Newsletter - Merbein P10 College
Newsletter - Merbein P10 College
Principal: Mr Graeme Cupper Address: Commercial Street, Merbein, 3505 Phone: 03 5025 2501 Fax: 03 5025 3524 NEWSLETTER Thursday, 6 August 2015 DATES TO REMEMBER AUGUST 7th Friday Jeans for Geans Day 15th Saturday Merbein Vanilla Slice Event Pri dance performance 1.35-11.50am 17th Monday Yr 9 Visit to Senior College 18th Tuesday Yr 10 Snow Trip 19th Wednesday - Pri Questacon Excursion 24th Monday 25th Tuesday Pri Mini Olympics 26th Wednesday Sec Assembly The Beat 27th Thursday -The Beat -Pri Book Week - Theme ‘Books Light Up Our World’ -Pri Sleepover 28th Friday Pupil Free Day – NO School SEPTEMBER 2nd Wednesday Jump Rope for Heart 3rd Thursday Sec I/S Aths 8th Tuesday -Sec I/S Hockey -Woolworths earn and learn collection ceases. 9th Wednesday China Camp Departs 11th Friday Parent Direct and Chalk Toy orders due 16th Wednesday Sec Parent/Teacher Interviews 18th September Last day of Term 3 Earlier finishing time of 2.30pm OCTOBER 5th Monday First day of Term 4 Week 3 of Term 4 - Variety Night 21st Wednesday Variety Night – Let Me Entertain You Email: [email protected] Website: GENES DAY - TOMORROW Tomorrow, Friday, 7th August is Jeans for Genes Day. Students are encouraged to wear their favourite jeans with their school uniform tops tomorrow in support of Jeans for Genes Day. Students are to bring along a gold coin donation to help fund research into childhood diseases. CHINA EXCHANGE UPDATE – Greg Rhodes Yesterday was our Chinese visitors first full day at our school. They participated in our NAIDOC Day celebrations before recess. After recess they worked on their Power Point presentations. In the afternoon they used their woodworking skills to make some small gifts to take home to China for their families. This morning they worked in the Primary Section with the students who are learning Chinese. In the afternoon, they started a discovery tour of our area by going to Wentworth and Coomealla. TOY FUNDRAISER The youngest child in each family in the Primary Section has been given a Parent Direct and Chalk Toy Catalogue last week. The catalogues have a great variety of educational toys and games in them and would make ideal presents for Christmas. Help raise funds for our school, as 20 cents from every dollar is donated back to us to purchase classroom resources for our primary students. Orders and money need to be in by Friday, 11th September. You can also place orders on line if you wish. Information is on the inside cover of the catalogues. Ask at the Green Office if you would like another catalogue. CAMPS, SPORTS AND EXCURSION FUNDING Parents/Careers are still able to apply for the Camps, Sports and Excursion Funding (CSEF) if they hold a Veterans Affairs Gold Card, Centrelink Health Care Card (HCC) or Pensioner Concession Card (PCC), where the date is current on the first day of Term 2 or Term 3 this year. Claims need be submitted by Monday, 14th September so they can be processed before the end of Term 3. The amount payable for primary students is $125 and $225 for secondary school students. The CSEF will be paid directly to the school and will be allocated to any outstanding camps, sports or excursions fees eligible students have owing. Any remaining CSEF money will be carried forward towards next year’s camps, sports and excursion expenses. Application forms are available from the main office or the office in the P-3 building. IMPORTANT DATES TERM 3 10th Aug, Tues Chinese Delegation Departs 15th Aug, Sat Vanilla Slice Event (students involved) 17th Aug, Mon Yr 9 Senior College Excursion 18th Aug, Tues Yr 10 VCE Selections 19th Aug, Wed Pri Questacon Yr 10 Snow Trip 24th Aug, Mon Yr 10 Work Experience Begins 26th Aug, Wed The Beat 27th Aug, Thurs The Beat Book Week 28th Aug, Fri Pupil Free Day 2nd Sept, Wed Jump Rope for Heart 3rd Sept, Thurs Sec Inter College Athletics Pri Summer Sports Carnival 4th Sept, Fri Sec Work Experience Finishes 8th Sept, Tues Sec Interschool Hockey 10th Sept, Thurs China Trip Departs 18th Sept, Fri End of Term – Early Dismissal SCHOOL WEBSITE Reminder that the newsletter is uploaded to the school’s website each week EMAIL ADDRESSES The school prefers to send the weekly newsletter and other important