An Overview of Biological SAXS
An Overview of Biological SAXS
An Overview of Biological SAXS: Instrumentation,Techniques and Applications June 14, 2012 Welcome Peter Laggner Director Nanostructure Solutions Bruker AXS - Austria [email protected] +43 664 3002738 Brian Jones Sr. Applications Scientist, XRD Bruker AXS Inc. – Wisconsin, USA [email protected] +1.608.276.3088 2 Pioneers of (Bio-)SAXS Otto Kratky developed the first commercially successful SAXS camera Andre Guinier – Concept of particle scattering – radius of gyration Andre Guinier Otto Kratky 3 Contents • What is SAXS? • What can SAXS do for biology? • Biopolymer structure – proteins and beyond • Membrane structure and dynamics • The ‚Hybrid Analysis Approach‘ • SAXS and Crystallography • SAXS and Calorimetry • SAXS and NMR • SAXS and EM • Lab and Synchrotron SAXS • What is needed in instrumentation? • Optics: flux and resolution, background optimization • Sample environment • Software • Summary of the Bruker SAXS product range 4 SAXS - X-Ray Scattering in Transmission > 6° XRD/WAXS X-Ray Beam Internal structure, Crystal parameters 0.02 - 6° SAXS Particle size/shape Nanosized pores, Defects 5 The Length Scales x 106 nm SWAXS Liposomal Carrier This is where all the chemistry happens µm Porous mineral mm The Product This is our reality 6 Typical Time Scales -6 -4 -2 Synchrotron beamlines 0 2 log t (s) Lab instruments 7 The Reciprocity: Size – Scattering Angle Small particles Large particles Wide SAXS range Narrow SAXS range 8 Why is SAXS Special? The angular resolution needs to be much better for SAXS than for XRD – • only ~ 6° ROI for two decades in real space 50 WAXS 40 angle (degrees) • 30 Molecular Lattice Unit cell dimensions symmetry 20 Nano-Envelope Size / Shape 10 SAXS 0 10 100 1000 distance (A) 9 Advantages of Simultaneous SAXS and WAXS crystalline WAXS SAXS Scattering curve amorphous 150 nm Nanoscale domains/particles/ pores 1 10 Angström 3 Atomic / molecular scale 10 Where Can SAXS Help in Biology? • Drug Discovery – Proteomics – Structural Biology • Drug Development – Formulation – Process Control • Biomaterials - Hair, Skin, Bone, Tissue Engineering • Biochem / Biophys Basic Research 11 Biochem/Biophys Basic Research The most important applications of SAXS in basic research relate to: • Macro- / supramolecular interactions in solution with small molecules, salts , (Hofmeister series …) • Supramolecular complex formation in solution (protein-lipid, proteinnucleic acid,…) • Self-assembly of amphiphilic compounds (Micelle formation , coagulation…) Laboratory SAXS/SWAXS/GISAXS become complementary standards to spectroscopic and thermodynamic tools in biophysics/biochemistry. Powerful instruments provide the necessary speed of measurement. 12 Proteomics – Structural Biology Q: Drug binding effect on enzyme structure in solution? SAXS in dilute solution – radius of gyration (RG) , molecular weight , max. dimension Q: Search for optimum crystallization conditions? SAXS in different salt or polymer solutions – size (RG) monitors attractive/repulsive interactions Q: Differences between X-ray crystal structure and solution structure? SAXS curve fitting with crystal date (e.g. from PDB data bank) Q: Oligomerization / multi-protein assembly in solution? SAXS under different protein concentrations – how to bring more protein into 1 ml ? 13 SAXS in Structural Proteomics and Drug Discovery Genomics Protein Synthesis Candidate Selection Protein Structure Rational drug design Protein sizing to determine: • State of aggregation in solution (monodisperse/polydisperse)? • Suitability for crystallization? • Effects of salts, additives, ligands? 