November - Stylist and Salon Newspapers


November - Stylist and Salon Newspapers
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Stack the Deck with Teens/Tweens to Increase Business Longevity
Business Buzz
Charlene Abretske
As a salon professional, one of the most
important aspects of your business is client
The more clients you retain, the less you
spend in advertising and marketing to attract
new clients that will cycle in and out of your
It is important to know the demographic
of your core clients, the ones who consistently
re-book, refer you new clients and really love
your services.
I recently had an experience with a salon
owner who had originally thought her core clientele was 25- 40 in age, only to find out after
surveying her clients the age range was 40 -55,
a difference of 15 years off her target market.
Her survey also showed her salon had been
retaining 85 percent of their clients for well
over five years. Amazing numbers indeed and
they were definitely doing a lot right in the
customer service department to keep such a
large proportion of their clients.
The only disturbing fact was if this trend
continued, their clientele would “age out” of
their services. Now that they had mastered the
Now o
art of retention, they now have to master the
art of attracting a younger client in order to
stay in and grow their business.
As a business owner you will want to focus
on “dealing yourself a good hand” of clients
with several age ranges to increase your businesses longevity.
Targeting your core clients to include
substantial numbers of loyal patrons will keep
your business growing for the next five, 10, 15
years and beyond. Your clients have referrals
they can send you to help include other age
ranges in your business.
The simplest group to capture is teens and
tweens. These two groups will be referred by
their parents who are patrons of your salon or
spa. Their parents will most likely assist them
in the cost of services and take them to their
appointments. This is a great opportunity for
you to begin really targeting a younger market.
These clients are really in tune to having an
experience at your salon or spa; what can you do
to provide them with one? Teens and tweens
don’t just think it is nice when someone personalizes their service, even at their young age
they have come to expect it.
In this day and age, we have become very
accustomed to businesses knowing our preferences and giving us options, from our coffee,
cell phones, and online shopping to everything
Facebook and your websites so you show up in
search engines as offering them. Keep your eye
open for the “next big thing.”
Be Event Ready- When is the last time
you were involved in a high school event?
Some that work well are: raffles; supplying your
services for theater productions and local beauty
pageants; offering a deserving student makeover
for graduation; partnering with local photographers for pictures at homecoming and prom.
When you are at a function make sure you are
collecting email addresses of the students or
parents, if possible, so you can offer a special to
try your salon or spa services too.
Rich In Referrals – Teens and tweens
can become some of your best referral clients
not only by referring the traditional way but
through Facebook and Twitter. There is no
learning curve in technology for them and
you can capitalize on this by being up-to-date
on your digital media pages. When you target
a special for this market they will flock to it,
allowing you to capitalize on their ability to be
social media butterflies.
Your business will always need new clients,
start by making the most of the connections
you haven’t capitalized on and you can really
work toward a life long business and clients.
Charlene Abretske is an independent business advisor. To reach her email
[email protected] or call (760)453-1882.
Simply amazing
Laser Hair Enhancement
in between. Your salon or spa is no different;
you will want to appeal to the younger crowd
while at the same time appealing to mom and
dad who hold the purse strings. Here are few
items to keep in mind:
Parents are busy and looking for
“Quality Time” – We all know what it is
like shuttling kids here and there and the
less stops you have to make the better. If you
know your clients have children ranging in age
from 11-18, ask where they get their services
performed. If they are not with you let them
know about your referral program and they
can book their appointments at the same time
to cut down on being a “taxi” mom or dad.
Teens and tweens are also great to refer to your
newer stylists for simpler cuts and less chemical processing, to help build their skills.
Hot, Cool and On a Budget - One of
the largest trends the salon industry has seen in
some time was the recent explosion of feather
extensions. They are cost effective and easy to
apply, and hot, hot, hot, -- everyone is wearing
them. This is a simple service to get the tweens
and teens in the door. Keep on top of the next
hot trends as they start taking off. Parents often
are happy to oblige with allowing their children
to take part in the latest thing, especially if it
isn’t expensive. When you offer these services
make sure to take photos, and post them on
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In this issue... Assuring Continual Growth
Beauty Business Buzz
As a business owner you will
want to focus on “dealing
yourself a good hand” of
clients with several age ranges
to increase your businesses
The Mane Objective
Clients’ aging hair is your best
color asset. Gray hair cannot only
be remedied; it can actually be
one of the biggest assets in your
client base and business.
The Nail Extension
I am not getting any younger,
nor are my clients. My clients
expect me to be their manicurist
until they no longer need my
services. Likewise, I expect them
to be my clients for as long as
Beauty Business Buzz . . . . . . . . . . 3
Blue Highways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Mane Objective. . . . . . . . . . . 6
Service/Treatment for Hair Loss . . . 6
Esthetic Endeavors . . . . . . . . . . . 7
The Nail Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Strictly for Students . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Ohio Cosmetology News. . . . . . . 10
Better Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13
NAHA Awards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
America’s Beauty Show. . . . . . . . 14
Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
What’s New in the Market . . . . . . 15
On the cover...
Photo Courtesy of
Artist: Ramiro Mata
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Blue Highways
Jerry Tyler
With our economic outlook forever
changing, many are now looking at ways
to increase revenue potential in this shifted
First, take a step back and look at your
individual and collective business brands to
identify the components that make up your
brand profile.
Next, see what you are now creating
in today’s business reality, if you are being
perceived as the brand you wanted. One
question to ask: “Is our desired brand profile
in alignment with today’s market demands?”
Many businesses following old business
principals and paradigms are finding their
market share and profits declining because
they are now out of sync with a changed market and the requirements it demands.
The link between what the market
demands, in addition to what and how the
target market is serviced is paramount, as this
dynamic is constantly shifting and evolving.
Continually identifying what motivates
the target market allows you to not only meet
the challenge of satisfying them, but hopefully exceeding their expectations. This almost
always guarantees client loyalty by extending
yourselves beyond your perceived value.
While many successful business models
were created to meet the needs of one part of
the overall market, or a certain demographic,
that has changed. Due to market saturation or
a shift in what that market area demands, they
are seeing very little growth in that area now
or possibly even a decline.
The key here is twofold. First, to bring
the brand into alignment with what now
motivates that demographic; next, to ascertain
where they are now in today’s present reality. In some cases the once new area of the
market place that was wide open may have
reached maximum penetration creating market saturation.
To meet this challenge many brands are
diversifying by adding new or overlooked
market demographics to their intended client
pursuits. As some demographics needs and
attentions have shifted so have the potential
service and product offerings targeted to that
demographic’s desires and needs. The brands
recognizing this new potential are actually
expanding their spheres of influence therefore
growing the size and scope of their brands.
Having a strong and well identifiable brand
profile is a strong first step in reaching multiple
markets with varying demographics. What is elemental here is to be understood in the market
as having integrity in languages each demographic understands and can relate to.
One example is the marketing of hair loss
services and products. This challenge affects
millions of people across all lines of age,
gender and ethnicity, while the challenges and
potential solutions to hair loss with a brand
could be the same for various markets.
To reach the various areas of this market and connect them requires the brand
to identify what that area is looking for and
then present it in a way that demographic can
embrace it to being the “go to” solution for
their challenge.
While the hair loss challenge to a generation “X” or “Y’ potential client might be
based on “hair loss prevention”, the target
to the “Baby Boomer” client with hair loss
may be “salvation of existing hair” or “hair
replacement”. Same challenge but different approaches from different market
If all challenges are met in the different
markets, you have created multi-market penetration, expanding the influence of the brand.
By exceeding the perceived value as to the
needs and desires of our existing markets, and
diversifying into new and emerging potential service/product sectors, we are assured
continual growth as an industry in any type of
economic climate.
