- Your Ward News
- Your Ward News
DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 300,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER ONE MILLION. MÉTIS OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 2007 $5.00 FIVE Dollars WWW.YOURWARDNEWS.COM S P R I N G Graphic Editing By ROBERT JAMES “YOUR WARD NEWS” IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST ANTI-MARXIST PUBLICATION! · PAGE 1 · 2 0 1 6 DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 300,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER ONE MILLION. INTRODUCING ARTIST AND ACTIVIST KELLY-ANN FAIRCHILD: THE “CRAZY CAT LADY” OF THE MARXIST BORG COLLECTIVE Last month we reported that Marxist psychopath, pathological liar and Liberal Party strategist Warren Kinsella was gradually descending into rabid madness due to our newspaper. It appears the article pushed Chairman Meow over the edge and he did the unthinkable: He unleashed an army full of dim-witted leftist cannon fodder led by an emotionally unstable, attention-craving, cat-obsessed FemiMarxist who is bent on a Jihad against free speech. I would like to say “THANK YOU” to Your Ward News “Fan of the Month” Kelly-Ann Fairchild. Kelly is a local Artist and activist. She donates ten percent of her art sales to charitable causes she believes in. For the past month Kelly has been a big help to our little paper, by promoting it not only within our publishing area (where we distribute the paper for free) but well outside of it, and even internationally! Because of an online petition Kelly started, the hits on our web site and paid subscriptions from outside of our publishing area, have skyrocketed! Here is the petition that Kelly posted on change.org ... By Lawrence McCurry Writer, filmmaker, media critic and trouble maker Canada Post name-calling and false allegations as a way to bully people. Every month this paper calls women sluts, whores, she-hags, bitches, cock-teasers, and femi-Marxists. Dr. James Sears who runs the paper, regularly degrades women of various ethnicities (Asian, Jewish), by commenting on their sexuality (saying that “Jewesses” are frigid, but good at giving head). He regularly posts photos of women in sexually degrading photo-shopped images. Images that should not be slipped into our mailboxes. These pages are filled with profanity, and slanderous comments about politicians and regular civilians. These pages are filled with lies. Lies about women, lies about feminists, lies about religions and races, lies about immigrants, lies about homosexuals, and lies about men who don’t believe that women should be submissive. This paper spreads false allegations against female nurses, and false allegations against organizations that work to help women and children who are victims of violence. Those who speak up against James Sears end up as targets in his paper, and are subjected to name-calling, personal insults and sexually degrading remarks and/or photo-shopped images. This paper is offensive and dangerous, and we should not be subjected to this trash invading our homes. James Sears values “Freedom of Speech” above all, (above integrity, above humanity, above decency) and we wouldn’t dream of denying him this ‘right’, so we are simply asking Canada Post to discontinue delivering this paper, to those who don’t subscribe. This “newspaper” offers no factual information, or constructive input. It exists solely as a platform for those who wish to spread hate and misinformation. Your Ward News is not a “newspaper”, it is propaganda that is meant to insult, and degrade those who are different than its editor James Sears. Which is why we are asking that this paper not be delivered to unsubscribed homes. This is a formal Petition asking for you to discontinue delivering the hate-speech paper Your Those who subscribe to Sears’ distorted and harmful way of thinking should simply subscribe to his paper. While this hate-speech paper should be shut down entirely, we will Ward News to the general population. settle (for now), with Canada Post agreeing to discontinue delivering Your Ward News to Every month this paper is delivered to thousands of homes. Every month this paper uses non-subscribers. CONTINUED ON PAGE FOUR... Acclaimed Toronto artist Kelly-Ann Fairchild painted this introspective self-portrait titled “Ms. Pussy Riot versus Your Ward News” “YOUR WARD NEWS” IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST ANTI-MARXIST PUBLICATION! · PAGE 2 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 300,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER ONE MILLION. INDEX: MESSAGE FROM OUR EDITOR-IN-CHIEF A handful of faggy “Social Justice Warriors” living in their moms’ basements are behind the idle threats--they lack money to patronize your business or the influence to cause others to stop doing so. Raising money to grow our paper is a challenge in Trudeau’s economically depressed Marxist dystopia; a greater challenge is me finding time to edit it. In addition to my full-time careers, I must dedicate two solid weeks per month to prepare each issue. I must direct our talented graphic artist Robert James on exactly how I want the paper laid out and what images I want created. I must reply to reader emails, write some content myself, and thoroughly edit every article submitted, rejecting lame or politically sacrilegious ones. The above responsibilities have taken my time away from the next phase of our growth: launching an elaborate anti-Marxist online news portal that bypasses the ZioMarxist-controlled mainstream media’s filter. It will feature timely articles, a daily video of me reviewing the day’s REAL NEWS, and weekly live televised anti-Marxist programs (if you have a program idea, submit it to me). I need time to find high quality industrial space, direct the set-up of a state-of-the-art film production studio, create start-up content, vet loyal volunteers, and hire an in-house Private Investigator to assist our anti-Marxist Investigative Journalists. Dear Loyal Readers: Many of you are receiving your new community newspaper for the first time, as Canada Post just quadrupled our delivery area to 300,000 homes and businesses, with readership now OVER ONE MILLION PEOPLE! I strategically chose to expand into areas full of brainwashed lefties because they especially need our Christian Libertarian National Socialist gospel. We now Therefore, to give me time to realize these objectives, we will have Toronto’s largest newspaper readership and remain the world’s largest anti-Marxist publication. For an electronic version temporarily publish quarterly (March, June, September, December). When our news portal and studio of this issue or back issues, visit www.YourWardNews.com. are running smoothly, we will once again publish monthly. Based on projected timelines, Our fixed administrative overhead is about $5,000 per month, and printing and delivery is now about $60,000 per issue, so we I estimate a return to monthly publishing in early 2017, slowly expanding circulation to cover the thank our generous donors and loyal advertisers. If you would entire GTA. like to donate to or advertise in our paper, please contact us. If you are receiving annoying calls or emails from people STAY TUNED! threatening to “boycott” your business because you are an advertiser, tell them to FUCK OFF and they will go away. INTRODUCING ARTIST AND ACTIVIST KELLY-ANN FAIRCHILD Pages 2, 4 & 5 JUSTIN TRUDEAU FEARS CANADA’S “SHADOW GOVERNMENT” Pages 6-7 IS CANADA PIMPING ITS GIRLS TO BIG PHARMA? Pages 8-9 SKETCH PUPPET, SKETCH! Pages 10-11 JOHN TORY IS NOW TORONTO’S TOP BITCH! Pages 12-13 USING PUBLIC MONEY FOR SEX REASSIGNMENT SURGERY... PRICELESS! Pages 14-15 THE WINE SWINE: CANADA’S CULINARY THERMOPYLAE Pages 16-17 Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief, Your Ward News LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Page 19 VOLUNTEER TO BE A “MAIL WATCH” CAPTAIN Canada Post has tried every underhanded trick to block delivery of our paper. Hopefully they now accept that resistance is futile. Most letter carriers are honest, but we are concerned that rouge Marxist posties will sabotage delivery! Every house, apartment and business in the area outlined in the map on page 5, receives our paper by LATEST the 7th of the publication month. Help us keep our posties honest by joining our team of “Mail Watch” Captains. Your duties will include: Reporting to our licensed Private Investigator if our paper does not arrive on time. Call friends and relatives that live in our delivery area to confirm they received our paper. On the day you receive our paper, polling your neighbours and visually inspecting their mailboxes to confirm everyone got it. Informing your postie that you love our paper, appreciate him/her delivering it, and will base your Christmas gratuity on prompt delivery. To be a "Mail Watch" Captain contact us: 416-693-6397 [email protected] IF YOU ARE NOT RECEIVING EVERY SINGLE ISSUE OF OUR NEWSPAPER, LET US KNOW ASAP SO WE CAN LAUNCH AN INVESTIGATION! PAST ISSUES OF OUR PAPER ARE AT: http://issuu.com/yourwardnews/docs “YOUR WARD NEWS” IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST ANTI-MARXIST PUBLICATION! · PAGE 3 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 300,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER ONE MILLION. ...CONTINUED FROM PAGE TWO Of course, Kelly’s petition received a lot of traffic and a high number of signatories because she had help promoting it from her friend Warren Kinsella. Shortly after Kelly created it, Kinsella tweeted and facebooked her petition far and wide amongst the brainwashed minions in his Borg-like leftie collective, which made it such a success. maturity. Since when did people become such crybabies that we couldn’t stand hearing a certain word or phrase, being called a name, or tagged with a label? When idiot-box Liberal Party talking head Warren Kinsella or puppet politicians like Dimwit Beaches-East York MPP Arthur Potts or Marxist Toronto Ward 32 Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon make repeated, inflammatory public statements about us, it has a profound effect on people. That’s why it’s fair game to talk about them. The only problem is that most of what Kelly says about us is just not true. For starters Kelly, I DO NOT LIE! I stand behind every word I have ever had published in this paper. Now it’s true that my bat shit crazy editor Dr. James Sears and our warped graphic artist Robert James tend to put satirical pictures and outrageous bylines to my work, but I do have journalistic standards, and I repeat, I DO NOT LIE! Many of the stories in this paper are satirical in nature and outrageous in subject matter, but that is opinion, not hate. We openly denounce violence and injustice towards all people regardless of ethnicity or gender. That being said, we reserve the right to talk about matters of ethnicity and gender, and we believe that having the right to free speech allows us to openly discuss such matters. It is a right that must be both practiced and defended. However, here’s something you DON’T have a right to, Kelly: THE RIGHT NOT TO BE OFFENDED! Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so too “feeling offended” is in the realm of the beholder. Words are words; each person is responsible for their own emotions. To blame us or anyone else because you feel angry, offended or upset, shows an abandonment of personal responsibility and an utter lack of emotional But those statements also do something else; for one thing, they encourage that abandonment of responsibility and utter lack of emotional maturity in people like you, Kelly Fairchild. When somebody like Kinsella campaigns against us nonstop, calling us “hateful”, “racist”, “Nazis” and “misogynists”, it’s like he is taking a big rusty nail and scratching a grove into the minds of people. He’s coming to a conclusion then rendering a judgement for all of you. He’s circumventing your critical thought process. Most of all, he’s using you to shut down the voice of those who politically oppose him and his political friends, all of who make a very good living off the backs of the public. 3 year old Stephanie Bradshaw of East York dressed up as Kelly-Ann Fairchild for Halloween Your needle gets stuck in a big rusty groove, so you will have a knee jerk reaction to … what? A small community paper that prints alternative news, politics, opinion and satire? This big rusty groove makes people who have never even seen our paper think it’s some kind of illegal hate speech-spewing Nazi rag. How do I know this assertion is true? Below are just a few examples taken from the first couple of pages of comments by signatories to your petition ... CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE... There appears to be a consistent theme running throughout Kelly’s artwork. I am no art critic, but if I were to hazard a guess I would say that she is a hopeless romantic who has had a lifetime of healthy relationships with men that have had the utmost in respect for her. I sense extremely high self-esteem and complete self-actualization. This woman is so emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually stable that not only are her opinions worthy of being propagated to the unwashed masses, but Divine Providence commands that we assist in their dissemination. “YOUR WARD NEWS” IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST ANTI-MARXIST PUBLICATION! · PAGE 4 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 300,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER ONE MILLION. ...CONTINUED FROM LAST PAGE Editor-In-Chief: Dr. James Sears Owner/Publisher: LeRoy St. Germaine Graphics & Layout: Robert James “Your Ward News Media Group” is owned by LeRoy St. Germaine. "Your Ward News" is published in support of FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION. OUR DISTRIBUTION AREA: “YOUR WARD NEWS” IS DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 300,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER ONE MILLION. These people who are signing the petition to have Canada Post stop delivering our paper are NOT EVEN CANADIAN! No link to our paper was published with the petition (I wonder why?), so these people have never even seen it! Here are some more comments, this time from Canadians who do not live in Toronto (which is the ONLY CITY in which the paper is delivered)… Most of the people who signed this online petition calling us “Nazis” and accusing us of spreading hate speech (which is illegal) have never seen the paper and have come to this conclusion because somebody told them it was so. If this paper was really hate speech, I would be in prison or in court saying this instead of printing it and putting it in your mail box! philosophy which tells you that you are not responsible for your feelings, like that of feeling offended by those who you don’t agree with. The controllers have tricked you into thinking that your free speech is not as important as somebody else’s feelings. Kelly, it’s YOU who is LYING when you call opinion “hate speech”. You do so because you have had a deep groove scratched into your mind by a political Now here’s something else you and Warren Kinsella will wrongly consider hate speech: If this paper or my words in it are offensive to you, then TOO GOD DAMN BAD! If your home or office is in this area and you are not receiving our newspaper, CONTACT US ASAP! www.YourWardNews.com 163 Main Street (@ Gerrard) Toronto, Ontario M4E 2V9 (416) 693-NEWS (6397) [email protected] “YOUR WARD NEWS” IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST ANTI-MARXIST PUBLICATION! · PAGE 5 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 300,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER ONE MILLION. JUSTIN TRUDEAU FEARS CANADA’S “SHADOW GOVERNMENT” The winter of our discontent is thawing. We are entering the spring of our potential disillusionment and then perhaps the summer of our rage. Prime Minster Justin Trudeau receives his marching orders from a “Shadow Government” made up of Fascist Globalists hell-bent on erasing our culture and decimating our economy. His fearful obedience to the Satanic billionaire class will lead to Medieval times for Canada. Whether you like it or not, the ultimate law of the land in any Christian country like Canada is THE BIBLE. I am not a churchgoer or bible-thumper, but I believe very deeply in the message of Jesus Christ as a great Libertarian Prophet of peace. If it were not for our “MOG” (Marxist Occupation Government), all laws passed by Parliament would have to adhere to strict Christian principles. By Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief, Your Ward News Canada from the dark armies of Satan that seek to destroy the moral fabric of our nation, which nowadays are the cultural Marxists and their financiers. Because the entire Canadian government is corrupt, from the Monarchal branch on down, it is now up to us as citizens to take back our God-given Human Rights! According to Ephesians 6-12: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. In other words, we must stop focusing on fighting against one another based on race, gender and religion, as the Cultural Marxists had planned by placing each of us in a “people group”. Instead, we must focus on fighting the DARK POWERS that work in secret to oppress all of us. This “cryptocracy” working behind the scenes to direct the Puppets we vote for in sham elections, is referred to as our “Shadow Government”. These non-elected parasites range from low-level lobbyists, Parliamentary “Advisors”, and ZioMarxist agents passing themselves off as “Think Tank Gurus” and “Strategists” (like psychopathic pathological liar Warren Kinsella), to billionaire industrialists with a direct phone line to our Prime Minister. These parasites are of many religions and ethnicities. For example, Justin Trudeau takes most of his orders from the London-Based Jewish Rothschild family and the Montreal-based The Magna Carta decreed by King John of Catholic Desmarais family. These two seemingly divergent families are almost identical in England in 1215 AD was meant to establish both their belief system and goals, which are based on Satanic subjugation. some basic Christian principles of human Justin’s father Pierre Trudeau answered to the same two families from the time he was dignity and freedom from oppression. The appointed Justice Minister in 1968, right through every one of his terms as Prime Minister. Queen of England is granted the title He even committed the treasonous act of surrendering control of the Bank of Canada to the “Defender of the Faith and Supreme Rothschild family in 1974 (a crime for which he should have been executed, the penalty for Governor of the Church of England”. High Treason). Therefore, the Queen’s representative in this country, the Governor General of Many of our readers voted Liberal in the last election because of a slew of promises made Canada, has a responsibility to protect by Justin Trudeau and his candidates. Many of you are still in the “honeymoon phase” of your adoration for Justin, and as such have perhaps ignored that he has broken almost every promise he made during the election. Why? Because the “Shadow Government” ordered him to renege on them! Justin promised to legalize pot. He placed human rights-violating scumbag former Toronto Police Chief (now MP) Bill Blair in charge. Then within days of getting elected, Justin brought up the lame excuse of “international treaties” preventing him from keeping his word (our Metrosexual-In-Chief should just scrap these phantom “international treaties” and legalize and tax pot, but the billionaire families that control beer Graphic Editing By ROBERT JAMES and liquor production will February 2, 2016, Parliament Hill, Ottawa: Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz, acclaimed Canadian actor Bill not allow it). Murray, and Governor General David Johnston, participate in The Capital’s annual “Groundhog Day” festivities. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE... “YOUR WARD NEWS” IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST ANTI-MARXIST PUBLICATION! · PAGE 6 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 300,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER ONE MILLION. Justin promised to overhaul Bill C-51, but seems to have conveniently forgotten about that. Justin feigned outrage when Harper announce that he inked the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade deal without allowing Canadians to read it, but now Justin is ramming it through Parliament like a good Globalist Puppet (this job-killing legislation would mean that Canadian workers must compete on an equal footing with workers in Vietnam earning $145 per month with no benefits!) And so our Puppet Prime Minister keeps dancing and sketching (see my article in the centre spread). He has opened the floodgates for 50,000 fake Syrian refugees to parasitize welfare and in the best case scenario, steal jobs in an economy that is already faltering (recently leaked government documents that the mainstream media refuses to report on, clearly show that these Syrians were living happily in apartment buildings in Syria before they were wooed to Canada by Globalists looking to bankrupt our country) Because Justin Trudeau is running massive deficits to pay for his Marxist free-spending ways, the Governor of the Bank of Canada Stephen Poloz must now resort to negative interest rates to temporarily keep the economy from collapsing (eventually all that overprinting of money will make our dollar worthless and there will be food riots and blood on the streets). Our dollar is freefalling due to low oil prices, but Poloz cannot raise rates to support it for fear of collapsing the housing market, which itself is on its last legs. Unlike Russia, China and India, who have been HOARDING GOLD to back their respective currencies, Canada is FIRESELLING GOLD at an alarming rate, and it is almost gone! With no gold and no high-priced oil to back our currency, we are truly FUCKED! Canada as we knew it in our childhood is almost unrecognizable. It is little more than a vassal state with a Puppet Leader. Are you going to bend over and take it up the ass from Trudeau’s Puppet Masters, or are you going to do something about it? I am doing my part: I am Editor -In-Chief of this anti-Marxist newspaper free of charge and I am partially funding it. The least you can do is help us spread our message of freedom and defend our right to free speech! SERVING THE G.T.A. AREA ONLY ANY CONDITION, FREE TOWING! You RING, We Bring CASH. Call: 416-262-0827 $100 to $6,000 on the spot, same day! [email protected] CA$H PAID DAILY! COMMISSION TELESALES JOBS. Call: 647-350-3865 “YOUR WARD NEWS” IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST ANTI-MARXIST PUBLICATION! · PAGE 7 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 300,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER ONE MILLION. IS CANADA PIMPING ITS GIRLS TO BIG PHARMA? Vaccination is NOT mandatory in Canada … for now. If the lobbyists of the big pharmaceutical companies have their way, Canadians will be living in a medical dystopia; one in which government-sanctioned child snatchers will strap screaming children to a gurney to inject them with the poison of the day, while their handcuffed parents watch in horror! The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) is determined to change the way medicine is practised in Canada. In June 2015 the CMA Board publicly announced a "vaccine mandate" resolution. It recommended that the only allowable vaccination exemption for school-age children should be a MEDICAL EXEMPTION. In other words, the doctor, not the parents, would decide if the child was to be vaccinated! By Marlene Lynn Retired RMT and a Health Activist with special interest in vaccination abuse When this resolution was brought to the floor of the annual CMA conference in Halifax on August 26, 2015, their 80,000-strong membership backstepped from calls for “mandatory” vaccinations for school-age children, thereby negating the need for an “exemption”. However, the CMA was now calling for governments to mandate both a mandatory immunization status report for school entry, and mandatory parent meetings with public health officials if children were “under-vaccinated”. No Compensation and No Liability Canada has no Vaccine Injury Compensation Programme. At their annual meeting, the CMA overwhelmingly rejected creating a national program to compensate those who suffer vaccine injuries. Because vaccination of babies and children is adopted as a treatment protocol, no civil court proceedings have ever been won in Canada, as it is impossible to prove negligence. mission is to empower individuals to make informed health care choices and to protect and defend the medical ethic of “informed consent”. Is Canada Pimping Its Girls to Big Pharma? Merck-Frosst is the maker of the HPV vaccine, one of the most controversial vaccines in history. HPV (human papillomavirus) occasionally causes cervical cancer. The vaccine (Gardasil) is only meant to work on girls with no sexual experience. Trials were insufficient to test the efficacy of the vaccine since subjects were too young to be exposed to HPV. The Government wishes to inoculate our girls and treat them as if they were going to take to the streets. While as many as 50% of women can in their lifetime get some form of HPV, most of these infections do not result in cervical cancer and will self-cure. Modern detection technology suggests viral clearance occurs within a year in over 70% and within two years in over 90% of those infected. The U.S. “Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System” (VAERS) has received thousands of reports of reactions and injuries following HPV vaccination, including sudden collapse with unconsciousness; seizures; muscle pain and weakness; disabling fatigue; Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS); facial paralysis; brain inflammation; rheumatoid arthritis; lupus; blood clots; optic neuritis; multiple sclerosis; strokes; heart and other serious health problems, including death. Sane-Vax, a leading watchdog group in the U.S., reports that as of January 2015, there have been 38,217 adverse reactions to HPV vaccines reported to VAERS, including 5,360 serious reactions, 3,948 hospitalizations, 680 life threatening events, 7624 that did not recover and 220 deaths! In step with the CMA recommendations, on December 11, 2015, the Ontario government announced its plan to amend the provincial law governing the immunization of children Public resistance to vaccine mandates began in Ontario in 1982. In 1984 the committee attending school, inserting a clause obligating parents to attend a vaccine "education formerly known as VRAN, won an exemption of "conscience" or religious belief under the session" prior to being allowed to obtain a "vaccine exemption.” Only three provinces in provincial government (which was attempting at the time to fast track a mandatory vaccine Canada have “enacted” legislation governing the vaccination of school children: Ontario, Act through the New Brunswick legislature without and Manitoba. public scrutiny). All three The exemption provincial Acts allowed all contain legal families in Ontario exemptions for all the right to refuse vaccines required vaccines for for school entry. children attending The rest of the school. Vaccine Canadian Choice Canada provinces have (VCC) was not enacted founded by legislation families whose requiring loved ones vaccination of suffered severe school children, vaccine reactions, thus, there are no In the 1969 Brady Bunch episode "Is there a doctor in the house?" all 6 kids come down with the measles. Mom Carol Brady maintains exemption forms including brain a meticulous chalkboard of all their childhood diseases to ensure they all obtain natural, healthy immunity. Other than Jan Brady and immune available. being a bit weird and shy, none of the kids develop autism, food allergies, or any one of the other vaccine-related disorders, because system injuries, Carol did not poison them with vaccines. And of course, no one died ... except dad Mike Brady in REAL LIFE! Actor Robert Reed was and death. Their a boy-hungry faggot who cruised the streets of L.A. for underage male prostitutes. He died of AIDS at age 59. “YOUR WARD NEWS” IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST ANTI-MARXIST PUBLICATION! CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE... · PAGE 8 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 300,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER ONE MILLION. Under Canadian Medical Law (Informed Consent & Your Rights) recipients must be informed of all significant risks posed by any invasive medical procedure that carries a risk of injury or death. Vaccination is such a procedure, so according to the law, every Canadian must receive and understand all the information that is pertinent to the vaccination(s) to which they consent. Unless you know your legal right to refuse vaccines and exercise your right to Informed Consent, you and your children will be vulnerable to the pervasive intimidation that health officials often use in violating the public trust … going as far as expulsion of unvaccinated children from Ontario schools! Up to 90% of vaccine injuries or deaths go unreported. As well as the cost in dollars, if reported, people encounter virulent denial that the vaccine(s) caused the injury or death in the first place, stating that the tragedy is just coincidence or your child must not have been healthy in the first place. Vaccines and Dead Doctors! The 1993 Harrison Ford film “The Fugitive” exposed the rampant medical fraud within the pharmaceutical industry and the great lengths to which Big Pharma would go to protect its bottom line, including murdering honest