Badge Heavy Goods Vehicle
Badge Heavy Goods Vehicle
ORDER FORM Badge Heavy Goods Vehicle Axxès customer no.: Axxès contract no.: Customer identification Company name: Choice of an offer of services Select the offer of services you would like and the options that interest you. VIAXXÈS Offer VIAXXÈS SAT Offer VIAXXÈS SAT Manager Offer Microwave toll badge Satellite toll badge Satellite toll badge Customer area Customer area Customer area French tolls Tolls Tolls in France, Spain, Portugal and Belgium Tolls in France, Spain, Portugal and Belgium in France, Spain, Portugal and Belgium Heavy goods vehicle transit toll Heavy goods vehicle transit toll Remote update and modification services Remote update and modification services Toll + OPTIONAL (data transfer) EDI (GPS + TOLL DATA) Geolocation and fleet management Viaxxès SAT Manager Toll ❏ I subscribe to the Viaxxès offer* with + OPTIONAL (data transfer) or ❏ French tolls (all motorway operating companies) ❏ Tolls (interoperability France + Spain + Portugal + Belgique) EDI (GPS + TOLL DATA) ❏ I subscribe to the Viaxxès SAT offer* with I add in paying option ❏ EDI service or ❏ Transmission of Toll data presentation or ❏ Transmission of Toll data presentation ❏ I subscribe to the Viaxxès SAT Manager offer* with I add in paying option ❏ EDI service For smoother administration, we recommend completing a separate order form for each offer of services you want. For details of the offers of and options services prices, please refer to the current price list. * Generals terms and conditions of Axxès services available on 1 Information on the French network Access to discounts on the French network You wish to benefit from special commercial terms (discounts) for heavy goods vehicles on ❏ All motorway operating companies Alternatively, select one or more motorway companies below for which access to these discounts is optional and provided for a fee Motorway companies: COFIROUTE ALIS (local discount) SAPN (Paris-Normandy motorways) SANEF (motorways of north-eastern France) APRR (Paris-Rhin-Rhône motorways) CCIH (Tancarville and Normandy bridges) ❏ Mandatory ❏ Mandatory ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Mandatory Alienor (Gascony motorway) ❏ Mandatory ATMB (Mont-Blanc motorway and tunnel) ❏ Mandatory SFTRF (Fréjus road tunnel) ❏ Mandatory AREA (Rhône-Alpes motorways) ❏ Mandatory ESCOTA (Estérel and Côte d’Azur motorways) ❏ Mandatory ❏ Mandatory ❏ Mandatory ❏ Mandatory ASF (motorways of southern France) ALIS (A28) Mandatory documents Registration certificate for each vehicle. CEMT certification or COC because the euro pollution class is required. If you wish make a declaration for the heavy goods vehicle transit toll, without this document your vehicle will be declared with Euro pollution class 0. Taxpayer susbscriber declaration for the heavy goods vehicle transit toll If you select the Viaxxès SAT or Viaxxès SAT Manager offer, the toll badge includes the heavy goods vehicle transit toll service (once your application has been approved by the state’s representative). You can declare your vehicles for heavy goods vehicle transit toll. To do this, you need to return the signed SHT mandate and the supporting documents to your sales office (see the document “Taxpayer subscriber declaration for the Heavy Goods Vehicle transit toll”). Identification of the vehicles for which you wish to order badges An Excel file may be submitted instead of the table above, as long as all the columns are included. Additional information about the details in the table: Registration no.: See on the registration certificate. Country: country of registration. Euro class: “V9” on the registration certificate or vehicle description, or on the COC or CEMT. Number of axles of the tractor: the number of axles of the vehicle. Total number of axles (tractor+trailer): the number of axles of the vehicle with its trailer. GVWR of the tractor: See on the registration certificate. AGVW of the tractor: See on the registration certificate. National type: “J1” on the registration certificate. Relationship to the vehicle(s): Specify