Unaudited Busi Telekom Slovenia Group for the period
Unaudited Busi Telekom Slovenia Group for the period
Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. for the period January – March 2011 Ljubljana, 25 May 2011 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Contents 1 INTRODUCTORY NOTE ................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 2 Statement of responsibility of the Management Board ........................................................... 1 MISSION, VISION, VALUES AND STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ..................................................................... 2 2.1 Mission, values and vision ....................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Strategic guidelines and objectives of the Telekom Slovenia Group ...................................... 3 2.2.1 3 Plans for 2011 .................................................................................................................. 3 TELEKOM SLOVENIA GROUP ...................................................................................................................... 4 3.1 On the map of Europe ............................................................................................................. 4 3.2 Organisation of the Telekom Slovenia Group ......................................................................... 5 3.3 Operating highlights ................................................................................................................. 6 3.3.1 Key financial indicators for the Telekom Slovenia Group ................................................ 6 3.3.2 Overview by company and key market............................................................................ 6 3.4 Ownership structure and share trading ................................................................................... 7 3.5 Market shares in key service segments ................................................................................ 10 3.6 Regulation .............................................................................................................................. 11 3.7 Risk management .................................................................................................................. 11 4 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ..................................................................................................................... 12 5 SIGNIFICANT EVENTS IN THE PERIOD JANUARY – MARCH 2011 ......................................................... 14 6 SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE-SHEET DATE .................................................................. 15 7 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE TELEKOM SLOVENIA GROUP AND TELEKOM SLOVENIJE, D. D. FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY – MARCH 2011 .................................................................................................... 16 7.1 Introductory notes .................................................................................................................. 16 7.2 Condensed unaudited financial statements of the Telekom Slovenia Group for the period January – March 2011 ....................................................................................................................... 18 7.3 Condensed unaudited financial statements of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. for the period January – March 2011 ....................................................................................................................... 26 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 1 INTRODUCTORY NOTE Pursuant to the provisions of the Rules of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, Telekom Slovenije, d. d., with its registered office at Cigaletova 15, Ljubljana, hereby publishes the Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d d. for the period January – March 2011. All the financial statements of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. have been compiled in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards. The financial statements for the period January – March 2011 have not been audited. The Company's Supervisory Board discussed the Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. for the first three months of 2011 at its session on 25 May 2011. Any significant cant changes to the data contained in the prospectus for listing on the stock exchange are regularly published by the Company on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange’s website SEOnet and on the Company’s website at www.telekom.si. www.telekom.si The Unaudited Business Report for fo the period January – March 2011 is also available on the Company's website at www.telekom.si. 1.1 Statement of responsibility of the Management Board The members of the Management Board of Telekom Slovenije, d. d., responsible for compiling the report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. for the period January – March 2011, hereby confirm that to the best of our knowledge: - the condensed financial statements have been compiled in accordance with international accounting standards on interim financial reporting, and give a true and fair picture of the assets, liabilities, financial position and operating results of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d., and - the interim Business Report presents a fair picture of information regarding major transactions with related parties, in accordance with regulations. Management Board of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Ivica Kranjčević, Zoran Vehovar, MSc, President of the Management Board Vice-President President of the Management Board Marko Boštjančič, Member of the Management Board 1 Dr Jožko Peterlin, Darja Senica, Member of the Management Board Member of the Management Board and Workers Director Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 2 MISSION, VISION, VALUES AND STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 2.1 Mission, values and vision Mission We are the best at connecting people – any time, any place. We are the best at connecting individuals and families, and we are the best at connecting them to services that make their life easier, with relevant information and high-quality content. We provide for the highquality, comprehensive and reliable connection of companies and institutions, and individual devices. Values We are a well-tuned team. Our employees work in a creative environment, in constant touch with the most cutting-edge technologies. We value commitment, self-initiative and entrepreneurial thinking. We live with the user. Our guiding principle is a satisfied customer. We ensure a friendly user experience with an attractive offer, carefully thought-out services and content, and excellent support. We are reliable and innovative. We have the most reliable and extensive networks, which will continue to ensure high-quality services in the future. We are pioneers in the introduction of the latest generations of mobile and fixed telecommunications and multimedia content, and above all ensure their interconnectivity. We are proud of our roots and talents. We invest responsibly in Slovenian society and the environment, and support the development of local expertise and the exchange of experiences and innovative solutions between the markets on which we operate. We are responsibly aware of our importance to all of our partners and owners. Vision The leader in integrated and simple communications. By connecting all mobile and fixed information and communication technologies, services, multimedia content and devices, the Group will provide individuals and businesses a simple and secure user experience of the highest quality. It will thus remain the leader in the telecommunications sector in Slovenia and become a leader in the IT and media sectors. The Group will be a cost effective and profitable ICT operator on markets outside of Slovenia. 