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Village Link The Newsletter of Hotham, Everthorpe & North Cave April - May 2014 Cowslips at Mires Beck Nursery [email protected] Chris Clubley & Co Estate Agents - Le ng Agents Valuers - Auc oneers 1 To Court, Skillings Lane Brough HU15 1BA 01482 662211 Free Valua ons Offices also in: Market Weighton 01430 874000 Pocklington 01759 304040 Stamford Bridge 01759 373709 J B Morton & Son Funeral Director 51 Market Place, South Cave Tel. 01430 422 221 / 01482 352 199 24 hour service Private Chapel of Rest Proprietor M Garton & Son Ltd Mires Beck Nursery Contour Massage Therapies is a registered charity providing training and work for people who have learning difficul es or who are recovering from mental health illness. The nursery specialises in herbaceous perennials and a wide range of wildflowers of Yorkshire provenance Low Mill Lane, North Cave. 01430 421543 Clinical Massage Therapist Sports, Remedial & Therapeu c Massage. Pain management. We can visit you. Clinic: 01430 470601 Mobile: 07970 692190 See our website for more details Moving Home? - Sky Re-installed Confederation of Aerial Industries qualified & Sky digital accredited engineers ALL WORK GUARANTEED & METER TESTED TEL: 07764 942680 OR 01430 440760 Feel free to discuss your requirements Proprietor Mark Camp 2 [email protected] Your Newsletter... you take advantage of the opportunity to call in, to discuss issues you may have. Welcome to this issue of The Village Link, which is packed full of news and events, that we hope you will find interesting and informative. Some to draw to your attention are: Hotham Hall where a busy Open Gardens for Easter Weekend is planned; a Race Night at Hotham Village Hall; and North Cave Cricket Club have a very full calendar of events for the summer. The WW1 Project is hoping to collect individuals’ memories of that time - if you, or someone you know, has a story to tell, please get in touch. It is always satisfying for event organisers when events are well supported - please try to support the forthcoming events. North Cave Parish Council are trying out the idea of a Surgery for residents to pop in and speak to Councillors - make sure that Elizabeth Blackledge North Cave in Bloom The Pansies in the planters have done their job giving some colour during the winter months. Now spring is upon us the daffodils around the village will have opened to reveal a sea of yellow. We will be planting Non Stop begonias and Trailing begonias in the planters and Village Hall baskets in the middle of May again this year. Last year's plants did very well and looked lovely, but needed plenty of watering. We have planted 3 crab apple trees in the Millennium Walk. One of our ex-members also planted a silver birch that he had grown in his garden. It is a shame that some dog owners still let their dogs foul this area. We did not get the opportunity last year to help the Primary School with a planting project, but we hope to be able to help this year. The plants under road signs were pruned late last year, but will still need some attention. Geoff and Sandra Bean have left NCIB after many years, they have been invaluable with their knowledge and hard work. We wish them well for the future. We welcome our new member Graham Mathers, but we are still just a small committee, and are asking you to please join our group, if you are interested in helping to keep North Cave Blooming lovely, even if you can only help with regular watering etc. We are not having our annual Hook-A-Duck stall at the Village Show this year to raise funds, so if you can help in any way please phone Steve 01430 422709. Happy Potting from NCIB Editor Wanted We s ll need someone to share the role of Editor with Bill Blackledge. CorelDraw so ware (for PC) will be supplied and the successful applicant will be trained in all aspects of pu ng the Village Link together. So, if you have a PC, are interested in developing a useful skill, and are keen to keep the Village Link going - please contact Bill on 01430 423204. This is your Village Link, we value your contribu ons. Please note, the deadline for the June - July issue is the 12th May 3 [email protected] SCHOOL LINK TROUT IN THE CLASSROOM! Last month 350 trout eggs were delivered to Class 4 along with a tank and lots of equipment. The children will be observing and recording the eggs over the next few months. Please read on for more information from the children about our new 'visitors'. Brown Trout Facts! by Blythe Becky's Trout Dairy…. Dear Diary, I woke up this morning and one thought sprang into my head. Where am I? I did my best to roll around a bit, but only being a small, brown trout egg, it wasn't very easy. Then it suddenly dawned on me. I remembered all that had happened yesterday: the being trapped in a dark polystyrene box, the giant human faces looking in at us when the lid had been lifted, the numbers being called out and then being chucked in this tank. My friends and I lie on these uncomfortable stones on the bottom. I just can't wait until I hatch, then I can get off this floor and swim around. My friend Dan told me when we get off the ground and start to swim the humans will even feed us! Speaking of those humans, what's the need to crowd around our tank and peer in at us? It's horrifying! I mean they're interesting and all, but what are they? These humans just don't get it. I didn't really do much today, just had a small conversation with Steve. He told me about when we get released. We get released? Where is everybody getting these facts from? And how come I don't know? Well, I think that's all for today, I wonder what I'll find out tomorrow ……. Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Rainbow Trout and Brown Trout are the same family Brown Trout eggs are orange Brown Trout feed off their eggs for the first few weeks Brown Trout can reach the age of 20 years old Brown Trout don't have scales for the first month of their life The life cycle of a brown trout by Oliver. The Equipment We Need by Oliver Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Water – so the fish can live Filter – to keep the water clean Electric feeder – to feed the fish when we are not here Fish food – to feed the fish Refrigeration unit – to keep the water at the right temperature NORTH CAVE CE PRIMARY SCHOOL 01430 422551 4 [email protected] North Cave Parish Council News urgent attention. b. Pot holes Church Street (lower) around Denmark Rise Junction require repair c. ERYC response traffic calming – Everthorpe: The Council had seen the info. prior to the meeting with the results of the two radar speed surveys carried out on Low/High Road, Everthorpe over a period of 1.5 hrs. The results showed that in both locations the speeds were considered to be satisfactory for the 30mph speed limit. The Clerk informed the Council that the fence at the bottom of A63 had been installed by the Highways Agency. The grass verge on Newport Road has been cut back by ERYC. ERYC have informed the Clerk that under a temporary road closure for a minimum of 4 weeks Feb/March 2014 (dependant on the weather) to carry out carriage way maintenance from Appleton Lane Junction and Church Street East bound up to Castle Farm on Wold Hill. ERYC will notify the residents’ and intend to put an article in our next Village Link edition. Clerk to notify ERYC of a number of pot holes on Church Street, going towards the Village Green. Also, regards a bramble bush which needs cutting back on Appleton Lane. d. Traffic Sub-committee: Our next Traffic meeting will be on 4th March 2014 Parish Councillors: We have one more vacancy on the Parish Council. If you would like to know more about the role or you would like to apply, please contact the Clerk. A list of our current Councillors is on our Notice Board, which is sited on the car park adjacent to the Chapel on Westgate. 