whether you are the owner, renter or sub-lessee. If you are none of these, you are the user of the vehicle. * more information in the website customer area at 2 Please complete the full details of each vehicle in the table below: Number of axles of the cab Total number of axles GVWR (tractor) AGVW National type User EURO emissions class Sub-lesse Country Renter Registration no. Owner Vehicle Relationship to the vehicle(s) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 ORDER FORM Original to sign and return I declare that I have read and expressly accept the Service Contract, and in particular the General Terms and Conditions of the Axxès Services. I recognise that Axxès retains the right to refuse this application for the reasons given in their General Terms and Conditions of Service, such as insolvency, cancellation of a previous contract for fraud or failure to pay etc. In application of the French Data Protection Act no. 78/17 of 6 January 1978 (amended), the applicant is informed that the information provided on this application form is required to enable the Subscription Request to be processed and that requests for information or correction can be sent to Axxès – 10/12 Bd Vivier Merle 69393 Lyon cedex 03 - France. Date: Signatory’s name: Signatory’s job title: Signature [which must be preceded by the handwritten comment in French “Lu et Approuvé” (read and approved)]: Company stamp: Your contact office AXXES LYON Tour Oxygène 10-12 boulevard Vivier Merle 69393 LYON CEDEX 03 FRANCE +33 (0)4 26 29 75 20 +33 (0)4 26 29 75 22 [email protected] AXXES SAINT-MICHEL-DE-MAURIENNE Plateforme du Tunnel 73500 MODANE FRANCE AXXES SAINT-MARTIN-DE-CRAU La Lieutenante +33 (0)4 26 29 75 70 +33 (0)4 79 20 26 93 [email protected] 13558 SAINT-MARTIN-DE-CRAU FRANCE 4 Axxès SAS au capital de de 7 500 000 € / N° de SIRET 482 930 385 00026 / APE 5221Z Headquarters: Tour Oxygène – 10/12 Bd Vivier Merle – 69003 LYON -France PR 100 0614 +33 (0)4 26 29 75 60 +33 (0)4 90 47 88 12 [email protected] TAXE POIDS LOURDS MANDAT POUR LA DECLARATION DU VEHICULE ET LE PAIEMENT DE LA TAXE Personne morale: Adresse : Je, soussigné : Agissant en qualité de dûment habilité(e) aux fins des présentes Donne par la présente, mandat à AXXES SAS située à Tour Oxygène, 10-12 bd Vivier Merle, 69393 LYON CEDEX 03 – France, agissant en qualité de Société Habilité de Télépéage Pour déclarer mon (mes) véhicule(s) à l’enregistrement pour mon compte et me désigner comme redevable enregistré ainsi que pour acquitter la taxe due au titre de la taxe poids lourds en mon nom et pour mon compte. J’atteste avoir fourni à AXXES SAS, des pièces justificatives valides afin de procéder à l’enregistrement de mon (mes) véhicule(s). Ainsi je me porte garant de l’exactitude et de la véracité des dites pièces au regard de la réglementation applicable. Je déclare ne pas être lié contractuellement auprès d’une société tierce pour les services cités ci-dessus, ou, le cas échéant, avoir effectué toutes les opérations de résiliation pour tout autre contrat d’abonnement contracté pour ces services auprès d’une société tierce. Je souhaite recevoir les détails de liquidation et donne, par la présente, mandat à Axxès pour solliciter en mon nom et pour mon compte les détails de liquidation. Liste des véhicules concernés par le présent mandat Genre National N° immatriculation Qualité du signataire (ou de la société représentée par le signataire) au regard du/des véhicule(s) Pays d’immatriculation N/D - N/D - N/D - N/D - N/D - N/D - N/D - N/D - N/D - N/D - Fait à Lyon, le Faire précéder la signature de la mention « Bon pour mandat », et apposer le cachet de l’entreprise. 