Annual Report - Sacred Heart Academy
Annual Report - Sacred Heart Academy
SACRED HEART ACADEMY ANNUAL REPORT | 2014–2015 2 | A Message from the Interim President | SHA Annual Report 2014–2015 A Message from the Interim President Dear Friends of Sacred Heart, In speaking about Sacred Heart Academy, we often say “Sacred Heart Academy empowers young women to make a difference in their families, communities, church and world.” This is a strong statement especially in a society where so many people feel overwhelmed and helpless. At Sacred Heart, we help students face the realities of what is happening in the world with the tools of faith, compassion, courage and commitment. Their God-given capacities for caring and connectedness with others keeps unfolding. With this in mind, beginning in freshman year, students are required to participate in service and community projects. Last year, our 800 young women completed 31,878 hours of ministry to others. When students are asked to reflect on their experiences, they tell us that it’s all about the relationships they form. Something inside them happens when they comfort the dishevelled man on the Midnight Run; when they give meals to a woman and her children in the shelter; when they assist a child at Camp Anchor; and when they see what happens in Miraflores, El Salvador, when 50,000 families have access to contaminated water only. "The homeless," “the hungry," "the disabled," and "the poor" are no longer social categories of nameless and faceless people. They are their brothers and sisters. As I write this letter to you, I am aware of how deeply invested each of you is in Sacred Heart Academy as parent, alumna, trustee, friend and benefactor. Be assured, your investment provides students with more than a Regents diploma. In addition, you might say, our young ladies receive a degree in Gospel values and in bringing about reconciliation, unity and God’s inclusive love in our hurting world. Sacred Heart Academy empowers young women to lead in our global world community by educating them in an environment that is rigorous, technologically advanced, nurturing and supportive. We can do this because of the dedication of faculty, staff and administrators - and You! Without the gifts of your presence, time, labor, resources, connections and expertise, we could not do all that we do. Your support enables us to make a SHA education as affordable as possible so young women with strong academic and leadership potential are not excluded because of financial need. Thank you for the many roles you contribute to Sacred Heart Academy to make it a holy, safe, enriching and happy academic environment. Your lives are a witness that God, intimately present at the heart of each of us and the Universe, is always lovingly present, never abandons us, and impels us to find ways to transform our evolving world. We are so grateful that SHA is one of the ways you have chosen to make a difference in our world. Sincerely, Sister Jean Amore, CSJ Ed.D., Interim President A Message from the Board of Trustees Dear Sacred Heart Academy Family, Alumnae, and Friends, It is an honor to report the financial results of the 2014-15 academic year on behalf of the Sacred Heart Academy Trustees’ Finance Committee. During the year ended June 30, 2015, Sacred Heart Academy’s investment funds grew by 13% over the year as a result of new gifts, transfers, and investment income. Sacred Heart Academy produced a balanced budget of $13.2 million, beginning with tuition and fee revenues of $8.3 million, followed by student and auxiliary activities that generated $1.1 million. Total gifts to Sacred Heart included cash and pledge contributions of $860,000, and non-cash contributed services and facilities valued at $1.4 million. Contributions included the establishment of Sacred Heart Academy’s first true endowment fund to support student scholarships. Operating and capital expenses are budgeted to support the key academic, athletic, and research objectives of the students and faculty. Instruction costs amounted to $7.8 million, and $1.5 million was directed toward student activities, auxiliary programs, and scholarship awards. An additional $1.2 million was expended to purchase academic and research equipment, continue building and facility upgrades and provide on-going campus maintenance. Measured at June 30, 2015 Sacred Heart Academy held total assets of $18.9 million and net assets of $12.9 million. Assets include $940,000 in cash, $7.1 million in investments, and $8.8 million in plant and equipment. Liabilities of $6.0 million include a $3.7 million low interest loan. The Finance Committee supports the mission of Sacred Heart Academy by promoting sustainable financial practices and high fiscal performance goals to ensure funding for the current and future successes of students and faculty. Sincerely, Barbara J. (Burke ’77) Holahan, P ’14, P ’16 Denise Strain, P ’06 Finance Committee Co-Chairs, Board of Trustees Revenues Expenses Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,843,000 Tuition & Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,349,000 Student Activities & Auxiliary Programs . . . . $1,136,000 S tudent Activities & Auxiliary Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,021,000 NYS Mandated Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,343,000 Scholarships & Financial Aid . . . . . . . . . . . $435,000 Investment Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $123,000 General & Administrative . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,487,000 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $748,000 Contributions: Gifts, Grants, Special Events . . . . . . . . . . . $859,000 Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $651,000 Contributed Facilities & Services . . . . . . . . $1,355,000 Net Capital Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $980,000 TOTAL REVENUE . . . . . . . $13,165,000 TOTAL EXPENSES . . . . . . . $13,165,000 4 | A Message from the Principal | SHA Annual Report 2014–2015 A Message from the Principal Dear Friends of Sacred Heart, In my summer letter to parents preceding the 2014–15 academic year, I wrote about change being the hallmark of every vital institution. Change requires us to reflect on what works, what does not work, where we are and where we want to be. It is with pride that I can say that, because of the contributions of so many, Sacred Heart continues to "work" well. Sacred Heart Academy works because of everyone who shares their talents with us. A strong example of this is our Alumnae, who are invited back and return frequently to speak to classes about their life experiences and to do presentations at Career Day. They create a bridge from the classroom to the workplace for our girls. Our Alum reach out to us and work with us because they are compelled to give back. When the Bloomberg Financial Markets Lab was constructed in summer 2015. One of our participating faculty members visited Bloomberg LP and reconnected with Lauren Faggione ’03, Structured Products Sales Specialist at Bloomberg. Mr. Richard Powers, SHA History Department, is coordinating a tour of Bloomberg LP with Lauren and a group of Economics Honors Students. Sacred Heart Academy works because of everyone who gives their time. Let us remember the spiritual journey we went on with Immaculée Ilibagiza thanks to the efforts of the Mothers’ Guild. It was their idea to nourish us with Immaculée’s witness of God’s grace and we not only learned about forgiveness, we felt it. The Mothers’ Guild spent hours organizing, selling and distributing tickets and arranging a book signing all with the purpose of strengthening our bond in our Catholic faith. It worked—together we opened our hearts, we prayed the rosary and we became witness to God’s inclusive love. Sacred Heart Academy works because of everyone who supports us financially. Your investments have contributed to the growth of Sacred Heart and our offerings to the young women entrusted to our care. Your support allows us to continue to educate young hearts and minds in an inspiring environment and set the pace for Catholic college preparatory education. Last year, changes at Sacred Heart were evident with the opening of the state-of-the-art Science Research Center, enriched offerings from CulinArt, our new dining services provider, and new courses across the curriculum. One such offering, Digital Photography, is described