Temple Is Setting The Table For Passover`s Second


Temple Is Setting The Table For Passover`s Second
Temple Is Setting The Table For Passover’s Second Seder
Temple Israel’s congregational
seder will have some additional
amazing numbers: 350 matzo
balls, more than 40 kosher
chickens, 50 pounds of
potatoes and 150 friends and family.
Temple’s kitchen and dishes
are not. No chametz will be
served, and no chametz may be
carried into the building during
Passover. Dinner will also
include wine or juice, and
congregants may bring wine of
their own.
The Temple Tablet
The story of the Jews’ Exodus
from Egypt—as told during the
Passover Seder—is punctuated
by numbers: four cups of
wine, ten plagues, the four
questions, two zuzim, and
everyone’s favorite post-seder
challenge, “Who Knows One?”
April 2015
Vol. 51, No. 7
Cost of the Seder is $30 for
adults, $15 for children ages
6:00 p.m.
4-10, and free for children age
in The Great Hall
three and under. Seating is
limited; reservations are
required and must be paid by Tuesday,
March 31. Members’ paid reservations will be
Rabbi Sofian will lead his last Seder at Temple
given first priority. Please RSVP online at
Israel in the Great Hall on Saturday, April 4,
www.tidayton.org or call Temple at 496-0050.
beginning at 6:00 p.m. and concluding at about
8:00 p.m. Profits from Temple’s second Seder
provide scholarships to help Temple’s younger
Is There An Extra Seat
members attend summer camp at Goldman
At Your Seder Table?
Union Camp Institute in Zionsville, IN.
Some in our congregation may have no one
Again this year, Simone Sofian and a corps of
with whom to celebrate Passover.
capable volunteers will prepare everything.
If you have an extra place or two at your
This year’s Seder menu will include matzo ball
Seder table, or if you have no one to
soup, gefilte fish, baked chicken, carrot tzimmes,
celebrate with, please call Temple at
roasted potatoes, charoset, Israeli salad and
496-0050 and our Membership Committee
dessert. A vegetarian option will be available
will try to put gracious hosts in touch with
for those who request it in advance. All the
appreciative guests.
food will be kosher for Pesach, although
Saturday, April 4
Farewell Retirement Dinner For Rabbi Sofian
After twelve years as Temple Israel’s
Senior Rabbi, Rabbi Sofian is retiring
on June 30. Join the congregation
for a farewell dinner on Sunday,
April 19 at 6:00 p.m. in the Great
Hall. Dinner will be catered by
Current Cuisine of Yellow Springs.
Entrée choices are salmon or
vegetable lasagna. Cost for the
dinner is $50 per person
and payment must be received by
April 6. We expect this event to
sell out, so please RSVP early.
Dee Fried, a long-time Temple Israel
congregant summed things up this
way: “Twelve years passed quickly.
Chuck and I enjoyed the trip of a
lifetime to Israel with Rabbi and
Simone in 2005.
“If it were not for David’s
enthusiastic love of teaching, I would
not have had a Bat Mitzvah.
“In between, we enjoyed his Share
Shabbat services, second Seders,
High Holidays, classes, and the
beginning of an annual Jewish
Cultural Festival that is now in its
fifth year. It’s been a great twelve
years! I think I speak for the
April 19
congregation when I say thank you
6:00 p.m.
RSVP by April 6 and we wish you only the best in
your retirement.”
Temple Israel
130 Riverside Drive
Dayton, OH 45405
surprise she asked me to be the
officiating Rabbi at her installation to
that post. Except for the travelling
back here during yet another winter
storm with all that involves, the
experience was fun and meaningful
because I found it confirming of my
life’s work.
A Message From…
Rabbi David M. Sofian
During the last several months, if I’ve
been asked once I’ve asked a hundred
times if I am counting down the days
to my retirement. I sometimes
wonder if people are asking out of
true curiosity or if they just can’t wait
till I’ve finished my time here as
Senior Rabbi. Maybe it is better that
I don’t know. Anyway, my answer
has consistently been that although
I’m eager to begin our retirement in
Israel, I’m working at not thinking
about that too much because I have
so much yet to do here before June
30. Nevertheless, now that the time
is really getting closer I must admit
that I have been thinking about it a
bit. These ruminations were spurred
on by an experience I had at the end
of last February.
One of the joys of being Temple
Israel’s Senior Rabbi has been the
opportunity to work with budding
student rabbis at Hebrew Union
College in Cincinnati. All of you are
of course familiar with the interns
who have added so much to Temple
life during my tenure. What you
probably don’t know is that I was
asked several times to mentor other
students as well. One of those
students recently was named Rabbi
of Temple Israel in Springfield, Mo.,
Simone’s home town. To my
One of the challenges of the
American Reform Rabbinate is not
letting years of constant demands on
one’s time and energy wear you
down. There is always something
else to be done, another class to
teach, another person to visit,
another call to make, another
obligation to be met. One is never
truly caught up or on top of things.