2 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 2.2 Strategic guidelines and objectives of the Telekom Slovenia Group We will accomplish the following by 2015 on the basis of our established objectives: - We will remain the leading telecommunications operator in Slovenia, and a provider of innovative services, with a stable market share. - We will become the leading provider of ICT services. - We will become the leading local provider of advance digital media advertising services, and digital services and content in Slovenia. - We will achieve considerable savings by centralising the procurement function and exploiting the purchasing power of the Group. - We will become the leading and preferred regional provider of international operator services. - We will be a growing and profitable alternative operator on the markets of South-Eastern Europe, by exploiting synergies within the Telekom Slovenia Group. - With regard to human resources, we will shift from a technologically oriented company to a service and development oriented company. - By promoting knowledge, quality and innovation, we will become a service oriented, high-technology company based on sustainable development, comparable with the most successful ICT companies in the European Union in terms of profitability. With its new organisational structure, the Telekom Slovenia Group will be prepared to implement its new strategic guidelines, which include the following: - growth in revenues and maintaining the market shares of telecommunication services in Slovenia; - development of ICT services; - development of digital media advertising and the monetisation of digital media and applications in Slovenia; - development of international wholesale services; - profitable growth in selected countries of South-Eastern Europe; - systematic reduction of procurement costs and investments; - development of human resources, increase in labour productivity, and restructuring from a technologically oriented company to a sales and service oriented company; - quality and business excellence; and - sustainable development. 2.2.1 Plans for 2011 Owing to the operating results achieved in 2010 and other objective economic and market circumstances, the Management Board of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. has already adopted and is in the process of implementing measures to improve the situation and realise plans for 2011. The aforementioned measures are primarily based on: - reducing all types of costs, - the restructuring of operations in Macedonia and Kosovo; - the possible sell-off of non-strategic investments; - changes in sales and marketing. - the restructuring of business processes and the reduction of procurement costs; - the optimisation of working capital; - the protection of claims for regulated services; and - the optimisation and sale of real estate. In the current circumstances, the governance of subsidiaries must be adapted or a new method of governance established. Costs must also be reduced. The merger of Telekom Slovenije and Mobitel, planned for the middle of the year (and the merger of Planet 9, d. o. o. with Najdi, informacijske tehnologije, d. o. o. on 1 April 2011), is required to meet long-term market objectives and to exploit all synergies in the area of electronic communications, IT and media. Only consolidated operators, who cost-effectively draw on economies of scale that arise from offering numerous services in a single network, can survive in the long term. The target net profit of the Telekom Slovenia Group in 2011 is EUR 28.1 million. 3 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 3 TELEKOM SLOVENIA GROUP 3.1 On the map of Europe Telekom Slovenia Group markets are displayed on the map below: 4 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 3.2 Organisation of the Telekom Slovenia Group As at 31 March 2011 the Telekom Slovenia Group comprised the parent company Telekom Slovenije, d. d., 14 direct subsidiaries, 10 indirect subsidiaries and one joint venture. Slovenia Abroad Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Mobitel, d.d. 100 % ON.NET DOO Skopje (Makedonija) 83,38 % M-Pay, d.o.o. 50 % IPKO Telecommunications d.o.o. (Kosovo) 93,11 % SOLINE, d.o.o. 100 % Ipko Net Albania, d.o.o. 100 % GVO, d.o.o. 100 % Media Works, d.o.o. 100 % AVTENTA.SI, d.o.o. 100 % DSN, d.o.o. 50% Najdi, informacijske storitve, d.o.o. 100 % ANEKS d.o.o. Banja Luka (BiH, Republika Srbska) 70 % MEGANET, d.o.o. 50,1 % Gibtelecom Limited (Gibraltar) 50 % POGODAK TRAŽILICA d.o.o. u likvidaciji (Hrvaška) 100 % SIOL d.o.o. (Hrvaška) 100 % Pogodak, d.o.o. (Srbija) 100 % SIOL B.V. in liquidation (Nizozemska) 100 % PLANET 9, d.o.o. 100 % ONE DOO Skopje (Makedonija) 79,47 % ONE DOO Skopje (Makedonija) 20,53 % ON.NET DOO Skopje (Makedonija) 16,62 % ONE TO ONE AD Skopje (Makedonija) 100 % DIGI PLUS MUTIMEDIA LTD., Skopje (Makedonija) 100 % PRIMO Communications d.o.o. (Albanija) 75 % Changes in the composition of the Group in the first quarter of 2011: - The Serbian company Pogodak, d. o .o., Belgrade, which is fully owned by the subsidiary Najdi, informacijske storitve, d. o. o., begins liquidation proceedings on 11 January 2011. For this reason, the company's name is changed to Pogodak, d. o. o., Belgrade – in liquidation. - Telekom Slovenije, d. d. becomes owner of an additional 5.09% participating interest in the Macedonian company One, d. o. o., Skopje on 12 January 2011 via a capital increase carried out in December 2010. 5 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 3.3 3.3.1 Operating highlights Key financial indicators for the Telekom Slovenia Group I - III 2011/31.03.2011 in thousand EUR Operating revenues EBITDA EBITDA margin EBIT Return on sales: ROS (EBIT/net sales revenue) in % Net profit/loss Assets Equity Equity ratio in % Net financial debt Investment in property, plant and equipment (CAPEX) EBITDA - CAPEX Ratio of (EBITDA-CAPEX) to EBITDA (cash margin) in % 3.3.2 196,074 72,490 37.0% 22,922 11.8% 14,483 1,642,904 818,871 49.8% 480,341 12,306 60,184 83.0% I - III 2010/31.12.2010 203,422 65,342 32.1% 11,373 5.6% -633 1,658,228 807,812 48.7% 597,726 24,898 40,444 61.9% Ind. 11/10 96 111 115 202 211 99 101 102 80 49 149 134 Overview by company and key market Operating revenues in thousand EUR I - III 2011 Ind. 11/10 I - III 2010 Telekom Slovenije 91,307 97,513 94 Mobitel 90,049 93,969 96 Other companies in Slovenia 19,393 25,389 76 Ipko - Kosovo 15,512 15,831 98 Companies in Macedonia 16,660 17,201 97 Other companies in SEE 4,653 4,886 95 Total - unconsolidated 237,574 254,789 93 Eliminations -41,500 -51,367 81 Telekom Slovenia Group 196,074 203,422 96 EBITDA – earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation in thousand EUR I - III 2011 Ind. 11/10 I - III 2010 Telekom Slovenije 32,144 26,745 120 Mobitel 30,085 28,817 104 Other companies in Slovenia 2,627 3,161 83 Ipko - Kosovo 5,162 6,418 80 Companies in Macedonia 919 721 127 Other companies in SEE 430 486 88 1,127 856 72,494 67,204 132 108 -4 -1,862 0 72,490 65,342 111 Gibtelecom Total - unconsolidated Eliminations Telekom Slovenia Group 6 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Investments in thousand EUR I - III 2011 Ind. 11/10 I - III 2010 Telekom Slovenije 5,737 10,106 57 Mobitel 3,121 2,687 116 Other companies in Slovenia 1,381 1,276 108 115 892 13 1,155 8,149 14 797 1,789 45 12,306 24,898 49 Ipko - Kosovo Companies in Macedonia Other companies in SEE Telekom Slovenia Group Employees 31.03.2011 31.03.2010 Telekom Slovenije 1,742 1,871 Mobitel Ind. 11/10 93 1,028 1,052 98 Other companies in Slovenia 841 833 101 Ipko - Kosovo 467 545 86 Companies in Macedonia 538 623 86 Other companies in SEE 203 204 100 4,819 5,128 94 Telekom Slovenia Group 3.4 Ownership structure and share trading Ownership structure and largest shareholders There were no significant shifts in the ownership structure of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. in the first quarter of 2011. The most significant changes in ownership were recorded by domestic corporates, who decreased their stake by 0.19 percentage points to 6.45%, and by foreign corporates, who increased their stake by 0.26 percentage points to 2.63%. As at 31 March 2011 there were 12,386 shareholders entered in the register of shareholders, a decrease of 290 on the end of 2010 and a decrease of 924 on the same day in 2010. Ownership structure as at 31 March 2011 52,54 % Republic of Slovenia 14,25 % SOD - state fund 10,17 % Individual shareholder 6,45 % Domestic legal persons 7,36 % KAD with PPS (state fund) 6,14 % Institucional investors 2,63 % Foreign legal persons 0,46 % Treasury shares 7 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Ten largest shareholders As at 31 March 2011 the ten largest shareholders held 79.96% of the Company’s share capital, down 0.01 percentage points on the same day in 2010. % Shareholder as at 31 March 2011 % Shareholder as at 31 March 2010 Republic of Slovenia 52.54 Republic of Slovenia 52.54 Slovenska odškodninska družba, d. d. 14.25 Slovenska odškodninska družba, d. d. 14.25 Kapitalska družba, d. d. 5.59 Kapitalska družba, d. d. 5.59 NFD 1 delniški investicijski sklad, d. d. 2.36 NFD 1 delniški investicijski sklad, d. d. 2.36 Kapitalska družba, d. d. (PPS) 1.77 Kapitalska družba, d. d. (PPS) 1.77 Triglav vzajemni skladi – delniški Triglav steber I 0.85 Triglav vzajemni skladi – delniški Triglav steber I 0.85 Perspektiva FT, d. o. o. 0.75 Poteza naložbe, d. o. o. 0.70 Intersvet, d. o. o. 0.66 Alpe Adria Privatbank AG 0.69 Hypo Bank, d. d. 0.64 Hypo Bank, d. d. 0.67 NLB, d. d. 0.55 NLB, d. d. 0.55 Total 79.96 Total 79.97 Number of shares held by the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. The table below lists the members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board who held TLSG shares as at 31 March 2011. Other members of the aforementioned bodies did not hold the Company's shares. Overview of shares held by the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Name