in a row our Income from Continuing Operations fell
slightly. Many of our high-volume membership centers which have historically
seen robust financial performance have been hit the hardest, both by the Great
Recession and by new competition for wellness services in our market.
To preserve our long-term sustainability, in August 2013 our Association
announced the closure of four membership centers and the restructuring of
many of our Youth Development and Urban Services programs. Also in 2013,
we made key investments in software and technology that should provide
significant return on investment over time. It is estimated that when all
savings are mature, these actions will restore over $1.2 million annually in
operating margin to the organization – a significant safeguard to ensure our
continued sustainability.
Financial Health Matters
The title of our 2014 budget plan is “Financial Health Matters” – a statement
that is perhaps more true for our Y now than ever. Our senior leadership team
recognizes that our operating environment has changed and is preparing for
success by setting attainable levels of growth, cutting where it hurts the least
and making smart investments in people, property and technology.
Fortunately, many of the ingredients needed for a fiscally healthy YMCA are
already present here in Middle Tennessee. We have a strong balance sheet,
with significant cash reserves; we have fantastic relationships with our lenders,
donors and vendors; and we have exceptional staff who are committed to
do whatever is necessary to sustain our legacy of strengthening community
through Youth Development, Healthy Living and Social Responsibility.
Warm regards,
Rob Ivy
Chief Financial Officer
For the Years Ended December 31
(in thousands)
Revenue & Support
Other Revenue
Operating Expenses
Compensation & Benefits
Services & Supplies
Property & Equipment
Income from Continuing Operations
Loss from Discontinued Operations
and Asset Dispositions
Financing Costs
Restructuring Expenses
Depreciation and Amortization
Change in Net Assets
(in thousands)
AS OF 12/31
AS OF 12/31
Cash & Equivalents
Receivables (net)
Fixed Assets (net)
Other Assets
Total Assets
Deferred Revenue
AP & Accrued Expenses
Bonds & Notes Payable
Capital Lease Obligations
Other Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Unrestricted Net Assets
Current Year Net Income
Net Assets
Total Liabilities + Net Assets
Order of the Red Triangle
As an organization founded by volunteers, the Y has long been committed to honoring
those individuals who have worked tirelessly to advance its mission. For 2013, it is the
YMCA of Middle Tennessee’s distinct honor and privilege to present its highest volunteer
honor, the Order of the Red Triangle, to Marty G. Dickens.
YMCA Order of
the Red Triangle
Past Recipients
1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973
1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1996
2012 H.G. Hill Jr.
Clifford Love Jr.
Edmund W. Turnley Sr.
Mark Bradford Jr.
Roupen M. Gulbenk
Harold U. Buchi
George H. Cate Jr.
Russell W. Brothers
James M. Hudgins M.D.
Robert L. Freeman
D. H. Vardell
Thomas E. Baldridge
Homer B. Gibbs Jr.
James M. Ward
Charles L. Cornelius Jr.
A. Battle Rodes
William C. Weaver Jr.
William Henderson
Sydney F. Keeble Jr.
J. P. Foster
W. Ridley Wills II
Walter Knestrick
Dortch Oldham
Jack Elisar
Robert L. Bibb Jr.
James L. Harper
William B. Wadlington M.D.
William Wilson
E.M. “Bert” Haywood
Nelson Andrews
Sandra Ford Fulton
William E. Turner Jr.
Margaret H. Maddox
H. Lee Barfield
John Ed Miller
Miss Rebecca Thomas
Cal Turner Sr.
Senator Douglas Henry
James A. “Jimmy” Webb III
Anne E. Ragsdale
Florence Davis
Ron F. Knox Jr.
Jacquelyn Draughon Guthrie
Bill DeLoache
Cal Turner Jr.
Wood S. Caldwell
Rep. Brenda Gilmore
Frank F. Drowota III
George L. Yowell
Marty joined the YMCA of Middle Tennessee board of directors in 2000 and has
remained a dedicated volunteer leader for nearly 14 years. When he accepted the
chairmanship in 2012, he joined hands with our staff to embark on a long-term
financial sustainability study that resulted in the restructuring of our membership
centers in 2013. Although the decisions made in the restructuring were extremely
difficult ones, Marty was a constant source of strength and wise counsel who was
ever mindful of the importance of ensuring the fiscal health of our nonprofit for
years to come. We can think of no one who was more dedicated to leading our Y
during a pivotal time in its history. Moreover, he extended his term as chair into
2014 to allow for continuity of leadership during our CEO search and transition.
Marty’s service to the YMCA is just one of the many ways he supports our
community. Throughout his 38-year career with AT&T he served as a volunteer
leader with countless organizations, and he has continued to do so following
his retirement as President of AT&T Tennessee in 2007. Marty served as the
founding chairman of the Music City Center Coalition, formed in 2003 as a
community-led effort to build a new convention center. He currently serves
as chairman of the Convention Center Authority which was responsible for
financing, constructing and now operating the new Music City Center.
He also serves as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Belmont University and
is past chair of a number of community boards including the Adventure Science
Center, Baptist/Saint Thomas Hospital Foundation Board, Boy Scouts of Middle
Tennessee, Family and Children’s Service, Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce,
Nashville Convention and Visitors Bureau and PENCIL Foundation. He has also
served on the boards of the Arts and Business Council, Fellowship of Christian
Athletes, The Nashville Symphony and Vanderbilt’s Blair School of Music.
In addition, Marty currently serves as a founding board member and lead director
of Avenue Bank, board member of Genesco, board member of Blue Cross/Blue
Shield of Tennessee, board member of Lee Company and chairman of the board
of Harpeth Companies, an investment banking, consulting and ventures group. Marty’s leadership by example has earned him countless accolades in the
community, including the Diabetes Association’s “Father of the Year” (2006),
Kiwanis Club’s “Outstanding Nashvillian of the Year” (2006), Operation Andrew
Group’s Business Man of the Year / Joe & Honey Rodgers Leadership Award
(2010) and Boy Scouts’ Silver Beaver Award (2004). He was inducted into the St.
Thomas Hospital’s Seton Society in 2006. In 2012 he was honored by Belmont
University with the naming of Dickens Hall and he was named Nashvillian of the
Year by Easter Seals Tennessee in 2013.
Marty is a native of North Carolina and holds a bachelor’s degree from East
Carolina University and a Masters of Business Administration from Georgia State
University. He and his wife, Betty, have two sons. John, wife Sherri, and their
daughter Ally Grace and son Bo live in Atlanta, as do Jamey and his wife Sara.
2013 H.G. Hill Jr. Philanthropic Award
In 2013, the YMCA Foundation of Middle Tennessee
presented its highest honor, the H.G. Hill Jr. Philanthropic
Award, to longtime supporters Sandra and Richard Fulton.
