si-fotodetektoren, optische sensoren und ir
si-fotodetektoren, optische sensoren und ir
SI-FOTODETEKTOREN, OPTISCHE SENSOREN UND IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS , OPTICAL SENSORS AND INFRARED EMITTERS SI-FOTODETEKTOREN, OPTISCHE UND IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN SENSOREN SI-FOTODETEKTOREN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS , AND INFRARED EMITTERS OPTICAL SENSORS SILICON PHOTODETECTORS 1. Fototransistoren 1. Phototransistors 18 1.1 1.1.1. 1.1.2. 1.1.3. 1.2. 1.2.1. 1.2.2. 1.2.3. 1.2.4. 1.3. 1.1. 1.1.1. 1.1.2. 1.1.3. 1.2. 1.2.1. 1.2.2. 1.2.3. 1.2.4. 1.3. 18 19 20 20 21 21 21 22 23 23 SMT Fototransistoren SMT Transistoren in flachem, engwinkligem MIDLED Gehäuse Empfänger/Sender im Multi TOPLED ® Gehäuse SMT Transistor mit V λ-Kurve Fototransistoren im Plastikgehäuse Klares Plastikgehäuse Plastikgehäuse mit Tageslichtfilter für 880/950nm IRED Doppel Fototransistor Zeilen im Plastikgehäuse Fototransistoren im Metallgehäuse SMT Transistors SMT Transistors in low profile, narrow angle MIDLED package Detector/Emitter in Multi TOPLED ® package SMT Transistor with V λ-Curve Phototransistors in plastic package Clear plastic package Plastic package with daylight filter for 880/950nm IRED Dual Phototransistor Arrays in plastic package Phototransistors in metal package 2. Fotodioden 2. Photodiodes 24 2.1. 2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.1.3. 2.1.4. 2.2. 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.3. 2.3. 2.1. 2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.1.3. 2.1.4. 2.2. 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.2.3. 2.3. 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 28 28 SMT Fotodioden SMT PIN Fotodioden in klarem Gehäuse SMT PIN Fotodioden mit V λ-Kurve SMT PIN Fotodioden mit Tageslichtfilter SMT Doppelfotodiode PIN Fotodioden im Plastikgehäuse Klares Plastikgehäuse Gehäuse mit Tageslichtfilter 880nm IRED Gehäuse mit Tageslichtfilter 950nm IRED PIN Fotodiode im Metallgehäuse SMT photodiodes SMT PIN photodiodes in clear package SMT PIN photodiodes with V λ-Curve SMT PIN photodiodes with daylight filter SMT dual photodiodes PIN photodiodes in plastic package Clear plastic package Package with daylight filter for 880nm IRED Package with daylight filter for 950nm IRED PIN Photodiodes in metal package 3. Foto ICs 3. Photo ICs 29 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 29 29 29 Schmitt Trigger IC Linearer Verstärker mit Spannungsausgang Foto IC für Fernsteuerung Schmitt Trigger IC Linear amplifier with voltage output Photo IC for Remote Control 4. Fotodetektoren für spezielle Anwendungen 4. Photodetectors for special applications 30 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 30 30 31 31 Blauempfindliche Fotodiode Fotodetektoren für den sichtbaren Bereich Grossflächige PIN Fotodiode Doppelfotodioden OPTISCHE SENSOREN Blue sensitive photodiode Photodetectors for the visible range Large area PIN photodiode Dual photodiodes OPTICAL SENSORS 1. Gabellichtschranken 1. Slotted interrupters 33 2. SMT Reflexlichtschranken 2. SMT Reflective Sensors 34 IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN 1. Emitter in SMT 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. Flaches, engwinkliges MIDLED Gehäuse SmartLED® TOPLED® / SIDELED® Familie SMR INFRARED EMITTERS 1. Emitter in SMT 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 40 ® Low profile, narrow angle MIDLED package SmartLED ® TOPLED® / SIDELED® family SMR 40 40 41 43 2. Hochleistungsemitter 850nm 2. High power emitter 850nm 44 3. Sehr schnelle Emitter 950nm 3. High speed emitter 950nm 45 4. Emitter im Plastikgehäuse 4. Emitter in plastic package 46 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 46 47 48 Radiale Gehäuse Sidelooker Zeilen im Plastikgehäuse 5. Emitter im Metallgehäuse Radial packages Sidelooker Arrays in plastic package 5. Emitter in metal package 49 11 12 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS TYPENÜBERSICHT SUMMARY OF TYPES (S I-FOTODETEKT OREN, OPTISCHE S ENSOREN) 1. Fototransistoren 1. 1.1.SMT Transistoren 1.1. SMT Transistors (SILICON P HOTODETECTORS, OPTICAL S ENSORS) Phototransistors TOPLED ® SFH 320 SFH 320 FA SmartLED® SFH 3010 TOPLED® with Lens SFH 3219 TOPLED ® RG SFH 3211 SFH 3211 FA Multi TOPLED ® SFH 331 / SFH 7221 / SFH 7225 / SFH 7226 MIDLED SFH 3600 / SFH 3605 Micro SIDELED ® SFH 3204 SMR SFH 3500 SFH 3505 SMR SFH 3500 FA SFH 3505 FA SMART DIL SFH 3400 / SFH 3401 SIDELED ® SFH 325 SFH 325 FA SFH 3201 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS TYPENÜBERSICHT SUMMARY OF TYPES (S I-FOTODETEKT OREN, OPTISCHE S ENSOREN) 1.2.Fototransistoren im Plastikgehäuse (SILICON P HOTODETECTORS, OPTICAL S ENSORS) 1.2. Phototransistors in plastic package SFH 309 / SFH 310 SFH 309 FA / SFH 310 FA SFH 309 P SFH 309 PFA SFH 300 / SFH 313 / SFH 314 SFH 300 FA / SFH 313 FA / SFH 314 FA SFH 303 SFH 303 FA LPT 80 A SFH 3100 F SFH 3160 F SFH 3162 F SFH 3163 F SFH 305 BPX 81 BPX 83 1.3.Fototransistoren im Metallgehäuse BPY 62 / BPX 43 BPX 38 1.3. Phototransistors in metal package BP 103 13 14 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS TYPENÜBERSICHT SUMMARY OF TYPES (S I-FOTODETEKT OREN, OPTISCHE S ENSOREN) 2. Fotodioden 2. 2.1.SMT-Fotodioden 2.1. SMT Photodiodes (SILICON P HOTODETECTORS, OPTICAL S ENSORS) Photodiodes BP 104 S / BPW 34 S / BPW 34 BS BPW 34 S R18R BP 104 FS / BP 104 FAS / BPW 34 FS / BPW 34 FAS BPW 34 FS R18R / BPW 34 FAS R18R SMART DIL SFH 2400 SFH 2400 FA SMR SFH 2500 SFH 2500 FA SMR SFH 2505 SFH 2505 FA KOM 2125 KOM 2125 FA SI-FOTODETEKTOREN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS TYPENÜBERSICHT SUMMARY OF TYPES (S I-FOTODETEKT OREN, OPTISCHE S ENSOREN) 2.2.PIN Fotodioden im Plastikgehäuse (SILICON P HOTODETECTORS, OPTICAL S ENSORS) 2.2.PIN Photodiodes in plastic package BPW 34 BPW 34 F / BPW 34 FA / BP 104 F SFH 206 K SFH 229 SFH 229 FA SFH 203 / SFH 213 / SFH 214 SFH 203 FA / SFH 213 FA / SFH 214 FA SFH 203 P SFH 203 PFA SFH 225 FA / SFH 235 FA SFH 205 F / SFH 205 FA SFH 204 F / SFH 204 FA 2.3.PIN Fotodiode im Metallgehäuse 2.3.PIN Photodiode in metal package BPX 65 15 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS TYPENÜBERSICHT SUMMARY OF TYPES (S I-FOTODETEKT OREN, OPTISCHE S ENSOREN) 3. Foto ICs 3. 3.1.Schmitt Trigger 3.1. Schmitt Trigger SMART DIL SFH 5440 SFH 5441 SFH 5140 F SFH 5141 F 3.2.Linear Verstärker mit Spannungsausgang (SILICON P HOTODETECTORS, OPTICAL S ENSORS) Photo ICs SFH 5840 SFH 5841 3.2. Linear amplifier with voltage output SFH 5130 SFH 5133 3.3.Foto IC für Fernsteuerung SFH 5110 16 3.3. Photo IC for remote control SFH 5410 SFH 5400 OPTISCHE SENSOREN OPTICAL SENSORS TYPENÜBERSICHT SUMMARY OF TYPES (S I-FOTODETEKT OREN, OPTISCHE S ENSOREN) 4. Fotodetektoren für spezielle Anwendungen BPW 34 B BPW 21 / BPX 61 4. (SILICON P HOTODETECTORS, OPTICAL S ENSORS) Photodetectors for special applications Ambient Light Sensor SFH 3410 Ambient Light Sensor SFH 2430 BPW 34 BS SFH 221 BPX 48 BPX 48 F 17 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS 1. Fototransistoren 1. Phototransistors TA = 25 °C Package T A = 25 °C Type ϕ Radiant sensitive area deg. mm2 I P CE (E e = 0.1 mW/cm2, λ = 950 nm, V CE = 5 V) µA 1.1 SMT Transistoren SFH 3010 V CE λ10% V nm tr,t f (IC = 1 mA, VCC = 5 V, RL = 1 kΩ) Ordering code µs Fig. No. 1.1 SMT Transistors ± 80 0.04 >25 (0.5 mW/cm2) 30 7 Q65110A2652 – Q65110A2471 69 SmartLED ® TOPLED ® 420 … 1100 SFH 320 ≥16 SFH 320-3 25 … 50 7 Q65110A2469 SFH 320-3/4 25 … 80 7/8 Q65110A1781 40 … 80 8 Q65110A2510 SFH 320 FA ≥ 16 – Q65110A2472 SFH 320 FA-3 25 … 50 7 Q65110A2470 SFH 320-4 ± 60 2 740 … 1100 TOPLED ® SFH 320 FA-3/4 25 … 80 7/8 Q65110A2475 SFH 320 FA-4 40 … 80 8 Q65110A1836 430...1150 7 Q65110A2529 420 … 1100 8 SFH 3219 ± 25 ≥ 63 67 TOPLED ® with Lens ≥ 16 SFH 3211 0.045 SFH 3211-3/4 Q65110A2525 35 25 … 80 Q65110A2527 TOPLED ® RG 3 SFH 3211 FA ≥ 16 SFH 3211 FA-3/4 – Q65110A2526 25 … 80 7/8 Q65110A2528 SFH 325 ≥ 16 – Q65110A2486 SFH 325-3 25 … 50 7 Q65110A2488 7/8 Q65110A2491 740 … 1100 TOPLED ® RG ± 60 420 … 1100 SFH 325-3/4 ® SIDELED 25 … 80 SFH 325-4 40 … 80 8 Q65110A2484 SFH 325 FA ≥ 16 – Q65110A2487 SFH 325 FA-3 25 … 50 7 Q65110A2482 4 740 … 1100 ® SIDELED SFH 325 FA-3/4 25 … 80 7/8 Q65110A2490 SFH 325 FA-4 40 … 80 8 Q65110A2485 7 Q65110A2506 SFH 3204 ± 60 0.04 > 32 30 450...1120 108 Micro SIDELED ® 18 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit SI-FOTODETEKTOREN Package Type SILICON PHOTODETECTORS ϕ Radiant sensitive area deg. mm2 I PCE V CE λ10% V nm (λ = 950 nm, V CE = 5 V) mA 1.1 SMT Transistoren (Forts.) tr,tf (IC = 1 mA, VCC = 5 V, RL = 1 kΩ) Ordering code µs Fig. No. 1.1 SMT Transistors (cont’d) – Q65110A2636 2.5 … 20.0 – Q65110A2639 2.5 … 8.0 14/17 Q65110A2646 20/24 Q65110A2647 – Q65110A2637 SFH 3500 2.5 … 20.0 SFH 3505 SFH 3505-3/4 7 T1 3/4 SMR T1 3/4 SMR SFH 3505-5/6 6.3 … 20.0 ± 13 SFH 3500 FA 2.5 … 20.0 Ee = 0.5 mW/cm2 450 … 1060 8 35 7 SFH 3500 FA-5/6 6.3 … 20.0 20/24 Q65110A2645 – Q65110A2640 T1 3/4 SMR 740 … 1070 0.55 SFH 3505 FA 2.5 … 20.0 8 SFH 3505 FA-5/6 6.3 … 20.0 20/24 Q65110A2780 T1 3/4 SMR SFH 3400 0.063 … 0.32 – Q65110A2629 SFH 3400-2/3 0.1 … 0.32 24/34 Q65110A2634 SFH 3401 (mit Basisanschluß/ with base connection) 0.063 … 0.32 – Q65110A2635 24/34 Q65110A2644 – Q65110A1207 SmartDIL SFH 3401-2/3 ± 60 SFH 3201 0.1 … 0.32 0.063 …0.32 E e = 0.1 mW/cm2 9 10 20 460 … 1080 11 SFH 3201-2/3 0.1 … 0.32 24/34 Q65110A2479 1.1.1 SMT Transistoren in flachem, engwinkligem MIDLED Gehäuse 1.1.1 SMT Transistors in low profile, narrow angle MIDLED package MIDLED >63 Q65110A1573 SFH 3600-2/3 100 … 320 Q65110A2665 SFH 3600-3/4 160 … 500 ± 20 0.04 E e = 0.1 mW/cm 2 MIDLED SFH 3600 35 500 … 1100 45 Q65110A2666 (IC = 0.1 mA, VCC = 5 V, RL = 10 kΩ) Q65110A2663 SFH 3605 >63 SFH 3605-2/3 100 … 320 Q65110A2664 SFH 3605-3/4 160 … 500 Q65110A1574 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit 91 19 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS 1.1.2 Empfänger/Sender im Multi TOPLED Gehäuse λpe ak Type nm deg. mcd V ± 60 4...12.5 2.0 Detector Radiant sensitive area IPCE VCEO (Ee = 0.1 mW/cm2, Type V nm µs 35 380... 1150 7 λpe ak ϕ Ie VF (IF = 100 mA) (I F = 100 mA) nm deg. mW/sr V ± 60 4 1.5 Detector Radiant sensitive area IPCE VCE (Ee = 0.1 mW/cm2, V nm µs ≥16 35 380... 