14 Biomaterials: Hair, Skin, Bone, Wood… NANOGRAPHY : This is the domain of NANOSTAR Small- and wide-angle patterns of oriented samples – 2D detection / sample scanning 15 BioSAXS Sample - Practice Samples typically consist of biological macromolecules and their complexes (proteins, DNA and RNA) in solution Homogeneous Monodisperse Concentration: >1 mg/ml Sample amount: 10-15 ml Perfectly matched buffer solution provided for solvent blank measurement 16 SAXS Information on Protein Structure experimental data theoretical profile from atomic model shape log I ? folding atomic structure 50 Å 0,0 0,1 0,2 Graphics courtesy of Michal Hammel SAXS Consulting 0,3 -1 q[Å ] 0,4 13 Å 17 Particle Size – Guinier Law Guinier law: 2 2 𝐼(q) = I(0).𝑒 −𝑅 q /3 𝑙𝑛 𝐼 𝑞 = 𝑙𝑛𝐼(0) − 𝑅2 q2/3 Valid up to q.R ≤ 1,2 • • • Guinier plot: Rg, radius of gyration. I(0), Molecular weight Slope = - ln(10) . R2/3 Graphics courtesy of Michal Hammel SAXS Consulting 18 Protein Folding - Kratky Plot The appearance of the SAXS curve in the Kratky plot allows to infer chain folding characteristics - Graphics courtesy of Michal Hammel SAXS Consulting 19 Fourier Transformation – The P(r) Function 1 sin( qr ) P( r ) dq I ( q).q 2 qr 2 2 0 Limit: qmin.Dmax ≤ 𝜋 𝑃 𝑟 = 𝑇( 𝐼(𝑞)) The Pair Distance Distribution Function P(r) is the Fourier Transform of the SAXS curve – it is a real-space function and hence intuitively better suited for modelling Graphics courtesy of Michal Hammel SAXS Consulting 20 Pair Distance Distribution Function P(r) Maximum particle dimension, general shape Graphics courtesy of Michal Hammel SAXS Consulting 21 SAXS Size Range Limit: qmin.Dmax ≤ 𝜋 Putnam and Hammel et al. 2007 Q R Biophysics 40:191-285 Graphics courtesy of Michal Hammel SAXS Consulting 22 Solution Structure Modeling Graphics courtesy of Michal Hammel SAXS Consulting 23 Proteomic Scale, Shape and Assembly Hura, Menon, Hammel et al. (2009) Nature Methods 6, 606 - 61 Graphics courtesy of Michal Hammel SAXS Consulting 24 In 1971: 10 min/point 25 Today: Protein Size and Shape Within Minutes by Lab-SAXS 3 min Pair Distance Distribution 12 min 6 min 15 min 9 min 18 min (Bruker MICROPix™) Stable results after < 12 min exposure Size (Radius of Gyration) to < +/- 3 % within 3 min Sample volume < 10 µl; concentration 0.1% - 26 Speed of SAXS Dilute protein solution SAXS in human times – one coffee break 0.4%, Exposure 30 min ALD BSA THI Lyso qmin = 0.016 Å1 d = 400 Å 27 Speed of Analysis – BSA model in 15 min Experimental vs fitted I(q) Crystal Structure SAXS p(R) DIMER 28 Conclusions • Protein SAXS does not require synchrotron radiation • Valuable SAXS data can be obtained in 30 min or less • Radii of Gyration can be determined in less than 5 min • Data of sufficient quality for informative molecular modeling can be obtained in the home laboratory 29 Lipidic Formulations Membrane Biophysics Q: Polymorphic structure and transitions of liposomal formulations? Simultaneous small-and wide-angle scattering (SWAXS) in T-/c-/p- scanning mode Q: Interactions between lipid model systems and drugs? Dose-dependent SWAXS scanning Q: Simultaneous calorimetric and structural measurement? Integrated SWAXS – scanning microcalorimetry Q: Solid-supported thin lipid films? ORIENTED! 