Hosted Concordance Evolution


Hosted Concordance Evolution
Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
User Guide
Hosted Concordance® Evolution
• Getting Started
• Searching Data
• Tagging Documents
• Adding Privilege Reasons
• Adding Comments
• Working in the Near Native View
• Editing Records
• Working in the Near Duplicates View
• Printing Documents
• Notifications and Alerts
• Productions
Using Hosted Concordance Evolution User Guide
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No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission.
While the information contained herein is believed to be accurate, this work is provided "as is," without warranty of
any kind. The information contained in this work does not constitute, and is not intended as, legal advice.
LexisNexis and the Knowledge Burst logo are registered trademarks of Reed Elsevier Inc., used under license.
Concordance is a registered trademark of LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. Other products or services
may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Hosted Concordance® Evolution
Hosted Concordance Evolution Release Date: August 8, 2012
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 About Hosted Concordance Evolution
Chapter 2 About the discovery process
Chapter 3 Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
1 Getting
Accessing Hosted
Concordance Evolution
Navigating Hosted Concordance Evolution
About review sets
Viewing documents
Customizing personal preferences
2 Searching
.......................................................................................................................................................... 25
About searching
About the search
Basic Searching
Running quick
View ing search
Navigating .........................................................................................................................................................
search hits
Resorting the
dataset/review set
Advanced Searching
Running advanced
Using advanced
search tools
Searching .........................................................................................................................................................
document control numbers
Grouping search
results by field
Using search
Saving Searches
Saving search
Saving search
Running saved
View ing search
Combining .........................................................................................................................................................
previous or saved searches
Creating search alerts
3 Tagging
About tagging.......................................................................................................................................................... 60
.......................................................................................................................................................... 61
Tagging overview
Creating and ..........................................................................................................................................................
Organizing Tags
Creating tags
......................................................................................................................................................... 63
Creating tag
Creating tag
Searching .........................................................................................................................................................
tags, folders, groups
Editing tags......................................................................................................................................................... 67
Deleting tags
......................................................................................................................................................... 68
.......................................................................................................................................................... 68
Tagging Documents
Tagging individual
Tagging multiple
Finding all documents
w ith tags
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
......................................................................................................................................................... 72
Untagging documents
Viewing tag statistics
Viewing tag history
4 Adding
Privilege Reasons
About privilege
Applying privilege
Adding custom
privilege reasons
Searching privileged
5 Adding
.......................................................................................................................................................... 78
Adding comments
Searching comments
within documents
6 Working
in Near Native View
About the Near
Native view
Viewing documents
and images
.......................................................................................................................................................... 89
Navigating documents
Adjusting document
.......................................................................................................................................................... 93
Adding markups
Adding notes.......................................................................................................................................................... 97
.......................................................................................................................................................... 102
Editing markups
.......................................................................................................................................................... 103
Applying redactions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 105
Verifying redactions
Searching document
Viewing document
7 Editing
.......................................................................................................................................................... 109
About editing
.......................................................................................................................................................... 110
Editing records
.......................................................................................................................................................... 111
Using word lists
Changing the..........................................................................................................................................................
field display
Creating new
Copying data..........................................................................................................................................................
from other records
Finding and replacing
.......................................................................................................................................................... 119
Using spell check
.......................................................................................................................................................... 120
Deleting records
8 Working
in Near Duplicates View
About the Near
Duplicates view
Viewing near..........................................................................................................................................................
9 Printing
.......................................................................................................................................................... 123
Printing documents
.......................................................................................................................................................... 126
E-mailing documents
Sending data..........................................................................................................................................................
to CaseMap
10 Notifications
and Alerts
About notifications
and alerts
Viewing notifications
Deleting notifications
Creating search alerts
Viewing search alerts
Editing search alerts
Deleting search alerts
................................................................................................................................... 139
11 Productions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 139
About productions
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Chapter 4 Glossary
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
User Guide
About Hosted Concordance Evolution
About Hosted Concordance Evolution
About Hosted Concordance Evolution
LexisNexis® Hosted Concordance® Evolution is a discovery enterprise solution that provides
your team with a central location to manage all the electronically stored information that is
generated. Concordance Evolution is designed to handle large-scale, complex litigation cases
and helps your team search, review, organize, produce and share information during the
discovery process. It will offer the speed you demand with exceptional product management
and support. With an updated user interface, you’ll get ease of use for your reviewers that
lets them get up and running in minimal time. You now can have the latest in modern discovery
technology without the costly enterprise investment or overhead.
H oste d C on cordan ce ® Ev olu tion fe atu re s in clu de :
Scalable Microsoft® SQL Server back-end
Concept searching from Vivisimo®
Document family grouping
Near-duplicates identification and comparisons by Equivio™
Advanced searching
Transparent redactions
Find and redact
Enhanced tagging
File type icons in the Table view
Privilege Log reason codes and descriptions
LexisNexis now offers an electronic discovery and litigation document management solution
that is a good fit for any size case.
Use Hosted Concordance® Evolution for large-scale litigation cases, while our established
Concordance® discovery review management software is well-suited for small- to mid-sized
litigation cases.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
User Guide
About the discovery process
About the discovery process
About the discovery process
Discovery has been around for a long time. In the past, it involved primarily paper documents
that had to be searched through manually for privileged information or evidence. Today,
discovery largely involves “electronically stored information” (ESI), which is simply data that
exists in electronic format, stored in computers primarily as documents and e-mail. The
question of how to search and review ESI for evidence comes down to two options: print it out
and review it manually (slow and tedious) or put it into a database and review it on a computer
(fast and effective). That’s where Concordance comes in—it’s a database designed specifically
for reviewing documents electronically, a process made faster and easier by its robust search
and review features.
Electronic discovery (e-discovery) starts with data being identified and collected. When all
known discoverable data is collected, it needs to be “processed” by a tool such as LAW
PreDiscovery, which puts all the data into a format that can be loaded into a Concordance
database. In this step, documents get scanned, electronic files get converted and/or extracted,
and the process of data filtering is completed (which can reduce thousands of documents down
to a few hundred). A data administrator can then load all this processed electronic data into
Concordance and Concordance Image, where it gets reviewed and analyzed and, finally,
produced for opposing counsel and/or the defense team.
Discoverable Data
Discoverable data is data that has been identified, preserved, and collected for a case that
becomes (after many hours of review and analysis) the facts and issues that you either
have to turn over to opposing counsel or use as evidence to defend your client. There are
four types of discoverable data that Concordance and Concordance Image work with:
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
Paper documents
Electronic documents
Transcripts and depositions
Electronic Documents
Concordance loads most electronic documents with ease, whether converted to tagged
image file format (TIFF) or in their native form (created by popular software programs such
as Microsoft® Word, Adobe® Acrobat, etc.). Documents loaded into Concordance in their
native form must be opened in the corresponding application they were created in, whereas
TIFFs open in Concordance Image. All electronic documents contain metadata that has been
captured by the native application. However, additional metadata can still be added
manually, if necessary.
Native review can be done, provided you have the right software; however, using an image
viewer, such as Concordance Image, has the following benefits:
Consistent and reliable mark-up features for document review (redaction, highlights,
Ability to type comments/notes onto documents without defacing the original.
Fast loading of document images because of the small file size of the .TIF file.
Ability to view any document image, regardless of whether or not you have the native
Concordance makes it easy to import Microsoft Outlook e-mail messages (those with .PST
file extensions). Other types of e-mail, such as those from Lotus Notes, must be converted
before being loaded into Concordance, using a product such as LAW PreDiscovery (or using
a vendor).
Transcripts and Depositions
If a transcript or deposition is in electronic form, and is formatted correctly, it can be loaded
quickly and easily into Concordance, where you can review, tag, and add notes.
Paper Documents
Even in this electronic age, people still use paper to write notes, capture diagrams, and so
on. Additionally, letters, spreadsheets, reports and other documents created with computer
programs are often printed out and the original electronic document lost or destroyed. In
order for paper documents to be usable in Concordance, they must be scanned, to capture
both text and an image (picture) of the document, and coded, to capture additional
information such as author, document type, date created, and so on. This can be done using
a scanning and optical character recognition (OCR) tool such as LAW PreDiscovery.
Paper is typically scanned into tagged image file format (TIFF). For each TIFF, you’ll have a
© 2012 LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
About the discovery process
corresponding file in the database, with matching serial numbers. A TIFF can be a single
page or multiple pages, just as a single document can be one or several pages in length.
So, not only will you be able to view the document as a TIFF in Concordance Image, or
another image viewer, you’ll be able to read the text of the document in Concordance, also
(as a result of optical character recognition software, such as LAW PreDiscovery).
Coding / Metadata
Electronic documents contain additional information about them, referred to as metadata,
which is data that is captured automatically by the software program, such as date created,
author, and so on. This data is highly searchable and of great value to you during document
review. However, because paper documents are scanned and lack this automatic coding,
they must be coded manually (although there are now software tools, such as ALCoder,
that can help speed up this process).
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
User Guide
Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
Getting Started
Accessing Hosted Concordance Evolution
To log on to Hosted Concordance Evolution, you will need the URL for the Hosted Concordance
Evolution application, a user ID, and a password. You should have received emails from your
system administrator containing this information, contact your Hosted Concordance Evolution
If your organization uses Active Directory to set up user accounts, you will not be able to
change your password in Hosted Concordance Evolution. Contact your system
administrator if you need assistance.
To log on to Hosted Concordance Evolution:
1. Navigate to the Hosted Concordance Evolution application in Microsoft Internet Explorer.
2. In the User Name field, type your Hosted Concordance Evolution user name.
3. In the Password field, type your Hosted Concordance Evolution password.
4. Click the Sign In button.
Hosted Concordance Evolution opens to display the Review Dashboard page.
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
To log off Hosted Concordance Evolution:
1. On the Hosted Concordance Evolution bar, open the User menu next to the Help icon,
2. Click Sign Out.
To change your password:
You will be prompted to change your password when your password expires or the
administrator selects the Change password on next login check box for your user name on
the Add User or Edit User page in the Admin module.
1. Navigate to the Hosted Concordance Evolution application in Microsoft Internet Explorer.
2. In the User Name field, type your Hosted Concordance Evolution user name.
3. In the Password field, type your Hosted Concordance Evolution password.
4. Click the Sign In button.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
Your user name is displayed in the Login ID field.
5. In the Old Password field, type your Hosted Concordance Evolution password.
6. In the New Password and Confirm New Password fields, type your new Hosted
Concordance Evolution password.
The Option to choose simple or complex password list on the System Settings page in
the Admin module determines whether Hosted Concordance Evolution requires users to
have simple or complex passwords.
Simple passwords have no restriction except that the passwords need to be at least
6 characters long.
Complex passwords require the following:
Does not contain the user name or user's full name
Contains characters from three of the following five categories:
o English uppercase characters (A through Z)
o English lowercase characters (a through z)
o Base 10 digits (0 through 9)
o Non-alphabetic characters (for example, !, $, #, %)
o A catch-all category of any Unicode character that does not fall under the
previous four categories. This fifth category can be regionally specific.
7. Click the Change Password button.
Hosted Concordance Evolution opens to display the Review Dashboard page.
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
Navigating Hosted Concordance Evolution
After logging on to Hosted Concordance Evolution, the Review Dashboard page is displayed.
The Review Dashboard page is the Home page for reviewers in Hosted Concordance Evolution,
and is specifically designed with the tools and information updates needed to perform
reviewing tasks. Here you will find the current status of your work assignments and you can
access all review sets assigned to you.
To return to the dashboard page from anywhere in the Review module, click the Review tab link
on the Hosted Concordance Evolution bar at the top of every page.
We recommend that you use the Hosted Concordance Evolution navigation tools to access
different pages of the software as opposed to using your Internet browser's navigation
tools, like the Back button. We also recommend that when you refresh page content, you
use the Refresh button that displays on the Hosted Concordance Evolution page and not
the Refresh button of your Internet browser.
Navigate with links:
The Review Dashboard page provides numerous links in the center panes and in task panes
to help you navigate quickly to the application page you need to perform your daily tasks.
The Review Dashboard page also displays the Return to Previous Page link that will
navigate back to the previous page.
Learn more about the Review module:
Review Dashboard task panes include:
My Status pane
The My Status pane is the central pane for the Review Dashboard, providing you with
statistics that track your current progress in the review sets assigned to you.
Click the Refresh button
on the My Status bar to update statistics displaying in this
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
Th e M y Statu s pan e display s th e follow in g:
My Progress & Due Dates displays each of your assigned review sets by its due date
in order of the nearest, approaching deadline (in bold, at the top of the list). A status
bar displays next to each date, tracking your progress. You can click the review set
links to start working with those documents in a Search Results view.
All My Assignments lists all your assigned review sets by due date and display the
first five assignments. (The All My Assignments section is connected to the My
Assignments panel in the Review Sets pane.)
My Messages displays any recent notifications you may have received. You can also
choose to display all notifications too by clicking the View All link.
Percentage Reviewed displays a pie chart provides a visual of your review set
Recent Activity pane
The Recent Activity pane provides links to help you locate recent cases/matters from your
last review session. Click a matter link to highlight the matter in the Review Sets panel.
Click the More link to expand the panel and view all links listed.
Review Sets pane
Review Sets pane contains two panels: My Assignments and All Documents.
My Assignments displays a review set tree for you to view all your assigned review
sets with documents tagged as Reviewed or Not Reviewed. (The My Assignments
panel is also connected to the My Assignments section of the My Status pane.)
All Documents displays all matters, and review sets/datasets assigned to you.
Check In/Out Docs bar
Click the Check In/Out Docs bar to open the Review Sets page, which tracks availability of
review sets assigned to you and other reviewers. You can check here to identify what
reviewers are also assigned to your review set and if a review set is currently checked
Assignments are listed by matter, then review set. Click + to expand each matter and
review set to view its current status, including whether the review set is checked in or
out, the user it was checked out to, all users it is assigned to, the number of documents
in the review set, the size of review set, and the current status (InProgress). Click the
Change link in the Status column to change the status.
Quick Tools pane
The Quick Tools pane contains links to quickly access areas of the application that you will
use most: Search, Messages, and History.
Search displays links to the Saved Searches, Saved Search Results, and Search
Alerts pages.
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
Messages links to the Notification Management page that contains tabs for
Notifications and Background Tasks.
History links to the Search History page that contains tabs for Search History,
Saved Searches, Saved Search Results, and Search Alerts.
Open review sets to access documents:
Review sets contain the documents that are assigned to you for review. There can be
more than one review set with a matter/case dataset. A review set can contain various
documents and files that are part of the case's overall record collection.
To navigate documents in an assigned review set, simply click one of the links provided
on the Review Dashboard page. Review sets links are located in the Review Sets pane
and the My Status pane. Each link opens the review set in the Search Results page,
where you can view and search documents in a variety of ways.
By default the documents in the review set assigned to you are listed in the Snippet
view. You can later change the default view settings by clicking Preferences on the User
menu from the Hosted Concordance Evolution bar.
To learn more about the search results and opening documents, see Viewing search
About review sets
Documents can be accessed from the Review dashboard by opening review sets that were
assigned to you by the administrator. The current review set name displays in the green bar on
the upper right of Search Results view.
Review sets can include all documents in a dataset, documents from a query, or documents
from a tag. Once documents are allocated to a review set, the administrator can split the
documents into a single review set or they can evenly distribute the documents for multiple
To locate review sets:
1. Click the Review tab to open the Review dashboard.
2. In the Review Sets panel, you can locate documents for review under My Assignments.
You can also click a review set link in the My Status pane under My Progress & Due
Dates and All My Assignments.
3. Under My Assignments, click a review set link.
The documents now display in a Search Results view (Snippet or Table).
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
Viewing documents
When you open a review set, the documents in the review set are listed on the Search Results
page. The Search Results page consists of two views: the Snippet view and the Table view.
The views are accessed by clicking the Snippet or Table tabs on the Search Results bar.
Clicking a document link in the Snippet or Table view opens the document on the Document
Viewer page. The Document Viewer page consists of three views: the Near Native view, Near
Duplicates view, and the Document Data view. These views are accessed by clicking the view
tabs on the Document Viewer bar.
All se arch re su lts an d docu m e n t v ie w s allow s y ou to:
Navigate documents in your search results
Group search results by field
Tag documents
Apply Privilege Log reasons and descriptions
Add comments to documents
Learn more about search results views
Search results are displayed in two different views: Snippet and Table. Each view provides a
different way to review search results based on your current needs. Search results display
on the same view page that was last opened. The default view is Snippet, however, you can
change your personal preferences to make the Table view the default view. See
Customizing personal preferences.
Se arch re su lts display in tw o v ie w s:
Snippet — provides a brief look at the initial content of the document, so you can quickly
assess the contents without opening the full document in the Near Native (default view),
Document Data, Near Duplicate, or Native view.
The Snippet view also allows you to click the Preview button,
, to preview the
document content without having to open it in a document view. You can also click the
New Window button,
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, to open the document in a separate window.
Hosted Concordance Evolution
Table — provides a list of records in your review set.
You can configure the field order displayed in the Table view.
If a document is part of a document family or e-mail thread, the Families and Threads icon,
, is displayed for the document in the Snippet and Table views. You can view the
document family or e-mail thread in the Family Documents panel in the Near Native view. For
more information, see Viewing documents and images.
If there are documents with duplicate content associated with a document, the Duplicates
, is displayed for the document in the Snippet and Table views. Clicking the
Duplicates icon opens the Near Duplicates view for the document, where you can view and
compare the duplicate content. For more information, see About the Near Duplicates view.
In e ach se arch re su lts v ie w , y ou can :
Navigate through the search results list
Email documents
Print documents
Send documents to CaseMap
Delete documents
Change the number of results that display per page
To learn more about Search Results views, see Viewing search results.
Learn more about document views
Document views allow you to view the document or file in the view for viewing, editing and
redacting individual documents, and to view and compare documents with duplicate
content. The default view is Near Native, however, you can change your personal
preferences to make the Document Data view the default view. See Customizing personal
D ocu m e n ts display in th re e v ie w s:
Near Native — magnifies the original file in a viewer so you can redact content and
apply markups (default view).
Near Native view also allows you to change your document orientation, view tag/field
history, navigate documents in your search results, and send documents to CaseMap.
Document Data — displays the entire document summary in a scrollable pane.
Document Data view also allows you to edit record data, view tag/field history, navigate
documents in your search results, and send documents to CaseMap.
Near Duplicates — displays the near duplicate documents associated with the selected
document, and indicates the percentage of similarity between the near duplicate
documents and the original "base" document. The Near Duplicates view is used to view
and compare the documents containing duplicate content.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
You can also view documents or files natively by opening the original native file in its
native application (in a separate window). To open a native file from Hosted
Concordance Evolution, click Download Native Doc on the Options menu in the Near
Native and Document Data views.
In order to view a document or file natively, you must have the native application
installed on your local hard drive.
To print a document or file, select the check box next to the document or file in the
Snippet or Table view, and then click the Print button on the Search Results bar or click
your Internet browser's print option.
Learn about Search Results view task panes:
The Search Results and Document Viewer pages have five task panes that you can use in
any view.
Group By — allows you to group documents in your search results by field. See Grouping
search results by field.
Tags — allows you to tag documents or text. See About Tagging.
Privilege Log — allows you to apply reason codes to documents.
Comments — allows you to add comments at the the document or text level. See Adding
To navigate documents:
Navigation tools are located at the top and bottom of each Search Results view and the top
of the Near Native and Document Data views.
Using the top navigation tool in the Search Results views, you can navigate through the
search results pages by clicking the Previous Page and Next Page buttons.
The bottom navigation tool in the Search Results views allows you to jump to another
search results page within four pages of the current page your are viewing. Click the First
Page, Previous Page, Next Page, and Last Page buttons to navigate the documents in the
search results. To change the number of documents that display per page, click the Page
Size list and click 10, 25, 50 or 100.
Using the top navigation tool in the Near Native and Document Data views, you can page
through documents in your search results by clicking the Previous Document and Next
Document buttons. The document you are currently viewing displays in the center field. If
you want to jump to another document within your search results, type the document
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
number and press ENTER.
For information about additional navigation tools in Near Native view, see Navigating
To change the magnification in Document Data view:
You can change the magnification of the document displayed in the Document Data view.
On the top toolbar, click in the magnification list
you want.
and click the percentage value
For information about magnification in the Near Native view, see Adjusting document size.
To open documents:
Once a search query is run you can open a document in any Search Results view.
In the Snippet view, click the blue document title link above the text.
In the Table view, click in any field column on the document's row.
When you open your first document in the Snippet view, an information bar displays
prompting you to install an add-on for the Near Native view. Click on the information
bar and then click Install ActiveX Control.
To search documents:
The Search bar is your primary search tool. It is where you type and edit search strings,
select your search scope, locate advanced search and other search options, and enable the
feature for performing concept searches.
To learn more about searching, see About searching and Running quick searches.
To delete documents:
You can delete documents from the Snippet and Table views.
For more information, see Deleting records.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
To configure field display order in Table view:
In the Table view, you can customize the field display order to your personal viewing
preferences. The field order settings only apply to your user ID, and do not affect the field
display order for other reviewers in the Table view.
1. On the Search Results bar, click the Fields button.
Clicking the Fields button opens the Configure Fields dialog box. The check box next to
each field name determines whether the field is displayed in the Table view. When a
check box is selected, the field is displayed in the Table view. The order the fields are
listed in the Configure Fields dialog box is the order the fields are displayed in the Table
2. Select the check boxes next to the fields you want to display in the Table view, and
make sure the check boxes next to the fields you want to hide from the Table view are
3. Click the Up,
, and Down,
, buttons next to the fields to modify the field display
The top field has a gray Up button and the bottom field has a gray Down button to
indicate the field cannot be moved any farther in that direction.