An east Nashville native, Richard Fulton first became involved with the Y
when he was hired to be the very first staff member at what eventually
became the East Nashville YMCA. Thanks to a young Fulton, the Y began
offering family-oriented programs in the area long before the current
wellness center was built on Gallatin Road. Fulton would go on to be
elected to the Tennessee state senate in 1954, then to the U.S. House of
Representatives, and he would eventually serve three terms as Mayor of
Nashville, holding the post from 1975 to 1987.
H.G. Hill Jr. Philanthropic
Award Past Recipients
Bill Wilson
Frances Caldwell Jackson
Anne Caldwell Parsons
Wentworth Caldwell Jr.
Barry & Homer Gibbs
2009 Mary & Lee Barfield
2008 Kaye & Ron Knox
Bond DeLoache
2006 Lolly & Senator
Douglas Henry
2005 Frank Burkholder
Linda Burkholder
2004 Marshall Polk III
2003 Irene & Ridley Wills II
2002 Honey & Joe Rodgers
Fulton’s wife Sandra Ford Fulton also
shares his commitment to our nonprofit organization. Sandra Fulton,
a former state commissioner of
tourism, served as the YMCA of Middle
Tennessee’s top volunteer leader in
1988 and 1989, becoming the second
woman to serve as association board
chair. Most recently, the Fultons cochaired the capital campaign to help
make the dream of a YMCA teen center
in east Nashville a reality.
Florence & Buzz Davis
2000 Anne & Dick Ragsdale
Anna & Bill Wadlington MD
Cathy & Bill Turner Jr.
Anne Knestick
Walter Knestrick
Margaret & Dan Maddox
Sis & Dortch Oldham
Today, the Margaret Maddox Family
YMCA the Fultons have nurtured for
so long is a busy hub in the growing
and thriving east Nashville community.
Their support of our Y and so many
other non-profit organizations will
have a lasting impact for years to
come. The YMCA Foundation of Middle
Tennessee is proud to honor Sandra
and Richard and to celebrate their
commitment to strengthening our
John was a fantastic board chair for our Y. He has so much
passion for our outreach programs and is a huge advocate for
the Y remaining available to all in the Bellevue community. He has
such an amazing ability to articulate our mission to others, and
we are so appreciative of his time and talent. – Laurel Wilson
John Gromos, Bellevue Family YMCA & FiftyForward J. L. Turner Center
Greg Davis, Brentwood Family YMCA
Allison Gossett, YMCA Center for Civic Engagement
Lisa Gordon, Christ Church YMCA
Jeff Burkhart, Clarksville Area YMCA Kimbrough Family Center
Rick Baker, Donelson-Hermitage Family YMCA
Theresa Garrett, Downtown YMCA
Gerald (Jerry) W. Brase, Franklin Family YMCA
Elizabeth Moore Keltner, Green Hills Family YMCA
2013 YMCA
Howard McAdams, Harding Place Family YMCA
William Hastings, Joe C. Davis YMCA Outdoor Center
Stacy L. Andrick, Margaret Maddox Family YMCA
Linda Still, Maryland Farms YMCA Carol & Roy Elam Family Center
Danielle Drueck, Mt. Juliet YMCA
Robert P. Hopkins, North Rutherford YMCA Ronald Reagan Family Center
Karen Anderson-Isabel, Northwest Family YMCA
Walter F. Carlson III, Putnam County Family YMCA
Beverly Totty, YMCA Restore Ministries
Ann Schneider, Robertson County Family YMCA
Holly K. Sneed, Rutherford County Family YMCA
Charles Taylor, YMCA School Age Services
Tammy Hayes, Sumner County Family YMCA
Brittany Melvin, YMCA Urban Services Youth Development Center
Monte Turner, Y-CAP YMCA
Greg Davis, Brentwood Family YMCA
Since joining the board in 2009, Greg has made a tremendous impact on our YMCA.
In 2014, we will host our 4th Annual Full Circle Golf Tournament thanks to Greg’s
vision and leadership. As chair of our 2013 Annual Giving Campaign, he inspired and
led us to meet all of our goals. He is very special to our Y family, and I can’t thank him
enough for his friendship and dedication to the mission of the Y.—Steve Saxton
Association Board
Marty G. Dickens, Chair
William B. Lee, Chair-elect
Leilani Boulware, Secretary
Randy Laszewski, Treasurer
Decosta Jenkins, Asst. Treasurer
Liz Allbritton
Lawson Allen
Carter Andrews
H. Lee Barfield II
Kelley Beaman
Lee Beaman
David Bohan
Stewart Bronaugh
Dr. Elbert Brooks
Trudy Carpenter
Fred Cassetty
George H. Cate
Ramon Cisneros
Jonathan Cole
Florence Davis
Bill DeLoache
Frank Drowota
John Eakin
Jack Elisar
Farsheed Ferdowsi
Rich Ford
Sandra Fulton
Homer B. Gibbs, Jr.
James W. Granbery
Roupen M. Gulbenk
2013 YMCA
Bill Henderson
Sen. Douglas Henry
Bill Hudson
Walter Knestrick
Ronald F. Knox, Jr.
David Locke
Walker Mathews
Pat McGuigan
Clayton McWhorter
John Ed Miller
Tom Ozburn
Phil Pfeffer
Doyle Rippee
Joseph Saoud
Glenn Sheriff
Rev. Bob Spain
Barbara Sutton
Brett Sweet
Carter Todd
Cal Turner
William E. Turner, Jr.
Louis Upkins
William B. Wadlington, MD
James A. Webb III
Olin West III
Lari White
David Wilson
William M. Wilson
George Yowell
Allison Gossett, YMCA Center for Civic Engagement
Allison has been a blessing to our center since she was a program participant
in middle school. We watched her grow and blossom into a true servant leader
who was eventually elected Youth Governor by her peers and who continued to
return to our conferences as a volunteer year after year. We were blessed to
have her on our staff team after she graduated from college and are grateful that
she continues to volunteer with us
even though she’s moved on to new
career opportunities. Now a member
of our board, she’s just a phone call
away and always answers with a
willingness to serve.