in detail on the following page. Take a good look at the spirited photographs throughout our Annual Report. They were taken and edited by students in this new class. Experience the year, and all the change that came with it, through the lenses of those who lived it—our young women who lead with heart. Sincerely, Sister Joanne Forker, CSJ, Ed.D. NEW IN ACADEMICS Photo Credit: Julianne Holmes ’16 Photo Credit: Carly Lorenzo ’16 Photo Credit: Samantha Colucci ’16 DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY at Sacred Heart Academy In the 2014–15 academic year, Sacred Heart Academy debuted its Digital Photography/ Photoshop Hybrid class. This class was designed to expose the young women of Sacred Heart to the history of digital photography and the vast array of techniques and skills associated with the medium. Students also explore the actual mechanics of cameras and are guided to the realization that the lense is a mechanical version of our very own eyes. Led by Mrs. Kristin Mariano, students learn the basic technical elements of photography and develop hands-on skills: • camera operations • pictorial composition • lighting • developing • printing • digital imaging • mounting • display Students in the Digital Photography class attend school events, Liturgies, athletic practices and games and club meetings. They capture journalistic moments at every opportunity. In Sacred Heart’s Mac Lab, our young women take the pictures from their photo shoots into the digital darkroom of Lightroom & Photoshop. Here, their creative vision comes to life as they manipulate and tweak their images. The final photos are used for Sacred Heart Academy’s yearbook, website, newsletters, social media and publicity efforts. All of the pictures in this issue of the Annual Report were shot and edited by students in the 2014–15 Digital Photography/Photoshop Hybrid class. This publication provides an outstanding portfolio of the incredibly creative and outstanding technical abilities of the young women of Sacred Heart Academy. Photo Credit: Caitlin McNamara ’16 6 | Become Living Water for Others | SHA Annual Report 2014–2015 Photo Credit: Eileen Crinnion ’16 “Become Living Water for Others” by Veronica Ticas-Ludewig, Campus Minister for Sacred Heart Academy At Sacred Heart Academy, we take time as a community to nurture a spiritual life that fosters courage, compassion and commitment and enables us to live out our mission. We profess in our philosophy that each member of the community is uniquely gifted by a loving God, and individually called to respond to that love. Campus Ministry, in concert with the academic and extra-curricular programs at Sacred Heart, is committed to educating the whole person, focusing on the particular gifts of each student. We challenge our young women leaders to be mindful of the call to work for justice and peace in an increasingly interdependent and connected global community. The spiritual theme for the 2014-15 academic year, Becoming Living Water for Others, was inspired by a student-led campaign to examine the topic of water as a justice and moral issue. In the fall, members of the Awakening the Dreamer and UN/Pax Christi clubs presented a video to the Sacred Heart Academy Mission Committee about the importance of using reusable bottles instead of plastics water bottles. The Mission Committee, which is comprised of Board Members, Administrators and Faculty asked, “How should we respond to the presentation?” The young women leaders suggested installing rehydration stations and educating the whole school on the issue of water. Through the grace of God, the next day, Sister Jeanne Ross ’66, former President of Sacred Heart Academy (1997–2015), received a call from an alum and her husband who were interested in helping advance the mission of Sacred Heart Academy. It certainly was clear that God was calling us to pursue this issue. Sister Jeanne explained the students’ proposal and Rachel (Cancro ’83) and John Cashwell P ’18 generously offered to fund two rehydration stations located in the cafeteria and on the third floor. The young women spearheading this project also organized a student-led presentation in the Sister Virginia Crowley Theater to educate Students and Faculty about the initiative to limit the use of plastic water bottles and to raise conscientiousness about the effect on the global community and the need for action on this topic. Little did these students know that one of the ripple effects of their idea would be the spiritual theme for the academic year. Water is essential to life and is often used to symbolize cleansing, renewal, and purifying properties. For many of us in the United States, water is often taken for granted. But this is not the case around the world. According to Water. org, 1 in 10 people lack access to safe water and every 90 seconds a child dies from water related disease. In our Catholic tradition, we cannot deny the importance of water. It is through water that we are initiated into our community in the sacrament of Baptism, thus calling each one of us to act in response to the needs of others and put our faith into action. As Lent 2015 approached, Campus Ministry focused on this baptismal call. Students were encouraged to examine their lives and ask themselves: "How am I doing?" "What is your life thirsting for?” “How can you satisfy that thirst?” “How can you satisfy the thirst in others?” In the Lenten prayer service, we reflected on the Gospel of John 4:4-30, the biblical story of Jesus and the woman at the well. Samantha Nicholson ’16, dramatized the story as the woman at the well and her conversion from sin to message of Jesus, seeking the living water. During this Lenten prayer service, the young women of Sacred Heart Academy heard staggering statistics of how privileged we truly are to have access to water. They were alarmed to learn that: •A five minute shower uses more water than a typical person has all day living in a developing country. • T he water in your toilet is cleaner than nearly a billion people have to drink. •A nd finally, the water and sanitation crisis claims more lives through disease than any war claims through guns. Students, Faculty and Administrators held in prayer the women, men and children who face great water injustice. Our young women were also encouraged to be mindful of the Students Sharing Gifts Through Campus Ministry Campus Ministry Service Girls assist in preparing materials for spiritual activities and brainstorm ideas and themes for bulletin boards on the first floor and next to the chapel. Convent Nail Salon Students meet bi-monthly and walk over to the Sacred Heart Convent to give manicures to the retired Sisters of St. Joseph. This fosters community, inter-generational dialogue and provides a kind service to the Sisters who have dedicated their lives to others. Prayers Create prayers for special occasions that will be read during morning announcments or printed on cards for students. Retreats and Prayer Services leading of day retreats or smaller retreats/ reflections afterschool. Liturgical Assistance • Sacristans—Participate in the behind-thescenes preparations for Liturgies and assist with picking readings, creating prayers of the faithful, etc. • Lectors—Proclaim the message of the Bible and/or Prayer of the Faithful during school assembly Liturgies or Friday Liturgies in the chapel. • Altar Servers—Assist priests during school assembly Liturgies or Friday Liturgies in the chapel. • Music—Share your musical gifts by singing or playing an instrument during Liturgies, prayer services, etc. In conjunction with the CSJ Leaders club, participate in the organization, planning, and "T" Time or "Talk" Time various types of thirst that exist in our world. People thirst for water, but also thirst for Love, Compassion, Understanding, Forgiveness, Friendship, Justice, and Peace. seeking to address one of the Corporal Works of Mercy through a project by giving drink to the thirsty. We challenged our students to reflect on how they would respond to those who are thirsting. In addition to the Lenten Prayer service, the Campus Ministry Office hosted a Walk in Solidarity with the Water Carriers. Students and Faculty walked around the school, listened to witness reflections on the everyday lives of Water Carriers. Statistics have repeatedly showed that women and children, especially girls, primarily carry the burden of water carrying. Women and girls spend up to 6 hours each day collecting water and, on average, women and children in Asia and Africa walk 3.7 miles a day one way to collect water, sometimes carrying heavy loads of 40 lbs. of water or more. Once they are on their travels, these woman are often in danger of being attacked by humans and animals. Often left with little time to attend school, Water Carriers receive little or no formal education. As we progress into 2015–2016 school year, Sacred Heart Academy will continue to build awareness on the issue of water justice. But awareness is simply not enough. In June, Pope Francis released Laudato Sí, and called us to an “ecological conversion, whereby the effects of their encounter with Jesus Christ become evident in their relationship with the world around them. Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience.” Therefore, in this Year of Mercy, Sacred Heart Academy is "T" Time is an opportunity for young women The Sacred Heart Academy community will build a well in Miraflores, El Salvador. The cost of this project is $5,500 and the young women of Sacred Heart strongly believe that they will be able to raise this sum through donations from their classmates, Alumnae and Faculty. The idea of building a well came from one of our own SHA alumnae, Dr. Mary Kim Mehlman ’96, who spoke during the 2015 Gradutation Commencement Ceremony about RIGME, Inc., a non-profit she co-founded with pediatricians dedicated to medical education and promoting health for children living in poverty. During a visit to El Salvador, the doctors asked the Miraflores residents what they needed most. She said that without hesitation, the residents said agua, or water. Through fundraising efforts and collaboration with Living Water International, RIGME, Inc. built a well in Miraflores in April 2015—at the time, the only non-contaminated well in El Salvador. The well funded by Sacred Heart Academy will be RIGME Inc.’s 4th well. Our students realize that with the many gifts and talents they have received from God, much is expected from them. We are proud to say that they are listening to God’s call. This year, we hope the entire Sacred Heart Academy community will join us on our spiritual journey. As you use water in your daily life, remember to give thanks to God for the gift of having clean accessible water and say a prayer for those who do not. to talk about any topics that interest them and are important to them. Participants value the humor, compassion and support that exists during this special time that strengthens their SHA sisterhood. “T” Time is held monthly during various lunch periods and on occasion, students will enjoy tea and tea sandwiches. Alumnae Sharing Gifts Through Campus Ministry Alumnae Witness Talks We are currently looking for alumnae who are willing to give witness talks and reflections to the young women of Sacred Heart Academy during level retreats or other prayer experiences. Students love to hear personal stories of faith. Who could understand and relate to our students better than alumnae? If you are interested in participating and feel that God is calling you to this, please contact the Campus Ministry Office at 516.483.7383 x233 or vticas@ Photo Credit: Samantha Colucci ’16 Campus Ministry Service Girls We gratefully acknowledge the following young women for their enthusiasm in Becoming Living Water for Others Presentation to the Mission Committee Emma Ryan ’15 • Caroline Willi ’15 Natalie Duprey ’16 • Samantha Nicholson ’16 School Assembly Presentation on Water Caroline Willi ’15 • Liz Sullivan ’16 Lenten Prayer Service Zeeliah Ignace ’15 • Colleen Hudak ’15 Mary Kate Kahl ’15 • Katherine Wiedenhoft ’15 Meghan Bennett ’16 • Felicia Binkis ’16 Caitlin Browne ’16 • Kate Hegermiller ’16 Samantha Nicholson ’16 • Cecilia Rich ’16 Colleen Sorge ’16 • Yasmine Steide ’17 Chrissy Wiedenhoft ’17 • Gabrielle Dell ’18 8 | Career Services | SHA Annual Report 2014–2015 Career Services at SHA Sacred Heart Academy is pleased to announce a new Career Services program. Rachel (Cancro '83) Cashwell P '18 has volunteered to spearhead a program that will bridge the academic and extra-curricular experiences of our alumnae to their desired career path. By working with Rachel and the Career Services Program at Sacred Heart Academy, alumnae have the opportunity to: • Establish career goals • Discover the best way to market skills and experience • Receive assistance with all phases of resume creation • Develop plans for a successful internship or job search • Network with alumnae in various careers To begin a conversation or to schedule a meeting, please contact Rachel Cashwell, Alumnae Career Consultant, at [email protected]. Professional Alumnae Rachel's individualized coaching process gives alumnae an edge in today's marketplace by focusing on their talents, skill sets, interests and values to help them identify their best career fit. In-person meetings are available Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Alumnae may also take advantage of the Career Services program via email. We invite you to participate in strengthening the legacy of Sacred Heart Academy. You have the opportunity to provide career information, connections and support to alumnae entering your professional field. Your inside perspective about your career, current position, and how you got there, is invaluable to our alumnae in making critical decisions about their careers. Connect with Rachel and get involved by emailing [email protected]. Rachel (Cancro '83) Cashwell P '18 has over 20 years of experience in Human Resources and Career Consulting. After graduating Sacred Heart Academy, Rachel received her BA in English from Bucknell University. Rachel has a varied background providing career consulting services for many individuals, has developed training programs for Apple Computers, Inc. and Macy's Herald Square and has worked in Human Resources for The Bank of New York. Rachel has a natural ability to determine the needs and desires of her clients, establish goals and create plans to achieve the success they deserve. She helps people uncover their talents and discover ways to use them in career choices and highlight them in resumes and interviews. Rachel is enthusiastic about building the network of Alumnae who support each other professionally and who appreciate the values that were instilled in them at Sacred Heart Academy. Join us for the 4th Annual ALUMNAE CAREER Connect with SHA ALUMNAE Join over 1,200 empowered SHA women who are already connecting personally and professionally /Sacred Heart Academy Alumnae Like: /Sacred Heart Academy Hempstead, NY Follow: @SHAHempsteadNY SYMPOSIUM SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 2016 11:00am–2:00pm OPEN TO ALL ALUMNAE We are looking for people to get involved in the planning and coordination of this event. Help us design an experience for alumnae and upper classwomen that will provide them with the tools they need to succeed in today's marketplace. For more information, call 516.483.7383 x330 or email [email protected] At Sacred Heart Academy, our commitment to community service empowers young women to recognize and share their gifts, thus making a difference in our world. Our students respond to God’s call through servicing others in need of compassion and support. During the 2014-2015 school year, the young women of Sacred Heart Academy gave 31,878 hours of their time and talents to people, organizations and causes in need. lass of 2015: C Class of 2016: Class of 2017: Class of 2018: 8,599 hrs 10,447 hrs 7,291 hrs 5,541 hrs Catholic League visits Sacred Heart Convent (Photo Credit: Marykate Kenny ’16) SHA 5K (Photo Credit: Carly Lorenzo ’16) Santa Brunch at SHA (Photo Credit: Colleen Cluess-Angeletti ’16) Holiday treats for local groups in need (Photo Credit: Caitlin McNamara ’16) Making Strides for Breast Cancer Walk (Photo Credit: Eileen Crinnon ’16) Key Club Prepares Halloween gifts for Veterans and The INN (Photo Credit: Caitlin McNamara ’16) Our Lady of Loretto Christmas Gift Drive (Photo Credit: Caitlin Sackman ’16) 10 | We Lead with Heart | SHA Annual Report 2014–2015 We Lead with Heart by Sister Jean Amore, CSJ, Ed.D., Interim President Photos by: Nicole Rossello ’16 The SHA School Community takes time during the year to reflect on their motto: “We Lead with Heart.” We share our reflection with you. To lead with heart is to lead with compassion. To lead with