Capita Financial Managers (Ireland) Limited
Capita Financial Managers (Ireland) Limited
Strength in partnership Capita Financial Managers (Ireland) Limited About us Capita Financial Managers (Ireland) Limited (CFMI) was established in Ireland in 2006, and is authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland to act as both a UCITS management company and an Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM). We are part of a FTSE 100 company, with over 70,000 employees and a market capitalisation of over £8bn. Capita have over 25 years’ experience in acting as the management company to investment funds and manage over £50bn of assets in the UK & Ireland. We act for blue chip global investment banks as well as international investment management firms and private wealth managers in Europe, America and Asia. By combining the group’s size, strength and wide-ranging capabilities with our local experience and expertise we are able to provide tailored independent third-party management company services to both our UCITS and alternative investment fund clients. Leveraging this expertise, combined with substantial continued investment in technology and people, we have developed a market leading 3rd party management company service. Our Responsibilities We do… We do not… –– monitor that the fund is managed in line with the funds documents and the applicable regulations –– have control of the fund itself. All material decisions and control are retained by the board of the fund The fund management company is responsible for ensuring that it and its investment funds under management comply with regulatory obligations. Central Bank of Ireland Guidance issued November 2015 The board of an externallymanaged investment company retains ultimate responsibility for its management including the appointment and oversight of the fund management company which is its principal delegate. Central Bank of Ireland Guidance issued November 2015 –– support the board of the fund in ensuring that the day to day responsibilities and functions are met –– actively supervise our delegates to ensure that they are performing their appointed roles –– rely on the data or reporting from the Investment Manager / Portfolio Manager in order to monitor investment performance or investment risk –– ensure that there is a functional and hierarchical separation of the risk management and portfolio management functions –– sit on any of the fund boards or insist on appointing any of our Directors to the fund board. –– provide the business plan / programme of activity and ensure it is maintained and updated –– report to the board on a monthly basis and attend and present at the fund’s board meetings. Management Company fund structure CFMI are appointed by the fund under a Management Agreement. The Investment Manager / Portfolio Manager is appointed by the Management company under an Investment / Portfolio Management agreement. CFMI can seamlessly link into 3rd party administrators once an automated data-feed is connected to our risk system. Fund Board Legal Advisors Depositary / Custodian Auditors AIFM / MANCO CFMI Sub-custodian Network / Prime Brokers Investment Manager / Portfolio Manager Administrator Distributor Governance Structure Risk Management 1. Investment Risk During 2016, all management companies must amend their business plans / programme of activities with the Central Bank to demonstrate that they have appropriate policies and procedures to manage their funds under the following six managerial functions: We have made significant investment in the latest technology to ensure that we can perform the risk management function completely independent of the investment / portfolio manager. We have implemented Statpro Revolution as the basis of our comprehensive risk management framework. This marketleading performance measurement and risk analytics cloudbased solution takes the portfolio data directly from the fund administration system and provides daily reporting and analysis on each of the funds we manage. Our system data is backed up daily to a secure BC/DR operational site. Each fund is evaluated in order to identify, measure, monitor and manage all the risks relevant to its investment strategy. In addition to VaR, performance attribution and liquidity analysis, stress testing and scenario based testing are also performed in order to understand the impact of a specific event on the fund’s risk profile. This analysis is reviewed daily and a full comprehensive suite of dashboard reporting is made available to the board of the fund on a monthly basis, or more frequently if a significant issue arises between report dates. 