1. Flood Alleviation to the Wetlands: The Flood Warden reported that the Environment Agency workers started clearing the beck on 12.01.2014 at Low Mill Lane and they are working up stream. The Parish Council is working hard to keep the village safe from any flooding. 2. North Cave Neighbourhood Plan Working Group A general discussion took place regarding the financing of the plan. Cllr Whitlock stated that £7000 was available to the Parish Council this had been determined at the first meeting, restated at the second meeting with the Planning Officer from ERYC and subsequently checked out with ERYC by the Clerk. The real issue was how much extra funding was required from the 20142015 precept as a contribution. This was currently speculative until advice had been ascertained from the two Performance Management Consultants. A brief discussion took place regarding the Council paying any extra hours worked by the Clerk in relation to the Neighbourhood Plan. Resolved by a unanimous decision. The Clerk informed the Council that she had sent the letter of application to ERYC. 4. Management of Millennium Walk: The beck had been cleared of debris in the area of Millennium Walk. The Distance Measuring Plaque has been repaired/part replaced by a local contractor. Cllr Mathers was thanked by the Council for cutting down part of a small tree for safety reasons. 3. Traffic Issues: Pot holes in Church Street (upper) work carried out Bramble bush on Appleton Lane - work carried out 30 MPH sign, Junction of Townend Lane damaged - work carried out Tree down near War Memorial - work carried out 5. Cherry Trees on land adjacent to Newport Road and the Poor Field: The trees had been removed and the stumps ground on the 13.01.2013. A discussion took place regards the following: a. Removing the saplings. Cllr Mr Bayram offered to remove these. b. Cllr Bayram will advise the Clerk when he intends to carry this work before our next meeting. The consensus of opinion was Action Required: a. The junction between Fairfield and Station Road has deteriorated badly and requires 5 [email protected] would like their area to become a “No Cold Calling Zone” please contact the Clerk for information as how to set up the scheme. that the trees should be replaced with a limited growth height such as a crab apple so not to interfere with the overhead electricity lines and consider planting daffodil bulbs to enhance the area. c. Allotments, Sands Lane: If you would like to be added to the waiting list please contact Sue the Clerk. Some allotment holders have now opted for half a plot, as this will be easier to manage. Letter received from tenant re perimeter hedge: The letter was read out requesting that the hedge on Station Road be allowed to grow a further 1m in height to obscure the allotments from the road to deter thefts/vandalism. It was proposed that the landowner is contacted to ask his permission to let the hedge grow, and then inform our local contractor of the Landowners decision. The Clerk informed the Council that after a recent site visit with a local resident, he had agreed to take over one of the plots and arranged to sign the required agreement with the Clerk. She went on to say that a current tenant was still in the process of transferring a number of trees and tidying up half of her plot, which she is to relinquish. The Clerk will then offer it to a further resident on the waiting list. 8. Code of Conduct Training: The Clerk informed the Council that the course is on the 15th January 2014, Village Hall 7-9pm. 9. Community Emergency planning document: Volunteers are still being sourced to be added to the plan. Please ring the clerk if you be able help. 10. ERYC – Dog Fouling Pilot Scheme: Cllrs Mrs L. Bayram and Mrs M. Whitlock are both interested in joining the dog fouling pilot scheme. As there was little enthusiasm to provide a workshop at North Cave, Cllrs Mrs Bayram and Mrs Whitlock will attend a workshop at Market Weighton, on behalf of the Community. 11. Proposed submission East Riding Local Plan: The Councillors had received information prior to the meeting to enable them to view two documents – a Strategy Document and an Allocations Document on the Cabinet agenda. A further period of consultation will start in late January and will last for six weeks, however comments put forward will have to be within the Councils criteria. 6. War Memorial re Grant Application: A discussion took place regarding the progress of addressing two main issues. a. Cleaning the memorial with water. b. The purchase of memorial(s) made of marble and inscribed with the names of the fallen to be sited at an agreed location adjacent to the War Memorial. It is the centenary of the start of WW1 this year so the appearance of the War Memorial will be an issue of concern to our community. We hope to have the War Memorial spruced up for the remembrance service. Specification: • Square Marble tablets coated in acrylic to ensure low maintenance • Colour to be decided • Inscription: “We will remember them” and the names. • Securely bolted into concrete 12. Road Sweepers Dust Cart: The Clerk informed the Council that the road sweeper was thrilled with his new cart. She went on to say that she had managed to get 10% reduction off the price.! 13. Salt distribution to local shops/areas and snow clearing via local farmers, if required. After a brief discussion regarding salt distribution, the Chair informed the Council that Cllr Bayram would be distributing to local shops. 14. Erosion of the bank along the PROW (Public Rights of Way) from Church Lane: The Chair, Cllr Strong and the Clerk attended a site visit with a representative from ERYC PROW team to discuss the bank. After assessing the area, Mr Parker suggested he contacts residents to discuss 7. Door to Door Cold Calling: If residents 6 [email protected] winds causing a safety concern. Fell four Lawson Cypress trees (T2/T5) as severely overcrowded causing dieback, greatly reducing light and preventing growth to a mature Yew tree, which they surround. Location: The Briars 18 Nordham North Cave East Riding of Yorkshire HU15 2LT Applicant Mr. G. Manning. Application type: Tree Works in a Conservation Area possible options to improve the bank, at a number of areas along that stretch of path, from Church Lane. Mr Parker will update the Clerk when he has the necessary information. 