Notice of Meeting for the Parks and Recreation Advisory


Notice of Meeting for the Parks and Recreation Advisory
Notice of Meeting for the
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Parks and Recreation Administration Office
of the City of Georgetown
August 14, 2014 at 6:00 PM
at 1101 N College, Georgetown, TX 78626
The City of Georgetown is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
If you require assistance in participating at a public meeting due to a disability, as defined under the
ADA, reasonable assistance, adaptations, or accommodations will be provided upon request. Please
contact the City at least four (4) days prior to the scheduled meeting date, at (512) 930-3652 or City
Hall at 113 East 8th Street for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711.
Regular Session
(This Regular Session may, at any time, be recessed to convene an Executive Session for any purpose
authorized by the Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code 551.)
Roll Call
Call to Order
Presentation from Kendra Kalich, summer intern for the Parks and Recreation Department.
Discussion and possible action authorizing staff to negotiate a task order with RVi for the San
Gabriel Park Master Plan.
Update on the Texas Historical Commission grant for the survey at Citizen's Memorial Cemetery.
Update on the 2014/2015 Parks and Recreation Budget
Consideration of Parks and Recreation Director's project update
Approve minutes from the June 12, 2014 meeting
I, Jessica Brettle, City Secretary for the City of Georgetown, Texas, do hereby certify that this Notice
of Meeting was posted at City Hall, 113 E. 8th Street, a place readily accessible to the general public
at all times, on the ______ day of __________________, 2014, at __________, and remained so
posted for at least 72 continuous hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting.
Jessica Brettle, City Secretary
City of Georgetown, Texas
Discussion and possible action authorizing staff to negotiate a task order with RVi for the San
Gabriel Park Master Plan.
Improvements to San Gabriel Park were included in the 2008 Parks Bond. The first step in the
process will be to do a master plan of the park. This master plan will involve public input and
phasing options. In January 2013 staff solicited a Statement of Qualifications for landscape
architect services for future park projects. One of the firms submitting top qualifications was RVi.
The City has worked with RVi in the past and been very satisfied with the work. The firm updated
the Parks Master Plan in 2002 and designed the Lake Georgetown Trail and Rivery Park that
opened in 2005. Most recently they provided conceptual drawings for Blue Hole Park. They have
also completed numerous projects in size and scope to San Gabriel Park. Their project list is
RVi currently has a master service agreement with the City for landscape architecture services.
Staff requesting approval to negotiate a task order for services related to a master plan of San
Gabriel Park. The Parks and Recreation Board will approve the task order and fee at the
September meeting.
There are funds available for the master plan in the 2013/2014 Parks CIP
Kimberly Garrett, Parks and Recreation Director
RVi project list
Cover Memo
Austin | Houston
RVi has been designing fun, creative parks for over 30 years and we are passionate
about open spaces. We have created long trails, short trails, trailheads, large parks,
small parks, active parks, and passive parks – digging to find the story behind each
one and to bring it to life in new and significant ways. Below is a brief list of RVidesigned trails and parks, highlighting several areas of our expertise.
