Winter Newsletter2012 - Eastern York School District


Winter Newsletter2012 - Eastern York School District
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
Eastern York Middle School
National School Counseling Week
National School Counseling Week will be held from
February 6 – 10, 2012. Each day our school
counselors, Mrs. Fink and Mrs. Merced, will have a
challenge for the students to think about what it takes
to "Be Brilliant". This does not just mean brilliance in
schoolwork and grades. Students can also be brilliant
in how they treat people and the world they live in.
Eastern York Middle School
746 Cool Creek Rd
Wrightsville, PA 17368
Phone (717) 252-3400
Fax (717) 252-4891
Principal: Dr. Paula Westerman
Assistant Principal: Mr. Keith Shoemaker
2012 PSSA Testing Windows
Grades 6-8
Reading and Mathematics
March 12-23, 2012
March 26-30, 2012
Grade 8
April 16-20, 2012
April 23-27, 2012
April 30 – May 4, 2012
Grade 8
April 23-27, 2012
April 30 – May 4, 2012
Students who fill out the answers to the challenge
questions will be entered into a drawing each day in
order to have a chance to win a goodie bag from the
counselors. The challenges are to remind the
students of a few things that it takes to "Be Brilliant":
1) Balance
2) Resilience
3) "Think Different"
4) Character
5) Personal definition of "Brilliant"
During this week the counselors will challenge the students and our
school to focus on the positive things going on in their lives and also
remind students that whenever they need someone who will listen and
that they can trust our school counselors are always here for them. For
more details about National School Counseling Week please see the
Middle School Counseling Corner Moodle Page.
PSSA Testing: Test Preparation
What Should I Do?
Top 10 PSSA Test-Taking Tips
1. Get plenty of rest each night.
2. Eat a good breakfast.
3. Have a positive attitude.
4. Do your best.
5. Listen carefully and follow directions.
6. Think before answering.
7. Read carefully.
8. Don’t rush.
9. Check your work when finished.
10.Don’t expect to know every answer.
Specific dates and times will be sent out to the parents
closer to the dates.
Eastern York Middle School Newsletter
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
Eastern York Middle School
The PTSO will sponsor
Eastern York Middle School Newsletter
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
Eastern York Middle School
The PTSO will sponsor A Daytime Lock-In Event & Fundraiser. This
Year’s Theme Tropical Cruising on the ‘U.S.S. Lochin’
Date: Saturday February 25, 2012
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Dock Location: EYMS Waterfront
Student travelers are invited to come aboard the newest ship in
the EYMS Fleet, for a fun-filled 5 hour “Cruise”.
Travel Plans:
After boarding & departure, passengers will enjoy a wide array of activities, located throughout the “ship”.
Onboard adventures, creative outlets and quiet get-a ways will be available to suit all types of travelers.
Our destination is “WinWin Island”, a special place where EYMS kids can vacation together, while parents
have an afternoon holiday themselves.
Ticket & Passport Sponsorship:
A suggested minimum donation of $40 is requested from each student. There will be a few incentives
offered to encourage the kids to do their best fundraising.
Ticket Donations raised at this event will go to support 2012 class field trips and the Hershey Park R.I.S.E.
Cruise Management:
The PTSO Cruise Ship Staff will be on board to organize, supply & supervise the event. If you would like to
join the Crew for this event, you would be very welcome & greatly appreciated!
Dining & Cruise Attire:
Light fare will be provided during the cruise. Appropriate tropical clothing is recommended (within the
school dress code)
Passengers are encouraged to visit both our LEDO
& ALOHA DECKS to discover the many activities
the cruise ship offers. Please contact any of our
Crew members with any questions during the trip.
Midway through our travels, we will arrive and
have a brief stop-over on beautiful “WinWin
Island”. In this tropical paradise, a limbo dance
or island entertainment awaits. Passengers can
choose to explore the island or continue to enjoy
the onboard activities.
Eastern York Middle School Newsletter
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
Eastern York Middle School
I Team
The winter months have been an exciting time for the I Team. We have just
concluded our I TEAM T-SHIRT CONTEST which had several students participate.
Though an extremely close and suspenseful vote, the I TEAM ATHLETES was
selected (pictured to the left is the winning graphic, GREAT JOB NOAH!) All of
the artwork and student designs were phenomenal. A large shout-out goes to
the I Team parents, as our holiday cookie party was a huge success. The
cookies and other refreshments were delicious! An important date to mark on
your calendar is April 28th – I Team Chicken BBQ Fundraiser. Information about
this exciting event will be distributed closer to this date.