(I don’t think this is unique to the
rabbinate by any means.) I believe
the antidote to this drain is
experiencing the positive impact of
one’s work. In this regard I have
been very fortunate. And this is why
I found being a mentor so fulfilling.
All the more so, when a mentee
formally recognizes your impact by
asking you to celebrate her
installation as Rabbi of a
congregation that you’ve known well
for over forty years. Knowing that
you’ve had a positive influence on
the next generation of Rabbis now
taking its turn at forging another link
in the chain of Jewish heritage is very
affirming. It makes one feel like all
the effort has been worthwhile.
I certainly hope that is the case.
Of course, this is Passover season.
I hope all of you will enjoy a sweet,
happy and meaningful Pesah. May
you be renewed personally even as
our people are renewed every year
by our celebration of our
redemption from Egypt.
Happy Passover!
Be A Temple Ambassador
If you know of an individual, a couple or a family who would enjoy all that
Temple has to offer, please encourage them to contact the Temple office for
information or e-mail [email protected].
We’ll take it from there.
From the Rabbi
Temple Israel
130 Riverside Drive
Dayton, OH 45405-4968
phone 937-496-0050
fax 888-777-0490
Mon-Thurs: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Rabbi David Sofian
Senior Rabbi
ext. 230 / [email protected]
Rabbi Karen Bodney-Halasz
Epstein Family Educator
ext. 226 / [email protected]
Suzanne Shaw
Executive Director
Membership statements;
payments/invoices; donations
ext. 222 / [email protected]
Courtney Cummings
Music and Program Director
ext. 224 / [email protected]
Ellen Finke-McCarthy
Facility rental and event planning;
Tablet; yahrzeits; funerals; burials
ext. 225 / [email protected]
Annette Stogdill
ext. 223 / [email protected]
Donald Bush
Child Care
Lisa Pierce, President
[email protected]
Bart Weprin, Vice President
[email protected]
Rick Goldberg, Treasurer
[email protected]
Carol Graff, Secretary
[email protected]
Clergy To Discuss The Books Of Daniel and Revelations
Join a conversation about the books of Daniel and Revelations in a series of lunch hour discussions led by Rabbi David
Sofian of Temple Israel, Reverend Dr. Rodney Kennedy of First Baptist Church and Reverend Dr. John Paddock of
Christ Episcopal Church. Attend one session or all three — each begins at noon. Feel free to bring a brown bag
lunch, and bring friends as well! No RSVP is necessary.
Thursday, April 16 Temple Israel
12:00 p.m.
130 Riverside Drive
Thursday, April 23 Christ Episcopal Church
12:00 p.m.
20 West First Street
Thursday, April 30 First Baptist Church
12:00 p.m.
111 West Monument
Facilitating the discussions will be (clockwise, from top) Rev. Dr. John
Paddock; Rabbi David Sofian; and Rev. Dr. Rodney Kennedy.
Reverlee Flagg Celebrates Ten
Years at Temple Israel!
Congratulations to Temple Israel’s
custodian extraordinaire, Reverlee
Flagg, who celebrated ten years with
Temple on March 5. Reverlee has
been married to his wife Linda for
seventeen years. He is the father to
two sons and three daughters.
When he isn’t keeping things at
Temple Israel sparkling clean and
organized, you can find him fishing
for anything that will bite the hook,
but walleye and bass are his favorite
fish to catch.
Service Of Healing
Those who are living with illness, grieving, caring for
others, or seeking wholeness on any level are invited
to participate in a service of healing and hope with
Rabbi Bodney-Halasz on Friday, April 10, at 5:30
p.m. in the chapel. At this service, we draw strength
from traditional liturgy, music, and personal stories.
Temple’s regular service will follow at 6:00 p.m. For
more information, please contact Rabbi Bodney-Halasz
496-0050 or [email protected].
Kiddush Luncheon
Reverlee Flagg
Congratulations on ten years and thank you for all of your
hard work!
Join us for the last Kiddush lunch of the year on
Saturday, April 25. As it will be close to Israeli
Independence Day, the theme will be Israeli foods.
So please join us for hummus, babbaganoush, and
much more. No reservations are required and the
lunch is FREE.
Ryterband Lecture Series Concludes
Lectures this month will conclude the Dorothee and Louis Ryterband Brunch Series’ 58th year at Temple Israel. The
events, which begin at 9:45 a.m., cost $5/week and are free for new Temple members.
