April - CA2S


April - CA2S
Apr 2016
Chapter CA2S
Silicon Valley Wings
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Region F / California District
Chapter Gathering
Saturday, Apr. 16
Hometown Buffet @
2670 El Camino Real,
Santa Clara, Ca.
Breakfast @ 8 AM
Meeting @ 8:45 AM
What’s in this issue:
CD News: Pages 2-3
ACD News: Page 6
Our Sponsors: Page 7
Safety: Page 8
DD News: Page 9
Calendar: Pages 16-17
 Chapter News, Pg 4
Rider Levels: Page 18
 MEC News, Pg 10
Chapter For Sale: Page 20
 Patti’s corner, Pg 11
Chapter Contact Info: Page 28
 Motorist Awareness, Pgs 12-13
 IOY & COY News, Pgs 14-15
CA2S Chapter Director’s can be contacted at, Sal &
Patti Esposito, [email protected]. (408) 639-0609
“Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge”
CA2S Shark Bytes 1
Spring – brings a time for change in so many ways. Most obvious is the weather and fantastic riding
conditions our South Bay offers us. Secondly – the extraordinary scenery we are blessed with on our rides
right in our own back yard. We are able to go from the emerald green hills, to glistened ferns under giant
redwoods, right to the central Pacific coast with beautiful cliffs and huge waves crashing on the shoreline.
We see new foliage, besides the green of our hills, we share the beauty of nature with California poppies
and other flowers blooming right alongside the roads we travel. We enjoy this all under a bright blue sky.
And, we can see all of this in just about 100 miles – right in our own back yard. Great riding weather is just
part of our geography, and we are so blessed to have it – year round. Spring is a good time for change – it is
in the air.
But wait, there’s more !! There are loads of new things happening in our beloved CA2S. How do you take
advantage of this? Ya’ join in. In every organization/group, you will find a core group of folks that kind of
spear head the happenings. We are no different, because we have a core group of riders, of admin, of folks
who are participating in most events, etc, etc. But what makes us different is that we are working to expand
that core group. We want to include more of you in how we operate CA2S, join on our rides, join in our
social events, and especially join in the fun we are having. Let me explain some of the changes we have
going on. Gary will go into his modifications in the MEC article – that’s only some of it.
At the last gathering I retired the wing nut as we know the process. With the responses we were getting, or
lack of a better phrase, I felt the nut had lost luster and was not as much fun as it could be so we initiated a
new process. Here is a recap of the process. I have two goals in mind:
 First: I want to increase our contributions to Ride For Kids
 Second: I want to bring fun back into the Wing Nut process
Charitable donations are a personal thing. Some chapters support RFK and we will continue to do so
through my tenure as CD. We make most of our money for RFK with auctions, donut sales, personal
voluntary contributions by a few of us, and the like. We will continue to do that. “Voluntary contribution”
…… operative words.
Instead of “badgering for bucks,” we will have the RFK cash bucket out at every gathering and/or event. I
believe that on a voluntary basis, folks will contribute. Patti and I will continue contribute to RFK personally
and encourage other sto do so. Folks can contribute cash or write a (tax deductible) check to RFK – it is
their choice to contribute or not. At the end of the cycle (prior to the RFK ride), Roger/Doug tallies up the
bucks and we have our contribution in the form of cash and/or checks to take up to Solano.
The Nut itself:
The wing nut does not generate much interest. When we bring up nominations, there is little or no response.
For the most part, nominations are paltry or desperate at best. Recipients are required to hold the wing nut
for the month. I think many feel it is a nuisance. It is like pulling teeth to get a nomination and we have to
Continued on next page
CA2S Shark Bytes 2
drag participation from people. I believe that is in part due to the dollar contribution and process. As it stands,
it has run its course. It is not so much the money as it is the arm twisting for the money. For instance, I really
dislike folks asking me for money in the grocery line. Patti and I are generous with contributions, but to be
pressured – uh, no. Personally, I don’t like hounding folks for money, even if it is only a dollar. Unless I beat
the bushes with 2Fer offers or pound drums – we don’t get squat for donations via the wing nut during the
month, typically between $6 and $10 bucks at best. I believe people avoid the process because they don’t
want the nuisance of making calls or being called for the entire month. It may be fun for a few of us, but not
the rank in file. I have done some checking with other chapters and have found none that follow the current
process that we do, at least anymore. Others have found the same reluctance that we have and changed the
process. From my research with others, we are one of the last to do so. From the applause at the end of my
explanation, the new Wing Nut process was well received.
So what is the new wing nut process – CHECK OUT THE PICTURES BELOW!. The recipient of the award
comes forward for a photo op for the newsletter with the new hat. Everyone smiles/laughs and it ends there till
the next month. Folks have a good time and no one has to have the nuisance of carrying around the wing nut
for the month. Right now, the Wing Nut circulates between a few of us, most of us that have Chapter
responsibilities – that is the exact same scenario in other chapters. What they have found by making a
change is that it brings more into the fold – and the Wing Nut process is more fun. If there are no nominations
for a particular month, that ends the process till the next month.