—Susan Moriarty
Center Board Leadership
2013 YMCA
John Gromos, Bellevue Family YMCA & FiftyForward J.L. Turner Center
Joe Rando, Brentwood Family YMCA
Colin Barrett, YMCA Center for Civic Engagement
Luis Moya, Christ Church YMCA
Katie Gambill, Clarksville Area YMCA Kimbrough Family Center
Tom Moucka, Cool Springs YMCA
Brian Sweatt M.Ed, Donelson-Hermitage Family YMCA
Nick Leonardo, Downtown YMCA
Tony Wall, Franklin Family YMCA
Sandy Cornelius, Green Hills Family YMCA
William Hastings, Joe C. Davis YMCA Outdoor Center
Ed Zavala, YMCA Latino Achievers
Jarod Delozier, Margaret Maddox Family YMCA
Guy Crossley, Maryland Farms YMCA Carol & Roy Elam Family Center
Chuck Hoelscher, Maury County Family YMCA
Danielle Drueck, Mt. Juliet YMCA
Jason Surratt, North Rutherford YMCA Ronald Reagan Family Center
Allyson Young, Northwest Family YMCA
Teresa Galey, Putnam County Family YMCA
Robin Williams, YMCA Restore Ministries
Jeff Walker, Robertson County Family YMCA
Mary Dahlin, Rutherford County Family YMCA
Kerri Barman, YMCA of Scottsville & Allen County
Terry Akin, Sumner County Family YMCA
Jim Burnett, Y-CAP YMCA
Lisa Marie Gordon, Christ Church YMCA
Lisa’s impact on our center may be more profound than that of any other staff person,
member or volunteer. Since joining our board, she has shared the Y story with all those
willing to hear it, and even those who aren’t! Her advocacy and passion for our mission
has led to numerous partnerships benefitting both our YMCA and the surrounding
community. Her passion is contagious—she has volunteered what little free time she
has to work with our youth mentoring and Restore Ministries programs, and her
genuine love and compassion for all of God’s
children comes across in even the briefest
of meetings. Simply put, she’s one of the
best volunteers around.—Ryan Spiehler
Association Leadership
2013 YMCA
John Mark “Journey” Johnson
President & CEO
Peter Oldham
Executive Vice President & Chief Administrative Officer
Michael Heilbronn
Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
Bob Knestrick
Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
Rob Ivy
Chief Financial Officer
David Abbott
Senior Vice President, Information Technology Services
Lisa Beck
Senior Vice President, Youth Development
Jessica Fain
Senior Vice President, Marketing & Communications
Gary A. Cobbs
Senior Vice President, Organizational Advancement
Rob Gray
Senior Vice President, Facilities & New Communities
Chris Stowers
Senior Vice President, Philanthropy
Ted Cornelius
Vice President of Health Innovation
David Shipman
Group Vice President, Program Services
Rebecca Walker
Vice President, People Services
Larry Yarborough
Jeff Burkhart is committed to the mission of the YMCA. He has used his time,
talents and resources to expand the reach of our services in the Clarksville area.
His dedication brought dreams to life as we opened the North Clarksville YMCA
in December of 2013. It is with heartfelt gratitude that we honor him for
helping us make a second Clarksville Y a reality. It’s a beautiful facility
in a wonderful location, and Jeff helped to make it possible.
—O’Bee O’Bryant
Center Leadership
2013 YMCA
Laurel Wilson
Group Vice President, Bellevue Family YMCA & FiftyForward J.L. Turner Center
Steven Saxton
District Executive Director, Brentwood Family YMCA
Susan Moriarty
Executive Director, YMCA Center for Civic Engagement
Ryan Spiehler
Operations Executive, Christ Church YMCA
O’Bee O’Bryant
District Executive Director, Clarksville Area YMCA Kimbrough Family Center
Brian Harter
Executive Director, Cool Springs YMCA
Andy White
District Executive Director, Donelson-Hermitage Family YMCA
Kenny Alonzo
Group Vice President, Downtown YMCA
Jodi Schroer
Executive Director, Franklin Family YMCA
Carole Carter
Group Vice President, Green Hills Family YMCA
Joey Hassell
Operations Executive, Harding Place Family YMCA
Mark Weller
Executive Director, Joe C. Davis YMCA Outdoor Center
Judi Winfield-Ferri
Executive Director, Margaret Maddox Family YMCA
Holly Sanders
Interim Executive Director, Maryland Farms YMCA Carol & Roy Elam Family Center
Robyn Graham
Executive Director, Maury County Family YMCA
Rick Baker, DonelsonHermitage Family YMCA
Rick fully embodies servant leadership—leading
by example and inspiring others to give back to the
community. His joyful spirit always spills
out whether he is recruiting volunteers,
filling tables for an event, sharing the
Y story at our Breakfast of Champions or
offering a leadership training
for our staff. He continually
gives back to the community
and encourages others to
do the same. His heart for
the mission of the Y and
commitment to serving others
enlivens the philanthropic
spirit of everyone
he encounters.
—Andy White
Center Leadership
2013 YMCA
Anna Lee O’Neil
Executive Director, Mt. Juliet YMCA
Cleo Griffin
Executive Director, North Rutherford YMCA Ronald Reagan Family Center
Henry Smith
Executive Director, Northwest Family YMCA
B.J. Keener
Operations Executive, Oakwood Commons YMCA
Mandy Perhay
Executive Director, Putnam County Family YMCA
Scott Reall
Executive Director, YMCA Restore Ministries
Kathy Raglin
Executive Director, Robertson County Family YMCA
Marida Balch
Executive Director, Rutherford County Family YMCA
Chris Robison
Executive Director, YMCA of Scottsville & Allen County
David Stryjewski
Executive Director, Sumner County Family YMCA
Lonnell Matthews
Executive Director, Y-CAP YMCA
Gerald (Jerry) W. Brase,
Franklin Family YMCA
Jerry lives and breathes the mission of our YMCA. He has worked tirelessly to
secure annual sponsorships and funding for our Annual Giving Campaign.
He also played a crucial role in building our volunteer board and increasing
their level of engagement. He approaches his volunteer service like it is his
“day job,” and we are eternally grateful.—Jodi Schroer
Ambassador $100,000 and Above
Cal Turner Family Foundation/Margaret & Cal Turner
Dan and Margaret Maddox Charitable Fund
Dollar General Literacy Foundation
2013 YMCA
Annual Giving
The Family Office
Memorial Foundation, Inc.
Guardian $50,000 - $99,999
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Ayers
The Boedecker Foundation
Frank Burkholder
Clarksville-Montgomery County Community Health Foundation
Executive Cleaning Group/Henry Mayi
Stephanie & John R. Ingram
Eddie Phillips
Sharon & William Sheriff
Pacesetter $25,000 - $49,999
Aegis Science Corporation
Argent Trust
The AWC Family Foundation
Bank of America
Baptist Healing Trust
Blevins, Inc.
The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee
Cummins Business
Cynthia & Ed Freeman
The Frist Foundation
HCA Foundation
Sarah & David Ingram
Lee Company/Bill Lee
Nissan North America, Inc
Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Greater Nashville Affiliate
Tennessee Independent Colleges & University Association
Elizabeth Moore Keltner, Green Hills Family YMCA
Elizabeth is always willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done and be successful.
Her dedication and leadership throughout the year were evident in her work ethic, and she
always has a smile on her face and a positive attitude. The community is a better place
because she shares her time, talents and treasure.—Carole Carter
Chairman’s Roundtable
Distinguished Benefactor
$10,000 - $24,999
2013 YMCA
Annual Giving
Alex Le’Vasseur Advised Fund
Liz & Bob Allbritton & Monarch Advisory Group
Alliance Cost Containment
AllStar Photography
American General Life Insurance Company
American Paper & Twine Company/American Paper & Twine Company
Charitable Trust
Andrews Cadillac
The Anne Potter Wilson Foundation
Belk Cool Springs Galleria
Tina & Cris Blackman
BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Regional Office
Bridgestone Americas
Trudy & Bill Carpenter
Caterpillar Incorporated
Janice & Oakley Christian
Churchill Mortgage
City of Brentwood
City of Springfield
Clarksville Amateur Sports
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Christy Cole
Sandy & Brett Cornelius
Cumberland Trust & Investment Company/The Ragsdale Family Foundation
The Dorothy Cate & Thomas F. Frist Foundation
Ebon Falcon
Faith Church
Fiduciary Partners - Independent Trust Services
First Presbyterian Church
Howard McAdams, Harding Place Family YMCA
Mac is always the first person to arrive when we have an Active Older Adults event. He’s
ready to help by preparing food, running errands for those last-minute items we need or
just by welcoming our members. He always gives of his time and expects nothing in return.
