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"#!$%&'()%*+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!-Y-!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Illegal! (%! 0%+(! %*! 1*(23*2( t t $2 x$2 t = x$21 y = x x = t $ 2 and 2E!! x = t$3 y= ?E!! ;E! and y=t$3 t = y $ 3 1 x = y $ 3$ 3 1 x = y $6 y = x $ 6 or y = 6 $ x, x < 0 x = cos8 x = sec 2 8 and y = tan 2 8 x = 1 $ tan 2 8 1 x = 1 $ y 1 y = x $ 1 :E!! and y = 4 sin 8 x 2 = cos2 8, y 2 = 16 sin 2 8 1 y2 $ x2 =1 16 y = )4 1 $ x 2 TE!!c+2!9%'3!56&5'&6(%3+!(%!;360:!(:2!5'382!32032+2*(2C!79!(:2!0636@2(3)5!2>'6()%*+E!1*C)56(2!(:2!%3)2*(6()%*!%?!(:2 5'382E!1C2*()?9!6*9!0%)*(+!6(!=:)5:!(:2!5'382!)+!*%(!+@%%(:E!!Do not take these problems lightly. Your task is to come up with an appropriate window to view them. Let your t run from 0 to 2!, 4!, 8!, etc. ! ! 6E!#95&%)CR!!H:2!5'382!(3652C!79!6!0%)*(!%*!(:2!!!!! !!!5)35'@?232*52!%?!6!5)35&2!6+!)(!3%&&+!%*!6!+(36);:(!&)*2E 7E!S3%&6(2!#95&%)CR!$6@2!6+!6)!2Q520(!(:2!0%)*( !!!;%2+!72&%=!(:2!&)*2!(36)&3%6C!(365I) !!!!!!!! x = 2"8 $ sin 8 # !!!! x = 28 $ 4 sin 8 and y = 2 $ 4 cos8 and y = 2"1 $ cos8 # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5E!d90%595&%)CR! x = 3 cos3 8 and y = 3 sin 3 8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CE!!#'3(6(2!595&%)CR! x = 28 $ sin 8 and y = 2 $ cos8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2E!4)(5:!%?!\;*2+)R! x = 2 cot 8 and y = 2 sin 2 8 ?E!!G%&)'@R! x = 3t 3t 2 and y = 1$ t3 1$ t3 !!!!!!!!!!!!! ! www.MasterMathMentor.com!! "#!$%&'()%*+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!-Y/!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Illegal! (%! 0%+(! %*! 1*(23*2( Using 1alculus With Parametric Tquations - 1lasswork 1?!6!+@%%(:!5'382!C!)+!;)82*!79!(:2!2>'6()%*+ x = f " t # and y = g" t # <!(:2*!(:2!+&%02!%?!C!6(! 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You know that from the x - equation, t = 4. 2 And t = 4 satisfies the y - equation as well. PQ6@0&2!/)!?%3!(:2!5'382!;)82*!79! x = t and y = + 1 . 2- t1 2 $ 1 2 0 dy t $1 d y , 2t / = = 2" t 3 2 $ t1 2 #, 2 = = 4t $ 4 1 1 dx dx $1 2 $1 2 t t 2 2 2 slope = 12,concavity = 12 ! www.MasterMathMentor.com!! "#!$%&'()%*+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!-YO!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Illegal! (%! 0%+(! %*! 1*(23*2( M1.7#6&'@)''4+&'#.