I am confident these changes will encourage more participation for a Wing Nut opportunity, bring back the fun,
and will not negatively impact the monthly donations to RFK. In fact, for many I think they will be more inclined
to contribute if not badgered. This month Patti got to wear the inaugural hat – and she did so with a huge
Other changes for spring – EDUCATION !! Rock will say more about this fersure, but Rick and Roger are now
officially certified and will be doing classes, some classes during our monthly gathering. They will come out
with a schedule.
FIRST AID ---- Is on the table. We have someone coming in and our first class is scheduled. The Chapter will
pick up the cost for First Aid/CPR certification. I promised you all, education is CA2S’s primary goal and that is
where our budget resources will go. Well, except for an occasional ice cream. We have been successful
building our budget and we have resources to give you some excellent classes. The reason; I firmly believe
that motorcycle education saves lives. The more we know, the more we practice what we know, and
continued reinforcement of those practices will help to keep us alive on the roads. As your CD, I am
committed to do what I can to provide you with every education opportunity available to me. That is where our
budget focus is. Why, cause I love all y’all.
So here is my challenge to you. Jump into that core group. It is not exclusive by any means, it is not a clique,
and we want to see more folks involved in what we are doing. We ain’t gonna twist your arm, but you are
missing so much by not taking part in the operation of CA2S, on the rides, in the social events, and most of all
– education opportunities.
Please don’t miss out on events and opportunities and let them become history. If you give it a shot, I
guarantee you will not regret the good time.
Now – That’s the spirit of CA-2S !!
CA2S Shark Bytes 3
Upcoming events you shoulda heard
about already
Apr 9 PLP
Apr 23 Bunco Night at Sheweys
Apr 30 Visit CA2Q Garage Sale
May 6-7 CA2S Garage Sale
May 14 Day with the Krows ride
Check your email and the yahoo site for details,
polls, & information.
CA2S Winners & Losers
Beverley Fagundes
Danny Shewey
Sandy Shewey
Chapter Pride Vest Drawing:
Chapter Attendance Drawing:
50 / 50 Drawing:
Wing Nut Recipient:
Harry Wilson
Sal Esposito
Lori Mouldenhauer
Patti O’Neill Esposito
None – if you’re a CA2S active member
Do you order online from Amazon?
If so, help the chapter by using our special account.
We get a % of the purchases that goes to our chapter
Use the special code/link below:
Visit the Silicon Valley Wings Yahoo Group at:
Patti, this month’s Wingnut, for wearing Sal’s vest
CA2S Shark Bytes 4
March Chapter Gathering
And the meeting begins
CA2S Officers
Rocky presenting safe miles awards to Patti & Sal
Sal modeling the new wingnut
CA2S Shark Bytes 5
Spring is Here!
The riding season is on us folks. Have you made plans to
participate in the upcoming events at CA-2S? Besides our
chapter meeting at HTB, we have a special event scheduled
April 23rd our Bunco Night. Last year this was a big success for
great group interaction among the members. Our “play makers”,
Gary & Lori, made an even more fun event of it last year with
their fantastic planning and event coordinating with Danny & Sandy providing their house for the FUN.
In addition to the planned events there is always like the RTE that Sal and company just when on today. (3-2516) The calendar is always open to any member wanting to plan an impromptu ride as well. Where is your
favorite place to eat? Besides your Mom’s kitchen! Plan a ride and put out an email or call folks to join in. This
weather can’t be beat and it will be getting hotter before we know it. So, plan a ride, and enjoy those big
beautiful motorcycles we all own for some “wind therapy” and family style FUN. See ya on a ride soon!
Your ACD Rock
Alice’s RTE, Mar 25
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And now a kind word for our sponsors:
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Rider Educator
Safety Corner
Rocky Fagundes
Ok, ok, you have done your due diligence in getting your
bike ready for the riding season.
How about you? Are you in shape for riding? Have you
gotten your eyeglass prescription renewed? How about any
medications? What about your riding gear? Is it ready for
riding? Is your insurance up to date, and does it cover your
accessories, etc.? Some policies do not cover full
replacement of non-dealer or stock items on your bike.
Check with your agent to be sure.
Ok, have I got you thinking about some of these things
yet? Good! That’s what a serious rider should be doing to
prepare for the upcoming season of riding. I’m doing the
Trifecta this year attending Regional, Wing Ding, and
District! With all that riding, besides day to day stuff I need
to get the bike and myself ready. I’ve got my maintenance
planned for the bike; I’m working out at the gym, and
practicing my riding skills on a regular basis. Which
reminds me, are you planning to attend the upcoming PLP
on April 9th? I’m looking forward to seeing some new
faces down at the Target Shopping Center Parking Lot. We
have a lot of fun, and there is nothing like that feeling of
accomplishment you get from a good practice session.
Controlling that 900lbs. motorcycle at slow speeds, braking
with good control, and just plain old confidence that this
kind of practicing gives you the rider and co-rider.
