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pISSN 2288-6982 l eISSN 2288-7105 Biodesign MINI REVIEW P 18-24 Structure determination of biological macromolecular complexes by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) combined with validating tools Donghyuk Shin, Seungsu Han and Sangho Lee* Department of Biological Sciences, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 16419, Korea. *Correspondence: [email protected] The molecular world in a cell is operated by the action of biological macromolecular complexes in solution. The past couple of decades have witnessed an incredible advance in our understanding of atomic details of biological macromolecular complexes, mainly driven by X-ray crystallography. Despite the wealth of structural information, crystallographic structure determination of the biological complexes still remains challenging mostly because such complexes often resist to be crystallized. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is emerging as an alternative to provide structural information for the biological macromolecular complexes at low resolution in solution. SAXS is advantageous in that it does not require crystalline state of the complexes and that multiple conformational states and/or conformational changes can be observed in solution. Combined with pre-existing high-resolution structures of components of the macromolecular complexes, SAXS can be used to build a testable molecular model for the complex. The structural model driven by the SAXS data can then be validated by biophysical, biochemical and cellular techniques. Here we attempt to review recent advances in application of SAXS to uncover the molecular basis of macromolecular complexes. Such a hybrid approach equipped with SAXS and complementary validation tools may be proven useful to obtain structural insights into the function of biological complexes when no high-resolution structure determination techniques such as crystallography, NMR and electron microscopy are applicable. INTRODUCTION Getting to know structure of a biological molecule can open a new way to understand and modulate the function of the molecule. Structural biology, mainly driven by X-ray crystallography for the past decades, has made tremendous contributions to modern molecular biology (Shi, 2014). Elucidation of individual macromolecules spanning from the historic DNA structure to numerous protein structures shed enormous light on the molecular mechanisms of such biological molecules (Watson and Crick, 1953). Although many biological molecules such as proteins and nucleic acids can work on their own, most biological processes are mediated by the action of macromolecular complexes, some notable examples being ribosomes and complexes involved in transcription and intracellular signaling (Fields et al., 2015). Revealing molecular structures of such macromolecular complexes rely on highresolution techniques such as X-ray crystallography and cryoelectron microscopy (cryoEM). However, both crystallography and cryoEM have some limitations: crystallography requires the formation of diffraction-quality crystals, which often becomes the major bottleneck. By contrast, cryoEM does not require any crystals, but current technology makes it challenging to study 18 Biodesign l Vol.4 l No.1 l Mar 30, 2016 © 2016 Biodesign complexes under 300 kDa in size and demands large-scale computation to determine the molecular structure. In addition, a sample must be frozen to be investigated. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) provides a complementary tool for investigating the structures of macromolecular complexes without altering the sample state. In a SAXS experiment, structural information can be derived from a sample in solution state without size restriction. Since SAXS is a solution-based technique, it can be utilized to probe structural dynamics. SAXS for studying biological macromolecules, often called bioSAXS, has been recently employed in structural biology (Putnam et al., 2007). Representative examples for SAXS-based structural studies include inter-domain movement of a multi-domain protein (Huang et al., 2013) and conformational change of a nucleic acid (Hura et al., 2013). BioSAXS, however, imposes its own technical limitation: it basically provides low-resolution structural information. Primary structural information obtained by bioSAXS is a molecular envelope analogous to a low-resolution envelope by cryoEM. Computational modeling is an essential step to fit a molecular-level structure into the envelope derived by bioSAXS. Here we attempt to review recent developments to uncover bdjn.org Donghyuk Shin, Seungsu Han and Sangho Lee biological macromolecular complex structures by combining bioSAXS with supporting experimental techniques. BIOSAXS FOR BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULAR COMPLEXES SAXS measures radial scattering of biological macromolecules in solution near the beam center, thereby named “small-angle”. Isotropic, radially symmetric profiles of scattering are recorded as a function of the scattering vector where θ is the half of the scattering angle and λ the wavelength of the incident X-ray beam. Basic parameters one can obtain at the conclusion of data acquisition include radius of gyration, Rg, and pair distribution function P(r) from which the maximum distance of a sample, Dmax, can be derived. Molecular mass of the sample can be also determined by extrapolating scattering