Mistawasis Spring - Saskatoon Tribal Council
Mistawasis Spring - Saskatoon Tribal Council
VOL. 3. ISSUE 1. TO STRENGTHEN AND EMPOWER A PROSPEROUS MISTAWASIS P. 1 SPRING EDITION TH E N E W VO ICE A N I R ON BUFFA LO CE N T RE PUB LIC AT I O N. EDITOR: PETRA GOMBOS. ! E - M A I L: M I S TAWA S I S N E W S @ G M A I L. CO M Treaty 6 Medal Comes Home to Mistawasis On January 8, 2014, Mistawasis received the Treaty 6 Medal from the Glenbow Museum in Calgary. An o!cial signing ceremony was held at the Glenbow Museum between Chief Daryl Watson, Treaty Commissioner George Lafond and the Province of Alberta. Mistawasis Elders and representatives for the FSIN, Province of Alberta, Glenbow Museum and Treaty Commissioner’s o!ce took part in the ceremony to o!cially have the Treaty 6 Medal transferred back to Mistawasis First Nation. Presently the Treaty 6 Medal is on loan to Mistawasis from the government of Alberta. The Glenbow Museum and Mistawasis are in the process of negotiating a permanent arrangement to have the Medal repatriated to Mistawasis. MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 VOL. 3. ISSUE 1. TO STRENGTHEN AND EMPOWER A PROSPEROUS MISTAWASIS NE WS F R OM C H I E F DAR Y L WATSON MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 P. 2 VOL. 3. ISSUE 1. TO STRENGTHEN AND EMPOWER A PROSPEROUS MISTAWASIS P. 3 MI S T A WA S I S C O M M UNI TY PL AN What Goes into the Community Plan? The Community Plan is a document that will contain the ideas, values and aspirations of the Mistawasis people. It describes the physical and social assets of the community, expresses a long-term vision, and sets out a strategy for improving the quality of life in the community. The planning process is guided by four principles: The Plan comes from the community. The vision, strategies, projects and initiatives are based on the voice and spirit of community members. The Plan is owned by the community. It is widely understood and broadly supported by the community. The Plan inspires and motivates. It is a community tool that is inclusive and engaging. The Plan is holistic. It considers all aspects of the community and makes connections between them. Action The Action chapter describes a way of working together and a strategy to focus energy and attention in order to have the most beneficial impact in the community. The Community Plan will show how Mistawasis can grow physically, and it identifies key projects, policies and programs for many sectors in the community. Broad directions and priorities are set out for areas such as culture, governance, education, health, the environment and housing. The community must determine the Community Plan’s areas of focus. The image below shows an example of possible areas that the Community Plan can address. The vision is at the heart of the strategy. Context The context is a snapshot of where the community is now. It includes information about the physical community and the experience of community life. Understanding the context shows strengths that can be built on as well as areas that can be improved or need more Vision The vision describes what the people of Mistawasis value and what our aspirations are for future generations. The vision is an inspiring and memorable statement of where the community wants to go and the key qualities that are needed to move in that direction. For more information please contact: Anthony Johnston, Plan Lead 466-4800 (ext. 272) [email protected] Alexis Miller, Community Planner(902) 494-3926 [email protected] MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 TO S TR E NG THE N A ND E M POWER A P R OSP ER OUS MI STAWASI S PAGE 4 N E WS F RO M D IR E CTOR OF OP E RA TI O NS Mistawasis membership as to what they would like to see in Mistawasis in five-ten-twenty years in all program areas. Louis LeDoux – Director of Operations It is an honour to be able to submit a report to another edition of “The New Voice.” Spring is finally here after one of the coldest winters on record. I would like to welcome and introduce Darrol Lafond, our General Manager for our radio station. Call letters are CHEC – FM and 93.7 on your radio dial. We have Myles Ermine and Loretta Dreaver as disc jockeys in training. Mistawasis has a total of 28 hours of local programing each week, with the remaining hours under MBC radio, which we are a!liated with. A great big thank you to all the people that have been involved with bringing the radio station to Mistawasis, it has been in the works for the last fourteen years. Another welcome to Mistawasis is our Director of Health – Karen Greyeyes, she started March 24th. Do stop in and have a co"ee and chat with Karen at the Health Centre. There are so many positives that will be “voiced” by others in this newsletter. First of all the Gasification project, bringing gas to Mistawasis which was initiated by the previous Council. This Chief and Council are taking the “baton” and finishing o" the