Speaking of co-riders, have you made all the same items
applicable to them as well?? You know you are working as
a team out there on the road. The better prepared each of
you are, the stronger you will be as a team.
Are you planning for any longer trips like to Wing Ding or
Regional? Get your room reservations. Send in your Rally
reservation and plan your trip. Have a plan to make your
trip safer. But, be flexible should a break down or weather,
or anything else that could happen causes delays or such.
Be prepared for weather changes with a variety of riding
apparel. Nothing can ruin a great trip like trying
to continue a ride when you are too cold or wet
and cold. Your focus and concentration on riding
can be distracted just enough to put you in a
dangerous compromising position without
realizing it until it is too late. Having goals of
riding distance is good for planning purposes,
but can be dangerous if you are too tired to
safely continue on. Light meals, and drink plenty
of water even in the colder weather to stay
hydrated and focused. Rest stops to stretch your
legs and get the blood circulating is always
good. Better to check in a couple of hours later,
and in one piece, than push yourself and not
make it at all.
So, get in shape, make a plan, and practice your
riding at the next PLP!
Remember: “If the wheels ain’t turnin, you ain’t
Senior Chapter Educator
Rocky Fagundes
Woolgrowers Ride, Mar 12
A grand feast!
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District Director’s Message
Hello California,
March was an exciting month! It is good to hear of all the chapters being
visited and the riding going on as you get your “Football Stickers” for the
District Game. We have enjoyed visiting chapters and will continue as
much as time allows.
One of the highlights of March was the Rally in the Valley. The wonderful weather, friends galore, great
prizes and vendors, and fabulous ice cream sundaes filled the weekend, but the highlight, in my opinion, was
the entertainment. CA-1R out-did themselves this year with the “Laugh-in in Laughlin”. We have a lot of
talent in California, which CA-1R gave a good example. GREAT JOB!
Speaking of talent, we are looking for talent from California to represent our district at Region Rally in
Albuquerque in GWRRA’s Got Talent. You should be receiving information from your CD’s, if you haven’t
already. Since our district rally is after Region Rally, we will have talent auditions submitted via video to our
MEC’s, Steve & Alma Sprenkle. Hope many of you talented people out there will share your talent with us.
Make sure you have made your reservations for Region Rally, May 27-29. Preregistration ends May 1.
California needs to pack the house as we support our District Couple and Individual of the Year. This year
you get a 2fer, 2 rallies in one, Region F and NM District Rally combined. Let’s show them how California
supports our GWRRA friends and family!
April will be a busy GWRRA month as we start out the month with CA-1A’s rally, April 9th, “Happy Days
with CA1A”, a 50’s theme. They always put on a great event with lots of great prizes. You won’t want to
miss it. We then are heading out for Phoenix, for “40 to Phoenix” April 14-16. It is always great to see old
friends and meet new ones from across the country. The month continues with “Rendezvous with Q”, April
24th, another fantastic event with rides, great food, and FUN. Anytime you hang with “Q” is a great time. A
few days later, April 30, is the “Mother’s Day Run” with CA-1K. They never disappoint us, offering great
riding on twisties and beautiful scenery, and wonderful Mexican food…an event you won’t want to miss. On
the same day, April 30, CA-2Q changed their plans from a Garage sale to a ride. If you would like to join
them on what should be a great ride, call their CD, Don Kuellmer, for the info. I’m sure they would love to
have you join them.
Our California District Rally, “Gold Wing Super Bowl” is in pre-season training, getting ready for a Fantastic
event of FUN and games and rides. Register early for discounted prices and rooms are available now for
registration. Don’t forget, if you attend Region Rally & Wing Ding, your names go into a TRIFECTA
special drawing when you attend CA District Rally. Let’s pack the stadium (I mean the hotel). Don’t get
With all this being said…this year looks to be a GREAT year. Thank you California!
Nancy & Bob Clark
CA District Directors
CA2S Shark Bytes 9
CA2S is making changes and trying new things. Last chapter gathering was our trial run and things turned out pretty
good. We can’t say we’re doing anything new that probably hasn’t already been done at other gatherings, but it’s new
to us; at least since I joined in 2007.
First thing we did was to initiate a variation of GWRRA’s “Chapter Pride” award as found in GWRRA’s Fun
Activities Guide. Everyone that wears their GWRRA vest to the chapter gathering gets a raffle ticket for a separate
raffle drawn before the general raffle. The winner of this raffle gets “first” pick of the general raffle prizes. As it
turned out, nearly everyone at the gathering had their vest. Now that’s chapter pride.
The second new item is an attendance drawing from “all” the CA2S chapter affiliated member’s names (whether an
active member in the chapter or not), plus those regulars that are listed with other chapters, but attend CA2S functions
on a regular basis. In our case, that is 100 names. A key point here is that the winner has to be a current GWRRA
“member”. The lucky winner gets what’s in the pot. The pot? Well, the chapter puts in $10 a month. If there is no
winner, the jackpot increases by $10 the next gathering, and so on and so forth until someone wins. In order to win the
pot, you must be present at the chapter gathering at the time of the drawing. Once someone wins, it starts all over again
with $10.
