1 - Crain`s Cleveland Business
1 - Crain`s Cleveland Business
CCLB 12-31-07 A 91 CCLB 12/10/2007 8:58 AM Page 1 I N V E N T I N G 2006 (in millions) Theodore Levitt, economist, author 1925-2006 2005 $30.68 $27.54 2003 $30.47 2002 $29.29 $29.19 2001 F U T U R E The future belongs to people who see possibilities before they become obvious. Research Grants and Contracts $23.78 T H E Creating the new materials for the new economy. Regional collaboration is the key to As the public research university for success in today’s global economy. The Northern Ohio, The University of Akron University of Akron is wholly committed to excels at intellectual property transfer, regional alliances. We’re expanding the commercialization of new technology and talent pool, enhancing research and creating new venture creation. Our culture of a rich environment innovation encompasses science and for entrepreneurial engineering as well as business, success. education, healthcare, social Intellectual Property sciences, and the arts. • Disclosures Received • Total U.S. Patents Filed • New U.S. Patents Filed • U.S. Patents Issued • New Start-up Companies 26 24 17 11 2002 3 57 69 32 2006 8 4 2001 0 UA researchers have developed a nanofiber bandage that continuously delivers medication to a wound and speeds the healing process. 39 35 17 12 2003 2 12 23 23 26 36 40 23 10 2 2004 56 63 2005 42 12 4 www.uakron.edu The University of Akron is an Equal Education and Employment Institution © 2007 by The University of Akron UA is ranked 1st worldwide in patents issued per million dollars of research expenditures, according to the Milken Institute. UA is number 1 in Ohio for its rate of return per research dollar leading to the commercialization of technologies, according to the Ohio Board of Regents. CCLB 12-31-07 A 92 CCLB 92 12/12/2007 3:48 PM Page 1 CRAIN’S CLEVELAND BUSINESS WWW.CRAINSCLEVELAND.COM DECEMBER 31, 2007-JANUARY 6, 2008 LARGEST COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES RANKED BY FALL 2007 FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT ENROLLMENT Rank 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Name of college or university Address Phone/Web site WALSH UNIVERSITY 2020 E. Maple St. NW, North Canton,44720 (330) 490-7090/www.walsh.edu MALONE COLLEGE 515 25th St. NW, Canton,44709 (330) 471-8100/www.malone.edu MOUNT UNION COLLEGE 1972 Clark Ave., Alliance,44601 (330) 821-5320/www.muc.edu BRYANT AND STRATTON COLLEGE 1700 E. 13th St., Cleveland,44114 (216) 771-1700/www.bryantstratton.edu THE COLLEGE OF WOOSTER 1189 Beall Ave., Wooster,44691 (330) 263-2000/www.wooster.edu URSULINE COLLEGE 2550 Lander Road, Pepper Pike,44124 (440) 449-4200/www.ursuline.edu NOTRE DAME COLLEGE 4545 College Road, South Euclid,44121 (216) 381-1680/www.notredamecollege.edu HIRAM COLLEGE P.O. Box 67, Hiram,44234 (330) 569-3211/www.hiram.edu OHIO TECHNICAL COLLEGE 1324 E. 51st St., Cleveland,44103 (216) 881-1700/www.ohiotechnicalcollege.com LAKE ERIE COLLEGE 391 W. Washington St., Painesville,44077 (440) 296-1856/www.lec.edu THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 1328 Dover Road, Wooster,44691 (330) 264-3911/www.ati.ose.edu Full-time equivalent enrollment % of Operating enrollment Type of budget % Student/faculty Annual tuition undergraduate institution (millions) Endowment change ratio Room & board graduate Affiliation Year founded ($ millions) President Fall 2007 Fall 2006 2,327 2,184 6.5% 14:1 $18,300 $7,430 85% 15% 4 year private $49.0 1958 8.3 Richard Jusseaume 2,133 2,092 2.0% 14:1 $18,600 $6,600 85% 15% 4 year private $44.0 1892 20.0 Gary W. Streit 2,088 2,122 -1.6% 13:1 $22,050 $6,700 100% 0% 4 year private $61.0 1846 144.0 Richard Giese 1,950 1,500 30.0% 15:1 $23,000 NA 100% 0% 4 year private NA 1854 NA John Staschak 1,800 1,750 2.9% 11:1 $31,870 $8,152 100% 0% 4 year private $64.0 1866 NA Grant H. Cornwell 1,550 1,459 6.2% 9:1 $20,910 $7,036 75% 25% 4 year private $28.5 1871 27.4 Sister Diana Stano 1,233 1,139 8.3% 13:1 $20,540 $7,054 89% 12% 4 year private $24.8 1922 8.8 Andrew P. Roth 1,191 1,152 3.4% 13:1 $24,215 $7,980 98% 2% 4 year private $27.0 1850 68.0 Thomas V. Chema 950 909 4.5% 13:1 NA NA 100% 0% 2 year private NA 1969 NA 761 631 20.6% 11:1 $22,814 $7,054 85% 15% 4 year private $22.5 1856 35.7 Michael T. Victor 730 699 4.4% 16:1 $5,859 $5,025 100% 0% 2 year public $10.0 1969 NA Stephen Nameth Source: Information is supplied by the companies unless footnoted. Originally published Oct. 8, 2007. (1) Endowment includes University of Akron Foundation.(2) Second location in Beachwood, enrollment number includes online students. Marc Brenner RESEARCHED BY Deborah W. Hillyer Serving Northeast Ohio Since 1919! Insurance Placement - Risk Consulting The Hoffman Group represents over 30 companies to meet all of your insurance needs. Call us for a no-obligation coverage review today! BUSINESS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS CONTRACTOR’S BONDS FINANCIAL SERVICES 5 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: AVON BEREA BRUNSWICK 800.826.4006 ELYRIA MEDINA www.thehoffmangrp.com CCLB 12-31-07 A 93 CCLB 12/12/2007 4:00 PM Page 1 DECEMBER 31, 2007-JANUARY 6, 2008 TOP PUBLIC GOLF COURSES Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Name Address Phone/Web site LITTLE MOUNTAIN COUNTRY CLUB 7667 Hermitage Road, Concord 44077 (440) 358-7888/www.littlemountaincc.com STONEWATER GOLF CLUB One Club Drive, Highland Heights 44143 (440) 461-4653/www.stonewatergolf.com WINDMILL LAKES GOLF CLUB 6544 Rt. 14, Ravenna 44266 (330) 297-0440/www.windmill-lakes-golf.com BOULDER CREEK GOLF CLUB 9700 Page Road, Streetsboro 44241 (330) 626-2828/www.bouldercreekohio.com FOWLERS MILL GOLF COURSE 13095 Rockhaven Road, Chesterland 44026 (440) 729-7569/www.fowlersmillgc.com PINE HILLS GOLF CLUB 433 W. 130th St., Hinckley 44233 (330) 225-4477/www.golfpinehills.net THUNDERHILL GOLF COURSE 7050 Griswold Road, Madison 44057 (440) 298-3474/www.thunderhillgolf.com GREY HAWK GOLF CLUB 665 U.S. Grant St., LaGrange 44050 (440) 355-4844/www.greyhawkgolf.com MANAKIKI GOLF COURSE 35501 Eddy Road, Willoughby Hills 44094 (440) 942-2500/www.clemetparks.com RAINTREE COUNTRY CLUB 4350 Mayfair Road, Uniontown 44685 (330) 699-3232/www.raintreegc.com SLEEPY HOLLOW GOLF COURSE 9445 Brecksville Road, Brecksville 44141 (440) 526-4285 ELLSWORTH MEADOWS GOLF CLUB 1101 Barlow Rd, Hudson 44236 (330) 655-2267/www.ellsworthmeadows.com CRAIN’S CLEVELAND BUSINESS WWW.CRAINSCLEVELAND.COM 93 (1) Club manager Yardage back tees Yardage women's tees Total rounds of golf Most difficult hole Par Length Corey Patterson Jimmy Hanlin 6,616 4,900 25,000 13th 4 481 Dana Fry, Michael Hurdzan Geoff Skoch John Clapacs 7,045 5,541 18,000 13th 5 626 1969 Ed Ault Trent Maxwell Herb Page 6,936 5,368 NA 7th 4 385 2000 Joe Salemi John Elser John Elser 7,204 5,048 NA 9th 4 492 1970 Pete Dye Milt Johnson Milt Johnson 7,002 5,571 35,000 4th 4 461 1957 Harold Paddock Steve P. Brzytwa Steve P. Brzytwa 6,782 5,609 NA 18th 4 426 1976 Fred Slagle Todd Bishop Todd Bishop 7,504 5,200 21,000 13th 4 405 2004 von Hagge, Smelek and Baril Todd Casabella David Mooney 7,079 5,091 26,000 7th 5 578 1928 Donald Ross Tom Kochensparger Tom Kochensparger 6,625 5,390 38,190 10th 4 430 1992 Brian Huntley Don Olney John Raineri Jr. 6,936 5,918 33,000 14th 4 441 1924 Stanley Thompson John Fiander Rick Enlow 6,702 5,313 67,668 2nd 3 240 2000 Brian Huntley Trent Wash 6,831 4,920 NA 17th 5 521 Course designer Head golf professional 1999 Dana Fry, Michael Hurdzan 1996 Year built Greg Andrego RESEARCHED BY TOP PRIVATE GOLF COURSES Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Name Address Phone/Web site FIRESTONE COUNTRY CLUB 452 W. Warner Road, Akron 44319 (330) 644-8441/www.firestonecountryclub.com SAND RIDGE GOLF CLUB 12150 Mayfield Road, Chardon 44024 (440) 285-8088/www.sandridgegolf.com CANTERBURY GOLF CLUB 22000 S. Woodland Road, Beachwood 44122 (216) 561-1000/www.canterburygc.org THE COUNTRY CLUB 2825 Lander Road, Pepper Pike 44124 (216) 831-9200/www.thecountryclub.com KIRTLAND COUNTRY CLUB 39438 Kirtland Road, Willoughby 44094 (440) 951-8422 BROOKSIDE COUNTRY CLUB 1800 Canton Ave. NW, Canton 44708 (330) 477-0610/www.brooksidecc.com PEPPER PIKE CLUB 2800 SOM Center Road, Cleveland 44124 (216) 831-9400 LAKEWOOD COUNTRY CLUB 2613 Bradley Road, Westlake 44145 (440) 871-0400/www.lakewoodcountryclub.com CONGRESS LAKE CLUB 1 East Drive, Hartville 44632 (330) 877-9318/www.congresslakeclub.com CHAGRIN VALLEY COUNTRY CLUB 4700 SOM Center Road, Chagrin Falls 44022 (440) 248-4314/www.cvcclub.com BEECHMONT COUNTRY CLUB 29600 Chagrin Blvd., Cleveland 44122 (216) 831-9100/www.beechmontcc.com THE SHARON GOLF CLUB 6261 Ridge Road, Sharon Center 44274 (330) 239-2383 (1) Yardage back tees Yardage women's tees Total rounds of golf Most difficult hole Par Length Year Built Course designer Head golf professional 1929 Bert Way, Robert Trent Jones David Dinan Mark Gore 7,360 5,200 52,000 16th 5 667 1994 Tom Fazio Matt Creech Ned Welc 7,127 5,100 14,200 13th 4 466 1921 Herbert Strong Craig Murray Daniel Denihan 6,942 5,890 19,689 1st 4 432 1889 William Flynn Jack McKelvey Robert Josey 7,129 5,687 12,000 6th 4 452 1921 C.H. Alison Tim Bennett Rich LaRocca 6,845 5,741 14,000 2nd 4 460 1929 Donald Ross Joe Borawski Andrew Grove 7,155 5,740 19,000 3rd 5 518 1924 William Flynn, Howard Toomey Deon Good Bill Hefferen 6,576 5,357 NA 2nd 4 405 1921 A.W. Tillinghast Tom Waitrovich Brian Pizzimenti 6,900 5,200 18,500 6th 5 525 1896 Donald Ross Faith Egli Joe Dewitt 6,538 5,398 15,000 4th 4 436 1921 Stanley Thompson Mike Heisterkamp Jack Goldberg 6,775 5,623 18,000 12th 4 475 1923 Stanley Thompson Michael Connor Bill Downey 6,865 5,784 16,000 4th 4 452 1965 George Cobb Frank Dobie 7,153 6,012 15,000 2nd 4 399 Dwight Axtell Club manager Crain's Cleveland Business uses staff research, company surveys and the most current references available to produce its listings, but there is no guarantee these listings are complete. We welcome all responses to our lists. Business lists and The Book of Lists are available to purchase at