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Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 (Unaudited) Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Unaudited Contents Page Auditors’ Review Report Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Financial Position 2 3–4 Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Income 5 Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Income 6 Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Changes in Equity 7–8 Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Cash Flows 9 – 11 Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements 12 – 50 Review Report of the Independent Auditors to the Shareholders of Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Introduction We have reviewed the accompanying financial information of Africa Israel Investments Ltd. and its subsidiaries (hereinafter – “the Group”) including the condensed consolidated interim statement of financial position as at March 31, 2015 and the condensed consolidated interim statements of income, comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the three-month period then ended. The Board of Directors and Management are responsible for the preparation and presentation of financial information for this interim period in accordance with IAS 34 “Financial Reporting for Interim Periods”, and are also responsible for the preparation of financial information for this interim period in accordance with Section D of the Securities Regulations (Periodic and Immediate Reports), 1970. Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on the financial information for this interim period based on our review. We did not review the condensed financial information for the interim period of subsidiaries, the assets of which included in the consolidation constitute about 2% of the total consolidated assets as at March 31, 2015, and the revenues of which included in the consolidation constitute about 3% of the total consolidated revenues for the three-month period ended on that date. In addition, we did not review the condensed financial information for the interim period of associated companies and jointly-controlled entities accounted for using the equity method of accounting, the investment in which totaled about NIS 161,609 thousand as at March 31, 2015, and the Group’s share in their income, was about NIS 23,625 thousand, for the three-month period ended on that date. The condensed financial information for the interim period of those companies was reviewed by other auditors whose review reports thereon were furnished to us and our conclusion, insofar as it relates to amounts included in respect of those companies, is based on the review reports of the other auditors. Scope of the Review We conducted our review in accordance with Review Standard 1, “Review of Financial Information for Interim Periods Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity” of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Israel. A review of financial information for interim periods consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in Israel and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. Conclusion Based on our review and on the review reports of other auditors, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the above-mentioned financial information was not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard IAS 34. In addition to that mentioned in the previous paragraph, based on our review and on the review reports of other auditors, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the above-mentioned financial information does not comply, in all material respects, with the disclosure requirements of Section D of the Securities Regulations (Periodic and Immediate Reports), 1970. Without qualifying our above-mentioned opinion, we direct attention to that stated in Note 2D to the financial statements regarding restatement of the Company’s financial statements as at December 31, 2014, 2013 and 2012 and for each of the three years ended on those dates, as well as at March 31, 2014 and for the three-month period then ended, in order to retroactively reflect therein the impact of correction of errors in the amounts of the Company’s assets and liabilities and the amounts of the Company’s revenues and expenses. Sincerely, Somekh Chaikin Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) Breitman Almagor Zohar & Co. Certified Public Accountants (Isr.) May 31, 2015 2 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Financial Position At March 31 At December 31 2015 2014 2014 (Unaudited) (Audited) In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Short-term investments Marketable securities Trade receivables Other receivables and debit balances, including financial derivatives Income taxes receivable Inventory of buildings held for sale Other inventories Assets held for sale Non-Current Assets Investments in investee companies accounted for using the equity method of accounting Loans to investee companies Property, plant and equipment Investment property Investment property under construction Long-term loans, investments and other debit balances Inventory of real estate Intangible assets Excess of assets over liabilities in respect of employee benefits Deferred tax assets 1,340,118 496,999 188,414 1,153,673 1,304,516 320,164 360,698 *1,265,886 1,339,170 790,479 151,245 *1,143,211 439,855 26,043 2,121,901 581,665 32,961 6,381,629 -------------- *646,033 *38,279 1,677,701 *532,855 135,464 6,281,596 -------------- *460,299 *36,395 2,085,093 *553,692 26,849 6,586,433 -------------- 519,213 380,871 1,183,334 10,577,856 2,380,754 160,032 1,860,396 148,335 1,502 105,577 17,317,870 -------------- 502,298 371,505 1,207,029 11,309,420 2,756,648 77,055 1,695,161 173,190 1,544 *83,294 18,177,144 -------------- 488,832 385,091 1,205,502 10,741,698 2,433,715 158,414 1,878,280 148,675 1,477 *104,557 17,546,241 -------------- 23,699,499 24,458,740 24,132,674 * Restated – see Note 2D. The accompanying notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements are an integral part thereof. 3 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Financial Position At March 31 At December 31 2015 2014 2014 (Unaudited) (Audited) In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Current Liabilities Debentures Short-term credit from banks and others Contractors and suppliers Other payables and credit balances, including financial derivatives Income taxes payable Advances from customers Provisions Long-Term Liabilities Debentures Liabilities to banks Other liabilities Excess of losses over investments in investee companies accounted for using the equity method of accounting Employee benefits Liabilities for deferred taxes Equity Share capital Premium on shares Capital reserves Retained earnings Total equity attributable to the Company’s owners Non-controlling interests Total equity 217,451 2,781,162 795,733 386,558 4,856,947 855,213 365,966 3,627,956 812,388 571,448 134,886 1,293,641 455,371 6,249,692 -------------- 755,075 67,086 *833,486 424,326 8,178,691 -------------- *573,392 *96,613 *1,155,819 457,192 7,089,326 -------------- 4,172,424 5,173,985 843,934 3,578,767 3,781,585 695,300 4,118,414 4,597,062 884,407 3,423 19,087 920,824 11,133,677 -------------- 3,137 20,769 *994,457 9,074,015 -------------- 3,445 19,000 *965,389 10,587,717 -------------- 384,867 4,492,059 (2,302,671) 324,919 2,899,174 3,416,956 6,316,130 -------------- 380,647 4,191,341 (2,302,854) *1,163,519 3,432,653 *3,773,381 7,206,034 -------------- 384,866 4,492,044 *(2,225,994) *315,855 2,966,771 *3,488,860 6,455,631 -------------- 23,699,499 24,458,740 24,132,674 * Restated – see Note 2D. ____________________________ Lev Leviev Chairman of the Board of Directors ________________________ Avraham Novogrocki CEO _________________________ Menashe Sagiv CFO Approval date of the financial statements: May 31, 2015 The accompanying notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements are an integral part thereof. 4 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Income For the Three Months Ended Year Ended March 31 December 31 2015 2014 2014 (Unaudited) (Audited) In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Revenues Construction and real estate transactions Rental and operation of properties Industry Other activities Share in income of investee companies accounted for using the equity method of accounting, net Increase in fair value of investment property, net Increase in fair value of investment property under construction, net Other income Cost and expenses Construction and real estate transactions Update of provision for decline in value of inventory of land and buildings, net Maintenance, supervision and management of real estate and properties Decrease in fair value of investment property under construction, net Industry Other activities Share in losses of investee companies accounted for using the equity method of accounting, net Administrative and general expenses Amortization of intangible assets and other expenses Operating income Financing expenses Financing income Financing expenses, net Operating income (loss) before taxes on income Tax benefit (taxes on income) Net income (loss) for the period Attributable to: The Company’s owners Holders of non-controlling interests Net income (loss) for the period 665,009 181,954 440,469 9,620 829,390 215,635 *477,017 12,510 2,978,859 862,476 *1,812,460 54,695 31,689 86,458 – 258,241 – 570,737 29,346 6,846 1,451,391 -------------- 21,365 11,284 1,825,442 -------------- – 56,232 6,335,459 -------------- 630,745 794,462 2,773,938 2,639 1,238 41,149 44,029 75,324 215,580 – 452,180 7,670 – *447,011 11,422 750,744 *1,738,843 43,479 – 56,758 6,276 1,200,297 -------------251,094 -------------(218,718) 23,872 (194,846) -------------56,248 (17,711) 38,537 8,636 29,901 38,537 15,061 *276,181 99,302 3,838 69,759 27,113 1,430,167 -------------395,275 -------------(337,650) 27,338 (310,312) -------------84,963 *(39,169) 45,794 5,954,277 -------------381,182 -------------(1,746,259) 257,726 (1,488,533) -------------(1,107,351) *14,905 (1,092,446) *(440) *46,234 45,794 *(848,736) *(243,710) (1,092,446) *(0.00) *(4.41) Income (loss) per share Basic and diluted income (loss) per share (in NIS) 0.04 * Restated – see Note 2D. The accompanying notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements are an integral part thereof. 5 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Income For the Three Months Ended Year Ended March 31 December 31 2015 2014 2014 (Unaudited) (Audited) In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Net income (loss) for the period 38,537 ---------- *45,794 ---------- (167,956) (102,637) *(1,092,446) -------------- Components of other comprehensive loss that after the initial recognition in the statement of comprehensive income were transferred or will be transferred to the statement of income Foreign currency translation differences in respect of foreign activities Change in fair value of instruments hedging cash flows, net of tax 302 Realization of capital reserve in respect of a cash flow hedge due to sale of investee company Total other comprehensive loss for the period that after the initial recognition in the statement of comprehensive income was transferred or will be transferred to the statement of income, net of tax 992 – – (167,654) ---------- (101,645) ---------- (4,553) (9,390) 9,624 (4,319) -------------- Components of other comprehensive loss that will not be transferred to the statement of income Re-measurement of defined benefit plan (499) Total other comprehensive loss for the period that will not be transferred to the statement of income, net of tax – (981) Total comprehensive loss for the period (499) ---------(129,616) – ---------(55,851) (981) -------------(1,097,746) Total comprehensive loss attributable to: The Company’s owners Holders of non-controlling interests Total comprehensive loss for the period (68,449) (61,167) (129,616) *(68,642) *12,791 (55,851) *(843,318) *(254,428) (1,097,746) * Restated – see Note 2D. The accompanying notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements are an integral part thereof. 6 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Changes in Equity Attributable to the owners of the Company Reserve for Capital transactions reserve with from holders of cash Other nonflow capital Translation controlling Retained hedges reserves adjustments interests earnings In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Share capital Premium on shares Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity 384,866 4,492,044 (9,188) 24,444 (1,773,972) *(467,278) *315,855 2,966,771 *3,488,860 6,455,631 – – – – – – 8,636 8,636 29,901 38,537 – – 28 – (76,705) – (77,085) (91,068) (168,153) – – 28 – (76,705) – 8,228 (68,449) (61,167) (129,616) – – – – – For the three-month period ended March 31, 2015 (unaudited) Balance at January 1, 2015 Total comprehensive loss for the period Net income for the period Other comprehensive loss for the period, net of tax Total comprehensive loss for the period Transactions with owners recorded directly to equity Issuance of ordinary shares and options for ordinary shares, net Share-based payments (net of tax) Exercise of options for shares of subsidiaries Dividend paid to holders of non-controlling interests Balance at March 31, 2015 1 15 (408) 16 – 2,719 16 – – – – – – 37 37 – – – – – – 799 799 – – – – – – 384,867 4,492,059 (9,160) 24,444 (1,850,677) (467,278) 324,919 2,899,174 3,416,956 6,316,130 380,647 4,191,341 (8,343) 24,444 (1,780,978) (469,775) *1,163,860 3,501,196 *3,768,656 7,269,852 – – – – – – *(440) *46,234 45,794 – – 243 – (68,445) – – (68,202) (33,443) (101,645) – – 243 – (68,445) – (440) (68,642) 12,791 (55,851) – – – – – – 99 – – – – – – – – 380,647 4,191,341 (8,100) 24,444 (1,849,423) (469,775) 1,163,519 3,432,653 – – 2,756 (793) (12,663) 6 (12,663) For the three-month period ended March 31, 2014 (unaudited) Balance at January 1, 2014 Total comprehensive income (loss) for the period Net income (loss) for the period Other comprehensive loss for the period, net of tax Total comprehensive income (loss) for the period Transactions with owners recorded directly to equity Share-based payments (net of tax) Dividend paid to holders of non-controlling interests Balance at March 31, 2014 (440) 99 4,699 4,798 (12,765) (12,765) 3,773,381 7,206,034 * Restated – see Note 2D. The accompanying notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements are an integral part thereof. 