The final item we introduced is a gift for anyone with a birthday the month of the gathering and in attendance. The
birthday boy or girl gets to pick a gift from the raffle prizes before the general drawing and after the vest drawing. As it
turned out, no one with a birthday in March was in attendance. Happy birthday anyways!
The winners and recipients of prizes will be listed in the next chapter newsletter. Also, if the person whose name is
drawn in the attendance drawing is not present to win, his or her name will also be mentioned in the newsletter. I
wouldn’t want to be that person.
Here’s a list of the activities and rides for April, which also includes the big 3 events for us Californians.
Lunch Ride to Coyote’s
CA2S PLP & Ride After
CA2S Chapter Gathering
CA2S Bunco Game Night
5/27 thru 5/29
Region F Convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico
8/31 thru 9/3
Wing Ding 38 in Billings, Montana
9/23 thru 9/25
CA District Convention in Bakersfield, California
It’s up to you to go. So don’t be a fuddy-duddy, be a riding buddy and let yourself have some FUN!
Until next month,
Happy April Fool’s Day
to you and a
Happy Tax Day, too.
Gary & Lori Mouldenhauer
CA2Sharks MEC
CA2Sharks COY ’14 &’16
CA2S Shark Bytes 10
Patti’s Corner
For me, this time of year is about taxes: taxes and more taxes. One of my
sayings is that it doesn’t matter how much you owe, it matters when you know
how much you owe.
It sounds like the new wing nut process will be a lot more fun than before…no
more remembering to carry it around with you… I am happy for the changes. And, without the continued
responsibility of having to carry it around all month or risk having to pay money, it was kind of fun to win it last
If you missed any of the events for March, you missed a lot. Sal talked about making memories. Memories
are better than dreams.
Check out the April calendar and plan to join us at just one event… you can find 5 hours out of a month to
come have fun… it will make the rest of your month better by having time to laugh with some friends. April will
bring Bunco night… if you didn’t come to Bunco night last year, you missed a whole lot of fun. I was surprised
how much fun it really was. And, if you were there last year, I know that you will be there this year.
Come out and play with us this year.. we want to see you.
Doc Wong's Calendar of Riding Clinics
April 7, 2016 "Riding Position and Ergonomics Workshop" Thursday night 6:30pm
April 8, 2016 "Special Doc Wong Long Distance Touring Clinic!" Friday 6:30pm - 8:30pm
April 17, 2016 "Cornering Confidence - Lines of Travel (2 Step)"Sunday 9am-2:30pm
May 12, 2016 "Riding Position and Ergonomics Workshop" Thursday night 6:30pm
May 15, 2016 "Smooth Riding - Body English-Weight Transfer" Sunday 9am-2:30pm
May 19, 2016 "Braking Confidence and Skills Workshop" Thursday 6:30pm - 8:30pm
May 20/22, 2016 "Dual Sport Adventure Riding Clinic" Friday 6:30pm and Sunday 9am
June 9, 2016 "Riding Position and Ergonomics Workshop" Thursday night 6:30pm
June 10, 2016 "Special Doc Wong Long Distance Touring Clinic!" Friday 6:30pm - 8:30pm
June 12, 2016 "Cornering Confidence - Stable Body Position and Anchor Points" Sunday 9am-2:30pm
June 16, 2016 "Basic Suspension Part 1” Thursday night 6:30pm
These clinics are hosted by Dr. Harry Wong, located at 1021 Alameda De Las Pulgas, Belmont, CA. Most clinics are free. More
information is available at www.docwong.com/st-clinic/, or by phoning (650) 365-7775. He also maintains the Doc-Ride mail list, which
you may subscribe to at the web site.
CA2S Shark Bytes 11
Motorist Awareness,
By Bob Siler
This article has a little extra meaning for me after coming across a horrible accident on Easter Sunday.
Therese and I were driving home through Watsonville after a great day with family. We came across a
very bad accident near the airport. They had closed the road in both directions and after looking closely at
the scene before turning on the detour I noticed a motorcycle down in a pile of debris next to a car. I’m
not positive but from the damage I saw and the investigation that was underway I think it involved a
About half of all motorcycle crashes involve a collision with another vehicle. In many crashes, the driver
never saw the motorcyclist — or didn't see the rider until it was too late. There are many reasons why
other drivers do not see motorcyclists.
Most car drivers aren't familiar with motorcycles and don't look for them in traffic.
Motorcycles are smaller than other vehicles, so they are more difficult to spot in traffic and can be
hidden by other vehicles or roadside features.
Daytime headlight use does not give motorcycle riders much of an advantage anymore, due to the
widespread use of daytime running lights on cars.
I want to encourage everyone — drivers and motorcyclists — to practice these techniques to make
motorcycling safer for everyone.