www.crainscleveland.com. Originally published April 30, 2007. (1) Area pros were surveyed and asked to submit their eight favorite Northeast Ohio public and private golf courses. RESEARCHED BY Deborah W. Hillyer CCLB 12-31-07 A 94 CCLB 94 12/12/2007 4:06 PM Page 1 CRAIN’S CLEVELAND BUSINESS WWW.CRAINSCLEVELAND.COM DECEMBER 31, 2007-JANUARY 6, 2008 LARGEST CONFERENCE CENTERS RANKED BY MEETING SPACE Name Address Rank Phone/Web site 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 14 17 18 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 28 CLEVELAND CONVENTION CENTER 500 Lakeside Ave., Cleveland 44114 (216) 348-2200/www.city.cleveland.oh.us INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION & CONFERENCE CENTER One I-X Center Drive, Cleveland 44135 (216) 265-2618/www.ixcenter.com KALAHARI RESORT & NIA CENTER 7000 Kalahari Drive, Sandusky 44870 (877) 642-6847/www.kalahariresorts.com/nia PLAYHOUSE SQUARE CENTER 1501 Euclid Ave., Suite 200, Cleveland 44115 (216)-771-4444/www.playhousesquare.com RENAISSANCE CLEVELAND HOTEL 24 Public Square, Cleveland 44113 (216) 696-5600/www.renaissancecleveland.com ARDEN SHISLER CONFERENCE CENTER 1625 Wilson Road, Wooster 44691 (330) 287-1486/www.shislercenter.ohio-state.edu CROWNE PLAZA QUAKER SQUARE 135 S. Broadway Ave., Akron 44308 (330) 253-5970/www.quakersquare.com KENT STATE UNIVERSITY, PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION AND CONFERENCE CENTER 6000 Frank Ave. NW, North Canton 44720 (330) 244-3506/www.stark.kent.edu/conferencecenter JOHN S. KNIGHT CENTER 77 E. Mill St., Akron 44308 (330) 374-8900/www.johnsknightcenter.org E. J. THOMAS HALL-THE UNIVERSITY OF AKRON 198 Hill St., Akron 44325-0501 (330) 972-6573/www.ejthomashall.com HOUSE OF BLUES 308 Euclid Ave., Cleveland 44114 (216) 274-3326/www.hob.com/specialevents WOLSTEIN CENTER 2000 Prospect Ave., Cleveland 44115 (216) 687-5239/www.wolsteincenter.com CORPORATE COLLEGE EAST 4400 Richmond Road, Warrensville Heights 44128 (866) 806-2677/www.corporatecollege.com INTERCONTINENTAL HOTEL & CONFERENCE CENTER 9801 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland 44106 (216) 707-4100/www.cleveland-conferencecenter.intercontinental.com KENT STATE UNIVERSITY CONFERENCE BUREAU PO Box 5190, Kent 44242 (330) 672-3161/www.kent.edu SAWMILL CREEK RESORT & CONFERENCE CENTER 400 Sawmill Creek Drive, Huron 44839 (800) 729-6455/www.sawmillcreek.com EXECUTIVE CATERERS AT LANDERHAVEN 6111 Landerhaven Drive, Mayfield Heights 44124 (440) 449-0700/www.executivecaterers.com BERTRAM INN AND CONFERENCE CENTER 600 N. Aurora Road, Aurora 44202 (330) 995-0200/www.thebertraminn.com CROWNE PLAZA CLEVELAND CITY CENTRE HOTEL 777 St. Clair Ave. NE, Cleveland 44114 (216) 771-7600/www.clevelanddowntownhotel.com LA CENTRE CONFERENCE & BANQUET FACILITY 25777 Detroit Road, Westlake 44145 (440) 250-2000/www.lacentre.com THE FORUM CONFERENCE CENTER 1375 E. Ninth St., Cleveland 44114 (216) 241-6338/www.forumcc.com JOHN CARROLL UNIVERSITY 20700 North Park Blvd., University Heights 44118 (216) 397-1886/www.jcu.edu RITZ-CARLTON, CLEVELAND 1515 W. Third St., Cleveland 44113 (216) 623-1300/www.ritzcarlton.com QUICKEN LOANS ARENA 1 Center Court, Cleveland 44115 (216) 420-2000/www.theqarena.com INDIANA WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY-CLEVELAND 4100 Rockside Road, Independence 44131 (216) 525-6160/http://cleveland.indwes.edu SHERATON SUITES AKRON/CUYAHOGA FALLS 1989 Front St., Cuyahoga Falls 44221 (330) 929-3000/www.sheratonakron.com CORPORATE COLLEGE WEST 25425 Center Ridge Road, Westlake 44145 (866) 806-2677/www.corporatecollege.com NEOUCOM CONFERENCE CENTER 4209 St. Rt. 44, Rootstown 44272 (330) 325-6850/www.neoucom.edu/conf SHERATON CLEVELAND AIRPORT HOTEL 5300 Riverside Drive, Cleveland 44135 (216) 267-1500/www.sheraton.com/airportCleveland Meeting space (square feet) Room capacity (range) Number of meeting rooms Number of 2006 business events Other business services 124,068 50-10,000 29 19 Executive Caterers banquet service, electric, water, gas, telephone, compressed air, stage and sound service, in-house security service Terry O'Brien, Susie Claytor 101,495 25-880 27 80 I-X Hough Caterers, high-speed Internet, A/V services, ExpoTron outdoor video sign, decorating (pipe/drape), pre-function areas Cheryl Hanley 95,000 12-2,200 25 184 Full service destination conference and waterpark resort, 596 guest rooms, 113 Bryan Hart suites, 3 restaurants, 3 lounges, 5 retail shops 90,000 25-900 12 40 NA Jordan Davis 62,000 8-2,950 33 875 Executive boardrooms, AV services, business center, high-speed Internet, event service professionals, 22,000 sf Grand Ballroom Dion Kiernan 60,000 500 14 237 Complete meeting package, ergonomic furniture, communications technology, business Hannah Roscoe-Metzger office, dedicated conference planners 60,000 2-1,000 16 NA High-speed Internet in guestrooms, wireless Internet in public areas, business center, two restaurants, attached shopping mall NA 55,000 10-400 15 1,284 NA Becky DeHart, Michelle Dolar 53,400 16-1,440 16 141 Sound system, stage, in-house catering, audio-visual and video conferencing, satellite downlinks, wireless Internet, video streaming Dirk Breiding 52,000 2,925 1 20 Lobby display areas NA 45,000 10-3,000 10 350 Catering, dining, entertainment, corporate gifts Laura Miller Mulholland 43,676 2,000 8 200 Conference center and Grand Ballroom space, AV services, Internet, catering, parking and outdoor marquee to display upcoming events 35,300 350-500 30 925 Wi-fi, video conferencing, DVD, CD, VHS, Sammy's Catering, Java City Coffee Shop, free Amy Janos parking, on-site concierge staff 35,000 10-1,000 10 NA Two restaurants and one lounge, 24-hour business center and fitness center, 500-seat amphitheater 35,000 10-5,000 32 225 AV services, food service, summer housing, Internet, recreation center, gymnasium, fashion NA museum 35,000 10-2,000 25 1,000 Business Center, exhibitor services, 18-hole golf course, AV/IT service Denny Carlstedt 28,000 20-1,200 7 425 Full-service catering facility, wi-fi, AV center, high-speed Internet, valet parking Sharon Valentino 27,000 550 30 1,500 Wireless Internet in public areas, high-speed Internet, ampitheatre, full AV capabilities, hospitality suites Lisamarie Ludwick 27,000 10-1,100 20 NA High-speed Internet, on-site colortone AV center, catered meals Brenda Santiago 26,000 10-1,000 9 408 Video projection, production and audio systems operated by in-house professionals, executive Tricia Brumelis board room, video and audio conferencing 25,000 2-400 14 NA In-house catering, wi-fi, video conferencing, full AV capabilities, business center, professional meeting planning, on-site technical support Judy Jacob 24,548 40-1,000 11 100 Wireless Internet campus wide, AV services, high-speed Internet, food service Larry Bachtel, Rory Hill 24,466 2-450 11 2,557 24,000 10-20,000 6 180 AV services, Internet, video conferencing, in-house food and beverage service NA 23,000 1-175 27 NA Wi-fi, AV capabilities, catering, outside food allowed, copy/fax NA 23,000 2-500 14 1,300 High-speed Internet, riverside meeting rooms, full-service catering, outdoor event options Deborah Mason 22,900 48-75 27 327 Wi-fi, video conferencing, DVD, CD, VHS, Sammy's Catering, Java City Coffee Shop, free Amy Janos parking, concierge staff 22,000 5-400 11 NA Wi-fi, high-speed Internet, free parking, AV services, in-house food and beverage service, video conferencing Marcella Wood 22,000 1-400 22 NA Wireless Internet, 24-hour airport shuttle, AV services, catering, on-site check in at airport Cathy Razzante Event planner Courtney Fidler Scott Gerlach AV equipment, shipping and receiving services, business center, Wireless Internet, customized David Rabinsky, Allison Ross menus, business and meeting supplies, security ➤➤ CCLB 12-31-07 A 95 CCLB 12/13/2007 3:52 PM Page 1 DECEMBER 31, 2007-JANUARY 6, 2008 Name Address Rank Phone/Web site 28 31 31 33 34 35 36 36 38 39 40 41 42 SPITZER CONFERENCE CENTER 1005 Abbe Road North, Elyria 44035 (440) 366-4100/www.spitzerconferencecenter.com THE CLARION HOTEL BEACHWOOD 26300 Chagrin Blvd., Beachwood 44122 (216) 831-5150/www.choicehotels.com HILTON GARDEN INN CLEVELAND DOWNTOWN 1100 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland 44115 (216) 658-6400/www.clevelanddowntown.stayhgi.com HOLIDAY INN CLEVELAND SOUTH INDEPENDENCE 6001 Rockside Road, Independence 44131 (216) 524-8050/www.hiclevelandsouth-independence.com RADISSON HOTEL AKRON CITY CENTRE 20 W. Mill St., Akron 44308 (330) 384-1500/www.radisson.com/akronoh_westmill EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL CLEVELAND ROCKSIDE 5800 Rockside Woods Blvd., Independence 44131 (216) 986-9900/www.embassysuites-rockside.com CLEVELAND MARRIOTT DOWNTOWN AT KEY CENTER 127 Public Square, Cleveland 44114 (216) 696-9200/www.clevelandmarriottdowntown.com HILTON AKRON/FAIRLAWN 3180 W. Market St., Akron 44333 (330) 867-5000/www.akronhilton.com HILTON CLEVELAND EAST/BEACHWOOD 3663 Park East Drive, Beachwood 44122 (216) 464-5950/www.hiltonclevelandeastbeachwood.com RENAISSANCE QUAIL HOLLOW RESORT 11080 Concord-Hambden Road, Concord 44077 (440) 497-1100/www.renaissancequailhollow.com CLEVELAND AIRPORT MARRIOTT 4277 W. 150 St., Cleveland 44135 (216) 252-5333/www.clevelandairportmarriott.com CLEVELAND MARRIOTT EAST 26300 Harvard Road, Warrensville Heights 44122 (216) 378-9191/www.clevelandmarriotteast.com WYNDHAM CLEVELAND AT PLAYHOUSE SQUARE 1260 Euclid Ave., Cleveland 44115 (216) 615-7500/www.wyndhamcleveland.com CRAIN’S CLEVELAND BUSINESS WWW.CRAINSCLEVELAND.COM Meeting space (square feet) Room capacity (range) Number of meeting rooms Number of 2006 business events Other business services 22,000 5-350 18 NA 20,000 5-200 10 1,152 20,000 450 12 350 18,100 1,000 18 18,000 5-700 17,500 95 Event planner Wi-fi, AV capabilities, high-speed Internet, video conferencing, ARS systems, satellite downlink system, video-recording Debra A. Jancsura Wi-fi, high-speed Internet, AV services Laura Day High-speed Internet, wi-fi, business center, on-site AV Jeff Elstro 2,000 Wireless Internet, full-service