1150 7 λpe ak ϕ IV VF (IF = 20 mA) (I F = 20 mA) nm deg. mcd V Emitter 591 ± 60 63...200 2.0 Detector Radiant sensitive area mm2 IPCE (E v = 1000 lx VCE Standard light A VCE = 5 V) µA V Crosstalk IPCE (IF = 20 mA, V CE = 5 V) µA 0.045 650 typ. 35 > 0.5 λpe ak ϕ IV VF (IF = 20 mA) (I F = 20 mA) Type SFH 7225 Multi TOPLED ® Type 2 nm deg. mcd V Emitter 645 ± 60 40...125 2.0 Detector Radiant sensitive area mm2 IPCE (E v = 1000 lx VCE Standard light A VCE = 5 V) µA V Crosstalk IPCE (IF = 20 mA, V CE = 5 V) µA 0.045 650 typ. 35 >2 SFH 7226 Multi TOPLED ® ϕ Radiant sensitive area deg. mm2 I PCE λ10% mA V nm 5 Ordering code Fig. Q65110A2741 6 Ordering code Fig. No. Q65110A2743 5 Ordering code Fig. No. tr,tf (IC = 1 mA, VCC = 5 V, RL = 1 kΩ) Q65110A2744 5 Ordering code Fig. µs No. 1.1.3 SMT Transistor with Vλ - Curve SFH 3410 20 V CE (λ = 950 nm, V CE = 5 V) 1.1.3 SMT Transistor mit Vλ - Kurve SmartDIL tr,tf (IC = 1 mA, VCC = 5 V, RL = 1 kΩ) 0.045 mm SFH 3410-1/2 λ10% Q65110A1206 No. λ = 950 nm, VCE = 5 V) µA Multi TOPLED ® Type tr,tf (IC = 1 mA, VCC = 5 V, RL = 1 kΩ) ≥16 880 Fig. No. 0.045 2 Emitter SFH 7221 Package λ10% Ordering code λ = 950 nm, VCE = 5 V) µA mm Package VF (I F = 20 mA) 635 Multi TOPLED ® Package IV Emitter SFH 331-JK Package ϕ >0.0032 ± 60 0.29 0.0032-0.010 SFH 3410-2/3 0.005 -0.016 SFH 3410-3/4 0.008 -0.025 EV = 20 lx, standard light A Package 1.1.2 Detector/Emitter in Multi TOPLED package Q65110A1211 Q65110A2653 5.5 350 … 970 – 12 Q65110A2654 Q65110A2655 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit SI-FOTODETEKTOREN Package Type SILICON PHOTODETECTORS ϕ Radiant sensitive area deg. mm2 I PCE (Ee=0,5 mW/cm2 , λ = 950 nm, V CE = 5 V) mA V CE λ10% V nm tr,tf (IC = 1 mA, VCC = 5 V, RL = 1 kΩ) µs 1.2 Fototransistoren im Plastikgehäuse 1.2 Phototransistors in plastic package 1.2.1 Klares Plastikgehäuse 1.2.1 Clear plastic package SFH 309 ≥ 0.4 – Q62702P0859 0.63 ... 2.0 6/7 Q62702P3592 7 Q62702P0998 SFH 309-4/5 1.0 ... 3.2 7/8 Q62702P3593 SFH 309-5 1.6 ... 3.2 8 Q62702P0999 SFH 309-5/6 ≥ 1.6 8/9 Q62702P3594 – Q62702P0874 7/8 Q62702P3595 8 Q62702P0245 ≥ 2.5 – Q62702P1667 4.0 … 12.5 10/12 Q62702P3598 – Q62702P1668 10/12 Q62702P3600 – Q62702P1189 10 Q62702P3586 – Q62702P0957 13/15 Q62702P3588 10 Q68000A78521) SFH 310 ± 12 0.045 ± 25 0.19 SFH 310-2/3 SFH 309 P 1.0 ... 2.0 23 35 380 … 1080 ≥ 0.4 70 24 0.63 … 2.0 ± 75 0.045 ≥ 0.063 Fig. No. SFH 309-3/4 SFH 309-4 T1 Ordering code 35 25 T1 SFH 313 ± 10 SFH 313-2/3 0.55 SFH 314 ± 40 SFH 314-2/3 T 1¾ SFH 300 ≥ 0.63 26 50 450 … 1100 27 1.0 ... 3.2 ± 25 0.12 ≥ 0.63 SFH 300-3/4 ≥ 1.0 SFH 303 ≥ 1.0 ± 20 0.2 35 50 420 … 1130 450 … 1100 ≥ 1.6 SFH 303-3/4 28 29 T 1¾ LPT 80 A 1) ± 35 0.3 ≥ 0.25 30 400 … 1100 30 conversion to RoHS compliance 03/2005 1.2.2 Plastikgehäuse mit Tageslichtfilter für 880/950 nm IRED 1.2.2 Plastic package with daylight-filter for 880/950 nm IRED SFH 309 FA ≥ 0.4 – Q62702P0941 SFH 309 FA-3/4 0.63 ... 2.0 6/7 Q62702P3590 7 Q62702P0178 7/8 Q62702P3591 SFH 309 FA-4 SFH 309 FA-4/5 ± 12 0.045 1.0 ... 2.0 35 23 1.0 ... 3.2 730 … 1100 T1 SFH 309 FA-5 1.6 ... 3.2 8 Q62702P0180 SFH 309 FA-5/6 1.6 ... 5.0 8/9 Q62702P5199 SFH 310 FA SFH 310 FA-2/3 ± 25 0.19 ≥ 0.4 – Q62702P1673 7/8 Q62702P3596 70 0.63 ... 2.0 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit 24 21 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN Package Type SILICON PHOTODETECTORS ϕ Radiant sensitive area deg. mm2 I PCE (Ee=0,5 mW/cm2 , λ = 950 nm, V CE = 5 V) mA 1.2.2 Plastikgehäuse mit Tageslichtfilter für 880/950 nm IRED SFH 309 PFA ± 75 0.045 V CE λ10% V nm tr,tf (IC = 1 mA, VCC = 5 V, RL = 1 kΩ) Ordering code µs Fig. No. 1.2.2 Plastic Package with daylight-filter for 880/950 nm IRED ≥ 0.063 35 – Q62702P0246 25 T1 SFH 313 FA SFH 313 FA-2/3 ± 10 0.55 SFH 313 FA-3/4 SFH 314 FA SFH 314 FA-2/3 T 1¾ SFH 300 FA SFH 300 FA-3/4 ≥ 2.5 – Q62702P1674 4.0 … 12.5 10/12 Q62702P3597 ≥ 6.3 50 ≥ 0.63 ± 40 730 … 1100 ≥ 0.63 10/12 Q62702P3599 – Q62702P1193 10 Q62702P3585 – Q62702P0958 35 ≥ 1.0 28 ≥ 1.0 SFH 303 FA Q62702P5196 Q62702P1675 27 1.0 … 3.2 ± 25 0.12 12/14 – ± 20 0.2 50 29 ≥ 1.6 SFH 303 FA-3/4 26 13/15 Q62702P3587 T 1¾ SFH 3100 F 1) ± 14 0.11 > 0.4 30 840 … 1080 7/9 Q62702P50731) 31 ϕ I CE(ON) (Ee=0,34 mW/cm2 , V CE λ10% tr,tf (IC = 1 mA, VCC = 5 V, RL = 1 kΩ) Ordering code Fig. V nm conversion to RoHS compliance 03/2005 Package Type Radiant sensitive area deg. mm 2 λ = 950 nm, V CE = 3,5 V) mA 1.2.3 Doppel Fototransistor SFH 3160 F 22 µs No. 1.2.3 Dual Phototransistor 2x0.068 90 … 290 SFH 3162 F ± 75 2x0.15 185 … 585 SFH 3163 F 2x0.15 186 … 585 30 780 … 1100 7/9 Q62702P5296 100 11/11 Q62702P5297 101 11/11 Q65110A0353 102 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit SI-FOTODETEKTOREN Package Type SILICON PHOTODETECTORS ϕ Radiant sensitive area deg. mm2 I PCE (Ee=0,5 mW/cm2 , λ = 950 nm, V CE = 5 V) mA 1.2.4 Zeilen im Plastikgehäuse V CE λ10% V nm tr,tf (IC = 1 mA, VCC = 5 V, RL = 1 kΩ) Ordering code Fig. µs No. 1.2.4 Arrays in plastic package ≥ 0.25 – Q62702P0836 1) 0.25 … 0.8 5.5/6 Q62702P3589 1) ≥ 0.25 – Q62702P0020 1) BPX 81-2/3 0.2 … 0.8 5.5/6 Q62702P3583 1) BPX 81-3 0.4 … 0.8 6 Q62702P0043S003 BPX 81-3/4 ≥ 0.4 6/8 Q62702P3584 BPX 81-4 ≥ 0.63 8 Q62702P0043S004 SFH 305 ± 16 35 SFH 305-2/3 0.17 BPX 81 Array 1) 32 440 … 1070 BPX 82 2 × 0.17 Q62702P0021 1) BPX 83 3 × 0.17 Q62702P0025 1) BPX 84 4 × 0.17 Q62702P0030 1) BPX 85 5 × 0.17 Q62702P0031 1) BPX 86 6 × 0.17 Q62702P0022 1) BPX 87 7 × 0.17 Q62702P0032 1) BPX 88 8 × 0.17 Q62702P0033 1) BPX 89 9 × 0.17 Q62702P0026 1) BPX 80 10 × 0.17 Q62702P0028 1) ± 18 ≥ 0.25 6 1) 36 1) 1) 37 conversion to RoHS compliance 03/2005 Package Type ϕ Radiant sensitive area deg. mm 2 I PCE (Ee = 0.5 mW/cm2 , λ = 950 nm, V CE = 5 V) µA 1.3 Fototransistoren im Metallgehäuse V nm tr,tf (IC = 1 mA, VCC = 5 V, RL = 1 kΩ) Ordering code µs No. BPY 62 0.5 … 2.5 – Q60215Y0062 0.8 … 1.6 7 Q60215Y1112 0.8 … 2.5 7/9 Q62702P5198 BPY 62-4 1.25 … 2.5 9 Q60215Y1113 BPX 43 ≥ 0.8 – Q62702P0016 12/14 Q62702P3581 ±8 BPX 43-4 0.12 420 … 1130 1.25 … 4.0 ± 15 2.0 … 4.0 450 … 1100 ≥ 2.0 BPX 43-4/5 BPX 43-5 0.675 ≥ 3.2 BPX 38 ≥ 0.2 BPX 38-2/3 0.2 … 0.63 ± 40 50 32 15 Q62702P0016S004 15/18 Q62702P3582 18 Q62702P0016S005 – Q62702P0015 9/12 Q62702P3578 450 … 1120 0.32 … 0.63 12 Q62702P0015S003 BPX 38-4 0.5 … 1.0 15 Q62702P0015S004 BP 103 ≥ 0.08 – Q62702P0075 ± 55 0.12 420 … 1130 0.125 … 0.4 32 33 BPX 38-3 BP 103-3/4 Fig. 1.3 Phototransistors in metal package BPX 43-3/4 TO-18 λ10% BPY 62-3 BPY 62-3/4 TO-18 V CE 34 7/9 Q62702P3577 TO-18 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit 23 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS 2. Fotodioden Package Type 2. Photodiodes ϕ Radiant sensitive area deg. mm2 IP (Ev = 1000 lx, IR (V R = 10 V) λ10% standard light A, V R = 5 V) µA tr,tf (VR = 20 V, RL = 50 Ω) nA nm ns Ordering code No. 2.1 SMT Fotodioden 2.1 SMT Photodiodes 2.1.1 SMT PIN Fotodioden in klarem Gehäuse 2.1.1 SMT PIN Photodiodes in clear package 2.2 × 2.2 BP 104 S 55 (≥ 40) BPW 34 S Fig. Q65110A2626 13 Q65110A1209 14 Q65110A2701 15 Q65110A2625 14 Q65110A2628 16 Q65110A1201 7 Q65110A1203 8 Ordering code Fig. SMT DIL 400 … 1100 5 80 (≥ 50) BPW 34 S R18R ± 60 2 (≤ 30) 2.65 × 2.65 SMT DIL 14.8 (>10.8) (Ee = 1 mW/cm 2, λ=400 nm, V R = 5 V) BPW 34 BS 30% (400 nm) 25 SMT DIL SFH 2400 ± 60 10 (> 5.5) Smart DIL T 1 3/4 SMR 1 (≤ 5) (V R = 20 V) 1×1 SFH 2500 400 … 1100 5 70 (> 50) (λ=870 nm, Ee = 1 mW/cm 2) ± 15 SFH 2505 T 1 3/4 SMR Package Type ϕ Radiant sensitive area deg. mm2 IP (Ev = 1000 lx, IR (V R = 5 V) λ10% standard light A, V R = 5 V) µA tr,tf (VR = 5 V, RL = 50 kΩ) nA nm µs 2.1.2 SMT PIN Fotodioden mit V λ-Kurve SFH 2430 No. 2.1.2 SMT PIN Photodiodes with Vλ -Curve ± 60 2.65 × 2.65 5.8 (>4) 0.1(≤ 5) 400 … 900 200 Q65110A2673 14 SMT DIL 24 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit SI-FOTODETEKTOREN Package Type SILICON PHOTODETECTORS ϕ Radiant sensitive area deg. mm2 IP (Ee = 1 mW/cm2, V R = 5 V) µA 2.1.3 SMT PIN Fotodioden mit Tageslichtfilter IR (V R = 10 V) λ10% tr,tf (VR = 20 V, RL = 50 Ω) nA nm ns Ordering code No. 2.1.3 SMT PIN Photodiodes with daylight-filter 950 800 … 1100 Q65110A2627 BP 104 FAS 870 740 … 1100 Q65110A2672 BPW 34 FS 950 800 … 1100 Q65110A2700 BPW 34 FAS 870 740 … 1100 Q65110A1210 BP 104 FS 2.2 × 2.2 Fig. 34 (≥ 25) 13 14 SMT DIL 2 (≤ 30) 2.65 × 2.65 BPW 34 FS R18R 50 (≥ 40) 950 10 800 … 1100 Q65110A2740 ± 60 15 BPW 34 FAS R18R 740 … 1100 Q65110A2699 SMT DIL SFH 2400 FA 6.2 (≥ 3.6) Q65110A2638 16 Q65110A1202 7 Q65110A1204 8 Ordering code Fig. 1×1 SFH 2500 FA T 1 3/4 SMR λ = 870 nm Smart DIL ± 15 1 (≤ 5) (V R = 20 V) 750 … 1100 5 70 (> 50) SFH 2505 FA T 1 3/4 SMR ϕ Radiant sensitive area deg. mm2 IP (E V = 1000 lx, V R = 5 V) µA 2.1.4 SMT Doppelfotodiode λ10% tr,tf (VR = 10 V, RL = 50 Ω) nA nm ns 40 (≥ 30) diode A 100 (≥ 75) diode B KOM 2125 ± 60 KOM 2125 FA IR (V R = 10 V) No. 2.1.4 SMT Dual photodiodes 4 (diode A) 10 (diode B) 26 (≥ 20) diode A, 70 (≥ 50) diode B λ = 870 nm, Type 400 … 1100 E e = 1 mW/cm2 Package Q65110A2703 13 diode A 20 diode B 5 (≤ 30) diode A 10 (≤ 30) diode B 750 … 1100 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit 17 Q65110A2702 25 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN Package Type SILICON PHOTODETECTORS ϕ Radiant sensitive area deg. mm2 IP (Ev = 1000 lx, IR (V R = 10 V) λ10% standard light A, V R = 5 V) µA tr,tf (VR = 20 V, RL = 50 Ω) nA nm ns 2.2 PIN Fotodioden im Plastikgehäuse 2.2 PIN photodiodes in plastic package 2.2.1 Klares Plastikgehäuse 2.2.1 Clear plastic package BPW 34 ± 60 DIL 2.65 × 2.65 SFH 206 K ± 60 SFH 229 ± 17 SFH 203 ± 20 80 (≥ 50) 2 (≤ 30) 400 … 1100 Ordering code Fig. No. Q62702P00731) 39 Q62702P0129 41 Q62702P0215 23 Q62702P0955 42 Q62702P0930 26 Q62702P0942 43 10 TO-92 0.56 × 0.56 28 (≥ 18) 0.05 (≤ 5) 380 … 1100 T1 80 (≥ 50) 5 SFH 213 ± 10 T 1 3/4 135 (≥ 100) 1 (≤ 10) (VR = 20 V) 1×1 SFH 203 P ± 75 9.5 (≥ 5) 400 … 1100 T 1 3/4 1) conversion to RoHS compliance 03/2005 26 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit SI-FOTODETEKTOREN Package Type SILICON PHOTODETECTORS ϕ Radiant sensitive area deg. mm2 IP (Ee = 1 mW/cm2, λ = 870 nm, V R = 5 V) µA 2.2.2 Gehäuse mit Tageslichtfilter für 880 nm IRED IR (V R = 10 V) λ10% tr,tf (VR = 20 V, RL = 50 Ω) nA nm ns Ordering code Fig. No. 2.2.2 Package with daylight filter matched for 880 nm IRED SFH 225 FA ± 60 2.2 × 2.2 34 (≥ 25) Q62702P1051 44 SFH 235 FA ± 65 50 (≥ 40) Q62702P0273 44 Q62702P1677 45 Q62702P11291) 39 Q62702P0216 23 Q62702P0956 42 Q62702P1671 26 Q62702P0947 43 Q62702P1793 46 TO 92 SFH 205 FA 60 (≥ 45) 2 (≤ 30) 10 2.65 × 2.65 TO 92 ± 60 740 … 1100 BPW 34 FA 50 (≥ 40) DIL SFH 229 FA ± 17 SFH 203 FA ± 20 0.56 × 0.56 40 (≥ 22) 0.5 (≤ 5) T1 100 (≥ 60) 5 SFH 213 FA ± 10 T 1 3/4 90 (≥ 65) 1×1 SFH 203 PFA ± 75 750 … 1100 1 (≤ 10) (VR = 20 V) 6.2 (≥ 3.6) T 1 3/4 740 … 1100 SFH 204 FA ± 60 2.2 × 2.2 52 (≥ 43) 2 (≤ 30) 10 TO 92 1) conversion to RoHS compliance 03/2005 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit 27 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN Package Type SILICON PHOTODETECTORS ϕ Radiant sensitive area deg. mm2 IP (Ee = 1 mW/cm2, λ = 870 nm, V R = 5 V) µA 2.2.3 Gehäuse mit Tageslichtfilter für 950 nm IRED 2.2 × 2.2 BP 104 F BPW 34 F IR (V R = 10 V) λ10% tr,tf (VR = 20 V, RL = 50 Ω) nA nm ns Ordering code Fig. No. 2.2.3 Package with daylight filter matched for 950 nm IRED 34 (≥ 25) Q62702P00841) 47 50 (≥ 40) Q62702P09291) 39 Q62702P0102 45 Q62702P5052 46 Ordering code Fig. DIL 800 … 1100 2.65 × 2.65 SFH 205 F ± 60 60 (≥ 45) 2 (≤ 30) 10 TO 92 SFH 204 F 2.2 × 2.2 52 (≥ 43) Radiant sensitive area IP (VR = 5 V, E v = 1000 lx, 780 … 1120 TO 92 1) conversion to RoHS compliance 03/2005 Package Type ϕ deg. mm2 standard light A) µA 2.3 PIN Fotodioden im Metallgehäuse BPX 65 IR (V R = 10 V) λ10% tr,tf (VR = 20 V, RL = 50 Ω) nA nm ns No. 2.3 PIN photodiodes in metal package ± 40 1 × 1 10 (≥ 5.5) 1 (≤ 5) 350 … 1100 5 Q62702P0027 49 TO 18 1) conversion to RoHS compliance 03/2005 28 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit SI-FOTODETEKTOREN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS 3. Foto ICs ϕ VCC deg. V Switching threshold λ10% Ee (V CC = 5 V) IO tPHL/ tPLH mW/cm 2 mA µs 0.170 (< 0.320) SFH 5441 SFH 5140 F ± 14 4 … 18 0.015 (< 0.05) SFH 5141 F SFH 5840 ± 10 0.01 (< 0.032) SFH 5841 ± 60 4.5 … 15 1.3 (<3.2) ϕ V CC deg. V λ = 950 nm ± 60 Q65110A1212 400 … 1100 Q65110A2641 840 … 1080 400 … 1100 500 … 900 - 25 … 25 0.2 Q65110A2704 21 Irradiance Responsivity Ne (VCC = 5 V) λ10% ICC Ordering code Fig. nm mA Q62702P51121) Type 3.2 Linearer Verstärker mit Spannungsausgang 5 (< 15) 19 Q62702P5113 1) Q62702P5116 20 Q62702P5117 SFH 5130 ± 40 SFH 5133 horizontal: ± 35 vertikal: ± 55 mV/µW/cm2 No. 3.2 Linear amplifier with voltage output 1180 4.5 ... 