5. HMP Wolds and Everthorpe Prisons are now named “HMP Humber Prison”. Current plans to consider: 13/03970 Erection of a detached dwelling and garage following demolition of existing electrical shop and warehouse at MC Mews Ltd; 41 Westgate, North Cave. Full Planning Permission. Approved and ERYC informed 15.01.2014 by email and letter. For information: Meetings: North Cave Parish Council holds its Full Council meetings in the main room of the Village Hall, on the 4th Tuesday of the month. On the 2nd Monday of the month the Planning meeting is held in the anti room. Both meetings will commence at 7.00pm for the Public Forum. During the public forum the public has a chance to speak. Planning - Decisions made by ERYC: 13/03970 Erection of a pitched roof over the existing flat roof at the front of the building 60 Village Hall Westgate. Granted 13/03469 Extension to stables and hay store Mr and Mrs Harman the Spinney Common Lane, North Cave. Granted 13/01554 Erection of a two story building as a hot food takeaway with self-contained flat above on land west of the White Hart public House, 20 Westgate, North Cave. Refused Trees 13/03529 Side reduction of Horse Chestnut Tree in Conservation Area. 7 Nordham, North Cave, Mrs Martin. Granted 13/03529 Crown Lift sycamore tree and Horse Chestnut, Black Swan 41 Church Street, North Cave, Mr A. Black. Granted If you have any compliments or complaints to bring to our notice, please write to the Clerk: Mrs. Sue Malton 16 Blanchard’s Lane North Cave HU15 2LN; Tel 01430 421779 from 9 am to 2.00 pm Monday & Tuesday; 9 am to 12 noon Wednesday & Thursday between 3 5pm, or email [email protected] or contact a member of the Parish Council. Please note the Clerk does try to maintain the hours stated above although her hours are flexible. If she’s not available during the hours stated, she does have an answer machine service, and will contact you at her earliest convenience. Thank you. Tree work for consideration: 13/02399 Description of works: North Cave Conservation Area – Fell Ash tree (T1) with evidence of extensive dieback in the crown, bracket fungi on the main stem, the tree is starting to lean towards the neighbours house and dead branches are falling in moderate W E N Our meetings are open to the public therefore you are all welcome to attend. The minutes and agendas of each meeting will continue to be displayed in the notice board on the land adjacent to the Methodist Chapel on Westgate. NORTH CAVE PARISH COUNCIL - SURGERY 12 May 2014 - 6 - 7pm - Anti-room of North Cave Village Hall prior to Planning Committee Meeting Clls Linda Bayram and Maggie Whitlock will be available to answer your questions or queries. If you have any issues you wish to raise - please drop in to see us - we are here to help. 7 [email protected] Hotham Parish Council be undertaken this year. Water leak on Common Hill The saga continues. Although Yorkshire Water had now found a water leak from their pipework, water still appears to be coming up from the area where they had dug up the road. Road Closure in North Cave The closure of Church Street in North Cave during March for road repairs is a concern. Although the weight limit through Hotham should prevent lorries from using the village as an alternative route, some cars will inevitably use it when travelling to and from the motorway. Road subject to icing signs ERYC Highways has now responded to the request to install a sign at the top of Pitbalk Hill (Stonepits) to warn of possible road icing during winter. As this is a minor road, they considered that such a warning was not necessary. Draft East Riding Strategy Document The Strategy Document is one of the documents that will make up East Ridings Local Plan. This sets the key elements of the planning framework for the East Riding and includes a spatial strategy setting out those settlements where and how much development will occur. Hotham is not included in those villages where development is being considered. A final draft is now subject to consultation. Potholes During the last visit of Streetscene to the village, a deepening hole in the road just beyond Harry Beck Bridge was reported to ERYC Highways as they considered this to require a major repair. ERYC had now made an onsite survey and concluded that the road was not collapsing. However, it would appear that they might have been at the wrong location and the PC are to proceed further with Highways regarding this matter. Parish Council meetings Hotham Parish Council meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 7.00 pm and the meetings are open to the public. If you have any views or issues you wish to raise please contact the Clerk: Mrs Margaret Ellis, 4 Mill Lane, North Cave, Telephone 01430 423025 or a member of the Parish Council. Streetscene A representative from the ERYC Streetscene team is to meet with members from Parish Council at the end of June to view and assess what maintenance and general tidying up could CHARITY OPEN GARDENS - HOTHAM HALL 2014 Thursday April 3rd and Thursday April 17th : 11.30 am - 2.30pm Many bulbs on show which at this time of year should be spectacular. All parts of the garden open. BRING YOUR CHILDREN FOR AN EASTER FUN DAY Tickets: Adults - £5 including Homemade soup and a roll or tea, coffee and biscuits Children - £2.50 including a picnic lunch basket. Treasure Hunt with clues and an Easter egg for each child at the end. Teddy Bears Picnic and a small chocolate egg for each Teddy Bear that comes with you. Easter craft making inside the house and children's games and fun play area. Picnic inside or outside - depending on the weather Also Gardens open Thursday June 12th LET’S GO RACING at Hotham Village Hall - Saturday 10th May 9 Races - First Race at 7.30pm - Licensed Bar Tickets: £5 including Fish and Chip supper. Available from any Commi ee Member or telephone Mike Auton 01430 424978 or Gillian Moverley 01430 421249 8 [email protected] Goole/Howdenshire Marie Curie Fundraising News Gilberdyke Garden Centre are very kindly hos ng two fundraising events for Marie Curie Cancer Care in April. Thursday 3rd April - 4pm - “Grow Your Own” - Talk by Doug Stewart from BBC Radio Humberside followed by a ernoon tea, inc in cket price, only £10. Sunday 6th April - 11am-4pm - Daffodil Fun Day ac vi es for all the family, including Flo the clown, face pain ng, children's cake decora ng, raffle, treasure hunt and many more..... Looking further ahead to Wednesday 25th June Ruth Ireland, supported by North Cave WI, is once again kindly hos ng a Blooming Great T-Party at her home, 35 Manor Road Nordham, raising funds for The WI & Marie Curie Cancer Care. Let's hope the sun shines again this year so you can enjoy tea & cakes in Ruth's beau ful garden. Please come along to these events and join in the fun whilst raising much needed funds to enable more local Marie Curie Nurses to care for terminally ill pa ents in the comfort of their own homes. For further details please contact Pauline Hornsey Tel: 01430 424789 Yoga for general health, mobility and well-being . North Cave - Wednesday evening 19.00-20.15 at the Village Hall, Westgate Gilberdyke - Thursday evening 17.30- 18.30 at the War Memorial Hall Mixed ability Hatha Yoga classes Cost: £4.50 pp Live Well Yoga Mobile: 07792 567 556 Email: [email protected] Facebook: Twitter: @LiveWellYogaUK Light, Warmth and Wellness Rachael Medd Yoga Teacher IYN, BSYA CERT, BSY (Anatomy & Physiology), BSY Meditation Teacher The Wolds Way Owl Trust The Falconry and Owl Conservation Centre is now open at Rudstone Walk (behind the restaurant, signposted). We have a number of rescued owls at the centre, we do regular flying displays with our hawks and we also do falcon training. The centre is open to the public Thursday-Sunday 10-4, with a small cafe and gift shop. Why not come along and see the birds? There are openings for volunteers in various fields, too; contact Pete or Ann at South Cave Falconry on 01430 422616. 