january - Briar Crier
january - Briar Crier
More than 25 years! JANUARY Happy 2016! Community news magazine for Green Briar and Briar Hill in Alliston, Ontario SINCE 1990 " BriarCrier.ca FREE In-home consultation Serving Bolton, Orangeville, Alliston, Tottenham & Surrounding Areas Call Barry 647-828-2649 (Briar Hill Resident Designer) Brenda and Peter Wartha VISIT OUR SHOWROOM! 17 Queen Street South, Tottenham Office: 905-487-8363 / Cell: 289-383-2611 Toll-free: 888-982-8343 Web: www.budgetblinds.com/Bolton Facebook: www.facebook.com/budgetblindsbolton J A NU A RY EV EN TS AT T H E S H OR ES Let’s get Canadians talking about dementia. Learn the warning signs and take steps to reduce the risk to ourselves and the people we love. Call us to join in our Kingsmere activities in support of the nationwide Alzheimer Awareness Month. 705.434.4600 THIS IS RETIREMENT LIVING AS IT SHOULD BE. 287 King Street South, Alliston, Ontario L9R OC4 705.434.4600 | www.KingsmereSuites.ca Cookstown Pharmasave Cookstown Pharmasave now offers an in-store foot care clinic twice monthly! It’s past midnight, you are in emergency, it is critical for your care to know the medications you are taking. Don’t have your list? No problem with Pharmasave’s eCare! Like online banking your medical information is just a click away! Safe, secure and with many other features including eRefills and health information. Pharmasave.com/eCare Register for eCare with your Pharmasave Pharmacist Today! • Assess patient’s feet, medical history • Cut and file toenails • Treat ingrown toenails, corns, calluses and fungal nails • Moisturize the skin • Document/chart patient’s progress • Refer to other health care professional, if required Call to book your appointment today! Cookstown Pharmasave is proud to present The Ideal Protein Weightloss Method Email cookstownpharmasave.com to book an appointment! Swelling ankles or legs? Varicose veins? Cory, our certified Sigvaris stocking fitter can help. give cory a call. let’s talk about... medication manager ® Safe. Accurate. Simple. Proven. Effective. Efficient. Convenient. Helpful. Practical. It’s managing your medication made easy. 50% off* Pharmasave Products! Give our great products a try and save! Expiry July 31, 2016. Some restrictions apply, see store for details. Cookstown Pharmasave 52 Queen Street, Unit 2 Cookstown, ON L0L 1L0 Phone: (705) 458-1292 Fax: (705) 458-0414 Email: [email protected] cookstownpharmasave.com Visit us on Facebook: Facebook.com/Pages/Pharmasave-cookstown The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA January 2016 3 Volume 26, Issue 9 ― OVER 25 YEARS! Contents A Communi t y New s Maga zine WEB: BriarCrier.ca Publisher 7 News and Local Events 26 Around the Briars Briar Hill and Green Briar Community Centre Calendars, News, Contact Information MARGRAVINE MEDIA PO BOX 686 ALLISTON ON L9R 1V8 Phone 705-434-4569 E-mail M [email protected] ▶HOURS: 9 to 5, Monday to Friday SENDING US INFORMATION ▶DEADLINES − January 15 for the February edition − February 10 for the March edition Residents are welcome to submit information for inclusion in the Community News, Keeping in Touch, and Bargain Market sections free of charge (some limitations apply). Our mission is to promote community. You can help – send a picture, story, poem, puzzle; anything you think other residents would enjoy. The Briar Crier promotes the activities of many local non-profit, volunteer-run organizations gratuitously. For information, please contact the Publisher, Margravine Media, at 705-434-4569. Submissions may be edited for clarity and brevity. You may e-mail your submission to the Editor, Marie Fischer (see above). To hand-deliver your submission, please contact your Community News Coordinator― Green Briar Valerie Tripp 705-435-2756 Briar Hill Nancy Smith 705-434-9796 We respect your privacy and do not sell, rent, or share your personal information with anyone. Opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily intended to reflect those of the Publisher. Margravine Media accepts no responsibility or liability for claims made for any product or service reported on or advertised in this issue. Margravine Media also reserves the right to limit liability for omissions and errors to a printed correction in the next issue. Around Town Find the 'funnies' throughout the Briar Crier! 24Crossword 6 Editor's Desk 32 Keeping in Touch 15Lifestyle Articles Condo Corner Recipe & puzzles Story 36Marketplace Classified & Bargain Market ads 25Sudoku 38 Directory of Advertisers da Grazia RISTORANTE & CATERING Fresh, authentic Italian food prepared daily in our friendly family restaurant. Hot Table Specials, awesome Pizza & delicious Desserts & Open for Lunch & Dinner Coffee Mon & Tues 11am - 7pm Wed 11am - 730pm 20 Victoria St. E., Thurs 11am - 8pm Alliston Fri & Sat 11am - 830pm 705-435-8868 www.dagrazia.com BRIARCRIER.CA January 2016 4 NOW OPEN 25b Queen St., Cookstown Diamond Appraisals, Custom Jewellery & Repairs Mobile service available Briar Hill resident 705-291-2436 ageminternational.com Jewellery Boutique “Experience” is the Difference! Now living locally to serve you better Downsizing, Home Staging, and Hi-res Photography Services Available Last-time Home Selling Experience Free HomeLife CONDO Home Warranty (Buyer) Provided Call today for your free no-commitment Appointment Charles Cooper Sales Representative Office: (705) or (888) 435-4506 Direct: 705-440-7851 E-mail [email protected] www.AllistonProperty.com Homelife Integrity Realty Inc., Brokerage* 169 Victoria St. W., Alliston ON L9R 1H8 *Independently Owner and Operated BLINDS DRAPERY SHUTTERS 35 Victoria St. East, Town Square Alliston, Ontario 705.435.9869 FREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE www.colorstudio.ca [email protected] FREE INSTALL AND NO TAXES when this ad is presented at the time of consultation The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA January 2016 5 Happy 2016! I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Christmas (or other) celebration and time with people you love. Whether we are Christian or not, Christmas reminds us to be thoughtful of others and grateful for what we have. Unfortunately, Christmas can be a difficult time for people who are experiencing challenges in their lives. It is comforting to know that the people in Green Briar and Briar Hill do so much to help each other. You are privileged to live in such a wonderful community. The privilege of living in Canada is certainly top of mind recently. I am proud of all of the Canadians who are stepping forward to assist the Syrian refugees who desperately need our help. For information on how you can help, please see Page 10 of this edition. I am currently cleaning out my cupboards and will be donating dishes and other household items to the refugees. I know some of you will have already connected with a local group to provide assistance. That's the kind of people you are. I am proud and grateful for the ability to publish this community news magazine for you. Thank you, readers, for your encouragement and your contributions. And thank you to those of you who have encouraged businesses to advertise with us. We is mostly "me", your Editor and Publisher … I couldn't do this without your help. Thank you to the women who assist you and me, and who are always there to help: Hille Charles Dunne, who with her late husband Charles, published this magazine for 16 years; Valerie Tripp, Green Briar Coordinator (Valerie recently moved from Green Briar to Briar Hill, but still enjoys providing assistance to Green Briar residents); and Nancy Smith, Briar Hill Coordinator. Valerie and Nancy were assisting with this magazine years before I came on board. 6 January 2016 I couldn't ask for nicer people to work with. I also want to thank the community centre administrators and event and activity coordinators for their assistance in providing the calendars and community news; the individuals who have provided the golf club and PROBUS reports; David Weston for the column Condo Corner; and our story writers, James Treliving (formerly known as Derek Bradley :), Dian Bowers, and Kaarina Brooks. The Briar Crier celebrated its 25th Anniversary in May, 2015. We celebrated almost all year by offering prizes in the Briar Crier. Thank you to everyone who participated and congratulations to everyone who won. We had so much fun with the competition, we have decided to continue offering prizes, when we can, this year. The winner of Chris Hadfield's book and CD, offered in the December, 2015 edition is Helga Hughes of Briar Hill. Congratulations Helga, and for those of you who participated but did not win, thank you for trying. I hope you have success this year! I inadvertently neglected to publish the names of the people who won our November prize: 2 FREE tickets to the production "Ned Durango" at the South Simcoe Theatre. The lucky winners are George and Mary Laing of Briar Hill. Best wishes for a happy and healthy new year! Marie Fischer Editor and Publisher 705-434-4569 [email protected] Around Town - NEWS & EVENTS FANTASTIC shows! January 22nd ROBBIE BURNS DINNER A fine Scottish night of Highland Dance, Poetry and Pipes! $60 ea | $115 for two January 28th PUB NIGHT with BOOMERANG $10 Cover Charge January 30th AmberlEy BEATTY as Patsy Cline $36 Advance | $38 Door February 6th Ginger St James Following the tradition of country songbirds like Loretta Lynn and Wanda Jackson, Ginger writes and sings music from real experience. $36 Advance | $38 Door February 13th Snowball with The Skyliners 18pc Swing Band Dinner & Dance Advance Tickets March 11th ‘Tapestry’ the Carole King