5.5 570 350 … 1100 Q62702P54061) 103 Q62702P55471) 104 Ordering code Fig. 1.5 350 … 950 conversion to RoHS compliance 03/2005 Package Type Frequenz ϕ kHz deg. 3.3 Foto IC für Fernsteuerung 1) < 16 conversion to RoHS compliance 03/2005 Package 1) 18 λ = 430 nm 1) No. 3.1 Schmitt Trigger IC SFH 5440 SFH 5400 Fig. λ = 950 nm 3.1 Schmitt Trigger IC nm Ordering code λ = 950 nm Type λ = 660 nm Package 3. Photo ICs min threshold irradiance E e min No. mW/cm2 3.3 Photo IC for remote control SFH 5110-30 30 SFH 5110-33 33 Q62702P50881) Q62702P50891) horizontal: ± 50 vertikal: ± 30 Q62702P50901) SFH 5110-36 36 SFH 5110-38 38 Q62702P50911) SFH 5110-40 40 Q62702P50921) SFH 5410 38 ± 60 0.35 typ. 1.4 typ. Q65110A2656 1 105 conversion to RoHS compliance 03/2005 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit 29 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS 4. Fotodetektoren für spezielle Anwendungen 4. Photodetectors for special applications Package Type ϕ Radiant sensitive area deg. mm2 IP IR (VR = 10 V) S λ rel tr,tf (VR = 5 V) µA nA % µs 4.1 Blauempfindliche Fotodiode Fig. No. 4.1 Blue sensitive photodiode BPW 34 BS Q65110A2625 ± 60 7.45 14.8 (> 10.8) E e = 1 mW/cm2 λ = 400 nm VR = 5 V 2 (≤ 30) 30% (400 nm) 14 25 (RL = 50 Ω) λ = 850 nm BPW 34 B 1) Ordering code Q62702P0945 1) 39 conversion to RoHS compliance 03/2005 4.2 Fotodetektoren für den sichtbaren Bereich 4.2 Photodetectors for the visible range Fotodiode mit Vλ -Kurve BPW 21 SFH 2430 Photodiode with V λ-Curve 2.73 × 2.73 VR = 5 V 10 (> 5.5) (EV = 1000 lx ± 60 2.65 x 2.65 5.8 (> 4) (EV = 1000 lx, ± 55 standard light A) 8 (≤ 200) pA (VR = 1 V) 100% (550 nm) 1.5 (RL = 1 kΩ) Q62702P0885 50 0.1 (≤ 5) 400 … 900 200 Q65110A2673 14 V CE λ10% tr,tf (IC = 1 mA, VCC = 5 V, RL = 50 Ω) Ordering code Fig. V nm standard light A) SMT DIL Package Type ϕ Radiant sensitive area deg. mm2 I PCE (VCE = 5 V E v = 20 lx, standard light A) mA SMT Transistor mit Vλ -Kurve >0.0032 SFH 3410-1/2 0.0032 -0.010 SFH 3410-3/4 30 No. SMT Transistor with Vλ -Curve SFH 3410 SFH 3410-2/3 µs ± 60 0.29 Q65110A1211 Q65110A2653 5.5 350 … 970 - 12 0.005 -0.016 Q65110A2654 0.008 -0.025 Q65110A2655 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit SI-FOTODETEKTOREN Package Type SILICON PHOTODETECTORS ϕ Radiant sensitive area deg. mm2 IP (Ev = 1000 lx, IR (V R = 10 V) λ10% standard light A, V R = 5 V) µA nA nm 4.3 Großflächige PIN Fotodiode BPX 61 Ordering code Fig. ns No. 4.3 Large area PIN photodiode ± 55 2.65 × 2.65 70 (≥ 50) 4.4 Doppelfotodioden SFH 221 tr,tf (VR = 5 V) 2 (≤ 30) 20 (RL = 50 Ω) Q62705P0025 50 400 … 1100 500 (RL = 1 kΩ) Q62702P0270 51 400 … 1150 500 (RL = 1 kΩ) Q62702P0017 400 … 1100 4.4 Dual photodiodes ± 55 24 (≥ 15) 2 times 2.2 × 0.7 BPX 48 24 (≥ 15) 10 (≤ 100) 1) ± 60 52 7.5 (≥ 4.0) BPX 48F 1) E e = 0.5 mW/cm2 λ = 950 nm 750 … 1150 500 (RL = 1 kΩ) Q62702P0305 1) conversion to RoHS compliance 03/2005 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit 31 OPTISCHE SENSOREN OPTICAL SENSORS TYPENÜBERSICHT SUMMARY OF TYPES (S I-FOTODETEKT OREN, OPTISCHE S ENSOREN) 1. Gabellichtschranken 1. Slotted Interrupters SFH 9300 SFH 9301 SFH 9302 SFH 9303 SFH 9304 SFH 9305 SFH 9306 SFH 9310 SFH 9340 Schmitt Trigger SFH 9500 2. SMT Reflexlichtschranken SFH 9201 / SFH 9202 SFH 9210 / SFH 9221 32 (SILICON P HOTODETECTORS, OPTICAL S ENSORS) 2. SFH 9240 / SFH 9241 Schmitt Trigger SMT Reflective Sensors OPTISCHE SENSOREN Package Type OPTICAL SENSORS Features Slot width mm Aperture slit width on emitter/sensor side mm 1. Gabellichtschranken ICE (IF = 20 mA, VCE = 5 V) ICEO (IF = 0, V CE = 20 V) VF (IF = 20 mA) mA nA V Ordering code Fig. 1. Slotted Interrupters SFH 9300 no aperture slits, high 3.65 current transfer ratio – /– >1 2 (≤ 50) 1.2 (≤ 1.4) Q62702P5019 54 SFH 9301 with vertical aperture slits, 3.18 high resolution 1.27 / 0.25 > 0.7 2 (≤ 50) 1.2 (≤ 1.4) Q62702P5083 55 SFH 9302 with vertical aperture slits, 3.18 two mounting tabs 1.27 / 0.25 > 0.7 2 (≤ 50) 1.2 (≤ 1.4) Q62702P5084 56 SFH 9303 with vertical aperture slits, mounting tab 3.18 on sensor side 1.27 / 0.25 > 0.7 2 (≤ 50) 1.2 (≤ 1.4) Q62702P5085 57 SFH 9304 with vertical aperture slits, mounting tab 3.18 on emitter side 1.27 / 0.25 > 0.7 2 (≤ 50) 1.2 (≤ 1.4) Q62702P5086 58 SFH 9305 with vertical aperture slits, mounting tab 3.28 on sensor side, locating pins 0.5 / 0.5 > 0.7 2 (≤ 50) 1.2 (≤ 1.4) Q62702P5129 59 SFH 9306 with vertical aperture slits, 3.18 locating pins 1.27 / 0.25 > 0.7 2 (≤ 50) 1.2 (≤ 1.4) Q62702P5130 60 SFH 9310 horizontal slits 5.00 0.5 / 0.5 > 0.7 2 (≤ 50) 1.2 (≤ 1.4) Q62702P5214 61 SFH 9500 with vertical aperture slits, SMT version, suitable for 5.00 reflow soldering, locating pins 0.5 / 0.5 >1 2 (≤ 50) 1.2 (≤ 1.4) Q62702P5066 63 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit 33 OPTISCHE SENSOREN Package Type OPTICAL SENSORS Features Slot width Aperture slit width on emitter/sensor side V CC Threshold input current Hysteresis I F, OFF / I F, ON IF, O N mm mm V 1. Gabellichtschranken (Forts.) SFH 9340 Schmitt Trigger output, SFH 9340 active “low” SFH 9341 Schmitt Trigger output, SFH 9341 active “high” Type Package µs mA Fig. V 1.27 / 0.25 4 ... 18 0.6 (< 2) 0.6 1.2 (≤ 1.4) 2 64 Q62702P5121 ICEO (VCE = 20 V) VCE max VF (IF = 50 mA) mA nA V V Ordering code Fig. 2. SMT Reflective Sensors SFH 9201 0.25 ... 2.00 0.40 ... 1.25 SFH 9201-3/4 0.63 ... 2.00 SFH 9202 0.063 ... 0.8 SFH 9202-2/3 0.063 ... 0.2 SFH 9202-3/4 SFH 9202-4/5 SFH 9202-5/6 0.10 ... 0.32 0.16 ... 0.50 0.25 ... 0.80 Q65110A2708 3 (≤ 200) Q65110A2716 30 1.25 (≤ 1.65) 1 (≤ 50) 65 Q65110A2710 Q65110A2709 Q65110A2711 ICEO (VCE = 20 V) Threshold current VCE max VF (IF = 10 mA) Ordering code Fig. ITH mA nA mA V V 3 (≤ 200) 2.6 (< 5) 16 30 (t≤2 min) 1.8 (≤ 2.3) Q65110A2713 65 Ordering code Fig. Q65110A2706 65 VCSEL emitter 1 ... 8 Type Feature IP (I F = 8 mA, VR = 5 V, d = 5 mm) IR (VR = 10 V) Threshold current ITH VF (IF = 10 mA) µA pA mA V >1 50 2.6 (< 5) 1.8 (≤ 2.3) VCSEL emitter Photodiode output Q65110A2712 Q65110A2705 ICE (I F = 8 mA, VCE = 5 V, d = 5 mm) Feature Q65110A2698 SFH 9210 SFH 9221 34 20 mA) ICE (IF = 10 mA, V CE = 5 V, d = 1 mm) SFH 9201-2/3 Type tPHL, t PL H (RL = 280 Ω, V CC = 5 V, IF = 4 mA) Ordering code Q62702P5120 2. SMT Reflexlichtschranken Package VF ( IF = 1. Slotted Interrupters (cont’d) 3.18 Package Propagation delay time For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit OPTISCHE SENSOREN Package Type OPTICAL SENSORS Features V CC Threshold input current IF, on (VCC = 5 V, d = 1 mm) V SFH 9240 Schmitt Trigger Output, active “low” SFH 9241 Schmitt Trigger Output, active “high” Hysteresis IF, OFF / IF, ON Propagation delay time Ordering code Fig. tPHL, tPLH (RL = 280 Ω, VCC = 5 V, IF = 20 mA) ns mA VF (IF = 50 mA) V Q65110A2714 4 ... 18 3 (< 10) 0.6 2 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit 1.25 (≤ 1.65) 65 Q65110A2715 35 IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN INFRARED EMITTERS TYPENÜBERSICHT SUMMARY OF TYPES (IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN) 1. Emitter in SMT SmartLED® SFH 4000 / SFH 4010 SFH 4020 / SFH 4080 1. TOPLED® SFH 420 / SFH 4211 / SFH 421 / SFH 4200 (INFRARED EMITTERS ) Emitter in SMT SFH 4257 / SFH 4271 SFH 4272 / SFH 4273 TOPLED ® RG SFH 4281 Mini TOPLED® SFH 4203 SMR SFH 4580 SFH 4585 SmartLED® 0603 SFH 4050 36 TOPLED® with Lens SFH 4209 / SFH 4289 / SFH 4219 SFH 4600 / SFH 4605 SFH 4650 / SFH 4655 SFH 4680 / SFH 4685 SIDELED® SFH 425 / SFH 426 / SFH 4205 / SFH 4255 Multi TOPLED ® SFH 331 / SFH 7222 / SFH 7221 / SFH 7225 / SFH 7226 SMR SFH 4500 / SFH 4510 SFH 4505 / SFH 4515 IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN INFRARED EMITTERS TYPENÜBERSICHT SUMMARY OF TYPES (IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN) 2. Hochleistungsemitter 850nm 2. (INFRARED EMITTERS ) High Power Emitter 850 nm SFH 4050 SFH 4250 SFH 4259 SFH 4650 / SFH 4655 SFH 4255 SFH 4550 SFH 4350 SFH 4850 3. Sehr schnelle Emitter 950nm SmartLED® SFH 4000 3. High speed emitter 950 nm TOPLED® SFH 4200 Power TOPLED ® SFH 4202 TOPLED ® with Lens SFH 4209 SIDELED ® SFH 4205 Mini TOPLED® SFH 4203 Micro SIDELED ® SFH 4204 SMR SFH 4500 / SFH 4505 SFH 4301 SFH 4501 / SFH 4502 / SFH 4503 SFH 4600 / SFH 4605 37 IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN INFRARED EMITTERS TYPENÜBERSICHT SUMMARY OF TYPES (IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN) 4. Emitter im Plastikgehäuse Emitters in Plastic Package IRL 80 A / IRL 81 A SFH 4110 SFH 4111 SFH 4113 SFH 484 / SFH 485 / SFH 486 SFH 4550 LD 274 LD 271 SFH 415 / SFH 4501 / SFH 4502 SFH 4503 SFH 487 SFH 409 SFH 485 P SFH 487 P SFH 4301 SFH 4350 LD 261 LD 263 SFH 405 38 4. (INFRARED EMITTERS ) IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN INFRARED EMITTERS TYPENÜBERSICHT SUMMARY OF TYPES (IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN) 5. Emitter im Metallgehäuse 5. (INFRARED EMITTERS ) Emitters in Metal Package SFH 464 / SFH 483 / LD 242 SFH 4850 SFH 400 / SFH 480 / SFH 4840 SFH 4860 SFH 482 SFH 4881 SFH 4883 SFH 401 39 IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN INFRARED EMITTERS 1. Emitter in SMT Package Type 1. Emitter in SMT λpe ak ϕ Ie (IF = 100 mA, t P = 20 ms) VF (IF = 100 mA, tP = 20 ms) tr,tf nm deg. mW/sr V ns 1.1 MIDLED Fig. No. 1.1 MIDLED SFH 4600 950 typ. 36 10 Q65110A1575 SFH 4680 880 typ. 20 500 Q65110A1570 SFH 4650 850 12 Q65110A1572 typ. 41 ± 20 Package Ordering code 1.5 (≤ 1.8) 91 SFH 4605 950 typ. 36 10 Q65110A1576 SFH 4685 880 typ. 20 500 Q65110A1571 SFH 4655 850 typ. 41 12 Q65110A1569 Type λpe ak ϕ Ie (IF = 100 mA, t P = 20 ms) VF (IF = 100 mA, tP = 20 ms) tr,tf Ordering code nm deg. mW/sr V ns 1.2 SmartLED® Fig. No. 1.2 SmartLED® > 1.6 typ. 4.4 1.5 (≤ 1.8) 10 Q65110A2649 950 > 1.0 typ. 2.5 1.3 (≤ 1.5) 500 Q65110A2707 SFH 4020 850 ± 15 typ. 8 (at I F = 8 mA) 1.8 (≤ 2.5) (at IF = 8 mA, tP = 20 ms) SFH 4080 880 ± 80 > 1.0 typ. 2.5 SFH 4050 850 SFH 4000 950 ± 80 SFH 4010 SmartLED® 69 2 Q65110A2650 500 Q65110A1217 12 Q65110A2109 1.5 (≤ 1.8) typ. 7 92 SmartLED® 0603 40 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN Package Type INFRARED EMITTERS λpe ak ϕ Ie (IF = 100 mA, t P = 20 ms) VF (IF = 100 mA, tP = 20 ms) tr,tf nm deg. mW/sr V