Dicerorhinus cf. hemitoechus (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) from the
Dicerorhinus cf. hemitoechus (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) from the
av8poono.;: Ol'rJd40 THI: ANElPOnOJ\OrlKHI lTA1PilAX T6f.tO~ 6o~, I""'AAOX 1979 (revap"fl~) DICERORHINUS cf. H.EMITOECHUS (Mammalia Perissodactyla) from the Middle Pleistocene Cave at Petralona .. Chalkidiki N. Greece 58 (PRELIMINARY REPORT) By MIKAEL FORTELIUS & NIKOS A. POULIANOS Introduction The rhinoceros remains from the Petralona Cave, of mainly lower Middle Pleistocene age, come from the two upper layer complexes, referred to as the Crenian and Petralonian, and corresponding roughly to the Cromerian Interglacial and the Mindel (Elster) Glaciation respectively. (Poulianos, A. 1977). In this article we have used the local terminology in order to avoid confusion by possible later changes in correlation. For a more detailed treatment of the stratigraphy, and the fauna, see Kurten and Poulianos. (1977: 50ff). 15 The material in question has not been treated in the literature before, except for a brief comment by Kretzoi (1 977: 141 ). He states that the remains belong to the genus Stephanorhinus (i.e. Dicerorhinus, Kretzoi 1942: 312)/ but does not refer them definetely to any species. On the whole the remains are very few and fragmentary, and identification can not be considered absolutely certain. We have, however, tried to give a discussion of the relevant features of each specimen, and our reasons for identification. We feel that one comment on the stratigraphical conditions in the cave is needed, since a new trench (T.B.) has been opened after the article of Kurten and Poulianos (1977) appeared. In connection with this trench excavations have been undertaken in the «Anthropological Hall», where the top stalagmite lies directly above the Crenian layers, and no PetraIonian is present. Many of the rhinoceros finds from this area are more or less embedded in the stalagmite itself. The correlation we have used between the older and the newer trenches was supplied by Dr. A.N. Poulianos (personal communication). The presence of proportionally many milk-teeth among the remains is noteworthy. Since the cave has been inhabited by man during the Middle Pleistocene, it is not inconceivable that at least some of the remains be a result of his activity. According to Dr. A.N. Poulianos (1971) the rhinoceros skull was found together with limestone scrapers, inside the zygomatic bones. This may support the idea just mentioned. The remains are of the Middle Pleistocene type of the steppe rhinoceros (i.e. the teeth are moderately hypsodont, the supratemporal crests moderately concave and the remains in general rather small), corresponding to those described by Falconer (1868) and by Azzaroll (1961) termed Dicerorhinus hemitoechus falconeri and separated from the Late Pleistocene D. hemitoechus aretinus. ---_.~------ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: We are extremely grateful to Dr. Aris N. Poulianos for entrusting us with this task, and for help with the partly confused stratigraphical information concerning earlier finds. We also wish to thank Prof. Bjorn Kurten of the University of Helsinki, who has assisted us in many ways and who read the manuscript. Moreover thanks are due to Prof. Hans Schaefer of the Naturhistorisches Museum at Basel for his kind permission to study the collections, from which a few data appear in the comparative tables, to Dr. Burkart Engesser of the same institution for his kind help and Ch. Stringer of the British Museum. 