Sunday, September 20 - Old St. Patrick`s Church


Sunday, September 20 - Old St. Patrick`s Church
Old St. Patrick’s Church Bulletin
September 20th, 2015
Thank you from Working Bikes and
Old St. Pat’s Outreach!
Turn to Page 5 for more...
Page II
Strong Enough, Brave Enough
September at a Glance
Old St. Pat’s Happenings
Outreach Update
First Friday Club
Gay & Lesbian Outreach
OSP Next
MBSR Training
Community Life
Follow us on:
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P age T wo
What Can We Expect from Pope
Francis in Cuba and the United
By: Gerard O’Connell
America Magazine, September 17, 2015
An American Encounter: Pope Francis sets out
from Rome at 10:15 a.m. (local time) on Saturday
morning, Sept. 19, aboard an Alitalia A330 airbus,
on his 10th foreign journey. He will visit Cuba and
the United States, two countries where he is already
highly esteemed and considered as a friend, not
least because of the crucial role he played in helping
them overcome 54 years of hostility and normalize
[Visit to read the
full article on Pope Francis’ visit to Cuba.]
...On Sept. 22, Pope Francis will say goodbye to
President Castro and the islanders and take a three
and a half hour flight from Santiago de Cuba to the
United States, aboard the Alitalia airbus that brought
him from Rome. President Obama and church leaders
will welcome him on arrival at Andrews Airforce Base,
outside Washington, D.C., at 4 p.m. local time.
The official welcome will take place at the White
House next morning. It will mark the beginning of
what promises to be a fascinating and inspiring visit
by the first pope from the Americas. As has been
evident from the day of his election, Francis is a pope
who is committed to “the culture of encounter” and
firmly believes that dialogue is the way to resolve
problems. He is a great listener; he wants to go
beyond the words people utter and understand what
they are really feeling in the depths of their hearts.
That is why he gives so much importance to personal
meetings with world leaders, as well as with “the
nobodies” of this world.
Sources say he wants very much to engage in a
profound conversation with the American people,
with their elected representatives in Congress (30.7
percent of whom are Catholic and almost evenly split
between the two parties) and with the bishops who
lead one of the largest Catholic communities in the
world (one in every five Americans is a Catholic, and
34 percent of the Catholic population is Hispanic).
Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s Secretary
of State, in a TV interview on the eve of the visit,
confirmed that one of the topics Francis is sure to
address during his visit is the situations of migrants;
that is a constant concern of this pope, who is the son
of immigrants, and of the Church in the United States.
Contrary to what some have written, there is no
reason to think that he is coming to slap people on
the wrists, to wag his finger at anyone or to publicly
reprimand them. He is a humble man. He does not
set himself up as judge over anyone, nor does he give
lessons from on high. That is just not his style. He
always looks for the good in people, and the points
of contact. He certainly challenges people too, but
in a most respectful way. He exudes joy and hope.
I expect this approach to be a hallmark of his visit
and especially of the keynote talks he will give in
Washington, D.C., to Congress and the U.S. bishops,
in New York to the United Nations and in Philadelphia
at the World Meeting with Families.
As is evident from his program, he is coming to the
United States to extend the hand of friendship, to
build bridges, to embrace people in different life
situations, and especially to the poor and excluded—
they are a priority for him, hence his meeting with
the homeless in Washington, D.C., his visit to a
school in Harlem and his encounter with prisoners
in Philadelphia. One can also expect other meetings
that are not on the official agenda, as we have
seen happen on other foreign trips, such as his
unscheduled visit to a Buddhist temple in Sri Lanka,
or his prayer at the Israeli built wall (which they call
a security fence) in Bethlehem that separates them
from the Palestinians. This is “a pope of surprises,”
a man who feels promoted by God’s Spirit to act in
unexpected ways, that may even scandalize some. So
watch out for surprises!
During his visit, Francis wants to communicate “the
joy of the Gospel” to believers and non-believers alike
in the United States, a joy he sees reflected in the
Spanish missionary, Junipero Serra, whom he will
canonize in Washington, D.C. He wants to support
and strengthen the family and, above else, he ardently
desires to help all Americans understand that God is
first and foremost a “God of Mercy” who loves each
and every human being, is not out to condemn people
and never abandons anyone. He wants to encourage
the Church here, as he has done in other lands, to
become a more missionary church, a field hospital
that heals wounds, a church that has in its heart a
special love and place for the poor and the outcast.
His program is intense. Interest is high in the man and
what he has to say. His visit is sure to be memorable.
Gerald O’Connell is a journalist for America
Magazine. To read this entire article and find more
information on the 2015 Papal Visit, please visit
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A wakenings
Strong Enough, Brave
By: Rachel Lyons
I have several spiritual
mentors in my life, and
one who continues to help
my soul be nourished, my
godfather, Tom. I think of his
warm smile, his expressive
face when telling stories,
and his genuine goodness toward those he meets.
Every year since I can remember, he has given me
a spiritual book or set of writings for my birthday,
Christmas, and really any “life-moment”. It is amazing
to look back at the rich wisdom Tom has opened up
for me. Whether it is a hefty book about remembering
women in the Scriptures or a pocket-sized collection of
Thomas Merton’s writings on contemplation, he always
One of the refrains in week three of the Just Prayer cycle
is Psalm 68: “O God, in your mercy, call us back and
convert our hearts.” The past month of our Season has
been a time for us to hear God calling us back to our
faith and values. A time to root ourselves once again
in the deep truths of human connection and mercy
for our neighbors and ourselves. We have been called
back to the principles of Catholic Social Teaching so
that our hearts are converted and reoriented towards
intentional choices of right relationship. Again and
again, I shared moments of this conversion with staff
and members at Old St. Pat’s. I saw families take an
‘action item’ from our baskets after Mass last Sunday
with excitement for doing something concrete to live
out their faith in the coming week. I heard powerful
stories about service from our panelists who volunteer
everywhere from the juvenile detention center here
in Chicago to families and children in Nicaragua. I
walked with our JustFaith group as they completed
This is conversion, this is transformation, this is living the Gospel.
We are strong enough for this. We are brave enough for this.
finds sources that stir my spirit and help me grow. This
spring, Tom gifted me a book called Just Prayer: A Book
of Hours for Peacemakers and Justice Seekers. Once
again, he has found a way to draw me into prayer in a
new and profound way.
Just Prayer is patterned on the Liturgy of the Hours and
has a rhythm of morning and evening prayer in a fourweek cycle. As I pray along with the Psalms, Scripture
passages, intercessions, and moments of silence, I
am further anchoring myself in relationship with God
and with my fellow human beings, my brothers and
sisters. This past Season for Social Justice, we heard
over and over again: We belong to God. We belong
to each other. How are we to act? The prayers from
my heart over the past month have stemmed from
this beautiful book and have truly made me joyful at
the reality of belonging to God and to each one of
you. The Season for Social Justice is not just about
changing unjust structures and systems ‘out there’ -- it
is about confronting the reality within my heart, within
your heart, and transforming our inner lives towards
peace, compassion, and courage. It is facing moments
when I participate in discrimination and racism, when
I harbor judgments, and when I stay silent in the midst
of painful cries for justice.
their year of reflection and learning together in a
grace-filled retreat this weekend. I witnessed members
at our Wednesday workshops who are ‘on fire’ for
justice in our communities and committed to being a
part of the solution. God continues to call us all back
to our foundation, to the one spirit that flows through
the human family. Our hearts will break as we walk in
God’s light to dismantle the inner and outer injustices
in our world. This is conversion, this is transformation,
this is living the Gospel. We are strong enough for this.