7 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Changes in Equity Attributable to the owners of the Company Reserve for Capital transactions reserve with from holders of cash Other nonflow capital Translation controlling Retained hedges reserves adjustments interests earnings In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Share capital Premium on shares Total Noncontrolling interests Total equity 380,647 4,191,341 (8,343) 24,444 (1,780,978) (469,775) 3,501,196 *3,768,656 7,269,852 – – – – – – *(848,736) – – (845) – 7,006 – (743) – – (845) – 7,006 – (849,479) – – – – – – – – – – 304,922 – – – – *2,182 – 2,182 *20,037 22,219 – – – – – 398 398 17,776 18,174 – – – – – 761 761 (761) – – – – – 315 315 (303) – – – – – – – – – 4,492,044 (9,188) 24,444 (1,773,972) For the year ended December 31, 2014 Balance at January 1, 2014 Total comprehensive loss for the year Loss for the year Other comprehensive income (loss) for the year, net of tax Total comprehensive loss for the year Transactions with owners recorded directly to equity Conversion of loan into equity of subsidiary – Issuance of ordinary shares and options for ordinary shares, net 4,219 Sale of shares of subsidiary – Share-based payments (net of tax) – Options for shares of subsidiaries that expired – Exercise of options for shares of subsidiaries – Dividend paid to holders of non-controlling interests – Acquisition of non-controlling interests – Balance at December 31, 2014 384,866 – 300,703 315 (467,278) *1,163,860 (848,736) 5,418 (843,318) *(243,710) (1,092,446) (10,718) (5,300) (254,428) (1,097,746) – – – 315,855 86 – 315 2,966,771 – 86 304,922 – 12 (57,227) (57,227) (4,976) (4,661) 3,488,860 6,455,631 * Restated – see Note 2D. The accompanying notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements are an integral part thereof. 8 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Cash Flows For the Three Months Ended Year Ended March 31 December 31 2015 2014 2014 (Unaudited) (Audited) In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Cash flows from operating activities Net income (loss) for the period 38,537 Adjustments: Share in losses (income) of investee companies accounted for using the equity method of accounting Gain from decline in rate of holdings and sale of investee companies Depreciation and amortization and decline in value of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets Update of provision for decline in value of inventory of land and buildings Decline in value of investments, net Change in fair value of investment property, net Change in fair value of investment property under construction, net Capital losses (gains) on sale of property, plant and equipment and investment property, net Share-based payments Loss (gain) on marketable securities, net Taxes on income recognized in the statement of income Financing expenses, net Change in inventory of real estate Change in inventory of buildings held for sale Change in other inventories Change in trade receivables and other receivables and debits Change in contractors, trade payables and other payables and credits Change in advance deposits from customers Change in provisions and employee benefits Income taxes paid, net (31,689) – 25,420 *(1,092,446) 3,838 15,061 (213) (5,866) 20,626 114,813 2,639 – (86,458) 1,238 – (258,241) 41,149 1,863 (570,737) (29,346) (21,365) 750,744 211 2,756 (3,040) 17,711 206,265 (90,061) (40,856) (28,088) 11,461 (1,010) 4,798 (632) *39,169 311,629 **45,011 29,772 *23,030 *(132,851) (1,530) 18,174 3,812 *(14,905) 1,476,519 **(343,773) (62,159) *1,799 *21,861 1,819 137,716 946 (4,432) 158,145 18,908 (11,664) (822) *46,914 *353,221 16,049 (23,598) 131,511 ------------- Net cash provided by operating activities *45,794 275,160 ------------- 746,965 ------------- * Restated – see Note 2D. ** Retroactive adjustment due to change of accounting policy – see Note 3A. The accompanying notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements are an integral part thereof. 9 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Cash Flows For the Three Months Ended Year Ended March 31 December 31 2015 2014 2014 (Unaudited) (Audited) In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Cash flows from investing activities Income tax paid on sale of assets and investee companies Investment in associated and other companies Provision of loans to associated companies, net Investment in intangible assets Proceeds from sale of shares of investee companies and return of investment Investment in investment property and investment property under construction Investment in property, plant and equipment Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Proceeds from sale of investment property, net Investment in long-term deposits and loans Repayment of long-term deposits and loans Acquisition of marketable securities Sale of marketable securities Dividends received Interest received Short-term investments, net – (1,757) (1,067) (3,077) – 10,938 (50,519) (206,719) (14,377) (68,922) 63 ***47,545 17,090 ***145,855 (6,032) (5,053) 4,017 934 (34,723) (3,884) 4,598 37,801 5,326 87 8,051 13,707 287,888 (35,739) 215,481 ------------- Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (14,928) (1,924) (8,243) ***(6,560) (95,105) ------------- (18,832) (15,473) (29,741) (18,059) 136,937 (750,603) (215,248) 48,719 148,485 (99,504) 3,247 (7,815) 247,087 34,459 39,026 (507,215) (1,004,530) ------------- *** Reclassified – see Note 2D. The accompanying notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements are an integral part thereof. 10 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Cash Flows For the Three Months Ended Year Ended March 31 December 31 2015 2014 2014 (Unaudited) (Audited) In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Cash flows from financing activities Interest paid Dividend paid to holders of non-controlling interests Acquisition of non-controlling interests Issuance of capital to the owners of the Company, less issuance expenses Issuance of options for debentures Dividend paid to the shareholders Proceeds from exercise of options for shares of the Company and subsidiaries Proceeds from sale of shares of subsidiary Repayment of liabilities to sellers of land Receipt of long-term loans and liabilities and issuance of debentures Repayment of long-term loans, debentures and liabilities Short-term credit, net (180,703) – – – – (9) 22 – – (144,251) – – (778,245) (57,227) (4,661) – – – 305,927 15,520 – – – **– 12 22,219 **– 326,231 160,517 (483,493) **(119,401) 10,584 (105,916) 3,265,427 **(2,612,409) 52,872 (327,368) ------------- (209,051) ------------- 19,624 (28,996) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on balances of cash and cash equivalents 1,339,170 1,365,157 1,365,157 (18,676) (31,645) 22,143 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 1,340,118 1,304,516 1,339,170 Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 209,435 ------------(48,130) ** Retroactive adjustment due to change of accounting policy – see Note 3A. The accompanying notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements are an integral part thereof. 11 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 1 – General A. The Reporting Entity Africa Israel Investments Ltd. (hereinafter – “the Company”) is an Israeli-resident company that was incorporated in Israel and its registered address is Derech Hahoresh 4, Yehud. The Group’s consolidated financial statements as at March 31, 2015, include the financial statements of the Company and those of its subsidiaries (hereinafter – “the Group”) as well as the Group’s rights in associated companies and jointly controlled entities. The Company’s controlling shareholder is Mr. Lev Leviev, who holds the Company directly as well as through companies he wholly owns and controls. The Group is engaged in holdings and investments in a variety of sectors in and outside of Israel. The Company’s securities are registered for trading on the Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange. B. Impacts of Global Financial Events on the Group’s Activities Further to that stated in Note 1B to the Company’s annual financial statements as at December 31, 2014, in connection with the political conflict broke out between and Ukraine and Russia in 2014 relating to the Crimean Peninsula, the above-mentioned conflict triggered sanctions by the United States and other countries against Russia, and vice-versa, a decline in the foreign investments in Russia and an adverse impact on the exchange rate of the ruble. As a result of that stated above, there has been a deterioration of the Russian economy. During 2014 and particularly in the second half of the year, there was a significant drop in the world oil prices, where fuel is a significant resource for export and production of revenues in the Russian economy. The exchange rate of the ruble against the U.S. dollar dropped by about 72% in 2014 and the international rating companies gradually reduced the Russia’s credit rating. In light of the devaluation of the Russian ruble, inflationary pressures and instability in the short run, during 2014 the Central Bank of Russia increased the short-term inter-bank interest rate from 5.5% to 17%. It is noted that in the first three months of 2015 there was a devaluation of about 3.9% of the Russian ruble against the U.S. dollar. Since the date of the statement of financial position and up to just prior to the approval date of the financial statements, the Russian ruble strengthened against the U.S. dollar at the rate of about 9%. Continuation of the above-mentioned events, or an increase in the severity thereof, could have an adverse effect on various facets of the Group’s activities in Russian and/or data appearing in the financial statements, among others, as follows: – Unfavorable impact on the revenues in all that relating to the activities in Russia due to a decline in the demand in Russia in the commercial sector and in the residential sector; – Increase in the Group’s costs with respect to its activities in Russia; – Decrease in the value of the real estate properties as a result of the decrease in the revenues and/or an increase in the risk premium in the economy and, in turn, an increase in the discount rate taken into account when determining the value; 12 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 1 – General (Cont.) B. Impacts of Global Financial Events on the Group’s Activities (Cont.) – Increase in the financing expenses and/or an adverse impact on the available sources of financing. The Company and its outside consultants are continuing to track the economic developments in Russia, in general, and the real estate market, in particular. As at the approval date of the statement of financial position, the crisis with respect to the relationship between the Ukraine and Russia and reduction of the credit rating of Russia did not have a significant adverse effect on the Group, however, in light of the inability to predict the continuation of these matters or the manner of their future development and political and economic intensity, the Company is unable to estimate, at this stage, the future impact of these matters on the Group. As at the date of the statement of financial position, the Company had positive consolidated working capital, in the amount of about NIS 132 million, as a result of signing of new financing agreements in the period of the report with respect to loans that were expected to be repaid within twelve months following the date of the statement of financial position. From the financing standpoint, the Group identifies extreme caution on the part of the banks in providing credit to the real estate sector, which is expressed both by means of an impact on their readiness to provide credit to the real estate sector as well as through stricter credit terms and higher costs. As at the date of the statement of financial position, the Company was able to obtain financing from banks as stated in connection with development of projects the construction of which has commenced and it estimates that it will be able to receive financing for projects scheduled for development in the upcoming year in accordance with its work plan, as well as to refinance projects the loans of which are scheduled for repayment in the upcoming year pursuant to the original repayment schedule. Nonetheless, continuation or worsening of the present crisis could have a significant unfavorable impact on the Group’s ability to obtain credit for further projects in its activity countries. The Group is taking action to increase its liquid balances and to decrease its short-term liabilities, by means of a number of steps: – Entering into new financing agreements with respect to a number of loans provided in connection with rental properties in Europe, in the amount of an additional about NIS 303 million, which are expected to be repaid within the twelve-month period following the date of that statement of financial position, with respect to which a subsidiary, AFI Europe, has commenced contacts with the lenders and expects that it will sign new agreements prior to the final repayment dates. – Extension of the repayment dates of short-term loans taken out to finance construction of rental properties in Israel and Europe and replacement thereof with long-term loans. – Realization of rental properties in countries wherein the Group carries on activities and/or return of monies through re-financing, and/or sale of investments in investee companies. – Floating of debentures and/or expansion of existing series by the Group companies. 