9 [email protected] Looking for a new challenge for 2014? In Brough District (an area covering Brough and the villages of Elloughton, South Cave, Welton, Ellerker, North Cave and Brantingham) we have 11 Rainbow, Brownie and Guide units giving over 230 girls the chance to enjoy Guiding activities. Many more are waiting to join! Guiding offers girls the chance to make new friends, learn new skills, have fun and enjoy adventurous activities. This includes craft sessions, games, quizzes, grass sledging, camping, archery, cooking and much more. We currently have vacancies on some of our leadership teams and in order to continue giving these opportunities to our local girls we are actively recruiting new volunteers. If you think you would enjoy these types of activities and could spare a couple of hours a week (term time) then please contact Sue Pritchard (01482 667985, [email protected]) or Farrah Reay (0797 2714911, [email protected]) for further details or simply register at No previous involvement is necessary and full training is available. Perhaps you have fond memories of being a Brownie or Guide yourself?? North Cave Village Show Sunday 13th July 2014 from 12.30 pm + Friday 11th July - Village Hall - Live Band ORDINARY MEN Tickets: £10 in advance (£15 on the door) to include Hog Roast For more informa on/book ckets please ring Dave Murden 07967 681135 Full details will be in the next edi on of the Village Link. All profits go to North Cave Playing Fields Associa on. World War 1 Project 14th August 2014 is the centenary of the start of World War One - “The war to end all wars”. As in other villages, it is the intention of the Parish Council to commemorate this event. Part of this project is to collect stories of people whose grandfathers/grandmothers, fathers/mothers, brothers and sisters were directly or indirectly affected by this war. This may be difficult because those fortunate enough to return from this war did not often speak of their experiences. Your stories can be anonymous or named, that is up to you. Whilst men were fighting women took over jobs that were traditionally male dominated. There was an increase in men that had been injured by war some were gassed affecting their lungs or blinded. This was before the NHS, the discovery of Penicillin or the Welfare State. How did people cope? We suspect they just got on with it, but how? The effects of this war impacted on the whole country including villages like ours - we would like to make sure that memories are recorded for future generations. Any one who would like to contribute should contact Maggie Whitlock on 01430 424023 or [email protected]; or the Sue Molton, Clerk to the Parish Council on 01430 421779. 10 [email protected] The Wolds And Riverbank Countryside Society Programme for April - July 2014 All talks are held at the Welton Memorial Hall star ng at 7.30pm. Drinks and biscuits are served during the intervals of talks evenings for dona ons given, and drinks are served free during the quiz/party. During the interval of each evening talk, a raffle is held to raise society funds, and prizes for the raffles are always appreciated. Friday evening talks are open to non-members: entry £2, children free. Further informa on contact: Keith Smith on 01482 667097 our last walk in the dale at the same me of year a few years ago. Tony will bring the record of the flowers seen last me. Don't forget to bring your wild flower handbook. We will park at the Bran ngham Village Hall car park at 11am, and meet at the nearby pond. Friday, 11th April, 2014 - FRACKING IN THE U.K. A film screening and discussion. Entry is open to all and is free. Friday, 25th April, 2014 - THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING and ACROSS THE CANADIAN ROCKIES AND ALONG THE INSIDE PASSAGE This evening will begin with the Annual General Mee ng of the society. The agenda will include short reports from the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Chair, and the elec on of officers and commi ee members. This will be followed by an illustrated talk by Keith and Glenda Smith on the Canadian Rockies and the Inside Passage. Keith and Glenda are re red teachers who travelled in Canada in 2012. Their presenta on will take you to the Canadian Rocky Mountains which are studded with mountain peaks, glaciers, lakes, waterfalls, canyons and limestone caves to form a striking mountain landscape, and abundant with wildlife like bears, elk and eagles. They will share with you the journey further west across the Columbia Mountains and through some arid, surprisingly desert-like terrain to the Pacific coast. They will then take you through the Columbian and Alaskan Inside Passages rich in sea life like whales and sea o ers, and as far north as the old mining town of Skagway in Alaska and the amazing Glacier Bay. Sunday, 20th July, 2014 A VISIT TO POTTERIC CARR DN4 8DB Today members will visit Po eric Carr, the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust's flagship nature reserve south east of Doncaster. Famed for its wetland birds including bi erns, Po eric Carr has a network of paths enabling visitors to explore the mosaic of habitats and enjoy the stunning vistas found at this large nature reserve. With excellent facili es including tearoom, shop, toilets and hides it really is a great place to visit. The reserve is excellent for birdwatching with marsh and water birds being par cularly numerous, and kingfishers and woodpeckers are o en seen. Of the mammals, foxes and roe deer are regularly spo ed all year round, but water shrew and harvest mice are also present. Summer is a great me to spot dragonflies and bu erflies, and Po eric Carr's marshes support a wide range of plants providing a spectacle of colour throughout the summer, with the disused railway embankments, constructed from magnesium limestone, encouraging a further range of plants. The Low Ellers Junc on café is open 7 days a week between 10am and 4pm and sells a selec on of freshly prepared food including hot meals (un l 2pm) as well as sandwiches and a large range of home-made cakes. We will drive there ourselves arriving at 11am, mee ng at the shop which is near to the car park, and leaving whenever we wish. Sunday, 15th June, 2014 - A WILD FLOWER WALK UP BRANTINGHAM DALE Today we will take a walk up Bran ngham Dale to see what wild flowers we can find, and assess what changes if any there are in the flora since 11 [email protected] Preschool Ofsted reg 314685 Charity reg 1036515 Village Hall, Westgate, North Cave and toddler group is asked to leave their details with Julie the preschool manager. We will keep the village informed of any further changes. Spring is definitely here and preschool has a spring in its step as it was judged to be 'good' by Ofsted in the recent inspection. The report acknowledged the improvements that had been made from the last inspection and it is really pleasing to see the hard work of the preschool staff recognised. In a small community like ours the numbers in preschool fluctuate depending upon the birth rate in a particular year. In order to help us plan financially it is especially helpful if parents can register their interest for a place for their child well in advance. You can register your child at any time just by dropping in or calling Julie Tooke the preschool manager on 07968 239303; email: [email protected] Unfortunately not all the news from preschool is good, as the committee has taken the difficult decision to close the baby and toddler group due to poor attendance. I am sure you will agree that this is a huge loss for the village and hopefully if interest increases in future we may be able to reopen it. Anyone who would be interested in coming to a baby - North Cave Wetlands Since my last report in mid 2013 progress has continued at our wetlands, with much recent activity