Jerry Tyler’s column Blue Highways is his “Road Less Traveled” perspective
on the solutions and challenges facing the beauty industry. Jerry Tyler has
been a stylist since 1975 serving as the former artistic director for Vidal
Sassoon Academy and currently as Director of Industry Relations for Carlton
Hair salons. He is also a licensed cosmetology instructor and has served as
President of the California State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology.
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Ohio Stylist & Salon
Volume 12, Number 11, Issue 143
November 15 - December 15, 2011
Published monthly by
Holland Graphics, Inc.
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Holland Graphics, Inc.
Managing Editor
Lisa Kind
Production Manager
Joel Holland
Advertising Director
Marcy Avenson
Classified Sales
Kelly Smith
Contributing Writers:
Judy Culp, Jerry Tyler, Charlene Abretske,
Neil Ducoff, Jaime Schrabeck, Marco Pelusi,
Steve Sleeper, LeAnne Velona, Jenny Hogan
Ohio State Board of Cosmetology
Jim Trakas, Executive Director
To Subscribe Visit
OHIO STYLIST & SALON is mailed to licensed
salons, booth renters and beauty schools in Ohio.
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Gray, Gray, Go Away? No Way!
The Mane Objective
Marco Pelusi
Clients’ aging hair is your best color asset.
As time keeps moving forward, so does the
aging process of our clients’ hair.
As our clients age, we know they lose the
color pigment in both their skin and their
hair. As hairdressers and salon owners, one of
the most important things we do for our clients is to compensate for this loss of pigment
in their hair care regimen.
Sure, gray hair is hair without pigment,
yet, it often is a drastically different texture
than natural hair. Gray hair is coarser, more
resistant and requires special attention. Gray
hair is consistent. Once our clients have it,
it is there to stay -- with more on the way.
Therefore, clients require special, constant
care for their aging or color treated hair
which can be one of the most rewarding -both personal and financial -- assets to our
client base and salon business.
Our aging, graying, baby boomers are still
the biggest money makers and still perhaps the
biggest and most important portion of our
client base. Now, there is even a younger client base that is aging, but does not want their
gray hair exposed.
This is where we as hair professionals step
into play and work our color magic. This is
where we solve our clients’ problems, help
to stop the effects of the aging process, make
clients feel good about themselves -- all while
building a strong, continuous client base
within our community. This is precisely why
haircolor is still the fastest growing and most
needed category of hair services that we offer.
The demi-color category offers a gray
blending service for that newer, younger
clientele. Demi-color superbly blends away a
small percentage of gray for those clients that
do not necessarily require permanent haircolor just yet. Then, you can easily transition
them into a permanent haircolor solution.
If you are not already good with haircolor,
get good and fast. The education is out there,
and so are the potential clients. I welcome clients with gray hair into my studio and know
that once I get them in for their first color appointment they will become lifetime clients.
Covering gray successfully through
coloring is very important to both our clients
and our business. It is a gratifying challenge,
especially since gray hair is usually not the
same texture as other hair, let alone the same
color. Equally as important, if not more so,
is to maintain the quality and the integrity
of our aging client’s hair while coloring and
after coloring.
Now, we must think about fighting the
aging or fading of the applied color itself
in-between appointments. We know that it is
all about products. Let your clients know that
in order for you to back-up your color work,
they really need to take home a high quality
wet line product system that prevents haircolor fading and aging of processed color, as
well as maintains a luxurious feel to the hair.
Go ahead -- let the clock tick. Let the gray
grow. Gray hair cannot only be remedied; it
can actually be one of the biggest assets in
your client base and business. Gray, gray -please come and stay!
Marco Pelusi is globally recognized as a haircolor trainer and platform artist.
Marco Pelusi Hair Studio, Inc. was named Best Hair Color in Los Angeles 2009
by KTTV Fox11’s “myfoxla Hot List” competition. Pelusi created the Marco Collagen Color Guard HairCare System, the collagen system developed for color and
chemically treated hair. For more information, visit
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Services for Early Detection and
Treatment of Hair Loss
by Jenny Hogan
Today, hair loss and hair thinning affect
an estimated 75 percent of all men and 20
percent of healthy women.
The hair loss industry in the U.S. is
worth billions of dollars each year, with many
products and services offering solutions for
men and women suffering from hair thinning, shedding and breakage.
Beauty professionals working in salons
and spas can benefit from providing services
for clientèle for early detection and treatment
of hair loss, creating better results for your
clients, while also helping you to advance
your career and grow your business.
Educate yourself so you can better understand what your clients are experiencing.
Divi International’s National Sales and
Education director Richard Gundry is a
hair loss expert who learned about these
special services over 30 years as a successful
hairstylist, salon owner and educator. Gundry
first became interested in hair loss services
through a client who was a hair restoration
surgeon and then began to educate himself
on hair loss.
He began carrying products to address
thinning hair and breakage in his salon. As
Gundry noted, “I believe all hairstylists and
beauty professionals should have this type of
knowledge. Once my clients realized what I
knew about hair loss, it opened the door to
talk about the types of problems they were
having. Most clients will speak to their hairstylist about hair loss before they ever speak
to a medical professional.”
Learning some basics about hair loss will
enable you to have a meaningful conversation with clients and give them some options
for services or products that address their
condition. Of course, clients should be advised to check with their physician to ensure
there is not a medical condition that could be
contributing to their hair loss.
Explore continuing educational opportunities on hair loss through your product
line manufacturers, trade shows, cosmetology schools. Go online to educational
resources such as, or, to learn more about the
process of thinning hair. Look into product
lines formulated specifically for thinning or
damaged hair and treatment options such as
laser or L.E.D. light treatments, hair extensions or other hairpiece options.
Educate your clients on the basics of hair
loss. Many people still believe hair loss comes
from the mother’s side of the family, while
the facts are that the gene for hair loss can
come from either side.
Another misconception is that balding
hair actually falls out, when the balding process really involves the diameter of the hair
shaft becoming smaller with each four-year
hair growth cycle, eventually disappearing
entirely. A normal hair is approximately 70
microns in diameter, but in areas of balding,
the hair diameter will progressively miniaturize to 25 microns or less.
Hair shedding is a natural process that
occurs on an on-going basis. There are approximately 100,000 strands on an average
head of hair. Hair grows in three different
phases and at any given time will be in one
of the separate phases. The first phase is the
anagen phase, which lasts from four to six
years and consists of active hair growth. The
second phase is the catagen phase, a resting
phase in which the hair follicle actually regresses. The third phase is the telogen phase,
in which hair sheds.
About 90 percent of the hairs on a human
head are normally in the anagen phase at
any given time. The average head will shed
about 50 to 60 hairs per day and normal hair
growth rates are about one half inch per
month. Hair growth rates and natural hair
phases can be disrupted by many medical
and environmental factors, such as medications, genetics, diet, autoimmune disorders,
pregnancy and stress.
Hair loss treatments for balding are rarely
suggested to consumers until the hair is
visibly thinner, but by that time, as much as
50 percent of the hair in the thinning areas is
already gone. You can detect early hair thinning 10 to 15 years before it is visible to the
naked eye by using a cross-section trichometer device that measures both the number of
hairs per square cm of scalp and the diameter
of those hairs.
Mike Vidal, CEO of Divi International,
offers the HairCheck measurement system
that he developed along with renowned hair
restoration surgeon Dr. Bernard Cohen.
HairCheck has the ability to measure hair
thinning, shedding, breakage and re-growth.
Vidal explained, “By detecting balding
years before it is visible, there is a much
greater opportunity for earlier treatment and
more likely re-growth.”
Focus your message on early prevention
and treatment, and then educate your clients
on what hair loss really is and how it works.