2D-pattern Grazing-incidence SAXS (GISAXS) 30 Liposomes and Lipoplexes a Rich Field for SAXS/WAXS Starting from the components: Lipid self-assembly 31 Thermal Phase Transitions SWAXS T-Scans 0.5°/min, 1 frame/min Dipalmitoyl-PC (DPPC) Phases: L‘ , P‘ , L SAXS: lamellar stacking structure WAXS: hydrocarbon chain packing 5.0 48.0 50.0 53.0 54.0 61.3 56.0 53.0 56.0 5.0 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 s [1/Å] 32 Drug Liposome Interaction DSC-trace SAXS 33 Searching Targets for Anti-Viral Therapy Q: Which parts of the protein are responsible for fusion? How can viral fusion with the cell membrane be suppressed? Viral Fusion Protein: MembranePeptide Screening Viral entry: Membrane Fusion Viral Fusion Protein P. Laggner, Ana J. Perez Berna and Jose Villalain, 2007 34 Host Membrane Viral Membrane 260-277 197-214 274-298 309-326 435-452 400-417 351-368 25° 708-725 603-620 547-564 25° 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 -1 -1 q-axis (nm ) -1 q-axis (nm ) 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 -1 q-axis (nm ) -1 q-axis (nm ) 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4 -1 -1 q-axis (nm ) q-axis (nm ) -1 q-axis (nm ) -1 q-axis (nm ) -1 q-axis (nm ) q-axis (nm ) 45° 45° 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.2 -1 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 -1 q-axis (nm ) -1 -1 q-axis (nm ) 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 -1 q-axis (nm ) -1 q-axis (nm ) 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 -1 q-axis (nm ) 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 -1 q-axis (nm ) 0.3 -1 q-axis (nm ) q-axis (nm ) -1 q-axis (nm ) q-axis (nm ) 70° 70° 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.2 -1 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.2 -1 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.2 50 Temperature (ºC) 60 70 10 30 40 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 50 Temperature (ºC) 60 70 10 30 40 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 -1 0.3 0.4 0.5 50 Temperature (ºC) 60 70 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10 F10 F5 E24 Temperature (ºC) 0.1 0.2 -1 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 -1 q-axis (nm ) 0.3 -1 q-axis (nm ) q-axis (nm ) Fusion Helper E19 20 0.3 q-axis (nm ) q-axis (nm ) PreTM E13 20 0.3 -1 q-axis (nm ) FP 40 0.2 -1 E11 E2 30 0.1 q-axis (nm ) -1 20 0.4 q-axis (nm ) q-axis (nm ) 10 0.3 -1 q-axis (nm ) 20 30 40 50 Temperature (ºC) 60 70 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10 F27 20 30 40 50 60 70 10 F35 20 30 40 50 60 70 10 20 F49 30 40 50 60 70 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Searching Targets for Anti-Viral Therapy SAXS and DSC are suitable techniques for finding regions that promote non-lamellar phases likely to be involved in fusion. Fusion Peptide PreTM The region 603-620, fusion helper, 274-298, fusion peptide, and 309-326, PreTransmembrane domain are entry targets against HCV (hepatitis C virus). 36 ‚Hybrid Analysis‘ Getting the Bigger Picture ‚Hybrid Analysis‘ strategy combines methods and techniques of • Diffraction • Spectroscopy • Imaging • Thermodynamics to get the complete picture of the complex structures, interactions and dynamics of biological systems at the submicroscopic scale 37 ‚Hybrid Analysis‘ Combining Methods Diffraction SAXS DSC/SAXS structure and dynamics SC-XRD atomic resolution structure Membrane receptor Cryo-EM large-scale shape Spectroscopy NMR atomic resolution structure in solution tubulin AFM structure at surfaces Imaging MICRO-CT leads in all these fields – except for EM 38 The Need for Lab-SAXS: Just-In-Time Results • There is an increasing need for robust, simple, and powerful SAXS instrumentation for the laboratory, because… • Bio- and Nanomaterials are precious – speed matters • SAXS can give unique information – noninvasively • Synchrotrons are not instantly available and • The Hybrid Analysis Approach cannot work unless different methods are available simultaneously around