16 Dicerorhinus cf', hemitoechus (Falconer '1 The marerial Petralonian period: partially nvc~cnll'\!n,rt skull T.l-\. 88 p3 dex. T.A. p4 dex. 200 M2 dex. 219 (41) upper molar T.A. (1 partially right mandible T.A. 200 proximal of left radius 1 7. sigmoid ulna T.A. 220. 6 9 distal part of femur 0 T.A. 20.9. distal part of tibia T.A. 223. left calcaneum T.A. 120. Crenian period: right tibia T.A. 137. D3 sin. M 542. fragment of upper deciduous tooth, 0 3 dex. M 77, 544. 4 partially left maxilla with D2 - 0 , T.B. 1538 fragrnent of upper deciduous tooth T.A. 152. proximal fragment of right tibia II «baza Kath», 31 ). The skull During the excavations of 1968 a skull was recovered. a reconstruction of was made. with the original bone fragments in situ. it is this reconstruction that Kretzoi has in mind when he writes about «a complete skull» (Kretzoi 1977 : 141). The reconstruction has now been taken apart. consist of the skull roof from the posThe terior part of the second horn base to the crest, and the posterior parts of the maxillae with of the arches. The left maxilla carries the last and the molars, the right one the molars only. The has been lost, as well as the surround- 17 Photo '1: Hind part of Dicerorhinus cf. hemitoechus skull, seen from the left. ing area and the entire anterior of the skull and the rt'nrn":1~lnC' con- can for treated a few features lend themselves discussion. ....."""'J.I.'JI ~u~ crest is well developed. Owing to the absence of Zeuner (1 and Loose ('1961 can be measured exactly but it seems that the crest is of the acute characteristic of the grazing in this case D. hen1itoechus. The are constricted the cristae temporales, and there is a very middle of the occipital crest, which is rather darned when seen from the posterior. with no edges or The is very and even in projections. Even the crest rounded (phot. 1). The teeth are worn. and little can be said about their Even the size of teeth is the wear, the Nt1) worn down below the base dimension is reduced (phot, 3). For 18 Photo 2: The sane skull (as photo 1), seen from behind. As can be seen from the double teeth group appear slightly I ...... e-e ........... + h ............ well with our I). hemitoechus Because of the of the teeth we have referred this skull a certain caution. _r.,,... ........ ,+,,....1 .:;1Ui'lItJlV, crest and the size of the although with Deciduous teeth Of the deciduous teeth the crown of a virtually unworn D3 sin. is of interest. It comes from the «Mausoleum», which to the Crenian clearly less so The crown is rather than in the teeth 5). A strong crochet is present, but no antecrochet or crista. The entrance of the medisinus is rather narrow and V-shaped, with two small closing it lingually. Such protuberances are considered typical of the permanent M' of D. etruscus Vialli (1956:41), but not of the deciduous teeth of this species, where the entrance is broad and U-shaped (Guerin and Heintz 1971 :14). Consequently the tooth must be referred to 19 Photo 3: Left upper dentition (P4_Ml_M2_M3) of the same skull (as in photo 1). some other species. The of the crown D. hemitoechus, a sugestion supported the between the tooth in question and the IVi2 crown discussed below. A left maxilla with the deciduous tooth-row 0 2 - 0 4 , preserved --------- --~~--~--~- Photo 4: Detail of photo 3. 