Providing valuable hair thinning services and
products in your salon or spa will not only
offer added value to your existing haircare
services, it will provide the best results for
your clientèle.
For more information on HairCheck or the full line of Divi International
products call 800-233-7453 or visit
Appealing to a Diverse Market
Esthetic Endeavors
Judith Culp
While we can’t be everything to everybody we may be able to create an annual
marketing plan that focuses on more than one
group to keep us busy year-around.
One of the challenges I have always faced
as an esthetician is the necessity to appeal to a
diverse market.
Especially in slower economic times or off
season we cannot afford to have our market so
narrow as to dissuade business.
In large population centers where there
are many people in each demographic area
it is easy to pick a small niche market and
strictly cater to it. This isn’t as easy if you are
in a smaller town where if you isolate yourself to one group you may find your profit
margin unsustainable. So what to do?
First examine your market options.
Define the groups out there seeking esthetic
services. Not too difficult. Aging clients
spring to mind, with problem skins a close
second. But there is also the male market and
what about teens? Young girls are seeing all
the time in magazines about teen parties and
girl gatherings. This is a previously untapped
Those with strong makeup skills focus on
brides, proms and special events to keep them
busy. This is super in the spring and summer
season but can be slower when the wedding
frenzy slows down.
Next evaluate your equipment and
product offerings. What do you have that is
specific to one of these groups or that could
meet the needs of multiple sections of your
target market. When looking at a new device
or product give it careful consideration as to
how this will fit in and how cost effective it
will be if it only treats a small portion of your
client base.
When creating an annual plan remember
that we must market to our desired group
weeks to months prior to when we expect
them to use our services. Makeup season
can start early April and continue through
the summer with proms, brides and graduation photos for the following year’s group of
Often the bridal shows are six months in
advance of this. We may want to participate
in the bridal show and then come back with
internet or other media marketing two to
three months prior to when we would expect
the visits.
Want to market to men? Pick one evening
and make it a men’s night. Men are more
comfortable with other men around and ap-
preciate a more masculine atmosphere. For
this evening put away anything frou-frou and
make it more clinical.
Don’t ignore the girls. Those young teens
are looking for entertainment and pampering.
Give them their own evening or weekend
time. Put together teen or pre-teen parties
and start locking in to your future regular clients. Keep treatments short and fun. Throw
in tidbits of education and include a starter
kit for them to try at home. Linking with a
hairstylist or nail technician can make this an
all around experience and start a technicianclient bond that could last for years.
For maturing clients what about marketing to them on a full-year basis? Offer them
a “preferred member club.” Let them buy
a package of six or 12 services to be used in
six or 12 months that includes a gift, bonus
service or other add-on to reward them for
taking care of their skin.
Reward them for their loyalty. These clients often have the time to be pampered and
it may be more difficult for them to do or see
to do some things for themselves. Offer free
spot checks. Make a complimentary routine
check for any signs of the ABCD’s. If you see
anything different you can suggest they check
with their doctor. If your client no longer has
a spouse to assist them with this, it is a much
appreciated service.
One very simple marketing technique
that works well to all groups is remembering
their birthdays. Send them a card that offers
a discount off of a service or purchases. It
may be a dollars-off or percent-off coupon.
It may be good for one purchase or good for
the month.
Every one of us has our own approach
and technique that works. “Are you a rewards
member?” This is a question we get asked
almost every time we go into a store. What is
the answer for your establishment? Do you
offer them? Have you thought about how
you think they should be designed?
Member packages actually work equally
well for men and women. Focus on your
client base and offer a diversity of packages
catering to their individual needs will ensure
they return.
The next time you have a slow day look at
it as an opportunity not a calamity. Use it as
a creative day to begin your own program of
diverse marketing.
Judith Culp, a CIDESCO Diplomat has been in the esthetics industry since 1980.
A CPCP permanent makeup technician for over 20 years she served a 4-year
term as a Director for the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals, two
years as their president. She is president of Culp Enterprises Inc. and CEO of NW
Institute of Esthetics. Judy Culp is available for consulting. For more information visit
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Honoring Older Clients While
Getting Better With Age
The Nail Extension
Jaime Schrabeck
I am not getting any younger, nor are my
clients. As we grow older together, my clients
expect me to be their manicurist until they
no longer need my services (note: I do not
do mortuary manicures). Likewise, I expect
them to be my clients for as long as possible.
We are invested in each other and I appreciate
their continued support of my business.
My clients know that I have no plans to
retire because I truly love what I do. My passion for nails has not diminished with time.
In fact, whether providing services, managing
my salon, teaching classes at beauty shows
or consulting with manufacturers, I’m more
excited and optimistic about the future of
the nail industry than I was when I attended
beauty school 20 years ago. I could not have
predicted what I would be doing at this age,
but I am more satisfied than I could have
hoped. Why would I retire?
I intend to work many more years, but
not necessarily in the same way that I have
in the past. There are two reasons why I do
not work alone 10 to 12 hours a day, six days
a week anymore. I do not want to work that
hard and I do not have to.
It’s no revelation that manicuring
demands a great deal physically, including
manual dexterity, hand /eye coordination,
proper body mechanics, strength, visual
acuity and stamina. None of these things
improve with age, but I have been fortunate.
I have never had issues with my joints, like
carpal tunnel syndrome, and still do not need
glasses, although I know my eyes cannot defy
my age much longer.
Besides the physicality of the work, there
are also considerable emotional and psychological demands. Manicurists have no training
as therapists, yet interactions with clients can
be intensely personal. I do not expect my
clients to have perfect lives, but I do not allow them to burden me with their problems
either. For my own peace of mind, I respect
their privacy, limit my personal involvement
and direct them to other resources when
As much as I like to work, I would have
burned out long ago if I had continued working 60 plus hours per week. Working that
hard does not make sense if it is not sustainable. At a certain point, I would have compromised either my health or the quality of the
services, neither of which is acceptable. That
is why my salon employs other manicurists;
we share the work so that we can do what is
best for our clients and ourselves. My employees and I are invested in each other, and I
expect them to grow older with me also.
To make our work less demanding, the
salon is designed for better ergonomics,
easier maintenance and greater accessibility.
Accessibility is of particular interest to clients
because mobility often decreases as we age.
By minimizing physical barriers, or eliminating them altogether, it is more convenient for
everyone, and we can accommodate clients
who use canes/walkers/wheelchairs.
Despite our efforts to make the salon
accessible, we have clients who are physically
incapable of visiting us. Their limitations may
be temporary, like recovering from surgery,
or permanent, like being unable to drive or
having a terminal illness. For these clients,
I make an exception and provide services in
their homes.
Let me emphasize that these appointments are not home spa parties; these clients
have legitimate reasons why they cannot visit
the salon, otherwise I would not be able to
work on them legally. (Before offering services outside your licensed salon, check with
your state board and insurance provider to
make sure you are compliant.)
Being mobile does take some planning.
I schedule these visits only on Fridays, a day
I do not normally work at the salon. When
reserving an appointment, I allow for travel
time. (It is appropriate to add a travel fee; just
let the client know in advance).
I pack my equipment and supplies in
preparation, as the only thing I expect the client to provide is an electrical outlet. Because
it is not feasible to bring the entire salon
experience, it is necessary to revise service
procedures and pricing.
For example, I do not travel with a towel
warmer or paraffin warmer so those are not
part of home service. My comfort is not
nearly as important as my client’s is, and I
often have to adjust by standing alongside a
hospital bed, sitting on the floor, etc., while
providing services. The inconveniences are
minor and I am happy these clients still want
to maintain their nails. Even our salon clients
appreciate that home visits will be available to
them should the need arise.