13 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 1 – General (Cont.) B. Impacts of Global Financial Events on the Group’s Activities (Cont.) In light of the economic and political uncertainty in some of the Group’s activity countries, the Group is carefully examining its targets in the real estate sector, and is focusing on the following items: – Projects that are in various stages of execution and that will be completed in 2015-2017. – Examination of the “release” of new projects in various different countries with emphasis on Russia and Eastern Europe. With respect to these projects, the Group’s policy is to re-examine the commencement date of the project and the infrastructures available to the Group to begin construction of the project, taking into account the existence of a number of preconditions, including, assurance of appropriate financing for each project, analysis of the macro-economic environment and the level of demand, prior to starting performance, along with the macro market conditions in the various countries wherein activities are carried on. – Concurrently, the Group endeavors to upgrade the lands on which it has not yet commenced construction, by means of obtaining the approvals required for the said construction. The Group examines on an ongoing basis possibilities to continue developing large-scale real estate and infrastructure projects in and outside of Israel, while taking strict care to disperse and allocate the resources to a number of projects, in order to reduce the exposure of any particular project. Continuation of the Group’s business initiation and development will be executed through use of the Group’s extensive land reserves in and outside of Israel, in the locations wherein the Group carries on activities, while giving due consideration to the lack of economic stability. In general, the Company, as an investments’ company, usually holds its investments for the long-term. However, where a business opportunity arises or there is an immediate need to increase liquidity (including in order to reduce liabilities), the Company considers possibilities for realizing its investments, taking into account, among other things, utilization of the full potential for improving of the investment, its connection to the core business of the Company Group and other relevant circumstances. In addition, the Company expects to increase its liquid resources by means of sale of assets and investments, raising of equity and debt, and dividends that will be distributed by investee companies. Against the background of that stated above, during 2015 the Group has taken a number of steps, primarily issuance of debentures and realization of properties, aimed at improving its liquidity position (regarding this matter – see Notes 4A(1), 4A(2)(b), 4A(3)(c), 4B(1), 4B(2), 9E and 9H). As a result, Company Management believes that the Company will be able to pay its liabilities as they come due. 14 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 1 – General (Cont.) C. Irregularities in the financial reports of Africa Industries, the consequences deriving therefrom on the financial position of Africa Industries and the plans of the management of Africa Industries in this regard: On March 18, 2015, the Board of Directors of Africa Industries decided to terminate the employment of the former CEO of Africa Industries, Mr. Avi Motola (who also served as the CEO of Negev Ceramics). On March 29, 2015, Africa Industries reported for the first time with respect to a contact made to the management of Africa Industries by a party in the Africa Industries Group, in connection with concerns of irregularities with respect to recording of income of one of the wholly-owned subsidiaries (indirectly) of Africa Industries, which operates in the area of home design. As a result of the above-mentioned contact, the management of Africa Industries started an immediate examination of the matter, with the assistance of an outside examiner that was appointed by the Board of Directors of Africa Industries. Upon conclusion of the examination processes, it became clear that over the course of a number of years and up to the end of 2014, revenues were improperly recorded early, duplication of revenues was made, trade receivables included in the financial statements of companies of the Negev Group for these years were erroneously recorded, and an artificial increase was recorded of the inventory categories of companies in the Negev Group. That stated above is in addition to irregularities found in the recording of the revenues of one of the companies in the Negev Group. It was further found that the cumulative impact of the errors in the financial statements of Africa Industries on the equity attributable to the owners of Africa Industries as at December 31, 2014, amounts to a reduction of about NIS 73 million and the cumulative impact on the equity attributable to the owners of the Company amounts to about NIS 45 million (this amount is after an adjustment made in the Company’s financial statements in 2014). In light of the findings of the examination, as stated above, Africa Industries restated its financial statements for 2014 in order to retroactively reflect therein the impacts of that stated above, wherein Africa Industries also included, aside from revised data for the period of the report, revised comparative data for the prior reporting periods wherein misstatements were included due to the errors referred to above. Restatement of the financial statements of Africa Industries caused a worsening in some of the financial covenants it is required to comply with under its financing agreements (some of which were violated even on the basis of the data prior to the restatement) and non-compliance with other financial covenants. The impact of the restatement together with the non-compliance with the financial covenants caused the management of Africa Industries to act in order to improve the financial positions of companies in the Africa Industries Group. 15 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 1 – General (Cont.) C. Irregularities in the financial reports of Africa Industries, the consequences deriving therefrom on the financial position of Africa Industries and the plans of the management of Africa Industries in this regard: (Cont.) The plans of the management of Africa Industries include, among other things: in the area of home design, the management of Africa Industries is endeavoring, with the assistance of its financial advisors, to update the business plan and to prepare an updated financing plan on the basis of which negotiations will be carried on with the financing parties for purposes of allocating the long-term and short-term bank debt, in such a manner that the Negev Group will hold signed bank credit frameworks. In the steel area, Africa Industries is making efforts to correct violations of the bank covenants through, among other things, reducing the scope of the working capital of the companies in the Africa Industries Group, and increasing the tangible capital of Packer Plada Industries Ltd. In addition to that stated above, Africa Industries is expected to receive cash flows from some of the companies in the Africa Industries Group and it will consider selling off assets in order to meet its liabilities. For this purpose, the management of Africa Industries has commenced examinations in order to advance transactions for sale of rights of real estate held by Africa Industries in Russia and in the steel sector in Israel. In addition, in coordination with the financing parties, Africa Industries has the alternative of selling dormant shares it holds of Africa Industries, in an amount equal to about 9.5% of the issued share capital of Africa Industries, the value of which, as at the date of the statement of financial position, amounted to about NIS 33 million. In the estimation of the Board of Directors and the management of Africa Industries, Africa Industries has the ability to comply with these plans of its management. On May 27, 2015, the Company’s Board of Directors approved, that to the extent the plans of the management of Africa Industries are not realized in the scope and/or at the times required by Africa Industries, the Company will act, after examination of the matter with the financing parties and pursuant to the understandings that will be reached with them, to assist Africa Industries by means of interim financing up to the time that the plans of the management of Africa Industries are realized. Provision of financing, as stated, will be made subject to receipt of the approvals required by law. The Company examined the said adjustments and the impact thereof on the Company’s financial statements. In light of the findings of the examinations, as stated above, the Company made, as part of its financial statements as at March 31, 2015, a restatement of the comparative data for the year ended December 31, 2014 and for the three-month period ended on March 31, 2014 – see Note 2D. 16 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 2 – Basis of Preparation of the Financial Statements A. Declaration of compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) The condensed consolidated interim financial statements were prepared in accordance with IAS 34, “Financial Reporting for Interim Periods” and do not include all of the information required in complete, annual financial statements. These statements should be read together with the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2014 (hereinafter – “the Annual Financial Statements”). In addition, these financial statements were prepared in accordance with the provisions of Section D of the Securities Regulations (Periodic and Immediate Reports) 1970. The condensed, consolidated, interim financial statements were approved for publication by the Company’s Board of Directors on May 31, 2015. B. Use of estimates and judgment In preparation of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements in accordance with IFRS, Company management is required to use judgment when making estimates, assessments and assumptions that affect implementation of the policies and the amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. It is clarified that the actual results are likely to be different from these estimates. Management’s judgment, at the time of implementing the Group’s accounting policies and the main assumptions used in the estimates involving uncertainty, are consistent with those used in the Annual Financial Statements. C. Reclassification In these financial statements, the Company reclassified data in the statement of cash flows for the three months ended March 31, 2014, in the amount of about NIS 42 million, from cash flows provided by sale of investment property to cash flows provided by sale of property, plant and equipment. The reclassification was made as a reclassification within the category “cash flows from investing activities”. D. Restatement (1) Further to that stated in Note 1C, regarding irregularities in the financial reports of Africa Industries, the Company restated in these financial statements revised comparative data with respect to prior reporting periods wherein there were errors as a result of the above-mentioned misstatements. Set forth below is detail of the revisions: 17 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 2 – Basis of Preparation of the Financial Statements (Cont.) D. Restatement (Cont.) (1) (Cont.) Impact of the revision of the statements of financial position As at March 31, 2014 As reported As Impact in these previously of the financial reported restatement statements In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Unaudited Trade receivables Other receivables and debit balances Income tax receivable Other inventory Deferred tax assets Deposits from customers Liability for deferred taxes Retained earnings Non-controlling interests 1,330,856 638,330 33,318 544,998 81,115 (832,102) (994,828) (1,211,994) (3,788,189) (64,970) 7,703 4,961 (12,143) 2,179 (1,384) 371 48,475 14,808 1,265,886 646,033 38,279 532,855 83,294 (833,486) (994,457) (1,163,519) (3,773,381) As at December 31, 2014 As reported As Impact in these previously of the financial reported restatement statements In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Audited Trade receivables Other receivables and debit balances Income tax receivable Other inventory Deferred tax assets Deposits from customers Payables and other credits, including derivative instruments Income taxes payable Liability for deferred taxes Retained earnings Non-controlling interests Capital reserves 18 1,190,034 460,984 31,980 562,698 108,596 (1,153,435) (46,823) (685) 4,415 (9,006) (4,039) (2,384) 1,143,211 460,299 36,395 553,692 104,557 (1,155,819) (570,393) (96,978) (967,649) (361,627) (3,504,785) 2,228,795 (2,999) 365 2,260 45,772 15,925 (2,801) (573,392) (96,613) (965,389) (315,855) (3,488,860) 2,225,994 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 2 – Basis of Preparation of the Financial Statements (Cont.) D. Restatement (Cont.) (1) (Cont.) Impact of the revision of the equity As at January 1, 2014 As