intensity at the zero scattering angle I(0), which can in turn be utilized to determine oligomeric state of a macromolecule or stoichiometry of a macromolecular complex. Once basic parameters are determined, molecular envelope of the sample can be modelled using a variety of computational algorithms implemented in SAXS software packages, the most popular one being ATSAS (Petoukhov et al., 2012). Readers are referred to excellent reviews on principles of SAXS and computational modelling methods (Mertens and Svergun, 2010; Putnam et al., 2007). Although theories of SAXS have been developed for a few decades, practical application of SAXS to biological macromolecules became routine in the advancement of synchrotron facilities with bright X-ray beams and instrumentation to deal with automation and sample handling at beamlines. Synchrotron X-rays much brighter than conventional in-house X-rays enable data acquisition of biological samples done in less a second, extended to millisecond scale. One of problems in measuring SAXS for biological macromolecules is that the biological macromolecules often exhibit polydispersity and are only transiently stable in solution. Introduction of a “in-line” or “in situ” chromatographic system gives researchers opportunities to separate biological samples into distinct, monodisperse state in solution so that a sample at a specific physicochemical state in solution can be investigated using SAXS. For instance, a protein or protein complex sample is fractionated on a size exclusion chromatography column that is connected to an automatic sample loading device at a SAXS beamline. In this way, the macromolecular sample is subject to SAXS experiments FIGURE 1 I Overview of the structure determination of macromolecular complexes by bioSAXS. Three main stages in the bioSAXS structure determination are described. For details, refer to the text. bdjn.org Biodesign l Vol.4 l No.1 l Mar 30, 2016 © 2016 Biodesign 19 Structure determination of biological macromolecular complexes by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) combined with validating tools -0.5 Model -1 Data -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 -3.5 -0.5 -4 Model -1 Data 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 -1.5 -2 FIGURE 2 I Schematic diagram of bioSAXS molecular envelope derivation and model fitting. The general procedure of molecular envelope derivation -2.5 from bioSAXS data and model fitting is shown for the dimeric form of an intramolecular tandem coiled coil as an example. Part of the figure is reprinted -3 from (Shin et al., 2014) with permission from Elsevier. -3.5 -4 0 as it is being separated in situ. By establishing automatic sample loading, data acquisition and analysis system, more conditions and sample types are investigated in a very efficient way. More bioSAXS synchrotron beamlines are now streamlined with automatic sample changers and in-line chromatographic systems, some of them even having stopped-flow system for kinetic studies. Advancement of X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) facilities with even brighter X-ray beams than current synchrotron facilities opens up new opportunities for bioSAXS because the very bright and coherent properties of XFEL are ideal for probing dynamic conformational changes of macromolecular samples at single-molecule level (Li et al., 2015). Determination of biological macromolecular complexes using bioSAXS consists of three stages (Figure 1). The first step is to obtain high-quality samples. Conventional recombinant protein expression systems such as bacterial, insect and mammalian cell culture systems are used to express individual component proteins or a whole protein complex. For the study of protein:nucleic acid complexes, nucleic acids can be chemically synthesized. Modern chromatographic platforms can be employed to purify the components and/or the whole complexes to the highest homogeneity. Except successful expression of a whole complex by co-expresssion or a polycistronic system, complex formation using individual component molecules and subsequent purification and characterization of the formed complex should be performed. Upon the conclusion -0.5 Model -1 Data -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 -3.5 -4 20 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 Biodesign l Vol.4 l No.1 l Mar 30, 2016 © 2016 Biodesign 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 of the purification of the macromolecular complex of interest, characterization of the complex in solution should be carried out to ensure the complex formed in vitro exhibits all the desired characteristics such as correct stoichiometry, functionality and structural homogeneity. In the second stage, bioSAXS data collection and processing will produce key parameters such as Rg, Dmax and P(r) (“Data collection and processing” and “Guinier plot” in Figure 2). Molecular envelope for the macromolecular complex can be derived by inverse Fourier transform. Multiple ab initio envelope models of a target macromolecular complex can be generated by either DAMMIN or DAMMIF from the ATSAS package (Franke and Svergun, 2009; Svergun, 1999) (“Molecular envelope” in Figure 2). Typically 10-20 envelope models are generated. The best ab initio envelope model is selected based on the similarity among the envelope models generated by comparing normalized-spatial-discrepancy (NSD) values calculated by DAMAVER (Volkov and Svergun, 2003): the