20 Fig. 1: X - Petralona, T.A. 68, 200 (76) - D. hernitoechus. Staesche 1941 • - D. Kirchberqensis. Weimar- Ehringsdorf, Kahlke, 1975. - D. Kirchberqensis. Taubach, Kahlke, 1977. p3, double loqarithmic plot of length and breadth at base of crown, ~ in comes from the top of the «Anthropoloqical Hall». As the teeth are embedded in the no exact measurements can be the 0 4 is rather damaged. The teeth are moderately worn, and appears that have been of the same hiqh-crowned type as the tooth discussed above. The entrance of the rnedisinus of the 0 3 and [)4 is rather narrow, the shape of the bottom is obscured There is no reason to doubt that these teeth to the same as the D3 just discussed. Two of deciduous teeth have also been referred to this species because of morphological similarity to the complete teeth. One of these comes from the «Mausoleum». the other from Cre- 21 Fig. 2: X - Petralona, T.B. 1714 T.A. 68, 88 (69) D. - D. hemitoechus, Staesche 1941 11 - D. hernitoechus. Weimar- Ehringsdorf, Kahlke, 1975. - D. Kirchberqensis, Taubach, Kahlke. 1977. II D. Kirchbergensis, Weimar- Ehringsdorf, Kahlke, 1975. P,4 double logarithmic plot of length and breadth at base of crown, # - Petralona. Fig. 3: X -Petralona, T.A. 68, 219 (4'1). T.A.58, 88 (69), possibly shortened by wear. 11 - D. hernitoechus, Staesche, 1951. - D. Kirchberqensis, Taubach, Kahlke. 1977. II - D. Kirchberqensis, Weimar- Ehrinqsdorf, Kahlke, 1 M2, double logarithic plot of length and breadth at base of crown. # - Petralona, nian of «trench )~»o Both are from ximately to the as those of the maxilla, Permanen worn appro- th there are Photo 6: Side view of photo 5. Photo 7: 0 2 - 0 3 of Die. cf. hemitoechus, T.B. 1538. worn dex, present comes from the PeThere is one with the roots intact. The and is well tralonian of trench ectoloph shows the pattern of D. hemitoechus 1951 :131, Guerin 1976 : and there no internal cingulum. The measurements are in table 2. As can be smaller than the values for D. kirchberqensis. seen, the tooth is of D. n thedouand it groups very well with our ble logarithmic 1). -----~---~--- sin. There is a sin. present, and a of a Both teeth are covered with thin of both are of the same size and and both Still, the right fragment comes from the Petralonian of trench whilst the left tooth comes from the top of the «Anthropoloqical Hall». with a fragment of the maxilla, The complete tooth is it is rather worn and its features are mainly obscured by the stalagmite covering. It is of the same general appearance as the p3 discussed 24 Photo 8: p2 dex, D.cf. hemitoechus T.A. 200 (76) above, with both sinuses are in table 3, a double seen from the of D. hernitoechus, Measurements can be Photo 9: p4 sin. D. cf. hemitoechus, T. B. 1714. 25 M2 dex, D. cf. hernitoechus, 68, 219 (41) Photo 11: Side view of photo 1O. 26 M L. '~I " A crown of a rv1 2 comes from the Petralonian of trench A. It is very well and almost unworn. The measurements are given in table 5. As can be seen, the CY,)\Nn is high, although not so. The double plot 3) shows the tooth to group well with the D. .As it is too hypsodont to be referred to D. etruscus, 'Mould be alternative, there can be any doubt that--jt is best referred to D. ct. hemitoechus. A vsrv similar to the tooth discussed comes from the same level of trench A, and is referred to the same species. Mandible: A right mandible comes from the Petralonian of trench A. The teeth are all present, but so badly damaged that no measurements can be given. The toothrovv is the permanent one, and the teeth are rather worn. The outer walls of the anterior crescents of the two posterior premolars show the flat shape characteristic of D. hemitoechus. (Staesche 1941 : 131). I n the other teeth this diagnostic part is unfortu nately lost. _ . _ . - ~ - - - - _ . - - - - ~ ~ ~ - _ . _ - - ~ " - - - - _ . _ -. -~- Photo 12. Right lower dentition (P3_P4_Ml) of D. cf. hemitoechus, 68,200 (43). 