ACTION REPORT - San Angelo Chamber of Commerce
ACTION REPORT - San Angelo Chamber of Commerce
ACTION REPORT Volume 38 SAN ANGELO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PHONE 325.655.4136 418 W. AVENUE B FAX 325.658.1110 SAN ANGELO, TEXAS 76903 E-MAIL [email protected] INTERNET : Number 4 April 2014 Annual Economic Development Awards Luncheon A Details Tuesday, April 8, 2014 11:30 a.m. Bentwood Country Club Deadline to Register Friday, April 4, 2014 Cost $15 per person To Make Your Reservation Call the Chamber at 655-4136, ext 235 or visit to register online From the Chairman ...............................................................2 Cornerstone Annual Investors Meeting .................................3 Welcome New Chamber Members .......................................3 April Business @ Happy Hour ..............................................3 Members and Muffins ...........................................................3 LSAAA Seeking Nominations................................................3 Business Barometer..............................................................4 Showdown in San Angelo Rescheduled ...............................5 CVB Update ..........................................................................5 Spotlight on Services: Networking .......................................6 Thank Our Troops .................................................................6 Portraits of San Angelo Magazine ........................................ 7 SBDC Training ..................................................................... 7 Chamber Calendar ............................................................... 7 West Texas Legislative Summit & Energy Trade Show ....... 7 Ribbon Cuttings.................................................................... 8 Partners in Progress - Event Highlights......................... Insert Goodfellow Appreciation Day ........................................ Insert Business Brown Bag ..................................................... Insert Doing Business in the Oilfield........................................ Insert Around the World in 60 Minutes .................................... Insert Republic Services ......................................................... Insert Hanby Realty................................................................. Insert San Angelo Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Rick Mantooth .......... Chairman of the Board Jeff DeLoach ........................ Chairman-Elect Chuck Shore.................................. Treasurer Mark Thieman ..... Immediate Past Chairman Binnie Dierschke Justin Jonas Greg Simons Candice Brewer Jamie Akin Blake Burchard John Fuentes Debbie Mackey Brian Thomma Eric Becker Rick DeHoyos Quinda Feil-duncan Elizabeth Grindstaff Jessica Lambert Alvin New Ex-Officio Directors Don Butts .................. San Angelo Industries Dr. Carol Ann Bonds. .... Superintendent SAISD Steve Floyd ........... Tom Green County Judge Jamie Rainey .... Exec. Dean, Howard College Col. Kimberlee Joos ............. Goodfellow AFB 17th Training Wing Drew Darby .................. State Representative Dr. Brian May……..Angelo State University Mayor Dwain Morrison..City of San Angelo Del Velasquez .... Downtown San Angelo, Inc. Bernay Sheffield….San Angelo Restaurant Association Greg Stephens ................ Leadership Alumni Association Tim Vasquez…….....San Angelo Police Dept. Lee Pfluger………...North San Angelo TIRZ Staff Phil Neighbors ............................... President Sandra Pomroy ...................... VP Operations Brigett Mikulik ...............Events Coordinator Peggy Arnold…….Membership Coordinator Teri Turner……………………....Receptionist Kathy Keaton ............... Membership Director Beverly Hanks ......... Financial Administrator Pamela Miller....................................VP CVB Jenni Campbell ....... CVB Sales & Servicing Dir. Lucie Hofheins .......... Visitor Center Coordinator Suzanna Aguirre…….....CVB Sales Manager Matthew Elizondo…………...Student Intern San Angelo Chamber of Commerce 418 W. Avenue B San Angelo, TX 76903 Phone: 325.655.4136 Fax: 325.658.1110 E-Mail: [email protected] As the community continues to pray for rain, let’s hope that April showers bring runoff for our lakes and moisture for our farms, ranches and yards along with the May flowers. Commander Kimberlee Joos provided the program for our March luncheon and once