We couldn’t do what we do in our community without him.—Shannon Wright
Chairman’s Roundtable
Distinguished Benefactor
$10,000 - $24,999
2013 YMCA
Annual Giving
Gary Force Acura
General Mills Foundation
Jacqueline D. Guthrie
H.G. Hill Company
Mary Hawkins
HCA, Inc.
Hendrix Foundation
Senator & Mrs. Douglas Henry, Sr.
J&D Service Company
Erin & Peter Keene
Kaye & Ron Knox
Lasko Joint Investments
Louisiana Pacific
The M. Stratton Foster Charitable Foundation
Markham & Company, Inc.
Vickie & Pat McGuigan
Messer Construction Foundation
Nissan North America
Publix Super Markets Charities
Ryman Hospitality Properties
Samuel Dustin Clark Foundation
SledgeCraft Architectural Millwork
State Farm Insurance
Stokes and Sarah Brown Charitable Foundation
Suntrust Foundation
Susan G Komen Upper Cumberland Affiliate
United Way Maury County
United Way of Metropolitan Nashville
William Hastings,
Joe C. Davis YMCA
Volunteers have always helped the
YMCA operate with the highest
standards and highest ideals of
service. During the leadership
transition at the Joe C. Davis YMCA
Outdoor Center, William stayed on
as board chair to ensure that our
center remained true to its standards
and maintained its
dedication to the kids
and guests it serves. His
selfless act of staying
at the helm and leading
the staff inspired
everyone to strive for
better. His leadership
reflects a commitment
to excellence that we
should all strive for.
—Jeff Merhige
Chairman’s Roundtable
$5,000 - $9,999
2013 YMCA
Annual Giving
4Wall Entertainment
Alvin & Sally Beaman Foundation
Americas International, Inc.
Nancy & Paul Anderson
Tom Atema
Leigh & Hunter Atkins
Missy & Rick Baker
Stephanie & David Bailey
Bank of America United Way
Christen & Dr. Cole Barfield
Mary & Lee Barfield
Kelley & Lee Beaman
Benefit Ball
Bessemer Trust
Boys & Girls Club of Middle TN, Inc.
Michele & Gerald Brase
Brilliant Sky Toys & Books
Brookdale Senior Living Inc.
Kathryn Brown
Joan & Don Bruce
Paul S. Burd
Charity Circle of Murfreesboro
Christ Presbyterian Church
The Crichton Group
Ernest Clevenger, III
Crowe Horwath
Cybex Corporate
Mrs. W. Lipscomb Davis, Jr.
Dick’s Sporting Goods
Betty & Marty Dickens
Claire & Frank Drowota
Alison & March Egerton
F&M Bank
F&M Bank - Mt. Juliet
First Farmers and Merchants
National Bank
First Tennessee Foundation
Babs & Bill Freeman
Jennifer & Billy Frist
Trish & Tommy Frist
Gateway Medical Center
Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Goad, Jr.
Lee Ann Hawkins
Hawthorn Charitable Foundation
HCA Caring for the Community
Amber & Phil Hertik
Hexpol Compound Inc
Susanne & George Hicks II
Carrie & Damon Hininger
Holton Blackstone Mayberry
Donna Housley
Jewell & George Hull
Martha Ingram
Intertex World Resources, Inc.
Jarvis Award, Sign & Flag Company
Sharon & Journey Johnson
Kids Triathlon, Inc.
Anne Knestrick
Susan & Mike Lane
Sandy & Randy Laszewski
Stacy L. Andrick,
Margaret Maddox Family YMCA
In her tenure on our board, Stacy consistently exemplified
volunteerism at its finest. Her passion for health and desire
to invest in the east Nashville community led her to become
involved at the Y as a member, donor, friend and volunteer. She often helped serve the
homeless meals at our Feed the Need gathering, and as the chair of our Tomato 5K
committee, she joined with other volunteers to host our largest race ever, with 1,600
runners. She’s made a lasting impact on our annual campaign and continues to be a
vibrant member. You’ll often find her enjoying a spin class or taking her much loved
greyhound on a run. We’re grateful for her dedicated service to our center and the
difference that she continues to make in our community.—Judi Winfield-Ferri
Chairman’s Roundtable
$5,000 - $9,999
2013 YMCA
Annual Giving
Lee, Danner & Bass, Inc.
Lion Copolymer Geismar, LLC
Jim Loden
Low T Center
Kelley & Greg Luken
Madison Street United Methodist
Joella & John McClellan
Mary Catherine & David McClellan
MedCenter Display
Mercedes-Benz of Nashville
Mere Bulles
Darrell Moore
Rebecca Jo & John Morris
Nathan Murrell
National Inclusion Project
Roberta L. Nicholson
Steven Norris
Northern Trust
Doug Odom, Jr.
Omega Realty Services, LLC
Parallon Business Solutions
Pinnacle Financial Partners
Marshall T. Polk, III
Jack E. Polson
Precor USA
Laura Presnell
Pro-Clean, LLC
Jill & Robert Pullen
Heather & Scott Reall
Renasant Bank
Ellen & Greg Richard
Philip Russ
Oliva Simonds
Missy & Chris Slover
SMS Holdings Corporation
Smyrna Ready Mix
Snodgrass & King Dental
Splawn Foundation
St. George’s Episcopal Church
St. Thomas Health
St. Thomas Rutherford
STAR Physical Therapy
Tennessee Football, Inc.
Brad Thomason
Transplant Management Group
Cathy & Bill Turner
Monte G. Turner
United Way of Williamson County
Vaco, LLC
Stephen W. Ward
Becky & Jimmy Webb
The Woods Foundation
Williamson Medical Center
YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly
Jane & Edward Zavala
Linda Still,
Maryland Farms YMCA
Linda has been a faithful
ambassador of the Maryland
Farms YMCA. She has worked
to connect members more
deeply to our mission and
outreach programs, and she’s
always welcoming to new
members to help get them
connected. Linda cares sincerely
for people and works to ensure
that member concerns are
addressed while also sharing
the policies of the center with
concerned members. Her bright
smile and kind heart represent
the best qualities of the
Maryland Farms
Y community.