3 Axxès SAS au capital de 7 500 000 € / N° de SIRET 482 930 385 00026 / APE 5221Z - Tour Oxygène – 10/12 Bd Vivier Merle – 69003 LYON SEPA DIRECT DEBIT AUTHORISATION Axxès customer no.: Axxès contract no.: By signing this mandate form, you authorise (A) Axxès to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and (B) your bank to debit your account in accordance with the instructions from Axxès As part of your rights, you are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited. Account Creditor Name: Axxès Tour Oxygène - 10-12 bd Vivier Merle 69393 Lyon Cedex 03 - FRANCE Address: Postcode: City: Country: IBAN: BIC: Payment: Recurrent Signed in: Date: Signature: Area reserved for the creditor’s use The unique mandate reference will be quoted on your next Axxès invoice. Creditor’s SEPA identifier: FR05ZZZ503932 Mandatory documents to provide Bank account details stating the IBAN and BIC numbers. 1 Axxès SAS au capital de de 7 500 000 € / N° de SIRET 482 930 385 00026 / APE 5221Z Headquarters: Tour Oxygène – 10/12 Bd Vivier Merle – 69003 LYON -France Mai 2014 Form to be returned with your bank account details to your sales office SUBSCRIPTION REQUEST Document required to open an account Reserved Axxès Axxès customer no. : Axxès contract no.: Customer identification Company name: Surname/first name of the legal representative: Company form: NAF or NACE code: EORI or VAT no°: Address: Town: PO box: Cedex: Telephone: Mobile: Postcode: Country: Fax: E-mail address of the legal representative*: * all communications addressed to this e-mail address will have the same legal status as registered mail. Additional contact** (optional) o invoicing o delivery o fleet manager Surname/first name: Job title: Address: PO box: Town: Cedex: Country: Telephone: Mobile: Fax: Postcode: E-mail address*: ** to add more contacts, go to the website customer area at Mandatory documents to provide Kbis, Lbis or registration application or association statutes less than 3 months old Bank account details stating the IBAN and BIC numbers Original to sign and return I declare that I have read and expressly accept the Service Contract, and in particular the General Terms and Conditions of the Axxès Services. I recognise that Axxès retains the right to refuse this application for the reasons given in their General Terms and Conditions of Service, such as insolvency, cancellation of a previous contract for fraud or failure to pay etc. In application of the French Data Protection Act no. 78/17 of 6 January 1978 (amended), the applicant is informed that the information provided on this application form is required to enable the Subscription Request to be processed and that requests for information or correction can be sent to Axxès – 10/12 Bd Vivier Merle 69393 Lyon cedex 03 - France. Date: Signature [which must be preceded by the handwritten comment in French “Lu et Approuvé” (read and approved)]: Signatory’s name: Signatory’s job title: Company stamp: Your contact office Tour Oxygène 10-12 boulevard Vivier Merle 69393 LYON CEDEX 03 FRANCE +33 (0)4 26 29 75 20 +33 (0)4 26 29 75 22 [email protected] 1 AXXES SAINT-MICHEL-DE-MAURIENNE AXXES SAINT-MARTIN-DE CRAU Plateforme du Tunnel La Lieutenante 73500 MODANE FRANCE 13558 SAINT-MARTIN-DE-CRAU FRANCE +33 (0)4 26 29 75 70 +33 (0)4 79 20 26 93 [email protected] +33 (0)4 26 29 75 60 +33 (0)4 90 47 88 12 [email protected] Axxès SAS au capital de 7 500 000 € / N° de SIRET 482 930 385 00026 / APE 5221Z Headquarters: Tour Oxygène – 10/12 Bd Vivier Merle – 69003 LYON -France Mai 2014 AXXES LYON TAXPAYER SUBSCRIBER DECLARATION FOR THE HEAVY GOODS VEHICLE TRANSIT TOLL GUIDE Who is affected by the Heavy Goods Vehicle transit toll ? This transit toll is payable jointly by the owner, renter, sub-lessee, driver or user of any road freight transport vehicle registered in France or abroad whose gross vehicle weight rating, or authorised gross vehicle weight in the case of an articulated truck, is greater than 3.5 tonnes. When registering each vehicle subject to the tax, the customer names the registered taxpayer who will receive payment notices and statements relating to the transit toll. LIST OF DOCUMENTS REQUIRED TO DECLARE A TAXPAYER SUBSCRIBER FOR THE HEAVY GOODS VEHICLE TRANSIT TOLL Mandatory documents ❏ EORI or TVA proof of less than 3 months old ❏ Vehicle registration certificate ❏ Certificate Company Registration ❏ The SHT (authorised transit toll collection company) mandate Paper depending on the case ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ The signed certificate