Gasification and Conversion projects. It is great to be able to talk about positive transitions between Council regimes and to continue this positive journey with Membership. There is an o!cial registered letter dated March 27, 2014 from Aboriginal A"airs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) which states “with further reference to our letter forwarding copies of notice of appeal lodged against the Mistawasis First Nation general election held on April 19, 2013. All particulars and documents filed in connection with the notice of appeal have been examined. On the basis of this examination, the Department of Aboriginal A"airs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) is satisfied that there were no contraventions or violations of the Indian Act or the Indian Band Election Regulations (IBER) that might have a"ected the result of the election. Based upon a balance of probabilities, the analysis of the supporting a!davits and documents to the appeal do not provide a rationale and/or particulars to support the allegation of corrupt practices.” A full copy of this letter can be found at the end of the newsletter. Therefore, based upon all of the information received it is determined that neither the Act nor the IBER were violated and that the EO complied with the IBER in performing her duties. The appeal is dismissed and the results of the election, held on April 19, 2013 stand. The candidates, appellant and the Electoral O!cer will be notified by mail accordingly.” Letter signed by Brenda D. Kustra, Director General – Governance Branch. Respectfully submitted by: Louis LeDoux – Director of Operations The Comprehensive Community Plan facilitated by Dalhousie University, will create a twentyyear Vision for Mistawasis. This CCP plan will be developed by “people power,” consulting with all MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 TO S TR E NG THE N A ND E M POWER A P R OSP ER OUS MI STAWASI S PAGE 5 FIN A N C E 1 0 1 A fiscal year, or financial year, is a period used for calculating annual ("yearly") financial statements in businesses and other organizations. In many jurisdictions, regulatory laws regarding accounting and taxation require such reports once per twelve months, but do not require that the period reported on constitutes a calendar year (that is, January 1 to December 31). Fiscal years vary between businesses and countries. In Canada, the government's fiscal year runs from April 1 to March 31 (Example: April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015 for the current fiscal year). This fiscal year applies to all First Nations throughout Canada because we are federal jurisdiction. Chief Financial Officer, Steven Johnston The Reason why Budgets are Important – June), two major At the end and beginning of our fiscal year, (January ( activities occur at the same time. ! ! Budgeting for new year; and Audit for year end. There are many reasons why budgets are important. Some of the main reasons are listed below: Budget ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Communication to members about incoming revenues and outgoing expenses; Holds Chief & Council and management accountable to the members; Allows managers and decision makers to think ahead by formalizing the planning e!ort; Reveals potential problems before they happen; Coordinates activities of the Community Provides interim and continual analysis of performance; Sets guidelines for allocation of resources; Reflects community and funding agency priorities; Avoids deficits and plans surpluses; Provides proper assessment of projected revenues and expenditures; and, Prevents recovery of funds, deficits positions and cash flow shortages. Essentially, a budget is a list of all planned expenses and revenues. As a plan for saving and spending, budgets are used to monitor and manage our community’s incoming and outgoing funds. It is a detailed plan showing how money will be acquired and used over a period of time. Revenue Revenue includes increases in economic resources resulting from operations. They include any gains, increases in economic resources, either by way of increase to assets or decreases to liabilities, resulting from operations, transactions and events of the accounting period. Examples of revenues are funding from AANDC, Health Canada, STC, CDC and income received from business enterprises. Expenses Expenses are costs arising as a direct result of operations, transactions and event of the accounting period. Examples of expenses include salaries, travel, per diems, insurance and o#ce supplies. Budgets are used by decision makers and mangers to support operations planning and identify potential problems or issues. For example, a problem that might be highlighted is that expenses are higher than revenues. A budget shows where resources are being allocated. Managers use the budget as a tool to run the business of the community. MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 