4. Click OK to save your changes and update the fields displayed in the Table view.
Customizing personal preferences
Personal preference settings are defined on the My Preference page. In Hosted Concordance
Evolution, the administrator can customize the default preference settings for users, user
groups, folders, and matters. If a preference setting is not locked by the administrator, you can
customize the preference settings for yourself on the My Preferences page.
For example, the administrator can define the default tag format settings, but allow users to
customize the tag format preference settings for themselves on the My Preference page.
The preference settings you customize will only apply to your user account and not affect other
users' preference settings.
If a preference setting is locked by the administrator, the preference setting is displayed on the
My Preferences page, but the setting is not editable.
If you do not have access to a function or page in the application, but you can customize a
preference for this function or page, your preference setting does not affect anything.
You can access the My Preference page by clicking Preferences on the User menu on the
Hosted Concordance Evolution bar in the Admin, Review, or Report module.
To customize your personal preference settings:
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
1. On the Hosted Concordance Evolution bar in the Admin, Review, or Report module,
open the User menu next to the Help icon,
2. Click Preferences.
Clicking Preferences opens the My Preference page.
3. In the Select Preference list, click the function for which you want to customize
After clicking the function, the preference settings for the function are displayed on the
My Preference page.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
4. Modify the preference settings you want to change.
5. Click Save.
When you modify a preference setting, the changes will be applied the next time you log
on to Hosted Concordance Evolution.
Searching Data
About searching
The ability to search fast and efficiently is the fundamental design behind Hosted Concordance
Evolution's search engine. Because there are a variety of ways to locate different types of
information, the application provides several search options to assist you in narrowing search
results quickly based on the kind of information you want to find. Additionally, Hosted
Concordance Evolution has tools that help you sift through search results based on field
As you begin to familiarize yourself with the basic search tools, you can then incorporate
advanced search options, and write your own complex queries using search operator logic.
Once you are comfortable with the search options and tools available, you will be able to use
your "search toolkit" to expand your search methodologies and gain precise results.
Each time a search is run, Hosted Concordance Evolution checks the following criteria:
Search scope
Families and attachments
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
Concept searching
Using the Search bar:
The Search bar is your primary search tool. It's where you type and edit search strings,
select your search scope, locate advanced search and other search options, and enable the
feature for performing concept searches.
Clicking the Search Scope button,
, allows you to enable concept searching,
change the range of your record collection that you want to search at a given time, and
clear the current search query. The Search Scope option defaults to your selected review
set, but can be changed to focus on an entire dataset or current search results.
The Search field is where your search query is entered or edited.
The Search field can hold up to 8 KB of text. If a complex search string exceeds this limit,
you may want to run two separate searches and later combine them in a search on the
Search History or Saved Searches tabs.
Clicking the Search button runs the search query.
Enabling the Concept Search feature:
The Concept Search feature is enabled when the Concept Search check box is selected in
the Search Scope options or the Use concept search check box is selected on the Advanced
Search page. By default, the check box is selected.
The Concept Search feature allows you to search based on words configured in the
dataset's thesaurus. These search results can be viewed in the Snippet and Table views.
For more information, see Viewing search results.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
Locating advanced search options:
Clicking Advanced on the Search Tools menu on the Search bar opens the Advanced Search
The Advanced Search page allows you to restrict searches by date range, fields, tags, and
file types. You can also search markups, redactions, and comments. For more information,
see Using advanced search tools.
Using the Group By panel:
The Group By panel on the Grouping tab displays to the left of your search results in the
Snippet and Table views and to the left of the current document in the Near Native and
Document Data views. You can hide the panel from view by clicking the show/hide button, ,
to the right of the Group By panel. Hiding the panel expands your search results or
document view.
For more information, see Grouping search results by fields.
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
About the search engine
The complexity of searching is simplified in Hosted Concordance Evolution by the application's
ability to sort through vast amounts of information quickly, while producing precise results.
Before you start searching records in Hosted Concordance Evolution, it is important to
understand how parts of the search engine help make this process faster -- saving you
guesswork and time.
When your Hosted Concordance Evolution administrator creates a dataset and its review set
(s), a comprehensive index is compiled based off your record collection contents. Additional
search filters are included in the search engine to weed out unnecessary words, find spelling
variations, and locate similar words (synonyms). These tools work together to expedite query
processing time and return search results efficiently.
When new records are added to your review set, you will receive a notification from your
system administrator stating that you have a new assignment. Once you select the review set,
you can start searching the updated data immediately.
When you make edits or mark up images, these updates are automatically saved to the review
set in real time. All users working in the review set will see these updates immediately.
When Hosted Concordance Evolution datasets or review sets are created, the index is
generated off your document collection contents. The index contains a list of every word or
string of characters in the record collection (with only specified words and punctuation
A word is simply defined as any string of letters and/or numbers. A word does not have to
be in Webster's dictionary to qualify as a word in Hosted Concordance Evolution.
Exam ple : airforce1 or ABC0000001
“Airforce1” qualifies as an index entry, including both letters and numbers. Spaces between
characters disqualify it as a whole word; space between airforce and 1 would be read as
two words. The same is true for ABC0000001, a numbering scheme that is searchable and
considered a word by Hosted Concordance Evolution.
Hosted Concordance Evolution includes a global thesaurus that helps process advanced,
full-text query searches for synonyms. The Concept Search check box in the Review module
determines whether the thesaurus is used by the search engine. When the Concept Search
check box is selected, the search results will include synonyms found in the global thesaurus
or synonyms added to the thesaurus for this dataset.
A synonym is a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word. With
a thesaurus, Hosted Concordance Evolution will find like words in a search that might
otherwise be missed. For example, if you are searching for car, your search results will
include documents that contain the word car and the word automobile. Additionally, it may
find truck, sedan, and other similar words. If your case involves an automobile accident, you
may want to ensure that the Thesaurus is updated to include all the makes and models of
the cars involved. This ensures that a search for car or auto will also find documents that
contain Ford Focus and Toyota 4Runner.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
If you think of words that need to be added to the thesaurus to enhance your search result
findings, contact your system administrator, who can make those updates for you.
If your dataset requires a thesaurus other than the default one provided, another
thesaurus can be imported into the dataset. Only words in the thesaurus that do not
already exist in the current thesaurus will be added to the current thesaurus list. If you feel
that your dataset requires another thesaurus, contact your system administrator to have
them import the file and make the necessary modifications.
Stop Words:
Stop words are a list of words that include the most common words in the English language
(and, the, but, etc.). Stop words are not words you would generally want to search for and
their elimination from a dataset index ensures that searches are run faster and efficiently.
Hosted Concordance Evolution provides a default list of common stop words that can be
modified by your system administrator.
Reviewing the Stop Words list shows what words are already omitted from searches or
tallied as search hits. If you need a copy of this list, ask your system administrator to export
a copy for you. Suggested edits to this list should be submitted to your system
Spelling Variations:
Hosted Concordance Evolution provides a default list of common spelling variations, which
can be modified for each dataset. When you run a search, any spelling variations for a
particular word will also be located depending on how the search query is written. This list is
helpful for words that are either misspelled in the document contents or are misspelled in a
search query.
If you have keywords or names in your dataset that are often misspelled, you may want to
add them to the Spelling Variations list. If you want to review the current list, contact your
system administrator who can export a copy of it for you to review. Suggested edits to this
list should be submitted to your system administrator.
Basic Searching
Running quick searches
The Quick Search method is the fastest way to locate information quickly without having to
access another search tool. You can use it for fast, simple keyword searches or to copy/paste
in more complex search strings. Click the Search Scope button,
, to decide whether to
search all documents in a dataset, your review set, or those in your current search results.
Quick searches are run in the Search field on the Search bar. The Search field can hold up to 8
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KB of text. If a complex search string exceeds this limit, you may want to run two separate
searches and later combine them in a search in the Search History or Saved Searches tabs.
The Search bar also allows you to adjust the search scope for each search. After a search is
run, the scope defaults to the last scope option selected.
Each se arch can be adju ste d for scope :
Within Results: Searches only within the Search Results list
Within Current Review Set: Searches all documents within the current review set.
This is the default scope when a review set is opened.
Within Current DataSet: Searches all documents within the current dataset
This is the default scope when a dataset is opened.
To run a quick word search:
1. On the Review tab in the Review Sets panel, click a review set.
2. On the Search Results bar, click the Snippet tab to open the Snippet view (default
3. In the Search field, type a search term.
4. Click the Search Scope button,
5. If you want to use concept searching, make sure the Concept Search check box is
The Concept Search check box is selected by default. When the check box is selected,
searching includes words configured in the dataset's thesaurus. If you want to disable
concept searching, clear the Concept Search check box.
6. Click the search scope you want to use for your search.
Within Results: Searches only within the Search Results list
Within Current Review Set: Searches all documents within the current review set.
This is the default scope when a review set is opened.
Within Current DataSet: Searches all documents within the dataset
This is the default scope when a dataset is opened.
After a search is run, the scope will default to the last scope option selected.
7. Click the Search button.
You can also press ENTER to run the search.
Your search results now display in the Snippet view with the search term highlighted.
If you do not see any highlights, you may need to scroll through documents in the
Snippet view or open a document in the Near Native or Document Data view.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
Viewing search results
The Search Results page contains two different views: Snippet and Table. Each view provides a
different way to review search results based on your current needs. Search results display on
the same view page that was last opened. The default view is Snippet, however, you can
change your personal preferences to make the Table view the default view. See Customizing
personal preferences.
Se arch re su lts display in tw o v ie w s:
Snippet — provides a brief look at the initial content of the document, so you can quickly
assess the contents without opening the full document in the Near Native (default view),
Document Data, Near Duplicate, or Native view.
The Snippet view also allows you to click the Preview button,
, to preview the document
content without having to open it in a document view. You can also click the New Window
, to open the document in a separate window.
Table — provides a list of records in your review set.
You can configure the field order displayed in the Table view.
In a Se arch Re su lts v ie w , y ou can do th e follow in g:
Email a set of documents
Print documents
Send a document fact to CaseMap
Change the number of documents that display per page (10, 25, 50, or 100)
Delete documents
You can set your default preference view for search results (Snippet or Table) and document
display (Near Native or Document Data) by clicking Preferences on the User menu on the
Hosted Concordance Evolution bar. See Customizing personal preferences.
Navigating search hits
You can navigate search hits in individual documents in both the Document Data and Near
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Native views.
In the Document Data view, the Search Hits navigation tool is located in the upper-right corner
of the view, and displays the current hit and the total number of hits per document. Search hits
in the Document Data view are highlighted in gray with the current hit highlighted in yellow.
Search hits in a document are not automatically highlighted in the Near Native view. In order to
locate and navigate between search hits in a document, after running the search, the search
term needs to be re-entered in the Near Native view's Search field. In the Near Native view,
the current search hit is highlighted in dark blue, and if the Term Hit option is selected from the
Search menu in the Near Native view, the rest of the search hits in the document are
highlighted in yellow.
For more information about searching in the Near Native view, see Searching document text.
To navigate search hits in the Document Data view:
1. After running a search, open the Document Data view.
The first search hit in the document is displayed and highlighted. The current search hit
number and the total number of search hits contained in the current document are
displayed in the upper-right corner of the view.
2. Click the Previous Search Hit,
, or Next Search Hit,
between the search hits in the document.
, buttons to navigate
3. To jump to a specific search hit within the document, in the current hit box, type the hit
number and press ENTER.
Resorting the dataset/review set
After running a series of search queries, you may want to resort the dataset or review set back
to its original sort order.
Y ou h av e th re e option s:
Type an asterisk (*) in the Search field on the Search bar and then click the Search button.
Click the Clear button at the bottom of the Search Scope list.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
If you want certainty that the dataset or review set is resorted to its original sort order,
click the Review tab and select the dataset or review set you want to work in. Once the
documents have refreshed in the Search Results view, you can continue running searches
Advanced Searching
Running advanced searches
With Hosted Concordance Evolution, you can perform more than one kind of advanced search.
Review all topics within the Advanced Searching book to learn each type and how it enhances
your searching methodology.
Adv an ce d se arch e s in clu de th e follow in g:
Running a query of one or more keywords or phrases (Quick Search or Simple Search)
Using advanced search options (Advanced Search page)
Running a query and then appending it with an advanced search option
Searching documents based on field groups
Writing your own complex queries using search operators
Combining previous or saved search queries
Using advanced search tools
The Advanced Search page contains a variety of search options that help you narrow your
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
search results to a specific type of search, combine one or more search options into a complex
search, or append a previous search with a new search option.
When you select one or more search options, Hosted Concordance Evolution writes the
complex search query for you and displays it in the Search field. If you have already run a
search query, the application automatically appends the selected search option to the previous
query using the AND operator. You can also select the OR operator. For more information about
search operators, see Using search operators.
Adv an ce d se arch option s in clu de th e follow in g:
Simple Search - using specific parameters for locating text
Restrict By - restricting searches to a date range, fields, tags, and file types
Options - searching for image markups, redactions, and comments
Search results are then refined as the system locates a new set of documents based on the
updated search criteria. You can continue selecting advanced options as needed and Hosted
Concordance Evolution will append the search criteria to include them in the query.
If you do not want to append the search option to a previous search query, simply edit the
query, as needed, in the Search field. You should always review your search query in the
Search field before running the search.
To review and edit a long search string, copy the query and paste it into a text editor, like
NotePad. Edit the query as needed and then copy and paste it back into the Search field
to run the query.
To view examples of queries:
Review the following examples for types of queries you can create using advanced search
options. We suggest you practice building searches with the advanced search options until
you feel comfortable identifying query text and appending search options.
students AND tag:"Reviewed"
This query appends the previous search for all documents containing students and appends
the search to include only those tagged as Reviewed.
DOCTYPE:Correspondence AND TITLE:Cowco
This query is searching two fields at one time for different criteria. Search results return all
Correspondence documents with Cowco in the title.
CONTENT markup AND (markup:Rectangle OR markup:Lines OR markup:Stamp OR
This query is searching for all markups within the
students AND CONTENT comment
This query appends the previous search for all documents containing students and appends
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
the search to include only those with comments.
To view supported date formats:
When searching on dates, the following date formats are supported:
Supported Date Formats
27 Feb 2009
US military format
February 27, 2009
Month, DD, YYYY
Tue, 22 Aug 2006 06:30:07
ss GMT
local time
2006-08-22 06:30:07Z
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssZ
Zulu time/UT/GMT
Universal date format
To run a simple search:
Running a simple search is a great way for you to quickly locate information using
parameters that are provided for you — without having to use or learn about search
operators. You can search for more than one word or phrase too.
1. On the Search bar, open the Search Tools menu and click Advanced.
Clicking Advanced opens the Advanced Search page.
2. In the Search For field, type words that you want to locate.
3. In the Search For drop-down listing, click one of the following:
All of these words — locates all documents that contain the words in the search
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
Exact wording or phrase — locates all documents that contain only the exact words
as entered
One or more of these words — locates all documents that contain one or more of the
words in the search query
4. Click the Add button.
Clicking the Add button adds the search term to the Search field.
5. Click the Search button.
Your search results now display in the Snippet view.
If you do not see any highlights, you may need to scroll through documents in the
Snippet view or open a document in the Near Native or Document Data view.
To search by date range:
1. On the Search bar, open the Search Tools menu and click Advanced.
Clicking Advanced opens the Advanced Search page.
2. In the Restrict By area for the Date Range, click the date field you want to search in the
field drop-down list.
3. In the first date range field, type the start date (mm/dd/yyyy) or click the Calendar icon
to select the date.
In the Calendar pop-up, click the arrows to select the date/month/year you want. The
single arrow buttons navigate forward/backward one month at a time. The double
arrow buttons skip to every three months. To select a specific month and year, click the
month or year in the Calendar pop-up, click the applicable month and/or year, click OK,
and then click the applicable day of the month.
The calendar defaults to the current date unless a date already populates the field.
4. In the second date range field, type the end date (mm/dd/yyyy) or click the Calendar
icon to select the date.
You must enter a start and end date to run the search. If you want to search for a
particular date, then enter the same date in both fields.
5. If you are appending this option to a search query, click the search operator you want to
use: AND or OR.
6. Click the Add button.
The date range is now added to the Search field with the selected operator.
Example: search query AND DOCDATE:["2011/04/01 00:00:00 AM".."2011/04/12
11:59:59 PM"]
If you are not appending a search query, the search is restricted to only the date range.
Example: DOCDATE:["2011/04/01 00:00:00 AM".."2011/04/12 11:59:59 PM"]
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
7. Click the Search button to run the query.
Your search results now display in the Snippet view.
To search fields:
1. On the Search bar, open the Search Tools menu and click Advanced.
Clicking Advanced opens the Advanced Search page.
2. In the Restrict By area for Fields, click the field you want to search in the Fields dropdown list.
Fields displayed are based on the search scope. The default setting is the dataset or
review set you currently have open.
3. In the Field Value field, type the words you want to locate.
For example, if you want to search the To field, type the name of the person in the Field
Value field.
4. If you are appending this option to a search query, click the search operator you want to
use: AND or OR.
5. Click the Add button.
The field and field value are now added to the Search field with the selected operator.
search query AND DCN:"ABC00000050"
If you are not appending a search query, the search is restricted to the selected field for
the value you entered.
6. Click the Search button to run the query.
Your search results now display in the Snippet view.
To search tags:
1. On the Search bar, open the Search Tools menu and click Advanced.
Clicking Advanced opens the Advanced Search page.
2. In the Restrict By area for Tags, click the tag you want to search in the Tags drop-down
3. If you are appending this option to a search query, click the search operator you want to
use: AND or OR.
4. Click the Add button.
The tag is now added to the Search field with the selected operator.
search query AND tag:"Privileged"
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
If you are not appending a search query, the search is restricted to only the selected
5. Click the Search button to run the query.
Your search results now display in the Snippet view.
To search by file type:
1. On the Search bar, open the Search Tools menu and click Advanced.
Clicking Advanced opens the Advanced Search page.
2. In the Restrict By area for File Type, click the file type want to search in the File Type
drop-down list.
Word Document (*.doc)
Excel workbook (*.xls)
Text File (*.txt)
XML document (*.xml)
HTM document (*.htm)
HTML document (*.html)
Outlook message (*.msg)
Powerpoint Presentation (*.ppt)
TIFF (*.tiff)
JPEG (*.jpeg)
bitmap (*.bmp)
Acrobat Reader (*.pdf)
If you select OTHER FILE EXTENSIONS, then type the applicable file extension in the
blank field that displays.
3. If you are appending this option to a search query, click the search operator you want to
use: AND or OR.
4. Click the Add button.
The file type is now added to the Search field with the selected operator.
search query AND fileextension:pdf
If you are not appending a search query, the search is restricted to only the file type.
5. Click the Search button to run the query.
Search results display in Snippet view with only those documents that meet your search
criteria for the selected file type.
To search markups:
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
1. On the Search bar, open the Search Tools menu and click Advanced.
Clicking Advanced opens the Advanced Search page.
2. In the Options area for Markup, select the check box for each option you want included
in the search.
Restrict search to documents with Markup (selects all check boxes)
Clear any check boxes you do not want to locate in the search.
3. Click the Add button.
If you are appending a previous search, the markup query is automatically appended to
it with the AND operator.
If you are not appending a search query, the search is restricted to only those markups
4. Click the Search button.
Search results display in the Snippet view with only those documents that meet your
search criteria for markups.
To search redactions:
You can search redacted text until documents are produced. After a production is run, the
redacted text is no longer searchable.
1. On the Search bar, open the Search Tools menu and click Advanced.
Clicking Advanced opens the Advanced Search page.
2. In the Options area for Redaction, select the Restrict to documents with redactions
check box.
3. In the Redaction reason field, type the redaction term you want to locate (optional).
4. Click the Add button.
If you are appending a previous search, the redaction query is automatically appended
to it with the AND operator.
If you are not appending a search query, the search is restricted to only those
redactions selected.
5. Click the Search button.
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
Search results display in the Snippet view with only those documents with redactions
and/or with the specific redaction text entered in your search criteria.
To search for all documents that have comments:
1. On the Search bar, open the Search Tools menu and click Advanced.
Clicking Advanced opens the Advanced Search page.
2. In the Search field type any search terms you want to locate.
3. In the Restrict By area, select the options you want to refine your search.
4. In the Options area for Comments, select the Restrict to documents with comments
check box.
5. Click the Add button.
If you are appending a previous search, the comment query is automatically appended
to it with the AND operator.
If you are not appending a search query, the search is restricted only for documents
with comments.
6. Click the Search button.
Search results display in the Snippet view with only those documents that contain
See also Searching comments within a document.
To clear searches:
Before running a new advanced search, you will want to clear any previous searches from
the Search and Search for fields. Otherwise, previous searches or advanced options you
have selected will automatically populate your search query.
To clear previous searches, click the Clear button at the top of the Advanced Search page.
The Clear button on the Search Scope list functions differently than the Clear button on
the Advanced Search page. Clicking the Clear button on the Search Scope list, resorts
the dataset or review set back to its original sort order. Clicking the Clear button on the
Advanced Search page just clears the current search query from the Search field.
For more information about resorting datasets and review sets, see Resorting the
dataset or review set.