27 Post-era ain etruscus. to supdiscussed referred to D. the one bone that we the measurements fit the femur and show certain «etruscus-Iike» features. VVhE;ther this should bs taken as an indication of the presence etruscus. or as a local trend within the Vile do not such features are characteristic of the D. hemitoechus. Further excavations may throw more on Photo 13: Left Radius D. cf. hemitoechus, 28 I:.ep. 29-7-77, prox-part. Radius~ been broken away, r~-::H"Y'i"::)nl!""''''il The bone of interest. The articulation sorns features ulna is situated near the centre of the of D. tion at the border of the a character but not of D. etruscus. which has the articula31li 956 . One may presume, that D. hernitoechus resemble each other in from D. has the characteristically D. hernitoechus from Weimerdorf as Kahlke (1 . ( n that the above mentioned articulation has the central of the Pebetween the internal and external tralona parts of the articulation the humerus is approximately 0.80, and differs from the lower value of the more «assvrnmetrical» D. etruscus, given as 0.65 Vialli (1956:42). Photo 14: View from top of photo 13 .. 29 U I n a. The of a right ulna comes from the Petralonian of trench Measurements are given in table 7. The ratio between showing the bone and width of the joint - surface is to be akin to triose of. D. hemitoechus and D. kirchbergensis in this this respect, at least to our data. do not ratio is constant or not, but presuming that it is, the fragment in question can referred to D. cf, hemitoechus with some caution. Photo 15: Sigmoid cavity of right Ulna of D. cf, hemitoechus. T.A. 68, 220. Femur: The distal part of a right femur comes from the Petralonian of trench A. The bone is preserved distally of the third trochanter, with the exception of the outer condyle, which has been broken. On the whole the bone seems rather grecile, and is perhaps suggestive of the D. etruscus-type of femur. Still, it is bigger than the femora of the big of Voigtstedt (see table 9), and even slightly bigger than-the-extremely big fonn from Hundsheirn (Toula 1902:58), D-:-etruscus 30 Photo 16: Fraqment of which it does the distal tr\V'\2 1Y't"",'l. dext, Femur of D.cf. nerrutoecnus 75 the "C'·r, is best ing D. cf. Tibia: There are three finds of rhinoceros tibia Crenian of trench is a of which comes from the Petralonian other from a proximal and a distal one. The bone is "veil tuberosity has been broken as well as the lateral is slightly where the fibula condition. Otherwise it is in This bone very short and of the of tibia of toechus. it is smaller than representatives of these In fact the the one the a bone .--------_._----_._---------------_ .. _-~- 31 Photo 1 Tibia dext, of D. cf. hemitoechus, T.A. 68 (137) Photo 18: Vievv from the distal part of photo 17. 