doctors or framing them for murder. Unfortunately for all the families of anti-vaccination Doctors that have died or gone missing under mysterious circumstances, there is only a trail of sadness, grief and shock. months of age! In 2015, bitter debates were raging in the media on the dangers of not complying with the “recommended” vaccination schedule. Measles outbreaks are blamed on the unvaccinated, who were vilified in both mainstream and social media. Important facts about measles and its vaccines have been suppressed. Firstly, mortality rates had plummeted to almost nil prior to the widespread use of measles vaccines. Secondly, prior to the mass use of measles vaccines, the general population enjoyed the benefit of long-lasting true "herd immunity" from having had measles in childhood. Infants born to naturally immune mothers were well-protected in the first year of life. The vast majority of children who got measles sailed through it while gaining the tremendous health benefit of lifelong immunity, along with the ability to protect their offspring. These crossgenerational benefits ensured a strong immune foundation for the whole population. All this natural immunity has now been dismantled by "mass vaccination." The real agenda is about forcing more and more vaccines onto the public, while at the same time threatening the removal of personal and religious exemptions. At this time 100's of new vaccines are in the planning stages, only to be unleased on an unsuspecting population. Think about it ... if the many years of mass vaccination is so necessary, safe, and effective as the medical mafia would have you believe, why then does the Government have to mandate their use? Why do the many parents who chose to vaccinate, fear that their children will be subjected to illness and disease from the unvaccinated? Why is there no compensation plan or liability for the many thousands of parents who are shell-shocked by the injuries and deaths their loved ones and families have had to endure? Vaccines are not adequately tested in the laboratory. Instead, Big Pharma’s true guinea pigs are every infant and child that receives this poison! One such person was 60 year old Dr. Jeff Bradstreet of Florida. Having had an autistic child, a significant portion of Dr. Bradstreet’s research was dedicated to our cause. His skepticism of immunization (in particular the MMR vaccine) only fueled the FDA's June 2015 raid on his Buford, Georgia medical office, one week before his mysterious death. Bradstreet's body was found with a gunshot wound in the Broad River in Rutherford County, North Carolina (apparently “self-inflicted”). In an interview, his close family members quickly dispelled the myth that his death was “suicide”. They have launched their own private investigation into his death. The Science is Not Settled There are no studies that have evaluated and compared the long term health outcome of fully vaccinated people with those who have never been vaccinated. About Vaccines In closing I would just like to make mention of two of my heroes over the years: Whistleblower Dr. Shiv Chopra (Microbiologist and Federal Scientist) worked for over 30 years for Health Canada. His job was to protect the public from harm. Unfortunately, truth and justice led to his being fired by Paul Martin for insubordination. Vaccines are complex biochemical substances that by definition are drugs. Once injected, Dr. Andrew Wakefield was a respected gastroenterologist and Fellow of the Royal they can cross the blood-brain barrier and cannot be deactivated or removed. Starting at 2 Colleges of Surgeons and Pathologists. In 1995 Dr. Wakefield and his colleagues posed months of age, then 4 and 6 months, a baby can receive up to 8 vaccines at EACH doctor's two questions of the institutions visit! At 12 months babies are injected with 4 live virus vaccines--MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) and varicella (chicken pox)--and then again at 18 months, along with other vaccines. • Is the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine safe? • Can the MMR vaccine cause autistic regression and intestinal disease? "Excessive vaccination can result in brain inflammation and brain swelling that can be prolonged, even lasting years, if not decades." These two simple questions led him on a 15 year path of destruction and - Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD, Neurosurgeon mischaracterizations. You can find out more in his books "Exposed" and "Callous Disregard". Neurodevelopment & Autism Spectrum Disorders For more information and to become a member of VCC (Vaccine Choice Canada): Based on current scientific literature, the destructive effects of excessive immune stimulation often triggered by too many vaccines, given too close together, too early in life, is a problem Website: www.vaccinechoicecanada.com that will worsen as more vaccines continue to be added to the already overcrowded Email: [email protected] schedule. Today, a baby in Canada can receive up to 41 doses of 14 vaccines by 18 Mail: P.O. Box 169, Winlaw, B.C., VOG 2J0 “YOUR WARD NEWS” IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST ANTI-MARXIST PUBLICATION! · PAGE 9 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 300,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER ONE MILLION. SKETCH PUPPET, SKETCH! During “The Great Fire of Rome” in 64 AD, Emperor Nero famously played his fiddle while a district that he wanted to demolish to build his palace, conveniently burned down. Fingers pointed at him, so he tortured confessions out of a few Christians, then put thousands more of them to death. Today, while Canada’s Christian body politic burns around him, Emperor Justinian Trudeau II fiddles with watercolours, all for the benefit of a grand palace erected in Winnipeg: A temple dedicated to the greatest lie of the 20th century! I have a lot of respect for artists and I have been a patron of the arts for many years. I give away tens of thousands of dollars each year to worthy art and music projects, with my grant criteria based on whether the art promotes Canadian culture and a strong, healthy society. I consider Your Ward News an art form and see myself as “The Salvador Dalí of media”. However, much of what is passed off nowadays as “art” is just mindless, low-brow, boring trash. And the criteria used by government to decide whether to provide a grant to an artist is less based on his or her artistic talent, and more on how many cocks or clits they sucked, or how “diverse” they are. A half-Aboriginal, half-Negro, HIV-positive, transgendered, dyslexic, Satanist vegan in Editor-In-Chief, Your Ward News a wheelchair who uses an enema to fill his rectum with paint, only to splatter it onto canvas in random chaotic patterns, is going to get awarded a government grant; whilst a truly talented artist will wait on tables or be relegated to spending long hours sketching portraits of tourists outside the Eaton Centre for a few extra bucks. By Dr. James Sears, great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon ‘em!” Anybody with a double digit IQ can clearly see that Justin has always had delusions of grandeur in relation to every pursuit he has even undertaken. After he began to believe the Liberal Party’s election hype about his talents, and he was thrust into the role of Prime Minister, his delusions reached epic proportions. And now they have been dangerously reinforced by a publicity stunt meant to benefit his ZioMarxist enablers … Justin drew a watercolour sketch of Winnipeg’s misnamed “Canadian Museum for Human Rights” (CMHR). The sketch was auctioned off on eBay to raise money for the museum. 26 bidders made 81 bids, and it sold for $25,200! The fact that such a subpar sketch sold for so much is deserved of eye-rolls. But what is deserved of absolute disgust is the fact that the proceeds of the sale will benefit a museum that promotes the “Jewish Holocaust” aka “Holohoax Myth” while downplaying the tens of millions of people that Marxist Jews murdered over the last century (the “Memorial To The Victims Of Communism” in Ottawa would expose those murders, but ZioMarxists are blocking the project). CMHR is the first national museum built outside Ottawa. This museum had nothing to do with promoting Canadian culture or history, and had no business being built in Winnipeg. For those and many other reasons, it was rightfully ILLEGAL, so Stephen Harper’s Zionist-pandering government, with the UNANIMOUS SUPPORT of all other parties, actually AMENDED the Canadian Museums Act to permit its construction! Canwest Global Communications founder and vile Zionist, Israel (Izzy) Asper, donated $20 Million to its construction in the hopes it would be a “Jewish Holocaust” indoctrination centre Which brings us to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: Like every leader since World War II, this for students from across Canada. Winnipeg is Izzy’s home town, so he wanted it built there, ZioMarxist lackey dreams of painting like the great Adolf Hitler; instead, he creates sketches at a location of his choosing: 85 Israel Asper Way! The street number is significant more reminiscent of those of autistic British artist Stephen Wiltshire. But that lack of talent because in Jewish mysticism the numbers 13 and 6 are magical. 