reported As Impact in these previously of the financial reported restatement statements In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Audited Retained earnings Non-controlling interests 1,205,103 3,781,255 (41,243) (12,599) 1,163,860 3,768,656 Impact of the revision of the statements of comprehensive income For the three months ended March 31, 2014 As reported As Impact in these previously of the financial reported restatement statements In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Unaudited Income from industry Costs and expenses in industry Taxes on income Income for the period Income (loss) attributable to: The owners of the Company Non-controlling interests Earnings per share – in NIS 19 486,217 (447,833) (38,106) 55,235 (9,200) 822 (1,063) (9,441) 477,017 (447,011) (39,169) 45,794 6,792 48,443 0.04 (7,232) (2,209) (0.04) (440) 46,234 0.00 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 2 – Basis of Preparation of the Financial Statements (Cont.) D. Restatement (Cont.) (1) (Cont.) Impact of the revision of the statements of comprehensive income (Cont.) For the year ended December 31, 2014 As reported As Impact in these previously of the financial reported restatement statements In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Audited Income from industry Costs and expenses in industry Taxes on income Administrative and general expenses Loss for the period Loss attributable to: The owners of the Company Non-controlling interests Loss per share – in NIS 20 1,802,724 (1,731,170) 20,479 (274,638) (1,087,392) 9,736 (7,673) (5,574) (1,543) (5,054) 1,812,460 (1,738,843) 14,905 (276,181) (1,092,446) (844,207) (243,185) (4.39) (4,529) (525) (0.02) (848,736) (243,710) (4.41) Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 2 – Basis of Preparation of the Financial Statements (Cont.) D. Restatement (Cont.) (2) Set forth below is revised comparative data wherein there were misstatements as a result of the errors, as stated, that were not included as part of the comparative data in the Company’s financial statements as at March 31, 2015: Comparative Data As at December 31, 2013 As reported As Impact in these previously of the financial reported restatement statements In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Audited Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Short-term investments Marketable securities Trade receivables Receivables and other debits, including derivative instruments Income taxes receivable Inventory of buildings held for sale Other inventory Assets held for sale Non-Current Assets Investments in equity-accounted investees Loans to investee companies Property, plant and equipment Investment property Investment property under construction Long-term loans investments and other debit balances Inventory of real estate Intangible assets Excess of assets over liabilities in respect of employee benefits Deferred tax assets 21 1,365,157 287,291 394,531 1,224,988 – – – (55,534) 1,365,157 287,291 394,531 1,169,454 667,108 39,151 1,667,527 568,939 233,025 6,447,717 --------------- 7,345 5,455 – (12,845) – (55,579) --------- 674,453 44,606 1,667,527 556,094 233,025 6,392,138 --------------- 505,773 380,666 1,197,368 11,124,395 2,880,595 – – – – – 505,773 380,666 1,197,368 11,124,395 2,880,595 73,661 1,773,634 170,732 – – – 73,661 1,773,634 170,732 1,496 80,527 18,188,847 --------------24,636,564 – 3,120 3,120 --------(52,459) 1,496 83,647 18,191,967 --------------24,584,105 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 2 – Basis of Preparation of the Financial Statements (Cont.) D. Restatement (Cont.) (2) Set forth below is revised comparative data wherein there were misstatements as a result of the errors, as stated, that were not included as part of the comparative data in the Company’s financial statements as at March 31, 2015: Comparative Data As at December 31, 2013 As reported As Impact in these previously of the financial reported restatement statements In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Audited Current Liabilities Debentures Short-term credit from banks and others Contractors and suppliers Payables and other credits, including derivative instruments Income taxes payable Advance deposit from customers Provisions Total current liabilities Long-Term Liabilities Debentures Liabilities to banks Other liabilities Excess of losses over investments in equity-accounted investee companies Employee benefits Deferred tax liabilities Total long-term liabilities Equity Share capital Premium on shares Capital reserves Retained earnings Total equity attributable to the owners of the Company Non-controlling interests Total equity Total liabilities and equity 22 388,674 3,835,365 727,615 847,370 81,000 812,875 428,159 7,121,058 --------------3,592,337 4,905,066 709,165 3,234 20,959 961,051 10,191,812 --------------- 380,647 4,191,341 (2,234,652) 1,205,103 3,542,439 3,781,255 7,323,694 --------------24,636,564 – – – – – 1,383 – 1,383 --------– – – – – – – --------– – – (41,243) (41,243) (12,599) (53,842) --------(52,459) 388,674 3,835,365 727,615 847,370 81,000 814,258 428,159 7,122,441 --------------3,592,337 4,905,066 709,165 3,234 20,959 961,051 10,191,812 --------------- 380,647 4,191,341 (2,234,652) 1,163,860 3,501,196 3,768,656 7,269,852 --------------24,584,105 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 2 – Basis of Preparation of the Financial Statements (Cont.) D. Restatement (Cont.) (2) (Cont.) Comparative Data As at December 31, 2012 As reported As Impact in these previously of the financial reported restatement statements In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Audited Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Short-term investments Marketable securities Trade receivables Receivables and other debits, including derivative instruments Income taxes receivable Inventory of buildings held for sale Other inventory Assets held for sale Non-Current Assets Investments in equity-accounted investees Loans to investee companies Property, plant and equipment Investment property Investment property under construction Long-term loans investments and other debit balances Inventory of real estate Intangible assets Excess of assets over liabilities in respect of employee benefits Deferred tax assets 23 1,746,507 326,339 335,128 1,245,898 – – – (46,074) 1,746,507 326,339 335,128 1,199,824 561,501 40,111 1,891,011 562,541 531,351 7,240,387 --------------- 5,012 4,680 – 12,711 – (23,671) --------- 566,513 44,791 1,891,011 575,252 531,351 7,216,716 --------------- 859,112 793,466 1,055,090 9,919,112 2,896,344 – – – – – 859,112 793,466 1,055,090 9,919,112 2,896,344 136,440 1,472,360 169,704 – – – 136,440 1,472,360 169,704 1,582 63,170 17,366,380 --------------24,606,767 – 1,880 1,880 --------(21,791) 1,582 65,050 17,368,260 --------------24,584,976 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 2 – Basis of Preparation of the Financial Statements (Cont.) D. Restatement (Cont.) (2) (Cont.) Comparative Data As at December 31, 2012 As reported As Impact in these previously of the financial reported restatement statements In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Audited Current Liabilities Debentures Short-term credit from banks and others Contractors and suppliers Payables and other credits, including derivative instruments Income taxes payable Advance deposit from customers Provisions Payables and other credits, including interests Total current liabilities Long-Term Liabilities Debentures Liabilities to banks Other liabilities Excess of losses over investments in equity-accounted investee companies Employee benefits Deferred tax liabilities Total long-term liabilities Equity Share capital Premium on shares Capital reserves Retained earnings Total equity attributable to the owners of the Company Non-controlling interests Total equity Total liabilities and equity 24 640,899 2,460,863 724,399 – – – 640,899 2,460,863 724,399 1,227,425 68,489 965,814 352,455 – – 1,385 – 1,227,425 68,489 967,199 352,455 9,994 6,450,338 --------------- – 1,385 --------- 9,994 6,451,723 --------------- 3,471,887 5,832,649 537,836 4,270 19,726 778,188 10,644,556 --------------- 377,746 3,976,642 (1,866,026) 1,279,728 3,768,090 3,743,783 7,511,873 --------------24,606,767 – – – – – – – --------– – – (17,753) (17,753) (5,423) (23,176) --------(21,791) 3,471,887 5,832,649 537,836 4,270 19,726 778,188 10,644,556 --------------- 377,746 3,976,642 (1,866,026) 1,261,975 3,750,337 3,738,360 7,488,697 --------------24,584,976 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 2 – Basis of Preparation of the Financial Statements (Cont.) D. Restatement (Cont.) (2) (Cont.) Comparative Data As at January 1, 2012 As reported As Impact in these previously of the financial reported restatement statements In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Audited Retained earnings Non-controlling interests 2,276,368 4,306,366 25 (9,736) (2,974) 2,266,632 4,303,392 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 2 – Basis of Preparation of the Financial Statements (Cont.) D. Restatement (Cont.) (2) (Cont.) Comparative Data For the Year Ended December 31, 2013 As reported As Impact in these previously of the financial reported restatement statements In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Audited Revenues Construction and real estate transactions Rental and operation of properties Industry Other activities Increase in fair value of investment property, net Increase in fair value of investment property under construction, net Other income Costs and Expenses Construction and real estate transactions Update of provision for impairment in value of inventory of land and buildings, net Maintenance, supervision and management of land and properties Industry Other activities Share in losses of equity-accounted investee companies, net Administrative and general expenses Amortization of intangible assets and other expenses Operating income Financing expenses Financing income Financing expenses, net Income before taxes on income Taxes on income Net income for the year Net income (loss) allocable to: The owners of the Company Non-controlling interests Net income for the year Loss per share Basic and diluted loss per share (in NIS) 26 3,193,070 840,704 2,001,010 76,497 384,798 – – (9,050) – – 3,193,070 840,704 1,991,960 76,497 384,798 220,776 300,183 7,017,038 ------------- – – (9,050) --------- 220,776 300,183 7,007,988 ------------- 2,928,392 – 2,928,392 50,113 – 50,113 257,592 1,837,835 69,001 24,903 257,192 – 23,633 – – – 257,592 1,861,468 69,001 24,903 257,192 98,620 5,523,648 ------------1,493,390 ------------(1,279,040) 138,282 (1,140,758) ------------352,632 (202,398) 150,234 – 23,633 --------(32,683) --------– – – --------(32,683) 2,015 (30,668) 98,620 5,547,281 ------------1,460,707 ------------(1,279,040) 138,282 (1,140,758) ------------319,949 (200,383) 119,566 (74,869) 225,103 150,234 (23,492) (7,176) (30,668) (98,361) 217,927 119,566 (0.45) (0.14) (0.59) Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 2 – Basis of Preparation of the Financial Statements (Cont.) D. Restatement (Cont.) (2) (Cont.) Comparative Data For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 As reported As Impact in these previously of the financial reported restatement statements In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Audited Revenues Construction and real estate transactions Rental and operation of properties Industry Other activities Share in losses of equity-accounted investee companies, net Other income Costs and Expenses Construction and real estate transactions Update of provision for impairment in value of inventory of land and buildings, net Maintenance, supervision and management of land and properties Decrease in fair value of investment property, net Decrease in fair value of investment property under construction, net Industry Other activities Administrative and general expenses Amortization of intangible assets and other expenses 3,693,364 732,395 2,064,820 65,105 – – (21,277) – 3,693,364 732,395 2,043,543 65,105 81,481 147,577 6,784,742 ------------- – – (21,277) --------- 81,481 147,577 6,763,465 ------------- 3,446,323 – 3,446,323 266,306 – 266,306 214,254 – 214,254 21,432 – 21,432 835,444 1,930,014 76,775 286,792 – (7,885) – – 835,444 1,922,129 76,775 286,792 Loss before taxes on income Taxes on income Loss from continuing operations Loss from discontinued operations (after tax) Loss for the year 217,576 7,294,916 ------------(510,174) ------------(1,145,165) 361,531 (783,634) ------------(1,293,808) (72,963) (1,366,771) (28,761) (1,395,532) – (7,885) --------(13,392) --------– – – --------(13,392) 2,926 (10,466) – (10,466) 217,576 7,287,031 ------------(523,566) ------------(1,145,165) 361,531 (783,634) ------------(1,307,200) (70,037) (1,377,237) (28,761) (1,405,998) Loss allocable to: The owners of the Company Non-controlling interests Loss for the year (1,002,627) (392,905) (1,395,532) (8,017) (2,449) (10,466) (1,010,644) (395,354) (1,405,998) (6.89) (0.05) (6.94) Operating income Financing expenses Financing income Financing expenses, net Loss per share Basic and diluted loss per share (in NIS) 27 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 2 – Basis of Preparation of the Financial Statements (Cont.) D. Restatement (Cont.) (2) (Cont.) Home Design Segment For the year ended December 31, 2013 As reported As Impact in these previously of the financial reported restatement statements In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Audited Total revenues from outside parties 849,443 (9,050) 840,393 Revenues from inter-segment sales 38,461 – 38,461 Segment results Actuarial losses Segment income before taxes 33,658 (547) 33,111 (32,683) – (32,683) Segment assets – December 31, 2013 