In Math class we continue to stress the importance of memorizing the
basic facts. Your child should know the answer to any addition, subtraction,
multiplication, or division problem up to the nines as quickly and easily as they know 2 X 2 = 4. If they still
have to figure out the answers, please spend some time at home memorizing them. We have been working
on decimal operations for a while now and have recently had 2 short tests to check our progress. We have
been learning the “traditional” methods for solving multiplication and division problems with large numbers
so you should be able to give help as it is needed. Beginning next week, we study fractions and the concepts
that go along with fraction operations. After fractions we will be moving on to algebra and geometry. We
encourage you to check Skyward often to keep up with grades and assignments. If your child has a 0 for a
math assignment, they probably did not turn that assignment in. We thank you for supporting your child and
our school as we work together for the good of all the children.
In Mr. Campbell’s classroom we have just finished up investigating microscopic organisms. Now we
will move onto things that we are able to see: Plants & Animals. As we study each, we will learn about the
life processes of each, behaviors, and necessary features. When we reach the portion of year pertaining to
Animals, we will encounter a wide array of organisms such as Arthropods, Amphibians, Monotremes, and
many more. After concluding units about Plants and Animals, we will learn how each are related and their
impact upon our fragile environment.
In Mrs. Garber’s Family & Consumer Science (FACS) class, both N & I team students have been
learning the fascinating science behind how microwave ovens cook their food. Our next unit will focus on
nutrition and what different nutrients can do for our bodies. Don’t forget to check out Mrs. Garber’s Moodle
page for all the recipes we’ve made in class this year!
In reading class, students are just finishing the process of learning how to FLIRT with stories. We are
still in the process of reading Crash and applying those skills. Our next unit of study will be learning the
steps and skills of Reciprocal Teaching. Every student will have the opportunity to be the clarifying coach,
the questioning quarterback, the summarizing reporter, and the predicting pitcher. Students will learn how
to use metacognitive strategies incorporating sticky notes and highlighting. During the third marking period,
we will learn how to D.R.I.V.E. with reading.
In English, Mrs. Weaver has been in for Mr. Hengst during his absence. She has been enjoying her
time getting to know and working with the students. Mr. Hengst has returned and is ready to get back into
the swing of things. Students recently have finished writing persuasive essays. The next unit of focus will
be on nouns. Down the road, students will be working on a research project in conjunction with their Social
Studies class. Students will be assigned a country from one of the continents of Africa, Asia, or Europe. This
will be a great travel experience for the I-Team.
In Mr. Weaver’s classroom, students will be learning about Europe and its rich culture. A research
report on a country in the Eastern hemisphere will be co-taught with the English department as we move
further into the new year.
Eastern York Middle School Newsletter
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
Eastern York Middle School
N Team
“12 year olds can’t make a difference.”
By: Payton Becker, Catherine Tillotson, Mason Millar,
Cameron Dedrick, and Zack Falk
Unfortunately this is what most middle school students
think. They think they’re too young or not smart enough to do
something to change their world. Well the 6th graders in Mr.
Pry’s English Intervention class were challenged to do
something to make a difference. We had to come up with
something that our classroom or school needed to improve the
quality of our education. Once we selected a supply, we had to
figure out a business that could donate it. Next, we had to either alone or with a
partner, write a persuasive letter requesting the supplies. Some requests were big and
expensive while others were small and cheap. We published our final copies, looked up
addresses, labeled envelopes, and sent them on their way!
We realized that not everyone would hear back from their business. We all hoped
that we would hear something, but we were also trying to be realistic. Days went by, and
most people probably forgot about their letters. On Friday, January 9, 2012, Mr. Pry
called us, Payton Becker, Catherine Tillotson, Mason Millar, Cameron Dedrick, and Zack
Falk, into his room. We sat there not knowing why we were the only students in the
room. He handed us a brown envelope from Newell Rubbermaid
Products Group. In it we found highlighters and dry erase
markers. There was also a letter thanking us for writing and
encouraging us to continue to use their products. We were
thrilled that we had actually made a difference! Even though it
was a small project with small results, we realized that even 12
year olds can make a difference if they try!