Songbook is the Premier musical tribute to Carole King $38 Advance | $40 Door SEEKING VOLUNTEER USHERS FOR PERFORMANCES! The Please contact Jennifer Fortin at [email protected] 63 Tupper St. W., Alliston Centre for Community Arts & Culture 705-435-2828 │ www.gibsoncentre.com The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA January 2016 7 Around Town - NEWS & EVENTS SST Briar Crier ad_Weekend Comedy_HighRes_2.pdf 1 12/5/15 11:08 AM Sugartones Guest Nights at Kingsmere If you are a woman who loves to sing, join us. We have 2 FREE guest nights left this winter — come to experience the "sweet" harmony of the Sugartones and find your voice! Monday, January 18 from 7-9 p.m. Monday, January 25 from 7-9 p.m. Location: Kingsmere Retirement Suites (in the Clubhouse) 287 King St. S., Alliston. Please contact us to let us know if you will be joining us. Email [email protected] or call Tracie at 705-796-3043. Matthews House Hospice will offer another FREE Chronic Disease Self-Management Program January 20th – February 4th, 2016 Six consecutive Wednesday’s from 1:00 – 3:30. Getting the most out of life with chronic conditions means better managing your health, your emotions, and your daily activities. Learn effective strategies that will help you improve your quality of life. This workshop is also open to caregivers and family members. Please call Anne Gibson to reserve your seat or for additional information 705-435-7218. Pancake Supper at St. John's St. John’s United Church, 56 Victoria St. E. in Alliston, is hosting a Pancake Supper on Shrove Tuesday, February 9th 2016, beginning at 5 p.m. and running until everyone’s appetite is satisfied. In addition to pancakes, there will be sausages, real maple syrup, dessert, and tea, coffee or juice. The fee is “by donation”. Wheel Chair accessible, everyone is welcome. The Alliston Historical Society will meet on Wed., Feb. 10, at 2 p.m. at Museum on the Boyne, 250 Fletcher Cres. (Riverdale Park), Alliston. Carolyn Knowles will present a slide show on her recent trip to Iceland and Greenland. Everyone welcome. 8 January 2016 View the ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY! Briar Crier On-line FAST DRYING • DISINFECTS & DEODORIZES NO SOAPY RESIDUE • DUPONT TEFLON PROTECTION Carpets, Boats, RV’s, Mattresses, Leather Cleaning to access information on the following events Village of Blue Mountain Celebrate Winter Festival on Jan 23 CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Dry cleaning results in a Carpet Cleaning System! Matt Garraway 705.739.0822 Ottawa Winterlude Jan 29 - Feb 15 (C: 705.529.2935) [email protected] www.RotoStatic.com BONDED & INSURED Bracebridge Fire & Ice Festival Jan 30 Midland’s Annual Outdoor Winterfest Feb 5 - 7 Sunnidale Winterama Feb 5 - 7 Serving Green Briar & Briar Hill Residents Since 1996 .... ... 1 MORE·NING MCWRAP freshly prepared scrambled eggs Barrie's Winterfest & Festival of Ice Feb 6 & 7 hot&crispy hash brown ® . -: - . Orillia Winter Carnival Feb 12 - 14 Penetanguishene Winterama Carnival Feb 16 If you know of an event that would be of interest to our readers, please contact the Editor, Marie Fischer at 705-434-4569 or email [email protected] or Alliston, Alliston Walmart and Angus - locally owned and operated ©2015 McDonald’s The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA January 2016 9 Around Town - NEWS & EVENTS How to help Syrian refugees in Simcoe Grey - donate clothing and other goods (1/7/16—SIMCOE COUNTY ON) The Simcoe-Grey Federal Liberal Riding Association has undertaken to collect gently used items of clothing, toys, personal hygiene, and bedding for Borden and Meaford housed refugees, as needed, depending on which phase they are at in the integration process. Since the beginning of January, volunteers have picked up donations in Tottenham, Alliston, Angus, New Lowell, Stayner, and Collingwood; more than 50 large bags of items. Much more is required. The Government of Canada has committed to bring 25,000 refugees displaced by war and religious persecution into Canada by the end of February. In most instances, these refugees have spent several years in overcrowded refugee camps, sometimes in abhorrent conditions. Forced to leave their homes with little more than the clothes on their backs and not much else. Approximately 5,000 of them will initially be housed at Base Borden and the Meaford Tank Range until permanent housing can be found for them. During phase one the following items will be needed the most: Baby's & Children's clothing - especially winter wear, including boots & shoes Serving local customers since 1949 We provide quality products and comprehensive service for all your water treatment needs Trade-in and Trade-up Trade your old inefficent softener and receive a $500 reward! (Not valid on rental services) Buy a System = 6 Months No interest, No payments Rent a System = 6 Months for $6 Includes Salt, Maintenance, Filters We offer Salt Delivery Service! Visit us online at www.HeyCulliganMan.com Call your Culligan Man today 1-888-659-2837 Adult's clothing - especially winter wear, including boots & shoes Baby's & Children's toys, colouring books, including see & say type games to assist with English/French Personal hygiene items, including soap, shampoo, razors, feminine hygiene products & diapers/wipes Bedding The public is asked to review their closets, drawers and toy boxes for any of these items to donate. Compiled bags, boxes or single items will be picked up. Call any of the numbers below to arrange for pick up. 705-881-9400 X-111 705-532-0324 X-111 (Collingwood) 289-850-9943 X-111 (Tottenham) Email: [email protected] 10 January 2016 Be part of the solution! Volunteer with the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program Each year, through the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP), community organizations and more than 18,000 volunteers help over half a million Canadians file their income tax and benefit returns at no cost. In line with community needs, CONTACT Community Services is keen to facilitate the first FREE TAX CLINIC in New Tecumseth for the 2015 fiscal year. CONTACT will be hosting clinics in 2016 and is seeking volunteers with a financial background and a willingness to invest in the community. Free 3-hour online training will be provided by Service Canada was throughout December 2015 and January 2016. In 2016, we are hoping to have 4 to 8 volunteers who have some experience in preparing tax returns and we will work around their schedule to provide this necessary service to the community. If you are interested in this program, please contact Melissa Medaglia, Community Resource Assistant, at 705-435-4900 or [email protected] to become involved. Below is a link to the website address of CVITP where volunteers can watch a short video to learn more about the program and how their help can benefit those with modest incomes and simple tax situations. cra-arc.gc.ca/volunteer/ Free Tax Clinics will also be hosted in Bradford West Gwillimbury, Angus and Innisfil to meet the needs of those living in South Simcoe. NOTTAWASAGA VALLEY VETERINARY HOSPITAL Dr. Angela Halbert & Associates Complete Care for Companion and Pocket Pets, including a House Call Service NEW: Chiropractic Services, Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine Out of Hours Telephone Consultation 6437 14th Line, Alliston 705-434-2226 Physiotherapy • Registered Massage Therapy • Chiropractic • Low Intensity Laser Therapy • Acupuncture • Orthotics • Personal Fitness Training Experienced in treating sports related injuries, arthritic conditions, motor vehicle injuries, postoperative joint replacements, general sprains and strains, low back and neck pain, and headaches. 2 LOCATIONS IN ALLISTON 27 Victoria Street East 15 Young Street 705.434.0645 705.435.5153 www.nvvh.org The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA January 2016 11 Around Town - NEWS & EVENTS Stevenson Memorial partners with PhysioMed to bring Physiotherapy Clinic to Alliston (ALLISTON 12/23/15) ― Stevenson Memorial Hospital is proud to announce that, as a part of a LHIN and government initiative, we have partnered with PhysioMed to bring a Physiotherapy Clinic to our community. This new Outpatient Physiotherapy Program was opened on December 7 and will operate on Mondays and Wednesdays between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. in the Rehab room. Adding the Physiotherapy Clinic to our community will be a great benefit to all the citizens of Alliston. Shannon Landry, the CNO and Vice President of Clinical and Paramedical Services, says, “Physiotherapy helps to deliver an objective analysis of a patient's physical condition, including observing and verifying any symptoms, to help create a more effective treatment plan toward a disease or condition. This, in turn, helps the patient to better manage the symptoms of that disease or condition so that he/she can live a better quality of life.” In order to be administered to the new Community Physiotherapy Clinic, a patient needs a referral from his/her doctor or nurse practitioner. Referrals and inquiries are to be sent to the following contact information: Dr. Filipe Tiburcio Clinic Owner/Chiropractor Physiomed Alliston Tel: 705-812-6696 There are specific requirements to be eligible for the Community Physiotherapy Program. Your age must be no greater than 19 years of age or no younger than 65 years of age. You must have a valid OHIP card. You must have been discharged from an inpatient hospital stay, with physiotherapy being the reason that you were admitted in the first place. You also must receive income from the Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program. 