When turning left: Most crashes between vehicles and motorcycles involve turning left at an
intersection. If crossing traffic or turning left, look twice for motorcycles before turning.
Blind spots: Motorcycles are easily hidden in traffic. Always take a second look over your
shoulder — don’t rely solely on your mirrors.
Weather: Rain and sun glare can make a motorcycle "invisible." Take an extra moment to make
sure the way is clear.
Signals: Use turn signals. This allows the rider to anticipate traffic flow and find a safe lane
Larger vehicles: Cars and trucks can conceal a motorcycle traveling behind it. Take an extra
moment after a larger vehicle passes before beginning a turn
Eye contact: Motorcyclists make eye contact often to feel confident that other drivers see them.
Give a nod back to acknowledge them.
Distance: Motorcyclists prefer to use a large space cushion, allowing them more time to react. Do
not cut in front of a motorcycle and eliminate the safe following distance.
Check blind spots before changing lanes or merging, especially in heavy traffic.
Double-check traffic at intersections before turning or pulling out.
Motorcycles can easily be hidden in traffic. Look for a helmet above, tires below, or a shadow
alongside a vehicle.
CA2S Shark Bytes 12
Allow a minimum three-second "space cushion" when following a motorcycle.
Watch out when turning left.
Because motorcycles are smaller than other vehicles, it is harder to see them and more difficult to
judge their approach speed in traffic.
Share the road.
Treat motorcyclists with the same respect and courtesy you afford to other motorists.
Observe and obey all traffic laws, signs and signals.
Failure to obey and yield the right-of-way can result in the death or serious injury of a
Stay focused on the driving task. Inattentive driving is a major cause of vehicle-motorcycle
Remove all possible distractions that can interfere with the driver's attention, and remove any
objects that may block the driver's view.
Please pass this on to your friends,
Looking Twice May Save A Life!
CA2S Shark Bytes 13
of the
It’s already April. One quarter of the way through 2016, which equates
to three months or 91 days. Did you make them count for something?
Better yet, have you celebrated anything this year? It’s not like you
didn’t have a chance to, or had no choice of what to celebrate. So, no
excuses unless you’ve been bed-ridden or stuck behind bars or doing
your taxes. I don’t know which of these would be worse.
According to my calendar and a little help from the internet, I found that
we’ve had plenty of chances to celebrate something. Okay, if you’re the quiet type, then just sit back and observe. I’ve
compiled a list of the holidays and special days that we’ve had so far in 2016. What, your favorite day isn’t listed? Oh
well, this is my article, write your own. So here are the main ones.
1/1 New Years
1/18 Martin Luther King Day
2/2 Groundhog Day
2/7 Super Bowl Sunday
2/8 Chinese New Years
2/10 Ash Wednesday
2/12 Lincoln’s Birthday
2/14 Valentine’s Day
2/15 President’s Day
2/22 Washington’s Birthday
2/29 Leap Day
3/13 Daylight Savings Time
3/17 St. Patrick’s Day
3/20 Palm Sunday
3/25 Good Friday
3/27 Easter Sunday
Now if you work for a large company or the government, you probably get a lot of these holidays off. I don’t and didn’t.
Although I didn’t get a day off to observe each of these days, I was still able to recognize them.
One day of recognition that isn’t in this list that I would like to share with you is “Hoodie-Hoo Day” celebrated on
February 20th. I’d never heard of this before my internet search and found it interesting. It is a day to chase away winter
blahs and make ready for spring. What you do is step outside at noon, wave you’re hands over your head and yell
"Hoodie Hoo!" Great, a celebration of sorts. Probably more fun in group.
Yeah, it sounds a little silly and you might feel a bit foolish, and the neighbors might call the cops or start locking their
doors when you come around. So what! You’re doing it for you, not them. Like the saying, “if it feels good, do it”. If
nothing else, you do it, laugh at yourself, and then go about your business. No harm, no foul and you have a chuckle.
The way I see it, we have great weather here in California and everyone with a motorcycle should do this on a regular
basis and then get on their bike and ride. Make every day a Hoodie Hoo! That’s right, shake away those daily blahs and
ride! What a concept!
Okay, maybe I’m distorting the originator’s idea, but what does it matter if it makes us feel good and possibly younger.
Well, maybe not younger, but possibly happier, or not. Okay, maybe I’m just a bit delusional. So?
Think about it. We have so many months of great weather to ride here in California. Our niece and her husband up in
Alaska only have two to three months of riding weather a year, if that. Be joyous and thankful!
Until next month, Hoodie Hoo, Hoodie Hoo!
Gary & Lori Mouldenhauer
CA2Sharks MEC
CA2Sharks COY ’14 &’16
CA2S Shark Bytes 14
Wow! Spring is such a great time to take a ride and enjoy all that nature
has to offer. The warming weather makes for nice riding and the flowers
and plants do their part to provide some beautiful color. Most of us are
familiar with the popular daffodils and poppies, but thought I would
share a few photos of some other blooming plants we can enjoy on our
upcoming rides.