2. Liquidity Risk For each fund that it manages, CFMI adopts procedures which enable it to monitor liquidity risk. We monitor liquidity risk at both the portfolio (assets) level as well as at fund (shareholder) level. We analyse portfolio liquidity by both geographic region and by asset class and we regularly conduct stress tests under both normal and exceptional liquidity conditions. Comprehensive dashboard reporting is produced and shared with the board of the fund on a monthly basis. Investment Management We have procedures in place to ensure and verify that the investment policies and strategies of each fund are being complied with. Using Statpro, we perform performance analytics independent of the portfolio manager. We do not rely on the portfolio manager to provide us with separate reporting, thus insuring independence of information being reported to the board of the fund. However, if we do find discrepancies we will contact the portfolio manager to discuss. A full range of absolute and relative analytics are produced on the system, using highly visual dashboards, charts and analysis tables. Analytics include: –– Performance returns –– Asset allocations –– Contributions –– Risk adjusted returns –– A full range of risk analytics / ratios, including VaR, exposure, volatilities –– Attribution analysis, on both top down and bottom up bases –– Calculations are also supported for multiple asset classes. Dashboard reporting is produced and shared with the fund board on a monthly basis as shown below: Regulatory Compliance Distribution We maintain a permanent and independent compliance function with a robust compliance framework, including logs which track complaints and errors. We monitor ensure that the fund is being distributed correctly in three ways: We have developed an automated system which generates the full suite of Annex IV (AIFMD) reports as well as a system which calculates and monitors the funds SRRI number (UCITS) each day. 1. We carry out a site visit to the lead distributor (usually the Investment Manager) every 12 to 18 months. This visit covers a number of different areas but includes 30 questions around distribution including: We maintain a schedule of all fund reporting requirements and monitor that the fund has complied with its various reporting requirements including: –– jurisdiction where the fund is being sold –– Financial Statement filings –– controls around the appointment of any sub-distributors –– Annual PCF confirmations –– distribution channels –– Annex IV Reporting –– complaints –– KIID filings 2. Monthly compliance reporting from the lead distributor –– FATCA & CRS Reporting 3. Distribution Matrix – we maintain a list of the countries where the fund is registered for distribution. This list is then crossreferenced against the shareholder register of the fund, with any anomalies queried with the lead distributor. –– Minimum Capital Requirements Report –– Any ad-hoc regulatory returns –– controls around marketing material Our management company is networked with a large number of distribution platforms and can help assist with the onboarding arrangements. Capital & Financial Management Organisational Effectiveness Each management company must maintain €125,000 as the minimum initial amount of capital. According to the Central Bank’s guidance, the purpose of this new role is to ensure that there is an independent director within the fund management company who has the specific task of keeping the effectiveness of the organisational arrangements of the company under ongoing review, with his or her reports being submitted to the board for discussion and decision. Where the total value of the funds under management exceeds €250,000,000, the management company must provide an additional amount of capital equal to 0.02% of the amount by which the net asset value exceeds €250,000,000. So, if a fund gets an additional subscription or subscriptions of €100m, then the management company must add another €20,000 to capital. It is critically important that when choosing a 3rd party management company that an appropriate analysis of the company’s ability to meet its capital requirements, both now and in the future, is carried out. In the guidance, the Central Bank gives some non-exhaustive examples of the types of matters which the independent director undertaking the organisational effectiveness role will be involved in: –– monitoring the adequacy of a fund management company’s internal resources to its day-to-day managerial roles; –– reviewing the organisational structure of the fund management company and considering whether it remains fit for purpose; –– considering the conflicts of interest affecting the fund management company and its investment funds under management and initiating action, such as escalation to the board, where these are having or are likely in the near future to have an adverse impact; –– reviewing the board composition and reporting on this to the board; –– organising periodic board effectiveness evaluations; and –– overseeing how well the decision taking by the fund management company and the arrangements for the supervision of delegates are working in the interests of investors. For a fund that has appointed a 3rd party management company such as CFMI, this role falls on the Chairman / Independent director of that management company and not the fund itself. Capita’s AIFM solution CFMI have a solution in place to help investment managers with the regulatory requirements as set out by the Alternative Investment Fund Manager’s Directive (AIFMD or The Directive). We differentiate ourselves from other providers by our institutional strength, substance, systems and experience. We have developed a comprehensive governance framework, saving you time and money in the ongoing monitoring and reporting to the regulatory authorities. Our solution enables fund managers to concentrate on their core