by Humberside Aggregates on our original site, and the prospect of our next major extension to the north of Crosslands Hide on the horizon for 2015. An approach by Natural England last December with a grant for habitat improvement work to be completed by the end of March has resulted in the creation of a new gravel covered island and the creation of 6 other predator-free islands out of the low lying land along the eastern edge of Main Lake. These habitats are targeted at our ever-increasing breeding population of Avocet, Ringed Plover, Little Ringed Plover, Oystercatcher, Common Tern and other water birds, and we hope for splendid viewing from South Hide and from the seats in the south west corner off Dryham Lane. Planning permission has been granted for a covered eating area overlooking Village Lake to the north of the Dryham Lane car park with adjacent composting WCs (a long awaited and much needed improvement), which we hope to build this summer. The Natural England grant has also funded a lowering of the southernmost island in Village Lake, close to the new visitor centre. This island in future will be submerged in winter months and exposed from March to August, again for breeding waders; though doubtless Black-headed Gulls will move in too. We have kept the western third of Dryham Ings under water this winter to contain vegetation, but the splendid bare habitat that attracted so many waders and terns to nest there last summer will be exposed early spring. Over 1.3kms of electric fencing is also being installed to keep predators at bay. At the west end of Dryham Lane our Highland cattle returned to their West Riding winter quarters last November. For the past three months we have hosted an evacuee flock of Hebridean sheep from Spurn after the disastrous floods of 5th December in which over half of the flock were lost. They are about to return home, making room for the Highland cattle to return later this spring. We remain hopeful of the flood link between Townend Lane and the Wetlands being completed later this year, but this assumes no hitches in the planning process. Our Reserve bird list now numbers over 210 species recorded in the past 15 years. Great Egret and Black-throated Diver were great new records this winter, and 2013 maintained the form of recent times with a year list of over 150 species. We welcome our ever-increasing number of visitors be they birders, naturalists with other interests, photographers or those just enjoying a country walk in beautiful surroundings – particularly if they are also able to introduce youngsters to the beauty and variety of the natural world on our doorstep. Steve Martin Highland Cattle on the Wetlands (EAB) 12 [email protected] LIFE-SAVING PLEA TO THE PEOPLE OF NORTH CAVE Could you become a life saver? The call has gone out for North Cave folk to give up their time to train to become Community First Responders with the Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS). We are asking volunteers to support an existing scheme in North Cave which could save local lives. Those who step forward will be trained to use life-saving defibrillators to help cardiac arrest victims. Because they are based within the local community, responding from their homes, Community First Responders can be on the scene at an emergency before regular ambulance staff arrive and the minutes they save could prove vital. The scheme in North Cave is recruiting new volunteers. “The scheme is voluntary and people who come forward will be taught how to use a defibrillator and how to administer oxygen”, says Ben Rushworth, Yorkshire Ambulance Service's Community Defibrillation Trainer, “we want as many people to volunteer as possible we know that in many medical emergencies the first few minutes are critical. If effective treatment can be performed within those few minutes, lives can be saved and disability reduced”. All equipment and training will be provided but Community First Responders will be required to use their own transport. Potential candidates should have no more than three penalty points on their driving licence; they must be over 18 and physically able to carry out the role. Criminal Records Bureau checks will be carried out on all candidates and acceptance is entirely at the discretion of YAS. Anyone interested in finding out more about the schemes should contact the Network Response Team on 0845 120 3155 or Email [email protected] COMMUNITY DEFIBRILLATOR A defibrillator is being fitted to the front of North Cave Village Hall for use by the community in an emergency. Yorkshire Ambulance Service have provided it free of charge. In an Emergency dial 999 - Ambulance control will give you the code to the lock. In the event of people suffering a heart attack - how the defibrillator should be used is self explanatory. Cllr Maggie Whitlock For and behalf of North Cave Parish Council and North Cave Village Hall Committee North Cave Methodist Church Sunday Worship at the Village Hall Our act of worship is at 10.30 am. All are welcome. Post Office at North Cave News Post Office Card Accounts, Cash deposits and withdrawals via chip and pin Postal Orders & Moneygrams, Electronic bill payment,Car Tax & e-topups Open weekdays 6am-8pm Weekends 7am-8pm 01430 422363 13 [email protected] Countryside Concerns March 8th 2014 “Yorkshire's Barn Owls need you” – this was the banner headline that greeted me on opening the spring edi on of Yorkshire Wildlife Trust magazine. It went on 'the prolonged cold spring of last year was responsible for a rise of 280% in Barn Owl deaths reported to the Bri sh Trust for Ornithology. The birds that did survive were in such poor condi on at breeding me that the number of chicks raised was the lowest in 30 years'. Robert E. Fuller, the wildlife ar st from Thixendale added his comment “it is very simple really, without rough grassland, there will be no Barn Owls”. With the con nued loss of habitat for their diet of field voles and small mammals, together with the loss of barns and farm buildings and the clearing of old woodland, they are suffering badly. The trust is hoping to raise enough funds by 30th April to fence off grassland and put up owl boxes on all their reserves. With our honeybees s ll struggling for survival too, now it's the turn of our bumblebees to come under a ack from quite a lot of the pests that they suffer from including the dreaded varroa mite. Bumblebees are be er pollinators than the honeybee as they can pollinate 80% more of our food than bees in the same amount of me. Mother nature can be very unforgiving at mes! The s ff breeze has been s rring up the dry soil, bringing to mind the old farmers saying “a peck of March dust is worth a king’s ransome”, put simply it means the land is ready for working. The weather is star ng to warm up and the spring borders are coming to life with primroses, hellebores and daffs pu ng on a good show, it's a pleasure to be out and about. I just hope that we don't suffer a 'false' spring and pay for it later. With the lovely show of snowdrops and aconites over, the celandines are pu ng in an appearance. In the 'Language of Flowers':Celandine – Re-awakening. – 'Let this token of spring inform you of my love' Daffodil – Rebu al. 'I do not share your feelings' Tulip – Confession. 'With this flower I declare my love' Wallflower – Constancy. 'Whatever befalls, I will stay true' Bluebell – Loyalty. 'Be assured, I am true' Primrose – New Love. 'I may learn to love you, its too soon to tell' Cowslip – Charm. 