Office Number of shares % of equity Management Board Darja Senica Member of the Management Board and Workers Director 338 0.0052 Dr Tomaž Kalin Vice-President of the Supervisory Board 100 0.0015 Martin Gorišek Member of the Supervisory Board 125 0.0019 Milan Richter Vice-President of the Supervisory Board 1 0.0000 564 0.0086 Supervisory Board Total Share trading and key share-related financial data The share price fell by 5.81% in the first quarter of 2011 compared with the price at the beginning of the accounting period. The share price closed at EUR 81 on the last trading day of March. Trading statistics for TLSG shares on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange in the first quarter of 2011 Standard price in EUR* I - III 2011 High Low Average Volume in EUR thousand Total volume for the year Highest daily volume Lowest daily volume Average 89.70 76.30 84.83 I - III 2011 5,821.05 654.68 3.82 92.40 8 I - III 2010 137.05 115.01 126.82 I - III 2010 6,352.45 1,031.68 5.31 102.46 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Movement in the TLSG share price compared to the SBI TOP 1000 EUR 100 950 95 900 850 SBITOP 90 800 85 750 TLSG 700 80 650 600 75 550 70 500 TLSG in EUR SBITOP Key financial data relating to shares 31 March 2011 31 March 2010 81.00 97.82 124.00 95.54 Earnings per share (EPS) in EUR 2.28 0.13 P/BV 0.83 1.30 Market price (P) of one share on the last trading day of the period in EUR 1 Book value (BV) of one share in EUR 2 3 Capital return per share in % -5.81% -8.82% The book value of one share is calculated as the ratio of the book value of Telekom Slovenije, d. d.’s equity on the last day of the period to the weighted average number of ordinary shares during the accounting period excluding treasury shares. 2 Earnings per share is calculated as the ratio of the Telekom Slovenije, d. d.'s net operating profit for the accounting period to the weighted average number of ordinary shares during the accounting period excluding treasury shares. 3 The capital return per share is calculated as the ratio of the share price on the final trading day of the period minus the share price on the first trading day of the period to the share price on the first trading day of the period. 1 9 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 3.5 Market shares in key service segments Number of users/connections 2.500.000 2.000.000 2.121.950 2.100.435 2.054.899 1.928.412 1.500.000 882.572 856.366 1.000.000 817.905 828.951 500.000 492.949 464.752 426.602 344.659 0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 2007 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 2008 mobile telephony Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 2009 Q3 Q4 2010 fixed telephony broadband Source: SORS 4Q2010. Telekom Slovenia Group market shares by service in the fourth quarter of 2010 Telekom Slovenije other operators fixed broadband access IP TV 60% 43.1 Market Share Annual change - 2.8 perc. points 60.2 % Market Share Annual change - perc. points 43% 119,.539 connections Annual change + 9 % 57% 211,665 connections Annual change 0 % 40% 57% 42.7% Market Share Annual change -5.3 perc. points 45% 55% 171,717 connections Annual change + 19 % 54.7 % Market Share Annual change - 1.6 perc. points 1,161,236 connections Annual change - 2 % 43% VoIP mobile telephony Mobitel * The graph for VoIP includes both the number of VoIP services and the number of IP Centrex connections. Sources: Report for the 4th quarter of 2010, APEK, Telekom Slovenia Group, own calculations. 1 Note: There is a more significant deviation from previous periods for VoIP, as the APEK amended figures for 2009 related to IP telephony, both in terms of market shares and the number of connections on the market. 1 Post and Electronic Communications Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter: the APEK or the Agency). 10 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 3.6 Regulation Regulatory developments in Slovenia On 13 December 2010 the Information Society Directorate published the draft Act amending the Electronic Communications Act. The amendments primarily relate to the appointment and discharge of the Agency's director, while there were a few amendments and adjustments regarding the range of possible obligations of an operator with significant market power. The Electronic Communications Act was approved by the National Assembly on 20 April 2011. It was published in the Official Gazette on 3 May 2011 and enters into force 15 days from that date. The Agency put forward for public consultation the points of departure for the drafting of the strategy on the use of the frequency spectrum, a draft recommendation on the affordability of universal services and a recommendation on the method and conditions for the implementation of measures for the termination of operator access agreements. The latter recommendation is of particular importance for Telekom Slovenije, d. d., as the Agency has given its first clear public signal that failure to settle obligations could result in the deactivation of an operator. Relevant markets The Agency's action plan published in March envisages the following market analyses in the first half of the year: market 1 "Access to the public telephone network at a fixed location for residential and non-residential customers"; market 6 "Wholesale terminating segments of leased lines, irrespective of the technology used to provide leased or dedicated capacity"; and market 5 "Wholesale broadband access". An analysis of market 3 "Call termination on individual public telephone networks provided at a fixed location" is planned for the second half of the year. The APEK issued a decision on 28 March 2011, in which it found that Telekom Slovenije, d. d. is an operator with significant market power on market 4. According to the new decision, Telekom Slovenije, d. d. will be forced to allow operators access to copper-based local loops and subloops, optical fibre local loops, in-house wiring, the optical distribution frame, shafts and ducts and to dark fibres and active Ethernet equipment for the use of subloops. The Agency also imposed the following measures on Telekom Slovenije, d. d.: obligation to ensure equal treatment, price control and cost accounting obligations, and the obligation to keep separate accounting records. 3.7 Risk management The Telekom Slovenia Group continued with its systematic approach to risk management during the first quarter of 2011. Risk inventory and assessment, which were carried out in line with the new risk assessment and reporting methodology, were expanded to the entire Telekom Slovenia Group. Key risks that remain significant, even after the adoption of measures to manage them, are presented below. Key risks for the fixed telecommunications market - The risk of full regulation of data services, which are only partly regulated. The risk of the migration of users to other operators is high owing to planned changes in the prices of services and operator access to the optical fibre network. The risk of a general drop in retail and wholesale prices results in lower ARPU, and is also linked to changing macroeconomic conditions, in particular diminishing purchasing power and demand. The risk of failure by operators to fulfil obligations. Certain operators do not settle their obligations for services regulated by the APEK. The risk of revenue loss due to disruptions in processes on account of poor-quality data, or owing to the loss of data in operations support and business support systems (OSS and BSS). Employee-related risks are primarily linked to achieving the internal restructuring plan. Key risks for the mobile telecommunications market - The risk of failure by subscribers and operators to fulfil obligations. The economic crisis has been reflected in the extension of payment deadlines, and in an increased number of corporate liquidations and bankruptcies, and personal bankruptcies. The risk of the departure of key personnel staff can endanger the functioning of major work processes. 11 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. - In contrast to the fixed telephony segment, the risk of a general drop in prices has diminished significantly in the mobile telephony segment, as retail prices are not expected to fall further, while wholesale prices are being reduced in line with the method prescribed by the APEK. Key convergence risks and risks in the area of digital media and applications - The risk of an increase in the number of supervisory procedures remains high, as implemented measures do not necessarily mitigate risks owing to the autonomy of the regulatory body. The risk of a decrease in advertising space, as companies earmark fewer funds for advertising owing to the poor economic conditions. Key risks on the markets of South-Eastern Europe - The risk of the migration of users to other operators owing to the aggressive approach of the competition. The risk of lower revenues owing to the deteriorating economic situation and the declining purchasing power of the population; a drop in transfers from abroad. Prices on telecommunications markets continue to fall. The risk of insufficient and inappropriate regulation – the amendment and adoption of rules that are contrary to the interests of the company. Liquidity risk, which is reflected in cash shortfalls for current operations and investment, has increased. The risk of dependence on external partners. The risk of abuse. 