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www.corshamprimary.co.uk Follow us on Twitter @CorshamPrimary
Follow us on Twitter @CorshamPrimary
July 2016
Sad Piggy News
I am writing to you about some sad news regarding one of our lovely pigs— Pickle. On Friday 17 June, Pickle
became unwell and Mrs King had to call the vet. Pickle had something called a “twisted gut” which made his
tummy ache. The vet gave him a pain killing injection and we all thought he was going to be fine. However, later
on in the evening, Pickle walked over the rainbow bridge to heaven and he is now with his family and friends.
It is always a sad thing when an animal friend dies as we do love them so. However, we would not want Pickle to
be in pain and I know he is very happy in heaven, enjoying a good old rummage around the woods and fields!
Pumpkin is missing Pickle a lot and is feeling very lonely so Mrs King has been busy in the background sourcing a
new piggy friend for him.
On Thursday 23 June, Percy, the new pig was moved to Corsham Primary and introduced to Pumpkin. Percy is a
small black micro pig who is six months old. After a bit of initial grunting and sniffing, they both seem to have
settled down and Pumpkin looks a lot happier in himself.
I know the passing of a pig is not a big deal when you think about what happened to Jo Cox and in Orlando
recently, but we loved him and he brought much joy to the children and staff at Corsham Primary.
We are very much looking forward to this year’s annual
School Council Talent Contest which will be on Wednesday
20 July 2016. Please get your entries in as soon as possible
to the school office.
The Talent Contest is one of the highlights of the year and
soon we will be discovering who at Corsham Primary has
serious talent!
On Wednesday we played cricket against Heywood at Biddestone Cricket Club. We had a great
time and we won 248-235, though it’s not about winning, but taking part that counts. We hit at
least one ‘four’ each, maybe even a ‘six’! Then we had a great feast of sandwiches, apples, crisps
and Kitkats, which we washed down with water.
By Saskia, Evie and Morgan
Cricket Match
On Thursday 9 June 2016, Corsham Primary Broadwood and Pound Pill went to
Chippenham Cricket Club and played against 4 other schools. We lost our first match, but
we all kept our heads high, looking forward to our next few matches. In the second match,
we won by 14 points and were all very excited that we won!
After a short wait, we started our third match and what we thought at the time, might have been our
last match! It started off with us bowling first (fielding). We all did very well and caught a few balls,
which led to the opposition being out a few times. When it was our turn to bat we got 256 runs so we
felt quite confident that we would get through to the semi finals. When we came together we found out
that we had won—so we were all very nervous.
After 5 minutes of rest, we went over with the other schools to find out who got into the semi finals.
Once the judge/leader read out what place a few schools came, they finally read out our name, which
was second—so we were in!
Later we played our last game against Neston Primary. We were fielding first so we got started and
before we knew it, it was our turn to bat. We all had our turn and leaders read out Neston’s score: 214
and then Corsham’s … 248. We jumped for joy!!!
As we went back to school, we were all very pleased with ourselves, and could not wait until our next
match for us all to play. With a place of 7th, we all felt very proud of ourselves—especially as there
were 16 schools involved!
By Saskia R
SPORTS NEWS continued ...
Cricket News
Two teams from Year 4 got to show
off their amazing cricket skills at the
Schools Cluster Cricket Festival. Both
teams played some very impressive
cricket against six local primary
schools—lots of 4s and 6s! Well done
to our cricket team from Broadwood
who will be presented with the Fair
Play Award for excellent
Lacrosse Competition
Well done to both our teams
for taking part in the local
lacrosse competition in
Colerne. All players showed
real determination in this sport
which is very new to some of
them. Throughout the
afternoon, each game became
more exciting and competitive,
and as they relaxed, their
skills and accuracy advanced.
Tri Golf
The sun shone for our tri golf team
who travelled to Basset Down Golf
Club to take part in the Mid Wilts
Tri Golf competition.