TO S TR E NG THE N A ND E M POWER A P R OSP ER OUS MI STAWASI S PAGE 6 NE WS F R OM F I N ANC E What is an Audit? An audit is an independent examination of our Communities transactions and financial statements, to determine if the financial statements are prepared in accordance with GAAP. The audit is conducted in accordance with GAAS. Independent means that the examination is carried out by a third party – an accounting firm that is not part of the organization. GAAP – Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Concepts or guidelines and detailed practices in accounting that make up accepted accounting practice. Audited Financial Statements and Reporting Requirements Audited financial statements support informed decision making by providing timely and accurate financial data. As a result, the statements meet common information needs of a variety of individuals or groups including Chief & Council, management, community members, financial institutions and funding agencies. Financial statements provide information about the: First Nation’s finances; Sources and types of revenues; Allocation and use of economic resources; Cost of goods and services provided in the accounting period; ! Extent to which the costs of the period were met by the revenues for that period; ! First Nation’s financial position; and ! Predicting future financial and resource capacity. ! ! ! ! GAAP refers to the principles of how statements are prepared and presented. GAAS – Generally Accepted Auditing Standards Guidelines and detailed practices for auditing that are established by the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA). As of March 31, 2011 First Nation year end audits MUST comply with the Canadian Auditing Standards (CAS). GAAS refers to the standard relating to how auditor’s report statements. Uses of financial statements are varied and include determining if the Community has: ! ! ! ! ! ! Accomplished its goals; Met its short term and long term financial obligations; Used its money wisely; Maintained the ability to e!ectively maintain its programs and services; Identified spending priorities; and Had an impact on economic activities. MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 TO S TR E NG THE N A ND E M POWER A P R OSP ER OUS MI STAWASI S PAGE 7 NE WS F R OM M I STY VE NTUR E S The refresh and start of Misty Ventures since last Fall has been very positive. Our first step was to look at what are the opportunities that best fit for Mistawasis First Nation. The support of the Chief and Council, administration, and community has been extremely positive. I know in most Economic Development strategies people want to see results quickly. We are working on a few projects which I will discuss in this newsletter. For purposes of Confidentiality Agreements that w e s i g n e d i n o rd e r t o re v i e w p o t e n t i a l opportunities we will share general information at this time. The most important opportunity is the development of bulk diesel fuel sales to surrounding communities and Mistawasis. This project is still in progress and we anticipate an announcement in the near future upon due diligence. The next priority project is the purchasing of an existing company in the Town of Martensville. This is going through a procedure of securing funding for our due diligence work that needs to be completed for formalities such as valuations, business plan, and possible financing. Our next priority item is the Dalmeny property near Saskatoon, and finalizing some plans on what are the most feasible and sustainable opportunities available in our planned timelines. As you are all aware, the Land designation process has been completed, now the next steps are in motion of preparing documents for approval by Mistawasis First Nation, Misty Ventures, and AANDC. A big thank you to Chief and Council, Lands and Specific Land Claims trust o!ce for moving this process forward. We have also been exploring the opportunities of the Oil and Gas sector. Jay and Angela are continuing to work on the other properties owned by Mistawasis First Nation that were included in the land designation process to be developed for Economic Development opportunities. Most recently, there has been connections and contacts made with other Native American Tribes and other potential investors in regards to Economic Development opportunities with Misty Ventures. One of these groups is meeting with Misty Ventures in the second week of April here in Saskatchewan at Saskatoon. I would like to close by stating that with the support of a strong community and Leadership, progress and success will happen in stages. Have a great Spring and we wish everyone from Mistawasis First Nation all the best!! Respectfully, Councillor Greg Pechawis for Misty Ventures Corporation MISTY VENTURES DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEMBERS ARE: Bobbie danials chair (306) 370-9198 jay ahenekew CEO (403) 