I have already seen the poppies popping up and I’m sure we can soon see
the daffodils on our rides up Highway 280. Avery striking plant is the
Individual of the Year
Pride of Madeira, with its large blue flower stalks. This perennial is
drought tolerant and bees and butterflies love its nectar. We saw a number of these stands in Monterey last
week, although they are well represented throughout the bay area. As we drive up Highway 680 we can start
looking for the blue Ceanothus and the yellow Acacia. The Ceanothus leaves were used by the native
Americans, as well as the early settlers, to make a black tea. The Acacia has high levels of tannin for industry
and many varieties are also valuable for their wood. Both of these plants can be quite fragrant. Not so good for
our allergies, but you gotta love the color! Another favorite that can be seen on hillsides as well as meadow
areas is the Blue Sky Lupine. Lupines come in a variety of colors, but blue is by far the most common. The
lupine seeds were eaten in the Mediterranean and Andean regions many years ago, as in MANY years ago.
Spanish domination led to a change in eating habits and they fell out of favor. However, a publication in 1998
entertained their use as a crop plant. Hey, we’re eating Quinoa, aren’t we?
Enjoy a colorful ride! Sandy
Narcissus species - Daffodill
Lupinus species – Blue Sky Lupine
Echium fastuosum – Pride of
Ceanothus species –
California Lila
Eschscholzia californica –
California poppy
Acacia species – Thorn tree
CA2S Shark Bytes 15
April 2016
Gold Country ride
Meet at Omega, 8:45am
Leave at 9am
PLP & Ride After
Meet at Cochran Rd
Parking Lot near Target.
Time tbd.
Chapter Meeting
Meet at Hometown Buffet,
2670 El Camino Real,
Santa Clara (Moonlight
Starts promptly at 8:45
AM, Breakfast 8:00 AM.
Officers Mtng. Sal &
Patti’s. 11AM
Bunco Night
Meet at Shewey’s.
Time 5pm
CA2Q Garage Sale
Meet at Omega.
Leave at 8am
CA2S Shark Bytes 16
May 2016
CA2S Garage
Meet at Sal &
Patti’s. All day.
CA2S Garage Sale
Meet at Sal & Patti’s. All
CA-2K Day with the
Meet at Omega.
Leave at 7:30am
Chapter Meeting
Meet at Hometown Buffet,
2670 El Camino Real,
Santa Clara (Moonlight
Starts promptly at 8:45
AM, Breakfast 8:00 AM.
Meet at Sal & Patti’s
Start 11am
Region F Rally
Region F Rally
Region F Rally
CA2S Shark Bytes 17
CA2S Shark Bytes 18
27 - 29
RIDE: Lunch at Coyote’s
PLP & RIDE After
CA2S Chapter Gathering
* * * * BUNCO Game Night * * * *
CPR & First Aid “Renewal” Class
Morgan Hill
Hometown Buffet
San Jose
Fri - Sat
Fri - Sun
CA2S Fundraiser Yard Sale
RIDE: CA2K Rally
CA2S Chapter Gathering & Workshop
Region "F" Convention
Sal & Patti’s
Hometown Buffet
Albuquerque, NM
RIDE: Lunch at El Lugarcito's
* * * * Dinner at Sal & Patti's * * * *
CA2S Chapter Gathering & RIDE After
RIDE: CA1L Rally
King City
San Jose
Hometown Buffet
San Luis Obispo
Sal & Patti's
Thu - Sat
* * * * BBQ at Gary & Lori's * * * *
Reno Rendezvous
CA2S Chapter Gathering & PLP
RIDE: Lunch at Tony's Seafood
Reno, NV
Hometown Buffet
Marshall/Tomales Bay
Elk Grove Park
19 - 20
Fri - Sat
* * * * Progressive Dinner * * * *
RIDE: CA2J Chapter Gathering
RIDE: Blue Butt Rally
CA2S Chapter Gathering & Workshop
Wing Ding
Reno, NV
Hometown Buffet
Billings, MT
23 - 25
Thu - Sat
Fri - Sun
Wing Ding
RIDE: CA2N Chapter Gathering
CA2S Chapter Gathering
CA District Convention
Billings, MT
Hometown Buffet
RIDE: CA2N Rally
RIDE: Ride 4 Kids
PLP & RIDE After
CA2S Chapter Gathering
RIDE: Corn Maze (after Gathering)
CA2S Halloween Party
Tuolumne City
Morgan Hill
Hometown Buffet
RIDE: Gold Rush Area - Hwy 49
* * * * Dinner Out * * * *
CA2S Chapter Gathering
RIDE: Deer Run
RIDE: Los Altos Light Parade
Route T.B.D.
Hometown Buffet
Harris Ranch, Coalinga
Los Altos
RIDE: Phil's Fish Market & Eatery
RIDE: Toys 4 Tots
CA2S Christmas Party
Moss Landing
San Jose
Note: T.B.D. means To Be Determined (so, keep a lookout for breaking news)
CA2S Shark Bytes 19
For Sale:
J&M model PSCR-GL18. Good for all 1800 model years. Easily installs to existing connectors under your seat
and allows:
* Separate Volume control for the passenger's helmet audio.
