MOBIDIC USER MANUAL English version Fabio Castelli May 2015 INDEX 1. Install.................................................................................................................................6 1.1. Install of main software package..........................................................................6 1.2. Install of additional packages ...............................................................................6 2. Configuration of case study .........................................................................................7 2.1. Case study folders....................................................................................................7 2.2. Case study settings in a configuration file............................................................7 2.3. Structure and set-up of configuration file ............................................................8 2.3.1. General identification parameters.................................................................9 2.3.2. Calculation control parameters .................................................................. 10 2.3.3. Global hydrologic parameters..................................................................... 12 2.3.4. The calibration parameters .......................................................................... 15 2.3.5. The dispersion control parameters .............................................................. 16 2.4. Automatisms setting for real-time forecasting.................................................. 16 3. The geographic data ................................................................................................. 18 3.1. The geographic data in raster format ............................................................... 18 3.1.1. The required raster data................................................................................ 19 3.1.2. The optional raster data................................................................................ 20 3.1.3. The additional raster data ............................................................................ 23 3.2. The geographic data in vector format ............................................................. 25 3.2.1. The required vector data.............................................................................. 26 3.2.2. The additional vector data........................................................................... 27 4. The hydrometeorological data................................................................................. 36 4.1. The hydrometeorological data for long term hydrologic simulation ........... 36 4.1.1. The table of measurement stations ............................................................. 36 4.1.2. The tables of hydrometeorological data ................................................... 37 4.1.3. Data on derivations and restitutions to rivers ............................................. 39 4.1.4. Data on crop coefficient Kc ........................................................................ 40 4.2. Hydrometeorological data for real time forecast. .......................................... 41 4.2.1. The table of measurement stations ............................................................. 41 4.2.2. The table of hydrometeorological data..................................................... 41 4.2.3. Maps of forecasted precipitation................................................................ 42 4.2.4. The real time management of hydrometeorological data and of precipitation forecast ................................................................................................. 44 4.2.5. Reservoir management in real time simulations........................................ 45 5. The dispersion data ..................................................................................................... 47 6. Initial conditions ........................................................................................................... 50 7. The main modules ....................................................................................................... 51 7.1. Data pre-processing............................................................................................. 52 7.2. Calculations execution ........................................................................................ 53 7.3. Results consultation............................................................................................... 54 7.3.1. Post-processing ............................................................................................... 54 7.3.2. Visualization ..................................................................................................... 56 7.3.3. Table of global results .................................................................................... 60 7.4. Module of global hydrologic parameters calibration .................................... 62 7.5. Module of real time modifications ..................................................................... 63 7.6. Module of geographic data modifications...................................................... 63 8. Appendix – Soil texture types for capillary rise........................................................ 65 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 – Starting install procedure....................................................................................6 Figure 2 - Example of folders structure for two different case study..............................7 Figure 3 - Example of a configuration file. .........................................................................8 Figure 4 - Example of the use of the string INCLUDE. .......................................................9 Figure 5 - Example of vector data (lines and points) overlapped to raster data. ... 18 Figure 6 - Flow directions.................................................................................................... 19 Figure 7 - Example of elevation, flow direction and flow accumulation raster....... 20 Figure 8 - Example of raster data for soil and vegetation (gravitational and capillary capacity, soil and aquifer hydraulic conductivity, albedo, heat turbulent exchange coefficient between land surface and atmosphere) ...... 22 Figure 9 - Example of river network represented in vector format. ............................ 27 Figure 10 - Example of attributes table containing several stage-released discharge curves for the same reservoir..................................................................................... 28 Figure 11 - Example of reservoir declaration via configuration file with the use of the INCLUDE command. ................................................................................................... 31 Figure 12 - Example of detention basin declaration with the use of the INCLUDE command..................................................................................................................... 35 Figure 13 - Example of table of measurement stations. ............................................... 37 Figure 14 - Example of data table for maximum air temperature.............................. 38 Figure 15 – Example of derivations and restitutions table. ........................................... 40 Figure 16 – Example of derivations and restitutions temporal laws table. ................. 40 Figure 17 – Example of the Kc temporal laws table...................................................... 41 Figure 18 – Example of table of forecast precipitation specifications. ...................... 44 Figure 19 – Cycles of hydrometric forecast timed by the updating of hydrometeorological data. ....................................................................................... 45 Figure 20 – Example of table of time changes of the contaminant input map ....... 48 Figure 21 – Example of table of contaminant point sources. ...................................... 49 Figure 22 - General functional scheme........................................................................... 51 Figure 23 - Graphic interface to execute the modules............................................... 52 Figure 24 - Screenshot generated by the module of geographical data preprocessing. ................................................................................................................... 53 Figure 25 - Screenshot generated by the calculation module................................... 54 Figure 26 - Screenshot generated by the post-processing module. .......................... 54 Figure 27 - Example of table of statistics for the river network.................................... 56 Figure 28 - Example of table of statistic for a reservoir. ................................................ 56 Figure 29 - Initial screenshot of the visualization module.............................................. 57 Figure 30 - Screenshot of dialogue for the visualization of river network discharges. ........................................................................................................................................ 57 Figure 31 - Map of the river network for discharges visualization................................ 58 Figure 32 - Example of plot of discharges in a reach and of the corresponding diversions. ..................................................................................................................... 58 Figure 33 - Example of plots concerning a regulation tank. ........................................ 59 Figure 34 - Selection of the area to visualize for variables in raster format. .............. 59 Figure 35 - Example of visualization of the map of the medium value of a variable in raster format............................................................................................................. 60 Figure 36 - Example of temporal series of a raster variable values in a specific point. ............................................................................................................................. 60 Figure 37 - Example of a table of global results. ............................................................ 61 Figure 38 – Example of table of calibration iterations................................................... 62 Figure 39 – Example of a configuration file for the module of geographic data modifications................................................................................................................ 64 1. Install 1.1. Install of main software package You can retrieve the last build of the MOBIDIC software package at . Download and run the auto-installer mobidic_3_install.exe from this URL. You’ll be require to specify the installation folder. The current version requires that all data and results are in the same disk unit. It is so advisable that this folder (which is automatically generated by the installation program and from here on indicated as $MOBIDIC_ROOT$) is on a disk unit with almost 20 Gbytes of free space. Figure 1 – Starting install procedure. 1.2. Install of additional packages In the current version in real time forecast mode, the batch production of tables and images of results may be done by additional packages not included in the main one: - tables_mobidic.exe – It generates tables and images concerning the main products of hydrometric forecast. - soilmois_mobidic.exe – It generates tables and images concerning the main products of soil moisture monitoring. - clean_statedir.exe – It does maintenance of the results folder (see chap. $.$). These three packages must be copied in the folder $MOBIDIC_ROOT$/bin/win32. 2. Configuration of case study Each case study, which may be a long-term simulation or flood forecast on a given watershed, needs to be preceded by some configuration operations. 2.1. Case study folders Each case study requires the organization of suitable disk-space. It is suggested to create 3 different folders, eventually contained in a parent folder whose name identifies the case study. These 3 folders will contain: - The geographic data (e.g: \Amazon_Basin\geo_dati\), as described at ch. 3. - The hydrometeorological data (e.g.: \Amazon_Basin\meteo_data\), as described at ch. 0. - The computation results (e.g.: \Amazon_Basin\states\), as described at ch. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.. In order to activate the contaminant dispersion module, another folder must be created to contain dispersion data (e.g.: \Amazon_Basin\dispersion_data\), as described in chap. 5. For compatibility with unix/linux systems, white spaces cannot be used in folder and file names. Figure 2 - Example of folders structure for two different case study. 