Running Springs Elementary School
Running Springs Elementary School
Running Springs Elementary School FEBRUARY 2016 Upcoming Events Feb/Mar VOLUME 2016, ISSUE 6 A message from our Principal …. Feb. 2 Know Your States Test Developing a Multi-Tiered System of Support to Support (MTSS) to Meet the Needs of All Students Feb. 4 2nd Grade Assembly Running Springs Elementary School’s Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a framework that uses a combination of protocol and problemsolving approaches to identify student needs and integrate academic and behavioral instruction and intervention. The MTSS strives to accelerate the performance of all students by taking proactive approaches to delivering instruction and intervention in varying intensities (multiple tiers) based on student need. The key ingredients for our MTSS are: (a) Common Core curriculum guided by the principles of Universal Design for Learning, (b) common grade-level assessments, (c) resources and supports for differentiation and re-teaching, (d) professional learning communities, and (e) collective leadership and partnerships that contribute to an empowering school culture. The goal for MTSS is improve student performance trajectories by increasing student engagement and skills, reducing student behavior referrals and suspension rates, improving school attendance, raising self-esteem and school safety, and decreasing the number of tier-III referrals through the efficient usage of Tier I & II interventions. Running Springs uses its professional learning communities (i.e. Staff Meetings/Development, Grade-Level Teams, Instructional Leadership Teams, Collaborative Academic Support Teams (CAST), Student Study Teams) to review instructional practices and materials, retrain and re-teach in areas of need, review student data and monitor their progress, and leverage the necessary community resources to meet this goal. Academic assessments, student grades, behavior referrals, socio-emotional observations, and attendance rates, are used to guide our PLCs to determine which students will require additional Tier I (e.g. differentiation through different modalities, re-teaching, small groupings, student/parent conferences) and Tier II interventions (e.g. smaller and more intensive groupings, mental health counseling, study skills class, behavior contracts, after-school literacy development, tutoring, lunch time social groups) prior to referring to Tier III (SST, 504, IEP). As students are designated for support, our PLCs monitor and their progress and the variables affecting their performance. Certainly this success looks different for each student and is dependent on factors like curriculum, professional capital, student engagement, school-to-home communication, and the quality of family involvement. Even though Running Springs has impressive professional capital, parental involvement, (approx. 13,000 volunteer hours in 2014 alone), and a supportive school district- schools are changing and so are the demands of our global economy. Recognizing this, we strive to continue to leverage our resources to develop in 21 st century skills (i.e. critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity) in students by implementing high quality curriculum, timely interventions, and systemic reforms, while using collaborative inquiry and research to guide our instructional practices. Feb. 5 Valentine’s Bingo Feb. 9 Know Your States Test Feb. 9-11 Talent Show Rehearsals Feb. 11 Class Parties/PTA Mtg Feb. 12 No School Feb. 15 No School Feb. 16 Know Your States Test Feb. 18 1st Grade Assembly Feb. 22-26 Art Masters Feb. 23-24 Talent Show Rehearsals Mar. 1 Know Your States Lunch Mar. 4 Talent Show & Dress Rehearsal Mar. 10 PTA Meeting Mar. 15 End of Trimester Mar. 17 3rd Grade Assembly Mar. 30 Kindergarten Assembly A message from our Principal cont ’d …. This vision, coupled with the dedication of our teachers and families has brought forth the following interventions for our 2nd trimester: Academic Tutorial- an after-school tutoring program that targets students needing additional, individualized academic support. Academic Tutorial provides small group, intensive support on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 2:30-3:30pm. Social Skills Group- a lunch time support group, guided by our school counselor and psychologist, that identifies students who have exhibited ongoing difficulty communicating and interacting with peers (e.g. sportsmanship, reading social cues, making friendships). Game Room- a lunch time environment where students can develop new friendships, beyond gross-motor activities, through the usage of board games and STEM activities (coding and robotics). As Running Springs moves forward toward 21st century competencies through collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and communication, new practices are being developed for long-term impact that will best improve student achievement and performance. Stay tuned! Running Springs Technology Fundraiser In February, we are once again sponsoring the Running Springs Technology fundraiser! The fundraiser is aimed to give students an opportunity to earn prizes by selling food items to family and friends, while raising funds that will benefit the Running Springs Technology Fund. Last year’s donations were to purchase another Chromebook cart for our school. With funds generated this year, we are hoping to allocate monies towards (a) another cart of devices to help support our Bring Your Own Device programming and (b) instructional software for after-school academic support. Please consider allowing your child to participate in the fundraiser this year to help us continue to upgrade our technology at Running Springs! A Technology Assembly will be held on Feb. 8th and packets will be distributed to our students. The last day to turn in your order forms is scheduled for February 22 nd. All items purchased will be delivered to the school on March 10th for pick up between 2:00 pm and 3:30 pm. You will receive further communication regarding the amount that was raised and the details of how the funding was used. Your support is greatly appreciated! School Registration and