32 markably well with those given for D. etruscus by Guerin (1972: 105). (see table 9). Also the distal joint-surtaceis apparently «etrusscold» in the presence of an inner, deep part and a broader, flatter outer one, corresponding to the «asymmetrical» astragalus of D. etruscus. Whether this feature is conclusive or not we do nor know~but as it is repeated in the distal fragment from the Petralonian layers we have preferred not to put too much store by it. The distal fragment comes, as mentioned, from the Petralonian of trench fthlt is well preserved, with the distal end of the fibula still in situ. In shape as well as size it is very similar to the distal end of the bone just discussed. The proximal fragment comes from a part of the cave where the layers have been disturbed during previous excavations, and its stratigraphical position is not known exactly. It is, however, covered with stalagmite that has obviously been part of the cave floor. This stalagmite is rather thick, and makes it impossible to measure the bone or discuss its morphology in any detail. Under the stalagmite covering the bone appears to be well preserved. Photo 19: Tibia dext, of D. ct. hernitoechus. distal view, T.A. 68, 223. 33 Calcaneum: A small and stocky calcaneum, perfectly preserved, comes from the Petralonian of trench A. It is remarkably similar to the one described and pictured in Guerin (1973:66 and pl. 10), and by him assigned to D. hemitoechus. The sustentaculum tali is rather short and sturdy (although less so than in D. kirchbergensis), and runs ------------almost (but not quite) perpendicular to the axis of the corpus. Seen from the side the distance between the anteriorly projecting «lip» or «bill» of the tuber and the posterior part of the facies articularis posterior is very short. The facies articularis cuboidea is strongly concave, and runs backwards along the internal side of the bone. The facies articularis media is concave, and separated by a gap from the narrow facies articularis anterior. This bone does also, as a matter of fact, strongly resemble the calcaneum of D. etruscus from Hundsheim as pictured in Toula (1902: -------Taf. XI). However, the measurements fit very well with Guerin's (table 10), and the morphology is identical. Therefore we have referred this bone to D. cf. hemitoechus. (The fact that it resembles the bone from Hundsheim does, perhaps, indicate that the resemblance between the femora from Hundsheim and Pertalona is of the same nature). Photo 20: Calcaneum of D. cf. hemitoechus, T.A. 68, 120. 34 Photo 21: Calcaneum. D. cf, hemitoechus, T.A. 68, 120. Photo 22: Calcaneum sin. D.. cf. hernitoechus, T.A. 68, 120. S pee i fie a II y u n d e t e r rn i ned r h i n 0 C e r 0 S material: D2 dex (7) l~. A. 68,200 (74), Petralonian of trench A, very worn and somewhat damaged. diaphyse of left humerus of juvenile, 0 2 9 T.A. 18.9.75, very small, with marked costal and lateral curvatures, Crenian of trench A. - distal of probably mt II dex, T.A. 10.7.76 very small, Petralonian of trench A. 35 TABLES 1 . 0 3 , comparative measurements in mrn'. O. cf. hemitoechus Petralona M 77 542 1 . length 2. breadth 3. height 38.7 49.5 44.2 O. etruscus Sussenborn Kahlke 1969: 669 ff. 1. 2. 38.4 41 .7 O. etruscus Voigtstedt, Mauer Mosbach. Kahlke 1965 :498ff, Wurm 1912:19. MEAN N MIN MAX 1. 2. 38.9 44.5 5 5 37 42 42 50 O. kirchbergensis Taubach Kahlke 1977 : 307 1. 2. 41 .5 47.8 43.2 O. kirchbergensis WeimarEhringsdorf. Kahlke 1975:340 1. 2. 43.6 47.8 39.8 37.4 46.1 43.9 38.3 39.8 2. p3, comparative measurements in mm. O. cf. hemitoechus Petralona T.A. 68 200 (76) O. hemitoechus Kahlke 1975:372, Staesche 1941 O. etruscus Silssenborn Kahlke 1969:675 D. kirchbergensis WeimarEhringsdorf. Kahlke 1975 : 343 1. 2. 40.0 50.8 MEAN N 1. 2. 36.95 49.78 11 10 MEAN N MIN MAX 1. 2. 39.86 50.15 14 13 36.8 47.9 49.6 53.8 MEAN N MIN MAX 1. 