• City of Georgetown Parks &
Open Space Master Plan
• City of Georgetown Rivery Park
• City of Georgetown Rock Street
Pedestrian Crossing
• City of Georgetown Blue Hole
Park Improvements
• Belterra Parks & Open Space
Master Plan
• Circle C Parks & Open Space
Master Plan
• Mueller Parks Programming Plan
• Oso Bay Learning Center &
Nature Preserve Master Plan
• Jacob’s Well Master Plan
• Dripping Springs Sports Park
• Dripping Springs Ranch Park
• Dripping Springs Founder’s
Memorial Park
• Waco Brazos River Park
• Buda Parks & Open Space Plan
• Buda Sportsplex
• Williamson County Champion Park
• Cedar Park Elizabeth Milburn Park
• Fern Bluff Community Parks
• Historic Stagecoach Park
• Ida Gaye Gardens
• Mueller Lake Park
• Mueller Southwest Greenway
• Mueller Northwest Greenway
• Mueller Southeast Greenway
• Colorado River Park
• Woodlands Park
• Belterra Parks & Trails
• Elizabeth Milburn Community Park
• Fern Bluff Parks
• North San Gabriel River Trail &
Rivery Park
• Woodlands Park & Nature Trail
© RVi Planning + Landscape Architecture
• North San Gabriel River Trail
• Hays County WCID Trails
• The Trail at Lady Bird Lake
Vision Plan
• Woodlands Nature Trail
• Mueller Trail System
• Schule Canyon Trail
• Fern Bluff Trails
• City of Buda Trails
• Buda Historic Stagecoach Park
• Buda Sportsplex
• Dirpping Springs Sports Park
• Harrison Ranch Park
• Onion Creek Greenway
• Jacob’s Well Master Plan
• Brazos River Park
• Oso Bay Learning Center &
Nature Preserve
• Buda Parks & Open Space
• Fern Bluff Parks
• Georgetown Parks & Open
• Harrison Ranch Park
• Hays County WCID
• LCRA Parks
• Mueller Greenways
• Riverplace Park
• The Trail at Lady Bird Lake
• Williamson County Sports
• Buda Sportsplex
• Historic Stagecoach Park
• Mueller Greenways
• The Trail at Lady Bird Lake
• Ida Gaye Gardens
City of Georgetown, Texas
Update on the Texas Historical Commission grant for the survey at Citizen's Memorial Cemetery.
The City was awarded a grant from the Texas Historical Commission in November 2013. Staff has
worked with Horizon Environmental on a survey of the cemetery. All the graves with a headstone
have been identified and documented on a grave record sheet. There is also a map that was created
showing the location of the all graves, including possible unmarked graves. A sign with cemetery
map will also be installed at the entrance of the cemetery as part of the grant. This information will
also be available at the Georgetown Library and on the City website.
This was a matching grant received in November 2013 from the Texas Historical Commission.
The grant was for $7,000.
Kimberly Garrett, Parks and Recreation Director
Citizens Memorial Cemetery Map
Backup Material
Grave recording form sample
Backup Material
City of Georgetown, Texas
Update on the 2014/2015 Parks and Recreation Budget
An update on the 2014/2015 Parks and Recreation budget will be presented at the meeting.
Kimberly Garrett, Parks and Recreation Director
City of Georgetown, Texas
Consideration of Parks and Recreation Director's project update
The project update for 2014 is attached.
Kimberly Garrett, Parks and Recreation Director
August 2014 project update
Backup Material
August 2014
Parks and Recreation – Project List
Rivery Park Pond Project
Most amenities are completed; concrete disc golf pads should
be completed by the end of August.
CLG Grant – CMA Cemetery
Survey is complete, signs are ordered.
West Side Park Master Plan
In progress
Accessibility walk through completed, a few items need to be
San Gabriel River Trail Expansion
corrected, fence railing an issue to be remedied. Grand
opening in September.
Work started in San Gabriel Park to relocate the soccer field
FM 971 realignment project in SG and trail. A new Safe Routes to Schools sidewalk is also being
installed in the park along Austin Avenue from the Recreation
Center to Georgetown High School.
Garey Park ($1,5000K)
Survey complete, working on details with Garey’s regarding
equestrian center and program elements.
SG Park Bank Stabilization
Bank Stabilization project moving forward
Parkland Dedication Ordinance
Subcommittee established, will begin looking at changes over
the next year.
San Jose Park ($245K)
Restroom delivered, flatwork completed, playground to be
New Village Parks ($155K)
Ready to bid project, waiting for TCEQ approval on plans
San Gabriel park master plan and Parks board to approve selection of landscape architect from
design ($1,000K)
the list of approved architects at August meeting.
Chautauqua Park ($220K)
Restroom delivered, flatwork completed, pavilion installed, final
grading needed to finish project.
VFW Park Renovation ($150K)
Working on final design to integrate fields, parking, concession
and playground on the site.
Williams Drive Pool Renovation
Hosted a neighborhood meeting and a stakeholder meeting on
July 29th
River Ridge Pool Renovations
Pool deck, bath house and pump and filter relocation completed
May 2014, accessibility from parking lot to pool to begin after
2014 pool season.