Eastern York Middle School Newsletter
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
Eastern York Middle School
G and H Teams
Coming Soon - Penny Wars!
Seventh grade is excited to begin our 11th year of
Penny Wars! Since 1999, the 7th grade has raised over
$15,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
through a friendly competition we call the Penny Wars.
Here is how it works:
-Every student is encouraged to help their classroom gain points.
-A point is a penny for each penny a student contributes to their first period’s bucket;
that classroom gets a point.
-However, for every silver coin placed in a bucket by someone from another first
period, that classroom loses the value of that coin. (Example: a nickel is minus five
Students need to bring in pennies for their own first period class and silver for the other classes.
Penny Wars will take place in February. The winning first period gets a Domino’s pizza party and
bragging rights! The H team will need to watch out for defending champion Mr. Hess - he has a few
tricks up his sleeve! The G team will have to watch out for defending champion Mrs. Pullen - the
quiet ones sometimes fly under the radar!
All funds collected will go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of America to help the society
continue to discover cures to this and related cancers.
A Winter Wonderland of Words
G team Wins!!!!
G and H team students took part in word awareness competition
during the month of December. Students completed word cash slips
and turned them in daily. The word cash slips included practice with
word analysis (prefixes, root and suffix meanings), antonyms,
synonyms, and word usage. Hundreds of slips were completed over a
three week period. At home, some students were texting and
posting reminders to one another on Facebook. Students became
more aware of the value of using higher level vocabulary through this
fun and competitive activity. In the end, the G team won the
competition. The teachers on both teams were very proud of the
students for participating and contributing time and effort.
Eastern York Middle School Newsletter
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
Eastern York Middle School
S Team
S Team ended 2011 with a flurry of activities! In
keeping with the 8th grade history classes, students are
now colonists in the new world. But with the
Gabbie Graham shot an 11 point
approaching holidays, many of the colonists
buck in Maryland. She has been
sadly were missing their homeland traditions.
hunting for a few years and this
So on December 20th, we celebrated
was her third buck.
HERITAGE DAY. Prior to our celebration,
students researched their individual
heritages by interviewing some of their relatives. They then
were able to share their heritage by participating in several
activities. We had a FASHION SHOW where students wore
the colors of their nation’s flags, and costumes of their
ancestors. They had the opportunity to share some of their ancestry with the team in the
SHOW and TELL segment. We played our version of NAME THAT TUNE. We tried our hands
at ORIGAMI, the Japanese art of paper folding, and then listened while teachers read to us
some GERMAN FAIRY TALES. The highlight of the day was the FEAST we shared as students
brought in foods from all over the world. Yum!
German tradition, which is
very prevalent in York and Lancaster
counties especially in the form of the
Pennsylvania Dutch, gave us
gingerbread. On Wednesday,
December 21 , the colonists made and decorated
gingerbread log cabins. We, of course had to build
our shelters for the upcoming winter weather, and
we had fun doing it.
Rylie Toomey bagged
her deer at Muddy
Run in Lancaster.
This 7 point buck
was her first.
S team is proud of all of our hunters, many of whom were
quite successful this past deer season. Two young ladies really
held their own out in the woods. Congratulations to all of our
successful hunters!
Eastern York Middle School Newsletter
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
Eastern York Middle School
T Team
Ropes, Brains, and Adventure!
By Jenna Sweitzer
Flying Leap Ropes Course: filled with adventure and thought.
On October 21, 2011, the 8th grade T Team took a wild field trip to
Flying Leap. The bus flooded with excitement as it pulled into the
gravel-filled parking lot. As we ventured through the trees on a stone
path, looking at the other activities, we all finally looked up in
amazement. Rock walls, high wires, a zip line hovering over a
shimmering lake are just some examples of the activities we
participated in.
Although it was a field trip, we did more than just have fun. We learned many new things
that we couldn’t in school. We learned how to communicate with teammates, how to plan ahead
to succeed, but most of all, how to work together and trust one another. We faced activities that
involved not only physical ability, but determination and thought. We didn’t just look at our
objective and go. We thought of a plan to get past our obstacles and in the end…success! We
worked as a team in unison, earning trust every second. Without it, we would have failed. We
also learned that Joe Stickler’s shoes make a great grappling hook!