again, we all gained greater knowledge and appreciation for our leaders and students at Goodfellow Air Force Base. Col. Joos provided a great balance of history, the present and the future in talking about the region’s largest employer. Many thanks to our partners, Work Services CorporaRick Mantooth tion, Texas Disposal Systems, Mitchell Automotive Group who Chairman of the Board sponsored the luncheon as well as the Cactus Hotel, which not only sponsored but also served as our great location. Congratulations also to Marine Corps Staff Sgt. DeWayne Meats, Jr. who received the Chamber’s 2014 Order of Merit Award for outstanding community service, which was presented by former Goodfellow Commander and Military Affairs Committee member Charlie Powell (Col. Ret.). Concho’s Downtown was the site of our Business @ Happy Hour in March as they cohosted the event with the San Angelo Bandits. The location, the Bandits and the cash drawing all proved to be draws and entertainment for the members who came and networked for business. Also in March, the Chamber’s Plan of Action continued to move forward on many issues. Preparations advanced for our 2014 West Texas Legislative Summit scheduled Aug. 5-7 at ASU where the agenda will focus on energy. Banking was the topic for our March Business Brown Bag luncheon. The Cornerstone Annual Investors meeting became a reception this year, the highlight being remarks from Scott Bethel (Gen. Ret.) regarding the community’s efforts to support Goodfellow through budget cuts and a possible BRAC round. The Chamber worked heavily with the team implementing the Air Force Community Partnership Initiative that is designed to produce win/win partnerships for San Angelo and Goodfellow. Also, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz’ office asked the Chamber to arrange and host the Senator’s visit to Goodfellow Air Force Base, and as always the Base leadership did an outstanding job in demonstrating the important firefighting and intelligence training during the Senator’s visit. We are active on many other fronts, so let us know how we can help you. Don’t forget to consider sponsoring or volunteering for this year’s Goodfellow Appreciation Day and Picnic (May 17th). And those of you who were gearing up to sponsor or volunteer for the Showdown in San Angelo drag boat races in June, please consider doing the same on the new dates of Sept. 12-14 at what we hope will be a much fuller Lake Nasworthy. Here are some more opportunities for you during the coming weeks: Presuming space is still available, you may want to sign up for “Doing Business in the Oilfield” sponsored by the ASU SBDC and all local economic development allies. Scheduled from 1:30 to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, April 8, you may call 942-2098 to check on availability. Don’t miss our April 8 Economic Development Awards luncheon from 11:30 to 1 at Bentwood Country Club. We’ll hear remarks from Lorie Vincent, Executive Director of the High Ground of Texas, while recognizing the growth of some of our local employers. Thanks to our sponsors AEP Texas, Beehive Homes, and Patriot Automation. Please call 655-4136 to make your $15 reservation, email [email protected], or register online at Join us for the April 29 Business @ Happy Hour hosted by Christoval Vineyards at their beautiful location down the road in Christoval. Join us from 5 to 6:30 p.m. for excellent networking and possibly $350 from the cash drawing. Action Report (PSPS 352-530) is published monthly by the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce, 418 W. Avenue B, 76903. Our Business Brown Bag Business Luncheon on April 15 at the Visitor Center, co-hosted by the Business Factory and ASU SBDC, will focus on advertising tips from JoAnna Alexander of the Alexander Resource Group. This event is free, but please RSVP to 655-4136 to reserve your space and order a box lunch if interested. Subscriptions are $20.00 per year. Second Class Postage paid at San Angelo, TX 76902. As always, thank you for your support of the Chamber and this dynamic community. I’ll see you soon! POSTMASTER send address changes to Action Report, 418 W. Avenue B, San Angelo, TX 76903. Onward as partners, Rick Mantooth Chairman of the Board The Chamber Welcomes Its Newest Members Liberty Concrete & Construction CONCRETE READY MIX Howdy Johnston P.O. Box 314 - 76935 (325) 650-3716 Papa Murphy's Take "N" Bake Pizza RESTAURANTS Patrick