tasks of portfolio management and asset raising. It also allows for the fund boards to dedicate their time in a more effective manner, free from chasing reports or information from a number of different sources. CFMI satisfies the requirements under AIFMD by retaining the Risk Management function and delegating the Portfolio Management function to the investment manager. Legal agreements setting out the usual provisions of duties, responsibilities, termination notice etc are signed between the AIF board and CFMI and between CFMI and the investment manager. Some of the key elements of our AIFM offering include: Risk Management As required by the Directive, the functions of risk management must be functionally and hierarchically separate from the operating units, including the function of portfolio management. As AIFM, CFMI undertakes the permanent risk management function, providing the fund structure with a robust framework which meets the requirements of the Directive. Remuneration The Directive requires all AIFMs to have a remuneration policy in place, to ensure that the compensation arrangements of all staff that could materially impact the risk profile of the AIF do not encourage excessive risk-taking which is inconsistent with the risk profiles, rules or instruments of incorporation of each AIF it manages. The remuneration provisions set out in the Directive and detailed in the ESMA guidelines apply to the AIFM’s “Identified Staff”, which comprises members of the AIFM’s Board (both executive and non-executive), senior management and officers of the AIFM, staff whose activities may have a material impact on the risk profile of the AIFs under management, as well as staff whose total remuneration package brings them into the same category as senior management. CFMI has a well-developed remuneration policy in place which complies with the AIFMD. For each new delegate or investment manager that is to be appointed, we will determine whether their remuneration policies are subject to regulatory requirements that are equally as effective as those in the Directive. There is a certain element of proportionality that can be applied to the implementation of the remuneration provisions of the Directive, taking into account the size, internal organisation of the AIFM and the nature, scope and complexity of their activities. Ultimately, however, it is the board of the AIFM that is responsible for the remuneration policies and for ensuring that there is no circumvention of the requirements. Regulatory Reporting We have built an automated solution to facilitate meeting our AIFM obligations imposed under the Directive for both EU AIFs and for non-EU AIFs marketed in the EU. The Directive lays out the regulatory reporting periods which vary depending upon the size of the AIF. Reports are generally due no later than one month after the end of the relevant period. The reporting includes, inter alia, a break-down of financial instruments and other assets, the principal exposures and most important concentrations of each AIF and the diversification of the AIF’s portfolio. Authorisation process Once appointed as AIFM, we will work with the portfolio manager, legal counsel and the board of the AIF to ensure a smooth implementation. As CFMI is already approved by the Central Bank of Ireland, the process is relatively straightforward and provides a quicker access to market than would otherwise be achieved via an internally managed AIFM or by setting up a new AIFM. It is important to note that the portfolio manager does not require separate authorisation from the Central Bank of Ireland. Once all contractual arrangements are in place, an Irish Qualifying Investor Alternative Investment Fund (QIAIF) can receive authorisation from the Central Bank of Ireland within 24 hours. We will project manage the onboarding process and provide the portfolio manager with a checklist of what will be required in order for CFMI to become the AIFM. We will also work closely with the legal firm of the AIF to ensure all amendments and changes to the fund documentation satisfy the Directive. Designated function support For funds that have already been set-up as Self-Managed Investment Companies (SMIC’s), or who have their own management companies, we can assist by providing the necessary support and team that runs our management company to ensure that the increased governance requirements are met. Appointed under a services agreement we carry out the same monitoring and reporting to the board of the fund. When appointing an independent third party AIFM a number of factors need to be considered and carefully reviewed, in respect of that third party namely: –– Size of balance sheet –– Experience and track record –– Substance and resources –– Independence –– Governance model –– Risk management and systems –– Depositary relationships So why Capita? Reduces risks and reduces costs A dual UCITS and AIFM licence You will benefit from economies of scale, particularly when it comes to keeping pace with the cost of reporting and managing regulatory change. We have an attractive proposition for managers who hold UCITS funds and Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs), where one central point of contact can handle the multiple regulatory requirements