Flying Leap wasn’t a field trip. It was a learning
experience like no other. Trust, teamwork, thought and
determination propelled us to keep moving forward. Not
only was it exciting and fun, but if you miss a Flying
Leap field trip, you will miss a once in a lifetime
experience to learn things you couldn’t in school.
Team T would like to thank the PTSO for
providing funds to cover a portion of the field trip.
Without their support we would not have been able to
experience this trip.
Eastern York Middle School Newsletter
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
Eastern York Middle School
Unified Arts Team
The Winter Concert: A Student’s Perspective
By Shannon Pizzirusso
Every year EYMS holds a winter concert.
This year’s winter concert was on December
13th. As usual, it was a hit! To start it off, the
6th, 7th, and 8th grade orchestras played
several pieces including “The Elves’ Toy Shop”
and “Ding Dong! Merrily on High.” The
orchestras were conducted by Mr. Mark A.
Miller, Miss Duane’s substitute. After the
wonderful performances from the orchestra, there was a beautiful duet by
Jared Korb and Joshua Rosenau. After the duet sang, the 6th, 7th, and 8th
grade bands, directed by Mr. David Donahue, performed songs such as
“Bell Carol Rock,” “Christmas at the Movies,” and “Whirlwind.” In
“Whirlwind,” the soloists were Felicity Long, Maura DeRemer, and Carl
Carbaugh. After the band played their wonderful finale, Benjamin
Leaman serenaded the audience with “Let It Snow” on the piano.
Finishing out the night was the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade chorus which had
many soloists. The song “In Winter” had 9 amazing soloists: Hanna
Buchter, Alexandria Cozzi, Taylor Currier,
William Gatling, Dalton Hengst, Justise
Lewellyn, Lauren Kauffman, Madalyn
Kordek, and Christin Solon. Closing out
the night was the peaceful piece, “Our
Gift for You.” The song contained 5
soloists, 3 descants, and a sign language
interpreter: Sydney Gladfelter. Of
course, we have to thank Mrs. Suzanne
Korb for accompanying and Mrs. Janet Shelley for leading the chorus.
Can’t wait for the Spring concert!
Eastern York Middle School Newsletter
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
6th Grade
Allard, Andre
Ankers, Andrew
Ankers, Autumn
Askey, Maddy
Billet, Bryce
Boyd, Jacob
Briese, Jared
Brown, Brianna
Brumgard, Olivia
Buster, Trevor
Cooper, Rachel
Currier, Taylor
Dedrick, Cameron
Delvalle, Santos
Desmond, Casey
Destiny Morrison
Dilley, Alex
Dohn, Zachary
DuBois, Jenna
Ehrhart, Robert
Eller, Dustin
Enders, Zabrina,
Engles, Makayla
Engles, Makayla
Engles, Makayla
Fenwick, Jacob
Fenwick, Jacob
Ferry, Casey
Flaharty, Laurel
Forney, Morgan
Forsyth, Chelsea
Fryberger, Morgan
Gatling, William
Gockley, Marissa
Gonzalez, Brisa
Haapala, Dustin
7th Grade
Artman, Lyssa
Bailey, Isaiah
Berndt, Sam
Frinzi, Mikayla
Glatfelter, Brady
Gonzalez, Alex
Grim, Natalie
Grove, Kierstin
Houck, Greg
Kelly, Taryn
Kessler, Luke
8th Grade
Ahrens, Kody
Ball, Travis
Berry, Ryan
Bowers, Megan
Chriichello, Sarah
Collazo, Nick
Dellinger, T J
Eastern York Middle School
Heffner, Ashley
Hengst, Dalton
Herrmano-Iannucci, Diane
Hoak, Brayden
Houser, James
Houser, Jane
Hunter, Nasir
Johnson, Catherine
Kauffman, Austyn
Kauffman, Lauren
Kauffman, Lauren
Keller, Dalton
Keller, Dalton
Keller, McKenna
Kelley, Tarissa
Knuth, Tyler
Korb, Jared
