Heavy Issue 78 - ScotsGay Magazine


Heavy Issue 78 - ScotsGay Magazine
80/- heavy • £1 where sold • Issue 78
Sarah Wilson
Miss Gay
Part One:
What Was Section 28?
Taking the stand in her sky-blue
twin-set, Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher
addressed a sea of waving Union Flags at the
Conservative Party Conference of 1987 to
declare to rapturous applause: “Children,
who should be taught to respect traditional
moral values, are being taught they have the
inalienable right to be gay”.
The right-wing press couldn’t have
agreed more. Fuelling public anger and
exposing a trend they labelled ‘political
correctness’ in ‘loony left’ Labour councils,
they attacked initiatives such as the one in
Ealing which offered support to young gay
people by posting notices advertising a gay
switchboard. Conservative MP Harry
Greenaway declared the move “wrong”. The
press went on to vilify ‘proselytising’
homosexuals; printing exaggerated stories of
black lesbian self-defence groups and gay sex
being taught in schools.
Behind the rhetoric, much darker forces
were gathering, destined to be exposed by an
unworkable piece of legislation that would
divide the nation.
Section 28 was an amendment to the
Local Government Act 1986 and enacted by
the Local Government Act 1988 on 24th
May. It hatched from a Department of
Education and Science circular, DES206/86
on 6th Aug 1986, stating: “There is no place
in any school in any circumstances for
teaching which advocates homosexual
behaviour, which presents it as the ‘norm’,
or which encourages homosexual
experimentation by pupils”. The essence of
this message was born again into a re-draft
of a Private Member’s Bill, introduced into
the House of Lords by Lord Halsbury in
1986 called: ‘An Act to Refrain Local
Authorities from Promoting
Homosexuality’. The bill was led for the
Conservative Government by the Earl of
Caithness, a ‘family values’ campaigner who
quit politics after it emerged he had been
involved in an extra-marital affair with a
lady he met at a tea dance. (His wife later
took a gun and shot herself).
Dame Jill Knight, Conservative MP for
Birmingham, Edgbaston, chairperson of the
Child and Family Protection Group,
introduced the bill - demonising English
local authorities, which in those days had
more control over education - into the
House of Commons. It fell through lack of
Government support and the
announcement of the impending 1987
general election. Knight insisted: “There is
evidence in shocking abundance that
children, as young as five, are being
encouraged into homosexuality and
lesbianism in our schools on the rates and
against the wishes of parents”. Margaret
Thatcher thought the Bill might be
misrepresented and even “unnecessary”.
Clause 14, as it was known, (before
becoming Clause 27, then Clause 28, then
Clause 29 before going back to being Clause
28 again), was tabled by Tory backbencher,
David Wilshire MP for Spelthorne during
the committee stage of the Local
Government Bill on 8th Dec 1987. (It was a
Clause at this stage because it was in a Bill
being put before Parliament to pass. Acts of
Parliament have Sections, therefore it
became Section 28. To make things more
confusing, Section 28 was sometimes
referred to as Section 2a after the section
that was inserted into the Local Government
Act). In debates over the Bill in the House of
Commons, there was much talk of buggery
and the corruption of children. Commons
drunk, Sir Nicholas Fairbairn, MP for Perth
and Kinross, who died of liver failure in
1995, branded homosexuality ‘a pathological
perversion’. Just three Conservative MPs
were brave enough to vote against the clause;
gay MP Michael Brown (later outed by The
News of the World), Andrew Rowe and Robin
Clause 28 was championed by Jill
Knight and accepted and defended by
former Conservative Prime Minister, Michael
Howard, who was then Minister for Local
Government. It was debated on 8th Dec
1987 before being swiftly presented to the
House of Commons on 15th Dec, shortly
before their Christmas recess. It was
introduced into the 1988 Local Government
Bill which was ostensibly about the
compulsory tendering of school services and
became widely known as Section 28 when,
on 24th May 1988 - with controversial
additions after Section 2a of the Local
Government Act 1986 - the Queen gave her
Royal Assent to the first explicitly anti-gay
measure introduced to Britain in the 20th
Century. Cancelling each other out, Scottish
First Secretary, Donald Dewar ‘paired’ with
Nicholas Fairbairn and stayed away from the
Edwina Currie, MP for West Derbyshire,
later told Gay Times that “there was a feeling
among some of us that we’d gone too far
that night”. Michael Howard also later
expressed regret at its introduction.
By the end of the year, accompanying
the law’s passage, a firebomb went off at the
offices of London’s gay newspaper, Capital
Gay. Far from condemning the action,
Conservative MP, Dame Elaine
Kellett-Bowman stood up in the House of
Commons to voice her contempt for gay sex
and declared that it was “right that there
should be an intolerance of evil”. And there
was: there was a dramatic increase of attacks
on gay men and another bombing of a gay
bar in Rochester with teargas.
The first effect of Section 28 was to give
the gay rights movement a new public
profile in the media. During one
parliamentary debate, three lesbians
disrupted proceedings by abseiling from the
public gallery into the House of Lords. On
another occasion, newsreader, Sue Lawley
famously tried to deliver the ITV Six O’Clock
News with the classic understatement that
they had “rather been invaded” after lesbians
had burst into their studio. Nicholas
Witchell was forced to sit on top of a lesbian
as Lawley struggled to deliver an item on the
council tax over her muffled shouts.
Section 28 was an unworkable piece of
legislation in law. When Calderdale library
service in Yorkshire attempted to ban The
Pink Paper, they were forced to stock it after
human rights group Liberty applied for a
judicial review to clarify the law in 1995.
Telford Lesbian and Gay Youth Group also
won a battle with Shropshire County
Council after they were closed down.
Councillors reviewed the group’s funding
after deciding they had not breached any
law. The only successful attempt at bringing
a council to court was by a nurse – backed by
the Christian Institute – who claimed that
Glasgow City Council’s funding of an AIDS
support charity was promoting
homosexuality. She lost.
Section 28 existed only - as its backers
admitted - as a measure of control and
Section 28 was never introduced into
Northern Ireland and on its imposition in
Scotland, Brian Finch from Glasgow
exercised his wit in the letters pages of The
Herald: “This law was imposed on Scotland
by the predominantly English Parliament in
Westminster on the grounds that, because
southern Tories were having a panic attack,
we Scots must be compelled to eat the same
medicine as our neighbours. In exposing an
equally daft argument Sir Walter Scott once
asked if, because the South of England was
largely flat and suited to growing wheat,
Scotland must be levelled and the
cultivation of oats be proscribed”.
It was in a confused sexual age, before
the new millennium, that the Labour Party
in a newly-devolved nation saw fit to
dispense of a legally-unworkable English Act
they felt deserved no place in Scotland. The
task fell into the lap of Communities
Minister, Wendy Alexander.
It should have been so simple.
To read Part Two go
to the website above
and leave an E-mail
The author has not
received payment for
compiling this history
but welcomes
donations to any of
the following
Peter Tatchell
Human Rights Fund,
PO Box 35253,
London E1 4YF.
Amnesty International
National Secular
Part Two:
The Bank of Scotland boss and
the ex-guitarist
Go to www.scottishmediamonitor.com
ScotsGay 33
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Eight members and friends of the
Scottish Borders LGBT Equality Forum
recently attended the second Northwest
Pride weekend in Sligo in the Republic of
Ireland (17th-19th Aug).
The weekend formally started with a
reception in the City Hall, and continued
with a slide show and talk. Later Eden
Experience held one of their regular discos
in the Sligo City Hotel.
Saturday morning was foggy and damp,
but fortunately the rain stopped in time for
the Pride march. Led by a giant on stilts and
costumed dancers the parade wound its way
from the Model Arts and Ni-land Gallery
through supportive crowds to the City Hall.
After speeches, prize-giving and a lashing by
Atlantic winds, revellers dispersed to the
warmth of local hostelries.
The biggest event of the weekend was
the disco held at the Clarion Hotel, an
imposing former mental hospital.
The weather on Sunday morning was
grim but luckily improved at lunchtime, and
was fantastic in time for the beach-barbeque
at Lissadell. Many people took the
opportunity to tour the impressive Lissadell
House and gardens, with its associations
with William Butler Yeats and Constance
Gore Booth / Countess Markievicz (She was
the first woman elected to the Westminster
Parliament, declined to take her seat and
served as Minister for Labour in the first
Irish Dail.)
The organisers are to be commended for
their efforts in arranging the events,
accommodation and merchandise, their
leadership and for the welcome they gave to
their scottish visitors. Go raibh mile maith
agat (Thank you very much).
Alastair Lings
Fife Choose Life
Funding resources from the Fife’s
Choose Life Group has enabled the Fife Men
Project to research the levels of suicide as
well as threatened suicide directly attributed
to lesbian gay bisexual and transgender
(LGBT) communities.
This research carried out by Dr Sheila
Reid of Reid Howie Associates, examines the
types of experiences in social and health
settings that may lead to threats of suicide
or actual suicide attempts, by members of
the LGBT communities.
To help launch the research a seminar
has been organised in Kirkcaldy Town
House on Fri 9th Nov from 10am-3pm.
Many of the agencies involved with the Fife
Choose Life Group will have information
available and guest speakers from LGBT
support services will open the seminar.
There will be opportunities to review the
research work and hear of individuals
experiences within Fife LGBT communities.
Attendance is free on application to the Fife
Men Project
- see listings for details.
LGBT Youth Scotland’s Dumfries &
Galloway service is to launch a new project
which will work with the LGBT adult
community. The project, which has been
funded by NHS Dumfries & Galloway, will
be called OUTfront - Moving LGBT Equality
forward in D&G.
The project, the first of its kind in
Dumfries & Galloway, aims to contact LGBT
adults and by finding out what is important
to them increase their health and wellbeing.
The first task is to identify people through
working in local pubs, running social events
and setting up a website. The project will
also offer training to LGBT people and
encourage them to support others in similar
situations. One of the broader aims of the
project is to tackle the prejudice and
discrimination that exists within the region.
Although in the early stages, the project
is funded by NHS D&G for 18 months
which will mean the project will initially run
until Mar 2009. Liz Smart, Public Health
Specialist said, “We know that because of
prejudice and discrimination the LGBT
community has often remained hidden in
this region. This important project will
challenge these prejudices, bring people
together and provide much needed support.
Overall we expect that an individual’s self
confidence and general wellbeing to
Michael Hawthorne the project manager
hopes that the project will prove sustainable
and continue well into the future. There is a
clear need for a project of this type, which
has been highlighted through the work we
do at present and also by the fact that the
NHS D&G thought such a project was
worthy of their assistance. “It is a very
exciting project as it is the first of its kind in
Dumfries & Galloway and will mean that we
will be able to do specific adult-focussed
work which will be shaped through
consultation with the Adult LGBT
community of Dumfries & Galloway”.
Michael is looking for suggestions from
members of the LGBT Adult community in
D&G about what they would want the
service to look like. The first major event
was a planning residential where service
users helped work out the logo for the new
project, the content and design for the new
project and also some of the needs that
LGBT Adults have in Dumfries & Galloway.
Anyone interested in becoming involved
with the work or just finding out more
should contact Michael Hawthorne at the
LGBT Centre in Dumfries.
Who’s Your Dandy?
There will be a night of International
LGBT Music in Word Power Books, 43-45
West Nicolson Street, Edinburgh on Mon
12th Nov from 7.30pm. The event is free
(with a collection to support artists) and will
feature Andra Simons, Ryli Skelton, Sandra
Alland and Contrabajo.
Bad Borders
On Wings Of Song
A recent consultation involving more
than 500 young people has highlighted that
growing up in the Scottish Borders will not
always be a positive experience for lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgender young people.
58% of participants categorised that school
would be ‘horrible’ or ‘bad’ for LGBT young
people, with only 38% saying they would do
something if they saw an LGBT young
person being bullied.
World renowned Gospel singer Delores
Berry will be the guest of Metropolitan
Community Church at two special events in
Edinburgh to mark the end of Black History
Month in the UK.
Rev Delores Berry, winner of the first
ever MCC Churches Rosa Parks Award at the
People of African Descent Conference 2006
will be holding a special concert on Sat 27th
Oct - entry to the 6pm event is free. An
African American Gospel Evangelist for over
30 years, Rev Berry will also be preaching
and singing as part of a celebratory service
on Sun 28th Oct at 6pm to conclude MCC’s
recognition of Black History Month. Both
will be held at the Augustine United Church,
41 George IV Bridge.
All are welcome to these inclusive and
exciting evenings of music and song which
promise to be an experience not to be
Rev Berry, who has a special ministry to
the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
(LGBT) community, visits over 50 churches
across the world each year sharing the
‘inclusive’ message that ‘God loves all
Civil Disobedience are working on a
production of Larry Kramer’s ‘The Normal
Heart’ about the rise of the AIDS epidemic
in the 1980’s to go on tour next February as
part of LGBT History Month. In preperation
for the tour, they will be performing the
show in The National Museum of Scotland,
Chambers Street, Edinburgh as a
fundraising event for Waverley Care on
World AIDS Day Sat Dec 1st 2007 (2.30pm
and 7.30pm). Tickets are a minimum
donation of £10 per person and all proceeds
go to Waverley Care - call 0131-477 4154 for
Scots Women Top Wankers
A survey by CupidBay (cupidbay.com)
has highlighted that British and Irish men
masturbate on average seven times per week
compared to women who masturbate, on
average, twice per week. But whilst English
men do it on average eight times per week in
comparison to Scottish (7), Welsh (7) and
Irish men (5). Scottish women masturbate
three times per week in contrast with
English (2), Welsh (1) and Irish women (1).
The 1000 plus respondents were also
asked where they masturbate. The most
common reply from men was, ‘in front of a
computer’ (69%) and for women, ‘in bed’
(58%). This was followed by, for men, ‘in the
work toilet’ (19%) and for women, ‘in the
shower’ (13%). Other notable replies
included ‘in front of the mirror’ (men) and
‘in the bathtub’ (women).
CupidBay members were also quizzed
on what they think about when
masturbating. A massive 75% of men replied
‘pornographic images’ and an even greater
80% of women thought of ‘someone they
knew’. This was followed by, for men,
‘female celebrities’ (9%) and for women,
‘boyfriend/ex-boyfriend’ (10%).Other
common answers included ‘colleagues’
(men) and ‘my friend’s boyfriend’ (women).
“It is clear from our survey that in stark
contrast to men, women prefer to fantasize
over real people whilst masturbating, said
Francis Deacon, sex expert for CupidBay.
“Men, it would appear, tend to rely on the
visual stimuli of internet pornography”.
[email protected]
Misguided Bill
Green MSP Patrick Harvie has launched
a private members bill to make attacking
someone because of their sexual orientation
or their disability an aggravating factor.
Under the proposed legislation, smacking
someone in the face because they have red
hair could lead to a lighter sentence than
smacking them in the face because they are
Iain Smith, MSP for North East Fife and
Convener of the Liberal Democrat Group in
the Scottish Parliament, has been nominated
as Stonewall Politician of the Year.
The annual BearScotFest 2007, was held
in October in Edinburgh and was the
biggest such event to date with more than
200 participants. Highlights were a Bear
Treasure Hunt on the Royal Mile, a raffle
prize of a £360 tailor made kilt from Celtic
Craft Centre, an architectural walk, and a
very successful party at Old Saint Paul’s
Church with DJ Alan Joy. Many of the
featured activities took place in a mix of the
regular gay establishments in Edinburgh
such as the Claremont Bar, the Newtown,
the Steamworks sauna and the Regent. The
BearScots AGM will be on Sat 1st Dec in the
Regent Bar, Edinburgh from 2pm.
ScotsGay: a monthly magazine for LGBT folks and friends.
ScotsGay 60/- Light (Scene Edition) appears at the end of even numbered months, whilst
ScotsGay 80/- Heavy appears at the end of odd numbered months. ISSN: 1357-0595.
Unless otherwise stated © Pageprint Publishing Limited, October 2007. PO Box 666, Edinburgh. EH7 5YW.
Non profit use by the LGBT community of material in the magazine, to which we hold copyright,
will normally be permitted free of charge, but you must contact us first for permission.
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Views expressed in ScotsGay don't necessarily reflect the views of ScotsGay.
People featured in ScotsGay may indentify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, straight or anything really.
Assistant Editor/Proofing
ScotsGay Web
Martin Walker
Jodie Fleming
John Hein
Miss Gay Scotland 2007 - Sarah Wilson
Paul McLeman
Jean Velvet - Truely an inspiration
from around the world
Moscow Pride organisers
lose slander case
Thousands march in
Istanbul governor tries to
terminate gay group
Moscow gay pride organisers lost an
appeal of a slander case against Mayor Yuri
Luzhkov on 11th Oct and now plan to move
to the European Court of Human Rights.
Nikolai Baev and Nikolai Alekseev
sought a retraction of Luzhkov’s statement
that gay pride parades are “satanic” and
asked for 2,000 roubles (approx. £160) in
On 29th Jan this year, Luzhkov had said,
“Last year, Moscow came under
unprecedented pressure to sanction the gay
parade, which can be described in no other
way than as satanic. We did not let the
parade take place then, and we are not going
to allow it in the future. ... Some European
nations bless single-sex marriages and
introduce sexual guides in schools. Such
things are a deadly moral poison for
The appeals court, the Moscow City
Court, agreed with a lower court that
Luzhkov had not attacked Alekseev and Baev
personally, but only the gay parade in
general, and also concurred that Luzhkov
was expressing a personal opinion.
“We are planning to send a complaint to
the European Court of Human Rights”,
Alekseev said after the ruling. “It is
absolutely clear that the aim of [the]
Moscow mayor was not only to refuse the
human rights event that we wanted to stage
... but also to show us, as organisers of this
event, in [an] unethical and immoral light.”
Luzhkov banned the city’s first two gay
pride parades this year and last year. When
organisers responded by staging protest
rallies, they were violently attacked by
neofascists, skinheads, Christians and riot
Some 10,000 LGBT people hit the
streets of Taipei on 13th Oct for the city’s
fifth gay-pride parade.
The procession ended at City Hall with a
rally and a performance by pop diva A-Mei.
The march’s demands included passage
of anti-discrimination and same-sexpartnership legislation.
The parade, which also included parents
and children of gays, is believed to be the
largest such event in Asia.
Former mayor and current presidential
candidate Ma Ying-jeou attended the preparade kickoff and promised that, if elected,
he would push to enact the marchers’
The Istanbul governor’s office is trying
to close down the Turkish LGBT rights
group Lambda Istanbul.
The office claims the group’s objectives
— and even its name — are “against the law
and morality”.
The Provincial Associations Directorate
of the Governor’s Office, which oversees
nongovernmental organizations, says
Lambda’s projects violate a Civil Code article
that says “no association may be founded for
purposes against law and morality”, a
constitutional clause that says “[t]he state
shall take the necessary measures and
establish the necessary organization to
ensure the peace and welfare of the family”
and a law that authorizes suspension of
organizations that contravene “public
The office also says the name “Lambda
Istanbul” is illegal because “lambda” is not a
Turkish word.
The judge appointed a legal expert from
Istanbul University to determine if Lambda’s
claim that it is not violating any laws is
Calgary mayor
upsets gays
The mayor of Calgary, Alberta, Dave
Bronconnier, upset gays by allegedly saying
during a debate that he doesn’t “condone”
the gay “lifestyle.”
When a questioner complained that
Tourism Calgary promotes the city to gay
travelers, Bronconnier responded, “I hear
your lifestyle question and that’s not
something I can condone, but Tourism
Calgary, they have their marketing. ... Would
it have been my choice for an article?
Probably not.”
But the next day, Bronconnier said his
response had been misunderstood — and
that it was the question itself that he didn’t
“Her question was why are my tax
dollars going to market this”, Bronconnier
told the Calgary Herald. “She actually had
the ad in her hand. I defended Tourism
Calgary’s right to market our city to all
groups, including people who are gay, so it’s
sort of a trumped-up matter, in my view.”
ILGA, COC denounce
Georgia, Azerbaijan
The European branch of the
International Lesbian and Gay Association
and the Dutch national gay group COC
lectured the nations of Georgia and
Azerbaijan on the responsibilities of
European Union membership.
“Georgia and Azerbaijan must
stop discrimination and
incitement to hatred and put in
place an inclusive antidiscrimination law in line with
Council of Europe and EU
standards if they aspire to EU
membership”, the groups said in
detailed reports on the position of
LGBT people in the two South
Caucasian countries.
“The reports illustrate the
vulnerable position of LGBT
communities and the systematic
nature of human rights violations
against them”, said ILGA-Europe
Executive Director Patricia
Prendiville. “This situation runs
against Georgia and Azerbaijan’s
obligations under the European
Convention for Human Rights
and against European Union laws
and values these countries have to
respect if they aspire to EU
membership in the future.”
Venezuela moves to
protect gays
A constitutional amendment
to ban discrimination based on
sexual orientation has passed a
Venezuelan legislative committee
and moved to the full National
Should the measure and other
proposed changes pass the
assembly, they would advance to a
national referendum in Dec.
[email protected]
Filed from Baton Rouge, Louisiana USA
Social Drop-In
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9 Howe Street, Edinburgh
Gay Icons & Divas
Sodom & Gomorrah
Judy, Kylie, Cher or Madge?
Probing Anal Sex
What is it with gay men and uber
glamorous, often over the top and dramatic
women? From Marilyn to Madonna from
Bette Davis to Kylie Minogue generations of
homos have idolised their divas in an almost
godlike fashion and turned them into gay
icons. They have avidly watched every movie
and sung every song and – in the case of
Bette – quoted all of her snarling bitch filled
lines. (“I’d love to kiss you but I’ve just
washed my hair” is my personal favourite!).
But what exactly makes these grand dames
gay icons and just what are the qualities
needed to become one?
Historically the first example of a gay
icon was not an actress or a singer – it was
not even a woman! Bizarrely enough it was a
saint, St. Sebastian in fact who, in the
Nineteenth Century, was viewed by gay men
as a classic closet case and a tortured image
of homosexual desire. (Bet the Catholic
Church loved that!!)
Into the Twentieth Century and
Hollywood began giving gay men women
they could adore – in a non sexual fashion of
course. The first, and probably most
enduring of all gay icons, was Judy Garland.