Segment liabilities – December 31, 2013 975 (547) 428 1,280,563 (52,459) 1,228,104 1,060,104 1,383 1,061,487 Home Design Segment For the year ended December 31, 2012 As reported As Impact in these previously of the financial reported restatement statements In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Audited Total revenues from outside parties 773,862 (19,885) 753,977 Revenues from inter-segment sales 35,753 (1,392) 34,361 Segment results Actuarial losses Segment income before taxes 39,769 (632) 39,137 (13,392) – (13,392) 26,377 (632) 25,745 Segment assets – December 31, 2012 Segment liabilities – December 31, 2012 28 962,975 (8,690) 954,285 787,712 (162) 787,550 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 3 – Significant Accounting Policies Except as detailed in Section A below, the Group’s accounting policies in these condensed consolidated interim financial statements are the same as the policies applied in the Annual Financial Statements. A. Retroactive adjustment in respect of change in accounting policy The Company changed its accounting policy with respect to classification of the cash flows used for payment of liabilities to sellers of real estate as part of combination transactions in exchange for transfer of part of the revenues from the venture. Up to December 31, 2014, the cash flows, as stated, were classified in the statement of cash flows as part of financing activities. Commencing with the financial statements as at March 15, 2015, the cash flows, as stated, are classified in the statement of cash flows as part of operating activities. The Company believes that the accounting policy adopted as part of the said change is more reliable and relevant since combination transactions in exchange for transfer of part of the revenues reflect acquisition of inventory of real estate for purposes of the main business activity. Set forth below is information with respect to the impact of the retroactive adjustment due to the change in the accounting policy in the statements of cash flows: For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2014 Impact of the As reported As change in in these previously accounting financial reported restatement statements In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Unaudited Cash flows from operating activities 282,035 (6,875) 275,160 Cash flows from financing activities (215,926) (6,875) (222,801) For the Year Ended December 31, 2014 Impact of the As reported As change in in these previously accounting financial reported restatement statements In Thousands of New Israeli Shekels Audited Cash flows from operating activities 784,579 (37,614) 746,965 Cash flows from financing activities 171,821 37,614 209,435 29 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 3 – Significant Accounting Policies (Cont.) B. New accounting standards and interpretations not yet adopted (1) International Financial Reporting Standard IFRS 15, Revenues from Contracts with Customers (hereinafter – “the Standard”) Further to that stated in the disclosure with respect to new standards and interpretations not yet adopted in the “Significant Accounting Policies” note in the annual financial statements as at December 31, 2014, at this preliminary stage, the Group is not able to estimate the impact of application of the Standard on its financial position and results of operations. The Group will examine the impact of application of the Standard’s provisions on the contracts with its customers and will also examine whether these provisions will have a significant impact on the timing and manner of recognition of the revenues from these contracts, which are capable of having a significant impact on the financial statements. (2) International Financial Reporting Standard IFRS 9 (2014), Financial Instruments (hereinafter – “the Standard”) Further to that stated in the disclosure with respect to new standards and interpretations not yet adopted in the “Significant Accounting Policies” note in the annual financial statements as at December 31, 2014, the Group is examining the impacts of application of the Standard on the financial statements, with no intention of making early adoption. C. Exchange rates and linkage basis (1) Balances in foreign currency, or linked thereto, are included in the financial statements based on the representative rates of exchange published by Bank of Israel and that were in effect at the end of the period of the report. (2) Balances linked to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) are presented in accordance with the last “known” index at the end of the period of the report (the index for the month preceding the date of the financial report). (3) Set forth below is data with respect to the rate of exchange of the euro, the U.S. dollar and the ruble, and with respect to the Consumer Price Index (CPI): 30 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 3 – Significant Accounting Policies (Cont.) C. Exchange rates and linkage basis (Cont.) Representative rate of exchange of the Ruble Euro U.S. Dollar NIS NIS NIS Date of the financial statements: March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014 December 31, 2014 Rate of change in the period: Three months ended March 31, 2015 Three months ended March 31, 2014 Year ended December 31, 2014 “Known” CPI in Israel In points 0.068 0.097 0.069 4.273 4.812 4.725 3.980 3.487 3.889 122.34 106.78 124.32 (1.45) (10.0) 2.34 (1.60) (7.48) (0.64) 0.46 (0.68) (34.30) (1.20) 12.0 (0.10) Note 4 – Significant Events during the Period of the Report A. Real Estate Activities Outside of Israel (1) Real estate activities in the United States In May 2015, a foreign company in the United States in which the Company holds, indirectly through AFI USA, 50.1% of the shares (hereinafter – “the Seller”), signed an agreement (hereinafter – “the Agreement”) with a third party that is not related to the Group (hereinafter – “the Purchaser”) for sale of the balance of its rights in the “Times Square” building, in New York in the United States (hereinafter – “the Property”), for a consideration of about NIS 1.1 billion (about US$295 million) (hereinafter – “the Consideration”). As part of the Agreement, it was provided that the Purchaser will transfer a “hard” deposit to the Seller on account of the Consideration, in the amount of US$12.5 million, which will be deposited in trust on the signing date of the Agreement and, in fact, in May 2015 the deposit, as stated, was made in the trust account. The balance the Consideration is to be transferred to the Seller on the closing date of the transaction (if it is ultimately closed), which is to take place no later than 90 days from the signing date (hereinafter – “the Closing Date”). As part of the Agreement, it was provided that the Purchaser has the right to postpone the Closing Date for two periods of 45 days each. If the Purchaser exercises this right, the Purchaser is to transfer to the Seller (in trust) additional amounts of US$1.25 million for each postponement period, which will also constitute a “hard” deposit (on account of the Consideration) that will not be returned to the Purchaser. 31 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 4 – Significant Events during the Period of the Report (Cont.) A. Real Estate Activities Outside of Israel (Cont.) (1) Real estate activities in the United States (Cont.) If and to the extent the transaction is closed, the Company is expected to receive total net cash flows (after repayment of the loan used to purchase the Property), in the amount of about NIS 134 million (about US$35 million). The Company is not expected to record significant income in respect of the transaction. In respect of the Company’s activities in the United States, a reserve has been accumulated as part of the equity attributable to the owners of the Company from translation adjustments of foreign activities, in the amount of about NIS 390 million, which is expected to be reclassified to the statement of income upon the Closing of the transaction (if and to the extent the transaction is closed). The said reclassification is not expected to have an impact on the equity attributable to the owners of the Company. As at the date of the statement of financial position, the Seller recognized income from revaluation of the Property to the selling price, in the amount of about NIS 60 million (the Company’s share – about NIS 30 million). (2) Real estate activities in Russia (a) In the three months ended March 31, 2015, the subsidiary, AFI Development, through which the Group’s activities are carried on in Russia (hereinafter – “AFI Development”), recorded an increase in the fair value of investment property and investment property under construction, in the amount of about U.S.$21.4 million (about NIS 85 million). The above-mentioned increase in fair value was created as a result of the weakening of the ruble against the U.S. dollar by about 3.9% in the said period. The fair values of AFI Development’s investment property and investment property under construction, in dollar values, compared with December 31, 2014, remain unchanged. (b) During January 2015, a subsidiary of AFI Development, which holds the rights in the Uzerkovsky 3 project (hereinafter – “the Subsidiary”) signed an agreement for extension of a loan, in the amount of U.S.$205 million, with the lending bank, such that the repayment date was postponed from January 2015 to January 2018 (hereinafter – “the Loan” and/or “the Agreement”). In addition, it was determined that upon the signing, the Subsidiary will repay U.S.$10 million of the loan principal. Pursuant to the agreement, about 10% of the remaining loan principal is to be repaid in installments, and about 90% of the loan principal is to be repaid in January 2018. Financial covenants were also provided in the agreement as follows: – The ratio of the cash-flow revenues of the property on a NOI basis to the debt payments including principal and interest (DSCR) in the next twelve months shall be higher than 1.2, and are to be calculated starting from the fourth quarter of 2015. – Minimum LTV ratio – 65% calculated commencing from January 2015. 32 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 4 – Significant Events during the Period of the Report (Cont.) A. Real Estate Activities Outside of Israel (Cont.) (2) Real estate activities in Russia (Cont.) (b) (Cont.) Pursuant to the above-mentioned agreement, the Subsidiary repaid US$10 million of the loan principal, such that as at March 31, 2015, the balance of the loan principal was US$195 million. As at the date of the statement of financial position, AFI Development was in compliance with the financial covenants referred to above. (3) Real estate activities in Central and Eastern Europe (a) During February 2015, AFI Europe, a subsidiary through which the Group’s activities are carried out in Central and Eastern Europe (hereinafter – “AFI Europe”), won a tender for acquisition of a building in Warsaw, Poland, for a consideration of about €2.2 million (hereinafter – “the Acquisition Transaction”). AFI Europe intends to develop the property for residential and commercial uses on an aggregate area measuring about 5,000 square meters. The Acquisition Transaction was completed in March 2015. (b) In March 2015, a Polish subsidiary of AFI Europe signed a preliminary agreement for acquisition of land, for the total amount of about €3,200 thousand, in the City of Krakow, in Poland, on which an office building project held for rent is planned to be constructed, on an aggregate area measuring 16,400 square meters. On the signing date, AFI Europe paid a deposit of €600 thousand. Completion of the transaction is expected to take place in May 2015. In addition, a conditional agreement was signed for acquisition of an adjacent land parcel, on which an office building project held for rent is planned to be constructed, on an aggregate area measuring 7,950 square meters. (c) During March 2015, a subsidiary of AFI Europe in Belgrade, Serbia, signed a refinancing agreement with the lending bank for Stage A of the project. The agreement provides that a loan, in the amount of about €16 million is to be repaid, and in its place the subsidiary will receive a loan in the amount of about €20.7 million, which will be classified as long-term. (d) On March 31, 2015, AFI Europe made a valuation of the AFI Park 3 office building project (located adjacent to the Cotroceni shopping mall in Romania), due to its completion and reclassification thereof from investment property under construction to investment property. The valuation was made by an external independent appraiser. As a result, AFI Europe recorded an increase in the fair value of investment property, in the amount of about NIS 17.4 million. The discount rate used for purposes of the valuation was 8%. 