Creative Playscape Phase 2
Grand Opening held on July 2nd at 10:00 am
July 2, 2014
McMaster Athletic Complex
Modifications to the fields to allow for flexibility to host girls
fastpictch softball. Held first girls fastpitch tournament in May
May 2014
Aquatic Master Plan
Parks Board approved at April 2013 meeting, presented to City
Council in September 2013. Recommendations were included in
the Parks 5 year CIP
K - $1,000’S
Minutes of the Meeting of the
Parks and Recreation Board
City of Georgetown, Texas
June 12, 2014
The Parks and Recreation Board met on Thursday, June 12th, 2014 at 6:00 pm at 1101 N. College Street, Georgetown, TX 78626.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Johnson, Keith Fruge, Katherine Kainer, Charles Brashear, Chuck Bridges, Jason Shurley
STAFF PRESENT: Kimberly Garrett, Eric Nuner, Jill Kellum, Kendra Kalich, Student Intern
Regular Session – To begin no earlier than 6:00 pm.
Parks and Recreation Board may, at any time, recess the Regular Session to convene an Executive Session at the request of the Robert
Johnson for any purpose authorized by the Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.)
A Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Robert Johnson.
B Roll Call
C Introduction of Kendra Kalich, summer intern for the Parks and Recreation Department.
Kimberly Garrett introduced Kendra Kalich. Kendra Kalich spoke about her education history and future plans. Kendra
Kalich stated she is working on the Pirate Party that will be held at the Recreation Center and she is working with Glenn
Moss to update the Proragis System through the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) and various other
D Discussion and possible action on a proposed concept to Blue Hole Park.
Kimberly Garrett introduced Christina Moon with RVI. Kimberly Garrett stated that in the capital improvements plan we
have been talking about what we can do with Blue Hole Park to make it more family friendly and aesthetically appealing.
Kimberly Garrett stated there was money in the budget to do some conceptual drawings and a cost estimate in anticipation
of getting money for design and in the out year doing the actual work. Christina Moon presented a conceptual plan of
landscaping for Blue Hole Park to make it a signature destination. Kimberly Garrett stated this item was presented to
generate ideas for this area. There was no action taken on this item.
E Consideration and possible action to approve the parkland dedication for the Lakeside Preliminary Plat.
Kimberly Garrett introduced Brian Birdwell with Lakeside. Lakeside is a proposed residential development on the west
side of Georgetown. They are proposing 299 units. One of the parkland parcels has a heritage tree located in it. This allows
them to reduce their parkland units by 15, thus giving them 284 units. The proposal is to dedicate two parcels of parkland, a
2.8 acre parcel and a 2.51 acre parcel. This parkland proposal is just under the required amount. The developer is also
planning to make improvements to the parkland. This property is inside the city limits of Georgetown. It is a mixed use
development that is located on Williams Drive and adjacent to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer property surrounding Lake
Georgetown. There are 116 acres and 7 acres are allocated for commercial use on Williams Drive. The park facilities are
proposed to be public. There is a required allocation from the home builders for entry monumentation, future landscaping
and enhancement of the parks totaling $598,000 and $400,000 of this total will be allocated to the enhancement of the
parkland they are proposing to dedicate. They feel it will be more than that but wanted to present a conservative number.
There are additional open spaces that are environmental set back areas and for maintenance purposes those will be dedicated
to the homeowner’s association. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers stated the development can take direct access from the
property to the Corps property and they will allow them to build a trail to tie into their trail system. The trail will be an
undeveloped trail. There is a mile of frontage on the Corps property so there will be a variety of opportunities to make those
connections. Kimberly Garrett stated that Lot A has a heritage tree on it and they were encouraged to dedicate parkland for
the heritage trees and there is a 15 unit reduction for every heritage tree that is on parkland. They would start construction
in September or as soon as closings of land take place. Kimberly Garrett stated the requirement of parkland was 5.6 acres
and they are recommending 4.8 acres with improvements. Brian Birdwell stated the parkland ordinance does allow
dedication of environmentally sensitive areas if there is education material there. Once the parks are developed then they
would be turned over to the city for maintenance of the parks. There was some discussion on whether or not the HOA could
take over maintenance of the parks. There was discussion about the improvements and the developer will work with city
staff on the amenities that will be in the parks. Kimberly Garrett stated they do pay city taxes and there is an expectation
that goes with that. Brian Birdwell also stated that if the parks look like private parks they would propose them as private
parks and take all the responsibility for it and they might put in different types of facilities.