12 January 2016 Having such a Clinic within our community and hospital will help to ensure that our population will enjoy a better quality of life as they age, as well as when they suffer physical injuries from playing sports, being involved in automobile accidents, and other situations. We at Stevenson are very proud to add this clinic to our services as we continue to remodel and revamp our hospital to maintain and improve the quality of care we provide to the members of our community. WILLIAMS BRIARS RESIDENT Too busy to paint? Let us do it for you. Free Estimate • Seniors Discounts • Colour Consulting Call Liz at 705.434.1965 or 705.321.9883 Custom Home Sewing Elizabeth Wardrop Draperies, Blinds, Pillows and more T:705 458 9468 C:705 734 6864 W: elizabethwardrop.com E: [email protected] Riverwood Senior Living Serving the residents of our community for over 25 years. 24 Hour Professional Assistance • Physiotherapy • Assisted Living Respite & Rehabilitation • Hairdressing & Esthetician Services Ruth Green, General Manager [email protected] www.riverwoodseniorliving.ca 705-435-3806 9 Evans Road Alliston FREE Delivery, Setup & Removal of Replaced Product furniture & appliance ltd Authorized Dealer for 43 Victoria Street West La-Z Boy Serving Green Briar & Briar Hill since 1983 Frigidaire Whirlpool & KitchenAid Downtown Alliston Alliston’s Complete Furniture, Appliance & Electronics Store Panasonic Brentwood Décor Rest 705 • 435 • 5678 [email protected] | www.briscofurniture.com How Africa's future is changing (NC) A strong education plays a crucial role in fostering ambition and providing the opportunity for success. Not only does it nurture the ability to develop self-confidence and realize one's potential, but for both communities and nations, educated citizens provide a basis for sustainable societal and economic progress. The sad truth is that not everyone around the world has access to widespread education. For girls in Rwanda and Uganda, the idea of completing secondary school is inconceivable. This is true for 70 percent of Rwandan girls, and 81 percent of Ugandan girls, whose lack of education perpetuates the cycle of poverty in these countries, not to mention the spread of HIV, early pregnancy, child mortality, overpopulation, malnutrition, corruption, and other obstacles that keep a population powerless and For ALL your computer needs call 355 Victoria Street East, Alliston The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA January 2016 13 Massage Therapist Michel Bullock Registered Massage Therapist 10+ years experience By appointment only In-home T 705.250.0119 massage available C 416.433.5864 [email protected] www.allistonmassage.ca repressed. To these young women, the idea of attending university and having a career is not in the realm of reality. Meet Marie Jeanne and Martha. Marie Jeanne and her six siblings were raised by their single mother. Martha comes from a family of five. It was only through financial assistance that Marie Jeanne completed secondary school. After graduating, she was destined to join her brothers and sisters, who work in farming. She would likely have married young so she could be supported by a husband, become pregnant early, given birth to many children, Photo taken by Sue and struggled to support them. Martha's father was unemployed throughout most of her childhood. Martha's parents couldn't afford to pay her school fees, so she frequently missed primary school. Alliston Family Health Clinic Naturopathic Medicine at its Best FREE 15-minute introduction to Naturopathic Medicine. Discover what it can do for you! Dr. Tom Ellis, Honors B. Sc., N.D. 180 Parsons Rd., Unit 26, Alliston 705-434-2088 [email protected] thenaturopathic.com Steam Cleaning of Carpet • Upholstery • Area Rugs Repairs to all makes and models of vacuums Authorized BEAM Built-in Vacuum Systems Dealer Approved Broan-Nutone Repair Centre 705-435-7457 cell 705-791-4893 70 Banting Drive, Alliston www.CrownCarpet Care.ca 14 January 2016 Fortunately, thanks to a Canadian organization, Martha is proudly pursuing a Diploma in Business Administration, and Marie Jeanne is now studying Civil Engineering in Kigali. Martha and Marie Jeanne are changing lives because of an organization called Beautiful World Canada, which provides scholarship packages for secondary, post-secondary, and vocational students in Sierra Leone, Uganda, Rwanda and South Africa. Beautiful World's local partners, which are registered charities in their own countries, provide support and encouragement to the students in their program, and monitor their success. “When I complete my studies, I plan to use the skills I've learned in my program to build a proper home for my mother and siblings, who struggle to find ongoing, stable employment,” says Marie Jeanne. “I plan to support them to complete their education, so that they, too, can realize their dreams.” History is changing. More information is available at beautifulworldcanada.org Lifestyle Three species that have come back from the brink of extinction (NC) The greatest threat to endangered species across Canada can be the humans that surround them. Pollution, climate change, the destruction of natural habitats – these manmade effects are pushing many species and their environments to the brink of extinction. Despite this dire situation, there are several species at risk that have been able to thrive due to the work of organizations and agencies such as Parks Canada. “We care for almost 265,000 square kilometres of federal land, home to approximately half of the species at risk in our country,” says Laurie Wein, implementation manager for species conservation and management at Parks Canada. “We take our responsibility of protecting Canada's natural environment to heart and are proud of the work we have done in ensuring these rare plants and animals will be around for years to come.” Here are three species that have made incredible comebacks in our national parks. Atlantic Salmon – Fundy National Park Once numbering over 40,000, by the late 1990s fewer than 20 individual Atlantic salmon, dubbed the 'king of fish' for its ability to leap up waterfalls, were returning to Fundy National Park's Point Wolfe and Upper Salmon rivers. As the threat of extinction loomed, Parks Canada, with the help of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, began a captive-rearing program. After a decade, these recovery efforts are paying off. In 2012, more than 40 salmon, which had been released to the river the year before to spawn, were spotted by Parks Canada researchers. “That is almost 10 times what we expected to see,” says Corey Clarke, coordinator for the recovery of the king of fish project. Newfoundland Marten – Terra Nova National Park Prized for its luxurious pelt, the Newfoundland marten was common a hundred years ago. However, wide-scale trapping and loss of habitat had reduced its numbers to as low as 300 by the late 1990s. Starting in 1998, Parks Canada began reintroduction efforts to bring this unique species back to its traditional lands. “The population in Terra Nova is doing well,” says Tyrone Mulrooney, Resource Management Technician at the park. “At least 20 animals currently live in the park and we hope to increase the number of Newfoundland Marten to 50 by 2018.” This hard work resulted in the status the Newfoundland Marten being upgraded from 'endangered' to 'threatened' in 2007. Pink Sand-verbena – Pacific Rim National Park Reserve Pink Sand-verbena, a sweetsmelling annual herb found on the west coast of Canada, had not been seen since the 1940s, but in 2000 it suddenly reappeared at Clo-oose Bay on the famed West Coast Trail. Seizing the opportunity to help save a lost species, two naturalists collected seeds. Parks Canada then worked with the naturalists and the Canadian Forest Service to produced seedlings for reintroduction into the wild. “With the efforts of Parks Canada and its partners, this beautiful plant that was thought to be lost from Canada has taken its first steps towards recovery on the west coast,” states Ross Vennesland, species conservation specialist with Parks Canada. How you can help Canadians expect their national parks to be places where wild plants and animals are safe to live and thrive. This is particularly true when it comes to endangered species that call these protected areas home. We can also be a big part of the solution. More information on opportunities to help is available at www.pc.gc.ca/eng/nature/eep-sar/index.aspx The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA January 2016 15 STORY The Avalon Journals Reports of My Death Are Somewhat Exaggerated by James Treliving T o my faithful readers, I must tell you before proceeding, that the following narrative involves my four sons. I tell you this because there may be some incredulity on your part as to the veracity of this vignette, but if you knew my sons, you would not question my sincerity. These are the same four who took me out of my comfortable surroundings following the death of my dear wife and, because they deemed me to be lethargic, incompetent, and senile, plunked me in a seniors’ residence. Not that they have abandoned me altogether, for they keep in touch with me by e-mail and in the interests of transparency, they send copies of whatever they send to me to the other three brothers. Such is the setting for the following series of events. 