* Mic Mute for the passenger's microphone (cut out that annoying persistent wind noise.)
* CB Push-to-Talk button for the passenger
It is in perfect shape and works fine. Comes in original box with instructions.
I'm selling for $99. It sells new from Wingstuff for $170. Such a deal!
Contact John Raser, at 408-268-0367
Trailer for Sale, Kruzer Grand Alexus
The cargo capacity is approx. 23 cu.ft. It has a lighted spoiler, Honda auto taillights, running lights, carpeted interior with dome light and
garment bag hook and straps. Also includes 13" load B auto tires and American mag wheels,a cover and a cooler package.
It was made in 2002 and towed about 4 times and has been stored and covered for 10 years.
Currently marketed as the Silhouette, replacement at current costs would be well over $6000.00 on Sale now @ $3000.00. Must see to
Call Mike @ 805-237-1402
2004 Roll-a-Home Tent Trailer
Excellent condition. This camping trailer takes one person 10 minutes to setup and 15 minutes to take down. Really! It
opens to a 7ft. hard bottom dressing area (big enough for two chairs & a small table), and a double bed space.
Storage below & utility box in front.
Tent has double doors and A/C opening installed.
Includes exterior awning and swivel hitch.
Photo with open storage is our trailer, other photos are stock photos, but look like ours with a grey tent.
$2000 or BO.
Les Cook, 408-745-9777 or [email protected].
CA2S Shark Bytes 20
Code Description
BLACK VEST (plain - no patches or rockers)
(M,L,XL,2XL,3XL) . . . . . . . . .
BLACK VEST (with patches and rockers)
(1 each: V1, P1, P2/P3, P4, R1 and R2). .
. .
10" GWRRA Griffin Back Patch (black & gold) . .
. .
. $30.00
. .
. .
. $13.00
4" GWRRA Griffin Breast Patch (black & gold) . .
. .
4" GWRRA Griffin Breast Patch (red & white) . .
. .
4" CA2S Chapter Breast Patch
. .
. .
10" Upper Rocker "CA2S – SAN JOSE" (black & gold) . . .
. $11.00
10" Lower Rocker "CALIFORNIA" (black & gold) . .
. $11.00
Chapter T-Shirt, Short Sleeve (with logos on back and on
left side chest) (M,L,XL,2XL,3XL) (Limited Quantities in Stock. .
Chapter Polo Shirt, Short Sleeve (with logos on back and on
left side chest) (S,M,L,XL,2XL,3XL) (Special Order). . .
Visit-A-Chapter Pin
Visit-A-Chapter Hanger Bar (CA2S)
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
. .
Store Notes:
o TBD=To Be Determined
o Rockers slip under 10" patch
o Prices might change without notice
CA2S Shark Bytes 21
2016 CA District / Region “F” Rallies and Events
27 - 29
27 - 30
15 - 16
Utah District
11 - 13
31 - Sep. 3
Colorado District
GWRRA Wing Ding
23 - 25
California District
28 - 31
Arizona District
CA-2Q (Yard Sale)
CA-2S (Yard Sale)
New Mexico District
Region “F”
CA2S Shark Bytes 22
CA2S Shark Bytes 23
CA2S Shark Bytes 24
CA2S Shark Bytes 25
CA2S Shark Bytes 26
CA2S Shark Bytes 27
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Region and District Staff
Region F Directors
Region F Educators
Region F Treasurer
District Directors
District Educator
Keith and Theresa Morrison
Mike & Ruth Burke
Patti O-Neill-Esposito
Bob & Nancy Clark
Mike & Ruth Burke
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Chapter CA2S Staff Members
Chapter Directors
Assistant Chapter Director
Senior Chapter Educator
Assistant Chapter Educator
Ride Coordinator
Membership Enhancement
Coordinators (MEC)
News Letter Editor
Ride for Kids Coordinator
Ways & Means Coordinator
Chapter Historian
Chapter Store Coordinator
Individual of the Year
Couple of the Year
Motorist Awareness (MAD)
Social Activities
Sal & Patti Esposito
Rocky Fagundes
Rocky Fagundes
Roger Moraes
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
(408) 639-0609
(408) 504-0440
(408) 504-0440
(408) 926-5828
Gary & Lori Mouldenhauer
Sandy Shewey
Douglas Loyd
Danny Shewey
Roger Moraes
Les Cook
Bill Hubbs
Gary & Lori Mouldenhauer
Charlie Porzio
Sandy Shewey
Gary & Lori Mouldenhauer
Bob Siler
Sandy Shewey
Lori Mouldenhauer
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
(209) 679-7167
(408) 729-0548
(408) 259-8334
(408) 729-0548
(408) 926-5828
(408) 745-9777
(408) 680-3250
(209) 679-7167
(408) 710-6227
(408) 729-0548
(209) 679-7167
(408) 913-5572
(408) 729-0548
(209) 679-7167
[email protected]
CA2S Shark Bytes 28
Monthly Meetings—The third Saturday of each month. The meeting starts promptly at 8:45
AM, and is usually over by 10:45 AM. Hometown Buffet, 2670 El Camino Real,
Santa Clara, Ca. (Moonlight Center)
Business meeting, Safety Talk, 50/50 raffle, General camaraderie. Any rider of Honda Gold
Wing and Valkyrie motorcycles, or anyone who just loves to ride.