envelope model with the lowest NSD is chosen as the final envelope model for the macromolecular complex under investigation. One should note that output files from DAMAVER such as damfilt.pdb and damaver.pdb should not be used as the final envelope model. These files represent filtered and averaged models, respectively, mainly for providing insights on the overall feature of the shape of the complex. However, neither of them is meant to be consistent with the experimental scattering data. Rigid body fitting of structural models of the components in the bdjn.org Donghyuk Shin, Seungsu Han and Sangho Lee TABLE 1 I Examples of macromolecular complex structures determined by bioSAXS Macromolecules Complex Protein:protein Protein:nucleic acid Validation of SAXS model References Approach Techniques used Biophysical and biochemical assay Pull-down assay, SEC To validate whether proteins interact (Ahn et al., 2015; Kuwabara et al., 2015) ITC, SPR, BLI To measure the strength of their interactions and identify key residues in binding (Kuwabara et al., 2015) AUC To measure molecular weight of macromolecule complex (Kosek et al., 2014; Pietras et al., 2013) Functional assay Enzymatic assay To confirm key residues in the integrity of the protein complex functionally (Pietras et al., 2013) Biophysical and biochemical assay Pull-down assay, SEC To confirm whether the complex is form in solution (Chaix et al., 2010; Hammel et al., 2010; Mallam et al., 2011; Meier et al., 2013) ITC, SPR, BLI To quantitate the contribution of key residues in binding (Kim et al., 2011; Kulczyk et al., 2012; Patel et al., 2012) EMSA To confirm the interaction of protein with nucleic acid (Cordeiro et al., 2011; Hammel et al., 2010; Patel et al., 2012) NMR To obtain structural information of the complex at atomic level (Cordeiro et al., 2011; Meier et al., 2013; Ozawa et al., 2013) Enzymatic assay To confirm key residues in nucleic acid recognition (Mason et al., 2014; Matot et al., 2012; Nowak et al., 2013) Functional assay Purpose Abbreviations used: SEC, size exclusion chromatography; ITC, isothermal titration calorimetry; SPR, surface plasmon resonance; BLI, bio-layer interferometry; AUC, analytical ultracentrifugation; EMSA, electrophoretic mobility shift assay; and NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance. macromolecular complex to the final envelope model follows to yield a testable structural model for the complex (“Model fitting” in Figure 2). Structural information of the component molecules can come from available high-resolution structures from databases such as protein data bank and various modelling algorithms for molecules with unknown experimental structures. Once a structural model for the complex is established, validation of the model at multiple levels should be done. Firstly, quality of the structural model for the complex should be checked against SAXS raw data. Algorithms such as CRYSOL (Svergun et al., 1995) from the ATSAS package and FoxS server (SchneidmanDuhovny et al., 2013) can be employed for this purpose (“Model fitting” in Figure 2). Technically validated structural models are then subject to functional and biological validation steps. A typical approach is to generate a series of mutants identified from the structural model that seem to be critical in the structural integrity and/or functionality of the complex. Those mutants are subsequently investigated for their effects using biochemical, biophysical and molecular cell biological assays. One should refine the initial structural model for the complex based on the validation results. We will cover some examples of biological bdjn.org macromolecular complex structure determination by bioSAXS in the following sections (Table 1). SAXS AS A MODEL BUILDING TOOL FOR BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULE COMPLEX Proteins are key players for almost every aspect of cellular activities. Complexes consisting of proteins often mediate very complicated biological processes with astonishingly high efficiency and accuracy. Here are some good examples that SAXS revealed the structure of protein:protein complex in solution. CTNNBL1 and CDC5L are the key components of non-snRNP spliceosome complex. SAXS studies on these molecules revealed that CTNNBL1 exists as dimer in solution at physiological NaCl concentration and that CTNNBL1 and CDC5L interact with each other to form a hetero-tetramer in solution (Ahn et al., 2015). Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1), regulated by thioredoxin (TRX1), plays an important role in the pathogenic diseases. Solution structure of the complex of TRX binding domain in ASK1 (ASK1-TBD) with TRX1 was resolved by SAXS. This structural model suggests that ASK1-TBD binds to TRX1 via its N-terminal domain (Kosek et al., 2014). Regulator Biodesign l Vol.4 l No.1 l Mar 30, 2016 © 2016 Biodesign 21 Structure determination of biological macromolecular complexes by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) combined with validating tools of ribonuclease activity A (RraA) is known to regulate DEAD box RNA helicase (RhlB) in Escherichia coli. SAXS was used to solve the solution structures of RraA and two different DEAD box RNA helicases: RraA:RhlB and RraA:SrmB complexes (Pietras et al., 2013). Comparison of the two complex structures reveals that RraA interacts with both helicases via the same binding domain (Pietras et al., 2013), which implicates two different mechanisms of RraA. BAG6, a