16 January 2016 I received the following e-mail from Derek, son No. 2 (remember the other three get the same message): Dad, I have just received an e-mail from a lawyer in Nairobi stating the following: Did you receive our previous correspondence concerning the Estate of the Late James Treliving. Please get back to me for payment procedures. Dad, if you can, would you call me. E-mail from Brad, son No. 4 Dad’s dead. E-mail from David, son No. 1 Last week, I received a letter from Spain sent by a lawyer indicating that I might be in line for an inheritance from Martin Treliving. It asked me to reply discretely. We have no one in the family named Martin and the lawyer couldn’t spell discreetly, so I ignored the whole thing and threw the letter away. E-mail from Brad Are you sure Dad’s dead? I have a dental appointment. E-mail from Derek I’m afraid so. Hay have caught the same thing that killed Martin. E-mail from Glenn, son No. 3 Guys! I’m a little busy, can one of you pick up some flowers. There’s a sale on daisies at No Frills. Buy one get one free. I’ll go in for twenty-five per cent if you guys pitch in. E-mail from Derek You want the flowers to go to Martin? E-mail from David and retired to his villa in Spain. He never married and had no children. Unfortunately, when he was a young man starting out in life, there were questions about his sexual orientation. At that time such deviations were considered a reflection on the rest of the family, so our elders distanced themselves from Uncle Martin. He turned out to be a happy transvestite. He supported all transvestite endeavours and could frequently be seen in the audience at famous Parisian couturier’s showings. His collection of Louis Vuitton accessories was the envy of many celebrities. Nothing was heard from my brood for a few days so I sent the following: Of course, all that about Martin Treliving was fantasy, but I hope it will be a lesson to all of you about understanding and acceptance of all who are ‘different’. I just wish I had had daughters. Not sure about Martin, but Dad never liked daisies. I have some Hosta cuttings we could plant at the cottage. He liked Hostas. E-mail from Brad Do you think I should tell my dogs? It will be hard on them. E-mail from Glenn This is sure going to spoil our golf weekend. Can we keep it quiet till next week? By this time, I had had enough sympathy and decided I should enter the fray. I sent the following: Contrary to public demand and pending certification from my doctor, I am still among you. However, a selection of Hostas would be a gentle reminder of your concern. Concerning Martin Treliving, he was indeed your great uncle. He never liked the name Treliving because nobody could pronounce it or spell it. For corporate identification he used the name Martin. His company merged and became Martin-Marietta Corporation. Later it merged again, this time to become Lockheed Martin, a leader in the aerospace industry. From Dale Carnegie, self-improvement pioneer: There is only one way to get anybody to do anything … that is by making the other person want to do it. There is no other way. Submitted by Fran Sainsbury Glenn Ventrcek CA Partner By that time, however, Martin had sold his interest in the company, invested in Microsoft, The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA January 2016 17 Lifestyle Condo CORNER THE HEATING SOURCE INC. Your Source for Maintenance, Repair & New Installation of: Gas & Wood Fireplaces & Inserts, Gas Furnaces & Air Conditioning Visit our NEW SHOWROOM (1 km south of Hwy 89 on Hwy 50) 7927 30th Side Road, Adjala 705-250-0498 The first Condo Corner was published in the December 2010 issue of the Briar Crier. Since then, it has appeared on a fairly regular basis. We, and the author, are regularly asked to tackle subjects that have previously been covered. This is understandable, as many of the current residents have moved here since the article they are looking for was printed. This month, we are reprinting a column that first appeared in the January 2012 edition. While we may from time-to- time republish columns, we are also planning to make many from earlier editions available on our website at BriarCrier.ca www.theheatingsource.ca Recruiting Directors Here in the Briars, the average size of a condominium corporation (a phase) is about 30 homes. Given that most homes have only two occupants and many have only one, the pool of potential candidates to join a board is probably not more than about 50 individuals. Of these, some are prevented by age or other disability from accepting the role. Others fear that their background or experience has not adequately prepared them. Some may even fear the stress that the additional responsibility may burden them with. And finally, of course, are the well-used excuses "I don’t have enough time" or "I have already served on the board for several years so now it’s someone else’s turn". So, who is, and who is not, eligible to serve? A popular misconception is that all directors must be recruited from the owners of units in that phase. Actually, with very few exceptions, almost anybody is eligible. So to expand the search outside the immediate ownership may be worth consideration. There may be advantages, for example, in having a director on your board who is an owner, and possibly a director, in a neighbouring phase. The exchange of ideas and establishment of 18 January 2016 Your hometown comfort experts since 1965 and the company that installed your current furnace and air conditioner system. Protect yourself from high furnace repair costs for as low as $14.99 per month* • Guaranteed service from our friendly, licensed technicians • Live telephone support 24/7/365 – Call 1-866-Reliance (735-4262) • No deductible – no incremental out-of-wallet expenses • No Pre-inspection – making it easy to get coverage • Annual maintenance included on some plans Call us today to choose a maintenance and service plan that’s right for you: 705-728-5406 * Plus applicable tax. Subject to excluded components as set out in plan Terms & Conditions. Call for details. ™ “Reliance Yanch Home Comfort”, “Reliance Yanch”, “We’re not comfortable until you are.” and the Reliance Yanch Home Comfort logo are trademarks of Reliance Comfort Limited Partnership.® Rinnai America Corp. The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA January 2016 19 Lifestyle URGENT NEED FOR VOLUNTEER DRIVERS Volunteers needed to take seniors to medical appointments, grocery stores, wellness programs and more. Easy and convenient – use your own vehicle, mileage reimbursed. Meet new people, have fun! Just a few hours a week can make a big difference! 905-713-3494 or 1-877-755-3494 [email protected] www.chats.on.ca live well, age well, be well KINGSDOWN Live life well rested 1 Victoria Street West In the Heart of Downtown Alliston briscofurniture.com 705.435.9777 • Auto upholstery • Deezee running boArD & Accessories • WinDshielD repAir & replAcement 435-5717 76 Dufferin Street South, Alliston 20 January 2016 mutually acceptable policies may be beneficial for the owners in both phases. Or, an employee of the Management Company might be a useful addition. Care with this must be taken though, as those individuals might frequently find themselves in conflict of interest situations more than is comfortable for them or for the other directors. Outside experts, such as engineers, lawyers, or accountants (excluding the auditors), may have very valuable contributions to make but are unlikely to be willing to do so without compensation. Whoever is recruited needs to be helped and reassured about the role and responsibility that they have taken on, so a training program is essential. What should it cover and who should provide it? Well, as it is usual for each director to take on responsibility for one part of the board’s functions, it is a good idea for directors to keep notes of what they have learned, what difficulties they have faced, and how they have dealt with them. These notes can then be made available to their successors. Copies of the minutes of the past year, or more, can help a new director catch up with the issues that have been dealt with recently. Formal training is also very useful and most management companies are able to provide manuals or even offer face to face training. As all phases have their annual meetings at different times throughout the year, it is hard to coordinate these training sessions. It would, however, probably be wise, and interesting, for owners to attend such a session well before even being considered for election. A training event held once or twice a year for anyone to attend might be an idea worth exploring. Attendance would not involve a commitment to serve and might help owners to understand better how their boards work. So, if you are not sure if becoming a director is right for you, think about what you can contribute, not what you don’t know, and think about what help or advice might be available to make the difference between your standing for election, or not. David Weston David is a Chartered Secretary. Questions or comments are welcome. [email protected] Strength through Frustration by Anne Ritchie for the Briar Crier W hen John Press won a math scholarship while attending De La Salle High School, coming in as one of the top ten of 500 entrees, it was a sign of things to come. That scholarship opened doors leading to accounting offices; becoming chief financial officer for a manufacturing plant, then the largest retirement home in Canada; ownership of five retirement homes in Ontario; and treasurer, then president, of the Ontario Nursing Home Association. “Numbers were easy for me. I always enjoyed it”, said John. The skills John developed during his career: attitude, accountability, and the ability to form strong relationships, figured prominently