April 12
Dr. Rachel
April 26
Rabbi Jan
Hebrew Union
Coming Events
May 3
Rabbi David
Temple Israel
Rabbi Karen N. Bodney-Halasz
Jerome Epstein Family Director
of Education
Thursday, March 26 throughSunday, March 29
‫יקר כן תהיה לנּו‬
ָ ִ‫הּודים הָ יְּ תָ ה או ָֹרה וְּ ִש ְּמחָ ה וְּ ָששֹן ו‬
ִ ְּ‫לַי‬
The Jews had light and happiness and
joy and love- may it be so for us!
(Esther 8:16)
And so it was!
Purim is a time for playfulness and
merriment, as well as remembrance
and deliverance. Such was the case
here at Temple Israel on March 4th,
when the religious school and youth
groups paid tribute to Rabbi Sofian.
Rabbi Sofian has been heavily
involved in the religious school since
he arrived in 2003. He has
developed and taught his own 9th and
10th grade confirmation program,
helped shape a new overall
curriculum, led services every
Sunday, met with each student yearly
to assess Hebrew, worked
individually with b’nai mitzvah on
divrei Torah, crafted fun retreats for
the 4th-5th-6th graders, and so much
The evening began with dinner and a
video tribute, featuring children of all
ages sharing what they like most
about Rabbi Sofian. The answers
varied from his singing and story
telling to his incredible balance
(because he never falls back in his
chair when he teaches). A more
complete version of the video will be
shown later in the school year. The
school also presented Rabbi Sofian
with a unique thank you gift to
remind him of all that he has brought
to our children.
Last school year Rabbi Sofian
introduced the idea that students
should design tiles as part the Chapel
ark remodel. Students drew
pictures and then their tile
renderings were put into mosaic
form by artists at K12. The project
turned out beautifully and the
students who participated will always
be connected to that sacred space.
With a nod to the decade of Rabbi
Sofian’s ordination TIDY chose the
70’s for the evening’s theme and
Senior Staff dressed up as characters
from the hit 70’s show “The
Muppets.” Pictures of Rabbi Sofian’s
previous costumes were hung on the
walls, students wore Rabbi Sofian
masks during the megillah reading,
children tried to “pin the yarmulke
on their rabbi” at the carnival.
Special thanks go out to Suzanne
Shaw and Ellen Finke-McCarthy for
their time and creativity in making
Rabbi Sofian’s final costume!
NFTY-OV Regional Convention
at Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation in
Indianapolis, IN
Sunday, March 29
No Religious School
April 4
Second Seder
6:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 5
No Religious School
Sunday, April 12
Pentach Program
Grades 3-8
Yom Ha Shoah
Grade 7
11:00 a.m.
Sunday, April 19
Rabbi Sofian’s
Retirement Dinner
6:00 p.m.
Tues. April 21-Wed. April 29
Cuba Mission Trip
Friday, May 1
Teacher Appreciation
& College Send-Off
Share Shabbat 6:00 p.m.
Join us to thank our faculty for a job well
done, and to give our graduating seniors a
hearty ‘mazal tov’ as they prepare for college.
Sunday, May 10
Mother’s Day Luncheon
11:00 a.m.
Sunday, May 17
Israel Day of Learning
Another exciting day of interactive learning for
our Religious School students as well as the
whole community.
Sunday, May 24
Shavout and Confirmation 7:30 p.m.
Celebrate with our Confirmands and families
during Shavuot services.
An up-to-date calendar is always available
online at www.tidayton.org/learn/school.
Artwork presented to Rabbi Sofian
From the Rabbi Educator
Teacher Appreciation And College Send-Off Shabbat
Join the congregation as we say thank you to our dedicated religious school teachers and madrichim as well as bidding
goodbye to our college-bound students. Shabbat service will be Friday, May 1 at 6:00 p.m. followed by a special Share
Shabbat dinner. Teachers, madrichim and high school seniors are Temple’s guests for dinner, but please RSVP.
Desserts will be provided by Women of Temple Israel.
Thanks To Our Teachers And Madrichim!
Sheri Alpert
Bonni Buchanan
Richard Cohen
Rachel Dumtschin
Rita Dushman Rich
Derek Inslight-Alvarado
Rachel Magdalene
Jennifer Mollenhauer
Annette Nathan
Mia Slayton
Rabbi David Sofian
Molly Buchanan
Julia Caruso
Festival Bakers
Looking for an opportunity to help
with the Jewish Cultural Festival but
can’t be here the day of the event?