LaCesa, Brooke
Lake, Tracy
Leftwich, Ian
Lewis, Hannah
Lewis, Samantha
Lloyd, Ben
Long, Felicity
Lucas, Valerie
Lusk, Jason
MacAllester, Caitlyn
McLain, Madeline
McLane, Brittany
Meeder, Lakyn
Metzger, Devin
Metzger, Nathan
Michener, Lourdes
Millar, Mason
Miller, Brayden
Morgan, Baily
Morris, Lilliana
Mundis, Dylan
Nachtigall, Amber
Nalls, Madison
Nurse, Martin
Paulson, Thomas
Pennell, Blake
Perez, Carianne
Petrie, Mackenzi
Posey, Macajah
Quinn, Caitlyn
Quinones, Ethan
Rietscha, Corey
Rivera, Austin
Rivera, Austin
Roberts, Julia
Roe, Sieana
Ruby, Nevada
Runkle, Jennifer
Salama, Beshoy
Sauder, Taura
Schardt, Abby
Sharp, Tim
Shoff, James
Smith, Bryce
Smith, Bryce
Snyder, Colin
Solon, Christian
Sprenkle, Briana
Stevenson, Gregory
Stine, Bryanne
Stump, Noah
Thacker, Nina
Tillotson, Catherine
Troop, Hope
Wakeling, Jarrett
Waltimyer, Rayanne
Youngman, Hannah
Zech, Austin
Zinobile, Maddie
Kowalski, Anna
Lake, Colin
Leed, Macy
Leiphart, Shane
Massa, Lydia
McGillvrey, Cassidy
Moreland, Donald
Nikolaus, Kylie
Pennechio, Nicholas
Pfeiffer, Bri
Plonis, Madison
Pyles, Elizabeth
Rexroth, Alexus
Robbins, Britney
Rush, Allissa
Schaefer, Melanie
Shultz, Lexi
Smith, Josh
Spyker, Haley
Staats, Troy
Tedder, Kayla
Trowell-Lopez, Nathan
Wirls, Noah
Wishart, Ben
Plonis, Virginia
Rineholt, Beth
Senft, Morgan
Shackelford, Jamie
Staub. Samantha
Stigelman, Cheyenne
Sweitzer, Jenna
Weaver, Ty
Zepp, Gabby
Figdore, Trevor
Fletcher, Jamie
Goodling, Brianna
Herbst, Ryan
LeCates, Bobby
Livelsberger, Karlee
Newcomer, Nate
Phelps, Hasan
Phillips, Matthew
Eastern York Middle School Newsletter
turned in
ARMOR cards
for the
month of
and received
a hot
social during
The winners
this month
won a free
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
6th Grade
Allard, Andre
Almoney, Josh
Ankers, Autumn
Arnold, Jay
Askey, Maddie
Bartch, Kylah
Beaverson, Jenna
Becker, Payton
Bigler, Hannah
Boyd, Jacob
Brown, Brianna
Brumgard, Olivia
Burdette, Jessica
Campbell, Noah
Clubb, Rebecca
Cooper, Rachel
Cunningham, Morgan
Currier, Taylor
Dedrick, Cameron
DeRemer, Maura
Desmond, Casey
Eller, Dustin
Enders, Zabrina,
Falk, Zachary
Fried, Allison
Gladfelter, Cameron
Gockley, Marissa
Gonzalez, Brisa
Hengst, Dalton
7th Grade
Bailey, Isaiah
Buckwalter, Morgan
Caldwell, Holly
Groff, Shane
Grove, Kierstin
Hess, Lauren
Kelly, Taryn
Kline, Danica
Kline, Kaylee
8th Grade
Ahrens, Kody
Amato, Gin
Beck, Tracy
Berry, Ryan
Brumgard, Emily
Collazo, Nick
Dailey, Brandon
Davis, Andrew
Deppen, Rachel
DeRemer, Mason
Druck, Aidan
Gallo, Alexandria
Eastern York Middle School
Hinkle, Karter
Johnson, Catherine
Kauffman, Austyn
Kauffman, Deonna
Kauffman, Lauren
Keller, McKenna
Kerfoot, Chrissy
Kilhefner, Thomas
Kline, Logan
Kordek, Madalyn
Kruml, Alec
Lake, Jasmine
Lake, Tracy
Leftwich, Ian
Lewellyn, Justise
McClintock, Jessica\
McLane, Brittany
Michener, Lourdes
Millar, Mason
Miller, Kevin
Minnich, Kali
Mundis, Dylan
Nalls, Madison
Neely, Destiny
Nispel, Johnathon
Nobile, Kenny
Nurse, Martin
Paulson, Thomas
Pennell, Blake
Perez, Carianne
Petrie, Mackenzi
Poirier, Claire
Prugar, Dylon
Quinn, Caitlyn
Reisinger, Megan
Resh, Gabi
Rietscha, Corey
Rivera, Austin
Roe, Sieana
Rohler, Kylee
Sauder, Taura
Schardt, Abby
Sheely, Tieran
Shenk, Brennen
Shoff, James
Small, Kloe
Snyder, Colin
Solon, Christian
Sprenkle, Briana
Stigelman, Cierra
Stigile, Victoria
Stine, Bryanne
Stough, Kirsten
Waltimyer, Rayanne