'You are sweeter than this flower' (see front cover!) Narcissus – Self love. 'You love none save yourself' Hellebores (Bill Blackledge) Hellebore – Mendacity. 'Do not believe anything un l you have heard my explana on' With all these mixed messages to contend with, this spring bouquet had to be put together very carefully! Cheerio, Wendy 14 [email protected] NORTH CAVE CRICKET CLUB NEWS Brough), plus one from the other division (Goole Town), home and away. There will then be a divisional play-off at the end of the season. We will be trying to retain both the League and Cup titles we won last year. Dear Villagers, Time does fly and it is that time of the year again! The Cricket Club has begun preparations for the 2014 season and we have been taking part in indoor nets at Hull Collegiate School, so we hit the ground running in April. The team is determined to try and win back the League title we won two years ago, after finishing 3rd last season. We have had a change in leadership with James Windeatt taking over the reins as Captain from Rob Page, whose efforts over the past few years have been much appreciated. We are delighted that James has agreed to take over and we wish him every success. Triad Howdenshire Evening League East Division Tue 29th April Tue 6th May Tue 13th May Tue 20th May Tue 27th May Tue 3rd June South Cave (Home) Welton & Brough (Away) Mortimer Cup 1st Round – Bye North Ferriby (Away) Goole Town (Away) Mortimer Cup 2nd Round – Newport (Away) Tue 10th June HICE (Home) Tue 17th June South Cave (Away) Tue 24th June Mortimer Cup Semi-Final/Junior Mortimer 1st Round Tue 1st July Welton & Brough (Home) Tue 8th July North Ferriby (Home) Tue 15th July Mortimer Cup Final / Junior Mortimer Semi-Final Tue 22nd July Goole Town (Home) Tue 29th July HICE (Away) Wed 30th July Junior Mortimer Cup Final Tue 5th August Divisional Play-Off On a Saturday in the HPH York Vale League we are joined in the top division by York RI, North Duffield and Thixendale with Hemingbrough leaving for the York Senior League and Askham Bryan and Hirst Courtney relegated. Our campaign begins as last season ended with a home fixture to Stockton & Hopgrove. HPH York Vale Cricket League Division 1 Sat 26th April Sat 3rd May Sat 10th May Sat 17th May Sat 24th May Sat 31st May Sat 7th June Sat 14th June Sat 21st June Stockton & Hopgrove (Home) York RI (Away) Ovington (Away) Burn (Away) HPH Cup 1st Round – TBC Bishopthorpe (Home) Fulfordgate (Away) Kelfield (Home) HPH Cup 2nd Round / GM Cup 1st Round Sat 28th June North Duffield (Away) Sat 5th July Thixendale (Home) Sat 12th July Stockton & Hopgrove (Away) Sun 13th July HPH Cup Semi-Final Sat 19th July York RI (Home) Sat 26th July Ovington (Home) Sun 27th July GM Cup Semi-Final Sat 2nd August Burn (Home) Sun 3rd August HPH Cup Final Sat 9th August Bishopthorpe (Away) Sat 16th August Fulfordgate (Home) Sun 17th August GM Cup Final Sat 23rd August Kelfield (Away) Sat 30th August North Duffield (Home) Sat 6th September Thixendale (Away) The club would again like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors – MFI, Wolds Engineering Services Ltd, Brockelsby Ltd, D3 Office Group and Humberside Aggregates and Excavations Ltd. It is only with the support of companies such as these that we can afford to pay for the playing and training equipment we require. The club has its own website and we have now set up a Twitter account @northcavecc. So everyone can keep up to date with all the latest news and results throughout the year. As usual we always welcome new members and we have nets on a Thursday evening throughout the season. Again, I am hoping to run Junior sessions on a Sunday morning starting at the beginning of June. So if you are interested let me know or if you fancy coming down on a Saturday afternoon or a Tuesday evening to watch and enjoy a pint or two, you are very welcome. So lets hope for a long dry hot summer and a successful cricket season for the club! The Triad Howdenshire Evening League has reverted to two regional divisions to reduce travelling. We play the other 4 teams in our division (South Cave, North Ferriby, HICE and Welton & Craig Hewson, Secretary 15 [email protected] Local Businesses - Use them or lose them Name Business Address Tony Roach FineArtCave Tony Cave Li le Graphic Design Company Canvas prints from your images Quality Picture Framing Graphic Design and Print Common Lane Everthorpe Beck Road, Everthorpe 01430 423063 07710 400733 01430 424317 Liz Ewing, Ambience Venue Styling Chair covers, table linen, centre pieces, finishing touches 10 Church Street 01430 424115 Hawley Auc oneer & Valuers David Dennis Neville Dykes M J Morton Lee Garton Greenwood & Ford Gav Lewis Craig Lane Norman Johnson Cable Power Disco J B Electrical Services Chris Clubley & Co Auc oneer & Valuers Joiner Joiner Joiner Crea ve exteriors & fascias Building Contractors Builder & Joiner Painter & Decorator Chimney Sweep Mobile Disco Domes c Electrician Estate Agents Albion House, Westgate 7 Church Street 14 Newport Road 1 Westgate 6 Westgate Low Road, Everthorpe 2 Fairfield 24 Westgate 1 Wes ield Close, Hotham 40 Beck Road 49 Westgate Skillings Lane, Brough Sue Body Livery yard, horse riding lessons, horse manure for sale South Ings Lane Haggerstons T Harrison Mrs. A Gregory e-Florist East Yorkshire Tree Company Andy Davey Humber Landscapes T Vessey-Baitson Red Kite Fitness Nordic Walking. Equestrian Outlet Equestrian Bedding Country Garden Florist Tree Surgery & Consultancy Tree/hedge cu ng & Decking. Landscape Contractor GMP Garden Services Newport Road 01430 626118 21 Newport Road 01430 422560 07977 780264 01430 441829 North Cave 01430 423966 1A Main Street, Hotham 07957 881298 8 Nordham 07715 522441 01430 470920 35 Fairfield 07800 896679 01430 421937 Improve your health and fitness The Arches, Drewton Estate 07902 462387 Bu erflies Alexandra Bo omley Curlaway Hair Bou que Beauty Therapist Unisex Hairdressing 24 Westgate 01430 421000 1 Orchard View, Church Street 01430 423712 Frances Spencer Beauty Therapist 1 Orchard View, Church Street Margaret Iveson Teaches Piano, Singing, Music Theory and Drama Newport Road 07951 144820 01430 422789 Triangle Garage BP Service Sta on 7am-10 pm Newport Road 01430 424119 North Cave School of Motoring Driving School Weddings, Proms & Corporate A Class Limousine Irene & Paul Dudley So fruit, cut flowers, growers & florist Marjoram Nurseries Mires Beck Nursery Pure Gardens (A Underwood) Contour Therapies Walkers Farm Shop Brocklesby Ltd. Plants and vegetables Wildflowers & Plants Garden maintenance service Sports Massage Open seven days a week Vegetable oil processor 01430 470654 7721 358453 01430 422332 01430 422977 01430 470990 01430 421268 01430 423831 7904 091038 01430 424479 07825 325547 01430 440471 01430 423971 07791 985545 01430 425235 07983 991316 01430 423291 01482 662211 01430 422238 01430 423712 34 Beck Road, Everthorpe 01430 421944 07990 850198 01977 666802 32 Nordham Low Road, Everthorpe Low Mill Lane, off Mires Lane 8 Denmark Rise Newport Road Crossland Lane J Thomlinson Mobile Op cian White Hart car park Alternate Thursdays R&M Pe oods Michelle Lacey The Mews Ca ery Pe ood supplier Childminder Boarding Ca ery Newport Road 15 Eas ield, North Cave Market Weighton Road Telephone 16 01430 422933 01430 424493 01430 421543 07904 738196 01430 425211 01430 470601 01430 424900 0800 9775994 07411198643 01430 425005 01430424131 01430 422605 [email protected] The Cat’s Cradle Vicky Herd Boarding Ca ery Cavewood Grange Farm Common Lane. 01430 