Kă 934 – EUR 50
Kă 934 – EUR 50
08 – Kã 934 – EUR 50 – CONTENT TABLE OF CONTENTS By regions & districts Letter from the publisher.....................................2 Czech Republic ....................................................3 CzechInvest .........................................................4 Office market in CR (analysis) .............................6 CzechInvest .........................................................7 Karlovy Vary Region .........................................56 Districts Cheb ..................................................................61 Karlovy Vary ....................................................62 Sokolov..............................................................63 Prague.................................................................8 Ústí nad Labem Region....................................64 Districts Chomutov ..........................................................69 Dûãín .................................................................70 Litomûfiice..........................................................71 Louny.................................................................72 Most ..................................................................73 Teplice ...............................................................74 Ústí nad Labem .................................................75 Central Bohemia Region ..................................14 Districts Bene‰ov .............................................................20 Beroun ...............................................................21 Kladno ...............................................................22 Kolín ..................................................................23 Kutná Hora.........................................................24 Mûlník................................................................25 Mladá Boleslav...................................................26 Nymburk............................................................27 Praha-v˘chod.....................................................28 Praha-západ.......................................................29 Pfiíbram..............................................................30 Rakovník............................................................31 South Bohemia Region.....................................32 Districts âeské Budûjovice...............................................37 âesk˘ Krumlov...................................................38 JindfiichÛv Hradec..............................................39 Písek..................................................................40 Prachatice..........................................................41 Strakonice..........................................................42 Tábor .................................................................43 PlzeÀ Region.....................................................44 Districts DomaÏlice ..........................................................49 Klatovy...............................................................50 PlzeÀ-jih.............................................................51 PlzeÀ-mûsto.......................................................52 PlzeÀ-sever ........................................................53 Rokycany ...........................................................54 Tachov ...............................................................55 Liberec Region .................................................76 Districts âeská Lípa .........................................................82 Jablonec nad Nisou ...........................................83 Liberec .............................................................84 Semily................................................................85 Pelhfiimov ........................................................113 Tfiebíã...............................................................114 Îìár nad Sázavou ............................................115 South Moravia Region....................................116 Districts Blansko............................................................121 Brno-mûsto......................................................122 Brno-venkov ....................................................123 Bfieclav.............................................................124 Hodonín ...........................................................125 Vy‰kov .............................................................126 Znojmo ............................................................127 Olomouc Region .............................................128 Districts Jeseník.............................................................133 Olomouc ........................................................134 Prostûjov .........................................................135 Pfierov..............................................................136 ·umperk ..........................................................137 Hradec Králové Region.....................................86 Districts Hradec Králové ..................................................91 Jiãín ...................................................................92 Náchod ..............................................................93 Rychnov nad KnûÏnou .......................................94 Trutnov ..............................................................95 Moravia-Silesia Region..................................138 Districts Bruntál .............................................................144 Fr˘dek-Místek ..................................................145 Karviná ............................................................146 Nov˘ Jiãín........................................................147 Opava...............................................................148 Ostrava-mûsto .................................................149 Pardubice Region .............................................96 Districts Chrudim...........................................................102 Pardubice.........................................................103 Svitavy .............................................................104 Ústí nad Orlicí..................................................105 Zlínsk˘ Region ................................................150 Districts KromûfiíÏ ..........................................................155 Uherské Hradi‰tû .............................................156 Vsetín...............................................................157 Zlín .................................................................158 Vysoãina Region .............................................106 Districts HavlíãkÛv Brod.................................................111 Jihlava .............................................................112 List of AFI Members ........................................159 Methodology of Research................................163 1 2 INTRODUCTION LETTER FROM THE PUBLISHER Liberec Region Ústí Region Hradec