-.7&,-*;';"-5&'*%'2*5&9? x = t $ 2 sin t and y = 2 $ 2 cos t dy dx dy $2 sin t = $2 sin t, = 1 $ 2 cos t, = dt dt dx 1 $ 2 cos t 6)!?)*C!(:2!+&%02!6(!t!=!-E dy $2 sin1 = = 20.879 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dx 1 $ 2 cos1 !!!!!7)!4:232!)+!(:2!5'382!:%3)B%*(6&M 5)!=:232!)+!(:2!5'382!823()56&M 2 sin t = 0 1 $ 2 cos t = 0 1 cos t = 1 2 t = 0, !, 2!,... t = ! 3, 5! 3, 7! 3,... 42!I*%=!=2!56*!?)*C!(:2!635!&2*;(:!%?!6!5'382!C!;)82*!79! y = h " x # !%823!(:2!)*(2386&! & x1, x 2 % !79!! x2 s= # 2 x2 2 1 $ & h 4" x #% dx = + dy . 1 $ - 0 dx , dx / # x1 x1 1?!C#)+!32032+2*(2C!79!(:2!0636@2(3)5!2>'6()%*+! x = f " t # x2 !s= # x2 2 1 $ & h 4" x #% dx = x1 # x1 x2 Arc Length # s = x1 2 + dy . 1 $ - 0 dx <!9%'!56*!=3)(2 , dx / 2 + dy . 1 $ - 0 dx = , dx / 2 b = "dx dt # $ "dy # 2 "dx dt # a b = and y = g" t #, a = t = b # a 2 2 2 x2 + dy dt . 1$ 0 dx , dx dt / # x1 2 dt # + dx . - 0dt = , dt / + dx . + dy . - 0 $ - 0 dt = , dt / , dt / b b # a 2 "dx dt # 2 2 $ " dy dt # + dx . - 0dt + dx . , dt / - 0 , dt / # & f 4"t #% $ &g4"t #% 2 dt a Note that this formula only works when the curve does not intersect itself on the interval a = t = b and the curve must be smooth. PQ@0&2!T)!\!5)35&2!%?!36C)'+!r!:6+!325(6*;'&63!2>'6()%*! x 2 $ y 2 = r 2 !6*C!0636@2(3)5!2>'6()%*+! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x = r cos8 y = r sin 8 E!$:%=!(:6(!)(+!635!&2*;(:!(5)35'@?232*52)!)+!/"!'+)*; !!!!!!6)!i25(6*;'&63!635!&2*;(:!?%3@'&6 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7)!S636@2(3)5!635!&2*;(:!?%3@'&6 dy $x y = r2 $ x 2 1 = dx 1$ x2 dx dy r r = $r sin 8, = r cos8 x2 r2 dt dt A = 4 # 1$ 2 dx = 4 # dx 2 2 2 r $ x r $ x ! !2 2 0 0 2 2 2 2 4 A = 4 # r sin 8 $ r cos 8 d8 = # r d8 r !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! % $1 x ( 1 0 0 A = 4r # dx = r 4 sin '& r2 $ x 2 r *)0 0 +!. !2 A = 4 r8 % 0 = 4- 0 = 2! + . ! ,2/ A = 4 r sin$1 1 $ 4 r sin$1 0 = 4 r- 0 = 2! ,2/ ! www.MasterMathMentor.com!! "#!$%&'()%*+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!-YT!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Illegal! (%! 0%+(! %*! 1*(23*2( PQ6@0&2!Y)!!\!5)35&2!%?!36C)'+!-!3%&&+!63%'*C!(:2!5)35'@?232*52!%?!6!&63;23!5)35&2!%?!36C)'+!YE!H:2!20)595&%)C !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(3652C!79!6!0%)*(!%*!(:2!5)35'@?232*52!%?!(:2!+@6&&23!5)35&2!)+!;)82*!79 x = 5 sin t $ sin 5 t and y = 5 cos t $ cos 5 t .)'V-.#+',+&'#.-.7&,-*;'&]".,*$9%'3$-' &$6, 6%, &$6, 6% t = 0 to 2! b*&)'*,'c$$7'%]".