information home via email as this is the most reliable method. Please send your email address to: [email protected] asking for the newsletter to be emailed to you. Please note that those few students in Years 8/9/10 who still require a hardcopy of the newsletter, will need to collect their newsletter from the main office at the finish of their last class each Thursday. MERBEIN P-10 FACEBOOK PAGE Check the Facebook Page for updates about the school and upcoming events. SCHOOL BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS BSB - 063 714 Bank Acc Number – 10060535 Account Name - Merbein P-10 College Official UNIFORM SHOP Open Tuesday 8.30 – 9.30am Open Thursday 2.00 – 4.00pm If these times do not suit, please ring the school to make other arrangements. MERBEIN P-10 COLLEGE BREAKFAST PROGRAM The Breakfast program is being financially supported by the Merbein & District Community Bank & Merbein Development Association. The following organisations also provide volunteers to assist with the program – Merbein P10 College Parents’ Club, the Board & Staff of the Merbein & District Community Bank, Merbein Development Association, Merbein Lions Club and Merbein Rotary. The breakfast program is held in the cafeteria. All students are welcome to come along between 8.00am and 8.45am each morning if they would like a FREE tasty breakfast to kick-start their day’s learning. STUDENT ABSENCES If your child is away from school, please send a note or email the following address: [email protected] PRIMARY NEWS NAIDOC DAY PHOTOS AND REPORT The weather was not kind to us yesterday, so we didn’t do any cooking but the students did have a lot of fun learning about Aboriginal Culture through story-telling, dance, games and illustrating using Aboriginal Designs. Thank you to our presenters who made the activities extremely educational and interesting. JUMP ROPE FOR HEART - Rebekah McClure and Rebecca Holy Jump Rope for Heart will be happening again this year on Wednesday, 2nd September. Sponsorship forms have been handed out to all primary students. We really appreciate all of the effort staff, parents and students are putting in to raise money for the worthy cause of cardiovascular disease. It is great to see that students have already raised just over $380 online. Please keep collecting donations from family and friends. Don’t forget to KEEP JUMPING! Don’t forget to use the Jump rope for heart online donation page. If you have any questions please come in and talk to Rebecca Holy or Rebekah McClure the Jump off coordinators. As a little thank-you present for students, in partnership with Melbourne City Football Club, we would like to offer students the chance to become a Sports Star for a Day! Any student who raises $200 or more online, will automatically go into the draw to win tickets to a Melbourne City FC Match, photos with a Melbourne City player, a chance to sit near the players bench and a bunch of other goodies. Full details are available online at eforheart/Kids/Pages/EventsandCompetitions.asp x BOOK WEEK ACTIVITY DAY This year’s theme is ‘Light Up Your Life’. The Primary Book Week Activity Day will be held Thursday morning, 27th August. Students are asked to come to school dressed up as their favourite book character or in the theme of “Books Light up Your Life”. All students in Grade P-6 will be participating in Book Activities during the morning. (This is also the Sleepover Day.) QUESTACON SCIENCE SHOW Please check that your child’s Permission Note has been returned. If you have not paid the Primary Levy this year, you will need to send $5 for the cost of this performance. PREP PRACTICE – KINDER VISIT REPORT We had a wonderful morning on Monday with the Kinder kids as they practised being Preps. They went on a bear hunt around the school and participated in a number of activities. They were very excited to take home a book that they could read about bears. They were very clever. Thank you very much to our fantastic Parents’ Club who provided morning tea and were very welcoming to our new families. There will be more Prep Practices in November. VANILLA SLICE DANCE PERFORMANCE We would love to have some more performers for the Vanilla Slice Merbein P-10 College Dance Presentation. Students will be practising at