Rides going NorthEast – Omega Restaurant parking lot, 90 S. Park Victoria Dr (near
Calaveras/Park Victoria), Milpitas.
Rides North to SF - Mercado Theater Santa Clara on Hwy 101 Frontage Rd. between Great
America Parkway and Lawrence Expressway. This is the meeting place for rides that take us
North along Hwys 101 or 85 (San Francisco, Marin, Eureka).
Rides South – Four Points by Sheraton (formerly Holiday Inn) at Bernal Rd and 101 South.
Disclaimer: Please note all meetings are subject to change, both in location and times to meet.
If you are interested in a ride or event and have questions, please call or email any staff member
noted in the newsletter or on the web. http://www.ca2s.org.
Motorcycling Book List
“Street Strategies”
“Riding in the Zone”
“Ride Hard Ride Smart”
“Total Control”
Twist of the Wrist II
“Sport Riding Techniques”
“Maximum Control”
“Motorcycling Excellence”
“Motorcycling Journeys
Through California”
David L. Hough
Ken Condon
Pat Hahn
Lee Parks
Keith Code
Nick Ienatsch
Pat Hahn
Clement Salvadori
ISBN 1-889540-69-2
ISBN 978-1-884313-76-9
ISBN 978-0-7603-1760-0
ISBN 13-978-0-7603-6
ISBN 0-9650450-2-1
ISBN 1-893618-07-2
ISBN 978-0-7603-3674-8
ISBN 1-884313-01-9
Bow Tie Press
Whitehorse Press
Calif. Super Bike School
David Bull Publishing
Whitehorse Press
Whitehorse Press
CA2S Shark Bytes 29
California Chapter Meetings and Locations
Meeting Date & Time
1st Saturday 9:15 AM
Breakfast 8:30 AM
3rd Saturday 9:00 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
3rd Saturday 9:00 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
4th Sunday 8:30 AM
Breakfast 8:00AM
2nd Saturday 8:30 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
2nd Saturday 8:30 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
Last Saturday, 9:00 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
2nd Saturday 8:30 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
2nd Sunday 8:30 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
2nd Sunday 8:00 AM
Breakfast 7:30AM
1st Saturday 8:00 AM
Breakfast 7:30 AM
3rd Saturday 9:00 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
4th Sunday 8:00 AM
Breakfast 7:30 AM
1st Saturday 8:30 AM
Breakfast 7:30 AM
4th Saturday 9:00 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
3rd Sunday 8:30 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
2nd Saturday 8:30 AM
Breakfast 8:00AM
4th Saturday 8:30 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
2nd Saturday 9:00 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
3rd Saturday 8:30 AM
Breakfast 7:30 AM
2nd Sunday 8:30 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
3rd Saturday 8:45 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
1st Saturday 9:00 AM
Breakfast 8:00 AM
Meeting Location
Greenhouse Cafe, 1169 Commerce Ctr Dr., Lancaster
Lorene’s Ranch House, 1531 23rd St,Bakersfield
Burgers and Beer, 72-773 Dinah Shore Dr,
Rancho Mirage
Elks Lodge, 8108 E. Alondra Blvd., Paramount
Broken Yolk Café, 1851 Garnet Ave., San Diego
Denny’s, 546 W. Baseline Rd, Glendora
Denny’s Diner, 8222 Topanga Blvd, Canoga Park
IHOP Restaurant, 212 Madonna Rd, San Luis Obispo
Pepper Steak, 26589 Highland Ave, Highland
Black Bear Diner, 7005 Knott Ave., Buena Park
22651 Lake Forest Dr, Lake Forest
Carrow’s Restaurant, 2401 Harbor Blvd, Ventura
Mawell’s, 17772 Wika Rd, Apple Valley
Marie Callender's 29363 Rancho California Rd,
Old Salles Cafe, 2082 North J Street, Tulare
Elks Lodge #6, 6446 Riverside Blvd., Sacramento
Hometown Buffet, 2050 Diamond Blvd., Concord
Benicia Grill, 2390 N. Texas St, Fairfield
Pine Tree Restaurant & Lounge, 19601 Hess Ave, Sonora
Black Bear Diner, 5100 Hopyard Rd, Pleasanton
Vittles Restaurant. 2385 North Street, Anderson
Hometown Buffet, 2679 El Camino Real,
Santa Clara (Moonlight Center)
Yosemite Falls Café in Granite Park, 4020 N. Cedar Ave,
CA2S Shark Bytes 30