in one of the biggest challenges of his life: recovery after a severe stroke. In 2013, he was vacationing with family in Arizona. “Suddenly I was slurring my words”. Bev, John's wife, rushed him to the hospital, which was 15 minutes away. “I was lucky”, he recalled. He had his stroke in the intensive care unit. Since then, he has suffered three falls and subsequent seizures, he can no longer drive, and he has trouble with balance and vision. He also struggles with aphasia, a condition affecting 20 percent of people who have had a stroke. People with aphasia retain intellect, but some, as is the case with John, cannot recall words or easily communicate a thought. The brain, as John explains it, is made up with holes and gaps. "An occupational therapist told me my brain was broken”, he chuckled. Despite this, John says that he has a perfect life. “The kids visit, my friends feel like family, and my family feels like friends”. John says that a positive attitude, the same attitude that made him a business success, and The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA January 2016 21 Lifestyle Window Complements Ltd Serving Simcoe County since 1989 Quality custom products at affordable prices HUNTER DOUGLAS and MORE SHADES - SHUTTERS - SILHOUETTES Free Shop-at-Home www.windowcomplements.com Jason Mate Robert Mate 905-729-2938 (Beeton) 1-800-267-6715 a sense of humour were critical to his recovery. During our interview, John said “I really love challenges”. He also said "I love it when people say ‘you can’t do that’.” He is obviously a man who is motivated by challenge. In business, John arranged for his managers to serve coffee and tea to retirement home residents on a weekly basis. When scheduling and budgeting staff, John took every detail, and the smallest of details, into account, including what residents preferred for dessert. In recovery, word searches by the hour improved vision, struggles with large children’s puzzles improved perception, and John embarked on a strong regimen of physiotherapy, speech therapy, and group therapy with enthusiasm. “I’ve never understood in my life how frustrating it is to go to rehab”. John's believe his positive attitude was what was most important for his recovery. “I decided when a situation was getting to me, I would laugh at ME. My friends now laugh with me when I say something stupid." Laughter blew away the frustrations of aphasia. At one point John's wife, Bev, thought he was deaf. In truth, he just could not express his thoughts. John said "I get confused with yesterday and tomorrow, and yes or no, and when I try to hit the golf ball, I hit the ground.” While participating in therapy groups, John employs humour. He is proud of his ability to "get them all laughing and willing to participate.” In a therapy group where a four-member team of nurses and PSWs speak to patients about aphasia, John prescribes “grumpy” patients hugs. He believes there is power in companionship. He often recalls 'Footprints in the Sand', a poem about faith. “My life is good, the big thing is my friends and family. I’ve met good people.” For John, strength is birthed in frustration. 22 January 2016 Book Excerpt Committed to providing the highest level of professional standards. A Contact From How to Do Everything, from the man who should know: Red Green If you're observant, you can learn a lot about a person just from certain details in their appearance or behaviour. I'm not talking about profiling here, because I'm not allowed to. I mean little signs you can look for; after you see them, you'll immediately know a lot more about that person than they expected you to, because generally, people assume you're an idiot. Here are a few tips to help you delay that discovery. • If the person has no cuts or scars on their right hand, they are left-handed. • If the person asks you to turn the heat up, they are not wearing underwear. • If the person has several welts and bruises on their forehead, they live in a basement apartment. • If the person blinks and twitches a lot, they have recently been struck by lightening. • If the person eats a lot of cheese, they have outdoor plumbing. • If the person is itchy, they will steal one of your forks. • If the person is boring, they are married. • If the person has big teeth, they also have a big mouth. • If the person is eating raw onion, they will be leaving early and alone. • If the person is playing nervously with their keys, they have a wife who likes to shop. • If the person talks only about the future, they have been incarcerated. • If the person doesn't listen to anyone, they're in politics. Sales Representative For a Complimentary evaluation* Kelly has served the real estate needs of this community for the past 23 years. RCR Realty, Brokerage independently owned and oper ated *some conditions may apply Open 7 days per week 8am to Midnight 67 Victoria Street East, Alliston 705-435-6051 PT PRO TRADE PLUMBING Submitted by Fran Sainsbury The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA January 2016 23 Lifestyle CROSSWORD PUZZLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 25 29 30 22 23 26 27 31 34 42 35 36 24 49 37 47 50 51 55 38 39 40 62 63 44 46 48 52 53 56 57 58 64 13 28 43 45 54 12 32 33 41 11 65 59 66 60 67 61 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 www.CrosswordWeaver.com ACROSS 1 6 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 25 27 29 32 33 34 37 41 Mob Onto Against Constellation Additional Extinct bird Sea President (abbr.) Very slow horse Purchasing Coop Harden Jewish scripture Spiked Seine Make a mistake Dined Cede Bloc Not arms 24 January 2016 43 44 45 46 48 49 51 54 56 57 58 60 64 66 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Set Transparent substance Wild Storage area Cation Recede Gesturing “yes” Cut with a saw Comply Hole punching tool Rent Monger Heroic tale Welcome rugs Leading Haze Canal Hamper Egyptian river Bird's home Many months DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 21 23 26 28 29 30 31 35 36 38 39 40 42 46 47 50 52 53 54 55 56 57 59 61 62 63 65 67 Horse's walking sound Costa __ Mind Apparition Yoplait's competitor Arbiter Balcony Dunking cookies Snuggled High naval rank (abbr.) Extort Left out of gear Christmas carol Shade of black Serving of corn Inclined Bone Syllables used in songs (2 wds.) Detail Sego lily’s bulb Devour Untruthful Baker's dozen Computer "button" Made music vocally Alter Venter Lacing Gamblers placement Profoundly Pet name Hindu teacher Double star Those who are opposed Association (abbr.) Raw National capital Native ruler in Asia Rodents Stage of life Put ANSWERS PAGE 32 Each Sudoku puzzle is unique and there is only one solution for each puzzle. Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. (The digits do not have to be in numerical order.) Puzzle 1 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.49) 2 4 Victoria Street East, Alliston 4 6 7 4 7 3 8 3 6 1 3 3 9 6 7 2 4 9 2 6 Q: WHY IS AN EYE EXAM IMPORTANT AT ANY AGE? A: At every age regular eye examinations are 4 2 5 3 3 8 1 5 4 2 Generated by http://www.opensky.ca/sudoku on Mon Jan 11 13:51:05 2016 GMT. Enjoy! 705-435-2020 3 1 9 6 8 7 6 5 1 3 2 4 7 9 4 8 5 2 5 2 4 7 8 9 3 6 1 9 3 6 2 5 7 8 1 4 7 1 2 4 9 8 6 5 3 4 8 5 3 6 1 2 7 9 important, as many eye diseases can develop without any symptoms. In fact, “20/20” vision does not necessarily mean that your eyes are healthy. A routine eye examination should include more than just providing the patient with a glasses prescription. The primary goal is to screen for and detect eye disease before vision loss occurs. Early detection of an eye problem is crucial. If an eye disease is caught early (before the patient is symptomatic), we have a better chance at preventing vision loss from occurring. Conversely, if an eye disease is caught in its later stages, it is often difficult, and sometimes impossible, to reverse any damage. A dilated eye examination can also tell your NTOC EYE CARE PROFESSIONAL about more than just the health of your eyes. In some cases, systemic conditions, such as high blood pressure, raised cholesterol, and diabetes (just to name a few), may present with side effects in the eye. Your NTOC EYE CARE PROFESSIONAL will work closely with your Family Physician and other Specialists to provide you with the best overall health care possible. Eye examinations are recommended at least every 1-2 years for adults. One thing is certain, your eyesight is valuable. Take the proactive approach and see your NTOC EYE CARE PROFESSIONAL regularly to ensure maximum quality of vision through-out all stages of life. Evening and Saturday appointments available. New patients most welcome! 