8 + 5 = 13. The biggest will never deter him because Justin is of the generation of Canadians who have been told lie of the 20th century is that “6 million Jews were gassed” (there were no gas chambers, from an early only a few age that they thousand Jews are all tragically died “winners”. No due to one fails or is starvation and a left behind. If typhus they do not epidemic that succeed, it is rapidly spread not because through the they were born concentration ungifted … oh camps at the no! Instead, tail end of the they are the war, and there victim of “class is ZERO oppression” or DOCUMENTED a “learning EVIDENCE of disability”. a planned extermination of Shakespeare Jews by Adolf Justin Trudeau could learn a lesson from the “Führer of Fine Art”. Adolf Hitler painted “The Courtyard of the Old Residency in Munich” said “Some Hitler). in 1914 and “Mother Mary with the Holy Child Jesus Christ” in 1913. For some reason the Jews running the are born Vienna Academy of Fine Arts would not let him enroll! CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE... “YOUR WARD NEWS” IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST ANTI-MARXIST PUBLICATION! · PAGE 10 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 300,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER ONE MILLION. Most of the $351 million construction cost for the museum came from the taxpayers of Canada, Manitoba and Winnipeg (you probably did not know you paid for this propaganda project). Once built, Sleazy Izzy staffed the museum with his loyal ZioCronies because it cost him ZERO to pay them … you see, it is a “National Museum” which means 100% of the $22 million per year to run this historical fraud is coming from taxpayers like you! Genrikh Yagoda, who murdered 10 million Orthodox Christians in the Soviet Union, including millions of Ukrainians, was never mentioned in the museum (hint: Yagoda was a Marxist Jew). Communist Jews murdered over 50 million Christians in the Soviet Union, but Sleazy Izzy kept that inconvenient fact out of his museum. You would have expected mass protests from taxpayer groups when the project was first announced in 2003, but Sleazy Izzy’s mission statement misleadingly claimed the museum would "explore the subject of human rights with a special but not exclusive reference to Canada, in order to enhance the public's understanding of human rights, to promote respect for others and to encourage reflection and dialogue." It was one big lie. Anyway, getting back to our ZioMarxist puppet Justin Trudeau … his watercolour sketch sold for almost as much as some Picasso sketches do! So is our Metrosexual-In-Chief an artistic genius or an autistic fraud? I leave it for the reader to decide. In the meantime, Justin continues to do the bidding of his ZioMarxist overlords. On February 22, 2016, the Liberals supported a Conservative motion that would “condemn any and all attempts by Canadian organizations, groups or individuals to promote the BDS movement, both here CMHR opened on September 19, 2014, as at home and abroad.” “ BDS” stands for a glorified “Jewish Holocaust” shrine with a “Boycott Israeli Products, Divest from few token, toned-down alternative genocides Israeli investments, and Sanction Israel thrown in to cover up this fact. No other economically, culturally, diplomatically, Above is a sketch of the interior of St. Pancras Station in London, England, by autistic militarily, etc.” So as Palestinians are being genocide was given anywhere near to the British artist Stephen Wiltshire. Wiltshire has such a profound photographic memory systematically slaughtered, our Puppet PM exposure and respect of that of the Jews. that he can quickly be flown above a city, and over the next several days draw every sketches a building to propagate the myth single building on the ground from memory! As impressive as his abilities are, like Several ethnic groups, including Aboriginals, of a FAKE Holocaust in Germany and he most autistics, his “art” is lifeless, spiritless mimicry. Trudeau’s sketch is of a similar votes to suppress the memory of a REAL Palestinians, and Ukrainians, protested the nature, so one wonders if his shortcomings as a leader are related to low-grade opening ceremonies. Ukrainians wanted to Holocaust in Gaza! autism resulting from childhood vaccinations. know why the greatest Holocauster in history, Scientists claimed they discovered gravitational waves (picture far right) for the first time a month ago (but after hoaxes like “Manmade Global Warming”, I do not trust anyone with scientific credentials). It is theorized that MATTER slows time and curves space to gravity, and ANTI-MATTER speeds up time and stretches space. It is also theorized that when MATTER and ANTI-MATTER collide, they completely annihilate one another, are converted into pure energy, and create gravitational waves that warp the fabric of space and may form a rift in the space-time continuum. Similarly, when REALITY and ANTI-REALITY collide, the fabric of space can warp. For example, compare Justin Trudeau’s sketch of the “Canadian Museum for Human Rights” (centre) with the actual museum (left). Note how the centre of Trudeau’s drawing caves in with warped tiles, just like a gravitational wave. It appears that our Metrosexual-In-Chief inadvertently captured a rift forming on the building, as the REALITY of the REAL Aboriginal and Ukrainian Holocausts outside the museum, collided with the ANTI-REALITY of the FAKE “Jewish Holocaust” depicted inside the museum. Either that or Trudeau purposely caved in the side of the building to symbolize how the growing availability of reliable historical records on the internet is imploding the “Holocaust Myth”. “YOUR WARD NEWS” IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST ANTI-MARXIST PUBLICATION! · PAGE 11 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 300,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER ONE MILLION. JOHN TORY IS NOW TORONTO’S TOP BITCH! Other than the hungry butt of a bitch in heat, there’s nothing more exhilarating to this dog than a garbage bag filled with spoiling table scraps. But imagine a wonderous land piled high with scraps as far as the eye can see. For a brief moment, I did … then my dreams were shattered by Toronto’s flip-flopping, people-pleasing, former “Top Dog”, who bent over for the unions and is now their bitch! As a young pup I sat at the paws of my pa and was regaled with stories of the “Great Garbage Strike of 2009”. Not only were the streets paved with gold, but at the park was a literal mountain of the world’s best left-over scraps. Years’ worth of pizza crust; entire dinners the kids would not eat; why the old dog even told me he found a spoiled roast beef THE SIZE OF HIS HEAD! By Shep The Talking Dog Recently retired police dog and citizen journalist, who has lived on Woodbine Avenue for the past 3 years, with his friend and his friend’s latest hippie girlfriend Under the last city administration of Rob Ford, the City of Toronto had privatized garbage pick-up west of Yonge Street. This move worked well for the city, not only by saving it money but also taking away the need to have to deal with the unionized garbage workers for the west end. The general plan was to do the same in the eastern half of the city … then came the election. Now I was a Ford supporter, but of course dogs don’t get to vote in this Here’s a scene from “The Great Garbage Strike of 2009”. Spadina Avenue never looked so delicious! One man’s trash is another dog’s all-you-can-eat buffet. Marxist utopia and I suspected my friend may not have been a Ford fan. No problem there … I just ate his Voter’s Card as soon as that evil mailman slid it though the door. In terms of garbage collection it really made no difference though because Tory had also made a promise to privatize east end garbage pick-up. Then in September Tory upset people on both sides of the garbage privatization debate by postponing a council decision on the issue, likely until 2017. Seems that on the advice of city employees who claim they may not save as much as they thought, Tory out of fear of making a decision on something, caved on his election promise and waffled. Still I did not get my hopes up until the first week in February, when the media started talking about a garbage strike. I have to admit at that point I did start to salivate pretty badly. Due to our waffling Mayor, I was having doggie dreams of that mountain of food in the park. There would be half-eaten sandwiches and pizza crusts for all; even the skunks and raccoons would make out like the stinky little bandits they are. And the cherry on top of this garbage dream was that the animal cops would be on strike too! That’s right, animal control workers are also part of the union and with them out of the picture as well, the streets would be a wideopen smorgasbord for me and all my four legged friends and colleagues. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE... “YOUR WARD NEWS” IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST ANTI-MARXIST PUBLICATION! · PAGE 12 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 300,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER ONE MILLION. But alas, Tory took the wag out of my tail and dashed my doggie dreams when on Friday Feb. 19, the City of Toronto came up with a tentative deal averting a work stoppage that would have affected some 6,000 garbage collectors, snow plow operators, animal control officers and other outside workers. Although details will not be released until the union members ratify the agreement, one thing we know for sure: Taxpayers in Toronto will not see the savings they would have received if Tory had kept his promise of privatized garbage pick-up in the east end of the city, the way Ford had done with the west side. Now the city still had to deal with its inside workers; but what does that matter to a dog … they never let us in anyways! Now I did not want this article to be another rant on how two legs blatantly discriminates against four legs in this city, or how I can’t get a cab or into a restaurant unless I can find a blind human friend to go with me … but to dangle the promise of a garbage strike at me and then snatch it away like that, really hurts. Of course there’s also the question of why people who live in the west end of the city (where the former mayor lives) should be free from this organized extortion of overpaid, unionized trash collectors when the (for the most part) less wealthy people of the east side don’t also enjoy the same peace of mind of being free from losing the essential service of garbage collection? Many