2.2. Case study settings in a configuration file All the information about the data location, parameters and computation options, i.e. everything that defines the contents and modes of a given case study, are managed through the records of a configuration file. The configuration file is a text file whose name is given by the user and must have extension .cfm (e.g. Amazon_Basin_realtime.cfm), it must be unique for the case study and must be stored in the folder $MOBIDIC_ROOT$\bin\win32 . An example of configuration file can be downloaded from the same URL of the software package. 2.3. Structure and set-up of configuration file Any piece of information contained in the configuration file is expressed as a couple of alphanumeric strings. The first, from a list of predefined strings, is the identification key of the parameters and the second is the value (numeric or alphanumeric) to be assigned to it. The couple of strings must be separated by either tabs of white spaces, and should be the only elements in one text-line (record) of the file. There is no predefined order of the parameters lines, and comment lines can be added to the configuration files in arbitrary positions. Any line starting with a string that is not a valid parameter key is considered to be a comment line. In the example below, parameter keys are colored in purple and parameter values in blue. Figure 3 - Example of a configuration file. The various information that need to be specified in a configuration file may be logically subdivided in the following categories: - General identification parameters (see chap. 2.3.1). - Calculation control parameters (see chap. 2.3.2). - Global hydrologic parameters (see chap. 2.3.3). - Information about geographic data in raster format (see chap. 3.1). - Information about geographic data in vector format (see chap. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.). - Information about hydrometeorologic data (see chap. 0). Dispersion control parameters (see chap. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.). Information about dispersion data (see chap. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.). The configuration file can be divided into several subfiles, in order to best manage the information about the case study. Every time the string INCLUDE appears in a configuration files, MOBIDIC starts reading the subfile whose complete name and path are written next to the string INCLUDE itself. At the end of the subfile, MOBIDIC continues with the reading of the parent file. There is no limitation to the number of subfiles and nestings. Figure 4 - Example of the use of the string INCLUDE. 2.3.1. General identification parameters The general identification parameters include two alphanumeric strings, one for the watershed (typically its name) and one for the parameters set, and the geographic coordinates of the watershed centroid. Such coordinates are used for computation of sun position, so a quarter-degree accuracy is sufficient. In the configuration file it must be given the watershed name or id in a line with parameter key basin_id In the configuration file it must be given the parameters set id in a line with parameter key paramset_id In the configuration file it must be given the longitude, in decimal degrees, of the watershed centroid in a line with parameter key basin_blon In the configuration file it must be given the latitude, in decimal degrees, of the watershed centroid in a line with parameter key basin_blat 2.3.2. Calculation control parameters The simulation/forecast calculations are driven by a number of parameters which control numerical and data flow schemes. These are: - The computation mode, to be chosen among the following possibilities: -1 – Calibration mode; 0 – Extended simulation mode; 1 – Real time forecasting based on ground data only; 2 – Real time forecasting with Quantitative Precipition Forecast. In the configuration file it must be given the identification number of the computation mode in a line with parameter key realtime - The coarse-graining factor for the raster geographic data (see chap. 3.1) to be used in the hydrologic computation. The factor must be a positive integer. The higher the factor, the faster are the calculations but lower the spatial detail of the results. In the configuration file it must be given the coarse-graining factor for the raster geographic data in a line with parameter key degradfac - The calculation time step, in seconds (e.g. 3600 for hourly time step, 86400 for daily). In the configuration file it must be given the calculation time step in a line with parameter key basestep - The full pathname (disk, folder, filename) of the Matlab file (.mat extension) where the processed geographic data will be stored (see chap. 7.1). In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the process GIS archive in a line with parameter key gisdatapath - The full pathname of the folder where the results will be stored. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the results folder in a line with parameter key statespath - The type of conceptual scheme for the hydrologic soil balance, to be chosen among the following two possibilities: BUCKET – Double-bucket (gravitational and capillary). CN – Soil Conservation Service-Curve Number. In the configuration file it must be given the name of the soil scheme in a line with parameter key bilatype - The type of conceptual scheme for the river flow routing, to be chosen among the following possibilities: Lag – Fixed lag. Linear – Linear reservoir. It is the default scheme. Musk –Muskingam. MuskCun - Muskingam-Cunge. In the configuration file it must be given the name of the flow routing scheme in a line with parameter key routtype - The type of the scheme for the surface energy balance, to be chosen among the following possibilities: 2L – 2 Layers scheme. It is the default scheme. 1L – 1 Layer scheme. Snow – 4 Layers forward scheme (2 layers for soil and 2 layers for snowpack). None – the surface energy balance is deactivated. In the configuration file it must be given the name of the surface energy balance scheme in a line with parameter key enertype - The type of the scheme for the aquifer modelling, to be chosen among the following possibilities: Linear – Conceptual linear reservoir. It is the default scheme. Dupuit – Dupuit approximation for phreatic aquifer. ModFlow – Link with MODFLOW groundwater model. In the configuration file it must be given the name of the groundwater scheme in a line with parameter key gw_model - The water capillary rise mode, to be chosen among the following two possibilities: 0 – Capillary rise from phreatic aquifer is not simulated; 1 – Capillary rise from phreatic aquifer is simulated (this option is not compatible with gw_model set to Linear). In the configuration file it must be given the identification number of the capillary rise mode in a line with parameter key caprisemod - 2.3.3. The state variables to be saved on disk for subsequent analysis and visualization, included in the following main groups: Qret – Discharge and water stage in the river network; res_rout – Volume, water stage and outflow in reservoirs; Wg – Volume of soil water, per unit area, above field capacity (gravitational volume); Wc – Volume of soil water, per unit area, below field capacity (capillary volume); Wp – Volume for canopy interception, per unit area; Ws – Volume of surface soil water (hillslope runoff), per unit area; sflx – Soil water fluxes, per unit area: runoff flr, hypodermic flow fld, percolation Sper, capillary flux qcap; Vu – Cumulative surface volume in CN scheme for soil balance, per unit area; evr – Potential and actual evapotranspiration, precipitation; Ts – Land surface temperature; Td – Land sub-surface temperature; h – Water table levels and flow to the network. In the configuration file it must be given 1 (variable to be saved) or 0 (variable NOT to be saved) in a series of lines with parameter keys state_output.Qret state_output.res_rout state_output.Wg state_output.Wc state_output.Wp state_output.Ws state_output.sflx state_output.Vu state_output.evr state_output.Ts state_output.Td state_output.h Global hydrologic parameters Several numeric parameters used in various hydrologic conceptual schemes are global, i.e. constant in time and all over the basin, and hence they are not considered among the geographic data described in chap. 3. The following global parameters are to be considered as strictly necessary: - The percolation coefficient (inverse of time, units in s-1); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key param_value.gamma___ - The adsorption coefficient among gravitational and capillary soil volume (inverse of time, units in s-1); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key param_value.kappa___ - The hypodermic flow coefficient (inverse of time, units in s-1); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key param_value.beta____ -1 - The hillslope flow coefficient (inverse of time, units in s ); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key param_value.alpha___ - The deep ground temperature (units in °K); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key param_value.Tcost___ - The ground thermal conductivity (units in Wm-1°K-1); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key param_value.kaps____ 2 -1 - The ground thermal diffusivity (units in m s ); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key param_value.nis_____ - The reference wave celerity in river reaches of Strahler order 1 (units in ms-1); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key param_value.wcel____ - The reference width of river reaches of Strahler order 1 (units in m); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key param_value.Br0_____ - Growth exponent of river width as a function of Strahler order (non dimensional); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key param_value.NBr_____ -1/3 - Reference Manning roughness (units in sm ); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key param_value.Man_____ Are instead optional (i.e. they can be omitted) the following global parameters: - The deep global lickage or loss (units in m3/s, it will be set to 0 if not given); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key param_value.glo_loss - The multiplicative coefficient for the gravitational soil capacity (see paragraph 3.1.2), non-dimensional, it will be set to 1 if not given); - - - - - - - - In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key param_value.wg_molti The multiplicative coefficient for the capillary soil capacity (see paragraph 3.1.2), non-dimensional, it will be set to 1 if not given); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key param_value.wc_molti The multiplicative coefficient for the plants capacity, to model canopy interception (see paragraph 3.1.2), non-dimensional, it will be set to 1 if not given); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key param_value.wp_molti The multiplicative coefficient for the soil saturation hydraulic conductivity (see paragraph 3.1.2), non-dimensional, it will be set to 1 if not given); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key param_value.ks_molti The multiplicative coefficient for the saturation hydraulic conductivity of the soil deep layer or of the aquifer (see paragraph 3.1.2 and 3.1.3), nondimensional, it will be set to 1 if not given); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key param_value.kf_molti The multiplicative coefficient for the land-atmosphere turbulent exchange coefficient (see paragraph 3.1.2), non-dimensional, it will be set to 1 if not given); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key param_value.CHfac___ The multiplicative coefficient for modelled soil layer (see paragraph 3.1.3), non-dimensional, it will be set to 1 if not given); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key param_value.hsoil_molti The multiplicative coefficient for the initial depth from surface to groundwater table (see chapter 6), non-dimensional, it will be set to 1 if not given); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key param_value.zw_molti The fraction of a rainy time step without rain, non-dimensional; In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key param_value.f0 2.3.4. The calibration parameters In order to calibrate the global hydrologic parameters (see chap. 7.4 for calibration mode details), the following information must be provided for each parameter to be calibrated: - The parameter name, taken from the corresponding