To enable the Concept Search feature:
The Concept Search feature is enabled when the Concept Search check box is selected on
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
the Search Scope list or the Use concept search check box is selected on the Advanced
Search page. By default, the check box is selected.
The Concept Search feature allows you to search based on words configured in the
dataset's thesaurus. These search results can be viewed in the Snippet and Table views.
For more information, see Viewing search results.
Searching document control numbers
Document control numbers display in the Table, Near Native, and Document Data views.
The name of the Document Control Number field is created by your system administrator when
the the dataset is built. The Document Control Number field name displayed in the Search
Results views may be different than the actual field name, because the display name can be
changed using the DCN preference. For example, if your system administrator names the field,
Document Control Number, it still may display in the Search Results view as DCN #. When you
search on this field, you must select or type the actual field name (not the display name).
At this time, you can search for multiple document control numbers using the asterisk (*)
wildcard operator. For example: DCN:0000*.
To search for document control numbers:
1. On the Search bar, open the Search Tools menu and click Advanced.
Clicking Advanced opens the Advanced Search page.
2. In the Restrict By area for Fields, click the DCN (Document Control Number) field in the
Fields drop-down list.
2. In the Fields panel under Restrict By, click the Document Control Number (DCN) field in
the Fields drop-down list.
3. In the Field Value field, type the document control number.
4. Click the Add button.
The search query now displays in the Search field.
5. If you want to add another document control number to the search, click the OR
6. In the Field Value field, type the second document control number you want to locate.
Example: DCN:"ABC00000051" OR DCN:"ABC00000050" OR DCN:"ABC00000049"
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
7. Click the Add button.
8. Click the Search button.
Your search results now display in the Snippet view.
You can also manually type the query (DCN:ABC00000050) for the full document control
number in the Search field, then click the Search button.
Grouping search results by field
The Group By panel is a great tool for gaining an item count for a specific field, organizing
documents by field type, narrowing search results off a reduced set of records, and performing
quick quality assurance checks. You can also export a list of documents for tracking purposes.
U se th e G rou p B y pan e l to h e lp y ou qu ickly :
Find how many document types (contracts or proposals) you have in a review set
Determine if new document types have been added to the dataset or review set
Organize your documents by type (date, author, or title) so you can search a subset of
critical information
Locate how many times a key witness is mentioned in the Author field
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
The Group By panel on the Grouping tab displays to the left of your search results in the
Snippet and Table views and to the left of the current document in the Near Native and
Document Data views. The Group By feature is enabled by default. You can hide the panel from
view by clicking the show/hide button, , to the right of the Group By panel. Hiding the panel
expands your search results or document view. The Group By panel only runs queries on the
selected field with search results displaying in a link list within the panel. Each link displays the
field value and the number of documents with that value. Click a link to display those
documents on the Search Results page. Each time you click a field link, you narrow your search
results based on the field values selected. To start a new search in the Group By panel, open
the Group By menu and click Reset.
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
The list of fields that you can filter by are set by your system administrator at the dataset
level. If there are two fields from different datasets with the same name (such as
concatenated dataset), two options will display in the drop-down list.
To group search results by field:
1. On the Review tab in the Review Sets panel, click a review set.
2. Click the Grouping tab.
3. In the Group By panel, click the field you want to filter by in the Select a Group By Field
The Group By panel now displays links of all the documents filtered by the selected field.
4. In the Group By panel, click the link for which you want to filter documents.
Your search results are now updated in Snippet view, displaying only those records that
are associated with the selected field entry.
The field link you selected now displays above the drop-down listing for reference
5. In the Select a Group By field list, click another field.
Your search results are now updated in Snippet view, displaying only those records that
are associated with the both of the fields you selected.
The field link you selected now displays below the other selected field link, showing your
filtering hierarchy.
6. On the Group By menu, click Reset to resort all records in the review set and continue
grouping records by fields.
To export a field group:
1. In the Group By panel, open the Group By menu, and then click Export.
2. In the File Download dialog box, click Save.
3. In the Save As dialog box, type a name for the exported list in the File name field.
4. Navigate to the folder where you want to save the file.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
5. Click the Save button.
The field list and is now saved to a text file that you can reference later.
6. In the Download Complete dialog box, click Open if you want to view the file.
Using search operators
Search operators help you write your own queries depending on how or where you want to
locate information. Use the following Search Operator table to understand how to use
operators to find information for exact text (with or without terms), locating words within a
certain range of another word, searching a specific field for text, searching a tag value, and
locating variations of a word by searching with characters.
Searching in Hosted Concordance Evolution is not case sensitive, so you do not have to enter
all caps when typing in operators. You should type spaces between search terms and the
operator (milk AND coffee), except when searching at the field level (To:bob smith) or at the
character level (teach$) or using symbols and punctuation ( -dog). For more information, refer
to the Search Operators table below.
Once you learn how to write your own basic queries, you can then progress to writing
advanced queries.
Document level (Boolean)
Boolean operators are based on the binary logic used in computers today, producing strict
true or false results. In Hosted Concordance Evolution, Boolean operators search at the
document level. The most common Boolean operators are: AND, OR, and NOT. You can also
use punctuation to help search for the exact outcome you want.
Field level (Context)
Context operators search at the field level. The search term or person you are trying to
locate may still exist elsewhere in dataset records (such as a document's body content or
OCR field), you are just narrowing your search to one field.
Context operators are a great way to locate authors and recipients of records. If you want
to search the Author or Recipient fields for a particular name, the query results will be a list
of documents to and from that person.
On the Advanced Search page, you can also search fields in the Restrict By pane for
Word level (Proximity)
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
Proximity operators search at the word level and are useful when looking for content that
appears in records either in direct succession or adjacent order, or in close succession to
each other within a specified range. This number refers to the maximum number of
intervening indexed words, excluding stopwords.
If you want to search for words that are located near each other, you must write your
own search query. The Advanced Search page not does not include an option for this.
Character level (Wildcard)
Wildcard characters help you search for one or more characters preceding or following other
characters in a search term.
Using wildcard characters helps you locate:
Variations on a root word
Possible misspellings of a name or word
Words or names that might include punctuation (apostrophes)
Exam ple : bi*e
This query would return all results for bite, bike, bile, bide, etc.
Exam ple : teach$
This query returns results for variations of the word "teach", such as "teaching" and
Exam ple : *nate
The query returns results for coordinate, disseminate, dominate, eliminate, and fortunate.
Search operators table
Search Operators
Matches Documents With...
dog cat
both "dog" and "cat" in any
order and proximity (same
as "dog AND cat")
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
Search Operators
Matches Documents With...
dog AND cat
both "dog" and "cat" in any
order and proximity
dog OR cat
the word "dog" or the word
"cat" or both
NOT dog
documents without "dog"
docs without "dog"
anywhere (same as "NOT
dog +and cat
all three words "dog" "and"
and "cat" (without the '+',
"and" would be interpreted
as an operator)
"dog cat"
exactly "dog
cat" (dog<space>cat)
bite AND (dog OR cat)
"bite" and either "dog" or
"cat" in any order and
(bite AND dog) OR cat
"bite" and "dog" in any
order and proximity, or just
the word "cat"
dog BEFORE cat
"dog" followed at any
distance by "cat"
"dog" followed at any
distance by "cat". Synonym
dog THRU cat
"dog" followed at any
distance by "cat". Synonym
of BEFORE and
© 2012 LexisNexis. All rights reserved.
dog NEAR bite
"dog" and "bite" in any
order within 32 words of
each other (same as "dog
Hosted Concordance Evolution
Search Operators
Matches Documents With...
dog AND cat WITHIN 4
both "dog" and "cat" in any
order with no more than 2
words between them
"dog" followed by "cat" with
no more than 2 words
between them
"dog" followed by "cat" with
at least 3 words between
(dog BEFORE cat)
"dog" followed at any
distance by "bite" followed
at any distance by "cat"
Note: Not exactly equivalent to "dog BEFORE bite BEFORE
(dog BEFORE cat)
"dog" followed at any
distance by "cat" without
the word "bite" in between
"dog" somewhere within the
"title" content (does not
involve field mapping)
"roger" somewhere in the
author field (as mapped
during import)
documents with tag
"privileged" applied to them
replaces a string of
characters at the end of the
search string, e.g. "cats"
"catnip" "catsuit"
replaces a string of
characters at the beginning
of the search string, e.g.
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Search Operators
Matches Documents With...
"scat" "tomcat"
replaces a string of
characters in the middle of
the search string, e.g. "cart"
replaces a single character
at the end of the term, e.g.
"cats" but not "catnip"
replaces a single character
at the beginning of the
term, e.g. "scat" but not
replaces a single character
in the middle of the term, e.
g. "cart" but not "carat"
some form of the word
"free", e.g. "free" "frees"
"freedom" but not "freezer"
Saving Searches
Saving search results
Save your search results so you can save the search query and the list of documents returned
by that query, located within a single dataset. You can then rerun the search query to
generate a comparison report that compares the saved results to the results of the query. In
order to compare the results, you must export the saved search results data to a .csv file that
you can open in Microsoft Excel. When you rerun the search query and export the data, results
from both searches display in the same spreadsheet for the comparison.
Search results can be saved from each Search Results view: Snippet and Table. You can view
the saved search results on the Saved Search Results tab, which displays the search result
number, search results name, search query, dataset and review set name, number of
documents, number of search hits, the date and time the search was saved, and the user who
saved the search. Search results do not display until the background task is completed.
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When you save, compare, or export search results, the process can run as a background task
while you continue working. When the compare or export process completes, you will receive a
notification with a link to open the .csv file.
When you delete a saved search result, it is deleted from the list on the Saved Search Results
tab. Any .csv files that were made to compare the results and were saved within the dataset
directory location are also deleted. Any .csv files that are saved outside the dataset directory
location will not be deleted.
To save search results:
1. In the Review module, run your search query.
2. View the search results in the Snippet or Table view.
3. On the Search bar, open the Search Tools menu and click Save Current Search Results
Clicking Save Current Search Results opens the Save Search Results page.
4. In the Saved search results name field, type a name for the search results (required).
5. In the Saved search results description box, type a description for the search results
6. Click the Save button.
7. Click the Run in Background button to continue working while the process completes.
Clicking the Run in Background button helps ensure that the process saves properly,
especially for search results with a large number of documents.
You will receive a notification when the process completes. The notification will contain a
link so you can view the Saved Search Results tab.
If you intend to rerun the search query so you can compare results on new documents
imported into a dataset, you will want to export the data at this time and save the .csv
file to the directory location where the dataset is saved.
To view saved search results:
1. Click the Review tab to open the Reviewer dashboard.
2. In the Quick Tools pane under Search, click the Saved Search Results link.
Your saved search results display on the Saved Search Results tab.
You can also open the Saved Search Results tab from the Search bar in the Snippet and
Table views by opening the Search Tools menu and clicking Saved Results.
To compare search results from a previous query:
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1. Click the Review tab to open the Reviewer dashboard.
2. In the Quick Tools pane under Search, click the Saved Search Results link.
3. On the Saved Search Results tab, click the Compare link for the search results you
want to compare.
4. Click the Run in Background button to continue working while the process completes.
The search query is rerun on the dataset or review set.
Clicking the Run in Background button helps ensure that the process saves properly,
especially for search results with a large number of documents.
You will receive a notification when the process completes. The notification will contain a
link so you open the exported .csv file.
5. Open the exported .csv file.
To compare the data to a previous saved search result, the data must first be exported
to a .csv file. When you rerun the query, results from both searches are saved in the
same spreadsheet for comparison.
To export search results:
1. Run a search and save the search results.
2. On the Saved Search Results tab, click the Export link for the search results you want
to reference later.
3. In the File Download dialog box, click Save.
4. In the Save As dialog box, type a name for the search results file in the File name field.
5. Navigate to the directory folder where you want to save the file, then click Save.
6. In the Download Complete dialog box, click Close.
You can now open the saved file in Microsoft Excel.
To delete saved search results:
1. Click the Review tab to open the Reviewer dashboard.
2. In the Quick Tools pane under Search, click the Saved Search Results link.
3. On the Saved Search Results tab, select the check box for the saved search results you
want to delete.
4. Click the Remove button at the bottom of the page.
5. Click Yes when asked, Are you s u re you w an t to delete all th e s elected item (s )? .
The search results listing is now deleted from the Saved Search Results tab in addition
to any .csv files created to compare results and saved in the same dataset directory
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
Saving search queries
There are several reasons to save your search queries. A benefit to saving queries is that once
stored, you can re-run them to collect new data on documents when they are imported into
your review set. You can save searches from Snippet and Table views. Saved searches are
stored on the Saved Searches tab until deleted.
Y ou m ay w an t to sav e y ou r se arch e s if y ou are :
Wanting to save your place in the review process. For example, all documents in a review
set that are not yet assigned the Reviewed tag.
Interrupted during a complicated set of searches that you want to resume later.
Performing some searches on a regular basis (production reports or privilege log status).
Working with other reviewers who need to retrieve your search results from another
computer at a later time.
U se th e Sav e d Se arch e s tab to:
View and sort saved searches
Run a saved search
Edit a saved search
Combine two saved searches into a new search
Save a search
Create or run a search alert
To view and sort saved searches:
1. Click the Review tab.
2. In the Quick Tools pane under Search, click the Saved Searches link.
The saved search queries are displayed on the Saved Searches tab.
You can also open the Saved Searches tab from the Search bar in the Snippet and Table
views by opening the Search Tools menu and clicking Saved Searches.
3. Click a column header to sort saved search queries.
For example, clicking the Original Dataset:Reviewset column sorts the list by dataset or
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
review set. Clicking on the Name column sorts the searches alphabetically.
To save a search query:
1. In the Review module, run your search query.
2. View the search results in the Snippet or Table view.
3. On the Search bar, open the Search Tools menu and click Save Current Search.
Clicking Save Current Search opens the Save Search page.
4. In the Name field, type the name for the search query, and then click OK.
You must enter a unique, alphanumeric name for each search query name.
Your saved search now displays on the Saved Searches tab.
To delete saved searches:
1. On the Saved Searches tab, select the check box for the search query you want to
2. Click the Remove button at the bottom of the page.
3. In the message to confirm the action, click OK.
The search query is deleted from the Saved Searches tab.
Running saved searches
Save your searches so you can rerun them again to collect new data when more documents
are loaded into the dataset or review set. Or, to edit a previous search query to create a new
Searches you save can be viewed on the Saved Searches tab. A list of saved searches displays
the number of saved searches, the search query name, and the scope selected for the search
(review set). You can save as many searches as you want and they are saved until deleted.
Saved searches are available to all users assigned to the same review set where the search
was saved.
The Saved Searches tab can be accessed by clicking Saved Searches from the Quick Tools pane
on the Review dashboard page or clicking Saved Searches from the Search Tools menu on the
Search bar in the Snippet and Table views.
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To run a saved search:
1. Click the Review tab.
2. In the Quick Tools pane under Search, click the Saved Searches link.
3. On the Saved Searches tab, select the check box next to the saved search query you
want to run, and then click the Run link.
Your search results display in Snippet view.
To edit a saved search:
1. Click the Review tab.
2. In the Quick Tools pane under Search, click the Saved Searches link.
3. On the Saved Searches tab, click the Edit link for the saved search query you want to
Clicking the Edit link opens the search query on the Advanced Search page.
4. Edit the search query in the Search field.
5. Click the Update button to the right of the Search field.
The search query is now updated on the Saved Searches tab.
Viewing search history
Viewing your search history allows you to see all unsaved searches performed during your
current review session. The listing provides a foundation for you to determine how you want to
manage recent searches. You can run a previous search without having to rewrite the search
query. You can combine searches to create an advanced search query. You can save the
searches so they can be edited and run on the same dataset or review set at a later time. Or
you can create a search alert for those searches that you want to run regularly to collect any
new data added to the review set.
The Search History tab provides a complete, numerical listing of all searches conducted on a
dataset or review set since you opened your current Hosted Concordance Evolution session.
The Search History list includes the sequential numbering of searches, the dataset and review
set name, the number of documents located in the search results, and the date and time the
search was run. You can sort the list by clicking on the column headers.
The Search History tab can be accessed by clicking Search History from the Quick Tools pane on
the Review dashboard page or clicking Search History from the Search Tools menu on the
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Search bar in the Snippet and Table views.
U se th e Se arch H istory tab to:
View and sort search history
Run a previous unsaved search
Combine two previous unsaved searches into a new search
Create a search alert
To view and sort search history:
1. Click the Review tab.
2. In the Quick Tools pane under History, click the Search History link.
Your searches saved during the current review session display on the Search History
3. Click a column header to sort search history.
For example, clicking the Original Dataset:Reviewset column sorts the list by dataset or
review set.
Clicking on the No of Documents column sorts the searches by the number of document
found in your search results.
To run a previous unsaved search:
1. Click the Review tab.
2. In the Quick Tools pane under History, click the Saved History link.
3. Select the check box next to the search query you want to run, and then click the Run
Your search results display in Snippet view.
To delete search history:
1. On the Search History tab, select the check box for the search you want to delete.
2. Click the Remove button at the bottom of the page.
3. In the message to confirm the action, click OK.
The search query is deleted from the Search History tab.
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Combining previous or saved searches
You can quickly create new searches by combining one or more previous searches in your
current user session or by combining searches you have saved. Once searches are selected,
the numbers are combined into a query based on the order the check boxes were selected in
the search list.
Search queries can be combined on either the Saved History or Saved Search page.
To combine a previous or saved search:
1. Click the Review tab.
2. In the Quick Tools pane, choose one of the following.
Under Search, click the Saved Searches link if you want to combine two saved
Under History, click the Search History link if you want to combine two previous
searches from your current user session.
3. In the Search Query list, select the check box for each query you want to combine.
The searches display by number in the Enter Search Numbers and Terms box separated
by the AND operator.
You can also manually type the numbers, for example: 1 AN D 3 .
4. Click the Expand Search String button if you want to view or edit the search query text
in the Enter Search Numbers and Terms field.
5. In the Dataset list, click dataset you want to run the search against (required).
6. In the Reviewset list, click the review set you want to run the search against (optional).
If you want to run the search against the entire dataset, make sure Select an option is
selected in the Reviewset list.
7. Select or clear the Use Concept Search check box, as needed.
8. Click the Search button.
Your search results display in Snippet view.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
Creating search alerts
Search alerts are set up to alert users when the search results for a saved search query
change. When the search query results associated with your search alert changes, a search
alert notification is automatically generated and sent to you.
You can create a search alert from a search query run in the current session on the Search
History page, or from a saved search on the Saved Search page. Search alerts are created on
the Create Alert page in the Review module. You can access the Create Alert page from the
Create Alert link on the Search History and Saved Search pages.
A Hosted Concordance Evolution administrator can also create search alerts on your
behalf in the Admin module.
To create a search alert:
1. Click the Review tab.
2. In the Quick Tools pane, do one of the following:
Under Search, click Saved Searches to open the Saved Searches tab on the Saved
Search page.
Under History, click Search History to open the Search History tab on the Search
History page.
3. In the Options column, click the Create Alert link for the search query you want to use
for the search alert.
Clicking the Create Alert link opens the Create Alert page.
4. In the Name field, type the search alert name.
The Dataset field is automatically populated with the dataset associated with the search
The Owner and Alert Recipient(s) fields are automatically populated with your user
The Search field displays your search query.
You can manually modify the search query, use another saved search query, or combine
the existing query with another saved search query when you are creating a search
5. To manually modify the search query in the Search field, edit the search query text.
To use another search query from your saved searches or combine the search query
with another search query from your saved searches, click the My Saved Searches link
under the Search field.
To add a query from your saved searches:
1. On the Create Alert page, click the My Saved Searches link under the Search
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Clicking the My Saved Searches link opens the My Saved Searches dialog box.
The search query in the Search field is displayed in the Existing Search field.
2. Select the check box for the search query you want to use for the search alert.
You can add multiple saved search queries to the search alert.
3. If you are combining search queries, click the Combine with existing search
When you click the Combine with existing search button, the combined search
query is displayed in the Existing Search field. If you need to undo the
combination, click the Reset button. Clicking the Reset button resets the Existing
Search field back to the original search query.
4. Click Save to add the search query to the Search field on the Create Alert page.
10. To test the search query, click the Test Query button.
Clicking the Test Query button runs the search query against the selected dataset and
indicates the number of documents containing the search query.
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11. Schedule the search alert notification.
To schedule a search alert:
1. On the Create Alert page, click one of the following options to indicate when you
want the search alert to run:
If you click the Hourly option, in the Hourly list click the hourly interval. For
example, if you want the search alert to run every 2 hours, click 2Hours.
If you click the Weekly option, in the Weekly list, click the day of the week
you want the search alert to run.
If you click the Monthly option, in the Monthly lists, click the month and day of
the month you want the search alert to run.
When you select any of these options, the Start Date field is automatically
populated with the current date and time.
2. To change the start date and/or time, click the Calendar button to change the
start date, and click the Clock button to change the start time.
3. Click one of the following options to indicate how many times you want to run the
search alert:
No End Date
The search alert will run on an ongoing basis
End After [#] Occurrence
The search alert will only run the number of times you enter in this field
End By [date and time]
The search alert will only run until the date and time you specified. Click the
Calendar button to add the end date, and click the Clock button to add the
end time.
When you schedule a search alert, Hosted Concordance Evolution will run the search
query associated with the search alert at the scheduled date and/or time. If there is a
change in the number of documents returned for the search query, Hosted Concordance
Evolution will automatically generate and send you a search alert notification. The
search alert notification will indicate the number of documents found for the search
12. Click the Create button.
When you click the Create button, the search alert is added to the search alerts list on
the Search Alerts tab on the Search Alert page.