Providing another 20 years of professional nail care will require that I continue to
prioritize my own health and wellness, while
adapting to changes in my clients’ circumstances. Older clients enrich my life, and they
demonstrate every day that age is more than a
number; it can be a source of inspiration.
Jaime Schrabeck, Ph.D. owns Precision Nails, an exclusive nails-only salon
in Carmel, California. She can be reached at [email protected].
Tapping into the Teen Market
Strictly for Students
LeAnne Velona
Building a steady client base is crucial for
a successful career.
Understanding what potential customers
want is an important business strategy, and
one great way to build and expand your client
base is by focusing your efforts on the lucrative teen market.
The teen market is profitable for many
reasons. Teens have disposable incomes,
which they are happy to spend on treatments
or products that will make them look and feel
their best.
They are also enthusiastic about beauty
treatments and enjoy experimenting with
different looks and styles as a way to discover
their identity.
Keep in mind that teens’ spending power
is greater than their income. Parents and
other family members are willing to spend
money on their children. While teens cannot splurge on big-ticket items like a new
car, they are empowered with the ability
to purchase items and services to pamper
Teens are interested in a variety of beauty
treatments that will help them feel confident
and look their best, including highlights,
manicures and pedicures.
Facial treatments are also popular because
rising hormone levels and rapid changes
in the body can cause skin to react with
breakouts, shiny complexions or severe acne.
Eyebrow waxing is also favored by teens that
want to keep their brows groomed.
Prom season starts around April and is
a great time for introductions to the local
teen market. Every teenage girl wants to feel
pretty, special and confident on prom night
and most are willing to purchase a variety
of treatments to get the right look for the
Offer a special prom package to teens to
meet all of their beauty needs. For example,
a package can include a hair style, manicure,
pedicure, and makeup session. Take the
time to build great relationships with teens
during prom season and then maintain the
relationship as they turn into adults. Even if
teens booking prom services do not turn into
regular customers, this is still a great way to
increase short-term sales and bring in extra
The truth is that teens want to look and
feel their best all year round. There is always
an occasion that demands pampering like
homecoming, graduation, birthday parties
and special events.
Sales Reps
Needed for
Ohio Territories
Given this, it is wise to offer timely,
teen-focused beauty packages throughout the
year. These packages are especially useful in
bringing in revenue during traditionally slow
business periods.
Make the packages affordable to attract
teens. These packages will sell well and help
you bring in money you may not have generated otherwise. Teens are always looking for
new and cool trends so update your packages
Promote teen packages to your adult
clients too so they can buy them as gifts for
the teens in their life. In fact, these packages
make great holiday gifts.
Carrying Top Quality Lines:
Farmavita-Ita_Gb:Layout 1 16/12/09 10:28 Pagina 2
Italian Colour Line
Professional Organic Haircare Products
also Carrying:
Spa Parties
Teens are very social and love to spend
time with their friends so you may want to
consider offering a teen party package with
a half-day full of services targeting teens and
their friends. The parties tend to be popular
with high school students and are a good
source of income for stylists.
Social Media
Once you create a special teen package, treatment or event, how do you get the
word out? Turn to technology to reach teens.
Social media is a perfect tool since teens are
technologically savvy and comfortable using
Facebook and Twitter. Create a Facebook fan
page or a Twitter account to highlight the
teen services you offer. Just be careful that in
addition to promoting specials, you are also
sharing frequent updates about beauty trends
and other topics that are interesting to teens.
If you need inspiration, read a teen magazine
to learn about popular trends or ask a teenager in your life.
FLH Distributors
for Ohio
...and more
FLH Distributors brings quality products and education
to salons with nationally recognized “Esbi Int’l Artistic
Team” helping salons and individual hairstylists grow.
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Call For
Eco-Teen Beauty
Today’s teenagers are conscious about
organic products and being environmentally responsible. Make sure you are able to
recommend products and procedures that are
all natural, organic and have not been tested
on animals.
When marketing to teens, just remember
that it is hard to be a teenager. Teens face a lot
of pressure at school and at home, and they
deserve to be pampered from time to time.
By reaching out to this special group, you can
help them feel their best and comfortable in
their own skin, while also bringing in extra
business. It is a win-win situation.
LeAnne Velona, Director of Esthetics & Massage Therapy Education for Marinello Schools of Beauty has been a Certified Licensed Esthetician for over 18
years. She is also a Licensed Holistic Health Practitioner. For more information
about Marinello Schools of Beauty, please visit
View this article and more at
Board Clarifies Policy on Out of State Reciprocity
Fall Brings Change to Board
Policies and Much More!
by Jim Trakas, Executive Director
In an attempt to continue to update its
policies and bring them more in line with the
realities of modern day commerce, The Ohio
State Board of Cosmetology voted at its October Board Meeting to do away with several
forms that had been a requirement that salons
were required to post in prominent places.
The Board approved the elimination of the
following forms:
•Service Listing Form (OAC 4713-11-10)
•Pedicure Unit Cleaning Schedule (OAC
•Equipment Cleaning Schedule (OAC
So, officially affective near the end of the
year, but practically affective now, OSBC will
no longer require these forms to be filled out
and posted in salons. The change only affects
the posting of forms, not the actual cleansing
of equipment, and that remains the same. You
must continue to clean and sanitize equipment, but you do not have to log the dates,
times, etc. for inspection.
Our Inspectors felt that the forms were
no longer valuable, nor did they advance any
particular goal of public safety, while being
an inconvenience to you. With respect to
cleanliness, the condition of a salon informs
the public and Inspectors more than a piece of
paper as to how frequently your equipment or
pedicure unit is cleaned.
The Board recommendations now are
filed with the State of Ohio Joint Committee
on Agency Rule Review (JCARR). JCARR
has a process that includes a public hearing to
receive your feedback about these rules. After a
few months, the rules will be filed publicly and
will be available for all to see on our website
at But, it is our policy in
this instance to immediately not enforce these
rules since they were not particularly valuable
to the consuming public.
Of course, the whole reason that OSBC
required this information is to assure that
Licensed Salons are adhering to rules to assure
the safety of the public and your customers.
It remains the law to clean and sanitize your
equipment and pedicure units after each usage;
you just do not have to write it down. This
is very important for you so that you know
and understand the law. Sanitation and safety
are an important part of the law to protect
the consuming public, and it is your job to
understand and adhere to the law, and ours to
enforce it, in the interest of all.
State Senator Shirley Smith and
Constituents Address Board
At the October Meeting of the Board, State Senator Shirley Smith (D-21) of Cleveland
brought several constituents to the meeting and addressed The Board, offering ideas to
improve what she and the several speakers believed were deficiencies in the laws surrounding
Flanking by a number of passionate constituents from Greater Cleveland, Sen. Smith said
that she would pursue legislation and ask The Board to look into these general areas: Educational Requirements, Raising the standards for Educators, overall improvement in appearances
for those that practice in our Industry, examining our Continuing Education requirements,
and a number of specific issues. The Board was pleased that one of Ohio’s Legislators had
taken such an interest in our industry, and should legislation be promulgated, would like to
work with The Senator and her constituents on points of mutual concern.
For some time, The Board has dealt with
issues related to out of state licensure, and
sadly, some people who have attempted to gain
licensure in Ohio seeking reciprocity from
other states who presented false credentials in
an attempt to gain an Ohio license.
The Board put into place enforcement of
The Ohio Administrative Code with respect to
out of state reciprocity including these rules:
1. Any person seeking licensure in Ohio
for any branch of Cosmetology must sit for a
practical and theoretical examination after presenting their verified educational attainment
from another state.