As Dorothy in “The Wizard of Oz” her
struggles to get back over the rainbow and
home to Kansas and her acceptance of social
outcasts has struck a chord with gay men
(and boys) since it was released in 1939.
Judy’s unique combination of vulnerability
and strength and her constant battle with
drink, drugs and her weight have always
endeared her to the gay community as did
her rather over the top performances in the
later part of her career. Indeed her shows at
Carnegie Hall became a meeting point for
gay men. In 1967 Garland made a statement
which summed up her life and showed why
she appealed to gay men then and ever since.
“When you have lived the life I’ve lived”, she
said, “when you have loved and suffered and
been madly happy and desperately sad – well
that’s when you realise that you’ll never be
able to set it all down … maybe you’d rather
die first”. Judy can also lay claim to two
important milestones in gay history and
culture. The term “a friend of Dorothy” is a
direct reference to her role in “the Wizard of
Oz”. More importantly the landmark
Stonewall riots which gave birth to the gay
rights movement have often been attributed
to the heightened emotions of New York’s
gay community caused as a result of her
death a few days before.
Another quality apparently needed to
achieve gay icon status is for the person to
not be classically beautiful but to still hold
an individual sense of style and charisma all
of their own – a quality lots of gay men can
sympathise with. Judy certainly had this (not
sure about St. Sebastian though) as have
many others such as Barbara Streisand, Liza
Minnelli and Bette Midler (all drag queen
favourites I see). However before all these
came along one woman took on this
individuality and made it work stunningly
for her. Bette Davis was the queen of the
sneer and the withering look. In a day when
Hollywood glamour ruled the roost Bette
remained her own person. In no way could
she ever have been called a stunner but her
roles frequently had men falling at her feet –
usually as a result of her classic one liners!
Throughout her career she took on parts
most actresses would have run a mile from
and gay men adored her for it. She was
equally at home playing the tragic victim as
she was the man eating bitch – two qualities
perhaps the gay community have embraced
as their own. However it is the bitch roles
which truly elevated her to gay icon status
“Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?”, “All
About Eve” as well as her (non bitchy)
performance in “Now Voyager” have
provided gay men with some of their all time
favourite lines – why wish for the moon
In the 1960’s and 70’s the gay diva and
icon crown moved away from Hollywood
and was passed on to the music industry.
Many pretenders laid claim to the title –
Diana Ross and Tina Turner especially but
Cher in typical fashion grabbed it and made
it her own. Yet again it was her individual
look and costumes which the gays grew to
love and adore and my how did she milk it.
As time went on Cher began to look more
like her drag persona than the actual drag
queens and she camped it up in outrageous
style. Her versatility, larger than life
personality and unbreakable spirit took gay
men from the 60’s to the 80’s and beyond.
However her gay icon status looked set to
die when she initially had difficulties
accepting her daughter Chastity’s lesbianism
but she has since spoken of her shame and
regret over this and has embraced both her
daughter and her lifestyle. Her status as an
everlasting gay icon was cemented both in
her movie career and in the hit sitcom “Will
and Grace” in which she twice appeared
once as herself and once as God! She has
won many awards for her vocal support of
the gay community and Liza Minnelli once
said that in a contest between herself, Cher
and Barbara Streisand it would be Cher who
would win the title of greatest gay icon!
In the 1980s the role and perception of a
gay icon was to change forever. The rise of
AIDS and HIV dominated the world’s press
and mass hysteria over this was rife. As calls
grew for AIDS patients to be ostracised
(indeed to be sent off to leper colony style
islands) the gay community looked for
someone to champion their cause. Madonna
came along and did this in her own brash,
foul mouthed uncomplicated way. Not only
did she fit into many of the gay icon
categories – individual and over the top –
she took on the world’s media over their
perceptions of gays and especially their
portrayal of AIDS stories. Madonna’s early
career started in Manhattan where she
befriended drag queens and rent boys and
she later adopted their styles as her own.
Many of her close friends as well as her
brother were gay and she was to see many of
her friends die. She became one of the few
people to stand up and say that it was OK to
‘Sexuality poorly repressed unsettles
some families; well repressed, it unsettles
the whole world.’
– Kraus Karl
‘My own belief is that there is hardly
anyone whose sexual life, if it were
broadcast, would not fill the world at
large with surprise and horror.’
- W. Somerset Maugham
Immorality and Inhibition
hold, love and touch AIDS patients. She
loved gay men and they loved her back in
bucketfuls! Indeed as her career and
popularity began to falter in some areas it
was the gay community who kept her firmly
at the top. In a recent interview on
“Parkinson” she acknowledged this by saying
“I am a gay man in a woman’s body”. In a
poll for American gay magazine “Advocate”,
Madonna was named as the greatest gay
icon of all time – ahead of both Cher and
Judy Garland.
Over the years there have been many
divas and gay icons too numerous to
mention. Marilyn Munro, Barbara Streisand,
Liza Minnelli, Joan Crawford and many
others have all worn the title – some more
proudly than others! But what of today? Are
any of today’s stars worthy of being crowned
a gay icon or diva? Certainly Kylie Minogue
looks like she is well on the way to becoming
one. She has embraced the gay community
and they her. She has often puzzled over this
but has always been thankful for it claiming
the gay community adopted her “Gay icons
usually have some tragedy in their lives”, she
says, “but I’ve only had tragic outfits and
haircuts”. As for others it is simply too early
to guess! True gay icon and diva status is
not merely given it has to be earned. Too
many acts/artists believe that simply playing
certain clubs or festivals gives them the right
to call themselves gay icons – sorry ladies it
does not! A true gay icon faces struggles
both in themselves and with others. It is this
refusal by society to see them as “normal”
that gay men admire and cling to. A true
diva strives to maintain her individuality
against the pressures of others.
There are not that many females around
just now who fit into the categories
mentioned to claim the title. Many certainly
aspire to and may one day win it, some
(Spice Girls, Girls Aloud etc) will surely
never get there. As for those who came
before I salute you! My world as a gay man
would be duller without you in it. As for you
dear readers if I’ve failed to mention your
own personal favourite please forgive me!!!
Pass all complaints and nominations on to
the editor – not me!
According to the Bible, Sodom and
Gomorrah were two cities destroyed by God
for their sins of homosexuality, sodomy and
rape; thankfully, today the powers that be
tend to blow cities up for slightly different
reasons (largely economic) rather than
motivated solely by a person or a culture’s
sexual predilections. However you view the
subject, anal sex has always been shrouded
in darkness and sinister taboo. For most
people, it’s the final sexual transgression
that automatically disgusts and appals, and
for some it is the secret relish of sex. This
commentary is a probe into the issue of anal
love, sexual pleasure and morality. Y’know,
just an everyday light topic for to mull
over…so make a cup of tea, get completely
naked, sit down quietly and read…
Morality, sexuality and sexual pleasure have
forever been antagonists. In the three
Monotheistic religious world faiths, Islam
Christianity and Judaism respectively, every
hint of sexuality is frowned upon as sin.
Every sexual act thought, deed, imaginative
possibility; every claim to sensuality,
intimacy and satisfaction is at once
demonised with a thin layer of guilt, grief,
and perversion. The greater the immorality
and outrage that is felt toward a particular
sexual deed the further increased becomes
the inhibition toward such an act. Of course,
we do not need to partake in these sexual
performances ourselves, nor do we need to
be unduly scandalised. At the very least we
can endeavour to understand the
perspective, appreciate the physical
possibility of anal sex, and liberate our
awareness. On the other hand, we must be
able to tolerate intolerance.
Fleshing it out
Biologically, for many males, the
tightness of the anus is the source of
pleasure, and the presence of the prostate
gland (the male G spot) near the rectal wall
is a source of pleasure during receptive anal
intercourse. A sexual climax for the recipient
(referred to colloquially as an anal orgasm)
can occur through anal sex. For the female,
the rectum shares a wall with the vagina,
and the sexual nerves are actually closer on
that side, which makes the sensation unique
and gratifying. Anal sex is predominantly
associated with homosexuality, though there
is a false assumptions that queer men all
have anal sex; ; the equally false assumption
that queer women never do but
homosexuality is not alone in its love of the
anus and anal pleasure.
Many heterosexual couples part in the
deed of joy with great regularity. Indeed,
many women enjoy anal sex. And in some
cases, it’s not always the active man
penetrating the passive female partner in
some rare cases the active female partner will
be enter the passive male by means of a
dildo, of course, this behaviour is bizarre for
many but it does happen, the fact that it
happens doesn’t justify it, but
acknowledging it happens should help us
come to terms with the fact that any variant
you can imagine of human sexuality has
already happened, some of the most
controversial must be mentioned if only by
name – feltching, rimming or more correctly
anilingus. These behaviours are highly risqué
and the risk of illness from bacteria is highly
likely. All forms of anal pleasure must be
considered against the backdrop of sexual
health and well-being, so don’t destroy
yourself with supposed sexual love! Protect
your self with preparedness and full
knowledge of the matter. Have a healthy
view and development of sexual behaviour
and sexual health.
Of course many readers may rightly
shout – O My God! The anus is for excretion!
How minging is that! Your penis gets all dirty!
Minging pervs! – And the answer is more
often than not, yes! But then again, the
vagina and the penis are also made for
excretion. But, anal sex need not be dirty.
The body can be clean before sex (and if
you’re very organised have an enema), of
course, in the heat of passion you’re not
likely to say – shall we nip for a quick wash,
deary. But if you think about it, giving a
good scrub and clean allows for a sterile and
perfectly dirt free body (great for preventing
dirty STDs and other illnesses) if your going
to use the body like a work bench, keep it
unpolluted clean, like a beautiful landscape.
Protect yourself against HIV and AIDS and
any number of STDs like chancroid,
chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. All
sexual behaviours that involve contact with
another person or the bodily fluids of
another person should be considered to
contain some risk of transmission of
sexually-transmitted diseases, though anal is
considered one of the most risky so, be
aware, use condoms, be clean, and abstain
regularly. As Spike Milligan once aptly said:
Contraceptives should be used on every conceivable
occasion. As your Mother might say, be safe!
It’s in our hands…
A common criticism against anal sex is
that it is not productive. Come on! What
kind of capitalistic interpretation of sexual
behaviour is that, that sex must only be for
procreation and nothing else, as though
every sexual act is being monitored by your
local council, under cost-benefits analysis,
paying close attention to its social utility, its
contribution to human society. Pleasure,
intimacy, love and mutual feeling are totally
valid grounds for many aspects of nonprocreative sexual activity. Another common
question regarding anal sex is – doesn’t it
hurt? – If not done correctly it can hurt
excruciatingly, lubrication, smooth motions
and relaxations are all features of having
comfortable anal sex.
On the other hand, despite all this prosex talk, people are obsessed with sex. The
media is obsessed with selling sexuality.
Culture is sexed out of its nut. Sex is
biological but it is also a social construct.
Pornography has done to sex what the
microwave has done to cuisine – cheapened
it! We mustn’t feel obligated to orientate our
lives entirely around our sexual relations.
Sex and sexuality shouldn’t be the centre of
self; it should never be the main force or
drive – the centre of gravity – that’s just
myopic, slovenly, and ultimately loveless. Sex
is but a portion of the human experience,
albeit a very important one, but it is not the
Alpha and Omega of being. So enjoy sex. Be
wise enough to know when to refrain from
sex. Have healthy sex. Have sex with mutual
reciprocation. Have as much sex as you want
but make sure your motivations are not
deluding you. Have some self control, self
respect, and no one has yet to die from not
having sex though the reverse cannot be
said. Get realistic, pleasure has its place, and
we all need excesses at times perhaps, just
don’t become an addict, a glutton, a sexual
succubus, a sexual force pummelling and
conquering all the brothels and ladies and
men of Europe! Remember people, there is a
lot to be said for not being sexually
obsessive, or a slave to every passing desire.
Cocksure and Safe
Outside of procreation, the creative
qualities of sex for sex’s sake are not hard to
concede. But if we can have a greater
attitude of accountability for sex and our
sexual appetite perhaps we can take more
responsibility for it. Get at it rabid rabbits.
But don’t create a bunny farm, or become
host to a hive of sexually transmitted
diseases. If you love sex – give it a break
sometimes – it’s good policy – respect it.
Whether straight gay bisexual omni sexual
asexual or polymorphous perverse, have your
enjoyment, explore, be adventurers, but take
heed, respect the body, respect sex, sing the
body electric, with care preparation and selfcontrol.
Advice on healthy approach to anal
Website for human sexuality and anal sex
Advice and information for sexual
Uncommon Reading
Film Reviews
Off with his head!
Malcolm Epstein
[email protected]
I’m no monarchist. I’ve no wish to be
anyone’s subject, and consider myself a
citizen. I’ve always said that if you find a
large horse farm in Kent or Sussex and put
all the royals on it, they’ll be very content,
and the rest of us can get on with our lives.
However, I recently picked up a little book
that can be read very quickly, called “The
Uncommon Reader.” by Alan Bennett - that
gay “national treasure”, author of The
History Boys and the “Talking Heads” series,
amongst many other achievements.
This subtly subversive tale begins with HM
the Queen talking to the French President
about her latest reading - a French author,
Jean Genet. “Homosexual and gaolbird”, as
HM says. Monsieur le President sputters and
does not know how to respond.
We quickly learn that this has come about
because those naughty corgis strayed around
the Palace grounds, leading HM to discover
the City of Westminster travelling library
van, which usually only catered for the
servants. HM begins taking out books,
which causes her to start asking
embarrassing questions. She reads in the
Royal Carriage, mechanically waving, and
tries to take books on foreign tours, despite
the obstructions of officials. She is advised
on her reading by Norman Seakins, a skinny
red-headed gay lad whose advice is so good
she has him promoted from the kitchens to
being a page, always on hand to suggest the
best pages for HM’s eyes.
The increasing absorption of the Queen in
her books leads to more and more trouble,
right to the wonderful last line. Even if you
never read books, try this one. It’s bound to
have you chuckling away.
But then - how long will we have the
monarchy in Scotland? Probably for a very
long time, even though surveys suggest
Scotland is the one part of Britain where a
majority may support abolition. The SNP
talk of independence, but also of retaining
the Queen and the Pound. What sort of milk
and water independence is that? No
independence with our republicanism! But one should not today expect courage of
politicians in any part of Britain. Politics is
mostly just a career. And lucrative.
Though - what if Scotland did give up on
the official Queen and decided to vote for an
alternative one? I’m sure you could all think
of your own list of candidates who might be
elected to the post of Alternative Queen. I’d
be very keen to hear of any suggested lists.
What about that very funny man in the
leather kilt?
Attention to
all gay
couples and
1. Do you understand the
rights and obligations
involved in Civil
2. Do you understand the
implications to your
relationship of the Family
Law Act 2006?
3. Do you think that a CoHabitation Agreement might
suit your circumstances?
4. Do you understand what
that can mean?
If you don’t know the
answers, I do and I’ll be
happy to help you make
the right decisions for
you. Call Donald Reid
now for our FREE
booklet, quoting ref: GS5
Tel: 0131 228 2828 or
E-mail: [email protected]
Even though it helps to have seen Cate
Blanchett’s first portrayal of the young
Elizabeth made ten years ago, it is not
essential to appreciate the brilliance of
Court life in the 16th Century has been
meticulously recreated, with extraordinary
detail being devoted to casting, costumes
and settings, often filmed in cathedrals,
churches and stately homes. Sharing the
same superb Indian director, Shekhar Kapur,
I will be amazed if he doesn’t get an Oscar
for the way he has put this one together. A
glimpse of life over 400 years ago, as the
Queen’s father, Henry VIII, severed relations
with the Catholic church thus starting the
Protestant religion. Spain was at the time
the most powerful country in the world and
the Catholic king, Philip, regarded the
British as pagans. The magnificent Clive
Owen stars as Sir Walter Raleigh, who keeps
Elizabeth busy pleading for finance to take
his ship to the new world. When Philip
chose to conquer Britain with his mighty
fleet, the Armada, they lost in one of the
most memorable battles in history. This film
is a masterpiece that will enhance the British
reputation everywhere - except possibly in
Anyone who fancies personality-packed
gorgeous blondes should consider
INTERVIEW (15), starring Sienna Miller.
She has not yet been fortunate enough to
star in the movie that establishes her, but
with luck she could become very big very
soon. Steve Buscemi stars as a political
journalist who’s not pleased he has been
sent to interview a TV soap star. Mr Buscemi
is a brilliant character actor, as he proves in
“I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry“ - but
he is not romantic leading man material.
American producers seem to be obsessed
with economy in casting their films, lacking
the shrewdness of producers in the
Hollywood heyday. In 1935, the unknown
Errol Flynn and Tyrone Power were given
the leads in films and the public loved them
so much they became the world’s top box
office stars for the next decade.
If the most amazing western of all time
appeals, look out for THE
which is due out late November. It tells the
tale of thet legendary bank and train robber
of 19th Century America, who is murdered
by one of his own men who, would you
believe, toured the country acting in a stage
play about the event. Brad Pitt will keep his
millions of fans happy in the lead.
December sees the opening of YOUTH
BEYOND YOUTH (TBC), by Francis Ford
Coppola (Director of the Godfather). Its bizarre
plot features Tim Roth as an elderly
professor, struck by lightning and covered
with bandages in a hospital bed. When they
are removed, he finds himself transformed
to half his age. The remainder left me wide
eyed with disbelief.
LIONS FOR LAMBS (15) features US
politician Tom Cruise trying to justify to
Reporter, Meryl Streep, the government’s
army tactics in Afghanistan. Meanwhile,
Professor Robert Redford lectures his
students on his philosophy of life. If you
enjoy political lectures, this is the film for
At the end of November, opera lovers
can track down THE MAGIC FLUTE
(TBC) for Mozart’s most memorable music.
Director Kenneth Branagh has set it in the
French trenches in the First World War, with
various novel effects.
LOVE SONGS (15), also called ‘Les
Chansons D’Amour’ in France where it was
made, is an exciting musical with the cast
singing all their cares and joys. The
heterosexual leading man miraculously loses
interest in girls halfway through, and
reciprocates the affections of a gay guy who
idolizes him. You may too!
RENDITION (15) shows the American
authorities becoming so obsessed with
tracking down suicide bombers, that the CIA
have taken airline passengers off flight
arrival lists and returned them to their
country if they have the slightest suspicion
they are terrorists. Reese Witherspoon is
married to a guy born in Egypt,who was
taken to America to live at an early age. She
is pregnant, has a six year old son and knows
her husband boarded a plane. She talked to
him on his mobile during the flight, but the
CIA insist he did not arrive on the plane she
meets at the airport. Jake Gyllenhaal stars as
a new CIA employee sent to Morocco to
oversee his questioning, and is horrified by
the way suspects are being treated.
Weekly film reviewers on national
papers get so tired of watching rubbish, and
their bitterness can shine through in their
columns! This was what surrounded the
opening of comedy I NOW PRONOUNCE
reviewer in The Mail headed his piece “I now
pronounce your career is on the skids. Here is the
latest nail in the coffin of Adam Sandler’s movie
career. At least I hope it is.” In a desperate
plotline, this film features two heterosexual
firemen who pretend they are a gay couple
to get insurance. If you can cope with the
bad taste, it is funny.
updates Beatle compositions with an
American cast, in a very polished musical
with great choreography. It reminds us just
how incredibly clever their songs were.
THE BRAVE ONE (18) is a revenge
story, featuring Jodie Foster suffering after
witnessing her fiancé brutally murdered, and
then being attacked herself. I actually
enjoyed her justifiable ensuing violence.
In concentration camps, Nazi officers
make expert Jewish forgers copy British and
US bank notes to destroy the Allies’
(15). The threat of the gas chambers hung in
the air, as the prisoners’ fate if they did not
get the job just right.
Viggo Mortensen as part of a notorious
Russian crime family in London. It features
a turkish bath fight that had me turning
away in horror. But I know some audiences
will love it!
In those Philippine islands far away,
young men resort to the same kind of thing
they do in other countries when they are
broke as is shown in THE MASSEUR,
imported by Peccadillo Pictures. A dozen
young men play snooker together, until
clients arrive and the Manager encourages
them to take their pick amongst the players.
Many of the cast are very fanciable indeed!
With an extraordinary stretch of the
imagination, you will enjoy the comedy
COFFEE DATE from TLA Releasing, which
features two brothers sharing a flat. The gay
one pretends he is heterosexual, and their
mother thinks the heterosexual one is gay.
How this comes about is entertaining, and
the cast are good to look at.
I’ve spent my life watching drag acts,
and there were none as entertaining and
original as Hinge and Bracket. Patrick Fyffe
and George Logan created two mature
ladies, the operatic singer Dame Hilda
Bracket and her pianist Dr Evadne Hinge,
who stunned audiences at the 1974
Edinburgh festival. The BBC had a comedy
radio series written for them, which led in
the early eighties to a six part TV series
DEAR LADIES written by Giles Brandreth.
You can now get them all on one DVD by
Acorn Media – an essential to all those who
loved them, and a new source of great
amusement to the younger generation.
Tragically their work finished when Patrick
Fyffe died. George is now happily running a
bed and breakfast hotel at Le Dorat, mid
France, to which he brings the brilliance that
equals anything he did in his showbiz career.
If a holiday trip there appeals, email him at
If tough guys are your bag, you will be
spoilt for choice in THE GREAT BOOKIE
ROBBERY from Eureka Entertainment. In
Australia, armed robbers seem to have a
tougher time than most as the Melbourne
police are constantly watching over them.
Their women constantly complain they want
a quiet life, and never believe it when they
are told “I’ll retire after this last job“. It comes
in three parts, so the tension just goes on
and on!
All Pics: The Masseur
Book Reviews
Dirk Kriete & Jodie Fleming
Just A Boy
By R.W. Clinger
Published by Harrington Park Press
Just imagine being a teenager in today’s
world, frightening, isn’t it. But now imagine
being a GAY teenager in today’s world,
doesn’t bear thinking about. And worse of
all being a teenager and the testosterone
filled world of the American high school
system. This is the story of just one of those
teenagers, high school wrestler Jove Tyler.
He's popular, handsome and sporty, with a
great girlfriend called Beth. Inside though,
Jove is different. Instead of falling for the
kind and compassionate Beth, he develops
feelings for fellow classmate Jason Camivelli.