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
Tagging Documents
About tagging
A new case has started and boxes of printed documents, CDs, DVDs, and other discovery
documents have arrived and need to be reviewed and categorized. In a traditional setting,
someone would have to manually sort and flag each document, hoping that the privileged flags
don’t fall off in the process.
With Hosted Concordance Evolution, you no longer need to worry about lost flags and
managing boxes of papers and electronic media files. Once your case documents have been
entered into Hosted Concordance Evolution, you can step into the review process, and start
reviewing and categorizing documents.
Tagging records is a critical step in the discovery process. It is your organization’s way of
essentially putting color-coded flags on your documents to categorize them by privilege, review
status, or other criteria during document review.
Preliminary planning for tagging:
To help you manage the case review process, your Hosted Concordance Evolution
administrator typically builds a set of tags for case review that include standard naming
conventions, such as privileged, responsive, non-responsive, etc. Tags can also be added in
the Tags task pane and can be removed at any time. There are no limits on tagging. You can
tag as many documents as you want, with as many tags as you want.
Once tags are applied to document records, the tags become searchable, allowing a user or
administrator to easily retrieve all documents with a particular tag.
Typical tag uses:
The following tag list provides examples of the types of tags organizations use to categorize
documents during the document review process. You should consider in advance what tags
will be required for both high-level review and specific research angles for your case.
Collaborate with your Hosted Concordance Evolution administrator so these tags can be set
up in advance.
Responsive vs Non-responsive - identify responsive documents that must be produced
as part of the discovery process
Privileged - identify documents containing information that should not be produced
Witnesses - identify documents for witness kits or binders used in depositions or trials
Reviewer Assignments - delegate documents to be reviewed by individual reviewers
Exhibits - identify documents that will be used as exhibits
Issues - identify documents related to key legal issues in the case
Keywords - identify documents containing important terms in the case
To Be Redacted - identify documents needing a second-level redaction review
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
Tagging strategies:
In orde r to be n e fit from tag u se , ple ase con side r th e follow in g:
Determine how your dataset and review set(s) will be used by reviewers, so tags can be
created in advance
Use consistent tag and folder names for better organization
As a general rule, search first, tag second. This method allows you to focus on
documents containing key terms or other search criteria, which limits the number of
documents that need to be reviewed
Tagging overview
The Tags panel is available on the Review tab to the left of the Snippet, Table, Near Native,
Document Data, and Near Duplicates views in the Review module.
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
Tags Menu
The Tags menu allow you to quickly view tag statistics, tag history, refresh the Tags panel
display, and add or find tags, tag folders, and tag groups in the tag tree.
Tags / Tag Folders / Tag Groups
Any tags, tag folders, and tag groups that display when you open your dataset or review set,
may have been set up by your Hosted Concordance Evolution system administrator or by other
users. These are public tags, tag folders, and tag groups viewable to all users of the dataset
or review set. You can create personal tags, tag folders, and tag groups that display in the
menu tree just like public ones, but are only viewable by you and Hosted Concordance
Evolution administrators.
Learn about tag hierarchy:
In Hosted Concordance Evolution, for each dataset or review set you can create:
Tag folders
Tag folders are used to organize tag groups and tags. Tag folders can only be created
under other tag folders. Tag folders cannot be created under tag groups or tags.
Tag groups
Tag groups are similar to tag folders, in that they are used to organize tags groups and
tags, but unlike tag folders, a tag group is also a tag that can be applied to documents
or document text. It is essentially a parent tag that you can create child tags under. Tag
groups can only be created under tag folders or other tag groups. Tag groups cannot be
created under tags.
Document-level and text-level tags
A tag can only be a document-level tag or a text-level tag. One tag cannot be used as
both a document and text-level tag. Tags can only be created under tag folders and tag
groups. Tags cannot be created under other tags.
Tag Group Families
You may also see tags that have circles instead of check boxes, which persistently display at
the top of the menu tree. These tags are system created and added to your review set by your
system administrator. These tags are integrated into the Hosted Concordance Evolution
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
software. These tags are typically named Not Reviewed and Reviewed, but may be customized
by your system administrator.
Not Reviewed and Reviewed
The Not Reviewed and Reviewed tags are used to indicate whether a document has been
reviewed. Hosted Concordance Evolution uses these two tags to track the review progress
for documents in the dataset and its review sets. The Percentage Reviewed graphic on the
Review page is updated as these tags are assigned to documents.
Creating and Organizing Tags
Creating tags
New tags are easily added to the list of public tags that are custom designed for a particular
case. Any new public tag created is immediately accessible to all users in Hosted Concordance
Evolution, and can be applied at the document or text level. Tags display in the Tags panel in
the order they were created or under the parent tag folder or group in which they are
Often tags are placed in folders or grouped by type or purpose so all reviewers have an
immediate understanding of the case tag organization. To keep the tag panel uncluttered for
all users, you can create a personal folder and custom tags specific to your own review needs.
All personal tags, tag folders, and tag groups display with the personal tag icon,
can easily locate them in the Tags panel.
, so you
When you create personal tag folders and tags, they are not visible in the Tags panel for other
users. However, personal tag folders and tags are viewable by your Hosted Concordance
Evolution administrator.
Avoid using special characters in names:
When creating tags, tag folders, and tag groups, it is best to avoid using special characters
in the name. This ensures that Hosted Concordance Evolution can search properly for tags,
tag folders, and tag groups. Refer to the following table for a list of special characters that
should not be used in tag naming conventions.
Characters and Keywords to Avoid in Tag Names
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To create a tag:
1. In the Tags panel, open the Tags menu and click Add Tag to open the Add Tag dialog
2. In the Tag Name field, type a new tag name.
Each tag name should be unique.
3. In the Tag Type list, click Tag.
4. In the Location list, click the level of tag you are creating: Document or Text.
5. In the Availability list, click Public or Personal.
6. In the Select Parent list, click the parent folder you want to use for tag organization.
If you do not select a folder, the tag displays as an individual tag in the tag tree.
7. Click the Add button.
Your new tag now displays in the Tags panel.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
Creating tag folders
Tag folders are used to organize similar types of tags and tag groups, allowing you to easily
focus on the tags that matter to you at that moment. Tag folders can only be created under
other tag folders. Tag folders cannot be created under tag groups or tags.
To keep the tag panel uncluttered for all users, you can create a personal folder and custom
tags specific to your own review needs. When you create personal folders, they are not visible
in the Tags panel for other users. However, personal tag folders and tags are viewable by your
Hosted Concordance Evolution administrator. All personal tags, tag folders, and tag groups
display with the personal tag icon,
, so you can easily locate them in the Tags panel.
Use a naming convention to differentiate between public and personal tag folders and tag
groups as they display the same in the Tags panel. For example, you may want to use
your name or initials to prefix a tag folder or group name.
To create a tag folder:
1. In the Tags panel, open the Tags menu and click Add Tag to open the Add Tag dialog
2. In the Tag Name field, type a new tag folder name.
3. In the Tag Type list, click Tag Folder.
4. In the Location list, click the level of tag folder you are creating: Document or Text.
5. In the Availability list, click Public or Personal.
6. In the Select Parent list, click a parent folder if you want to organize the tag folder
within another folder.
7. Click the Add button.
Your new folder now displays in the Tags panel.
You can now add tags to the tag folder.
Creating tag groups
Tag groups are like tag folders because they are used to organize related tags. However, the
parent level of a tag group is also a tag that can be applied to documents or document text. It
is essentially a parent tag that you can create child tags under. Tag groups can only be created
under tag folders or other tag groups. Tag groups cannot be created under tags.
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You can also create personal tag groups that are only viewable by you and the Hosted
Concordance Evolution administrators. All personal tags, tag folders, and tag groups display
with the personal tag icon,
, so you can easily locate them in the Tags panel.
Use a naming convention to differentiate between public and personal tag folders and
groups as they display the same in the Tags panel. For example, you may want to use
your name or initials to prefix a tag folder or group name.
To create a tag group:
1. In the Tags panel, open the Tags menu and click Add Tag to open the Add Tag dialog
2. In the Tag Name field, type a new tag group name.
3. In the Tag Type list, click Tag Group.
4. In the Location list, click the level of tag group you are creating: Document or Text.
5. In the Availability list, click Public or Personal.
6. In the Select Parent list, click a parent folder if you want to organize the group within a
tag folder or another group.
7. Click the Add button.
Your new tag group now displays in the Tags panel.
You can now add tags to the tag group.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
Searching tags, folders, groups
If the Tags panel has an extensive list of tag folders, tags and tag groups, you can easily run a
search to find the tag, tag folder, or tag group you want to locate. The tag, tag folder, or tag
group is then highlighted in yellow so you can easily identify it when scrolling through the list.
To search for a tag, tag folder, or tag group:
1. In the Tags panel, open the Tags menu and click Find Tag to display the Find field at
the tag tree.
2. In the Find field, type the name of the tag, tag folder, or tag group you want to locate.
When you type a name in the Find field, the corresponding tag, tag folder, or tag group
name is automatically highlighted in yellow in the tag tree.
3. Scroll in the tag list to locate the tag, tag folder, or tag group.
To close the Find field, click the Close icon,
Editing tags
Editing tags involves renaming a tag or organizing tags in tag folders or tag groups.
If you try to edit a tag while a user is running a process to tag multiple records, a message
displays stating that you can edit the tag once the background process is completed.
You cannot change a Personal tag to a Public tag, or vice versa. You also cannot move a
Personal tag under a Public folder, or vice versa. If you inadvertently create the wrong type of
tag, we recommend that you delete it and re-create the correct type before applying it to any
To edit a tag:
1. In the Tags panel, right-click on the tag you want to edit.
2. On the pop-menu, click Edit tag to open the Edit Tag dialog box.
3. In the Tag Name field, type a new tag name.
4. In the Select Parent list, click the parent tag folder you want to use for the tag.
If the tag was previously assigned to a tag folder, it will display highlighted in blue text.
5. Click Save.
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Deleting tags
Deleted tags are not permanently deleted from Hosted Concordance Evolution or any
documents it was assigned to unless your system administrator deletes the tag. Deleted tags
are considered inactive and will no longer display in the Tags panel. If a deleted tag needs to
be restored to the Tags panel, contact your Hosted Concordance Evolution system
If a tag is deleted before a job to tag multiple records starts processing in the background,
then the job ends with an audit, and a notification is sent to you (or the reviewer who deleted
the tag) indicating that the tag was deleted before the job could be initiated.
If a tag is deleted while a job to tag multiple tags is processing, then the job will end with an
audit, and a notification is sent to the you (or the reviewer who deleted the tag) indicating that
the tag was deleted midway during the bulk tagging operation.
To delete a tag:
1. In the Tags panel, right-click on the tag you want to delete.
2. On the pop-menu, click Edit tag to open the Edit Tag dialog box.
3. Click the Remove button.
4. In the Remove Tag dialog box, click OK to confirm the action.
5. In the Deleting Tag dialog box, click the Run in Background button to continue working
while the process completes.
You will receive a notification when the tag is deleted.
The tag is deleted from the Tags panel.
Tagging Documents
Tagging individual documents
Tags can be applied to individual documents in the following views: Snippet, Table, Near
Native, Document Data, and Near Duplicates. You cannot apply tags to native files.
Once you select more than one document for tagging, tag check boxes in the Tags panel no
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
longer display. See Tagging multiple records.
Before you begin tagging, it is best practice to run a search to limit the number of documents
you have to review, and to remove any records that do not allow tagging. In some review
projects, you may want to conduct searches first and tag all documents for review later. This
method is often referred to as bulk tagging: tagging multiple records at one time.
For example, if you want to review all documents containing references to one person, you can
search for these documents and tag all of them on the Search Results page for a later review.
Tags can be applied and removed by any user, at any time. Contact your Hosted
Concordance Evolution administrator or supervisor if you have concerns regarding the
permanence of applied tags.
To tag an individual document:
1. Run the appropriate search to limit the documents you have to review.
2. Review your search results and identify the documents you want to tag.
3. If you are in the Snippet, Table, or Near Duplicates view, select the check box next to
the document you want to apply a tag to.
4. In the Tags panel, select the check box for the tag you want to apply to the document.
5. Continue this method to tag individual documents in your review set.
Each time you select a new document, the Tags panel refreshes to display any tags
previously applied to that document.
Tagging multiple documents
Bulk tagging or tagging multiple documents is selecting two or more records to tag at one time.
Tags can be applied to multiple documents in the Snippet and Table views.
W h e n taggin g m u ltiple docu m e n ts, y ou h av e fiv e option s:
Tag multiple, selected documents
Tag all documents in a search
Tag families and e-mail threads associated with a document
Tag duplicates of a document
Tag families, e-mail threads, and duplicates associated with a document
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Once the tagging process completes, you will receive a notification that details the start time,
the tag, the number of documents tagged, the number of documents that failed to tag during
this process, and the number of documents tagged before starting this process.
To tag multiple, selected documents:
1. Run the appropriate search to limit the documents you have to review.
2. Review your search results and identify the documents you want to tag.
3. In the Snippet or Table view, select the check box next to the documents you want to
apply a tag to.
4. In the Tags panel, right-click on the tag you want to apply.
5. In the pop-menu, click Tag selected documents.
The selected documents now have the tag assigned to them.
To tag all documents in a search:
1. Run the appropriate search to limit the documents you have to review.
2. Review your search results and identify the documents you want to tag.
3. In the Tags panel, right-click on the tag you want to apply to all documents in the
current search results.
4. In the pop-menu, click Tag all documents in search.
5. In the Adding Tag dialog box, click the Run in Background button to continue working
while the process completes.
You will receive a notification when all documents in the search are tagged.
To tag families and e-mail threads:
1. In the Snippet or Table view, click the document you containing the families and threads
you want to tag.
2. In the Tags panel in the Near Native or Document Data view, right-click on the tag you
want to apply.
3. In the pop-menu, click Tag families and threads.
The documents in the document's family or e-mail thread are tagged.
To tag duplicate documents:
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1. In the Snippet or Table view, click the document you containing the duplicates you want
to tag.
2. In the Tags panel in the Near Native or Document Data view, right-click on the tag you
want to apply.
3. In the pop-menu, click Tag duplicates.
The document's duplicate documents are tagged.
To tag families, e-mail threads, and duplicates:
1. In the Snippet or Table view, click the document you containing the families, threads,
and duplicates you want to tag.
2. In the Tags panel in the Near Native or Document Data view, right-click on the tag you
want to apply.
3. In the pop-menu, click Tag families, threads and duplicates.
The document's duplicate documents and the documents in the document's family or email thread are tagged.
Finding all documents with tags
Once you have started tagging documents in a review set, you will likely find that you want to
run a search to find all documents with a particular tag applied to them. You can easily do so
with a simple tag query in the Tags panel. A search query created from a tag becomes the
current search query and displays in the Search field. It can be used just like any group of
retrieved records.
If you want to search for documents with more than one tag, use the Advanced Search page to
build a query with two tags. See To search tags. A query for all documents with both a
Privileged tag or a Reviewed tag would look like this: (("tag":"Privileged") OR
Use this feature to determine whether a tag slated for deletion still has any documents
assigned to it.
To find all documents with a tag:
1. In the Tags panel, right-click on the tag for which you want to locate documents.
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2. In the pop-up menu, click Find documents with this tag.
Your search results now display in the Snippet view. The Find documents with this tag
menu selection is available in the Snippet, Table, Near Native, Document Data, and Near
Duplicates views.
Untagging documents
Tags can be applied and removed by users, at any time, depending on their user permissions.
Contact your Hosted Concordance Evolution administrator or supervisor if you have concerns
regarding the permanence of applied tags.
You can easily locate all documents assigned to a tag by running a tag search. See Finding
all documents with a tag.
To remove a tag from an individual document:
1. If you are in the Snippet, Table, or Near Duplicates view, select the check box for the
document for which you want to remove a tag.
2. In the Tags panel, clear the tag check box for the tag you want to remove.
The tag is now removed from the document.
To remove a tag from multiple documents:
1. Run the appropriate search to limit the documents for which you want to remove a tag.
2. In the Snippet or Table view, select the check box next to the documents for which you
want to remove a tag.
3. In the Tags panel, right-click on the tag you want to remove.
4. In the pop-menu, click Untag selected documents.
The tag is now removed from all selected documents.
To remove a tag from all documents in a search:
1. Run the appropriate search to limit the documents for which you want to remove a tag.
2. In the Snippet or Table view, open the Select All menu, and then click Select All.
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Clicking Select All selects all the check boxes for the documents in the current search
3. In the Tags panel, right-click on the tag you want to remove.
4. In the pop-menu, click Untag all documents in search.
5. In the Removing Tag dialog box, click the Run in Background button to continue
working while the process completes.
You will receive a notification when the tag is removed from all documents in the search.
Viewing tag statistics
The Tag Statistics dialog box allows you to monitor assigned tags by tag or users. The Tags
box displays each assigned tag and the number of times it has been assigned to a document.
The User box displays a list of users who have assigned tags and the number of times they
have tagged a document.
To view tag statistics:
1. In the Tags panel, open the Tags menu and click Statistics.
2. In the Tag Statistics dialog box, review the tag count and the user count.
3. Click a tag or user to bold it for easier viewing in the list.
4. Click Close when you are finished.
Viewing tag history
You can view tag history in three locations: the Tags panel and from an open document in Near
Native or Document Data views.
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In the Tags panel, you can access the Tags History dialog box, which displays two types of
Added Tags - tags that exist on the current document record, including who applied the tag
and when it was applied.
Deleted Tags - tags that previously existed on the current document record, but are now
removed, including who deleted the tag and when.
In the Tags History dialog box, you can view the tag name, the user who created/deleted a
tag, and the date it was created or deleted.
When you access the Tag/Field History dialog box from the Options menu in Near Native or
Document Data views, you will also see both tag and field history information.
The Tag/Field History dialog box displays a listing of who created the tag or field, the date and
time it occurred, the field or tag name, the operation that occurred, and the field or tag value
before it was changed. You can also export this information to a .csv file to reference later. The
document is automatically saved with "DocHistory" in the file name, the document control
number, and dataset name so you can easily identify it.
To review tag history from the Tags panel:
1. In the Tags panel, open the Tags panel and click History.
2. In the Tag History dialog box, scroll to view all tags that have been created and
3. Click Close when you are finished.
To review and export tag and field history in a document view:
1. On the Review tab, click a review set to open the document list in the Snippet or Table
2. Click an individual document link to open it in a document view.
3. On the Document View toolbar, click the Near Native or Document Data tab.
4. Open the Options menu and click Tag/Field History.
5. In the Tag/Field History dialog, review tag and field history information.
6. Click the Export button to export this data to a .csv file.
7. In the File Download dialog box, click Save.
8. In the Save As dialog box, review the file name and navigate to the network folder
where you want to save the file, then click Save.
9. In the Download Complete dialog box, choose one the following:
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
Click Open to view the file in Microsoft Excel.
Click Close to exit the dialog box.
10. In the Tag/Field History dialog box, click Close.
Adding Privilege Reasons
About privilege reasons
A privilege reason describes why a piece of information is privileged, such as "attorney-client
communication" or "attorney work product". In Hosted Concordance Evolution you can apply a
privilege reason and a privilege description to a document from the Privilege Log panel in the
Review module. After applying a privilege reason to a document, you can also add additional
information or comments about the privilege reason, such as "Attorney Jones work privilege" or
"Jones-Smith client privilege", in the privilege description field.
Privilege reasons are created by the Hosted Concordance Evolution administrator during the
dataset creation process, and the administrator can grant users permissions to create their
own privilege reasons. After privilege tags and/or privilege reasons and descriptions have been
applied to documents, the administrator can generate a privilege log. A privilege log is a report
containing a list of all documents that have associated privilege tags and/or privilege reasons
and descriptions applied to the documents.
Once a reviewer marks a document with a privilege tag and/or privilege reason and
description, other users can query the database for those privilege tags, reasons, and
For more information, see Applying privilege reasons to document, Adding custom reason codes
, and Searching privileged documents.
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Applying privilege reasons
Privilege reasons can be applied to individual documents in the following views: Snippet, Table,
Near Native, Document Data, and Near Duplicates. You cannot apply privilege reasons to native
Privilege reasons cannot be applied to multiple documents at one time. If more than one
document is selected in the Snippet, Table, or Near Duplicates view, the privilege reason fields
in the Privilege Log panel are automatically disabled.
To add a privilege reason to a document:
1. Run the appropriate search to limit the documents you have to review.
2. Review your search results and identify the documents you want to apply a privilege
reason to.
3. If you are in the Snippet, Table, or Near Duplicates view, select the check box next to
the document you want to apply a privilege reason to.
4. In the Privilege Log panel, select the privilege reason from the ReasonCode list.
The actual name of the ReasonCode field will vary, depending on what name the
administrator gave to the field.
5. Optionally, in the DocumentDescription field, type additional information that more fully
describes the privilege reason.
As with the ReasonCode field, the actual name of the DocumentDescription field will
vary, depending on the name the administrator used when creating the field.
6. Click Save.
Each time you select a new document, the Privilege Log panel refreshes to display any
privilege reasons previously applied to that document.
Adding custom privilege reasons
By default, the administrator creates privilege reasons when the dataset is created in Hosted
Concordance Evolution. When the administrator is creating the privilege reasons field and the
privilege reasons, the administrator has the option to allow users to manually add custom
privilege reasons to the privilege reasons list.