2. If an applicant fails to pass the Ohio examination after three attempts, they will not be
eligible to sit again for our examination until
they have completed coursework in an Ohio
school (see below)
3. Someone who holds an Ohio license,
and came from another state, cannot transfer
that license to any other state within a one year
period of gaining their Ohio license.
4. All applicants will be photographed,
fingerprinted, and their personal information
and records kept on file with The Board in
a sophisticated system that assures the legal
identity of each applicant, and cannot be
5. OAC Section 4713—7-08 is outlined as
4713-7-08 Failure of applicants.
Applicants failing to pass their first or
second examination may receive a rescheduled examination date no sooner than two
weeks following that examination, and shall
retake the written and/or practical on which
they received a score of less than seventy five.
Except those failing a manager’s examination,
all applicants failing to pass a third examination shall not be rescheduled to take a fourth
examination until completion of additional
instruction in a licensed school as outlined below. Applicants failing to pass the examination
shall pay an examination fee for each succeeding examination.
(A) Manicurists who fail the test for the
third time will be required to return to school
for additional education. Should a student fail
the written examination 3 times they would
be required to complete 10 hours related to
theory. Should a student fail the practical 3
times they would need to complete 10 hours
related to clinical practices. Should a student fail
both portions of the exam they would need to
complete a total of 20 hours. take 10 hours additional instruction in theory, rules, sanitation,
etc. If they fail the written section and 10 hours
in manicuring clinic if they failed the practical.
These hours shall be met through a cosmetology school licensed by the state of Ohio.
(B) Estheticians who fail the test for the
third time will be required to return to school
for additional education. Should a student fail
the written examination 3 times they would be
required to complete 30 hours related to theory.
Should a student fail the practical 3 times they
would need to complete 30 hours related to
clinical practices. Should a student fail both portions of the exam they would need to complete
a total of 60 hours. take 30 hours additional
instruction in theory, rules, sanitation, etc. If
they fail the written section and 30 hours in
esthetics clinic if they failed the practical. These
hours shall be met through cosmetology school
licensed by the state of Ohio.
(C) Natural hair stylists who fail the test
for the third time will be required to return
to school for additional education. Should a
student fail the written examination 3 times
they would be required to complete 22.5 hours
related to theory. Should a student fail the
practical 3 times they would need to complete
22.5 hours related to clinical practices. Should
a student fail both portions of the exam they
would need to complete a total of 45 hours.
take twenty-two and a half hours additional
instruction in theory, rules, sanitation, etc. If
they fail the written section and twenty-two
and a half hours in hair braiding clinic if they
failed the practical. These hours shall be met
through cosmetology school licensed by the
state of Ohio.
(D) Hair designers who fail the test for the
third time will be required to return to school
for additional education. Should a student fail
the written examination 3 times they would be
required to complete 60 hours related to theory.
Should a student fail the practical 3 times they
would need to complete 60 hours related to
clinical practices. Should a student fail both portions of the exam they would need to complete
a total of 120 hours. take 60 hours additional
instruction in theory, rules, sanitation, etc. If
they fail the written section and 60 hours in hair
design clinic if they failed the practical. These
hours shall be met through a cosmetology
school licensed by the state of Ohio.
(E) Cosmetologists who fail the test for the
third time will be required to return to school
for additional education. Should a student fail
the written examination 3 times they would
be required to complete 75 hours related to
theory. Should a student fail the practical 3
times they would need to complete 75 hours
related to clinical practices. Should a student
fail both portions of the exam they would need
to complete a total of 150 hours. take seventyfive hours additional instruction in theory,
rules, sanitation, etc. If they fail the written
section and seventy-five hours in cosmetology
clinic if they failed the practical. These hours
shall be met through a cosmetology school
licensed by the state of Ohio.
R.C.119.032 review dates: 08/29/05 and 03/31/10
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: RC 4713.08(A)(3)
We are confident that our state has both fair
and high standards for licensure, and know that the
above policy will protect the integrity of our license and
Compete on Extraordinary Value
Better Business
Neil Ducoff
There are buyers who are not happy unless they beat you down on price. However,
there are buyers who are willing to pay a
premium price to experience the best their
money can buy.
There is something special about extraordinary value that supersedes price. So why is it
that so many leaders are quick to whip out their
machetes and slash prices? Does slashing prices
make you stand out from the competition? If
you believe it does, what is the hang time on
that differentiation? Yes, for that nanosecond,
you have the spotlight -- until your competitor
trumps you with a better price.
Competing on price is an ugly game.
Because profit margins are squeezed tight,
competing on price forces your company to
focus on volume sales. It gives your company
permission to dial down its commitment to
delivering extraordinary value. There is nothing more exasperating than a company that is
busy, but not making money. It is even worse
when efforts to compete on price do little or
nothing to increase sales. The fact is, competing on price means working harder for less.
Here are some no-compromise strategies
to compete on extraordinary value:
Delivering average is easy; competing on
price is easy. Competing on a platform of extraordinary value is going to require work.
Value comes from paying attention to
details. It does not matter if you are building a
product or delivering a service, delivering average does not wow anyone. As a leader, it is your
responsibility to set the value bar and keep it
there. Delivering value must begin with you.
Make price irrelevant. What would happen if you established a company mandate that
all strategies that involve price be centered on
adding value? Take competing on price off the
table and lead your team to apply their innova-
tive thinking to delivering extraordinary value.
There are five strategies your company
can implement right now that would lay
the foundation for making price irrelevant.
Lifetime guarantees, faster or free shipping,
after-purchase follow-ups, thank you gifts or
even a warm smile can shift attention away
from price. Making price irrelevant takes work
and thinking outside your box.
Check your audience. If you have been
getting beat up on price, you may be selling
to the wrong audience. Companies, products, services and markets evolve over time.
Whether by need or design, business models
change. If your company built its business on
price and that strategy is no longer working for
you, it is time to find a new audience that is in
harmony with your new business model.
It is all about profit margin. Competing on price cannibalizes your profit margins.
If you shave your profit margins too thin,
you have opened the door to a self-inflicted
cash-flow crisis. It does not matter if you are in
a service business or make or sell products, delivering extraordinary value is the best strategy
to protect your profit margins. Pay attention to
and protect your profit margins and you will
quickly shift your strategy from competing on
price to delivering extraordinary value.
Be bold. Competing on price is exhausting. Competing on extraordinary value is bold
and empowering. It is a commitment to be
best in class -- to stand out in a crowded marketplace where “average” has become an expectation. What is the worst that could happen
if you competed on delivering extraordinary
value? What would happen if the next time
you were tempted to discount or compromise
on price to make a sale, you shifted to adding
value instead? Would it be the end of the world
if you walked away from a deal because you
would not cave in on price?
Neil Ducoff is the founder and CEO of Strategies, a business training and coaching salon specializing in the salon and spa industry. His book, No-Compromise
Leadership, won the 2010 IPPY Award for Leadership. For more information email [email protected].
Ohio Cosmetology Board News continued...
Inspector’s Corner... Feathers, Feathers, Feathers!
by Meg LaMantia
The latest and very popular craze is feathers in your hair. They are everywhere and
everyone is wearing them. All shapes, colors and sizes. The Board of Cosmetology does
regulate all hair services. Feathers need to be put in the hair in a licensed beauty salon. All
hair services need to be preformed by a licensed cosmetologist. If a salon would like to offer
services outside the salon at a special event a “Temporary Special Event Application” can be
obtained from the board’s website under forms and applications. There
is no fee for the permit and it is valid for 48 hours. Also, don’t forget that the Board is on
Facebook at Ohio State Bard of Cosmetology. There are many useful and informative comments posted daily, so “friend” us and enjoy the useful information and back and forth with
your fellow industry leaders.