—Holly Sanders
Chairman’s Roundtable
2013 YMCA
Annual Giving
$2,000 - $4,999
9Fruits/Kim & Dan Banks
Julie & Tom Aaron
Academy Sports
Advanced Foot and Ankle Care
Aladdin Industries
Liz & Mike Alexander
Bradley Allen
Mary Lauren & Lawson Allen
Shawn & Kristi Allender
Gwen & Maurilio Amorim
Sheryl & Kelvin Ault
Bacon and Caviar
Bank of America Foundation
Barge Waggoner Sumner & Cannon Inc.
Mary Lee & Steve Bartlett
Beaman Dodge
Jaclyn Beaty
Blue Dog Merch
David Bohan
Samuel Bradford
Bradley Arant Boult Cummings
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bradshaw
Brand Imaging Group
Molly & Stewart Bronaugh
Brown & Brown
George Buck
Nancy & Jeff Bunting
Mr. James Burnett
Elizabeth & Randy Bury
Carl & Nona Carreca
Carole & Andy Carter
Pam & Tom Carter
Fred & Deborah Cassetty
Jessica Cassini
Sue & Gil Chilton
The Chop House
The Christie Retail Group Inc.
Church of the City
Cigna HealthSpring, Inc.
City of Scottsville
Kevin Clingan
Monica M. Coakley
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Anita & Bill Cochran
Community First Bank
Suzy Constantine
Copy Solutions, Inc.
Cortland Finnegan ARK 31 Foundation
Tim Cranford
Guy A. Crossley
Jim Crossman
Dane Burks & Company
Robert Darwell
Ann & Kirby Davis
DBS & Associates Engineering Inc
Katherine & Pete DeLay
Courtney & Jarod DeLozier
Keith Dennen
Diversified Trust
Dollar General
Donelson-Hermitage Chamber of
Dunkin Donuts & Baskin Robbins
Community Foundation
Brian Edkin
Jack Elisar
Elk Mountain Construction
EMC Structural Engineers
Enterprise Electric, LLC
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Dale & Mimi Esworthy
Danielle Drueck, Mt. Juliet YMCA
Being a Y volunteer is hard work. While we have endured a lot of
change in Mt Juliet in recent months, Danielle has been a rock for our
center. Her passion for the Y has been such an asset as we plan and
move forward in Mt. Juliet.—David Kirsch
Chairman’s Roundtable
2013 YMCA
Annual Giving
$2,000 - $4,999
Valerie Evans
Duncan Eve
F. William Taylor Family Foundation
Blanche & Ernest Felts
Fifth Third Bank
Fifth Third Bank, Tennessee Affiliate
Fleet Feet Sports
Kady & Chad Folk
Ivan Foster
Beth & Paul Frankenberg
Ali Frazmand
Gary Musick Productions
Homer Gibbs, Jr.
Jeff Gillies
William Goodman
Allison A. Gossett
Mark Green
Green Hills Pediatric Associates
Melanie & John Hadley
Mr. & Mrs. R. Walter Hale III
Halton Company
Hart Ace Hardware
Dara & Randy Hartley
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Hastings
Rowland Hawkins
Donna & Mike Heilbronn
Mr. Robert Higgins, Jr.
Highpoint Health System
David T. Holt
Vicki & Rick Holton
Mr. Mark Humphreys
Tammy & Gary Hunt
ICS Law Group, PC
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Ingram Entertainment Inc.
Irvin & Beverly Small Foundation
Kerry & Rob Ivy
Heather & Ryan Jackson
Jacksonian 5K Run
Lori & Rockwell Jiroch
Nancy & Keith Johnson
Tony & Pat Johnston
Willis E. Jones
Marty & Roy Jordan
Elizabeth & Garey Keltner
Susan & Mac Kelton
Kestner Family Chiropractic
Don King
Wendy Kinkead
Darlene & Thomas Klaritch
Adrienne & Bob Knestrick
Jennifer & Neil Knickerboker
The Rick Kolz Family
Lane Change Vending Inc.
Rosemary Lewis
Lincoln Harris CSG
Lucas Orthodontics
MAFIAoZA’S Pizzeria and
Neighborhood Pub
Betsy & Tim Martin
Lisa & Bradley Martin
Maryland Farms Owners Association
Mr. Scott D. Matlock
Matrix Fitness
Lonnell R. Matthews
Maury Regional Medical Center
Chad McKinney
Mr. & Mrs. R. Clayton McWhorter
Meredith Corporation
Merryman-Farr, LLC
Metro Medical Supply
Anna L. Mills
In what was a challenging year for him personally,
Bobby continued to serve with a positive attitude
and inspiring spirit. He led a successful Taste
of Smyrna event benefitting our annual
campaign and most importantly, helped
us realize our potential as a board.
—Cleo Griffin
Chairman’s Roundtable
2013 YMCA
Annual Giving
$2,000 - $4,999
Elizabeth & Bill Minkoff
Karen Moore
Linda & Rock Morphis
John Morris
MTEMC Electric
Murfreesboro Anesthesia Group
Mary Jo & Richard Murphy
Ruth & Bob Napier
Nashville Landscape Systems
Nashville Paw Magazine
Nashville Predators Foundation
Nashville Preparatory Charter School
Neals Electric Supply
NHC Healthcare of Springfield
North Central Telephone
Cooperative, Inc.
Noshville Delicatessen
Old Time Pottery Inc.
Kim & Peter Oldham
Olive Branch Missionary Baptist Church
Anna Lee O’Neil
Pancoast & Associates Inc.
Mr. Thomas P. Parrish
Keystone Partners
Sue & Brian Peterson
Pam & Phil Pfeffer
Nancy & Keith Phillips
Piedmont Natural Gas Company
Pinnacle National Bank
Planters Bank
George Porter
Robert E. Porter
Power Management
Ronald M. Pratt
Suzi & Stuart Price
Pro-Clean LLC
Carol & Tom Pulliam
Rack Room Shoes
Dolores & James Rayhab
RCO Holding Company, Inc.
Mary & Kent Rea
Regions Bank
Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc.
Laura Rhodes
Scott Rice
Bill Robertson, D.D.S.
Earline Rogers
Lynn Ryle
Holly & Jim Sanders
Steve Saxton
Lynn & Rick Scarola
Jodi & Matt Schroer
Schwab Charitable Fund
Secure Self Storage
Dwight Seeley
The Seibert Family Foundation
Wilbur & Lucy Sensing
Sertoma Club of Nashville
Denise & Mart Sesler
Rob Shuler
Margaret & J.C. Siegrist
Smyrna Rotary
William T. Spitz
Springfield Farm Bureau Insurance
Jennifer & Jim Stadler
State Farm Mutual Automobile
Insurance Company
Everett Stein
Mr. & Mrs. Linas Sudzius
Meredythe & Brett Sweet
Erin & Bill Taylor
Taylor Farms
Tennessee Breast Cancer Coalition
Tennessee Oncology
Karen Anderson-Isabel, Northwest Family YMCA
Karen Anderson-Isabel was truly heaven-sent to our Northwest Family YMCA.