4 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Management Board Telekom Slovenije, d. d. is managed by a five-member Management Board, which began its four-year term in 2010. The Management Board comprised the following members as at 31 March 2011: - Ivica Kranjčević, President - Zoran Vehovar, MSc, Vice-President - Dr Jožko Peterlin, member - Marko Boštjančič, member - Darja Senica, member and Workers Director Supervisory Board The Supervisory Board has nine members, six of whom are shareholder representatives and three of whom are employee representatives. The members of the Supervisory Board submitted a statement of compliance with the criteria of independence in accordance with the Corporate Governance Code. The Supervisory Board comprised the following members as at 31 March 2011: Shareholder representatives: - Tomaž Berginc, MSc, President - Dr Tomaž Kalin, Vice-President - Dr Jaroslav Berce, member - Dr Marko Hočevar, member - Ciril Kafol, MSc, member - Dr Zvonko Kremljak, member Employee representatives: - Milan Richter (Vice-President) Martin Gorišek, member Branko Sparavec, member There were no changes to the composition of the Supervisory Board in the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 March 2011. The four-year term of shareholder representatives ends on 26 April 2013, while the term of employee representatives ends on 13 November 2013. 12 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Management and governance of subsidiaries Composition of management and governance bodies at subsidiaries of the Telekom Slovenia Group as at 31 March 2011 Slovenia Mobitel, d. d. Board of Directors: Ivica Kranjčević (President), Zoran Janko, Zoran Vehovar, MSc, Marko Boštjančič, Dr Jožko Peterlin, Tjaša Škrilec and Branko Miklavčič CEO: Zoran Janko Note: The company has a single-tier system of corporate governance. GVO, d. o. o. Managing Director: Edo Škufca Avtenta. si, d. o. o. Managing Director: Vedran Krevatin Note: Iztok Klančnik's term as Managing Director expired on 28 February 2011, when he was replaced by Vedran Krevatin. Najdi, informacijske storitve, d. o. o. Managing Director: Bojana Sonnenwald Turk Notes: The company is managed by Rudolf Skobe since 1 April 2011. Planet 9, d. o. o. was merged with Najdi, informacijske storitve, d. o. o. on 1 April 2011. Planet 9, d. o. o. Managing Director: Rudolf Skobe Note: The company was merged with Najdi, informacijske storitve, d. o. o. on 1 April 2011. Other countries IPKO Telecommunications, d. o. o. Board of Directors: Ivica Kranjčević (President), Bujar Musa (Vice-President), Akan Ismaili, Klavdij Godnič and Robert Erzin CEO: Robert Erzin, MSc Notes: Management and governance are realised in line with the relevant legislation in Kosovo. Branko Babič was relieved of his position as member of the Board of Directors and CEO on 1 February 2011, and replaced by Robert Erzin, MSc on the same day. The terms of Bujar Musa and Akan Ismaili expired on 31 March 2011. Aneks, d. o. o., Banja Luka Managing Director: Igor Bohorč, MSc Note: Management and governance are realised in line with the relevant legislation in the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Primo Communications, d. o. o. Directors: Visar Dobroshi, Meta Zakrajšek and Barbara Kozarić CEO: Visar Dobroshi Notes: Management and governance are realised in line with the relevant legislation in Albania. Visar Dobroshi served in his function until 31 March 2011, while Robert Erzin served in his function until 31 January 2011. Marko Jagodič was appointed director on 1 April 2011, while Meta Zakrajšek was appointed CEO on the same day. Gibtelecom Limited Board of Directors: Joe Holliday (President),Tim Bristow, Dilip D. Tirathdas, Dr Jožko Peterlin, Zoran Vehovar, MSc and Brigita Boh, MSc CEO: Tim Bristow Note: Management and governance are realised in line with the relevant legislation in Gibraltar. 13 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. SIOL, d. o. o., Croatia Managing Director: Janez Marovt Opomba: Management and governance are realised in line with the relevant legislation in Croatia. On.net, d. o. o., Skopje Managing Director: Klavdij Godnič Procurator: Janez Marovt Opomba: Management and governance are realised in line with the relevant legislation in Macedonia. SIOL, B.V. in liquidation Liquidator: Barbara Kozarić Note: Management and governance are realised in line with the relevant legislation in the Netherlands. The company is in liquidation since 26 May 2010. One, d. o. o., Skopje Managing Director: Klavdij Godnič Notes: Management and governance are realised in line with the relevant legislation in Macedonia. Dejan Kalinikov tendered his resignation on 17 January 2011 and was relieved of his position as director by the general meeting. The company will have only one director owing to a change in its governance. One to One, AD, Skopje Board of Directors: Klemen Ramoveš (Executive Director); Janez Marovt, Barbara Kozarić (Non-Executive Directors) Notes: Management and governance are realised in line with the relevant legislation in Macedonia. Dejan Kalinikov and Tatjana Veljkovikj tendered their resignations from their positions on the Board of Directors on 17 January 2011. They were relieved by the general meeting and replaced by Janez Marovt and Barbara Kozarić. Digi Plus Multimedia Company Telecommunication Services Skopje LTD Managing Director: Janez Marovt Note: Management and governance are realised in line with the relevant legislation in Macedonia. 5 SIGNIFICANT EVENTS IN THE PERIOD JANUARY – MARCH 2011 January - The Serbian company Pogodak, d. o .o., Belgrade, which is fully owned by the subsidiary Najdi, informacijske storitve, d. o. o., begins liquidation proceedings on 11 January 2011. For this reason, the company's name is changed to Pogodak, d. o. o., Belgrade – in liquidation. Cankarjev Dom thanks its sponsors and donators, and presents Mobitel an award for its more than 15 years of loyalty. Students from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering visit Mobitel and are briefed primarily on the technological aspect of the company's operations. Telekom Slovenije, d. d. becomes owner of an additional 5.09% participating interest in the Macedonian company One, d. o. o., Skopje on 12 January 2011 via a capital increase carried out in December 2010. February - Mobitel, d. d. and Microsoft organise the M:Windows Phone 7 competition for best Slovenian applications for mobile phones with the Windows Phone 7 operating system. At its regular session, the Supervisory Board of Telekom Slovenije is briefed on the next steps in the merger of Mobitel and Telekom Slovenije, which it approves unanimously. Telekom Slovenije digitalises its cable TV service in line with current trends in optical fibre networks and cable systems. Coinciding with the European Data Protection Day, Avtenta.si receives the ISO/IEC 27000 information security certificate, as recognition of its high level of personal data security. Telekom Slovenije introduces the SiOL BOX S TV communicator, which offers an advanced digital TV experience and is a somewhat simpler version of the SiOL BOX. 14 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. - Mobitel presents awards in the scope of the M:Android competition. Mobitel, Telekom Slovenije and SiOL receive the title of Trusted Brand 2010. GVO is again successful in the second tender for the co-financing of the construction of open broadband networks. Broadband networks with a total value of EUR 28.7 million will be built in seven municipalities in the Dolenjska and Štajerska regions. With the construction of open broadband networks, the importance of the telecommunication network operator in Slovenia is increasing. By the end of next year, the operator will manage broadband networks in at least 17 Slovenian municipalities. These networks will cover more than 13,000 FTTH connections. March - Mobitel receives the prestigious Advertiser of the Year award for 2010 at this year's Slovenian Advertising Festival. The 18th General Meeting of Telekom Slovenije is held on 24 March 2011 at the request of shareholders, who together represent 5.82% of the company's share capital. The proposed authorisation for the Management Board to purchase treasury is discussed but rejected, while the proposal for a special audit of operations in the last five years is adopted by the General Meeting. 