for both fund types. Speed to market We are authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland, which means your product will get to market quicker than other application routes. Maintain the required regulatory capital There is no need to worry about capital adequacy as we maintain the required regulatory capital thus avoiding tying up your capital. Fund Directors time commitments We take on all the managerial function roles, removing the requirement for fund directors to act as designated persons and be involved in the day-to-day running of the fund. Our management team Paul Nunan, is Managing Director of Capita Financial Managers (Ireland) Limited and Capita Financial Administrators (Ireland) Limited Paul worked on establishing these businesses for Capita when it first setup in Ireland in March 2006. Prior to this, he held senior positions in other fund administration companies and has over nineteen years’ experience working in the funds industry. Paul is a qualified ACCA. Michael Greaney, Financial Director Michael joined Capita in July 2006 as Financial Controller. Prior to this, Michael spent seven years with ABN Amro in various senior roles. He was seconded to ABN Dublin in 2005 to act as Deputy CFO, having previously headed up their Shared Services operation in Manchester. Previously Michael has also held similar roles in West Landesbank and Lloyds TSB. He has twenty years’ experience working in Financial Services, has a Bachelor of commerce degree from NUIG and is a qualified ACA. Vincent Smyth, Legal Counsel Vincent joined the company in March 2007. He has over fifteen years’ experience in a number of legal and governance roles in both industry and practice including Deloitte, Global Asset Management and Investors Trust Europe. Vincent is a Graduate and Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators and holds an Honours Diploma in Legal Studies, an advanced Diploma in White Collar and Regulatory Crime and a First Class Honours Barrister-at-Law degree from the Honourable Society of King’s Inns, Dublin. He also holds a Diploma in Finance Law (Merit) and a Diploma in Aviation Financing and Leasing both from the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland. Paul Phelan, Compliance Officer Paul is Compliance Officer for CFMI and joined in September 2012. Before joining he was Head of Compliance and Risk Management at Admiral Administration (Ireland) Limited (now Maitland Administration (Ireland) Limited) since June 2007. Paul has more than 15 years’ experience working in financial services and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in accounting and finance from Liverpool John Moores University, a Professional Certificate in Financial Crime Prevention from University College Dublin, and is also a qualified Accounting Technician and Licentiate of the Association of Compliance Officers in Ireland. Ronan Doyle, Senior Manager of CFMI Ronan joined Capita in November 2012 as Senior Manager of CFMI. He previously worked for JPMorgan Bank (Ireland) plc for 12 years and held various managerial roles including Fund Accounting Operations Manager, presiding over US$120bn assets under administration and Trust & Fiduciary Client Service Manager. Ronan has over sixteen years’ experience in the Irish funds industry and holds a Bachelor of Business Studies Degree from the University of Limerick and is a qualified ACCA. Joe O’Donnell, Head of Investment Risk Joe is the head of investment risk for CFMI, having joined Capita in January 2014. He previously worked for Prescient Investment Managers (formerly AIB Investment Managers) and held various managerial roles. Joe has over twenty seven years’ experience in financial services, and holds a Bachelor of Commerce Degree and Master of Business Studies Degree (Banking and Finance) from University College Dublin. He is a member of the Irish Funds Industry Association (IFIA) Risk Committee, and is the Ireland Country Sponsor representative in the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) initiative. Our Services UCITS Manco Transfer Agency Management Company AIFM Fund Administration Corporate Secretarial services KIID Production Annex IV Reports SRRI calculations ONR Central Bank Reporting Capita have over 40 years’ experience in the funds industry and are dedicated to building and maintaining strong partnerships to align our service offering with your business needs. With a range of services that combine our specialist knowledge with the backing of a FTSE 100 company, we are committed to supporting asset managers and controllers of financial assets. In an ever-changing regulatory environment you can rely on us to provide expert solutions that help you successfully grow your business. Capita Asset Services is a trading name of the following companies. Capita Financial Managers Limited, Capita Financial Investments Limited and Capita Financial Administrators Limited which are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Capita Financial Administrators (Ireland) Limited and Capita Financial Managers (Ireland) Limited which are authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland, and Capita Sinclair Henderson. Contact us Damian McAree Head of Business Development t: +353 1 224 0529 e:[email protected] FS15136c