When a reviewer creates a custom privilege reason, it is available to all reviewers assigned to
the dataset's review sets in the dataset.
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To create a custom privilege reason:
1. Run the appropriate search to limit the documents you have to review.
2. Review your search results and identify the documents you want to apply a privilege
reason to.
3. If you are in the Snippet, Table, or Near Duplicates view, select the check box next to
the document you want to apply a privilege reason to.
4. In the Privilege Log panel, click in the ReasonCode list, and type the name of the
custom privilege reason.
The actual name of the field will vary, depending on what name the administrator gave
to the reason code field.
5. Optionally, in the DocumentDescription field, type additional information that more fully
describes the privilege reason.
As with the ReasonCode field, the actual name of the DocumentDescription field will
vary, depending on the name the administrator used when creating the field.
6. Click Save.
The custom privilege reason is added to the privilege reasons in the ReasonCode list,
and is now available for selection by all reviewers assigned to the dataset's review sets.
Searching privileged documents
Both privilege codes and privilege descriptions are stored in database fields. Therefore, like any
other field, you can search for privilege codes and descriptions using an advanced search
To search for privileged reasons and descriptions by field:
1. On the Search bar, open the Search Tools menu and click Advanced.
Clicking Advanced opens the Advanced Search page.
2. In the Restrict By area for Fields, click the ReasonCode or DocumentDescription field in
the Fields drop-down list.
To search for a privilege reason, click the ReasonCode field. To search for a privilege
reason description, click the DocumentDescription field. The actual name of the fields
ReasonCode and DocumentDescription fields will vary, depending on the name the
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administrator gave to the fields when creating the fields.
3. In the Field Value field, type in the privilege reason or description text you want to
A value must be entered in the Field Value field in order to perform the search.
4. If you are appending this option to a search query, click the search operator you want to
use: AND or OR.
5. Click the Add button.
The field and field value are now added to the Search field with the selected operator.
The following example searches the database for any document that has the attorneyclient privilege in the Reason Code Privilege field.
search query AND "ReasonCode":"attorney-client privilege"
6. Click the Search button to run the query.
Your search results now display in the Snippet or Table view.
Adding Comments
Adding comments
Adding comments to documents is an ideal way to create a reminder of relevance for case
arguments. When you need to find these comments later, you can search the entire review set
for documents with comments or locate comments attached to a particular document.
You can add comments in the Comments panel, which displays in each view (Snippet, Table,
Near Native, Document Data, and Near Duplicates). You can add comments at the document
level in all views, and at the text level in the Document Data view. See the Comments table
below. You can even add comments to documents that are not assigned to you (read-only).
Document level — you must be in Snippet, Table, Near Native, Document Data or Near
Duplicates view to add or view document-level comments.
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Text level — you must be in Document Data view to add and view text level comments. If
you are in another view, only the document-level comments are displayed in the Comments
panel. The Document Data view is the only view where you can view both document-level
and text-level comments.
Comments cannot be applied to multiple documents at one time. If more than one document is
selected in the Snippet, Table, or Near Duplicates view, the Comments panel features are
The first several words (up to 140 characters) of each comment displays in the Comments
panel. The comments applied to a document are displayed in the Comments panel with the
most recent comment displaying at the top of the list. When you create a text level comment,
the full comment displays in a floating box when you place your cursor over the highlighted text
in Document Data view. You can edit and delete any comment you create, but you cannot edit
or delete other user's comments. There is no limit to the number of comments you can apply
per document. Each comment has a size limit of 64 KB.
When a comment is deleted, the comments disappear from the Comments panel the instant
you delete them, and are permanently removed from the dataset or review set.
To search for documents with comments, see Using advanced search tools. To search for a
comment, see Searching comments within documents.
To review the Comments table:
Refer to the Comments table to identify what level and in which view you can add
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Comments table
Near Native
Document Data
Snippet, Table,
Near Duplicates
Document level
Text level
Markup level
To add a document-level comment:
1. Run the appropriate search to limit the documents you have to review.
2. Review your search results and identify the document you want to apply a comment to.
3. If you are in the Snippet, Table, or Near Duplicates view, select the check box next to
the document you want to apply a comment to.
4. In the Comments panel, click the Add button,
, to open the Add Comments dialog
The User field defaults to your Hosted Concordance Evolution user name.
5. In the Comment field, type your comments.
The Location list defaults to Document, and is read-only.
6. In the Font list, click the font type you want to use for the comment text.
7. In the Size list, click the font size.
8. In the Font Color list, click the font color you want to display in the Comments panel.
The default color is black.
9. Click Add to save the comment.
The document comment is now displayed in the Comments panel in the selected font
To add a text-level comment:
1. Run the appropriate search to limit the documents you have to review.
2. Review your search results and identify the document you want to apply a comment to.
3. In the Snippet or Table view, click the document title link or row and open the document
in Document Data view.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
4. In the document, highlight the text for which you want to add a comment.
5. In the Comments panel, click the Add button,
, to open the Add Comments dialog
6. In the Comment field, type your comments.
The Location list defaults to Text, and is read-only.
7. In the Font list, click the font type you want to use for the comment text.
8. In the Size list, click the font size.
9. In the Font Color list, click the font color you want to display in the Comments panel.
The default color is black.
10. Click Add to save the comment.
Your comment for the document text now displays in the Comments panel and the text
in the document is highlighted in green.
11. Place your cursor over the selected text to view the note in the Comments box.
To add a comment to an image in the Near Native view:
1. Run the appropriate search to limit the documents you have to review.
2. Review your search results and identify the image you want to apply a comment to.
3. In the Snippet or Table view, click the image document title link or row and open the
document in Near Native view.
4. In the Comments panel, click the Add button,
, to open the Add Comments dialog
5. In the Comment field, type your comments.
6. In the Font list, click the font type you want to use for the comment text.
7. In the Size list, click the font size.
8. In the Font Color list, click the font color you want to display in the Comments panel.
The default color is black.
9. Click Add to save the comment.
Your comment for the image now displays in the Comments panel in the Document Data
view and the image text is highlighted in green.
10. Place your cursor over the selected image text to view the note in the Comments box.
To edit a comment:
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You can edit any comment you create, but you cannot edit other user's comments.
1. In the Comments panel, click the Edit Comments button,
to edit.
, for the comment you want
2. In the Edit Comments dialog box, make the necessary changes.
3. Click the Save button.
Your comment is now updated in the Comments panel.
To delete a comment:
You can delete any comment you create, but you cannot delete other user's comments.
1. In the Comments panel, click the Edit Comments button,
to delete.
, for the comment you want
2. In the Edit Comments dialog box, click the Remove button.
3. In the message box to confirm the action, click OK.
The comment is permanently deleted from the Comments panel and the dataset for the
Searching comments within documents
If the Comments panel has an extensive list of comments, you can easily run a search to find
the comment you want to locate. The comment is then highlighted in yellow in the comments
list so you can easily identify it when scrolling through the list.
To search for all documents with comments, see Using advanced search tools.
To find a comment within a document:
1. In the Comments panel, open the Find button,
Comments panel.
, to display the Find field in the
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
2. In the Find field, type text contained in the comment you want to locate.
When you type text in the Find field, the corresponding text is automatically highlighted
in yellow in the comments list.
3. Scroll in the list to locate the comment.
To close the Find field, click the Close icon,
Working in Near Native View
About the Near Native view
Content review for documents is primarily done in the Near Native view, which allows you to
magnify the document for clarity and inspection (especially for dates and signatures), and
access a variety of annotation tools specifically designed for privileged content and trial
preparation. Once you have annotated content, especially redacted key information, the
document markings are automatically saved and the changes secured.
The Near Native viewer allows you to view electronic files, emails, and attachments without the
need to have the source software program installed. The viewer maintains the formatting of
the files so that you can see them as they were originally created. You can also view document
families and e-mail threads in the Family Documents panel in the Near Native view.
After a production is run, you can then view the images associated with a document in the
Near Native view to inspect them post-production and before they are sent to a third party.
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The Near Native view also contains a Near Native panel, which displays when you click the
arrow icon
at the far right of the viewer pane. The Near Native panel contains three tabs:
Thumbnails, Changemarks (notes), and Verifying Redactions.
If you want to use Near Native view as your default document viewer, you can set this by
clicking the Preferences link on the Review dashboard page. To print a document, use the Print
option in a Search Results view or use your Internet browser's print option.
The Near Native viewer stores references to all native documents and image information in
Native and Images folders on your network and is also saved in the database server. Markups
for the current document or image are tracked in an .xml file in the database server.
Documents that have redactions applied print as transparent leaving the text under the
redaction visible. If you want redactions to print opaque, you need to use the Production
tool in Hosted Concordance Evolution to produce the documents and then print the
output documents.
View supported file formats:
Hosted Concordance Evolution's Near Native viewer supports the following file formats:
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Supported File Formats
File Type
*tif, *.tiff
Tagged Image File
*.jpg, *.jpeg
Joint Photographic Experts Group
Graphic Image File
Adobe Portable Document Format
*.doc, *.dot
Microsoft Word 2003
Microsoft Word 2007
Microsoft Excel
*.xlsx, *.xlt
Microsoft Excel 2007
*.ppt, *.pps
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Outlook Message File
Rich Text Format
*.html, *.htm
View supported languages:
Documents written in multiple languages will display in the Near Native and Document Data
Viewing documents and images
When you first open a document from the Snippet or Table view, it displays in the Near Native
view by default. You can change this setting to default to the Document Data view by clicking
Preferences on the User menu. For more information, see Customizing personal preferences.
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
You can only view near native documents in datasets and review sets that are assigned to
you. Images associated with a document are created during the production process. You can
only view images if an image production set is assigned to you, and if there is an image
associated with a document in your review set. To print a document, use the Print option in the
Snippet or Table view or use your Internet browser's print option.
For each Hosted Concordance Evolution dataset, the administrator defines the redactable
document set. The redactable document set is the set of dataset documents reviewers can
redact and markup in the Near Native view in the Review module. A document set can be the
images document set, native file document set, or produced documents document set. You can
change the document set you are viewing and/or working in from the Options menu in the Near
To view a document in the Near Native view:
1. In the Snippet or Table view, click the document title link or row.
2. If the document opens in the Document Data view, click the Near Native tab.
The document now displays in the Near Native view.
To view an image associated with a document:
1. Open a document in the Near Native view.
2. Open the Options menu, point to Image Sets, and then click the image set you want to
The associated image for the document you were viewing now displays in the Near
Native view.
If there is no image associated with the document, the Im age N ot Available message
displays in the Near Native view:
To open a document in a new window:
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
1. Open a document in the Near Native view.
2. Open the Options menu and click Open in New Window.
Clicking Open in New Window displays the document or image in a new window.
You can also display the Near Native panel in this window by clicking on the arrow icon
To view the document's family or e-mail thread:
When a document in Hosted Concordance Evolution is a member of a document family or email thread, the Families and Threads icon,
, is displayed for the document in the Snippet
and Table views. Document families and e-mail threads are displayed for a document in the
Family Documents panel at the bottom of the Near Native view. You can view or hide the
Family Documents panel by clicking Show Family Docs or Hide Family Docs in the Options
menu in the Near Native view.
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1. Open a document in the Near Native view.
2. Open the Options menu, and then click Show Family Docs.
All the documents belonging to the document family or e-mail thread are listed in the
Family Documents panel. Their parent-child relationships are indicated by the gray
dotted lines displayed in the DocumentModifiedDate column.
3. Click any document in the Family Documents panel to view the document in the Near
Native view.
To hide the Family Documents panel, on the Options menu, click Hide Family Docs.
To view thumbnails:
1. On the far right of the Near Native view, click the arrow icon
2. In the the Near Native panel, click the Thumbnails tab.
Or right-click on the document, and then click Show Pane > Page Thumbnails.
3. You can navigate thumbnails in two ways:
Scroll to navigate through all thumbnails.
Click the navigation buttons on the toolbar: First Page, Previous Page, Next page, Last
Page, Previous Markup Page, Next Markup Page.
4. Click a thumbnail to display the page in Near Native view.
To change the background color:
For viewing purposes, you can change the background color of the document or image for
how it displays in Near Native view. Once a background color is selected, that color will
become the default color when like file types are being viewed. For example, if you set the
background type in a Word document to gray, then next Microsoft Office document file being
viewed will also display will a gray background.
Right-click on the document and click Background Colors, and then click: Black, White, Gray
, or Default.
The Default color is determined by the file type. For example, documents in Microsoft Office
formats will be white, but CAD file backgrounds will be black.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
Navigating documents
Use the Page Control toolbar at the bottom right of Near Native view to navigate documents or
images. You can easily identify what page of the document you are viewing in relation to the
total number of pages or jump to another page by clicking on the page you want to view. You
can also navigate documents or images using shortcut keys and right-click options.
To navigate images using the toolbar:
On the Page Control toolbar, click the following buttons to navigate document records:
Previous Page moves to the previous page.
Page List allows you to specify the page you want to view.
You can type a page number and press ENTER, or click the page number in the dropdown list.
Next Page moves to the next page.
To navigate using right-click options:
Right-click on a document or image, click Page and then click one of the following:
Next moves to the next page.
Previous moves to the previous page.
First moves to the first page.
Last moves to the last page.
Previous Markup Page moves to the previous markup page.
Next Markup Page moves to the next markup page.
Adjusting document size
You can adjust the document or image size in the Near Native view to enhance personal
viewing. This is especially helpful depending on the document or particular content you are
working with. For instance, handwritten documents are harder to read online and perhaps
illegible in some instances. Choose the viewing tool that best allows you to read with ease and
inspect signature details. Resizing tools are located at the bottom of the the Near Native view.
Sometimes you may need to rotate a document or image, especially if it is a scanned
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
spreadsheet. The Page Orientation settings allow you to rotate the document left or right to
landscape view and keep it there while viewing the document.
Re sizin g tools in clu de :
Fit All changes the view so that the full document displays
Fit Width magnifies the document so its width expands to fill Near Native view
Zoom In/Out increases or decrease the magnification of the image
Pan/Zoom allows you to scroll through the document using the hand icon
Magnifier allows you to instantly magnify a section of the document
You can also rotate images in 90 degree increments to easily view spreadsheets in landscape
To adjust the image size:
1. Open the document you want to view in the Near Native view.
By default, documents display in the Near Native view with Fit Width setting.
2. Click the Fit All button
to view the full document.
You can also right-click and click Fit All or press CTRL + E.
3. Click the Zoom In/Out slider bar
increase magnification of the document.
4. Click the Pan/Zoom button
to scroll left or right to decease or
and hold the left mouse key to scroll up or down in the
You can also right-click and click Pan/Zoom or press CTRL + SHIFT + A.
5. Click the Fit Width button
to return the document to its original view setting.
You can also right-click and click Fit Width or press CTRL + W.
To return to a previous display magnification, right-click and click Previous View (CTRL +
ALT + LEFT ARROW). The display magnification alternates between Fit All and Fit Width.
To magnify a document section:
The Magnifier's zoom percentages range from 25% to 400%. The default value is 100%. You
can change the default percentage by clicking Preferences on the User menu. For more
information, see Customizing personal preferences.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
1. Open the document you want to view in the Near Native view.
By default, documents display in the Near Native view with Fit Width setting.
2. Click the Magnifier button
to magnify a section of the document.
3. Left-click and hold down the left mouse button inside the Magnifier window to move the
window over the document.
4. Right-click and hold down the right mouse button in the document and move the cursor
up and down to change the magnification in the Magnifier window.
Up increases the magnification. Down decreases the magnification.
5. Toggle the button in the upper-left corner of the Magnifier window for different viewing
When the Eyeglass button
displays, you can click any area of the document and
the window will snap to that area and display the selected section.
When the Bird's Eye button
displays, a small rectangle displays with your cursor
when it is moved off the magnifier window.
As you move your cursor over the document, the area contained in small rectangle
displays in the magnifier window. Left-click will reposition the magnifier window.
When the Dock
button displays, you can left-click an area of the document and
that area will stay docked in the Magnifier window.
You can scroll on the document and the view that is currently in the magnifier remains
the same until another area selection is made.
6. Click or drag on a corner or edge of the magnifier window to expand its size.
7. Click the Adjustment Handle
magnifier window.
8. Click the Close button
to decrease or increase the font size within the
to exit the Magnifier window.
To rotate an image:
1. Open the document you want to view in the Near Native view.
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
2. On the Markup toolbar, click the Rotate Clockwise button,
Clockwise button,
, or the Rotate Counter
, depending on the direction needed.
You can also right-click on the document, point to Rotate/Mirror, and then click Rotate
Clockwise (CTRL + SPACE) or Rotate Counter Clockwise (CTRL + SHIFT + SPACE) to
rotate an image.
The document will stay in this position as you scroll through all pages of the document.
When you navigate to a new document, it will be resized to the Fit Width size.
To change display options:
The right-click menu contains options for document display that allow you to alter the way
the document displays in the Near Native view for the Fit Width, Fit All, Next and Previous
paging commands.
Right-click on a document in the Near Native view, click Options, and then click one of the
Animate View Changes — when selected, the document makes animated transitions
from one viewpoint to the next when using any of the viewpoint transition tools like
Zoom and Rotate. When this feature is turned off, the document will snap to each
viewpoint change.
The Animate View Changes feature also applies to the File Open feature in that when a
file is opened, it will animate to Fit Width (document) or Fit All (image or drawing file)
from a thumbnail image in the center of the viewspace.
Show Line Weights — when selected, displays the entity's true line width. When not
enabled, the view displays with all controllable vector lines drawn at one pixel thickness
regardless of the entity's true line width. The one pixel width stays constant at zoomed
magnification when this option is disabled.
Smooth Edges (Slower) — when unchecked, GDI++ support is provided for viewing
vector based files with Anti-aliasing (smooth lines). When checked, this allows you to
turn off Anti-aliasing (smooth lines) to improve display performance, if desired. If GDI++
is not available, the menu option is grayed out.
To add Placekeepers to retain a magnified view:
Placekeepers allow you to save a view magnification for the current document or file you are
reviewing. When you find a view magnification you like and add a placekeeper, the page
magnification stays the same as you navigate through each page in the document.
Placekeepers are only active during the current viewing session of the document or file. The
next time you view the document, you need to reset the placekeepers for that viewing
session. In other words, when a file is closed, all saved placekeepers are cleared. A
maximum of 1,000 placekeepers can be added per document or file.
Right-click on the document or image and click Marks and the click one of the following:
Add Placekeeper saves the current view magnification state to the end of the list of
saved placekeepers.
You can also press CTRL + K.
A new placekeeper can be set whenever there is a change in the zoom level, rotation,
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
or compare view modes.
GoTo Placekeepers allows you to toggle through the list of saved placekeepers.
You can also press CTRL + ALT + K to navigate through the placekeepers list.
Remove Added Placekeepers clears the list of saved placekeepers.
Adding markups
During the discovery process, annotating document detail is the phase when deeper content
investigation and case record preparation begins.
The Markup toolbar, located on at the top of Near Native view, includes the variety of tools
used to mark or redact a document or image during review. Applying these markups includes
redacting information and adding notes. You can also apply color markings to highlight or
underline text and add a circle or box to emphasize a block or region of key content. All of
these elements can easily be edited, moved, or resized.
When Hosted Concordance Evolution administrators process a production, they can then select
which markings are fused to the image file, depending on the need and the recipient.
There is no limit to the number of markups you can add to an image. Please use some restraint
though and stick to the internal review guidelines for your organization, ensuring all markups
are sensibly applied and records are kept clean for other reviewers. All markups are also
indexed and available for searching. See Using advanced search tools.
Markups for the current document or image are tracked in an .xml file in the database server.
To use markup editing tools:
Use the following Markup tools to assist you when adding any markup, including redactions:
deletes all markups and returns to the document to its original state (without
any redactions or markups)
allows you to select a markup on the document so you can copy or modify it.
To select multiple markups, press the CTRL key while selecting the markups.
and Redo
allow you to undo or redo the last markup or markup change
You can also press CTRL + Z for Undo and CRTL + Y for Redo.
Select Document
the document.
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allows you to turn off the markup tool you were using and select
Hosted Concordance Evolution
To add text:
1. On the Markup toolbar, click the Text button,
2. Using the Text tool, click and drag a box on the area where you want to add the text.
3. In the Text dialog box, type the text you want to add.
4. Notice that a Text toolbar now displays above the document.
5. On the Text toolbar, specify any of the following:
To change the color, click the Color button, and then select a font color from the color
To change the font, in the Font list, select a font style.
To change the font size, in the Font size list, select a font size.
6. To change the background color of the text box, click the Text Background button (T),
and then select one of the following:
Transparent Background sets the background as transparent and all text is visible.
Match Display Background sets the background color to match the color of the
current document background.
Select Background Color opens the color palette dialog box, and sets the background
to the color selected. The outline color of the text box is set to be the same as the
current font color.
7. To set the font style, do any of the following:
To underline the text, click the Underline button (U).
To italicize the text, click the Italics button (I).
To make the text bold, click the Bold button (B).
To add lines or arrows:
1. On the Markup toolbar, click one of the following:
To draw a straight line, click the Line button,
To draw an arrow, click the arrow next to the Line tool, and then click the Arrow Line
2. Draw on the document:
To draw a line or arrow, drag the tool across the document where you want the
markup to appear.
To draw a line or arrow that is horizontal or vertical, press SHIFT while you draw.
3. To change the line properties, select tools on the Line toolbar to do any of the following:
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
To change the color, click the Color button, and then select a color from the color
To change the line width, select the value from the drop-down list.
To change the line style, select the style from the drop-down list.