6 SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE-SHEET DATE April - - - Planet 9, d. o. o. is merged with Najdi, informacijske storitve, d. o. o. and ceases operations on 1 April 2011. The company's Managing Director is Rudolf Skobe, MSc. Following exhaustive preparations and coordination, the Supervisory Board approves the Telekom Slovenia Group's strategic plan for the period until 2015. The President of Telekom Slovenije's Management Board Ivica Kranjčevič and Mobitel's CEO Zoran Janko, and the president of Telekom Slovenije's trade union confederation Milan Richter and the president of Mobitel's Sineks trade union Dean Žigon sign a collective agreement for the newly merged company. The Supervisory Board of Telekom Slovenije discusses and approves the audited consolidated annual report of the Telekom Slovenia Group for 2010. At the same time, the Supervisory Board drafts a proposal on the use of distributable profit for the upcoming General Meeting. According to the aforementioned proposal, the gross dividend per share will amount to EUR 3. The Supervisory Board also confirms the strategic plan of the Company and the Group until 2015. Mobitel successfully completes its project to implement the IPv6 internet protocol in its network and commercial offer, making it one of the first mobile operators in the world to introduce this protocol. Following extensive functional testing, IPv6 is now commercially available to all of Mobitel's users, who already have access to content from the IPv6 address space. The latter is crucial for the future of the internet or the so-called "Internet of Things", as the the IPv4 address space, on which today's internet is based, is practically full. The transition to IPv6 is one of the most strategically important technological advances of recent years, and facilitates the continued provision of the most state-of-the-art services via the best and most secure network. May - - - SiOL's most popular package in recent times, Trio 10M, with high-speed internet access, is joined by the Trio 4M package, which offers transfers speed of up to 4 Mb per second, numerous TV programmes and an extensive video store, as well as free calls between 140,000 SiOL telephony users. A special promotional price is being offered for both trio packages until the end of May. For persons who are only now learning about the internet, Telekom Slovenije prepared the SiOL Začetek (SiOL Beginner) package some time ago. The package includes the delivery and installation of the requisite equipment, and basic internet training at home. In April Telekom Slovenije took this concept a step further, and developed the Prvi vstop (First Access) package for beginners. The subscriber receives a USB key that contains a special, but very simple operating system, which facilitates only the most basic functions, such as surfing the web, email, and the creation of folders to save multimedia files (e.g. pictures, movies and music) and notes. In June Telekom Slovenije will reward subscribers by increasing internet access speeds throughout Slovenia. Depending on the selected SiOL package (including internet or including internet, TV and associated technologies), speeds will be increased to as much as 15 Mbit/s. 15 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 7 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE TELEKOM SLOVENIA GROUP AND TELEKOM SLOVENIJE, D. D. FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY – MARCH 2011 7.1 Introductory notes The consolidated financial statements of the Telekom Slovenia Group and the financial statements of the parent company Telekom Slovenije, d. d. for the reported period and the comparable period last year were compiled in accordance with: • the provisions of the Companies Act, • the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), and • the interpretations of the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC). In terms of consolidating EU standards, on the balance sheet date there were no differences in the accounting policies of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. between the IFRS as applied and the IFRS as adopted by the European Union. The accounting policies used in the compilation of the interim condensed financial statements are the same as those applied in the compilation of the financial statements for the financial year ending 31 December 2010, with the exception of newly adopted or revised standards and interpretations that entered into force on 1 January 2011 and are presented below. The observation of the new standards and interpretations did not have an impact on the financial position or operations of the Telekom Slovenia Group or Telekom Slovenije, d. d. during the reporting period. The financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis, except for available-for-sale assets and derivative financial instruments, which are disclosed at fair value, and specific classes of property, plant and equipment, which were revalued to fair value in accordance with IAS 16. There was no authorised capital or conditional share capital increase during the reporting period. The operations of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. are not seasonal. All items in the financial statements of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. are disclosed in euros, rounded to thousand euro units. Newly adopted standards and interpretations and improvements thereto • IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures • IAS 32 – Financial Instruments: Presentation – Clarification regarding rights to purchase shares • IFRIC 14 Prepayments of a minimum funding requirement (amendment) Improvements published in May 2010 and adopted by the EU The IASB published improvements to the IFRS in May 2010, and issued a package of amendments to the standards. These amendments entered into force for annual periods beginning on 1 July 2010 or 1 January 2011: • IFRS 3 Business Combinations • IFRS 7 - Financial Instruments: Disclosure • IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements • IAS 27 - Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements • IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting • IFRIC 13 Customer Loyalty Programmes In accordance with the IFRS, the Company (Group) must take the following updated and revised standards and interpretations into consideration for future periods should they be adopted by the EU: • IFRS 1 First-time Adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards: Moderate hyperinflation and the abolishment of fixed transition dates for first-time adopters 16 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. • • IFRS 9 Financial Instruments IAS 12 Deferred Tax (amended) The Group and the Company have not applied the early adoption of any standards or interpretations not yet effective that will become effective in the future. The effects of standards and interpretations that are not yet mandatory are being reviewed. At this moment, the impact of the new requirements cannot be reasonably assessed. However, the new standards and new interpretations will be applied in accordance with the relevant requirements. Telekom Slovenia Group Company State 31.3.2011 MOBITEL, d.d. Slovenia 100% GVO, d.o.o. Slovenia 100% Skupina Najdi Slovenia 100% AVTENTA.SI d.o.o. Slovenia 100% SOLINE d.o.o. Slovenia 100% PLANET 9 d.o.o. Slovenia 100% Skupina IPKO, Kosovo Kosovo ON.NET DOO Skopje Macedonia ANEKS d.o.o. Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina 70% PRIMO Communications Sh.p.k Albania 75% SIOL d.o.o. Croatia 100% Skupina SIOL B.V. The Netherlands 100% ONE DOO Skopje Macedonia 25.62% ONE TO ONE AD Skopje Macedonia 100% DIGI PLUS MULTIMEDIA DOOEL Skopje Macedonia 100% 93.11% 100% Mobitel, d. d. is the 100% owner of the subsidiary Soline, Pridelava, soli d. o. o. The company also holds a 50% participating interest in M-Pay, d. o. o. The Najdi Group comprises the parent company Najdi, informacijske storitve, d. o. o., which holds a 100% participating interest in the subsidiaries Pogodak tražilica, d. o. o. (in liquidation) in Croatia and Pogodak, d. o. o., Belgrade in Serbia, and a 50.1% participating interest in the subsidiary Meganet, d. o. o., Slovenia. Within the Ipko Group, the parent company Ipko Telecommunications, d. o. o. holds a 100% participating interest in N.B. Media Works, d. o. o., Kosovo. Telekom Slovenije, d. d.'s participating interest is 93.11%. The parent company holds a call option and the minority shareholders hold a put option for the remaining participating interest in the company. Within the SIOL B.V. Group, the parent company SIOL B.V. (in liquidation) holds a 74.38% participating interest in One, d. o. o., Skopje. The remaining participating interest of 25.62% is held by Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Telekom Slovenije, d. d. holds a 100% economic ownership in all of its subsidiaries through call options acquired from and put options granted to minority shareholders. A 50% participating interest in Gibtelecom Limited represents an investment in a joint venture. Gibtelecom and M-Pay, d. o. o. are included in the consolidated financial statements according to the equity method. 