We are brave enough for this.
Thank you to everyone for a fantastic Season for Social
Justice, and I look forward to taking next steps to put
our faith into action. Hope to see you all on October
3rd for the Community Renewal Society’s Annual
Membership Assembly! Our Social Justice in Action
team will be there, and all are invited for this powerful
day of prayer, fellowship, and dialog on the platform of
issues we will advocate for over the next year. Join us!
Rachel Lyons is the Director of Social Justice at Old St.
Patrick’s Church.
Follow Old St. Pat’s on:
O ld S t . P at ’ s H appenings
September & October at a Glance...
Rosary Prayer Group
Monday, September 21 |7 p.m.
Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center
[email protected]
Lawndale 5K
Saturday, September 26 | 8-11 a.m.
Lawndale Christian Health Center 3860 N. Ogden, Chicago, IL
Beloved Fundraiser Dance
Saturday, September 26 | 7 p.m.
Hughes Hall
Tammy Roeder [email protected]
The Next Chapter
Sunday, September 27 | 12:30 p.m.
Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center
Bern Gibson [email protected]
Harmony, Hope, & Healing
Sunday, September 27 | 11:15 a.m. Mass
Old St. Patrick’s Church
Jennifer Budziak [email protected]
Katsoros Clothing Drive
Sunday, September 27 | 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. FXW School Cafeteria
Rose Loftus [email protected]
OSP Next Emerald Ball
Tuesday, September 28 | 6-9 p.m.
Kick-Off Happy Hour
Creating a Sacred Birth
Bridget Conway [email protected]
Wednesday, September 30 | 7 p.m.
Encore Trivia Night
Emerald Loop (216 N. Wabash)
Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center Rm. 25A
Lisa Jurski [email protected]
Saturday, October 3rd | 5:30 p.m.
Hughes Hall
Bob Kolatorowicz [email protected]
For Those 50 and better
First Friday Club
Friday, October 4 | Noon
Union League Club
Paula Krupka 312.280.2624
Paul Novak 25th
Friday, October 4| 11:15 a.m.
Old St. Patrick’s Church
Thursday, October 8 | 7-8:30 p.m.
Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center
Anniversary Mass
Gay & Lesbian Outreach
Relationship Conversation
Bob Kolatorowicz [email protected]
Find complete information on the above events by visiting our online calendar at
Turn to Pages 14 and 15 for a complete list of OSP Next events for young adults at Old St. Pat’s!
Fr. Paul Novak’s 25th Anniversary of Ordination
Sunday, October 4 | 11:15 a.m. Mass | Reception to Follow
On May 26, 2015, Fr. Paul Novak OSM celebrated his 25th Anniversary of Ordination. The
community of Old St. Patrick’s would like to continue his celebration with a Mass on Sunday,
October 4th at 11:15. A reception will follow in Hughes Hall immediately after the Mass.
Everyone in the Old Saint Patrick’s community is invited to attend this joyous celebration. Fr.
Paul, who entered the Order of the Friar Servants of Mary on August 29, 1981, took his first
vows on August 11, 1985 and his solemn vows on September 10, 1988. He was ordained on
May 26, 1990.
Fr. Paul, holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Saint Louis University and a Master’s Degree
from the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. He is currently the President of De LaSalle
Instititute in Chicago. Among his other duties, Fr. Paul also has been a Provincial Counselor,
Assistant Provincial and Provincial for the Order of Friar Servants of Mary. We are also lucky
enough to have Fr. Paul assist us at Old St. Patrick’s Church.
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C ommand
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“We Are OSP”
Photo of the week
‘OSP Next at the Ball Game’
Submitted by: Jessie John
The young adults from OSP Next had a
blast at the White Sox game last Saturday,
complete with fireworks and a parade
around the field!
If you would like to submit a photo showing
your OSP, follow @OldStPatsChicago
on Instagram and tag your photo
“#WeAreOSP”. You can also email them to
[email protected]
Working Bikes was a HUGE success!
Dear Old St. Pat’s Community,
WOW, is all I can say. When we asked for bikes and parts for Working Bikes, I never imagined we would
have such a response. On behalf of the people these bikes will impact, I thank you. Because of the
Community of Old St. Pat’s, people will be able to commute to work, to school, to medical appointments,
and more. Your care and dedication to our Mission truly makes a defference!
Thanks for Caring and Sharing,
Beth Marek, Director of Outreach
Many thanks to Joy Tillis, Rachel Lyons, and the Hiltz’s for sharing their photos from the day!
Changing the world
one bike at a time!
Miss Chloe drops off
the very first bicycle
for donation!
...and the bikes just
keep on coming!
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O ld S t . P at ’ s H appenings
The Rosary Prayer
Group meets on the
third Monday of every
month. All levels are
Date: Time: Place: Monday, September 21
6 - 7 p.m.
Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center
711 W. Monroe Flr. 2
Facilitators: Beth Marek & Katy Egan
For more information and to submit
prayer requests, please email:
[email protected]
Creating a Sacred Birth
Wednesday, September 30 | 7-8 p.m.
Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center 711 W. Monroe
Rm. 25A
Pregnancy is a wonderful time to go deep within yourself
and really begin to feel the miracle of God’s gift stirring
inside of you. Great care and attention is paid to the
physical needs of the new baby and mom’s growing belly,
but most people don’t really pay much attention to the
spiritual enrichment that can be had while they go through
this experience.
Come spend some time with Catholic Certified Nurse
Midwife, Mary E. Bauer, CNM, Director of the UIC College
of Nursing’s AVIVA Midwifery and Women’s Health
practice, based at St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital in
Chicago. Together we will develop a plan for you and your
spouse or partner to enrich this special time in your life.
By doing so, you will be able to create greater meaning
on a deeply personal and spiritual level, and more fully
experience God’s grace during your pregnancy and birth.
As a result, you will grow in your faith, appreciate your
partner on a deeper level, and see your gift of life in a whole
new light. If you are pregnant, or thinking about becoming
pregnant, this evening is for you. Spouses and partners
*Refreshments will be served.
Questions? Contact Lisa Jurski at [email protected]
Please note the following:
Mass of Remembrance
Sunday, November 1
s Of
Order of Service:
12:30 p.m. Candle Lighting
1:00 p.m. Mass of Remembrance
1:45 p.m. Social gathering and
friendship in the Church Hall
We will gather with our members and friends to remember and celebrate the lives of our loved ones who have
gone before us to live in the light of the Lord. You, your
family and friends are invited to join us for our annual
candle lighting service and Mass of Remembrance for
those who have died this past year. We ask family and
friends to provide a picture of their loved one who has
died this year.