people could rightly argue that in a modern city like Toronto, garbage collection should be considered as much of an essential service as police, fire, emergency services or the TTC. And why did John Tory go back on an election promise and listen to other unionized city workers when it came to keeping these garbage collectors on the city payroll? Could it be that the inside workers figured it put them all in a better bargaining position when it came to their negotiations with the city? My neighbour Chico the Chihuahua showed me this awesome pic of his hometown, Mexico City. I’m thinking of retiring down there in a few years (I’ll convince my friend to take a vacation, then I’ll kinda get loose and never come back). The Mexican garbage workers aren’t on strike. Mexico City started a recycling program and shut down their dump. Truck drivers don’t want to drive 3 hours in the heat to dump garbage on the edge of town, so they usually leave it lying around. I’m hoping these Latinos can teach Toronto’s union workers a thing or two about “work to rule”! As of story deadline, a deal still has not been reached with inside workers, and the outside workers have not yet ratified the deal the union made, but one thing is a pretty safe bet: Because there’s not a Ford sitting in the big chair, you know this fiasco is going to cost us all more money. As of March 2016 O.A.C. “YOUR WARD NEWS” IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST ANTI-MARXIST PUBLICATION! · PAGE 13 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 300,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER ONE MILLION. HOMELESS CANADIANS … 200,000 CANADIAN GOVERNMENT DEBT … $1.25 TRILLION USING PUBLIC MONEY FOR SEX REASSIGNMENT SURGERY … PRICELESS! On February 9, 2016, I interviewed free speech advocate Paul Fromm on my non-partisan online talk show, “Voters Echo”. A vile post on Marxist Facebook group “Your Ward News Watch” exclaimed “Long time YWN supporter and token non-white person Bahman Yazdanfar does an interview with long time white supremacist Paul Fromm … Bahman isn't the first non-white person (to) become a stooge for Nazis ...”. It appears that I, an Iranian immigrant, am a victim of the politically correct Fascist ideology of those who claim race is a “social construct” … except when it serves their purposes: “Social Justice Warriors”. Every 2-3 years the mainstream media announces the outbreak of an epidemic disease such as SARS, H1N1 or Zika, that contaminates certain parts of the world, or those practicing a particular lifestyle within a society. Regardless of the seriousness of the situation (natural or manufactured) there is always a small group of individuals (elected officials as well as mysterious shady characters that operate silently in the background) who benefit from the suffering and misery of the masses. However, what the public is not being warned about is a chronic pandemic of an extremely serious, debilitating illness affecting most of the population. This illness was covertly manufactured by sinister groups within society, and government is conspiring with the creators of this By Dr. Bahman Yazdanfar illness to spread it far and wide. Billions of Journalist, talk show host, entrepreneur and taxpayer dollars are used every year to business consultant disseminate this peculiar fabricated virus, resulting in extensive global morbidity amongst mankind. This virus, which does not discriminate by age, colour, religion, language, geography, education, economical class, and even hygiene status, is called PCS … “Politically Correct Syndrome”. To cover up her true intentions, Wynne appointed Michael Coteau to be in charge of the Directorate. Couteau is Wynne’s Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport. One wonders what relevant qualifications Coteau has, besides his brown skin colour! Even NDP Leader Andrea Horwath and Conservative Leader Patrick Brown, who constantly criticize the Premier, are not immune to the impact of PCS. This spayed and neutered seemingly selfhating white duo endorsed Wynne’s initiative without delay. Here is a no brainer: I have a REAL SOLUTION for Premier Wynne to reduce and even eradicate racism, in three SIMPLE steps: Step 1: Charge and prosecute those who stifle Free Speech and individual liberty. Step 2: Invest in education, engage communities and help them flourish, and promote participation of citizens in their social and electoral process. Step 3: Remove incompetents, crooks, sycophants, unscrupulous lawyers, and accountants from the administration; stop wasting taxpayers’ money on your cronies, special interest groups and cosy media. The parasites transmitting PCS are incompetent individuals with low self-esteem who try hard to compensate for their own intolerance and shortcomings by forcing others to work extrahard to not offend them. Pigeonholing is one of the main characteristics of PCS, and unlike most viruses or bacteria that are short-lived, PCS behaves like a CANCER … it is tenacious and spreads through diverse channels, cross-infecting other groups, from families to private businesses to public offices. Our governments and their affiliated agencies act as conduits to spread PCS seamlessly and use the public purse to enable their actions. Those who question the validity of irresponsible PCS-related policies made by any branch of the administration, are labelled as “Racist”, “Nazi”, “Homophobe”, “Anti-Semite”, “Misogynist”, “Islamophobe”, and the list goes on! Case in point: Kathleen Wynne is forming an “Anti-Racism Directorate” to mark and stifle Ontarians and to distract us from the policy failures of her miserable government. Not to mention the price tag for taxpayers! Reprinted with permission of renowned anti-Marxist artist Ben Garrison, www.GrrrGraphics.com “YOUR WARD NEWS” IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST ANTI-MARXIST PUBLICATION! CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE... · PAGE 14 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 300,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER ONE MILLION. Although mainstream media works hard to censor news and events that might embarrass our governments and their allies, a day never goes by when we do not witness evidence of PCS in our society. For example, there was an article in the National Post on February 3, 2016, about a recent scandal in one of the clinics of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. CAMH’s “Child Youth and Family (CYF) Gender Identity Service” (LOL) dismissed a prominent doctor for promoting “conversion therapy” (the “science” of turning “gays” straight). Even if the allegation against this doctor or similar health care employees is valid, one must wonder why a portion of the budget was being wasted on funding the department he was working for in the first place! Is special attention given to these sorts of issues just because we have LGBT members such as Kathleen Wynne and Glen Murray handling top portfolios in our government? Just a half block west of CAMH’s posh offices, homeless people line up every day to have a little charity food and a shelter bed! The CBC, the main disseminator of PCS and a propaganda machine for the mainstream parties, has admitted that a minimum of 200,000 Canadians experience homelessness in any given year. 150,000 of them use a homeless shelter at some point; 30,000 of them are homeless on any given night; and more than 50,000 additional Canadians are "hidden homeless" on any given night. affect much larger segments of society? What about those citizens who have been neglected for decades, such as the hungry, the homeless, those with mental and physical disabilities, etc.? According to the Toronto star, Michael Coteau said “I just want to figure out how to remove the barriers”. It appears that Coteau is a member of one of the most destructive elements of society; a group of Fascist vermin that fans out PCS, creating more barriers within our social calamity. He is a “Social justice Warrior” (SJW). SJW’s exist as small pockets of delusional people who suffer from a condition called "The Messiah Complex", where they believe that they are destined to be a saviour. Many of them can't even wipe their own bums, let alone save humanity from destruction! A large number of SJW’s suffer from low self-esteem. Many of them are recovering from drug and alcohol addictions. While in rehab they were brainwashed and programmed by seasoned SJW’s who often take jobs working with spiritually broken people in order to recruit more SJW’s for the Borg Collective. Because the SJW’s think they are "not worthy", they try to gain respect by blaming others; usually “whites” as was eluded by Yu. A “non-white” like me can see this scenario very clearly. Yet our federal government allocated over two million dollars to one individual--Henry Yu at The University of British Columbia--to work on a project titled “Chinese Canadian Stories”! Millions of taxpayer dollars were wasted on Yu so he could conclude that “whites are racist”. In other words, instead of combating racism, the government is ironically promoting another form of racism, by non-whites and non-Christians against whites and Christians! Is this anti-white racism the fault of Henry Yu, or is he a carrier of the disease PCS? Regardless of anyone’s opinion about sexual orientation, ethnicity, or any other status, why is our “elected” government spending and prioritizing taxpayers’ money for issues being championed by a very small number of groups, instead of addressing those problems that Thinking that they are being "persecuted", SJW’s use the culture of victimization, and act as a sensitivity police squad whilst they hide behind a “cause”. They use that cause to generate zeal for spreading PCS, often utilizing emotionally-charged words as a purgative drug to achieve their sinister agenda. These agents survive only by means of sponging off their host: the populous, public money and governments’ resources. The