819-3865 angela hopper project manager (403) 616-8431 gene oullette (780) 616-8917 garry danials (306) 222-1565 greg pechawis non-voting member(chief and council rep) (306) 222-1565 MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 TO S TR E NG THE N A ND E M POWER A P R OSP ER OUS MI STAWASI S PAGE 8 HEALTH C ENTRE NEWS Mistawasis Welcomes New Health Director Tansi, members of the community! My name is Karen Greyeyes and as of March 24, 2014, I am the Health Director for Mistawasis. As I enter into the early stages of my work, I look forward to working with Leadership, other departments within the community, and health sta! to ensure that we are providing quality of care to our clientele within the community. Respectfully, Karen Greyeyes Message from Councillor Carol Ledoux Health Director, Karen Greyeyes Tansi Membership. My portfolio is Health. Council would like to welcome our new Health Director- Karen Greyeyes to Mistawasis Health Centre. We will be introducing a new Health Committee in the very new future. Looking forward to working with the new Health Director. Councillor Carol Ledoux Mistawasis Health Disengagement Mistawasis health disengagement/transition meeting. Representatives included Mistawasis First Nation including Mistawasis consultant Sherry Jimmy (white coat), Saskatoon Tribal Council and Health Canada-First Nation and Inuit Health Branch MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 TO S TR E NG THE N A ND E M POWER A P R OSP ER OUS MI STAWASI S PAGE 9 MI S T A WA S I S N E WS This is an update on what I been busy at in the last year. First of all, I would like to tell you what portfolios I am responsible for. I sit on the, the Community Development Corporation (CDC) Board. I represent Mistawasis First Nation along with other representatives from other First Nations within the Saskatoon Tr i b a l C o u n c i l . We r e v i e w proposals from communities. Most often the requests are based on community needs; such as Water Tr u c k s , Yo u t h I n i t i a t i v e s , Transportation, Band Building upgrades etc. All the funds allocated to Tribal Councils come from all the Indian run casinos in Saskatchewan. Funds are allocated to the communities if approved by the CDC Committee. Some initiatives and projects approved for Mistawasis are the Band O!ce Upgrade, Iron Bu"alo Centre Upgrade, New Shuttle Bus, New Water Truck, New Sewer Truck, Summer and Winter Games. Also under the CDC came the Legacy Fund, a pool of dollars which was allocated to each community in the amount of $250,000.00 on a one time basis and was used at our discretion based on need. After lengthy discussions it was decided we need an Outdoor Rink and a Radio Station. I’m also responsible for the Communication Strategy. What Leadership wants to see is ways to better our lines of communication with all Mistawasis Band Membership, regardless of residency. The method we used is a newly upgraded web-site which for your information is: www.mistawasis.ca We also appointed 2 reps from Prince Albert, Mervin Watson and Deloris Werchola, 3 reps from Saskatoon, Noel Pechawis, Collin Ledoux and Derek Generaux, and from North B a t t l e f o rd w e a p p o i n t e d E d w i n Villebrun. These Urban reps communicate with band members in their area, they also sit in at our regular council meetings if they choose to do so. We find this to be an excellent tool as it help keep our lines of communication open. The best thing in respect to our Communication Strategy is our newly established Radio Station! This has been in the works a long time, I remember trying to put this together 14 years ago,lo and behold it happened this year and were on air as we speak. For your information you can dial on to your Radio Station at CHEC 93.7, let’s utilize this operation in a professional manner. In the last month we’ve had hands on training for 2 Loretta Dreaver/Johnston and Myles Ermine. They have an opportunity to expand on their training in September at the Western Radio Broadcasting in Saskatoon. So bear with us folks, our Broadcasting will only get better in time. At this time we have on board with us, as part of our Radio Broadcasting, Darrel Lafond, he is a member of the Muskeg First Nation. Darrel 20 years of experience under his belt. He started his career in Edmonton, Alberta where he graduated in the Broadcasting Industry. Mistawasis consists of L i n d a Councillor Chippy Pechawis Johnston, Yvonne Ledoux, Michael Horsefall, Jean Pechawis and Vivian Pechawis. Bingo Sta" consists of Kendy Pechawis, Evert Badger, Stephanie Dreaver, Ken Bird, Pam Daniels, Shaina Ledoux and Breanna Daniels. All requests for support are reviewed by a Distribution Committee which looks at all applications. This review committee is made up of Lester Ledoux, Pat Johnstone, Eddy Ledoux and myself, Chippy Pechawis. At this time I would like to commend and acknowledge all the hard work the Bingo/IGR committees put in to make