Thinking that he's alone in the way he feels,
and wary of his friends' disapproval, he is
happy to stay in the closet. But despite his
unhappiness, Jove isn't going to change and there won't be a single morning when
he wakes up and likes girls instead, as much
as he thinks that this would be the end of all
his troubles. I quite enjoyed this book even
though the storyline has been tackled in
hundreds of ways before; this one was
different in that it was heartfelt and
genuinely heartbreaking.
Worth Fighting With
By Vincent Quinn
Published by Harrington Park Press
What a nice, refreshing change to find a
book of the “Gay Interest” genre set in
British education system, away from baseball
playing high school jocks (let’s face it – isn’t
baseball just a glorified version of rounders?)
and without dubious ways of spelling words.
This debut novel is written by the
co-Founder of the Centre for the Study of
Sexual Dissidence and he teaches English
and Gay Studies at the University of Sussex.
I found this novel almost impossible to put
down – one friend commented on how I
gave him short shrift on the ‘phone when he
rung me up for a chat while I was reading it.
I won’t tell you much of the storyline other
than that it is set in the English Department
of a small university in the Midlands of
England, where sex, power and identity
politics can make heroes of the most
unlikely people.. Danny Whelan is the
English lecturer (makes you wonder whether
the author loosely based this character on
himself) with a half-written book gathering
dust in his study and a growing distaste for
the bitchy and competitive atmosphere of
his academic career, Danny Whelan's just
drifting through his life. He's 40, gay and
he's unfulfilled and unloved. Brilliantly
written, wry and often hilarious.
Tales of Travel Erotica for Gay Man, Vol.2
Edited by Brad Nichols
Published by Alyson Publications
This apparently is the second volume of
sexy tales of erotic encounters in far flung
places. I don’t know about you, but I just
love travelling and reading about these
adventures with hot, exotic men has given
me itchy feet. Wouldn’t it be nice to get
away from the harsh British winter and find
yourself in the arms of your Latin lover by
the shores of a tropical beach… Well, you
can but dream – or read this book, let it take
you away from the sleet and snow and biting
winds and let your mind fly.
Edited by John Patrick
Published by Starbooks
This is the long awaited re-release of
John Patrick’s erotic collection of stories
about men who can’t get enough. It is still
just as hot and steamy as it was the first
time I read this book many more years ago
then I care to remember. These stories tell
the tale of some men which are never
satisfied. They can't get enough hot, sweaty
action and, night after night, they look for
more. And when they find it, they want it all
night. They are always on the prowl, always
on the hunt and always wanting - and being
- the best. John Patrick has become
synonymous with erotic fiction, I can’t think
of one book edited by him that has not
titillated to the full and it is such a shame
that this prolific editor died so early.
Mahu Surfer
By Neil S. Plakcy
Published by Alyson Publications
This book is the sequel to the well
received debut novel by this American writer
of gay crime fiction. It stars the Hawaiian
gay detective Kimo Kanapa'aka. Mahu is a
negative Hawaiian term for homosexual and for Kimo, being gay doesn't make for an
easy life, especially when he is publicly
outed. In this sequel the semi-retired Kimo
must go undercover and stop a brutal killer.
Already three surfers have been shot dead.
Kimo must infiltrate the close-knit surfing
community in the North Shore of Oahu to
find the murderer. Away from his family
and friends, Kimo begins to explore life as
an openly gay man. But his only way back to
active duty is to catch the killer.. Returning
to his roots as a surfer, Kimo gradually gains
the trust of others in the surfing community
and begins to piece together the case. When
more surfers are killed, the urgency to find
the killer grows more intense, especially as
news of the killings begins to spread around
the North Shore. Moving between the
North Shore beaches, Honolulu, and Maui,
Kimo must put all the pieces together,
including why the detectives on the case
made so little progress. I’ve never been to
Hawaii, but this story seems to knit together
the beauty of these islands and the seedy
underbelly of the criminal fraternity.
By Jonathan Asche
Published by Starbooks
This is a tense erotic thriller with a very
involved and explosive plot and plenty of
hot sex. Martin's sexy new man disappears and he embarks on a search to find him
which will put him in bed with a scheming
pornographer and in the cross-hairs of a
well-endowed hit man.
Martin Richter is in the grip of a
mid-life crisis. His long term partner has left
him for a younger man, and his latest
boyfriend turned out to be a prostitute. But
then he meets a sexy young man called Rand
and his outlook - along with his sex life takes a dramatic turn for the better.
Then Rand disappears. Martin is
devastated, but when a man claiming to be
Rand's boyfriend shows up at his door,
Martin fears there might be more sinister
reasons behind Rand's disappearance.
Desperate to find Rand, Martin embarks on
a search that puts him in bed with a
scheming pornographer and in the
cross-hairs of a well-endowed hit man.
Amidst the naked bodies and flying bullets,
Martin discovers that his fantasy man just
might be his ultimate nightmare. This is
another book that is extremely hard to put
down, every page you turn wants you to
devour the next and to discover the next
twist in this incredible thriller.
The Dust of Wonderland
By Lee Thomas
Published by Alyson Publications
I had never heard of this Bram Stoker
Award winner when this book arrived, but I
will be on the look out for other writings by
this talented author. In this book he very
competently tells the story of the divorced
homosexual Ken who must confront an evil
he thought long buried..
Ken Nicholson never saw himself
returning to New Orleans, but the attack on
his college-age son has drawn him back by
force. Not just to his home and to his
family, but to the terrible mistakes of his
tortured life. Divorced, and fully out of the
closet, Ken must confront a past horror he
longs to forget. Years ago, the mysterious
owner of a club named Wonderland claimed
Ken as his own, before dying in a violent
attack. Now Ken's son is in the clutches of a
murderer, who knows far too much about
that tragic night years ago. Ken is desperate
for answers, and just as desperate to stay
alive. You never know from one page to the
next what past-sins will turn up and haunt
ken in this compulsive read.
The Beloved Son
By Jay Quinn
Published by Alyson Publications
This is the moving and very competently
told tale of Karl Preston; he lives an
emotionally comfortable life with his wife
and daughter in an affluent North Carolina
suburb. But preparing for a weekend visit to
his elderly parents' Florida home, Karl
becomes increasingly aware of the pressing
concerns of their faltering lives - realising
too it will be the first time in years he has
seen his gay brother, Sven. Frank, Karl's
father, is bellicose and bewildered, and
Annike, his still-beautiful mother, is
increasingly isolated, despite her fluency in
three languages.
Then there is Sven - harried, loving and
hopeful, he is a 40-year-old gay man who
finds his life bound by the confines of his
parents' needs, a situation that has taken
over his life. This story hit home for me on
several levels, especially as I have an elderly
mother that needs looking after and all the
underlying problems life throws at you.
This is a heartfelt and true to life novel just
as we have come to expect from this very
talented author.
By Ohm Phanphiroj
Published by Bruno Gmünder
His first book ROUGH STUFF (2004)
earned Ohm Phanphiroj international
acclaim. The mixture of voyeurism,
provocation and sensual intimacy between
him and his models had a huge and lasting
impact on gay photographic identity. His
follow-up work, RARE VIEWS (2006) also
took a similar approach and was even more
With Nighthawks Phanphiroj presents
himself anew as a sensitive and impartial
artist, a portraitist of young men, a
self-discovery in a world moving at a tearing
pace. Sexually charged scenes are
interspersed with melancholy moments.
Nothing is hidden here, which is exactly
what the photographer's fan love - the
captivating honesty of his images.
By Jeff Palmer
Published by Bruno Gmünder
This work is "touching" in the true
meaning of the word -Jeff Palmer's artistic
male photography presents American
dreamboats in sensual and intimate
togetherness. Muscle-bound men in highly
emotional scenes are masterfully enveloped
in light and shadows. They open up to the
camera's lens with both self-assurance and
abandon. Palmer's newest works took quite
some time to complete and you can see it in
the results.
Those looking for a snapshot aesthetic
may be disappointed. But those who
appreciate meticulously composed
photographs of male nudes are sure to be
Butch is a Noun
By S. Bear Bergman
Published by Suspect Thoughts Press
This is an insightful and honest
exploration of identity, delving
unapologetically into the mindset of an
oft-misunderstood third gender. This
wonderfully eloquent author gives a candid
view of the advantages, disadvantages and
complexities of a life existing somewhere on
the butch spectrum. A fascinating insight
into butch breasts, butch cocks and butch
sex, this memoir owns and embraces all that
is butch with confidence and pride. With
flashes of old-school, this book offers a
glimpse of a traditionalist butch with a
post-feminist edge. Bergman explores all
aspects of butch dynamics – butch/trans,
butch/butch and butch/femme; and
although discussing serious issues, it does so
with an injection of humour that will leave
any reader craving the attentions of a good
butch. It even worked on my gay male mate!
The Naked Drinking Club
By Rhona Cameron
Published by Ebury Press
In an interesting parallel to Cameron’s
own life, the central character, Kerry, is
adopted at birth. The story finds her aged
24, struggling to hold her life together
through a haze of drugs, alcohol and
promiscuity. Abandoning life in Edinburgh,
Kerry travels to Australia on a quest to find
her birth mother. In a sequence of startling
coincidences and opportunities, Kerry
encounters a diverse peer group and clientele
as she drinks, snorts and sells her way to the
mother who left her behind. A well written,
enjoyable read with all the self-indulgence
Rhona-lovers have come to expect.
Never Ending
By Marianne K. Martin
Published by Bywater Books
This is an exquisite glimpse at the lives
of Sage and Deanna, as their relationship
struggles after four years of living together.
Is their love strong enough to survive when
the passion dwindles, in the face of
temptations and family crises? Issues of
heterosexual privilege, feminism,
internalised homophobia and fertility
seamlessly provide a backdrop to this unique
story. Identity, culture and tradition
becomes pivotal not only to the survival of
their relationship, but also to each woman’s
sense of self. This is quite a short read; not
too intense and with feel-good moments
that will make your bus journey more
The Illusionist
By Francoise Mallet-Joris
Published by Cleis Press
This is a well written perverse take on a
Jane Austen style of writing, crossing
boundaries by combining a touch of times
past with a twist of depravity. Set in a small
French town, it follows the life of 15 year old
Tamara, a shy and insular girl who develops
an infatuation for her father’s older mistress.
With no real attempt to romanticise the
relationship, Mallet-Joris has created a tale
which just about stops short of paedophilia.
35 year old Tamara commands the
immature 15 year old girl to nakedly enter
her bed after their third short meeting, and
from there Helene becomes shell-shockedly
drawn into Tamara’s life of domination and
submission. Lose the olde-english style of
writing and boringly dull pace, and this
story could just about make it as
wank-fodder erotica.
Breathing Underwater
By Lu Vickers
Published by Alyson Books
This story spans the formative years of
Lilly, a teenager growing up in the American
South and struggling with a mentally ill
mother. The book deals with issues of
practicality and stigma surrounding mental
health, and in particular from a child’s
perspective. On this backdrop, Lilly
additionally struggles with issues of gender
and sexuality. This book deals effectively and
sensitively as it gives a thorough glimpse
into growing up around mental health,
addiction and abandonment. However the
plot is ultimately dull and slow, with
character development which is staid and
unconvincing. If you’re more interested in
literary technique than plot line, this is the
book for you as it abounds with imagery,
symbolism and metaphor.
dùn eideann
*denotes ScotsGay available
[email protected]
Everyone has an opinion on the newest
addition to our scene, GHQ, which opened
in a cloud of controversy last month.
I attended the launch night of and was
totally impressed. Sumptuous and
decadently beautiful, this multi-scene venue
features several rooms with their own DJs,
all with a different ‘feel’ which is created
through variations in music and lighting.
Seating is abundant, consisting of luxurient
leather couches and double-bed sized
loungers, adding a sophisticated yet relaxed
edge to the venue.
Kingfisher Leisure is a national superpower who can afford the plushest of
interiors, and so the opening of GHQ
sparked the age-old debate of Corporate
Whoredom –v- Independent Business.
Loyalties were tested to the limits as small
independent gay venues wondered if they
would manage to retain their clientele in the
face of such competition.
GHQ further raised eyebrows by
approaching promoters of club nights Vibe,
Velvet and Fur Burger and offering them a
home. James of Vibe fame, in a rather
amusing move, consulted his customers via
the Vibe e-mail database and based on
feedback, decided against the move.
Understandable, given Vibe’s long
successful track record at Club eGo. Fur
Burger, who were at the time homeless,
accepted the offer - and I don’t think that’s
necessarily a bad move.
I’m all for supporting small businesses,
and will continue to drink in the venues I
always have – but it’s nice to have an
alternative. And I don’t believe GHQ is
treading on any toes – there’s definitely a
niche in the market for a gay venue which is
a bit more upmarket. It’s a totally different
animal to The Regent, Planet Out,
Habana, CC’s, etc., etc.
And from several recent nights out in
Planet Out and CCs, they appear
untouched by the competition. CC’s was
still rammed to the rafters even on GHQ’s
launch night.
The only question I have over GHQ is
about how hard they will work to retain the
gay client profile they are currently enjoying
on the back of their launch. Just how hard
will they try to cater for our tastes, or will
this end up just another heterosexual
privilege? So far it’s looking positive, as they
feature some of Edinburgh’s oldest and
finest DJ legends like Trendy Wendy and
Louise. I guess time will tell ….
CC Blooms have decided to bite back as
they up the ante with a refurb. Phase 1 is
already underway, with the installation of
new state of the art plasmas and a karaoke
DJ system enabling customers in any area of
the bar to watch whoever is on stage. Just
the ticket for spying on our Cilla, the
Ladyboys or Michelle McManus!
Incidentally Michelle’s guest appearance last
month went down exceptionally well, and
due to the warm reception she received, she’s
now named CC’s her favourite place to visit
and sing.
The owners of CCs are giving the venue
a complete overhaul, although it will be
done a floor at a time so they can remain
open. The aim is for style, while retaining
that CC Blooms unpretentious jump-around
vibe. The refurb will feature new lighting,
comfortable stylish furniture and
enhancements to the dance floor, as well as
modernisation throughout. The powers that
be would like to reiterate that though it’s
time for a change something a tad more
modern, CCs will continue to offer a venue
with karaoke, drag acts and flamboyant
dancers “where customers can enjoy their
weekend their way, and not a new look place that
you are scared to move in or not feel comfortable
enough to dance and go crazy in”. Sounds good
to me! Even better is the sound of
permanent bar promotions, including vodka
and mixer for £1.80 and shots for £1. Woot
woot! Now does that include Apple Soorz???
CCs are also hosting a Hallowe’en
extravaganza which begins with a Rocky
Horror Party on Fri 26th Oct, running to
Wed 31st Oct, featuring Miss Cilla Slack in
Rocky Horror attire. Oo-er!!
And after the roaring success of Miss
Gay Scotland, Velvet is on a high. Back by
popular demand on Sat 17th Nov, Velvet is
also hosting another Drag King Night. The
last one went down a storm, receiving a
terrific review in The Skinny (21st Jul) for
their ‘sense of fun and flouting the rules’. So
draw on those moustaches girls, grab your
trilbys and get down to some gender
bending fun and frolics!!
Vibe is still going strong on Tue nights,
and their foam parties are increasing in
popularity with customers turning up in wet
suits! Legendary! Vibe have also upped the
ante, and since the festival have been
providing the crème de la crème of live
entertainment. Last month they featured
boy band Billiam on stage, a tasty tit bit for
all those that way inclined!
Finally, Habana’s Hallowe’en Party on
Wed 31st Oct is hosted by Tammy Tank. The
theme is Phantom of the Opera and Rocky
Horror Show of which there will be Cabaret
to that effect, there is a fancy dress
competition and complimentary punch (to
drink) on arrival. DJ Chris will end the
night along with some Devilishly Adult
Miss Gay
I have to confess that I was a bit
sceptical about the whole beauty contest
idea. As a feminist, I can’t accept institutions
set up by the patriarchy to remind women
that our worth only extends so far as how
thin we are, how tiny our outfit is or how
convincingly we can say that we want world
However it was interesting to discover
the slant the Miss Gay UK contest had
taken. In the spirit of celebrating diversity,
judges assessed the candidates not on how
conventionally attractive they were, but
rather on how confidently and comfortably
they managed to pull of the particular look
they were going for. This certainly goes a
long way in dispelling the stereotyping of
lesbians as having to look a certain way.
In this sense, the contest could be said
to be reclaiming our identity from a
structure that was intended to oppress us. In
practice, most of the girls who entered Miss
Gay Scotland had a similar look – cutesy and
girly with a slight twist.
The turn-out for the contest was
enormous, and although the hall was large
with plenty of seating, these couldn’t
accommodate the hordes of lesbians on
seats, tables, standing, hanging from the
rafters … and the atmosphere was light and
fun. Drinks were cheap at Marcos, a very
fitting venue, and the stage area was just the
right size to accommodate.
The brilliant Jules – from Planet Out,
was the compère for the evening. She was
amazing and added so much fun to the
proceedings, with her down to earth brand
of humour. Starting off the evening, and
then inter-woven into the proceedings, were
performances by the Truly Truly
Scrumptious dance troupe, who were
spectacular. Every time I see them, I want to
be able to dance like that! And Pia, who
owns the company, performed a beautifully
moving dance looking sexier than ever.
Time flew by as the final 6 girls were
lined up, then the final 3, and finally a
winner was picked – Sarah, a bar tender at
Planet Out. Everyone agreed that the right
girl won. I’m sure I’m not alone in wishing
her luck in representing our country when
she attends the final of Miss Gay UK, being
held in Birmingham on Fri 9th Nov.
The judges were Diane from CC Blooms,
Fran from Planet Out, Gayle from the local
constabulary, Martin editor of ScotsGay, and
T, who had all her hair cut off at the end of
the competition, raising a very impressive
£900 for Cancer Research UK.
23-25 St Leonards Street. Tel:
0131-668 2934. Sun 12.30pm1am, Mon-Sat 11.30am-1am.
Everybody-friendly bar. Real ale.
Food served: Mon-Sat 11.30am9.30pm, Sun 12.30-8pm.
57/61 Blackfriars Street. Tel: 0131557 6136. Mon-Thu 6-10pm, FriSat Noon-2pm & 6-10.30pm.
Superb little vegetarian
restaurant. Friendly staff. Mixed
1 Barony Street/36 Broughton
Street. Tel: 0131-556 2788 (Bar)
or 0131-557 0911 (Office). SatSun 10am-11pm, Mon-Fri 11am11pm. Food served until 10pm.
Popular LGBT café.
220 Morrison Street. Tel: 0131538 7069. Mon-Sat 10am-1pm, 25.30pm. Mixed bookshop selling
a selection of UK and imported
gay magazines.
Medina Nightclub (Under
Negociants), 45-47 Lothian Street.
Info Line: 07736 936650. Sun
11pm-3am. "It's our duty to please
your booty". DJ Dale Lush and
guests. Club Classics, Funky
House, Soulful House, US
Garage, Old Skool House, Hip
Hop, R&B, UK Garage and Retro.
£3 entry. E-mail:
[email protected]
23-24 Greenside Place. Tel: 0131556 9331. Sun 7pm-3am, MonThu 6pm-3am, Fri-Sat 6pm-3am.
Two funky floors! DJ Shazza v DJ
Blondie on Sat. Disco every night
from 11pm. E-mail:
[email protected]
133/135 East Claremont Street.
Tel: 0131-556 5662. Fax: 0131558 3539. Bar: Sun 12.30pm1am, Mon-Sat 11am-1am.
Restaurant: Sun 12.30pm-6pm,
Mon-Sat 11.30am-2.30pm and 610pm. "The Claremont is one of
the most relaxed attitude bars in
the city and has a policy that the
customer always comes first."
Renowned for courtesy, comfort
and good food. Male only: Fri
night from 10pm, plus 1st 2nd &
3rd Sat of each month from 9pm,
(incorporating Bears, Bikers,
Leather, Rubber, Skins, Kilts,
Camouflage, Fetish, etc). 4th Sat
of each month: Stunners (adult
fetish group) - strict dress code
(no street wear), £5 entry, great
music by DJ Mel. 5th Sat (where
applicable): Ab Drag for all TVs,
Transgender, Cross Dressers and
admirers. Sun: mixed chill out
evening, before those Mon blues
set in. E-mail:
[email protected]
1 Barony Street. Tel: 0131-556
2788 (Bar) or 0131-557 0911
(Office). 4-11pm. Friendly gay
basement bar. Unobtrusive music
- great for talking to people.
Regular drinks promos. Drinks
Promos £2+mixer, Doubles £3.
www.bluemooncafe.co.uk and
Spiders Web Basement, 258
Morrison Street. Tel: 0131-228
1949. 8pm-1am. Monthly. Next
dates: Fri 26th Oct, Fri 30th Nov,
Fri 28th Dec. Fetish club with strict
fetish code door policy (although
they do allow smart black
dresswear). People of all genders
and sexualities are invited to
come along and enjoy the friendly
atmosphere in the company of
Footman John and his team. Email: [email protected]
WWW: http://dv8fetishclub.co.uk
58a and 60 Broughton Street.
Houses Sala Café-Bar, Pride
Scotia (Edinburgh) and Fitlads.
Provides meeting and noticeboard
space for many LGBT
organisations. Free WiFi Internet
access (sponsored by ScotsGay).
eGo, 14 Picardy Place. Tel: 0131478 7434. Info Line: 0131-557
4656. 11pm-3am. Monthly. Next
dates: Sat 10th Nov, Sat 8th Dec.
Taste's monthly night featuring
Taste resident DJs Fisher & Price
and Martin Valentine in the
ballroom and The Visitor and
Kaupuss playing
m (basically anything goes) in the
Cocteau Lounge. Pre-club party at
The Street from 10pm with DJs
Miss Chris and Mikey Dowser. Ask
them for discount passes. £8
Members/£10 - Taste members £5
before 11.15pm. www.tasteclubs.com
89 Rose Street Lane North. Tel:
0131-225 7651. Sun 2pm-1am,
Mon-Sat 1pm-1am. Vibrant gay
bar (Edinburgh's oldest) in the
heart of Rose Street. Happy Hour
6-8pm every day.