She is always willing to lend her time, talent and treasure to our cause, and she
is an ambassador who always represents the YMCA mission. Karen has made a
commitment to be a part of the solution in ensuring that our Northwest Y remains
relevant and fiscally sound for future generations.—Henry Smith
Chairman’s Roundtable
2013 YMCA
Annual Giving
$2,000 - $4,999
Russell Thirsk
Titan Exteriors
Pat & Lou Todd
Grace A. Tomkins
TRH Health Plans
Turner & Associates Realty, Inc.
Value Payment Systems
Vanderbilt Medical Center
Venture Express
The Village Chapel
Vincent Law Group
Ivette & Tony Wall
Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis, PLLC
Walter & Sarah Knestrick Advised
Fund of The Community Foundation
of Middle Tennessee
Washington Foundation
Linda & Robert Watson
Phil Watts
Christopher Webb
Barbara & Justin Wilson
Laurel & Scottie Wilson
Wolfe and Travis
Emily Woodside
William Wyatt
David Young
Norene & George Yowell
Walter F. Carlson III,
Putnam County Family YMCA
Walt’s commitment to our Learn to Swim program
goes above and beyond that of a
dedicated volunteer. His leadership
and patience with the children
inspire and encourage others to
volunteer, and he is a role model
not only for our kids, but for our
staff and volunteers as well. He has
made a difference in the lives of
hundreds of children at the
Putnam County YMCA. Walt is
always willing to help in any way
he can and has recently stepped
up to help with our
homeschool fitness
program by assisting
the participants during
their swim time. Walt is
a true treasure, and
we are blessed to
have him as a part
of our Y family!
—Mandy Perhay
Chairman’s Roundtable
2013 YMCA
Annual Giving
$1,000 - $1,999
ABEC Electric Co.
Ted Adams
Adams Family Foundation
Jane & Bob Adgent
Advance Financial
Advisory Board Community Fund
Marlene & Terry Akin
Ryan Alford
Gracie Allen
Suzanne & Terry Allen
Wesley W. Allen
Lisa & Gerry Altieri
Marshall Altman
Douglass Andrews
Judy A. Andrews
Susan A. Andrews
Sue Atkinson
Austermiller Roofing
AXA Foundation
Melissa & Patrick Bahan
Walter Baird
Marida & Thomas Balch
The Bank of Nashville
Doris Baribeau
Barlow Builders
Mike Barnette
Colin Barrett
Allison & Frank Bass
Baulch Family Foundation
Judy Bawcum
Barbara & Nader Baydoun
David Beasley
Carol Beazley
Lisa Beck
Angela Becker
Rachel & Robert Bedenbaugh
Belmont University
Peggy & Billy Benz
Bernard L. Weinstein, Architect
Better Water Inc.
Dorothy Betterton
William Bibb
Kevin Bishop & Molly O’Toole
Charles Bisio
Anne & Kenny Blackburn
Blackwell Realty Partners
Robert Blagojevich
Mr. & Mrs. J. William Blevins
Brandis Blodgett
BMW - Mini of Nashville
Donald Boehm
John T. Brackeen
James C. Bradford
David Bradley
Bradley Construction Group
Brasfield & Gorrie LLC
Dr. Colleen Bratsch
Brentwood Civitan
Brentwood Rotary Club Charitable
Connie & Berry Brooks
Nate Brought
Kimberly Brown
Laura & Joshua Brown
Allen Bryan
Caroline Bryan
Bryan’s Photography Maury Co YMCA
LaShawnda Bryant
Marcy & Mike Buckley
Norah A. Buikstra & Clark Spoden
Building Lives Foundation, Inc.
Edward E. Burden
Margaret Burke
Beverly Totty,
YMCA Restore Ministries
Beverly’s passion for YMCA Restore Ministries is
contagious, and she is spreading it everywhere she
goes. Because of her involvement in taking Journey
to Freedom and other “Journey” series groups to her
home church and to Belize,
we have learned a great
deal about how we can most
effectively grow Journey to
Freedom from
a ministry that
impacts Middle
Tennessee to one
that reaches the
world with the
hope and healing
of Christ.
—Scott Reall
Chairman’s Roundtable
2013 YMCA
Annual Giving
$1,000 - $1,999
Peter Bush
Brenda & Grady Butler
Tarri Bye
Byers and Harvey, Inc.
John Campbell
Mike Campbell
Capstar Bank
Carol Carr
George H. Cate, Jr.
Celebration Church
Janie & John Chaffin
Charles Schwab
Chick-fil-A at Cookeville FSU
Douglas Christiansen
Christy - Houston Foundation
The Citizen-Times
Civil Site Design Group
CJ Advertising
Clarcor Foundation
Clarksville Dental Center
Clarksville OB-GYN Associates
Janet Clodfelter, D.D.S.
Kurt K. Coalmer
Don Cochran
Thomas Codd
Ron Coker
Jennifer Collier
Melissa & Robert Collins
Constant Craving Caterers, Inc.
Tim Cook
Cookeville Regional Medical Center
Robert Copeskey
Sherry & Ted Cornelius
John Crawford
Eva & Don Crichton
Kelly P. Crockett
Cheryl Crosby & Scott Cornwell
Vanessa Crowe
Cumberland Bank and Trust
Cumberland Chrysler Center
Cumulus Media, Inc.
James J. Dabney
Mary Dahlin
Dale & Associates, Inc.
Hakan U. Darud
Susan W. Davenport
Nina & Page Davidson
Linda Davies
Ultimate Racquetball / Terry Davis
Anne Davis & Karl Dean
Ms. Marie DeGraaf
Alfred Degrafinreid
Mac & Bill DeLoache, Jr.
Deloitte, LLC
Paul Demastus
Alicia & Kyle E. Denzel
Donald Dickerson
Dicks Sporting Goods
D-Image, LLC
Dr. Frank E. Dobson
Don Hardin Group
Tom Douglas
Downtown Dental
DP Properties
Danielle Drueck
Kerri Dunaway
Dunkin Donuts
Eagle Express Soccer Club
Lake & John Eakin
Eastside Smiles
Heidi & David Edwards
EOA Architects, PLLC
Ann has been a tremendous supporter of our Y
for many years. Before becoming our Board Chair,
she served for two years as our Annual Giving
Campaign Chair and then worked tirelessly to
gain support from our City Mayor and her fellow
Aldermen to fund our after-school
program. We appreciate her
dedication to our YMCA and feel
blessed to have her as an advocate
in our community.
—Kathy Raglin
Chairman’s Roundtable
2013 YMCA
Annual Giving
$1,000 - $1,999
Ernst & Young
Jenny & Jeff Ervin
Evans Glass
Nell & Cyril Evers
Gary Everton, FAIA
Ewing Orthodontics
Barbara & Dewitt Ezell
Jessica & Mark Fain
Edwin N. Feagins
Cindy & Gordon Ferguson
Ferguson Enterprises
Mary Lee Fielder
Fifth Third Bank
First Advantage Bank
Fisk University
Five Star Radio
The Flautt Family Fund
Suzanne Fletcher-Thompson
Mark Flint
Flow Construction Co.