school next week. They will need to have returned their note. If you have not done so, there is a note attached to this newsletter. Parents will need to assemble with their child/ren at the Post Office (right side) in Main St at 11.30pm. Look for and meet up there with Mrs Grimmer. Students are to be collected as soon as the performance is finished. LAST WEEK’S GREEN BUILDING WEEKLY AWARD WINNERS Congratulations to the following Grade P-3 Award Winners. Jake Ball, Chloe Moore, Sharla Arnold, Clayton Hosking, Nina Smith, Lola Colling, Riley Buttery, Tasman Ogden, Charlie Ruttley-Higgins, Amber Hancock, Mia Brewer, Mason Spicer, Chris Bizimana, Emily Wilkinson, Taya BattinFredrickson, Madeline I’Anson and Millie Ernesti. CHINESE LESSON REPORT The Chinese students, along with their billets visited the Bugs end of the Green Building this morning. Some fantastic Year 7/8 students who have retold Chinese tales and made them into children’s books also visited. The Year 7/8 authors read their tales to the Infant students and the Chinese students demonstrated how they write their names in Chinese. Our classroom Chinese lessons have helped us to be able to say a few words and phrases to our new friends in Chinese. SECONDARY NEWS VIVO REWARDS VIVOs are our college’s reward for positive behaviour. Students are awarded Vivo Points if they have successfully displayed the focus behaviour e.g. this fortnight the focus is Listening. Each student is able to access their Vivo Points total through the Vivo Online Program. Teachers reward students each teaching session. The Green Building is starting their Vivo Shop this Friday. Students can purchase ‘items’ from the Online Shop with the Vivo reward points they have earned (some of our senior students will be assisting them). Items include – 1 lunchtime Computer Time, 1 lunchtime Lego Time. There will be a number of other activities and items also available for purchase at the shop. MERBEIN P-10 COLLEGE OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS CARE Cheryll Hodge is our school’s OSHC coordinator and can be contacted on 0428 258035 if you have any queries. MERBEIN COMMUNITY BANK SCHOOL STUDENT BANKING PROGRAM If you wish your child to participate in this program, send your child’s bank book along to the Green Building Office every Thursday morning. The Bank will collect and process your child’s banking and then drop your child’s bank book back to the school before the end of the school day. NAIDOC DAY REPORT – Greg Rhodes Yesterday we held our college NAIDOC Day of celebration. The day started with a whole school assembly where two of our Year 6 students Shinequa and Jesse explained the history of NAIDOC Day and welcomed all with an Acknowledgement of Country. Following assembly the Chinese visitors participated in Cultural Activities with our Grade 56 students. The rest of our Primary Section participated in NAIDOC Activities after recess. The activities were run by local Koorie leaders and parents. Willie Hannah ran a session on Indigenous Culture and History. Uncle Peter Peterson ran Indigenous Dance Sessions. Aunty Kathy Potter helped the students mix and cook Jonny Cakes. Taleena Szombathy and Jo Berriman ran Indigenous Art Sessions. Some of our own Year 9 students also helped by running some Indigenous Games. I would like to extend a big thank you to the presenters who gave up their time to ensure a valuable program was presented to our students. SENIOR COLLEGE SUBJECT SELECTIONS FOR YEAR 10 All students have received a 2016 Handbook from the Senior College. They should be using this and discussing with their parents, their course options for next year. Subject Selections will occur at school on Tuesday 18th August. All Year 10 students should attend on this day with the completed blue course selection sheet found at the back of the Senior College Handbook. The Senior College has posted enrolment packs home to all Year 10 students. If you have not received one please contact Mr Dreyer. Please visit the Mildura Senior College YouTube channel if you require more course information. YEAR 10 SNOW TRIP The Snow Trip departs on 18th August. The final cost of the camp is $565 and should have been paid in full. A final information letter was handed out on