• Photographs will be displayed on banners and placed
in the Mary Well during the Mass of Remembrance and
throughout the month of November.
• Email your photo to Bernadette Gibson at
[email protected], or mail a photo to
Bernadette Gibson
Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center
711 West Monroe Chicago, IL 60661
• Photos must be received no later than Thursday,
October 1 in order to provide enough time to scan the
photos and print the banners.
• Send copies, not originals, as these photos will not be
returned to you.
• Provide the name of your loved one, their birthdate, and
date of eternal life.
For more information, please contact
Bernadette Gibson at
[email protected] or 312.798.2358.
Visit our website at
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O ld S t . P at ’ s H appenings
Off Site Insight is an Old Saint Patrick’s member-led initiative that brings
monthly gatherings to your doorstep. These monthly “off-site” gatherings welcome
you and your friends to come together to encounter an interesting speaker and
engage in enriching conversations. It’s also a fun way to connect with other Old St.
Pat’s members and friends who live out your way!
Staff Liason Bob Kolatorowicz: [email protected] or 312.831.9379
6:30 p.m.
Refreshments and Welcome
7 p.m.
8:15 p.m.
Prayer and Announcements
8:30 p.m.
Program concludes
Carmelite Spirituality
8419 Bailey Road
Darien, IL 60561
Free parking is available.
Judy McLaughlin
630 .852.7269
[email protected]
Joan Noe
[email protected]
Mary Kay Slowikowski
[email protected]
Living Mindfully and Wholeheartedly,
A Foray into a Spirituality for Our Time
Presented by: Avis Clendenen
Monday, September 28 | 6:30-8:30 p.m.
An evening program created with visuals, poetry, music, and reverence
for the night hours. Drawing on the legendary monk Thomas Merton’s
insights into the evening “firewatch” and savoring poet David Whyte’s
vision of wholehearted living, we shall enjoy their company and the
company of each other in prayerful reflection on an autumn night.
Avis Clendenen is Professor Emerita of Religious Studies at Saint
Xavier University in Chicago where she serves as Special Assistant to
the President. Avis gives days of reflection and retreats that integrate
the arts and technology, exploring the intersections of Christian
spirituality and depth psychology. She is the author of Experiencing
Hildegard: Jungian Perspectives; co-author with Sister Irene Dugan,
r.c. of Love Is All Around in Disguise: Meditations for Spiritual Seekers;
editor of Spirituality in Depth: Essays in Honor of Sister Irene Dugan,
r.c.; and co-author with Troy W. Martin of Forgiveness: Finding Freedom
Through Reconciliation.
Emerald Ball
Friday, October 23 rd, 2015
Please join Old St. Pat’s members and friends at
the Emerald Ball on Friday, October 23rd to honor
the Lori and Ken Hiltz Family who have done so
much to advance the mission of Old St. Patrick’s.
The Emerald Ball will be held in the beautiful
Grand Ballroom of the Hilton Chicago. Come enjoy a delicious dinner and dance the night away
to the fantastic sounds of Michael Lerich and His Orchestra. For tickets or to receive an invitation contact Sheila Greifhahn at 312.798.2343 or [email protected].
Grades 2 through 12 welcome to join
the Old St. Pat’s Children’s Choir or Teen
The Children´s Choir rehearse the third Sunday of the
month (October-May) at 8:30 a.m. then lead us in song
at 9:30a.m. Mass. Rehearseals also take place the first
Sunday of most months immediately following Partners at
12:30pm. (Snack provided.)
The Teen Ensemble invites students grades 8-12 to sing
or play their instruments at the 9:30 a.m. Mass, the first
Sunday of the month. Rehearsals are at 8:30 a.m. on the
Sundays the Teen Ensemble sings. The Teen Ensemble also
ministers at the 5 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass in the Hall and
the 9:30 a.m. Easter Sunday Mass in the gym.
For more information, visit the Music Ministry page at or contact Jennifer Budziak, Director of
Worship Music, at 312.798.2382, or [email protected].
Visit our website at
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presented by
Trivia Night
Avoid the Potholes…
De-mystifying Estate Planning
Date: Sunday, September 27th
Time: 12:30 p.m.
Topic: Avoid the Potholes… De-mystifying Estate Planning
Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center, Room 25 A-B,
711 W. Monroe, Chicago 60661.
Coffee and light refreshments will
be provided.
The Next Chapter is here to provide:
• Practical support and compassionate healing for the
widow community
• A safe place to meet others who have lost their
spouse and engage in conversation with those who
understand such loss
Trivia Night presented by Encore
Saturday, October 3rd | 5:30 p.m.
Hughes Hall
Register your team today!
The Trivia Night is hosted by Old St. Patrick’s Encore, but
is open to all Old St. Pat’s members and friends over the
age of 21. Encore also challenges all other Old St. Pat’s
groups and ministries to form a team! Bragging rights
are at stake, so register your team today!
Here’s how it works:
1. A table of 8 people (21 and over only)
makes up a team.
• To minister to the community of widows who have
passed through the initial stages of grief who want
to connect with others who can offer support for
their new future.To discuss and prepare creative
solutions to the problems and issues of this life
journey through fellowship, love and education
2. You may form a whole team of 8 or sign up
individually as a “free agent.”
3. Entry fee for a team of 8 is $200.
4. Individuals can sign up for $25 and they will be
placed on a team. You may indicate up to three other
registered “free agents” to be your teammates.
For more information, contact Bernadette Gibson at
[email protected], or 312.798.2358.
5. Register as a team or as an individual at: http://
Monthly Gathering
Tuesday, September 22
5:15 - 8 p.m.
Lawndale Christian Health Center
3860 W. Ogden Ave, Chicago, IL 60623
Theme and Focus: “Keeping it Real in Community
Engagement” - An intimate conversation on the roles of race,
economics, power, life priorities, justice and partnerships as
we build relationships, strengthen networks and work toward
mutual transformation in North Lawndale and Old St. Pat’s
7. Snacks and appetizers will be served. You’ll need
sustenance to be the big winners! Drinks will be
available for purchase (soft drinks, water, beer, wine).
8. Winners will be the team with the highest score after
all categories are completed.
9. Winning team will receive a $600 prize (and of
course those ever-popular bragging rights)!
10. And if that isn’t enough fun, we’ll also be raffling off
some great prizes!
All contestants must be pre-registered.
Special Guest: Rev. Dr. Michael Pfleger, Pastor of the Faith
Free parking will be available in the lot on
Community of St. Sabina (Chicago, Illinois)
the southeast corner of Adams and Des Plaines.
RSVP by Septemer 21 to Michelle Bella at
[email protected]
6. Space is limited, so register early! Registration will
close on September 25 (or earlier if we sell out).