Open Enrollment Please spread the word: Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten registration will begin February 29th. Our Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten program for the 2015-2016 school year will be a full day program from 8:00 am – 2:10 pm. Open enrollment will be held March 2nd-11th for all students outside of our school boundaries. If your child currently attends Running Springs on Open Enrollment, you must submit a new form each school year. Please call the office if you have any questions. Comprehensive School Safety Plan Review and Approval Every school in California is responsible for preparing a Comprehensive School Safety Plan each year. The plan addresses: School climate, hazards, threats and vulnerabilities that pose a risk to the school site. The plan will be brought to our School Site Council meeting for final approval on February 25 th, 2016. This is a public forum that all parents are welcome to attend. Joe Vidal Principal, Running Springs Elementary A MESSAGE FROM OUR PTA PRESIDENT….. It’s February and that means it’s a month filled with FUN!!!! Good luck to all our students who have diligently studied for the Know Your States Challenge! The PTA looks forward to supplying a pizza party for all the perfect scores on the States Challenge and medals to all those students with perfect scores on the Capitals Challenge! Check out the newsletter for helpful hints and links! A GIANT thank you to Sarah Roshan for chairing this event! Be sure to purchase your Family Fun Night Bingo cards! What a fun night for families to come out and enjoy dinner and fun in one place! Tons of thanks to Sonie May for being our chairman on this highly anticipated annual event! Our annual PTA directory was sent home in January. Thank you to Jennifer Berkson for taking on this GIANT project! I know our families appreciate all your hard work! Take a moment to review the Honorary Service Award form in this month’s newsletter. We have so many parents who give so much not only to their children, but all the students at Running Springs. This award helps highlight and thank those outstanding individuals. Nominations can also be done via the PTA website. Thank you to Jennifer Ahrendt for coordinating this! Due to our President Holidays, there will be no school on Friday, February 12th and Monday, February 15th so classroom Valentine’s Parties will be held on Thursday, February 11th. Thank you in advance to all our Room Parents for all of their organizing!!! Don’t forget our February PTA meeting will be on Thursday, February 11th at 8:15am in the MPR. EVERYONE is WELCOME! Happy February! Laura Pistoresi PTA President F OUNDATION GAMES The 11th Annual Community Foundation Day Games will be held this year on Saturday, April 16th. We hope to compete again in this year's track and field meet. All students in grades 1st-6th with birthdays between January 1, 2003 and December 31, 2009 are eligible to compete. In order to make this event successful, we are looking for volunteers to help with weekly practices and help on the day of the event. Mrs. McDaniel will be holding practice for 3rd-6th graders after school. Practice will be based on the student's grade. 6th graders will practice on Fridays, 5th graders will practice on Thursdays, 4th graders will practice on Tuesdays, and 3rd graders will practice on Mondays. Practice will start the week of February 1st after school from 2:25 pm-3:00 pm. If you are able to help on any of the practice days and/or the day of the event, please contact Mrs. McDaniel at [email protected] or email Mr. Vidal at [email protected]. We need 10 or more volunteers by February 15th in order for our school to participate in this event again this year. Patty Chau, a Running Springs parent will be holding practice for the 1st and 2nd graders on Saturdays at Canyon High School from 4-5pm starting January 30th. If you have any questions you can contact Patty at 714-501-3370 or email her at [email protected]. School registration deadline for the Foundation Games is January 30th, so please let us know by then if your child is interested in participating. A flyer went home on Thursday 21st regarding the details. Also we were wondering if there are any parents who would like to represent our school and run in the Parent 4 x 100 relay? Please contact Mrs. McDaniel if you are interested. Thank you so much for your continued support of our programs here at Running Springs Elementary! We could not do all this without our wonderful parents who so graciously donate their time! School News and Updates…. Talent Show 2016 is March 4th!! Congratulations to all of the talented students who auditioned for this year's Talent Show! Running Springs certainly has lots of talented singers, dancers, actors and instrumentalists! Rehearsals will occur during the month of February, in anticipation of the big show on March 4th. More detailed talent show information, rehearsal dates and handouts can be found on the PTA website ( With an event this big, there are lots of volunteer opportunities... so sign up today!! We look forward to another amazing show! Angel Chen and Amy Rhodes Talent Show Co-Chairs [email protected] / [email protected] Valentine’s Family Bingo Night Calling all “Love Bugs”... Sweeten up your night and come play BINGO!! WHEN: Friday, February 5th/6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. WHERE: Multi-Purpose Room TICKETS: $6 each and will be sold after school in front of the Multi-Purpose Room on Tuesday, February 2nd- Thursday, February 4th **Pre-sale event only-no tickets will be sold at the door** ** Limited Number of Seats ~ No additional seats are added once tickets are sold out… so don’t delay in buying! ** ** Every attendee MUST Have a Ticket ** DETAILS: Each ticket includes: 2 pieces of pizza, a drink, a cookie, and 8 exciting games of BINGO!! Any questions? Contact: Sonie May at [email protected] or call 805-320-2593 School News and Updates Cont’d... Know Your States Challenge Any and all students are welcome to join in this enriching experience of knowing our country. It’s a required test for all 5th graders, but a wonderful opportunity for