GHQ, 4 Picardy Place. 2nd Fri of
each month. Rhythmic pulses
from the girls your mother warned
you about! Aural stimulation from
The Funki Diva, DejayBird, Boy
Toy and Miss Tits. Selected Drink
Promos! Wear good shoes, bring
beautiful people. £4/£3 conc.
4 Picardy Place. Tel: 0131-550
1780. 5pm-3am. Stylish bar and
club catering for the capital's
fashionable gay crowd with some
of the country's top DJs playing
dazzling tunes from musical
genres such as electro, house,
indie, funk and soul. Free entry
before 11pm ?4/?3 thererafter. Email: [email protected]
22 Greenside Place. Tel: 0131-558
1270. Sun 12.30pm-1am, MonSat Noon-1am. Friendly pre-club
bar popular with locals and
visitors. Regular promotions and
weekly entertainment with free
WiFi Internet access. E-mail:
[email protected]
8 Drummond Street. Tel: 0131557 9413. Fax: 0131-557 8336.
Sun Noon-9pm, Mon-Sat 10am9pm. 25 Easter Road. Tel: 0131623 6969. Noon-6pm. Scotland's
ORIGINAL licenced SEX shops!
Toys galore, video rental too!
Larger sizes stocked.
The Liquid Room, 9c Victoria
Street. Tel: 0131-225 2564. Info
Line: 0131-657 4633. 10.30pm3am. 1st Sat of each month. Next
dates: Sat 3rd Nov, Sat 1st Dec.
Mega club night with resident DJs
Tommy Kay, Dean Newton, Grum
Stone, and Jon Edwards.
26B Dublin Street. Tel: 0131-538
7775. Sun 12.30pm-1am, MonThu Noon-1am, Fri-Sat Noon2am. Food: Mon-Fri Noon-3pm.
Back to its old name and under
new management after a spell as
Twist. Watch out for changes.
Drinks Promotions Daily.
Downstairs: The male-oriented
Disco Bar is open Fri-Sat with
resident DJ from 10pm-2am. Free
WiFi Internet access. E-mail:
[email protected]
18 Albert Place, Leith Walk. Tel:
0131-553 3222. Mon-Thu Noon10pm, Fri-Sun Noon-11pm. The
UK's first VAT registered gay
sauna! Relaxed and friendly
atmosphere with excellent
facilities which include large
sauna cabin, 14-man steam
room, private rooms, communal
and private showers, themed
rooms, video area and TV lounge.
Hot and cold refreshments
available. £10 (£8 concessions).
Manager's special: admission £5
after 8pm. www.number18.com
eGo, 14 Picardy Place. Tel: 0131478 7434. 11pm-3am. 3rd Thu of
each month. "Str8 friendly" club
night. Cheap and fun just like the
people. Drinks promos all night.
Entry £3. E-mail: [email protected] www.onrequest.co.uk or
6 Baxter's Place. Tel: 0131-556
5551. 4pm-1am. Popular and
busy gay bar with friendly staff.
Mon: Quiz from 9pm - booze and
cash prizes. Tue: 30% off all
drinks from 9pm. Thu: Lemonade
with Dejay Bird. DJs Fri & Sat.
Promos: Everyday from 4-9pm. Email: [email protected]
Lulu, underneath Tigerlily, 125
George Street. Tel: 0131-225
5005. Sun 10am-3am. Not the
usual George Street crowd.
Mixed. Music policy is mostly
cutting edge house and disco
classics. Drink promos too.
17 Albert Place, Leith Walk. Tel:
07986 591695. Sun 12.30pm1am, Mon-Sat Noon-1am.
Previously Destination but now
under new management. Sun:
Karaoke from 4pm with Jamie Lee
Morley. Mon: On Request Night
with DJ Darren. Tue: Karaoke with
Jamie Lee Morley. Wed: Boozy
Soozy Poptastic Quiz followed by
party with DJ Darren. Thu:
Karaoke with Jamie Lee Morley.
Fri, Sat: Cabaret. E-mail:
[email protected]
5 Barony Street. Tel/Fax: 0131-477
4756. Sun 1-5pm, Mon-Fri 11am7pm, Sat 11am-6pm. Scotland's
only licensed gay store. Not just
feelthy pictures - lifestyle too! Now
with added girl interest.
1 Greenside Place. Tel:0131-550
1640. Fax:0131-550 1641. Mon
11pm-3am. Gay night that's
straight friendly. £5 entry (£3 with
flyer). www.moodbars.com
2 Montrose Terrace. Tel: 0131-661
8198. Sun 12.30pm-1am, MonSat 11am-1am. Relaxed
atmosphere & comfortable
surroundings. No loud popular
noise makes it easy for chatting.
Real ales (the pub has been listed
in the CAMRA Good Beer Guide
three years running - the first
Scottish gay bar to be included).
Soup, snacks and filled croissants
available all day. Free WiFi
Internet access. CAMRA's Lesbian
& Gay Real Ale Drinkers meet
here on the 1st Mon of the month
from 9pm (ex Aug - 2nd Mon to
avoid GBBF). www.lagradedinburgh.org.uk E-mail:
[email protected]
60 Broughton Street. Tel: 0131556 5758. Sun-Thu 11am-11pm,
Fri-Sat 11am-1am. Spanish tapas
bar above Edinburgh LGBT Centre.
Real ale. Free WiFi sponsored by
ScotsGay. E-mail:
[email protected]
2/4 Abbeymount. Tel: 0131-661
0982. Mon-Fri 8.30am-3.30pm.
Attached to Solas HIV/AIDS
Information Centre. Good home
cooking (everything cooked on the
premises). Vegetarians and
carnivores catered for.
5 Broughton Market. Tel: 0131477 3567. Daily 11am-11pm.
Stylish sauna forming part of busy
gay hotel and sauna complex in
centre of gay quarter. State-of-theart facilities including large spa
pool, sauna cabin, large steam
room, video room, labyrinth with
themed areas, café lounge, free
Internet access, tanning booth.
Massage available daily. Choice
of lockers or private cabins.
Admission: Lockers £5, Cabins
£10 before 2pm. Lockers £10,
Cabins £15 at all other times.
Students & under 25 £5 lockers all
day, every day! No membership
required. Proudly gay owned &
operated. www.steamworkssauna.co.uk
2 Picardy Place. Tel: 0131-556
4272. Sun 12.30pm-1am. Mon-Fri
4pm-1am, Sat Noon-1am. Small
but perfectly formed bar run by
Louise, Annie and Trendy Wendy.
Happy hours Mon-Fri 4-8pm.
Heated outdoor smoking area.
Food: Tasty wee bites, nibbles,
burgers, pizzas and specials daily
until 9pm. Snack menu and hot
drinks available Sun-Thu until
Midnight. Sun: First Sun of each
girls AND boys. Book your place at
bar or http://www.pinklinks.biz/.
"LOU LOU's BIG SUNDAY JOINT" Top notch roast dinner Noon-7pm
(£10 including a drink). Mon:
"Double Trouble" 2 for 1 on entire
cocktail list. Tue: Lots of promos
with your student card. Same
drink promos apply to everyone
(student or not!) in downstairs bar
only - with DJ LL Honky Tonk (AKA
Louise!!!). Wed: Pub Quiz. Last
Thu of each month: "GIRL-ESQUE"
- burlesque style night for girls
ONLY (mixed) downstairs. Fri: DJ
Trendy Wendy. Sat: DJs (Morgan,
Danny T, Lick It & Betty Ford).
Cabaret Voltaire, 36 Blair Street.
Tel: 0131-220 6176. Info Line:
0131-557 4656. Sun 11pm-3am.
Edinburgh's original and longest
running LGBT-friendly club night
that brings together like-minded
people who enjoy a club
environment free from hassle and
bad attitudes and for whom
sexuality is not an issue. Taste's
resident DJs Fisher & Price play
an eclectic mix of the best
underground dance music
currently available. In the Main
Room Taste's resident DJs Fisher
& Price play an eclectic mix of the
best underground dance music
currently available. Dave Begg,
Marco Smith and Miss Chris, take
weekly turns at warming up. In the
Back Room Martin Valentine and
Marco Smith play ass-shaking
filthy global house and garage.
Sun 28th Oct: Josh the Funky 1
(USA). £6 Members/£8 Guests. £5
before 11.30pm. Drink promos all
night. www.taste-clubs.com
The Ark, 3-7 Waterloo Place. Tel:
0131-228 9393. 10pm-3am. Next
dates: Sat 17th Nov, Sat 29th Dec.
On the Road 'The Velvet Road
Trip' Touring New Venues! Tickets
in Advance info to follow. Discount
Drinks. For gay girlies and their
LGBT friends. Eclectic and
uplifting genre spanning! DJs
Leatherface, Lucy*Fur and guests.
[email protected]
eGo, 14 Picardy Place. Tel: 0131478 7434. Tue 11pm-3am. All the
normal madness from James
Longworth, Jamie Morrison and
guests with live cabaret
performances every week. Superpopular gay night. £1 drinks
promos all night. £4. E-mail:
.com www.jameslongworth.com
113 Brunswick Street. Tel: 0131556 6171. Fax: 0131-478 7009.
Sun Noon-11pm, Mon-Sat 10am11pm. Mega-popular LGBTfriendly Italian restaurant. Best
lasagna in Edinburgh! E-mail:
[email protected]
43-45 West Nicolson Street. Tel:
0131-662 9112. Sun 12-5pm.
Mon-Sat 10am-6pm. Independent
radical bookshop. E-mail:
[email protected]
Gary La Blonde
& Miss Sivey
Criz Nikalis
E-mail: [email protected]
*denotes ScotsGay available
E-mail: [email protected]
Welcome to your glamour guide to all
the gossip, grooves, soirees, shindigs, raves,
hotties and notties, and all that’s part and
parcel of the Glasgow scene. All sprinkled
with glitter of course! I am Gary La Blonde perhaps you’ve heard of me and Miss Shivey
(more notorious than famous, not to blow our own
trumpets too loud… unless you want us to of
The Glasweigian party scene is a
demanding mistress but we just love it! We
end up at The Tunnel (£3 entry whoopee)
near enough every Wed night, not forgetting
to pop into The Polo for their Taste night.
This usually results in a memory lapse, due
to their delicious £1 drinks and £2 cocktails
- our favourite one being an Apple Martini!
Tastier than Beckham in trunks! The
Tunnel, aka ‘The Sally Gunnel’, is filled to
the brim with a mixed crowd all bopping
away to DJ Darren spinning all the latest
tracks. Definitely a night you must attend!
Sat nights are usually spent watching
the fantabulous Miss Gertie Gusset croon and
giggle in Priscillas from 10.30pm (Fri now
also!) Alternatively on Sat nights, there’s
karaoke in the brand spanking new MED
café on Bell Street, where many a laugh can
always be had! But be warned it aint no Pop
Idol! Party time in Bennets follows,
otherwise known as ‘your
one-stop-knockin’-shop’! This whores
convention provides music for all ears, and
enough dance space to shake your shimmy.
Once you’ve been a couple of times, it’s
wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am - you’re a regular
and it turns into Cheers goes gay! Tell big
Jamie on the door Siobhan sent you! That’s
if you have any memory cells left after their
Corky’s specials at £1.50 a pop!
If Bennets ain’t your scene, then the
heaving Polo may be more to your taste with
its luxurious premises, sexy bar staff and
assortment of rooms and dancefloors
including the Trophy Room, which supplies
all your cheesy pop needs! Though don’t do
as we have and end up in a booth after
midnight with a randy couple! Sights once
seen cannot be unseen! You have been
warned ladies!
Brand new to the scene is the fabulous
High Maintenance, which was previously in
Bennets but is now going to be in Clinic
(underneath the Italian Centre). Once a
fortnight on a Wed, starting from 7th Nov,
with none other than Andy Perry on the
decks. So if you like your beats banging, this
is the place to be! Also expect the club night
promoter Drew to be putting on all kinds of
weird and wonderful themes (previously we
have seen Heaven and Hell and Son of a Beach!)
and no end of high end hotties dressing up
and attending to your every whim!!! Delish!
This is going to be one hot night out, and
no doubt you will find us there busting a
move or two!
For those of you like Lady S, who like an
occasional break from the scene but still in a
gay friendly crowd, there are some funky
alternative nights you should consider. A
favourite of ours is Utter Gutter at The Art
School, which is on the second Saturday of
every month. This truly is an occasion to
wear your sunglasses at night, raid your
mother’s make up bag and get down and
dirty to electro beats! And the talent ain’t
bad either!
Or how about Death Disco at the
Arches (£12 entry). Or do what those in the
know do, and check out their website for
special price passes. Death Disco is on the
third Saturday of every month, with a host
of different DJs and acts from all around
Europe in an alternative and open minded
Hopefully we will be seeing each and
every one of you out and about at a Glasgay!
event soon! And remember, don’t be shy - your
mother wasn’t! In conclusion ladies, “yur
disco needs you” xxx
Pink Noise is on in the Arches, in the
front, on Sun. Again a fairly small space that
allows an unusual level of comfort and
relaxation. The music is mixed but on the
chill side of the decks!
And last but by no means least ‘Prime
Time’, organised by Gay Men’s Health - an
afternoon for gentlemen who are 40 and
over. The group meets in the centre every
fortnight and will do much the same as their
cousin’s east of here, call GMH for info
0141-552 0112 or E-mail:
[email protected]. As I’m sure you are all
aware I have been talking of a need for a
social group in Glasgow for gay and bisexual
men, I wish them every success.
Bennets is having its Hallowe’en party
on Wed 31st Oct at 11.30pm, 1st prize for
best fancy dress is 100 quid! Plus two tickets
to Amy Winehouse at the Barrowlands. All
drinks are £1.50 and DJ Grant Duff will be
your host. South Shore is on the 27th Oct.
The Arches has an exhibit of the work
of Gregor Louden, up till Nov 7th, called ‘if
destroyed still true’. Gregor describes
himself as 30 and hailing from Livingston,
and quite the wee guitar player! His main
creation is ‘Gopher’, but my favourite work
is ‘old town’. This artist has an edgy almost
street style about his work; although it is raw
it is also technically brilliant! The work
seems to move from comic form through to
landscape paintings that are simple
beautiful. The draftsman ship in drawing is
in a masterful, almost photographic form;
the characters chatter and almost leap out at
you. Have a sneaky look
www.gregorlouden.com but please vest the
Revolver still has its Tue quiz, Sun chill
and its bears on Fri. Burly’s 5th birthday was
one of highlights of the year with the
opening of their ‘boots bar’, the idea is from
the USA, you strip down to the nitty and
Yes Del’s is still shut - leave me alone! It
might open by crimbo, from my lips to the
creator’s ears!
I have a plea from OurStory, if you have
any pictures of pubs of the past please Email: [email protected]. The
group has an exhibit coming up in Feb in
the Kelvingrove and although they have lots
of external pics of pubs they have no
internal ones, if you can help please get in
touch. Have you ever been to ‘Ivory Blacks’
on Oswald St? No, well perhaps cherry
truffle might change that. This is a well
established act that most recently tread the
boards at Priscilla. High camp and a high
voice for all to enjoy, cherry is even available
for children’s parties!
Relax Central - Glasgow
Miss Gay Scotland 2007
for Gay & Bisexual Men
Marketing Sponsors:
Due to other business commitments
Sauna & Relaxation Centre
Is currently being offered
Offers around £35000
Profit before Salaries £33185 pa.
Balance of existing 10 year lease (6years
Interested parties will require new Limited Company
as existing company is being retained.
This is an excellent opportunity for anyone wishing
to own and operate his own business.
Interested parties Contact Paul or Ewen
07763 776293
a Pride Scotia Fundraiser
We would like to thank our sponsors PLANET OUT
Prize Sponsors:
80-90 Glassford Street. Tel: 0141552 5761. Tue, Thu-Sun 11.30pm3am. Scotland's oldest gay disco.
E-mail: [email protected]
The Arches, 30 Midland Street.
Infoline: 07930 357401. 11pm3am. Next event: Fri 2nd Nov.
Designed to be cruisy. £10. Email: [email protected]
Unit Q, Merchant Square, 71
Albion Street. Tel: 0141-552 3895.
Mon & Tue 11.30pm-3am.
Passionality: New club nights with
DJ Shawn Roberts (Finalist in the
Movida Corona DJ Competition).
£3/£2. E-mail:
[email protected]
www.byblosglasgow.com and
350 Sauchiehall Street. Tel: 0141352 4900. Fax: 0141-332 3226.
Café Tel: 0141-332 7959. Box
Office: Mon 9am-5pm, Tue-Sat
9am-10pm. Gallery: Tue-Sat
11am-6pm. Café: Tue-Thu 9am11pm, Fri-Sat 9am-Midnight. Bar:
Tue-Wed Noon-11pm, Thu NoonMidnight, Fri-Sat Noon-1am. The
Centre for Contemporary Arts. 6
performance & exhibition spaces,
Café/Bar. E-mail: [email protected] www.ccaglasgow.com
45 Virginia Street. Tel/Fax: 0141553 2666. Sun 12.30-6.30pm,
Mon-Sat 10.30am-7pm. Clothes,
videos, magazines, toys. E-mail:
[email protected]
69 Hutcheson Street. Tel: 0141552 2463. Sun 12.30pm-Midnight,
Mon-Sat 9am-Midnight. Intimate
bar beside former Sheriff Court.
Straight until mid-evening.
Unit 3, King's Court, 107 King
Street. Tel: 0141-553 0942. Sun
Noon-5.30pm, Mon-Sat 10am6pm. Alternative clothing
specialising in corsetry. E-mail:
[email protected]
68 Virginia Street. Tel: 0141-552
4803. Noon-Midnight. DJs nightly
from 9pm. Thu: Quiz. Sun:
Karaoke. E-mail:
[email protected]
5-10 Metropole Lane. Tel: 0141552 5502. Mon-Sun Noon-3am.
Glasgow's Men's Health and
Leisure Club. With 200+ lockers,
25 man spa pool, 20 man steam
room, 20 man dry sauna, 14 rest
rooms, sling room, tea & coffee
bar, free internet access and TV
lounge. Entry £12 (£10
concession), after 1.30am Fri-Sat
£8. www.garage-glasgow.com
84 Bell Street. Tel: 0141-552
4958. Sun 1pm-Midnight, MonSat 11am-Midnight. Welcomes
lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and
transgendered. Services include:
Café Bar, Info Box, Health Info,
Interest Groups, Free Newspapers
(but not ScotsGay - which has
"inappropriate sexual content"),
Diary of Events, Reading Room,
Function space for hire. Houses
18 user groups and organisations.
Fully wheelchair accessible
venue. E-mail:
[email protected]
60 Robertson Street Lane (off
Argyle Street). Irregular hours.
Sauna with private cabins. Not
very busy.
84 Bell Street. Tel: 0141-552
9876. Sun 1pm-Midnight, MonSat 11am-Midnight. Café at the
new LGBT Centre. M.E.D. stands
for Meet Eat Drink.
20 Candleriggs. Tel: 0141-564
1285. Sun 12.30pm-Midnight,
Mon-Fri 4pm-Midnight, Sat NoonMidnight. Upmarket bar in the
heart of the Merchant City.
Regular cabaret, karaoke and
58 Virginia Street. Tel: 0141-553
2553. Mon-Thu 5pm-1am, Fri-Sun
5pm-3am. Fashionable pub/club.
84 Wilson Street. Tel: 0141-553
1221. Mon-Thu 5pm-1am, Fri-Sun
5pm-3am. Long established
pub/club. Young crowd. Polo Club
(downstairs dancefloor) open FriSun, £5 after 11pm. Taste: new
midweek night open every Wed
9pm-3am (Free entry all night - £1
all drinks). E-mail:
[email protected]
3rd Floor, 27 Union Street. Tel:
0141-221 0415. Mon-Sat
11.30am-10pm. Established gay
sauna. Fully licensed by Glasgow
City Council. Entry £8. E-mail:
[email protected]
6a John Street. Tel: 0141-553
2456. Mon-Fri Noon-Midnight,
Sat-Sun 1pm-Midnight. A
refreshing antidote to the current
gay scene. Pool table, state of the
art free jukebox (with over 8,000
tracks on it), reasonably priced
drinks, good quality service, no
karaoke. Quiz: Tue eve.
1-3 Bridge Street. Tel: 0845
4562310 or 0141-429 5764. SunThu Noon-11pm, Fri-Sat Noon6am. Previously Club Eros,
Glasgow's oldest licenced sauna
& gym for gay and bi men set over
three floors. Licensed bar. Entry
from £9. Free Sunday breakfasts.
[email protected]
308 Argyle Street. Tel: 0141-572
1017. Fax: 0141-221 0959. Sun
Noon-5pm, Mon-Sat 10am-6pm.
Clothes and toys catering for gay,
transvestite and fetish tastes.
Larger sizes stocked.
Chisholm Street. Tel: 0141-552
8587. Fax: 0141-552 6657. Sun
11am-Late, Mon-Sat 10am-Late.
Friendly theatre bar. Mixed. Good
food. www.tron.co.uk
84 Mitchell Street. Tel: 0141-204
1000. Wed-Thu 11.30pm-3am.
Wed: Allure with DJ Darren.
Claims to be Glasgow?s Busiest
Mid-week Night out! Entry £3.
Thu: Kinkypinky with DJs Darren
and Shawn Roberts. New Gay Thu
night out in Scotland?s only Super
Club. Entry £4/£3. E-mail:
[email protected] and Email:
[email protected]
The Art School, Renfrew Street.
11pm-3am. Second Sat of each
month. Next date: Sat 10th Nov.
New venue for Glasgow's only
alternative queer night in Glasgow
that sticks two fingers up at the
mainstream scene. £10. E-mail:
[email protected]
www.uttergutter.com or
PO Box 808, Glasgow. G71 7YN.
Violate Club Line: 09099 108174
(60p per min at all times) or
07939 723387. BDSM and general
pervery. Operates in Glasgow and
Edinburgh. Runs regular clubs at
the Big Joint in South Street,
Glasgow on the first Sat of each
month. Also holds special one off
clubs called UltraViolate roughly
every 3 months. E-mail:
[email protected]
306 Argyle Street. Tel: 0141-248
7216. Sun 12.30pm-Midnight,
Mon-Sat Noon-Midnight. Semper
idem! Popular, crowded, down to
earth drinking shop. Scotland's
oldest gay bar - what more can we
say? Busy, busy, busy! Awarded
the Beti Hutton seal of approval.