Questions? Contact Erin Brinkman Dynek
(773)-653-1876 – [email protected]
Visit our website at
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O ld S t . P at ’ s H appenings
Lawndale 5K Run/Walk
Saturday, September 26th | 8-11 a.m. (Rain or shine)
Lawndale Christian Health Center
3860 N. Ogden Ave., Chicago, IL
Each year, the Lawndale 5K draws in a diverse group of people, with all proceeds benefiting
children’s fitness and nutrition education programming in North Lawndale. Registration is only
$20.00 for adults and with reduced prices for teens and children. Volunteers are always welcome,
and come along with your family and friends to be a part of a fun and inspiring morning. Upon
arrival, stop by the the Old St. Pat’s Check-in Area to connect with some familiar faces from our
Please stop by the hospitality table outside of church after this mass to let the Kinship Initiative
Representative there know how you will participate with us in the North Lawndale 5K this coming
Saturday. We hope you will run with us!
For more information about registering, volunteering or simply showing up in support of the event,
contact Old St. Pat’s member Jim Power at [email protected] or 612.802.7019.
Beloved Fall Fundraiser Dance
Saturday, September 26th in
Hughes Hall
6:30 p.m. Doors open
7-10 p.m. Music & Dancing
Refreshments: Beer, Wine, Soda,
and Light Appetizers
Please note: There will be limited
complimentary parking in the parking lot
on the southeast corner of Adams and Des
Plaines Streets.
Featuring the Music of Anne
Burnell: from Swing to Motown
Performing arrangements from
their new CD, “Summer Days &
Dreamy Nights” (currently on
NPR across the country), the
seven-piece band features Pat
Mallinger on sax, Bob Ojeda on
trumpet, Jim Widlowsk on drums,
Mark Burnell on piano, Anne
Burnell on vocals, and more!
Purchase your $25 tickets at:
*Tickets will be available at the door
for $35, if not sold out prior to the
Visit our website at
Anne Burnell
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O utreach M inistry
Outreach Ministry Updates Old Satint Patrick’s
is fortunate to work with so many partnering organization through our
Outreach Minstry. Below are some exciting updates on just some of those
groups. We hope you will be inspired to join us in Outreach!
Adult Literacy Program: A big thank you to
Marilyn and Joe Antonik (right) for 25+ years of
dedicated service to the Adult Literacy Program at
The Salvation Army. Thanks to the volunteers too who
make this happen every Monday.
The Cara Program just celebrated their 25th year of
service – thank you again Tom Owens and all who have
made this important work possible!
Coprodeli USA: The Board of Coprodeli USA just met at
Emilio’s Tapas, a major supporter of the program (right).
Padre Miguel Ranera, Coprodeli founder, will be coming
to Chicago Monday, October 26 through Monday,
November 2.
Fabretto: Eugene Lee lead a very successful
mission trip to Nicaragua (below). Thanks to
Eugene for his ongoing service to this program.
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O utreach M inistry
Interfaith House: Our Outreach partner
Interfaith House to ill and injured homeless
people has renamed themselves to “The
Boulevard – the road to health and home”.
Congratulations on the new branding effort!
LIFT: Please join Fr. Jamels James, LIFT founder, as he concelebrates the 5 p.m.
Mass on Sunday, September 27 at Old St. Pat’s.
Congratulations to the LIFT Associate Board on hosting their first Summerfest on
the Old St. Pat’s campus.
New Moms, Inc.: Congratulations to the young, new moms who will be honored
this Friday for completing their goals at their Celebration of Transformation.
Giving Tree 2015: Christmas is just around the
corner and we are in need of new trees. If you could
construct two trees (we have previous years’ trees as
samples), Outreach would really appreciate your help.
To learn how you can become involved with these and other Outrach
Programs at Old St. Pat’s, please contact Beth Marek at
[email protected] or 312.831.9361
Visit our website at
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F irst F riday C lub
Friday October 2, 2015 at Noon
Union League Club, 6th Floor
“How is Your Faith: An Unlikely Spiritual Journey
The First Friday Club of Chicago welcomes Mr. David
Gregory, former NBC journalist and anchor of ‘Meet the
Join David Gregory as he discusses his probing various
religious traditions to better understand his own faith and
answer life’s most important questions: who do we want to
be and what do we believe?
While David was covering the White House, he had the
unusual experience of being asked by President George W.
Bush, “How’s your faith?” David’s answer was just emerging.
Raised by a Catholic mother and a Jewish father, he had
a strong sense of Jewish cultural and ethnic identity, but
no real belief—until his marriage to a Protestant woman of
strong faith inspired him to explore his spirituality for himself
and his growing family.
David’s journey has taken him inside Christian megachurches and into the heart of Orthodox Judaism. He’s
gone deep into Bible study and asked tough questions
of America’s most thoughtful religious leaders, including
evangelical preacher Joel Osteen and Cardinal Timothy
Dolan, the Catholic Archbishop of New York. It has brought
him back to his childhood, where belief in God might have
helped him through his mother’s struggle with alcoholism,
and through a difficult period of public scrutiny and his
departure from NBC News, which saw his faith tested like
never before.
Join members of Old St. Pat’s as we lunch at the
Union League Club from noon until 1:15 p.m. Call
Table Captains, Paula Krupka, 312.280.2624 or
Peggy Pecoraro, 773.774.5250 before noon
Tuesday, September 29th to be seated at one of
the Old St. Patrick’s tables. The lunch fee is $35
for members and $40 for non-members. Join
the OSP table to take advantage of the special
member price. Once your reservation is made,
your lunch fee is required, even if you are unable to
attend. There is a dress code at the Union League
Club; business casual for men and women which
includes a shirt with a collar for men and no jeans
or tennis shoes.
Membership Drive: You are encouraged to signup to be a member at one of these rates.
Member $50
Patron $75
Supporter $125
Benefactor $150
Sponsor $250
Book signing and registration will begin at 11:30
on the 5th floor Crystal Room. Book signing will
continue from 1:10 - 1:30 p.m.
David approaches his faith with the curiosity and dedication
you would expect from a journalist accustomed to holding
politicians and Presidents accountable. But he also comes
as a seeker, one just discovering why spiritual journeys are
worthwhile. David Gregory’s appearance is being made
possible by the Author’s Group of the Union League Club
of Chicago. Attendees at the luncheon will be both Union
League Club and First Friday Club members. With this
arrangement, seating will be limited and preference will be
given to FFCC members who have paid their dues for the
2015-2016 season. Non-member and guest reservations will
be placed on a waiting list and they will be notified should
space be available.
David Gregory
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G ay & L esbian O utreach
The Old St. Patrick’s Gay & Lesbian, Friends & Families
Outreach is committed to hosting good conversations
exploring the many graces and challenges experienced
in all human relationships. As we host this very special
program, gay or straight, we hope you might consider
joining in on the conversation.
Relationships: An Exercise in Hosting Profound Differences and . . . Holy Communion
with Terry Nelson-Johnson, D. Min.