Tri golf is a mini version of golf that is
designed so children of all ages and
abilities can enjoy and develop their
chipping and putting skills, whilst
playing fun games that are timed and
competitive. Everyone’s skills
improved during the competition and
the team finished in third place.
Well done to all who took part.
Important note regarding Parking
Please may we again urge parents to
be considerate if driving to drop off
and pick up their child/ren. The
school offices take calls from
residents every week asking that our
parents do not park over their
driveways, on private land and
inconsiderately in the vicinity of both
Pound Pill
We really do appreciate that parking
can be difficult in and around
Corsham. If you regularly drive,
please apply to the school office for a
parking permit enabling you to use
the Co-op car park in Newlands
Please park at the nearby community
centre and walk across to school
rather than using the narrow roads in
the estate.
Thank you.
Over the next few weeks of term, Foundation Stage and Key
Stage 1 will be enjoying getting to know their new classrooms and
teachers. Each class will have the opportunity to have Story Times
and Golden Times in their new year groups in addition to spending
the whole morning with their new teacher. They will also have lots
of opportunities to ask questions about their new classes in
preparation for September. Finally, we will all get together for our
annual Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 Picnic.
Tuck Reminder ….
Please remember that tuck can be brought in from home for children to enjoy at break times
but this must only be fruit or plain biscuits. (Chocolate cannot be brought in.) Reception
children pay for their tuck directly to the class teacher. Fruit is also provided by school to
all children in Key Stage 1 at break times.
Drumming Lessons at School
Steve Lodge can offer lessons at school if your
child/ren would like to learn to play drums.
Please ask at the office if you would like a
sign-up form.
Costs are:
£4 for a group of 3-4 students (30 minutes)
£6 for paired lesson (30 minutes
£6 individual lesson (15 minutes)
£12 individual lesson (30 minutes)
“Education is learning what you didn’t even
know you didn’t know.”
Daniel J. Boorstin
Thank you!
Instagram and Kik
These are inappropriate social network sites
and certainly no child under 13 should have
access to them, as they will have possible
access to unscrupulous people who use these
sites to groom young and innocent children.
What is particularly worrying is that children
can use iPods or smart phones to access these
sites, making it extremely difficult for parents
to monitor or protect their children.
We would urge all parent and carers to be
vigilant of not only computers and laptops but
also their children's iPods and smart phones.
Some parents have asked us about Facebook
which is also a social networking site and again,
is for children of 13 years or over only.
Indhu Rani
Plea from First Aid
We are desperate for spare white polo
shirts for use in case of accidents. If
you have any old ones that are no
longer useful, please consider donating
them to us.
Social network warning ...
Friday 27 May
It always amazes the staff how the children so enthusiastically
think and plan such fantastic activities for everyone to enjoy. From
face painting to decorating biscuits—the children had thought of it
all and on top of that, they raised a staggering £1,271.77 in just one
hour! This is the largest amount the children have ever raised.
All their hard earned cash will be sent to the Goodwill
Village in India. Well done children, you were brilliant and thank
you Mums and Dads, friends and extended family for all your
Bringing dogs to school when picking up and dropping off ….
As you are aware, there have recently been some difficulties with dogs being tied up
at the bottom gate at Pound Pill. We do ask all parents and carers who walk their
dogs to school when dropping off and picking up their child/ren to tie them up by the
top of the orchard so that they are all in the same vicinity and safely away from the
children. At Broadwood we ask you to tie them up away from the school site on
Broadwood Avenue. Dogs are prohibited on both school sites.
We also ask parents and carers to please remind your children that they should not
approach or touch dogs that they don’t know. We are a school full of dog-lovers and
are keen to encourage a sense of awareness in the children. To this end, we would
urge caution and sensible behaviour near dogs around the school.
Please may we also ask that parents and carers who own dogs
with unpredictable natures do not bring them to school at all.
Thank you to everyone for your consideration.