17 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 7.2 Condensed unaudited financial statements of the Telekom Slovenia Group for the period January – March 2011 Consolidated income statement for the period ending 31 March 2011 in thousand EUR Revenue Other income I - III 2011 I - III 2010 Index 11/10 193,992 202,694 96 2,082 728 286 196,074 203,422 96 1,127 856 132 -11,546 -10,126 114 -4,718 -4,076 116 Cost of services -70,079 -76,920 91 Staff costs -35,109 -39,491 89 Depreciation and amortisation -49,568 -53,969 92 Total operating revenue Share of profit of a joint venture Cost of goods and materials sold Cost of raw materials and consumables Other operating expenses -3,259 -8,323 39 -174,279 -192,905 90 22,922 11,373 202 2,247 937 240 Finance cost -5,437 -9,888 55 Profit before tax 19,732 2,422 815 Income tax expense -5,249 -3,055 172 Net profit/loss for the period 14,483 -633 - 2.23 -0.1 - Total operating expenses Profit from operations Finance income Earnings per share - basic and diluted in EUR 18 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the period ending 31 March 2011 in thousand EUR Index 11/10 I - III 2011 I - III 2010 14,483 - -369 -633 -292 74 58 - -295 -234 - Changes in fair value of cash flow hedges 0 -1,132 - Deferred tax 0 15 - Reclassification of changes in fair value of cash flow hedges 0 1,055 - Net gain on changes in fair value of cash flow hedges 0 -62 - Changes in fixed assets revaluation reserve 0 39,627 - Deferred tax from changes in fixed assets revaluation reserve 0 -7,925 - Net profit for the period Revaluation of avaiable-for-sale financial assets Deferred tax Net gain from revaluation of available-for-sale financial assets Net gain from fixed assets revaluation reserve - 0 31,702 - F/X reserve -3,022 2,092 - Other comprehensive income -3,317 33,498 - Total comprehensive income 11,166 32,865 34 19 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Consolidated balance sheet as at 31 March 2011 in thousand EUR 31.3.2011 31.12.2010 Index 11/10 155,370 162,867 95 ASSETS Intangible assets Property,plant and equipment 1,075,299 1,108,408 97 Investment in joint venture 41,006 41,023 100 Other investments 14,105 12,350 114 Other non-current assets 24,896 24,725 101 Investment property 6,391 6,413 100 Deferred tax assets 18,869 18,681 101 1,335,936 1,374,467 97 Total not-current assets Assets held for sale 5,505 5,688 97 25,657 20,955 122 196,414 196,724 100 729 276 264 Current financial assets 36,668 13,392 274 Cash and cash equivalents 41,995 46,726 90 Inventories Current trade and other receivables Income tax receivable Total current assets 306,968 283,761 108 1,642,904 1,658,228 99 272,721 272,721 100 -3,671 -3,671 100 Reserves 357,978 357,620 100 Retained earnings 117,153 102,287 115 75,665 76,513 99 1,822 2,117 86 -2,797 818,871 225 807,812 101 8,873 9,549 93 36,933 37,814 98 28 31 90 Interest bearing borrowings 155,367 131,224 118 Other non-current financial liabilities 311,968 312,221 100 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Issued capital Treasury shares FA revaluation reserve Revaluation reserves for financial instruments F/X reserves Total capital and reserves Non-current deferred income Provisions Non-current trade and other payables Deferred tax liabilities 9,589 9,621 100 522,758 500,460 104 140,890 153,317 92 885 5,590 16 Interest bearing borrowings 90,162 125,451 72 Other current liabilities 19,225 17,042 113 Deferred income 22,889 22,913 100 Accruals 27,224 25,643 106 Total current liabilities 301,275 349,956 86 Total liabilities 824,033 850,416 97 1,642,904 1,658,228 99 Total non-current liabilities Trade and other payables Income tax payables Total equity and liabilities 20 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Consolidated statement of changes in equity for the period ending 31 March 2011 in thousand EUR Balance at 1.1.2011 Issued capital 272,721 Treasury shares -3,671 Retain earnings 102,287 Reserves 357,620 Profit for the period FA revaluation reserves 76,513 F/X difference reserves 225 0 0 0 14,483 0 358 490 -848 Payment of dividends -295 0 -3,022 -3,317 -3,022 11,166 0 -85 Other -85 -22 272,721 -3,671 357,978 Total 807,812 14,483 -295 Transfer to retained earnings Balance at 31.3.2011 Net gain or loss on changes in fair value of cash flow hedges 0 14,483 Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income Net gain or loss on revaluation of AFS financial assets 2,117 -22 117,153 75,665 1,822 0 -2,797 818,871 Net gain or loss on revaluation of AFS financial assets 2,294 Net gain or loss on changes in fair value of cash flow hedges -779 F/X difference reserves -2,961 Total 1,001,566 Consolidated statement of changes in equity for the period ending 31 March 2010 in thousand EUR Balance at 1.1.2010 Issued capital 272,721 Treasury shares -3,671 Retain earnings 111,433 Reserves 573,531 Profit for the period -633 Other comprehensive income Total comprehensive income 0 0 Depreciation transfer for revalued fixed assets -633 31,702 -234 -62 2,092 33,498 -234 -62 2,092 32,865 0 -633 31,702 358 513 -871 Payment of dividends 0 -75 Other Balance at 31.3.2010 FA revaluation reserves 48,998 -75 21 272,721 -3,671 573,889 111,259 21 21 79,829 2,060 -841 -869 1,034,377 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Consolidated statement of cash flows for the period ending 31 March 2011 I - III 2011 I - III 2010 19,732 2,422 49,568 22 319 1,055 -106 -2,247 5,437 183 -745 -149 -4,702 -881 -700 1,581 -20,576 -3,949 43,842 53,969 11 102 0 -104 -937 9,888 0 -12,608 1,818 -1,254 1,940 474 6,215 -28,369 -7,542 26,025 Proceeds from investing activities Proceeds from sale of PPE Dividends received Interest received Proceeds from sale of current financial assets Disbursements from investing activities Purchase of property, plant and equipment Purchase of intangible assets Purchase of investment property Purchase of financial assets Investments in subsidiaries and joint ventures net of cash acquired and acquision of minority interests Interest bearing loans 6,515 807 1,385 217 4,106 -42,829 -16,536 -1,647 0 -24,646 366 35 289 42 0 -28,028 -21,301 -3,601 0 0 0 -3,124 0 -2 Net cash flow from investing activities -36,314 -27,662 Proceeds from financing activities Receipts from other financial liabilities Receipts from treasury share sale Proceeds from non-current borrowings Proceeds from current borrowings Bonds issued Disbursements from financing activities Treasury shares purchase Repayment of current borrowings Repayment of non-current borrowings Sale of derivative financial instruments Interest paid Dividends paid 0 0 0 0 0 0 -12,259 0 -1,013 -10,247 -34 -961 -4 5,493 0 0 0 5,493 0 -14,889 0 -843 -8,795 0 -5,247 -4 Net cash flow from financing activities -12,259 -9,396 -4,731 -11,033 41,995 10,177 46,726 21,210 Profit before tax Adjustments for: Depreciation and amortisation Depreciation of investment property Loss on disposal and impairment of intangible assets and PPE Revaluation adjustments of receivables Gains/loss on disposal of FA Finance income Finance cost Change in assets held for sale Change in trade and other receivables Change in other non-current assets Change in inventories Change in provisions Change in deferred income Change in accruals Change in trade and other payables Tax paid Net cash flow from operating activities 22 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Segment reporting The Telekom Slovenia Group amended its segment reporting on 1 January 2011. The following represent operating segments for which data is reported: Slovenia, Macedonia, Kosovo and other countries, where the criterion for segment reporting is the registered office where an activity is performed by an individual company. The disclosure of operations by segment is based on the financial statements of the Telekom Slovenia Group. Sales between segments are carried out at market value. I - III 2011 in thousand EUR External sales Inter segment revenue Other revenue Total operating revenue Share of income from joint ventures Operating expenses Eliminations and adjustments Slovenian market Macedonian market Kosovo Other 168,385 13,094 10,499 2,014 30,445 3,066 4,973 2,631 -41,115 0 1,919 500 40 8 -385 2,082 200,749 16,660 15,512 4,653 -41,500 196,074 193,992 1,127 -174,859 -22,336 -14,658 -4,815 42,389 28,488 1 Profit before tax Segment assets Consolidated -174,279 19,732 1,352,467 204,148 158,556 - 100.755 1,642,904 1. Asset reporting by segment does not include loans amounting to EUR 11,620 thousand, other financial assets amounting to EUR 27,322, deferred tax assets amounting to EUR 18,869 thousand, claims for income taxes amounting to EUR 729 thousand or the elimination of inter-company relationships amounting to EUR -159,295 thousand. I – III 2010 in thousand EUR External sales Inter segment revenue Other revenue Total operating revenue Share of income from joint ventures Operating expenses Eliminations and adjustments Slovenian market Macedonian market Kosovo Other 177,821 14,223 8,485 2,165 38,353 2,965 7,346 2,701 -51,365 0 697 13 0 20 -2 728 216,871 17,201 15,831 4,886 -51,367 203,422 202,694 856 -199,711 -22,537 -14,028 -4,863 48,234 28,019 1 Profit before tax Segment assets Consolidated -192,905 2,422 1,443,463 182,081 192,456 86.024 1,932,043 1. Asset reporting by segment does not include loans amounting to EUR 1,176 thousand, deferred tax assets amounting to EUR 14,008 thousand, claims for income taxes amounting to EUR 9,814 thousand or the elimination of inter-company relationships amounting to EUR 61,026 thousand. 