8 5 3 1 2 6 4 9 7 6 7 1 9 4 3 5 2 8 2 4 9 8 7 5 1 3 6 Puzzle 1 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.49) A Dr. Hari Amarnath Dr. John Peacock & Associates Optometrists hy for It’s healt nity! u m m co our OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK DIRECT BILLING AVAILABLE www.ntoc.ca The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA January 2016 25 Around the Briars Publication of the Community Centre Calendars and pages in Around the Briars, as well as the Keeping in Touch section and Bargain Market, are sponsored by the Publisher, Margravine Media, and supported by the businesses who advertise in this magazine. To submit information for publication in the Briar Crier, please see the Editor's Page. The Briar Crier is delivered to residents via Canada Post. Copies are also available in the Mail Room in Green Briar and at the Community Centre in Briar Hill. The magazine can be viewed online at www.BriarCrier.ca RESERVE YOUR SEATS NOW! FOUR CONCERTS $85.00 CONTACT: MILES LANGSTAFF 705.434.0024 [email protected] to ady Get re b ee nte r t aine d! Briars' Crafters You are invited to enjoy fun and conversation with the Briars' Crafters on Thursday afternoons from 1—3pm at the Green Briar Community Centre. We learn new and nostalgic crafts from each other and sometimes bring in professional crafters. Get your projects done or just get help/advice to complete unfinished pieces. Chess We are happy to report that we received a good response to our call for Chess players. We now have 8 people playing at the Briar Hill Community Centre. We play on Wednesday afternoons at 3pm. If you are interested in the game of Chess, we would love to hear from you. Please call Bryan Mills at 705-434-4575. You don't have to be a crafter. You are welcome to come for afternoon tea and conversation with the other residents of the Briars. All are welcome! Bid Euchre has started in Green Briar Dates will be published in the calendar, through the e-newsletter, and in the Briar Crier, time permitting. I am the key to your new home! Call Briar Hill resident Wendy Small Sales Representative for a complimentary evaluation RCR Realty, Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated 26 January 2016 7 Victoria Street West, Alliston 705.435.3000 Cell: 905.724.0717 [email protected] www.wendysmall.com The next date for Bid Euchre is January 18th at 7pm. Tables will be put aside for beginners or those who need assistance with the game. Mark your Calendar for Pub Night at the GBCC, bi-monthly on the 3rd Friday of every other month 2016: Jan 15, Mar 18, May 20, Jul 15, Sep 16 & Nov 18) Around the Briars Saturday, February 6th 2016 Court Whist & pork on a bun BYOB & GLASSES Green Briar Community Centre Doors will not open until 6pm Dinner at 6:30pm Tickets $18 on sale at the Green Briar Community Centre (for Green Briar and Briar Hill residents) from 9am to 11am on Mon., Jan. 25th & Wed., Jan. 27th For information, contact Lonie Butler at 705-435-3595 Back by popular demand! BYOB, glasses, snacks, & dancing shoes! When Where Who Tickets The $5 DANCE is Baaack! with DJ Ron Saturday, March 19th • Doors open at 7pm Green Briar Community Centre Come with friends or come alone! For tickets and information, please call Irene Lavalette 705-250-1008 (before 7pm) or Joanne Harris 705-250-2550 (Sorry, no reserved tables) BRIAR RESIDENTS & GUESTS WELCOME! Personal Style Consultant GIFT CERT AVAIL IFICATES ABLE ! The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA January 2016 27 Around the Briars Brighten up your winter entertaining (NC) It's no secret that we spend more time hibernating at home during the winter, but that doesn't mean that evenings have to be drab and dreary. The blustery winter months are the perfect time to bring family and friends together and entertain at home. Take your entertaining to the next level with in-season citrus cocktails using unique varietals of citrus that bring an exotic taste to a cozy night-in. Citrus Fizz (Non-Alcoholic) Ingredients • 3/4 oz freshly squeezed Sunkist grapefruit juice • 3/4 oz freshly squeezed Sunkist lemon juice Pummelo Spritz Ingredients • 3/4 oz tequila • 1/4 oz St-Germain • 3/4 oz freshly squeeze Sunkist pummelo juice • 1/4 oz freshly squeezed Sunkist Meyer lemon juice • 1/4 oz simple syrup • 2 oz dry sparkling wine • Pinch of salt Directions Pour tequila, St-Germain, freshly squeezed pummelo juice, and freshly squeezed lemon juice, simple syrup and pinch of salt into shaker and shake with ice. Strain into glass and top with sparkling wine. Garnish with Sunkist Meyer lemon zest. 28 January 2016 • 1 oz lavender syrup • 3 oz soda • Half-wheel of Sunkist grapefruit as garnish Directions Pour freshly squeezed grapefruit juice, freshly squeezed lemon juice and lavender syrup into shaker and shake with ice. Strain into a glass with fresh ice. Top with soda and garnish with a half-wheel of grapefruit. How to prepare the lavender syrup: Similar to a simple syrup, combine equal parts sugar and water and add 1/8 parts dried lavender flowers into a pot. Place the pot on the stove and bring the mixture up to simmer. Remove from heat and let rest for 20 minutes. Strain out dried lavender flowers. Find more healthy recipes at Sunkist.com 31 24 17 10 3 26 9:00 am Peer Group ER 1 pm Bid Euchre LL 9:30 am Carefirst Ex. GR 6:30 pm Shuffleboard LL 7 pm Vistas II Euchre ER 10 am Yoga CANC. LL 10-12pm Bd. Mtg. ER 1:30 pm Apple Classes GR 7 pm Wizard LL 7pm Poker ER 9:00 am Peer Group ER 1pm Bid Euchre LL 9:30 am Carefirst Ex. GR 6:30pm Shuffleboard LL 25 19 10:00 am Yoga CANC. GR 1:30 pm Apple Classes GR 7 pm Wizard Cards LL 7 pm Poker ER 7 pm Travelogue GR 9:30 am Dance Fit GR 1 pm. Bridge ER 5:30-8:30pm Vistas III AGM GR/Kitchen 7pm Mixed Euchre LL 7 pm Pool LL 7pm Ladies Poker ER 27 9:30am Dance Fit GR 1:00 pm Bridge ER 7pm Ladies Euchre LL 7-10 pm Pool LL 7:00 pm Ladies Poker ER 20 9:30 Dance Fit GR 1 pm Bridge ER 7pm Mixed Euchre LL 7-10 p.m. Pool LL 7:00 pm Ladies Poker ER 9-11am and 5-7 pm. Beach Party Ticket Sales LL 1pm Bid Euchre LL 9:30 am Carefirst Ex. CANCELLED GR 6:30pm Shuffleboard LL 10:00 am Yoga CANC. GR 1:30 pm Apple Classes GR 7 pm Wizard Cards LL 7 pm Poker ER 18 13 12 9:30 Dance Fit GR 1 pm Bridge ER 7pm. Ladies Euchre LL 7-10 p.m. Pool LL 7:00pm Ladies Poker Cancelled ER 1pm Bid Euchre LL 9:30 am Carefirst Ex. GR. 6:30pmShuffleboard LL 7pm Vistas II Euchre ER 11 6 5 Wednesday 10:00 am Yoga CANC. GR 1:30 pm Apple Classes GR 7:00 pm Wizard Cards LL 7:00 pm Poker ER Tuesday 4 Monday 9:30 am Carefirst Ex .GR 9:30 am Threaders ER 7pm Duplicate Bridge LL 28 7 pm Dup Bridge LL 9:30 am Carefirst Ex. GR 9:30-3pm Threaders ER 21 9-11am Beach Party Ticket Sales LL 9:30 am Carefirst Ex CANCELLED GR 9:30-3pm Threaders ER 7 pm Dup Bridge LL 14 9:30 am Carefirst Ex CANCELLED GR 9 :30-3pm Threaders ER 7 pm Dup Bridge LL 7 Thursday This calendar is subject to change. Check the website at www. bhccontheweb.com for updates. ER – East Room GR –Great Room LG – Lounge LL – Lower Level Sunday Friday 7 pm Bid Euchre LL 10 am Yoga CANC. GR 29 7 pm Bid Euchre LL 10 am. Yoga CANC. GR 22 7 pm Bid Euchre LL 10 am Yoga CANC. GR 15 7 pm Bid Euchre LL 10 am Yoga CANC. GR 8 Activities Cancelled BHCC centre is OPEN New Year’s Day 1 Calendar provided by the Briar Hill Community Centre (page sponsored by the Briar Crier) The Briar Hill Community Centre is open daily from 8am - 11pm Administrative Office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9am - 3pm Telephone 705-435-8066 E-mail [email protected] Website www.bhccontheweb.com BRIAR HILL Community Centre Calendar Saturday 6-11 pm Vistas III Social GR 30 23 16 9 2 THESE COMMUNITY CENTRE EVENTS ARE FOR BRIARS RESIDENTS AND THEIR GUESTS ONLY January 2016 The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA January 2016 29 Around the Briars THESE COMMUNITY CENTRE EVENTS ARE FOR BRIARS RESIDENTS AND THEIR GUESTS ONLY GREEN BRIAR Community Centre Calendar GBCC Administrative Office Hours are Tuesday & Thursday from 9am to 1pm Telephone Peta Christen 705-435-2345 / E-mail [email protected] Calendar provided by the Green Briar Community Centre (page sponsored by the Briar Crier) SUNDAY 3 MONDAY 4 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 11 January 2016 7:00 GBCA Directors Mtg. 17 18 FRIDAY 1 New Year’s Day 2 6 7 CAREFIRST EX. CANCELLED 8 9 10:00 AED Info Session 12 CAREFIRST EX. CANCELLED 7:00 Phase 10 Mtg. Office only 19 13 14 CAREFIRST EX. CANCELLED 15 16 8:00 Male Chorus 20 21 22 23 8:00 Male Chorus 26 27 9:00-11:00 Ticket Sales “Court Whist” 28 29 30 7:00 Pub Night 7:00 Bid Euchre 24 25 9:00-11:00 Ticket Sales “Court Whist” 7:00 Camera Club SATURDAY 5 7:00 Bid Euchre 10 THURSDAY 31 WEEKLY EVENTS SUNDAY MONDAY 8:30-10:15 Table Tennis 10:30-11:30 Carefirst Exercise 10:30-1:00 Scrabble Club (office) 1:00 Dup Bridge TUESDAY 9:00-9:45 Tai Chi 9:45-10:45 Tai Chi Exercise 10:45-11:45 Carefirst Exercise 1:30 Improver Line Dancing (Experienced Beginners) WEDNESDAY 8:30-10:15 Table Tennis 10:30-11:30 Carefirst Exercise 12:00 – 4:00 pm Quilting Bees 7:00 Bingo 7:00 Bridge SPECIAL NOTES Care First Exercise Class cancelled on Thursday January 7, Tuesday January 12 and Thursday January 14 30 January 2016 THURSDAY 8:15-9:45 Coffee Club 9:45-10:45 Tai Chi 10:45-11:45 Carefirst Exercise 1:00 – 4:00 Crafts 7:00 Euchre FRIDAY 8:30-10:15 Table Tennis 10:30-12:30 Computer Club SATURDAY 8:30 Green Briar Chorus A M 1:00 Line Dancing 7:00 Jam Sessions UPCOMING EVENTS February 6 Court Whist 6:00 pm P M The Lovatt Team … a Real Estate Family who cares! Not intended to solicit homes already listed. We are a professional Real Estate Team with experience in helping seniors move. We have worked with many Green Briar and Briar Hill residents. Every person we deal with is treated with Care, Compassion, and Respect! With over 20 years’ experience working with people with special needs, award winning real estate sales experience, and a marketing and business acumen, we are the Team for you! Christine Lovatt Sales Representative HomeLife Integrity Realty Inc., Brokerage 169 Victoria Street West Alliston, Ontario L9R1H8 Office 705-435-4506 cell: 705-717-8726 email: [email protected] www.christinelovatt.com Senior Real Estate Specialist Christine Lovatt Sales Representative Senior Specialist C Ben Lovatt Sales Representative Bachelor of Commerce Join us for our 1st ANNIVERSARY 25 For years we have been Making your house feel like home in Alliston elebration 10 till 5 Saturday, January 30th Brian Master, 88.5 The Jewel will be live on location from 10 till 2 Our celebration continues on Sunday, January 