Join Amy Margolin and her group of
volunteers and bake great Jewish
treats on Sundays, April 12, 26 and
May 3, 10. The fun starts at 10:00
a.m. in the Temple Israel kitchen.
For more information contact Amy
at [email protected].
Abigail Dickstein
Isaac Faust
Craig Fishbein
Phillip Fishbein
Gabby Frost
Adam Green
Lake Miller
Skyler Miller
Merrie Mollenhauer
Jack Nicholaisen
Ben Pierce
Sara Pierce
Hannah Stickel
Rabbinic Search Committee
The search committee for the Senior Rabbi position has been selected.
Thanks to the nominating committee made up of Michael Africk, Nancy
Cohen, Mitchell Faust, Carol Finley, Lisa Pierce, Jeff Stoller and Bart Weprin.
The following individuals have agreed to serve on the Search
Committee: Chair Jeff Stoller, Co-Chair Michael Africk, and members Molly
Blumer, Al Brown, Bonni Buchanan, Marcia Cox, Lynn Goldenberg, Ralph
Heyman, Linda Ohlmann Kahn, Jim Levinson, Robin Moore, Fran Rickenbach,
Fran Schwartz and Dan Sweeny.
As the committee gets down to its important work, there will be
opportunities for congregants to offer input.
Purim Spiel And Carnival Fun and Festivities
A good time was had by
everyone at Purim as
the Religious School
celebrated and honored
Rabbi Sofian. Folks
dressed in 70’s attire,
Rabbi Sofian masks and
the staff wore Muppet
character costumes.
Nuts About Green: A Community Tu B’ Shevat
On Sunday, February 8, approximately 200 people gathered for a Dayton first: A Community Tu B’ Shevat
Celebration featuring food, fellowship, education and fun. The celebration included a Tu B' Shevat seder and
farm-to-table style luncheon, educational programs, activities for all ages and interactive displays by “green” vendors
and organizations. Participants examined Jewish views on caring for the earth in theology, liturgy, Torah and biblical
texts, learned about technological advances in Israel that are helping to repair the world, and enjoyed hands-on art,
dance and music sessions.
While most of the activities were located throughout the Temple building, those brave enough to venture out into
the cold could visit the Rivermobile, the University of Dayton’s educational trailer, situated in our parking lot and
boasting several classrooms on river ecology and health.
A good time was had by all, thanks to delicious food, enriching conversation, fun activities and meaningful programs.
Thanks to all who participated in making this such a great day!
The Community Tu B’ Shevat celebration was made possible through funding provided by the Jewish Federation of
Greater Dayton Innovation Grant, and the much-appreciated efforts of the Greening the Synagogue Greening the
World Committee of Temple Israel
and the Young Adult Division of the Jewish Federation of
Greater Dayton.
Top row, left to right: Antonio Chaiten, Max Alvarado; Mateo Chaiten, Rachel Dumchin; Adam Greene, Cade
Bottom row, left to right: Chava Gilbert, Sheri Alpert, Jonah Halasz, Laila Blumer; Rita Rich’s class checks out
the Rivermobile; Aviva Young and Miriam Sutch.
Pick Up The Phone Or Send An E-Mail
Rabbi Sofian and Rabbi Bodney-Halasz want to reach out to congregants in times of need and joy, but hospitals no
longer send lists of patients. Please contact the Temple office when a friend or loved one is ill, hospitalized, in a
nursing home, assisted living facility or shut in. Share the happy news, too—we might not know about a marriage,
birth or other simcha unless you share the good news with us!
Education and Youth News
Jewish Cultural Festival Countdown:
Two Months Until Food, Fun and Friends!
The Jewish Cultural
with the entire Miami
Festival returns to
Valley community. You
Temple’s grounds and
can be involved in this
building on Sunday, June
wildly successful and fun
7, with new food vendors,
event that is our
delicious drinks, expanded
congregation’s major
entertainment and
fundraiser of the year.
education options for all
Our fearless event
ages, and opportunities to Sunday June 7 leaders this year are
shop local vendors. This
Jon Freeman, chair, and
is our chance to share the sights,
Teresa Wyman, co-chair.
sounds, tastes, and heart of Judaism
Run! Participate in our Inaugural
Oy Vey 5k at 10:30 am. This flat and
scenic route cruises on the bike path
through Island Metro Park and back
down Riverside Drive. Runners and
walkers are encouraged to work up a
bit of a shvitz before the festivities
Eat! El Meson, Pasha Grill, Smokin’
Bar-B-Que, and Bernstein’s Catering
will feature their takes on Jewish
classics, ranging from falafel to
traditional deli fare to Tex-Mex
brisket. Graeter’s will also be in
attendance, serving up delicious
kosher ice cream. Our ever-popular
bakery will sell homemade challah,
honey cake, hamentashen, rugalach,
and a few more surprise treats.