Thursday, October 8| 711 W. Monroe Street, 2nd floor | 7 – 8:30 p.m. | $10 per person
“I was in a conversation with a friend recently and she was reflecting on, anguishing over, wrestling
with, and contemplating a relationship that was deeply important to her. After an extended period
of silence she said, ‘He is SO different than I am . . . and, I suppose that’s the point!’ with equal
parts exasperation and wonder.
As soon as I heard this line I intuitively knew there was a wealth of wisdom and soul in it. I promised
myself I would explore the wisdom intentionally. Well, there is no time like the present!
Please consider joining us for an evening contemplating how our differences inform, enhance,
stretch and strain our relationships -- and how our differences can, wondrously and sacramentally,
collapse into Holy Communion.”
- Terry Nelson-Johnson
Please reserve your place at this special program by registering online at:
*Light refreshments will be served.
For more information about this program, don’t hesitate to contact Bob Kolatorowicz at [email protected] or 312.831.9379.
About Terry Nelson-Johnson …
Terry’s art is the written and spoken word. His passion for narrative theology expresses the yearning
of 2,000 years to connect our life stories with The Story of the birth, life, death and resurrection of
Jesus. Through storytelling, poetry, and humor, Terry challenges us to enter more deeply into the
mystery of grace, the mystery of spirit, and the mystery of God. Terry served on the faculty of the
Loyola Academy Jesuit High School for eighteen years and is Founder and Executive Director of
Soul-Play, LLC, an experiential, theological, educational enterprise serving congregations, families,
schools, and adult retreats. He is Resident Theologian and ‘Animator of Faith’ at Old St. Patrick’s
Church, holds a master’s degree from the Institute of Pastoral Studies, Loyola University; and a
Doctorate of Ministry from the University of St. Mary of the Lake.
Visit our website at
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OSP N ext
OSP Next is the new name of Old
St. Pat’s group for young adults.
As the next generation of the Church, we understand
that sharing our gifts with each other is what keeps our
Mission and community alive. We offer opportunities
to participate in a number of our initiatives involving
outreach, development, fundraising, social events,
professional networking, spiritual fellowship, retreats,
service, hospitality, and more. All are welcome, and we
are excited to begin this next chapter in the life of Old
St. Pat’s. We hope you’ll join us and see what’s Next.
After Mass Fellowship
Join us for drinks, food, and fellowship following the 5 p.m.
Mass on September 20 and 27 & October 11 and 19. Also, join
us for brunch following the 11:15 a.m. Mass on September 27.
Just meet at the Hospitality table after Mass!
Book Club | Monday, September 28 | 7 p.m.
Our monthly book club is fun, relaxed, and filled with captivating
conversation. Join us this month as we read Just Mercy by Bryan
Stevenson. We meet Monday, September 28 at 7 p.m. at The Book Cellar
in Lincoln Square (4736 N. Lincoln). Contact Rachelle Lindo with any
questions at [email protected].
Next month: Little Bee by Chris Cleave, October 26
Emerald Ball Kick-Off Happy Hour!
Tuesday September 29 | 6-9 p.m.
Emerald Loop (216 N. Wabash)
Join OSP Next for the Emerald Ball Kick-Off Party to learn more about the
Emerald Ball and to purchase tickets at a special discount for young adults.
A $25 donation can be made at the door, which includes drinks and
appetizers. We hope you can join us!
Sign up for the OSP Next Mailing List or ‘Connect’
with us by emailing [email protected] or
vistiting our webpage at
Visit our website at
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OSP N ext
Thanks for coming out to the OSP Next Sox
Season for Social Justice Panel
We’d like to extend another large thank you to the community for making it out to last
month’s After Five gathering, the Season for Social Justice Panel. Over sixty people
joined the young adults for this gathering, and we look forward to collaborating with the
community in the future!
Connect with us!
If you are looking to get more connected with other
young adults or find ways to get more involved, please
reach out to us anytime at [email protected].
Visit our website at
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MBSR T raining
MBSR and Graduate MBSR
“Developing Present Moment Awareness and Cultivating a Mindful Presence”
The Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), and
Graduate MBSR programs are ways to integrate the
Spiritual Practice of Mindfulness into daily life: learning
to walk the contemplative path with practical feet.
Mindfulness is a quality of awareness that develops with
regular practice; as we pay attention on purpose in the
present moment, non-judgmentally, to life as it really is.
The MBSR Program supports overall health
enhancement, emotional resilience, and increase calm for
people from all walks of life. In this eight week program,
you will learn “Present Moment Awareness” which may
sustain concentration, and create clarity.
The MBSR Graduate Program deepens Mindfulness
practice in a unique way: while speaking with other people.
In this eight week program, you will learn how to cultivate
a “Mindful Presence” which may support deep listening,
and foster effective communication.
2015 MBSR Dates & Times
1. Friday, October 2: 8:30-11 a.m.
2. Friday, October 9: 8:30-11:00 a.m.
3. Friday, October 16: 8:30-11:00 a.m.
4/5. Friday, October 23: 8:30-12:30 p.m.
6. Friday, November 6: 8:30-11:00 a.m.
7. Friday, November 13: 8:30-11:00 a.m.
Saturday, November 14: 9-3:30 p.m. (Retreat)
8. Friday, November 20: 8:30-11:00 a.m.
LOCATION: Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center: 711
West Monroe, Second Floor, Room #25: B-C.
$495 per person. Fee reduced to $475 when paid
in full at Mindfulness registration. Participants
receive 30 hours group instruction including:
Mindfulness Program Manual with meditations,
practices, poetry, skill guides, and resources.
*Class size is limited.*
2015 Graduate MBSR Dates & Times
1. Monday, September 28: 6-8:30 p.m.
2. Monday, October 5: 6-8:30 p.m.
3. Thursday, October 15: 6-8:30 p.m.
Monday, October 19: 6-8:30 p.m.
Saturday, October 24: 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
5. Monday, October 26: 6-8:30 p.m.
6. Monday, November 2: 6-8:30 p.m.
Monday, November 9: 6-8:30 p.m.
8. Monday, November 16: 6-8:30 p.m.
TEACHER: Holly Nelson-Johnson,
MSN, APN, FNP-BC is a Family
Nurse Practitioner, Certified MBSR
Teacher/Trainer, and an Interpersonal
Mindfulness Teacher who has offered
Mindfulness programm-
ing and Spiritual Practices at Old St. Patrick’s
since 2008. She has background in Interfaith
Dialogue, Social Justice and mission work
REGISTRATION: Attendance Required at one MBSR having taught Mindfulness-Based approaches
(September 21, or 22: 6-8:30 p.m.) or MBSR Graduate for more than twenty-five years.
(September 10: 6-8:30 p.m.) registration and orientation session including: Program information, Mindful- CONTACT: Holly Nelson-Johnson:
ness practice, Q & A, interviews, and program fee col- [email protected] for Program
lection. If unable to attend this session please contact: application *PRIOR* to attending
the MBSR or MBSR Graduate
Holly Nelson-Johnson at: [email protected]
“There is in all visible things, a hidden wholeness”
Thomas Merton
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Greater Chicago
Food Depository
Join Outreach partner, LIFT, for the exclusive
premiere of their powerful documentary film,
OUR LIFT: from Hardship to Hope.