Motion made by Keith Fruge, seconded by Chuck Bridges to approve the parkland dedication for the Lakeside
Preliminary Plat with further negotiations to discuss the possibility of the HOA picking up the maintenance of the
park as a negotiation topic. Approve 7-0
F Discussion and possible action to adopt a corporate membership rate plan for Parks and Recreation Facilities.
Kimberly Garrett introduced Robert Gaylor, Recreation Center Supervisor. She explained the recreation center is starting to
get requests for corporate memberships. Robert Gaylor stated we would like to establish some guidelines for corporate
rates. He presented options that staff researched and suggests for approval. He also explained some of the benefits that
would be offered in addition to the corporate rate.
Motion made by Keith Fruge, seconded by Chuck Bridges to adopt the corporate membership rate plan using the
combination of options #1 and # 3 and includes the benefits package. Approved 7 - 0
G Discussion and possible action on the Draft 2014/2015 Parks Capital Improvement Plan.
The Parks and Recreation Board has reviewed the 5 year CIP at the April and May meetings.
The board's priorities are as follows:
Issuing CO's
1.Williams Drive Pool Renovations
2.Splash Pad on the SE side of Georgetown
3.Renovations to the Village Pool Restroom Building
4.Blue Hole Design
Parkland Dedication Funds
1.Emerald Springs Park
2.Founders Park
2008 Bond Funds
1.VFW Park Renovations
2.Trail Design
The Parks CIP will be presented to City Council at the June 24th workshop.
The Parks CIP is funded through a combination of General Obligation Bonds, Certificate of Obligation Bonds, and Parkland
Dedication funds.
Kimberly Garrett stated this is the same plan that was presented last month. This will go to the GGAF board on the 19th as a
package with the downtown information and then on the 24th to the city council workshop.
Motion was made by Charles Brasher, seconded by Jason Shurley to approve the draft 2014/2015 Parks Capital
Improvement Plan as discussed in the last 2 sessions. Approve 7 -0
H Consideration of Parks and Recreation Director's project update.
Kimberly Garrett stated the following information.
• Rivery Park Pond Project The disc golf course should be completed by the end of the month.
• CLG Grant – CMA Cemetery Survey is complete, signs need to be ordered and installed.
• West Side Park Master Plan ($50K) In progress
• San Gabriel River Trail Expansion ($1,000K)
• Trail is nearly complete; schedule a grand opening in July.
• FM 971 realignment project in SG Park
• Bids for the park improvements were received and approved by Council on 5/27/14 (transportation project)
• Garey Park ($1,5000K) Kick off meeting with Baker Aicklen on 6/5/14; survey work to start 6/16/14
• SG Park Bank Stabilization ( $500K) KPA is in design process, meeting with USFW about salamander
• Creative Playscape Phase 2 ($500K) Construction in progress; Plan for Grand Opening week of 6/30
• Parkland Dedication Ordinance Review First subcommittee meeting 6/12/14
• San Jose Park ($245K) Construction has started
• New Village Parks ($155K) Construction plans are being finalized
San Gabriel park master plan and design ($1,000K)
Staff will look to do a mini RFQ in August for this project
Chautauqua Park ($220K) Construction has started
VFW Park Renovation ($150K) Luck Design is working on the park layout.
Williams Drive Pool Renovation ($75K) Have a signed task order to start design
I Discussion and possible to appoint a Parks and Recreation Board member as a liaison to the Friends of Georgetown
Parks and Recreation.
This item will be revisited in August.
J Approve minutes from the May 8, 2014 meeting
Motion made by Katherine Kainer, seconded by Charles Brashear to approve the minutes from the May 8, 2014
meeting. Approved 7-0
K Adjourn
Motion made by Katherine Kainer to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 pm.
Robert Johnson, Board Chair
Katherine Kainer, Secretary
Jill Kellum, Board Liaison