Mark A. Floyd
Fort Campbell Federal Credit Union
Matt Frank
Franklin Pediatric Dentistry
Franklin Skate Shop
Franklin Synergy Bank
Charles D. Frazier
Freeman Management Corporation
Friends of Patty Palooza
Senator & Mrs. William Frist
Danny Gaddy
Manci M. Gage
Joe Galbato
Teresa Galey
JM Galloway
Mr. & Mrs. Ben S. Gambill, Jr.
Katie & Steve Gambill
Marie & Kevin Gangaware
Theresa & Timothy Garrett
Catherine Gemmato-Smith &
David Smith
General Motors
David Gibbs
Elaine Gibson
The Goddard School
Grace Community Church
Graceful Tables
Robyn & Jeramie Graham
Susan Graham
Jamie & Jimmy Granbery
Grand Avenue
Billy Gray
Leslie Gregg
Cleo Griffin
John P. Gromos
Susie & John Groomes
Group Xcel/ProImage
Roger Grove
Kisha & Ray Guzman
Jessica L. Haege
Lawrence E. Hall
Cherie D. Hammond
Danielle Hampton
Elaine Hanks
Hardaway Construction Corp.
Hardcastle Construction
Carrie Hardin
Ms. Jayna Harley
C. Thomas Harrington
Mickey & Clifford Harrison, Jr.
Liz & Phil Hartsig
Todd Harvey
Megan & Joey Hassell
Denise Hawkins
Holly K. Sneed, Rutherford County Family YMCA
Holly has been a blessing to our After Breast Cancer program. Her passion for breast
cancer survivors and for our community is evident in her commitment to both the Y and
ABC. Holly continues to give her heart and soul to those going through chemotherapy
to give them the opportunity to look good and feel confident about themselves. We
appreciate everything that she’s done to raise awareness about our Wig Bank and to
create a positive image in the community surrounding the impact of our Y.—Marida Balch
Chairman’s Roundtable
2013 YMCA
Annual Giving
$1,000 - $1,999
William Hawkins
Leslie Hay
Tammy & Jonathan Hayes
Hayes Pipe Supply Inc.
Spencer Hays
Headway Marketing LLC
Healthy Vending Tennessee
Margaret & Tony Heard
Susan & Bill Henry
Hermitage Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Cynthia B. Hickerson
Nancy & Jay Hickey
Del Hickman
Hilldale United Methodist
Marlene Hilligoss
Chris A. Hodges
Holladay Property Serv Midwest
Holly Frontier
HollyWood Tan
Betty & Russell Hooper
Martha Hopson
Jeannie Horde
Angie & Chris Howard
Melanie Howard
Mrs. Bill Hubbard
Bill Hudson
Linda & Brad Huffman
Valerie Hunter-Kelly & Mark Kelly
Philip & Vera Hutcheson
IKE Transportation
Kate & Charles Irby
Island Hoppers Scuba
Clark Jackson
Mary Lee & Granbery Jackson III
Tracey & Chad Jackson
Marion & Decosta Jenkins
John Moore & Associates
Shawn M. Johnson
Ms. Betty Jones
Robert H. Jones
Joyner & Hogan Printing
Judge Bean’s BBQ
Leslie & Dan Karl
Harriet & Bradley Karro
Gwen & Randy Keiser
Randy Kelley
Pat W. Kellick
Kim & Jim Kersey
Kay & Mark Kimbrough
King Pipeline
Kinnard & Associates
Edith & Miles Kirkland
Janet & David Kleinfelter
Robert M. Knight
Kohls - No. 523 Hermitage
Jan & Randy Krikorian
Mr. & Mrs. Howard H. Lamar
Craig Lamb
Wayne Lampley
Pete Langfitt
Kevin P. Lavender
J Lawrence
Tricia & Tom Lawrence
LBMC Investment Advisors
Carol & Walt Leaver
Lee Company
Kim & Jefferson Leeper
Legends Bank
Dominic Leonardo
Joseph C. Levi
Jill Long
Robert Loudermilk
John Lovell
Charles Taylor, YMCA School Age Services
The bus service that Mr. Taylor and Taylor Motors provide to our youth allows them
to enjoy so many opportunities that they otherwise may never get to experience. For
many of the disadvantaged youth we serve in our before, after and out-of-school
programs, summer field trips with the Y are the only chance they have to see things
outside of their neighborhood environment. Providing bus transportation may seem
like a simple thing, but it means the world to our kids. —Maeghan Wall
Chairman’s Roundtable
2013 YMCA
Annual Giving
$1,000 - $1,999
Matthew Lumadue
Lynn Transport LLC
Greg Maas
Lawson & Beth Mabry
Pepper & Peter Magargee
Mark S. Mappes, DDS, MS
Brenda & Charley Martin
Brian Martin
Marshall S. Martin
Mrs. Terri L. Martin
Corrie J. Marvin
Mass Mutual Financial Group
Lauren & David Massey
Master Creations Photography
Becky & Dale Maxfield
Mayer Electric Supply
Tom McArthur
Jewell & Michelangelo McCallister
Sydney & David McClain
Malcolm L. McCune
Linda & Michael McDaniel
Mr. Luther McDaniel
James McDugald III
Shannon S. McGahren
Leigh & Trey McGinty
Lisa & Steven McGinty
James McKay
Murray P. Meador
Donna Mealman
Virginia Meece
Meharry Medical College
Merrill Lynch
Messer Construction
Metropolitan Bank
Metropolitan Nashville Airport
Michael Ballard Insurance Agency
Camille & Lowell Mickle
Middle Tennessee State University
MidSouth Bank
Sina & John Ed Miller
Rick Mills
JoAnn Mitchell
John Mitchell
Laura Mitchell
MMC Clinic
Fran & Adrian Moody
Elaine & Charles Moore
Nancy & Virgil Moore
Mary B. Morgan
Morgan Contractors, Inc.
Morgan Stanley
Deirdre Morris
Donna Moss
Mount Zion Church
Luis Moya
Mt. Juliet Tire Center
Chuck Naab
Nacarato Volvo Trucks
NAI Clarksville
Nashville Electric Service
Nashville Production and Design
Nashville Running Company
National Christian Foundation Middle
Nations Lending Corp
Jayasudha Nepoleon
Anne & Tommy Nesbitt
Gerald S. Newell
Newk’s Express Cafe
Shavicka A. Newsom
Nissan Motor Company
Nixon Power Services
Tammy Hayes,
Sumner County FAMILY YMCA
Tammy has worked tirelessly to educate
stakeholders in our community about the need
for the counseling support services offered
through our Restore Ministries program.