heart is to lead with love. To be compassionate is not only to be willing to see honestly and be aware of the connection between ourselves and those who are suffering, but courageously to allow ourselves to feel the connection and finally act on it. To be compassionate is to WANT to bear the responsibility of the needs of others because we not only have an obligation but a right to intervene in our world. Our religious inheritance, whether Christian, Jew, Muslim or Hindu, is given us to bless the world. To choose love is not something we do once. It is something we need to choose again and again. Love is a journey of faithfulness, not a once and for all choice. It is a God-given capacity we each have. The question is whether we will live what we truly are: images of God's gracious, abundantly generous, unconditional love. To lead with heart is to choose to be in relationship. In every moment, in every relationship, we have the capacity to choose division or oneness, separateness or relationship. To choose to be in relationship is to define ourselves not in terms of individualism and separateness, but in terms of interrelatedness and connections. If there is to be justice, peace and harmony within us as nations, as religious traditions, as communities and as families, we need to strive to be in relationship with those “like us” and those "not like us." To lead with heart is to see ourselves as part of the Community of God’s Creation. To lead with heart is to protect with love all that God has given us. It is to lead with the belief that humans and non-humans, for all their differences, form one community with the common thread of having been created by God. Our planet is not only a human world; it is a community of all God's creation. It is not “all about us.” Non-humans have their own relationship with God, apart from us, as creatures of God whom God also loves. We are God's representatives with a human vocation to take care of God’s creation and see to the care and survival of all God’s creatures. Let us all “lead with heart.” References: A sk the Beasts by Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ | The Rebirthing of God by John Philip Newell Giving to SHA Welcome to The Cathedral Society! THE We are very grateful to our inaugural members. Thank you so much! C AT H E D R A L SOCIETY Anonymous SHA PLANNED GIVING Diana Jacobs Kalman ’55 Kristina Haberman ’92 Welcome to The Cathedral Society! We would like to greet you with that soon. And we will! As soon as you tell us you have included Sacred Heart Academy in your will. The Cathedral Society is our modest but sincere way of thanking alumnae, alum parents and friends who make a planned gift to Sacred Heart Academy. It is a small but growing membership and joining takes a commitment. Those who make this commitment value Catholic education and want to empower young women for decades and generations to come. Placing Sacred Heart alongside family in your will is no small gesture. We recognize the significance of this generosity and we want to say thank you. If you are ready to include Sacred Heart Academy in your will, have already, or if you would like more information, please contact Mary Jo Hammill Clarke ’79, P’12, Director of Institutional Advancement and Alumnae Relations at 516-483-7383 x330 or [email protected]. SAVE the DATE 2016 SHA Dinner Dance Friday, March 18 at 7:00 p.m. The Garden City Hotel Enjoy a lively cocktail reception and dinner, bid on extraordinary auction items, and surround yourself with family at a joyous evening that compares to none. This major fundraiser for Sacred Heart Academy honors exceptional members of the SHA family for their remarkable accomplishments and dedication to the empowerment of young women. Our honorees have made a lasting impact on Sacred Heart and continue to embrace its mission and as they Lead with Heart. A heartfelt thanks to our 2015 Dinner Dance Chairs, Maria and Jim Corcoran P ’09, ’12, ’15 for their efforts in making last year’s event a success with over $150,000 raised. 12 | Annual Giving | SHA Annual Report 2014–2015 Annual Giving 2014–15 THE CORDE SOCIETY RED & GOLD LEADER {$2,500–$4,999} Annual Fund Chairs: Lisa (Savino ’83) & Ed FitzGerald P ’15 Sacred Heart Academy is pleased to acknowledge the support and generosity of contributors who help to further our mission. The donors listed in this report are recognized for their cumulative gifts to the school totaling over $740,000 between July 1, 2014–June 30, 2015. Ahmuty, Demers & McManus Celebrity Moving/Geralynne & James Gomiela P ’17 Farrell Fritz, P.C. The First National Bank of Long Island Margaret Hanson ’64 ❤ Diana Jacobs Kalman ’55 ❤ ♦ Sandra & Michael Legieza P ’16 PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE {$25,000+} Daniel Lennon TRUSTEES COUNCIL {$5,000–$9,999} Elizabeth (Haigney ’66) & Thomas Markowski ❤ Jeanne (Liteplo ’66) & Paul Carroll ❤ Peg (LaRosa ’66) & Peter D’Angelo P ’92 ❤ PRINCIPAL’S CIRCLE {$10,000–$24,999} Elm Transit Mix/Christina & Sandy Nicolia P ’13, ’16 ❤ Susan Capece ’88 ❤ Susan & Daniel O’Connell P ’10, ’15 ❤ Celeste & Timothy Cole P ’17 ❤ Darcy & Stephen O’Neill P ’15 Betty (Gormley ’80) & William Gerneglia P ’17 ❤ Patcon Associates Ltd Heisman Trophy Trust Julie & Timothy Rooney P ’16 ❤ Maryann (Walsh ’78) & Robert Horvath P ’08 ❤ The Irving T. Bush Foundation/ Edward J. Walsh, Jr. GP ’14, ’17 ❤ Catherine & Steven Korf P ’14 ❤ Rachel (Cancro ’83) & John (BOT) Cashwell P ’18 ❤ Michelle & Raymond O’Connor P ’18 Lisa (Savino ’83) & Edward FitzGerald P ’15 ❤ ALUMNAE SUPPORTERS Sacred Heart Academy gives special thanks to the reunion classes of 1954, 1959, 1964, 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2003, 2008 for their increased participation. After returning to SHA, their hearts opened to great generosity in support of the future endeavors of our school. Jeanne & Gerald McDuffee P ’06, ’16 ❤ Christine & Michael Arnouse P ’14 ❤ CBRE Inc./Susan (Freel ’74) & Robert Alexander P ’11 ❤ Catherine (Hammill ’80) & Nicholas DeMartini P ’14, ’17 ❤ Maryclare Magee ’99 ❤ Laura Roche ’88 Mary & Joseph Russo P ’07 ❤ Diane & James Malone P ’04, ’06 †, ’08 † ❤ Dennis, Marilynda & Christine ’03 Vianna (In Memory of Matthew G. Vianna) ❤ Mary Beth & Christopher Tully P ’17 Nancy & Steven (BOT) Vincent P ’05, ’09, ’11 ❤ Class Size 68 93 126 193 152 197 189 198 150 178 149 205 208 No. of Donors 1 17 7 5 9 7 12 2 4 5 5 31 10 Peggyanne Shaw* Denise (BOT) & Charles Strain P ’06 ❤ Kellie & Robert Sumberac P ’17 ❤ Class 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 Kerry (O’Donnell ’87) & Curtis Schleimer P ’16, ’19 ❤ Maria & Mark Varrichio P ’17, ’18 % .01% 18% 5.5% 2.5% 5.9% 3.5% 6.3% 1% 2.6% 2.8% 3.3% 15.1% 4.8% Class 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 Class Size 212 180 192 189 137 137 130 138 140 127 137 153 147 No. of Donors 17 4 5 13 5 1 2 6 5 3 2 5 3 % 8% 2.2% 2.6% 6.8% 3.6% .7% 1.5% 4.3% 3.5% 2.3% 1.4% 3.2% 2% Photo Credit: Samantha Colucci ’16 Photo Credit: Caitlin Sackman ’16 SPARTAN LEADER {$1,000–$2,499} Photo Credit: Colleen Cluess-Angeletti ’16 Regina (McGovern ’81) & Thomas Halloran P ’14, ’17 ❤ Anne* (Scargill ’86) & Michael Reinhart Eileen & Kevin Heneghan P ’15 Catherine (Marino ’65) & John Romano P ’97 ❤ Lisa & Robert Arning P ’11 ❤ Eileen (Butt ’70) & Patrick Hoey P ’98, ’07 ❤ Jean (McLees ’65) & Thomas Rollauer P ’89 ❤ Toni & Steve Bardong P ’19 Ginger & John Kaiser (BOT) P ’06 ❤ Sacred Heart Academy Mothers Guild Rosanne (Puntolillo ’81) & Michael Breen P ’11 The Land Tek Group Mary McCullagh Sadlier ’57, P ’83, ’86 Sara & John Broderick P ’18 Rosemary & John Levano P ’16 Isabel & Ricardo Salaman P ’12 Loyal Building Services, Inc. Casey White Spezzano ’99 Cameron Engineering & Associates, LLP ❤ Lynbrook Runners Stop/Ellen & David Copeman P ’12, ’15 Jo Ann (Ross ’71) & Michael Zelman ❤ Teresa & Lawrence Cantwell P ’04, ’06 Amy & Francis Marsigliano P ’16 Suzanne & David Casey P ’17, ’19 Patti Ann (Norris ’80) & Steven McDonald ❤ Elizabeth Comerford & William Spinelli P ’18 Evelyn & John McKay P ’17 Joellin Comerford Maryellen (Frank ’73) & Michael McNamara P ’06 Audrey & James Calpin P ’14, ’16 ❤ Nancy Connors (BOT) Deirdre (McCartney ’97) & Christopher Zeppie Lorraine Barry ’56 Barbara (Lilli ’85) & Timothy Binkis P ’16 Marcella & Richard Minieri P ’15 ❤ Corkrey Electric Debra & Peter Braito P ’18 Mollie Biggane Melanoma Foundation Stephanie & Peter Cosola P ’18 Mary