Drink! Savor the tastes of Jewish
beers from Schmaltz Brewing
Company and indulge in the nostalgia
that comes from popping open a can
of Dr. Brown’s soda.
Win! Purchase a raffle ticket for
your chance to win gift certificates
worth over $700, cash, a piece of
jewelry, and more!
Play! Children can visit the Israeli
petting zoo (with a real live camel)
and learn more about Israel through
crafts, activities, and art projects.
Relax! Get your dancing shoes on
as you enjoy a wide range of
entertainment! The Cincinnati
Klezmer Project and the Shimmy
Cats dancers return to the stage, in
addition to other local performers
bringing the best of Jewish jazz, folk
music, and Broadway tunes.
Learn! The expanded education
schedule includes five unique
presentations. We will share topics
including Jewish food and cooking,
Jews in sports, ritual objects, Israel,
and the Holocaust, all by local and
regional speakers.
Give Back! Learn about ways that
you can help repair the world, save a
life, and go green from a variety of
non-profit organizations in both
Mitzvah Alley and our Green room.
Shop! Enjoy the marketplace with
local vendors featuring something for
No number of volunteers is too many and no amount of time is too small.
We need volunteers to help plan, bake, schlep, and set-up in addition to
LOTS of volunteers on Festival day to greet, offer directions, sell raffle
tickets, lead children’s activities, sell food and drinks and so much more! To
find out how you can get involved, email [email protected].
Save the date, tell your friends, plan to attend and - even better
- volunteer your time to make this day a great success!
Cultural Festival
JCF 2015 Chairs
Jon Freeman
Teresa Wyman
Bakery and Soft Drinks
Amy Margolin
Lois Goldberg
Scott Miller
Jeff Stoller
Children’s Activities
Dena Mason-Zied
Sheri Alpert
Education & Greeters
Pam Feldman
Linda Novak
Shelley Dickstein
Beth Adelman
Mary Anne Robinson
Aaron Burke
Rachel Magdalene
Cherish Cronmiller
Marsha Pfeiffer
Lonnie Carpenter
Logistics & Security
Dan Young
Rob Brenner
Mitzvah Alley
Karen Bodney-Halasz
Katherine Cooper
Mimi Rayl
Cheryl Carne
Rick Goldberg
Howard Faust
Walter Ohlmann
Shirlee Gilbert
Julie Bloom
Courtney Cummings
Stacy Emoff
Helene Blumenthal
Linda Albert
5k Race
Connie Bank
Jeff Noble
Dene Berman
Hametz For The Hungry
You can support this vital work in our community by
bringing in non-perishable food for the Temple grocery
cart. And during March and April, your food donations
will have an even bigger impact because they will be
matched by the Feinstein Foundation.
Monetary contributions are also welcome.
Temple’s Annual Meeting
At Temple Israel’s annual meeting on Wednesday,
May 27, congregants will confirm a slate of officers and
elect new members to the Board of Directors. The
meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. The congregation is
encouraged to attend; no reservations are necessary.
Rabbi Sofian Will Exchange
Pulpits With Pastor Kennedy
For the last decade, Rabbi Sofian has been a professional
colleague and personal friend of Pastor Rodney Kennedy
of Dayton’s First Baptist Church. Next month, the two
religious leaders will once again exchange pulpits in an
effort to share ideas between the two congregations.
The sermons are guaranteed to be both inspiring and
Friday, May 16
Pastor Rodney Kennedy
Temple Israel
7:30 p.m.
Sunday, May 18
Rabbi David Sofian
First Baptist Church
111 W. Monument
10:30 a.m.
April 21 through May 14, 2015
The Dayton Jewish International Film Festival
The Dayton Jewish Film Festival will bring the best in Jewish and Israeli cinema to the Dayton area, including an
international selection of both feature films and documentaries. Festival venues are The Neon Movies, The Little Art
Theatre, Cinemark at The Greene and The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force. Single tickets are $9, student
tickets are $8 and a season pass for all showings is $75.
April 21
7:15 p.m.
Cinemark at The Greene
The Jewish Cardinal
Question & Answer Panel: Rabbi David
Sofian of Temple Israel and Brother Victor
Forlani, SM, DBA of the University of
Dayton, School of Business
April 22
7:00 p.m.
The Little Art Theatre
Run Boy Run
April 26
3:10 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
The Neon Movies
70 Hester St. & The Sturgeon Queens
April 28
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
The Neon Movies
The Outrageous Sophie Tucker
Question & Answer Speaker: Marshall Weiss
of the Dayton Jewish Observer
24 Days
Question & Answer Speaker: Ethan Katz,
Assistant Professor of Judaic Studies at the
University of Cincinnati
7:15 p.m.