33 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 4 – Significant Events during the Period of the Report (Cont.) B. Africa Israel Properties Ltd. (a subsidiary, hereinafter – “Africa Properties”) (1) Further to that stated in Note 19E(2)(b)(v) (Note 19D(2)(a)(v)) to the annual financial statements, during February and March 2015 Africa Properties made an expansion of the debentures (Series G), whereby Africa Properties raised the gross amount of about NIS 206 million, against issuance of NIS 220 million par value debentures, bearing effective interest of 5%-5.5%. The issuance expenses amounted to about NIS 1.7 million. (2) In January 2015, a subsidiary in Israel (which is wholly-owned by Africa Properties) signed an option for sale of its share in land in the Lod area to a third party, for a consideration of about NIS 15.5 million (the share of Africa Properties in the consideration), which is expected to be received in 2015–2016. In consideration for the option, Africa Properties received the amount of NIS 750 thousand, which in the case of execution of the transaction will be offset against the total sale consideration. Africa Properties does not expect a significant gain or loss upon completion of the transaction. (3) Further to that stated in Note 5B(5) to the annual financial statements, regarding a rental residential project, Galilee Yam, in Herzliya, in January 2015, Africa Properties and Africa Residences (hereinafter together – “the Borrowers”) signed an agreement with an institutional entity (hereinafter – “the Lender”) for receipt of financing for the planning and construction of the project (hereinafter – “the Loan Agreement”). The Lender committed to provide financing for the project, in an aggregate amount of up to about NIS 300 million, where the loan period was set in such a manner that about 3.25 years relate to the construction period of the project (hereinafter – “the Construction Period”) and the final about 21 years relate to the rental period of the project’s residential units (hereinafter – “the Operation Period”). In addition, it was agreed with respect to extension of the loan period for an additional period of up to two years, under certain conditions. The Loan Agreement provides a number of financial conditions, such as events for calling the loan for immediate repayment, a right of the Borrowers to withdraw the additional amount, a right of the Borrowers to distribution of surpluses, a right of the Borrowers to reduce the Lender’s right of recourse to them, and others. Regarding events for calling the loan for immediate repayment, financial covenants were provided with respect to the coverage ratio between the cash flows available for service of the debt in the twelve-month period preceding the date of the relevant examination and the total debt service payments in this period (ADSCR); the coverage ratio between the cash flows available for service of the debt expected up to the final repayment date of the loan out of the equity based on the weighted-average rate of the interest in respect of the project loans and the unpaid balance of the project loans on the date of the relevant examination (LLCR); a future debt coverage ratio; and a minimum rating of the debt by a rating company. In addition, the Loan Agreement provides mechanisms for correcting violations of the above-mentioned financial covenants. 34 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 4 – Significant Events during the Period of the Report (Cont.) B. Africa Israel Properties Ltd. (a subsidiary, hereinafter – “Africa Properties”) (Cont.) (3) (Cont.) In order to secure repayment of the loan, a lien will be placed in favor of the Lender on, among other things, all the rights of the Borrowers in the project’s real estate, all the rights of the Borrowers in the lease agreements with the tenants in the project (including the collaterals provided to them by the tenants), all the Borrowers’ rights under the tender agreements with the State of Israel, all the Borrowers’ rights under the construction agreement with Danya Cebus, all the Borrowers’ rights vis-à-vis the project’s operating contractor (to the extent it will be a party that is not the Borrowers themselves or a party under their control), and all the Borrowers’ rights with reference to the project’s material documents and of the joint venture. In the valuation performed, using the extraction method, as at December 31, 2014, the discount rate used by the appraisers was 6%. Provision of the loan is subject to compliance with a number of preconditions, mainly, the accuracy of the representations provided in the Loan Agreement on the withdrawal date of the loan principal amounts, receipt of the State’s approval with respect to certain matters relating to the Borrowers’ undertaking with the Lender and to creation of the required liens in favor of the Lender, and receipt of a rating for the project debt that will not be lower than a rating of BBB for securing the loan. The last date determined for fulfillment of the preconditions and provision of the loan is 150 days after the signing date of the Loan Agreement. As at the date of the statement of financial position, the loan had not yet been received. C. Africa Israel Industries Ltd. (a subsidiary, hereinafter – “Africa Industries”) (1) On March 18, 2015, it was decided by the Board of Directors of Africa Industries to conclude the employment of Mr. Avi Motola as the CEO of Africa Industries. (2) Regarding irregularities in the financial reports of Africa Industries and the consequences deriving therefrom on the Company’s statement of financial position – see Note 1C and Note 2D, above. D. Africa Israel Residences Ltd. (a subsidiary, hereinafter – “Africa Residences”) (1) In March 2015, a notice was received from the Israel Lands Administration of a win by Africa Residences in a tender for an undertaking in a lease contract in connection with land in the City of Modi’in, on an area measuring about 14 dunams, also known as Block 5640, Parcels 6 and 38 (hereinafter – “the Land”), for construction of 196 residential units and about 4,000 square meters of commercial areas, for a consideration of NIS 82 million (not including VAT) plus developments costs, in the amount of about NIS 39.8 million. Africa Residences paid the consideration and the developments costs, as stated, from its own sources and from the proceeds of a bank loan. 35 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 4 – Significant Events during the Period of the Report (Cont.) D. Africa Israel Residences Ltd. (a subsidiary, hereinafter – “Africa Residences”) (Cont.) (2) In March 2015, Africa Residences, declared distribution of a dividend, in the amount of NIS 50 million, which was paid in April 2015 (the Company’s share is about NIS 30 million). (3) For details regarding an undertaking of Africa Properties and Africa Residences in an agreement with an institutional entity for receipt of financing for the planning and construction of a rental residential project in Herzliya – see Note 4B(3) above. (4) In February 2015, Africa Residences signed an agreement for acquisition of the rights of a third party that is not related to Africa Residences and/or to the controlling shareholders thereof, constituting 37.5% of Parcel 26 in Block 6213, which is part of the Sumail site (hereinafter – “the Site”), for a consideration equivalent to NIS 140.5 million. For details regarding additional rights of the Group in the Site – see Note 4E(2), below. E. Additional information at the level of the Group and the Company (1) Further to that stated in Note 37E(7) to the annual financial statements, regarding a request for approval of a derivative claim (hereinafter – “the Request”) that was filed by a person who claims to hold shares of the Company, commencing from 2008, having a value of about NIS 1,900 (hereinafter – “the Plaintiff”), against the Company’s Board of Directors (in the period relevant to the claim, including the Company’s controlling shareholder, who serves as the Chairman of the Company’s Board of Directors) (hereinafter – “the Members of the Board of Directors”), in the amount of about NIS 86 million, on April 26, 2015, a decision was rendered by the Supreme Court, which almost completely accepted the Company’s appeal. The Supreme Court accepted the appeal regarding the directors in full and completely rejected the request for approval of the derivative claim against them (with respect to negligence due to the exemption condition in the debt arrangement and deception as a result of the fact that the transaction was not brought for approval of the Board of Directors). Also regarding the claim against the controlling shareholder, Mr. Leviev, the Supreme Court accepted the appeal in all that relating to the negligence cause of action due to the exemption condition and provided that it approves the claim, even this very marginally, only with respect to the causes of action of deception and breach of a trust lacking good faith, this being in light of fact that they were not sufficiently clarified in the prior court proceeding. That is, the derivative claim may be tried only against Mr. Leviev, and it is limited solely to the deception cause of action, such that the Plaintiff must demonstrate in his claim a relationship of Mr. Leviev to the company being acquired and that Mr. Leviev unlawfully received monies as a result of the transaction. (2) Further to that stated in Note 38K(6) to the annual financial statements, regarding negotiations for sale of its rights in four land parcels and/or residential projects and/or proximate to residential projects (including sale of shares of companies that have rights, as stated) (hereinafter – “the Properties”) to Africa Residences, during March 2015, the Company’s Board of Directors and the Board of Directors of Africa Residences approved sale of the Company’s rights (40% of the issued and paid-up share capital) in one of the Properties (Afriram Ltd.) (hereinafter – “Afriram”) and the rights of Africa Investments in a loan it granted to Afriram, to Africa Residences. 36 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 4 – Significant Events during the Period of the Report (Cont.) E. Additional information at the level of the Group and the Company (Cont.) (2) (Cont.) During April 2015, after receipt of approval of the General Meeting of the shareholders of Africa Residences, the undertaking was completed, for a consideration in the amount of about NIS 40.3 million. (3) In March 2015, Midrug lowered the rating of all of the Company’s debentures from A3 to Baa1 with negative outlooks. As a result of the lowering of the rating of the debentures (Series ZB), an update was made of the interest rate on the debentures (Series ZB), such that the forecasted payments on the debentures (Series ZB) reflect the updated interest rate (an increase from 5.7% to 5.95%) commencing from the beginning of the next interest period, starting from September 1, 2015. (4) In January 2015, the Company’s Board of Directors decided to make early repayment of part of the debentures (Series Z) in the amount of NIS 198.156 million, which was made on February 1, 2015 (hereinafter – “the Early Repayment Date”), and to make early repayment of part of the debentures (Series ZA) in the amount of NIS 99.848 million, which was made on the Early Repayment Date (hereinafter – “the debentures (Series Z) and (Series ZA)” and “the Early Repayment”, respectively). The Early Repayment, as stated, reflects advancement of the upcoming principal payment of each of the debenture series (Series Z) and (Series ZA) (of May 2015), and the source of the Early Repayment amounts detailed above is the proceeds from issuance of the Company’s debentures (Series ZB), as detailed in Note 19E(1)(d) (Note 19D(1)(d)), to the annual financial statements. (5) In March 2015, 1,386 options were exercised for 1,386 of the Company’s ordinary shares, in exchange for a consideration of about NIS 16 thousand. The options that were not exercised expired on March 31, 2015. 37 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 5 – Financial Instruments A. Financial instruments measured at fair value for disclosure purposes only The book value of the financial instruments included in the Company’s working capital categories corresponds to or approximates their fair values. The fair value of the financial assets and liabilities and their fair values presented in the statement of financial position are as follows: At March 31, 2015 (Unaudited) Non-current liabilities Long-term loans from banks Debentures Other long-term liabilities At March 31, 2014 (Unaudited) Thousands of NIS Book Fair value value Book value Fair value 5,832,749 4,439,843 857,275 5,954,938 4,063,675 883,970 7,144,679 4,057,920 754,283 160,032 160,025 77,055 Non-current assets Long-term receivables At December 31, 2014 (Audited) Book value Fair value 7,078,995 4,880,477 784,251 6,247,228 4,543,841 949,205 5,947,827 4,135,678 1,045,586 77,260 158,251 159,810 The book value of is before deduction of current maturities and includes accrued interest. B. Hierarchy of fair value The following table presents an analysis of the financial instruments measured at fair value, using an evaluation method. The various levels were defined as follows: – – – Level 1: Quoted prices (not adjusted) in an active market for identical instruments. Level 2: Observed data, direct or indirect, not included in Level 1 above. Level 3: Data not based on observed market data. 38 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 5 – Financial Instruments (Cont.) B. Hierarchy of fair value (Cont.) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 In Thousands of NIS Total March 31, 2015 (Unaudited) Short-term investments Financial assets held for trade: Marketable securities Financial liabilities – derivative instruments* 44,285 – – 44,285 188,414 232,699 – – – – 188,414 232,699 – (28,560) – (28,560) March 31, 2014 (Unaudited) Short-term investments Financial assets – derivative instruments Financial assets held for trade: Marketable securities Financial liabilities – derivative instruments* 48,480 – – 214 – – 48,480 214 360,698 409,178 – 214 – – 360,698 409,392 – (30,523) – (30,523) 44,209 – – 44,209 151,245 195,454 – – – – 151,245 195,454 (29,033) – (29,044) December 31, 2014 (Audited) Short-term investments Financial assets held for trade: Marketable securities Financial assets – derivative instruments* (11) * Set forth below is the valuation technique for measurement of the fair value of the liabilities in respect derivative instruments, as at March 31, 2014 and December 31, 2014, in the amount of NIS 4,153 thousand and NIS 5,244 thousand, respectively: the fair value was measured on the basis of discounting the difference between the forward price denominated in the contract and the present forward price relating to the balance of the period of the contract up to maturity, while using appropriate market interest rates for similar instruments. Set forth below is the valuation technique for measurement of the fair value of the liabilities in respect derivative instruments, as at March 31, 2015, in the amount of NIS 7,597 thousand (as at March 31, 2014 – NIS 1,625 thousand and December 31, 2014 – NIS 2,519 thousand): the fair value was measured on the basis of measurement of the forward rates from purposes of converting the cash flows in euro to cash flows in shekels, finding the net cash flows in shekels, discounting of the net cash flows in shekels as at the date of the valuation using a risk free interest rate, measurement of the credit margin of the two parties to the transaction and measurement of the fair value of the exchange transactions. Set forth below is the valuation technique for measurement of the fair value of the liabilities in respect derivative instruments, as at March 31, 2015, in the amount of NIS 20,963 thousand (as at March 31, 2014 – NIS 24,745 thousand, as at December 31, 2014 – NIS 29,033 thousand): the fair value was measured on the basis of discounting the difference between the cash flows between the fixed interest paid and the variable interest expected to be received based on the interest curve on the date of the report. 39 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 6 – Associated Companies and Jointly Controlled Entities Accounted for using the Equity Method of Accounting Condensed information regarding significant associated companies and jointly held entities accounted for using the equity method of accounting, without adjustment for the rates of ownership held by the Group (1) Condensed information with respect to the financial position Rate of ownership/ participation in income Current assets (1) As at March 31, 2015 (Unaudited) The Time Building Company Africa Hotels 50.10% 50.00% 17,026 67,872 1,174,100 707,710 (14,682) (235,225) (855,700) (411,442) As at March 31, 2014 (Unaudited) The Time Building Company Africa Hotels 50.10% 50.00% 16,685 73,054 984,588 739,672 (16,587) (156,521) (749,705) (511,457) As at December 31, 2014 (Audited) The Time Building Company Africa Hotels 50.10% 50.00% 22,972 72,459 1,096,511 710,146 (15,614) (229,820) (836,135) (417,310) NonCurrent current liabilities assets (2) In thousands of NIS Noncurrent liabilities (3) (1) Of which cash and cash equivalents, as at March 31, 2015, in the amount of NIS 9,167 thousand (March 31, 2014 – NIS 13,155 thousand; December 31, 2014 – NIS 10,683 thousand). (2) Of which current financial liabilities, not including trade payables, other payables and other provisions, as at March 31, 2015, in the amount of NIS 154,161 thousand (March 31, 2014 – NIS 72,120 thousand; December 31, 2014 – NIS 150,897 thousand). (3) Of which non-current financial liabilities except for trade and other payables and other provisions as at March 31, 2015, in the amount of NIS 1,226,378 thousand (March 31, 2014 – NIS 1,226,871 thousand; December 31, 2014 – NIS 1,213,136 thousand). 40 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 6 – Associated Companies and Jointly Controlled Entities Accounted for using the Equity Method of Accounting (Cont.) Condensed information regarding significant associated companies and jointly held entities accounted for using the equity method of accounting, without adjustment for the rates of ownership held by the Group (Cont.) (2) Condensed information with respect to the results of operations Rate of ownership/ participation in income Income Other (loss) comprefrom hensive continuing income Revenues operations (loss) In thousands of NIS For the three months ended March 31, 2015 (unaudited) Times Building Africa Hotels 50.10% 50.00% 73,791 79,918 46,997 (9,550) For the three months ended March 31, 2014 (unaudited) Times Building Africa Hotels 50.10% 50.00% 13,886 79,781 (4,847) (6,790) For the year ended December 31, 2014 (audited) Times Building Africa Hotels 50.10% 50.00% 45,128 358,634 (20,441) (17,016) – 2,990 – (295) – 658 Total other comprehensive income (loss) (1), (2), (3), (4) 46,997 (6,560) (4,847) (7,085) (20,441) (16,358) (1) Of which depreciation and amortization in the amount of NIS 23,315 thousand, NIS 15,875 thousand and NIS 68,209 thousand, for the three-month period ended March 31, 2015, for the three-month period ended March 31, 2014 and for the year ended December 31, 2014, respectively. (2) Of which interest income in the amount of NIS 1 thousand, NIS 75 thousand and NIS 183 thousand, for the three-month period ended March 31, 2015, for the three-month period ended March 31, 2014 and for the year ended December 31, 2014, respectively. (3) Of which interest expenses in the amount of NIS 16,547 thousand, NIS 16,177 thousand and NIS 59,986 thousand, for the three-month period ended March 31, 2015, for the three-month period ended March 31, 2014 and for the year ended December 31, 2014, respectively. (4) Of which tax expenses in the amount of NIS 138 thousand, NIS 162 thousand and NIS 1,922 thousand, for the three-month period ended March 31, 2015, for the three-month period ended March 31, 2014 and for the year ended December 31, 2014, respectively. 41 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 7 – Information regarding Activity Segments The basis for the segment breakdown and the basis for measurement of the income (loss) of the segments is the same as that presented in Note 39, Activity Segments, in the Annual Financial Statements. The accounting principles of activity segments are the same as that presented in Note 3, Significant Accounting Principles, in the Annual Financial Statements. Pursuant to that stated above, as at the date of the statement of financial position, the Group has eight reportable segments, as detailed below, which constitute strategic business units. These strategic business units include a variety of product and service activities that are managed separately. Set forth below are the Group’s reportable segments, as at the date of the statement of financial position: A. Development of real estate for residences in Israel – initiation of projects intended for residences in Israel by means of locating lands, acquisition thereof, construction of the buildings and sale of the units. B. Rental properties in Israel – initiation, construction (including by means of renovation and/or refurbishing), rental and operation of the buildings, mainly intended for industry, offices and commercial uses in Israel. C. Development of real estate in Central and Eastern Europe – development of real estate designated for residential purposes, as well as initiation, construction, rental and operation of buildings, intended mainly for industry, offices and commercial use in Central and Eastern Europe. D. Development of real estate and rental properties in the Commonwealth of Nations – development of real estate designated for residential purposes, as well as initiation, construction, rental and operation of buildings, intended mainly for offices and commercial use in the Commonwealth of Nations. E. Construction contracting – performance of construction for residential and non-residential purposes. F. Infrastructures – activities as concessionaire or performance contractor for traffic infrastructures, such as, highways, railroad tracks and bridges. The activities in the infrastructures’ area are carried out mainly for the government sector. The segment includes an investee company accounted for using the equity method of accounting, which includes activities in the infrastructures area that are executed by means of the PPP (Private Public Partnership) method wherein the private sector executes, finances and operates the project (for example projects of the BOT and PFI types). G. Steel products in Israel – includes processing and marketing tin and steel products, profiles and pipelines, trade in aluminum and nierusta, protection against corrosion, running of steel poles, trade in special steel and steel tools, manufacture and marketing of incubators, communications’ encasements and steel lighting stanchions. 42 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 7 – Information regarding Activity Segments (Cont.) H. Home design – this products group includes import, marketing and sale of ceramic and porcelain products, along with end products, plus manufacture of porcelain tiles and coverings and additional products for residential construction, renovation and design for casual customers, residential projects, contractors, merchants and foreign customers. Other activities include operation of hotels and management of investment portfolios. These activities are not recognized as reportable segments. Information regarding the activities of the reportable segments is presented in the following table. The segment’s income is from outside parties before allocation of the increase in the fair value of investment property, other income and equity income. The segment’s performance was measured based on the segment’s income before equity in earnings of investees and taxes on income and after allocation of financing expenses. Inter-segment pricing was determined based on prices of transactions in the ordinary course of business. In light of completion of the sale of a significant part of the assets and activities relating to development of real estate and rental properties in the United States in recent years, which is an activity segment, the activities in the United States no longer constitute a reportable activity segment, commencing with the financial statements as at December 31, 2014. In light of that stated above, the Company reclassified in the Note on activity segments detailed below, the development of real estate and rental properties in the United States activities to other segments for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2015 and March 31, 2014 and for the year ended December 31, 2014. Set forth below is data regarding the development of real estate and rental properties in the United States segment that was reclassified in the financial statements to other segments: For the three months ended March 31 2014 (Unaudited) NIS Thousands Total revenues from outside sources Segment results Equity losses Loss of segment before taxes 32,646 (2,036) (2,460) (4,496) At March 31 2014 (Unaudited) NIS Thousands Segment assets Segment liabilities 318,353 71,637 43 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 7 – Information regarding Activity Segments (Cont.) For the three months ended March 31, 2015 InfrastructConstrure uction contrcontrHome Other acting acting Steel design* segments In thousands of New Israeli Shekels Commonwealth of Nations Central and Eastern Europe Rental property in Israel Residential property in Israel 96,291 72,808 24,783 114,859 90,612 457,230 250,552 184,997 – – – – – 95,180 17,069 33,135 42,594 15,715 26,466 13,458 (1,065) 481 2,365 6,312 (655) 933 33,616 44,959 22,027 25,811 Segment assets as at March 31,2015 8,484,295 5,483,662 2,065,578 Segment liabilities as at March 31,2015 3,378,542 2,871,325 Total income from outside parties Income from inter-segment sales Segment results Equity income (loss) Segment income (loss) before taxes Intersegment Unallocated amounts 84,838 – – (79,918) 1,297,052 4,553 266 (117,068) – – – 1,555 (34,001) (16,055) (12,843) (54,555) 10,155 24,559 – 142 61 23,988 – 4,484 (6,422) 31,689 14,391 (1,065) 1,697 (33,940) 7,933 (12,843) (50,071) 3,733 56,248 3,069,347 111,541 469,862 1,258,469 1,327,716 1,212,534 (131,242) 1,123,319 1,893,857 2,600,529 167,140 706,223 989,402 1,232,006 944,543 (110,713) 3,325,910 For the three months ended March 31, 2014 InfrastructConstrure uction contrcontrHome Other acting acting Steel design* segments In thousands of New Israeli Shekels Commonwealth of Nations Central and Eastern Europe Rental property in Israel Residential property in Israel 128,194 191,082 22,002 111,517 120,232 451,656 263,833 *204,875 – – – – – 78,897 18,180 103,615 33,259 9,346 11,102 5,296 2,331 (2,252) (1,753) 2,991 (516) 9 101,363 31,506 12,337 10,586 Segment assets as at March 31,2014 9,458,703 6,294,549 1,676,142 Segment liabilities as at March 31,2014 3,511,712 3,502,339 1,581,163 Total income from outside parties Income from inter-segment sales Segment results Equity income (loss) Segment income (loss) before taxes Adjustments to consolidated Consolidated (775,582) (615,395) Adjustments to consolidated 23,699,499 17,383,369 Intersegment Unallocated amounts 120,736 – 206 (79,781) 1,534,552 7,695 898 (105,670) – – – 8,857 *(2,081) (14,373) (7,528) (68,769) *7,746 88,801 – 206 *136 (1,504) – 4,241 (5,396) (3,838) 5,305 2,331 9,063 (1,945) (15,877) (7,528) (64,528) 2,350 84,963 2,600,855 156,252 542,908 1,336,049 * 1,268,075 1,455,248 (249,686) 732,371 (812,726) 24,458,740 2,192,516 155,731 717,539 1,064,101 * 1,106,568 1,067,637 (265,699) 3,259,979 (640,880) 17,252,706 * Reclassified – see Note 2D. 44 Consolidated Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 7 – Information regarding Activity Segments (Cont.) For the year ended December 31, 2014 Commonwealth of Nations Total income from outside parties Central and Eastern Europe Rental property in Israel Residential property in Israel Infrastructure contracting Construction contrHome Other acting Steel design* segments In thousands of New Israeli Shekels 514,680 458,735 94,000 555,193 – – – – – 426,877 69,780 28,737 (1,191,457) 363,602 40,122 86,982 24,785 24,875 (19,719) (35,811) (49,644) (16,877) (4,681) 5,428 (2,141) 1,342 – 123 (195) (6,183) (1,208,334) 358,921 45,550 84,841 26,127 24,875 (19,596) (36,006) (55,827) Segment assets at 12/31/2014 8,361,644 5,981,341 1,904,798 3,014,884 Segment liabilities at 12/31/2014 3,370,576 3,183,002 1,713,377 2,513,385 Income from inter-segment sales Segment results Equity income (loss) Segment income (loss) before taxes 451,540 1,654,009 1,000,906 782,236 555,205 Intersegment – Unallocated amounts Adjustments to consolidated 620 (358,634) Consolidated 5,708,490 – – – (21,877) (334,977) 20,829 (1,092,290) 26,085 (17,962) (15,061) (21,877) (308,892) 2,867 (1,107,351) 172,645 419,266 1,311,227 1,346,676 1,240,567 (246,589) 1,408,820 (782,605) 24,132,674 150,820 709,082 1,042,504 1,218,343 * Reclassified – see Note 2D. 45 3,494 (528,888) – 987,989 (227,386) 3,631,476 (616,125) 17,677,043 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 8 – Financial Covenants As at the date of the statement of financial position, all the Group companies were in compliance with the financial covenants in accordance with the financing agreements, to which they are parties, except for that stated below: AFI USA As at the date of the statement of financial position, AFI USA, was not in compliance with a financial covenant provided in the bank loan agreement for a foreign company in the United States that is held (indirectly through AFI USA) at the rate of about 50.1% and is accounted for using the equity method of accounting – a minimum required cash balance in AFI USA of at least U.S.