only drug available today to fight Politically Correct Syndrome, if it was allowed to stay in society’s medicine cabinet, is outspoken brave independent mavericks with the capability to think outside of the box, and with the audacity to address controversial issues and pose questions that are considered taboo. I consider myself and my colleagues at Your Ward News to be of that ilk. Michael Coteau is the head of Premier Wynne’s new “Anti-Racism Directorate”. The 70% of Ontarians who are “white” had better watch out because this former ghetto-disruptor has just entered the big leagues! Coteau is the MPP for Don Valley West and Wynne is the MPP for Don Valley East. As a shout-out to them, we have permanently expanded Your Ward News’ delivery area up to Highway 401, covering their entire ridings! The photo reminds me of George Brown College’s harebrained ad campaign a few years ago, consisting of posters reading “BROWN gets you the job”, many of which featured brown-skinned graduates dressed in the attire of their career (chef, nurse, etc.) The purposeful Double Entendre was used to subconsciously attract South Asian students by suggesting hiring quotas for non-whites. After a public relations backlash, George Brown tried to cover up their faux-pas by putting the students in brown outfits and adding “George” in front of the slogan; but the cat was already out of the bag! In the case of brain-dead bootlicker Michael Coteau, “BROWN” DID get him the job! His half-Grenadian halfBritish skin tone is just dark enough to act the part but not so dark that it makes conservative whites clutch their purses and wallets. Also, before entering politics, in the “diverse” Malvern area of Scarborough, Coteau was a “Community Organizer” (like homicidal Marxist psychopath Barack Obama and low IQ FemiMarxist baby killing apologist Steph Guthrie). “Community Organizer” is Marxist code for the guy who convinces angry, naïve minorities that they are not personally responsible for consequences of their actions and they must mobilize to blame and shame whitey. Guys like Coteau are the parasites who create Marxist-inspired, thug-based actions like the “Black Lives Matter” movement in which ZioMarxist House Negros push the buttons of impoverished Field Negros. Deluded militant BLM leader Marissa Johnson even made the ludicrous claim that the all-inclusive Christian phrase "All Lives Matter" is RACIST! “YOUR WARD NEWS” IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST ANTI-MARXIST PUBLICATION! · PAGE 15 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 300,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER ONE MILLION. THE WINE SWINE: CANADA’S CULINARY THERMOPYLAE In 480 BC in Thermopylae, 300 Spartans in a narrow mountain pass held back King Xerxes’ invading army long enough to save European civilization. 2 months ago, after a brutal battle lasting 5 years, an isolated Christian outpost at the gates of Toronto’s Beaches fell to the Muslim hordes. But it has since been retaken by a brave band of patriots who have vowed to defend Canadian culture. Your Ward News is the first major media outlet to bring you their story. In the February edition of Your Ward News I reported on how three Muslims working in the kitchen of Toronto’s top Québécois restaurant, Le Papillon on the Park, played the “race card” and filed a complaint with the “Ontario Human Rights Tribunal”. The complaint set off a chain reaction, and the family-owned business shut its doors, throwing 25 people out of work. But it appears a phoenix has risen from the ashes, in the form of new restaurant serving up, of all things, CRISPY PORK RINDS! In January 2011, Head chef Abdul Malik (employee for 17 years), his nephew and sous-chef Arif Hossain (employee for 12 years), and a friend of theirs, Nahid Ashfaq Islam, marched out in rage and did not return because management asked them to train a new By Lawrence McCurry female cook. They filed a complaint with the Ontario Writer, filmmaker, media Human Rights Tribunal, claiming that they were “mocked” when they spoke Bengali in the kitchen, critic and trouble maker were refused time off during the Muslim holiday of Eid, and were forced to taste pork that they were preparing for patrons (to do so is considered “Haraam” in Islam, which means it’s “forbidden” and “unclean”). Not only did the court find in favor of the three men and award them OVER $100,000 IN TAX-FREE DAMAGES that the family business was ordered to pay, but the slanted press from the left corporate media combined with the condemnation of “social justice warriors”, caused a drop in business that they could not recover from. The restaurant closed its doors and the building at 1001 Eastern Avenue was put up for sale. In February we noticed the “for sale” sign had come down and signage went up for a new restaurant named “The Wine Swine”. A quick internet search led us to a web page for the restaurant with a countdown clock to an expected opening date of February 24, 2016. The only other clue we could find was a new Facebook page associated with the restaurant, under the name “Chris P. Bacon”. I thought we were dealing with a “Double Haraam” pun that poked at the REAL “SWINE” who killed the business that had originally stood at this location. So I took it as a challenge to get to the bottom of the mystery. After leaving a voice message and e-mail, I received a phone call from “Glen”, the husband of the new Manager and Proprietor of The Wine Swine, Kirstin Philips. Turns out the new Proprietors have no connection to the old owners and it was just a coincidence that they had chosen this name. The couple have a vision for the new restaurant, including a wine tasting club that will meet by their cozy fire place and a whimsical menu that will feature pork dishes such as “Wild Boar Bucco” and “Green Eggs and Ham”. They will also offer non-pork cuisine such as flatbreads, oysters, dips & deli boards, as well as Steak Frites and Chicken & Waffles. The Wine Swine is open for brunch, lunch, dinner and drinks, Wednesday to Sunday. The Wine Swine’s Head Chef “Chris P. Bacon” prepares to greet attendees at a job fair, by putting on a prototype of the mask that is mandatory for all his food handlers. Unlike those rabid Islamophobes at Le Papillon on the Park, he dares encourages Muslims to come in and apply for work. Glen and his wife Kirstin are residents of the Beaches area and Glen even reluctantly admitted to being a reader of Your Ward News. He described our paper as “humorous”, so points for being diplomatic as well. On behalf of the Publisher and Staff of YWN, I would like to wish The Wine Swine all the luck in the world in their new endeavor, and I believe that as long as they keep radical Muslims out of the kitchen and away from the pork, they should do very well! “YOUR WARD NEWS” IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST ANTI-MARXIST PUBLICATION! CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE... · PAGE 16 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 300,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER ONE MILLION. “YOUR WARD NEWS” IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST ANTI-MARXIST PUBLICATION! · PAGE 17 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 300,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER ONE MILLION. 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Organic Canadian Lamb/Sheep, government inspected and delivered to you, direct from Farmer Mark's Organic Farm in Norwood, Ontario ... no middle person ... for only $4 PER POUND! • Our animals eat grass and hay grown in soil that has never seen pesticides. • Our farm is 100% off-grid, using solar power and wood boiler heat. • We have Organic chickens and eggs if you want them. • Farmer Mark even makes custom "zero carbon footprint" furniture, using cedar growing on his property that he cuts down by hand (send him a picture or drawing of what you want built and he will give you a quote). Contact Farmer Mark today at: [email protected] Buy Delicious, Organic Lamb/Sheep In Bulk FARMER MARK Anyone Can Afford To Eat Like This "My name is Farmer Mark and I bought this ad to support Your Ward News' right to free speech!" “YOUR WARD NEWS” IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST ANTI-MARXIST PUBLICATION! · PAGE 18 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 300,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER ONE MILLION. disagree with me that we must reject the wrathful Old Testament God and embrace the loving New Testament God, as you feel there is only one true, unchanging God Firstly, I gather you are Catholic, so please ask your Priest to pass a message on to the Pope to lay off my buddy Donald Trump. Secondly, every one of our articles is 100% factually accurate and awesomely written. We are the only newspaper in Toronto through which God communicates to the masses. You disliked certain articles due to your own prejudices and misconceptions. With time you should overcome them and be able to embrace all our articles as divinely inspired prophesy. Thirdly, Satan is not directly involved in worldly deception. He deceives us through his Marxist lackeys (Liberal Party strategist Warren Kinsella, Premier Kathleen Wynne, MPP Arthur Potts, etc.). The ranks of his army are filled with cowards, eunuchs and imbeciles, so they are no match for the writers and staff of Your Ward News. Finally, I agree there is only one true God. For my contradictoryappearing statement to be accurate (everything I write is accurate, so I am just humouring you), one of two things must be true. Either the Jews worship a false God (it would explain a lot) or God mellowed out with time (it happens after you have a kid). Next time I chat with Him, I will ask for clarification. To date I have not had the courtesy of a response. The President of the Toronto Private Property Rights Association and I met with Mayor Tory's senior staff a year ago and never heard back from