April 30
7:00 p.m.
The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force
Above and Beyond
Question & Answer Speaker: Director
Nancy Spielberg
May 5
7:00 p.m.
The Little Art Theatre
The Jewish Cardinal
May 6
7:15 p.m.
The Neon Movies
Dancing in Jaffa
May 12
7:15 p.m.
The Neon Movies
For A Woman
May 14
7:15 p.m.
The Neon Movies
Run Boy Run
Movie Venues
The Neon Movies
130 East Fifth St.
Dayton, OH
The Little Art Theatre
247 Xenia Ave.
Yellow Springs, OH
Cinemark-The Greene
4489 Glengarry Dr.
Beavercreek, OH
The National Museum
of the U.S. Air Force
1100 Spaatz St.
Riverside, OH
Coming Events
Birthdays and Anniversaries
The Tablet publishes birthdays every five years starting at age 35 and annually starting at age 85; we publish anniversaries every five years. If you
prefer not to be listed, please call Ellen at 496-0050. If you were not included in our list, please call Ellen, and we will publish your name in the
next Temple Tablet.
May Anniversaries
May Birthdays
Melvin Wiviott
Charlotte Bloom
Rick Goldberg
Harold Prigozen
Judy Stickel
Bobbi Hartsog
Ed Gessel
Dean Schultz
Matt Koch
Rochelle Wynne
Bea Harris
Steven Katchman
Phyllis Michelson
Lee Schatzley
Bea Ballas
Harvey Tuck
Jack Myers
Charna Weisman
Tim and Robin Moore
Jeff and Julie Stoller
Stanley and Thelma Karp
Frank and Renee Handel
Stewart and Sonia Aron
We Mourn These
Recent Deaths
Mazal Tov!
Joan Samuels
...to Judy Rosen Gossett who became a two-time grandma on February 17
with the arrival of twins Rosalie Grace and Josephine Mae. Parents are
Rachael Gossett and Joshua Abrams.
...to Linda Ohlmann Kahn on being awarded a Silver Medal by the
American Advertising Federation.
35 yrs
30 yrs
60 yrs
35 yrs
15 yrs
In last month’s Tablet Herbert
Cohen, Sylvia Cohen’s son, was
inadvertently listed as her husband.
We Remember
These names are inscribed on the Memorial Tablets in our Sanctuary and, together with others whose Yahrzeit occurs during these weeks,
will be read before Kaddish during Shabbat services and listed each week in TIDBits.
April 3 and 4
Betty Jane Abrahams, Benjamin Cohen, Phyllis Jacobs Elias, Robert (Bob) Emoff, Fannie Fisher, Morris Gewertz,
Joseph Gross, Eleanor Katchman, Fred Levitt, Gordon Frank Matthews, Miriam Rosenthal, Frances Stotter Sangor,
Louis Schwartz, BettyAnn Simon, Fan Weisman
April 10 and 11
Mildred Block Barrar, Max Bloch, Anna Cohen, Hannah Gewertz Epstein, Harry A. Gilman, Fannie Glasser, Barney
Helfert, Helen B. Kusworm, Norma Lipton, Ray W. Metzger, Leo Pollack, Adeline Pollock, Sheila D. Rosensweet,
Richard Serbin, Anna Shleier, Annie Simon, Isaac Stern, Adelaide Stern, Sigmund Wilson, Isaac Yassenoff
April 17 and 18
Nathan Appel, Hyman Barrar, Regine Leeds Bicknell, Jacob Colp, Eva Dubro, Jack W. Feigelson, Matthew Carl Finke
Sr., Mandel Frankel, Esther I. Garfinkel, Jeanne Goldzwig, Jacob Greenbaum, Julia Jacobs, Jesse J. Jacobs, Henrietta
Jenefsky, Cora F. Lehman, Caroline Feinberg Levitt, Sam Moss, Pauline S. Rothenberg, Minnie Y. Schatzley, Max D.
April 24 and 25
Rose D. Bloch, Mose Bramson, Leopold Brown, Joseph T. Cline, Marvin Cutler, Harry Jacobs Daniels, Henry Euphrat,
Neil B. Frank, Joseph Freemas, Claudine (Sis) Friedman, Jesse H. Jacobs, Katie B. Kahn, Marvin A. Levine, Nancy F.