restaurant, business center, AV services, airport shuttle, ATM, fitness center Laura Surace 20 1,200 Wireless Internet, AV services, business center, on-site restaurant and lounge, group room Drema Roth rates 1,000 13 1,500 Business center, high-speed and wireless Internet, AV equipment, catering 17,000 2-1,500 16 NA 17,000 8-900 16 1,200 16,000 800 17 NA On-site event managers, wi-fi, AV, culinary and catering team, business center Andi Needham 15,708 10-380 15 270 AV services, high-speed Internet, 24-hour business center, full catering service Carol DiEgidio 15,500 10-500 16 1,600 High-speed Internet, AV services, catering Mary Frances Ody 15,000 5-500 15 258 Full-service catering, AV services, wired and wireless Internet, restaurant Jen Pickel, Marianne Soeder 14,000 10-550 11 NA Wired and wireless high-speed Internet, AV department, in-house catering Nancy Zaroogian Candy Fiero $2.5 million in ballroom renovations, completed by February 2008, all meeting space located NA on one floor, on-site audio visual AV services, high-speed Internet, food services, catering, bar service, conference/convention Emily Roberts planning, business center Source: Information is supplied by the companies unless footnoted. Crain's Cleveland Business does not independently verify the information and there is no guarantee these listings are complete or accurate. We welcome all responses to our lists and will include omitted information or clarifications in coming issues. Business lists and The Book of Lists are available to purchase at www.crainscleveland.com. Originally published July 30, 2007. RESEARCHED BY Deborah W. Hillyer A NEW WAY TO REWARD YOUR EMPLOYEES... Kennywood Group Picnic “Make a New Memory” this year for your group by planning an outing they will all remember and enjoy. Kennywood has been hosting groups for over 100 years and would like to help start a new tradition for your company or organization. From groups of 20 or more to a catered picnic for 50 to 5,000, we can plan an exciting day filled with action-packed rides, challenging games, and delicious food all at a reasonable cost. New Picnic Discount! We're closer than you think you'll be glad you came. An additional 20% off your group rates if booked by March 1, 2008. Consignment Ticket Program Kennywood can offer a Consignment Ticket Program for companies and organizations that don’t have a group picnic date. The Group Consignment Ticket Program allows you to give your members the option to visit Kennywood any day of the 2008 Summer operating season. Contact us for more information at 412.464.9931 or visit us on the web at kennywood.com CCLB 12-31-07 A 96 CCLB 96 12/12/2007 3:50 PM Page 1 CRAIN’S CLEVELAND BUSINESS WWW.CRAINSCLEVELAND.COM DECEMBER 31, 2007-JANUARY 6, 2008 SHOPPING CENTERS RANKED BY TOTAL RETAIL AREA Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Shopping center Address Phone/Web site WESTFIELD SOUTHPARK I 71 & Route 82, Strongsville 44136 (440) 238-9199/www.westfield.com/southpark RANDALL PARK MALL Northfield & Emery Roads, Northfield 44128 (216) 663-1250 GREAT LAKES MALL 7850 Mentor Ave., Mentor 44060 (440) 255-6900/www.simon.com ROLLING ACRES MALL 2400 Romig Road, Akron 44322 (330) 753-5045/www.rollingsacresmall.net WESTFIELD GREAT NORTHERN 4954 Great Northern Mall, North Olmsted 44070 (440) 734-6304/www.westfield.com/greatnorthern MIDWAY MALL 3343 Midway Mall Blvd., Elyria 44035 (440) 324-6610/www.midwaymallshopping.com STEELYARD COMMONS 3447 Steelyard Drive, Cleveland 44109 (216) 381-2900/www.first-interstate.com PARMATOWN MALL 7899 W. Ridgewood Drive, Parma 44129 (440) 885-5506/www.parmatown.com BEACHWOOD PLACE 26300 Cedar Road, Beachwood 44122 (216) 464-9460/www.beachwoodplace.com CHAPEL HILL MALL 2000 Brittain Road, Akron 44310 (330) 633-7100/www.chapelhillmall.com CROCKER PARK Crocker & Detroit Roads, Westlake 44145 (216) 464-2860/www.crockerpark.com SOUTHGATE USA SHOPPING CENTER 20950 Libby Road, Maple Heights 44137 (216) 663-3850/www.southgateusa.com SOUTHLAND SHOPPING CENTER Pearl Road & W. 130th St., Middleburg Heights 44130 (216) 464-5550/www.visconsi.com SUMMIT MALL (1) 3265 W. Market St., Akron 44333 (330) 867-1555/www.simon.com COBBLESTONE SQUARE 5500 Abbe Road, Sheffield Village 44035 (440) 892-6800/www.carnegiecorp.com THE CASCADES OF BRIMFIELD 3975 Cascades Blvd., Kent 44240 (216) 896-5609/www.kowitpassov.com UNIVERSITY SQUARE Warrensville Ctr. Rd. & Cedar Ave., University Hts. 44118 (401) 274-5700/www.inlandgroup.com SEVERANCE TOWN CENTER 3640 Mayfield Road, Cleveland Heights 44118 (216) 381-5762/www.pinetreecommercial.com AVON COMMONS 35974 Detroit Road, Avon 44011 (216) 381-2900/www.first-interstate.com PLAZAS OF GREAT NORTHERN 25859 Great Northern Blvd., North Olmsted 44070 (216) 755-5500/www.ddr.com LEGACY VILLAGE 25001 Cedar Road, Lyndhurst 44124 (216) 382-3871/www.legacy-village.com RIDGE PARK SQUARE 4798 Ridge Road, Brooklyn 44144 (216) 464-5255/www.zeislermorgan.com MACEDONIA COMMONS 8210 Macedonia Commons Blvd., Macedonia 44056 (216) 755-5500/www.ddr.com THE SHOPS AT MARKETPLACE Aurora Rd. & N. Marketplace Drive, Bainbridge 44202 (561) 741-6100/www.mcgillpropertygroup.com MARKETPLACE AT FOUR CORNERS Aurora Road & Marketplace Drive, Bainbridge 44202 (561) 741-6100/www.mcgillpropertygroup.com MARKET SQUARE AT MONTROSE Flight Memorial Drive & Rothrock Road, Copley 44322 (216) 363-6415 CITY VIEW CENTER I-480 & Transportation Blvd., Garfield Heights 44125 (216) 491-9094/www.thecoralcompany.com STOW COMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER Kent Road, Stow 44224 (216) 755-5500/www.ddr.com CROSSINGS AT GOLDEN LINK Aurora Road & State Route 8, Macedonia 44056 Total retail area (square feet) Total number of stores 1,675,000 168 Dillard's , Sears, JCPenney, Macy's, Kohl's 1,400,000 61 1,306,016 Owner Management company Phone number Mall manager 1996 Westfield Corp. Westfield Corp. N/A Michael McIntosh Macy's, Sears, Burlington Coat Factory, Magic Johnson Theatres 1976 Whichard Real Estate Whichard Real Estate (216) 663-1252 Andrea M. Ferraro 155 Dillard's (2), JCPenney, Macy's, Sears 1961 Simon Property Group Inc. N/A N/A Tony Pestyk 1,200,000 N/A Macy's, Sears, JCPenney Outlet 1975 Invest Commercial LLC Sacs Consulting (330) 753-5045 Andrea M. Ferraro 1,200,000 130 Macy's, Dillard's, JCPenney, Sears, Dick's Sporting Goods 1976 Westfield Corp. Westfield Corp. N/A Kurt Reddick 1,110,420 141 Best Buy, JCPenney, Macy's, Midway Cinema 8, Sears, Staples 1967 Centro Watt Centro Watt (617) 247-2200 Mark Bressler 1,000,000 13 Home Depot, Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy 2007 Interstate Steelyard Commons First Properties Ltd. LLC (216) 381-2900 992,000 103 Macy's, JCPenney, Wal-Mart, Dick's Sporting Goods 1960 RMS Investment Corp. RMS Management Corp. (440) 885-5506 Frank Lanterman 960,000 150 Dillard's, Saks Fifth Avenue, Nordstrom 1978 General Growth Properties General Growth Properties (312) 960-5000 Rob Clarke 865,000 102 JCPenney, Macy's, Sears 1966 CBL & Associates Management, Inc. CBL & Associates Management, Inc. (800) 333-7310 Glenn Miller 800,000 50 Dick's Sporting Goods, Barnes & Noble, H&M, Urban Outfitters, Arhaus 2004 Crocker Park LLC Stark Enterprises (216) 464-2860 Hank Rapport 767,251 82 Home Depot, Giant Eagle, Value City Furniture, Southgate Bowling Lanes 1955 SG USA Ltd. Southgate USA Management (216) 663-3850 Denise Armstrong 765,000 52 Giant Eagle, Burlington Coat Factory, Marc's, BJ's Wholesale Club 1950 Galileo Southland LLC Visconsi Cos. (216) 464-5550 Michael M. Fratus 764,000 120 Dillard's, Macy's 1965 Simon Property Group Inc. Simon Property Group Inc. John Vavrus N/A 680,000 N/A Sam's Club, Regal Cinema 20, Gander Mountain, Litehouse Pools 2001 Carnegie Management & Development Corp. N/A Joseph W. Khouri 650,000 N/A Wal-Mart Supercenter, Lowe's, Applebee's 2006 3D Cascades LLC 3D Real Estate Mgt. Co. (216) 641-1400 Norm Slemenda 650,000 15 Target, Macy's, Jo-Ann Superstore, Pier I, T. J. Maxx & More 2003 Inland US Management Inland US Management Brian Dorr (216) 297-9510 633,000 36 Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Dave's Markets, OfficeMax, Marshalls, Borders 1963 Pine Tree Commercial Realty LLC Pine Tree Commercial Realty LLC Peter N. Radanovich (847) 735-0600 631,277 40 Heinen's, Home Depot, Kohl's, Target, Costco 2000 Interstate First Interstate Avon First Properties Ltd. Ltd. (216) 381-2900 627,060 55 Home Depot, Marc's, Jo-Ann, Best Buy, Bed Bath & Beyond, Marshalls 1958 N/A Developers Diversified Cliff Dombrowski (216) 755-5500 587,404 55 Dick's Sporting Goods, Giant Eagle, Crate and Barrel, Joseph-Beth 2003 Legacy Village Investors LLC Bayer Properties LLC (216) 381-2900 Marcie B. Gilmore 562,101 45 Lowe's Home Improvement, Circuit City, Marc's, T.J. Maxx, AMC Theater 1987 Ridge Park Square LLC ZM Management (216) 464-5255 Shannon P. Blackwell 543,987 38 Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Kohl's, Cinemark Theater 1994 Developers Diversified Developers Diversified Jim Kotmel (216) 755-5500 536,730 N/A Target, Home Depot 2006 McGill Property Group Kest Property Management Group (216) 896-6430 Bennett Kest 535,922 33 Kohl's, Marshalls, Wal-Mart, Circuit City, Dick's Sporting Goods, PetSmart 2002 McGill Property Group Kest Property Management Group (216) 896-6430 Bennett Kest 529,531 15 JCPenney, Home Depot, Levin's, Dick's Sporting Goods, Staples 1988 PERA Montrose Inc. c/o LaSalle Investment Management Inc. CB Richard Ellis Inc. (216) 363-6415 Debra Lowe 507,000 28 Wal-Mart, Giant Eagle, Dick's, Jo-Ann, Circuit City, Bed Bath & Beyond 2006 Coral Asset City View Center LLC Management Co. (216) 932-8822 501,188 23 Kmart, Target, Giant Eagle, Kohl's, Bed Bath & Beyond, OfficeMax 1997 N/A Developers Diversified Jim Kotmel (216) 755-5500 500,000 10 Giant Eagle, Target, Lowe's 2004 RLP Partners Macedonia, LLC RLP Partners Macedonia, LLC N/A Anchor tenants Year opened Chris A. Goodrich Chris Goodrich Kristin Esser N/A ➤➤ CCLB 12-31-07 A 97 CCLB 12/12/2007 3:50 PM Page 1 DECEMBER 31, 2007-JANUARY 6, 2008 Rank 30 31 32 Shopping center Address Phone/Web