23 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Notes to the consolidated financial statements Sales revenue in thousand EUR I - III 2011 I - III 2010 27,399 37,395 2,131 1,752 Mobile telephone services 83,930 75,214 Internet and broadband access 25,786 24,682 Interconnection 10,486 11,319 International operator services 14,507 18,729 Leased lines and data transmission 11,285 11,912 Unbundled access and co-locations 2,550 2,529 Voice services with added value 841 768 Network construction and maintenance 804 3,338 Sale of advertising space 1,513 1,563 Other services 4,161 3,576 Revenue from sale of merchandise 7,970 9,156 Other revenue 629 761 Total revenue 193,992 202,694 Voice Voice transfer through IP network Sales revenue was down EUR 8,702 thousand or 4%, to stand at EUR 193,992 thousand. Traditional voice telephony and international operator services accounted for the majority of the decline, while sales revenue from mobile telephony was up. Costs of services in thousand EUR I - III 2011 I - III 2010 Cost of communication and transportation services and rent 5,208 4,513 Cost of maintenance 9,352 7,185 27,154 30,864 Costs of multimedia services and content 4,345 4,120 Cost of leased lines 1,600 1,630 Cost of professional services 3,545 3,960 Cost of insurance, marketing and entertainment 6,430 6,290 Cost of sale commission 2,305 2,058 Cost of sale incentives 5,289 6,592 Cost of other services 4,851 9,708 Total cost of services 70,079 76,920 Cost of telecommunication services Costs of services were down 9%, the costs of telecommunications and other services recording the largest decreases, while maintenance costs were up. 24 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Profit Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) doubled compared with the same period last year to reach EUR 22,922 thousand. A net profit of EUR 14,483 thousand was achieved (an increase of EUR 15,116 thousand on the same period in 2010), despite a net financial loss of EUR 3,190 thousand. Intangible assets Intangible assets were down by the total amount of EUR 7,497 thousand, primarily as the result of amortisation charged during the accounting period. Commitments for intangible assets totalled EUR 1,479 thousand as at 31 March 2011. Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment were down by the total amount of EUR 33,109 thousand, primarily as the result of amortisation charged during the accounting period. Commitments for property, plant and equipment totalled EUR 10,046 thousand as at 31 March 2011. Inventories Inventories were up EUR 4,702 thousand or 22%, primarily at the parent company and at Mobitel, d. d. Current financial assets Current financial assets were up EUR 23,276 thousand on the balance as at 31 December 2010 to reach EUR 36.668 thousand, primarily as the result of an increase in the parent company's bank deposits (up EUR 16,000 thousand) and a time deposit at Banka Celje. Foreign currency translation reserves Foreign currency translation reserves were up EUR 3,022 thousand owing to the conversion of the financial statements of foreign companies. Financial liabilities Financial liabilities totalled EUR 576,722 thousand as at 31 March 2011, representing a decrease of EUR 9,216 thousand on the end of the 2010, broken down as follows: - borrowings received in the amount of EUR 245,529 thousand were down EUR 11,146 thousand owing to repayments during the accounting period; - liabilities for bonds issued in the amount of EUR 300,800 thousand were up EUR 3,749 thousand on the balance at the end of the year on account of the associated accrued interest; and - liabilities for additional purchases of participating interests in subsidiaries, liabilities for finance leases and liabilities for interest rate swaps in the amount of EUR 30,393. Operating and other liabilities The decline of EUR 12,427 thousand in operating and other liabilities was primarily the result of a decrease in trade payables. Transactions with related parties Related parties of the Group include the Republic of Slovenia as the majority shareholder of Telekom Slovenije, d. d., other shareholders, the Management Board, members of the Supervisory Board and their family members. Transactions with related individuals Natural persons (the President and members of the Management Board, and the President and members of the Supervisory Board) held 564 shares in Telekom Slovenije, d. d., representing a holding of 0.01%. There were no loans approved to related individuals during the first quarter of 2011. Transactions with the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, and entities and institutions under its control Group companies provide telecommunication services to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and to various bodies, agencies and companies in which the Slovenian state is either the majority or minority shareholder. All such transactions are concluded under normal commercial terms and conditions that are no more favourable than those concluded with other customers. 25 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 7.3 Condensed unaudited financial statements of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. for the period January – March 2011 Income statement of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. for the period ending 31 March 2011 in thousand EUR Revenue Other income I - III 2011 I - III 2010 Index 11/10 91,012 97,260 94 253 117 295 Total operating revenue 91,307 97,513 94 Cost of goods and materials sold -1,821 -1,821 100 Cost of raw materials and consumables -1,974 -1,894 104 Cost of services -39,571 -44,435 89 Staff costs -15,730 -18,404 85 Depreciation and amortisation -22,200 -21,711 102 -67 -4,214 2 -81,363 -92,479 88 9,944 5,034 198 Finance income 12,071 3,845 314 Finance cost -4,988 -7,874 63 Profit before tax 17,027 1,005 - Income tax expense -2,189 -155 - Net profi/loss for the period 14,838 850 - 2.28 0.13 - Other operating expenses Total operating expenses Profit from operations Earnings per share - basic and diluted in EUR 26 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Statement of comprehensive income for the period ending 31 March 2011 in thousand EUR Index 11/10 I - III 2011 I - III 2010 14,838 0 850 -91 - Deferred tax Net gain from revaluation of available-for-sale financial assets 0 18 - 0 -73 Changes in fair value of cash flow hedges 0 -1,132 Deferred tax 0 15 Reclassification of changes in fair value cash flow hedges 0 1,055 Net gain on changes in fair value of cash flow hedges 0 -62 Changes in fixed assets revaluation reserve 0 39,627 Deferred tax from changes in fixed assets revaluation reserve 0 -7,925 Net gain grom fixed assets revaluation reserve 0 31,702 Other comprehensive income 0 31,567 - Total comprehensive income 14,838 32,417 46 Net profit for the period Revaluation of available-for-sale financial assets 27 - - - Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Balance sheet of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. as at 31 March 2011 in thousand EUR 31.03.2011 ASSETS Intangible assets 31.12.2010 Index 11/10 26,280 28,730 91 Property, plant and equipment 598,531 612,739 98 Investment in subsidiares and joint ventures 273,614 273,614 100 Other investments 244,378 195,486 125 Other non-current assets 11,484 11,457 100 Deferred tax assets 10,893 10,780 101 1,165,180 1,132,806 103 5,505 5,688 97 Total not-current assets Non-cerrent assets held for sale Inventories 9,184 7,017 131 Current trade and other receivables 79,964 73,010 110 Current financial assets 46,047 74,336 62 Cash and cash equivalents 16,536 25,249 65 157,236 185,300 85 1,322,416 1,318,106 100 272,721 272,721 100 -3,671 -3,671 100 251,571 251,213 100 Retained earnings 44,828 29,500 152 Fixed assets revaluation reserves 70,742 71,590 99 Total current assets Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Issued capital Treasury shares Reserves Financial instruments revaluation reserve 184 184 100 636,375 621,537 102 8,095 8,577 94 21,022 21,889 96 522 525 99 Interest bearing borrowings 154,548 130,338 119 Other non-current financial liabilities 307,777 308,001 100 9,499 9,621 99 501,463 478,951 105 62,540 70,483 89 645 3,802 17 Interest bearing borrowings 87,717 116,001 76 Other current financial liabilities 18,703 15,943 117 Deferred income 7,470 7,287 103 Accruals 7,503 4,102 183 Total current liabilities 184,578 217,618 85 Total liabilities 686,041 696,569 98 1,322,416 1,318,106 100 Total capital and reserves Non-current