425554 Mandy & Chris Unwin Evergreen Ca ery 6 Sta on Road 01430 421975 Scampneys Dog Grooming Collec on & Delivery Pampered Pooches Doggie Style Posh Paws Mobile Dog Groomer Mobile Dog Groomer Dog Grooming 10 Blanshards Lane 3 Wes ield Close Hotham North Cave 07765 406238 01430 470027 07834 225531 01430 422605 Adam Steels AWS Plumbing & hea ng 23 Church Street 07886 026993 01430 470827 Hotham Arms Pub & Restaurant 2 Main Street. Hotham 01430 422939 The White Hart Public House (Sunday lunches) 20 Westgate 01430 470940 Wendy’s Cafe Meals to eat in or takeaway Opposite BP Garage Newport Rd 07534 228732 The Wild Bird North Cave News & Post Office Snacks and drinks, orders North Cave Wetlands Village Store 6-8 daily, 7-8 wknd 40 Church Street 07981 113268 01430 422363 M C Mews Electrical Goods 41 Westgate 01430 422536 Richard Johnson Prison Printshop HMP Everthorpe 01430 426507 Swan Solicitors (David Rhodes) Wills, Powers of a orney and Estate Administra on Friendly professional service in your own home 01482 631864 Humberside Aggregates Sand & Gravel The Quarry, Newport Road 01430 421503 Robert James Bespoke Tailor & Shirtmaker 36 Main Street, Hotham 01430 425435 Mrs. R Cousins Tailoress for altera ons etc. 7 Sta on Road 01430 424397 Geenix Sawmills Timber Merchants Crossland Lane 01430 425550 Brian Dalby Logs (will deliver) 40 Newport Road 01430 422500 2B Landscape Consultancy Ltd Chartered Landscape Architects 01430 423204 Susan Dukes NIPCH Clinical hypnotherapist 3 Westgate 01430 425450 Raspberry and Silver Occasional Dresses 26 Westgate 01430 425291 Swan Wills Powers of A orney Estate Administra on Inheritance Tax Advice 07411 312704 Solicitors The Beauty Cave is set within a quaint, tradi onal co age, providing quiet treatment rooms to help you relax and unwind.Offering a full range of professional treatments. With monthly offers and loyalty cards. ‘Friendly professional service in your own home’ Contact David Rhodes 01482 631 864 [email protected] HAWLEYS AUCTIONEERS and VALUERS Gorgeous five-star holiday co ages Single items to full homes cleared. Valua ons given for insurance, probate and sale Available for short breaks (weekends & midweek), weekly and corporate lets. Co ages sleep 4-8 people. Children most welcome. Cots & high chairs available. Can be rented together for larger groups. Perfect for roman c weekends, getaway with friends or ac vity weeks with the kids. Within easy reach of Yorkshire’s finest a rac ons. Contact Victoria: 07770 793370 [email protected] Albion House, Westgate, North Cave. HU15 2NJ Contact John or Caroline Hawley 01430 470654 Mobiles John 07850 225805 Caroline 07980 624583 17 [email protected] The Benefice of North Cave, Cliffe and Hotham Services for April - May All are welcome All Saints’ North Cave Sunday worship. Our act of worship is at 11.00 am 1st Sunday 6th April 2nd Sunday 13th April 3rd Sunday 20th April 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday 27th April 4th May 11th May 18th May 23rd May 30th May Holy Communion Holy Communion Joint Easter Day Service JESUS IS RISEN Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Holy Communion Joint Service St. John’s Cliffe. Our act of Worship is at 9.15am We meet every 1st and 3rd Sunday 1st Sunday 6th April 1st Sunday 4th May 3rd Sunday 18th May Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) St. Oswald’s Hotham. Our act of Worship is at 9.00 am We meet every 2nd and 4th Sunday 2nd 4th 2nd 4th Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday 13th April 27th April 11th May 23rd May Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion When there is a fi h Sunday in the month there will be a united benefice all age service at North Cave Joint Service 30th May at All Saints, North Cave If you require any further details please contact: Revd. Barry Worsdale 01430 470716 The Church is here for you. Midweek Activities FIRST Wednesday each month 10.30am - 2.30pm - All Saints Church, North Cave open for Tea and Coffee. Come in for a chat, you are most welcome. Tuesday 7.30pm: Bell Ringing Prac ce at All Saints’. Why not join us and learn this ancient art? There is great fellowship and the whole of the UK to visit and try out bells in churches, Minsters and Cathedrals.. Toddler Praise: All Saints at 2.00 pm every second and fourth Thursday in the month.. Holy Communion in the community at Hanover Court on the first Wednesday each month at 11.00 am. All are welcome.. Mothers’ Union: The second Wednesday of the month at Hanover Court at 2 pm.. BIRTHS, DEATHS and MARRIAGES Sadly June Underwood passed away this February 18 [email protected] DAVID DENNIS (Over 31 years experience) All aspects of joinery work, manufactured and fitted Specialising in: *Sash Windows - repaired or renewed *So wood or hardwood windows * uPVC windows and doors fi ed * Tiling and Coving Telephone: 01430 422332 Mobile: 01430 422332 Londis Cave News and Post Office Curlaway Church Street, North Cave Newspapers - Magazines Groceries - Greengroceries Off-Licence - Lo ery - Photocopying Dry Cleaning - Photo-processing weekdays 6am - 8pm weekends 7am - 8pm (01430) 422363 Unisex Hair & Beauty Salon 1 Orchard View, Church Street North Cave NEVILLE DYKES JOINER NOW FITS uPVC WINDOWS, FASCIAS AND SOFFITS ALL TYPES OF WOODEN FENCING 01430 423712 Incorpora ng Chiropodist Jackie Spicer Minst CHP & Beauty Therapist Frances Spenser • • • • Bathing and drying Hand stripping De-ma ng Anal glands expressed • • • • Telephone: 01430 422977 Secure rural se ng in North Cave Collec on and/or delivery service Fully Insured and Qualified Reliable and high quality service Finishing clips Scissoring Puppy trims Free grooming consulta on Telephone Mandy 07411 312704 Weekend and evening appointments available 19 [email protected] Directory Of Organisations And Events METHODIST CHAPEL: Service Sundays 10.30am at the Village Hall, Westgate, North Cave. Revd Dr David Perry, tel. 01482 668632 CATHOLIC CHURCH: Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Sancton Road, Market Weighton. Mass Saturday 5.30 pm & Sunday 10.30 am. Holy Day Mass 7.00 pm. Weekdays Mass as announced. Rev Paul Dowling, tel. 01430 873202 NORTH CAVE AND HOTHAM MOTHERS’ UNION: We meet on the SECOND Wednesday of every month at 2.15pm in the Community Room at Hanover Court. Non members will find a warm welcome at any of our mee ngs. Anyone wishing to know more please contact: Mrs. Mary White, tel. 01430 425610. NORTH CAVE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE: meets in the Village Hall on the FIRST Thursday of each month at 7.30pm. There is a varied programme of speakers, demonstra ons etc a ended by approx. 