this a success. They work extremely hard to set up the Family Center prior to and after bingos. Bingos are now held twice a week as opposed to 3 times a week that we originally started with. The duties of the sta" are as follows, Floor Walking, Canteen Sales, Book Sales, Nevada Sales, Administrative Duties, Bingo calling, Janitorial Duties and Kitchen Workers.Thank you Mistawasis First Nation for taking time to read my message to you and please feel free to come in to the o!ce, to bingo hall or to our New Radio Station to see what is happening, if you need information or just to chat! For more information feel free to contact me at: Home: Another area I am involved in is the Indian Gaming Regulators (IGR), this is an organization that polices and monitors licensed Bingos on First Nations. The Bingo Committee on 1-306-466-4420 Cell: 1-306-466-7654. MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 TO S TR E NG THE N A ND E M POW ER A P R OSP ER OUS MI STAWASI S PAGE 10 N E WS F RO M ED UCA TI ON DEP A R TME NT Memorandum of Understanding Signed Between Mistawasis First Nation and North West Regional College Type to enter text MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 TO S TR E NG THE N A ND E M POW ER A P R OSP ER OUS MI STAWASI S PAGE 11 NE WS F R OM S PE C I AL PR OJ E CTS Anthony Johnston, Special Projects, Iron Buffalo Centre This year I will be working on 3 projects that will look to our future and look back at our past: ! The Comprehensive Community Plan ! The Leadership Selection Code ! The Regina Industrial School and Cemetery. Comprehensive Community Plan Mistawasis has entered into an agreement with the Cities & Environment Unit based out of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. This team of community planners will guide our community in planning for the next 20 years. We hope that all community members will participate and o!er views. This plan will be stronger if and when community members are the planners. Alexis Miller and Ross Soward made an introductory visit to Mistawasis on January 30th and 31st. Alexis and another planner will return to our community April 29th and 30th for fuller community discussions. Our team of planners will return for at least 2 more visits after April. This will work out to a visit for each of our seasons. More than half of our community members live o! Reserve. We will use technology to allow our o! Reserve members to participate and provide their views. At the end of this year and Phase One of this planning process, the hope is that community members will vote on the Plan. With a vote, this will require that future leaders and administrators continue following the Mistawasis First Nation Comprehensive Community Plan. Leadership Selection Code Chief and Council would like to have community discussions on developing Mistawasis First Nation leadership selection rules and procedures. Current leadership would like the community to provide direction on whether we should stay under the Indian Act and its Election Regulations, or, should we develop our own Leadership Selection Code. In order to start the conversation, we have posted a sample election code on the website, mistawasis.ca You are invited to make comments on the website. We will be holding meetings later this Spring in Mistawasis, Saskatoon and Prince Albert. Again, because more than half our community members live o! Reserve we will use technology to allow all members to participate and provide their views. This is phase one, and if membership decides we will begin a formal ratification (vote) process to move out of the Indian Act and implement a Mistawasis First Nation Leadership Selection Code. MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 TO S TR E NG THE N A ND E M POW ER A P R OSP ER OUS MI STAWASI S PAGE 12 CO MM U N ITY N O TI C ES MISTAWASIS Comprehensive Community Plan 2014 What is your VISION for Mistawasis ? Mistawasis has begun an exciting project to create a Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP). Developing a Community Plan is about understanding the need for change and preparing to move forward together as a community. To do this, we need to have a clear sense of where we are, a vision for where we want to go and a strategy for how to get there. WORKSHOPS APRIL 29th & 30th A Community Plan can only come from the ideas, thoughts and values of community members like you. These are our fi first rst workshops to kick-off kick-off the Community Plan in Mistawasis- hope to see you there!! Tuesday April 29: 5-7:30 pm Open Community session- Family Centre Wednesday April 30: 12-2:30pm Open Community session-Family Centre ** Food will be provided! Mistawasis has engaged the Cities & Environment Unit (CEU) from Dalhousie University (Halifax, NS) to help develop the Comprehensive Community Plan. For more information about CEU,, visit www.ceunit.dal.ca For more information on the Community Plan project please contact: Anthony Johnston Plan Lead t. 466-4800 (ext. 272) e. [email protected] Alexis Miller Community Planner t. (902) 494-3926 e. [email protected] MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 TO S TR E NG THE N A ND E M POW ER A P R OSP ER OUS MI STAWASI S PAGE 13 NEWS F R OM S P EC I AL PR OJ E CTS From 1891 to 1910, Canada and the Presbyterian Church operated the Regina Industrial School in what is now the northwest corner of the City of Regina. Mistawasis had 48 to 50 community children who attended this school. We know that all of these children did not return home and may be buried on the site of this old school. The original building burned down in 1948. A group of concerned churches and citizens have for med a group called the “Cemetery Commemoration Working Group”. A representative for this group has contacted Chief Daryl Watson and asked if Mistawasis would like to speak with and meet this group. During an April 9th C o u n c i l meeting I was appointed to Mistawasis Presbyterian Church r e p r e s e n t Mistawasis for discussions about the Regina Industrial School, the school’s cemetery and our children who went to this school. I hope that my university history studies and work as a federal government historical researcher will be a meaningful contribution. I am deeply moved and honoured to represent Mistawasis on these matters. My Grandpa Joe Dreaver and his siblings attended this school. One of Grandpa Joe’s sisters did not return home from this school. She is likely buried at this cemetery. Knowing our past will help guide our present and future journeys. Regina Industrial School Photos Courtesy of Sask. Archives MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 TO S TR E NG THE N A ND E M POW ER A P R OSP ER OUS MI STAWASI S PAGE 14 N E WS F RO M CH I EF MI STA WA SI S S CH O O L April News School Playground March was a busy month here at CMS, and April is going to be just as busy if not busier. We have a lot going on this month, as you will see on our calendar. I would just like to take this opportunity to thank the parents who have been coming in to volunteer their time to help out in the school and on the playground, and on class trips. As it is April and we do not have many days left in this school year, now is the time for our students to really start applying themselves and take ownership of their own learning, to assure that they are getting the most out of their education. Parents please continue to encourage your child to read every day and keep that open communication with your child’s teacher. We are all in this together!! UPCOMING EVENTS FOR MAY AND JUNE MAY 1 K-4 Science Fair 5 Victor Lethbridge (Music and Story Teller) 7 Culture Day Our playground has been a topic of discussion for quite a while and now like the quote on this page says, we are going to ‘’spring into action’’. In order to make this project a success, we will be having fundraisers starting this month. Watch for notices that will be sent home as to what our fundraisers will be. We will also accept any donations to our project, so if you happen to win big or have a few extra dollars bulging out of your wallet or purses, donations will be greatly appreciated!! ST Math 8 CMS Mini Pow Wow 9 Treaty Day 21 K-4 Science Fair 22 Awards Day JUNE 3 Card Board Boat Challenge (Grade 8s) I am just so proud of the students in our school for taking charge of their own learning and working so hard to increase their Math skills, as well as the sta! for helping and encouraging our students every day. I would also like to thank all the parents who have been helping to support their children at home. CMS has been leading all other STC Schools in percentage all year and we recently reached 50%. YAHOO!!! Stray Dogs Stray dogs coming around the school, into the school yard and getting into our garbage, has been a big problem again this school year. Please help us to keep our children safe, and our community clean by ensuring that your dog or dogs are staying at home and not running around the community. 4 CMS Track Meet (CMS Host) Mistawasis, Muskeg and Leask 9 & 10 Camp Kadesh (Grades 5 & 8) 19 Headstart Graduation 23 Kindergarten Graduation 25 Last Day of School MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 TO S TR E NG THE N A ND E M POW ER A P R OSP ER OUS MI STAWASI S PAGE 15 N E WS F RO M CH I EF MI STA WA SI S S CH O O L MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 TO S TR E NG THE N A ND E M POW ER A P R OSP ER OUS MI STAWASI S PAGE 16 N E WS F RO M CH I EF MI STA WA SI S S CH O O L Chief Mistawasis School has had an excellent year thus far, we have had some excellent staff that joined our already existing excellent staff, we had to unfortunately bid farewell to Mr. Milton Eyahpaise, Grade 7 teacher who had to leave due to illness, we certainly hope he gets better and we wish him great luck and wellness indeed. Mr. Charles Smith was added to wish her luck, we would like to