Glasgay! 2007 runs until Sun 11th Nov 2007
November DIARY
Sat 22nd Sep - Sun 13th Jan (2008) at 10am/11am Kylie-The Exhibition
Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum FREE Visual Art
Fri 12th Oct - Sat 10th Nov at 7pm Beyond The Surface Andrew Printer
Street Level Photoworks FREE Visual Art
Tue 30th Oct - Sat 3rd Nov at 7.30pm Stick It In My Party Hole
Glasseyed Studio £8 Theatre
Tue 30th Oct - Sat 10th Nov at 7.30pm Venus As A Boy Tam Dean Burn
Citizens Theatre £12 (£9) (£6) Theatre
Wed 31st Oct - Sat 3rd Nov at 8pm Little Johnny's Big Gay Musical
Johnny McKnight The Arches £9 (£6) Theatre
Fri 2nd Nov - Sat 3rd Nov at 7.30pm Palmstar Poppy David Paul Jones
Tron Theatre £10 Music
Fri 2nd Nov at 8pm Carol Laula & Band St Andrews in the Square £12
Sat 3rd Nov - Sun 11th Nov at 8pm Tamburlaine Must Die Kenny Miller
Tron Theatre £14 (£10) Theatre
Sun 4th Nov at 7.30pm Comedy Explosion Jonathan Mayor & Charlie
Ross The Stand £7 (£5) Comedy
Tue 6th Nov - Sun 11th Nov at 7.30pm 3 Minutes The Glitterbox
Paradox Studio £8 Theatre
Wed 7th Nov at 7.30pm Wicked Wenches Zoe Lyons The Stand £6 (£4)
Thu 8th Nov at 10pm Licence Pending Drew Taylor Tron Theatre £5
Fri 9th Nov at 7.30pm Big Gay Prom The Belle Star Band St Andrews in
the Square £15 Traditional Dance
Sat 10th Nov at 10pm Craig Hill Tron Theatre £12.50 (£10) Comedy
Sat 10 Nov at 11pm Cock Rock & Frock Utter Gutter Art School £10
Sun 11 Nov at 7.30pm Grumpy Old Women Live Avalon Theatre Royal
£23 Comedy
Sun 11 Nov at 7.30pm Scott Capurro's Premature Gift The Stand £9
(£7) Comedy
Wicked Wenches
Scott Capurro
The Stand
Sun 11th Nov at 7.30pm
Strap yourselves in folks - San
Francisco's most earth-shaking export
Scott Capurro's back in town. 5 Stars!
Comedy Explosion
The Stand
Sun 4th Nov at 7.30pm
An evening of riotous repartee and bare-faced cheek with gay & gay-friendly comics.
Stars Jonathan Mayor & Charlie Ross (pictued) with Susan Calman & Scott Agnew.
The LGBT Community Theatre Company
sponsors arts coverage in ScotsGay Magazine
The Stand
Wed 7th Nov at 7.30pm
Ladies night of comedy with Zoe Lyons
(picturd) & Lucy Porer compered by the
wonderful Susan Calman.
Drummond Street: Sun Noon-9pm, Mon-Sat 10am-9pm
Easter Road: 7 days Noon-6pm
Vast range of leather and rubber wear!
New stock arriving every day!
Also, cards, mags and all the sex toys you could
8b Drummond Street, Edinburgh EH8 9TU • Tel: 0131-557 9413
Also at 25 Easter Road, Edinburgh EH7 5PJ Tel: 0131-623 6969
obar dheadhainn
Here we go with another round up from
Aberdeen and North Scotland.
Thu 1st Nov marks the first anniversary
of Terrence Higgins Trust coming to
Aberdeen and Fri 12th Oct saw them having
a first birthday party at their offices in
Aberdeen. Nick Partridge and Paul Ward
(CEO and Deputy CEO of Terrence Higgins
Trust) were in Aberdeen for the event, as was
Ailsa Spindler, Manager of THT Highland.
Bridget Stone, Community Support
Volunteer Coordinator for THTG, was on
hand with some of her volunteers to meet
other visitors, mentioning to all and sundry
about the forthcoming World AIDS Day
Remembrance Ceilidh on Sat 1st Dec. If you
want details call Bridget, who’ll be in the
THT Office on 0845 241 2151 on Thu and
Fri or E-mail: [email protected]
Grampian Police are organising an event
for Y @ THT, the group for lesbian, gay,
bisexual or transgender under 26s. It will be
on Sat 10th Nov and will be a short course
on safety in the community, and how to deal
with a homophobic attack. Zoë Nixon, a
scene of crime officer recently seen on
BBC2’s Scene of Crime, will be giving a
demonstration of the techniques she uses in
detecting crime. There was talk of calling
this part CSI Aberdeen, but I am not sure if
there was agreement on that!
There has recently been a revamp of the
homophobic crime remote reporting service,
including many new ways including
electronically of reporting homophobic
incidents to the police, without having to
talk directly to them. It will also be available
to LGBT folk in Elgin for the first time
apparently. Watch this space for news. In the
meantime if you have been a victim of a
homophobic incident you can still report
this through THT Grampian. Call Alan on
0845 241 2151 or E-mail
[email protected] for more
I would like to pass on a huge welcome
to Amala Vincent-Unigwe, the new Admin
Assistant at THT. Call in to THT offices on
Mon, Tue and Wed to look at the new
photographic exhibition by 13 Arts, browse
through their library or read the latest Gay
Times and Diva magazines and be welcomed
by Amala with a smile and a fantastic cup of
Fair Trade tea or coffee.
Foundation has got a few theme nights
planned over the next month. Fri 2nd Nov
is the Rocky Horror VS Priscilla Queen of
the Desert night a fantastic night of kitsch,
camp and drag! Sat 3rd Nov sees a PA from
the fabulous Hannah Jones, the diva that
sang most of the hits from the Queer as Folk
TV Series. She is very worth seeing. For
More info become a member of the
Foundation bebo page at
Cheerz Bar & Club are holding the
legendary Hallowe’en Party on Fri 2nd Nov
the bar and the club upstairs shall be
decorated whilst DJ Steve provides all the
cheese and chart that you could ever want!
Fabulous drinks prices and all you
Andi Watson
Web: g-zone.net
E-mail: [email protected]
fabulously dressed people - this is going to
be a night not to be missed!!
http://www.bebo.com/Cheerz-Bar for more
info and to see some of Matty’s Fantastic
photos……I’ll be getting him to write a
section for me soon the amount of mentions
you get young man!
A quick reminder for everyone that Fri
16th Nov sees the very first Studio 54 night at
the Tunnels - an evening of utter disco,
decadence and delights of the night.
Transvestites, Sequin Queens, Glamour Girls,
Lush Men and Drag Divas are intimately
invited Featuring the gorgeous Miss Romy,
Music of the era, and some of the cities elite
party people – Heather Linn has RSVP’d and
is currently organising a shoplifting trip from
her rehab clinic to Primark to get a classy ball
gown for the evening! Entry is only £3 on the
night. For more info and to keep up to date
you can….yes you got it… join their Bebo page
@ www.bebo.com/naughtylolaevents
Wellmans on Holburn Street is the city’s
gay sauna, open Monday to Saturday. They
recently held a theme night and plan to hold
more in the near future. For more
information you can give them a call on
Aberdeen (01224) 211441 or visit the website
@ www.wellmans-health-studio.com
That should be everything right up to
date for Aberdeen city, keep an eye on
www.g-zone.net for up to date events info
and to discuss whatever you want on the
message boards.
Time to head north now to Moray &
Inverness for a quick run down of what they
have planned up there over the next month.
Moray LGBT group will be meeting on
Sat 17th Nov in Elgin. For more
information you can e-mail:
[email protected] Phone 0845 241
2151 or visit www.bebo.com/morayyouth
They are still trying to get this group up and
running and get activities started so please
feel free to get in touch if you have any
suggestions for us to take on board.
The team @ THT Highland are busy as
ever with a packed programme of events
throughout November and early December.
Tue 6th Nov is the monthly LGBT
Lunch Drop in between 12 & 2, pop in and
have your lunch whilst browsing brochures,
chatting to the team and make some new
friends. Tea, Coffee and soup are provided
by the trust. Between 7-9pm on Wed 14th
Nov the T Group (those who identify as
Transgender - in all its variety) are having a
make up session with Professional make up
artist Ronald Flint. Last time I saw Ronald
was Inverness Pride a few years ago. He is a
fantastic guy and THT continue the great
work that Ronald did for Reach Out
Highland. Wed 21st Nov between 4-6pm
young people have the chance to drop in,
chat, read magazines and get advice from the
team. The L Group will be viewing the film
“when the night is falling” on Tue 27th Nov
between 7-9pm. This is a chance to get
together with other lesbians over a film and
*denotes ScotsGay available
2-8 Exchange Street. Tel: (01224)
594511. Noon-Midnight. Lively
gay bar with entertainment and
Carnegies Brae. Tel: (01224)
611451. Tue-Sun 10pm-3am. New
club opposite The Tunnels. E-mail:
[email protected]
218 Holburn Street. Tel: (01224)
211441. Mon-Fri 11am-10pm, Sat
11am-8pm. 8-man Jacuzzi,
sauna, steamroom, café. Free
Wifi Internet access. Massage
available. www.wellmans-healthstudio.com
26 Brewery Street. Tel: (01387)
739888. Mon 9am-5pm, Tue-Wed
9am-5pm and 7-9pm, Thu 9am5pm, Fri 9am-5pm, 6-9.30pm.
Newly opened.
then chat or discuss the film afterwards.
Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland
together with Highland Sexual Health is
setting up a support network for HIV+
people in the Highland area. They would like
to provide HIV+ people with support and
activities that can contribute to their overall
well-being. They can provide not only with
excellent medical care but also with support
and services that make living with HIV a less
isolated experience. Hopefully it can
contribute to their overall well-being and
happiness. HIV+ people who are interested
in this initiative can contact THT using the
information below.
From now on people can find lots of
information about the activities and services
from THT Highland by visiting the unique
blog: http://thtscotlandhighlandservices.blogspot.com. If people
have suggestions, questions, ideas…. They
can let them know by writing a comment on
the blog site.
For more information you can contact
THT Highland at Terrence Higgins Trust
Scotland, 34 Waterloo Place, Inverness IV1
1NB. call Inverness (01463) 711585 or email: [email protected]
World AIDS Day
Sat 1st Dec 2007
Along with other HIV and LGBT
activists, THT Scotland will be celebrating
World Aids Day. Contact your nearest THT
centre for more information on their
THT Scotland - Grampian services
0845 241 2151
THT Scotland - Glasgow & West services
0141-332 3838
THT Scotland - Highland services
Inverness (01463) 711 585
Birkhill Hotel, 16 St Mary's Street
(Lockerbie Road). Tel: (01387)
739888. 8pm-Midnight. Last Fri of
each month. Next dates: Fri 28th
Sep, Fri 26th Oct. Monthly club
night for LGBT people and their
friends from Dumfries &
Galloway. E-mail:
[email protected]
2 St Andrew's Lane. Tel: (01382)
200660. 3pm-Midnight. Well
appointed LGBT bar next door to
OUT. Karaoke: Wed, Fri & Sun.
DJ: Sat.
38 Albert Street. Tel: (01382)
809080. Mon-Wed, Fri 10am6pm, Thu 10am-8pm, Sat 10am5pm, First Wed of each month
(Dundee Munch) 10am-8pm.
Alternative clothing shop catering
for all genders and sexualities. As
well as stocking a wide range of
clothing and sex aids they pride
themselves on being able to
source personal services such as
gender friendly beauticians,
photographers and offer a
personal shopping service.
75-79 Seagate. Tel: (01382)
226840. Sun 12.30pm-Midnight,
Mon-Sat 11am-Midnight. LGBTfriendly bar with free disco Fri &
Sat 8pm-Midnight. Free use of
premises for pre-booked groups.
124 Seagate. Tel: (01382)
200660. Wed-Sun 11pm-2.30am.
Good atmosphere, very popular
disco with wide selection of
sounds and the occasional act/PA.
Under new management.
Previously known as Liberties
although everyone just calls it The
Club. Student discount.
218 Blackness Road. Tel: Dundee
(01382) 646648. Sun 11am-3pm,
Mon-Fri 8am-6pm, Sat 8am-5pm.
LGBT-friendly café which can be
hired out in the evenings for
organisations who want
somewhere small and quiet to
meet. www.roasterscoffeehouse.co.uk
3 1/2 Barnton Street. Tel: (01786)
461698. Sun Noon-Midnight,
Mon-Thu 10.30am-Midnight, FriSat 10.30am-1am. Food: until
7.30pm. Near to railway station.
Mixed, busy, bohemian and
friendly bar/bistro. Popular with
students and Sons/Daughters of
the Rock alike.
That should be everything right up to
date for North Scotland for another month.
If you have any news that you want to be
included in the column get in touch with me
via e-mail – [email protected]
Strathyre, Callander. Tel: Strathyre
(01877) 384333. Fax: Strathyre
(01877) 384263. Sun-Thu 8amMidnight, Fri-Sat 8am-1am.
LGBT-friendly bar and hotel. Sun
roast. E-mail: [email protected] www.munro-inn.com
Scotland's oldest lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender rights
organisation. It was founded in
1969 as the Scottish Minorities
Group, later became the Scottish
Homosexual Rights Group and
changed its name to OUTRIGHT
SCOTLAND in December 1992.
Currently hibernating.
Working for lesbian, gay, bisexual
and transgender equality in
Scotland. Write: 30 Bernard Street,
Edinburgh. EH6 6PR. Tel: 07020
933952. Fax: 07020 933954. Email: [email protected]
www.equality-network.org Weekly
email and monthly paper
newsletters on LGBT equality
campaigns and developments.
Regular conferences and
campaign meetings. E-mail or
write to join the network, free!
The UK's largest and most
significant collection of materials
relating to lesbian lives. LAIC (at
Glasgow Women's Library) 2nd
Floor, 81 Parnie Street, Glasgow.
G1 5RH. Tel/Fax: 0141-552 8345.
Closed to the public until Autumn
2008. E-mail:
[email protected]
Now busily organising Pride Scotia
2009! Tel: 0131-556 9471. Write:
58a Broughton Street, Edinburgh.
EH1 3SA. E-mail:
[email protected]
Now recovering from Pride Scotia
2006 and beginning to think about
Pride Scotia 2008! Write: 84 Bell
Street, Glasgow. G1 1LQ. E-mail:
[email protected]
Campaigns for equality and justice
for gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgender people living in
Scotland. Write: 9 Howe Street,
Edinburgh. EH3 6TE. Tel: 0131557 3679. E-mail:
[email protected]
G@THT: A social group for gay
men. Meets 4th Sat of every
month from 1-4pm at THT, 11
Waverley Place. Tel: Alan on 0845
2412151. E-mail:
[email protected]
North East Scotland Gay Group: A
befriending group for gay and
bisexual men. Meets 3rd Sun of
each month at 7.30pm. E-mail:
[email protected]
Pride In Aberdeen: An umbrella
group for voluntary LGBT
organisations in the North East of
Scotland (formerly North East
LGBT Forum). Working towards
opening an LGBT Centre in
Aberdeen and organising the next
Pride event in Aberdeen in 2008!
Tel: 0845 2412151. E-mail:
[email protected]
Ayrshire Social & Sexuality
Support Group: Meets 3rd Wed of
each month at 7pm in Irvine.
Details of venue from David
Bingham on 0141-332 3838 (MonFri 9am-5pm). E-mail:
[email protected]
Scottish Borders LGBT Equality
Forum: Aims to provide advice and
act as a consulting body to all
community planning partner
organisations, develop a range of
social and recreational activities,
and provide a befriending service
to LGBT people. Contact Alastair
Lings - Phone: Galashiels (01896)
757861 or 07763 850087. E-mail:
[email protected] Write:
79 Tweed Road, Galashiels, TD1
3DX. Or contact Linda Jackson:
Tel: 07877 381200. E-mail:
[email protected]
Caithness Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual
Group: A friendly informal group
which meets irregularly. Write: Box
689, John O'Groat Journal, 42
Union Street, Wick. KW1 5ED.
Diversitay (LGBT Group), PO Box
53, Dundee, DD1 3YG.
FifeFLAGS: Fife Free Lesbian and
Gay Society. Based in Dunfermline,
provides a welcoming and safe
meeting space and drop-in centre
near the town centre for the LGBT
community, our friends, family and
supporters. Regular social group
meets on Mon 7pm-Midnight.
Generally has a nice friendly mixed
crowd most nights across the age
range so come along and join the
fun. Internet access, mini pool
table or just hang out and meet
new friends over coffee and
biscuits. Safer sex information and
supplies available as part of the
Fife Health Board condom
distribution scheme. Tel:
Dunfermline (01383) 738517. Email: [email protected]
Hub@ LGBT Centre for Health &
Wellbeing, 9 Howe Street - open
for drop-in Mon 6.30-8.30pm, and
Tue, Wed, Thu 6.30-7.30pm. Find
out more about groups and
activities, have a coffee, use free
wireless internet.
Icebreakers: Social group for guys
and gals who want to make
friendships and feel more at ease
in the company of other gay
people. Run by Switchboard
volunteers. Takes place from 7.309pm in CC Blooms on 2nd & 4th
Wed of each month. If you're
recently out or new to Edinburgh
or just feel a bit cut off and want a
break, come along. A welcoming
and non-threatening environment.
First timers can be met outside.
Phone Lothian Switchboard for
Glasgow LGBT Centre: The Centre
Board manages Glasgow LGBT
Centre Limited, which is registered
as a Scottish charity and as a
Scottish company. Centre
Administrator and Manager are on
duty (9.30am-5pm Mon-Fri).
Membership criteria for Glasgow
LGBT Centre Limited is available to
all interested people agreeing to
the code of conduct. See press for
notice of the Annual General
meeting of Members - childcare
and BSL interpreter can be
organised, but please give advance
notice. Membership is closed in
the last month. Write: Glasgow
LGBT Centre, 84 Bell Street,
Glasgow. G1 1LQ. Tel: 0141-552
4958. E-mail:
[email protected]
Icebreakers Group: For lesbians,
gays and bisexuals new to the
scene. 12.30-3pm on 1st Sun of
each month at LGBT Centre, 84
Bell Street. Details from
Strathclyde Switchboard.
Highland Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Transgender Forum. Write: c/o
Volunteering Highland Centre, 1a
Millburn Road, Inverness. IV2
3PX. E-mail: [email protected] www.gay-ness.org.uk
LGBT Highland Forum Social
Group: Meets 7.30pm 1st Tue of
each month at Volunteering
Highland Centre, 1a Millburn
Road, Inverness. Coffee Morning:
2nd Sat of each month 10am2pm, at the Volunteering Highland
Centre, 1a Millburn Road,
Inverness. Social night munch: 3rd
Tue of each month, look for the
table with the Top Hat at Bar Pivo,
Academy Street. Disco: in
Raigmore Recreation Hall from
8pm on Sat 27th Oct. Tel: 07928
307389. E-mail: [email protected] www.gayness.org.uk/events.html
Terrence Higgins Trust Highland
Gay Men's Group (and activities):
Tel: Inverness (01463) 711585 or
E-mail: [email protected] for
Lanarkshire LGBT Group: New
weekly social group for LGBT
people living or working in
Lanarkshire. Meets Thu 7-9pm at
the Hamilton Town House. Get
together for fun social activities
and to chat about issues that
affect LGBT people living in rural
areas. For more information or to
sign up, contact Chris Kimber at
Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland.
Tel: 0141-332 3838. E-mail:
[email protected]
Stirling Gay Men's Social Group
meets monthly from Sep-Jun
(generally 3rd Fri) in private
houses. E-mail:
[email protected]
LGBT Youth D&G - as well as
services for young people, runs a
mailing list for information and
occasional events for LGBT people
of all ages from Dumfries and
Galloway. Write: 26 Brewery
Street, Dumfries. DG1 2RP. Tel:
Dumfries (01387) 739888. Text:
07785 274147. E-mail:
[email protected]
Activist group promoting the
interests of lesbian, bisexual and
transgender women in Scotland.
Write: 97 Lower Granton Road,
Edinburgh, EH5 1ER. E-mail:
[email protected] www.qwa.org.uk
Disco:very: The newsletter from
Diversitay. Available from:
To further lesbian issues, follow a
lesbian agenda and foster lesbian
visibility. E-mail:
[email protected]
0141-550 7558. E-mail:
[email protected]
Granite Sisters: Aberdeen based
social and cultural group for older
(over 30's) lesbians throughout
Scotland. Meetings and events
held in both the private homes of
members and public venues.
Confidentiality and privacy are
regarded as very important to this
group as many members are not
out, and you will find the members
respect these values at gatherings.
Website also contains news and
information about gay issues, gay
friendly holidays in Scotland etc.
Further details: Maria Clark
Manager/Secretary. Tel/Fax:
Aberdeen (01224) 713336
(day/eve). Write: PO Box 18230,
Aberdeen. AB2 9YN. E-mail:
[email protected]
L@THT: New women's group
meets 6pm on 1st Mon of each
month at THT, 11 Waverley Place.
Tel: 0845 2412151. E-mail:
[email protected]
GirlZone: Friendly, informal social
group for LBT and friends - all
welcome. Meets 1st Sat and 3rd
Fri of each month. Tel: Joanne on
07792 223 687 for details and
venue. E-mail: [email protected] www.gay-ness.org.uk
AD Group: Ancient Dykes is a long
established Edinburgh based
social group for lesbians aged 40+
organised by women for women.
Holds monthly meetings and
frequent social events such as
days out and about. Meets on first
Sat of each month during the
afternoon. Tel: Ruth on 0131-554
7256 or phone Edinburgh Lesbian
Connect-Ed: Scottish Charity
providing counselling service to
LBT women in the Lothians. The
kind of issues they expect to be
contacted about may include:
relationship difficulties, sexual
problems, drug or alcohol use,
abuse, loss, self esteem, bullying,
mental health issues,
anxiety/depression. All counselling
sessions last for one hour and you
may attend for counselling for a
short time or longer depending on
your needs. All Connect-Ed
counsellors are lesbian or
bisexual. Presently has to charge
on a sliding scale to pay their
counsellors and will discuss this
when you contact them. Tel:
07906 178220.