Meadows 2825 Sherwood Way, Ste 700 - 76901 (325) 617-7957 - GOLD MEMBER PAR Construction CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Robert Rendon 7907 Sentinel Circle - 76904 (325) 227-8418 Springleaf Financial LOAN COMPANY Gilbert Villarreal 3224 Sherwood Way - 76901 (325) 224-3283 The next Members & Muffins new member meet & greet will be held on Wednesday, April 16th from 9 to 10 a.m. in the Visitor Center Riverview Room. If you have joined the Chamber since September of 2013, or are a longer-term member and would like an update on benefits, please join us. This is a great opportunity to network with fellow new members, so bring plenty of business cards or brochures for sharing. Additionally, the Chamber membership staff would like to meet you and learn more about you and your business so that we can give you quality referrals. For more information or to RSVP, please call Peggy at the Chamber at 655-4136. April Business @ Happy Hour Hosted by: Tuesday, April 29 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Stock up on business cards and network with your fellow Chamber Members. Jackpot Drawing: $350 Remember, all Chamber members have been entered in the drawing for the cash prize, but you MUST be present to win! Leadership San Angelo Alumni Association Seeking Nominations At the Leadership San Angelo Alumni Association Annual Meeting on June 5th, the Association will name the “Bob Diebitsch Alumnus Civic Leader of the Year.” The organization is now accepting nominations for the award. Eligibility: The recipient of this award must be a graduate of Leadership San Angelo, but is not necessarily a member of the Leadership San Angelo Alumni Association or LSAAA Board. An individual can be nominated by anyone in the community as well as LSA alumni members. The award recipient is selected by the LSAAA Board and recognized at the LSA Alumni Association’s Annual Meeting in June. Criteria: This LSA graduate embodies the Leadership San Angelo program’s goals and objectives. Through hard work, dedication and personal/professional acumen, this individual has developed into a strong leader for San Angelo. He/she has strong community knowledge and proven leadership skills. The recipient accepts leadership roles professionally and/or personally that are a benefit to San Angelo and its populace, dedicating time and effort to services or organizations through the community. Nominations may be made online at or emailed to Sandra Pomroy at [email protected]. Texas Wins Site Selection Magazine’s 2013 Governor’s Cup April 2014 Community Calendar See the Community Calendar at for detailed information 1......................SA Genealogical/Historical Society speaker, Duane Hamblin 2, 9, 16, 23....Fort Concho Speaker Series 3 - 6...............Just Between Friends Sale 3.....................Hands of Strength Art Auction, Cactus Hotel 4, 5 & 18,19..Angelo State University Sports - Baseball 4, 5, 12..........Angelo State University Sports - Softball 5.....................Dog’s Day at the State Park 5.....................1st Saturday at Chicken Farm Art Center 6.................... Biking with a Ranger, State Park 11.................. 20th Annual National Ceramics Competition 11 - 14...........Ceramics Weekend 11 – 12...........Concho Valley Bluegrass Festival 13...................San Angelo Chamber Music Series 13...................9th Annual Picnic in the Park 17...................Downtown Art Walk 19...................Cactus Market Days 22...................Civil War Lecture Series, Fort Concho 24-25.............Fork & Cork Wine and Food Festival 26...................Fort Concho Frontier Day 26...................Wooly Bully Mutton Bustin’ Series 26...................Sunset Mall’s 7th Annual Motor Show 26...................San Angelo Symphony- 50’s Dance Party 27...................Play It Again Concert 27...................Greater SA Crafts Guild Open House April Conventions, Meetings, & Major Events Date 10-14 11-12 21-25 24-25 26 Event Anticipated Out of Town Attendance Annual Ceramics Weekend 450 Concho Valley Bluegrass Festival 100 West Texas County Judges & Commissioners 500 Fork and Cork Wine & Food Festival 30 Frontier Day 30 An Evening with the Gatlins Celebration Fundraiser for West Texas Counseling & Guidance Music & Keynote speeches by Rudy & Steve Gatlin May 27, 2014 6:30 p.m. McNease Convention Center Tickets $50 each or table of 8 $350 Mental Health Humanitarian of