Old St. Pat’s
Volunteer Dates
4100 W. Ann Lurie Place
Autumn Evening of Service
Date: Wednesday, September 30|6-9 p.m.
See the students; hear first-hand from LIFT founder,
Father Jamels James, and share your support for the
students of LIFT.
LIFT Film Premiere and Benefit
September 24, 2015
Kendall College Auditorium
900 N. Branch St. Chicago, IL 60642
6p.m.: Reception |hors d’oeuvres and refreshments
7p.m.: Film
Tickets: $65
To purchase tickets, please visit www.lift-foundaton.
orgpremiere or call Katie Heaps at 262.994.5491.
September is Hunger Action Month, a nationwide
campaign developed by Feeding America and
cosponsored by food banks all over our country to
raise awareness about the critical reality of hunger
among our people. In Cook County one in six people
are unsure of when they will receive their next meal;
for children it is one in five. It is getting harder and
harder for families to make ends meet.
Hunger Never Takes a Holiday.
You are invited to join the Old St. Pat’s community
in helping to ‘stamp out hunger’ by joining the
contingency for our Autumn Evening of Service.
Experienced as well as “first-time” volunteers are
most welcome. Fourteen is the minimum age to
volunteer. For complete information, contact our
coordinator please provide your email address and
phone numbers.
Evening of Service Contact: Jim Holbrook
[email protected]
Weekend Outreach
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Date: Saturday, October 10|9-12 p.m.
Contact: Mary Beth Riley
[email protected]
Weekday Outreach
Old Saint Patrick’s
American Red Cross
Blood Drive
Date: Tuesday, October 13|9-12 p.m.
Contact: Jim Holbrook
[email protected]
Visit our website at
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K atsoros
+S hiftC
lick toD
dit M e
Beth Katsaros Winter Clothing Drive
Sunday, September 27, 2015
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. | FXW School Cafeteria
Beth Katsaros
During these early days of fall, it is hard to imagine the snowy, cold, winter months ahead. As you begin to clean out your
closets and organize for the upcoming season, we ask you to take a good look to see if you might have any warm clothing
items in good condition to share. Our Winter Clothing Drive is held in early fall so that the recipient organizations can
distribute the much-needed items before the first cold snap. All types of winter clothing for boys, girls, men and women
will be accepted.
Most needed items:
• Coats and jackets
• Layers
• (fleece,hoodies, underlayers)
• Warm hats
Gloves and mittens
Winter scarves
Snow boots
Warm sweaters
Drop off will be in front of the FXW School on Sunday, September 27th ONLY. Please walk or drive around to the back of
the school, turning right off of Adams St., by the rectory (the gate will be open), creating a one-way traffic flow. Volunteers
will happily accept your bags or boxes. Tax receipts will be available.
This clothing drive is named in memory of Beth Katsaros, a champion of the less fortunate. Beth was one of the original
Family Advisory Board members, responsible for creating faith opportunities for the families of Old St. Patrick’s Church.
Throughout her life, Beth was committed to non-profit work, education and public housing. Upon learning of the
assassination of a child from Cabrini-Green, who was on his way to Sojourner Truth School, Beth made it a point of going
to see the principal of that school. It became Beth’s mission to help out the school, including raising money for their Drum
Corps’ much needed uniforms and instruments. Appealing to the Old St. Patrick’s community, Beth was able to raise the
needed money and eventually bring the students here to gift us with their music during Mass. Soon afterward, Beth and
Dee Leonard began collecting coats and winter clothing for the Sojourner Truth School families. She departed this life on
January 20, 2001. Her family, including her young granddaughter, now help sort clothes during our drive.
Beth’s passion, service, and activism live on in so many different ways. Even though the Sojourner Truth School is now
closed, the need for winter clothing is great and extends throughout Chicago. The clothing items we collect will go to
people served by:
Su Casa
Midwest Workers Association
Interfaith House
Franciscan House of Mary and Joseph Shelter
We need adult volunteers to help with directing traffic, teens and adults to unload and load cars, as well as children with
parents to help sort clothes. We also need drivers to deliver the bags and boxes to the organizations. Volunteers are
needed from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. We ask you to please sign up to volunteer by going to:
Sorting will occur in the school cafeteria. Light refreshments will be served.
Would you like to receive a friendly reminder to bring your donations? Sign up for one by going to the SignUp Genius
website and sign up for Clothing Drive: Donations.
Many thanks for your generosity and for helping to continue Beth’s mission! Sponsored by SPOKES: Old St. Pat’s
Opportunities for Kids to Experience Service. Questions? Contact Rose Loftus at [email protected]
Visit our website at
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Global Alliance for Africa | 17th Annual Gala
Friday, September 25 | 6-11 p.m.
Fine Arts Building | 410 S. Michigan Avenue
Come Join Us And Put a Smile on an Orphaned Child’s Face!
You’re invited to the 17th Annual Gala on Friday, September 25th. Join Global Alliance for Africa
for a festive evening of fun, food, and music at the Fine Arts Building, including a silent auction
and a 50/50 raffle split. Your attendance supports our programs that assist orphans, vulnerable
children and youth that have been affected by HIV/AIDS in East Africa.
Visit our website at
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G eneral I nformation
Mass Schedule
Wedding Schedule
7 a.m., 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 5 p.m., and 8 p.m.
If you are engaged and would like to be married at Old
St. Patrick’s Church, please contact Jo Ann O’Brien,
wedding scheduler/coordinator, at JoAnnO@oldstpats.
org, or 312.831.9383.
Monday – Friday (Daily Mass)
7 a.m. and 12:10 p.m.
Wedding Banns
Church is open for Personal Prayer:
Monday – Friday: 7 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Fridays at 11:45 a.m., or upon request.
Liturgical Ministry
If you feel called to serve as a Hospitality Minister,
Eucharistic Minister or Lector for one of our Sunday
liturgies, please contact Katie Kearns at katiek@, or 312.831.9372. Training for
Hospitality Ministers and Eucharistic Ministers takes place four
times per year. Training for Lectors occurs annually.
The Baptismal Program & Schedule
To schedule a baptism, please contact Betty O’Toole, Baptism
Scheduler, at 312.798.2366.
Nursery Service
Nursery service is available during the 9:30 and 11:15 a.m.
Masses in The Frances Xavier Warde School building. Enter the
school on Des Plaines Street.
Low-gluten Host
Old St. Pat’s has low-gluten hosts available for those members
who, for health reasons, could not receive regular Communion
hosts. If you would like to receive a low-glutenn host, please
contact Katie Kearns, Liturgy Ministry, at [email protected],
or 312.831.9372.
Sign-Language Interpreter
Upon request, a sign language interpreter can
be available at the 11:15 a.m. or 5 p.m. Mass on
Sundays, as well as for holidays and holy days
of obligation. It would be most appreciative if you would
give us 5 days of advance notice. To request access to a sign
language interpreter at Mass, please contact Katie Kearns at
312.831.9372, or [email protected].