-&H !!!!!!! 7)!U%(2!(:2!5'382!:6+!5'+0!0%)*(+!=:2*! t = 0 and t = ! 2 E!"2(=22*!(:2+2!0%)*(+<! dx dt and dy dt 632 !!!!*%(!+)@'&(6*2%'+&9!B23%!(5'+0+)E!$%!(:2!0%3()%*!%?!(:2!5'382!;2*236(2C!?3%@! t = 0 and t = ! 2 !)+ !!!!+@%%(:E!$%<!(%!?)*C!(:2!(%(6&!C)+(6*52!(3682&2C!79!(:2!0%)*(!=2!56*!?)*C!(:2!635!&2*;(:!)*!(:2!-+( !!!!>'6C36*(!6*C!@'&()0&9!(:2!32+'&(!79!TE!4:)&2!)(!@69!72!0%++)7&2!X'+(!(%!)*(2;36(2!?3%@!.!(%!/"!(6*C!)(!)+!)* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(:)+!56+2<!)(!56*!72!C6*;23%'+E!1(!)+!26+)23!(%!)*(2;36(2!%*!+25()%*+!9%'!632!+'32!)(!)+!C)??232*()67&2E !2 L=4# "5 cos t $ 5 cos 5t # 2 2 $ "$5 sin t $ 5 sin 5 t # dt 0 !2 L = 4 # 25 cos2 t $ 50 cos t cos 5 t $ 25 cos2 5 t $ 25 sin 2 t $ 50 sin t sin 5 t $ 25 sin 2 5 tdt 0 !2 !2 !2 L = 4 # 50 $ 50 sin t sin 5 t $ 50 cos t cos 5 tdt = 20 # 2 $ 2 sin t sin 5 t $ 2 cos t cos 5 t dt = 20 # 2 $ 2 cos 4 tdt 0 0 !2 0 !2 !2 L = 20 # 2 $ 2 cos 2"2 t # dt = 20 # 2 $ 2"1 $ 2 sin 2 2 t # dt = 20 # 2 sin 2 t dt = 40 0 0 0 Area of a surface of revolution 1?!6!+@%%(:!5'382!C!)+!;)82*!79! x = f " t # and y = g" t #, a = t = b <!6*C!C C%2+!*%(!)*(23+25(!)(+2&?< !(:2*!(:2!6326 %?!(:2!+'3?652!%?!328%&'()%*!67%'(!(:2!5%%3C)*6(2!6Q2+!)+!;)82*!79R t= b S = 2! # g"t # t= a t= b S = 2! # f "t # t= a 2 2 2 2 + dx . + dy . - 0 $ - 0 dt - Revolution about x - axis : g" t # < 0 , dt / , dt / + dx . + dy . - 0 $ - 0 dt - Revolution about y - axis : f " t # < 0 , dt / , dt / PQ6@0&2!Z)!G)*C!(:2!+'3?652!6326!=:2*! x = 4 sin t and y = 4 cos t !3 S = 2! # 3 sin t "$3 sin t # 2 0=t= ! !)+!3%(6(2C!67%'(!(:2!x!6Q)+E 6 2 $ " 3 cos t # dt 0 !3 !3 S = 2! # 3 sin t " 3# dt = 18! # sin t dt 0 0 +1 . !3 S = 18!&$ cos t % 0 = $18!- $ 10 = 9! ,2 / ! www.MasterMathMentor.com!! "#!$%&'()%*+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!-YY!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Illegal! (%! 0%+(! %*! 1*(23*2( Using 1alculus With Parametric Tquations - >omework 2 1*!(:2!?%&&%=)*;!2Q235)+2+<!?)*C! dy dx and d y dx 2 6*C!286&'6(2!265:!6(!(:2!)*C)56(2C!86&'2!%?!(:2!0636@2(23EE x= t x = 3t and y = 4t $ 1 t =2 -E! dx dy dy 4 d 2 y =3, =41 = , =0 dt dt dx 3 dx 2 and y = 4t $1 t=4 2 dx 1 dy dy d 2 y 8"1 2 t # = , =41 = 8 t, 2 = =8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/E! dt 2 t dt dx dx 1 2t 2 dy d2y = 16, 2 =8 dx & t = 4 % dx & t = 4 % 5! x = 2 t $ 2 and y = t $ 4 t t =1 4 2 $1 dx dy dy 2 t $ 4 d y 1 dx dy dy d2y , = $ 2 sin = 2 cos 1 = $ cot , = 2 , = 2 $ 4 1 = = $ 2 , = t t t t t 2= OE! !!!TE 2 2 sin 3 t 2 2 dt dt dx dx dt dt dx dx dy d2y 1 dy d2y = $1, 2 = 2 = $1, 2 = dx & t =1% dx & t =1% 2 dx & t = 5 ! 