deferred income Provisions Non-current operating liabilities Deferred tax liabilities Total non-current liabilities Trade and other payables Income tax payables Total equity and liabilities 28 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Statement of changes in equity of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. for the period ending 31 March 2011 in thousand EUR Balance at 1 Jan 2011 Issued capital Treasury shares Reserves Retain earnings Fixed assests revaluation reserve 272,721 -3,671 251,213 29,500 71,590 Net profit for the period Net gain or loss on revaluation of available-forsale financial assets 184 Net change in fair value of hedging financial instruments 0 14,838 0 0 0 Transfer to retained earnings and reserves Balance at 31 Mar 2011 621,537 14,838 Other comprehensive income for the period Total comprehensive income for the period Total 272,721 -3,671 0 14,838 0 358 490 -848 251,571 44,828 70,742 0 0 14,838 0 184 0 Net gain or loss on revaluation of available-forsale financial assets 115 Net change in fair value of hedging financial instruments -779 636,375 Statement of changes in equity of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. for the period ending 31 March 2010 in thousand EUR Balance at 1 Jan 2010 Issued capital Treasury shares Reserves Retain earnings Fixed assests revaluation reserve 272,721 -3,671 461,372 70,141 44,016 Net profit for the period 850 Other comprehensive income for the period Total comprehensive income for the period 0 0 Transfer to retained earnings and reserves Balance at 31 Mar 2010 272,721 -3,671 843,915 850 31,702 -73 -62 31,567 -73 -62 32,417 0 850 31,702 358 497 -855 461,730 71,488 74,863 29 Total 0 42 -841 876,332 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Cash flow statement of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. for the period ending 31 March 2011 in thousand EUR I - III 2011 I - III 2010 17,027 1,005 22,200 0 -61 -52 21,711 98 0 -76 -12,071 4,988 -3,845 7,874 183 -6,893 -140 -2,167 0 209 -337 -198 -867 -299 3,401 -13,217 -455 2,015 -399 12 -15,447 -2,780 11,577 9,842 15,313 566 6,300 786 1,850 5,811 11,672 0 214 1,378 0 10,080 Disbursements from investing activities Purchase of property, plant and equipment Purchase of intangible assets Purchase of financial assets Investments in subsidiaries and joint ventures Interest bearing loans Cash used in investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Rreceipts from financing activities Proceeds from current borrowings -30,401 -5,231 -506 -24,646 -7 -11 -15,088 -15,241 -9,280 -827 0 -3,124 -2,010 -3,569 6,000 6,000 4,760 4,760 Disbursements from financing activities Repayment of current borrowings Repayment of non-current borrowings Interest paid Dividends paid Cash flow from/used in financing activities -11,202 0 -10,083 -1,115 -4 -13,767 -8,768 0 -4,995 -4 -5,202 -9,007 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -8,713 -2,734 Closing balance of cash 16,536 2,412 Opening balance of cash 25,249 5,146 Cash flows from opearting activities Profit before tax Adjustments for: Depreciation and amortisation Impairment and write-offs of fixed assets Movement in bad debt allowances Gains/loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment Finance income Finance expense Change in assets held for sale Change in trade and other receivables Change in other non-current assets Change in inventories Change in provisions Change in deferred income Change in accruals Change in trade and other payables Income tax paid Net cash from operating activities Cash flow from Investing activities Receipts from investing activities Proceeds from sale of fixed assets Dividends received Interest received Disposal of non-current investments Disposal of current investments 30 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Notes to the financial statements of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Sales revenue in thousand EUR Voice telephony Voice transfer through IP network Internet and broadband access Interconnections I - III 2011 I - III 2010 26,394 30,126 1,551 1,460 21,823 20,442 5,811 5,341 International operator services 15,005 18,878 Bandwidth lease and data transfer services 12,068 12,765 Unbundled access and collocations 2,598 2,574 Voice services with added value 1,050 993 73 99 Other services 2,014 2,175 Sale of merchandise and materials Sale of advertising space 2,500 2,297 Other revenue 125 110 Total revenue 91,012 97,260 Net sales revenue was down 6% on account of traditional voice telephony and international operator services. The drop in traditional voice telephony is expected, and is being offset by VoIP telephony Costs of services in thousand EUR I - III 2011 I - III 2010 Communication and transport services and rent 1,281 1,183 Maintenance 4,758 4,605 18,793 23,369 Multimedia content 7,854 7,913 Leased lines 1,436 1,139 Professional services 1,549 1,448 Insurance, marketing and entertainment 1,307 1,051 387 389 1,004 1,682 Telecommunication services Sales commission Sale incentives Other services Total cost of services 1,202 1,656 39,571 44,435 Costs of services were down 11% primarily owing to lower costs of telecommunication services Operating profit Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) totalled EUR 9,944 thousand, and were up EUR 4,910 thousand due to lower costs of services, a decline in other operating expenses and lower labour costs. Finance income Finance income was up EUR 8,226 thousand on the same period last year, primarily owing to the payment of dividends by subsidiaries and an increase in interest income. 31 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Finance expenses Finance expenses were down EUR 2,886 on the same period last year. The reasons lie mainly in a change in the fair value of derivative financial instruments, which was down EUR 1,205 thousand this year, and lower interest expenses. Net profit Net profit in the amount of EUR 14,838 thousand was up EUR 13,988 thousand on the previous year. Intangible assets Intangible assets comprise computer programmes and licences. Intangible assets were down by the total amount of EUR 2,450 thousand, primarily as the result of amortisation charged during the accounting period. Commitments for intangible assets totalled EUR 1,576 thousand as at 31 March 2011. Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment accounted for 45.3% of the Company total assets. The decrease in property, plant and equipment in the amount of EUR 14,208 thousand was primarily the result of depreciation charged during the accounting period in the amount of EUR 19,245 thousand, while there were also some new acquisitions. Commitments for property, plant and equipment totalled EUR 8,641 thousand as at 31 March 2011. Other financial assets Loans to subsidiaries represent the majority of other financial assets, the increase in which of EUR 48,892 thousand was primarily due to the refinancing of loans to One, On.net and One to One (including unpaid interest) in the form of a new long-term loan. Operating and other receivables Operating and other receivables amounted to EUR 79,964 thousand as at 31 March 2011. Their increase on the end of last year in the amount of EUR 6,954 thousand is the result of receivables from associates, VAT receivables and receivables from foreign operators. Current financial assets Current financial assets were down EUR 28,289 as the result of the transfer of the short-term portion of loans to subsidiaries in the amount of EUR 48,855 thousand to long-term (refinancing of loans) and an increase in bank deposits of EUR 16,000 thousand. Financial liabilities Financial liabilities totalled EUR 568,745 thousand as at 31 March 2011, representing a decrease of EUR 1,538 thousand on the end of the year, broken down as follows: - borrowings received in the amount of EUR 242,265 thousand were down EUR 4,074 thousand owing to repayments during the accounting period; - liabilities for bonds issued in the amount of EUR 300,800 thousand were up EUR 3,749 thousand on the balance at the end of the year on account of the associated accrued interest; and - liabilities for additional purchases of participating interests in subsidiaries, liabilities for finance leases and liabilities for interest rate swaps in the amount of EUR 25,680. Operating and other liabilities The decline of EUR 7,943 thousand in operating and other liabilities was primarily the result of a decrease in trade payables in the amount of EUR 11,846 thousand and an increase in VAT liabilities in the amount of EUR 4,128 thousand. Financial risk management The Company uses derivative financial instruments to hedge interest-rate risk encountered in securing the appropriate financial resources. According to the balance of long-term borrowings as at 31 March 2011, 28% of the loan value is hedged against interest-rate risk. 32 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenia Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 33
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