site ROSEMONT COMMONS SHOPPING CENTER Route 18 & Cleveland-Massilon Road, Fairlawn 44333 (216) 464-2860/www.starkenterprises.com PLAZA AT CHAPEL HILL Howe Ave. & Main St., Cuyahoga Falls 44221 (216) 464-5550/www.visconsi.com WILLOUGHBY COMMONS SHOPPING CENTER 36363 Euclid Ave., Willoughby 44094 (216) 381-2900/www.first-interstate.com CRAIN’S CLEVELAND BUSINESS WWW.CRAINSCLEVELAND.COM Total retail area (square feet) Total number of stores 500,000 22 Wal-Mart, Sam's Club, Giant Eagle, Bed Bath & Beyond, Michaels, PetSmart 1996 Rosemont Commons Stark Enterprises Retail LP (216) 464-2860 Hank Rapport 494,000 47 Giant Eagle, T. J. Maxx, OfficeMax, Marc's, Burlington Coat Factory 1986 Cos. Plaza Chapel Hill Co. Visconsi (216) 464-5550 Michael M. Fratus 461,145 18 Target, Regal Cinema, OfficeMax, Giant Eagle, BJ's Wholesale Club 1998 First Interstate Willoughby Ltd. First Interstate Properties Ltd. (216) 381-2900 Chris A. Goodrich Anchor tenants Year opened Owner Management company Phone number Mall manager 33 LIGHTHOUSE VILLAGE 450,000 2 Kohl's, The Home Depot 2006 Lighthouse Village Partners LLC Liberty Development Co. N/A N/A 34 MEADOWLANDS TOWN CENTER 400,000 2 Wal-Mart, The Home Depot 2006 DeBartolo Development DeBartolo Development N/A N/A 370,017 100 Brooks Brothers, Tower City Cinemas, Ritz Carlton, Renaissance Hotel 1990 Forest City Enterprises Inc. Forest City Enterprises Inc. Lisa A. Kreiger (216) 621-6060 360,567 48 Chuck E Cheese, Golf Galaxy, Linens-N-Things, Marshalls, OfficeMax 1959 Golden Gate Shopping Center Ltd. RMS Investment Corp. Frank Lanterman (440) 885-1808 359,410 14 Sam's Club, Cinemark USA, A.J. Wright, OfficeMax 1985 N/A Developers Diversified Jim Kotmel (216) 755-5500 348,449 44 Target, Giant Eagle, Lucky Shoes, Marc's, Chuck E. Cheese, HomeGoods 1965 Edens & Avant Northeast LP Edens & Avant Investments LP (330) 836-9174 Elise H. Bennett 341,000 12 Target, Lowe's Home Improvement, Giant Eagle 2002 Galileo Streetsboro LLC Visconsi Cos. (216) 464-5550 Michael M. Fratus 330,000 34 Barnes & Noble, Trader Joe's, Anthropologie 2003 Chagrin Retail LLC Stark Enterprises (216) 464-2860 Hank Rapport 325,000 N/A Target, Heinen's, T. J. Maxx, Famous Footwear, Old Navy, Pier 1 1994 Wald & Fisher Inc. N/A N/A 325,000 29 Marc's, Super Kmart, Old Navy, Marshalls 1991 Surrey Property Zaremba Group LLC Management, LLC (212) 619-3700 317,380 8 Sam's Club, Levin Furniture, The Tile Shop 1996 First Interstate Hawthorne LP First Interstate Properties Ltd. (216) 381-2900 312,212 38 Giant Eagle, Marc's, Pat Catan's 1954 RMS Investment Corp. RMS Investment Corp. Frank Lanterman (440) 885-1808 311,543 18 Target, La-Z-Boy, Men's Wearhouse, David's Bridal 2006 Carnegie Management & Development Corp. N/A N/A 300,000 70 Ann Taylor, Calvin Klein, Coach, Gap Outlet, Liz Claiborne, Nike 1986 Chelsea Property Group Chelsea Property Group (973) 228-6111 Claude Hopkins 289,232 11 Super Kmart, Fashion Bug, Petsmart, Applebee's, Hometown Buffet 1994 First Interstate Mentor Commons Ltd. First Interstate Properties Ltd. (216) 381-2900 Chris Goodrich 279,401 8 FirstMerit, CitiFinancial, Wal-Mart (under construction) 1960 N/A Goudreau Management (216) 351-5233 Steve Avner 266,838 22 Wal-Mart, OfficeMax, BW3, PetSmart, Michael's 1995 Interstate First Interstate Elyria First Properties Ltd. LP (216) 381-2900 260,402 23 Target, Giant Eagle, Applebee's, IHOP, Parkview Federal, Woodcraft 1990 N/A 250,000 28 Borders, Bed Bath & Beyond, Giant Eagle, OfficeMax 1994 Westlake Center Stark Enterprises Associates Retail LP (216) 464-2860 Hank Rapport 250,000 28 Mustard Seed Market, T. J. Maxx, DSW, Old Navy 1986 West Market Plaza LP Stark Enterprises (216) 464-2860 Hank Rapport 244,560 17 Giant Eagle, Marshalls, Michael's, Stein Mart 1974 Pavilion Properties LLC Zehman Wolf Management LLC (216) 464-9900 Tom Sedlak 240,000 N/A Filene's Basement, Bed, Bath & Beyond, DSW, La-Z-Boy, Value City Furniture 2006 N/A The Krone Group (216) 464-5900 David Krone 239,575 10 Wal-Mart Super Center, Home Depot 2006 McGill Property Group Kest Property Management Group (216) 896-6430 Bennett Kest 238,000 26 Marc's, T.J. Maxx, Pet Supplies Plus, Hallmark 1961 Pleasant Valley Shopping Center Ltd. Visconsi Cos. (216) 464-5550 Michael M. Fratus 237,337 24 Kmart, Save-A-Lot, Big Lots, Dollar Tree 1959 N/A Levey & Co. (330) 253-6958 N/A 230,000 37 Heinen's Village Market, Solaire Hair Studio and Spa, Hudson Library 2004 Hudson Village Finance Co. Fairmount Properties (216) 514-8700 Regan J. Gettens 217,204 24 AMC Theater, Marc's, Home Depot 1987 Westwood Town Center LLC ZM Management (216) 464-5255 Shannon P. Blackwell 215,000 N/A Target, Panera Bread, Huntington Bank, Sally Beauty Supply 1964 Wald & Fisher Inc. N/A N/A 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Leavitt & Jaeger Roads, Lorain 44053 SR-44 & 7th Ave., Chardon 44024 TOWER CITY CENTER 230 W. Huron Road, Cleveland 44113 (216) 623-4750/www.towercitycenter.com GOLDEN GATE SHOPPING CENTER 6420 Mayfield Road, Mayfield Heights 44124 (440) 885-1808 SHOPPES AT WILLOUGHBY HILLS 27625 Chardon Road, Willoughby Hills 44092 (866) 481-4555/www.ddr.com FAIRLAWN TOWN CENTRE 2855 W. Market St., Fairlawn 44333 (330) 836-9174 STREETSBORO CROSSING State Routes 303, 43 & 14, Streetsboro 44241 (216) 464-5550/www.visconsi.com ETON CHAGRIN BOULEVARD Chagrin Boulevard at Brainard, Woodmere 44122 (216) 464-2860/www.etonchagrinblvd.com GREENS OF STRONGSVILLE 18200 Royalton Road, Strongsville 44136 (216) 464-2000 MEDWICK MARKETPLACE 1105 N. Court St., Medina 44256 (212) 619-3700 HAWTHORNE VALLEY SHOPPING CENTER 23000 Broadway Ave., Oakwood Village 44146 (216) 381-2900/www.first-interstate.com SHOREGATE TOWN CENTER E. 305th St. & Lake Shore Blvd., Willowick 44095 (440) 885-1808 NORTH OLMSTED TOWNE CENTRE Great Northern Blvd., North Olmsted 44070 (440) 892-6800 AURORA FARMS PREMIUM OUTLETS 549 S. Chillicothe Road, Aurora 44202 (330) 562-2000/www.premiumoutlets.com/aurora MENTOR COMMONS SHOPPING CENTER 9150 Mentor Ave., Mentor 44060 (216) 381-2900/www.first-interstate.com MEADOWBROOK MARKET SQUARE Northfield & Rockside Roads, Bedford 44146 (216) 741-7527/www.goudreau-management.com RIVER STREET SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER 208 Midway Blvd., Elyria 44035 (216) 381-2900/www.first-interstate.com MEADOWBROOK MARKET SQUARE II Rockside & Northfield Roads, Bedford 44146 (216) 351-5233/www.goudreau-management.com PROMENADE AT CROCKER PARK Crocker & Detroit Roads, Westlake 44145 (216) 464-2860 WEST MARKET PLAZA Route 18 & Cleve-Massillon Road, Fairlawn 44333 (216) 464-2860/www.starkenterprises.com PAVILION SHOPPING CENTER 24055 Chagrin Blvd., Beachwood 44122 (216) 292-7765 HARVARD PARK SHOPPING CENTER Chagrin Highlands, Warrensville Heights 44128 (216) 464-5900/www.thekronegroup.com HERITAGE COMMONS Hinkle Road, Wadsworth 44281 (561) 746-3305/www.mcgillpropertygroup.com PLEASANT VALLEY SHOPPING CENTER LTD. Pleasant Valley & Broadview Roads, Parma 44134 (216) 464-5550/www.visconsi.com MAGIC CITY PLAZA 241 Wooster Road North, Barberton 44203 FIRST & MAIN 43 Village Way, Hudson 44236 (330) 653-9530/www.firstandmainhudson.com WESTWOOD TOWN CENTER 21611 Center Ridge Road, Rocky River 44116 216-464-5255/www.zeislermorgan.com ROCKPORT SHOPPING CENTER 20001 Center Ridge Road, Rocky River 44116 216-464-2000 97 Chris Goodrich Chris Goodrich Goudreau Management (216) 351-5233 Source: Information is supplied by the companies unless footnoted. Business lists and The Book of Lists are available to purchase at www.crainscleveland.com. Originally published May 28, 2007. (1) Information is from www.simon.com Albert Silvera Steve Avner RESEARCHED BY Deborah W. Hillyer CCLB 12-31-07 A 98 CCLB 98 12/12/2007 3:48 PM Page 1 CRAIN’S CLEVELAND BUSINESS WWW.CRAINSCLEVELAND.COM DECEMBER 31, 2007-JANUARY 6, 2008 LARGEST OFFICE LEASES RANKED BY SQUARE FEET (1) Building Address City, Zip Square feet Tenant Tenant representative Landlord representative 1 PARK CENTER PLAZA II 6150 Oak Tree Blvd. Independence, 44131 59,028 St. Paul Travelers The Staubach Co. and Cresco Real Estate Duke Realty Corp. 2 FAIRLAWN OFFICE CONDOS, PHASE I 801 Kumho Drive Fairlawn, 44333 57,693 Veyance Technologies Inc. Colliers Ostendorf-Morris CB Richard Ellis 3 GALLERIA & TOWER AT ERIEVIEW 1301 E. Ninth St. Cleveland, 44114 53,000 Dollar Bank N/A Breen & Fox Inc. 4 NORTHRUP GRUMMAN BUILDING 2001 Aerospace Parkway Brook Park, 44142 50,276 National City Bank Nicklos & Co. Cresco Real Estate 5 3121 EUCLID AVE. Cleveland, 44145 50,186 Hope Academy High School, Cleveland Campus N/A Cresco Real Estate 6 3400 MUNSON ST. NW North Canton, 44718 50,000 Brown Mackie College Cresco Real Estate N/A 7 200 PUBLIC SQUARE Cleveland, 44114 47,569 Taft, Stettinius & Hollister LLP Studley N/A 8 FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN 1230 Park Ave Amherst, 44001 46,200 TeleTech Holdings Inc. N/A CB Richard Ellis 9 Euclid Ave. FORMER ROCKWELL AUTOMATION UNIVERSITY 24701 Euclid, 44117 42,400 University Hospitals N/A CB Richard Ellis Rank 10 GREAT NORTHERN CORPORATE CENTER II 24950 Country Club Blvd. North Olmsted, 44070 40,607 Advanstar Communications Duke Realty Cresco Real Estate 11 6111 OAK TREE BLVD. (2) Independence, 44131 36,091 West Group N/A Duke Realty Corp. 12 FREEDOM SQUARE II 6000 Freedom Square Drive Independence, 44131 35,591 Hylant Group CB Richard Ellis Duke Realty Corp. 13 OFFICE PLACE 24200 Chagrin Blvd. Beachwood, 44122 32,550 Connections: Health Wellness Advocacy Allegro Realty Advisors Ltd. Breen & Fox Inc. 14 THE TOWER AT ERIEVIEW 1301 E. Ninth St. Cleveland, 44114 32,500 Sutter, O'Connell, Mannion & Farchione N/A Breen & Fox Inc. 15 METROPOLITAN PLAZA 22901 Millcreek Blvd. Highland Hills, 44122 30,638 Litigation Management Inc. N/A Trammell Crow Co. 16 CENTRE PLACE B 19101 Villaview Road Cleveland, 44119 30,000 Lighthouse Academies Charter School Cresco Real Estate Cresco Real Estate 17 624 MARKET AVE. N Canton, 44702 28,124 Trillium Family Solutions N/A N/A 18 PARK CENTER PLAZA I (2) 6100 Oak Tree Blvd. Independence, 44131 26,690 HQ Global CB Richard Ellis