Tuesday. Please contact Mr Dreyer if you have not received this letter. YEAR 10 GRADUATION BALL The Year 10 Graduation Ball is to be held on 4th December at Club Da Vinci. Students are reminded that in order to be invited they need to successfully complete 12 of their 16 subjects, have an attendance greater than 85%, consistently wear school uniform and behave in accordance with the School Behaviour Policy. The full Graduation Policy can be found on the school website. CONGRATULATIONS TO FLETCHER LADD Huge congratulations and best of luck to Fletcher Ladd who is heading off to the United States on Tuesday, 11th August for a 5.5 month Exchange Program. Fletcher was awarded a scholarship after he wrote an essay outlining the challenges and benefits of education in a rural setting. All the best Fletcher! YEAR 9 SENIOR COLLEGE VISIT All Year 9 students will attend an Information Session at the Mildura Senior College on Monday, 17th August. Permission notes were handed out on Wednesday. Please return these notes to the front office as soon as possible. SCHOOL WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOURS The focus over the next few weeks is LISTENING for UNDERSTANDING. Students will be explicitly taught how to Listen for Understanding which requires eye contact, nonverbal acknowledgements, clarifying questions or acknowledgement to the speaker from the listener and full attention given so that distractions are ignored. Our school has been working with a School Wide Positive Behaviour approach for four years. Over this time, our team of teachers have been working to implement a set of values across the school. Positive reinforcement is the best way to ensure that good behaviours and practices are learnt. This year to date, there have been over 1000 positive letters sent home to parents in this school. Students are acknowledged with Virtual VIVO Rewards. This year to date, there have been 29,900 positive acknowledgements awarded to students. These awards and rewards have acknowledged quality work, respectful behaviours and displaying responsibility for themselves and towards others. YEAR 10 A BUSY TIME – Greg Rhodes Over the next six weeks there are many extracurricular activities for Year 10 students that will disrupt their learning classes. At present we have our Year 10 China Exchange Student Hosts spending time out of regular classes, accompanying their Chinese visitors through the Educational Program prepared for them. This program began Tuesday and will continue until next Tuesday when we farewell our Chinese visitors. The visit will then be reciprocated in September in Dali China. The Year 10 Snow Trip will depart in less than two weeks. Forty students will be participating in an experience of a lifetime on the Victorian Alps. During Weeks 7 and 8 ALL Year 10 students will be on a two week Work Experience Program. These extra-curricular activities add to the breadth of our students’ educational experience but our students will still need to ensure they complete their set class work to ensure satisfactory results at the end of the year. At the end of Year 10 we have a Graduation Ceremony which celebrates the achievements of our successful Year 10 students. To be able to attend, students must have a minimum attendance of 80% and have satisfactorily completed at least 12 of 16 subjects. YEAR 10 WORK EXPERIENCE The Year 10 Work Experience Block begins Monday 24th August and ends Friday 4th September. Students should be finalising their placements now GENE TECHNOLOGY ACCESS CENTRE VISIT Today, six teachers from Melbourne University visited our school to work with students and teachers. The aim of the visit is to extend our science knowledge and allow our students to access the expertise of the Melbourne University Science Faculty. SCHOOL PARTICIPATION IN VANILLA SLICE COMPETITION This week and next week students are preparing entries for the Merbein Great Australian Vanilla Slice Triumph. Year 9 and 10 students currently studying Food will be making Vanilla Slice. Students in Year 7 and 8 will choose between Sultana Muffins and SunMuscat Slice. Thank you to our two sponsors, Sunbeam and Australian Premium Dried Fruits who have donated Sultanas and SunMuscats for students to use in their entries. Remember