a given project 39 SAXS – Cryo-EM : 1012 vs 1 Molecule SAXS on soluble antigen antobody complex allowed to describe the average arrangement of the Fab arms under antigen binding - simply by analysing the radius of gyration Three different IgG molecules (A, B, C) modeled with CryoET. Each model is shown in three different orientations. From a collection of such models it was possible to derive a potential energy model to describe the distribution of angles observed among the Fab arms and Fc stem. Courtesy of Bongini et al Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101:6466-6471; ©2004 PNAS 40 SAXS and NMR Enhanced Accuracy NMR structure of the tetraloop receptor complex • • • • NOE distance restraints: 700 x 2 Intermolecular NOEs: 36 x 2 Residual dipolar couplings (RDCs): 11 x 2 RMSD 1.0 Å • Davis et al., 2005. RNA helical packing in solution: NMR structure of a 30 kDa GAAA tetraloop-receptor complex. J. Mol. Biol. 351(2):371-82 • Davis et al., 2007. Role of metal ions in the tetraloop-receptor complex as analyzed by NMR. J. Mol. Biol. 351(2):371-82 Courtesy of Sam Butcher‘s Lab, Department of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin 41 SAXS and NMR Can SAXS data substitute for intermolecular NOE and H-bond restraints? Courtesy of Sam Butcher‘s Lab, Department of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin 42 SAXS and NMR RG ------------------------ • • • NMR NMR+SAXS Measured 25.1 23.1 23.0 Courtesy of Sam Butcher‘s Lab, Department of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin 43 SAXS and NMR Conclusion / Hypothesis: SAXS data can be used to define molecular interfaces and can compensate for sparse NMR data Combination of SAXS + NMR data should lead to even more accurate structures 44 Thin Film Structure by GISAXS XRR Reflection and refraction Diffraction detector from multilayer optics collimator . sample rotation axis divergence < 1 mrad (0.057 °) 45 Lab-GISAXS of Phospholipid Mesophase z y DOPC on Si chip Hecus S3-MICROpix , 1000 s This structure has highly promising features for thin-film biotechnology: • controlled pore size, • large inner surface • easy to produce Can we functionalize it (e.g. cytotoxic)? … tests with melittin (bee venom peptide) 46 Functionalized Peptide – Lipid Film DOPC/Melittin R = 10-4 in vacuo on Si 20 hours later, air, RT S3-MICROpix 10 min Sqashed liposomes (4,6 nm) Surface-aligned multilayer (4.8 nm) • The original cubic film structure of DOPC is transformed into lamellar, isotropic multilayers already at molar ratios of 1:10.000 of melittin. • Two (or more) domains with different lamellar repeats appear 47 The Synchrotron Revolution SAXS Development over last 40 years • Bio-SAXS, especially protein SAXS has tremendously grown with the availability of SAXS beamlines • A major part of the synchrotron BioSAXS projects could be done equally well at home-lab instruments, if available • Synchrotron SAXS projects can be much more productive if well prepared by lab-SAXS Synchrotron Home-lab 1970 1990 2010 But‚ I am tired of travelling thousands of miles to a synchrotron to get the information I need to do today, not in three or six months (a biochemist and convert synchrotron user) 48 The MICRO™ Revolution 49 The MICRO™ - Platform SAXS system for instant laboratory nanoanalytics MICRO - SWAXS MICRO - SAXS Speed: 3 x higher flux than other lab-SAXS system by IµS-microsource (INCOATEC) and MICRO™ Kratky-optics* True SAXS : No information loss through point-beam focusing / no de-smearing Interactive : Study ligand binding, salt effects, conformational changes on proteins in the home laboratory, in situ, in real time * Combination of HECUS Kratky system design with INCOATEC source / focussing optics and Bruker detectors 50 Kratky vs Pin-Hole Collimation MICRO vs Nanostar Defining slits ~500 mm Cleaning slit Pin-hole : 360° field of view Kratky block: 180° field of view, no background in measuring field ~60 mm ~300 mm 51 Detectors • 1D SAXS and/or WAXS: VANTEC-1 • 2D SAXS/GISAXS: Dectris‘ Pilatus 100K 53 MICROpix – Sample Cells • Liquid sample microcell for ambient or non-ambient • Microcell for pastes and powders • Capillary-flow cell for liquids and gases 54 Synchrotron-Proven Hard-and Software • Detectors: Pilatus (Dectris 100K) – radiation hard, can stand primary beam VANTEC-1 – synchrotron proven, fast 1-D detector Serial scans – no image plate change-over • Software: ATSAS suite: designed by most experienced protein SAXS expert (D. Svergun, EMBL, Hamburg) 55 S3-MICROcaliX Combining SWAX & Calorimetry* • Calorimetry provides only the enthalpy e.g. of phase changes, no structure information • SAXS is essential to identify long-period structures, e.g. in fats • Detection of pre-transitional changes in nanostructure – domains, interfaces • Simultaneous measurement is crucial with unstable materials *Cooperation started with Michel Ollivon, († 2006) Greard Keller, Claudie Bourgeaux et al in 2000, continued with Setaram, Caluire, France 56 WAXS/WAXS/DSC The MICROcaliX™ Microcalorimeter S3-MICROcaliX Microbeam X-Ray Camera Integrated Laboratory Benchtop System Developed in cooperaqtion with SETARAM Caluire, France 60‘‘ time-frames 57 Micro-Calorimeter Specifications • • • • • • • • • Sample volume: 20µl (open capillary) Temperature range: -25 °C 200°C (-30°C 200°C reached when RT~20°C) Average sensitivity: 410µV/mW Isothermal detection limit:1.5µW Scanning detection limit: 2.5µW Static drift (25 min isotherm at 26°C): 3µW Repeatability< 1% Maximum heating rate : 5K/min Maximum cooling rate 5K/min(200°C 50°C) 1K/min (50°C 0°C) 0.5K/min (0°C -30°C) MICROcaliX™ matches the best standalone instruments 58 Speed of SAXS Calorimetric SAXS : MICROcaliX™ Ag-behenate powder: 20°-200°C (1.5°/min) 1D-SAXS: 1 frame/min 2 D-SAXS pattern of Ag-behenate heating scan: 110°C - 200°C (1°C/min) 60 frames (1 min each, 1°C/frame). Animation is not time-synchronous with 1D (left) 59 Silver Behenate SAXS-DSC with Bruker MicroCaliX ICTP School Trieste 210312 60 Model of the ribbon phase Two-dimensional centrered rectangular lattice with space group cmm b a 61 Cocoa Butter: SAXS shows–pre-transitional nanodomain effects Cocoa Butter Polymorphism SWAXS/DSC with MICROcaliX™ SAXS 6.4 nm 4.4. nm: second phase n=2 38°C n=4 n=5 SAXS zoom -10°C Onset of transition already at much lower temperatures than indicated by calorimetry and by WAXS WAXS simultaneous SAXS and WAXS • scan 1°C/min • signal strength sufficient to measure SWAXS with time resolution of ~ 20 s, i.e. faster scanning is technically possible. 62 MICROcaliX™ – Fields of Application Component Food Pharmaceutical Bio Others Application protein denaturation, aggregation Protein powder crystallization starch gelatinisation, retrogradation, glass transition milk Melting, crystallization, denaturation, aggregation fat, chocolate Melting, crystallization, lipidic transition, polymorphism fat hydrocolloids crystallization melting, gelation sugar Melting, crystallization, glass transition (amorphism) drug, excipient Melting, polymorphism protein denaturation, aggregation, polymorphism Lipid, membrane, vesicle Lipidic transition Liquid crystal transitions Gas hydrate Formation, dissociation 63 Innovation with Integrity © Copyright Bruker Corporation. All rights reserved. 64