Highland Lesbian Group: A friendly
lesbian social group which offers
support and information.
Organises fundraisers for
Womankind Worldwide:
ngroup/ E-mail:
[email protected]
Terrence Higgins Trust Highland
Lesbian Group (and activities): Tel:
Inverness (01463) 711585 or Email: [email protected] for
[email protected]
See our Youth Groups listings.
Support and social network for
people who are bisexual or
questioning their sexuality. Also
organises training and activist
activities in support of bisexual
visibility and pride. Informal 'safe
space' meetings are held on 1st
Wed of each month in Glasgow
(7.30pm downstairs in the LGBT
Centre, 84 Bell Street) and 3rd
Wed of each month in Edinburgh
(7.30pm in Sala Café-Bar, 60
Broughton Street). Meetings (open
to all bi or questioning people) are
usually followed by social
gatherings which are open to
partners or friends. Write:
BiScotland, c/o Glasgow LGBT
Centre, 84 Bell Street, Glasgow.
G1 1LQ. Information line: 07963
060321. E-mail:
[email protected]
Edinburgh Gay Women's Group:
Weekly social group to chat,
laugh, do crazy things or more
relaxed ones. Go to the movies,
pub, theatre, dancing, whatever
you fancy. Meets each Wed 8pm
onwards at Sala, LGBT Centre, 60
Broughton St. For details, phone
Edinburgh Lesbian Line.
Terrence Higgins Trust Highland
Bisexual Group (and activities):
Tel: Inverness (01463) 711585 or
E-mail: [email protected] for
Lesbian Book Group: Meets
monthly (Wed 7.30-9.30pm) in
basement of LGBT Centre for
Health & Wellbeing, 9 Howe
Street, Edinburgh. Contact Kerry
for further details / next book by
E-mail: [email protected]
Works to change the situation for
LGBT people facing domestic
violence. Runs a helpline for
lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender people, their family,
friends, and agencies to support
LGBT people around domestic
violence. Tel: 0845 2604460. Email: [email protected]
Lesbian Film Group: Meets 3rd
Thu of each month at 7.15pm (for
7.30pm start) at the LGBT Centre
for Health & Wellbeing, 9 Howe
Street, Edinburgh. Open to lesbian
and bisexual women. E-mail:
[email protected]
LIBRA: Help for women concerned
about their drinking. Free 1-2-1
counselling and groupwork. Tel:
0131-661 0111. Write: 4 Norton
Park, Edinburgh. EH7 5RS. E-mail:
[email protected]
Counselling and Support Services
at The Sandyford, 2-6 Sandyford
Place (old Eye Infirmary),
Glasgow. G3 7NB. Tel: 0141-211
6700. Minicom: 0141-211 6703.
Fax: 0141-211 6702. Sappho @
The Sandyford: Sappho promotes
positive health for lesbians and
easier access to sexual,
reproductive and women's health
services. A well-woman clinic and
screening service is provided in a
lesbian friendly setting. Tel: 0141211 8130 for appointment.
Counselling takes place fortnightly
on Tue eve. There is a crêche
within Sandyford - Tel: 0141-211
8647 for info. www.sandyford.org
Glasgow Women's Library: 2nd
Floor, 81 Parnie Street, Glasgow.
G1 5RH. Tel/Fax: 0141-552 8345.
Closed to the public until Autumn
2008. Lending and reference
library - books, magazines,
journals, videos, leaflets and
information. UK and overseas
feminist and lesbian publications.
Contains the Lesbian Archive and
Information Centre - a unique
national collection of publications,
journals and ephemera by and for
lesbians. E-mail:
[email protected]
1-2-1 counselling for adult male
survivors of childhood sexual
abuse, male rape, male domestic
abuse and under 18's. Tel: 0141550 2048. E-mail:
[email protected]
For male and female survivors.
Women answer the Tel: Freephone
0808 8000123 (or Dingwall
(01349) 865316) hours as advised
on telephone answering machine.
Men answer the Tel: Freephone
0808 8000122 (or Dingwall
(01349) 862686) hours as advised
on telephone answering machine.
Callers are welcome to phone
either line. Write: PO Box 10,
Dingwall. IV15 9HE.
Scotland-wide telephone service
providing support to women and
men experiencing sexual violence,
as well as their friends and
families. Tel: Freephone 0808
8010302 (6pm-Midnight).
Minicom available.
Counselling service for male
survivors of childhood sexual
abuse. Write: The Sandyford
Initiative, 4 Sandyford Place,
Glasgow. G3 7NB. Tel: 0141-211
8133. E-mail:
[email protected]
OLGA - Older Lesbians Get
Around: Meets monthly on 2nd
Sat of each month at 2.30pm in
Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84 Bell
Street. Tel: Rose on 0141-423
3025 or Lorna on Dumfries
(01387) 247536. E-mail:
[email protected]
GALHA is a national membership
group promoting the gay-friendly
Humanist outlook and gay and
lesbian rights as human rights.
Write: PO Box 130, London. W5
1DQ. Tel: 0844 800 3067. E-mail:
[email protected]
Personal safety and confidence
building courses for women are
offered by Wise Women, 120
Sydney Street, Glasgow. G31 1JF.
Tel: 0141-550 7557. Quertyphone:
PTT is a gay charity which can
arrange non-religious ceremonies
of love and commitment for
lesbian and gay couples at very
reasonable rates in most parts of
Scotland. Write: 34 Spring Lane,
Kenilworth, Warwickshire. CV8
2HB. Tel/Fax: Kenilworth (01926)
858450. E-mail:
[email protected]
A club for men interested in
Leather, Rubber, Uniform. Meets in
Edinburgh from 9pm at the
Claremont Bar on the 1st Sat of
each month and at the New Town
Bar on the 3rd Sat of each month.
Write: PO Box 28, Edinburgh. EH3
5JL. E-mail: [email protected] www.mscscotland.net/
Information Site for Scottish Gay
Skinheads. E-mail:
[email protected] WWW:
ScotsSkins meet informally in The
Claremont in Edinburgh on the
2nd Sat of each month.
E-mail: [email protected]
National organisation providing
information, advice and support
on BDSM and related issues.
Write: SM Pride, PO Box 413,
Torquay, Devon. TQ1 1WZ. Tel:
0845 094 2250. Fax: 08702
415058. E-mail:
[email protected]
For hairy, moustached, bearded or
bulky men and their admirers.
Edinburgh: Meets 1st Sat of each
month from 2pm in Steamworks
Sauna and then from 9pm in the
Claremont Bar. Write: PO Box
12785, Edinburgh, EH6 7YU. Email: [email protected]
Glasgow: Informal meetings 2nd
Fri of each month from 8pm in the
Revolver Bar. For details of all
other events check the website.
www.bearscots.org.uk or Tel:
0131-600 0170.
Network in the Church of Scotland
of lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender Christians, their
friends and supporters. Formed in
2006 in response to the issue of
ministers and deacons being able
to conduct ceremonies to mark
civil partnerships without fear of
censure. Write: Ms Monica
Stewart, 18 Ferryhill Place,
Aberdeen. AB11 7SE. E-mail:
Meets at LGBT Centre for Health &
Wellbeing, 9 Howe Street on the
3rd Wed of each month at 7pm. Email:
[email protected]
Lesbian, gay or bisexual? From an
Evangelical tradition? So are we.
Tel: Andrew on Mid Calder (01506)
499926. Write: c/o 123 Byron
Road, Chelmsford. CM2 6HJ. Email: [email protected]
A small gay friendly fellowship in
the Old Catholic tradition. Regular
Masses and other sacraments in
Edinburgh. Also Relationship
Blessings, Hand-fastings, and
Healing. Contact Bishop Alistair
CCP on 07817 767445. E-mail:
[email protected]
An inclusive church of the LGBT
community open to all irrespective
of sexuality. Services: Every Sun at
6pm (11am during Aug) at
Augustine United Church, 41
George IV Bridge, Edinburgh.
Relationship blessings conducted
by arrangement. Tel: Rev Kerri
Mesner on 0131-226 1691. Write:
Metropolitan Community Church,
41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh.
EH1 1EL. E-mail:
[email protected]
A welcoming and supportive
national group for people of all
sexual orientations and their
friends. Write: Ruth (SG), 46 The
Avenue, Starbeck, Harrogate. HG1
4QD. E-mail:
[email protected]
Organisation for lesbian and gay
Catholics. Monthly meetings are
held in different regional groups
throughout Britain. Scottish
meetings held in Glasgow. Quest
Linkline - The Helpline for Gay and
Lesbian Catholics - Tel:
(Freephone) 0808 808 0234.
Write: BM Box 2585, LONDON.
WC1N 3XX. E-mail:
[email protected]
Write: RC Caucus, PO Box 24632,
London. E9 6XF. Tel: 020-7226
0847. E-mail:
[email protected]
A UK-wide club for women and
men. Active Scottish section.
Write: PO Box 33, Long Eaton,
Nottingham. NG10 2BF. E-mail:
[email protected]
Formed in response to the demand
for a male voice choir following
the "Bad Boys" tour of the London
Gay Men's Chorus in May 2007.
Launching in October and planning
first performance in early 2008.
Wants the chorus to be fun for its
members and its audience. Their
selection of music ranges from
pop and rock to songs from the
shows and movies, with a
decidedly fun and camp slant. Email: [email protected]
A friendly social group of men
who admire men in kilts and
promote the wearing of the
traditionally constructed kilt. Kilted
meetings and weekend get
togethers and visits in Scotland
and throughout Britain. See web
site for details. Tel: 07857 082220.
E-mail: [email protected]
Scotland's annual celebration of
queer culture. Next dates: 12th Oct
- 11th Nov 2007. Q! Gallery is
Glasgay's new year-round gallery
dedicated to queer art and artists.
Mon-Sat 11am-5pm. The Stud!o is
an adjacent
and holistic arts space. The Q!
Gallery, 87-91 Saltmarket,
Glasgow. G1 5LE. Tel/Fax: 0141552 7575. Text: 07762 722460. Email: [email protected]
Contact and social group for guys
interested in viewing/wearing kilts.
Regular newsletter. Write: Mervyn
Tacy, `Ziveli', 20 Ordsall Park
Road, Retford. DN22 7PA. Please
enclose sae. Tel: 01777 708270. Email: [email protected]
Meets LGBT Centre for Health &
Wellbeing, 9 Howe Street,
Edinburgh, on the first Thu of each
month at 7.30pm. Books are
chosen by group members in
[email protected]
Scotland's original choir for LGBT
singers is made up of
approximately 45 singers and
holds regular concerts in the
Central Belt. The repertoire, which
is sung a capella in varying
numbers of parts, includes simple
rounds, popular music, traditional
music, light classics, festive and
seasonal songs, lesbian/gay
anthems, and show tunes. Meets
weekly for rehearsals in
Edinburgh. E-mail:
[email protected]
Documenting the collective history
of Edinburgh's LGBT communities,
recording life-stories and personal
memories across the generations,
and celebrating our rich and varied
contributions to the quality of life
in the city. The culmination of this
work was an exhibition entitled
'Rainbow City: Stories from
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Transgender Edinburgh' held at the
City Art Centre, Edinburgh in 2006.
Write: Remember When Project,
c/o The Living Memory
Association, The Reminiscence
Centre, 101 St Leonards Street,
Edinburgh, EH8 9QY. Tel: 0131667 0761, and leave a message,
stating clearly that it is for
Remember When. E-mail:
[email protected]
Meets monthly during autumn
through to the spring, and views
videos/DVDs with a gay theme or
character. For more details please
contact Alastair on Galashiels
(01896) 757861 or E-mail:
[email protected]
Social group that promotes the
wearing of the kilt, the love of
guys who wear kilts and Scottish
culture. Member benefits include:
Meetings and varied events
throughout the year in Scotland
and abroad; access to World Class
Bulletin Board providing definitive
resource of kilting information and
Members On-Line Chat Room. No
Membership Fee. For more
information: E-mail:
[email protected]
www.sporranclan.org and Blog:
Support group for anyone friends, families, partners, coworkers - affected by or dealing
with someone else's drinking.
Relaxed, friendly, group. All are
welcome! Meets Thu 6.30-7.45pm
in LGBT Centre for Health &
Wellbeing, 9 Howe Street,
Edinburgh. E-mail:
[email protected]
Whilst AA runs the following LGBT
meetings in Edinburgh and
Glasgow, please note that it is a
non restrictive organisation and
LGBT people are welcome at any
meeting. Edinburgh: Edinburgh:
Tue 8pm (LGBT Centre for Health
& Wellbeing, 9 Howe Street)
Please note that the last meeting
of the month is open to non AA
members. Glasgow: Tue & Thu
7.30pm (Nye Bevan House, 20
India Street), Fri 7.30pm (The
Ogilvie Centre, 25 Rose Street).
National Helpline: 0845 7697555
(24 hours). Scottish Office: 0141226 2214. Edinburgh Office: 0131225 2727. www.alcoholicsanonymous.org.uk
Carers' contacts for gay men and
lesbians are trained and skilled
volunteers able to offer
understanding and a listening ear
to gay, lesbian, bisexual,
transgender or transsexual carers
of people with Alzheimer's disease
or with any other form of
dementia. To contact the
Alzheimer's Society's LGBT
Carers: Tel the Alzheimer's
Helpline on 0845 300 0336 or Email: [email protected]
or write to Alzheimer's Society
LGBT Carers, Alzheimer's Helpline,
Gordon House, 10 Greencoat
Place, London. SW1P 1PH.
Edinburgh based LGBT theatre
company, which aims to give
LGBT people the opportunity to
act, direct, produce or organise
theatre or take part in any aspect
of the creative process. No
previous experience is necessary.
Tel: 07854 836605. E-mail:
[email protected]
www.theluvvies.org >
11-15 Princes Street, Dundee.
DD4 6BY. A charity that exists to
empower HIV and HepC positive
people and those affected thereby
to eliminate the stigma and
isolation they experience. Tel:
Dundee (01382) 461555. Fax:
Dundee (01382) 461424. Tue-Thu
(Drop In) Noon-3.30pm. E-mail:
[email protected]
A charity which works to collect,
archive and present the life stories
and experiences of the LGBT
Community in Scotland. If you
have a story to tell or experiences
to share, or would like to find out
more about their upcoming
programme of events, then please
contact them. Write: OurStory
Scotland, Archives and Special
Collections, The Mitchell Library,
North Street, Glasgow. G3 7DN. Email:
[email protected]
Gartnavel General Hospital, 1053
Great Western Road, Glasgow.
G12 0YN. Confidential information,
advice, counselling and direct
access testing for HIV and
Hepatitis. The Centre provides
ongoing medical and social care
plus psychological and emotional
support for people living with HIV
infection and one to one
counselling for people at risk of
HIV. Tel: 0141-211 1089. Fax:
0141-211 1097. Mon-Thu 9am5pm, Tue 5-7pm, Thu 5-7pm, Fri
New LGBT choir in Glasgow
welcomes anyone who identifies
as queer or part of the LGBT
Community. Weekly rehearsals
held in Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84
Bell Street. E-mail:
[email protected]
k www.thequeernotes.co.uk
Gartnavel General Hospital, 1053
Great Western Road, Glasgow.
G12 0YN. Social work service for
people with HIV/AIDS providing
intensive community based
support. General advice and
information on community care
and housing needs also provided.
Tel: 0141-211 1090.
5 South Fergus Place, Kirkcaldy.
KY1 1YA. (Behind Sheriff Court).
Information, advice and support
on gay and health issues, free
condoms, and much more! MonFri 1-5pm, Sat 10am-3pm. Tel:
Kirkcaldy (01592) 265666. Fax:
Kirkcaldy (01592) 643866. E-mail:
[email protected]
10a Union Street, Edinburgh. EH1
3LU. A community led Lothian
wide project for gay and bisexual
men. Wide ranging volunteering
opportunities which provide
services including support and
counselling, scene work, peer
education and training, provision
of condoms, lube and Safer Sex
information. Tel: 0131-558 9444.
Fax: 0131-558 9060. E-mail:
[email protected] www.gmh.org.uk
Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84 Bell
Street, Glasgow. G1 1LQ. Tel:
0141-552 0112. Fax: 0141-552
4928. A community led project
across the Greater Glasgow and
Clyde Health Board Area for gay
and bisexual men. Wide ranging
volunteering opportunities which
provide services including
support, scene work, peer
education and training, provision
of condoms, lube and Safer Sex
information. E-mail:
[email protected]
Exists to promote the sexual and
holistic health of gay and bi men
living in Angus, Dundee and Perth
& Kinross (including men who
have sex with men but who do not
identify as gay or bi), reduce the
spread of HIV within those
communities and challenge the
discrimination, health inequalities
and social exclusion that can be
faced by gay and bi men, including
HIV positive gay and bi men, and
those affected by HIV. Tel: Dundee
(01382) 424070. Fax: Dundee
(01382) 424090. E-mail:
[email protected]
A self help group offering support
and assistance for individuals with
HIV/AIDS in the Grampian area.
Contact THT, 11 Waverley Place,
Aberdeen. AB10 1XH. Tel: 0845
2412151. E-mail:
[email protected]
A national HIV prevention & sexual
health promotion programme for
gay and bisexual men. Offers a
range of services including info on
its website, campaigns and
resources and a free condoms by
post scheme.
10 Elderpark Workspace, 100
Elderpark Street, Glasgow. G51
3TR. Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Telephone
Support Service Mon-Fri 7pm10pm. Tel: 0141-445 8797. Fax:
0141-445 8798. E-mail: [email protected] www.hivaids-carers.org.uk
Suite 2, 27 Beaverhall Road,
Edinburgh. EH7 4JE. Tel: 0131-558
3713. Fax: 0131-558 9887. The
independent voice for HIV in
Scotland, this charity is a policy
and strategic body and runs
Healthy Gay Scotland and Black
Minority Ethnic-related HIV work.
E-mail: [email protected]
Counselling Service, Monklands
Hospital, Monks Court Avenue,
Airdrie. ML6 0JS. One stop shop
for HIV and Hepatitis health
services. Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Also
Tue & Thu 7-9.30pm
(appointments only). Also runs
support group for HIV Positive
men. Tel: Airdrie (01236) 712247.
Fax: Airdrie (01236) 712449. Email:
[email protected]
9 Howe Street, Edinburgh. EH3
6TE. Working in partnership with
the LGBT community and health
service providers to improve the
physical, mental and social
wellbeing of lesbian, gay, bisexual
and transgender people in southeast Scotland. Volunteering
opportunities in many diverse
areas. Tel: 0131-523 1100. E-mail:
[email protected]
13a Great King Street, Edinburgh.
EH3 6QW. Practical help for people
who are infected or affected by
HIV and AIDS in Edinburgh, their
families and carers. Tel: 0131-558
1122. Fax: 0131-558 3636. E-mail:
[email protected]
37-39 Montrose Terrace,
Edinburgh. EH7 5DJ. Self help for
people living with and affected by
HIV and Hepatitis in Lothian,
offering individual advocacy, peer
support and subsidised
complementary therapies in a safe,
confidential and welcoming
environment. Tel: 0131-652 0754.
Fax: 0131-661 9100. E-mail:
[email protected]
Part of the wider Harm Reduction
Team within Lothian NHS. Offers a
confidential and anonymous
service for men who have sex with
men, including male sex workers
throughout Edinburgh and the
Lothians. Provides a wide range of
services including sexual health
and safer sex advice, information
and advice on drug use, personal
safety, police and legal advice,
including operating in the Remote
Reporting Scheme. A great deal of
their work is done on an outreach
basis in Public Sex Environments
and venues as well as on-line as
part of the SNN group. They run a
'Out of Hours' Testing Service
Mon 5-7.30pm at "The Exchange",
Lady Lawson Street, Edinburgh
where you can have a full SEXUAL
HEALTH check up including Hep B
vaccinations. No appointments
necessary. For further information
or to receive condom and lube
supplies contact George or Lewis
on Tel: 0131-537 8300 or 07774
628227. E-mail: [email protected] www.roamoutreach.com
2-6 Sandyford Place (old Eye
Infirmary), Glasgow. G3 7NB.
Glasgow's main sexual,
reproductive and emotional health
centre. Free web access and health
library with large LGBT lending
collection. Specialist services for
gay men (See seperate ScotsGay
Listing for Steve Retson Project)
and lesbians (See seperate
ScotsGay listing for The Sandyford
under Women). Self-referal sexual
health service with open access
clinic each weekday with
registration from 8.30-10am or
book on 0141-211 8130. E-mail:
[email protected]
Sex Addicts Anonymous is a
twelve-step recovery programme.
Our primary purpose is to stop our
addictive sexual behavior and to
help others recover from their
sexual addiction. Our members
define their own sexual boundaries
with the guidance of their Higher
Power, their sponsors and other
group members. We encourage
our members to discover and
explore what healthy sexuality
means to them. Meetings in
Edinburgh & Glasgow. Tel:
Scottish Helpline on 0141-552
0154 (24 hours). E-mail:
[email protected] www.saarecovery.org
Freephone 0800 567123. 24
hours. Confidential advice and
information. Minicom: Freephone
0800 521361.
The Sandyford, 2-6 Sandyford
Place (old Eye Infirmary),
Glasgow. G3 7NB. A free sexual
health screening and counselling
service for gay and bisexual men.
Clinics run Tue & Wed 5.308.30pm. Also Thu 5.30-8.30pm at
Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84 Bell
Street. Same-day HIV test Tue
morning 8.30-10am. Tel: 0141-211
134 Douglas Street, Glasgow. G2
4HF. HIV prevention and support
services in Lanarkshire, Ayrshire &
Arran, the Glasgow area and
Western Central Scotland. Support
& Advocacy Service provides a full
range of welfare rights advice and
representation as well as
community service volunteers
(buddies). Also provides a range
of health promotion services for
gay and bisexual men throughout
the West of Scotland. Please
contact for further details.
Volunteers welcome! Tel: 0141332 3838. Fax: 0141-332 3755.