ns 1.3 TOPLED® /SIDELED ® Familie 1.3 TOPLED®/SIDELED® Family TOPLED® TOPLED® Fig. No. 500 Q65110A2473 500 Q65110A2515 ≥4 500 Q65110A1218 ≥4 typ. 10 10 Q65110A2494 ≥4 500 Q65110A2516 89 10 Q65110A2499 68 Q65110A2465 93 SFH 420 ≥ 2.5 950 Ordering code 1.3 (≤ 1.5) SFH 4211 66 SFH 421 880 SFH 4200 950 SFH 4281 880 SFH 4203 950 TOPLED ® ± 60 TOPLED ® RG ± 65 ≥4 typ. 8 1.5 (≤ 1.8) Mini TOPLED® SFH 4250 typ. 14 12 850 Power TOPLED ® SFH 4257 typ. 6 Q65110A2466 ± 60 880 >1 typ. 2 SFH 4272 645 > 0.16 typ. 0.35 (at I F = 20 mA) 2.0 (≤ 2.5) (at IF = 20 mA) SFH 4273 660 > 0.63 typ. 1 (at I F = 50 mA) 2.1 (≤ 2.8) (at IF = 50 mA) Type λpe ak ϕ Ie (IF = 100 mA, t P = 20 ms) nm deg. mW/sr TOPLED ® Package 107 SFH 4271 TOPLED® mit Linse 500 Q65110A2521 Q65110A2522 106 100 Q65110A2523 VF (IF = 100 mA, tP = 20 ms) tr,tf Ordering code V ns Fig. No. TOPLED® with Lens SFH 4209 > 6.3 typ. 24 1.5 (≤ 1.8) >4 typ. 13 1.3 (≤ 1.5) 10 Q65110A2501 950 SFH 4219 Q65110A2518 67 500 SFH 4289 880 ± 25 > 6.3 typ. 17 Q65110A2519 1.5 (≤ 1.8) SFH 4259 850 typ. 30 12 Q65110A2464 94 Power TOPLED® w. Lens For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit 41 IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN Package Type INFRARED EMITTERS λpe ak ϕ Ie (IF = 100 mA, t P = 20 ms) VF (IF = 100 mA, tP = 20 ms) tr,tf nm deg. mW/sr V ns 1.3 (≤ 1.5) 500 Q65110A2463 10 Q65110A2498 500 Q65110A2512 12 Q65110A2467 7 (IF = 40 mA) Q65110A2504 99 Ordering code Fig. SIDELED® Ordering code Fig. No. SIDELED® ≥ 2.5 SFH 425 950 ≥4 typ.10 SFH 4205 90 SFH 426 880 SFH 4255 850 SFH 4204 950 ≥4 SIDELED ® ± 60 1.5 (≤ 1.8) typ. 14 1.4 (IF = 40 mA, tP = 20 ms) typ. 2.5 (IF = 40 mA, t P = 20 ms) MicroSIDELED ® Multi TOPLED® Multi TOPLED® Zwei Sender in SMT Multi TOPLED® Two Emitters in SMT Multi TOPLED® Package Type λpe ak ϕ IV Ie (IF = 2 mA) (IF = 100 mA, tP = 20 ms) VF tr,t f nm deg. mcd mW/sr V ns 880 ± 60 − ≥4 1.5 (IF = 100 mA) 500 565 ± 60 ≥ 0.25 − (IF = 2 mA) 2.0 (IF = 10 mA) 450 SFH 7222 Empfänger/Sender in SMT Multi TOPLED® Package Type Sender Emitter Empfänger Detector SFH 331-JK Type Sender Emitter Empfänger Detector SFH 7221 λpea k ϕ IV VF tr,tf (IF = 10 mA) (IF = 10 mA) nm deg. mcd V IF= 100 mA, tp = 10 µs, RL = 50 Ω ns 635 ± 60 4 ...12.5 2.0 (≤ 2.6) 300, 150 Radiant sensitive area IP CE (λ = 950 V CEO nm, E e = 0.1 mW/cm2, VCE = 5 V) V µA λ10% tr,tf (IC = 1 mA, VCC = 5 V, RL = 1 kΩ) nm µs 0.045 ≥16 35 380 ...1150 7 λpea k ϕ IV VF nm deg. (IF = 100 mA, tP = 20 ms) mW/sr tr,tf (IF = 100 mA) IF= 100 mA, RL = 50 Ω) V ns 880 ± 60 >4 1.5 (≤ 1.8) 500 Radiant sensitive area IP CE (λ = 880 V CEO nm, E e = 0.1 mW/cm2, VCE = 5 V) V µA λ10% tr,tf (IC = 1 mA, VCC = 5 V, RL = 1 kΩ) nm µs ≥16 380 ... 1150 7 mm 2 2 0.045 42 Q65110A2742 72 Ordering code Fig. Detector/Emitter in SMT Multi TOPLED® mm Package No. 35 No. Q65110A1206 5 Ordering code Fig. No. Q65110A2741 6 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN Package Type INFRARED EMITTERS Sender Emitter λpea k SFH 7225 Package Type Sender Emitter SFH 7226 Package Type VF (IF = 20 mA) V deg. 591 ± 60 63 ...200 2.0 Radiant sensitive area IP CE (E v = V CEO Crosstalk IPCE (IF = 20 mA, V CE = 5 V) mm2 1000 lx Standard light A VCE = 5 V) µA V µA 0.045 650 typ. 35 > 0.5 λpea k ϕ IV VF deg. (IF = 20 mA) mcd (IF = 20 mA) V 645 ± 60 40 ...125 2.0 Radiant sensitive area IP CE (E v = V CEO Crosstalk IPCE (IF = 20 mA, V CE = 5 V) nm Empfänger Detector IV (IF = 20 mA) mcd nm Empfänger Detector ϕ mm2 1000 lx Standard light A VCE = 5 V) µA V µA 0.045 650 typ. 35 >2 λpe ak ϕ Ie (IF = 100 mA, t P = 20 ms) VF (IF = 100 mA, tP = 20 ms) tr,tf nm deg. mW/sr V ns 1.4 SMR Ordering code Fig. Q65110A2743 5 Ordering code Fig. Q65110A2744 5 Ordering code Fig. No. 1.4 SMR SFH 4500 ≥ 25 typ. 85 1.5 (≤ 1.8) 10 Q65110A2642 70 SFH 4510 ≥ 25 typ. 50 1.3 (≤ 1.5) 500 Q65110A2630 7 SFH 4505 ≥ 25 typ. 85 1.5 (≤ 1.8) 10 Q65110A2643 71 SFH 4515 ≥ 25 typ. 50 1.3 (≤ 1.5) 500 Q65110A2633 8 Q65110A2632 70 Q65110A2631 71 950 ± 14 SFH 4580 880 ± 15 ≥ 25 typ. 55 1.5 (≤ 1.8) SFH 4585 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit 500 43 IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN INFRARED EMITTERS 2. Hochleistungsemitter 850nm Package Type 2. High Power Emitter 850nm λpe ak ϕ Ie (IF = 100 mA, t P = 20 ms) VF (IF = 100 mA, tP = 20 ms) tr,tf nm deg. mW/sr V ns ± 80 typ. 7 Q65110A2109 92 typ. 14 Q65110A2465 93 typ. 6 Q65110A2466 107 typ. 30 Q65110A2464 94 Q65110A2467 90 SFH 4050 Ordering code Fig. No. SmartLED® 0603 SFH 4250 PowerTOPLED ® ± 60 SFH 4257 TOPLED ® ± 25 SFH 4259 PowerTOPLED® w. Lens 1.5 (≤ 1.8) at IF = 100 mA, tP = 20 ms SFH 4255 850 ± 60 typ. 14 12 2.4 (≤ 3.0) at IF = 1 A, tP = 100 µs SIDELED ® Q65110A1572 SFH 4650 MIDLED ± 20 91 typ. 35 Q65110A1569 SFH 4655 MIDLED SFH 4550 ±3 typ. 700 Q65110A1772 79 SFH 4350 ± 15 typ. 70 Q65110A2091 73 T 1 3/4 T1 44 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN Package Type SFH 4850 E7800 INFRARED EMITTERS λpe ak ϕ Ie (IF = 100 mA, t P = 20 ms) VF (IF = 100 mA, tP = 20 ms) tr,tf nm deg. mW/sr V ns 850 ± 40 typ. 7 3. Sehr schnelle Emitter 950 nm Type Fig. No. 1.5 (≤ 1.8) at IF = 100 mA, tP = 20 ms 2.4 (≤ 3.0) at IF = 1 A, tP = 100 µs TO 18 Package Ordering code 12 Q65110A2093 40 Ordering code Fig. 3. High Speed Emitter 950 nm λpe ak ϕ Ie (IF = 100 mA, t P = 20 ms) VF (IF = 100 mA, tP = 20 ms) tr,tf nm deg. mW/sr V ns ± 80 > 1.6 typ. 3.5 Q65110A2649 69 ≥4 typ. 10 Q65110A2494 66 > 6.3 typ. 10 Q65110A2503 93 > 10 typ. 17 Q65110A2501 67 Q65110A2498 90 SFH 4000 No. SmartLED® SFH 4200 TOPLED ® ± 60 SFH 4202 PowerTOPLED ® ± 25 SFH 4209 1.5 (≤ 1.8) 950 TOPLED ® with Lens SFH 4205 ± 25 ≥4 typ. 10 10 SIDELED ® SFH 4600 Q65110A1575 ± 20 typ. 36 SFH 4605 SFH 4203 91 Q65110A1576 ± 65 ≥4 typ. 8 Q65110A2499 68 Mini TOPLED® For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit 45 IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN Package Type INFRARED EMITTERS λpe ak ϕ Ie (IF = 100 mA, t P = 20 ms) VF (IF = 100 mA, tP = 20 ms) tr,tf nm deg. mW/sr V ns ± 60 2.5 (IF = 400 mA, t P = 20 ms) 1.4 7 SFH 4204 Ordering code Fig. No. Q65110A2504 99 Q65110A2642 70 Q65110A2643 71 Micro SIDELED ® SFH 4500 T 1 3/4 SMR ± 14 ≥ 25 typ. 85 SFH 4505 T 1 3/4 SMR 1.5 (≤ 1.8) 950 10 SFH 4301 ± 10 ≥ 16 typ. 75 Q62702P5166 73 SFH 4501 ±7 ≥ 63 typ. 110 Q62702P5061 74 SFH 4502 ± 18 ≥ 25 typ. 60 Q62702P5062 75 SFH 4503 ±4 ≥ 63 typ. 250 Q62702P5305 76 Ordering code Fig. T1 T 1 3/4 4. Emitter im Plastikgehäuse Package Type 4. Emitter in plastic package λpe ak ϕ Ie (IF = 100 mA, tP = 20 ms) VF (I F = 100 mA, t P = 20 ms) nm deg. mW/sr V 4.1 Radiale Gehäuse No. 4.1 Radial packages ±3 typ. 700 SFH 4350 ± 17 typ. 70 SFH 484 SFH 484-2 ±8 SFH 4550 Q65110A1772 79 Q65110A2091 73 ≥ 50 ≥ 80 Q62703Q1092 Q62703Q1756 79 ± 11 ≥ 40 Q62703Q1094 80 ± 20 ≥ 25 25 ... 100 Q62703Q1093 Q62703Q1547 81 T 1 3/4 850 1.5 (≤ 1.8) T1 SFH 486 T 1 3/4 46 SFH 485 SFH 485-2 880 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN Package INFRARED EMITTERS λpe ak ϕ Ie (IF = 100 mA, tP = 20 ms) VF (I F = 100 mA, t P = 20 ms) nm deg. mW/sr V ± 20 ≥ 12.5 20 ... 80 32 ... 125 ± 40 ≥ 3.15 SFH 487 P ± 65 LD 274 LD 274-3 ± 10 Type SFH 487 SFH 487-2 SFH 487-3 Ordering code Fig. No. Q62703Q1095 Q62703Q2174 Q62703Q2175 73 Q62703Q0516 82 ≥2 Q62703Q0517 83 ≥ 50 ≥ 80 Q62703Q1031 Q62703Q1820 84 Q62703Q0148 Q62703Q0256 85 T1 SFH 485 P 880 1.5 (≤ 1.8) T 1 3/4 T1 T 1 3/4 LD 271 LD 271 H ± 25 T 1 3/4 15 (≥ 10) ≥ 16 LD 271 L LD 271 LH Q62703Q0833 Q62703Q0838 1.3 (≤ 1.5) 950 ± 17 ≥ 25 ≥ 40 Q62702P0296 Q62702P1137 SFH 4511 ±4 63 Q62703Q5557 SFH 409 SFH 409-2 ± 20 ≥ 6.3 ≥ 10 Q62702P0860 Q62702P1002 73 Ordering code Fig. SFH 415 SFH 415-U 42 T 1 3/4 T1 Package Type λpe ak ϕ Ie (IF = 20 mA, tP = 20 ms) VF (I F = 20 mA, t P = 20 ms) nm deg. mW/sr V 4.2 Sidelooker No. 4.2 Sidelooker IRL 81 A 880 ± 25 ≥ 1.0 1.5 (≤ 1.8) Q68000A80001) 78 IRL 80 A 950 ± 30 ≥ 0.4 1.2 (≤ 1.5) For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit Q68000A78511) 47 IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN Package Type INFRARED EMITTERS λpe ak ϕ Ie (IF = 20 mA, tP = 20 ms) VF (I F = 20 mA, t P = 20 ms) nm deg. mW/sr V 4.2 Sidelooker (Forts.) SFH 4110 1) No. 4.2 Sidelooker (cont’d) 950 ±9 ≥ 2.5 1.2 (≤ 1.4) Q62702P50721) 31 Type λpe ak ϕ Ee (d = 6 mm, IF = 4 mA) Ordering code Fig. nm deg. mW/cm2 VF (I F = 20 mA, t P = 20 ms) ± 30 horizontal ± 60 vertical 0.25 ... 1 SFH 4111 SFH 4113 Package Type λpe ak nm ± 33 horizontal ± 43 vertical 0.25 ... 1.25 ϕ deg. Ie VF mW/sr V 4.3 Zeilen im Plastikgehäuse Array SFH 405 Q62702P5333 95 Q62702P5299 96 Ordering code Fig. No. 4.3 Arrays in Plastic Package LD 261 LD 261-5 LD 262 LD 263 LD 264 LD 265 LD 266 LD 267 LD 268 LD 269 LD 260 No. V 1.25 (≤ 1.6) 950 48 Fig. conversion to RoHS compliance 03/2005 Package 1) Ordering code 2 ... 10 3.2 ... 6.3 1.25 (≤ 1.4) (I F = 50 mA, t P = 20 ms) ± 15 950 2 ... 6.3 ± 16 ≥ 1.6 1.25 (≤ 1.4) (I F = 40 mA, t P = 20 ms) Q62703Q0395 1) Q62703Q0067 1) 36 Q62703Q0070 1) Q62703Q0071 1) Q62703Q0072 1) Q62703Q0073 1) Q62703Q0074 1) Q62703Q0075 1) Q62703Q0076 1) Q62703Q0077 1) Q62703Q0078 1) 37 1) 35 Q62702P0835 conversion to RoHS compliance 03/2005 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN INFRARED EMITTERS 5. Emitter im Metallgehäuse Package Type 5. Emitters in Metal Package λpe ak ϕ Ie (IF = 100 mA, tP = 20 ms) VF nm deg. mW/sr V ± 23 (IF = 50 mA, tP = 20 ms) SFH 464 E 7800 ≥1 Ordering code Fig. No. Q62702P17451) 40 2.1 TO 18 (I F = 50 mA, t P = 20 ms) 660 ± 50 ≥ 0.63 (IF = 50 mA, tP = 20 ms) Q62702P50531) 87 ± 40 typ. 7 Q65110A20931) 40 SFH 480 SFH 480-2/3 ±6 ≥ 40 Q62703Q1087 1) Q62703Q5195 1) 48 SFH 483-L/M E 7800 ± 23 1 ... 3.2 Q62703Q4755 1) 40 SFH 4860 TO 18 SFH 4850 850 TO 18 TO 18 1.5 (≤ 1.8) TO 18 ≥ 3.15 SFH 482 SFH 482-1/2 SFH 482-2/3 (I F = 100 mA, t P = 20 ms) 3.15 ... 10 880 ± 30 SFH 482-M E7800 ≥5 Q62703Q1089 1) Q62703Q4771 1) Q62703Q4754 1) 49 1.6 ... 3.2 Q62703Q2186 1) TO 18 SFH 4881 ±5 ≥ 40 typ. 72 Q62702P53021) 97 SFH 4883 ± 35 ≥4 typ. 8 Q62702P53031) 98 ± 40 4 ... 25 1 ... 