To add a rectangle:
1. On the Markup toolbar, click the Rectangle button,
2. Drag the tool across the document where you want the rectangle to appear.
3. To change the rectangle properties, on the Rectangle toolbar, do any of the following:
To change the border color, click the Color button, and then select a color from the
color palette.
To change the rectangle's background properties, select a value from the drop-down
To change the line width, select the value from the drop-down list.
To change the line style, select the style from the drop-down list.
To highlight text:
1. On the Markup toolbar, click the Highlight button,
2. Drag the tool across the text you want to highlight.
3. On the Highlight toolbar, click the Color button, and then select a color from the color
To add a stamp:
Stamps contain predefined information, such as color, content and other elements. Stamps
cannot be modified. The Near Native view has four predefined stamps: Attorney - Client
Privilege, Attorney's eyes only, Confidential, and Under Seal. A stamp has a maximum bitmap
image of 128 pixels by 48 pixels.
1. On the Markup toolbar, click the Stamp button,
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
2. On the Stamp toolbar, click the Browse button.
Clicking the Browse button opens the Select Stamp File dialog box.
3. Click the stamp you want to apply, and then click OK.
Clicking OK adds the stamp name to the Stamp list next to the Browse button.
If the Stamp list already contains values, you can click a stamp in the list or click Browse
to select another value.
The Stamp list is populated with the stamps that have been selected in the Select Stamp
File dialog box while you are reviewing the current document. When you leave the
record the Stamp list resets itself to blank.
4. Click and drag on the document area where you want to add the stamp.
To copy and paste markups:
You can copy and paste any markup onto the same page or another page in the document.
1. Right-click on a markup and click Copy on the menu.
To select multiple markups, press CTRL while selecting markups.
2. Right-click on the document where you want to paste the markup and click Paste from
the menu.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
Adding notes
Changemarks are notes that you can apply to a document simply by clicking on the area where
you want to place the note. The default size is 50 pixels. If you resize a Changemarks note,
that size becomes the new default size the next time a note is applied.
Once you create a changemarks note, you or other reviewers can place your cursor over it view
the note title, who created the note, the date and time it was created, and the note text.
You can view a complete listing of notes, reply to a note, and search notes on the
Changemarks tab in the Near Native panel. Notes and replies to notes are listed in
chronological order. You can also copy note content to paste into another document or e-mail.
We recommend incorporating a note standard for the review team by sizing all notes in a
one-inch box located in the upper left corner of the document. This ensures that all notes
are in a known, visible location for all reviewers and makes searching for them, at a
glance, much easier.
You cannot use Rich Text Formatting (RTF) in notes, including copying RTF content from
another application and then pasting into a note. Doing so may corrupt all the markups
and redactions, as well as, possibly cause the Hosted Concordance Evolution Native
Viewer to crash. If this happens, you need to contact Customer Support.
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
To apply notes:
1. On the Markup toolbar, click the Notes button,
2. The default note color is yellow, to change the note color, on the Note toolbar, click the
Color button, and then select a color from the color palette.
3. Click and drag a box on the area of the document where you want to apply the note.
A sticky note displays on the document and the Changemarks dialog box opens.
4. In the Changemarks Title field, type a title for the note.
A Changemarks note number automatically displays in the note title field at the top of
the dialog box. Subsequent notes will automatically increment in number. You can modify
this text by typing over it.
You can copy text from the clipboard and paste it into the Changemarks Description
field. Any URLs added to note content will later be active when viewed on the Review
Changemarks tab.
5. In the Changemarks Description field, type the full note text.
6. Click OK.
To reply to a note:
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
1. On the far right of the Near Native view, click the show/hide arrow,
Native panel.
, to open the Near
2. In the Near Native panel, click the Changemarks tab.
3. At the bottom of the tab, click the Add Reply link.
Clicking the Add Reply link opens the Changemarks Reply dialog box.
4. In the Changemarks Reply dialog box, type your note text, then click the Reply button.
The note text is now added to the original note with your user name and the date and
time it was applied.
To review notes:
1. On the far right of the Near Native view, click the show/hide arrow,
Native panel.
, to open the Near
2. In the Near Native panel, click the Changemarks tab.
The top half of the panel displays all notes for the document in alphabetical order.
3. Click the Previous and Next icons to navigate the note listing.
You can also right-click on the document and click Marks > Next Changemarks note or
press CTRL + ALT + C to move to the next note. Or right-click on the document and click
Marks > Previous Changemarks note to move to the previous note.
4. To review note content, scroll in the lower pane to read all notes and replies.
5. Click the Sort By button,
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, and then click the option you want to use for sorting
Hosted Concordance Evolution
To search notes:
1. On the far right of the Near Native view, click the show/hide arrow,
Native panel.
, to open the Near
2. In the Near Native panel, click the Changemarks tab.
3. In the Search field, type the words you want to locate.
4. Click the arrow next to the Find button,
, to select search options from the list:
Cumulative searches only within the results of the previous search.
Whole Word finds the typed characters as an entire word as opposed to being part of
a longer term.
Match Case searches for the text exactly as typed with upper and lower case
Term Hit highlights search terms in the notes pane.
Options that are enabled display a check mark. The Term Hit option is enabled by
5. Click the Find button to locate the word.
The word is highlighted in yellow in note descriptions box.
6. Click the Show All button,
, to reset the notes panel to its original display.
To copy notes:
1. On the far right of Near Native view, click the show/hide arrow,
Native panel.
, to open the Near
2. In the Near Native panel, click the Changemarks tab.
3. Click the Copy Changemarks button,
, to open the Copy Changemarks dialog box.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
4. In the Copy To Clipboard area, click the option you want to use:
Click Selected Changemarks note to capture information for only the selected note.
Click All changemarks to capture all note information contained in the document.
5. In the Include area, select the checkbox for each option you want:
Select Changemarks image(s) if you want to include an image of each Changemark
note as is displays on the document, along with note text.
Select Hyperlink(s) if you want to include hyperlink content.
Select Bookmark page if you want to create a list of bookmarks linked to each
Changemarks title captured in the copy function.
6. In the RTF Output Format area, select options you want:
Click the Font button to select the font type, style, and size.
In the Image size list, click Small, Medium, or Large.
7. Click OK to copy the content to the clipboard.
You can now paste the content into a Word document, e-mail message, or other
program to save as needed.
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
Editing markups
You can change the appearance, size, and location of markups after you add them.
To edit a markup's properties:
1. On the Markup toolbar, click the Select button,
2. Select the markup you want to edit.
3. From the markup's toolbar, such as the Text or Rectangle toolbar, edit any of the
To rotate or resize a markup:
1. On the Markup toolbar, click the Select button,
2. Select the markup.
The markup displays a rotate handle and resize handles around the perimeter.
3. Do one of the following:
To rotate the markup, drag the green rotate handle in the direction you want to rotate
the markup.
To resize the markup, drag a resize handle to transform the markup to the desired
To delete markups:
1. On the Markup toolbar, click the Select button,
2. Do any of the following:
To select a single markup to delete, select the markup you want to delete.
To select multiple markups, press CTRL and click the markups you want to delete.
To select all the markups on the page, drag the Selection tool across all the markups
on the page.
3. Press Delete.
You can also delete all markups and redactions on the document by clicking the Revert
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
, on the Markup toolbar.
Applying redactions
A redaction is used when confidential information needs to be hidden in a document for
publication. Redactions associated with the published document cannot be edited or removed.
Once the document is produced, any text or images concealed by a redaction cannot be
viewed, copied, or searched.
The Redaction tool allows you to place one or more redactions over various areas of sensitive
information within a document. In Near Native view, the redaction appears transparent so you
can ensure the redaction covers the information you want hidden. When you print a document
to a network printer of PDF, the redaction is transparent. When a production is performed, the
redaction becomes opaque, concealing the information underneath in the PDF or TIF image.
Th e re are th re e w ay s y ou can apply a re daction :
Draw a rectangle box over an area of the document to cover a paragraph or more of text
Draw a single redaction line across a sentence or part of a sentence
Use the Find and Redact tool to redact only specific text within the document
When you are redacting a bulleted or numbered list, we recommend that you always
apply redactions using the rectangle redaction. This ensures that the list content is
completely redacted when the image is produced and/or printed. You should also begin
drawing the rectangle in the margin, outside the text area, to ensure all information is
redacted successfully.
We recommend that you use different colors for redactions and text that is highlighted
using the Highlight tool. This ensures that you can easily differentiate between the two
markup types when reviewing a document.
Documents that have redactions applied print as transparent leaving the text under the
redaction visible. If you want redactions to print opaque, you need to use the Production
tool in Hosted Concordance Evolution to produce the documents and then print the
output documents.
Once applied, you can verify the redactions for each document by clicking on the Verifying
Redactions tab in the Near Native panel. You can search for all documents with redactions on
the Advanced Search page. See Using advanced search tools.
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
When a production is run, the redacted documents can be output to PDF or TIFF files. Since PDF
files are not flattened or burned, when producing PDF files the redacted information is removed
from the file before the redaction is placed. The production process physically removes the
hidden text from the produced file, the original document is not altered.
To add a redaction:
1. On the Markup toolbar, click the Redaction button,
2. Using the Redaction tool, do any of the following to select the area in the document you
want to redact.
To redact sentence-level text, click within the text and draw the tool along the text
you want to redact. Because redactions and highlights appear similar when applied, it
is recommended that you use different colors for each.
To redact a section of a document, click outside the text area and draw a rectangular
box around the text.
To redact a bulleted or numbered list, click outside the list and draw a rectangular box
around the text.
3. In the Enter Reason dialog box, click the redaction reason you want in the drop-down
list, then click OK.
If you have permission to enter custom redaction reasons, you can type the new reason
in the Enter Reason field, then click OK. The new reason will be saved to the Enter
Reason list for future use.
4. On the Markup toolbar, click the Select button,
5. Click the new redaction you just applied.
The redaction reason selected for the redaction is displayed on the Redaction toolbar.
To find text and redact:
1. On the Markup toolbar, click the Find and Redact button,
2. In the Find & Redact dialog box, type the word(s) you want to locate in the Find and
redact what field or select a previous search entry from the list.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
3. Select the Find whole word only check box, if you want this option.
4. Click the Redaction color arrow and select a color from the color palette.
5. In the Reason list, type a redaction reason or select one in the list.
6. Click the Redact button.
7. In the Redaction Results dialog box, review the number of successful redactions made,
then click OK.
8. In the Find & Redact dialog box, click Close.
To change redaction properties:
1. On the Markup toolbar, click the Select button,
2. Select the redaction you want to change.
3. On the Redaction toolbar, do any of the following:
To change the redaction color, click the Color button, and select a new color from the
color palette.
To change the redaction reason, type a new reason or select it from the list.
Verifying redactions
Once you have added redactions to a document, you can use the Verifying Redactions panel to
manually check the accuracy of each redaction before it is burned to an image during a
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To verify redactions:
1. On the far right of the Near Native view, click the show/hide arrow,
Native panel.
, to open the Near
2. In the Near Native panel, click the Verify Redactions tab.
Or right-click on the document, and then click Show Pane > Verify.
3. In the Verify list, selects the option you want:
Redactups allows you to review each redaction, resize it, ensure redactions reason
are added, and verify if a redaction template was used.
Image Areas allows you to review each raster/vector image of the document
displaying areas that cannot be redacted through find and redact scripts.
4. Click the redaction filter option you want to use:
To verify all redactions in the document, click All.
To filter redactions by reason, click With reason.
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In the With reason list, click the redaction reason you want.
To filter by color, click With color.
In the Color list, click the color you want in the color palette.
Each time you change the filter option, the first redaction in the document that meets
the selected filter criteria displays.
4. Review the redaction filter results that display your progress in the lower half of the
5. Use the Previous Redaction and Next Redaction buttons,
redaction until you have verified all of them.
, to navigate each
Redactions are cycled through by order of their time stamp and not by order of location
in the document.
6. Click the First Redaction and Last Redaction buttons,
and last redactions in the document.
, to navigate to the first
Searching document text
When reviewing documents in the Near Native view, you can search the document to locate
search terms where you might want to add a markup or redaction, or simply just to review
documents faster.
You can also search for multiple terms when you select Regular Expressions on the Search Text
menu. In the Near Native view, the OR operator is a pipe symbol (|). For example, typing in the
search string Oregon | Californ ia | N evada will locate all instances of the three separate terms in
the document.
When searching for words or phrases that contain a slash character "\", you must use two
slashes for each instance. A single slash is a reserved search character. For example: Type
"and\\or" to find "and\or".
The Search Text toolbar displays in the upper right corner of the Near Native view.
To search text in a document:
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1. Open a document in the Near Native view.
2. In the Search field, type the word you want to locate.
3. Click the arrow to the right of the Search Text button,
, to open the Search Text
menu, and select the direction you want to search in the document:
Down searches for the next instance in the document.
Up searches for the previous instance in the document.
A circle displays next to the option that is selected.
4. On the Search Text menu, select the search option you want:
Match Case searches for the exact text as typed with upper and lower case
Find whole word only finds the typed characters as an entire word as opposed to
being part of a longer word.
Regular Expressions searches using regular expressions.
For example: There is no need to type regex: as part of a search string.
If not selected, the search uses classic search algorithms.
5. On the Search Text menu, click Term Hit to highlights search result hits in yellow.
If a check mark displays next to Term Hit, the feature is enabled.
6. Click the Search Text button.
7. Press F3 or ENTER to navigate search hits.
Viewing document history
You can view tag and field history for a document in both the Near Native or Document Data
The Tag/Field History dialog box displays a listing of who created the tag or field, the date and
time it occurred, the field or tag name, the operation that occurred, and the field or tag value
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
before it was changed. You can also export this information to a .csv file to reference later. The
document is automatically saved with "DocHistory" in the file name, the document control
number, and dataset name so you can easily identify it.
You can also view tag history from the Tags panel. See Viewing tag history.
To review and export tag and field history in a document view:
1. On the Review tab, click a review set to open the document list in the Snippet or Table
2. Click an document title link or row to open it in a document view.
3. Click the Near Native or Document Data tab.
4. Open the Options menu and click Tag/Field History.
5. In the Tag/Field History dialog box, review the tag and field history information.
6. Click the Export button to export this data to a .csv file.
7. In the File Download dialog box, click Save.
8. In the Save As dialog box, review the file name and navigate to the network folder
where you want to save the file, then click Save.
9. In the Download Complete dialog box, choose one the following:
Click Open to view the file in Microsoft Excel.
Click Close to exit the dialog box.
10. In the Tag/Field History dialog box, click Close.
Editing Records
About editing
Hosted Concordance Evolution is fully equipped to handle a rollin g produ ction en viron m en t with
features that allow editing and adding documents as needed. Attorneys find the editing tool
useful for adding comments directly to a document during case review. Administrators can add
an Attorney Notes field just for this purpose.
The editing tool is also useful when there is limited information in the dataset to search.
Sometimes a paralegal or staff member may be assigned to add missing information, such as
the dates, authors, and recipients, to every document in a dataset to help locate documents
authored by a particular individual to another individual within a specific timeframe during
Reviewers rarely need to create new records in Hosted Concordance Evolution. However, as
new documents roll in after the initial collection phase, these new records need to be added to
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
the dataset too. It may not be cost-effective to send a handful of documents out to be
processed when staff can manually enter them into Hosted Concordance Evolution that same
Documents can be added and modified in the Document Data Editor view. To open the
Document Data Editor view, on the Document Viewer page, click the Document Data tab, open
the Options menu, and then click Document Data Editor.
Users can only edit the fields for which they have write permissions.
To m ake e ditin g e asie r, u se rs can :
Change the field display or hide fields in the Document Data view
Use word lists to populate field data
Find and replace words in the current document or all documents in the review set
Copy data from other records into a new or existing record
Use spell check to verify spelling accuracy in the current document or all documents in the
review set
Delete duplicate or unnecessary records
Editing records
Editing existing records is done most often when documents are added to Hosted Concordance
Evolution but are missing information that needs to be captured in the system to identify it,
such as the document title, author, and date it was created.
If you are an attorney entering summary notes or a paralegal adding missing data to
documents, you are only able to access fields that you have permission to edit. Other data
entry restrictions may be placed on fields by your Hosted Concordance Evolution administrator.
Fields that can be edited display a text box with any existing field values or a blank text box for
you to type new data. Fields that are not editable display existing field values as read-only. If
an editable field contains a word list, you can use it to select a word to populate the field,
reducing data entry time. See Using word lists.
If you check out a review set for editing purposes, you are essentially locking all documents
within the review set for Write access. Other reviewers will not be able to edit documents
when you have a review set checked out. If a review set is not checked out and two reviewers
edit the same record at the same time, then edits for the last reviewer that saved changes will
the E
Editing = coding. Use caution when working in the Document Data Editor view. You can
spoliate documents if you are not careful, damaging the integrity of your original database
records and impacting the search results of others.
To edit an existing record:
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
1. On the Review tab, click a review set to open the document list in the Snippet or Table
2. In the Snippet or Table view, click the document title link or row.
3. Click the Document Data tab to open the Document Data view.
4. Open the Options menu and click Document Data Editor.
5. Edit the applicable fields.
You can only edit fields for which you have write permissions.
To add data from words lists, see Using words lists.
6. Press the TAB key to navigate to the next field.
Press SHIFT + TAB to navigate to a previous field.
7. Click Save to save your changes to the document.
Using word lists
In most datasets, some data entry work is unique (like attorney review comments), but much
of it is repetitive. For example, if you are cataloging correspondence between the principal
players in a case, the same names are repeated again and again. Having these names or
other repetitive words available in word lists, also known as field authority lists, allows you to
insert them into respective dataset fields reducing the amount of typing necessary.
Word lists also minimize data entry errors. For example, you can pick "Wocjieweiski" from a
word list instead of having to remember how to spell it each time you need to type it in a field.
Word lists can be used for any repetitive data entry fields, such as document type (letters,
memos, reports, etc.), privilege (attorney client privilege, trade secret, etc.), or any field where
the same set of terms is used over and over again. In the word lists, you select a check box for
each entry you want to populate the field.
Word lists are set up by your Hosted Concordance Evolution administrator. How you use the
word list is determined by the options set by your administrator, such as whether data entry
must be done from the list, if case sensitivity matching is used, whether duplicate entries are
allowed, or if a field is restricted for single entries only. If you want a word list added to a
particular field or have questions about word list restrictions, contact your Hosted Concordance
Evolution administrator.
To use a word list:
1. In the record you are editing, navigate to a field you can edit.
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2. Type the first few characters of the word you want.
A word list dialog box displays with a listing of all entries you can select for this field.
3. In the Authority List dialog box, select the check box for word(s) you want to use.
The word(s) automatically displays in the selected field, unless the field has been set up
to only allow for a single entry.
4. Click Done when you are finished.
To add a word to the word list:
1. In the record you are editing, navigate to a field you can edit.
2. Type the first character of the word you want.
A word list dialog box displays with a listing of all entries you can select for this field.
3. In the Authority List dialog box, type the word you want to add to the list in the text
box below the list, and then click Add.
The word now displays in the word list with its check box selected.
4. Continue adding words to the list as needed.
5. Click Done when you are finished.
Changing the field display
To make editing easier, Hosted Concordance Evolution allows you to change the order of field
display or hide fields in Document Data view. When editing multiple records, you may want the
fields you are editing to display at the top of the field list so you can locate them easily without
scrolling. Additionally, you may want to hide fields you are not editing from view, so you can
simply work with those fields you are editing. When you are finished, it's easy to select hidden
fields for display again.
Changing field display settings only affects your user view and does not affect field display for
other users. These field settings apply to all documents within your dataset or review set.
To change the field display:
1. On the Review tab, click a review set to open the document list in the Snippet or Table
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
2. In the Snippet or Table view, click the document title link or row.
3. Click the Document Data tab to open the Document Data view.
4. Open the Options menu and click Document Data Editor.
5. Click the Fields button.
Clicking the Fields button opens the Configure Fields dialog box.
6. In the field display dialog box, click the Up and Down buttons
the order you want them to display.
to move fields in
The top and bottom fields will have gray Up and Down buttons indicating their place in
the field list.
7. Clear the check box for each field you want to hide from view.
8. Click OK to save your changes.
Creating new records
A new record is essentially a blank record with no values entered for data fields. You can enter
the appropriate data for each field for which you have write permissions. A text box displays for
all fields for which you have write permissions. All other fields will display as read-only and are
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Each new record added is automatically saved at the end of the existing records list with a new
number. A new Bates number will be assigned to each new record.
To create a new blank record:
1. On the Review tab, click a review set to open the document list in the Snippet or Table
2. In the Snippet or Table view, click the document title link or row.
3. Click the Document Data tab to open the Document Data view.
4. Open the Options menu and click Document Data Editor.
5. Click the Add New Record button.
Clicking the Add New Record button adds a new blank record to the end of the record
6. In fields that display a text box, type the appropriate information.
You can only enter information in fields for which you have write permissions.
7. Click Save to save your record.
8. In the Document Save dialog box, click OK.
9. To continue adding new records, click the Add New Record button.
Copying data from other records
To minimize errors and data entry time, you can copy or duplicate data from other records into
a new or edited record.
Th e D u plicate D oc list h as th re e option s:
Duplicate data from other document — locates another record by its document control
number and duplicates data from it.
Copy selected fields from previous doc — allows you to copy data from the previous
Copy selected fields from another doc — allows you to copy selected fields from another
If you do copy data from another record into a field that already contains values, the new data
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will overwrite any existing field data. You can undo changes made to a record by clicking the
Cancel button. Once a record's data has been saved, you cannot undo the changes unless you
manually edit it.