$5 million (and upon existence of certain criteria, AFI USA will be required to have a minimum cash balance of at least U.S.$10 million). As at the approval date of the statement of financial position, a contact from the lending bank had not been received. Since the investment is accounted for using the equity method of accounting, the reclassification has no impact on the Company’s statement of financial position. Africa Industries Africa Industries has commitments to comply with the following financial covenants: (1) Loans from institutional entities Africa Industries has a commitment to comply with financial covenants provided as part of the loan agreement, the main ones of which are: (a) The ratio of the shareholders’ equity based on the consolidated financial statements of the subsidiary of Africa Industries, Negev Ceramics Ltd. (hereinafter – “the Financial Statements of Negev” and “Negev”, respectively), shall not be less than 13%. (b) The ratio of the total debt of Africa Industries to the EBITDA of Negev shall not exceed 6. Examination of the said ratio will be made initially on the basis of the annual financial statements of Africa Industries as at December 31, 2014. (c) The minimum shareholders’ equity (solo) of Africa Industries shall not drop below NIS 330 million. As at the date of the statement of financial position, Africa Industries is not in compliance with the financial covenants detailed in subsections (a), (b) and (c). As a result, the loan was classified as a current liability in the statement of financial position of Africa Industries. Regarding non-compliance by Africa Industries with the financial covenants, as stated, Africa Industries is carrying on contacts with the lenders in order to receive a waiver letter. 46 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 8 – Financial Covenants (Cont.) Africa Industries (Cont.) (2) Loan from bank In order to secure credit received from a bank (hereinafter – “the Bank”), received by Africa Industries, as well as credit received by its investee companies, and for which Africa Industries is a guarantor, including a long-term loan taken out be a wholly-owned partnership of Africa Industries, the repayment date of which is October 31, 2016, Africa Industries committed to comply with the following financial covenants: (a) The tangible shareholders’ equity of Africa Industries, based on the consolidated financial statements of Africa Industries, shall not drop below 15%. (b) The tangible shareholders’ equity of Africa Industries shall not drop below NIS 240 million linked to the Consumer Price Index (CPI). (c) The ratio of the combined tangible shareholders’ equity of Negev, Packer Plada Industries Ltd. (hereinafter – “Packer Plada”) and Packer Structural Iron (Registered Partnership) (hereinafter – “the Partnership”), on the basis of the shareholders’ equity of Negev, Packer Plada and the Partnership as it appears in the financial statements of each of them, and the debts and liabilities of Africa Industries less cash and cash equivalents based on the separate-company (solo) financial statements of Africa Industries shall not be less than a ratio of 1.5. As at the date of the statement of financial position, Africa Industries is not in compliance with the financial covenants detailed in subsections (a) and (b) and is in compliance with the financial covenant detailed in subsection (c) (hereinafter – “the Ratio of the Tangible Shareholders’ Equity”), due to reclassification of the loan as a current liability in the statement of financial position of Africa Industries. Regarding non-compliance by Africa Industries with the financial covenant, as stated, Africa Industries is carrying on contacts with the lenders in order to receive a waiver letter. (3) A subsidiary of Africa Industries (hereinafter – “the Subsidiary”) has commitments to banks, mainly a commitment to maintain tangible shareholders’ equity to the total assets of not less than 22% (hereinafter – “the Tangible Equity Ratio”) and for minimum shareholders’ equity of not less than NIS 120 million. Regarding some of the banks, the Subsidiary is not in compliance with the commitment to maintain a ratio of tangible shareholders’ equity, this being due to a different definition of the said ratio. As a result, the Subsidiary’s loans were reclassified as current liabilities in the statement of financial position of Africa Industries. 47 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 9 – Events Occurring Subsequent to the Date of the Statement of Financial Position A. Further to that stated in Note 31E(3) to the Company’s annual financial statements for 2014, in connection with tax assessments received by Africa Properties in respect of the years 2008 through 2010 and tax assessments received by a wholly-owned subsidiary of Africa Properties in respect of the years 2009 and 2011, and regarding the appeals filed by Africa Properties with reference to the said tax assessments received by Africa Properties, on May 11, 2015, Payment Orders were received in the Offices of Africa Properties relating to the said tax assessments received by Africa Properties in respect of the years 2008 through 2010 and relating to the said tax assessment of the subsidiary for 2011, in the aggregate amount of about NIS 280 million (including linkage differences and interest). Africa Properties and its subsidiary disagree with the positions of the Taxes Authority and believe that they have good arguments against these positions, this being based on, among other things, the position of their legal advisors. Africa Properties and its subsidiary intend to submit notices of appeal with respect to the Payment Orders pursuant to the provisions of law. It is noted that regarding some of the issues relevant to the tax assessments, Africa Properties has already included appropriate provisions in its consolidated financial statements while regarding the other issues provisions have not been recorded – all of this being based on opinions of the legal advisors of Africa Properties and its subsidiary. B. During April 2015, an agreement was signed between a German subsidiary of AFI Europe and a third party (hereinafter – “the Purchaser”), whereby AFI Europe will sell to the Purchaser its ownership rights in a rental property located in the City of Aakon in Germany, in exchange for a consideration of about €5,700 thousand. Completion of the above-mentioned transaction is subject to a number of preconditions in accordance with the provisions of the agreement. Africa Properties recognized revaluation income of €473 thousand (about NIS 2 million) in accordance with the sale price. In addition, the property was reclassified to the category “assets of a disposal group held for sale”. C. Regarding completion of the undertaking of Africa Residences in an agreement for acquisition of all of the Company’s holdings in Afriram, along with the Company’s rights in a loan the Company granted to Afriram, subsequent to the date of the statement of financial position – see Note 4E(2). D. Further to that stated in Note 5C(6) to the Company’s annual financial statements for 2014, during April 2015 Africa Residences reached agreements with Shoval Eyal for joint cooperation in connection with filing of a claim against Israel Lands Administration for enforcement of the option and/or compensation in respect of its expenses. E. On May 21, 2015, a public tender was made whereby Africa Residences raised, pursuant to a shelf prospectus, a gross amount of about NIS 193 million against issuance of NIS 193 million par value debentures (Series C). The principal of the debentures is to be repaid in six unequal annual payments, on March 31 of each of the years 2017 through 2022. The debentures are not linked and bear interest at the annual rate of 3.9%, which is to be repaid in semi-annual payments on every September 30 and every March 31 of the years 2015 through 2022. The debentures are not secured by a lien. 48 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 9 – Events Occurring Subsequent to the Date of the Statement of Financial Position (Cont.) F. Regarding an undertaking of a foreign subsidiary in the United States, in which the Company holds, indirectly, through AFI USA, 50.1% of the shares, with a third party, for sale of the balance of the rights in the “Times Square” building, in New York in the United States – see Note 4A(1). G. Regarding a derivative claim filed by a person that holds, so he contends, shares of the Company commencing from 2008 having a value of about NIS 1,900 against the members of the Company’s Board of Directors – see Note 4E(1). H. The Company and the other shareholder (hereinafter – “the Partner”) (in equal shares) in Rennanot Initiations and Investments Ltd. (hereinafter – “Rennanot”) and Rennanot (the Company, the Partner and Rennanot will be referred to hereinafter together as – “the Parties”) reached agreements among themselves in connection with cancellation of an agreement they entered into in 1996, relating to the investment of the Company and Rennanot in execution of a residential project in Kibbutz Galilee Yam (this agreement, together with the summaries prepared between the parties from time to time, with respect to execution of this project, will be referred to hereinafter as – “the Joint Cooperation Agreement”), and with reference to reciprocal return of amounts and properties that were transferred between the Company and Rennanot as part of the Joint Cooperation Agreement. For purposes of arranging the terms of the separation and cancellation of the Joint Cooperation Agreement, the Parties entered into a transaction cancellation agreement (hereinafter – “the Cancellation Agreement”) wherein it was provided, among other things, that the Company is to return to Rennanot the shares issued to it under the Joint Cooperation Agreement, and Rennanot and/or the Partner is/are to return to the Company various amounts the Company expended under the Joint Cooperation Agreement (including a shareholders’ loan the Company provided to Rennanot), in the aggregate amount of NIS 66 million (hereinafter – “the Return Amounts”) (plus VAT, if applicable), and they will see to cancellation of the financial guarantee the Company provided to the bank financing the activities of Rennanot, in order to secure the Rennanot’s liabilities to the bank. Completion of the Cancellation Agreement is scheduled to take place after receipt of court approval for reduction of the capital of Rennanot, by means of acquisition of its own shares (a “buy-back”), this being in respect of the payment against return of the Company’s holdings in Rennanot to Rennanot (hereinafter – “the Capital Reduction Agreement”) – but no later than the end of 45 days from the signing date of the Cancellation Agreement (hereinafter – “the Final Date for Completion”). It is clarified that approval for reduction of the capital of Rennanot does not constitute a precondition for completion of the Cancellation Agreement, and it was agreed between the parties that if and to the extent approval for reduction of the capital is not received up to the Final Date for Completion, the payment in respect of return of the Company’s holdings in Rennanot, to Rennanot, will be paid directly by the Partner. At the time of the signing of the Cancellation Agreement, amounts were paid to the Company in an amount equal to the Return Amounts (part of which as a short-term loan, which Rennanot made to the Company, in an amount equal to part of the Return Amounts, in respect of which a request will be submitted for receipt of approval for the capital reduction, as described above), and the Company deposited a transfer note, in respect of the Company’s holdings in Rennanot. 49 Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements At March 31, 2015 Note 9 – Events Occurring Subsequent to the Date of the Statement of Financial Position (Cont.) H. (Cont.) As a result of cancellation of the Joint Cooperation Agreement, as described above, the Company will receive cash flows, in the amount of about NIS 66 million, as free cash flows, and after completion of the transaction, capital gain is expected to be recorded in its financial statements, in the amount of about NIS 40 million. On May 29, 2015, the Cancellation Agreement was signed and the Company received about NIS 66 million. 50