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AMAZING BOOTH RENT OPPORTUNITY! $100 per week + first 2 weeks free, to
help you get adjusted! Only 2 spaces left! Great,
fun atmosphere to work in! Misfitz Salon, 5604
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studio in Montrose area. seeking motivated,
customer oriented, outgoing and experienced
stylists, manicurists, and barbers to join our team
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Well-established, semi-permanent eyelash extension salon located in Richmond Heights and
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to place your ad today!
competitive booth rent. Please email [email protected]. We are looking to fill
openings prior to opening doors.
BOOTH RENTAL - SPECIAL DEAL! Hairstylist $99.99 weekly. First week booth rental
FREE. I.C. license required. Great location in
Kettering / Dayton Ohio. Call (937)254-1708
for more information.
one or two stylists renting at Salon Lofts to own
this beautiful salon. Immediate profit! Owner
looking to retire. Call (614)284-3116
RENTAL Regularly $135 weekly. The special
12 months rental deal is: $99.99 weekly. A savings of $140.04 monthly. A 12 month savings
of $1680.48. First week FREE. I.C. License required. Styling Divas Hair Salon, 16630 Chagrin
Blvdl, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120. Contact Ms.
Cecia W. @ (216)751-9447 for more information.
STYLISTS WANTED Established Parma Salon
looking to hire experienced stylists. I.C. license
required. Great location with friendly atmosphere. For inquiries please call (440)667-3708
FAST! (330)437-8000
FOR SALE Located in beautiful downtown
Chagrin Falls. Hair, Nails, Pedicures, Facials,
Waxing & Tanning. Excellent opportunity for
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financing available. 440-773-7417
HYDRAULIC CHAIRS FROM $75 Stations starting at $80. Reception desks from $75.
Shampoo bowls from $80. Manicure tables
from $40. Mirrors, mats and more. BUYING
USED EQUIPMENT. (419)215-7009 Toledo
One complete unit. Black. Gently used. Four
years used, but like brand NEW! Paid $750 asking $350. (330)421-1862
Beauty Distributor Says Farewell
Editor’s Note: This letter was emailed to me by Connie Lang, owner of Paul Mitchell Ohio and
Southeastern Salon Supplies in response to their recent acquisition by Beauty Systems Group/Cosmoprof.
It’s hard to put into words what a
wonderful honor it has been for the past
to the Editor
31 years to be the John Paul Mitchell Distributor for Ohio and West Virginia. What a
beautiful life I have lived being able to serve and educate the many thousands of professional
salon owners, stylists and future professionals in these two great states.
As a small town, third generation hairstylist, professional haircutter and salon owner for
20 years who patterned my entire career after the philosophies of the late and magnificent
Paul Mitchell, it was the thrill and challenge of a lifetime to have the opportunity to do what
I did for the past three decades and be a part of such a great happening.
Being a part of JPMS from the beginning, working with Paul and getting to hear his
dreams and hopes for this great industry was like being a part of a Devine Plan. Learning
business from John Paul and being mentored by him has been a most incredible life experience that still continues. I thank God daily that I was smart enough to open the door when
opportunity knocked!
What a great ride! What an honor being a part of this rich experience. I am so happy
to have been of service to all of you for so long. I hope you all have good memories of my
company and all of the wonderful people who made our overnight service and world class
education possible.
I thank
husband Mike for his savvy in technology and in keeping us on the leading
edge of it, to the dedicated, talented, hardworking and caring staff that has served you all so
well over the years and the amazing and talented educators who have kept Ohio and West
Virginia extremely knowledgeable in business and art and the best group of salon service
professional in the world for making Ohio and West Virginia the best. We broke all records
from having the most Focus Salons, best per capita coverage best education and best service
that the professional haircare industry has ever known.
Life has its was my time and I wanted to go out on top. We had a 15% increase
for the past three years despite the economy, we were opening on average 50 new accounts a
month, we ruined the myth that you can’t make it being single line, we broke every record
and I am proud! I hope for all of you to do something great fun and amazing, follow your
heart, make a difference and have fun doing it!
Love, respect and wishes for great success, Connie Lang
EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Two older dryer
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Insurance available for Independent Contractors, Booth Renters, Cosmetologists, Barbers,
Estheticians, Nail Technicians, Salon & Spa
Owners, Massage Therapists, etc. Apply online for instant coverage! 1-800-927-3566
16 hours $200.00
Kristin Driscoll Licensed Massotherapist,
Managing Esthetician, Salon Owner
R. Shea Driscoll M. Education, Managing Nail Tech
[email protected]
Call or email for more classes and information.
THROUGH DVD’S - FREE CATALOG Hair cutting & styling, clipper &
razor cutting, hair coloring, wedding styles
& updo’s, makeup, facials, manicures and
pedicures, waxing & hair removal, massage,
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HAIR EXTENSIONS Full head in under a hour,classes also available. Visit us at ~ 760-434-2680
PROGRAM 8 CEU hours ~ Monday, Dec. 5,
2011. Reflexology Certification begins on February 27, 2012. Call for details and registration
440-774-1051 ex. 2254
[email protected]
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Who Will Be the First
NAHA Newcomer Stylist of the Year?
NAHA Entry Deadline is Feb. 9, 2012
The North American Hairstyling Awards
(NAHA) has added a new category for 2012.
The NAHA Newcomer Stylist of the Year
award seeks to recognize a rising talent in
the professional hairstyling industry and is
meant to bridge the gap between Student
Hairstylist of the Year and Hairstylist of the
Year. To qualify to enter, the entrant must be
a licensed cosmetologist with less than three
years of professional experience. A photo collection of three high resolution images must
also be submitted for judging. Judging will be
performed by the same level of internationally renowned hairstylists that currently judge
all NAHA categories.
“I highly encourage stylists just starting
out to enter NAHA and especially the Newcomer Stylist of the Year category. Winning a
NAHA helps elevate your career immensely
and puts you in front of top manufacturers
and media outlets for education and editorial work,” said Charlie Price, 2002 and 2008
NAHA Hairstylist of the Year.
As the most celebrated and prestigious
photographic beauty competition in North
America, the Professional Beauty Association
(PBA), the producers of NAHA, encourages stylists to start the planning process
early. With 13 categories to enter, ranging
from Avant Garde to Salon Design, winning
a NAHA is truly a career changing event!
NAHA is open to all licensed cosmetologists
and cosmetology students from the U.S.,
Canada, and Mexico. The entry deadline for
all NAHA categories is February 9, 2012.
Applicants can submit their entries online
(preferred method) or through the mail. All
entries must be received by February 9, 2012.
Helpful tools and tips on how to create a
successful NAHA entry along with complete
entry details and pricing can be found at
NAHA is part of PBA Beauty Week,
North America’s largest, most inclusive
beauty event, which is hosted by Cosmoprof
North America. The 2012 NAHA Award
Ceremony will be held on July 22, 2012 at the
Mandalay Bay Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada.