Ellen* & James Minogue P ’02, ’07 ❤ Susan & Patrick Donnelly P ’10 ❤ Margaret & Robert Moran P ’08, ’14, ’16 ❤ Sylvia & Michael Ehrhart P ’19 Pamela (LiCalzi ’81) & John O’Connell P ’10 ❤ Vicki (Cinque ’77) & Joseph Ferrara ❤ CORDETTE GUILD {$500–$999} Suzanne (Quast ’94) (BOT) & John Burke ❤ Mary & Thomas Byrnes P ’18 Rosemary & Daniel Caligiuri P ’13 JoAnn Colligan O’Hagen ’69 Noreen (Bishop ’80) & Eugene Canty P ’11, ’14, ’17 Colleen McGinn O’Neill ’88 Cecilia Combe ’70 Majella & Terrance Gallagher P ’16 Maureen & Robert Powers P ’19 Melissa & David Condo Marissa & Charles Gambino P ’17, ’19 Mary Beth & Michael Petsky P ’16 Karen & Douglas Cornell P ’10, ’12, ’19 ❤ Dolores (Burke ’79) & Mark Fitzpatrick P ’07, ’11, ’15 ❤ Kelly Quinn ’08 Class 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Class Size 160 148 165 171 188 197 185 180 180 211 203 166 175 No. of Donors 17 7 6 4 6 13 5 7 10 7 20 12 6 % 10.6% 4.7% 3.6% 2.3% 3.1% 6.5% 2.7% 3.8% 5.5% 3.3% 9.8% 7.2% 3.4% Class 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Class Size 180 183 195 168 192 157 197 222 167 181 176 168 175 No. of Donors 7 4 23 3 1 2 2 20 8 0 4 3 10 % 3.8% 2.1% 11.7% 1.7% .5% 1.2% 1% 9% 4.7% 0% 2.2% 1.7% 5.7% Class 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Class Size 188 217 217 199 194 213 214 243 198 216 213 No. of Donors 2 6 6 1 19 2 0 0 0 2 5 % 1% 2.7% 2.7% .5% 9.7% .9% 0% 0% 0% .9% 2.3% 14 | Annual Giving | SHA Annual Report 2014–2015 continued CORDETTE GUILD {$500–$999} Noreen (O’Keefe ’70) & Thomas Costello P ’99, ’00, ’05 Christine & Kevin Cudahy P ’17 Virginia Curry ’77 Veronica Danca P ’91 Christine (Ochotorena ’94) & Andrew Didora Digital Graphic Imagery Corp. Claire Durecko ’03 Carolyn & Matthew Durnan P ’19 Julia Reardon Englander ’89 Flynn & O’Hara Uniform Doris (McGowan ’64) & Christopher Flynn Fontbonne Hall Academy Giaramita Family (Arianna 2016) Gramman Plumbing & Heating Kathleen Reilly Gregory ’54 Marie Harrison ’95 Kate & William Hogan P ’17, ’19 Jennifer (Hearne ’79) & Mark Hughes P ’18 Deana Preziosi Huminski ’73 Blanche & Brian Joesten P ’08, ’17 ❤ Siobhan (Moran ’79) & Andrew Karamouzis P ’15, ’19 ❤ Kristin & Gary Kassl P ’17 Melissa & Bradley Katinas P ’18 Mary Keegan ’65 Katelyn Markus Kelly ’05 Marguerite & Ernest Peck P ’06, ’11 ❤ Maureen (Strack ’79) & Bernard Kilkelly P ’19 Maureen Quinn P ’98, ’02, ’06, ’09 King Kullen Edward Quinn P ’98, ’02, ’06, ’09 Bridget Kirrane ’04 Lisa & Peter Reali P ’14 ❤ Knights of Columbus Fr. Joseph O’Connell Council #3481 Lorraine & John Reynolds P ’15, ’19 Christine (Cameron ’02) & John Koehler Theresa & Agyemang Kuragu P ’18 Linda (DeMatteis ’66) & William Langer Elaine Stroschein Lockard ’77 Janellen & Brian Logler P ’17 Long Beach Catholic High School Eileen Seery Lynch ’80 The Mary Louis Academy Mary Eugenia Masterson ’59 Michael McCarthy Janice (Kelly ’93) & Frank McCreay Barbara & Dennis McNamara P ’15 ❤ Doris Meister Stacey & Michael Miller P ’19 Domenique & William Moran P ’19 Nawrocki Smith LLP Karen* & Peter Rienzi Rosa & Carlos Rivera-Ramirez P ’17 Joan Rodgers ’55 Maryanne (Lawrence ’62) & Walter Rossi Anna & Brian Ruane P ’18 Donna & Robert Ruland P ’17, ’19 St. Joseph’s College Michele Scaringella ’86 Leslie Mary Schreiber ’94 Irmina & Richard Seery P ’11, ’15 ❤ Sacred Heart Acadmey Fathers Club Kara Shine ’99 Karen (Danca ’91) & Andrew Smith Gina (Asselta ’87) & Christopher Spahn Lori & James Tomlin P ’15 Laurel Principe Tria ’64 Mary & Gus Nuzzolese P ’02, ’04, ’07 ❤ Helen & Martin Waters/ Waters Family Charitable Fund Kathleen & Dennis O’Brien P ’06 ❤ Catherine (Spillane ’83) & Thomas Weiss Kelly & Christopher O’Hara P ’19 Donna-Marie & Kenneth Williams P ’16 Susan & James O’Hara P ’14, ’17 ❤ Carol Kappelmier Winkler ’67 Sheila & Neil O’Malley P ’18 Anne Wynne ’92 Jill Kelly Patricot ’90 Phyllis Zagano ’65 SHA SPIRIT CLUB {$250–$499} AAA Party Rental Sandra Altine P ’17 Andrew’s Lawn Company Sallyanne & Brian Ballweg Baxter’s Sport Shop Rosemary (Mahoney ’66) & Robert Biggart Adrian & Michael Boland P ’06, ’08 Courtney (Morrissey ’85) & Daniel Brennan Kerry & Denis Byrne P ’15 Patricia Byrne ’70 Calabrese & Associates CPA Dawn (Furst ’85) & Richard Calabrese Lauren (Evrard ’91) & Matthew Canner Karen & Kenneth Carter P ’04, ’07, ’12 ❤ Virginia & William Cikos P ’12 Cecelia Combe ’70 Maryanne Dauscher Creegan ’69 Kathleen & Thomas Douglas, Jr. P ’03 Maureen & Thomas Dowling (BOT) P ’12 ❤ Ann & Thomas Riley P ’01, ’07 Susie McGuire Duffy ’89 Georgina & Thomas Russo P ’11 Therese & Charles Durr P ’07 Susan (Gordon ’67) (BOT) & Frank Ryan Ellen Emery ’61 Elizabeth Salogub ’00 Peggy (O’Brien ’81) & Stephen Ernst P ’06, ’12, ’16 Terri & Joseph Schmidt P ’16 Five Star Mechanical Inc. Sisters of St. Joseph Christine Goodwin ’92 (BOT) ❤ Rosemary & Mario Graziano P ’99 Frances & James Greiner P ’85 Kathleen Hanson ’66 Patricia Harrington ’70 Joan Heide ’55 Loretta & David Holmes P ’15 Barbara (Burke ’77) (BOT) & Timothy Holahan P ’14, ’16 Joan (Lisante ’66) & James Hood Dorothy Horsham ’73 Imperial Florist Sharon & Gerard Justvig P ’09 Thomas Kavanagh Margaret & Peter Kenny P ’15, ’18 Meghan Kirrane ’06 Joanne & Robert Sorge P ’16 St. Agnes Cathedral School St. John The Baptist DHS Helen & James Stringer P ’17 Sun & Surf Beach Club Inc. Denise Tolan Photo Credit: Nicole Rossello ’16 Anetta Vitale GP ’18 Frances & Thomas Warga P ’95 Bonnie Jean (Bratton ’68) & Gerard Whalen P ’99 Maura Meehan Winkler ’57 Patricia Wood ’60 Susan* & Thomas Zaidinski P ’02, ’17 Elizabeth (Baulch ’88) & Edward Zullo CENTURY MEMBER {$100–$249} Lucille & John Koch P ’07 Anonymous Natalie Kovac ’03 Patricia Torpey Addeo ’58 Peggy Rebak Lanigan ’64 Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Agresta III Susan & Raymond Larkin P ’08 Jacqueline (Judd ’89) & Peter Agresta Kathleen & Lloyd LaRousse P ’04, ’07 Lucille Ameduri Catherine & Al Lombardo Kathleen Andersen ’66 Colleen & Malachy Mahon P ’16 Dorothy Rossi Aneiro ’56 Eileen* & Salvatore Manfre P ’13 ❤ Patricia Aprigliano Barbara Dimino Mattes ’73 Kathleen Arsenault ’07 Deborah & Bruce Mawhirter P ’16 Nancy Atkinson ’64 Kerin & William McIntyre P ’18 Kathleen Meyer Auro ’60 Mary McCann McLaughlin ’66 Maria & Emad Balady P ’14 Lawrence Moringiello P ’00 Linda Clarkson Baldacchino ’94 Valerie & Paul Muccino Stephanie Grana-Bemberis ’87 Sharon & George O’Krepkie P ’16 Christine (Seifert ’88) & John Bencivenga Kathleen Murphy ’81 & Marck Alcock Big Cat Enterprises Laura Murphy ’04 Regina & Armondo Biscardi P ’15, ’19 Anne & William Nolan P ’17 Rosemary (Mahoney ’66) & Robert Biggart Anne & James O’Brien P ’17 JoAnn & Joseph Borst P ’06 Elena & Roger O’Donnell P ’15 ❤ Kerri & David Brooks P ’15 Peggy & Thomas O’Malley P ’03, ’05, ’09, ’11 Michele Brown ’74, P ’10 Elizabeth Maresca Ortof ’84 Jennifer (Murray ’91) & Philip Buonocore Elizabeth & Richard Perrier P ’17 Eileen Byrne ’64 Madeline & Jonathan Powers P ’06, ’09 Lisa Ann Cairo ’95 Theresa Prendergast & Prem Chatpar Jennifer (Vertiz ’88) & Christopher Calabrese Damien Quinn Denise O’Donnell Canavan ’89 Donna Pitillies Raleigh ’87 Alicia & Hilton Cancel Donna & Gregory Raphael P ’15 Photo Credit: Eileen Crinnion ’16 Photo Credit: Samantha Colucci ’16 Photo Credit: Nicole Rossello ’16 Linda Terranova Gering ’83 Leslie & Kent Schreiber P ’94 16 | Annual Giving | SHA Annual Report 2014–2015 continued CENTURY MEMBER {$100–$249} Anne (Galligan ’82) & Dave Donnelly P ’16, ’18 Mary Donohue ’54 Karen (Murphy ’92) & Michael Carbone Barbara (Clines ’69) & George Dreher Melissa (DeLara ’84 ) & Richard Cardinale Jennifer & Gerard Duffy P ’18 Adrienne Carmack ’81 Kristan (Rupprecht ’87) & Kevin Duffy P ’16 Carol & Martin Cass P ’15 Lynn & Douglas Egan P ’03 Dominic Castoro Sharon Cook Ertel ’69 Jennifer Cheuk ’93 Cheryl & John Fawls P ’02, ’06 ❤ Angela (Russo ’04) & Paul Cianci Margaret (Goodwin ’57) & John Fay GP ’12 Erin Cicalese ’00 Michele & John Fazio P ’18 Marissa Cipriani ’03 Lorraine (Hulsen ’66) & Joseph Ferrall Patricia & John Coghlan P ’94, ’98 Teresa Spinosa Ferraro ’80 Patricia (Santopatre ’64) & Kevin Condon Annemarie & Patrick Finley P ’00 ❤ Christine (Menendez ’87) & John Connolly Suzanne McKenna Fischetti ’06 Michaela Conway ’07 Marie & James Flannery P ’93 Maria & James Corcoran P ’09, ’12, ’15 ❤ Kathie & Thomas Flood P ’91, ’98 Patricia & John Cosgrove P ’04 Ardith Flory ’79 Maura Coughlin-Roberti & William Roberti P ’15 Kevin Folks Brian Croutier Nancy & Michael D’Agostino