2OI5 UPCOMING E\rENTS - East Greenwich Animal Protection


2OI5 UPCOMING E\rENTS - East Greenwich Animal Protection
Rl 02818
Winter 2015
Web site: www.egapl.org
Facebook: The East Greenwich Animal Protection League
P. O. Box 184; East Greenwich,
Help us help them
Put these dates on vour
March 18-{:30p.m.
Comedy Connection
East Providence. RI
April 18; June 13; Oct.
2013-2017 Officers
Executive Offrcers : President-Tammy Flanagan; Vice President-; Jackie
Cole; Treasurer-Ann Sullivan; Secretary-Rende Bucklin
Board of Directors : Corresponding Secretary-Marisa Grilli ; Membership
Chair-Sandra B urro ughs; Publ icity Chair-Dan ielle Deely; Grant Writing
Chair-Deb Litterer; Volunteer Coordinator-Karen Skerry; Dog Adoption
Chair-Tammy Flanagan; Cat Adoption Chair-Nancy Davey; TrusteeDorothy Trehy; Member-at-Large-Rita Eisman
Our Chairs would like to have committees to help them. Anyone interested in
participating in any of these areas, particularly Fundraising, should contact Karen
Skerry at [email protected].
September 27
Volunteers especially needed for planning all of the
"Adopt A Pet"
Open Houses
Animals are available for
viewing, with the assistance
of a dedicated League member, on Sundays from
10:30a.m.-1:00p.m. Our
animals are cared for at the
East Greenwich Animal
Hospital, 4302 Post Rd.,
Warwick, zu. Individual
appointments are also available--call 241-4541.
Fundraising for 2015
I would like to THANK everyone for all the support and hard work that you have
given to the East Greenwich Animal Protection League this past year with all of
our fundraising events. With your help, we were able to raise about $35,000!
Now it is time to start planning for 2015. The box to the left shows what is
scheduled so far. Dates for Main Street Strolls and the Bazaar have not yet been
set. We need new events to raise funds for our animals! All EGAPL members
are encouraged to contribute fundraising ideas and help us plan these events.
Members are always welcome to join us at our monthly meetings (see black box
above). We also welcome our members to hold their own fundraisers through
work, school or the community. If you would like to receive monthly e-mail updates about EGAPL events or to become an EGAPL member, please contact
[email protected] to be added to our e-mail list.
You can stay up-to-date with EGAPL anytime through social media! Look for us on Facebook (The East Greenwich Animal Protection League) and Twitter (EGAPLRI). To see a complete list of
our adoptable pets, visit Petfinder.com or adoptapet.com. You can
also visit our Youtube charurel, EGAPLRI, to see videos of our
animals. Please note our old website, egapl.org., is "under construction and the listed animals are NOT correct, but you can still
make a donation or read about our adoption procedures at this site.
period March 2014-February 2015, the following Honorariams and Memorials are
In Memory Of:
"Big Sam"
5 well-loved Boxers
Sandra Cobden
"Pepper Calamari"
George Goulet
Thomas Potts
Edward Campion
Deborah Anderson
Dr. Sharon Courtney
Anthony Fontana
Betty Korb
CJ & Ursula Wilson
Buddy McCarthy
Katie, Patrick & Annie
In Honor Of:
Marge & George Robinson
Karyn & Glenn Moore
Gwendolen DeRestie
Lillian Klanian, Sherry Amrda, Sherwin & Rhoda Zaidman.
Karen Ross
Carol & Joseph Chisholm
Michael & Geraldine Mendes
Donna & William Monaghan
Carol & Joseph Chisholm
Lisa Keshura, Gene & JoAnn Lambrecht, Nadine Beirne, Mindy
Stephen Morgenstein, RI Civil Air Patrol, Wanda Jones
Dorothy Troppoli, Pat & Robert Fontana
Ruby Basseff
Judith Wilson
Maureen McCarthy
Carol Chisholm
Sheila Kaufman
Kathy Smith
Mary Schreitmueller
A Message from the League President
Happy (Almost) Spring, everyone! I'm sure you agree that it can't come soon enough! This has been a
tough winter for all of us, and especially here at EGAPL. While we have saved over 100 lives these past
few months, we also had to deal with the loss of some precious puppies due to a horrific virus.
We have struggled emotionally and financially, but we are determined to continue to make a difference
in the lives of homeless dogs and cats, and we hope to be able to do so in our own facility by the end of
this year. We know that we could not make this difference without the tireless efforts of our fosters, our
volunteers, and the financial help of all of our donors.
Together, we DO make a difference in these precious animals' lives. Thank You for your continued support!
Tammy Flanagan, President
For the Love of an Adult Animal
There's no denying that the sweet face of a puppy or kitten is irresistible. It is a real treasure to watch a
young animal grow into a happy house-pet. But what about a cat or dog with a little more life experience? These animals were that same sweet baby once upon a time. As a volunteer, it can be heartbreaking to watch a homeless adult or senior be put into a cage because he/she was surrendered by an
owner or abandoned on the street.
At EGAPL, we are happy to see all of our animals, young or old, find their forever family. But there is
nothing more rewarding than meeting an adopter willing to overlook a li6le gray fur or an extra pill at
What are the benefits of adopting a fully-grown animal? Adult pets come to us with their personalities
already known so there are no surprises. They are house-trained and already know their manners, meaning they require less attention. Most importantly, taking home an adult pet means you will spend every
day with a grateful little soul who, in retum, will love you unconditionally.
Please be sure to come meet all of our adult animals in need of a warrn bed and an open heart this win-
Danielle Deely
Comedians ,.Raise the Wooflt'
The Comedy Connection is going to the dogs...for a good cause! Local comedians will come together
for a special, one-night-only fundraiser for EGAPL on Wednesday, March 18th at 8p.m.
Doors open at 6:30p.m. for a special adoption hour, where "Carol Burnett" and her puppies will be
shown. The Comedy Connection is locate d at 39 Warren Ave., East Providence, Rl
Tickets are $20 in advance and can be purchased online at RlComedyConnection.com or by calling 401
All money raised goes to support our effort to building our own forever home, a building to house
care for our animals. Please tell your friends--come out for a fun night and puppy kisses.
Volunteers Needed!
If you have some time to spare, we could use your help! Contact Karen Skerry at [email protected].
Volunteers are specifically needed in the following areas:
. Adoption hours (Sundays, 9:30-1:30) and activities
. Fostering cats, kittens, dogs and puppies
. Publicity Committee
. Correspondence and record-keeping
. Fundraising events: bake sales, bazaar, Hound Hike--other ideas welcome!
No amount of time is too small!
East Greenwich Animal Protection League
P.O. Box | 84
East Greenwich, Rl 028l8
Return Serwice Requested
2Ot5 EGAPL liembership Applicotion
E-moil oddress:
Membership Category: rndividuol ($25)
Supporting ($250)
Junior ($5)
Sustoining ($500)
Lif e ($1000)
lAemoriol $
fn honor of:
Working ot fund roisers
Grant Writing
Fundroising Coordinotion
Honororium $
Wolking Dogs
Cat Time
Return this form with your check, poyoble to East Greenwich Animal Protection League, to:
9OAPL, P.O. Box 184, Eost Greenwich, RI 02818