4 % dx & t = 5 ! 4 % x = 2 cos t 2 x= t and y = t$2 and y = 2 sin t t= t =1 dx 1 dy 1 dy = , = 1 = dt 2 t dt 2 t $ 2 dx 1 t $1 " 2 d 2 y 2 t $ 2 " t $ 2# YE!! 2 = 1 dx 2 t t t$2 x = sin 3 t !!!!!!! dy 1 d2y $1 1 = , 2 = dx & t =1% 3 dx & t =1% 9 3 and y = cos3 t t= 3! 4 dx dy = 3 sin 2 t cos t , = $3 cos2 t sin t dt dt !ZE!! 2 csc 2 t dy d y 1 = $ cot t, 2 = = 2 4 dx dx 3 sin t cos t 3 sin t cos t 2 $8 dy d y = 1, 2 = dx & t = 3 ! 4 % dx & t = 3 ! 4 % 3 2 1*!(:2!?%&&%=)*;!/!2Q235)+2+<!?)*C!(:2!2>'6()%*!%?!(:2!(6*;2*(!&)*2!6(!(:2!)*C)56(2C!0%)*(!%*!(:2!5'382E 2 and y = 2 sin 2 8 at "2,1# tan 8 dx $2 dy = 2 , = 4 sin 8 cos8 dt sin 8 dt x= [E! dy = $2 sin 3 8 cos8, dx y $1 = + 2 . + 2 . $1 !! dy ! ! x = 2,8 = , y = 1,8 = 1 = $2- 0 - 0 = dx & t =! 4 % 4 4 , 2 /, 2 / 2 3 $1 " x $ 2# 2 ! www.MasterMathMentor.com!! "#!$%&'()%*+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!-YZ!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Illegal! (%! 0%+(! %*! 1*(23*2( ( x = !4 cos$ and y = 3 + 2 sin $ at !2,3 + 3 ) dx dy = 4 sin $ , = 2 cos$ dt dt 8. dy 1 dy " " 3 x = !2,$ = , y = 3 + 3,$ = # = cot $, = dx 2 dx [ t =" 3 ] 3 3 6 ( ) y ! 3+ 3 = 3 ( x + 2) 6 In the following exercises, find all points of horizontal and vertical tangency to the curve. x = 2 ! t and y = t2 dx dy = !1, = 2 t 9. dt dt Horiz : t = 0 Point (2,0) Vert : None x = 8 cos2 $ and y = !4 sin $ dx dy = 16 cos$ sin $, = !4 cos$ dt 11. dt Horiz : None Vert : t = 0, ", 2",… Point : (8, 0) x = t 2 + t ! 4 and y = 2t 3 ! 6t dx dy = 2 t + 1, = 6 t 2 ! 6 dt dt 13. Horiz : t = ±1 Points : (!2, !4 ), (!4, 4 ) !1 Vert : t = , 2 % !17 11( Point : ' , * & 4 4) © www.MasterMathMentor.com BC Solutions x = t + 4 and y = 2t 2 + 6t + 1 dx dy = 1, = 4 t + 6 dt dt 10. % 5 !7 ( !3 Horiz : t = Point : ' , * &2 2 ) 2 Vert : None x = 2$ and y = 2(1 ! cos$ ) dx dy = 2, = 2 sin $ 12. dt dt Horiz : t = 0, ", 2",… Points : (0, 0), (2", 4 ), ( 4 ", 0), (6", 4 ),... Vert : None x = 2 cos$ and y = !2 sin 2$ dx dy = !2 sin $, = !4 cos 2$ dt dt 14. " 3" 5" Horiz : t = , , ... Pts : 2 , !2 , ! 2 , 2 , 4 4 4 Vert : t = 0, ", 2",… Point : (2, 0), (!2, 0) ( - 157 - )( )( )( ) 2 , !2 , ! 