31st from 11 till 3 124 Young St., Alliston (Unit 1 beside Canadian Tire) Orangeville & Alliston locations 705-435-5005 www.donsheatingandcooling.com The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA January 2016 31 Around the Briars CROSSWORD ANSWERS Solution: C L O P R I C A F A L A I T E M A S S N S W A M I O B E Y W R A I T S H E G S O K E A W L G A O G L E D U A M N P N G O R A N E T Y I L A T B B E D T O R M A E R N E P O R C H E A T A N T I S O R E O N A G E D O S M U T E G L A C E E R R L D A X Y M I I C I N O D D I G R E E D E A L S P R I E L I M T Y E A I D L E D N O E L I C O N S A N G E M I R R A T S Serving our community with Integrity, Trust and Compassion for over 40 years KEEPING IN TOUCH RESIDENT MESSAGES 50 word maximum Thanks ► Deepest sympathy is offered to Audrey Roberts of Riverview Road and family on the death of her husband Rob on November 15, 2015. ► Bill Grandin of Parkette Drive passed away on November 28, 2015. Sincere condolences are extended to May and her family. Green Briar Community A very special thanks to all the Briar Hill and Green Briar residents, the Women's PROBUS Club of Alliston, the PROBUS Club of Alliston, NLGA, and friends and neighbours for all the wonderful gifts, flowers, cards, chocolates, food, and caring thoughts during my extended hospital stay and palliative care at home. We are so lucky to live in this community with caring and supportive people. I am very grateful for all the support from the community. I treasure all the friends I have here and it is now time for me to say good-bye to you all. Sincerely, Linda Willard 244 Victoria Street East, Alliston 705-435-5101 thomasfuneralhome.ca Browse our selection of casual footwear! 705 250 2700 Alliston 85 Victoria St W (705) 435-6481 Innisfil HWY 400 at Innisfil Beach Road (705) 431-2500 www.herbertsboots.com 32 January 2016 Rejuvenate your skin with our luxury Eminence Organic Facials Let us pamper you! Mention this ad and receive 10% off* (some restrictions apply) Check Out Our Monthly Specials www.thebeachhousespa.ca 35 Victoria St. E. Unit #5 (Town Square) Alliston GREEN BRIAR See Page 30 for GBCC Calendar, contact information, and hours PUB NIGHT 3rd FRIDAY of the month, every other month, at 7pm The jammers will be hosting their first Pub Night of the year at the Green Briar Community Centre on January 15th. BYOB and snacks and enjoy the music! New Year's Eve Gathering held at the GBCC SOUPFEST! We are looking to the end of February to host a Soupfest ― What is a Soupfest you ask? GREEN BRIAR and BRIAR HILL residents are asked to create a crock or stock pot of their favourite soup to be enjoyed by residents at the Green Briar Community Centre (date to be decided). Residents will purchase a ticket for a nominal fee and have the opportunity to sample each of the soups provided. Votes will be gathered for the top three soups entered and the winner will take home bragging rights … a pleasant way to spend a couple of hours on a winter afternoon. If you are interested in being one of our guest chefs, please email or call the office and leave your contact information. Volunteers interested in helping to organize this event would be greatly appreciated. Please contact the GBCC for information (see Page 30). Upoming Events Spring Dinner & Dance on Saturday, April 30th. Details will follow. Thanking everyone who came and made the New Year's Gathering in Green Briar so special. Hopefully, a good time was had by all. Ferne Thoma, Event Coordinator Batteries, wine corks, and eye glasses can be dropped off at the Community Centre! MOVIE NIGHT Saturday, January 30 at 7pm. Movie title to be decided. Snacks will be provided-collecting $1.00 donation to snack fund. BYO drinks. Shaw Darrin Appliance Installation and Repair Natural Gas Lines & BBQ Hook-ups Water Softeners Alliston For Quality Service call 705.627.1166 www.shawgasandwater.com The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA January 2016 33 Just for fun! Private Investment Advice A personalized approach to help you achieve your goals We provide a personalized approach by recommending the appropriate combination of products and services, along with custom-tailored investment planning and advice. Debbie Hudson CFP® Vice President, Investment Advisor 18 Victoria Street East Alliston 705-435-8874 [email protected] Start a conversation today. TD Wealth Private Investment Advice is a division of TD Waterhouse Canada Inc., a subsidiary of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. TD Waterhouse Canada Inc. – Member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. ®/ The TD logo and other trade-marks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank or a wholly-owned subsidiary, in Canada and/or other countries. M06300 (0713) LAURA-JEAN DAWE Sales Representative 705-739-1000 • 855-458-9905 Direct 705-734-5730 [email protected] www.SouthSimcoeProperties.com J The Doctor says Brains of older people are slow because they know so much. People do not decline mentally with age, it just takes them longer to recall facts because they have more information in their brains, scientists believe. Much like a computer struggles as the hard drive gets full, so too, do humans take longer to access information when their brains are full. Researchers say this slowing down process is not the same as cognitive decline. The human brain works slower in old age, said Dr. Michael Ramscar, but only because we have stored more information over time. The brains of older people do not get weak. On the contrary, they simply know more. Also, older people often go to another room to get something and when they get there, they stand there wondering what they came for. It is NOT a memory problem, it is nature's way of making older people do more exercise. However … if you are starting to store your car keys in the fridge, all bets are off! Submitted by Bert Hoferichter Happy Brokerage ear! N ew YCROSSTOWN REALTY INC. Indepdently Owner and Operated 4171 Innisfil Beach Rd., Ste. 8, Thornton 34 January 2016 Home Improvements • Basement & Bathroom Renovations General Home Maintenance • Crown Moulding & Trim work Tiling • Drywalling, Mudding & Taping • Painting Kirk 705-305-0719 www.barrierenovator.ca Q Doctors An old geezer became very bored in retirement and decided to open a medical clinic. He put a sign up outside that said: "Dr.Geezer's clinic. Get your treatment for $500. If not cured, get back $1,000." Dr. Young, who was positive that this old geezer didn't know beans about medicine, thought this would be a great opportunity to make $1,000, so he didn't waste any time! Dr. Young: "Dr.Geezer, I have lost all taste in my mouth. Can you please help me ? Dr. Geezer: "Nurse, please bring medicine from Box 22 and put 3 drops in Dr. Young's mouth." Dr. Young: "Aaagh … this is gasoline!" Dr. Geezer: "Congratulations!" You've got your taste back. That will be $500." Dr. Young gets annoyed and goes back after a couple of days, figuring to recover his money. Dr. Young: "I have lost my memory, I cannot remember anything." Dr. Geezer: "Nurse, please bring medicine from Box 22 and put 3 drops in the patient's mouth." Dr. Young: "Oh, no you don't … that is gasoline!" Dr. Geezer: "Congratulations! You've got your memory back . That will be $500." Dr. Young (after having lost $1,000) leaves angrily and comes back after several more days. Dr. Young: "My eyesight has become weak. I can hardly see anything!" Dr. Geezer: "Well, I don't have any medicine for that so, here's your $1,000 back." (giving him a $10 bill) Dr. Young: "But this is only $10!" Dr. Geezer: "Congratulations! You got your vision back. That will be $500." Moral of the story: Just because you're "Young" doesn't mean that you can outsmart an "old Geezer". Submitted by Jack Batterbury always well done Shawn Weldon 705-440-0716 Repairs and Renovations [email protected] Flooring Painting Drywall Decks Fences Sheds Kitchens Bathrooms Basements Wings, Burgers, Steaks, Ribs, Fresh Salads & Wraps Est. 2004 Wing Nights Tuesday & Thursday House-made Features Weekly " NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH Wed., Thurs., Fri. & Sat.! FAST Take-out! 705. 435.1700 www.cwcoopsalliston.ca 265 King St. N., Alliston • Drive home the savings. Car and home combo. Combine your homeowners and car policies and save big-time. Get to a better StateTM. Get State Farm®. CALL ME TODAY. Depta Ins Agcy Inc Norm Depta, Agent 78 Victoria Street East Alliston, ON L9R 1L5 Bus: 705-435-1434 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, Aurora, Ontario 1201717CN Reasonable Rates No Job too Small renocontractors.com Keith Dell, Master electrician Tottenham, ON Bus 905.936.2399 Cell 705.333.5558 Email [email protected] Licence No. 7006668 The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA January 2016 35 Marketplace BARGAIN MARKET FREE TO BRIARS' RESIDENTS (for sale of personal items only - some limitations apply) E-mail your ad to [email protected] or phone 705-434-4569 Grant J. Drury 519 Victoria Street East, Alliston 705.435.3535 • [email protected] Home based business with private, dedicated spa room Manicure · Pedicure · Extension & Shellac Nails · Waxing & Tints Ear Candling · Facial & Skin Care · Aromatherapy Massage Vicky Teng Reflexology NOW OFFERING 30 word maximum. FOR SALE ► Trisha Romance Limited Edition Print 'Through the Eyes of a Child'. $200. Call 905-868-5202. ► Folding adjustable bed rail for those with mobility issues, post surgery and loss of balance problems. Only used for 2-1/2 months. Photos available. Asking $100. Please call Diane at 705-250-0965. ► Bremshey Sport Treadmill 4 yrs old. Paid $650, asking $350. Phone 705-435-4204. Tel: 705-250-0888 ► Caregard tool-less Shower chair with back. New 157. Used 2 weeks. Asking $125. Phone 705-434-4453. 