Old St. Patrick’s Website
May the Winds of Heaven Dance Between You.
I. September 26, 2015
Charles Lee & Camille Heneghan
Thomas Wayne Mallin & Laura Ann Pegler
II. October 3, 2015
Mark Chase & Carolyn Semanic
Aaron Beswick & Naadia Owens
Charles Zubek & Jessica Surridge
Ryan McClintock & Kristin Freund
III. October 10, 2015
Stanley Borysek & Anna Taconi
James Grace & Alison Russell
Daniel Matthew Renner & Amanda Margi
Be sure to visit our website,,
for the most up-to-date information.
Prayer Requests: Names of the sick or
recently deceased are listed for one week
in the prayers of the faithful and two
subsequent weeks in the bulletin. Please
call Bernadette Gibson at 312.798.2389 to
add a name to the list.
Pastoral Care: Do you know someone
in need of Pastoral Care amongst
our Old St. Pat’s community? Please
contact Bernadette Moore Gibson at
Visit our website at
The Book of Patrick: Offers perpetual
remembrance for a loved one who has
passed, or for a loved one in remembrance
of a sacramental date. The date is chosen
by the donor. The $150 donations requested
benefits Old St. Patrick’s. For more
information, please contact Tim Liston at
312.798.2348 or [email protected]
Follow Old St. Pat’s on:
H earts
P rayers
Taking a child he placed it in their midst, and putting his arms around it he said to them, “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name,
receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me.” - Mk 9:36-37
Sunday, September 20th, 2015
Readings: Wis 2:12, 17-20/Jas 3:16--4:3/Mk
Mass Remembrances:
7 a.m.
8 a.m.
9:30 a.m. Sylvia Caulfield
Thomas & MaryAnn Pacer
Charlene Voitik (=)
Robert Walz (=)
Ernest Pickell (=)
11:15 a.m. Enza Lo Presti (=)
Lorna Marsh (=)
William Ranquist (=)
James Hollander (=)
5 p.m.
8 p.m.
Book of Patrick: James P. Campbell, Sr.,
Emma Ryan Carl, Joseph Francis Flaherty,
Anita Gallardo, Helen J. Harmon, Kavanaugh &
Waytula Families, George Daniel Ryan
Monday, September 21st, 2015
Readings: Eph 4:1-7, 11-13/Mt 9:9-13
Mass Remembrance:
Book of Patrick: Anne G. Breen, Joseph Edward
Breen, Jeane Marguerite O’Donnell Czech, Nora
Mangan Edge, Louisa Gallo, Thomas A. Hett,
Rev. Raymond McNicholas S.S.C., Lyn & Owen
McKeaney, Herman Mosby, Sr., Ruth O’Brien,
John & Margaret Ridge, Jim & Virginia Sara,
Mary Shepelak, Karlie Vanek
Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015
Readings: Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20/Lk 8:19-21
Mass Remembrance:
Book of Patrick: Kathleen Brennan, Blair
Elizabeth Darnell, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Feahrs,
Earl R. Keefer, John R. Laurie, Jean Merikle, Nora
Scanlan, Florence & Frank Siuda, Lynn & Steve
Wednesday, September 23rd, 2015
Readings: Ezr 9:5-9/Lk 9:1-6
Mass Remembrance: Mary & Thomas
Flanagan (=)
Book of Patrick: Sister Rosemary Brennan,
Colleen Burns & Dan Martin, Meg George, James
P. Harney, James J. Kreminski, Julia Krilcich,
Miriam Fitzsimmons Meehan, Christopher &
Jaclyn Mullooly, Francis Neylon, Leo Point, William
& Katherine Ryan, Donna Lin Yang
Thursday, September 24th, 2015
Readings: Hg 1:1-8/Lk 9:7-9
(=) Deceased
Mass Remembrance: William
Lewandowski (=), Stephen Schaubert, Dick
Book of Patrick: Larry & Pat Booth,
Oscar D’Angelo, Stanley Fryzel, Kathi
Lucas, Rita M. Olenski, John & Mary
Women and Men of Faith
September 26
and Damian
(d. 303?)
Friday, September 25th, 2015
known of their lives except that
Book of Patrick: Rydie Dunn, John P. Edwards, they suffered martyrdom in
Geraldine Geisel, Michael H. and Bridie D.
Syria during the persecution
Griffin, James F. Halpin, McElroy Family,
John McIntire, Matthew Karl Meier, Francis
of the Emperor Diocletian.
O’Donoghue, Mary and John Sullivan, Anita
Catherine Trunk
A church erected on the site
Saturday, September 26th, 2015* of their burial place was
Readings: Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a/Lk 9:43b-45
enlarged by the emperor
Mass Remembrance:
Justinian. Devotion to the two
Book of Patrick: Mollie Hazar Abdnour &
saints spread rapidly in both
Roy Abdnour, Roger Bean, Roselyn McGinley
East and West. A famous
Cadwallader & Connie Cadwallader, Wayne
Doyle, Garrity Family, Thomas Patrick Hanlon,
basilica was erected in their
John & Mildred Krueger, Lowell Lawler, Anna
honor in Constantinople.
Marie McGinley, Ann McNulty McGinley &
John McGinley, Mary Ann Stapleton McGinley,
Their names were placed
Kathleen Keil McGinley, John F. McGinley, Patrick
in the canon of the Mass
McGinley, Grace McCoy Meyer & Clifford Meyer,
Anna Marie Morris, John (Jack) Mudd, Mary
Welch Nair & Warren Nair, Tom Mallin & Laurie
probably in the sixth century.
Pegler, Ronald E. Redinbo, Rosemary Saas, Diane
Simons, Susan Meyer Sullivan
Legend says that they were
Sunday, September 27th, 2015
twin brothers born in Arabia,
Readings: Nm 11:25-29/Jas 5:1-6/Mk
who became skilled doctors.
9:38-43, 45, 47-48
They were among those who
Prayer Requests
are venerated in the East
For Those Who Are Sick
as the “moneyless ones”
Joe Antonik, Dennis and Carolyn
Bohlman, Robyn Burke, Gloria Cacal,
because they did not charge
Lucca Cepin, Pat Collar, Chuck Doonan,
a fee for their services. It
Nancy Gunning, Brian Fitzgerald, Kathy
Foley, Rose Howard, Cathy Janes, Briana
was impossible that such
Kline, Ann Kunkle, Joseph Kurcz, Mark
prominent persons would
Marionovich, Ava Martin, Dr. Karen
escape unnoticed in time
Murphy, Nancy Niego, Elena O’Connell,
Michael Podagrasi, Marguerite and Earl
of persecution: They were
Thompson, Henry Sayer, Cathy Sheffki,
arrested and beheaded.
Mike Welsh, Deb Wilson, Emily White
Nine centuries later, Francis
For Those Who Have Recently Died
Elizabeth Ahumada, Edmund Burke,
of Assisi (October 4) rebuilt
Ronald B. Chambers, Richard Coyle,
the dilapidated San Damiano
Ryan Elwood, James R. Hollander, Sheila
Murphy Hulseman, Ken Kaval, John Littel,
chapel outside Assisi.