the Year Award will be presented and a farewell to Lynn Rutland, Executive Director of MHMR Services for the Concho Valley. ASU is proud to announce April as #IChoseAngeloState month. All month long ASU is sharing stories of amazing Rams and Rambelles and why they chose Blue & Gold. Are you ASU alumni? Share your story on Twitter and Facebook with hashtag #IChoseAngeloState. For more information visit http:// Go Rams! Spotlight on Services Everything! Wednesday, April 2 @ noon Leadership San Angelo Alumni Association Meeting Thursday, April 3 @ 8:00 a.m. Board of Directors Meeting Thursday, April 3 @ 5:30-7:00 p.m. Young Professionals of San Angelo “Around the World in 60 Minutes” See insert for details Tuesday, April 8 @ 11:30 a.m. Chamber Luncheon See page 1 for details Tuesday, April 8, 1:30—5:00 p.m. “Doing Business in the Oilfield” See insert for details Thursday, April 10 Leadership San Angelo Full Day Session. “Chamber of Commerce” Monday, April 21 @ noon Concho Cadre Board Meeting Tuesday, April 15 @ noon Business Brown Bag See Insert for Details Wednesday, April 16 @ 9:00 a.m. Members & Muffins See page 3 for more information Wednesday, April 16 Economic Development Council @ 3:00 p.m. Business Resource Center Monday, April 21 @ 4:30 YPSA Board Meeting Tuesday, April 22 @ 3:30 p.m. CVB Advisory Board Tuesday, April 29 @ 5:00 p.m. Business @ Happy Hour See page 3 for details Wednesday, April 30 @ 4:30 p.m. Finance Committee Meeting Join the over 700 chamber members who are now connected to the Chamber’s Smartphone App: SanAngeloChamber2Go The Small Business Development Center is located in the Business Resource Center at 69 N. Chadbourne. All classes will be held at this location unless otherwise specified. To register, call 942-2098 or email [email protected]. Apr 8 Doing Business in the Oilfield: Where Does Your Small Business Fit? 1:30-5:00 Asu LeGrand Alumni Center $15 Apr 15 Business Brown Bag (See Insert for Details) Apr 15 Human Resources Update 6-8:30 pm $15 Apr 22 So You Want to Start a Trucking Company? 6-8:30 pm $15 Apr 25 & May 22 Profit Mastery 2-Day Series 8:30-5:00 $355.00 Grant opportunities available Apr 28 How to Do Business with the Government 9:30-Noon $15 Ribbon Cuttings/Ground Breakings Koru Juice 7 East Avenue K 325-340-1494 ASU Management, Instruction & Research Center 7945 Grape Creek Rd. West Texas Windshields 1705 N. Chadbourne 325-659-0000 The Pin Room New Location 528 Orient Street 325-320-8258 Warman’s Performance & Custom Exhaust 1122 N. Chadbourne 325-655-0700 Liberty Concrete & Construction 4598 Ford Street, Christoval 325-650-3716 Partners in Progress Spring Is Here! It’s A Great Time To Get Involved! The March Chamber Luncheon boasted another sold out crowd as members gathered at the Cactus Hotel to hear the annual Goodfellow Air Force Base Update from Commander Kimberlee Joos. SSgt DeWayne Meats, Jr. (U.S. Marine Corps) was honored with the “Order of Merit” Award, which was presented by former Goodfellow Commander Charlie Powell. The annual Cornerstone Investors Campaign kicked off in March. A reception was held at Christoval Vineyards to provide current investors with a brief overview of critical Cornerstone objectives for the coming year. Former Goodfellow Commander Gen. Scott Bethel was on hand to give investors insight into the challenges faced with upcoming Department of Defense budget cuts and a possible BRAC round. Wondering what YOU can do to get involved? Call the Chamber at 655-4136, or visit our website at for upcoming opportunities. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz visited San Angelo last month to tour Goodfellow Air Force Base and see first-hand the intelligence and firefighter training programs. While here, he also met with members of the Chamber Board of Directors and media. March was “City and County Government” day for this year’s Leadership San Angelo participants. During the morning session, members of the City Council and City staff met with the group to give them an overview of City operations and even participated in a role-playing activity where class participants played the part of Council members. An equally informative afternoon was spent with the County Commissioners Court that included a tour of the Tom Green County Jail facilities. Over 100 members attended the March Business @ Happy Hour hosted by the San Angelo Bandits and Concho’s Downtown. The jackpot winner was not present, so next month’s drawing will be for $350. Remember, you must be present to win! Attendees at March’s Business Brown Bag session heard a presentation by Sheila Alley of Wells Fargo Bank about the importance of establishing a business relationship with your financial institution. These sessions are free of charge. ***We Need Your Help!