Helpline: THT Direct 0845
1221200 Mon-Fri 10am-10pm,
Sat-Sun Noon-6pm. E-mail:
[email protected]
11 Waverley Place, Aberdeen.
AB10 1XH. Formerly Phace
Scotland. HIV prevention and
support services in Grampian
including Community Support,
Group Support and LGBT groups.
Also provides a range of health
promotion services for Gay and
Bisexual men throughout
Grampian. Please contact for
further details. Volunteers
welcome! Tel: 0845 2412151. Fax:
0845 2412152. Helpline: THT
Direct 0845 1221200 Mon-Fri
10am-10pm, Sat-Sun Noon-6pm.
E-mail: [email protected]
34 Waterloo Place, Inverness. IV1
1NB. Offers a range of services
concerning HIV, Hepatitis and
STIs: free testing, support and
counselling. Free condoms and
lubricants available. Support for
LGBT groups, health promotion
services and training. Tel:
Inverness (01463) 711585. Fax:
Inverness (01463) 711793.
Helpline: THT Direct 0845
1221200 Mon-Fri 10am-10pm,
Sat-Sun Noon-6pm. E-mail:
[email protected]
Old Coates House, 32 Manor
Place, Edinburgh. EH3 7EB.
Waverley Care is responsible for a
number of projects for people
living or affected by HIV and/or
Hepatitis C in Scotland. Tel: 0131226 2206. Fax: 0131-226 2209. Email: [email protected]
Support for Africans affected by
HIV. Tel: 0141-211 0192.
Waverley Care Buddy Service is a
volunteer befriending service
offering emotional and social 1:1
support for individuals living with
HIV in Edinburgh and the
Lothians. Write: Claire Lawrie,
Buddy Service Co-ordinator, 113
Oxgangs Road North, Edinburgh.
EH14 1EB Tel: 0131-312 9953. Email: [email protected]
Offers a range of flexible, creative
and support activities to people
with HIV in the community. Tel:
0131-441 2791. E-mail:
[email protected]
Holds regular events including
walking, skiing, cycling, climbing,
mountain-biking, kayaking,
mountaineering, camping, youthhostelling, badminton, running and
swimming. Please send an A5 sae
to PO Box 637, Skellingthorpe,
Lincoln, LN6 5XD, or ring one of
the Scottish contacts:
EDINBURGH: Walks and
Mountain-Biking: Andrew on
Galashiels (01896) 754486.
Monthly Social (2nd Thu): James
on 0131-229 3142.
Cycling/Kayaking/Running: David
on 07747 465743. GLASGOW:
Walks: Robert on 0141-950 1081.
Cycling & Swimming: Douglas on
0141-632 8707. Climbing:
Jonathan on 0141-334 0812.
Badminton: Donn on 07919
410042. Running: Chris on 07786
263274. HIGHLANDS: Walks &
Weekend Trips: Alan on Dores
(01463) 751258.
MOUNTAINEERING: Tim on 0131478 0844. To E-mail any of the
above contacts, please append
@gocscotland.org.uk to their first
name and include GOC in the
subject line. See website for more
details about events www.gocscotland.org.uk
Leisurely walks in the countryside.
Bring sensible footwear/clothing
and packed lunch. 2nd Sat of each
month. Meet at Mitchell Library,
Berkeley Street. No membership just turn up. Cars normally shared.
Tel: Robert on 0141-950 1081. Email: [email protected]
113 Oxgangs Road North,
Edinburgh. EH14 1EB. Creates
tailor-made residential care for
people with HIV which is flexible,
creative and supportive.Tel/Fax:
0131-441 6989. E-mail:
[email protected]
2-4 Abbeymount, Edinburgh. EH8
8EJ. Information, support, advice,
counselling, training and self
development, arts activities,
events, health promotion, African
support, one-to-one/group support
and a café. Also Crusaid Hardship
Fund - for those experiencing
economic hardship due to HIV
infection. Café: Mon-Fri 8.30am3.30pm. Support services: Mon-Fri
9am-5pm. Many support groups
and activities outwith these hours,
please enquire. Tel: 0131-661
0982. E-mail:
[email protected]
Support group for gay fathers.
Edinburgh meetings on last Thu of
each month in a private room at
8pm at Sala Café, 60 Broughton
Street. Also Glasgow meetings on
2nd Mon of each month at 8pm at
Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84 Bell
Street. Tel: 07791 188742. E-mail:
[email protected]
Nationwide Social and Contacts
Club for the older gay gentleman
and his admirers, both young and
old. Scottish group meets in
Edinburgh. Write: PO Box 2087,
Blackpool. FY4 1WL. Tel:
Blackpool (01253) 318327. E-mail:
[email protected] Edward is the
Scottish Contact - E-mail:
[email protected]
Social group for men over 40.
Meets LGBT Centre for Health &
Wellbeing, 9 Howe Street,
Edinburgh, every 2nd Sun from 24pm. Next dates: 28th Oct, 11th
Nov (3rd Birthday Party). Tel: John
on 0131-556 1309 or Steve on
0131-558 9444. E-mail:
[email protected]
The Sisters and Brothers of the
OPI are part of a world wide order
of queer men and women of all
sexualities which is open to all
who feel the habit. Its tenets are:
The expiation of stigmatic guilt
and the promulgation of universal
joy through habitual manifestation
and perpetual perpetration.
The Edinburgh convent. Write:
Mistress of Communications, c/o
PO Box 666, Edinburgh. EH7 5YW.
E-mail: [email protected]
Write: Novice Maddie Za Hatter
OPI, c/o PO Box 666, Edinburgh.
EH7 5YW. E-mail:
[email protected]
For LGBT Birdwatchers. Write: Gay
Birders Club, GeeBeeCee, BCMMono, London. WC1N 3XX. Tel:
Annie on 0131-552 6333. E-mail:
[email protected] www.gbconline.org.uk
For men and women. Regular
meets throughout the UK. Tel:
Steve on 07785 338812. E-mail:
[email protected]
Informal network of parents and
women trying to be parents. See
listing for Lesbian Mothers
Network (Scotland) for contact
Meets from 2pm on the 1st Sat of
each month at Glasgow LGBT
Centre, 84 Bell Street. E-mail:
[email protected]
Tel: Sue Robertson on 0131-556
3899/4563. Fax: 0131-557 7899.
Write: One Parent Families
Scotland, 13 Gayfield Square,
Edinburgh. EH1 3NX. E-mail:
[email protected]
Coming out? Information and
support for parents of LGBT
people. Helpline and admin: Tel:
0131-556 6047 before 10pm.
Write: c/o ScotsGay Magazine, PO
Box 666, Edinburgh. EH7 5YW. Email: [email protected]
Support, advice and information
for LGBT parents and families. Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0151-259 5935 (Telephone
Answering Machine). Write: 41
Sutton Street, Liverpool, L13 7EG.
[email protected]
Copies of ScotsGay are sent free
of charge to prisoners in UK
prisons and institutions. Please
contact us if you wish to be added
to the mailing list.
The Edinburgh group of CAMRA's
Task Group for LGBT real ale and
cider fans. Meets in The Regent
1st Mon of each month from 9pm
to sample the brewers' art - Aug
2nd Mon (to avoid GBBF). Tel:
Karen on 0131-557 8790. E-mail:
[email protected]
www.lagrad-edinburgh.org.uk and
Committed to principles of caring,
trusting, personal growth, sharing,
and creativity aimed at nurturing
'community' as an alternative to
the commercial scene. Organises
Gay Men?s Weeks and shorter
events each year in SW Scotland,
the English Lake District and other
venues across the UK. Write:
Edward Carpenter Community, BM
ECC, London. WC1N 3XX. Tel:
08703 215121. E-mail:
Caledonian Thebans Rugby
Football Club is Scotland's first
gay/bi friendly rugby club. Offers
gay/bi/trans men the chance to
learn the game and play rugby in a
safe and supportive environment.
Continually welcomes new players
(+18) at whatever level or
experience and new supporters to
the club. If you're interested in
playing or supporting gay rugby in
Scotland, please get in touch.
Come along and get fit! Tel: 07758
668784 or Text "thebans" to
60300. E-mail:
[email protected]
Meets 8pm prompt each Mon at
the Royal Commonwealth Pool,
Dalkeith Road in the main entrance
area and afterwards in the Blue
Moon Café from 9.15pm.
Meets 7pm prompt Wed night at
the Jawbones, The Meadows.
Everybody made welcome from
complete beginners to the more
experienced. Contact: David on
07747 465743. E-mail:
[email protected]
The group runs regular lessons
and excursions at various places
throughout Central Scotland.
Contact for more information. Tel:
David on 07747 465743. E-mail:
[email protected]
Meets each Thu from 8-10pm.
Come along and have fun and
enjoy meeting the other members
for a friendly game. All welcome.
Tel: Donn on 07919 410042 (611pm).
Meets each Tue at 7pm at the
entrance to Bellahouston Leisure
Centre (OS Landranger 64, Ref:
NS545638). Choice of routes and
distances around Bellahouston and
Pollok Parks to cater for various
fitness levels. Changing facilities,
lockers and showers are available
for £2.10. Contact Chris by E-mail:
[email protected] or
Tel: 07786 263274 (or text).
Meets informally during adultsonly session 7.30-9pm Thu at
North Woodside Pool, Braid
Square. Tel: Douglas on 0141-632
8707. To E-mail Douglas, please
append @gocscotland.org.uk to
his first name and include GOC in
the subject line.
Write: GFSN Membership
Secretary, PO Box 7424, Milton
Keynes. MK8 9WQ. Tel: Barry on
Milton Keynes (01908) 564085.
Scottish Contact: Kevin Rowe Tel/Text: 07808 263173 or E-mail:
[email protected]
Runs are on the 4th Sun of month
with longer weekend trips in
Summer months. Tel: David on
07747 465743. For full details
about events www.gocscotland.org.uk
Scotland's very first LGBT group
for football players and fans alike.
Currently organises regular socials
and kick-abouts, and would love to
hear from anyone anywhere in
Scotland who would like to take
part. There is an entire Gay League
in England, and in time, they can
organise friendlies and competitive
games up and down the country.
However, all ability levels are
welcome, and the social side is
just as important as the playing so what are you waiting for? Email: [email protected] or
Tel/Text: 07808 263173.
Edinburgh based gay and lesbian
non-competitive badminton club
meets Thu eve 7-9pm at
Meadowbank Stadium. New
players of all abilities welcome. For
full details visit - WWW:
Glasgow based gay and lesbian
badminton club meets twice
weekly for competitive games.
International tournaments and
matches against clubs in London
and Europe are held annually.
Sorry - no beginners. Tel:
ScotsGay Magazine
PO Box 666 Edinburgh EH7 5YW.
Raymond on 0141-778 9220. Email: [email protected]
Many Universities and Colleges
have Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Transgendered Societies. Contact
these via your Student Union or
Student Association. ScotsGay
also links to a number of LGBT
Soc websites from our own web
page at http://www.scotsgay.co.uk
Many LGBT Socs are open to nonstudents living in the area. Tel:
NUS Scotland LGBT Officer on
0131-556 6598. Fax: 0131-557
5679. Write: Norman McBreen,
LGBT Officer, NUS Scotland, 29
Forth Street, Edinburgh. EH1 3LE.
E-mail: [email protected]
or [email protected]
Transmen Scotland is a national
support group for all female to
male transgender people. Holds
regular monthly meetings in
Edinburgh (2nd Sat of each month
at LGBT Centre for Health &
Wellbeing, 9 Howe Street from
7.30-9.30pm) and Glasgow (1st
Mon of each month at Glasgow
LGBT Centre, 84 Bell Street from
7-9pm). For further info E-mail:
[email protected]
or Tel/Text 07948 735179.
Meets last Sat of each month at
5pm. Tel: Kira on 07808 564626
(Mon-Thu 6-9pm), Gladys on
Buchlyvie (01360) 850576 or
07743 936157.
Polygender Scotland. Provides
support and friendship to all
people who identify as
genderqueer, androgyne, third
gender, polygender or any other
gender other than male or female.
Meets 2nd Thu of each month at
LGBT Centre for Health &
Wellbeing, 9 Howe Street from 79pm. Tel: Kelli Neil on 0131-523
1100. E-mail:
[email protected] or Tel:
Lewis on 0131-477 0525.
T-Time. Informal social for all
transgender people, their partners,
family and friends, held the 3rd
Sat of each month at LGBT Centre
for Health & Wellbeing, 9 Howe
Street. A friendly, safe and relaxed
environment where there?s also
space to change. Tel: 0131-523
1100. E-mail:
[email protected]
Crosslynx TV/TS/TG Group meets
2nd Wed of each month from 710pm at Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84
Bell Street. Tel: Crosslynx Helpline
on 0141-847 0787 (Mon 7.309.30pm). Write: c/o 84 Bell Street,
Glasgow. G1 1LQ.
Sandyford Transgender Support
Group meets at The Sandyford, 26 Sandyford Place (old Eye
Infirmary), on 1st Thu of each
month from 7pm and 3rd Sat of
each month from Noon. Phone
Colin MacKillop (Community
Access Co-ordinator) on 0141-211
8168 or E-mail:
[email protected]
Terrence Higgins Trust Highland T
Group (and activities): Tel:
Inverness (01463) 711585 or Email: [email protected] for
Write: Veronica Rankin, National
Officer (Education and Equalities),
46 Moray Place, Edinburgh. EH3
6BH. Tel: Veronica Rankin on
0131-225 6244. E-mail:
[email protected]
For firefighters and control staff.
Write: National Gay And Lesbian
Committee, PO Box 10555,
London. N1 8XT. Tel: 07725
602524. E-mail: [email protected]
Membership is open to all police
officers and police staff, serving or
retired. Write: Inspector David
Lyle, Lothian & Borders Police, 7
Chambers Street, Edinburgh. EH1
1HR. Tel: 0131-221 2037. E-mail:
[email protected]
nn.police.uk (Central Scotland),
[email protected] (Grampian),
[email protected] (Lothian
& Borders),
[email protected]
(Northern), [email protected]
[email protected] (Tayside)
or [email protected] (Fife &
Dumfries and Galloway
Write: Regional Equal Rights
Officer, GMB Scotland, Fountain
House, 1/3 Woodside Crescent,
Glasgow. G3 7UJ. Tel: 0141-352
8109. E-mail:
[email protected]
Glasgow City Lesbian & Gay
Group. Meets last Tue of month in
the Glasgow LGBT Centre at 6pm.
Youth group for young people 25
and under who have issues with
their sexuality or with the sexuality
of a member of their family. Meets
Sat 4-6pm in Eighteen And Under
on Victoria Road, Dundee. Offers a
safe and friendly environment to
meet and discuss issues affecting
the LGBT community and our
families. Tel: Marley on Dundee
(01382) 206222. E-mail:
[email protected]
Terrence Higgins Trust Highland
Youth Group (and activities): Tel:
Inverness (01463) 711585 or Email: [email protected] for
Groups, volunteering and support
for LGBT people under 26 from
Dumfries and Galloway. Write: 26
Brewery Street, Dumfries. DG1
2RP. Tel: Dumfries (01387)
739888. Text: 07785 274147. Email: [email protected]
John Cotton Centre, 10 Sunnyside,
Edinburgh. EH7 5RA. Provides
services and opportunities for
lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender young people (13-25)
in Edinburgh, the Lothians, Fife,
Borders, Tayside and Dumfries &
Galloway. The groups include
drop-ins at their Edinburgh offices
for under-18's (Wed) and for over
18's (Thu). They also have a range
of different opportunities to get
involved with, including
volunteering and projects involving
video and arts work, and they offer
training services. Nationally, they
run regular events for young
people to get involved in local and
national decision-making, and to
make new pals and have a laugh.
Confidential Youthline Tel: 0845
113 0005 (Tue 7.30-9pm). Office
Tel/Fax: 0131-622 2266 (Mon-Fri
9.30am-5pm). E-mail:
[email protected]
www.lgbtyouth.org.uk The website
has details of Youth Groups
throughout Scotland.
Glasgow Head Office, 38 Queen
Street, Glasgow. G1 3DX. Tel:
0141-548 8000. Also at: Glasgow
LGBT Centre, 84 Bell Street,
Glasgow. G1 1LQ. Tel: 0141-552
For under 26 year olds. Meets 3rd
Sat of each month in Elgin. Tel:
0845 2412151. E-mail:
[email protected] for more
Meets Wed 7-9pm at LGBT Centre,
26 Brewery Street, Dumfries. Run
by and for LGBT people aged
between 20 and 29. Has been set
up to be a safe place where people
can meet others and make friends,
have fun, socialise and raise
issues! They have lots of exciting
plans they want YOU to be a part
of so why not come along and find
out more?
For young LGBT people aged 1325. Meets at Glasgow LGBT
Centre, 84 Bell Street. Group for
13-18 year olds: Tue 7-9.30pm.
Group for 18-25 year olds: Thu 79.30pm. Tel: 0141-548 8121. Email: [email protected]
LGBT group for people between
the ages of 12 & 25. Meets 2nd
Sat of each month Noon-3pm at
THT, 11 Waverley Place, Aberdeen.
Tel: 0845 2412151. E-mail:
[email protected]
To reply to a contact ad, just pop your reply in an envelope with the box number written in the TOP RIGHT corner and place the envelope with your reply inside another
envelope with two loose first class stamps. If you are writing from outwith the UK, an International Reply Coupon (IRC) should be enclosed for each reply instead of postage
stamps. International Reply Coupons are available from Post Offices throughout the world. We are unable to send on replies without postage stamps or IRCs.
Send all replies to : ScotsGay, PO Box 666, Edinburgh EH7 5YW.
Stung by Scorpion Seeks
Some say that if you fall off
yourbike then the best way
to get overit or to cure your
fear is to gets traight back
on again?? Simply put, I’d
love to find that certain
someone to watch the sun
go down with, walk, talk,
hold hands, laugh my head
off, sing and share an honest
straightforward relationship
with. I know it’s possible
even now. Any fellow
believers or are we women
of a certain age all now too
Box SG78029.
Anyone Out There?
40 year old gay female
enjoys walking, cycling,
cinema, eating out and
theatre. Seeks someone with
similar likes to have a laugh
with and some romantic
times too!
Box SG78030.
Let Me Squeeze Your Spots
Spotty face? Blackheads? If
you’re 16-26, let me squeeze
them for you. And then I can
squeeze your other bits too!
A face photo would be good.
Box SG78006.
Small, Fat, Old, Hairy,
Bearded, Ginger Seeks Fun
With Young, Smooth Guy
Small (5’6”), fat (15st), old
(50), balding red hair and
beard, very hairy body,
looking for fun and
friendship with young
(16-22) guy. You: No
piercings (self mutilation
is not good or clever),
preferably a full head of hair
(no shaved heads - why do
you want to be bald at your
age?), smooth chest (shaved
is good, naturally smooth is
better), no facial hair, not
anorexic (I like a bit of
plump - although slim is
OK). I’m probably far too
picky - but then I bet most
suitable guys are too! I can
accommodate (Edinburgh)
or will travel.
Box SG78007.
Princess Seeks Masterful
Sexy, convincing, bisexual
TV, seeks decent guy to
nurture her submissive side.
I live in the Highlands but
travel about a bit. I’m in my
prime, lol, and looking for a
guy for something more
than a one night stand but
something less than
wedding bells. There are pics
and more info about me at
www.tvchix.com/sara_jevo. I
hope to hear from you soon.
Love, Sara x.
Box SG78009.
HIV+ Guy Looking For Fun
Or More
I’m a 46 year old single guy
living in Hamilton, who was
diagnosed HIV+ in August
2006, otherwise fit and
healthy. I am SA/SL, 5’10”,
medium build, brown eyes,
cropped hair, hairy chest and
clean shaven. I enjoy nights
out, nights in, going to the
cinema, meeting people and
travel. Have my own car and
house. I have a GSOH and
call a spade a spade. Sorry
but not into camp queens or
guys under 30 or over 50. If
this has caught your eye and
seem interested, then please
contact me, with some
details about yourself.
Box SG78010.
Muscled Workers?
I’m looking for any
muscled/hairy manual
workers who would like to
play with an older 100%
passive bear. I can
accommodate in Erskine or
come to you if you prefer. I
like married/bi/straight
top/versatile guys only.
Prefer ages 35-50.
Box SG78011.
Friends, Fun, More If I Like
Looking for guys between 18
and 40 for friendship, fun
and maybe more. I am 20,
5’7” with brown hair, blue
eyes, 30” chest, 32” waist.
Box SG78012.
Dirty Old Man Seeks Banal
Aged 16-26? Into older
guys? Why not come and
join me in my large spa
Box SG78013.
Can You Keep Me Young,
Yes, I am 66 years old but
not yet GAGA. Why am I
looking for a young 20-30
year young man? Not for the
reason some of those
reading this may think. I
need to be kept up to date
with what is happening in
this gay world and who
better to ask, as they are so
switched on and keep
themselves that way and
they also help me feel young
even if I am not. Speak to
me you youngsters, please.
Box SG78014.
Looking For Lots Of..
Well-balanced Glasgow guy
(45) seeks nice genuine guy
for friendship, fun and
hopefully lots more! I don’t
have a type, just be totally
natural and yourself. I’m fun
to be with and have a very
romantic and affectionate
nature. I like most things
and love the outdoors,
especially by the sea. Log
fires and cuddles also spring
to mind. So come on guys,
please say hello - you won’t
be disappointed, honest!
Box SG78015.
Looking For Cute Oriental
I am a 37 year old
professional in Glasgow. I
am looking for cute young
Oriental for fun and
friendship, maybe more with
right guy.
Box SG78016.
Any Passive Black Guys
I am looking for cute smooth
passive Black guys under 30.
I am 36, 5’8”, hairy, totally
Box SG78017.
American Guy Looking For
Good looking early 40’s guy
in Fife looking for regular
bud. I’m fit, in shape, cut
and hung, and drug free.
Accommodate or travel.
Box SG78018.
Black Seeks Older
Black attractive hansome
guy in UK, late 20’s, clean,
tall, cute, sexy with slim
smooth body, caring. Seeks
genuine, secure older man
for friendship leating to long
term relationship.
Box SG78019.
Walk On The Wide Side!