Duke Realty Corp. 19 CHARTER ONE BANK BUILDING 2770 W. Market St. Fairlawn, 44333 22,998 Charter One Bank NA N/A N/A 20 TYLER INDUSTRIAL PARK, PHASE I 3615 Superior Ave. Cleveland, 44114 22,088 Digiknow Inc. Grubb & Ellis Graystone Properties 21 1585 FREDERICK BLVD. Akron, 44320 22,000 Brightside Academy N/A Levey & Co. 22 ONE CLEVELAND CENTER 1375 E. Ninth St. Cleveland, 44114 19,200 U.S. General Services Administration N/A Breen & Fox Inc. 23 LANDMARK OFFICE TOWERS 101 W. Prospect Ave. Cleveland, 44115 19,010 Sherwin-Williams Co. N/A Breen & Fox Inc. 24 AKRON CENTRE PLAZA 50 S. Main St. Akron, 44308 19,000 FirstEnergy Corp. N/A CB Richard Ellis 25 SOUTHPOINTE BUSINESS PARK 6802 W. Snowville Road Brecksville, 44141 19,000 Computer Systems Co. N/A CB Richard Ellis 26 401 TUSCARAWAS ST. W. Canton, 44702 18,300 CPS Statements N/A Tom Jackson Commercial Realty 27 CORPORATE PLACE 2580 Science Park Drive Beachwood, 44122 17,680 Sanders Morris Harris Colliers Ostendorf-Morris Duke Realty Corp. 28 CROWN CENTRE 1 5005 Rockside Road Independence, 44131 16,867 Hewitt Associates N/A Colliers Ostendorf-Morris 29 THE PARKVIEW BUILDING 6745 Engle Road Middleburg Heights, 44130 16,377 Zin Technologies UGl Equis CB Richard Ellis 30 CORPORATE PLAZA II 6480 Rockside Woods Blvd. Independence, 44131 16,375 Ross Brittain & Schonberg Cresco Real Estate Duke Realty Corp. 31 US BANK CENTRE 1350 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, 44145 16,048 GCA Services Group Colliers Ostendorf-Morris N/A 32 ONE CLEVELAND CENTER 1375 E. Ninth St. Cleveland, 44114 15,000 Towers Perrin Breen & Fox Inc. N/A 33 THE TOWER AT ERIEVIEW 1301 E. Ninth St. Cleveland, 44114 14,750 First Tennessee Securities N/A Breen & Fox Inc. 34 CORPORATE PLAZA II 6480 Rockside Woods Blvd. Independence, 44131 14,674 TTI Inc. N/A Duke Realty Corp. 35 SPRINGSIDE PLACE 320 Springside Drive Bath, 44333 14,000 Reliable First N/A CAM Inc. 36 SPRINGSIDE PLACE 350 Springside Drive Bath, 44333 14,000 Infocision Management Corp. N/A CAM Inc. 37 WESTGATE PLAZA 20325 Center Ridge Road Rocky River, 44116 13,980 SPS Inc. and Highland Mortgage Gefen Properties Gefen Properties ➤➤ CCLB 12-31-07 A 99 CCLB 12/13/2007 3:53 PM Page 1 DECEMBER 31, 2007-JANUARY 6, 2008 CRAIN’S CLEVELAND BUSINESS WWW.CRAINSCLEVELAND.COM Rank Building Address City, Zip Square feet Tenant Tenant representative Landlord representative 38 39 40 41 3421 RIDGEWOOD ROAD Fairlawn, 44333 13,974 Lincoln Financial N/A Mogen Real Estate LANDMARK OFFICE TOWERS 101 W. Prospect Ave. Cleveland, 44115 13,788 Sherwin-Williams Co. N/A Breen & Fox Inc. 650 MONDIAL PKWY. Streetsboro, 44241 12,530 Delphi Automotive System Cresco Real Estate Jones Lang LaSalle GREAT NORTHERN CORPORATE CENTER I 25000 Country Club Blvd. North Olmsted, 44070 12,470 GMAC Financial Services N/A Duke Realty Corp. 42 43 44 STONEGATE TECH CENTER II 4160 Highlander Pkwy. Richfield, 44286 12,000 SMC Pneumatics N/A CAM Inc. 2603 RIVERSIDE DRIVE Painesville, 44070 11,522 Luv Learn N Laughter N/A N/A PARK CENTER PLAZA I 6100 Oak Tree Blvd. Independence, 44131 11,335 Farmers Insurance N/A Duke Realty Corp. 45 46 47 SWEET VALLEY OFFICE CAMPUS 9525-9655 Sweet Valley Dr. Valley View, 44125 11,100 OSI Collection Services Inc. N/A Cresco Real Estate 7777 GRAND AVE. Cleveland, 44104 11,000 Vic Reed Corp. N/A Orlando Baking Co. CORPORATE PLAZA I 6450 Rockside Blvd. Independence, 44131 10,924 Ratliff & Raylor CB Richard Ellis Duke Realty Corp. 48 ERIEVIEW PLAZA 55 Erieview Plaza Cleveland, 44114 10,808 Intero Tech N/A Boxer Property Management Corp. 49 50 51 52 LIFE BUILDING 3740 Euclid Ave. Cleveland, 44115 10,410 Women on Wheels N/A Heben & Associates 1300 COOPER FOSTER PARK ROAD W Lorain, 44053 9,636 Camille Sfeir, D.D.S. N/A N/A 645 WOOSTER ST. Lodi, 44254 9,188 New Bridge N/A N/A FIRSTMERIT BUILDING 4481 Munson St. NW Canton, 44718 9,000 FirstMerit Bank N/A DeVille Developments 53 ONE CLEVELAND CENTER 1375 E. Ninth St. Cleveland, 44114 9,000 Metcalf & Eddy Inc. Cresco Real Estate Breen & Fox Inc. 54 FREEDOM SQUARE III 4511 Rockside Road Independence, 44131 8,668 Tek Systems N/A Duke Realty Corp. Crain's Cleveland Business does not independently verify the information and there is no guarantee these listings are complete or accurate. We welcome all responses to our lists and will include omitted information or clarifications in coming issues. Business lists and The Book of Lists are available to purchase at www.crainscleveland.com. (1) Source: CoStar Group Inc. www.costar.com. Information is for Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Mahoning, Medina, Portage, Stark and Summit counties for Oct. 1, 2006 through Sept. 30, 2007. (2) Information from Duke Realty Corp. RESEARCHED BY Deborah W. Hillyer Your business is changing. Why hasn’t your phone system? Growing a business isn’t just about selling products and services anymore. It’s about reducing your costs and helping your company be more productive. Utilizing the latest in Hosted VOIP offerings from PTS, your business can integrate on-site telephony, mobile, and email to communicate seamlessly with your customers. PTS is Cleveland’s expert in helping small-to-mid-size businesses adapt to changing telecommunication technologies. How can Hosted VOIP from PTS benefit your business? • Dramatically decrease telecom expenses. • Eliminate long distance charges. • Increase productivity by utilizing unified messaging. • Eliminate costly moves, adds, and changes. • No limit on number of handsets. • Cisco Powered Network. • Free system upgrades. • 24/7 Technical and Customer Support. For a no-cost analysis for your business call Pete Paras or Sean Arbeznik at Professional Telecom Solutions, or visit us at www.ptsnational.com. With more than 30 years of telecommunications experience, PTS and Ring 9 offer the reliability and proven results of a national industry leader. 440-540-4700 99 master agent CCLB 12-31-07 A 100 CCLB 100 12/13/2007 3:54 PM Page 1 CRAIN’S CLEVELAND BUSINESS WWW.CRAINSCLEVELAND.COM DECEMBER 31, 2007-JANUARY 6, 2008 LARGEST SUBURBAN OFFICE PROPERTIES RANKED BY NET RENTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Name Address Phone SUMMIT OFFICE PARK Summit Park Drive,Independence 44131 (216) 642-1105 EMBASSY CORPORATE PARK 4000 Embassy Pkwy., Suite 400,Akron 44333 (330) 668-4000 PARK CENTER PLAZA I, II & III 6100-6150-6050 Oak Tree Blvd.,Independence 44131 (216) 643-6000 LANDERBROOK CORPORATE CENTER I, II, III 5900-5910-5920 Landerbrook Drive,Mayfield Hts. 44124 (216) 831-9330 CROWN CENTRE I 5005 Rockside Road,Independence 44131 (216) 447-9200 GREAT NORTHERN CORPORATE CENTER I & II & III 24950-25000-25050 Country Club Blvd.,North Olmsted 44070 (216) 643-6000 LAKEWOOD CENTER NORTH 14600 Detroit Road,Lakewood 44107 (216) 221-6925 VANTAGE POINTE CORPORATE CENTER 31011-32199 Viking Parkway,Westlake 44145 (216) 595-1800 COMMERCE PARK IV & V 23240-23250 Chagrin Blvd.,Beachwood 44122 (216) 504-4820 6200 OAKTREE BLVD. 6200 Oaktree Blvd.,Independence 44131 (216) 520-0632 Square Net rentable feet square feet available ONE AND TWO CHAGRIN HIGHLANDS 2000-3000 Auburn Drive,Beachwood 44122 (440) 871-4800 CORPORATE PLAZA I & II 6450-6480 Rockside Woods Blvd. South,Independence 44131 (216) 643-6000 SOUTH HILLS OFFICE PARK-BLDGS I, II, III South Hills Blvd.,Broadview Heights 44147 (216) 861-3040 COMMERCE PARK SQUARE ONE-TWO-THREE 23210, 23220, 23230 Chagrin Blvd.,Beachwood 44122 (216) 595-1800 POINT 5 & 6 24650 Center Ridge Road,Westlake 44145 (216) 642-1105 CROCKER PARK Crocker & Detroit Roads,Westlake 44145 (216) 464-2860 TOWER EAST 20600 Chagrin Blvd.,Shaker Heights 44122 (216) 861-3040 EASTPOINT I & II 6085 & 6095 Parkland Blvd.,Mayfield Heights 44124 (216) 687-1800 EUCLID OFFICE & MEDICAL PLAZA 26250-26300 Euclid Ave.,Euclid 44132 (216) 289-8500 SIGNATURE SQUARE I & II 25101 and 25201 Chagrin Blvd.,Beachwood 44122 (216) 831-6100 ROCKSIDE SQUARE OFFICE PARK 6133-6155 Rockside Road,Independence 44131 (216) 831-9330 PLAZA SOUTH OFFICE PARK 7251-7261-7271 Engle Road,Middleburg Heights 44130 (440) 234-7000 SPRINGSIDE DRIVE CAMPUS 320 & 350 Springside Drive,Bath 44333 (330) 896-3253 INA BUILDING 14701 Detroit Ave.,Lakewood 44107 Major tenants Owner Management company Leasing agent Leasing company Phone GE Capital Hines CB Richard Ellis Inc. (216) 687-1800 525,000 212,000 XO Communications, 16.95-19.95 Verizon, Oracle Corp., MCI 467,363 72,654 Republic Technologies, Hanna Realty 17.50-22.25 Campbell & Powell, Oak Assoc., Munsell Advisors Inc. FedEx, Degussa John Dellagnese & Tom Karcher Associates Inc. (330) 668-4000 417,071 18,631 Paul Travelers, IBM, Duke Realty 23.50-25.00 St. Computer Associates, CBiz Inc. Ohio M. Owendoff Duke Realty Corp. Brian (216) 643-6000 333,157 12,370 Progressive Casualty Insurance, 21.50-23.50 Ameriprise Financial Services Gotham King Inc. The King Group Kevin M. Piunno (216) 245-0686 273,511 42,849 University of Phoenix, The Fedeli Rockside 77 22.00-24.00 Group, Cigna, EMS, Hewitt & Properties LP Associates Prestige Management Dan Lariccia and Bob Nosal (216) 861-3040 269,686 19,193 21.50 General Motors Acceptance Corp., Cingular Wireless, Factory Mutual, Advanstar Duke Realty Ohio M. Owendoff Duke Realty Corp. Brian (216) 643-6000 258,470 30,847 13.00 United Transportation Union, Kaiser Permanente, New York Life Insurance BGK Grubb & Ellis Marc Braun (216) 453-3014 240,000 18,000 12.00 EDS Information Systems Vantage Pointe-Westlake LLC Renaissance Management Inc. Renaissance Management Inc. (216) 595-1800 230,000 20,700 20.00 A.G. Edwards & Sons, Howard, Wershbale & Co., Acendex, Fidelity Networks Chagrin-Green LLC Munsell Realty Advisors Inc. Mark R. Munsell (216) 504-4820 228,837 79,011 Channel Communications, JDI Realty LLC 18.50-19.50 Clear T Mobile, TransUnion Grubb & Ellis Terry Coyne and Bob Nosal (216) 453-3001 227,897 45,657 Hylant Group, Ross Brittain & 18.95-21.95 Schonberg, Xerox Corp., Ohio Farmers Insurance Duke Realty Ohio M. Owendoff Duke Realty Corp. Brian (216) 643-6000 227,335 6,916 25.00 Penske Logistics, HQ Global, UBS, Intellicorp, Key Bank, Ancora Advisors