welcome Felicia Cameron, who is on a temporary position till June. We would like to send a special thanks out to our finance team who have worked long and hard to make sure our events are a success, without their hard work and dedication our events would not happen. Lastly we the staff at CMS would like to thank all the community members and parents for all your support and patience. the team in his place, and we would like to thank Mrs. Linda Johnstone for filling in until someone was hired, we are so thankful that we can always count on you. We would like to welcome Miss Kim Greyeyes to our teaching staff, she took over for Miss Jennifer Dijeh who went on maternity leave to have her beautiful bouncing baby boy, and we look forward to her return. We want to give a special shout out to our Teacher Aids who have been a great support to our teaching staff, without you wonderful individuals we would not be as successful as we are today, many thanks and blessings to all of you. We unfortunately had to bid farewell to Norma Johnstone, (Administrative Assistant), she decided to move on to bigger and better things and we would like to AHO, HIY HIY, MERCI CHO MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 TO S TR E NG THE N A ND E M POW ER A P R OSP ER OUS MI STAWASI S PAGE 17 MI S T A WA S I S ME M BE R SH I P NE WS Treaty Day Date: Friday May 9th 2014 Time: 10:00-12:00 & 1:00-3:00 Place: Mistawasis School Gym ONE OF THE FOLLOWING IDENTIFICATION IS REQUIRED: • • • • Certificate of Indian Status Card Valid Passport, Photo Driver’s License, Health Card Parents must bring their children’s Valid Saskatchewan Health Card to receive payment for that child or children. Current Photo Identification from a recognized Employer or Governance Agency. Did you know that as of April 3, 2014 our total Indian Registry – Tonie Black Call: 1 (306) 466-4800 Ext. 257 Email: [email protected] population is 2,609? Once again we need current postal addresses or email addresses of membership 18 years and over so information can be sent out. Please pass this message on to any Band Members you may have contact with. NEED A STATUS CARD? Please come into the o#ce to apply for a status card and bring your identification with you such as: • • • • Birth Certificate Health Card Driver’s License Expired Status Card Please note that we currently have no Status cards available right now but we are in the process of getting more from AANDC. Also status cards will only be held for 7 days after it is made if no one comes to pick up the card it will be cancelled. New Parents If you are expecting a child or already a parent and need to register your child please call the band o#ce to register your child. You must bring the Original Birth Certificate or you will have to wait for the Birth Extract which takes some time. Birth Certificates The appropriate forms are available at the band o#ce. MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 TO S TR E NG THE N A ND E M POW ER A P R OSP ER OUS MI STAWASI S PAGE 18 MIS T A WA S I S L A N DS AC TI VI TY R E P ORT Matrimonial Real Property Rights on Your Reserve Treaty Land Entitlement (TLE) • • • • • To give people living on reserves, comparable protections • and rights as those living o" the reserve, a new federal law was put in place on December 16, 2013, called the “Family Homes on Reserves and Matrimonial Interests or Rights Act” • Matrimonial real property can include land held by one or both spouses or common-law partners and used by the family, i.e. house, sheds, mobile homes or other structures on that land. It does not include things such as cars, money, clothing or televisions. Mistawasis - Canada – Saskatchewan are negotiating a settlement based on 1992 Framework Agreement NOTE: There is no o!cial settlement to-date. One issue we are negotiating is the adjusted price per acre. The 1992 Framework Agreement is based on $262.00 per acre. Mistawasis, Canada and Saskatchewan agreed in principle to a di"erent price per acre. Canada is now reconsidering this amount Chief Daryl Watson is scheduled to meet with Saskatchewan Conservative Caucus in Ottawa to continue lobbying with Canada to obtain a mandate to settle based on the price per acre adjustment. The negotiations are on-going and we are unable to disclose details of the negotiations at this time due to the protocol agreement signed between Mistawasis, Canada, and Saskatchewan. All discussion during negotiations are on a “Without Prejudice” basis. (nothing is final, until all parties agree). Any settlement agreement in principle reached between the parties will need to be ratified by each party. a) Mistawasis will need Membership to ratify, b) Canada will need Cabinet to ratify, c) Saskatchewan will need Cabinet to ratify. First Nations can develop their own Matrimonial real • property laws at any-time, that must be voted on by membership. If the First Nation makes its own law then the Federal Law of December 