of incumbency Evidence of rental or sub-leasing signed by all the parties involed Evidence of use signed by all the parties involed Proxy signed by all the parties involved Documents needed to identify the COMPANY wishing to declare its vehicles EORI OR TVA PROOF It has to be less than 3 months old. It is essential to prove that the company is registered. You can get it from your Chamber of Commerce. CERTIFICATE COMPANY REGISTRATION It has to be less than 3 months old. It has to include the name of an individual as legal representative. If the certificate of incorporation gives the name of a legal entity, the Certificate Company Registration of this legal entity is also required and so on until the name of an individual appears. It will only be accepted if it includes the name of an individual. If this is not the case, a certificate of incumbency is required certifying that the person listed is the legal representative of the taxpayer’s company. You can get it from your Chamber of Commerce. CERTIFICATE OF INCUMBENCY To be used to prove the name of the taxpayer subscriber company’s legal representative either by himself, because his name does not appear on the Certificate Company Registration, or by another member of the company. CERTIFICATE OF INCUMBENCY template Day month year I, the undersigned (full name, job title), of the company (company name, head office, address, share capital), certify that (full name) is the legal representative of the company (company name). Signed in……. On……. For all legal intents and purposes. 1 Signature and stamp of the declarer Documents needed to identify the VEHICLES wishing to declare VEHICLE REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE - VRC Essential for each vehicle. Exemple of french vehicle registration certificate CEMT CERTIFICATION OR COC The EURO POLLUTION class is required. The VIN code (“E”) or registration (“A”) must appear on the VEHICLE REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE. You can get it from your dealer or manufacturer. If this information is given in “V9” on the vehicle registration there is no need to provide a CEMT CERTIFICATION. Case of RENTING or SUB-LEASING In the case of a rental of 3 months or more, the renter or sub-lessee is the registered taxpayer. If the taxable vehicle is covered by a leasing contract, the registered taxpayer is the lessee (long-term renter). In the case of a rental contract of less than 3 months, the registered taxpayer is the rental company. In this case, the CERTIFICATE COMPANY REGISTRATION of the rental company are also required. RENTING or SUB-LEASING This is ONLY needed if neither lessor appears on the REGISTRATION DOCUMENT in “C1” and “C3”. Only the last rental contract needs to be proved. The registration must be clearly indicated. RENTAL or SUB-LEASING CONTRACT If you do not have a rental contract, a declaration is acceptable. It must be signed by the last rental company and the last renter (the HGV taxpayer). RENTAL or SUB-LEASING CONTRACT template Day month year I, the undersigned (name and address of the rental/sub-leasing company) certify that I lease the vehicles with registration numbers (…; …) to the company (name and address of the renter/sub-lessee company) for a period of XX months. Signed in……. On……. For all legal intents and purposes. Signature and stamp of the rental/sub-leasing company Signature and stamp of the renter/sub-lessee company PROOF OF USE Only complete these details for vehicles you neither own nor rent (e.g. borrow, use with no financial contract). In this case, you will need to provide evidence of your use. Only the last rental contract needs to be proved. The registration must be clearly indicated. PROOF OF USE template Day month year I, the undersigned (name and address), owner of the vehicles with registration numbers (…; …), certify that I make them available to the company (name and address). Signature and stamp of the owner company Signature and stamp of the user company Juillet 2014 Signed in……. On……. For all legal intents and purposes. 2
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