that if you aren’t participating through the school you can still make muffins and slices at home and enter them. Good luck to our students! Ms Bridget Byrne and Mrs Rhonda Brown THE BEAT 2015 Tickets will go on sale on Monday, 3rd August. Tickets can be purchased by phoning 50188330 or online via the Mildura Arts Centre website COLD WEATHER LUNCH TIME ACTIVITIES With the cold weather this week, students have had the choice of participating in some indoor activities during their lunch time break. COMMUNITY NEWS MISSING DOGS Two reasonable size dogs gone missing last night, one black with a little bit of white, the other brown with a little bit of white. Missing from 5th Street, Merbein West area. Ring 0400758444 if you see, them as their owners are desperate to find them. MERBEIN PRESCHOOL KINDERGARTEN Have you enrolled your child in Kindergarten yet? Merbein Preschool Kindergarten is currently accepting enrolments for 2016. Offering both 3 and 4 year old Kindergarten Programs in a fun and welcoming environment. Please contact the Kindergarten on 50252491 or call in to collect a Pre Enrolment Form. ON THE BALL HOLIDAY PROGRAM – EARLY NOTICE The ‘On The Ball’ Holiday Program will run again during the September School Holidays. The program, run by Whitelion/Stride is free and open to young people aged 7-17 years (boys and girls). A consent note is needed, contact. Lyn for more information P: 03 8354 0884 | M: 0415 770 319 [email protected]. Visit the website on MENTAL HEALTH AND YOUTH SEMINAR SuniTAFE invite you to attend. Presenter is Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, leading psychologist. Held 11th October at SuniTAFE Auditorium. 10-11.30am Mental Health Issues for Young People. 1.30-3-pm Raising Resilient Children and Adolescents. Cost $50+ per session. Register [email protected] or phone 50223717 for more information. MERBEIN FOOTBALL NETBALL CLUB – NET SET GO A Net Set Go Program for 5-9 year olds will be offered from Tuesday, 14th August at Kenny Park from 4pm-5pm, cost is $45.00. Please contact Sue Mulder 0403 316 782 or email [email protected] to obtain a registration form. LEGO CLUB Lego Club is on again this Saturday 8th August, 10:30-11:30am at 110 Pine Ave Mildura. All welcome. For more information email [email protected] SILVIA DAMIANO- NEUROSCIENCE IN LEADERSHIP Mildura Development Corporation has engaged Silvia Damiano as Guest Speaker at a lunch as part of the Mildura Region Small Business Festival. Silvia's past and current roles have uniquely prepared her for the current undertaking, that of leadership activist and change agent. Silvia's curiosity about the human brain led her to a decade long journey of research into optimal brain functioning and the application of neuroscience in leadership and daily life. To find out more about Silvia click on the link: Event details: Date: 14 August 2015 Time: 12:00pm – 2:30 Venue: Mildura Club, Deakin Avenue, Mildura Cost: $52.00 includes a two course meal with catering by The Gourmet Chef. To register and view other workshops through August visit QUESTACON SCIENCE CIRCUS – MILDURA Hands-on exhibits, an opportunity for parents and children to discover and explore science together. There will be spectacular science shows presented regularly during opening hours. You may see giant smoke rings, bricks being smashed on someone’s stomach or a Science Circus presenter holding fire in their hands. To be held at the St Joseph’s College Stadium, Mildura on 22nd August, 2015. Come anytime between 10am-3pm. Admission $18-family, $6adult, student/concession-$5, children under 5 FREE. Enquires 0439499700 or visit LOMBARDS Huge range of Licenced and Generic costumes available ln Store suitable for Book Week from $19.99 up. MERBEIN P10 COLLEGE PRIMARY DANCE FOR THE MERBEIN VANILLA SLICE EVENT Saturday, 15th August, 2015 Return Notice Yes, my child …………………………………………… Grade ……….. child …………………………………………… Grade ……….. will be able to perform in the school dance at the Vanilla Slice Event to be held Saturday 15th August, 2015. I understand that I, the parent will need to bring my child to the main street of Merbein at 11.20am, the agreed meeting time and collect my child following the performance. Signed ………………………………….……….. Parent Date ……………..