3.2 Q62703Q4749 1) Q62703Q3509 1) 40 TO 46 TO 46 LD 242-2/3 LD 242 E7800 950 1.3 (≤ 1.5) (I F = 100 mA, t P = 20 ms) TO 18 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit 49 IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN Package Type INFRARED EMITTERS λpe ak ϕ Ie (IF = 100 mA, tP = 20 ms) VF nm deg. mW/sr V ±6 ≥ 20 SFH 400 Ordering code Fig. No. Q62702P00961) 48 Q62702P00971) 88 Q65110A13031) 48 1.3 (≤ 1.5) TO 18 (I F = 100 mA, t P = 20 ms) 950 ± 15 SFH 401 ≥ 10 TO 18 UV- Emitter UV- Emitter SFH 4840 395 ±3 typ. 45 (IF = 30 mA, tP = 20 ms) 3.7 (< 4.3) (I F = 30 mA, t P = 20 ms) TO 18 1) 50 conversion to RoHS compliance 03/2005 For information about RoHS compliance of our products, please visit IR-LUMINESZENZDIODEN INFRARED EMITTERS Lochblendenmessung Aperture measurement Für Lichtschrankenanwendungen sind Bauteile lieferbar, die eine „Lochblendenmessung“ durchlaufen haben. Diese Messung ist durch den Anhang „E 7800“ an die Typenbezeichnung gekennzeichnet. Components for light reflection switch applications are supplied which have passed an aperture measurement. This measurement is denoted by “E 7800” added to the type designation. Detector 10 x 10 mm 2 Type LD 242 SFH 464 SFH 482 SFH 483 L Chip position Aperture L (mm) A (mm) Ø 1.1 Ø 1.1 Ø 2.0 Ø 1.1 4 4 5.4 4 A 100 mm OHA00230 Vorteile Bei der Lochblendenmessung wird nur diejenige Strahlung in Achsrichtung bewertet, die direkt aus der Oberfläche des Chips austritt. Reflexionen der Bodenplatte und Seitenstrahlung fließen nicht in die Ie-Messung ein. Diese reflektierte Strahlung ist störend, wenn die Chipoberfläche über Zusatzoptiken abgebildet wird, z.B. beim Aufbau von Lichtschranken mit großer Reichweite. Der Anwender erhält durch die Lochblendenmessung ein für Lichtschrankenapplikationen optimal gemessenes Bauteil. Advantages Only the radiation in axial direction emitting directly from the chip surface will be evaluated during aperture measurement. Radiation reflected by the bottom plate and sidefacing of the chip will not be evaluated. This reflected radiation is disruptive when the chip surface is supplemented by an additional optical system e.g. in the construction of reflection switches. By using components which have passed the aperture measurement test, the user obtains devices which are optimally suited for the construction of reflection switches. 51 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN , OPTISCHE SENSOREN UND IR-L UMINESZENZDIODEN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS, AND INFRARED EMITTERS Maßbilder in mm (inch) Outline Drawings dimensions in mm (inch) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) SFH 5110 Figure 2 6.1 (0.240) 5.9 (0.232) 2 3 2.1 (0.083) 3.0 (0.118) 2.6 (0.102) 2.3 (0.091) 1.7 (0.067) 0.1 (0.004) (typ.) 0.9 (0.035) 0.7 (0.028) 1.1 (0.043) 3.4 (0.134) 3.0 (0.118) 4.9 (0.193) 3.3 (0.130) 5.1 (0.201) 3.0 (0.118) 2.8 (0.110) 3.5 (0.138) 0.3 (0.012) 32.0 (1.260) 30.0 (1.181) (2.4) (0.095) 6.1 (0.240) 5.9 (0.232) Collector marking 0.5 (0.020) 24.4 (0.961) 23.4 (0.921) 3.7 (0.146) 3.3 (0.130) 4˚±1 2.1 (0.083) 1.3 (0.051) 1.1 (0.043) 0.5 (0.020) SFH 320, SFH 320 FA 1 2.54 (0.100) 2.54 (0.100) Figure 1 OPTICAL SENSORS 0.18 (0.007) 0.12 (0.005) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) GPLY6030 Pinning SFH 5110 1 OUT 2 GND 3 VCC Figure 3 GEOY6985 SFH 3211, SFH 3211 FA Figure 4 SFH 325, SFH 325 FA, 1.7 (0.067) 1.0 (0.039) 0.9 (0.035) (0.3 (0.012)) GPLY6067 Emitter (R1) 3.8 (0.150) 3.4 (0.134) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) Collector (2.85 (0.112)) 0.9 (0.035) (1.4 (0.055)) Collector marking (2.9 (0.114)) Collector marking 0...0.1 (0.004) 2.54 (0.100) spacing Collector 5.4 (0.213) 5.0 (0.197) 0.3 (0.012) min 1.1 (0.043) 4˚±1 3.4 (0.134) 3.0 (0.118) (2.4 (0.094)) 0.3 (0.012) max 2.1 (0.083) 2.4 (0.094) 2.8 (0.110) 2.1 (0.083) 3.0 (0.118) 2.6 (0.102) 2.3 (0.091) 0.7 (0.028) 4.2 (0.165) 3.8 (0.150) (2.4 (0.094)) 4.2 (0.165) 3.8 (0.150) 1 0.1 (0.004) typ 4 Package marking Emission color : super-red (SFH 331) 2 0.9 (0.035) 0.7 (0.028) 3 C C A E 1 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 0.18 (0.007) 0.12 (0.005) Package marking 4 0.1 (0.004) typ 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 0.18 (0.007) 0.12 (0.005) GPLY6924 52 0.8 (0.031) 0.6 (0.024) 2.1 (0.083) 1.7 (0.067) 3.7 (0.146) 3.3 (0.130) 2.1 (0.083) 0.5 (0.020) E 1.7 (0.067) 1.1 (0.043) C C 0.5 (0.020) A 2.1 (0.083) 3.0 (0.118) 2.6 (0.102) 2.3 (0.091) 0.9 (0.035) 0.7 (0.028) 3 1.1 (0.043) 2 (2.4 (0.094)) 3.4 (0.134) 3.0 (0.118) 0.8 (0.031) 0.6 (0.024) SFH 7221 3.4 (0.134) 3.0 (0.118) 3.0 (0.118) 2.6 (0.102) 2.3 (0.091) 2.1 (0.083) Figure 6 (2.4 (0.094)) SFH 331, SFH 7225, SFH 7226 3.7 (0.146) 3.3 (0.130) Figure 5 GPLY6068 GPLY6965 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN , OPTISCHE SENSOREN UND IR-L UMINESZENZDIODEN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS, AND INFRARED EMITTERS Maßbilder in mm (inch) Outline Drawings dimensions in mm (inch) ((3.2) (0.126)) Cathode/ Collector Figure 10 SFH 3401 Active area 0.55 mm 2 0.7 (0.028) 0...0.1 (0...0.004) B 2.1 (0.083) 1.7 (0.067) 2.54 (0.100) spacing 1.27 (0.050) spacing 6 4.4 (0.173) Active area 0.29 mm 2 0.6 (0.024) 2 3 4 5 6 - - Emitter Collector - - 0.8 (0.031) 0.6 (0.024) 0.6 (0.024) 1 GEOY6982 0.2 (0.008) 0.2 (0.008) 0.7 (0.028) 0.4 (0.016) 0.1 M B 2.1 (0.083) Chip position 4.8 (0.189) 5 4 1.15 (0.045) 0.95 (0.037) 6.2 (0.244) Active area 0.55 (0.022) 1.9 (0.075) SFH 3410 Collector 0.0 (0.000) Figure 12 GEOY6973 0.3 (0.012) 0.2 (0.008) SFH 3201 3.8 (0.150) 0.3 (0.012) 2.5 (0.098) GEOY6953 4.2 (0.165) 0.5 (0.020) Emitter 2.7 (0.106) 0.9 (0.035) Emitter 1.1 (0.043) 0.8 (0.031) 2.7 (0.106) 2.5 (0.098) A 5.8 (0.228) 3.4 (0.134) 3.0 (0.118) Base 0.3 (0.012) Collector 0.6 (0.024) 0.6 (0.024) 0.5 (0.020) 0.3 (0.012) 1.1 (0.043) 0.9 (0.035) 2.1 (0.083) 1.9 (0.075) not connected Collector 0.15 (0.006) 0.13 (0.005) 0.0 (0.000) 0.3 (0.012) 0.2 (0.008) 0.1 (0.004) 1.0 (0.039) 1.1 (0.043) 0.3 (0.012) 0.2 (0.008) 0.1 (0.004) 0.0 (0.000) 1.1 (0.043) 1.0 (0.039) 4.4 (0.173) Active area 0.55 mm 2 0.7 (0.028) 0.3 (0.012) 0.8 (0.031) GEOY6969 4.8 (0.189) 4.4 (0.173) 0.5 (0.020) 0.3 (0.012) 6.0 (0.236) 5.4 (0.213) Chip position 4.8 (0.189) 1 2 3 ((3.2) (0.126)) 4.5 (0.177) 3.9 (0.154) 7.7 (0.303) 7.1 (0.280) Chip position 0.2 M A ((3.2) (0.126)) ((R2.8 (0.110)) GEOY6968 SFH 3400 Figure 11 2.7 (0.106) 2.4 (0.094) 4.8 (0.189) 4.4 (0.173) 15.5 (0.610) 14.7 (0.579) 6.0 (0.236) 5.4 (0.213) 4.5 (0.177) 3.9 (0.154) 7.7 (0.303) 7.1 (0.280) Cathode/ Collector 7.4 (0.291) Chip position 4.5 (0.177) 3.9 (0.154) 2.05 (0.081) R 1.95 (0.077) 0.1 (0.004) 2.54 (0.100) spacing 14.7 (0.579) 13.1 (0.516) 8.0 (0.315) 2.54 (0.100) spacing 3.3 (0.130) -0.1...0.2 (-0.004...0.008) 3.7 (0.146) ((3.2) (0.126)) ((R2.8 (0.110)) 4.4 (0.173) 2.05 (0.081) R 1.95 (0.077) SFH 3505, SFH 3505 FA, SFH 2505, SFH 2505 FA SFH 4515 (not connected) 0.5 (0.020) 0.3 (0.012) 1.1 (0.043) 0.9 (0.035) 2.1 (0.083) 1.9 (0.075) 5.5 (0.217) 2.8 (0.110) 2.4 (0.094) 2.7 (0.106) 2.4 (0.094) Chip position 4.5 (0.177) 3.9 (0.154) 7.5 (0.295) Figure 9 Figure 8 -0.15...0.15 (-0.006...0.006) SFH 3500, SFH 3500 FA, SFH 2500, SFH 2500 FA, SFH 4510 4.8 (0.189) Figure 7 OPTICAL SENSORS 2.7 (0.106) 2.5 (0.098) Emitter GEOY6028 53 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN , OPTISCHE SENSOREN UND IR-L UMINESZENZDIODEN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS, AND INFRARED EMITTERS Maßbilder in mm (inch) Outline Drawings dimensions in mm (inch) Figure 14 BPW 34 S, BPW 34 FS, BPW 34 FAS, BPW 34 BS SFH 2430 0.9 (0.035) 0.7 (0.028) 1.7 (0.067) 1.5 (0.059) 4.0 (0.157) 3.7 (0.146) Figure 17 KOM 2125, KOM 2125 FA Figure 18 SFH 5440, SFH 5441 Chip position GEOY6860 0.5 (0.020) 0.3 (0.012) 1.1 (0.043) 0.9 (0.035) 0.8 (0.031) 0.6 (0.024) Active area 1.2 (0.047) 1.1 (0.043) Active area 0.12 (0.005) GND 0.0 (0.000) 0.1 (0.004) 0.3 (0.012) 0.2 (0.008) 1.1 (0.043) 1.0 (0.039) 8.2 (0.323) 0.3 (0.012) 1.9 (0.075) Cathode 4.4 (0.173) 2.1 (0.083) 2.1 (0.083) 1.9 (0.075) 0.3 (0.012) 1 8.5 (0.335) 4.8 (0.189) 0...0.1 (0...0.004) 0.9 (0.035) 0.5 (0.020) 2.5 (0.098) 1.1 (0.043) 0.6 (0.024) Anode 2.7 (0.106) 3 B 4.3 (0.169) 2 A Cathode 0.8 (0.031) 5.0 (0.197) not connected 1.4 (0.055) ±0.2 (0.008) 4.5 (0.177) 4.4 (0.173) Chip position 6.7 (0.264) 6.2 (0.244) 0.0 (0.000) 0.3 (0.012) 0.2 (0.008) 0.1 (0.004) 1.0 (0.039) 1.1 (0.043) Photosensitive area A = 2 (0.079) x 2 (0.079) B = 5 (0.197) x 2 (0.079) 0.9 (0.035) 0.7 (0.028) 5.2 (0.205) 4.8 (0.189) 0.6 (0.024) 1.8 (0.071) ±0.2 (0.008) GEOY6916 Chip position Active area 1x1 0.9 (0.035) 6.2 (0.244) Photosensitive area Cathode lead 2.65 (0.104) x 2.65 (0.104) GEOY6863 GEOY6861 SFH 2400, SFH 2400 FA 0.3 (0.012) 1.2 (0.047) 1.1 (0.043) 0...0.1 (0...0.004) 4.5 (0.177) 4.3 (0.169) 1.8 (0.071) ±0.2 (0.008) Photosensitive area Cathode lead 2.65 (0.104) x 2.65 (0.104) Photosensitive area Cathode lead 2.20 (0.087) x 2.20 (0.087) Figure 16 6.7 (0.264) 1.7 (0.067) 1.5 (0.059) 4.0 (0.157) 3.7 (0.146) 6.2 (0.244) 4.5 (0.177) 4.3 (0.169) 1.6 (0.063) ±0.2 (0.008) 0.9 (0.035) 0.7 (0.028) 0.3 (0.012) 6.7 (0.264) 1.1 (0.043) 0.9 (0.035) 0.9 (0.035) 0.7 (0.028) 4.5 (0.177) 4.3 (0.169) 1.1 (0.043) 0.9 (0.035) 1.7 (0.067) 1.5 (0.059) 4.0 (0.157) 3.7 (0.146) 6.2 (0.244) Chip position 0...5 ˚ 0.2 (0.008) 0.1 (0.004) 0...5 ˚ 0.2 (0.008) 0.1 (0.004) 1.1 (0.043) 0.9 (0.035) 6.7 (0.264) BPW 34 S R18R, BPW 34 FAS R18R, BPW 34 FS R18R Chip position 1.2 (0.047) 1.1 (0.043) 0...0.1 (0...0.004) 0.3 (0.012) Chip position Figure 15 0...5 ˚ 0.2 (0.008) 0.1 (0.004) BP 104 FS, BP 104 S, BP 104 FAS 1.2 (0.047) 1.1 (0.043) 0...0.1 (0...0.004) Figure 13 OPTICAL SENSORS VCC OUT 0.15 (0.006) ±0.1 (0.004) 2.7 (0.106) 2.5 (0.098) GEOY6972 GEOY6990 0.4 (0.016) 0.6 (0.024) 2.9 (0.114) (0.5 (0.020) x 45˚) 5) 3.1 (0.122) .03 3) (0 .04 GEOY6001 0.9 5.4 (0.213) 5.1 (0.201) 4.8 (0.189) (0 54 1.6 (0.063) 1.4 (0.055) 5.3 (0.209) 0.9 GND VCC OUT 6.2 (0.244) GND VOUT VCC 5.6 (0.220) . (0 043 .03 ) 5) 14.5 (0.571) 12.5 (0.492) (0 ø0.45 (0.018) Chip position ø4.8 (0.189) ø4.6 (0.181) 2.2 (0.087) 2.0 (0.079) 3.0 (0.118) 2.8 (0.110) 1.27 (0.050) 2.7 (0.106) 1.1 1.05 (0.041) 0.85 (0.033) SFH 5840, SFH 5841 1.1 17.77 (0.700) 17.27 (0.680) 0.3 (0.012) 2.5 (0.098) 0.5 (0.020) (60˚) 2.54 (0.100) spacing 3.9 (0.154) 0.5 (0.020) 2.54 (0.100) 4.1 (0.161) 1.3 (0.051) 1.1 (0.043) Figure 20 1.27 (0.050) 0.66 (0.026) R0.9 (0.035) R0.7 (0.028) SFH 5140 F, SFH 5141 F 0.84 (0.033) 0.86 (0.034) 1.04 (0.041) 0.9 (0.035) 0.7 (0.028) Figure 19 GMOY6998 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN , OPTISCHE SENSOREN UND IR-L UMINESZENZDIODEN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS, AND INFRARED EMITTERS Maßbilder in mm (inch) Outline Drawings dimensions in mm (inch) 0...5˚ 6.7 (0.264) 1.1 (0.043) 0.9 (0.035) 0...0.1 (0...0.004) Chip position 0.3 (0.012) 0...0.1 (0...0.004) SFH 5400 1.2 (0.047) 1.1 (0.043) Figure 21 OPTICAL SENSORS OUT 3.7 (0.146) Photosensitive area 0.5 (0.020) x 0.5 (0.020) 2.54 (0.100) spacing GND 4.5 (0.177) 4.3 (0.169) VCC 4.0 (0.157) 1.1 (0.043) 0.9 (0.035) 6.2 (0.244) GEOY6966 SFH 309, SFH 309 FA, SFH 229, SFH 229 FA Figure 24 SFH 310, SFH 310 FA 4.8 (0.189) Chip position 6.3 (0.248) 5.9 (0.232) SFH 309 P, SFH 309 PFA Figure 26 ø2.9 (0.114) ø2.7 (0.106) 3.4 (0.134) 3.1 (0.122) 3.7 (0.146) 0.6 (0.024) 3.5 (0.138) 6.1 (0.240) 0.4 (0.016) 5.7 (0.224) 29.0 (1.142) 27.0 (1.063) Collector 4.4 (0.173) 0.4 (0.016) 0.8 (0.031) 0.4 (0.016) 0.7 (0.028) 1.2 (0.047) GEOY6653 GEXY6710 SFH 313, SFH 313 FA SFH 213, SFH 213 FA 9.0 (0.354) 4.5 (0.177) 4.1 (0.161) Chip position 4.0 (0.157) 3.6 (0.142) 1.8 (0.071) 1.2 (0.047) GEOY6446 29 (1.142) 27 (1.063) Cathode (Diode) Collector (Transistor) 7.8 (0.307) 7.5 (0.295) ø4.8 (0.189) 0.8 (0.031) 0.5 (0.020) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 2.54 (0.100) spacing 29 (1.142) 27 (1.063) ø2.9 (0.114) 3.5 (0.138) ø3.1 (0.122) 1.8 (0.071) 1.2 (0.047) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) Area not flat ø5.1 (0.201) 8.2 (0.323) Area not flat 3.1 (0.122) 2.5 (0.098) 2.0 (0.079) 1.7 (0.067) 0.7 (0.028) 0.4 (0.016) 0.8 (0.031) 0.4 (0.016) Emitter 2.54 (0.100) spacing Figure 25 