Miss Palmer’s Recommended Reads
It's a busy year for the Queen - she has lots of
important events to attend. Meanwhile, a little girl
is wondering what knickers Her Majesty will choose
to wear on a school visit! Will they be her
'at home' knickers - adorned with corgis - or her
'garden party' knickers, or perhaps her woolly
‘Balmoral’ ones...?
A naughty swan steals the Queen's handbag, so
naturally, the Queen races after it. She follows it
all around the United Kingdom in various modes of
transport, including an Aston Martin car, a
motorbike, a Red Arrow plane, a speedboat, a train
and a horse. Taking in sights such as Stonehenge,
Snowdonia, Giants Causeway, Edinburgh Castle,
Oxford and then arriving back in London, this chase
includes the Queen's butler and an awful
lot of policemen.
Non-Fiction Book
As the longest-reigning British monarch, it's hard to
believe that when Elizabeth was born, no-one imagined
that she would one day be Queen - so how did this
happen? Read all about Queen Elizabeth II's story in this
engaging illustrated story book, which traces her life from
childhood, to Coronation and the dawning of a
new Elizabethan Age.
Please look out for these books in our class libraries, Corsham Library,
The Corsham Book Shop or online.
Plea to Parents/Carers
Our super sails which cover the story
benches and seating area in the Pound Pill
playground have, over the years, stretched a
lot due to the weather. We desperately need a
talented parent/carer to re-tighten and re-align
these over the summer holidays if possible.
If anyone is handy with a sewing machine and
would be kind enough to take on this project,
please come in and see Mrs Allen before the
end of term.
Medical Information Update
We need to make sure that any pertinent
medical information relating to your child is
recorded in case of emergency. If necessary,
please can you let the office know—brief
details are all that is necessary eg. asthma,
allergy to penicillin etc.
Thank you.
Indoor Games:
Plain white T-shirt or vest, plain black shorts, and plimsolls which do
not mark the wooden floor.
Outdoor Games:
Same as indoor kit or track suit in cold weather and plimsolls or
black/white trainers.
Please send kits into school in named PE bags – not plastic carrier bags. Thank you.
Could we remind parents of the school’s code of dress which is as follows:
Grey/Black trousers
Grey skirts
Grey shorts
White polo shirts
Burgundy sweatshirt (with logo)
Burgundy cardigans (with logo)
Red/white striped or checked summer dresses
White cotton shirts (long or short sleeves)
Black shoes, sensible sandals (with socks), no colourful or white trainers
Extreme haircuts e.g. dyed hair, tramlines/train tracks, spiky hair are not allowed.
All items of your child’s clothing must be named. Uniforms look the same and it can be
upsetting for the smaller children when they can’t find their own clothes.
Purchasing Uniform
Uniform items are available from Scholars in Chippenham
Parent and Carer Communication
Please note that our website offers comprehensive information relating to what is going on with
your child’s class both in terms of curriculum and routine class activities, as well as one-off events
and up to the minute information—www.corshamprimary.co.uk
Please may we politely request that parents and carers do not pass messages to teaching staff via
your child/ren—these can often get misunderstood in translation. A quick note, email or telephone
call to the office is much appreciated in these cases.
Your Community Orchard Needs You!
The children in Year 6 are busy putting the final
touches to their end of year production, “The
Fantasmagorical Flying Machine”. We have it on
good authority that the rehearsals are going well and
we are all really looking forward to seeing the show.
This year, the two sites are working together and the
performance times are:
Trans Community Corsham (Transcoco) are calling
all parents/carers of children at Corsham Primary
School! They need volunteers who would be
prepared to give some time and join the group in
order to help practically maintain, attend meetings
and discuss the development of both Broadwood
and Pound Pill orchards. We are all keen to
promote the use of these lovely spaces, both at
school and in the wider community. If you are
interested, please ask for more information at the
school office.
Wednesday 6 July at 1.45pm
Wednesday 6 July at 6pm
Thursday 7 July at 6pm
Thank you.