Thanks in large part to her efforts, our Y is
now able to better support more people in our
community who are struggling with a variety
of life challenges. Tammy’s commitment and
support are truly making a difference in the
lives of others.—David Stryjewski
Chairman’s Roundtable
2013 YMCA
Annual Giving
$1,000 - $1,999
Northstar Real Estate Advisors
Northwestern Mutual
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
O’Bee O’Bryant
Mrs. Dortch Oldham
Richard Olszewski
Omega Properties, LLC
Orion Engineered Carbons, LLC
Bobbi & Dan Oswald
R.C. Owen
Wayne Pace
Lee & Raj Patnaik
Thomas Parker
Cheri & Jim Pauley
Payment America
Payne Chevrolet
Charity Payton
PBG Builders, Inc.
William W. Peerman
Wylene & Dick Peppers
Mandy & Mike Perhay
Mr. Chip Petree
Laura & Jamie Pfeffer
Camiron Pfennig
Pfizer Foundation
The Phillips Builders
Pinnacle Financial Partners
Ed Pirtle
Bob Pitchford
Susan & Bill Plantz
Plum Sweet Creative Studio
Charley Poe
Jessika Poirier
Kerri & David Powell
Reeta Misra & Rudra Prakash
Linda Prater
Premier Diagnostic Imaging
Prestige Wood Furnishings
Justin Prince
John Proctor
Betty Pupo-Walker
Purity Dairies, LLC
Quality Furniture
Derek Quarles
Quinn Financial Partners
Freddy Quiteno
Kathy W. Raglin
Raymond James
Katherine & Anthony Reall
Linda Rebrovick
Craig Reed
Peter W. Reed
Regions Bank East Nashville
Regions Bank Murfreesboro Branch
reNova Inc.
Michael J. Richardson
Michelle & Tim Roberson
Jim D. Robinson
Danielle & Chris Robison
Tami Robison
Rock Springs Chiropractic
Rockwell Contractors, Inc.
Craig R. Rodby
Rogers Group, Inc.
Royal Cup Coffee
Rutherford County Chamber of
Mr. & Mrs. DE Ryan
S and E, Inc.
Phillip W. Sadler
Jeanne Hubert & Peter Sales
Stephanie Sanders
Rich Sanderson
Beth & Chuck Saunders
Brittany Melvin,
Brittany has been a pillar to our Black Achievers program as we’ve worked to
secure volunteers from the Vanderbilt campus. As a Nashville
native, she understands the goals of our program, and in particular,
our desire to serve students in the Middle Tennessee community.
Brittany is a committed volunteer, and she is
always putting herself in a
position to pay it forward!
—Aaron McGee
Chairman’s Roundtable
2013 YMCA
Annual Giving
$1,000 - $1,999
Heather & Michael Sawyer
Liz & Mike Schatzlein
Mr. Ken Schmitt
Schneider Electric North America
Gemmi Schottenheimer
John Schroer
Scottsville Rotary Club
ServPro of Belle Meade
Sherwin Williams
Sherry Shimer
Michelle & David Shipman
Shoemaker Financial
Silly Goose
Ellis C. Simmons
Luke Simons
Pat Skow
Betsy & Jeffrey Slaney
Barry Smith
Charles R. Smith
Henry Smith
William A. Sneed
Carol Soloman
Frazier L. Solomon
Southern Hills Medical Center
Rita & Michael Sowell
Lynn & Al Spaw
Judy & Thomas Spear
Clark Spoden
Frances & Jimmy Spradley
Springfield Rotary Club
Square 1 Construction, LLC
St. Paul Community Church
Stacy & Ben Stacey
Stacey Construction Inc.
Ronald Stanley
Vanessa Starkweather
State of Tennessee
Mr. & Mrs. Lelan A. Statom
Michael Stephanides, MD
Mr. Sam L. Stephens
Steve Ward & Associates
Linda L. Still
Robert Stokes
Russell Stover
Dana & David Stryjewski
SunTrust Bank
Jason Surratt
Barbara J. Sutton
H.R. Swafford
Swamp Diesel Performance
Sweet CeCe’s
T Zeka Sales
Jenni & Jeremy Tackett
Brian Taylor
Ernest D. Taylor Jr.
Tennessee Bank & Trust
Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation
Tennessee Farmers Mutual Insurance Co.
Tennessee Industrial
Tennessee Pediatric & Adolescent
Josh Terry
Bobby Thomas
Catherine & Scott Thomas
Cheryl Thomas
John & Recco Thomas
Beverly & Walt Totty
Trades Unlimited
Scott Tremelin
Melissa L. Tucker
Tune, Entrekin & White
Turner Construction Company
Mr. Charles Tygard, Jr.
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Monte has shown great leadership
on Y-CAP’s Board of Directors.
Many have expressed that he
led one of the most impactful
Champion’s Luncheons that
we have ever had, and
we are so grateful for his
dedication to nurturing
the potential of youth
in our community.
—Lonnell Matthews
Chairman’s Roundtable
2013 YMCA
Annual Giving
$1,000 - $1,999
United Healthcare Community Plan of TN
United Way of Robertson County
United Way of the Greater
Clarksville Region
United Way of the Midlands
Upper Cumberland Urology Associates
US Bank
Arthur Van Buren
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Vanderbilt University - Public Affairs
Jenny & Adam Vazquez
Jeff D. Vick
Ryan Vick
Video Gaming Technologies
Peggy Vinson
Robert Waechter
Charles Lee & Doris Wagoner
Jeff Walker
Rebecca C. Walker
Walker Electric
Maeghan & Josh Wall
WalMart Supercenter Store
Karl Warden
Melissa G. Warren
Brent Watkins
Edward H. Weakley
Faye & Tim Weill
Connie & Rick Weisner
Robert Wellerding
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Emily & Andy White
Barbara Whittemore
Whole Foods Market
Cliff Wight
Chase Wilkinson
William & Harriet Belle Tucker Donor
Advised Fund
Diane Williams
Kevin Williams
Irene & W. Ridley Wills II
Mr. Paul L. Wilson
Wilson Bank & Trust
Judi Winfield-Ferri & Ed Ferri
Jayne & Chip Wochomurka
Bill Wood
Kathy & Winn Woodard
Woodfin Funeral Chapel
Lisa Wurth
Brenda Wynn
Eleanor & Larry Yarborough
Mary Alice Yates
Mandy & Stephen Young
Young Motivation Group
Holland H. Youngblood
Zoo Crew Pediatric Dentistry
Zoom Media Corp.
Established 1875
1000 Church Street • Nashville, TN 37203
Written and Edited by: Jessica Fain, Keith Russell and Tonya Kimbrough
Design and Illustrations: David Read
Photography: Jason Tucker and Tucker Photography and Mary Alice Yates
Financials: Rob Ivy Research: Mike Handley, Mary Alice Yates and Kelly Hunter
Special thanks to: David Rickman and InnerWorkings
YMCA staff members: Brandis Blodgett, Melanie Howard, Ashley Oaks,
Holland Youngblood, Tracey Jackson, David Wells, Michael Draper, Trina Baldacci,
Judi Winfield-Ferri and our team of YMCA models.
A United Way Member Agency