2 , 2 Illegal to post on Internet G)*C!(:2!635!&2*;(:!%?!(:2!;)82*!5'382!%*!(:2!)*C)56(2C!)*(2386&E!#6&5'&6(%3+!023@)((2C!%*!-Y!6*C!-ZE x = t 2 $ t and -YE! y = 4t3 + 2 ,% &$11 x= t dx dy = 2 t $ 1, = 12 t 2 dt dt -ZE! 1 L= 4 t 2 $ 4 t $ 1 $ 144 t 4 dt = 8.842 # $1 x = 2e$ t sin t and y = 2e$ t cos t ! L= # & 2 % & 2e$ t "cos t $ sin t # $ 0 ! L= and y=3 t &1, 2% dx 1 dy 1 = 12, = 23 dt 2 t dt 3t 2 1 1 L= # $ 4 3 dt = 0.489 4 t 9t 1 &0, !% % 2e$ t "$ sin t $ cos t # 2 dt 2e$2 t "cos2 t $ 2 sin t cos t $ sin 2 t # $ 2e$2 t "sin 2 t $ 2 sin t cos t $ cos2 t # dt # 0 ! L= -[E!! 4 e$2 t dt # Expand - cancellation and sin 2 t $ cos2 t = 1 0 ! L = 2 # e$ t dt = &$2e$ t % 0 ! 0 +1 . + 1. L = $2- ! $ 10 = 2-1 $ ! 0 ,e / , e / t5 1 x = $ 3 and y=t 10 6 t dx t 4 1 dy = $ 4, =1 dt 2 2 t dt 3 L= # 1 3 L= -]E!!! # 1 t8 1 1 $ $ 8 +1 dt = 4 2 4t 2 + t4 1 . - $ 4 0 dt = , 2 2t / &1, 3% 3 # 1 t8 1 1 $ $ 8 dt 4 2 4t 3 + t4 1 . # -, 2 $ 2t 4 0/ dt 1 3 % t5 1 ( 243 1 1 1 L = ' $ 3* = $ $ $ = 24.361 &10 6 t )1 10 162 10 6 The graph of this parametric is a horizontal line whose length is x " 3# $ x "1#. ! www.MasterMathMentor.com!! "#!$%&'()%*+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!-Y]!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Illegal! (%! 0%+(! %*! 1*(23*2( -^E!!H:2!06(:!%?!6!+%5523!76&&!)+!@%C2&2C!79!(:2!!2>'6()%*+! x = "100 cos 30 o # t and y = "100 sin 30 o # t $ 16 t 2 !!!!!!!!!=:232!x!6*C!y!632!@26+'32C!)*!?22(E!!!g360:!(:2!06(:!%?!(:2!03%X25()&2!6*C!'+2!(:2!)*(2;36()%*!56067)&)()2+ !!!!!!!!%?!(:2!56&5'&6(%3!(%!6003%Q)@6(2!(:2!635!&2*;(:!%?!(:2!06(:!6*C!(:2!C)??232*52!72(=22*!(:2!635!&2*;(: !!!!!!!!6*C!(:2!36*;2!%?!(:2!+%5523!76&&E Range : 100 sin 30 o t $ 16 t 2 = 0 3.125 L= t "50 $ 16 t = 0# 1 t = 3.125 sec !!!!!! x = 100 cos 30 o " 3.125# = 270.633 ft o 2 # "100 cos 30 # $ "50 $ 32t # 2 dt 0 !! L = 284.994 ft C Difference = 14.361 ft 3t 3t 2 and y = , t < 0 <!+I2(5:!)(!%*!9%'3!56&5'&6(%3E!!H:)+!;360: 1$ t3 1$ t3 !!!!!!!)+!56&&2C!6!?%&)'@E!1(!&%%I+!&)I2!6!&26?!(?%&)6;2)E /.E!!g)82*!(:2!0636@2(3)5!2>'6()%*+! x = !!!!!!!!!6)!V2(23@)*2!=:6(!86&'2+!%?!t!;)82!6!:%3)B%*(6&!(6*;2*(E 3 3 2 2 dy "1 $ t #"6 t # $ 3t " 3t # 6 t $ 6 t 4 $ 9 t 4 3t "2 $ t # = = = 2 2 2 !!! dt "1 $ t 3 # "1 $ t 3 # "1 $ t 3 # Horizontal tangents at t = 0, t = 3 2 !!!!!!!!!7)!\003%Q)@6(2!(:2!635!&2*;(:!%?!(:2!5&%+2C!&%%0E!$2(!'0!(:2!)*(2;36&!6*C!'+2!9%'3!56&5'&6(%3!6003%03)6(2&9 3 L= # 0 2 2 % d + 3t .