For more information about NAHA, please
PP 8: Lisa Vann & Friends presents Antoinette Beenders, Allen Ruiz
& Bruno Elorriorz, Seattle, WA 206-441-5511
PP 8-9: The Institute of Salon Business Management Program
Reading, PA
PP 8-10: Beauty Expo USA, Las Vegas
PP 13-15: Winnipeg Wellness Expo, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
PP 15: Masters of Beauty Classic Hairdressing Techniques,
Chicago, IL
PP 15-22: Nail Those Profits at Sea Cruise 2012 -
PP 22: Masters of Beauty with Nick Arrojo, Phoenix, AZ
PP 23-23: Escape To Spa Marketplace In Hawaii - Second Annual
Spa Event For Salon and Spa Owners, Managers & Professionals,
Honolulu, HI
PP 28-30: Long Beach International Salon & Spa Expo, Long Beach
Convention Center
PP 29: Ed Wyse Proudly Presents The TONI&GUY London*/ label.m
International Artistic Team 2012 Collection Hair Show, Seattle, WA
PP 16-17: AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association) Mas-
sage Therapy Schools Summit, Chicago, IL
PP 19: Masters of Beauty - Styling the Red Carpet Way, Louisville,
PP 19-21: Cash Flow Camp Dallas, TX
PP 20-22: Beauty Asia 2012 Singapore Suntec Singapore
PP 20-23: Beauty & Wellness Exchange, Laguna Beach, CA
PP 26: Beauty School Forum, Kissimmee, FL
PP 26-27: Esthetique Spa Intl, Vancouver, Canada
MARCH 2012
PP 3-5: America’s Beauty Show, Chicago, IL 800.883.7808
Celebrate Cosmetologists Chicago’s 100
Years of Beauty at America’s Beauty Show
March 3-5, 2012 at McCormick Place in downtown Chicago
Cosmetologists Chicago invites all salon professionals to celebrate its 100th anniversary at America’s Beauty Show, March 3-5, 2012, McCormick Place in downtown
Chicago. CC’s creative and business leaders of the local Chicago salon industry want to
share with thousands of salon professional attendees what’s new, what’s important and
what’s ahead in beauty.
“America’s Beauty Show,” says Cosmetologists Chicago President Frank Gironda of
Frank Gironda Salon & Spa, Naperville, IL, “is the event that helped shape the leaders in
our area as they built their careers and businesses. For 87-years, America’s Beauty Show
has been “The Midwest Beauty Show” and the tradition will continue for many, many
years. Our generation of salon owners will build on that legacy for future CC members.”
CC’s 100th Anniversary Celebration & Gala on March 3, 2012, will honor the people,
talent and give-back attitude that has been the hallmark of Cosmetologists Chicago for
100 years. The Gala will bring everyone in the salon industry together for a night of stars
and celebration, benefiting the Cosmetologists Chicago Scholarship Fund. The Fund
awards advanced education scholarships to members each year.
Talent and creativity will rule on the ABS Runway. Inspiration will abound from industry icons at ABS showcasing hot, hot, hot looks for the season ahead, previews of color
trends, and fashion-forward styling.
ABS Master Classes from industry leaders will reveal the latest trends and techniques
in and up-close-and-personal setting while the ABS Exhibit Floor will showcase hundreds
of manufacturers and distributors offering the newest products, tools and equipment for
hair, skin and nail care to make a salon business successful.
The International Nail Technicians Association (INTA) Conference is a must-do
event for every nail technician and nail salon owner in the area.
Visit for more information and to register or call
1(800) 883-7808 or (312) 321-6809.
PP 3-5: Face & Body Midwest Spa & Conference & Expo Chicago,
PP 4-5: The Intl Congress of Esthetics and Spa, Miami, FL 1-800471-0229
PP 4-5: Prof. Beauty London,
PP 4-5: European Spa Conv. London,
PP 9-12: Cosmoprof Bologna, Italy
PP 11-12: ABA Canada, Montreal, Quebec
PP 14-17: Spatec Spring NA, Grande Lakes, FL
PP 17-18: The Makeup Show Los Angeles, CA
PP Lorain County JVS Adult Career Center presents Massage
Certification Program - 8 CEU hours - beginning Monday, Dec. 5,
2011. Reflexology Certification begins on February 27, 2012. Call
for details and registration 440-774-1051 ex. 2254
PP 14: Cosmoprof Beauty presents China Glaze Nail Art, Lancaster,
North Olmstead, OH
PP 14: Cosmoprof Beauty presents OPI Art Express, Hamilton,
Portsmouth, OH
PP 14: Cosmoprof Beauty presents Wella Advanced Color Correction,
Grove City, OH
PP 20: Birna’ Ltd. presents Microdermabrasion Certification / CE,
Seville, OH (330)769-3123 [email protected]
PP 21: Cosmoprof Beauty presents OPI Amazing Mani’s, Steubenville,
PP 21: Cosmoprof Beauty presents Satin Smooth Facial Waxing,
Akron, OH
PP 21: Birna’ Ltd. presents Microdermabrasion Certification/ CE,
Seville, Ohio (330) 769-3123 [email protected]
PP 21: Cosmoprof Beauty presents Tigi Cutting, Mansfield, OH www.
PP 21: Cosmoprof Beauty presents Wella Advanced Color Correction,
Cincinnati, OH
PP 21: Brazilian Keratin Straightener Certification (4 CEU’S),
Cincinnati, OH [email protected] or call 513-533-0109
PP 21: Review for Successful Salon management testing (8 CEU’s);
How Money Works or Show Me the Money(4 CEU’s) presented by
Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091
PP 18: Beauty School Forum, Phoenix, AZ
PP 18-19: Spectrum International Beauty Expo, Los Angeles, CA
(310) 680-7367
PP 18-19: Galveston Fashion Focus Galveston, TX
PP 18-20: Champ Camp, Orlando, FL
PP 25-26: Nashville Fashion Focus Nashville, TN
APRIL 2012
PP 1-2: ABA Canada, Toronto
PP 14-15: Peel’s Spring Show, Council Bluffs, IA
PP 15-16: Beauty School Forum, Anaheim, CA
PP 15-16: ABA Canada, Vancouver
PP 15-16: Esthetique Spa Intl Las Vegas, NV
PP 15-17: International SalonSpa Business Network ISBN 2012
Conference, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA ,
PP 18-21: Spatec Europe Marbella, Spain
PP 21-22: International Makeup Artist Trades Show (IMATS) New
York City, NY
PP 21-23: AACS-American Association of Cosmetology Schools
Las Vegas, NV
PP 22: Masters of Beauty with Nick Arrojo, Louisville, KY
PP 22-23: Cleveland Color Evolve Sandusky, OH
PP 22-24: IBS New York, Jacob Javits Center
PP 22-24: International Esthetics, Cosmetics and Spa Conference
IECSC New York,
PP 22-23: Cosmoprof’s 65th Annual Spring Style Show, San Jose,
PP 22-23: ABA Canada, Winnepeg
PP 29-30: Bellevue Fashion Focus, Bellevue, WA
PP 29-30: ABA Canada, Edmonton
MAY 2012
PP 6: Beauty School Forum, Minneapolis, MN
PP 6-7: The Intl Congress of Esthetics and Spa, Dallas, TX 1-800-
PP 6-7: Baltimore Fashion Focus, Baltimore, MD
PP 6-7: Miami Beauty Show, Miami Beach, FL
PP 13-14: The Makeup Show New York
PP 20-21: Int’l Hair & Beauty Show, Secaucus, NJ
PP 20-21: Future Professional Expo Hershey, PA
JUNE 2012
PP 3-4: Premiere Orlando International Beauty Event & Premiere
DAYSPA conference, Orlando, FL
PP 4-6: Global Spa Summit Aspen, CO
PP 9-11: IBS Las Vegas,
PP 26: Birna’ Ltd. presents Microdermabrasion Certification / CE,
Seville, OH (330)769-3123 [email protected]
PP 28: Review for Successful Salon management testing (8 CEU’s);
How Money Works or Show Me the Money(4 CEU’s) presented by
Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-50912: Introduction to Swedish Relaxation Massage , Middleburg Heights, OH (330)273-3707
PP 28: Cosmoprof Beauty presents Aquage Making the Cut, Boardman, OH
PP 28: Cosmoprof Beauty presents Ardell Luxurious Lashes, Akron,
PP 4: Introduction to Swedish Relaxation Massage , Middleburg
Heights, OH (330)273-3707
PP 4-5: : Cinderella Hair Extensions Two Day Classic Bonding Class,
Columbus, OH, TX 1-800-332-9246
PP 5: Review for Successful Salon management testing (8 CEU’s);
How Money Works or Show Me the Money(4 CEU’s) presented by
Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091
PP 5: Brazilian Keratin Straightener Certification (4 CEU’S), Cincinnati, OH [email protected] or call 513-533-0109
PP 6: Cinderella Hair Extensions T Clip Hair Class, Columbus, OH
PP 8: Cosmoprof Beauty presents GHD Urban Angel Experience,
Toledo, OH
PP 12: Review for Successful Salon management testing (8 CEU’s);
How Money Works or Show Me the Money(4 CEU’s) presented by
Joyce Provens, Columbus, OH (614)353-5091
Educational events are listed free as space allows. To have your event listed, please email
to [email protected] or mail to Stylist Newspapers, 1750 SW Skyline Blvd. #24,
Portland, OR 97221. For more information call (503) 297-7010 x204.