co-chaperone interacting with aggregationprone polypeptides, plays an important role in tail-anchored (TA) transmembrane protein biogenesis. Crystallographic and biochemical analyses established that the C-terminal BAG6, termed BAGS domain, and the C-terminal TUGS domain of Ubl4a, an ubiquitin-like protein, participate in the heterodimer (Kuwabara et al., 2015). SAXS solution structure revealed that the BAGS:full-length Ubl4a features more extended structure than that of BAGS:TUGS, filling the gap between crystallographic and solution structural states. SAXS can be also applied to study protein:nucleic acid interactions. Proteins with nucleic acid binding domains are associated with DNA replication (Kulczyk et al., 2012; Mason et al., 2014; Matot et al., 2012; Ozawa et al., 2013; Tang et al., 2008), gene regulation (Chaix et al., 2010; Cordeiro et al., 2011; Kim et al., 2011; Meier et al., 2013; Pendini et al., 2013), DNA repair/modification (Hammel et al., 2010; Lang et al., 2011; Majka et al., 2012) and RNA metabolism (Mallam et al., 2011; Nowak et al., 2013; Patel et al., 2012). In these cases, it is of great interest to structural biologists to recognize which region of the protein component is involved in specific interactions with DNA or RNA. Protein:nucleic acid complexes are usually stable enough to be investigated by SAXS in vitro. During DNA replication, DNA structure undergoes significant remodeling in unwinding double-stranded DNA, reading the sequence information from template DNA and synthesizing a new complement DNA strand. The protein:DNA complexes involved in the DNA replication protein structures are inherently dynamic in their structures. Highly dynamic property of the protein:DNA complexes is a big barrier to obtain high-quality crystals leading to highresolution structures. SAXS can be a good alternative to uncover structural dynamics including multiple conformations in solution. SMARCAL1 is a DNA modeling protein associated to DNA replication forks in higher eukaryotes such as mouse and human. Its deficit induces cell arrest in S-phage during mitosis and chromosomal DNA instability. M. musculus SMARCAL1 catalytic domain (SMARCAL1CD) is composed of HARP domain followed by ATPase domain. The complex of SMARCAL1 CD with DNA assumes different conformations depending on bound cofactors in DNA replication steps (Mason et al., 2014). The protein envelope of SMARCAL1CD with AMP-PNP, which mimics ATPbound form, showed just HARP2 domain bound to one end of ssDNA-dsDNA junction. However, with ADP BeFx, which mimics a potential transition state between ATP and ADP, the protein envelope showed ATPase domain of SMARCALCD also engaged the middle region of ssDNA-dsDNA substrate. These SAXS 22 Biodesign l Vol.4 l No.1 l Mar 30, 2016 © 2016 Biodesign results supported the DNA-binding function of HARP domain and how conformational change of SMARCALCD affects the function as DNA remodeler in presence of ATP and its catalyzed form. SAXS is an effective tool for probing dynamic conformational changes of protein:nucleic acid complexes in solution without the need for crystallization and freezing. DEAD-box proteins play critical roles in RNA metabolism as general RNA chaperone. Mss116p of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a model system of DEAD-box proteins for studies of its mechanism and highresolution structures of Mss116p are available (Mallam et al., 2012). However, these structures lack C-terminal tail that its truncation of Mss116p strongly inhibits its activity as RNAdependent ATPase (Mohr et al., 2008). Although C-tail of Mss116p should be essential on its activity, the flexibility of the C-terminal tail of Mss116p might have prevented the formation of crystals for X-ray crystallography. SAXS experiments using fulllength Mss116p revealed that its conformational change occurs in presence of RNA and adenosine nucleotides (Mallam et al., 2011). The flexible C-terminal tail of Mss116p protrudes from its core domain, rendering it suitable for binding nucleic acid. Combined with high-resolution crystal structural information and biochemical studies, SAXS results strongly support that the C-terminal tail of Mss116p is likely to be involved to bind RNA and tether the core domain to large RNA substrates. VALIDATION OF SAXS BASED MODEL Since bioSAXS provides low-resolution structural information of the macromolecular complexes in solution, such SAXS-based complex structural models should be validated biophysically, biochemically and functionally. Site-directed mutagenesis is routinely used to validate structural analysis. In the case of a molecular model fitted to an envelope derived by bioSAXS, mutagenesis is more than essential for validating the structural model of the macromolecular complexes. Introducing a single or multiple mutations into the expected interaction surface followed by tracking the differences in binding affinities will prove whether the SAXS structural model is correct. Biophysical and quantitative techniques such as bio-layer interferometry (BLI), surface plasmon resonance, and isothermal titration calorimetry can be used to determine binding affinities among components of macromolecular complexes. Biochemical and qualitative pull-down assay provides a quick and convenient measure to validate the SAXS structural model for the complex. Mutations predicted by SAXS structural model to be critical in the integrity of the complex are tested. Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) provides an estimate for the molecular mass of the complex from which stoichiometry of the complex can be determined. However, if the complex subject to investigation assumes non-spherical shape, SEC results should be interpreted with caution: it may be necessary to employ a secondary measure such as multiangle static light scattering and analytical ultracentrifugation to unambiguously determine the molecular size of the complex. Yeast Doa1 is an adaptor protein for Cdc48 involved in endo- bdjn.org Donghyuk Shin, Seungsu Han and Sangho Lee plasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation pathway and endosomal sorting. In the endosomal sorting in yeast, Hse1, a protein of an endosomal sorting complex required for transport system, recruits Doa1. The protein:protein interactions of these two proteins were characterized by GST pull-down assay and BLI experiments (Han et al., 2014). Additionally, some residues might be important for their interactions and investigated by sitedirected mutagenesis and BLI experiment. The residues, N438 of Doa1/PFU domain and W254 of Hse1/SH3 domain, were found to be critical to this interaction. According to these studies, it was successful to build a solution structure complex model by SAXS and computational modelling approaches. A low-resolution structural model for the Rad18:linear di-ubiquitin complex associated with DNA double-strand damage repair pathway was derived by SAXS experiments (Thach et al., 2015). The SAXS model suggested that residues E227 and E228, unrecognized previously, are crucial in the contact between Rad18 and linear di-ubiquitin. When the residue E227 and E228 were mutated to alanine, the binding affinity was significantly reduced, strongly supporting the conclusion drawn from the SAXS structural model. In the CTNNBL:CDC5L complex, the complex structural model also validated by mutagenesis assay. They mutated the key residues such as L87, I101, G148, Q192, Q199, Q238, E278, and E282 on the dimer interface and check the ability of dimer formation (Ahn et al., 2015). Any structural model for a macromolecule or complex should be eventually validated from functional aspects. Mutagenesis is the basis for most molecular and cellular assays to test the validity of the macromolecular complex structural model derived by bioSAXS. For Rad18:linear Ub2 case, changes in the localization of Rad18 at DNA damage sites were monitored using critical mutants. Single mutants E227A and E228A decreased the ability of Rad18 to localize at DNA damage sites (Thach et al., 2015). CTNNBL:CDC5L study demonstrated the complete reduction of dimerization from octuple mutant while double and triple mutants still possessed the dimerization state. (double mutant: L87R/ I101R; triple mutants: G148R/Q192R/Q199R, and Q238A/E278A/E282A; and octuple mutant: L87R/I101R/G148R/ Q192R/Q199R/Q238A/E278A/E282A) (Ahn et al., 2015). CONCLUDING REMARKS Biological macromolecules such as protein, DNA, and RNA often function as macromolecular complexes. It is extremely important to know how such complexes are organized and changing their conformations. BioSAXS has been used as a supplementary tool for structure determination, mainly combined with crystallographic studies: SAXS is a low-resolution technique, but can provide valuable structural information when any highresolution technique such as crystallography cannot cover the whole region of a macromolecular complex and conformational changes are believed to be critical in the function of the complex in solution. Due to the expansion of the number of highresolution structures for components of many macromolecular bdjn.org complexes and the advancement of molecular modelling, SAXS can be a primary structural tool to investigate the structure of macromolecular complexes. Still the structural model derived by SAXS should be validated by biophysical, biochemical and functional assays, which becomes routine for not only SAXSderived structural models, but also many high-resolution structural models. With emerging technical development in bioSAXS synchrotron beamlines, SAXS can be deployed for investigating challenging structural works including obtaining structural information from non-crystallizable or troublesome samples upon freezing and probing conformational changes upon biological processes that macromolecular complexes are involved. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grants funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF-2013R1A1A2059981) and by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (NRF-2015R1A2A1A15055951), the Pioneer Research Center Program (2012-0009597) through NRF grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP), and the Woo Jang Chun Program (PJ009106) through the Rural Development Agency. AUTHOR INFORMATION The Authors declare no potential conflicts of interest. Original Submission: Feb 22, 2016 Revised Version Received: Mar 11, 2016 Accepted: Mar 14, 2016 REFERENCES Ahn, J.W., Jin, K.S., Son, H.F., Chang, J.H., and Kim, K.J. (2015). Small angle X-ray scattering studies of CTNNBL1 dimerization and CTNNBL1/ CDC5L complex. Sci Rep 5, 14251. Chaix, D., Ferguson, M.L., Atmanene, C., Van Dorsselaer, A., SanglierCianferani, S., Royer, C.A., and Declerck, N. (2010). 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Mohr, G., Del Campo, M., Mohr, S., Yang, Q., Jia, H., Jankowsky, E., and 24 Biodesign l Vol.4 l No.1 l Mar 30, 2016 © 2016 Biodesign bdjn.org