16, 2013 do-not apply. • For more detailed information, visit www.aadnc.gc.ca/ MRP contact [email protected] about the Act Note: Current addresses of Members 18 years and older are needed so we can send information and ballots once the TLE is settled. Membership have to vote on the TLE Settlement Agreement. (if you provide an E-mail address, we can send electronic copies of information.) MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 TO S TR E NG THE N A ND E M POW ER A P R OSP ER OUS MI STAWASI S PAGE 19 MIS T A WA S I S L A N DS AC TI VI TY R E P ORT Chief Watson Officially Signed the First Nation Land Management Act submission (FNLMA) With Bernard Valcourt, Minister of AANDC on December 12, 2013 in Ottawa In January 2014, a joint meeting was held between Mistawasis Council, AANDC O!cials, and First Nations Land Management Resource Centre O!cials. The following were reviewed: o o o o o o o Review of the Community Approval Process Plan (CAPP) Appointment of a Verifier who is recognized as qualified is a requirement of CAPP process Process for developing a Land Code Requirements of Environmental Site Assessments Requirement and role of NRCAN/ Surveys Review of the Developmental Budget for 2014/2015 fiscal year Review of the reporting and First Nations’ requirements under the Framework Agreement on FNLMA Dave Ho"man provided a resume to be the Verifier– He is on the list for recognized verifiers for the FNLMA process. Mistawasis must appoint a Verifier in April – AANDC must approve Verifier. Funding for the verifier is paid by AANDC and not through the developmental funding the Band receives for the FNLMA program. E v e l y n G a re a u / A N N D C / R e g i n a i s p re p a r i n g Community Action Plan Process (CAPP) documents to be signed by Chief, AANDC and LAB/Chairperson. Funding for FNLMA starts April 1, 2014 and will be processed through the Land Advisory Board (LAB) - Ed Bear will be the contact. Meeting will be scheduled, in April, with AANDC, LAB/Ed Bear, Verifier & Mistawasis. A review of roles and responsibilities and action plan will be discussed. Note: Mistawasis is still under the RLEMP program through AANDC. Funding for the Regional Lands Environmental Management Program (RLEMP) will be the same as last fiscal year - based on AANDC formula. Councillor Greg Pechawis, Chief Daryl Watson and AANDC Minister Bernard Valcourt. FNLMA signing ceremony held in Ottawa Dec. 12, 2013 MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 TO S TR E NG THE N A ND E M POW ER A P R OSP ER OUS MI STAWASI S PAGE 20 MIS T A WA S I S L A N DS AC TI VI TY R E P ORT Designation of Reserve Lands One of the components of a comprehensive economic development plan is for the First Nation to have the ability to enter into long term leasing with potential investors or partners. Before this process can take place, under section 37(2) and 38(2) of the “Indian Act” requires that land be designated to Her Majesty. The primary purpose of this designation is to allow the Band Council and future Band Councils the ability to make arrangements with AANDC so that the lands may be leased by Canada, on behalf of Mistawasis, for specific purposes. The Designation Vote was for February 5, 2014. Results of the vote is as follows: o Pre-reserve designation: 180 voted. 130 voted yes. 49 voted no. 1 ballot rejected. o Reserve designation: 180 voted. 126 voted yes. 53 voted no. 1 ballot rejected. AANDC/Regina has completed the review of the Designation Documents and voting results. Documents will be submitted to Ottawa for Cabinet review and Minister of AANDC will then issue an Order in Council. Once OIC is issued, Mistawasis will be in position to request long term leasing for economic ventures through Misty Ventures Inc. AANDC - Department of Justice (DOJ) and Mistawasis are in process of preparing a Head Lease for this process. A meeting was set in March with Misty Ventures Inc. – AANDC – Chief and Council – Lands Manager to discuss and understand process of Head Lease and Commercial Lease. Thanks to Tonie Black, Mitchell Daniels and Gail Lafond for assisting AANDC staff in preparing and inserting mail out information for the Designation Vote scheduled for Feb. 05, 2014. MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 TO S TR E NG THE N A ND E M POW ER A P R OSP ER OUS MI STAWASI S PAGE 21 CO MM UU NN ITY O TI CC ES CO MM I TYNNOTI ES Type to enter text Type to enter text MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 TO S TR E NG THE N A ND E M POW ER A P R OSP ER OUS MI STAWASI S PAGE 22 CO MM U N ITY N O TI C ES MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 TO S TR E NG THE N A ND E M POW ER A P R OSP ER OUS MI STAWASI S PAGE 23 CO MM U N ITY N O TI C ES MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800 TO S TR E NG THE N A ND E M POW ER A P R OSP ER OUS MI STAWASI S PAGE 24 APRIL PHO TO S MISTAWASIS FIRST NATION • PO BOX 250 • LEASK, SK, S0J 1M0 • 306.466.4800