Samuels, Jeanette Sternberger, Samuel I. Tourkow, Louis Traxler Jr., Saul Witheiler
May 1 and 2
Chester Adler, Irma E. Asher, Francine Belcher, Jerome P. Bloom, Goldie R. Cohen, Melvin W. Denny, Iris Goldflies,
Beatrice Levine Greene, Barbara Michaelson Holt, Ida F. Jacobs, Leah Marie Karp, Rita Kohlhagen, Max Kohnop,
Leona Leeds, Miriam B. Lessner, Brina Rose Levenson, Carl H. Lipton, Gerald Marvin Mayer, Wendy Ritter, Miles
Rosen, Sue Rosenberg, Celina Rosenthal, Shirley Semmelman, Rebecca Y. Solgan, Sophie Tourkow, Louis Traxler,
Rosa Wise
Tribute Donations
Temple gratefully acknowledges the following gifts received during February 2015. Temple will list donations of $10 or more in
The Tablet, and mail a notification for donations of $18 or more. Donations of $100 or more are described as “generous.” A complete list of
Temple funds is online at www.tidayton.org/aboutus/foundation/.
Generous Contributions
In Appreciation of
Ellen Finke-McCarthy
Miriam Weiner
In Memory of
Debbie Boxer
The Family of Debbie Boxer
In Yahrzeit Memory of
Abraham Stine
David and Arlene Stine
David Laderman
Bunny Laderman
Jayne Miller
Michael and Anita Emoff
Our Beautiful Daughter, Sister
and Granddaughter,
Leah Marie Karp
Bob, Lynette, Joshua and Matt Karp
Mendel and Nan Solomon
In Honor of the Special Award for
Linda Ohlmann Kahn
Matt and Elaine Arnovitz
In Honor of a Speedy Recovery of
Frank Handel
Paul and Sandy Kulback
Harold Prigozen
Allan and Arlene Zeno
Sis Office
Syl Sapinsley
In Honor of the Marriage of
Jessica Janoff
Bob and Suzanne Thum
In Honor of the Special Anniversary of
Nat and Sondra Lobsenz
Ralph and Sylvia Heyman
In Honor of the Special Birthday of
Bob Posner
Carol Cohn
Charlie Knoll
Henny Lubow
Lawrence Tomchin
Mort Levine
Phil Office
Shelley Dickstein
Ralph and Sylvia Heyman
In Memory of
Cate Katz
Allen and Helen Ross
David Blumenthal
Sylvia Cohen
Ralph and Sylvia Heyman
Herman Levitt
Phil and Sis Office
Ruthe Stein
Irv and Pat Bloom
Samuel G. Cohen
Mike and Patty Caruso
William Greenblatt
Ned and Ellen Rosenthal
In Yahrzeit Memory of
Annette Thum
Bob and Suzanne Thum
Anna Eisner
Beatrice Harris
David Hamburg
Gizella Klein
May Lubline
Larry and Sydelle Balas
Doris M. Herman
Carol Herman
Edward Reames
Michael and Connie Bank
Frank Stein
Jack and Maggie Stein
Herschel Forsythe
Marvin Rubin
Steve and Sandy Forsythe
Hyman Carne
Rick and Cheryl Carne
Ida Dzazga Davis
Fran Roach
Jerome L. Dushman
Harry and Rita Rich
Jules M. Sapinsley
Syl Sapinsley
Leslie Weber
Lillian Weber
Fred and Judith Weber
Maryann Flaks
Dan Sutch and Robyn Angel
Monica Gaglione
John and Elaine Gaglione
Rose H. Shaman
Ben Shaman
Salomon Baier
Felix and Erika Garfunkel
Contributions were made
to these funds:
The General Operating Fund
supports Temple Israel in the current
Rabbi Bodney-Halasz and Rabbi
Sofian use their Discretionary
Funds to advance Temple Israel and
The Block Social Action Fund
supports Social Action programs.
The Brotherhood Education
Fund supports the Ryterband
Brunch Series.
The Building Endowment Fund
helps maintain the Temple building.
The Buy-a-Book Fund purchases
books for Temple's library.
The Cantor Judah Smith Fund
supports musical programming at
The Cemetery Operating Fund
helps maintain Riverview Cemetery.
The Emoff Fine Arts Fund
purchases artwork for the Temple
The Patterson Campership Fund
helps Temple families send their
children to Goldman Union Camp
The Rabbi Witt Memorial
Library Fund helps to purchase
books, subscriptions and supplies for
Temple’s library.
The Selma Ohlmann Fund
supports Temple in the current year.
The Schatz Religious School
Fund supports the religious school.
APRIL 2015
When religious school is in
session, unless otherwise
indicated on the calendar
8:45 a.m.
Relig. School: PreK-8th
9:00 a.m.
Tanakh w/Rabbi Sofian
10:00 a.m.
Relig. School 9th-10th
unless otherwise
indicated on the calendar
10:00 a.m.