Editing = coding. Use caution when working in the the Document Data Editor view. You
can spoliate documents if you are not careful, damaging the integrity of your original
database records and impacting the search results of others.
You can use keyboard shortcuts to edit documents faster: Copy = CTRL +C, Cut = CTRL +
X, and Paste = CTRL + V.
To duplicate data from other records:
1. In the Document Data Editor view, add a new record or open the record you want to
2. Click in the field text box you want to copy data into.
3. In the Duplicate Doc list, click Duplicate data from other document.
Clicking Duplicate data from other document opens the Duplicate Data From Another
Document dialog box. The Select Dataset From the List field defaults to the current
4. In the Enter the Document Control Number of the document field, type the document
control number of the record you want to copy data from.
5. Click the Copy button to copy the field value(s) from the selected record's field into the
same field of the record you are adding or editing.
The field value(s) displays in the selected field.
6. Click Save to update the record.
To copy selected fields from a previous record:
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1. In the Document Data Editor view, add a new record or open the record you want to
2. Click in the field text box you want to copy data into.
3. In the Duplicate Doc list, click Copy selected fields from previous doc.
Clicking Copy selected fields from previous doc opens the Copy selected fields from
previous document dialog box. The Select Dataset From the List field defaults to the
current dataset.
4. In the select the fields to be copied list, select the check box for each field that you
want to copy data from.
5. Click the Copy button.
The field value(s) display in the applicable fields.
6. Click Save to update the record.
To copy selected fields from another record:
1. In the Document Data Editor view, add a new record or open the record you want to
2. Click in the field text box you want to copy data into.
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3. In the Duplicate Doc list, click Copy selected fields from another doc.
4. In the Enter the Document Control Number field, type the document control number of
the record you want to copy data from.
5. Click the Get Fields button.
6. In the select the fields to be copied list, select the check box for each field that you
want to copy data from.
7. Click the Copy button.
The field value(s) display in the applicable fields.
8. Click Save to update the record.
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Finding and replacing words
You can find and replace words in the current record you are editing or in all records in the
dataset or review set. If you are making a global replacement for all records, a notification is
sent to you when the process is completed. If you are editing the current record, the Find and
Replace dialog box displays the number of successful word replacements made.
To find and replace text in records:
1. On the Review tab, click a review set to open the document list in the Snippet or Table
2. In the Snippet or Table view, click the document title link or row.
3. Click the Document Data tab to open the Document Data view.
4. Open the Options menu and click Document Data Editor.
5. When the document opens, click the Find and Replace button.
Clicking the Find and Replace button opens the Find and Replace dialog box.
6. In the Find field, type the word you want to locate.
7. In the Replace field, type the word you want to use as a replacement.
8. Click This Document or All Documents, depending on whether you are performing a
global search or just editing the current document.
9. Click the Replace Next or Replace All button.
If you selected This Document and the Replace Next button, the first instance of word in
the Find field is replaced by the word in the Replace field, and the Find and Replace
dialog box displays the following message: Sys tem h as com pleted its s earch of th e
docu m en t an d h as m ade 1 replacem en ts . To replace the next instance, click the Replace
Next button again.
If you selected This Document and the Replace All button, all instances of the word in
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the Find field are replaced by the word in the Replace field in the record, and the Find
and Replace dialog box displays the number of successful word replacements made in
the record.
If you select All Documents and the Replace All button, click OK in the Find and Replace
notification message box. A notification will be generated when the global search and
replace is completed. The global search and replace is performed on all documents in the
current search results.
10. Click Cancel to close the dialog box.
Using spell check
When editing or adding new records, you can easily run the spell check tool which reviews all
field values that have an incorrect spelling. You will have the opportunity to choose whether to
ignore or change the spelling of a word or all instances of the word in the current record.
You can click the Undo button to revert any changes for the previously selected word. And you
can cancel the spell check at any time by clicking the Close button or link, or pressing the ESC
key. If you click Close and have changed any words in the record, a message box displays for
you to apply or cancel any changes.
To spell check a record:
1. In the record you have just edited, click the Spell Check button at the top of the
Document Data Editor page.
2. In the Spell Check dialog box, review the Not in Dictionary box for words that may be
misspelled in this record.
The current word being spell checked displays in bold.
3. To ignore the current spelling, choose one of the following:
Click the Ignore button to ignore this instance of the word.
Click the Ignore All button to ignore all instances of the word.
4. To change the current spelling, select a correct spelling in the Suggestions box and
choose one of the following:
Click the Change button to change this instance of the word.
Click the Change All button to change all instances of this word.
5. In the message box confirming that the spell check is complete, click OK.
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Deleting records
You can delete individual records or multiple records from the Snippet and Table views. Once a
record is deleted it is permanently removed from the dataset or review set.
To delete a record:
1. In the Snippet or Table view, select the check box for the record(s) you want to delete.
To select multiple documents for deletion, open the Select All menu, and then click Select
Page or Select All.
Select Page - selects all documents on the current search results page.
Select All - selects all documents in the current search results.
2. On the Search Results page toolbar, click the Delete button,
3. In the Delete Documents dialog box, click Yes.
The number of documents displayed in the Snippet and Table views is now updated to
reflect the remaining number of documents in the dataset or review set.
Working in Near Duplicates View
About the Near Duplicates view
The Near Duplicates view in Hosted Concordance Evolution allows you to view and compare the
documents with duplicate metadata content, indicating the number of near duplicate
documents associated with the selected document, and the percentage of similarity between
the near duplicate documents and the original "base" document. The Near Duplicates view
helps you identify and skip redundant text during document reviews in Hosted Concordance
Evolution, allowing you to focus on the unique text in each document.
Only documents with duplicate content that have been processed in LAW PreDiscovery and
Equivio™ before being imported into Hosted Concordance Evolution can be viewed and
compared in the Near Duplicates view. The Near Duplicates tab on the Document Viewer page
is disabled if there are no documents in the review set that meet this criteria.
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Before documents can be viewed in the Near Duplicates view, documents with duplicate
content are exported from LAW PreDiscovery into Equivio. Equivio highlights the textual
differences between two documents and generates a .csv file. The .csv file is then imported
into LAW PreDiscovery and populates the Equivio fields for the documents in LAW. The
documents are then exported from LAW PreDiscovery and imported into an Equivio-enabled
Hosted Concordance Evolution dataset, and the corresponding Equivio fields in the dataset are
populated for the documents.
When a document has a document with duplicate content associated with it, the Duplicates
, is displayed for the document in the Snippet and Table views. In Equivio, the
document that best represents the documents in a near duplicate set of documents, is called
the "pivot" document. The Pivot icon,
, is displayed for pivot documents in the Snippet and
Table views. Clicking the Duplicates or Pivot icon, opens the Near Duplicates view for the
You can apply tags, privilege reasons, and comments to near duplicate documents in the Near
Duplicates view. For more information see, Tagging multiple documents, Applying privilege
reasons, and Adding comments.
Viewing near duplicates
When you open a document in the Near Duplicates view, the document is automatically
compared with the original document. The original document is referred to as the "base"
document in the Near Duplicates view. The documents containing duplicate content, including
the selected document and the base document, are listed at the top of the Near Duplicates
view. The list includes the document control numbers and the percentage of similarity between
the base document and duplicate documents.
The bottom portion of the Near Duplicates view displays the differences between the selected
document and the base document. If a document is an exact duplicate, Duplicate is displayed in
the Similarity column and because the documents are exact duplicates, there are no differences
to compare in the bottom portion of the view. If a document is not an exact duplicate, the
percentage of similarity is displayed in the Similarity column, and the differences are highlighted
and marked in the bottom portion of the view.
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To compare documents in the Near Duplicates view:
1. In the Snippet or Table view, click the document title link or row for a document with
If there are documents with duplicate content associated with a document, the
Duplicates icon,
, is displayed for the document in the Snippet and Table views. The
Pivot icon,
, is displayed for pivot documents in the Snippet and Table views. The
number of documents containing duplicate data with the selected document is displayed
next to the Near Duplicates tab name.
2. Click the Near Duplicates tab to open the Near Duplicates view.
You can also click the Duplicates icon,
to open the Near Duplicates view.
, or Pivot icon,
, in the Snippet or Table view
When the Near Duplicates view opens, the document selected in the Snippet or Table
view is automatically compared with the base document in the bottom portion of the
view. The base document is always at the top of the document list.
If a document is an exact duplicate, Duplicate is displayed in the Similarity column and
because the documents are exact duplicates, there are no differences to compare in the
bottom portion of the view. If a document is not an exact duplicate, the percentage of
similarity is displayed in the Similarity column, and the differences are highlighted and
marked in the bottom portion of the view.
The document control number of the document being compared with the base document
is displayed at the top of the Near Duplicates view. The document control number of the
two documents being compared is displayed next to the Previous Difference and Next
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
Difference buttons.
3. To view the document differences, click the Previous Difference button,
Difference button,
, and Next
, to navigate between the differences in the documents.
Equivio Highlighting Conventions
When comparing records, Equivio considers the base document the first record and
considers the second record selected as the changed record. Text removed from the
base document is highlighted with pink and a strikethrough. Text added to the
second record is highlighted with green and underlined text. Text that is identical in
the first and second record is displayed in regular black text.
For example:
Equivio Highlighting Convention
First document
The meeting on Mondaye
Second document
The meeting on Monday
Equivio only compares the text in documents and e-mail messages. It does not
identify formatting changes, such as plain text versus bolded or italicized text, and
does not identify space or carriage return changes.
4. To view the base document in the Near Duplicates view, click the View link in the
Actions column.
Clicking the View link displays the base document in the bottom portion of the view.
5. To compare another document with the base document, scroll to the document you want
to compare, and then click the Compare link in the Actions column.
Printing Documents
Printing documents
You can print documents from the Snippet and Table views in the Review module. When you
print multiple documents, you have the option to include a separator sheet between
documents. The separator sheet will print the document's document control number, title,
author, and tags.
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When you use the Print option, a PDF file is generated for print and a link to the PDF file is
provided in the print notification message. One PDF file is generated for all documents
If you have exceeded the number of documents that can be printed, you will receive an
message indicating that you need to reduce the page count. You can reduce the page count by
clearing the check boxes next to some of the documents listed in the Print Documents dialog
You can also change your print preference settings for the total number of documents you can
print at one time. This setting will override any document limits set by your Hosted
Concordance Evolution system administrator, if the permission is not enforced.
If you need to print from the Near Native or Document Data view, use the Print option in
the Snippet or Table view or your Internet's browser Print option.
Documents that have redactions applied print as transparent leaving the text under the
redaction visible. If you want redactions to print opaque, you need to use the Production
tool in Hosted Concordance Evolution to produce the documents and then print the
output documents.
To print documents:
1. In the Snippet or Table view, select the check box for each document you want to print.
2. On the Search Results toolbar, click the Print button,
Clicking the Print button opens the Print Documents dialog box. By default, the Insert
separator sheet between documents check box, and the check box for each of the
documents selected in the Snippet or Table view are selected in the Print Documents
dialog box.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
3. Review the selected documents to print.
4. If you do not want to include a separator sheet between each document, clear the
Insert separator sheet between documents check box.
5. If you want to exclude a document from printing, in the Print Documents dialog box,
clear the check box for the document.
6. Click OK.
7. In the Print Request Running dialog box, click the Run in Background button to have
this task run while you continue working.
You will receive two notifications. The first to indicate the documents are in the printer
queue. The second notification to indicate the PDF file has been generated and is ready
to be downloaded. The second notification contains the link to the PDF file.
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E-mailing documents
You can e-mail documents from Snippet and Table views in the Review module. At least one
document must be selected in order to send an e-mail. You can select multiple documents to email. Documents included in the e-mail are in the native file format (by default) and are
attached in a ZIP file.
The Email Options dialog box displays the document control number, the file name, the file
type, the file size for each of the selected documents, and the total size of all documents
included in the e-mail. The Subject field is automatically filled in with a confidential heading that
you can modify.
The size limit for emailing documents is 4 MB. If you exceed the size limit, try sending some of
the documents in a separate e-mail. You can also change your e-mail preference settings for
the total number of documents you can e-mail and the maximum size limit for an e-mail. This
setting will override any document or e-mail size limits set by your Hosted Concordance
Evolution system administrator, if the permission is not enforced. If a single file exceeds the
limit set by your system administrator, you may want to print the document to a PDF file and
then e-mail it. If you have any questions about sending emails, you may want to discuss it first
with your system administrator.
Once you send the e-mail, you will receive a notification when the process in is queue and
when the e-mail was delivered successfully. The notification will contain a complete summary of
the e-mail, including the recipients, the date and time the e-mail was delivered, and what files
were included.
The recipient will receive an e-mail that includes that documents attached in a ZIP file with. The
body content includes a table outlining the documents received, including the document control
number, document title, author, and document creation date and time.
To e-mail documents:
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
1. In the Snippet or Table view, select the check box for each document you want to email.
2. On the Search Results toolbar, click the Email button,
Clicking the Email button opens the Email Options dialog box. By default, the check box
for each of the documents selected in the Snippet or Table view are selected in the Email
Options dialog box.
3. Review the files you want to e-mail.
4. If you want to exclude a document from the e-mail, in the Email Options dialog box, clear
the check box for the document.
5. In the To field, type the recipient's e-mail address.
6. Click the Add button to add the e-mail address to the e-mail list.
To add multiple e-mail addresses, type a semi-colon to separate each one.
The Subject field defaults to CONFIDENTIAL: Documents attached – Concordance EV.
You can edit the text in the Subject field.
7. Click the Send button.
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
8. In the Email Request Running dialog box, click the Run in Background button to have
this task run while you continue working.
You will receive two notifications. The first to indicate the e-mail was sent for delivery.
The second notification to indicate whether the e-mail was sent sucessfully.
Sending data to CaseMap
The Send to CaseMap feature in Hosted Concordance Evolution allows you to send a fact, a
document, or multiple documents to CaseMap. Selected document text will display in
CaseMap's Facts spreadsheet as a new Fact record. Selected documents sent to CaseMap
display in the Objects - Documents spreadsheet. All tags, tag groups, and tag folders
associated with a document are also included in the export.
All fact and document records in CaseMap will link directly back to the document or selected
text in Hosted Concordance Evolution. Before sending multiple documents to CaseMap, we
recommend you run a search to narrow your search results to only those records you want to
include in the export. If you need to send updated fact text from the same document, the
associated Fact record in CaseMap will be updated.
Y ou can se n d data to C ase M ap th e follow in g w ay s:
Facts can be sent from the content field in the Document Data view
Single documents can be sent from the Near Native and Document Data views
Multiple documents can be sent from the Snippet and Table views
Hosted Concordance Evolution has CaseMap limitations set by default. The maximum fact text
size is 10 KB. The maximum document size that can be sent to CaseMap is 1 MB. By default, the
maximum number of documents you can send is 100. Contact your Hosted Concordance
Evolution system administrator if you need these settings to be adjusted for a data export to
In order to send data to CaseMap, you must have permissions to send data to CaseMap, the
Set Preference For Enable send document links to caseMap preference must be set to True,
and you must have CaseMap installed on your local machine. The ability to send documents
using the Send to CaseMap feature works with CaseMap v7.0 or later. The ability to send fact
text using the Send to CaseMap feature works with CaseMap v9.1 or later.
Refer to the CaseMap documentation for how to use the Send to CaseMap wizards.
To send fact text:
1. Open CaseMap and the case file for which you want to send new fact text.
2. In Hosted Concordance Evolution, open a document in the Document Data view.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
3. Select the text you want to send to CaseMap.
Selected text that exceeds 10 KB will truncate in the Fact Text field in the Facts
spreadsheet in CaseMap.
4. Open the Options menu and click Send to CaseMap.
Clicking Send to CaseMap opens the File Download dialog box.
5. Click Save to open the Save As dialog box.
6. Browse to where to want to save the CNEV Docs to CaseMap.cmsingle XML file.
7. If you want to rename the file, in the File name field, rename the file.
8. Make sure Single Send to CaseMap File is selected in the Save as type field, and then
click Save.
9. In the Download complete dialog box, click the Open button to open the Bulk 'Send to
CaseMap' Wizard and import the fact into CaseMap.
Refer to the CaseMap documentation for how to use the Send to CaseMap wizards.
To send a single document:
1. Open CaseMap and the case file for which you want to send new document.
2. In Hosted Concordance Evolution, open the document you want to send to CaseMap in
the Near Native or Document Data view.
3. Open the Options menu and click Send to CaseMap.
Clicking Send to CaseMap opens the Send To CaseMap task status dialog box. If you
want the task to run in the background, click the Run in Background button. Clicking the
Run in Background button allows you to continue working in Hosted Concordance
Evolution while the CNEV Docs to CaseMap.cmsingle XML file is being created.
Once the job is completed, you will receive the following notification:
Tas k for s en din g Docu m en t lin ks To Cas eM ap requ es ted By: [u s er n am e] s tarted on date:
[date] [tim e] is n ow ready.[# of docu m en ts ] docu m en t(s ) w ere in clu ded in th e file. Click h ere
to dow n load
4. Click the Click here to download link in the notification.
Clicking the Click here to download link opens the File Download dialog box.
5. Click Save to open the Save As dialog box.
6. Browse to where to want to save the CNEV Docs to CaseMap.cmsingle file.
7. If you want to rename the file, in the File name field, rename the file.
8. Make sure Single Send to CaseMap File is selected in the Save as type field, and then
click Save.
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
9. In the Download complete dialog box, click the Open button to open the Bulk 'Send to
CaseMap' Wizard and import the document into CaseMap.
Refer to the CaseMap documentation for how to use the Send to CaseMap wizards.
To send multiple documents:
1. Run a search to locate the records you want to send to CaseMap.
2. In the Snippet or Table view, select the check box for each document you want to send
to CaseMap.
If you want to send all document in your search results, open the Select All menu, and
then click Select All.
Clicking Select All selects all the check boxes for the documents in the current search
3. On the Search Results toolbar, click the Send to CaseMap button,
Clicking the Send to CaseMap button,
, opens the Send To CaseMap task status
dialog box. If you want the task to run in the background, click the Run in Background
button. Clicking the Run in Background button allows you to continue working in Hosted
Concordance Evolution while the CNEV Docs to CaseMap.cmbulk XML file is being
Once the job is completed, you will receive the following notification:
Tas k for s en din g Docu m en t lin ks To Cas eM ap requ es ted By: [u s er n am e] s tarted on date:
[date] [tim e] is n ow ready.[# of docu m en ts ] docu m en t(s ) w ere in clu ded in th e file. Click h ere
to dow n load
4. Click the Click here to download link in the notification.
Clicking the Click here to download link opens the File Download dialog box.
5. Click Save to open the Save As dialog box.
6. Browse to where to want to save the CNEV Docs to CaseMap.cmbulk file.
7. If you want to rename the file, in the File name field, rename the file.
8. Make sure Bulk Send to CaseMap File is selected in the Save as type field, and then
click Save.
9. In the Download complete dialog box, click the Open button to open the Bulk 'Send to
CaseMap' Wizard and import the documents into CaseMap.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
Refer to the CaseMap documentation for how to use the Send to CaseMap wizards.
Notifications and Alerts
About notifications and alerts
Notifications are messages sent by the system or administrator to Hosted Concordance
Evolution users. They can be used to request users to log out of Hosted Concordance
Evolution, to notify users when a job, such as an import or export job, is completed, when a
review set is finished being reviewed, or to share other information with users. There is also a
notification called a search alert that can be set up to to alert users when the search results
for a saved search query change. Both administrators and users can create search alerts.
The administrator can send notifications to all users currently logged on to Hosted
Concordance Evolution, individual users, or all users in a user group. Search alert notifications
are system generated notifications that are sent to the users selected when the search alert
was created.
For more information about search alerts, see Creating search alerts.
Receiving Notifications
The Notification Type preference under Notification on the Preference Management page
determines whether users receive notifications and search alerts online, by e-mail, or both
online and by e-mail. If the administrator allows users to set this preference for themselves,
users can set this preference on the My Preference page in the Admin, Review, or Reports
For more information about preferences, see Customizing personal preferences.
Viewing Notifications
In the Review module, you can view notifications, including search alerts, sent to you on the
Reviewer Dashboard page in the My Status box under My Messages, and on the Notifications
tab on the Notification Management page. If the notification type preference for a user is set to
Online or Both, when a notification is first sent, the message is displayed in a yellow message
box in the bottom-right corner of the page.
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
You can quickly check for notifications, including search alerts, sent to you by opening the User
menu next to the Help icon,
, on the Product toolbar anywhere in the product, and then
clicking Notification. Clicking Notification opens the Notifications tab on the Notification
Management page.
For more information about viewing notifications, see Viewing notifications.
Viewing notifications
You can view all notifications sent to you, including search alert notifications, on the
Notifications page on the Notification Management page.
In the Review module, you can also view notifications sent to you on the Reviewer Dashboard
page in the My Status box under My Messages. If the notification type preference for you is set
to Online or Both, when a notification is first sent, the message is displayed in a yellow
message box in the bottom-right corner of the page.
To view notifications sent to you:
From anywhere in Hosted Concordance Evolution, open the User menu next to the Help
, on the Product toolbar and then click Notification.
Clicking Notification on the User menu opens the Notifications tab on the Notifications
Management page.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
You can also open the Notifications tab on the Notifications Management page from
the Review module by clicking Notifications under Messages on the Quick Tools pane.