P ’07 Rosemary (Boyd ’65) & Thomas Daly Regina San Fanandre Davis ’63 Nancy DeBiasi ’97 Sharon DeGennaro ’00 Grace DeMartini ’14 Sarah Dent ’04 Bernadette Bowman Derrick ’55 Bonnie (Blass ’57) & Arthur DeSimone Susan Biondo DeVerna ’69 Danielle (DiBari ’98) & Eugene Agresta Carol & John DiAndrea Sara Sherbach ’99 Christine (Kaufman ’81) & Terence Digan Maryann Dillon ’69 Eileen Stegman Dispenzieri ’68 Eleanor & Allan Fronda P ’07 Front Street Bakery Susan Keahon Fusara ’62 Theresa Gammel ’14 Jamie Alusick Gannalo ’04 Eileen & Dennis Gannon P ’12, ’17 Susan Guiragos Werner ’66 Christine Daly Gupta ’92 Kathleen Gura Angela Scaringella Guziewicz ’84 Francesca & Frederick Halikias P ’16 Katherine (Ventimiglia ’94) & Timothy Haniffy Mary Hillenbrand ’86 Patricia & Robert Hodson P ’09 Maureen & John Hogan Sarah Hogan ’09 Julianne Holmes, ’15 Edward Hudak P ’14, ’15 Marie Murphy Ilardi ’90 Mary Jakubowski Indelicato ’57 Rosemarie & Joseph Ingersoll P ’85, ’95 Krista (Sheerin ’89) & Peter Irwin Anne Jennings GP ’10, ’16 Carol Jones Jerram ’57 Maureen & Walter Josiah P ’15, ’17 ❤ Mary (Nolan ’67) & Kenneth Joss Emily Judge ’07 Susan (Carroll ’64) & Brian Keller Rita Kennedy ’99 Janet Nieman Kenny ’64 Kathleen & Michael Genovese Catherine (Barrett ’78) & James Kessler P ’07 ❤ Christina (Bagley ’91) & Peter Gerbi Aileen (Bolkcom ’69) & Frank Kevane Kristin (LaCasse ’06) & Kevin Gerard Maureen (Butt ’66) (BOT) & Peter Kiers Joni & Daniel Gilligan P ’18 Mary (Slattery ’79) & Bill Kleen Christine Cesarsky Ginocchio ’69 Lisa Butler* & Peter Knowles ’01 Flora & John Giordano P ’18 Carolyn & John Kovac P ’03, ’04 Susan Gordon Gleckel ’61 Laura & Carl Krag Pamela Tart Goergen ’59 Linda (D’Angelo ’92) & Matthew Kuczwaj Tara McDonagh Gonzales ’99 Susan & John Kutch P ’16 Geraldine & Joseph Graetzer P ’09 Julie (Ferguson ’85) & Christopher Kutner P ’17 Joan (Famularo ’54) & Charles Grennan Katherine Lawson ’02 Samantha Buckley Layton ’94 Anne & Benjamin Lazo P ’05 Betty Fitzsimons Levey ’58 Photo Credit: Samantha Colucci ’16 Photo Credit: Colleen Cluess-Angeletti ’16 Margaret (Hodgens ’66) & Richard Lewis Eileen & James Liddy P ’15 Mary Littlefield ’04 Maureen Llewellyn Teresa Mahoney LoMonte ’79 Patricia Lucas, CSJ ’59 Virginia (Lynch ’85) & Stephen Super Ann & Michael Lynch P ’13, ’15 Ellen Maher ’68 Christina Mahna ’00 Patricia Mahoney-Zippilli ’78 Denise Cullinan Maier ’86 Claire Donohue Maina ’89 Dana & James Malvey P ’17 Raquel & William Mandaro P ’16, ’18 Dianne Gutzeit Maresca ’74 Amy & Francis Marsigliano P ’16 Eileen (Kelly ’75) & Brian Martin P ’10 Katherine & William Martin P ’13 Lauren Mastronardi ’06 Photo Credit: Nicole Rossello ’16 Megan & Thomas Malone Photo Credit: Nicole Rossello ’16 Janice & Jack Matthews Kerry Ferguson McBreen ’82, P ’17 Julia McCabe ’77 Mary Bono McCullough ’58, P ’83, GP ’11, ’12, ’15, ’17 Margaret Mary (Gillespie ’82) & Bernard O’Connell P ’15, ’18 Catherine Proto ’09 Colleen O’Connor ’09 Joanne & Giuseppe Puntillo P ’01 Elizabeth O’Donnell ’58 Molly McDonough ’11 Mary & John O’Donoghue P ’08 Suzanne & Martin McDonough P ’11 Noreen & Thomas O’Hanlon P ’11 Kathleen (McGovern ’84) & Thomas Sullivan Mamani Datta Older ’94 Jillian McManaman ’15 Janet & Jim O’Leary P ’04, ’05 ❤ Meghan McNally ’07 Julie & Craig O’Neill P ’15 ❤ Mary McNulty ’04 Anne Lane ’84 Debbie & John McShane P ’05, ’09 Lucy (O’Connor ’59) & John O’Sullivan P ’94 Margaret Badum Melady ’57 Erin O’Toole ’08 Virginia (Maini ’73) & Peter Menger Kathleen & Richard O’Toole P ’08 Jennifer Bennett Meyerson ’89 Margaret & Daniel Otton P ’07 Barbara & Dominick Montepaone P ’07 Susan (Rice ’58) & Russell Palmer Mary Anne & Brian Mooney P ’08 Chester Palmieri, DMD Mary Genevieve Helfenstein Morzillo ’00 Diane Strong Panzera ’79 Eileen (Duignan ’58) & Robert Murphy Andrew Paterno Maureen (Murphy ’86) & Kevin Connell Janet Blass Patrick ’63 Michelle Murphy ’10 Evelyne Paul P ’13 Laura Marmorale Newman ’93 Karen & Eugene Peck P ’15, ’17 Christine & Kenneth Nolan P ’89, ’93, ’95, ’98 ❤ Maggie Peck ’15 MaryJane Nolan ’03 Victoria (Petito ’79) Peters & David Hill Irene & Terrence Nolan P ’03 Elizabeth Nuzzolese ’04 Eileen O’Brien P ’80, ’81, ’84 GP ’06, ’12, ’16 Alumnae are invited to return to SHA for CAREER 2016 DAY Mary Brandel ’76 & Gregg Pelowski Ellen Hodgson Petersen ’75 Gina (Doria ’79) & James Pisaeno Morgan Porzio ’95 Mary & Angelo Proto P ’09 Nadine Quinlan Kaitlyn Quinn ’04 Maureen Quinn ’09 Maggie Coghlan Regan ’08 Caitlin (Finley ’00) & Christopher Regolini Rachel Reid ’09 Mary & William Renz P ’18 Mary Ann Rice ’56 Faith Ritchie ’65 Grace Rooney Plackis ’84 Emily Rodgers ’57 Carol (Jones ’76) & Thomas Ropke P ’07 Sister Jeanne Ross* CSJ ’66 Jennifer Marie Smolinsky Ross ’94 Rosanne & John Russo P ’04 Michelle & Michael Salogub P ’00 Beth Morrison Santini ’64 Regina Santos ’79 Jo-Ellen & Antonio Sarnelli P ’09, ’11, ’16 Rita & Dominick Scaringella P ’84, ’86, ’88 Maryanne & William Schillinger P ’16 Gail & Robert Schmidt P ’08 Lindsay Schmidt ’08 Karen & Colin Serkes P ’09 FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2016 • 12:30–2:30 p.m. Career Day at Sacred Heart Academy is a wonderful way for alumnae to have a major impact on current students. Our Career Day creates a critical link between the classroom and the workplace by allowing young women to explore various career options so that they can make informed educational and career choices. By volunteering your time, you have the chance to inspire the young women of Sacred Heart Academy and show them the value of hard work and a purposeful Catholic education. For more information, email [email protected] or call 516.483.7383 x330. Photo Credit: Caitlin Sackman ’16 Photo Credit: Nicole Rossello ’16 18 | Annual Giving | SHA Annual Report 2014–2015 Nora & Charles Sweeney P ’04, ’09 Kathleen (Seifert ’89) & Matthew Araneo T & P Paper Nicole & Pierce Archer P ’17 Christine (Walsh ’89) & Edward Tallon Ann & Joseph Ares P ’07 MaryLou Hanley Tazewell ’53 Joann Manning Baker ’74 Denise & Eusebio Teixeira P ’19 Joanna Baker ’94 Monique & Paul Tierney P ’12, ’14, ’19 Susan Hulsen Bauer Baker ’64 Monica* & William Tobin Angela Malek Barclay ’89 Kristine & Robert Tolan P ’14 Mildred & Mark Baribault P ’05 Staci & Edmund Tomlinson P ’18 Jennifer Minson Barker ’92 Mary Torrance ’10 Rosella D’Aulisa Barton ’99 Elaine & Joseph Trentacoste P ’10 Christine Bendish ’69 Frances Quigley Tschinkel ’66 Kelly Bergin ’09 Marijane Uehlinger ’82 Anne & Gregory Bernhart P ’10, ’18 Eileen Atkins Valdes ’83 Nancy Hummel Biberacher ’74 Maruschka Valentin ’02 Cara Biggane ’00 Jennifer (Miller ’87) & Carl Valentino Maria Berruti Blackburn ’09 Mary (Keyes ’54) & Warren Vanderbeek Vanessa Rudolph Blood ’94 Stephanie & Philip Veltre P ’07 Shawna Brandle ’99 Shemaiah Villani ’04 Erin Breslin ’99 Jane & Anthony Viola P ’17 Janice Brown ’94 Joan Virostko ’64 Kerry Falvey Brown ’89 Donna & Nicholas Vlachos P ’00 Anique Brusch ’99 Coryn Voels ’04 Alexandra Buckley ’99 Mary & Douglas Volosovich Jessica Vito Buckley ’99 Cathleen Walsh ’64 Claire Lambert Burns ’54 Rosanne Burke Walsh ’64 Sharon (Rinkus ’69) & Richard Burns Karen Walsh-Badalucco ’89 Catherine White Byrne ’84 P ’15 Dorothea Donnelly Warren ’74 Sister Helen Byrne CSJ ’54 Suzette & Elliot Weiss P ’16 Annette Abruzzo Calabrese ’63 Dorothy West* Lauren Cantwell ’06 Alice Foehl Whalen ’61 Helen & Nicholas Capece P ’88, ’99 Audrey (Heimink ’65) & John Whalen Kathleen Carlsson ’59 Rosalie & Edward Wierzel P ’12 Maria Pierro Carnazza ’89 Virginia Brady Winters ’55 Lucy Carone Elliott ’90 Deborah & James Wynne P ’92, ’94 Sandra (Player ’89) & Joseph Carroll Marissa Crifasi Zenie ’99 Stephanie Knebel Cartier ’94 Annemarie Cartolano ’09 Photo Credit: Eileen Crinnon ’16 PATRON {$1–$99} Barbara Schneller Carvalho ’65 Christina Casanova Suzanne Abruzzo ’67 Cornelia Cavanagh ’84 Nicola Picciano Acquavella ’64 Kathleen Matera Chester ’69 Jillian Adams ’09 Allison Wren Chobot ’99 Sandra Yetman Adams ’99 Tina (Ciaccio ’93) & Igor Sikiric SHA Parent Book Club Kimberly Ann Schwarting Albrecht ’94 Clara & Angelo Cice P ’15 Susan & Harry Shamroth P ’17 Michelle Alerte ’99 Laura Clark ’82 Virginia & Robert Shine P ’89, ’99 Maryanne Maieli Allis ’79 Mary Jo Hammill Clarke* ’79 P ’12 Gerry (Reid ’64) & Edward Shugrue Sandra Altine P ’17 Maureen (McGuire ’64) & George Coan Ingrid Barry Stillwaggon ’64 Marie-Therese Alvir ’99 Nancy & Joseph Codispoti Suzanne (Murphy ’87) & Robert Sullivan