91 Gray Avenue, Alliston Quiet, respectful, hygienic environment Briars’ references available HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING ! • • • • Air Conditioning Furnace Fireplace Sales and Service A NEW YOU OPTOMETRIC EYE CENTRE located inside A New You Optical EYE EXAMS WITH STATE OF THE ART EQUIPMENT now including Digital Retinal Imaging NEW PATIENTS WELCOME Evening appointments available 705 435 4358 36 January 2016 or 705 435 1995 A New You Optical On-site Lab for Same Day Service & Repairs 3-for-1 Eyeglasses Special NEW PATIENTS WELCOME 10% discount for Briars residents Conveniently located in the Alliston SmartCentres (Walmart) Plaza Direct insurance Billing • All Doctor Prescriptions accepted Open Mon - Fri 10 - 7 & Sat 10 - 3 705 435 4358 or 705 435 1995 www.anewyouoptical.ca CLASSIFIED ADS PAID ADVERTISING E-mail [email protected] or phone 705-434-4569 NEW THIS MONTH Want life-changing health care?: Better call Dr. Tom. Naturopathic medicine at Alliston Family Health Clinic. 705-434-2088 / [email protected] / thenaturopathic.com PERSONAL SERVICES CLEANING, PERSONAL CARE, HOUSE SITTING House Cleaning: Dependable and very thorough. 20 years Briar Experience. References. Attractive Rates. Your Home is my Home. Kathleen (resident) 705-434-1758. G M Ideal Sitting - Home & Pets: We also provide dog walking. Briars' Resident. 705-435-4305 Andrea Freeman-Day, Recreation Therapist for the Older Adult: Senior Companion, Educated, 14 years experience, Insured, References, Exercise at home, Shopping, Errands, Medical Appointments and Assistance with meals. VAC Approved. Lives in the Briars. Husband, Fred, available for Painting Projects, Handyman work, Airport Shuttle, and Hospital Appointments. 705-828-0720. The Foot Pixie: In-home foot care service for Diabetics, Mature Clients and feet of all ages. Call Leanne Kyselka at 705-435-4511. Certified Master Pedicurist. Certified Esthetician. Reflexology: Encourages good health, promotes relaxation, eases pain, prevents disease, improves quality of life. Covered by most insurance companies. Appointment in your home or mine (Briars' resident). Call Mike, 705-250-1334. MISCELLANEOUS Looking to Buy: antiques, mid-century and retro furniture, lamps (including teak, walnut, rosewood, etc.), costume jewellery, gold and broken gold jewellery. Cash paid. Mardi 905-729-2379 (Beeton). Wanted: Antique & used furniture, scrap gold & silver, costume jewellery, watches, wooden boxes, crates, chests, antique tools, advertising signs. John, 705-737-1466. Thinking about a vacation? Remember to along take Remember to take travel from alonginsurance travel insurance The Co-operators. You'll get the from The Co-operators. right coverage for a relaxing vacation. Callthe us today! You’ll get right coverage for a relaxing vacation! Call one of our expert Travel Advisors today ▶ Heather Tordimah ▶ Karen () - Grehan www.cooperators.ca ▶ Janet Pendleton Gary Gary Laakso Laakso Financial Financial Services Services Inc. Inc 119 Victoria Street West, Alliston www.cooperators.ca 705-435-6294 The Co-operators is a leading Canadian-owned multi-product insurance company. Home Home Auto Auto Life Life Investments Investments Group GroupBusiness Business Farm Farm Travel Travel The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA January 2016 37 DIRECTORY OF OUR ADVERTISERS A Gem International 705-291-2436 ageminternational.com A New You Optical Sheryl 705-435-4358 anewyouoptical.com Alliston Family Health Clinic 705-434-2088 thenaturopathic.com Alliston Physiotherapy & Sports Rehabilitation 705-434-0645 (Victoria St) or 705-435-5153 (Young St) allistonphysiotherapy.com Alliston Yarns, Crafts & Gifts 705-434-0880 Baybridge - Kingsmere Retirement Living 705-434-4600 kingsmeresuites.ca BDO Canada LLP 705-435-5585 bdo.ca Beam of Barrie Vacuums 705-728-3004 barrievacuums.com Brisco Furniture & Appliances Ltd 705-435-5678 briscofurniture.com Briscos Mattress World Ltd 705-435-9777 briscofurniture.com Budget Blinds of Bolton 647-345-6938 (Barry-BH) or 905-487-8363 (Office) budgetblinds.com/bolton Charles Cooper 705-440-7851 allistonproperty.com Christine Lovatt (The Lovatt Team) 705-717-8726 (cell) [email protected] Color Studio 705-435-9869 colorstudio.ca Complete Computer Solutions 705-434-2000 completecomputer.ca Cookstown Pharmasave 705-458-1292 pharmasave.com Craig Canadian Travel Limited 800-387-8890 craigtravel.ca Crown Carpet Care 705-435-7457 or 705-791-4893 (cell) crowncarpet.ca Culligan Water Conditioners (Barrie) Ltd. 1-888-659-2837 X226/229 heyculliganman.com Custom Home Sewing 705-458-9468 or 705-734-6864 (cell) elizabethwardrop.com CW Coops 705-435-1700 cwcoopsalliston.ca Da Grazia 705-435-1700 dagrazia.com Debbie Hudson 705-435-8874 Depta Insurance Agency Inc (State Farm) 705-435-1434 Don Wollstein & John Pierson 705-890-0321 (Don) or 705734-3076 (John) suttenincentive.com Dr Azim Parekh & Associates 705-434-0775 Drury Funeral Centre Ltd 705-435-3535 druryfuneralcentre.com Ernie Dean Chevrolet Buick GMC Ltd 705-435-4318 erniedean.ca Hearing Sciences 705-435-4356 Herbert's Western Boots 705-435-6481 or 705-431-2500 (Innisfil Beach Rd) herbertsboots.com Jim Wilson MPP 705-435-4087 jimwilsonmpp.com Kate VonB 905-724-1000 K-Dell Electrical 905-936-2399 kdellelectrical.com Kelly McCague 705-435-3000 royallepage.ca/kelly KRH Renovations 705-424-3804 38 January 2016 Laura Jean Dawe 705-734-5730 southsimcoeproperties.com McDonald's mcdonalds.ca Michel Bullock Massage Therapy 705-250-0119 or 416-433-5864 (cell) allistonmassage.ca New Tecumseth Optometry Clinic 705-435-2020 ntoc.ca North Country Wood Floors 705-722-3874 ncwf.ca Northern Protocol Inc 705-440-2349 npinc.ca Nottawasaga Inn Resort 705-435-5501 nottawasagaresort.com Nottawasaga Valley Veterinary Hospital (Highland Vet) 705-434-2226 nvvh.org Pro Trade Contracting 705-720-0446 Reliance Yanch 705-728-5406 Riverwood Senior Living 705-435-3806 riverwoodseniorliving.ca Roto-Static Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 705-739-0822 or 705-790-4107 (cell) rotostatic.com Shaw Gas and Water 705-627-1166 shawgasandwater.com Shoppers Drug Mart 705-435-6051 shoppersdrugmart.ca Speedy Glass 705-435-5717 speedyglass.ca The Beach House Spa & Wellness 705-250-2700 thebeachhouse.ca The Circle Theatre 705-435-7631 circletheatre.ca The Cooperators 705-435-6294 cooperators.ca The Fireplace Stop 1-800-843-1732 fireplacestop.com The Gibson Centre 705-435-2828 gibsoncentre.com The Heating Source 705-250-0498 theheatingsource.ca The Modern Market 705-250-5522 themodernmarket.ca Theatre Orangeville 519-942-3423 or 1-800-424-1295 theatreorangeville.ca Titan Alliston Development Ltd 705-721-3565 Varcoe Law 705-435-1280 jennavarcoe.com Vicky's Nails & Beauty Spa 705-250-0888 Vine Haven Wine & Wine Making Supplies 705-435-1513 W John Thomas Funeral Home 705-435-5101 thomasfuneralhome.ca Walker Works Interior Decorating 705-435-0632 or 705-733-7831 (cell) Weldon Renovations 705-440-0716 Wendy Small 705-435-3000 or 905-724-0717 (cell) wendysmall.com Williams Painting 705-434-1965 or 705-321-9883 Window Complements 905-729-2938 (Jason) or 1-800-6715 (Robert) windowcomplements.com SEE CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR ADDITIONAL BUSINESS LISTINGS 07 MT Neighbourhood Ad 6.625x4.4 Nov15v1_6.625x4.4 11-20-15 1:32 PM Page 1 Sun Holidays European Vacations We are in your Neighbourhood! 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ON Reg. #50015084 The Briar Crier can be viewed online at BRIARCRIER.CA January 2016 39 Experience our World by Sea Trail of the Vikings Pro Cruises • ms Ocean Diamond September 1, 2016 • 12 Days Sailing Regatta Star Clippers • Star Flyer September 16, 2016 • 17 Days The Dalmatian Coast ms Kleopatra October 7, 2016 • 17 Days and more.... by Land Remember when travel meant adventures with new friends? It still does. Exceeding expectations everywhere we go! Contact us for your FREE Brochure 1092 Mt. Pleasant Rd. Toronto, ON M4P 2M6 1-800-387-8890 • www.craigtravel.com • [email protected] Have You Heard? Journey to the Holy Land One Land, Two Peoples, Three Religions May 22, 2016 • 13 Days Baltic Adventure Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania May 23, 2016 • 14 Days Hiking in the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales June 13, 2016 • 12 Days Beaumont Hamel Centenary On the Trail of the Caribou June 2016 • 13 Departures • 10 Days and more.... by River Magnificent Europe Budapest to Amsterdam September 11, 2016 • 16 Days Enchanting Rhine Amsterdam to Zurich September 25, 2016 • 13 Days French Savior Vivre Paris to Lyon September 26, 2016 • 11 Days and more.... hearing sciences Aud iolog y and Hear i ng A id Cent re Complimentary Hearing Tests (55+) 180 Parsons Road Suite 24, Alliston Phone/Fax: 705-435-4356 The first step to better hearing is a hearing test! Specialists in the new “open fit” hearing aids. • Hearing tests • Hearing aids - counselling and evaluations • Hearing aid repairs • TV and phone accessories • Custom noise protection, swim plugs, musician’s plugs and sleep plugs Call HEARING SCIENCES at 705-435-4356 for an appointment. No referral is required. HOURS Mon - Wed: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Thurs: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm It continues to be our pleasure to care for all your hearing healthcare needs! Janice Cockburn, Au.D., Reg. CASLPO Doctor of Audiology Terri-Lee McKibbon, Office Manager
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