Lattes & Legends
12:00 p.m.
Advanced Hebrew
6:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Couch to 5K
Beginner Hebrew Training
No Religious
10:00 a.m.
Lattes & Legends
6:00 p.m.
Couch to 5K
5:30 p.m.
Committee Mtg.
12:00 p.m.
Talmud Study
6:00 p.m.
Couch to 5K
10:00 a.m.
JCF Baking
No Advanced
10:00 a.m.
Rabbi Jan Katzew
10:00 a.m.
JCF Baking
6:00 p.m.
Couch to 5K
10:00 a.m.
Lattes & Legends
12:00 p.m.
Talmud Study
6:00 p.m.
Couch to 5K
9:30 a.m.
Torah Study
6:00 p.m.
10:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
Torah Study
7:30 p.m.
10:30 a.m.
Shabbat M’tzora
Leviticus 14:1-15:33
Haftarah: II Kings 7:3-20
9:30 a.m.
Torah Study
10:30 a.m.
7:30 p.m.
12:00 p.m.
Kiddush Lunch
30 MAY 1 MAY 2
Shabbat Emor
Leviticus: 21:1-24:23
Haftarah: Ezekial 44:15-31
6:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m..
Lunch & Learn at Appreciation and
First Baptist
College Send-Off
5:00 p.m.
Beginner Hebrew 6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Couch to 5K
JCF Meeting
5:30 p.m.
Healing Service
12:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Lunch & Learn at
Beginner Hebrew Christ Episcopal
6:00 p.m.
Board of
Directors Mtg.
6:00 p.m.
Second Seder
12:00 p.m.
Lunch & Learn at
Temple Israel
12:00 p.m.
Talmud Study
6:00 p.m.
Couch to 5K
10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Sh’mini II
Leviticus 9:1-11:47
Haftarah: II Samuel 7:1-17
10:00 a.m.
Lattes & Legends
6:00 p.m.
Rabbi Sofian’s
9:30 a.m.
Torah Study
Shabbat Sh’mini I
Leviticus: 11:1-23
Haftarah: II Samuel 6:1-23
5:00 p.m.
Beginner Hebrew 6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Couch to 5K
JCF Meeting
6:00 p.m.
Couch to 5K
Shabbat Yom Rishon shel Pesach
Exodus: 12:37-42, 13:3-10
Haftarah: Isaiah 43:1-15
Last Day of
10:00 a.m.
Lattes & Legends
10:00 a.m.
Dr. Rachel
Passover begins
12:00 p.m.
Talmud Study
4:30 p.m.
St. Vincent de
Enjoy first Seder
with your family
and friends
12:00 p.m.
Talmud Study
11:30 a.m.
Hebrew School
Grades 3-7
Share Shabbat
7:00 p.m.
Potluck Dinner
9:30 a.m.
Torah Study
10:30 a.m.
Temple Israel Tablet
(USPS 538-260)
published monthly except in
January and July by:
Temple Israel
130 Riverside Drive
Dayton, OH 45405-4968
Periodical Postage Paid
at Dayton, OH
130 Riverside Drive
Dayton, OH 45405-4968
Time Sensitive Material
Annual Subscription
price of $36 which is
included in the
membership dues.
Submission deadline
for May issue:
March 31
Send address changes to
Temple Israel
130 Riverside Drive
Dayton, OH 45405-4968
RSVP for the following Temple event ONLINE at
It’s quick, easy and available 24/7! You can even pay for the
event at the same time you make your reservation via our
secure link, using PayPal. If you don’t have internet access,
please call Temple at 496-0050 to RSVP.
Share Shabbat
Our monthly camp-style service begins at 6:00 p.m. and is followed by a potluck
dinner. Join us and bring your friends! Temple provides broasted chicken, freshbaked challah and wine for kiddush. Cost is$5/adult; $3/child 4-12; free for
kids 3 and under.
Calling All High
School Seniors!
Please contact Ellen in the Temple
office at [email protected] or
496-0050 x225 and let her know
your plans for the fall. We look
forward to honoring you at the Send
Off Shabbat and sending you on your
way with a special present from the
Temple Israel community.
— Teacher Appreciation and College Send-Off
May 1, RSVP by April 29.
Teachers, Madrichim and High School Seniors are free
but please RSVP.
Desserts will be provided by Women of Temple Israel
If your last name begins with A to H, bring a vegetable; I to Q bring a
starch; R to Z, bring a salad. Please bring enough to feed 10 hungry
people. No pork or shellfish, please!
A $2 surcharge per adult will be assessed for reservations received
after the deadline.
sunday, june 7
see page 7 for more!