( % d + 3t 2 .( $' dt = 4.915 ' 3 0* 3 0* & dt ,1 $ t /) & dt ,1 $ t /) /-E!!G)*C!(:2!6326!%?!(:2!+'3?652!;2*236(2C!79!328%&8)*;!(:2!5'382!67%'(!(:2!;)82*!6Q2+E!!!c+2!56&5'&6(%3!%*!6)E x = 6 cos8 and y = 6 sin 8, x = t and y = 8 $ 4 t, i) x $ axis 6)! 2 A = 2! # "8 $ 4 t # 17 dt 0 A = 207.25 &0, 2% i) x $ axis ii) y $ axis 2 A = 2! # t 17 dt 0 A = 51.812 !2 7E!! A = 2! # 6 sin t 36 dt 0 !2 &0,! 2% ii) y $ axis !2 A = 2! # 6 cos t 36 dt 0 !2 A = 72! # sin t dt A = 72! # cos t dt A = 72! A = 72! 0 0 ! www.MasterMathMentor.com!! "#!$%&'()%*+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!-Y^!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Illegal! (%! 0%+(! %*! 1*(23*2( Polar Tquations - 1lasswork 42!:682!6&=69+!'+2C!(:2!#63(2+)6*!(*6@2C!6?(23!i2*22!V2+563(2+)!5%%3C)*6(2!+9+(2@E!H:)+!+92(2@!)+!76+2C!%*!6 ;3)C!%?!02302*C)56&63!&)*2+E!a6*9!(%=*+!6*C!5)()2+!632!@%C2&2C!(:)+!=69E!H:2!polar coordinate system!)+!76+2C %*!6!5)35'&63!@%C2&E!H:2!5)(9!%?!S63)+!)+!@%C2&2C!=)(:!0%&63!5%%3C)*6(2+!=)(:!(:2!\35!C2!H3)%@0:2!6+!(:2!52*(23E H%!?%3@!(:2!0%&63!5%%3C)*6(2!+9+(2@<!=2!+(63(!=)(:!6!0%)*(!H 56&&2C!(:2!0%&2!%3!(:2!%3);)*E!P65:!0%)*(!P!)*!(:2 0&6*2!)+!6++);*2C!0%&63!5%%3C)*6(2+! " r,8 # !6+!?%&&%=+R!!r!)+!(:2!C)325(2C!C)+(6*52!?3%@!H!(%!P!6*C! 8 !)+!(:2!C)325(2C 6*;&2C<!5%'*(235&%5I=)+2!?3%@!0%&63!6Q)+!(%!+2;@2*(! OP E!!H:2!C)6;36@!72&%=!+:%=+!(:322!0%)*(+!%*!(:2!0%&63 5%%3C)*6(2!+9+(2@E!1(!)+!5%*82*)2*(!(%!&%56(2!0%)*(+!=)(:!32+025(!(%!6!;3)C!%?!5%*52*(3)5!5)35&2+!)*(23+25(2C!79!36C)6& &)*2+!(:3%';:!(:2!0%&2E!!H:2!&)*2! 8 = 0)+!56&&2C!(:2!polar axis. ![< (A8<![@) (@8![C) = ! (A8'0![A)'$-'(0A8@![A) @![< !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! H%!5%*823(!(%!6*C!?3%@!(:2!0%&63!+9+(2@!(%!(:2!5%%3C)*6(2!+9+(2@<!9%'!@'+(!I*%=!(:2!?%&&%=)*;!32&6()%*+:)0+E " x .y # or "r,8 # r y x < < < ''y = r %*9 8''''''''''''''''r = x $ y x = r ;$%8''''''''''''''' ,.9 8 = y 8 PQ6@0&2!-)!#%*823(!(:2!?%&&%=)*;!0%&63!0%)*(+!(%!325(6*;'&63!5%%3C)*6(2+E + !. 7E!! -2 3, 0 6E! "5,!# , 6/ " # !!!!!! 3, 3 !!!!!!! "$5, 0# PQ6@0&2!/)!#%*823(!(:2!?%&&%=)*;!325(6*;'&63!0%)*(+!(%!0%&63!5%%3C)*6(2+E 6E!!(,Y<!,Y) 7E!(.<!,/) + 5! . + 3! . !!!!!!!! -5, 0 !!!!!!!! -2, 0 , 4/ , 2/ PQ6@0&2!O)!#%*823(!(:2!?%&&%=)*;!0%&63!2>'6()%*+!(%!325(6*;'&63!2>'6()%*+E 6)!!r!=!/ 7)!! 8 = 2! 3 2 2 2 2 !!!!! x $ y = 2 1 x $ y = 4 !!!! tan 8 = $ 3 1 PQ6@0&2!T)!#%*823(!(:2!?%&&%=)*;!0%&63!2>'6()%*+!