identification key of chap. 2.3.3; In the configuration file it must be given the parameter name in a line with parameter key optimization.parameter - The first guess value of the parameter; In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key optimization.startvalue - The calibration scale, to be chosen among the following two possibilities: 0 – Linear; 1 – Logarithmic (to be used for strictly positive defined parameters); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key optimization.logscale If more than one parameter need to be calibrated simultaneously, the above sequence of configuration lines must be repeated accordingly. See chap. 7.47.4 for specifications on discharge data for calibration. The calibration module searches the minimum of an objective function given by the weighted sum of the differences between normalized model variables and available flow measurements. Four different quantities may be considered in the objective function: discharge (portate), cumulative flow volume (volumi), flow duration (durate), peak discharge (picco). The relative weight of the four terms must be specified: In the configuration file it must be given the positive numeric values of the relative weights in four consecutive lines with parameter keys optimization.peso_portate optimization.peso_volumi optimization.peso_durate optimization.peso_picco The optimization is performed with and iterative procedure, whose stop criteria may be given in terms of maximum number of iterations and/or numeric tolerance of the objective function value: In the configuration file it must be given the maximum number of iterations in a line with parameter key optimization.max_iter In the configuration file it must be given the tolerance on the objective function in a line with parameter key optimization.tol_fun 2.3.5. The dispersion control parameters To activate the simulation of contaminant dispersion through the watershed, the following parameters must be declared: - The number of maps of non-point contaminant load. At minimum one map is required; if no maps are declared the dispersion simulation is deactivated. Multiple maps may be used to model time variant contaminant load. In the configuration file it must be given the number of maps of non-point contaminant load in a line with parameter key diffus.npatt - The dispersion calculations time step, in seconds. In the configuration file it must be given the dispersion calculations time step in a line with parameter key diffus.dt 2.4. Automatisms setting for real-time forecasting In the current version, for the real time forecasting mode only, some automatisms must be set. These automatisms are set through various scripts (ASCII files containing system instructions, with the extension .bat in DOS/Windows OS). A first group of two scripts, with fixed name and functions described in chap. 4.2.4, must be created in the folder of hydrometeorological data (see chap. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.). These two scripts guarantee the real time flow of hydrometeorological data and precipitation forecast, and they are automatically started by the calculation module. Another script group must be created, preferably but not necessary, in the folder $MOBIDIC_ROOT$\bin\win32; each script has the following specific tasks: - Automatically start of the computational module every time the computer is started. This is done through a line in the script which calls the module starting procedure by command line (see chap. $$). The script must be then added in the Windows Authomatic Execution menu. - Automatically temporized start of the module which generates tables and plots of hydrometric forecast. This is done recalling in the script the module starting procedure by command line (see chap. $$), and programming the temporized execution from the Windows menu Avvio/Impostazioni/Pannello di Controllo/Operazioni Pianificate. The temporization time is suggested to be comparable (possibly lower) with that of hydrometeorological data updating (e.g. every 10 minutes). - Automatically temporized start of the program which generates tables and plots of soil monitoring. This is done recalling in the script the module starting procedure by command line (see chap. $$), and programming the temporized execution from the Windows menu Avvio/Impostazioni/Pannello di Controllo/Operazioni Pianificate. The temporization time is suggested to be higher than that of hydrometeorological data updating but lower than a day (e.g. every hour). - Automatically temporized start of the maintenance program of the results folder. This is done recalling in the script the module starting procedure by command line (see chap. $$), and programming the temporized execution from the Windows menu Avvio/Impostazioni/Pannello di Controllo/Operazioni Pianificate. A daily temporization is suggested. 3. The geographic data The simulated watershed is first of all described by a set of geographical data in two main formats. Geographical data in raster format (matrix of values associated to a spatiall subdivision into squared grid). Geographical data in vector format (group of two-dimensional, onedimensional or zero-dimensional geometric elements, georeferred by spatial coordinates sequences, with one or more quantitative and/or qualitative associated attributes. The raster format is mainly used to represent geographic data with areal valence. Raster data are eventually derived from vector themes for which a discretization and an approximated georeferentiation on cells of a squared grid is acceptable. Typically cells dimensions are of the order of tens or hundreds of meters. The vector format is mainly used to represent geographical data with areal, linear or punctual valence, for which more precision in georeferentiation is required: typically of the order of meter and not necessarily homogeneous. Figure 5 - Example of vector data (lines and points) overlapped to raster data. 3.1. The geographic data in raster format The geographic data in raster format constitute a series of descriptive layers, each one relating to a single territorial attribute. They are referred to a spatial subdivision of the watershed into squared cells. It is required that all this format data refer to a unique geometric model (coordinates system, grid origin, cells dimension and cell number in the two directions of the coordinates system). The current version requires that the coordinates system is plane, with distances in meters, and that every layer is independently saved. The current version employs both the Arc-View grid export binary format and the GeoTIFF format (.tif or .tiff files). In the Arc-View grid export binary format every layer is represented by a couple of files (extensions .flt and .hdr). The first one contains the attribute value of each cell, in binary format in floating-point representation with single precision. The second one contains the fundamental geometric parameters in ASCII format. In the following we will always refer to the Arc-View format, but GeoTIFF grids can be used equivalently. 3.1.1. The required raster data Among raster data describing the basin, those concerning the three following attributes are required: - Ground elevation (elevation raster). In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.zz - Direction of maximum ground slope. (flow direction raster). In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding file .flt in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.zp - Extension of the superficial contributing watershed. (flow accumulation raster). In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.zr In the elevation raster, elevation must be expressed in meters above the medium sea level. 32 64 16 8 128 1 4 2 Figure 6 - Flow directions according to ARC INFO convention The maximum slope directions are expressed as one of the 8 main directions towards the adjacent cells. The directions E-SE-S-SW-W-NW-N-NE are identified by the numbers 1-2-4-8-16-32-64-128 if ARC INFO convention is adopted (identified by the string ‘ARC’ in the configuration file), or by the numbers 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 following GRASS convention (identified by the string ‘GRASS’ in the configuration file). The specification of the adopted convention is optional. Flow directions are treated by default according to ARC INFO convention. In the configuration file it must be given the name of the flow direction convention in a line with parameter key param_raster.pointertype For every raster cell, the superficial watershed extension is expressed as the number of cells comprised in the upstream watershed (excluded the current one). Crest cells will so have a value equal to zero, whereas the cell which contains the watershed outlet section will have a value equal to the total number of watershed cells less one. The elevation raster is the primary reference for the identification of the watershed geographical extension, and it must have No Data values in these cells which are out of the watershed but inside the raster. Flow direction and accumulation rasters are automatically derivable from elevation raster, by employing one of the several specific GIS procedures (e.g. wshddelin31utility in Arc-View). Figure 7 - Example of elevation, flow direction and flow accumulation raster. 3.1.2. The optional raster data Others geographic data in raster format describes the main soil and surface land parameters. They are considered optional because these parameters value can be given, at minimal level, as a unique default value, constant on the whole watershed. These parameters default values must however be specified, even at the presence of the corresponding raster. Every default value will be used by the calculation program to fill potential gaps in the corresponding raster. The optional raster parameters are: The capacity (volume per area unit, units in mm) of the soil fraction with prevalent gravitational behaviour, that can be assimilated to the saturation water content net to field capacity. The capacity can be expressed also as fraction (non-dimensional, 0-1) of the modelled soil layer depth (see paragraph 3.1.3, param_rasterfile.hsoil). In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.Wg0 In the configuration file it must be given the default value in a line with parameter key param_default.Wg0 The capacity (volume per area unit, units in mm) of the soil fraction with prevalent capillary behaviour, that can be assimilated to the difference between field capacity and residual water content at the wilting point. The capacity can be expressed also as fraction (non-dimensional, 0-1) of the modelled soil layer depth (see paragraph 3.1.3, param_rasterfile.hsoil). In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.Wc0 In the configuration file it must be given the default value in a line with parameter key param_default.Wc0 The capacity (volume per area unit, units in mm) of the plants reservoir for canopy interception. It will be set to 0 if not given. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.Wp0 In the configuration file it must be given the default value in a line with parameter key param_default.Wp0 - The saturation hydraulic conductivity (units in mm/hour) of the soil superficial layer. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.ks In the configuration file it must be given the default value in a line with parameter key param_default.ks - The saturation hydraulic conductivity (units in m/s) of the soil deep layer (or of the aquifer, see the following points). In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.kf In the configuration file it must be given the default value in a line with parameter key param_default.kf - The albedo coefficient (non-dimensional) of land surface. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.Alb In the configuration file it must be given the default value in a line with parameter key param_default.Alb - The heat turbulent exchange coefficient (non-dimensional) between land surface and atmosphere. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.CH In the configuration file it must be given the default value in a line with parameter key param_default.CH Ksu Wca 5.291 - 14.541 14.541 - 23.791 23.791 - 33.042 33.042 - 42.292 42.292 - 51.542 51.542 - 60.793 60.793 - 70.043 70.043 - 79.293 79.293 - 88.544 No Data 32.9 - 39.465 39.465 - 46.029 46.029 - 52.594 52.594 - 59.159 59.159 - 65.723 65.723 - 72.288 72.288 - 78.853 78.853 - 85.417 85.417 - 91.982 No Data Wgr 57.2 - 65.017 65.017 - 72.835 72.835 - 80.652 80.652 - 88.47 88.47 - 96.287 96.287 - 104.105 104.105 - 111.922 111.922 - 119.74 119.74 - 127.558 No Data Alb Kfa 0.00001 - 0.00004 0.00004 - 0.00007 0.00007 - 0.00009 0.00009 - 0.00012 0.00012 - 0.00014 0.00014 - 0.00017 0.00017 - 0.00019 0.00019 - 0.00022 0.00022 - 0.00025 No Data 111 - 155 156 - 200 201 - 244 245 - 289 290 - 333 334 - 378 379 - 422 423 - 467 468 - 512 Ch 0.003 - 0.005 0.005 - 0.008 0.008 - 0.011 0.011 - 0.013 0.013 - 0.016 0.016 - 0.019 0.019 - 0.021 0.021 - 0.024 0.024 - 0.027 No Data Figure 8 - Example of raster data for soil and vegetation (gravitational and capillary capacity, soil and aquifer hydraulic conductivity, albedo, heat turbulent exchange coefficient between land surface and atmosphere) 3.1.3. The additional raster data Further raster data are completely at user discretion, in particular those concerning aquifers. They can be totally omitted, even as default values. If aquifers are modelled using the DUPUIT scheme (see parameter key gw_model in paragraph 2.3.2) several specific parameters are needed. Their areal extension can not coincide with the areal extension of the watershed. Therefore the extension of aquifers is represented by two specific binary raster (0 -1), definable as masks: - The artesian aquifers mask; In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.Ma - The phreatic aquifers mask; In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.Mf - The elevation (units in m above the sea level) of the aquifer bedrock; In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.zb In the configuration file it must be given the default value in a line with parameter key param_default.zb - The thickness (units in m) of the artesian aquifer (if it is present); In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key In the configuration file it must be given the default value in a line with parameter key - The saturation hydraulic conductivity (units in m/s) of the aquifer, meant as mean equivalent conductivity of the whole aquifer thickness in horizontal direction; In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.kf In the configuration file it must be given the default value in a line with parameter key param_default.kf - The storage coefficient (non-dimensional). In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key In the configuration file it must be given the default value in a line with parameter key Optionally the vertical conductivity of the aquifer can be included, in order to simulate the connection with a deeper reservoir. The raster must contain the vertical hydraulic conductivity (units in meters per second) divided for the space step (units in meters) which is employed in the computation of the vertical flow. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.kzdz This last raster must be associated with the deep reservoir hydraulic head (units in meters), which is expressed as a scalar value. In the configuration file it must be given the deep reservoir hydraulic head in a line with parameter key param_default.gwdeeplevel Further additional raster data are still about soil, and they are: - The maximum saturation hydraulic conductivity (units in mm/hour) of soil surface layer. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.ksmax - The minimum saturation hydraulic conductivity (units in mm/hour) of soil surface layer. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.ksmin - The base flow index (BFI, non-dimensional). In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.bfi In the configuration file it must be given the default value in a line with parameter key param_default.bfi Still about soil, additional raster data are required if water capillary rise from phreatic aquifers is simulated (caprisemod set to 1; see paragraph 2.3.2). They are: - The soil texture type, in accordance with the lookup table in the appendix, chapter 8. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding - .flt file in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.soiltype In the configuration file it must be given the default value in a line with parameter key param_default.soiltype The thickness of the modelled soil layer, in millimeters. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.hsoil In the configuration file it must be given the default value in a line with parameter key param_default.hsoil Lastly an additional grid is required in order to consider the crop coefficient (Kc) in the computation of the evapotranspiration. It is: - The spatial pattern of the different crop types, each one identified by a numeric code. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.Kcpath In the configuration file it must be given the default value in a line with parameter key param_default.Kcpath Its presence implicitly activates the usage of the crop coefficient Kc. The temporal variation of Kc for each crop type is given through the table file specified in kc_laws and described in paragraph 4.1.4. The default scalar values are used as homogeneous in the area if the corresponding raster files are not defined. 3.2. The geographic data in vector format The vector format is used for geographic elements, both areal, linear and punctual, whose raster representation would not provide a sufficient precision in georeferentiation. The current version requires that the geometric representation refers to a plane coordinates system, with distances expressed in meters. It employs the Arc-View shape format, where each layer is represented by at least three files (extensions .shp, .shx, .dbf). The first one contains the geometric coordinates of the spatial elements, the second one the indexes of these elements and the third one the attributes associated to each element. The third of these files is structured as a table, eventually editable by Excel. 3.2.1. The required vector data Among vector data describing the basin, those concerning river network are required. River network is represented by a shapefile of polylines with the following characteristics: - the points of each reach must be ordered from upstream to downstream (hydrographic convention); - the coordinates of the last point of each reach must coincide with the coordinates of the first point of another (and only one) reach, for less than 1 meter of tolerance. Terminal reaches are exceptions and they identify at least one outlet. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .shp file in a line with parameter key param_shapefile.ret The associated table must contain a numeric field with a unique identification code for each reach. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .dbf file in a line with parameter key param_tablefile.ret In the configuration file it must be given the field name of .dbf file which contains the unique identification code of the network branches, in a line with parameter key tablefile_key1.ret Optionally, the attributes table can contain two numeric fields with the unique codes of the first and last node of each branch. This allows to define the branches topological connection without respecting the maximum tolerance of 1 meter for the coordinates of the terminal points. In the configuration file it must be given the field name of .dbf file which contains the unique identification code of branches first node, in a line with parameter key tablefile_key2.ret In the configuration file it must be given the field name of .dbf file which contains the unique identification code of branches last node, in a line with parameter key tablefile_key3.ret Other fields may be added to the table by the user. Figure 9 - Example of river network represented in vector format. 3.2.2. The additional vector data Aquifer springs are represented by a shape file of points whose presence is not required. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .shp file in a line with parameter key param_shapefile.sorg The associated attribute table must contain: - A numeric field, named ID, for the spring unique identification code; - A numeric field, named As, for the spring mouth equivalent area (units in square meters); - A numeric field, named fi_s, for the spring reduction coefficient (adimensional); - A numeric field, named Zs, for the spring elevation (units in meters above the sea level); In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .dbf file in a line with parameter key param_tablefile.sorg If these vector data are not present when the aquifer simulation is active, all the first points of the river network first order reaches lying inside the aquifer extent are treated as aquifer springs. Also data about tanks, artificial reservoirs or natural lakes with a behaviour similar to the artificial ones, are additional vector data. They can be totally omitted, even as default values. The set of all the reservoirs is represented by a point shape file, where each point is a weir, or anyhow the point in space which best represent the position of the hydraulic structure of the reservoir outlet. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .shp file in a line with parameter key param_shapefile.res The associated attributes table must contain, for each reservoir and each stagereleased discharge curve (in case of time variant curve, several records for the same reservoir will be present): - a numeric field containing the reservoir unique identification code; - a numeric field containing the dam top elevation (in meters above the sea level) - a data type field containing the starting data of the stage-released discharge curve validity In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .dbf file in a line with parameter key param_tablefile.res In the configuration file it must be given the field name of .dbf file which contains the unique identification code of reservoirs, in a line with parameter key tablefile_key1.res In the configuration file it must be given the field name of .dbf file which contains the reservoirs dam top elevation, in a line with parameter key tablefile_key2.res In the configuration file it must be given the field name of .dbf file which contains the starting data of the stage-discharge curve validity, in a line with parameter key tablefile_key3.res Each curve must be specified by couples of values (H,Q), where H represents the water stage inside the reservoir (in meters above the sea level) and Q the released discharge (in cubic meters per second). These couples of values, in minimum number of 5, must be contained in the .dbf file in fields named H01, H02, …,H05, H06, … and Q01, Q02, …,Q05, Q06, … Figure 10 - Example of attributes table containing several stage-released discharge curves for the same reservoir. There is an alternative way for describing reservoirs, which is more flexible than the former one. In fact each reservoir is treated as independent from the others and therefore it can be described at its maximum details level, even if the others are at a coarser one. In the configuration file it must be declared the total number of reservoirs to simulate. In the configuration file it must be given the total number of reservoirs in a line with parameter key param_value.nrestot All the data about each tank must be written in the configuration file below its unique identification code. It could be useful to manage these data using the INCLUDE command (see par. 2.3). In the configuration file it must be given the reservoir unique identification code in a line with parameter key For each reservoir the required data are: The coordinates of the reservoir dam, which can be a single point, and so a single couple of coordinates is needed, or a polyline, if several couples of coordinates are declared. In this last case the couples must be ordered from the hydrological left to the hydrological right. In the configuration file it must be given the x-coordinate value in a line with parameter key res.coordx In the configuration file it must be given the y-coordinate value in a line with parameter key res.coordy - The dam top elevation (units in meters above the sea level) In the configuration file it must be given the dam top elevation value in a line with parameter key res.zmax - The reservoir stage-discharge curve. It is defined by declaring several couples of reservoir stage (units in meters above the sea level) and corresponding released discharge (units in cubic meters per second). They must be placed below the field containing the starting data of validity of the curve itself (format dd/mm/yyyy). A time variant law is obtained by declaring more than one curve and the corresponding starting data of validity. The number of the couples of stage and discharge is completely free and totally independent from one curve to another. In the configuration file it must be given the staring data of validity of the stage-discharge curve in a line with parameter key res.regdata In the configuration file it must be given the reservoir stage value in a line with parameter key res.regh In the configuration file it must be given the reservoir stage value in a line with parameter key res.regq Optional data are: - The reservoir stage-storage volume curve. It is defined by declaring several couples of reservoir water stage (units in meters above the sea level) and the corresponding reservoir storage volume (units in cubic meters). The number of the couples is completely free. In the configuration file it must be given the reservoir stage value in a line with parameter key res.level In the configuration file it must be given the reservoir storage volume value in a line with parameter key res.volume If the curve is not explicitly declared, it is automatically calculated from the DEM at its highest resolution, that means before the use of the coarse-graining factor (see par. 2.3.2). - A higher resolution DEM, approximately limited to the reservoir extent area. It is used to automatically calculate the stage-volume curve, but only if the dam is declared as a polyline. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key param_rasterfile.reszz Figure 11 - Example of reservoir declaration via configuration file with the use of the INCLUDE command. Also data concerning detention basins or floodways are additional vector data, which can be totally omitted. They consist of a shape file of polygons, where each one represents the perimeter of a different detention basin. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .shp file in a line with parameter key param_shapefile.casse The associate attribute table must contain a numeric field with the unique identification code of each detention basin. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .dbf file in a line with parameter key param_tablefile.casse In the configuration file it must be given the field name of .dbf file which contains the unique identification code of detention basins, in a line with parameter key tablefile_key1.casse In the configuration file it must be declared the total number of detention basins to simulate. In the configuration file it must be given the total number of detention basins in a line with parameter key param_value.ncassetot All the remaining data about each detention basin must be written in the configuration file below its unique identification code. It could be useful to manage these data using the INCLUDE command (see par. 2.3). In the configuration file it must be given the detention basin unique identification code in a line with parameter key The required data are: - The coordinates of the diversion point from river to the detention basin. In the configuration file it must be given the x-coordinate value in a line with parameter key cassa.coordx In the configuration file it must be given they-coordinate value in a line with parameter key cassa.coordy - The detention basin levees top elevation (units in meters above the sea level). In the configuration file it must be given the levees top elevation value in a line with parameter key cassa.zmax - The diversion curve, expressed as couples of river discharge and corresponding flux entering the detention basin (units in cubic meters per second). The couples of discharges must be preceded by the starting data of validity of the diversion curve (format dd/mm/yyyy). A time variant law is obtained by declaring more than one curve and the corresponding starting data of validity. The number of the couples of discharges is completely free and totally independent from one curve to another. In the configuration file it must be given the staring data of validity of the diversion curve in a line with parameter key cassa.regdata In the configuration file it must be given the river discharge value in a line with parameter key cassa.regqa In the configuration file it must be given the spilled discharge value in a line with parameter key res.regqs - The coordinates of the release point from the detention basin to the river. In the configuration file it must be given the x-coordinate value in a line with parameter key cassa.coordxout In the configuration file it must be given the y-coordinate value in a line with parameter key cassa.coordyout - The release curve, expressed as couples of detention basin stage (units in meters above the sea level) and corresponding released discharge to the river (units in cubic meters per second). The couples of stage-discharge must be preceded by the starting data of validity of the release curve (format dd/mm/yyyy). A time variant law is obtained by declaring more than one curve and the corresponding starting data of validity. The number of the stagedischarge couples is completely free and totally independent from one curve to another. In the configuration file it must be given the staring data of validity of the release curve in a line with parameter key cassa.regdataout In the configuration file it must be given the detention basin stage value in a line with parameter key cassa.reghout In the configuration file it must be given the released discharge value in a line with parameter key res.regqout Optional data are: - The detention basin stage-storage volume curve. It is defined by declaring several couples of water stage in the detention basin (units in meters above the sea level) and the corresponding storage volume (units in cubic meters). The number of the couples is completely free. In the configuration file it must be given the detention basin stage value in a line with parameter key cassa.level In the configuration file it must be given the detention basin storage volume value in a line with parameter key cassa.volume If the curve is not explicitly declared, it is automatically calculated from the DEM at its highest resolution, that means before the use of the coarse-graining factor (see par. 2.3.2). Figure 12 - Example of detention basin declaration with the use of the INCLUDE command. 4. The hydrometeorological data The time period on which the simulation/forecast run is done is defined by the input meteorological data. The management of hydrometeorological data has some differences between runs for long term simulations and runs for flood forecasting (see chap. 0 for setting the use mode). 4.1. The hydrometeorological data for long term hydrologic simulation The hydrometeorological data for long-term hydrologic simulation must be referenced to point measurement sites, i.e. measurement stations (either real or virtual). 4.1.1. The table of measurement stations The definition of the set of available measurement stations must be given in a specific table contained in an ASCII file. As usual of ASCII tables, the first row contains the field names and each following row is a record. Tabs are used as field delimiters. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the table of measurement stations in a line with parameter key gaugetablepath The first row of the table contains the field names. The following fields must be necessarily present in the table: - Code_Gauge_Network – Unique station numerical identification code; different instruments in the same location must have different identification code. - Code_Gauge_Type – Numeric code of the type of measured variable, according to the following coding: o 1 – rainfall; o 11,12 – water stage (ultrasound, pressure); o 15 – discharge; o 21 – air temperature; o 31 – air humidity; o 41 – air pressure; o 51 – wind speed; o 61 – wind direction; o 71 – solar radiation; o 81 – evaporation. - Coord_X_UTM_m – Station X (East) coordinate, in meters, using the same plane projection that is being used for the geographic data. - Coord_Y_UTM_m – Station Y (North) coordinate, in meters, using the same plane projection that is being used for the geographic data. - Elevation_msl – Station elevation, in meters above sea level (optional, -9999 may be used for missing information). Other fields may be added to the table by the user. Figure 13 - Example of table of measurement stations. 4.1.2. The tables of hydrometeorological data Each hydrometeorological data type has its own data table. All the data tables, however, need to be stored in the same folder. In the configuration file it must be given the complete pathname of the folder containing the tables with the hydrometeorological data in a line with parameter key timeseriespath The following hydrometeorological data are currently used in the hydrologic calculations, which include both water and energy balance at the surface: - Precipitation – precipitation height, in tenths of mm, cumulated over the reference time step; In the configuration file it must be given the filename of the corresponding data table in a line with parameter key rain_file - Maximum Temperature – maximum air temperature, in tenth of °C, within the reference time step; In the configuration file it must be given the filename of the corresponding data table in a line with parameter key tempmax_file - Minimum Temperature – minimum air temperature, in tenth of °C, within the reference time step; In the configuration file it must be given the filename of the corresponding data table in a line with parameter key tempmin_file - Humidity – relative humidity of air, in %, average over the reference time step; In the configuration file it must be given the filename of the corresponding data table in a line with parameter key humidity_file - Wind – wind speed, in tenths of m/s, average over the reference time step; In the configuration file it must be given the filename of the corresponding data table in a line with parameter key wind_file - Radiation – incoming shortwave radiation, in W/m2, average over the reference time step. In the configuration file it must be given the filename of the corresponding data table in a line with parameter key radiation_file If the program is being used in calibration mode (see chap. 2.3.3 and 7.4), the tables with river discharge data must be also specified. - Discharge – river discharge, in liters/s, average over the reference time step. In the configuration file it must be given the filename of the corresponding data table in a line with parameter key discharge_file All the data table share the same ASCII format. Each line, except the first one, contains the data of a time step. Values may be separated by either tabs or spaces. Figure 14 - Example of data table for maximum air temperature. The first line of a data table starts with the string ‘gg mm aa oo mm ‘, which is then followed by the list of the stations codes, as from the stations table, for which the collected data are reported in the remaining of the table. Each following data row starts with the identification of the nominal measurement time (usually end of time step of measurement) in the format DD MM YY hh mm, which is then followed by the data values in the same order of the stations codes. The number -9999 is used for possible missing data. All the data for one simulation must be given with the same time step of the calculations (see chap. 2.3.2). In case that for a given time interval all the data are missing, for a maximum of 6 consecutive time steps, the corresponding lines may be omitted. 4.1.3. Data on derivations and restitutions to rivers Optionally, the computations may take into account artificial derivations and/or reimmissions in arbitrary points of the river network. The definition of the necessary data for this option are given in an anagraphic ASCII table, where each line contains the information for one derivation/reimmission point, separated by tabs. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the anagraphic table for river derivations and reimmissions in a line with parameter key inout_file The first row of the table contains the field names. The following fields must be necessarily present in the table: - Codice – Derivation unique numeric identification code; - d_beta_tab –Numeric code of the type of the derivation employ, according to the following default coding: o 10 – irrigation; - still usable o 50 – hydroelectric; - no more usable o 60 – hydroPOTABILE; - no more usable Currently user-defined types of derivation must be used. See the description of the file inout_laws in the following. - Coord_X_UTM_m – Station X (East) coordinate of the derivation/restitution point, in meters, using the same plane projection that is used for the geographic data. - Coord_Y_UTM_m – Station Y (North) coordinate of the derivation/restitution point, in meters, using the same plane projection that is used for the geographic data. - Qmax_ls – Maximum nominal value, in l/s, of the derivation (positive value) or of the restitution (negative value). - QL_ls – Nominal value, in l/s, of the respect discharge in the river reach of the derivation (if it is not known, -999999 can be used as missing value). - QS_ls – Nominal value, in l/s, of the minimum discharge from which the derivation starts (if it is not known, -999999 can be used as missing value). - Epsilon – Derivation efficiency (ratio between the actual consumed quantity and the derived quantity), in numeric value between 0 and 1. - DataIniziale – starting data of restitutions validity. Optionally, if derivation or restitutions is known as temporal series of actual values over the whole simulation period, the starting data can be replaced with the full pathname containing these values. This table format will be similar to that of the hydrometeorological data treated in the previous point. Other fields may be added to the table by the user. Figure 15 – Example of derivations and restitutions table. Different types of derivation or restitution are defined by the user through an ASCII table, to be stored in the same folder of the hydrometeorological data (specified in timeseriespath). Each line of the table must contain 13 values: the first one is the numeric code identifying the derivation type, in accordance with the above described field d_beta_tab of the anagraphic table; the others are monthly values of the derivation/restitution efficiency starting from January. In the configuration file it must be given the name of the temporal laws table for river derivations and restitutions in a line with parameter key inout_laws Figure 16 – Example of derivations and restitutions temporal laws table. 4.1.4. Data on crop coefficient Kc Optionally, the computation of the evapotranspiration may take into account the FAO crop coefficient Kc. This option is activated by defining the spatial pattern of the crops types (see param_rasterfile.Kcpath in paragraph 3.1.3). The temporal variation of Kc is specified with an ASCII table, to be stored in the same folder of the hydrometeorological data (specified in timeseriespath). In the table each line must contain 13 values: the first one is the numeric code identifying the crop type, in accordance with the map specified in param_rasterfile.Kcpath; the others are the monthly values of Kc starting from January. In the configuration file it must be given the name of the table for Kc temporal laws in a line with parameter key kc_laws Figure 17 – Example of the Kc temporal laws table. 4.2. Hydrometeorological data for real time forecast. Hydrometeorological data for real time forecast must refer to point measurement sites, i.e. measurement stations (either real or virtual). Maps of precipitation (in particular precipitation from forecast) in raster format can be added. 4.2.1. The table of measurement stations The definition of the set of available measurement stations must be given in a specific table in an ASCII file. As usual of ASCII tables, the first line contains the field names and each following line is a record. Tabs are used as field delimiters. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the table of measurement stations in a line with parameter key gaugetablepath Each field meaning and the table format are the same described at chap. 4.1.1. 4.2.2. The table of hydrometeorological data Each hydrometeorological data type has its own data table. All the data tables, however, need to be stored in the same folder. In the configuration file it must be given the complete pathname of the folder containing the tables with the hydrometeorological data in a line with parameter key timeseriespath The following hydrometeorological data are currently used in the real time forecast calculations: - Precipitation – precipitation height, in tenths of mm, cumulated over the reference time step; In the configuration file it must be given the filename of the corresponding data table in a line with parameter key rain_file - Maximum Temperature – maximum air temperature, in tenth of °C, within the reference time step; In the configuration file it must be given the filename of the corresponding data table in a line with parameter key tempmax_file - Minimum Temperature – minimum air temperature, in tenth of °C, within the reference time step; In the configuration file it must be given the filename of the corresponding data table in a line with parameter key tempmin_file - Humidity – relative humidity of air, in %, average over the reference time step; In the configuration file it must be given the filename of the corresponding data table in a line with parameter key humidity_file - Wind – wind speed, in tenths of m/s, average over the reference time step; In the configuration file it must be given the filename of the corresponding data table in a line with parameter key wind_file - Radiation – incoming shortwave radiation, in W/m2, average over the reference time step. In the configuration file it must be given the filename of the corresponding data table in a line with parameter key radiation_file All data tables are in the same ASCII format. Each line, except the first one, contains all data measured at a specific instant, as described in chap. 4.1.2. 4.2.3. Maps of forecasted precipitation The availability of maps of forecasted precipitation is declared by the presence of a table with the fixed name qpf_products.txt in the same folder where data tables described in the previous chapters are stored. If this table is not present the use of maps of forecast precipitation is deactivated. Each table line, except the first one, contains specifications concerning the different types of forecast, in order to do hydrometric forecast on the basis of several precipitation forecast. Each precipitation map is contained in a raster file. In the current version the Idrisi format is employed, where each raster is formed by a couple of files. The first one contains the forecast precipitation intensity for each raster cell in tens of mm/hour, in integer binary format with 16 bits. The second one contains the fundamental parameters of the geometric projection and auxiliary information on data, in ASCII format. The coordinates system must be the same employed for the geographic data of the river basin, but the extension of the maps can be arbitrary. The two files must have the same name but different extension. The temporal coding of the forecast reference instant and of the nominal instant of his generation, and two sub-strings of identification of forecast agency and of the product type, must be contained in the names of the files described above, according to specifications reported in the table qpf_products.txt. So this one must necessary contain the following fields: - recogst – Sub-string which identifies, in the raster name, the agency producing the forecast. - recogva – Sub-string which identifies, in the raster name, the specific product which contains the forecast precipitation intensity. - exthead – Extension of the file (also called header file) which contains additional information of raster. - extdati – Extension of the file which contains numeric values of forecast in the raster cells. - indaa – Couple of integer numeric values which report, in the raster name, the starting and ending position of the sub-string which contains the year of the forecast production. - indmm – Couple of integer numeric values which report, in the raster name, the starting and ending position of the sub-string which contains the month of the forecast production. - indgg – Couple of integer numeric values which report, in the raster name, the starting and ending position of the sub-string which contains the day of the forecast production. - indhh - Couple of integer numeric values which report, in the raster name, the starting and ending position of the sub-string which contains the hour of the forecast production. - indmi - Couple of integer numeric values which report, in the raster name, the starting and ending position of the sub-string which contains the minutes of the forecast production. - inddt – Couple of integer numeric values which report, in the raster name, the starting and ending position of the sub-string which contains the number of forward hours of the forecast. These fields can be empty, in this case the temporal coding of the previous fields does not refers to the production instant but to the instant of which the forecast refers to. The same table can also contain the following facultative fields (useful if the forecast precipitation maps are referenced to a different geographic projection from that employed for the case study geographical data): - false_east – Difference (in meters) between the East coordinate of the precipitation map origin and the corresponding coordinate in the projection of geographical data (this quantity will be summed to the map coordinates to them transform in the projection of the geographic data). - false_north – As above, for the North coordinates. For example, if the precipitation maps are referred to the plane UTM projection and the geographic data to the Gauss-Boaga system, the false_east must be equal to +999945 and the false_north equal to -181. Figure 18 – Example of table of forecast precipitation specifications. 4.2.4. The real time management of hydrometeorological data and of precipitation forecast In real time forecasting mode, calculations are done for a period which extend 48 hours over the instant of the last data present in the tables of measured data (described at chap. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.). Maps of forecast precipitation, if present, are used only if the instant of reference of the forecast is included in these 48 hours. Predated forecast are not considered. When available data end, the program does not end as for long term simulations, but it waits for new data. In particular, every about 2 minutes, tables of hydrometeorological data, described at chap. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata., are controlled by the program to verify the possible presence of new data. When new data are found, the program restarts calculations from the instant of the last previous data, for a period which comprehends the new data and other 48 hours, eventually employing precipitation forecast as said above. So the real time forecast can proceed with timing and continuity only if procedures to update hydrometeorological data and rasters of precipitation forecast exist. In the current version are implemented two automatic procedures. The first procedure assumes that a script named getdbf (getdbf.bat in DOS/Windows OS) exists in the folder of hydrometeorological data tables described at chap. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata., which can register in the same folder all the updated hydrometeorological data in a unique table named dati.dbf. This table format is similar to that described at chap. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata., with the difference that all the types of data (precipitation, temperatures, etc.) are in the same table and that the precipitation data are the progressive cumulative values instead of the high fell in each time interval. So the automatic procedure at every control cycle runs the script and if the table dati.dbf contains new data, it divides it in specific table for different types of data as the calculation program requires. Figure 19 – Cycles of hydrometric forecast timed by the updating of hydrometeorological data. Similarly, to update the precipitation forecast, the second automatic procedure assumes that, in the same folder described in chap. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata., there is a script named getqpf (getqpf.bat in DOS/Windows OS). This script must record in this folder all the updated precipitation raster, according to the specifications described at chap. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.. The same procedure must also delete files of old rasters in the folder before copying the new ones, to not saturate free space on disk. In fact hydrometeorological data tables maintain the same name and so they are overwritten, whereas rasters of forecast precipitation have a temporal code in the file name and so all names are different. Hydrometeorological data updating frequency is higher than that of new precipitation forecast production(e.g. every 15 minutes and every 12 hours respectively). The procedure concerning precipitation forecast is so automatically run only when the procedure concerning hydrometeorological data has found updated data and a new cycle of hydrometric forecast has to begin. 