P ’19 Elleen Wiedenholft Andrews ’84 Maureen Coiro ’04 Julia Sweeney ’09 Nicole Andrews ’09 Patricia & Joseph Conelli continued CENTURY MEMBER {$100–$249} Lorelle Kerrigan Fallon ’54 Margaret Mary Schutta Grismer ’94 Amanda Conto ’09 Jenna Favuzza ’04 Catherine & Alan Guadagno Debra Hoolahan Cook ’74 Catherine Fawls ’02 Dawn Guarini-Wertheimer ’79 Joan & John Cooke Tricia Fawls ’05 Theresa Rzeszut Gunther ’09 Ellen & David Copeman P ’12, ’15 Caitlin Feeks ’04 Gracemary (Monaco ’69) & Walter Hagan Susan Cosgrove ’04 Claudette Fasano Ferrante ’54 Francesca & Frederick Halikias P ’16 Barbara Jakubowski Costello ’54 Catherine Ferrara ’15 Frederica Halikias ’16 Christine (Hammill ’84) & Anthony Cregan Karen Fiorelli ’99 Katherine (Ventimiglia ’94) & Timothy Haniffy Kelly Cronin ’09 Tara Anne Santangelo Fiorito ’94 Alicia Hannan ’06 Patricia (Brady ’90) & Daniel Cunningham Carol Hoadley Fischer ’59 Patricia Hanson ’79 MaryEllen McCartney Cushing ’84 Gladys (Duncan ’66) & John Fischer Mary Ann Liteplo Harasymowycz ’64 Kathryn D’Agostino ’07 Alicia & Peter Fitzgerald P ’12, ’14 Molly Harms ’09 Nancy Daly P ’08 Sister Tesa Fitzgerald, CSJ ’64 Andrea (Torre ’94) & Stephen D’Amato Karen Fitzpatrick ’72 Mary Beth (McCarthy ’90) & Fran Darcy Christine Byron Flanagan ’94 Sheila & Tom Dauscher P ’14 Maureen McNamara Flanagan ’64 Darcy Davis Hoolahan ’74 Kristen (Schneider ’94) & Edward Florea Samantha Dawber ’09 Erin Shine Fodero ’89 Julie Ann & Erich De Joseph P ’18 Nancy Nadurak Ford ’64 Anna* & Michael DeAcetis Loretta (Anziano ’56) & Langdon Franz Bridget Dean ’15 Joann Reisert Franzen ’64 Maureen Burnes Delany ’59 Tara (Nordman ’94) & James Freel Alice (O’Keefe ’68) & Richard Demarais Mary Hope Patton Friedermann ’94 Deirdre & Donald Denihan P ’12 ❤ Tracy (Gibbons ’84) & Alexander Furman Cara (DeRostaing ’69) & Thomas Cahill P ’06 Kara ’84 & William Gallagher Denise Desmond ’86 Jeanne Maloney Galvin ’64 Patricia Ann Devine ’79 Elizabeth & Joseph Galzerano P ’04, ’14 Danielle Devivo ’09 Allison Mary-Rose Quinn Gamba ’94 Christine & Kenneth Devivo P ’12 Christina Garofalo ’09 Jenea Diamond ’04 Anastasia McManus Geissman ’94 Mary (McCarthy ’54) & John Dillon Carol (Crew ’64) & Gordon Gerard P ’01 Maryann Dillon ’69 Anita Fleming Gibbons ’66 Bridget DiMartino LeVien ’99 Rosemary Monaco Giblin ’64 Alana Amplo Di Martino ’99 Elizabeth Connolly Giese ’84 Anne (Bergin ’90) & Joseph DiNero Christine Connolly Gilfillan ’84 Kathleen Ann DiPino ’94 Marilyn Nadolny Gilone ’59 Maureen & John Dolan P ’17 Elizabeth O’Keeffe Glaser ’94 Joanne Donnelly LaRiverier ’84 Christine Friel Gleason ’94 Regina Furnari D’Orio ’89 Michelle (Croutier ’89) & Timothy Gola P ’18 Nuala McGann Drescher ’54 Teresa Gonzalez ’64 Diane Duffy P ’09 JoAnne Adamo Gorham ’94 Kristin Fallon Dunn ’99 Judith Gottlieb ’09 Elizabeth Diaz Dunst ’94 Margaret O’Rourke Granados ’84 Charles & Kimberly Durr ’07 Margaret (Kates ’54) & Joseph Granchelli Susan Dutzer ’79 Ellen Redlefsen Grass ’69 Carole Eason Renda (Zeibaq ’89) & Craig Grassi Lisa Engelhart ’82 Tricia Graustein ’06 Daphne Erwin Anita Greenhaus Kathleen Espey ’09 Heather Buckley Grieser ’99 Stephanie Espina ’05 Megan (Gallagher ’89) & Michael Griffo Mary Ann (Dellacona ’58) & David Evan Angela Meehan Grijalva ’89 Photo Credit: Colleen Cluess-Angeletti ’16 Barbara & Stephen Conroy P ’02 ❤ Photo Credit: Eileen Crinnon ’16 20 | Annual Giving | SHA Annual Report 2014–2015 continued Photo Credit: Eileen Crinnon ’16 PATRON {$1–$99} Regina Gallo Harten ’90 Maureen Rossi Hartney ’54 Maura Hayden ’04 Therese* & Robert Henderson Janice Laporte Hennessy ’64 Kelly Henry-Lenoir ’99 Photo Credit: Carly Lorenzo ’16 Catherine Heiman Herr ’99 Loretta (Herman ’65) & William Heuer Mary Kenny ’15 Joanne & Thomas Masterson P ’06 Michele Bellante Hewitt ’68 Sandra Kenny ’84 Erin Matier ’99 Cynthia Giles Hewson ’99 Ellen (Martorana ’79) & Doug Khazzam P ’08 Molly Hodson ’09 Jean (Caruso ’89) & Sean Kilduff Mary Ann (Dillman ’64) & Vincent Maus P ’97, ’06 Laura McCormack Hoehl ’99 Sister Janet Kinney CSJ (BOT) Ann-Marie Domingo Hoenig ’84 Andrea (Sokol ’79) & Michael Klein Silvia & Dion Hoey P ’14 Susan Kost Murphy ’64 Jennifer McGrath Holohan ’99 Linda (Chirillo ’81) & Kenneth Kraus P ’09 Linda Hoppenhauer ’89 Christine Krueger ’92 Dena Chmurzynski Hopper ’94 Christine Kuehn ’06 Lauren Horak ’04 Kate Ellen La Vine ’99 Jeanne Huggard ’89 Anna Klausz ’72 Patricia Mack Hunkele ’55 Aimee Lamarch ’90 Patricia (Carey ’69) & Thomas Hunsicker Colleen Merrick Lanning ’91 Jeanine Loesch Hussey ’94 Ana Cristina Laureano ’04 Donna Hutchinson Gina Marie Lauri ’94 Betty Rechter Iannuzzi ’59 Megan Farrell Lawless ’89 Arlene Marinello Imbruce ’64 Caroline Lee ’05 Kathryn Imperiale ’09 Mayra & Francisco Lema P ’03 Lynne Gogel Intintoli ’99 Megan Lindner ’99 Kristin Jandovitz ’09 Karen Linehan ’03 Jaclyn Jansen ’99 Timothy Lisante Kathleen O’Sullivan Jendras ’94 John Liston Jean & James Johns P ’10 Ann Littlefield ’06 Michaela Johnson ’09 Natalie Louis-Jean ’04 Mary LeViness Jones ’64 Shannon Lucas ’09 Lindsay Tucker Joyce ’97 Beverly Woodard Ludes ’59 Mary Joyce ’99 Pat (Sharkey ’64) & William Luft Sarah Justvig ’09 Eileen Clines Lynch ’74 Lisa Pescatore Kaplan ’99 Suzanne Lynch ’04 Kathryn Kastner ’84 Devon Macera ’09 Julia (Ancona ’79) & Neil Kaufman Nicole Madden ’06 Patricia Kavanagh Edwards Alexis Maisonet ’09 Megan Keefe ’94 Eileen Malone Marilyn Tesoriero Keel ’61 Alexandra Mancilla ’09 Christine & James Kelly P ’15 Evelyn (Solmo ’65) & Frederick Marano Sister Eileen Kelly, CSJ Nicole (Vlachos ’00) & Michael Martelli Julie Kelly-McCormick & Frank McCormick P ’16, ’19 Rori Tenreiro Martello ’04 Joan & Vincent Martines P ’05 Bernadette McCadden ’09 Margaret Siciliano McCarthy ’00 Arlene Emmerick McCormack ’64 Patricia (Good ’89) & Joseph McCormack MaryAnn McCormick ’59 Jane & William McDermott P ’11, ’16, ’19 Aileen McGonigle ’09 Carter McGowan ’89 Kristin McGowan ’89 Christine Nardo McGuigan ’93 Claire McGurrin Peggy Ferguson McHugh ’94 Kara McKeon ’09 Joan & John McLean P ’16 Danielle McManus ’99 Mary & Kevin McNamara P ’05 Alanna McShane Amanda McShane ’09 Ellen & Francis McShane P ’04 Meghan Clare McShane ’04 Devin McTague ’09 Stacy (Gallagher ’79) & Chris Meekins P ’13 Marie Bonito Meola ’73 Kristin Michaud ’94 Amy Beth Livingston Moehrle ’94 Samantha Moerler ’09 Ann Schmidt Moran ’54 Cara (Russo ’91) & Christopher Morea Maureen Hickey Morgan ’94 Maureen Moriarty-Orosz ’94 Elizabeth Morrissey ’84 Kerry Buckley Mueller ’74 Patricia Mulcahy ’84 Yvonne Self Mulderig ’54 Margaret & Neil Mulhall P ’10 Rita Mulhall Mary Clare Pellett ’83 Jennifer Sansone ’99 Jennifer (Hannan ’83) & Steven Muller P ’16 Olivia Peros ’09 Kevin Saville Theresa Hayes Mullin ’79 Nerlande Pierre ’04 Maureen (Goetz ’06) & Daniel Schaefer Julia Muratori ’09 Maria Lorenzo Pirrone ’84 Leslie & Kent Schreiber P ’94 Catherine & Hector Murphy P ’11, ’12, ’15 Margaret Schenck Pospisil ’94 Kerry Durkin Sclafani ’99 Jacqueline & Thomas Murphy P ’11, ’17 Sister Mary Powell CSJ Jeannine Solarino Scully ’99 MaryJean Phippard Murphy ’54 Megan Powers ’09 Carole Kubal Sellerberg ’62 Jessica Murray Amy Preble ’89 Dianna Severin Lamarca ’94 Marlene (Festa ’55) & Charles Muscarnera Michelle & Christopher Prior P ’13, ’16 Meg McGinity Shannon ’84 Eileen Myles ’64 Kimberly (Gray ’94) & William Puccio Maita & William Shaw P ’95 Sister Elizabeth Myles, CSJ ’64 Mary Kate Quinn ’06 Anne Keele Shimmon ’96 Catherine & Michael Nashak P ’11, ’15 Mary Sangster Rance ’64 Irene Carol O’Donohue Sieban ’57 Brittany Neligan ’04 Tatiana Raphael ’99 Nancy McGowen Skelly ’69 Casey Nelson ’14 Kristine & Thomas Raynor P ’08, ’10 Christine Bernacki Smith ’94 Margaret (Purcell ’94) & Anthony Neville Eileen (Kasprzak ’89) & Christopher Reed Sarah Smith ’04 Stephanie Nieves ’09 Christine Reed ’89 Mary Beth & James Soehner P ’08, ’14 Patricia (Wood ’89) & Brian Noone Marylou Barrett Regan ’63 Jillian Solomon ’99 Colleen O’Brien ’09 Karen Bertsch Rennie ’84 Kathleen & John Speck P ’15, ’17 Eileen O’Brien ’06 Dale (Ryan ’64) & Paul Richards Michele Spierto ’70 Catherine & Brian O’Connor P ’17 Christina Riordan ’89 Paul Squillante Dolores O’Connor ’66 Jennifer Cooke Ritter ’89 Maureen McHale Stachowicz ’64 Lisa Schwalenberg O’Connor ’89 Laura Horgan Rizzo ’94 Christine Stampfel ’94 Kristen O’Donnell ’09 Genevieve Robles ’04 Carol (Delaney ’59) & Richard Staszak Marilyn (McCabe ’62) & Charles O’Donnell Catherine Fredricks Rocco ’64 Christine* & John Strong P ’00, ’03 Sheila O’Donoghue Joan Rodgers ’55 Christine McDonagh Sullivan ’99 Christine (Browne ’89) & Denis O’Driscoll Katherine Rodi ’90 Joan & Terry Sullivan P ’16 Loretta Milito O’Grady ’94 Ingrid Rodriguez ’94 Jill Wagner Summer ’89 Eileen (Lynch ’84) & Thomas O’Hara Maureen (Kastner ’90) & Charles Rodriguez Nancy Wolff Surdyka ’94 Kaitlyn O’Leary ’04 Simone Rodriguez ’09 Megan Keogh Sutcliffe ’84 Maureen Cussen O’Leary ’84 Theresa Roedig ’09 Maureen Gallagher Sweeney ’64 Susan James Oliviera ’59 Patricia Ryan Roger ’84 Annmarie (Henning ’89) & Guy Swope Kathleen O’Malley ’09 Erin Elizabeth Ronan ’94 Kerry Marie Sykora ’94 Lisa (Cella ’89) & Edwin Ortiz Maryellen Textor Rosen ’72 Kristen Simek Sykora ’94 Tracy Bennett O’Sullivan ’89 Connie* & Philip Rotondi Jerilyn Farren Teahan ’89 Chuck Otto Jennifer Rotondi ’09 Olivia Tejeiro Swensen ’99 Michelle (Field ’90) & Lance Paige Alice Ruscica ’00 Terry & Jack Terrana P ’15, ’17 Jane Kuehn Pariente ’79 Kathleen Russell ’69 Elizabeth DeIeso Thomas ’54 Marian Parish P ’91 Carol (Mahon ’69) & Anthony Salazar Kathleen Thompson Loggie ’94 Gregory Pascale Sheila (Murphy ’95) & Christopher Salogub Linda Carr Thury ’59 Mary Patterson ’64 Marianne & Soteros Samothrakis Elizabeth (Byron ’56) & John Tims P ’92, ’93 Pax Christi Long Island Jane (Hodgson ’74) & Steven Samuels Cynthia Burczyk Tischio ’94 Margaret (Burke ’70) & Dennis Pearsall Elizabeth Rodriguez Sandonato ’94 Regina & Christopher Todd P ’01, ’02, ’07 Linda & William Torrance P ’10 Photo Credit: Nicole Rossello ’16 Mary Torrance ’10 Marguerite & Thomas Toscano P ’10, ’19 ❤ Nancy Palma Regan Tracy ’94 Lynne Trentalange Torre ’59 Anne Tria Wise ’94 Jillian Trotman ’99 Caroline Tulley ’09 Photo Credit: Carly Lorenzo ’16 Ashley Turner ’04 22 | Annual Giving | SHA Annual Report 2014–2015 continued Rosanne Burke Walsh ’64 Sabina Richardson Zabell ’94 Tracy Madden Walsh ’89 Deanna Zammit ’94 Kathy Bacigalupo Turner ’74 Elizabeth (Hanson ’78) & Mark Westlake P ’11, ’13 ❤ Bernadette (Clines ’69) & William Zirkel Colleen Malone Turpin ’89 Jennifer Weston Kerry Twombly ’04 Peggyann & Michael White P ’16, ’18 Arleen & Joseph Urban P ’98, ’02 Dorothy Williams ’09 Veronique Hodeau Urban ’99 Carol Wittine Adorno ’54 Patricia & Thomas Vaccaro Wm. E. Martin & Sons Co. Amy Gentile Verdino ’89 Karen Woods Weierman ’89 Kayla Villante ’09 Maureen Freyer Wren ’94 Stephanie Vincent ’09 Maureen Yigiter Jennifer Teta Vitale ’90 Colleen Madson York ’89 Kristen Vitalo ’09 Patricia Kisch York ’64 Carolyn Voegler ’87 Anne Yuskevich ’09 PATRON {$1–$99} Elisa Venditto Zito ’99 ❤ ember of the Sacred Heart Society for M extreme generosity through the years of $10,000+ ♦ M ember of the Cathedral Society for including Sacred Heart Academy in their long-term plan * Faculty/Staff † Deceased If your name was omitted, please know that it was an omission of the pen and not of the heart. GIFTS IN KIND Sacred Heart Academy gratefully acknowledges the following donors and companies for their gifts and their sharing of time and talents during the 2014-15 academic year. Noreen (O’Keefe’70) & Thomas Costello P ’99, ’00, ’05 Barbara & Dennis McNamara P ’15 ❤ Margaret & Robert Moran P ’08, ’14, ’16 ❤ Christine & Kevin Cudahy P ’17 Nicolock Paving Stones/ Christina & Sandy Nicolia P ’13, ’16 ❤ 24 Seven Inc. Catherine (Hammill ’80) & Nicholas DeMartini P ’14, ’17 ❤ Nicole & Pierce Archer P ’17 Alicia & Robert Doodian P ’13 Lisa & Robert Arning P ’11 ❤ Allison Mary-Rose (Quinn ’94) Gamba Atwell Brothers Tents/Ellen & John Atwell P ’16 Marissa & Charles Gambino P ’17, ’18 Au Bon Pain Diane & Francis Holbrook P ’11, ’17 Sister Eileen Brennan CSJ* Tracy (Hayes ’85) & John Jordan P ’16, ’18 Sara & John Broderick P ’18 Ginger & John Kaiser (BOT) P ’06 ❤ Kathleen & Edward Byrne P ’16 Randy & Timothy Kinsley P ’17 Annemarie & Thomas Carey P ’09, ’12 Michael Lutz/Lutz Landscaping Rachel (Cancro ’83) & John Cashwell P ’18 ❤ Colleen & Malachy Mahon P ’16 Eileen & John Colvin P ’17 Patti Ann (Norris ’80) & Steven McDonald ❤ Maria & James Corcoran P ’09, ’12, ’15 ❤ Shannon Lally McLay ’96 Deidre & Robert O’Connell P ’08, ’12, ’15 ❤ Michelle & Raymond O’Connor P ’18 Darcy & Stephen O’Neill P ’15 Our Home Renderings Kerry-Lynn Riley ’03 Seery Systems Group Karen (Danca ’91) & Andrew Smith Nancy & Todd Stepniewski P ’13 ❤ Anne & Kevin Sullivan P ’19 TestTakers Mary Beth & Christopher Tully P ’17 MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES Matching contributions, made possible through the corporate philanthropy of companies where Sacred Heart Academy donors work, play a significant role in the Annual Fund. AIG Chubb Insurance Nomura Foundation Alliance Data Goldman, Sachs & Co. One Beacon Insurance JPMORGAN CHASE FOUNDATION RBS Citizens Many thanks to the companies who support Sacred Heart Academy through their matching gifts program, as well as the alumnae, parents, and friends who take the time each year to secure this significant form of support. American Endowment Foundation Bank of America Marsh & McLennan Bank of New York Morgan Stanley Truist C. V. Starr & Co., Inc. National Philanthropic Trust Capital Group Companies Charitible Foundation New York Community Bank We are pleased to recognize the following companies for their matching gift generosity in 2014-15. NY Community Trust Travelers Foundation Wells Fargo 2014–2015 SACRED HEART ACADEMY ADMINISTRATION Sister Jeanne M. Ross, CSJ ’66, President Sister Jean Amore, ED.D., CSJ, Vice President Susan Murphy Perfetti ’68, Assistant to the Principal Sister Joanne Forker, CSJ, Ed.D., Principal Emanuela Sullivan P ’03, ’04, ’09, ’12, Assistant Principal BOARD OF TRUSTEES Maureen Butt Kiers ’66, Chair Sister Janet Kinney, CSJ, Vice Chair SACRED HEART ACADEMY ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION Suzanne Quast Burke ’94 Greg LaCasse P ’06, ’11 Elizabeth Salogub ’00, President Nancy Connors Erin McDonnell ’82 Kara Shine ’99, Vice President Thomas Dowling P ’12 Sister Mary Ross, CSJ Jennifer Vertiz Calabrese ’88, Treasurer Sister Jane Fritz, CSJ Susan Gordon Ryan ’67 Marie Murphy Ilardi ’90, Communications Christine Goodwin ’92 Denise Strain P ’06 Barbara Burke Holahan ’77, P ’14, ’16 Steven Vincent P ’05, ’09, ’11 John Kaiser P ’07 FACULTY & STAFF Dr. Robert Ackerman P ’01 Mrs. Andrea Grady Mr. Richard Powers Mrs. Danielle Adolphus Ms. Rachel Grazioli Ms. Carol Prehoda Mr. Michael Altruda Mrs. Erin Gregorio Mr. Gerard Prunzion Mrs. Kathleen Bellotti Mr. Damian Gutierrez Mr. Adam Rappoport S. Eileen Brennan, CSJ Mrs. Judy Hahn Mrs. Anne Scargill Reinhart ’86 Mrs. Roseann Bruno Ms. Therese Henderson Mrs. Karen Rienzi Mrs. Lisa Butler Knowles ’01 Mrs. Anne Hodeau P ’94, ’99 Mrs. Maura Rossi Mrs. Denise Careccia Rappoport’98 Mrs. Kathleen Johnson Mrs. Connie Rotondi Ms. Barbara Carroll Mr. Walter Kleinmann Mrs. Rachna Sabharwal Mr. Joseph Cascio Mr. Tony Korec Mrs. Mary Santora P ’01 Mrs. Beth Laurice Ms. Linda Lafferty Mr. James Sarosy P ’97 Ms. Anne Ceriello Mr. Matthew Loughren Ms. Kristen Schreiner Mrs. Mary Chekow Mrs. Theresa Lynch Mrs. Peggyanne Shaw Ms. Mary Jo Hammill Clarke ’79, P ’12 Mrs. Eileen Madigan Mr. Daniel Shea Mr. James Conway Mrs. Patricia Mallon Mrs. Nikki Sheridan Ms. Vanessa Cum Mrs. Eileen Manfre P ’13 Ms. Therese Shirreffs Mrs. Anna DeAcetis Ms. Kristin Mariano S. Catherine Stasi, CSJ* Mr. Daniel deBruin P ’14, ’16 Mr. Philip Marinelli Mrs. Christine Strong P ’00, ’03 Mrs. Camille Emmett Mrs. Christine D’Antona Marone ’99 Mrs. Monica Tobin Mrs. Donna Soldano Ferrara Ms. Alison Mertz S. Catherine Tracey, CSJ* Mr. Anthony Fiore Dr. Mary Ellen Minogue, Ph.D., P ’02, ’07 Mr. Mark Trolio Deacon James Flannery P ’93 Mrs. Maria Miss Mr. Giovanny Veras Mrs. Marie Flannery P ’93 Mrs. Morgan Molinari O’Connor ’02 Mrs. Ana Villalobos Ms. Regina Foge Mrs. Kathryn O’Donoghue Mulholland ’00 Ms. Lori Vollmer Mrs. Terry Fundus Mr. Louis Ohle Ms. Dorothy West Ms. Paula Glass Ms. Kathleen O’Neill Ms. Mary White Mr. Michael Goetz P ’06, ’07 Mrs. Elizabeth Pfeifer-Servedio Mrs. Susan Zaidinski P ’02, ’17 *Sister of St. Joseph Volunteer for Sacred Heart Academy Sacred Heart Academy Office of Institutional Advancement 47 Cathedral Avenue Hempstead, NY 11550 U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 341 Hempstead, NY Empower Impassion | Inspire WOMEN LEADERS DONATE NOW Like us on Facebook: Sacred Heart Academy (Hempstead, NY) Follow us on Twitter: @SHAhempsteadNY