30 members. A warm welcome is offered to any ladies who would like to join. For informa on please ring Audrey Bainbridge, tel. 01430 423350. EAST RIDING CHILDREN’S CENTRE: Monday 9.00am un l 3.30pm, Tuesday 9.00am un l 5.00pm and Wednesday9.00am un l 2.30pm. For more informa on and to register, call Lisa Howell (family support worker) on 01482 669474 NORTH CAVE PRE-SCHOOL: VILLAGE HALL: Open Monday - Friday (term me) 9.00am - 3.00pm plus ‘lunch clubs’ and ‘rising fives’ sessions. From age 2½. Contact: Julie Tooke, tel. 01430 441547 / 07968 239303 NORTH CAVE PARENT & TODDLER GROUP: VILLAGE HALL: Open Wednesday (term me) 1.00pm - 3.00pm. Age 0-2½. £2.00. Please drop in at any session or contact Julie Tooke, tel. 01430 441547 / 07968 239303 MUSIC TIME: Musical fun for babies & pre-school children, South Cave Family Centre. Fridays (term me). Contact Jan Guiver, tel. 07563 764793 or visit NORTH CAVE VILLAGE HALL: Westgate, available for all kinds of func on. All enquiries to the Booking Clerk Mrs. Pam Li le, tel. 01430 423094. HOTHAM VILLAGE HALL: Newly refurbished with excellent facili es - available for all kinds of func ons. All enquiries to the Booking Clerk Mrs. Pam Johnson, tel. 01430 425285 or Mr. Mike Auton 01430 424978. NORTH CAVE PLAYING FIELDS ASSOCIATION: (includes the Play Area). Registered Charity No 523277. Contact Hon. Sec. John Backhouse. e-mail [email protected] NORTH CAVE SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB: The Pavilion, The Playing Fields, North Cave. Small friendly club, annual membership £5, all profits go to the Playing Fields/Play Area. Contact Hon. Sec. John Backhouse. e-mail [email protected] NORTH CAVE FOOTBALL CLUB: Two adult football teams, new players welcome. Contact Hon. Sec. John Hewson, tel. 01430 422283 NORTH CAVE CRICKET CLUB: Two teams playing on Saturday a ernoons and Tuesday evenings. New members (especially juniors) welcome. Prac ce evenings Thursday nights during the season. Contact Hon. Sec. Craig Hewson, tel. 01430 422909 EAST YORKSHIRE CANOE CLUB: Sessions every Saturday morning, South Ings Lane, Newport Road, North Cave. Beginners welcome. Contact Irene Dudley, 32 Nordham, North Cave, Tel 01430 422933 NORTH CAVE INDOOR BOWLS: Townend Lane, North Cave, tel. 01430 421378. Open 10.30am to 10.30pm in Winter, from early September un l the end of April. 20 [email protected] DENTIST: Church Street, South Cave. Weekdays 9am to 6pm. Saturdays 9.15am to 12 noon. By appointment, tel. 01430 423826 OPTICIAN: Mobile Op cian John Tomlinson visits North Cave regularly. Tel. 0800 9775994 MEDIBUS: Door to door service to Beverley, Co ngham and Hull Royal Hospitals from your front door. tel. 08456 445959 (charged at local rate). CAVE PLAYERS: Amateur Drama Group. Rehearsals take place in South Cave at the WI Hall and performances take place in North Cave at the Village Hall. For informa on contact chair, Sharon 01482-840404 or sec. Neil, 01430-424497. For ckets, contact Tony 01430 423617 or visit SOUTH CAVE SCOUTS: Beavers: 6¾-8s, Cubs: 8-10½s, Scouts: 10½-14s, Explore Scouts: 14-18s. For further informa on, contact Helen Wilson on 07706 145236 EAST RIDING CARERS’ SUPPORT SERVICE: tel. 0800 9176844 DOCTORS’ SURGERIES: South Cave: Gilberdyke: Emergencies and Enquiries 424764 Emergencies and Enquiries 440225 Appointments 422206 Appointments 440225 Repeat prescrip ons 422495 Repeat prescrip ons 440225 MOBILE LIBRARY: Any queries, tel. 01482 392749 North Cave: Wednesdays, fortnightly (from 2nd April) Hotham: Mondays, every 3 weeks Outside No 30 Newport Road - 1.30pm to 1.50pm Main Street, near Hotham Arms Outside No 17 Nordham - 1.55pm to 2.25pm 2.45pm-3.00pm Eas ield, Sta on Road - 2.30pm to 4.00pm POST OFFICE: At Londis Cave News, Church Street, Weekdays 6am - 8pm, Weekends 7am - 8pm POLICE: For non-emergency calls contact your Local Policing Team, tel. 101 (24-7), or e-mail Howden and Howdenshire nominated Police Officer Sgt Joanne Mathews e-mail [email protected] Police Community Support Officers: PC Marcus Liddle e-mail [email protected] PCSO Anthony Mell e-mail [email protected] PCSO Simon Palmer e-mail [email protected] BELL-RINGING: Join us at All Saints’ church on prac ce night Tuesdays from 7:30-9pm or before Sunday morning service from 10:30-11, or contact Bill on 422894 for more details. ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR: (Environmental Services) Noise etc. S Shu leworth, tel. 01482 396203, out of office hours tel. 01482 393939 YOUR LOCAL COUNCILLORS: Victoria Aitken tel. 07721411620 Doreen Engel tel. 01430 860513 Nick Evans tel. 07768096755 NORTH CAVE PARISH COUNCIL: Contact the Parish Clerk in wri ng: Mrs Sue Malton, 16 Blanshards Lane, North Cave, HU15 2LN, tel. 01430 421779 during normal office hours which are from 9am to 2.00pm Monday & Tuesday; 9 am to 12 noon Wednesday; Thursday between 3pm and 5pm, or e-mail [email protected] FLOOD WARDEN: John Morris. tel. 01430 470607 or [email protected] FERRET RESCUE: Jill or Mick Perry, tel. 01430 423249 CAVES U3A: Speakers mee ngs at Cave Castle on the first Monday in the month at 2pm except on Bank holidays when it is deferred for a week. Contact Sec. Joan Robertson Tel. 01430 423816 21 [email protected] Humberside Police Howdenshire Neighbourhood Policing Team PC Marcus Liddle - PCSO Simon Palmer - PCSO Anthony Mell We are available to offer advice on crime prevention and to listen and gather information on problems that you may be having in your area. We are happy to speak to you on the phone but are also able to visit your home for help and advice. To contact us or to report non-emergency crime / anti-social behaviour call 101 and ask to speak to a member of the Team Many Thanks DOG FOULING- NEWPORT ROAD Reports are being received of an increase in dog fouling at the end of Newport Road in an area where families exercise their dogs. Responsible owners are finding it increasingly difficult to keep their children's footwear free from dog faeces, and family ou ngs and exercise are spoiled because of this. It is an offence to fail to remove dog faeces, and a fixed penalty fine of £75 will be charged when the perpetrators are iden fied. Irresponsible owners, who allow their dogs to foul, should be aware that this order applies whether or not dogs are on a lead. Members of the Animal Warden Service are aware of this concern and will shortly be posi oning Dog Fouling Penalty No ces in the area. If you observe such an -social behaviour please contact the wardens on 01482 396301 This is your Village Link, we value your contribu ons. Please note, the deadline for the June - July issue is the 12th May 2014 Village Link Contacts Bill Blackledge Editor/Typese er David Caley Joan Alam Steve Skipsey Roger Cobbe Peter Wilson Nancy Smart Peter Cox Webmaster Contact/Everthorpe Contact/North Cave Contact/Small Businesses Contact/Hotham Contact/School Contact/Hotham& Distribu on 22 E-mail [email protected] Telephone 01430 423204 [email protected] Telephone 01430 421 990 Telephone 01430 422 709 Telephone 01430 470 770 Telephone 01430 423 137 Telephone 01430 422 551 Telephone 01430 423 793 [email protected] Gavin Lewis (Property maintenance) (Established 1993. Fully insured) From roofs to windows, to fully fi ed kitchens and bedrooms Pain ng, plumbing, ling, plastering and all electrical work fascias and gu ering. Local tradesman charging local prices 01430 424479 - 07904 091038 NORDHAM COTTAGES Baytree Co age 9 Nordham, North Cave sleeps 2 king size bed & bathroom Kitchen with dining area and si ng room Horseshoe Co age 11 Nordham, North Cave sleeps 6 1 king and 2 twin rooms, 2 bathrooms, Kitchen, dining room and si ng room Inter-connecting to sleep 8 Ideal 4* accommodation for visiting family and friends Weekend, midweek and weekly rates Contact Louise 01430 422266 * Family owned & run, all staff FAB trained * * Large off road car park * Please contact Jackie or Vicky Herd Cavewood Grange Farm, North Cave 01430 425554 / 07791 326326 Complete garden maintenance service Domes c and commercial work undertaken Tel: 01430 425211 Mob: 07904 738196 MEWS ELECTRICAL (SALES AND SERVICE) Leading brands - Hotpoint, Bosch, Zanussi, & Belling etc, For friendly and total service, connec ons, fi ng and appliance removal, including built-in appliances, television sales and tuning. Steve Mews, 41 Westgate, North Cave. 01430 422536. Established for over 50 years. 23 [email protected]