kindergarten through 4th grade to become well prepared for this future test. The challenge will be offered during lunchtime in the Multipurpose Room (MPR) on: *** Tuesday, February 2nd *** Tuesday, February 9th *** Tuesday, February 16th *** Resources and helpful hints are listed below and on our website at Students who receive a perfect score on their Know Your States will be awarded a Pizza Party! Those who pass the States Challenge during the first or second week of testing will be given the chance to take the Know Your State Capitals Challenge. Each student who earns a perfect score on this challenge will be awarded a medal. (Kinders may have the test read to them by a volunteer.) If you would like to volunteer to help with this fun event, please feel free to contact me! Good luck to all of our Running Springs students! Sarah Roshan [email protected] KNOW YOUR STATES RESOURCES TO HELP YOU STUDY Under Programs click on Know Your States Challenge. RS Know Your States Challenge (KYS) map, blank map, and grade level answer sheets. Print your own for practice. Try fun interactive quizzes to play while learning. Teaches regions, states, and capitals in different levels to master Leap Pad by the Learning Company. Electronic Learning Toy (you may already have!) The book that comes with it has a USA map and quizzes states and capitals. Great practice! YouTube – Animaniacs Sing the States and Their Capitols YouTube – Wakko’s America United States States & Capitals song YouTube - Animaniacs 50 US States & Capitals – Lyrics HELPFUL HINTS If you remember New Mexico borders Mexico, it will help you find it Florida bams into Alabama but just misses Mississippi Pennsylvania put on his New Jersey (Looks like a jersey is squeezed on his right side) Vermont is shaped like a “V” Louisiana looks like an “L” and starts with “L” which will remind you of Louisiana, or some like to call it a Loose sock You can remember Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana by saying they are the 3-in-a-row “I” states The 4 sisters: West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina all sit on top of their mama, Georgia Kentucky looks just like a “Kentucky Fried Chicken” leg Michigan looks like a mitten Colorado looks like a box stacked up with Utah and Wyoming…”Why?” Maybe Montana, the big boss above them, can tell you Minnesota looks like an “M” if you turn it on its side Does Idaho kind of look like an “I”? Has anyone ever considered New Hampshire as a new pet hamster? Rhode Island is “connected” to Connecticut RUNNING SPRINGS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PTA HONORARY SERVICE AWARDS Do you know an amazing Running Springs teacher, staff member, parent or community member that exemplifies volunteerism? Here is your chance to thank them in a very powerful way. Nominate them for an Honorary Service Award! PURPOSE — Honorary Service Awards (HSA’s) are designed as a unique way for PTA units, councils and districts to publicly acknowledge both individuals and organizations for outstanding community service to children and youth in a community. The money collected from this program is used to fund the California State PTA Scholarship and Grant Program. Honorary Service Award: May be given to an individual or organization in the PTA, school or community in special recognition of outstanding service to children and youth. Continuing Service Award: May be given to an individual or organization in the PTA, school or community for recognition of outstanding service to children and youth. This award may be given to a person whose contributions have been significant over a continuing period of time. The award may be given regardless of whether a recipient has previously received the California State PTA’s Honorary Service Award. Golden Oak Service Award: May be given to an individual or organization who or which has made signifi- cant contributions to the welfare of children and youth in the PTA school or community. This award should be given to recognize exceptional service to children and youth; it is the California State PTA’s most prestigious award. Very Special Person Award: May be given to an individual or PTA constituent organization to recognize an individual. Please complete this form online at (under PTA Programs/HSA) or print and submit to the school office (Red PTA Box) by March 18, 2016. I would like to nominate ________________________________________________. The award I think he/she deserves is______________________________________. I believe_______________________ deserves this award because___________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Your Name_______________________________________________________ Phone Number/Email_______________________________________________ (You may be anonymous.) A committee member may contact you for additional information regarding your nominee. This is a great way to acknowledge and show appreciation to those who go above and beyond for the students in our school and in our community. The process is kept confidential and all nominations are considered by the Honorary Service Awards Committee. Happy Birthday to all Running Springs students who have joined the Birthday Book Club! With your donation, a book has been purchased for our Running Springs library in honor of your special day. A Birthday Book club bookplate will be placed in “your” book with your name, and you will be the first Running Springs student to check out the new book! To further acknowledge your book purchase, your name will be put up in the library and you will receive a Birthday Book Club certificate when your class visits the library! Justin C. Grant W. Payton C. Nathan A. Christopher P. Anjali R. Evan O. Millea H. Jacob C. Victoria A. Chloe Z. Kayvon M Brooklyn J. Hayden P. Kelsie K. Caleb M. President Executive V.P. 1st VP Programs 2nd VP Ways & Means 3rd VP Membership 4th VP Legislation Treasurer Secretary Financial Secretary Auditor Historian Parliamentarian Laura Pistoresi Jenn Loving Lisa Grisotti Patty Chau Bonnie Elliott Annette Cambiaso Genoveve Romero Melody Sadowski Julie Mark Jennifer Carrillo Andrea Scheff Jennifer Ahrendt 2015-2016 Executive Board Members