1.8 (0.071) 1.1 (0.043) 0.9 (0.035) 4.0 (0.157) 3.6 (0.142) 3.5 (0.138) 1.8 (0.071) 1.2 (0.047) 29 (1.142) 27 (1.063) Collector (Transistor) Cathode (Diode) 2.54 (0.100) spacing 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 0.6 (0.024) Area not flat ø3.1 (0.122) ø2.9 (0.114) 0.7 (0.028) 0.4 (0.016) 0.8 (0.031) 0.4 (0.016) 2.54 (0.100) spacing Area not flat 5.2 (0.205) 4.5 (0.177) 4.1 (0.161) 3.9 (0.154) 0.4 (0.016) Figure 23 5.9 (0.232) 5.5 (0.217) 5.7 (0.224) 0.6 (0.024) 5.1 (0.201) Chip position 0.4 (0.016) GEXY6260 55 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN , OPTISCHE SENSOREN UND IR-L UMINESZENZDIODEN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS, AND INFRARED EMITTERS Maßbilder in mm (inch) Outline Drawings dimensions in mm (inch) 1.2 (0.047) 7.8 (0.307) 7.5 (0.295) 25.2 (0.992) 24.2 (0.953) Chip position SFH 303, SFH 303 FA Figure 30 11.5 (0.453) 10.9 (0.429) 0.46 (0.018) 0.64 (0.025) 2.54 (0.100) spacing Collector 1.52 (0.060) Plastic marking 2.54 (0.100) 2.03 (0.080) 1.70 (0.067) 1.45 (0.057) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 0.64 (0.025) 0.46 (0.018) B C E 2.54 (0.100) 2.54 (0.100) spacing spacing 6.9 (0.272) 1.8 (0.071) 1.2 (0.047) 0.4 (0.016) 7.5 (0.295) 0.6 (0.024) 8.2 (0.323) 7.8 (0.307) 5.9 (0.232) 5.5 (0.217) 5.1 (0.201) 4.8 (0.189) 5.84 (0.230) 5.59 (0.220) 1.29 (0.051) 1.14 (0.045) 1.52 (0.060) 1.52 (0.060) 0.7 (0.028) 0.4 (0.016) 9.0 (0.354) GEOY6652 LPT 80 A 16.51 (0.650) 16.00 (0.630) Area not flat 25.2 (0.992) 24.2 (0.953) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 9.0 (0.354) 8.2 (0.323) Collector GEXY6630 5.5 (0.217) ø5.1 (0.201) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 1.0 (0.039) 0.7 (0.028) 1.8 (0.071) 5.9 (0.232) 4.57 (0.180) 4.32 (0.170) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 1.0 (0.039) 3.4 (0.134) Emitter 1.3 (0.051) 4.0 (0.157) 1.2 (0.047) 29.5 (1.161) 27.5 (1.083) 5.9 (0.232) 5.5 (0.217) 2.54 (0.100) spacing 5.5 (0.217) Area not flat ø4.8 (0.189) 2.54 (0.100) spacing Figure 29 6.1 (0.240) 5.7 (0.224) 1.8 (0.071) Cathode (Diode) Collector (Transistor) Chip position 11.6 (0.457) 11.2 (0.441) 4.5 (0.177) 4.2 (0.165) 6.9 (0.272) 0.8 (0.031) 0.4 (0.016) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) SFH 300, SFH 300 FA 2.08 (0.082) Area not flat Figure 28 2.34 (0.092) SFH 314, SFH 314 FA ø5.1 (0.201) Figure 27 OPTICAL SENSORS GEOY6351 Chip position R = 0.76 (0.030) Approx. weight 0.2 g Radiant sensitive area 3.9 (0.154) 1.6 (0.063) 1.4 (0.055) 1.3 (0.051) 1.1 (0.043) ø4.6 (0.181) ø4.8 (0.189) 0.9 1.1 (0 (0 .04 .03 5) 0.84 (0.033) 0.64 (0.025) 4.1 (0.161) 0.84 (0.033) 3.0 (0.118) 2.8 (0.110) 1.04 (0.041) 0.84 (0.033) 17.77 (0.700) 17.27 (0.680) 0.9 (0.035) 0.7 (0.028) 0.5 (0.020) 0.3 (0.012) 1.04 (0.041) ø0.45 (0.018) 1.1 14.5 (0.571) 5.1 (0.201) 12.5 (0.492) 4.8 (0.189) 6.2 (0.244) 5.4 (0.213) GEOY6976 3) 3) .04 5) .03 (0 0.9 (0 E C B 2.54 (0.100) spacing 3.1 (0.122) 2.9 (0.114) 2.2 (0.087) 2.0 (0.079) (2.7 (0.106)) 60˚ 56 16.5 (0.650) 16.0 (0.630) BPX 43, BPY 62 Chip position 1.42 (0.056) 1.22 (0.048) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 2.54 (0.100) Emitter/ Cathode Figure 32 0.5 (0.020) x 45˚ SFH 3100 F, SFH 4110 R 0.9 (0.035) R 0.7 (0.028) Figure 31 GEOY6391 ø5.6 (0.220) ø5.3 (0.209) GMOY6019 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN , OPTISCHE SENSOREN UND IR-L UMINESZENZDIODEN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS, AND INFRARED EMITTERS Maßbilder in mm (inch) Outline Drawings dimensions in mm (inch) 3.6 (0.142) 12.5 (0.492) 3.0 (0.118) .04 3) 1.5 (0.059) 2.54 (0.100) spacing Collector (SFH 305) Cathode (SFH 405) GETY6017 Approx. weight 1.0 g 1) Detaching area for tools, flash not true to size. GMOY6018 2.4 (0.094) 2.1 (0.083) 1.9 (0.075) 1.7 (0.067) Chip position Chip position 7.0 (0.276) 3.0 (0.118) 0.7 (0.028) 0.6 (0.024) 3.5 (0.138) 7.4 (0.291) 0.25 (0.010) 0.15 (0.006) 0 ... 5˚ 0.5 (0.020) 0.4 (0.016) 2.1 (0.083) 1.5 (0.059) A 2.54 (0.100) spacing Radiant sensitive area (0.4 x 0.4) 1.4 (0.055) 1.0 (0.039) Collector (BPX 81) Cathode (LD 261) 2.54 (0.100) spacing 0.4 A 1) Detaching area for tools, flash not true to size. Approx. weight 0.03 g 0.7 (0.028) 0 ... 5˚ 0.6 (0.024) 0.25 (0.010) 0.15 (0.006) 2.1 (0.083) 1.5 (0.059) A 0.4 A 1.4 (0.055) 1.0 (0.039) Collector (BPX 83) Cathode (LD 263) GEOY6367 GEOY6021 BPW 34, BPW 34 F, BPW 34 B, BPW 34 FA Figure 40 LD 242, SFH 483, SFH 464, SFH 4850 5.4 (0.213) Chip position 0 ... 5˚ Chip position ø4.1 (0.161) 2.54 (0.100) spacing 3.5 (0.138) 3.0 (0.118) ø0.45 (0.018) 0.6 (0.024) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 0.4 (0.016) 0.3 5 (0.014) 0.5 (0.020) 0.2 (0.008) 0.3 (0.012) 0.8 (0.031) 0.6 (0.024) 2.7 (0.106) ø4.3 (0.169) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 2.2 (0.087) 1.9 (0.075) 4.3 (0.169) 0.8 (0.031) 0.6 (0.024) 3.7 (0.146) 1.2 (0.047) 0.7 (0.028) 4.9 (0.193) 4.5 (0.177) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) Cathode marking 4.0 (0.157) 1.8 (0.071) 1.4 (0.055) Figure 39 GEOY6137 BPX 80, BPX 82-89, LD 260, LD 262-269 3.6 (0.142) 3.2 (0.126) Figure 37 2.7 (0.106) 2.5 (0.098) BPX 81, LD 261 0.5 (0.020) 0.4 (0.016) 0...5˚ 2.1 (0.083) 0.4 (0.016) ø5.5 (0.217) ø5.2 (0.205) 5.0 (0.197) Figure 36 0.5 (0.020) 3.0 (0.118) E C B (0 5) 14.5 (0.571) (0 3.5 (0.138) 5.0 (0.197) 5.5 (0.217) (0 .03 ø5.6 (0.220) ø5.3 (0.209) 2.24 (0.088) 1) ) 5 .03 3.6 (0.142) 3.2 (0.126) 12.5 (0.492) 0.9 1.1 0.9 2.84 (0.112) 0.90 (0.035) 3.0 (0.118) 5.3 (0.209) 3) ø0.45 (0.018) 1. 1.15 (0.045) 3.5 (0.138) .04 5) (2.7 (0.106)) .0 0 1( SFH 305, SFH 405 1.9 (0.075) 1.7 (0.067) (0 (0 .03 14.5 (0.571) Chip position E C B ) 43 2.54 (0.100) spacing 1.1 ( Radiant sensitive area 5) 3 0.0 ø4.3 (0.169) ø4.1 (0.161) ø4.8 (0.189) 0.9 0.9 Figure 35 ) 43 0.0 ( 1.1 ø4.6 (0.181) (2.7 (0.106)) BP 103 2.7 (0.106) 2.5 (0.098) Radiant sensitive area Chip position ø0.45 (0.018) Figure 34 2.7 (0.106) 2.5 (0.098) 3.6 (0.142) 3.2 (0.126) 3.0 (0.118) 2.5 (0.098) BPX 38 2.54 (0.100) spacing Figure 33 OPTICAL SENSORS 14.5 (0.571) 3.6 (0.142) 12.5 (0.492) 3.0 (0.118) 1.1 0.9 1.1 (0 . (0 043 .03 ) 5) 3) .04 5) .03 (0 0.9 (0 1 ø5.5 (0.217) ø5.2 (0.205) Anode (LD 242, BPX 63, SFH 464) Cathode (SFH 483, SFH 4850) 5.08 (0.200) spacing Approx. weight 0.5 g Photosensitive area 2.65 (0.104) x 2.65 (0.104) GETY6625 GEOY6643 57 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN , OPTISCHE SENSOREN UND IR-L UMINESZENZDIODEN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS, AND INFRARED EMITTERS Maßbilder in mm (inch) Outline Drawings dimensions in mm (inch) Figure 41 SFH 206 K Figure 42 OPTICAL SENSORS SFH 203, SFH 203 FA, LD 271 L/LH, SFH 415, SFH 4511 Cathode 4.1 (0.161) 3.7 (0.146) 0.6 (0.024) spacing 2.54 (0.100) 0.4 (0.016) Area not flat GEOY6647 Area not flat 0.5 (0.020) 0.3 (0.012) 7.2 (0.283) 6.6 (0.260) Cathode GEOY6648 Surface not flat SFH 204 F, SFH 204 FA 4.0 (0.157) Photosensitive area 0.5 (0.020) 0.3 (0.012) Cathode GEOY6651 BP 104 F 5.4 (0.213) 4.9 (0.193) 0.7 (0.028) 1.2 (0.047) 0.3 (0.012) 0.8 (0.031) Chip position 0.8 (0.031) 0.6 (0.024) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 4.0 (0.157) 3.7 (0.146) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 0.5 (0.020) 5.3 (0.205) 4.9 (0.193) 0.8 (0.031) 0.4 (0.016) 4.5 (0.177) 4.3 (0.169) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 0.35 (0.014) 0.2 (0.008) 0 ... 5˚ 0.6 (0.024) 6.3 (0.248) 5.7 (0.224) 1.8 (0.071) 1.4 (0.055) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 2.54 (0.100) spacing Cathode 5.1 (0.201) 4.7 (0.185) 3.8 (0.150) 3.7 (0.146) GEOY6422 Cathode marking 1.8 (0.071) 1.2 (0.047) 34.0 (1.339) 32.0 (1.260) GEOY6964 5.08 (0.200) spacing Photosensitive area 2.20 (0.087) x 2.20 (0.087) Approx. weight 0.1 g Cathode (SFH 480) Anode (SFH 400, SFH 4840) ø4.8 (0.189) ø4.6 (0.181) ø0.45 (0.018) 5.3 (0.209) 5.0 (0.197) 14.5 (0.571) 12.5 (0.492) 7.4 (0.291) 6.6 (0.260) Radiant Sensitive area )3 4 ) 0( .0 .035 1.1 .9 (0 0 1. 0.9 1 (0 (0 .043 .03 ) 5) ø5.6 (0.220) ø5.3 (0.209) Chip position 2.7 (0.106) Figure 49 GEOY6314 58 GEOY6075 SFH 482, BPX 65 (2.7 (0.106)) Chip position ø0.45 (0.018) 14.5 (0.571) 12.5 (0.492) Cathode (BPX 65) Anode (SFH 482) 5.5 (0.217) 5.0 (0.197) ø4.8 (0.189) ø4.6 (0.181) SFH 400, SFH 480, SFH 4840 2.54 (0.100) spacing Figure 48 4.1 (0.161) 34 (1.339) 32 (1.260) Figure 47 Area not flat Chip position 1.8 (0.071) 1.2 (0.047) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 3.1 (0.122) 2.6 (0.102) 3.8 (0.150) Radiant sensitive area 0.8 (0.031) 0.4 (0.016) 6.3 (0.248) 5.1 (0.201) 4.7 (0.185) 6.9 (0.272) 2.54 (0.100) spacing 5.1 (0.201) 4.6 (0.181) 0.75 (0.030) 0.45 (0.018) 1.1 (0.043) 0.7 (0.028) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 3.85 (0.152) 3.35 (0.132) 5.0 (0.197) 4.2 (0.165) Chip position SFH 205 F, SFH 205 FA 3.5 (0.138) 3.0 (0.118) Figure 46 Figure 45 ø5.3 (0.209) ø5.0 (0.197) Radiant sensitive area 1.1 0.9 (0. (0 043 .03 ) 5) ) 43 ) 35 0.0 9( 0.0 ( 1.1 0. 2.54 (0.100) spacing Cathode 1.2 (0.047) 0.4 (0.016) 0.6 (0.024) 5.5 (0.217) 2.54 (0.100) spacing ø5.1 (0.201) ø4.8 (0.189) 5.9 (0.232) 1.8 (0.071) 1.8 (0.071) 1.2 (0.047) 29 (1.142) 27 (1.063) SFH 225 FA, SFH 235 FA 35.5 (1.398) 33.5 (1.319) 1.0 (0.039) 0.5 (0.020) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 0.8 (0.031) 0.4 (0.016) 2.54 (0.100) spacing Area not flat Figure 44 GEOY6645 0.5 (0.020) 0.3 (0.012) SFH 203 P, SFH 203 PFA 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 4.8 (0.189) 4.2 (0.165) Chip position Figure 43 5.9 (0.232) 5.5 (0.217) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 2.2 (0.087) 1.9 (0.075) 4.7 (0.185) 34 (1.339) 32 (1.260) 5.1 (0.201) 4.0 (0.157) 1.2 (0.047) Cathode 9.0 (0.354) 8.2 (0.323) 7.8 (0.307) 7.5 (0.295) 0.4 (0.016) 0.8 (0.031) 1.8 (0.071) 0.6 (0.024) x 0.5 (0.020) 0.4 (0.016) x 0.3 (0.012) 1.8 (0.071) 1.2 (0.047) 2.54 (0.100) spacing 0.8 (0.031) 0.4 (0.016) 6.3 (0.248) 0.8 (0.031) 29 (1.142) 27 (1.063) Radiant sensitive area ø4.8 (0.189) ø5.1 (0.201) Area not flat 6.9 (0.272) ø5.6 (0.220) ø5.3 (0.209) GETY6013 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN , OPTISCHE SENSOREN UND IR-L UMINESZENZDIODEN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS, AND INFRARED EMITTERS Maßbilder in mm (inch) Outline Drawings dimensions in mm (inch) Figure 51 Radiant sensitive area Cathode 3.0 (0.118) 12.5 (0.492) 0.0 0.0 33 ) 26 ) Anode B ø0.45 (0.018) 5( 5( Radiant sensitive area 2.0 (0.079) 3.4 (0.134) 14.5 (0.571) 3.0 (0.118) 12.5 (0.492) 9) .03 1) .03 0 ( 0.8 (0 1.0 Anode A Metal case Isolated cathode 0.3 (0.012) max Diode system 1.0 (0 . (0 039 .03 ) 1) 5.08 (0.200) spacing 14.5 (0.571) ) 33 0.0 6) 5 ( .02 0.8 5 (0 0.6 3.4 (0.134) 0.8 0.6 Chip position 0.8 0.3 (0.012) max 0.09 (0.004) 1.55 (0.061) ø0.45 (0.018) ø5.8 (0.228) 1.75 (0.069) ø6.0 (0.236) Chip position ø9.5 (0.374) ø9.0 (0.354) ø8.3 (0.327) ø8.0 (0.315) SFH 221 5.08 (0.200) spacing BPW 21, BPX 61 ø9.5 (0.374) ø9.0 (0.354) ø8.3 (0.327) ø8.0 (0.315) ø6.0 (0.236) ø5.8 (0.228) Figure 50 OPTICAL SENSORS Approx. weight 2 g GMOY6011 Radiant sensitive area 2.0 (0.079) x 1.67 (0.066) each Approx. weight 1.5 g Figure 52 GMOY6639 BPX 48, BPX 48 F 6.6 (0.260) 6.3 (0.248) 4.05 (0.159) Diode system 1.10 (0.043) 0.09 (0.004) 2.45 (0.096) 1.85 (0.073) 2.25 (0.089) 0.4 (0.016) 0.3 (0.012) 0.25 (0.010) 0.8 (0.031) 0.8 (0.031) 0.6 (0.024) 0.5 (0.020) 0.3 (0.012) 0...5˚ 2.54 (0.100) 0.6 (0.024) 3.5 (0.138) 3.75 (0.148) 3.0 (0.118) 7.4 (0.291) 2.2 (0.087) 1.9 (0.075) 7.8 (0.307) 7.62 (0.300) spacing 0.7 (0.028) 0.5 (0.020) cathode anode 2.54 (0.100) Radiant sensitive area 2.0 (0.079) x 0.67 (0.026) Approx. weight 0.1 g SFH 9300 10.80 (0.425) 10.54 (0.415) 12.52 (0.493) 2.35 (0.093) 1.85 (0.073) 2.54 (0.100) 2.34 (0.092) 2.74 (0.108) 8.2 (0.323) 6.68 (0.263) 6.28 (0.247) 9.0 (0.354) 8.2 (0.323) 11.55 (0.455) 6.0 (0.236) 12.05 (0.474) 6.6 (0.260) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 5.0 (0.197) 0.5 (0.020) 0.3 (0.012) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 2.54 (0.100) 8.0 (0.315) Pin Configuration (top view) LED Phototransistor (clear encapsulation) (black encapsulation) Anode Emitter Cathode Collector GPXY6986 1.27 (0.050) 3.25 (0.128) 2.75 (0.108) 7.42 (0.292) 10.05 (0.396) 0.3 (0.012) 7.82 (0.308) 2.81 (0.111) 10.55 (0.415) 0.5 (0.020) 3.31 (0.130) 2.98 (0.117) optical axis 0.25 (0.010) 12.12 (0.477) 3.38 (0.133) 11.0 (0.433) 10.6 (0.417) 6.6 (0.260) 6.1 (0.240) optical axis 3.52 (0.139) SFH 9301 8.0 (0.315) 3.78 (0.149) Figure 55 Emitter Sensor 0.25 (0.010) Figure 54 GEOY6638 2 1 Circuitry 3 4 GPXY6992 59 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN , OPTISCHE SENSOREN UND IR-L UMINESZENZDIODEN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS, AND INFRARED EMITTERS Maßbilder in mm (inch) Outline Drawings dimensions in mm (inch) SFH 9302 Figure 57 12.52 (0.493) 12.52 (0.493) 0.6 (0.024) 8.2 (0.323) 0.4 (0.016) 2.54 (0.100) 9.0 (0.354) 8.2 (0.323) 0.25 (0.010) 0.6 (0.024) 0.5 (0.020) 0.3 (0.012) 0.4 (0.016) 2.54 (0.100) 8.0 (0.315) 3.28 (0.129) 3.08 (0.121) Circuitry 2 3 1 19.2 (0.756) 18.8 (0.740) 24.85 (0.978) 24.45 (0.963) 4 Emitter 15.9 (0.626) Circuitry 2 3 1 4 15.4 (0.606) 18.75 (0.738) 18.25 (0.719) GPXY6993 SFH 9304 Sensor 0.25 (0.010) 3.28 (0.129) 3.08 (0.121) 1.27 (0.050) Sensor 0.25 (0.010) Emitter 1.27 (0.050) 6.68 (0.263) 6.28 (0.247) 5.0 (0.197) 8.2 (0.323) 8.0 (0.315) optical axis 11.0 (0.433) 10.6 (0.417) 2.98 (0.117) 5.0 (0.197) 0.5 (0.020) 0.3 (0.012) 8.0 (0.315) 12.12 (0.477) 3.38 (0.133) 9.0 (0.354) 8.2 (0.323) 0.25 (0.010) 6.68 (0.263) 6.28 (0.247) 2.74 (0.108) 2.34 (0.092) 2.74 (0.108) 2.98 (0.117) optical axis 11.0 (0.433) 10.6 (0.417) 8.0 (0.315) 12.12 (0.477) 3.38 (0.133) Figure 58 SFH 9303 2.34 (0.092) Figure 56 OPTICAL SENSORS Figure 59 GPXY6994 SFH 9305 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 1 Pin 4 12.52 (0.493) 9.0 (0.354) 8.2 (0.323) 12.02 (0.473) ±0.2 (0.008) 0.4 (0.016) 2.54 (0.100) 8.0 (0.315) 0.4 (0.016) ±0.1 (0.004) 1.27 (0.050) ±0.1 (0.004) 3.28 (0.129) 3 (0.118) ±0.1 (0.004) Sensor 15.9 (0.626) 15.4 (0.606) 18.75 (0.738) 18.25 (0.719) 2 Circuitry 0.66 (0.026) ±0.1 (0.004) 8.55 (0.337) ±0.1 (0.004) 3 2.54 (0.100) 18.45 (0.726) ±0.2 (0.008) 1 4 9.3 (0.366) ±0.2 (0.008) GPXY6995 Emitter Sensor (0.5 (0.020)) Emitter 0.25 (0.010) 1.27 (0.050) 3.08 (0.121) (13.1 (0.516)) 0.6 (0.024) 0.5 (0.020) 0.3 (0.012) 8.2 (0.323) 3.5 (0.138) ±0.4 (0.016) 5.0 (0.197) optical axis 6.2 (0.244) ±0.2 (0.008) 15.75 (0.620) ±0.2 (0.008) 3.28 (0.129) ±0.2 (0.008) 4.37 (0.172) ±0.1 (0.004) 6.25 (0.246) ±0.2 (0.008) 0.25 (0.010) 6.68 (0.263) 6.28 (0.247) 1 (0.039) ±0.2 (0.008) 2.34 (0.092) 2.74 (0.108) 2.98 (0.117) optical axis 11.0 (0.433) 10.6 (0.417) 8.0 (0.315) 12.12 (0.477) 3.38 (0.133) 1 2 Circuitry 4 3 GPXY6996 60 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN , OPTISCHE SENSOREN UND IR-L UMINESZENZDIODEN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS, AND INFRARED EMITTERS Maßbilder in mm (inch) Outline Drawings dimensions in mm (inch) SFH 9306 Figure 61 SFH 9310 2 1 12.52 (0.493) 0.4 (0.016) 2.54 (0.100) 2.0 (0.079) 3 1 Figure 64 6.9 (0.272) 6.7 (0.264) 0.6 (0.024) 0.6 (0.024) 0.3 (0.012) 3 1.27 (0.050) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 1 Sensor 10.6 (0.417) 11.0 (0.433) 5 (GND) 0.6 (0.024) 2.54 (0.100) 0.5 (0.020) 2.54 (0.100) Circuitry 3 (VDD ) 4 (OUT) 0.4 (0.016) 5.0 (0.197) 0.4 (0.016) 2 2.34 (0.092) 8.0 (0.315) 1.27 (0.050) 2.74 (0.108) 1.1 (0.043) 0.9 (0.035) 0.8 (0.031) 15.6 (0.614) Emitter Circuitry 8.4 (0.331) 7.8 (0.307) 0.25 (0.100) 6.1 (0.240) 5.9 (0.232) 4.0 (0.157) 1.85 (0.073) 2 5.1 (0.201) 4.9 (0.193) 0.5 (0.020) 0.3 (0.012) 0...0.1 (0...0.004) 2.05 (0.081) Pin 3 Pin 4 Pin 5 1 12.52 (0.493) 12.12 (0.477) Optical Axis 6.68 (0.263) 3.38 (0.133) 2.98 (0.117) 6.28 (0.247) Pin 4 3.8 (0.150) 6.0 (0.236) 6.2 (0.244) 6.9 (0.272) 2.2 (0.087) 7.1 (0.280) 10.2 (0.402) Optical axis 3 GPXY6010 SFH 9340, SFH 9341 Pin 1 13.65 (0.537) 13.25 (0.522) 5.2 (0.205) 4.9 (0.193) 2 Sensor Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 1 4 4 SFH 9500 Pin 2 Circuitry 1 9.0 (0.354) 8.2 (0.323) Sensor Circuitry 2 0.25 (0.010) Emitter 0.25 (0.010) 10.1 (0.398) Emitter 8.0 (0.315) 9.80 (0.386) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 0.6 (0.024) 7.7 (0.303) 2.54 (0.100) 7.8 (0.307) 0.3 (0.012) 10.5 (0.413) 10.1 (0.398) 0.5 (0.020) 0.4 (0.016) 10.5 (0.413) 0.6 (0.024) GPXY6997 Figure 63 3.5 (0.138) 2.5 (0.098) 5.8 (0.228) Marking this side 8.0 (0.315) 1.27 (0.050) 6.2 (0.244) 4.8 (0.189) 2.34 (0.092) 8.0 (0.315) 8.2 (0.323) Optical axis 14.0 (0.551) 5.2 (0.205) 0.9 (0.035) 5.0 (0.197) 0.5 (0.020) 0.3 (0.012) 14.4 (0.567) 9.0 (0.354) 8.2 (0.323) 0.25 (0.010) 6.68 (0.263) 6.28 (0.247) 1.1 (0.043) 2.34 (0.092) 2.98 (0.117) 2.74 (0.108) 11.0 (0.433) 10.6 (0.417) 8.0 (0.315) 12.12 (0.477) 3.38 (0.133) 3 4 optical axis 2.74 (0.108) Figure 60 OPTICAL SENSORS 4 GPXY6988 Emitter Sensor GPX06012 61 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN , OPTISCHE SENSOREN UND IR-L UMINESZENZDIODEN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS, AND INFRARED EMITTERS Maßbilder in mm (inch) Outline Drawings dimensions in mm (inch) SFH 9201, SFH 9202, SFH 9240, SFH 9241, SFH 9210, SFH 9221 0...0.1 (0...0.004) GEOY6840 3 4 5 6 Emitter Collector – Cathode SFH 9240, Anode OUT SFH 9241 VCC GND Cathode SFH 9210 Anode – Emitter Collecktor – Cathode SFH 9221 Anode – (E) Anode Cathode (S) (S) Cathode (E) – (2.4) (0.095) 3.4 (0.134) 3.0 (0.118) 1.27 (0.050) spacing Cathode marking 0.9 (0.035) 0.7 (0.028) 3.7 (0.146) 3.3 (0.130) 4˚±1 0.5 (0.020) 0.3 (0.012) SFH 9201, Anode – SFH 9202, Figure 67 2 1.7 (0.067) 0.1 (0.004) (typ.) 0.5 (0.020) 1 2.1 (0.083) 3.0 (0.118) 2.6 (0.102) 2.3 (0.091) 4.2 (0.165) 3.8 (0.150) 1.1 (0.043) Type SFH 420, SFH 4211, SFH 421, SFH 4200 2.1 (0.083) 6 5 4 1 2 3 Figure 66 2.1 (0.083) 1.7 (0.067) 6.2 (0.244) 5.8 (0.228) 3.4 (0.134) 3.0 (0.118) 0.15 (0.006) 0.13 (0.005) Figure 65 OPTICAL SENSORS 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 0.18 (0.007) 0.12 (0.005) GPLY6724 – SFH 4209, SFH 4219, SFH 4289, SFH 3219 Figure 68 SFH 4203 3.5 (0.138) max. 2.1 (0.083) 1.7 (0.067) 1.2 (0.047) 0.9 (0.035) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 0.1 (0.004) (typ.) 1.0 (0.039) 0.8 (0.031) 1.9 (0.075) 1.5 (0.059) 2.3 (0.091) 2.1 (0.083) 2.1 (0.083) ø2.60 (0.102) 1.1 (0.043) 0.5 (0.020) 3.7 (0.146) 3.3 (0.130) 3.4 (0.134) 3.0 (0.118) 2 Package marking ø2.55 (0.100) 0.7 (0.028) 2.1 (0.083) 1 1.4 (0.055) 1.2 (0.047) 0.15 (0.006) 0.05 (0.002) 0.5 (0.020) 0.3 (0.012) 3.0 (0.118) 2.6 (0.102) 2.3 (0.091) 0.8 (0.031) +0.05 (0.002) Anode marking Light emitting area typ. 1.5 (0.059) x 1.0 (0.039) Anode marking 1.0 (0.039) 1.5 (0.059) 1.3 (0.051) 0.18 (0.007) GPLY6070 0.13 (0.005) GEOY6956 0.3 (0.012) (0.001) 0.65 (0.026) +0.02 -0.05 (0.002) GPLY6089 62 3.7 (0.146) 3.3 (0.130) Chip position 4.5 (0.177) 3.9 (0.154) 14.7 (0.579) 13.1 (0.516) Cathode 4.5 (0.177) 3.9 (0.154) 2.05 (0.081) R 1.95 (0.077) 7.7 (0.303) 7.1 (0.280) 4.8 (0.189) 4.4 (0.173) 7.5 (0.295) 5.5 (0.217) 2.8 (0.110) 2.4 (0.094) 2.7 (0.106) 2.4 (0.094) SFH 4580, SFH 4500 -0.1...0.2 (-0.004...0.008) 5˚ Package marking 1.3 (0.051) ±0.1 (0.004) Package marking (0.002) 0.125 (0.005) +0.05 -0.03 (0.001) 7˚ max 0.8 (0.031) ±0.1 (0.004) Figure 70 2.54 (0.100) spacing SFH 3010, SFH 4000, SFH 4010, SFH 4020, SFH 4080 1.7 (0.067) ±0.1 (0.004) Figure 69 ((3.2) (0.126)) ((R2.8 (0.110)) ((3.2) (0.126)) 6.0 (0.236) 5.4 (0.213) GEOY6960 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN , OPTISCHE SENSOREN UND IR-L UMINESZENZDIODEN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS, AND INFRARED EMITTERS Maßbilder in mm (inch) Outline Drawings dimensions in mm (inch) ((3.2) (0.126)) 6.0 (0.236) 5.4 (0.213) C A A C 1 4.5 (0.177) 3.9 (0.154) LED 0.1 (0.004) typ 4 Package marking 7.7 (0.303) 7.1 (0.280) 3.7 (0.146) 3.3 (0.130) IRED 2.1 (0.083) 1.7 (0.067) 0.9 (0.035) 0.7 (0.028) 0.5 (0.020) Cathode ((3.2) (0.126)) ((R2.8 (0.110)) 3.0 (0.118) 2.6 (0.102) 2.3 (0.091) 2.1 (0.083) 0.8 (0.031) 0.6 (0.024) 2 3 1.1 (0.043) 4.8 (0.189) 4.4 (0.173) 15.5 (0.610) 14.7 (0.579) SFH 7222 3.4 (0.134) 3.0 (0.118) 2.7 (0.106) 2.4 (0.094) Chip position 4.5 (0.177) 3.9 (0.154) 2.05 (0.081) R 1.95 (0.077) 8.0 (0.315) 7.4 (0.291) 2.54 (0.100) spacing Figure 72 (2.4 (0.094)) SFH 4585, SFH 4505 -0.15...0.15 (-0.006...0.006) Figure 71 OPTICAL SENSORS GEOY6961 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 0.18 (0.007) 0.12 (0.005) GPLY6025 Figure 73 SFH 487, SFH 4301, SFH 409, SFH 4350 Figure 74 SFH 4501 5.2 (0.205) 1.2 (0.047) Figure 75 4.0 (0.157) 2.54 (0.100) spacing 3.6 (0.142) (3.5 (0.138)) 1.8 (0.071) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 0.6 (0.024) 6.3 (0.248) 29 (1.142) 27 (1.063) 5.9 (0.232) Chip position Cathode (SFH 409, SFH 4332) Anode (SFH 487, SFH 4301) 1.8 (0.071) 1.2 (0.047) 29.5 (1.161) 27.5 (1.083) 0.4 (0.016) 9.0 (0.354) 8.2 (0.323) 7.8 (0.307) 7.5 (0.295) 0.8 (0.031) 0.4 (0.016) ø3.1 (0.122) ø2.9 (0.114) 2.54 (0.100) spacing 0.7 (0.028) 0.4 (0.016) 0.8 (0.031) 0.4 (0.016) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) Area not flat 4.1 (0.161) 3.9 (0.154) ø5.1 (0.201) ø4.8 (0.189) 4.5 (0.177) Area not flat 5.9 (0.232) 5.5 (0.217) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) Anode GEXY6952 GEXY6250 SFH 4502 Figure 76 SFH 4503 9.0 (0.354) 8.2 (0.323) 1.8 (0.071) Anode 1.2 (0.047) 29.0 (1.142) 27.0 (1.063) 9.0 (0.354) Anode 0.6 (0.024) 1.8 (0.071) 0.4 (0.016) 1.2 (0.047) 8.2 (0.323) 29 (1.142) 27 (1.063) GEXY6718 ø4.8 (0.189) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) ø5.1 (0.201) 5.5 (0.217) 5.9 (0.232) 5.5 (0.217) 7.5 (0.295) 0.8 (0.031) 0.4 (0.016) 7.5 (0.295) 7.8 (0.307) Area not flat 2.54 (0.100) spacing 5.9 (0.232) ø4.8 (0.189) 7.8 (0.307) ø5.1 (0.201) 0.4 (0.016) 0.8 (0.031) 0.4 (0.016) 2.54 (0.100) spacing 0.6 (0.024) Area not flat 5.7 (0.224) 0.6 (0.024) 5.1 (0.201) 0.4 (0.016) Chip position Anode IRL 80 A, IRL 81 A 1.52 (0.060) Plastic marking 9.0 (0.354) 0.64 (0.025) 0.46 (0.018) 1.8 (0.071) Approx. weight 0.2 g 1.2 (0.047) R = 0.76 (0.030) 29 (1.142) 27 (1.063) 7.8 (0.307) 5.9 (0.232) 5.5 (0.217) 7.5 (0.295) ø4.8 (0.189) 1.70 (0.067) 1.45 (0.057) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) Area not flat ø5.1 (0.201) 8.2 (0.323) 2.54 (0.100) 2.03 (0.080) 0.8 (0.031) 0.5 (0.020) 0.46 (0.018) Anode 1.52 (0.060) 0.64 (0.025) 2.54 (0.100) spacing 1.52 (0.060) SFH 484, SFH 4550 2.54 (0.100) spacing 16.00 (0.630) Figure 79 5.84 (0.230) 5.59 (0.220) 1.29 (0.051) 1.14 (0.045) 4.32 (0.170) 16.51 (0.650) 2.34 (0.092) 2.08 (0.082) 4.57 (0.180) Figure 78 GEXY6048 Cathode 5.7 (0.224) 0.6 (0.024) 5.1 (0.201) Chip position 0.4 (0.016) GEXY6271 GEOY6461 63 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN , OPTISCHE SENSOREN UND IR-L UMINESZENZDIODEN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS, AND INFRARED EMITTERS Maßbilder in mm (inch) Outline Drawings dimensions in mm (inch) SFH 486 Figure 81 SFH 485 Area not flat Figure 82 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 1.5 (0.059) GEXY6626 SFH 485 P Figure 83 2.54 (0.100) spacing 1.0 (0.039) 1.2 (0.047) 0.5 (0.020) Chip position Figure 84 29 (1.142) 27 (1.063) GEXY6306 LD 274 Figure 85 0.6 (0.024) 3.5 (0.138) Chip position 4.5 (0.177) 4.0 (0.157) 1.2 (0.047) 0.4 (0.016) 4.0 (0.157) 3.6 (0.142) Cathode 1.8 (0.071) 0.6 (0.024) ø4.8 (0.189) 2.0 (0.079) 1.7 (0.067) Area not flat 0.7 (0.028) 0.4 (0.016) 0.8 (0.031) 0.4 (0.016) ø4.8 (0.189) ø5.1 (0.201) 0.8 (0.031) 0.4 (0.016) 1.8 (0.071) 29 (1.142) 27 (1.063) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) Cathode 0.4 (0.016) GEXY6305 3.1 (0.122) 2.5 (0.098) 5.9 (0.232) 5.5 (0.217) 3.35 (0.132) Area not flat 2.54 (0.100) spacing 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 3.85 (0.152) 0.6 (0.024) SFH 487 P 5.0 (0.197) 4.2 (0.165) Cathode 4.8 (0.189) 4.2 (0.165) Chip position 29 (1.142) 27 (1.063) Chip position 5.9 (0.232) 5.5 (0.217) 7.5 (0.295) ø5.1 (0.201) 2.54 (0.100) spacing 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 7.8 (0.307) Area not flat 0.8 (0.031) 0.5 (0.020) 5.9 (0.232) 5.5 (0.217) 5.8 (0.228) 5.2 (0.205) 1.8 (0.071) 1.2 (0.047) 30.0 (1.181) 28.0 (1.102) Anode 8.2 (0.323) ø5.1 (0.201) ø4.8 (0.189) 2.54 (0.100) spacing 0.8 (0.031) 0.4 (0.016) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 9.0 (0.354) 9.0 (0.354) 8.2 (0.323) 7.8 (0.307) 7.5 (0.295) ø3.1 (0.122) ø2.9 (0.114) Figure 80 OPTICAL SENSORS 0.4 (0.016) GEXY6308 LD 271, LD 271 H 9.0 (0.354) 8.2 (0.323) 29 (1.142) 27 (1.063) 0.6 (0.024) 5.1 (0.201) 0.4 (0.016) 24.2 (0.953) Figure 88 1.1 (0 1.1 (0 ø4.6 (0.181) (0 0.9 5) GEXY6239 SFH 401 ø0.45 (0.018) .03 (0 2.54 (0.100) spacing 0.9 ø4.8 (0.189) ) 43 .0 2.7 (0.106) .04 3) .03 Cathode 4.05 (0.159) 3.45 (0.136) 0.4 (0.016) (2.7 (0.106)) Chip position Chip position 14.5 (0.571) 12.5 (0.492) 0.6 (0.024) 4.2 (0.165) 11.6 (0.457) 11.2 (0.441) Chip position GEXY6051 SFH 4860 ø0.45 (0.018) 2.54 (0.100) spacing 25.2 (0.992) 4.8 (0.189) Chip position Cathode 64 Cathode 1.2 (0.047) 5) Flat glass cap ø2.54 (0.100) 5.5 (0.217) 5.2 (0.205) GMOY6983 ø4.8 (0.189) ø4.6 (0.181) 1.2 (0.047) 5.7 (0.224) 5.9 (0.232) 5.5 (0.217) 7.5 (0.295) ø5.1 (0.201) 2.54 (0.100) spacing ø4.8 (0.189) ø5.1 (0.201) 0.8 (0.031) 0.4 (0.016) 1.8 (0.071) 1.8 (0.071) Figure 87 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 7.8 (0.307) Area not flat 0.7 (0.028) 5.9 (0.232) 5.5 (0.217) 7.5 (0.295) Area not flat 2.54 (0.100) spacing 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 7.8 (0.307) 1.3 (0.051) 1.0 (0.039) 1.0 (0.039) 8.2 (0.323) ø4.8 (0.189) 9.0 (0.354) 1.1 0.9 welded 5.3 (0.209) 1.1 (0 (0 .04 .03 5) glass lens 5.0 (0.197) 14.5 (0.571) 6.4 (0.252) 12.5 (0.492) 5.6 (0.220) 3) .04 5) Anode = SFH 481 3 0.0 Cathode = SFH 401 ( (package) 0.9 (0 3) ø5.6 (0.220) ø5.3 (0.209) GETY6091 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN , OPTISCHE SENSOREN UND IR-L UMINESZENZDIODEN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS, AND INFRARED EMITTERS Maßbilder in mm (inch) Outline Drawings dimensions in mm (inch) Figure 89 SFH 4281 Figure 90 OPTICAL SENSORS SFH 425, SFH 426, SFH 4205, SFH 4255 1.0 (0.039) 0.9 (0.035) (0.3 (0.012)) GPLY6899 (R1) 3.8 (0.150) 3.4 (0.134) (2.9 (0.114)) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) Cathode marking Anode (1.4 (0.055)) Cathode marking 0...0.1 (0.004) (2.85 (0.112)) 0.9 (0.035) 2.54 (0.100) spacing Cathode 5.4 (0.213) 5.0 (0.197) 0.3 (0.012) min 1.1 (0.043) 4˚±1 3.4 (0.134) 3.0 (0.118) (2.4 (0.094)) 0.3 (0.012) max 2.1 (0.083) 4.2 (0.165) 3.8 (0.150) 0.65 0.45 1.7 1.5 0.65 0.45 2.35 2.15 Isolating area (0.002) 0.125 (0.005) +0.05 -0.03 (0.001) 0.8 (0.031) ±0.1 (0.004) 3.3 2.9 (1.2) SFH 4050 Cathode marking (0.8) Pad 2 metallisation Pad 1 metallisation Cathode marking (0.001) 0.65 (0.026) +0.02 -0.05 (0.002) 0.7 (0.028) ±0.05 (0.002) Backside metallisation 5˚ Figure 92 7˚ max SFH 3600, SFH 3605, SFH 4600, SFH 4605, SFH 4650, SFH 4655, SFH 4680, SFH 4685 1.7 (0.067) ±0.1 (0.004) Figure 91 GPLY6880 1.3 (0.051) ±0.1 (0.004) 1.7 (0.067) 2.4 (0.094) 2.8 (0.110) 2.1 (0.083) 3.0 (0.118) 2.6 (0.102) 2.3 (0.091) 0.7 (0.028) 4.2 (0.165) 3.8 (0.150) (2.4 (0.094)) GPLY7057 OHF02423 SFH 4250, SFH 4202 Figure 94 2.1 (0.083) 0.7 (0.028) 0.18 (0.007) 0.12 (0.005) A C A C Package marking 0.5 (0.020) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 0.1 (0.004) typ 0.18 (0.007) ø2.55 (0.100) A 4˚±1 A 3.4 (0.134) 3.0 (0.118) A 0.9 (0.035) 0.8 (0.031) 0.6 (0.024) 1.1 (0.043) Package marking A 0.5 (0.020) C 3.7 (0.146) 3.3 (0.130) 4˚±1 A 1.1 (0.043) A 2.1 (0.083) 1.7 (0.067) 2.1 (0.083) ø2.60 (0.102) 0.1 (0.004) (typ.) (2.4) (0.095) A 3.4 (0.134) 3.0 (0.118) 0.6 (0.024) 0.9 (0.035) 0.7 (0.028) 2.1 (0.083) 3.5 (0.138) max. 3.0 (0.118) 2.6 (0.102) 2.3 (0.091) 1.7 (0.067) 3.7 (0.146) 3.3 (0.130) 3.0 (0.118) 2.6 (0.102) 2.3 (0.091) 0.8 (0.031) SFH 4259 (2.4) (0.095) Figure 93 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 0.13 (0.005) GPLY6085 GPLY6084 65 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN , OPTISCHE SENSOREN UND IR-L UMINESZENZDIODEN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS, AND INFRARED EMITTERS Maßbilder in mm (inch) Outline Drawings dimensions in mm (inch) Figure 95 SFH 4111 Figure 96 OPTICAL SENSORS SFH 4113 2.1±0.25 2.1±0.25 3 ±0.25 (0.75) 3 ±0.25 (0.75) Area not flat Area not flat 1 2 1 0.3 ±0.1 4 ±0.2 2.9 ±0.1 (1.66) 5.6 ±0.2 9.7 ±0.5 8.5 ±0.5 4.5 ±0.1 3.3 ±0.3 3.3 ±0.3 1.49 ±0.2 R0.75 ±0.1 60 2 ˚ (0.8) 1.4 ±0.2 1.1 ±0.2 0.1 max. 0.1 max. 0.1 max. 0.1 max. 0.5 ±0.1 0.5 ±0.1 2.54 0.5 ±0.1 0.5 ±0.1 2.54 Pinout Pinout 2 1 1. Cathode 2. Anode ø0.43 (0.017) 2.54 spacing ø4.8 ø4.6 3) .04 5) .03 (0 1.1 .9 0 0.9 Figure 99 0.35 max. 20 5.2 18 4.9 1 0.9 .1 (0 Cathode Chip position (1.1 (0.043)) ø5.6 ø5.3 1.1 ø0.43 6.2 5.4 SFH 4883 2.54 (0.100) spacing Figure 98 GEO06054 1.1 (0 (0 .043 .03 ) 5) SFH 4881 Chip position (1.1) 1. Cathode 2. Anode R0.75 ±0.1 1.8 ±0.25 GEO06053 Figure 97 2 0.9 R0.75 ±0.1 ø4.8 (0.189) ø4.6 (0.181) 1 0.35 (0.014) max. GEM06049 Anode SFH 4204 Figure 100 ø5.6 (0.220) ø5.3 (0.209) 3.8 (0.150) 3.5 (0.138) 20 (0.787) 18 (0.709) GEMY6050 SFH 3160 F 2.5 ±0.25 (0.8 x 45˚) 1.0 (0.039) 1±0.2 3.87 ±0.3 1 2 3 1±0.2 0.5 ±0.1 1±0.1 (15˚) 0.3 (0.012) 0.5 (0.020) 2.1 (0.083) 1.2 (0.047) 0.7 (0.028) Light emitting area typ. 1.7 × 0.7 2.3 (0.091) Cathode (0.6 (0.024)) (0.4 (0.016)) 0.5 (0.020) 2.9 (0.114) 3.1 (0.122) 0 ... 0.1 (0 ... 0.004) Area not flat 4.5 ±0.1 0.20 (0.008) 9.27 ±0.5 0.25 (0.010) 6.37 ±0.2 4.5 ±0.25 1.3 (0.051) 0.5 ±0.1 1.1 (0.043) 0.1 max. 0.5 ±0.1 0.1 max. 0.1 max. 0.1 max. GPLY6065 2.54 2.54 (0.5 x 45˚) Chip Position Pinout T1 1 2 3 1. Emitter T1 2. Common Collector 3. Emitter T2 66 T2 GEO06056 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN , OPTISCHE SENSOREN UND IR-L UMINESZENZDIODEN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS, AND INFRARED EMITTERS Maßbilder in mm (inch) Outline Drawings dimensions in mm (inch) Figure 101 SFH 3162 F Figure 102 OPTICAL SENSORS SFH 3163 F 2.5 ±0.25 2.5 ±0.25 (0.8 x 45˚) 4.5 ±0.25 (0.8 x 45˚) 4.5 ±0.25 3 1±0.2 0.5 ±0.1 1.9 ±0.2 4.77 ±0.2 2.9 ±0.1 3.87 ±0.3 1.9 ±0.2 10.47 ±0.5 2 0.5 ±0.1 4.77 ±0.2 2.9 ±0.1 1 Area not flat 2.8 ±0.075 10.47 ±0.5 3.87 ±0.3 Area not flat 1±0.2 1 2 3 1.5 0.5 ±0.1 0.5 ±0.1 0.1 max. 0.1 max. 2.54 0.1 max. 2.54 Pinout (0.5 x 45˚) Chip Position T1 1 2 2 Figure 104 T2 3 1. Emitter T1 2. Common Collector 3. Emitter T2 GEO06055 GEO06828 SFH 5133 1.1 (0.043) 0.7 (0.028) 0.9 (0.035) 2.54 (0.100) 0.4 (0.016) 0.63 (0.025) 20.27 (0.798) 18.27 (0.719) 5˚ R0.9 R1.5 30˚ area not flat 1.2 (0.047) 4.4 (0.173) 3.6 (0.142) optical axis GND VDD VOUT 0.4 (0.016) 2.65 (0.104) 2.35 (0.093) 2 (0.079) 1.8 (0.071) 2 (0.079) 1.0 (0.039) 0.8 (0.031) 4.85 (0.191) 4.35 (0.170) (4.35 (0.171)) 5.4 (0.213) 6.0 (0.236) GEOY6061 (5.75 (0.226)) 0.6 (0.024) GND VDD VOUT (4 (0.157)) 2 (0.079) 0.5 (0.020) 0.5 (0.020) 4.1 (0.161) 0.95 (0.037) ± 0.05 (0.002) 2 (0.079) 2.5 (0.098) 15.3 (0.602) ± 0.25 (0.010) 1.7 (0.067) ± 0.1 (0.004) ø1.77 (0.070) Chip Position T1 1 SFH 5130 4.7 (0.185) ± 0.1 (0.004) 4.6 (0.181) Pinout T2 3 1. Emitter T1 2. Common Collector 3. Emitter T2 5˚ 2.54 2.79 (0.110) 2.29 (0.090) (0.5 x 45˚) (0.75 (0.030)) 2.54 R0.9 (0.035) 0.5 ±0.1 0.1 max. 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 0.1 max. Figure 103 0.5 ±0.1 0.1 max. 1.79 (0.070) 1.39 (0.055) 0.1 max. GEOY6958 67 SI-FOTODETEKTOREN , OPTISCHE SENSOREN UND IR-L UMINESZENZDIODEN SILICON PHOTODETECTORS, AND INFRARED EMITTERS Maßbilder in mm (inch) Outline Drawings dimensions in mm (inch) SFH 5410 Figure 106 0.4 (0.016) 0.0 (0.000) 0.2 (0.008) 0.1 (0.004) 0.5 (0.020) 1.1 (0.043) Cathode marking GND 0.9 (0.035) 0.7 (0.028) 3.7 (0.146) 3.3 (0.130) 4˚±1 (2.4) (0.095) 3.4 (0.134) 3.0 (0.118) 4.0 (0.157) 3.7 (0.146) 2.54 (0.100) spacing 4.5 (0.177) 4.3 (0.169) VCC 0.8 (0.031) 0.6 (0.024) 1.1 (0.043) 0.9 (0.035) Photosensitive area 1.7 (0.067) 0.1 (0.004) (typ.) 2.1 (0.083) 6.2 (0.244) OUT 2.1 (0.083) 3.0 (0.118) 2.6 (0.102) 2.3 (0.091) 0...5˚ 1.1 (0.043) 0.9 (0.035) 6.7 (0.264) 1.77 (0.070) SFH 4272, SFH 4273 Chip position 0.3 (0.012) 1.2 (0.047) 1.1 (0.043) 0...0.2 (0...0.008) Figure 105 OPTICAL SENSORS 0.18 (0.007) 0.12 (0.005) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) GPLY6724 0.94 (0.037) Figure 107 GEOY6978 SFH 4271, SFH 4257 Figure 108 SFH 3204 2.1 (0.083) 3.0 (0.118) 2.6 (0.102) 2.3 (0.091) 0.25 (0.010) 1.7 (0.067) 0.1 (0.004) (typ) 2.1 (0.083) 0.20 (0.008) 0.9 (0.035) 0.7 (0.028) 0 ... 0.1 (0 ... 0.004) (0.6 (0.024)) Anode marking 0.12 (0.005) 0.7 (0.028) 0.5 (0.020) 1.2 (0.047) 1.0 (0.039) SFH 4850 ø4.1 (0.161) 2.54 (0.100) spacing ø0.45 (0.018) 3) .04 5) (0 3 .1 1 (0.0 0.9 Chip position ø4.3 (0.169) 2.7 (0.106) 14.5 (0.571) 3.6 (0.142) 12.5 (0.492) 3.0 (0.118) 0.9 1.1 (0 . (0 043 .03 ) 5) 1 ø5.5 (0.217) ø5.2 (0.205) Anode (LD 242, BPX 63, SFH 464) Cathode (SFH 483, SFH 4850) Approx. weight 0.5 g 68 (15˚) typ. 0.3 Chipcenter 1.3 (0.051) 1.1 (0.043) GPLY6125 GPLY6059 Figure 109 2.1 (0.083) 0.6 (0.024) 0.4 (0.016) 2.3 (0.091) Collector 0.18 (0.007) 0.3 (0.012) 0.5 (0.020) 2.9 (0.114) 3.1 (0.122) 3.7 (0.146) 3.3 (0.130) 1.1 (0.043) 0.5 (0.020) 3.4 (0.134) 3.0 (0.118) (2.4 (0.094)) 4˚±1 (0.4 (0.016)) GETY6625
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