Vera Mackey, Paul Minar, Rita Neubaeur,
Adapted from
John O’Boyle, Mary Portman, William
Ranquist, Dan Retacco, Ronald Sorvino,
Anthony Terlep
Readings: Hg 2:1-9/Lk 9:18-22
Mass Remembrance: Theresa Vincent (=)
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Follow Old St. Pat’s on:
D irectory
Old St. Patrick’s Church Administrative Office • Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center • 711 W. Monroe • Chicago, IL 60661 • p 312.648.1021 • f 312.648.9025
Janette Nunez
[email protected]
[email protected]
Blood Drive
Mark Buciak*
[email protected]
Linda Vasquez
[email protected]
The Cara Program
Maria Kim
Adult Education Ministries
Bob Kolatorowicz
[email protected]
Chicago Food Depository
Mary Beth Riley*
[email protected]
Tim Liston
[email protected]
The Children’s Place
Katie Byrne*
[email protected]
Book of Patrick
(Memorial for Loved Ones)
Bridget Carey
[email protected]
House of Mary and Joseph
Kate Boege*
[email protected]
Annulment Support Ministry
Patty Stiles
[email protected]
Betty O’Toole, scheduler
[email protected]
Andrew Hayden
[email protected]
Clergy - Pastor
Fr. Thomas J. Hurley
[email protected]
Twitter: @TomHurleyOSP
St. Agatha’s Sharing Parish
Beth Marek
[email protected]
Trinity Volunteer Corps
Marty Kenahan
[email protected]
Community Outreach
Beth Marek
[email protected]
Adult Literacy Program
Marilyn and Joe Antonik*
Grief Support Facilitators
Judi Black, Bill Brennan*
Jewish Catholic Ministry
Jewish Catholic Dialogue
Gina Lakin*
[email protected]
In Residence
Fr. John J. Wall
Visiting Clergy
Lauren Kezon
[email protected]
Twitter: @oldstpats
Listening Parent Ministry
Maureen Schuneman
[email protected]
Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly
Joe Harzich*
[email protected]
Su Casa
Jim Karczewski*
[email protected]
Fr. John Cusick
Fr. Edward Foley, OFM Cap.
Fr. Tony Mazurkiewicz, O. Carm
Fr. Pat McGrath, SJ
Fr. Paul Novak, OSM
Fr. William O’Shea
Msgr. Kenneth Velo
Gay & Lesbian; Friends & Families
Outreach (Old St. Pat’s)
John Parro*
[email protected]
Bob Kolatorowicz
[email protected],
Bridget Evers
[email protected]
Admin. Assistant to Pastor
Skye Darke
[email protected]
Katie Brandt
[email protected]
Interfaith House
Beth Marek
[email protected]
Special Olympics
Greg Benacka*
[email protected]
Family Ministry
Bea Cunningham
[email protected]
U of I Hospital Pediatrics
Sue Sierkierski*
[email protected]
Eileen O’Farrell Smith*
[email protected]
Family School
David Kovacs
[email protected]
Interfaith Union
Eileen O’Farrell Smith
[email protected]
Liturgy Department
Mark Scozzafave
[email protected]
Katie Kearns
[email protected]
Marriage Preparation
Jack Berkemeyer - Pre-Cana Experience
Counseling Services
Sarah [email protected]
[email protected]
773.643.6259 ext. 30
Encore: 50+ Active Adults
Mary Kay Slowikowski*
[email protected]
Faith Formation
Keara Ette
[email protected]
Visit our website at
Patty Stiles - Pre-Marital Assessment
[email protected]
Members/New Members
Tim Liston
[email protected]
Bridget Carey
[email protected]
Follow Old St. Pat’s on:
D irectory
Jennifer Budziak
[email protected]
Laura Higgins
[email protected]
Mark Scozzafave
[email protected]
Bill Fraher
[email protected]
North Lawndale Kinship Initiative
Vincent L. Guider
[email protected]
Office Manager
Joanne Gresik
[email protected]
Pastoral Care Ministry
Bernadette Gibson
312.798.2389 prayer line
[email protected]
312.493.8737 pastoral cell
Rite of Christian Initiation for
Adults (RCIA)
Keara Ette
[email protected]
Resident Theologian Presenter
Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson
[email protected]
Retreat Program: Beloved
Tammy Roeder
[email protected]
Social Justice
Rachel Lyons
[email protected]
Special Events (Fundraisers)
Sheila Greifhahn
[email protected]
Bridget Conway
[email protected]
Spiritual Direction
Tammy Roeder
[email protected]
Tours of Old St. Pat’s
Jim McLaughlin*
[email protected]
Wedding Music
[email protected]
Wedding Ministry
JoAnn O’Brien
[email protected]
Global Alliance for Africa
Jonathan Shaver*
[email protected]
Wedding Volunteers
Mary Jo Graf*
[email protected]
Robin Ramel*
[email protected]
Parking at Old St. Pat’s
For your convenience, we are providing parking information
to make parking easily accessible for everyone who visits Old
St. Pat’s.
Women’s Spirituality
Mary Anne Moriarty *
Lot 1: There is no charge to park your car in the parking lot
at the Southeast corner of Adams and Des Plaines. Young Adult Ministry
(Old St. Pat’s)
Keara Ette
[email protected]
Youth Ministry: Foundations
and Blueprints
Courtney Nichols
[email protected]
Lot 2: There is no charge to park your car in the roped
off area marked “Old St. Pat’s” in the parking lot at the
Southeast corner of Monroe and Des Plaines.
Lot 1: There is no charge to park your car in the lot on the
Southeast corner of Adams and Des Plaines all day and evening;
Lot 2: There is no charge to park your car in the lot on the Southeast corner of Monroe and Des Plaines until 6:30 p.m.
You must pay after 6:30 p.m.
The Mary and Bill Aronin Center
for Social Concerns
703 W. Monroe
Chicago, IL 60661
The Cara Program
Beth Lye
[email protected]
Career Transitions Center
Mary Sabathne
[email protected]
Lot 3: There is no charge to park your car in the lot on the
Northwest corner of Monroe and Des Plaines (across from
711) until 5 p.m. You must pay after 5 p.m. to park in this lot.
Lot 1: There is no charge to park your car in the lot on
the Southeast corner of Adams and Des Plaines; if you are
coming to Old St. Pat’s for meetings, please let the attendant
know and keep your keys as he leaves after 8 p.m.
Lot 3: You must pay to park your car in the lot on the
Northwest corner of Monroe and Des Plaines (across from
711) throughout the week.
Coprodeli, Peru
Beth Marek
[email protected]
Friends of Fabretto, Nicaragua
Tom Gleason*
[email protected]
Harmony, Hope & Healing
Marge Nykaza
Horizons for Youth
Brian Broccolo
[email protected]
Tom Derdak
[email protected]
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