Looking for guy(s) who like
variety and enjoy the wilder
side of life. Must like role
play, toys, Y/B. Up for
anything type required. No
time wasters, please.
Box SG78021.
Weekend Companion
For guy (56) looking for fun
and friendship. Cumbernauld
area. Expenses and meals
Box SG78022.
Box SG78026.
Friendship Fife
Charming cultured man,
aged 75, walks with stick
and needs friend with
transport at weekend to visit
museums, gardens, historic
places/homes. A common
interest to us both.
Box SG78027.
Guy In Glasgow - 39 Seeks Similar
Genuine 5’9” stocky,
handsome, shaved head,
bearded, music-mad,
fun-loving guy in search of
single, non smoking, active,
fit guys for fun and
friendship. Tall bald tattooed
guys go to front of queue!
Box SG78028.
It All Comes Down To
Friction In The End
Would you like some in your
end too? Jovial 50 year old
guy seeks 16-22 year old for
mutually pleasurable
Box SG78032.
Bi Curious?
There has to be a first time
for everything! Aged 16-21?
Get in touch? Considerate,
experienced, versatile, older
guy will talk you through
things at your own pace
before getting down to some
safe fun. Your limits
respected. Total discretion
assured. Live in Edinburgh
and can accommodate but
will travel if required. Box
by enclosing £5. INTERGAY,
Voorstraat 12-A, 4033 AD
Lienden, Netherlands.
Nude Warriors Sought
Nude Models Required
Glasgow photographer
needs cutefit, smooth,
boyish lads aged 18-22 to
pose in stills/video shoots
for publication on adult
entertainment website. Earn
£110 for a couple of hours
work. ID required as proof of
age. More information at
www.scotmalez.com E-mail:
[email protected] or
simply contact Billy on
07918 602898 [79a]
Nudist seeks like minded
Amazons, Aztecs, Celts,
Gladiator/Gladiatrix Greeks,
Indians, Samurai, Zulus, etc
for nude re-enactment and
photo fun outdoors. Fife but
can travel. Photo
Box SG78025.
Edinburgh - Anywhere
Seeking Bi
couples/individuals. Me:
Good body, mid 40’s,
masculine and very bi. Box
Sporty Glasgow Bi Male
Caring Person
32, nice looking, own house
and car. Hobbies: gym, pubs,
clubs, snooker, holidays.
Straight acting/looking. Look
about 26. Athletic build.
Honest. Casual dressed. Bi
or gay male (16-40) wanted
for friendship/relationship.
Box SG78020.
Retired Hippy
Silver Bear
Edinburgh based
50something guy seeks
morally relaxed women of
any age for fun and
Box SG78005.
Two male gay naturists in
Scottish Highlands seek
others for socialising, walks,
weekends away.
Box SG78023.
Looking For Casual
Relaxing Fun With Younger
Just looking for fun with
guy(s) aged 16-26 probably at my place in
Central Edinburgh. Nothing
complicated: love not
required although mutual
respect is a must. One off is
good, so is longer term
fuck buddy. I’m mostly
active but can be versatile if
that’s what really works for
you. Safer fun only - no
barebacking. And a kiss or
cuddle can be just as good
as (or better than) anything
else - so there are a lot of
options. What have you got
to lose by replying and
seeing if our needs/desires
are compatible? Other than
your virginity which is soon
gone with this poof!
strict and stern. Also would
like a really strict and stern
sugar daddy or several sugar
daddies, the older the better.
Box SG78009.
51, looking for some love
and affection from women
and men of all ages.
Box SG78002.
Bisexual male, 36, seeks bi
women and men for
friendship only.
Box SG78003.
Bi Time
Bisexual couple looking for
young bi boys and bi girls
who’d like to be mates.
Box SG78004.
Black 5’11” TV - 40
I am looking for a strict
short and stern old man or
men (65+) who would spank
and cane me lots and lots.
Must have your own place,
have all implements, Be
experienced and be really
Chris Visited San Francisco
You visited SF in August
where we met at Twin Peaks
tavern. I am still planning the
trip we discussed and would
like you to contact me.
E-mail: [email protected]
Cash For Your Body
Photogenic guys can earn
£100 cash posing for Mike
Arlen who has had 14 glossy
magazines published called
Mike Arlen’s Guys. Send
snapshots of your
magnificent body to him:
Mike Arlen, Wetherby
Studios, 23 Wetherby
Mansions, Earls Court
Square, London. SW5 9BH
or Phone: 020-7373 1107.
[email protected]
Looking For Staff
Seeking salespeople for
Spanish property shows in
Aberdeen, Edinburgh and
Inverness areas. Suns only.
Do you have transport,
access to PC, someone to
work with? Commission
only. £700 a day expected
with approximately 15 week
delay of payments. Full
training given to right
person. Contact Sales
Manager: 0141-229 1693.
Models Wanted
Experienced photographer
needs good looking guys
18-22 for photo and video
work for use by adult
websites or magazines.
Suitable guys will earn £110
for under 2 hours work.
Photo ID required as proof
of age. Examples at
[email protected] or
contact Stuart on 07918
151496 (O2 Mobile). [99]
Penpal contacts with gay
men all over the world. Over
120 subscribers in 30
countries. To join is free:
send your ad. Only
subscribers get the booklet
with all data and addresses
Uniform Dating - Free
Membership For Every
ScotsGay Reader
Fancy a date in uniform?
Here’s your chance! With
thousands of registered
firemen, nurses, pilots,
military, police officers and
singles from other
professional uniformed
services, Uniform Dating
offers the most unique
online dating experience. It
is now open to those who
are not in uniform. Uniform
Dating has been made
available to readers of the
ScotsGay Magazine, with
thousands of registered
members just waiting to be
contacted. And,
thanks to this offer,
membership of this fantastic
website is absolutely FREE.
To take advantage of 10
day’s free membership,
www.uniformdating.com and
create your free profile. Then
in the ‘Upgrade’ area, enter
the promotional code: SGM.
Spanish/Catalan tuition
I am a Spanish guy who has
just finished his studies at
University. I am currently
teaching Spanish classes in
two high schools. I am an
experienced teacher giving
private lessons (Spanish and
Catalan). Box SG78008.
Alternative Therapies
In the comfort of your own
home or clinics throughout
Edinburgh. Therapies
available: Reiki
treatments/teaching, Indian
Head Massage, Spiritual
Readings and Hopi Ear
Candles. Fully qualified and
insured therapist. Please
contact Alan on 07747
714005 for clinics and
appointments. [99]
A contact ads publication for
gay and bisexual men, 18+,
who enjoyall forms of
male-male discipline!
Contacts, Stories, CP
Pictures, CP Videos and
DVDs, News, CP Clubs and
Events. SAE for details or
Email. Write: TD Monthly, PO
Box 310, Manchester. M15
6WT. E-mail:
et.com. www.tdmonthly.net
Book Keeping / Credit
All aspects of accounts to
trial balance on
computerised or Manual
systems. VAT, PAYE, Credit
Control to Litigation stage.
The above carried out by a
highly experienced freelance
individual in Central
Scotland. To discuss your
requirements contact John
on 07788 660220. [79a]
Translation Services
Qualified translator based in
Edinburgh offers translation
services between the
following languages: English,
Ukrainian, Russian, Turkish
and French. Email:
[email protected]
or Write: Box SG78000. [99]
Escort - Glasgow
26 years old. Good-looking,
blond, slim and tanned with
blue eyes. Great rates and
friendly service at my place
or will travel to you. 07825
803199. [78]
Edinburgh City Centre
Muscular, black, active,
straight looking and discreet.
Offers a professional service
and Oil Massage from £50.
In calls with shower
facilities. Christopher,
5ft11in, 29, 13st.
.com Tel: 07740 066600.
Glasgow - West End
Sensual, friendly, head to toe
oil massage. Slim, toned,
experienced Australian bloke.
Available 9am to 7pm, £25
for 30mins, £40 for 50mins
(More for Outcalls). 10
minutes from Glasgow
Central on train or
underground. Call Ian:
07726 898025. No texting
please. Photos on my
m [78a]
Top to toe sensual hot cream
body massage. Showering
facilities available. Available
9am-Midnight, 7 days.
Based West End, Glasgow.
£40 Incall hour. Discretion
assured and expected. 6’1”,
28” waist, 11st,
passive/versatile 28 year old.
Tel: 07838 217109.
Massage For Guys Edinburgh
Experience a full body
Swedish Massage using
deep tissue manipulation
using sensual Tantric
techniques - guaranteed to
make you feel relaxed.
Offered by fully qualified and
friendly guy based in
Edinburgh near Holy Corner.
Sessions last just over an
hour. No outcalls.
Reasonable rates - £30
(£15) for students. Phone
07983 422652 or E-mail:
@hotmail.co.uk [78a]
Massage For Men Edinburgh
Enjoy a fantastic, affirming
chill out guys, with a deeply
relaxing, holistic, sensual,
tantric, full body pampering
massage. City Centre nurturing masculine
environment. Qualified,
experienced, caring gay
therapist. £20 per session.
£15 students. Excellent
value. Tel: Jim on 0131-557
4643. [80a]
Russian Masseur In
Experience the unforgettable
moments of a relaxed, full
body, Swedish or erotic
massage in Glasgow area. In
or out calls. 7 days a week.
9am-10pm. Call Jon 07908
679308. [79]
Surfer Boy - 29
Lean toned smooth body,
friendly, discreet, all age
groups welcome - 16-60.
Bisexual couples also
welcome. Available in
Edinburgh and Glasgow City
Centre. Kyle. 07952 110823.
Swedish Massage In
Professional masseur with
long experience of both
remedial and relaxing
massage working from
home on Tues - Thus and
Sats. For more information,
see my web page
er.co.uk or call 07724
Swedish And Deep
Massage - Edinburgh
Relaxing or deep massage
from a fully qualified
therapist registered with
Scottish Massage Therapist
Organisation. Discount for
couples available.
Professional. Call evenings
07876 748140. Bruno.
All New, All Gay
Guesthouses - Edinburgh
Two great locations.
Exclusively gay. Easy walk to
nightlife. Stylish rooms, all
with TV and video (tapes
available). Shared and
private bathrooms. Breakfast
available till noon.
Non-smoking houses. Easy
parking. Room rates:
£29-£49 per night. Call
0131-558 1382 or Fax
0131-556 8279.
B&B On Loch Ness 4 Star
Pottery House: Beautiful
location, outstanding rooms,
luxury onsuites,
homecooked breakfasts. Gay
run. See why we were
runners up in the 2006
Highland Tourism Awards.
Phone John or Glen on
Inverness (01463) 751267.
Caravan Holiday Homes
For sale from £11,995 on
friendly holiday park in
South West Scotland, with
spectacular views over the
Solway and Criffle Hills. Your
own private and peaceful
retreat with fantastic
facilities and entertainment.
Teresa 07783 088275. [80]
Edward Hotel - Blackpool
Gay and Lesbian Friendly
Guest house. Licensed Bar. 3
course breakfast. On the top
corner of the Gay Village in
the heart of Gay Blackpool,
TV/CD welcome. Day visits
available. Pet friendly. Mostly
couples and small groups.
www.edwardhotel.co.uk Tel:
Blackpool (01253) 624271.
Have A Break
Come and stay at Auntie
Ruth’s Guest House in
Skegness, Lincolnshire.
Open all year, no single
supplement, home cooking.
Pets welcome. Nature
Reserve, seaside attractions
and shops all a few minutes
walk away. Tel: (01754)
767804. [80]
House To Let For Holidays
For long and short stays Portgower/Helmsdale/Suther
land. 2 double bedrooms
and all other facilities. Terms
apply. Tel: Murdo (01463)
229662. [80a]
North West Highlands
Friendly and relaxed B&B
with spectacular mountain
views. All bedrooms are
spacious with ensuite
facilities. Ideal for walking,
climbing, cycling or touring.
Kenand Martin. Tel: 01320
oriston.co.uk [82]
Penzance - Cornwall
Small, gay-friendly, period
hotel situated with own
parking in town centre.
Rooms available en-suite.
www.cliffhotelpz.co.uk Tel:
(01736) 368888. [99]
Quality 4 Star Rated B&B
Near To Inverness
Located on the Black Isle, its
quiet rural location is just
perfect for walking cycling
and touring the Highlands,
or even just relaxing.
Telephone Chris or Paul on
01463 811779.
Contacts and friendships for
men over sixty. The
organisation for the more
mature gentleman and his
admirers. Write to:
CAFFMOS, PO Box 2087,
Blackpool. FY4 1WL. Or
phone Blackpool (01253)
318327 for info. [99]
Limited Companies
Only £90 for your own
Limited Company. PLCs
£100. Charitable and
Unlimited Companies also
available. Freephone 0800
526421 for our free ‘Guide
To Limited Companies’.
[email protected]
Proofreading And Tuition
In English (including TEFL),
French, Latin, Greek and
Gaelic, Typing Services,
Historical and Genealogical
Research. Charles S
Coventry, 23/9 Viewcraig
Street, Edinburgh. EH8 9UJ.
Tel: 0131-558 8785. E-mail:
[email protected].
To reply to ScotsGay Voice Ads, phone 09068
556612 (calls charged at 60p per minute) and use
the number at the end of the ad.
for ONE to ONE
You can leave your own ad FREE on freephone
0800 138 4121.
Dressing As Required
Submissive, crossdressing Bi guy, 46
years old with a slim
build is
seeking an assertive guy
or a couple to please. "I
am very genuine
and enjoy dressing as
required". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7089.
Specialist Interests
40 year old with
"specialist interests"
looking for 25-35 year
old in the Aberdeen area.
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7068.
Joe 30
Joe from Lanarkshire
has a slim build and
describes himself as
being 30 years old,
boyish looking and
athletic. He likes keeping
fit and has a good sense
of humour. He is looking
for a slim, feminine TV
between 20 and 50
years of age. "If you're
out there, give me a
call". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7069.
TV Seeks Female
Diane is 42 years old,
very genuine, 5'8" tall,
slim and a fairly
convincing TV from
Central Scotland.
Seeking a butch or fem
female for friendship or
maybe more. Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Total Submissive
"I am a mature guy living
in Glasgow and looking
for a lad aged 25 to 60,
height 5'6" to 5'11"
although these are not
carved in stone. Weight
must be appropriate to
height. He must be wellpresented and willing to
become my total BDSM
slave boy. He must have
a very submissive
attitude and know his
place in my presence:
i.e. completely
subordinate and humble.
He must not have
baggage and be
available any time
outwith his working
hours. It should be
noted that it is not a
24/7 situation - but in
any other respect it will
seem like it. Me: I'm a
very strict and dominant
guy, but don't show it in
public - any disrespect
or subordination shown
to me will be severely
dealt with in private".
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7076.
Schoolgirl Uniform
Strawberry blonde, slim,
leggy, convincing TV
who dresses in
schoolgirl uniform seeks
mature male - preferably
Black or Asian - for hot
fun. Can travel only.
"Hope to hear from you.
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7077.
Offshore Guy
45 years old offshore
guy is looking for
occasional overnight
accommodation in
Aberdeen in return for
fun and friendship.
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7080.
Scally Sought
Male, 45 years looking
for Scally lads in
tracksuit bottoms and
trainers in the Dundee or
Aberdeen areas.
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7081.
All Tied Up
Submissive guys wanted
who like bondage,
preferably in the
Glasgow area.
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7086.
Smell. Taste. Feel.
58 year old indisciplined
Edinburgh guy with a
fetish for thick, black
leather belts. "I love the
smell of them, taste of
them and feel of them
when used on my bare
buttocks". Would like to
meet 35+ guys who can
give him the excitement
of being disciplined.
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7047.
Willing William
William describes
himself as being a
handsome looking guy
who is into fun. Seeking
a dominant guy for a
serious relationship.
"Anything goes; if you're
out there, get back to
me please".
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7051.
Sporty Male
Glasgow sporty male, 32
years describes himself
as looking about 26
years old, straight acting
and looking with an
athlete's build. He is 6
feet tall, with his own
house and car. Hobbies
are football, the gym,
pubs, clubs, sights in
and out. He is looking to
meet someone 18-35
years old for a
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7055.
Spanking Scenarios
"Edinburgh guy, 64
years, offers CP service
to other guys 25-60
years. 25 years
experience. Spanking,
tawse, slipper and cane.
Scenarios catered for.
Genuine callers only."
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7058.
Steven From Glasgow
Steven from Glasgow is
29 years old, 5'9" tall,
medium built with fair
hair. He likes going out,
cars, clubbing and
movies. He is up for fun
and maybe a
relationship. "Get back".
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7064.
Fife Newbie
Guy who is new to the
Edinburgh/Fife area is
looking for some tender
loving care, silk, satins,
etc. "Do call". Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Are You Boyish?
Boyish young man,
straight-acting, 18-35
who is needing firm
control please contact
this discreet father
figure from Glasgow. "All
levels. Can
accommodate". Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Dads Accommodated
Looking for young dads,
20-40 years, who are
seeking an ideal
opportunity to get away
from it, but with no
strings. This mature guy
says he can
accommodate with total
discretion in West
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7028.
It's completely FREE to place
your ad by phone on
Matt From Edinburgh
HIV guy from Edinburgh.
Matt, 37 years, 5'8" tall,
slim, with a smooth
build and long dark hair
is after no-strings fun
with men between the
ages of 25 and 50.
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7037.
Try Other Things
Mature 50 years old guy,
based in Edinburgh
describes himself as a
very slim, nice, friendly
person who likes ladies
lingerie and spanking.
He would like to meet a
friendly submissive guy
to "try other things".
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7000.
Spank Me
Mid 30's genuine
looking Edinburgh guy
wants to be spanked on
a regular basis by
"policemen, military
types, labourers etc."
Can accommodate.
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7008.
Buxom Blonde
"I am a 58 years old
Edinburgh buxom, bigboobed, voluptuous,
blonde-wigged, black
latex undie-wearing TV. I
would like to meet a
firm, assertive 30+ guy
with a firm but gentle
technique who would
like to take advantage of
my attributes for our
mutual pleasure. Any
race, any nationality
welcome. If that's you give me a call". Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Baseball Boots
45 year old looking for
guys with trainers or
baseball boots for fun
and friendship between
Aberdeen and
Edinburgh. Phone 09068
556612 - Number 6978.
Wrestling In Shorts And
Edinburgh or Aberdeen:
45 year old looking for
guys for wrestling in
shorts and plimsolls.
"Please reply soon".
Phone 09068 556612 Number 6937.
Central Belt
"Policemen, Security
men or Military men
interested in traditional
0800 138 4 1-2-1
We'll not only print your ad in our next few
issues, but it will also be available for phone
callers to browse on
09068 556612
Advertisers get their own private voice
mailbox and can pick up replies on
09068 556612
Calls to 09068 numbers cost 60p per minute at all times.
Conditions of service: All participants must be 18 or over.
Ads will run for up to 3 issues.
It will not be possible to reply to advertisers who have not collected
replies for more than 28 days.
Service supplied by BizOrg, PO Box 425, PE24 5FN.
E-mail: [email protected]. Helpline (10am – 4pm weekdays)
Tel: 0870 121 1210.
discipline contact
mature gent from
Glasgow. Can
Accommodate. Complete
discretion". Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Far From Home
Polish bus driver or
tradesman, well-built,
masculine invited to
contact friendly, mature
Scot from Glasgow.
Phone 09068 556612 Number 6952.
Chubby Smoothie
Mid 50s Edinburgh
chubby smoothie would
like to meet a hairy
Asian or Arab guy 25+
for some mutual fun and
relaxation. Phone 09068
556612 - Number 6877.
Over The Knee
"I am a guy in his late
40's from the north-east
of Scotland who is
looking for someone
older, 60+ if possible, to
put me over his knee on
a regular basis to be
spanked. I would prefer
it to be someone of a
professional disposition:
someone who wears a
suit if possible. Or an ex
teacher". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 6854.
Chubby Bottom
Chubby 42 year old bi
male is looking for older
tops for fun and
friendship. Phone 09068
556612 - Number 6821.
Local To Tayside?
Tayside guy is looking
for local guys. Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Mature In Dundee
Mature gay man from
Dundee would like to
meet another gay man,
preferably local, for fun,
friendship and preferably
more. Age and looks are
immaterial. "Leave a
message and I will get
back to you". Phone
09068 556612 - Number
North East Scotland
looking for genuine,
retired former teacher to
give me the belt. "I have
been given the belt
before and am looking
to make new contacts".
Phone 09068 556612 Number 6645.
Green Flash
40 years old guy from
Aberdeen is looking for
others who are into
jogging suit bottoms,
Converse baseball boots
and Dunlop Green Flash
trainers. "If you would
like to leave a reply, I
will get back to you as
soon as possible. I can
travel as far as
Edinburgh or Inverness".
Phone 09068 556612 Number 6531.
Wellies, Wellies,
Horny 40 year old would
like to meet guys who
are into black wellies,
waders or riding boots muddy or clean. "Phone
with details. Can travel
anywhere". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 6446.
Slave Seeks Master
Slave from Glasgow
looking for a master. "I
will do anything my
master wishes". Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Horny Uncle
Horny uncle type
seeking nephew for hot,
horny fun with no
strings attached. He is
40 years old, 5'7" tall
with a 30" waist and 40"
chest. "No camps,
effeminates or fatties".
Can accommodate or
travel in the Glasgow
area. Phone 09068
556612 - Number 5701.
Belting Memories
"I am looking for a
genuine retired or
former teacher, living in
Scotland, over the age of
50 to give me the belt as
per my schooldays. I
need my hands warmed
again". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 5252.
Yellow Sub38 year old slim,
submissive guy, into
yellow, is looking for
dominant guys any age.
Phone 09068 556612 Number 5060.
Call Scotland’s
own chat &
date service
• Listen to messages
• Leave your own message
• Meet local laddies!
• Chat LIVE 1-2-1
08712 24 38 89
You must be 18 or over to use this service. Calls are charged at 10p per minute. Mobiles may vary. ScotsChat. 60 Broughton Street, Edinburgh EH1 3SA
18+. Costs 50p to send txts, 25p to receive profiles, 50p to respond to profiles & FREE to receive responses to your profile. First £5 usage FREE, then you are billed £1.50 at time in advance.