(%!325(6*;'&63!2>'6()%*+E 3 r= 1 $ sin 8 r = $2 csc 8 6)! $2 r= 1 r sin 8 = $2 1 y = $2 sin 8 y = $ 3 1 y = $x 3 x 2 2 2 2 7)! r $ y = 3 1 x $ y $ y = 3 1 x $ y = 3 $ y 9 $ x2 x $ y = 9 $ 6y $ y 1 y = 6 2 2 2 ! www.MasterMathMentor.com!! "#!$%&'()%*+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!-Z.!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Illegal! (%! 0%+(! %*! 1*(23*2( To find the slope of a tangent line to a polar graph, suppose we have a differentiable function given by r = f (! ) . To convert to polar form, we know that x = r cos! and y = r sin ! . So, it follows that: x = r cos! = f (! ) cos! and y = r sin ! = f (! ) sin ! dy given in the previous section, the slope of a differentiable function of ! = dx f (! ) cos! + f "(! ) sin ! dy dy d! dx $ 0 at ( r,! ) = = provided that dx dx d! d! # f (! ) sin ! + f "(! ) cos! Using the parametric form of From the above theorem, we can make the following observations: dy dx = 0 provided that $0 • to find horizontal tangents to polar equations, set d! d! dx dy • to find vertical tangents to polar equations, set = 0 provided that $0 d! d! dy dx • if and are simultaneously zero, we make no conclusion about tangent lines. d! d! Example 5) Find horizontal and vertical tangent lines to r = 2(1 # sin ! ) x = 2(1 # sin ! )(cos! ) = 2(cos! # sin ! cos! ) r = 2 sin !, 0 % ! % & x = 2 sin ! cos! dx = 2[sin ! (# sin ! ) + cos! (cos! )] d! & 3& sin 2 ! = cos2 ! ' ! = , (Vertical) 4 4 a. 2 y = 2 sin ! dy & = 4 sin ! cos! ' ! = 0, , &(Horiz) d! 2 dx = 2 # sin ! # (# sin 2 ! + cos2 ! ) dt dx = 2[# sin ! + 2 sin 2 ! # 1] = 2(2 sin ! + 1)(sin ! # 1) dt 7& 11& &/ != , , (Vertical) 6 6 2/ [ b. ] y = 2(1 # sin ! )(sin ! ) = 2(sin ! # sin 2 ! ) dy = 2(cos! # 2 sin ! cos! ) = 2 cos! (1 # 2 sin ! ) dt & 5& &/ 3& ! = , , , (Horiz) 6 6 2/ 2 If r = f (! ) = 0 at ! = ( and f "(( ) $ 0, then the line ! = ( is tangent to the pole. Example 6) Find the tangent lines at the pole to r = 4 cos 3! . Confirm graphically. & 3& 5& 7& 9& 11& cos 3! = 0 ' 3! = , , , , , 2 2 2 2 2 2 & & 5& 7& 3& 11& != , , , , , 6 2 6 6 2 6 © www.MasterMathMentor.com BC Solutions - 161 - Illegal to post on Internet Polar Tquations - >omework G%3!265:!%?!(:2!?%&&%=)*;!0%&63!5%%3C)*6(2+<!?)*C!(:2!5%332+0%*C)*;!325(6*;'&63!5%%3C)*6(2+E + !. -E!! -6, 0 = "0, 6# , 2/ + 7! . + $ 2 $ 2 . , /E! -$1, 0 = 0 , 4/ , 2 2 / + $! . 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