them. Webster's defines the opposite of freedom as slavery! By the way, Mayor Tory’s Bedford Avenue home does not have a Smart Meter! Marlene Lynn, Activist, East York she-hags, bitches, cock-teasers, and femi-Marxists” are vile. I am a rape survivor and wish that you cease delivery of your hate rag at once! Anonymous Yes Ma’am! LOL! Your email proves the veracity of Lawrence McCurry’s article this month on how hundreds of brain-dead lefties who never read our paper signed Kelly-Ann Fairchild’s petition to Canada Post to stop delivering it! You took that exact quote out of her petition. I emailed you back to confront you on this fact. I asked if you actually READ the paper, and you responded “I don’t need to read it because unlike you I believe Kelly at face value when she says she was triggered by your paper. I don’t want to read it because being exposed to such material would also trigger me.” I would normally reply back with “You need to have your head examined” but I think the problem here is that you have had it examined one too many times, and some unscrupulous shrink has convinced you that you must embrace the victim role for the rest of your life. We are ALL “rape survivors” of one kind or another. I have been financially raped several times (just last month I was charged $6 for a fucking latte!) And I have come to terms with the fact that I was sexually assaulted many times in my life. I no longer consider myself a victim because I have accepted that I always asked for it, having voluntarily put myself in every one of those situations by sending out mixed signals. For example, one time I invited an extremely rotund neighbour to my home because she seemed lonely. She took my kind gesture the wrong way and pounced on me as we were chatting on the couch. She held my wrists over my head and ground her giggly pelvis into mine, like a millstone pulverizing wheat. To this day I still remember the feeling of helplessness, the sensation of her sweaty body, and the smell of her putrid funk lofting up in my poorly air-conditioned apartment. I feel like puking just writing this reply. But I overcame it and so can you! A few years ago there was an annoying “handicapped parking” space in front of our home. Cripples never used it. It was meant for spazzes, so it was extra-large, taking up TWO potential permit parking spots. The City would not decommission it, so one night I went out, stood on a garbage can, and removed the fucking signs. The jock living next door saw me from his window and felt Donna, Dawes Road the instinctive biological need to male bond. Donald, I remember during a rotation through He came out with a flashlight to illuminate my the Queen Street Mental Health Centre in screwdriver. He used to greet me with a the late 80’s I encountered a patient who grunt, but after I created permit parking in thought he was an angel sent down by God. front of his home, I was his bud. FYI, I had a I bet you if an unscrupulous doctor got a hold raging erection while taking down the signs. of him and said he could surgically graft In our bedroom I held up the two signs like wings onto his back, the guy would have Moses holding the 10 commandments. I agreed to the procedure. You are a victim of was still hard and Colette was drenched. psychiatric and medical abuse. Please Resisting authority gets everyone off. That is reconsider surgery and consider being a what MEN love doing; and honey, YOU happy-go-lucky faggot again. NEED A MAN! Your predicament requires male energy for satisfactory resolution. If I Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief were your man, I would get us media ------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief attention by going to a City Council meeting, I just started receiving your paper. You ------------------------------------------------------------ charging the podium, and yelling “SUCK MY and Leroy are an inspiration to the entire I’ve been a responsible Beaches-East COCK!” to Mayor Tory. As security escorts human race. Your courage inspires me to York homeowner for 46 years. As a me out of Council chambers, I would turn to speak up and fight our oppressors! retired health science practitioner with a Councillor Davis and yell “SUCK MY COCK!” keen interest in radiation research, You would beam with pride from the safety of Anonymous electrosmog, stress and illness, I can the public gallery. I would then buy an RF make informed decisions for me and my meter, put on a hazmat suit, and go door-to“Courageous” anonymous guy … LOL! family. Prior to 2014, City Council door offering a “free hazardous radiation approved "mandatory installation" of assessment” for each of our neighbours. Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief Smart Water Meters for all Toronto Once I scare 20-30 of them shitless, I would -----------------------------------------------------------homes, contracting Neptune Technology ask each of them to chip in for a lawyer so Good stuff and bad stuff. So, still in the Group Canada Ltd. to install them. we could launch a class action lawsuit same dilemma without change. Just Toronto Water has two non-compliance against the City. As an aside, I ran for City deceived. Also, it reads: "TRUE officers who can enter my home "without Council in Ward 32. I was at the Rogers TV Christians reject the wrathful Old a warrant" on "suspicion" of meter or debate. Comrade Davis was in the debate Testament God and embrace the loving long-range transmitting device tampering prior to mine, but stayed behind to watch me Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief New Testament God". I ask: Does God (unusual over or underuse), without in action. My buddies were in the waiting -----------------------------------------------------------change? True Christians/worshipers/ public scrutiny, opt-out or official appeals room with her. That COMMIE CUNT winced, We cannot publish every letter we believers FEAR God, the only TRUE God, process. Any citizen not complying with contorted her face, and shook her head and Father of Jesus Christ. receive. This month positive letters mandatory installation of a radiationevery time she saw me speaking on the TV outweighed negative ones by a emitting Smart Meter is subject to an monitor! Ricardo Linares, Victoria Park & Eglinton "annual non-compliance legacy fee" of ratio of 15 to 1. Dr. James Sears, Editor-In-Chief $1,120 (my annual "flat rate" water bill is From your Spanish surname, I gather Please send your letters to: -----------------------------------------------------------$921). The City threatened in writing to English is not your first language, so I am Your February issue depicting women cut off my water (an essential service) going to interpret what you are saying as, being sexualized and degraded was even if I pay the fee, and a possible you like some of our articles and dislike extremely disturbing. Your derogatory Editor-In-Chief, Your Ward News $50,000 fine. Prior to their July 2014 others; you feel I am caught in the age-old references to women as “sluts, whores, deadline, I wrote Councillor Janet Davis. dilemma of being deceived by Satan; you I was forwarded a copy of your paper where you mock transgendered people. As a doctor, you must understand we are not “delusional faggots” as you wrote. I’m undergoing sex reassignment surgery next month and wish you to reconsider your hateful, homophobic position. Dr. James Sears, [email protected] “YOUR WARD NEWS” IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST ANTI-MARXIST PUBLICATION! · PAGE 19 · DELIVERED BY CANADA POST TO 300,000 HOMES, BUSINESSES, AND APARTMENTS, WITH A READERSHIP OF OVER ONE MILLION. THE 1st ANNUAL TORONTO OLD-FASHIONED ANTI-MARXIST BOOK BURNING Bring the whole family out to help us fan the flames of Canadian political history, as we cleanse the body politic of commie filth. The New Constitution Party of Canada is proud to present The 1st Annual Toronto Old-Fashioned Anti-Marxist Book Burning, featuring educational speeches by NCP members, live music courtesy of the Beaches Blues Festival, refreshments and food courtesy of Dr. James Sears, and of course, the burning of Marxist effigies and books. Attendees are encouraged to bring Marxist books to be arraigned by Dr. James Sears. Any book he finds guilty of corrupting our body politic will be sentenced to the ash heap of history, and dropped into the fire pit. Graphic Editing By ROBERT JAMES One Million Germans Attended The 1937 Nuremberg Rally Help Us Beat Hitler’s Record! We welcome all Marxist books: Marxist doctrine like the Communist Manifesto; cultural Marxist filth like Kathleen Wynne’s pedophilic sex education curriculum; FemiMarxist garbage by authors like Margaret Atwood; EnviroMarxist Agenda 21 propaganda by scientific sellouts like David Suzuki, etc. We are open-minded and will terminate any parasitic prose, without prejudice. ITINERARY: We will announce a detailed schedule of events and speakers soon. If you or your group would like to speak at our event, please contact Dr. James Sears at www.NCparty.ca. PLEASE NOTE: No matter how tempting, we will not burn religious scripture or national flags. Our sharp focus will be on Marxist books. ONE FINAL NOTE: Unlike the Marxists, we terminate books we disagree with--not the authors themselves. Marxist Book Burning Is Fun For The Whole Family. Kids Love Watching Their Textbooks Go Up In Flames! Nothing Brings A Community Together Like Burning Marxist Books And Effigies While Everyone Salutes And Yells "HAIL VICTORY! EXPEL THE PARASITE!" Handsome Heterosexual NCP Men Will Be On Hand — No Metrosexuals Allowed! DATE: TBA TIME: 6pm to 10pm LOCATION: TBA ADMISSION: FREE This message is brought to you by THE NEW CONSTITUTION PARTY OF CANADA. 163 Main Street, Toronto, ON. Phone: (647) 349-7865 www.NCparty.ca “YOUR WARD NEWS” IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST ANTI-MARXIST PUBLICATION! · PAGE 20 ·
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