1. Sensual, Empowering, Healthy
Atzen, the skin care that has revolutionized the way spas, estheticians and doctors have viewed skin
care, incorporates new technology called boosters to enhance its formulas by making the ingredients more
active and work deeper in the layers of the skin.
Atzen products are paraben free, pharmaceutical grade antioxidant formulation, natural emulsifiers
from olives, scientifically advanced active ingredients (organic when available) derived from sustainable
and renewable sources.
Atzen introduces a new experience to enjoy younger and radiant skin forever with five product lines
to address different skincare needs: Balance Age Reverse Safely for sensitive and allergic skin; Renew
Exfoliate and Brighten for sun damaged and congested skin; Purify Calm and Clear for sensitized, oily and
acneic skin; In-Shape Slim and Sensual for sun damaged and dehydrated skin; Protect Enjoy the Sun Safely
for ultra-sensitive and allergic skin. For more information call 1-800-468-4362 or visit
2. Say no!no! to Unwanted Hair
Remove hair easily and painlessly with no!no! Hair from Radiancy, a hair removal treatment that
reduces the rate of hair regrowth. Universally safe and effective for everyone, the slim design and cord-free
operation makes it easy to hold and manipulate for hard to reach areas like the bikini line, curved areas and
facial hair. no!no! Hair ensures that hair will grow back at a slower rate than shaving and waxing.
The no!no! Hair is built with Thermicon, an innovative technology developed by Radiancy – market
leaders in professional phototherapy devices used by dermatologists and estheticians around the world.
The no!no! is safe for everyone, no matter the skin type or hair color.
Keep skin feeling silky smooth with no!no! Smooth, a moisturizing cream enriched with Capislow to
slow down hair regrowth. Peptides, Green Tea Extract, Glycerin and other essential nutrients deliver the
final touch, creating a luxurious sensation for the skin.
For more information about the no!no! Hair from Radiancy visit
3. Let Her Curls and Waves Take Center Stage
You love your curly-headed clients but sometimes you feel like their hair is spiraling out of your control. Tapping into two of the world’s most precious and nourishing oils, Macadamia Natural Oil’s Reviving
Curl Cream is your dream come to life.
Instead of fighting nature, Reviving Curl Cream’s rich infusion of macadamia and argan oils embrace
it. The power of macadamia provides a structure so similar to the body’s own that it’s as light as air on
curly hair and absorbed just as easily. The moisture-rich surface that results from Reviving Curl Cream’s
use seals in softness and locks out the humidity that causes curls and waves to fall and frizz. Meanwhile,
the addition of argan oil provides UV protection, extending the life of coloring and texturing services, and
an innovative blend of proteins and botanicals strengthens and nourishes every strand, so curly hair is softy
defined, oh-so flexible and infinitely healthier.
For more information visit or call 800-807-3950.
4. One Shining Moment
Orofluido products, which were inspired by the beauty rituals of ancient Morocco, Egypt and Phoenicia, contain an exquisite mixture of not one, but three organic oils – Argan, Cyperus and Linseed – to
impart incredible silkiness, lightness and shine on all hair types.
Now, women can tame their manes with Orofluido’s simple, and affordable, beauty ritual. Orofluido’s
new Shampoo, Conditioner, Mask and Shine Spray provide daily cleansing and care that delivers remarkable results, even after just one use. “Orofluido built its success on being a light-weight, non-greasy Hair
Elixir with an irresistible, exotic scent,” said Kristie Chamberlain, Marketing Manager, Colomer Beauty
Brands, a division of The Colomer Group that owns Orofluido. “We’re excited to boost the brand with
four more outstanding products that create softer, smoother and of course, shinier hair.”
For more information, visit or call 800.598.2739.
5. Experience Nature’s Extracted Remedies
Uriélle luxury hair care has searched the globe to discover nature’s exotic elements, blending them
with cutting edge technology for an outstanding line of high performance hair care products.
The first in a new line of upscale hair care, Uriélle is pleased to unveil Revitál-Treatment - a restorative
and conditioning styling treatment with many uses. An ultra-luxurious leave-in treatment that absorbs
instantly into hair, Uriélle Revitál-Treatment is a weightless formula infused with natural restorative extracts from around the world. Enriched with vital nutrients and rejuvenating vitamins, it seals in moisture,
softens and conditions all hair types, while leaving no residue or weighing hair down.
Uriélle Revitál-Treatment can be used on all hair types including color, chemical, and keratin treated
hair. Even healthy hair shows noticeable improvement. Free from parabens, sulfates, propylene, glycol,
DEA, TEA or synthetic color or dyes Uriélle Revitál-Treatment is never tested on animals.
For more information on the Uriélle luxury hair care line call 347-525-1413 or visit
Have your product considered for the Stylist & Salon’s What’s New section. Send press releases with a photo to Managing Editor Lisa Kind
at [email protected] or mail to Stylist & Salon Newspapers, 1750 SW Skyline Blvd., Suite 24, Portland, OR 97221.
Paraffin/mineral oils
Formaldehyde derivatives
100% Performance
• Up to 100% white coverage
• Up to 4 levels of lift
• Stabilizes the hair structure during
the colouring process
• Protects against external influences
Maybe it was at the last hair show you attended or your best friend’s salon. However, you HAVE NOT met me at the drugstore!
If it was a hair show, you know I bring it. From my clipper cutting education to the amazing deals on quality products for
men, I’m sure I’ve made an impression on you…! Is your men’s retail center booming? Ours is….remember that guys are
practical and don’t want to spend a lot on their hair care so offer an authentic men’s line that’s affordable at your place of
business. The Premiere Beauty Classic was such a success I am offering Johnny B essentials for you to try so call today and
mention this AD and receive an early Christmas present from Johnny B.
Johnny B. ORIGINAL Pomade was the first Johnny B. product made. It’s become a classic! A small
amount gives light control with heavy shine. Made from high grade petroleum so it is easy to
dissolve. Try it after blow drying to define and separate.
Johnny B. XTRA HOLD Pomade is a hard brilliantine that contains beeswax to give superior hold
and moisture to all hair types. Made to groom short, tight buzz cuts. A real control freak...
Purchase 1 of Each Pomade 1oz
(Original, Xtra Hold, Molding Paste & Street Cream)
Johnny B. STREET CREAM is a pliable texture cream, designed to add thickness and
fullness to hair. Its natural shine finish is sure to give you a classic look.
Receive 1 Johnny B.
FADE Comb & Shelf Talker
Johnny B. MOLDING PASTE has a heavy duty hold for serious users. Its low shine gives a clean
classy look. Use the amount your in the mood for, a small quantity for a light hold and a generous
amount will give you a strong defined hold.
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Educational Classes Available. Contact Us For More Information.