*** with the... 9th Annual Goodfellow Appreciation Day Armed Forces Day - Saturday, May 17th • 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Goodfellow Recreation Camp at Lake Nasworthy Barbecue / Music / Family Fun This Armed Forces Day, the Military Affairs Committee of your Chamber of Commerce will host a Barbecue for all active-duty military personnel and their families. This day of food and fun is planned to show our appreciation to our military neighbors. We are seeking business partners to assist us financially. Please consider a sponsorship at one of the following levels: Chief Master Sergeant Captain $350 - $699 Major $700 - $999 Colonel $1,000 - $1,499 $100 - $349 Sponsors at this level will receive Sponsors at this level will receive Sponsors at this level will receive Sponsors at this level will receive Sponsor logo on event feature article in the Chamber Newsletter (dist. 1,600) Sponsor name prominent in all electronic communications to Chamber members in print size relative to size of sponsorship Sponsor name on sign at event in print size relative to size of sponsorship 2 tickets to event Sponsor logo on event feature article in the Chamber Newsletter (dist. 1,600) Sponsor name prominent in all electronic communications to Chamber members in print size relative to size of sponsorship Sponsor name on sign at event in print size relative to size of sponsorship Sponsor recognition/ logo on Chamber website 5 tickets to event Sponsor logo on event feature article in the Chamber Newsletter (dist. 1,600) Sponsor name prominent in all electronic communications to Chamber members in print size relative to size of sponsorship Sponsor name on sign at event in print size relative to size of sponsorship Sponsor recognition/ logo on Chamber website 10 tickets to event Sponsor logo on event feature article in the Chamber Newsletter (dist. 1,600) Sponsor name prominent in all electronic communications to Chamber members in print size relative to size of sponsorship Sponsor recognition/ logo on Chamber website Sponsor name on sign at event in print size relative to size of sponsorship 15 tickets to event General $1,500 and above Sponsors at this level will receive Sponsor logo on Event feature article in the Chamber Newsletter (dist. 1,600) Sponsor name prominent in all electronic communications to Chamber members in print size relative to size of sponsorship Sponsor recognition/ logo on Chamber website Sponsor banner prominently displayed at the event 20 tickets to event YES, I will sponsor the 9th annual Military Affairs Committee Goodfellow Appreciation Barbecue at the following level: Please specify amount: General _______ Colonel _______ Major_______ Captain______ Chief Master Sergeant _______ Business Name _____________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name __________________________________________________ Phone # _____________________________ Address _______________________________________________________ Email _______________________________ _____ Bill My Chamber Account _____ Bill My Credit Card MC VISA AMEX DISC (circle one) _____ Check Attached Account # ____________________________ Exp. Date ________ Name on Card: ____________________________________________ Clip & Return to: San Angelo Chamber of Commerce, 418 W. Avenue B, 76903 - Or fax to: 325-658-1110 We will also need volunteers on the day of the event. If you would like to be a part of “The Team,” please specify how many will participate. Count on ____ people from our company to be part of “THE TEAM” on event day. Contact name: ________________________________ Phone Number: _________________ FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT BRIGETT AT THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, 655-4136 or BY EMAIL AT [email protected]. B U S IN E S S Brown Bag Lunch Series San Angelo, TX business Brown Bag Lunch Series Creative advertising Series “ Keep It Fresh: A New Approach to Traditional Media” e at. l e a r n . n e t w o r k . Don’t miss this FREE monthly noontime “bring your own brown bag” business focused speaker series. Box lunches are available upon request when registering. ! TEND T A O T FREE San Angelo, TX BUSINESS Brown Bag Lunch Series SPEAKER: JoAnna Alexander Alexander Resource Group April 15, 2014 12 noon - 1 p.m. Doors open 11:45 a.m. (Third Tuesday of Each Month) Visitor Center Riverview Room, 418 W. Avenue B., San Angelo, TX 76903 RSVP: 325.655.4136 (optional box lunch available for a nominal fee) BUSINESS BROWN BAG LUNCH SERIES BROUGHT TO YOU BY ASU Small Business Development Center (ASU-SBDC) San Angelo Chamber of Commerce The Business Factory E-mail [email protected] Website Seating is limited! RSVP today! 