Chagrin Headquarters Venture The Richard E. Jacobs Group 216,741 31,504 21.50 Alcoa, Fleet Response, Benefits Duke Realty Resource Group, Ratliff & Taylor Corp. 207,000 35,052 Ceridian Corp., Millisor & Nobil, 21.00-23.00 Janik & Dorman LLP, Fox Sports, MetLife, ComDoc Joseph Skilken & Co. Grubb & Ellis Jeffrey D. Cristal and Scott Pollock (216) 453-3050 194,475 50,000 Texcel Inc., Maxim Healthcare 16.00-16.50 Services, Beachwood Business Development Center Renaissance on Chagrin LLC Renaissance Management Inc. Renaissance Management Inc. (216) 595-1800 193,500 60,000 Travel Centers of America, A.G. 14.50-17.50 Edwards & Sons, Liberty Mutual GE Capital Insurance Co., DAL Group Hines CB Richard Ellis Inc. (216) 687-1800 186,000 110,000 Wachovia, Morgan Stanley, H & Crocker Park 22.00-26.00 R Block, Amica Mutual LLC Insurance Co. Stark Enterprises Cyndie O'Bryon (216) 292-0268 171,000 38,000 16.50 N/A BGK Grubb & Ellis Marc Braun (216) 453-3014 170,516 12,238 23.50 Progressive Corp., Austin Building & Design Inc., NCA Financial, Danaher, KeyBank Piedmont Office CB Richard Ellis Realty Trust Inc. Mary Izant (216) 687-1800 167,431 60,000 EOM Properties Co. Ltd. Circle Management Co. Circle Management Co. (440) 461-6000 160,333 924 22.50 Pro Ed Communications, Ciuni & Panichi Inc., Cleveland Clinic, Goldberg Cos. PCC Airfoils, Liberty Bank Goldberg Cos. Dennis Bush (216) 831-6100 160,000 35,312 18.50 Wells Fargo Bank, Wilmington Finance Inc., Qwest, Berlitz International, Pinkerton Ins. The King Group Kevin M. Piunno (216) 831-9330 150,000 35,000 16.50 Grange Insurance, Associated South Software Consultants, Crawford Plaza Flair Management & Co., United Mortgage Group Consolidated LP 145,000 54,000 140,886 32,000 FREEDOM SQUARE I, II & III 4401 & 4511 Rockside; 6000 Freedom Square,Independence 44131 (216) 643-6000 Rent per square foot (in dollars) 15.00-22.00 N/A 17.00-19.00 Old Republic Title 9.00 Fidelity Information Services, Webtrack Direct Rockside Square I, Rockside Square II John L. Klayman and Cindy Greiner (440) 871-4800 M. Owendoff Duke Realty Corp. Brian (216) 643-6000 Marc Braun (216) 453-3014 Bath Springside LLC CAM Inc. Traci Mockbee (330) 896-3253 Lakewood Equities LLC Cresco Real Estate Leah Kukulka (216) 525-1484 ➤➤ CCLB 12-31-07 A 101 CCLB 12/13/2007 3:54 PM Page 1 DECEMBER 31, 2007-JANUARY 6, 2008 Rank 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Name Address Phone Square Net rentable feet square feet available GREAT NORTHERN TECHNOLOGY PARK 25111 & 25249 Country Club Blvd.,North Olmsted 44070 (216) 533-1415 GENESIS BUILDING 6000 Lombardo Center Drive,Seven Hills 44131 (216) 447-0070 VICTORIA PLACE One Victoria Square,Painesville 44073 (440) 639-9400 BEACON PLACE 6055 Rockside Woods Blvd.,Independence 44131 (216) 447-0070 PARKWAY BUSINESS PLAZA 4350-4400 Renaissance Pkwy.,Cleveland 44128 (216) 453-3061 HIGHLANDS BUSINESS PARK 24865 Emery Rd. & 4480-4540 Richmond Rd.,Warrensville Heights 44128 ROCKSIDE CENTER III 5990 West Creek Road,Independence 44131 (216) 447-0070 RICHFIELD CORPORATE EXCHANGE 4150 Kinross Lakes Parkway,Richfield 44286 (330) 896-3253 STONEGATE CORPORATE CENTER I 4125 Highlander Pkwy.,Richfield 44286 (330) 896-3253 ORANGEWOOD PLACE 3690 Orange Place Drive,Beachwood 44122 (216) 453-3014 ENTERPRISE PLACE 3401 Enterprise Place,Beachwood 44122 (216) 831-6100 ROCK RUN CENTER & NORTH 5700 Lombardo Center,Seven Hills 44131 (216) 643-6000 SPECTRUM BUILDING 6060 Rockside Woods Blvd.,Independence 44131 (216) 447-0070 PIONEER BUILDING 4800 E. 131 St.,Garfield Heights 44105 (216) 447-0070 CORPORATE CIRCLE SOUTH AND WEST 30050-30100 Chagrin Blvd.,Pepper Pike 44122 (216) 831-9330 WESTPOINT CORPORATE CENTER Westpoint Parkway,Westlake 44145 (440) 348-1840 3800 EMBASSY PARKWAY 4000 Embassy Pkwy., Suite 400,Akron 44333 (330) 668-4000 LAKEPOINT OFFICE PARK 3201 Enterprise Pkwy.,Beachwood 44122 (216) 687-1800 CHAGRIN PLAZA EAST & WEST 23611 and 23811 Chagrin Blvd.,Beachwood 44122 (216) 831-6100 ONE HARVARD CROSSING 20800 Harvard Road,Highland Hills 44122 (216) 831-9330 FAIRVIEW CORPORATE CENTER 22710-22745 Fairview Center Drive,Fairview Park 44126 (440) 348-1840 METROPOLITAN PLAZA 22901 Millcreek Blvd.,Highland Hills 44122 (216) 831-9330 HORIZON BUILDING 26301-26351 Curtiss Wright Pkwy.,Richmond Heights 44143 (440) 461-6000 BRAINARD MEDICAL CAMPUS 29001 Cedar Road,Lyndhurst 44124 (440) 461-3512 HUDSON CORPORATE CENTER I & II 280 & 300 Executive Parkway West,Hudson 44237 (330) 896-3253 INDEPENDENCE TOWER 5755 Granger Road,Independence 44131 (216) 514-1950 ISLANDER OFFICE PARK CRAIN’S CLEVELAND BUSINESS WWW.CRAINSCLEVELAND.COM 7530 & 7550 Lucerne Ave.,Middleburg Heights 44130 (440) 234-7000 Rent per square foot (in dollars) 18.75 Major tenants Owner Fortune Brands/Moen, Park Heartland Payroll Services, Star Tech Processing First Data Telecheck Associates Ltd. Management company Leasing agent Leasing company Phone Kennedy Wilson of Mike Sekerak Ohio (216) 533-1415 138,241 16,415 138,000 30,657 22.50-23.50 New York Life 135,905 60,000 8.00-12.00 Lake Hospital, Lakeland Community College, Congressman Steven LaTourette N/A 134,000 6,263 24.00 AGA Gas Inc., Wegman, Hessler, Vanderburg 6055 Properties Dalad Realty Ltd. Lloyd Mazur (216) 447-0070 133,000 65,000 10.50 Doosan Infracore America Corp., Stephen Gould Corp., DirectBuy Parkway Business Plaza LP Grubb & Ellis Terry Coyne (216) 453-3001 130,000 0 CB Richard Ellis Inc. Mary Izant and Doug Leary (216) 687-1800 130,000 0 17.50 125,000 0 N/A 125,000 8,000 124,961 7,000 16.50 124,550 5,100 124,501 62,101 122,000 19,842 121,500 6,270 120,475 5,743 120,000 Genesis Building Dalad Realty Ltd. Automation, Marcus ORG Real 12.00-15.00 Rockwell Thomas, Heinen's headquarters Property Painesville Commercial Properties Inc. Jason Laver (216) 447-0070 L.R. Daus (216) 833-3310 Internal Revenue Service Rockside Center Dalad Realty Ltd. Lloyd Mazur (216) 447-0070 Charles Schwab & Co. Camcairn I LLC CAM Inc. Traci Mockbee (330) 896-3253 CAM Inc. CAM Inc. Traci Mockbee (330) 896-3253 N/A BGK Grubb & Ellis Marc Braun (216) 453-3014 22.50 University of Phoenix, PS Executive Centers Inc., Sonkin & Koberna, Advance Goldberg Cos. Goldberg Cos. Dennis Bush (216) 831-6100 16.95 Ohio KePro, Ford Motor Credit, Aerotek Duke Realty Ohio M. Owendoff Duke Realty Corp. Brian (216) 643-6000 Hub Valley Realty and Rockside Investors Dalad Realty Lloyd Mazur (216) 447-0070 Pioneer Building Dalad Realty Ltd. Jason Laver (216) 447-0070 Huntington Bank, UBS 19.00-20.00 Investments, Wachovia Securities, Visconsi Cos. Gotham King The King Group Kevin M. Piunno (216) 245-0686 8,600 Alta Partners, Cohen & Co., 17.50-20.50 Cleveland Clinic, Acxiom Corp., Quadax Inc. Westlake Office Associates Ltd. Zaremba Management Co. Don Lydon (440) 348-1840 116,553 34,423 Doolittle & 22.00-24.00 Buckingham, Burroughs John Dellagnese John Dellagnese & Tom Karcher & Associates Associates Inc. (330) 668-4000 Inc. 111,500 3,200 17.00 Alliance Capital, Advest Inc., Charles Schwab & Co., Kirtland Capital ORG Real Property CB Richard Ellis Inc. Doug Leary (216) 687-1800 106,685 15,000 16.50 H & R Block, Ronald Kluchin Architects, Benihana, NineSigma Goldberg Cos. Goldberg Cos. Dennis Bush (216) 831-6100 106,584 1,284 Victoria Financial, THI 20.00-21.50 Intuit, Holdings Gotham King The King Group Kevin M. Piunno (216) 245-0686 106,000 53,000 Strang Klubnik & Assoc., Fairview Office 19.50-21.50 Publishers Services of Tampa Bay Inc., Zaremba Management Associates Zaremba Management Co. Don Lydon (440) 348-1840 105,823 8,033 Litigation Management, Pfizer 23.00-25.00 Inc., Sedlak Management Consultants, First Franklin Gotham King The King Group Kevin M. Piunno (216) 245-0686 102,645 50,000 North Point Leasing Corp. Circle Management Co. Gregory Elliott (440) 461-6000 100,308 22,120 offices, National City 32.00-35.00 Medical Bank, Tommy's Studio for Hair N/A Brainard Management Reza Mamourieh (440) 461-3512 100,000 46,000 16.00-19.00 Allstate Insurance Bath Technology CAM Inc. Associates 100,000 20,000 15.25 Metro Traffic, Haley and Aldrich, Independence North Coast Services, Libman Tower Ltd. Kadavy and Co. 100,000 14,000 16.50 Corvel Corp., Royal Manor Management, CBLH Design, Phillips & Mille, Brown and Caldwell Systems, NeTeam Inc., 18.50-21.00 Cisco Logos Communications 18.50-20.50 ICG Telecom 14.00 15.00 Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation State of Ohio, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. Omni Cos. The Islander Co. Flair Management Source: Information is supplied by the companies unless footnoted. Crain's Cleveland Business does not independently verify the information and there is no guarantee these listings are complete or accurate. We welcome all responses to our lists and will include omitted information or clarifications in coming issues. Business lists and The Book of Lists are available to purchase at www.crainscleveland.com. Originally published Nov. 5, 2007. Mike Mockbee (330) 893-3253 Tom Finley (330) 590-8037 Marc Braun (216) 453-3014 RESEARCHED BY Deborah W. Hillyer Saint Martin de Porres High School Corporate Work Study Program partnerships are still available for the 2007-2008 school year. Become a partner today! For more information, contact Thomas Bennett, Executive Vice President, at 216-881-1689 ext. 311 [email protected] www.saintmartincleveland.org 101 CCLB 12-31-07 A 102 CCLB 102 12/17/2007 1:58 PM Page 1 CRAIN’S CLEVELAND BUSINESS Don Schwaller - Classified Manager Phone: (216) 771-5172 Fax: (216) 694-4264 E-mail: [email protected] WWW.CRAINSCLEVELAND.COM DECEMBER 31, 2007-JANUARY 6, 2008 REAL ESTATE Copy Deadline: Wednesdays @ 2:00 p.m. All Ads Pre-Paid: Check or Credit Card INDUSTRIAL SPACE CRESCO real estate 216.520.1200 • www.crescorealestate.com Professional services offered by CRESCO include: real estate would like to take CRESCO this opportunity to thank all of our clients and friends for a wonderful 2007 and look forward to the upcoming year. Please contact us for all your commercial/industrial real estate needs. • • • • • • • • • • sale and leasing of