44.26 56.95 22 10 40.0 53.4 50.1 59.8 2 1) length breadth height 36 MIN MAX 34 45 39.9 55.2 length of ectoloph at base of crown (in Kahlke max. length at base of crown) maximum breadth at base of crown = maximum height of ectoloph 3. p4, comparative measurements in mm. D. cf. hemitoechus Petralona 1. 2. TB 1714 TA 68 88 (69) 44.3 c. 40 63.4 57.4 ---- D. hemitoechus Kahlke 1975: 372, Staesche 1941 D. etruscus Sussenborn Kahlke 1969 : 675 D. kirchbergensis Weimar Ehringsdorf. Kahlke 1975:343. 4. MIN c.34 53 MAX 44.4 60.09 1. 2. MEAN 40.40 56.05 N 10 10 1. 2. MEAN 42.30 56.17 N 11 10 MIN 40.2 53.2 MAX 45.1 60.0 1. 2. MEAN 43.84 65.71 N 21 11 MIN 42.4 MAX 52.2 70.2 6~2.2 M2, comparative measurements in mm D. cf. hemitoechus Petralona 1. 2. 3. TA 68 219 (41) TA 68 88 69 51 .2 (c. 48) (c. 49) 60.9 67.2 66.1 62.7 dex. sin. ----_._---~ D. hemitoechus Heppenloch, Cannstatt, Staesche 1941 D. etruscus Sussenborn Kahlke 1969:676 D. kirchbergensis WeimarEhringsdorf. Kahlke 1975:346 MEAN 1 . 51 .1 62.1 2. N 8 8 MIN 44 60 MAX 56 65 1. 2. MEAN 49.67 58.47 N 21 17 MIN 43.3 58.1 MAX 54.3 65.2 1. 2. MEAN 64.41 68.24 N 23 15 MIN 60.5 62.5 MAX 67.3 72.8 37 5. M3, comparative measurements in rnm D. cf. hemitoechus Petralona T.A. 68 88 (69) dex. 2. D. hemitoechus Heppenloch, Cannstatt, Staesche 1941. D. etruscus Sussenborn Kahlke 1969:676 D. Kirchbergensis WeimarEhrinqsdorf. Kahlke 1975 : 346. sin. 61 .1 59.4 62.2 c.GO 1. MEAN N MIN MAX 1. 2. 59.7 56.0 9 54 10 51 64.5 61 MEAN 53.54 N 1. MIN 50.8 2. 50.51 1. MEAN 66.82 58.05 2. 10 7 N 20 18 MAX 47.6 56.7 53.2 MIN 61 .9 52.1 75.4 65.0 MIN 104.3 100.6 71 .8 114.1 103.0 83.8 MAX 6. Radius, comparative measurements in mm. D. cf. hemitoechus Petralona Sph. 27.7.77 1 . max. breadth of proximal epiphvse c. 98 2. breadth of prox. joint-surface c. 95 3. longitudinal diam. of prox. epiph. c. 70 MEAN D. hemitoechus Weimar- Ehringsdorf Kahlke 1975:378 1 . 108.7 2. 101 .8 3, 77. D. etruscus Voigtstedt Kahlke 1965 : 459, 471, [j05 88 4 99.5 N 6 6 94.4 71 .1 5 68.0 MEAN 1 . 114.7 2. 108.5 3. 76.9 N 6 6 MIN 109,8 104.1 6 71 .8 MEAN 1 . 104.4 2. 3. D. kirchbergensis Taubach Kahlke 1997 : 330 N 3 3 MIN 98.2 MAX MAX 110.8 104.5 81 .3 MAX 118.6 114.0 83.8 7. Ulna, comparative measurements in mm. ---_._----------_._-------------------_.,--- ----D. cf. hemitoechus Petralona T.A. 68 (220) c. 71 c. 81 1. height of sigmoid cavity 2. breadth of sigmoid cavity 3. 1:2 D. hemitoechus Weirnar- Ehringsdorf. Kahlke 1975 : 378 72.7 80.3 0.905 1. 2. 3. D. etruscus Voigtsteadt Kahlke 1965: 459, 475, 505, 506 D. kirchbergensis Taubach Kahlke 1977: 330 ft. MEAN N MIN MAX 3. 66.8 84.9 0.787 4 4 4 65.0 83.5 0.769 68.0 87.2 0.805 1. MEAN 82.2 N 5 95.8 5 5 1. 2. 2. 3. 8. Femur, 0 . 88 c. 0.858 MAX MIN 72.3 84.5 101 .8 106.5 0.964 0.750 comparative measurements in mm. D. cf. hemitoechus Petralona 0 69 1. max. longitudinal diarn, of dist. epiph. 2. min. breadth of diaphyse 3. min. long. diam. of diaphyse 4. breadth of trochlea patellaris TA 20.9.75 c. 150 71 .6 46) c. 75 (c. ---_._--_._--------------~---_._----_._------ D. hemitoechus Botro Maspino, IIford. Azzaroli 1961 :31 2. 73 70 -------- D. etruscus Voigtstedt Kahlke 1965 : 464, 482 MEAN N MIN MAX 1 . 138.4 2. 66.9 3. 48.4 4. 81 .8 4 2 2 2 135.4 66.7 48.3 81 .5 141 .5 67.0 48.5 82.0 ------ D. etruscus Hundsheim Toula 1902 : 58 1 . 142 1. 74 D. etruscus Val d'Arno VA 612 Basel, Nat. Hist. Mus. 2. 3. 54.1 35.7 D. kirchbergensis Taubach Kahlke 1977:341 2. 78.3 3. 49.3 _.._ --_. __ . _ . _ - - _ . _ . _ ~ 39 9. Tibia, comparative measurernents in min D. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. cf. hemitoechus Petralona TA 68 (137) Petro TA 68 (223) maximum length 350 lateral length 310 proximal breadth c. 110 breadth of prox. joint-surface c. 105 minimum breadth of diaphyse c. 58 distal breadth 97 . 0 101 . 5 breadth of distal joint-surface 75.0 75.0 min. long. diam. of diaphyse 48.1 long. diam. of epiph. 69.4 70.2 long. diam. of dist. joint-surface c. 51 52.1 D. hemitoechus Weimar- Ehringsdorf Kahlke 1975 : 380 D. etruscus Voigtstedt Kahlke 1965:465, 482, D. etruscus Guerin 1972 : 105 6. 111.3 7. 8. 9. 10. 90.4 80.464.8 MEAN 509 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 401.2 10. 58.0 333.2. 127.7 124.3 59.3 103.3 82.1 51.6 75.4 N 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 MIN 390.5 326.0 121 .0 MAX 428.0 352.5 77.2 50.6 72.8 136.5 134.0 63.9 105.5 86.3 54.5 78.8 55.8 61 .4 120.5 56.0 101 .5 MEAN 1. 362.67 N 12 MIN MAX 348 389 2. 3. 111.10 4. 10 102 115 5. 6. 53.95 96.75 15 16 43.5 52.27 66.26 15 16 43 81 61 .5 105 7. 8. 9. 10. 40 58 63 72 Cont. --------------- D. kirchbergensis Taubach Kahlke 1977 : 344. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. MEAN 369.9 327.4 122.5 116.3 60.3 106.4 87.4 55.3 79.0 63.0 MIN 355.0 320.4 MAX 384.4 334.4 1 2 6 6 3 6 6 57.8 98.2 81 .2 53.3 74.5 59.8 62.8 116.2 97.3 57.5 86.1 67.2 N 12 11 13 10 MIN 113.5 46 68.5 54 MAX 143 60 85 82 N 2 2 1 10. Calcaneum, comparative measurements in mm. D. 1. 2. 3. 4. cf. hemitoechus Petralona TA 68 (120) max. length. 123.6 breadth at tuber calcis 52.3 max breadth. 82.9 long diam. at tuber calcis 61 .4 D. hemitoechus Guerin 1973: 67 MEAN 1 . 125.50 2. 52.82 3. 76.46 4. 66 135.5 56.3 70.8 73.8 D. hemitoechus Weimar- Ehringsdorf 1 . 131 .8 Kahlke 1975:381 48.9 2. 3. 68.6 4. 62.3 D. etruscus Voigtstedt Kahlke 1965: 490, 510 MEAN 1 . 130.5 2. 53.3 3. 84.5 4. 74.1 N 4 5 4 5 MIN 123.6 51 .2 78.3 72.2 MAX 137.2 55.8 87.8 76.8 ------ D. etruscus Val d'Arno Basel Nat. Hist. Mus. VA 1 . 117.0 2. 41 .3 3. 71.8 4. 61 .3 D. kirchbergensis Taubach Kahlke 1977 : 346 MEAN 1 . 141 .6 2. 58.1 3. 91.6 4. 73.0 612 N 5 5 5 5 VA 2300 VA215 118.4 123.5 43.4 45.9 c.64 c .71 64.6 c.61 MIN 130.8 54.0 83.1 68.3 MAX 146.7 61 .2 97.0 78.8 41 BIBLIOGRAPHY AZZAROLI A. (1961): Validita della specie Rhinoceros hemitoechus Falconeri. Paleontographica Italica vol. LVI p. 21 - 34, Pisa. FALCONER H. (1868): On the European Pliocene and Post-Pliocene species of the genus Rhinoceros. Paleont. Mem. 2, p, 309 - 403, London. GUERIN C. (1972):LfMnouvelle espece de rhinoceros (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) a Vialette (Haute- Loire, France) et dans d'autres gisements du Villafranchien inferieur european: Dicerorhinus jeanvireti n.sp. Docum. lab. Geol, Sci. Lyon, 49, p, 53 - 150, Lyon. GUERIN, C. (1973): Le trois especes de rhinoceros (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) du gisement pleistocene moyen des abimes de la Fage a Noailles (Correze), Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. II, p, 55 - 84, Lyon. GU ERIN C. 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T'D elooc; au,'Io (ouole Ka:Tu rco ~Q'IWTepO Meoo TIAeIOT6KoIVO, (KjQ[ OTIC; otic ouo IKupllec rrep'16oouc; - 'Ii}V KPI1;V£,lU KaI Ilcrpcxdrveic - rtou olaKpfvoupe OTil OIT11AHI. Elvci OU(p'GH~ O'lIQ CPO P S T.l KO la,ITO TO ei6o<; D. hemitoechus aretinus, nOD (ouoe KQI'IU TO 'A vrisrepo TIAeI01ToKQ,lVO, i<JQI rrAlloHi(el IToAD 10 D. etruscus, nOD (ouoe 010 Kuuoreoo TIA,eloToI KalVO. 43