325.655.4136 Doing Business in the Oilffiield: Where Does Your Small Business Fit? Learn How Small Business Firms Can Do Business With Oil & Gas Companies In The Shale Play. Tuesday, April 8th, 2014 1:30-5:00 p.m. Registration Begins 1:00 p.m. ASU LeGrand Alumni Center 1620 University Ave, San Angelo, TX 76904 $15.00 Event Fee Topics: • New Developments in the Local Oilfield Production • Oil and Gas Supply Chain: Reaching Supply Chain Buyers • What Services Are Needed • • • • • • Approaching & Qualifying to Do Business with the Oilfield • Master Service Agreement • Resources • Question & Answer Panel Guest Speakers: Luke Legate, Joint Oil and Gas Education Association Randy Gill, Area Manager, FIML Natural Resources, LLC, Ozona Jeff Johnson, CEO Dixie Electric James Jones, Del Mar College SBDC Gil Gonzales, Director, Rural Business Program UTSA • • • • • Sponsors: WTX Oilfield Services Eagle Safety Management Texas Midwest Community Network Sam’s Club Register online at: or call (325) 942-2098 Partners: ASU SBDC—A partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration: The ASU-SBDC is partially funded under cooperative agreement by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). The support given by the SBA through such funding does not constitute an expressed or implied endorsement of any of the co-sponsors’ or participants’ opinions, findings, conclusions, recommendations, products, or services. SBDC programs are nondiscriminatory and open to the public. Reasonable arrangements for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact ASU-SBDC at ASU Station #10910, San Angelo, Texas, 76909-0910, (325) 942-2098. W W W. Y P S A N A N G E LO. O R G Join the Young Professionals of San Angelo! “Dedicated to the development and enrichment of the lives of young professionals in San Angelo.” About the Y PSA The YPSA organizes, hosts, and sponsors a variety of events to meet the needs of young professionals in San Angelo. Events include monthly networking luncheons and social events to help you meet new people, volunteer opportunities to help improve the community, leadership opportunities, and many special events throughout the year. Stay in the Know FACEBOOK | TWITTER WEBSITE | E-MAIL [email protected] NETWORKING EVENTS VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES You’re Invited! MONTHLY LUNCHEONS Around THIRD Thursday of each month @ Chamber Riverview Room 418 W. Avenue B., San Angelo, TX 76903 12 noon - 1 p.m. Join us April 17 or May 15 Join us in April or May for an open membership luncheon. These Brown Bag style meetings will help you meet other local young professionals, learn about upcoming YPSA events, hear about local events, and learn from special guests. Luncheons are a great opportunity to network and share a little about your business. Bring your business cards! Become a member today and have access to all of our events all year long for only $35 Visit us at E-mail [email protected] Featuring... the “ World 60 Minutes in World Inspired Gourmet Style Food Premiere Networking Opportunities & T HU R SDAY, APRIL 3 , 2 0 1 4 @ Rio Concho Catering (Sunset Dr.) 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Cocktail Hour 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Table for Four Networking Event RSVP FMI and to RSVP Visit or RSVP to Kaitlyn Brosh at [email protected] RSVP Required. NO COST but please bring a donation of clothing* *We will be collecting new and gently used professional clothing to be donated to William’s House and Sarah’s House, ADACCV’s residential tretment facility helping those struggling with substance abuse get back on their feet Catering provided by... Collecting Donations to Support... Keeping San Angelo Clean. Visit or call 325-481-7700 Keeping San Angelo Clean.
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