commercial/industrial property tenant/buyer/landlord/seller representation land assemblage location and incentive analysis development property valuation consulting services/strategic advisory property management research/surveys build-to-suits COMMERCIAL SPACE I-90/Turnpike/SR 57 64,000 SF / Elyria Ideal for call center, back office, health & fitness, museum, etc. Colliers Ostendorf-Morris 200+ parking now, up to 1,100 possible. Fabulous frontage and elevated exposure from I-90, 64,000 cars/day. Keeping your commercial real estate needs at the top of our list. CALL (440) 324-3550 Avon Rt. 611 & Rt. 2 REAL ESTATE SERVICES 12,000 SF Industrial Dock, 480 Power, Sprinkler Clean, Concrete Parking Masonry & 20' Clear 1700SF Nice Office Lease NNN Loading Dock Services 440-934-0013 800-34-DOCKS / 440-729-0380 Service, Maintenance and Sales of Dock Levelers, Bumpers, Seals, Truck Restraints and Metal Stairs. Free Inspections and Estimates. OFFICE/WAREHOUSE SPACE ALPHA PARK Highland Heights www.alphapark.com NEO PARK Garfield Heights www.neopark.com Office-Warehouse Units For Lease • 1,500-53,000 SF • Loading doors • Immediately adjacent to I-271and I-480 Kenny Coven 216.363.6436 Licensed Real Estate Broker TO FILL YOUR SPACE, LIST YOUR INDUSTRIAL, COMMERCIAL, RETAIL, OFFICE OR WAREHOUSE SPACE HERE. Contact Don Schwaller at (216) 771-5172 OFFICE SPACE Because smart & experienced beats smart every timesm COLLIERS OSTENDORF-MORRIS 216.861.7200 www.colliersom.com DON’T FORGET: Crain’s Cleveland Business on-line @ CrainsCleveland.com Global commercial real estate expertise REAL ESTATE. SIMPLIFIED. WITH YOU IN MIND. www.chartwellgroup.com For all the latest business news...online Hudson/Fairlawn, Ohio HQ Concept-Professionally Furnished Office Suites One/Two person suites, Secretarial/ Receptionist Service (Optional). Cleveland/ Akron Markets. 330 342 1006 Local Owners, Local Knowledge, Global Reach E-MAIL US YOUR [email protected] CCLB 12-31-07 A 103 CCLB 12/18/2007 8:52 AM Page 1 DECEMBER 31, 2007-JANUARY 6, 2008 CRAIN’S CLEVELAND BUSINESS WWW.CRAINSCLEVELAND.COM 103 CLASSIFIED BUSINESS SERVICES COMMERCIAL SIDING AND MAINTENANCE CO • Metal Building Restoration & Refacing • Serving Cleveland for over 45 years • Metal Siding, Roofing, Insulated Metal Panel • Sales and Installation 1-800-321-3576 WWW.COMMERCIALSIDING.COM SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT FOUNDERS LEVEL SUITE FOR LAKE ERIE MONSTERS/CAVS AVAILABLE. CHEAP! CALL 216-469-9242 FOR DETAILS OFFICE FURNITURE updates, sign up @ Huge selection of pre-owned and New Office Furniture at Low Prices. Immediate Delivery. CrainsCleveland.com/Daily 216-431-2700 For daily on-line Thank You to all our Classified Advertisers HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM www.theofw.com Mon. – Fri. 8-5 • Sat. 9-1 4100 Payne Ave.• Cleveland REAL ESTATE Put some “punch” in your classified ad... Use color and get your ad noticed! Crain’s Executive Recruiter LUXURY PROPERTIES INDEPENDENCE Brand New Subdivision – Ten Exclusive Lots. Surrounded by Cuyahoga Valley National Park. 440-234-9822 www.TwinCreeksIndependence.com Builder Inquiries Welcome. Real Estate Agents Invited & Protected. Crain’s Cleveland Business can now SHOW your available property on-line. Crain’s Cleveland Business’ has updated our on-line classified section to now include logos, photos and hot-links. SALES EXECUTIVE Fast-growing international company seeks 4 top-performing Account Executives to sell in a fast-paced environment. Candidates must have at least 5 years of outstanding sales performance experience. Documentation proving candidate was in the top 5-10% of their company’s sales force is required. Must be an aggressive and polished deal maker, and have a bachelor’s degree. We are looking for the “best of the best.” Excellent earnings, benefits and potential for growth. Some travel required. First year potential of $120K; second year potential of $250K. Qualified candidates are invited to e mail their cover letter and resume to: [email protected] (The title Sales Executive MUST be in the subject line) Catholic High School seeks experienced fundraiser/development professional. Please send resume to [email protected]. To place your Executive Recruiter ad Call Don Schwaller at 216-771-5172 Crain’s Cleveland Business On-line Executive Recruiter gives more! We have recently updated our on-line classified section to now include logos and hot-links for e-mail and websites. Call Don Schwaller at (216) 771-5172 for more info. A Better Way to Recruit. A Better Way to Promote Your Business. Crain’s Cleveland Business EXECUTIVE RECRUITER Crain’s Cleveland Business BUSINESS SERVICES To Post Your Open Positions Call 216.771.5172 Call Don Schwaller at 216.771.5172 WANTED: Your subscription to Crain’s Cleveland Business To sign up call toll-free at 1-888-909-9111 or on-line @ CrainsCleveland.com Click on “Subscribe Now.” CCLB 12-31-07 A 104 CCLB 104 12/17/2007 2:55 PM Page 1 CRAIN’S CLEVELAND BUSINESS WWW.CRAINSCLEVELAND.COM DECEMBER 31, 2007-JANUARY 6, 2008 LARGEST DIVISIONS OF NON-LOCAL COMPANIES RANKED BY NUMBER OF LOCAL EMPLOYEES Name Local address Rank Phone/Web site 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 GIANT EAGLE INC. 5300 Richmond Road, Bedford Heights 44146 (216) 292-7000/www.gianteagle.com FORD MOTOR CO. (1) 17601 Brookpark Road, Brook Park 44142 (800) 392-3673/www.ford.com UPS 4300 E. 68th St., Cleveland 44105 (216) 641-3027/www.ups.com STERLING JEWELERS INC. 375 Ghent Road, Akron 44333 (330) 668-5000/www.sterlingjewelers.com CONTINENTAL AIRLINES 5300 Riverside Drive, Cleveland 44135 (216) 501-5170/www.continental.com ROCKWELL AUTOMATION 1 Allen-Bradley Drive, Mayfield Heights 44124 (440) 646-5000/www.rockwellautomation.com GENERAL MOTORS CORP. 5400 Chevrolet Blvd., Parma 44130 (216) 265-5000/www.gm.com KAISER PERMANENTE OF OHIO 1001 Lakeside Ave., Suite 1200, Cleveland 44114 (216) 621-5600/www.kaiserpermanente.org CHRYSLER LLC (2) 2000 E. Aurora Road, Twinsburg 44087 (330) 425-1777/www.chryslerllc.com ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO. 75 Executive Parkway, Hudson 44237 (330) 656-6000/www.allstate.com AVERY DENNISON 8080 Norton Parkway, Mentor 44060 (440) 534-6000/www.averydennison.com NESTLE USA 30003 Bainbridge Road, Solon 44139 (440) 349-5757/www.nestleusa.com THE BABCOCK & WILCOX POWER GENERATION GROUP 20 S. Van Buren Ave., Barberton 44203 (330) 753-4511/www.babcock.com GE CONSUMER & INDUSTRIAL (LIGHTING UNIT) 1975 Noble Road, East Cleveland 44112 (216) 266-2222/www.geconsumerandindustrial.com THE SCOTT FETZER CO. 28800 Clemens Road, Westlake 44145 (440) 892-3000/www.berkshirehathaway.com JPMORGAN CHASE & CO. 1300 E. Ninth St., Cleveland 44114 (877) 226-5663/www.chase.com ALCOA 1600 Harvard Ave., Cleveland 44105 (216) 641-3600/www.alcoa.com PHILIPS MEDICAL SYSTEMS 595 Miner Road, Highland Heights 44143 (440) 483-3000/www.medical.philips.com/us HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK 917 Euclid Ave., Cleveland 44115 (216) 515-6532/www.huntington.com DOMINION EAST OHIO 1201 E. 55th St., Cleveland 44103 (800) 362-7557/www.dom.com S.A. COMUNALE CO. 2900 Newpark Drive, Barberton 44203 (330) 706-3040/www.sacomunale.com ROADWAY EXPRESS 1077 Gorge Blvd., Akron 44310 (330) 384-9000/www.roadway.com PPG INDUSTRIES INC. 3800 W. 143rd St., Cleveland 44111 (216) 671-0050/www.ppg.com HENKEL CORP. 32150 Just Imagine Drive, Avon 44011 (440) 937-7000/www.stickwithhenkel.us RIDGE TOOL CO. 400 Clark St., Elyria 44035 (440) 323-5581/www.ridgid.com MOEN INC. 25300 Al Moen Drive, North Olmsted 44070 (440) 962-2000/www.moen.com AIRCRAFT BRAKING SYSTEMS CORP. 1204 Massillon Road, Akron 44306 (330) 796-4400/www.aircraftbraking.com GOODRICH LANDING GEAR 8000 Marble Ave., Cleveland 44105 (216) 341-1700/www.goodrich.com Parent company HQ location Number of FTE employees 6/30/2007 6/30/2006 FTEs Local worldwide facilities Type of business Top local executive Giant Eagle Inc. Pittsburgh 7,400 6,050 36,000 60 Grocery store chain Ford Motor Co. Dearborn, Mich. 5,220 6,832 260,000 6 Manufacturer of passenger cars, vans, engines, transmissions, NA castings, forgings, metal stampings United Parcel Service Inc. Atlanta 2,348 NA 370,000 7 Parcel delivery Frank W. Whalley vice president, North Ohio District Signet Group PLC London 2,244 2,069 16,836 36 Retail jewelry Mark Light president, CEO Continental Airlines Inc. Houston 2,161 2,076 43,000 2 Airline Robbie Anderson senior director, Cleveland Rockwell Automation Milwaukee 1,982 1,978 19,000 4 Global provider of industrial Steven A. Eisenbrown automation control and information senior vice president solutions architecture and software business General Motors Corp. Detroit 1,910 2,549 NA 2 Automotive manufacturing Bruce Pierson plant manager Kaiser Permanente Oakland, Calif. 1,860 1,819 165,693 11 Integrated health care delivery system Patricia D. Kennedy-Scott regional president, Kaiser Foundation Cerberus Capital Management LP New York 1,800 1,865 360,385 1 Metal stamping and minor assembly Michael L. Orlovski plant manager Allstate Insurance Co. Northbrook, Ill. 1,623 1,539 39,000 2 Insurance Laura S. Bartlett Avery Dennison Pasadena, Calif. 