All notifications sent to you, including search alert notifications, are listed on the
Notifications tab.
By default, the notifications are listed in order of date and time sent, from newest to
Deleting notifications
You can delete notifications you no longer need from the Notifications tab on the Notification
Management page.
To delete notifications:
1. From anywhere in Hosted Concordance Evolution, open the User menu next to the Help
, on the Product toolbar and then click Notification.
Clicking Notification on the User menu opens the Notifications tab on the Notifications
Management page.
You can also open the Notifications tab on the Notifications Management page from
the Review module by clicking Notifications under Messages on the Quick Tools pane.
2. Select the check boxes next to the notifications you want to delete.
If you want to select all notifications, click the Select All link.
If you want to select all notifications on the current page, click the Select Page link.
3. Click the Remove button.
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4. Click Yes when asked, [#] n otification (s ) w ill be rem oved from th e s ys tem , do you w an t to
con tin u e? .
Creating search alerts
Search alerts are set up to alert users when the search results for a saved search query
change. When the search query results associated with your search alert changes, a search
alert notification is automatically generated and sent to you.
You can create a search alert from a search query run in the current session on the Search
History page, or from a saved search on the Saved Search page. Search alerts are created on
the Create Alert page in the Review module. You can access the Create Alert page from the
Create Alert link on the Search History and Saved Search pages.
A Hosted Concordance Evolution administrator can also create search alerts on your
behalf in the Admin module.
To create a search alert:
1. Click the Review tab.
2. In the Quick Tools pane, do one of the following:
Under Search, click Saved Searches to open the Saved Searches tab on the Saved
Search page.
Under History, click Search History to open the Search History tab on the Search
History page.
3. In the Options column, click the Create Alert link for the search query you want to use
for the search alert.
Clicking the Create Alert link opens the Create Alert page.
4. In the Name field, type the search alert name.
The Dataset field is automatically populated with the dataset associated with the search
The Owner and Alert Recipient(s) fields are automatically populated with your user
The Search field displays your search query.
You can manually modify the search query, use another saved search query, or combine
the existing query with another saved search query when you are creating a search
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
5. To manually modify the search query in the Search field, edit the search query text.
To use another search query from your saved searches or combine the search query
with another search query from your saved searches, click the My Saved Searches link
under the Search field.
To add a query from your saved searches:
1. On the Create Alert page, click the My Saved Searches link under the Search
Clicking the My Saved Searches link opens the My Saved Searches dialog box.
The search query in the Search field is displayed in the Existing Search field.
2. Select the check box for the search query you want to use for the search alert.
You can add multiple saved search queries to the search alert.
3. If you are combining search queries, click the Combine with existing search
When you click the Combine with existing search button, the combined search
query is displayed in the Existing Search field. If you need to undo the
combination, click the Reset button. Clicking the Reset button resets the Existing
Search field back to the original search query.
4. Click Save to add the search query to the Search field on the Create Alert page.
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10. To test the search query, click the Test Query button.
Clicking the Test Query button runs the search query against the selected dataset and
indicates the number of documents containing the search query.
11. Schedule the search alert notification.
To schedule a search alert:
1. On the Create Alert page, click one of the following options to indicate when you
want the search alert to run:
If you click the Hourly option, in the Hourly list click the hourly interval. For
example, if you want the search alert to run every 2 hours, click 2Hours.
If you click the Weekly option, in the Weekly list, click the day of the week
you want the search alert to run.
If you click the Monthly option, in the Monthly lists, click the month and day of
the month you want the search alert to run.
When you select any of these options, the Start Date field is automatically
populated with the current date and time.
2. To change the start date and/or time, click the Calendar button to change the
start date, and click the Clock button to change the start time.
3. Click one of the following options to indicate how many times you want to run the
search alert:
No End Date
The search alert will run on an ongoing basis
End After [#] Occurrence
The search alert will only run the number of times you enter in this field
End By [date and time]
The search alert will only run until the date and time you specified. Click the
Calendar button to add the end date, and click the Clock button to add the
end time.
When you schedule a search alert, Hosted Concordance Evolution will run the search
query associated with the search alert at the scheduled date and/or time. If there is a
change in the number of documents returned for the search query, Hosted Concordance
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
Evolution will automatically generate and send you a search alert notification. The
search alert notification will indicate the number of documents found for the search
12. Click the Create button.
When you click the Create button, the search alert is added to the search alerts list on
the Search Alerts tab on the Search Alert page.
Viewing search alerts
In the Review module, you can view your search alerts on the Search Alerts tab on the Search
Alert page.
Viewing a search alert is different from viewing a search alert notification. A search alert
notification is generated from a search alert and is viewed like all other notifications in Hosted
Concordance Evolution. For more information about viewing search alert notifications, see
Viewing notifications.
To view your search alerts:
1. On the Review tab, open the Reviewer Dashboard page.
2. In the Quick Tools pane under Search, click Search Alerts.
Clicking Search Alerts opens the Search Alerts tab on the Search Alert page.
By default, the search alerts are listed from newest to oldest.
3. To view the list of previous runs and search results for previous runs of the search alert,
expand the Previously Run list.
4. Click the View Results link next to a search alert run date and time to view the search
results for the query for the specific search alert run.
5. Click the View New Results link next to a search alert run date and time to view only
the new search results for the specific search alert run.
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
Editing search alerts
Once a search alert is created, you can edit the search alert or run a search alert on demand
from the Search Alerts tab on the Search Alert page.
When you create a search alert, you can schedule the search alert to run at specific times, but
if you find you need to run the search alert outside the scheduled time, Hosted Concordance
Evolution gives you the flexibility to run the search alert on demand.
To edit a search alert:
1. On the Review tab, open the Reviewer Dashboard page.
2. In the Quick Tools pane under Search, click Search Alerts.
Clicking Search Alerts opens the Search Alerts tab on the Search Alert page.
3. In the Options column, click the Edit link for the search alert you want to edit.
Clicking the Edit link opens the Edit Alert page.
4. Make the applicable edits.
5. Click the Update button to save your changes and return to the Search Alert page.
To run a search alert on demand:
1. On the Review tab, open the Reviewer Dashboard page.
2. In the Quick Tools pane under Search, click Search Alerts.
Clicking Search Alerts opens the Search Alerts tab on the Search Alert page.
3. In the Options column, click the Run link for the search alert you want to run on
Clicking the Run link runs the search alert. If there are changes to the search results
since the last time the search alert ran, a search alert notification will be generated and
sent to you.
For more information about viewing notifications, see Viewing notifications.
Deleting search alerts
If there are search alerts you no longer need, you can delete the search alerts on the Search
Alerts tab on the Search Alert page in the Review module.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
To delete a search alert:
1. On the Review tab, open the Reviewer Dashboard page.
2. In the Quick Tools pane under Search, click Search Alerts.
Clicking Search Alerts opens the Search Alerts tab on the Search Alert page.
3. Select the check box next to the search alert you want to delete.
4. Click the Remove button.
5. Click OK when asked, Th e s elected s earch alerts w ill be deleted. Do you w an t to Con tin u e? .
Clicking OK permanently deletes the search alert from the system.
About productions
Once a document collection review is completed, documents typically need to be produced to
opposing parties, this is known as a production. Dataset administrators prepare the electronic
production using Hosted Concordance Evolution, based on queries or tagged sets of
documents that are identified for production during the review phase. The output from a
production is a set of images and a Concordance Classic DCB file or an image load file.
Managing Rolling Productions
Due to the ever-increasing size of electronic productions, litigation support staff are often
faced with the task of handling and tracking large volumes of data that are incoming and
outgoing during the life cycle of an e-discovery project. As a best practice, we recommend
establishing an organized tracking method to ensure that all data is properly handled and
nothing is missed.
Examples of Data Types Handled during E-discovery:
Here are some examples of types of data that can be handled during a large ediscovery:
Data coming from clients that needs to be processed. This could include paper
documents, electronic files, e-mail files, images, metadata load files, transcripts, and
graphic files.
Data being produced from opposing parties to be loaded into a review tool, such as
Concordance, for review by attorneys, paralegals, experts or investigators.
Data going out to vendors for processing, scanning, coding, or printing.
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
Data to be processed in-house using an e-discovery processing software, such as
LAW Pre Discovery.
Data such as exhibits, graphics, and presentations being prepared for trial to be
loaded into trial presentation software.
Transcripts from court reporters to be loaded into a transcript database for review
and analysis.
Data being copied or produced to other parties for review such as co-counsel and
Data being produced to opposing parties.
Data that is to be archived from the network to disk or hard drive storage.
Data that requires special handling, such as compliance with destruction or
preservation orders.
When handling forensically collected data, be sure to follow appropriate legal
procedures for preservation, handling, and chain of custody to avoid spoliation issues.
Tracking Data
There are many ways that data can be tracked using database software tools specifically
designed to help facilitate data tracking for e-discovery, such as Hosted Concordance
Evolution, Microsoft® Access®, or Microsoft® Excel®.
CDs, DVDs, and external hard drives are typically labeled using some sort of uniform
numbering system so that it is possible to track all incoming and outgoing volumes.
Production volumes are also usually numbered in a series for record-keeping purposes. It
is also important to keep track of production Bates number series to avoid accidental
production of documents with overlapping Bates numbers.
Archiving Data
Establishing a uniform system for archiving data that must be preserved, but is no longer
being actively used is also important. Maintaining a uniform archival tracking system
makes it easier to locate data in the event that it must be recovered from storage and
uploaded to the network at a later date.
We also recommend that you become familiar with your organization's backup, retrieval,
and data retention policies so that you are prepared in the event that you need to
recover data on short notice.
Production Elements
Numbering Documents
As part of the production process, a new set of images are generated for documents that
need to be produced. A Bates number series is then applied to all pages of all documents
included in the production, with the option of “burning” or “fusing” the numbers to the
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
image during the process. This number series usually differs from that of your internal
collection. You can then track what has actually been produced and your Bates number
series for the production is sequential with no gaps in the numbering.
Fusing Annotations
Redactions or other markups can be “burned” or “fused” to the images during production
so that they cannot be altered. Confidentiality headers or footers can also be fused to
the images during production. Bates numbers and/or document production numbers
(DPN) are usually cross-referenced to those in the original review collection.
If the Hosted Concordance Evolution administrator included fields for Bates numbers and/
or document production numbers in your dataset, these numbers are then written to the
Bates number and/or document production number fields during the production process.
Later when you look at your internal document collection, you are able to see the Bates
and/or document production number for any documents that were produced.
Production Output
The output generated by an electronic production in Hosted Concordance Evolution is a set
of images and a Concordance Classic DCB file or an image load file. Both the production
image set and Concordance Classic DCB file or load file are typically burned onto CDs or
DVDs (or for very large collections, an external hard drive). Output volumes, such as CDs or
DVDs, are labeled to track the production series.
Native Files
For native productions, the set of documents to be produced is typically converted to
images prior to production, although native files may need to be produced as well.
System Trees need to adhere to proper forensic procedures for handling native files.
Non-Production Documents
Non-production documents and images from Hosted Concordance Evolution may also
need to be shared with outside counsel, experts, clients, or other parties. Hosted
Concordance Evolution's production tool is used to generate a non-production set of
images and Concordance Classic DCB file or load files for this distribution.
Generating DCB Files, Load Files, and Images
The output from a production is a set of images and a Concordance Classic DCB file or an
image load file. The output generated depends on production requirements agreed upon
with opposing counsel. A best practice is to know in advance what the recipient needs for
output format. The dataset administrator can collaborate with someone from opposing
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
counsel’s technology department to determine their exact needs.
Production load files enable recipients to import images into their own viewer software.
Images and load files are generated for either single or multi-page .TIF format or PDF.
Load files for data are generated during the export process. Production database DCB
files enable recipients to view the produced images in Concordance Classic.
Administrators can also export specific fields of data and OCR from Hosted Concordance
Evolution to include with the production.
Hosted Concordance Evolution export processes work well with most of the review tools
on the market, or Hosted Concordance Evolution data can be converted to something
that will work. Native review productions are usually handled a bit differently than nonnative productions, since native productions do not have image files for the documents.
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Using Hosted Concordance Evolution
User Guide
Hosted Concordance Evolution
A - L (Alert - LAW Prediscovery)
There is a notification called a search alert that can be set up to alert users when the
search results for a saved search query change. Both administrators and users can
create search alerts. Search alerts are system generated notifications that are sent to
the users selected when the search alert was created.
Bates Numbering
Documents in litigation collections are assigned a unique sequential number on each
page of every document. These numbers are referred to as Bates numbers (named after
the Bates automatic numbering machine) and are used to identify a document or page. In
Concordance, these numbers are often referred to as as BEGNO (beginning number) and
ENDNO (ending number).
IGC Brava! Enterprise and IGC Redact-It Enterprise are used to provide Hosted
Concordance Evolution with a near native viewer in order to view, annotate and redact
multiple file formats in a single interface.
Concept Search
When a search query is run, the system finds synonyms and similar concepts to return
additional results. When the concept search check box is not selected, Hosted
Concordance Evolution will not return the additional synonyms and concepts.
Content Field
The content field can store all OCR content. A dataset can only have one content field.
The content can store rich-text, alphanumeric characters and stores up to 2 GB.
Database Server
This server is the primary SQL server for storing configuration data, metadata and work
product. It also acts as the reporting infrastructure back-end.
Datasets created under matters can be used to organize the documents for your client
DCN (Document Control Number)
© 2012 LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The DCN field is a system created field that stores a dataset’s document control number.
The administrator can define the prefix and length at the time of dataset creation. The
DCN field cannot be deleted. A dataset can only have one DCN field.
Delimited file
A digital file that has a text qualifier, a delimiter, and a line separator to structure data
A person who testifies under oath, especially in writing.
The memorialized minutes of an interview between a member of the legal profession and
a litigant or witness.
In Hosted Concordance Evolution, a document record is a record associated with a logical
combination of pages. With paper, this term refers to collections of pages. With electronic
files, this term refers to a digital file.
Document Data View
Document Data view displays the entire contents of the document. This view is similar to
the Concordance Classic Browse view.
Electronic Data Discovery (EDD) or E-Discovery
The process of collecting electronic files.
Folders created under the system can be used to represent your clients. Folders store
matters and datasets.
Group By
The Group By panel is a great tool for gaining an item count for a specific field, organizing
documents by field type, narrowing search results off a reduced set of records, and
performing quick quality assurance checks. The Group By panel is similar to the Tally
feature in Concordance Classic.
In Hosted Concordance Evolution, certain tasks, such as running imports, exports, print
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Hosted Concordance Evolution
jobs, and productions, or creating review sets, are performed using jobs.
LAW PreDiscovery
LAW PreDiscovery™ software offers you and your litigation teams the power to produce
and organize paper and electronic files with a dynamic imaging and electronic discovery
processing application. With LAW PreDiscovery, pre-reviewing and culling non-responsive
e-discovery and scanned documents before reviewing and processing helps you eliminate
unnecessary costs and reduce time.
M - Z (Markups - Web Server(IIS))
Subjective text, notes, or symbols placed on a graphical image by a reviewer, which
represent subjective information about the image.
Matters created under client folders can be used to represent your client cases. Matters
are used to store datasets.
Properties associated with a document that might or might not be contained within the
body of the document, including the author, the creation date, and last modified date.
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server is a relational model database server produced by Microsoft.
Multi-page TIFF
A specific type of Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) image file in which many pages are
combined into a single .TIF file.
Native View
Native view allows you to view documents in the source software program.
Near Native View
The Near Native viewer allows you to view and redact electronic files, emails, and
attachments without the need to have the software program installed. The viewer
maintains the formatting of the files so that you can see them as they were originally
created. The Near Native viewer is supported by Brava from Informative Graphics.
© 2012 LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Notifications are messages sent by the system or administrator to Hosted Concordance
Evolution users. They can be used to request users to log out of Hosted Concordance
Evolution, to notify users when a job, such as an import or export job, is completed, or to
share other information with users. The administrator can send notifications to all users
currently logged on to Hosted Concordance Evolution, individual users, or all users in a
user group.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
An electronic process where the text in paper documents or digital files is extracted and
prepared for eventual loading into a full-text information retrieval system.
Personal Tag Folders/Groups/Tags
Personal tag folders, tag groups, and tags are only available to the user that created
them and Hosted Concordance Evolution administrators. Other users cannot view the
personal tag folders, tag groups, and tags in the Tags pane in the Review module.
A process where you “produce” a copy of your images and files based on a current
Hosted Concordance Evolution query, which can be renamed and renumbered to fit your
needs. Productions are often run for internal case review and to provide opposing
counsel with records in preparation for trial.
Public Tag Folders/Groups/Tags
Public tag folders, tag groups, and tags are available to all users that have access to the
dataset and are available for selection on the Tags pane in the Review module, unless
tag security limits a user's access to the folder, group, or tag.
A blocked section of text intended to prevent others from viewing sensitive information in
a document.
The REST API will allow clients to write scripts in standard web scripting languages like
VBScript, JavaScript, Python, C#, and others. REST (Representational State Transfer) is a
style of web software architecture.
Review Sets
Review sets are used to organize documents in a dataset for review. Review sets can be
created by query, tag, or by locating all unassigned documents in a dataset. Review sets
can then be divided by different logic and then assigned to an individual user or a group
of users.
© 2012 LexisNexis. All rights reserved.
Hosted Concordance Evolution
Search Server
This server provides the search engine infrastructure for providing real-time clustered
Security Roles
Security roles are used as security profiles that are assigned to user groups.
Single-page TIFF
A specific type of Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) image file in which many individual
pages are separated into individual files. For example, a 40-page document could be
represented as 40 individual .TIF files.
SMTP Server
The SMTP server is the server that will be used for generating and sending the system
notification emails for Hosted Concordance Evolution.
Snippet View
Snippet view provides a brief look at the initial content of the document (about the first
96 words), so you can quickly assess the contents without opening the full document in
Preview, Native, Near Native, or Document Data views.
Spelling Variations
Hosted Concordance Evolution provides a default list of common spelling variations, which
can be modified for each dataset. When you run a search, any spelling variations for a
particular word will also be located depending on how the search query is written.
Stop Words
Stop words are a list of words that include the most common words in the English
language (and, the, but, etc.). Stop words are not words you would generally want to
search for and their elimination from a dataset index ensures that searches are run
faster and efficiently.
Table View
Table view provides a list of records in your review set. This view is similar to the Table
View in Concordance Classic.
A descriptive marker in Hosted Concordance Evolution that can be used to categorize a
document or a section of text within a document.
© 2012 LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Hosted Concordance Evolution includes a global thesaurus that helps process advanced,
full-text query searches for synonyms. Search results will include synonyms found in the
global thesaurus or synonyms added to the thesaurus for this dataset.
User Groups
User groups act as user role templates and allow you to use pre-defined security policy
settings when you create a new user to help speed up the user creation process.
Vivisimo Velocity
Hosted Concordance Evolution utilizes Vivisimo's Velocity search platform, which also
provides concept and clustering technology.
Web Server
The Web server provides all access for Web-based clients to communicate with the
Web Server (IIS)
Internet Information Services (IIS) - A Web server application and set of feature
extension modules created by Microsoft for use with Microsoft Windows.
© 2012 LexisNexis. All rights reserved.
Hosted Concordance Evolution
-Aadvanced searches
about (Review module)
creating search alerts (Review module)
57, 134
deleting search alerts (Review module)
editing search alerts (Review module)
viewing search alerts (Review module)
authority word lists
sending data to CaseMap
searching within documents
search alerts (Review module)
discovery process
document control numbers
adding markups
adding notes
adjusting document size
applying redactions
copying data from other records
creating new records
deleting records
editing markups
editing records
searching document text
sending data to CaseMap
verifying redactions
viewing document history
viewing documents and images
about Near Duplicates view
changing the field display
copying data from other records
creating new records
deleting records
finding and replacing words
search alerts (Review module)
using spell check
using word lists
e-mail threads
-Ffamilies and threads
changing the field display
finding and replacing words
searching results
© 2012 LexisNexis
Hosted Concordance Evolution
logging on
-Llogging off
logging on
Hosted Concordance Evolution
search hits
Near Duplicates view
comparing duplicates
viewing duplicates
Near Native view
adding markups
adding notes
adjusting document size
applying redactions
editing markups
navigating documents
searching document text
verifying redactions
viewing document history
viewing documents and images
viewing families and threads
about (Review module)
© 2012 LexisNexis
changing your password
about personal preferences
customizing personal preferences
privilege reasons
adding custom
searching documents
-Qquick searches
review sets
locating in the Review module
running saved searches
search queries
search results
about the search engine
combining searches
comments within documents
creating search alerts (Review module)
deleting search alerts (Review module)
57, 134
Hosted Concordance Evolution
document control numbers
document text
editing search alerts (Review module)
finding all documents with tags
grouping search results
navigating search hits
privileged documents
resorting documents
running advanced searches
running quick searches
running saved searches
saving search queries
saving search results
search operators
tags, tag folders, and tag groups
using advanced search tools
viewing search alerts (Review module)
viewing search history
viewing search results
spell check
document history
documents and images
families and e-mail threads
search alerts (Review module)
search history
search results
tag history
tag statistics
word lists
about tagging
creating (Review module)
creating tag folders (Review module)
creating tag groups (Review module)
deleting (Review module)
editing (Review module)
finding all documents with tags
overview (Review module)
searching tags, folders, and groups
tagging duplicates
tagging families and threads
tagging individual documents
tagging multiple documents
untagging documents
viewing tag history
viewing tag statistics
-Uuntagging documents
© 2012 LexisNexis