Party Party Party ….
This assembly (for children at both sites) will be
held at 2.00pm at St. Bartholomew’s Church on
Thursday 14 July
Year 6 Leavers’ Party is on 18 July
at Boomerang in Melksham
Wiltshire Healthy Schools Award
On Monday 27 June, it was an honour for Corsham Primary School to host a special celebration event
recognising schools who had achieved awards in the Wiltshire Healthy Schools Programme. Councillor
Laura Mayes, cabinet member for children’s services, came to present the bronze and gold plaques. We
were very excited to be the first primary school in Wiltshire to receive the gold award status. The staff and
pupils have all made a huge contribution to this process over the past couple of years. Healthy wellbeing
is embedded in our curriculum in so many different ways and part of the ethos of our school.
Prior to the award, we had the opportunity to show off the many things we do, when four assessors came
to visit our Broadwood site. Pupils Dylan J and Jessica F did a fabulous job of showing our visitors
around. Nick Bolton, who oversees the Healthy Schools Programme, said the visit highlighted so much of
the amazing provision we have made for the health and wellbeing of our pupils over many years. Our
focus for this award was internet safety and lots of training opportunities and support for children, staff
and parents have had a positive impact on our school.
Well done everybody!
Diane Hawkins and Clare Vines (PSHE coordinators)
Children’s News
Edward O and Harry O have
achieved their Level 7
Gymnastics certificates.
Oliver R has successfully
completed the Chippenham
Fun Run and came 14th.
Maddie B has received a
25 metre swimming
Bunny N has received a letter
and a silver Blue Peter badge.
Finnian G has received a
trophy for playing a football
Dexter I has received a medal
for taking part in the
Chippenham Fun Run.
Zara J has achieved her
bronze level proficiency award
in gymnastics. She has also
raised £67.27 for Dorothy
House by hosting a bake sale
and cartwheel competition!
Dylan G has achieved his
1000m Swimming Award.
Vianne G has received a Green
Blue Peter badge for sending
in an environmental picture.
She has received a super
letter from Barney, Lindsey,
Radzi and the team.
Christopher L and Stewart D
have received medals for
running in the 2K Race for
Chloe G has received her
Stage 3 Swimming Certificate.
Eva L received a certificate
for taking part in an RAF
military assault course.
Katie C has received a medal
for running in the 5K Race for
Alex E passed his yellow belt
grading in Martial Arts.
Archie E has achieved his
600m Swimming Award.
Ruby W has received her
Puffin Swimming Award.
Freddie H has received his
Stage 1 Swimming Award.
Wilson T has achieved third
place in a football tournament.
Eva and Lily have completed a
Treasure Hunt Walk during
the Corsham Walking Festival.
Chloe G has received a
Certificate of Achievement in
FunGym Level 6.
William C has learned about
water safety as part of
Drowning Prevention Week.
Eva L has completed a
Children’s Treasure Hunt.
Isaac F received a trophy for
being the Most Improved
Player in Corsham AFC Under
6’s team.
Evie F came 3rd in a
Gymnastics competition in
Summer T has achieved her
Grade 2 Gymnastics
George O and James S have
received football tournament
medals for playing in
Trowbridge for the Corsham
Eddie K has received a trophy
from AFC Corsham Jaguars.
Transition into New
We thought you might
appreciate some key dates and
information about your child’s
transition into their new class.
4 July - staff, parents, carers
and children find out the new
classes for September.
11 July - children spend the
morning with their new teacher.
At 2.30pm parents are welcomed
to their child’s new classroom for
a ‘Meet and Greet’ session with
the new teacher/s. Please be
reassured that this meeting will
not replace the Key Stage 1
information sessions on supporting
your child at home, which happen
in the Autumn Term.