1,603 1,614 30,000 18 Manufacturer of pressure sensitive paper, film and foil, graphic materials and specialty tapes Christian A. Simcic, group vp, Roll material Worldwide; Sandra Beach Lin, group vp, Specialty Materials Worldwide Nestle S.A. Vevey, Switzerland 1,557 1,498 265,000 1 Manufacturer of Stouffer's, Lean Cuisine, Buitoni, Nestle baking products Angelo Iantosca president, CEO Nestle Prepared Foods Co. McDermott Intl. Inc. Houston 1,500 1,500 10,398 3 Design, engineer, manufacture and Brandon Bethards service steam generation and president, Fossil Power Group pollution control systems General Electric Fairfield, Conn. 1,453 1,500 60,000 7 Global manufacturer and marketer of lighting products Michael B. Petras Jr. vp, electrical distribution and lighting sales Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Omaha, Neb. 1,415 1,465 4,389 11 Diversified manufacturer Kenneth J. Semelsberger president, CEO JPMorgan Chase & Co. New York City 1,300 1,700 174,000 79 Financial services James M. Malz president, Northeast Ohio market Alcoa Inc. Pittsburgh 1,200 1,380 129,000 3 Aluminum forgings for aerospace, automotive and commercial transportation markets William F. Christopher exec. vp, Alcoa; group pres. Alcoa Engineered Products & Solutions Royal Philips Electronics Amsterdam, Netherlands 1,200 NA 105,300 1 Manufacturer of medical diagnostic James Fulton equipment sr. vice president, general manager Huntington Bancshares Inc. Columbus 981 645 9,000 58 Financial services Jerry Kelsheimer president, Northern Ohio region Dominion Resources Inc. Richmond, Va. 945 990 17,000 6 Natural gas distribution David Searles vice president, gas operations Emcor Group Inc. Norwalk, Conn. 925 800 27,000 NA Mechanical and electrical construction, energy infrastructure and facilities services Stephen Comunale president YRC Worldwide Overland Park, Kansas 889 NA 66,000 NA Trucking services Terrence Gilbert president, CEO PPG Industries Inc. Pittsburgh 885 925 NA 2 Automotive coatings Larry Corrigan plant manager The Henkel Group Henkel Corp.; Dusseldorf, Germany 721 669 52,000 2 Caulks, sealants, tapes, glues, household and office products John Kahl CEO Emerson Electric Co. St. Louis 709 625 128,000 1 Manufacturer of pipeworking tools Frederick D. Pond president Fortune Brands Inc. Lincolnshire, Ill. 695 710 33,000 1 Manufacturer of kitchen and bath faucets, sinks and bathroom accessories Richard E. Posey president, CEO K & F Industries Inc. New York 689 664 760 1 Manufacturer of aircraft wheels, brakes and brake control systems R.W. Johnson sr. vp, finance and administration Goodrich Corp. Charlotte 685 728 23,000 3 Aerospace technology systems Mike Brand president Source: Information is supplied by the companies unless footnoted. Crain's Cleveland Business does not independently verify the information and there is no guarantee these listings are complete or accurate. We welcome all responses to our lists and will include omitted information or clarifications in coming issues. Originally published Aug. 13, 2007. (1) Information is from www.ford.com. (2) Information is from the Largest Summit County Employers list, April 9, 2007; worldwide employee number from www.daimlerchrysler.com. Anthony C. Rego vice chairman RESEARCHED BY Deborah W. Hillyer CCLB 12-31-07 A 105 CCLB 12/12/2007 3:59 PM Page 1 DECEMBER 31, 2007-JANUARY 6, 2008 CRAIN’S CLEVELAND BUSINESS WWW.CRAINSCLEVELAND.COM 105 LARGEST INDUSTRIAL PARKS RANKED BY TOTAL ACRES Rank 1 2 3 4 Industrial Park Address Web site Total acres Number of acres occupied Number of businesses in park Businesses located in park STRONGSVILLE BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY PARK 1,693 1,185 69 571 550 400 Freeway access Owner/Developer Phone number Property manager Phone number Avery Dennison, Momentive Performance Materials, MCPc, C.Trac, Clark-Reliance Corp, Sparton Medical Systems U.S. Route 42, state Route 82, I-71, I-80 440-580-3100 City of Strongsville 440-580-3100 150 Alltel, United Stationers, Pepsi America, Weatherchem, Rockwell Automation, Conferon, Northcoast Color, Cima Plastics I-271, I-480 N/A N/A 250 41 Diebold Corp., Belden & Blake, Cintas, Lexington Technologies, The Ohio Lottery, Service Packaging I-77 DeHoff Development Co. 330-499-8153 DeHoff Development Co. 330-499-8153 400 327 73 Playtex, DaimlerChrysler, Hammer Co., Pods, Millard, Aurora Plastics, American I-80, I-480 Heritage, Flexalloy Geis Cos. and New Venture Ltd. 330-528-3500 Geis Property Management 330-528-3500 Foltz Parkway, Strongsville 44149 TWINSBURG INDUSTRIAL PARK Highland Road/Enterprise Drive/Case Parkway/Pinnacle Parkway/Edison Blvd., Twinsburg 44087 AKCAN INDUSTRIAL PARK Mt. Pleasant Road and Mayfair Road, City of Green 44720 INTERSTATE COMMERCE CENTER Mondial Parkway, Streetsboro 44241 www.geisco.net 5 WIND POINT RESERVE CORPORATE CAMPUS 350 50 15 Deming Enterprises Inc., Northeast Masonry, Diversified Fittings, Clark Rubber State Routes 2 and 20, I-90 Deming Enterprises Inc. 440-358-9440 Deming Resources LLC 440-358-9440 6 PROGRESS DRIVE BUSINESS PARK 325 312 43 DeMag Plastics Group, PPG Industries, Atlantic Tool & Die, Resolve, Empco U.S. Route 42, state Route 82, I-71, I-80 440-580-3100 City of Strongsville 440-580-3100 7 EMERALD VALLEY BUSINESS PARK 285 115 9 Home Depot, Stride Tool, Best Buy, Kauffman Tire, Ris Paper, Owens & Minor, Saeco USA, Shaw Industries I-271, I-480 First Industrial LP 216-525-0665 First Industrial Realty Trust Inc. 216-525-0665 8 MIDWAY INDUSTRIAL PARK 269 269 45 K & M International, General Electric, Production Tool, Glass Equipment Development, Ceia USA, V.S.A. Vistar I-480, I-271 N/A N/A 9 DOW CIRCLE RESEARCH PARK 258 249 34 ICI Paints, Cintas, National City Bank, Mirifex, Telsource, DHL U.S. Route 42, state Route 82, I-71, I-80 City of Strongsville 440-580-3100 City of Strongsville 440-580-3100 10 ASCOT INDUSTRIAL PARK 220 90 20 Pneumatic Scale-Akron Packaging Division, SpunFab Adhesive Fabrics, Graphic Arts Rubber, Coretec, NSK Industries I-76, I-77 City of Akron 330-375-2133 Office of Economic Development 330-375-2133 200 174 21 L'Oreal, Venture Lighting, Wine Trends, Andrews Moving I-80, I-480 Geis Family Ltd. 330-528-3500 Joe Perrow 216-218-3511 200 0 0 N/A I-480, State route 422 Geis/Weston 330-528-3500 Joe Perrow 216-218-3511 City of Lorain 440-204-2020 Janine Mackert 440-204-2020 11 12 P.O. Box 21, Perry 44081 Pearl Road and Westwood Drive, Strongsville 44149 Cochran Road and Pettibone Road, Glenwillow 44139 Dutton Drive and Midway Drive, Twinsburg 44087 Sprague Road, Strongsville 44136 State Road, Akron 44223 FROST ROAD COMMERCE CENTER Philipp Parkway and Frost Road, Streetsboro 44241 www.geisco.net GLENWILLOW COMMERCE CENTER Pettibone Road, Glenwillow 44142 www.geisco.net 13 RIVERBEND COMMERCE PARK 199 17 3 Camaco Lorain Manufacturing, U.S. Post State Routes Office Distribution Center, Horizon 57, 611 and Daycare Center 254, I-90 14 FRENCH CREEK BUSINESS PARK 187 12 1 ZF Trading Co. I-80, I-90, state Comrow Ltd. Route 301, state Route 254 440-324-9933 Comprehensive Development Solutions 419-425-9538 15 GEAUGA INDUSTRIAL PARK 180 90 12 KraftMaid Cabinetry Inc., Mercury Plastics, Polychem Dispersions, Johnsonite, Sajar Plastics, Penske Logistics, Neff Perkins Federal I-90, state Route The Improvement Co. 422 216-363-6429 David Ford 216-363-6429 174 149 25 ASC Industries, ASW Akron Logistics, ASW Green Logistics, Prout, Diebold Global Service Ctr., General Electric Special Pack I-77 ASW Properties Ltd. 330-733-8107 ASW Properties Ltd. 330-798-5177 157 41 13 Eaton, Keene Building Products, Pat Henry Group, Upsilon, Park-Ohio, Chefs for Hire, Lakeshore Chevrolet, Phillips Medical Lab I-90 Argo-Tech Corp. 330-659-4060 Ohio Realty Advisors 330-659-4060 150 140 12 Parker Hannifin Corp., E. C. Morris Corp., Ebner Furnaces Inc., Soprema Inc., Accel Group Inc. I-76 Cummins Real Frederick M. Shepperd NAI Estate N/A 330-535-2661 16 17 18 Colorado Ave., Lorain 44052 East River Road, Sheffield Village 44054 Industrial Parkway, Middlefield 44062 CAK INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PARK International Pkwy. and Global Gateway Drive, Green 44721 http://www.aswservices.com/index2.html HERITAGE BUSINESS PARK 23555 Euclid Ave., Euclid 44117 QUANTUM CENTRE Greenwich Road, Wadsworth 44281 www.naicummins.com 19 ROOTSTOWN INDUSTRIAL PARK 150 10 3 F.S.I., Ohio E-Check, Logic Plunger Rootstown Industrial I-76, state LLC Routes 44 and 5 Park 330-325-1661 20 COLUMBIA ROAD INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION 147 31 4 Marathon Oil, FedEx, Bath Development Corp., 3230 Columbia Road LLC I-77, I-271, I-80 21 AURORA INDUSTRIAL PARK I 144 132 13 Filmco, McMaster Carr, Freedom Health, State Route 43, Beech Realty LLC Mill Distributing, Saginaw Controls, I-480, Ohio 330-562-1041 Balancing Co. Turnpike Beech Realty LLC 330-562-1041 22 TAYLOR WOODS INDUSTRIAL PARK 143 83 14 Invacare, Norlake, Tool & Die Systems, Wolff Bros. State Route 57, Logos Corp. I-480 440-324-3550 Logos Realty Co. 440-324-3550 23 AKRON CANTON CORPORATE PARK 140 100 76 Hankook Tire, Goodrich De-Icing, Paychex, Prudential Financial, Bonnot, Infocision Management, IBM I-77, state Route A & M Associates 241 330-896-3253 CAM Inc. 800-579-3253 24 STONEGATE CORPORATE PARK 140 40 9 Bureau of Criminal Identification, Cisco Systems Inc., Corporate Express, OEConnections, Ikon Office Solutions I-71, I-271 M & P Associates 800-579-3253 CAM Inc. 800-579-3253 25 CLEVELAND INDUSTRIAL PARK 110 107 14 Applied Laser Technologies, Arrowhead Inc., EMX Industries, Erieview Metal Treating Co., Samuel Steel Pickling, Euro USA I-480 City of Cleveland 216-664-2406 City of Cleveland 216-664-2406 26 BRECKSVILLE BUSINESS PARK 109 53 12 Andrews Moving & Storage, UPS Logistics, Sky Bank, Maverick, FirstMerit I-77, I-80 Bank, International Paint, Caruso's Coffee Ray Fogg Corporate Properties LLC 216-351-7976 Ray Fogg Corporate Properties LLC 216-351-7976 27 STREETSBORO INDUSTRIAL PARK 107 107 7 Thyssen Steel, Commercial Turf, Solon Grinding, Telcon Inc. Route 44, Rootstown 44272 Columbia Road, Richfield Township 44286 P.O. Box 404, Aurora 44202 Taylor Parkway, North Ridgeville 44035 1525 Corporate Woods Parkway, Green 44685 Highlander Parkway, Richfield Village 44286 Johnston Parkway and Seville Road, Cleveland 44128 West Snowville Road and Miller Road, Brecksville 44141 P.O. Box 2490, Streetsboro 44241 JJJ Development LLC 216-447-0814 State Route 43, Beech Realty LLC I-480, Ohio 330-562-1041 Turnpike Source: Information is supplied by the companies unless footnoted. Crain's Cleveland Business does not independently verify the information and there is no guarantee these listings are complete or accurate. We welcome all responses to our lists and will include omitted information or clarifications in coming issues. Originally published Sept. 10, 2007. George Bethea 330-325-1661 N/A Beech Realty LLC 330-562-1041 RESEARCHED BY Deborah W. Hillyer
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