4.2.5. Reservoir management in real time simulations In real time simulations calculated reservoirs stages and released discharges are replaced with measured stages and discharges, when available. If only released discharge measurements are available, calculated stages are maintained, while also outlet fluxes are corrected if only stage measurements are present. Data must be contained in a structure named s_reserv (saved in the file meteodata.mat), where each element refers to a different reservoir. The structure must have the following fields: - A numeric field, named idx, containing the unique identification code of the reservoir which data refer to; - A numeric field, named time, containing the dates corresponding to the available measurements. Dates must be in the Matlab serial numerical format and must be organized in an array; - A numeric field, named h, containing reservoir stage measurements (units in meters above the sea level). Data must be organized in an array and when not available must be substituted by NaN; - A numeric field, named Qout, containing released discharge from reservoir measurements (units in cubic meters per second). Data must be organized in an array and when not available must be substituted by NaN. 5. The dispersion data If the dispersion module is activated (as described at chap. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.), the following global (constant in time and space) parameters must be declared: - The kinetic coefficient of contaminant degradation in soil (inverse of time, units in s-1); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key diffus.soilcin - The kinetic coefficient of contaminant degradation in aquifer (inverse of time, units in s-1); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key diffus.aquifercin - The kinetic coefficient of contaminant degradation in river network (inverse of time, units in s-1); In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key diffus.watercin Also time variant maps of contaminant input must be defined and their number must be equal to that declared in the configuration file (as described in chap. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.). Every time variant map is a raster coupled with a table which indicates changes of intensity in time. The map must be in the geographical data (chap. 3.1) spatial resolution after the use of the coarse-graining factor (chap. 2.3.2). The contaminant input is in mg/s. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key diffus.spacefile The coupled table is in ASCII format; the first line contains the fields name with tabs as filed delimiters. The strictly necessary fields are the following: - DIFF_MOLT – the multiplicative coefficient of input map values; - TIMEVAL – the starting data of multiplicative coefficient validity. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the table of input intensity in a line with parameter key diffus.timefile Figure 20 – Example of table of time changes of the contaminant input map Optionally contaminant point sources in arbitrary points of the river network can be inserted. They are defined by a specific ASCII table, where each line, except the first one, contains a record which identifies a point source. Field delimiters are tabs. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the table of point sources in a line with parameter key pointsource_file The first line contains the fields names which must be the following: - id – Unique numeric code of identification of the point source; - Coord_X_UTM – Station X (East) coordinate, in meters, using the same plane projection that is being used for the geographic data. - Coord_Y_UTM – Station Y (North) coordinate, in meters, using the same plane projection that is being used for the geographic data. - G – Point source value, units in mg/s. - DataIniziale – date of starting validity of the point source Figure 21 – Example of table of contaminant point sources. 6. Initial conditions Optionally initial conditions can be given for soil and groundwater. - The Initial depth of hillslope runoff (see paragraph 3.1.2), in meters. In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key - The Initial relative saturation of capillary soil (see paragraph 3.1.2), nondimensional. In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key initinfo.wcsat - The Initial relative saturation of gravitational soil (see paragraph 3.1.2), nondimensional. In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key initinfo.wgsat - The Initial relative saturation of plants reservoir (see paragraph 3.1.2), nondimensional. In the configuration file it must be given the value in a line with parameter key initinfo.wpsat - The Initial groundwater hydraulic head, in meters above sea level. It can be given as both raster data or scalar value to be used as homogeneous in the area. The default value is also used to fill potential gaps in the raster map. It is compatible with both DUPUIT and LINEAR aquifer scheme (see parameter key gw_model in paragraph 2.3.2). In the latter case it represents the water content per unit area of the conceptual aquifer linear reservoir, in meters. - In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key watertableini_file - In the configuration file it must be given the default value in a line with parameter key watertableini_def - The Initial depth from the surface to the groundwater table, in meters. It can be given as both raster data or scalar value to be used as homogeneous in the area. The default value is also used to fill potential gaps in the raster map. It is compatible only with DUPUIT aquifer scheme (see parameter key gw_model in paragraph 2.3.2) - In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the corresponding .flt file in a line with parameter key - In the configuration file it must be given the default value in a line with parameter key - 7. The main modules The MOBIDIC program is composed by different independent modules for the execution of specific operations for flood forecasting or long-term hydrologic simulation. In particular, to optimize the operations execution time and the exchange of information from MOBIDIC program and the external archives where data are stored (see chap. 3 and 0), operations are subdivided into three main blocks as shown in the flux diagram in Figure 227. To manage these operations, whose functions are described afterwards, it is available from the package main menu inside the Windows Avvio menu, the Mobidic local manager command which starts the graphic interface shown in Figure 23 - Graphic interface to execute the modules.. The list of the case study (see chap. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.) configuration files contained in the main folder $MOBIDIC_ROOT$\bin\win32 (see chap. 1and Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.) is shown in the square in the low right side of the interface. It is possible to edit/modify a configuration file by a ‘double click’ from this list. The list of possible operations appears on the left side. To execute a specific operation it is necessary to mark the corresponding squares and to do a click on the Go! button. These operations will be executed according to the highlighted configuration file in the right side square. While operations are executed, specific messages are shown in specific views as described afterwards. Figure 22 - General functional scheme. Figure 23 - Graphic interface to execute the modules. 7.1. Data pre-processing Before the execution of the hydrologic balance/forecast calculation, all the geographic data must be prepared as described at chap. 3, and then they must be analyzed and optimized for the calculation by the pre-proccessing module. It is sufficient to execute the pre-processing module once for each case study, unless modifications on the geographic data are needed, in which case it must be repeated or it may be employed the module of geographic data modifications (see par. 7.6). The execution of the module can be started both by graphic interface (see Figure 23), and by command line placing yourself in the main folder $MOBIDIC_ROOT$\bin\win32 (see chap. 1and Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.) and typing: buildgis_mysql GOLOCAL MOBIDIC $caso_studio.cfm$ where the string $caso_studio.cfm$ must be replaced with the name of the case study configuration file. As the module is started, the steps of analysis will be shown, as shown in Figure 24. The last step is the creation of the file described in chap. 0. In function of dimensions and resolution of geographical data, the pre-processing can require from a minimum of some minutes to a maximum of some hours. Figure 24 - Screenshot generated by the module of geographical data pre-processing. 7.2. Calculations execution The execution of the hydrologic balance/forecast calculation for the case study can be started both by graphic interface (see Figure 23) and by command line placing yourself in the main folder $MOBIDIC_ROOT$\bin\win32 (see chap. 1and Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.) and typing: mobidic_sid GOLOCAL MOBIDIC $caso_studio.cfm$ where the string $caso_studio.cfm$ must be replaced with the name of the case study configuration file (see chap. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata. e Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.). As the module is started, the steps of analysis will be shown, as shown in Figure 25. At each calculation step results are stored in a different file in a specific folder which was declared in the configuration file (see chap. 0)This allows to restart calculation from the last completed calculation step in case of intentional or accidental stop of the program. These files must be manually cleared if it is necessary to re-execute calculation from the beginning for the same case study. The time period on which the run is done is controlled by hydrometeorological data availability (see chap. 0). If the case study is configured as a long term hydrologic balance, the calculation module ends when the available hydrometeorological data are exhausted. Whereas, in the employ for real time forecasting, it waits for new data (see chap. 4.2.4). Figure 25 - Screenshot generated by the calculation module. 7.3. Results consultation In real time forecast mode, results consultation is done through the additional programs described at section 1.2. In long term hydrologic balance mode, results consultation is done through two specific modules of the main program. 7.3.1. Post-processing The first module, called post-processing module, analyses results and computes statistics of the computed variables, which are saved in specific files that can be subsequently imported in a system of geographical data management. The module can be started both by graphic interface (see Figure 23) and by command line placing yourself in the main folder $MOBIDIC_ROOT$\bin\win32 (see chap. 1e Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.) and typing: diagnos_mobidic_day GOLOCAL MOBIDIC $caso_studio.cfm$ where the string $caso_studio.cfm$ must be replaced with the name of the case study configuration file. As the module is started, the steps of analysis will be shown, as in Figure 26. Figure 26 - Screenshot generated by the post-processing module. The statistics files are saved in a folder generated by the module inside the results folder. For the statistic fields of variables in raster format (see chap. 3.1), the current version uses the binary export format of Arc-View grids, where each layer is represented by a couple of files (extensions .flt and .hdr).In function of the case study configuration about variables to save (see chap. 0)), monthly and yearly statistic fields concerning the following raster variables can be computed and saved: Wg – Volume of water in soil, per area unit, over the field capacity (gravitational volume); Wc – Volume of water in soil, per area unit, under the field capacity (capillary volume); evr – Real and potential evapotranspiration fluxes; Pcum – precipitation; Ts – Soil superficial temperature; Td – Soil sub-superficial temperature; h – Aquifer water levels and discharges exchanged with the river network. A series of files with extension .flt and .hdr are generated for each of the aforesaid variables; the names of these files are automatically generated according to the following coding: V…V##_S.flt , V…V##_S.hdr where: - V…V is the variable name; - ## is the number of the month (from 01 to 12) which the statistic refers to or the YY string for the annual statistic; - S is the identification character of the statistic type (m – average, v – standard deviation, a – maximum, i – minimum). For the statistic fields of variables concerning vector geographical elements (see chap. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.), tables in ASCII format are generated, which can be joined to attributes tables of geometric elements (river reaches or reservoirs in the current version) which variables refer to. The generated statistics and the corresponding fields depend from the geographical data type. For river network the statistics table contains the following fields (see Figure 27): - The unique identification code of the network reaches (see chap. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.); - Qddd_## - Discharge typical values for several duration time, where ddd is the duration in days (equal to 10, 30, 60, 91, 182, 274, 355) and ## is the month number (from 01 to 12) which the statistic refers to or the YY string for the yearly statistic. - Dmaxddd_## - maximum number of consecutive days with discharge under the typical value for duration equal to 274 and 355 days; - Def_##_mm – Average high, in mm, of the flow volume compared to the upstream watershed area; - Precip_##_mm – Average high, in mm, of precipitation in the upstream watershed. - Evr_##_mm – Average high, in mm, of real evapotranspiration in the upstream watershed. - Def_##_mc – Average volume, in mc, of flow; - Precip_##_mc – Average volume, in mc, of precipitation in the upstream watershed. - Evr_##_mc – Average volume, in mc, of real evapotranspiration in the upstream watershed. Figure 27 - Example of table of statistics for the river network. For reservoirs and artificial tanks, the statistics table contains the following fields (see Figure 28): - the unique identification code of reservoir (see chap. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.); - Qmed, Qvar, Qmin, Qmax – mean value, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values of the discharge exiting the reservoir; - Vmed, Vvar, Vmin, Vmax - mean value, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values of the water volume contained in the reservoir; - Hmed, Hvar, Hmin, Hmax - mean value, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values of the water level in the reservoir; Figure 28 - Example of table of statistic for a reservoir. 7.3.2. Visualization In addition to the possibility of displaying results importing in a GIS program raster files and tables generated by the post-processing module (see chap. 7.3.1), the program provides also an interactive module for visualization of results in graphic format. The module can be started both by graphic interface (see Figure 23) and by command line placing yourself in the main folder $MOBIDIC_ROOT$\bin\win32 (see chap. 1and Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.) and typing: plots_mobidic GOLOCAL MOBIDIC $caso_studio.cfm$ where the string $caso_studio.cfm$ must be replaced with the name of the case study configuration file. As the module is started, a screenshot, which first of all reports the starting and ending data of available results, is displayed. The starting and ending data of the period to display are required and then the list of variables which can be displayed is shown (Figure 29). Figure 29 - Initial screenshot of the visualization module. When the variable to display has been chosen, the screen shows the list of files containing results (see chap. 7.3) while they are loaded in memory (Figure 30). This phase can require several minutes. The results visualization continues with different modes for different types of variable. Figure 30 - Screenshot of dialogue for the visualization of river network discharges. For the visualization of river network discharges, the network map is initially shown (Figure 31). Clicking on an arbitrary reach with the right key the plot of discharges (in m3/s and in proportion to a flood discharge estimated with time of 20 years) in the reach is shown, and eventually also the plot of derivations (see chap. 4.1.3) on the same reach (Figure 32).If after the visualization of a discharges series the ‘S’ key is pressed, the series is saved in a file whose name contains the coordinates of the clicked point. Whereas if we click with the right key, we return to the main menu. Figure 31 - Map of the river network for discharges visualization. Figure 32 - Example of plot of discharges in a reach and of the corresponding diversions. For reservoirs and regulation tanks, three different plots concerning exiting discharges, volume and level are displayed (Figure 33). These series values are saved on disk in a different file for each reservoir or tank, whose name contains the corresponding identification code. Figure 33 - Example of plots concerning a regulation tank. The visualization of variables in raster format (soil moisture, evapotranspiration, precipitation, etc.) can require to load on memory an excessive quantity of data. A specific graphic window of dialogue (Figure 34) gives the possibility to select a more restricted zone, with rectangular shape, for which results will be shown. The zone is selected by clicking on the map with the mouse left key two opposite vertexes of the rectangle, and then confirming with the right key. Then, for the only selected zone, the map of the medium value of the chosen variable is displayed (Figure 35). Finally clicking with the mouse left key on this map, the temporal series of the variable in the selected point is displayed (Figure 36), and it can be saved on disk likewise the discharge series. Figure 34 - Selection of the area to visualize for variables in raster format. Figure 35 - Example of visualization of the map of the medium value of a variable in raster format. Figure 36 - Example of temporal series of a raster variable values in a specific point. 7.3.3. Table of global results Another results consultation mode is given by the table of global results. It is automatically generated by the module of calculation for hydrologic balance/forecast and it aggregates results on the whole area of study. This table is generated in the same folder $MOBIDIC_ROOT$\bin\win32 where the case study configuration file (see chap. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.) is positioned, and it has the same name of the configuration file but with the extension .log. The global results are reported in a similar format to the temporal series of hydrometeorological data (see chap. 4.1.2), except the first raw where the symbolic names and the units of measurement of variables are reported (Figure 37). Figure 37 - Example of a table of global results. . 7.4. Module of global hydrologic parameters calibration If series of measured discharges in arbitrary points of the river network are available, these can be used to automatically calibrate some of the global hydrologic parameters described in chap. 2.3.3. It is possible to simultaneously calibrate an arbitrary number of parameters, declaring them in the configuration file as described in chap. 2.3.4. But it must be considered that the computational time grows in geometric progression with the number of parameters to calibrate. The module can be started by command line placing yourself in the main folder $MOBIDIC_ROOT$\bin\win32 (see chap. 1and Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.) and typing: mobidic_calib GOLOCAL MOBIDIC $caso_studio.cfm$ where the string $caso_studio.cfm$ must be replaced with the name of the case study configuration file. The calibration module searches the minimum of an objective function given by the weighted sum over each available hydrometric series, of the normalized differences between measured and computed data of discharges, cumulative volumes, flow durations and peak discharges (see chap. Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata. for the corresponding weights assignment). This research is done with the Nelder-Mead iterative algorithm of the non-linear SIMPLESSO. For each iteration, the modified parameters are automatically saved in a copy of the configuration file, with the same name of the original one ($caso_studio.cfm$) and with additional extension.opt. In addition, for each iteration, fundamental information (parameters values and relative errors on discharges, volumes and duration curve) are written in a table (Figure 38) named mobidic_calib.log and contained in the main folder of results (see the statespath parameter in chap. 0). Figure 38 – Example of table of calibration iterations. 7.5. Module of real time modifications It is possible to pause a simulation in order to real time modify some parameters or variables. The module must be started by command line. It is necessary to place yourself in the main folder $MOBIDIC_ROOT$\bin\win32 (see chap. 1and Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.) and to type: mobidic_pause GOLOCAL MOBIDIC $caso_studio.cfm$ where the string $caso_studio.cfm$ must be replaced with the name of the case study configuration file. A screen menu allows to choose the parameter or variable to change. At the moment it is possible to modify only the height of the lateral spillway of detention basins or floodways (see par. 3.2.2). It is requested to type the unique identification code of the detention basin and to insert a new spilling curve, expressed as couples of river discharges and corresponding spilled discharges (units in cubic meters per second). The new curve overwrites all the others laws initially declared in the case study configuration file. All the procedure is completely driven by screen messages and menu. When the module is terminated by the user, the simulation re-starts adopting only the confirmed changes. 7.6. Module of geographic data modifications If modifications on consolidated geographic dataset are needed, it is possible to create a new GIS archive without repeating the complete module of preprocessing (see par. 7.1). In this case it may be used the module of geographic data modifications. The module must be started by command line, placing yourself in the main folder $MOBIDIC_ROOT$\bin\win32 (see chap. 1and Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata.) and typing modifygis GOLOCAL MOBIDIC $modifiche_caso_studio.cfm$ where the string $modifiche_caso_studio.cfm$ must be replaced with the name of a configuration file specifically created for this procedure. The file must contain the full pathname (disk, folder, filename) of the consolidated geographic dataset to modify (Matlab file, .mat extension, where the geographic data are stored). In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the GIS archive to modify in a line with parameter key gisdatapath_old Optionally, it may be indicated the full pathname (disk, folder, filename) of the Matlab file (.mat extension) where the modified geographic data will be stored. In the configuration file it must be given the full pathname of the modified GIS archive in a line with parameter key gisdatapathd If the new full pathname is not indicated, a default file name is created. The new Matlab GIS archive will be saved in the same folder of the old one, with the name $gisdataname_backup.mat$, where the string gisdataname is the name of the old Matlab GIS archive. The configuration file must contain only the parameter keys of the data to modify, followed by the new value or name of the parameter. It is possible to modify all the geographic data, both in raster and vector format (see chap. 3), and also the coarse-graining factor (see par. 2.3.2) and the number of the dispersion input grid (see par. 2.3.5). It is also possible to delete reservoirs or detention basins. In this case it must be indicated the unique identification code of the reservoir or detention basin to delete, preceded by the corresponding parameter key ( or, see par. 3.2.2). Below the line with the unique code, a specific parameter key followed by NaN must be written. Fields for deleting reservoirs are (see par. 3.2.2): - res.coordx - res.coordy - res.zmax Those for detention basins are: - cassa.coordx - cassa.coordy - cassa.coordxout - cassa.coordyout Figure 39 – Example of a configuration file for the module of geographic data modifications 8. Appendix – Soil texture types for capillary rise Soil type CLAY CLAY-LOAM LOAM LOAMY SAND SILT SILTY LOAM SILTY CLAY SILTY CLAY LOAM SAND SANDY CLAY SANDY CLAY LOAM SANDY LOAM ROCK (dummy values) WATER (dummy values) Identification code 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Reference for soil properties: Rawls, W.J., D.L. Brakensiek, K.E. Saxton (1982), Estimation of soil water properties, Transactions of the ASCE, pp. 1316-1321.