Throughout July various activities
are planned to familiarise children
with their new year groups, such
as swapping classes and the
famous Key Stage 1 Picnic (w/c
4 July, weather permitting!).
More detailed information will be
released shortly which will be
relevant to children changing key
stage (Foundation Stage to Year 1
and Year 2 to Year 3) and will also
be covered in the ‘Meet and
Greet’ session as appropriate.
Lily C has received a
celebration medal and photo
for the Queen’s 90th birthday.
Dylan C has received a trophy
from the AFC Corsham Tigers.
Sam D has received a trophy
from the AFC Corsham
Isaac F received an End Of
Season football award and
Most Improved Player from
Corsham AFC.
Henry N received an End of
Season football award.
Maddie B, Imogen F, Keegan Y, James T, Izaak T, Oliver H, George H, Amalie G,
Bea Y, Charlotte F, Eva H, Bethany E, Anais T, Neve C, Charlotte F, Monte B, Isla K,
Edward O, Freddie B, Scarlett S, Poppy M, Jessica P, Reef O, Summer T,
Floss L, Rose S, Amber G, Lydia D, Alfie E-F, Angus W-S, Cassius C, Dylan G, Isla K
and Harry O
who have received Peacock Awards for completing 6 merit cards.
Oliver B, Susie S, Jemima O, Karuna L, Rosie W, Clarissa C, Polly S,
Will S, Evelyn H, George N and Connor S
who will be entered into the Golden Book for completing 9 merit cards.
Holly D, Lily R, Sammie T, Henry S, Isabel H, Rafe W, Zachary P, Hannah E, Keira S and Ethan P
who have received achievement pens for completing 12 merit cards.
Will F, Hallie D, Courtney P, Abbie T, Olivia H, Millie S, Yuma R, Jade R, Conrad L and Levi R
who have had their names added to the roll of honour for completing 15 merit cards.
Ezah S, Sammy O-T and Katie C
who have achieved golden badges for completing 18 merit cards.
Lottie H
who has received a book token for completing 21 merit cards.
If your child is moving into Year 3 in September, please remember that school lunches
will no longer be free. If you would like your child to eat a school lunch, the cost is £2.05
per day and payment is processed through our cashless system—ParentPay. If you
require a user name and password in order to activate your account, please contact
Ursula Nimock in the school office who will be happy to help.
If your child is in Year 6 and enjoys a school meal at lunchtime, please ensure that by
22 July, your account is settled and the balance is £0.00.
Thank you.
Dates for your Diary
Friday 1
Wednesday 6
Thursday 7
Monday 11
Thursday 14
Friday 15
Monday 18
Wednesday 20
Friday 22
Monday 5
Tuesday 6
Wednesday 7
Friday 9
Monday 26
Bikeability Year 6 Level 3 sessions @ Pound Pill
Class 5L visiting Comp
Year 6 Production to parents—afternoon and evening
Class 5G visiting Comp
Year 6 Production to parents—evening
Class Swaps morning at both sites
Opportunity for parents to meet new class teachers @ 2.30pm
Year 6 Leavers Assembly at St Bartholomew’s Church, Corsham
Class 5P visiting Comp
Bikeability Year 6 Level 3 sessions at Pound Pill
Boomerang party for Year 6
School Council talent show at both sites
End of term (school finishes at 2.30pm)
Liddintgon Parent/Carer meeting
6pm @ Broadwood / 7.15pm @ Pound Pill
School term starts
Liddington Residential Trip Year 6
Year 6 return from Liddington Residential Trip
Individual and sibling photographs
Playground Craze of the Month
July’s crazes are Guiness Book of Records, Sylvanian families,
diablo, yoyos, dominoes.
Please ensure that toys and other items are clearly labelled with your
child’s name.
School will be closing at 2.30pm on Friday 22 July, and will
re-open for children on Tuesday 6 September at 8.40am.
On behalf of all the staff may we wish you all a very happy holiday and
thank you for your support over the past year.
Gina Cooke
Senior Headteacher
Lindsay Fry
Head of School Pound Pill
Kerry Parker
Acting Head of School Broadwood