White, Jeremy
Whittington, Cassie
Wolford, Haley
Youngman, Hannah
Zech, Austin
Zech, Rachel
Leaman, Benjamin
Mego, Tyler
Miller, Coty
Miller, Hannah
Morrison, Brahk
Particelli, Dominick
Pennechio, Nicholas
Pyles, Elizabeth
Rathell, William
Reichard, Remi
Shoff, Luke
Smith, Josh
Snyder, Aaron
Stickler, Sarah
Tedder, Kayla
Thomas, Taylor
Torris, Demetrios
White, Kailey
Wilson, Amanda
Wirls, Noah
Graham, Alexis
Graham, Gabby
Kalke, Ryan
Lewis, Alecia
Markle, Brandon
Miller, Bryce
Moreno, Gabrielle
Ore, Russell
Ortiz, Carmyn
Plonis, Virginia
Pollock, Sam
Rietscha, Tyler
Schardt, Matthew
Senft, Morgan
Shackelford, Jamie
Shirk, Stephanie
Slow, Timothy
Smith, Nathan
Stickler, Joe
Stigelman, Arielle
Stigelman, Cheyenne
Thacker, Anna
Toomey, Rylie
Zepp, Gabby
Eastern York Middle School Newsletter
Winter 2012
turned in
ARMOR cards
for the
month of
and received
a hot dog
after school
before one
of the girls’
games. The
winners this
month won
Volume 3, Issue 2
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2
Eastern York Middle School
Feb. 8 PTSO Gertrude Hawk Candy Sale for Easter Kickoff
Feb. 10 MS Valentine's Dance 6:00-8:00 PM
A Message from the Attendance
Feb.13 MS PTSO meeting 6:30 PM
Feb. 15 MS Spring Sports Organizational Meeting 2:00 PM
When your child is being picked up early from
school, your wait time in the school office can
be decreased if you send a note with the
student in the morning. The note should
indicate who will pick them up and what time
they are leaving. When they bring a note to
the office upon their arrival to school, we will
issue a pass for them to leave class and be in
the office waiting when you arrive. Hopefully
this can streamline the process for you and for
Feb. 17 MS Grandparents' Day 8:00-10:15 AM
We have been noticing a large number of
students who have not been turning in excuse
cards or Doctor's notes. As a result, students
are charged with an illegal absence. After 3
illegal absences parents receive a first notice
letter and after subsequent illegal absences,
fines are assessed. Please talk with your child
about the importance of handing in their
excuse within 3 school days of any absence to
avoid being marked illegally absent.
Mar. 29 Spring Sports Team Pictures 2:30 PM
Feb. 22 PTSO Gertrude Hawk Candy Sale for Easter Orders Due
Feb. 24 MS Spring Picture Day
Feb. 25 EYMS 2nd Annual Lock-in 1:00-6:00 PM
Mar. 9 MS PTSO Fun Knight 6:00-8:00 PM
Mar. 12 MS PTSO meeting 6:30 PM
Mar. 21 MS Talent Show 3:00 PM
Mar. 23 PTSO Gertrude Hawk Candy Sale for Easter Pick-Up 4:00-7:00 PM
Doctor notes are due when a student returns
from the appointment whether it is the same
day or the next.
The Giant Program is a cash back program to
schools for patrons who place their Giant
Bonus Club number into their computer
A certain percentage of everything you
spend then would come back to the school in
the form of a check in April.
A patron can designate up to 2 different
schools. If they do that; the percentage is
split between the schools. Actually it is FREE
money for schools.
Go to or to learn more. Be sure to
visit this site often to view program updates
and to track your school’s A+ School Rewards
The Middle School number for the Giant
Program is 00690.
Don’t forget to check your child’s
grades and assignments online at
Eastern York Middle School Newsletter
Winter 2012
Volume 3, Issue 2