Králové Region Karlovy Vary Region Prague Moravia Silesia Region Pardubice Region Central Bohemia Region Olomouc Region PlzeÀ Region Vysoãina Region Zlín Region South Bohemia Region South Moravia Region Dear Readers, After two years, Stanford publishing house has again brought you the new edition of City Invest Czech, the essential investor’s guide to Czech Republic’s regions. We trust that City Invest Czech will, as well as other Stanford’s products do, help entrepreneurs, managers, business people and investors. City Invest Czech is part of Stanford’s group of B2B publications—Czech Business Weekly, PROFIT (weekly for entrepreneurs) and Book of Lists. City Invest Czech, which Stanford compiled with the Investment & Business Development Agency CzechInvest, seeks to help readers better orient themselves to specific regions of the country and their investment potential. The publication provides a unique and comprehensive outline with demographic information, basic statistical data, lists of industrial zones and the list of the leading dynamic companies in each region. One of the new features added this year is the lists of A Class office spaces and prices of office and retail space rentals. We would like to thank our partner investment and business development agency CzechInvest for its cooperation in the preparation of the publication. We would also like to thank our advertisers and business partners who contributed content to the publication, especially to Dun & Bradstreet Czech Republic and Cushman & Wakefield. We also welcome any comments or suggestions that might help us ensure the quality and accuracy of the next edition of City Invest Czech with a view to better meet the needs of our readers. Thank you for your attention and for your faith in us. The Board of Directors of Stanford, a.s. City Invest Czech 2008 Project Manager: Mgr. Alice Bídová Publication of: Stanford a.s. (publisher of PROFIT, Czech Business Weekly & Book of Lists) Residence: Provaznická 397/13, 110 00 Praha 1 Year of publication: 2008 Research: Ing. Pavel Rieger, Mgr. Dana Sodomková, Bc. Lucie Koupená, DiS., Hana Hübschová, Coordinator of Advertising: Naìa Hlaváãková English editor: Mollie McGurk Marketing & Circulation: Lubo‰ Vesel˘ Publisher: Stanford a.s. Cover & Publication Designer: Jindfiich Jetel Distribution: Martina Jannová, Marie ·ebelová Iâ: 25798031 Production: Jindfiich Jetel, David Rákosník Printed by: âeská Unigrafie, a.s. Publisher: Mgr. Jan Kreidl Maps supplied by: T-MAPY spol. s r.o., Hradec Králové ISBN: 978-80-904067-0-4 Business Development: Adéla Pitts, Eva Krejãí, Klára Kortusová, ·tûpánka Selicharová, Markéta Nezbedová The data included in City Invest Czech is, to the publisher’s best knowledge, accurate at the time of going to press. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and thoroughness. Corrections or additions to the lists should be addressed to the Book of Lists team at [email protected] or [email protected]. Reproduction, automated or electronic storage, public transmission and other commercial or public usage of the publication or the information contained herein are subject of the consent of the respective copyright owner(s). Copyright by Stanford, a. s. Reproduction, automated or electronic storage, public transmission and other commercial or public usage of the trademark ”City Invest Czech” contained herein are subject of the consent of the respective copyright owner(s). Copyright by Investment & Business Development Agency CzechInvest. BASIC INFORMATIONS Corporate Environment in the Czech Republic The Czech Republic is a land-locked country, sharing borders with Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Austria. The country has over 10.3 million inhabitants. The capital city is Prague with almost 1.2 million inhabitants. According to the latest data revealed by Eurostat, Prague is the richest region (GDP per citizen) in the Czech Republic. Prague is also the 12th richest state among the EU countries. The rest of the Czech and Moravian regions are below 75% of the average EU threshold and, as a result, these regions are entitled to draw support from the EU funds. The second richest region is Central Bohemia, with 70% of the European average. The poorest region is Central Moravia in which GDP is 59.8% (per citizen) of the European average. The Czech Republic, being one of the post-communist countries, is politically and economically stable. Inflation here is considered to be one of the lowest in Europe, although it rose markedly to 7.5% in January 2008, this being its maximum since November 1998. The country’s economy is mainly industrial. The largest sector is engineering, reflecting the strength of the motor car companies and their sub suppliers which are experiencing a great boom. The efficiency of the Czech economy is rising; the year-on-year growth of GDP in the third quarter of the year 2007 was 6%. The economy has maintained growth of 6% or more for 10 quarters in a row. GDP was 3.2 trillion CZK at the end of 2006, which came to 313,662 CZK per citizen. Turning to unemployment, this has fallen slightly in the past few months. It was 6.1% in January 2008. Increasingly, companies are looking for greater numbers of competent staff, whether they are qualified experts or ordinary blue-collar workers or craftsmen. As a result of this demand for experienced staff, gross wages are rising. The average of the gross wage was 21,470 CZK in the third quarter of 2007 (year-on-year growth was 7.6 %). Frequent revisions of important laws, the generally opaque system of laws, the rising deficiency of the working force, the slow construction of the motorway infrastructure, an overprotective labour code, slow courts and the poor system of claiming rights are the pressing problems of the corporate environment. Some companies also worry about the strengthening of the Czech crown. Income tax of corporate bodies will, based on the last year’s government reform, gradually fall. The rate fell from 24% to 21% during the taxation period for 2008; it will be lowered to 20% in 2009 and to 19% in 2010. Individuals, including entrepreneurs, pay 15% flat tax during the taxation period of 2008, which will fall to 12.5% in 2009. There have been changes in VAT as a result of the recent government reforms. The base rate for VAT is 19% but the reduced rate rose from 5% to 9% in January 2008. Financially interconnected companies can use group registration to register for VAT from the beginning of this year. The groups and the size of groups of companies are voluntary. The groups can then report and hand in the declaration of taxes as a single entity. Paper handling and costs, therefore, will be reduced. Consumer tax has to be paid for spirits, beer, wine and intermediate products such as mineral oils and tobacco products. Details for this are stated in law no. 353/2003, St., as amended. A special type of reform, the so-called ecological energy tax, has been put into practice since 2008. This tax has to be paid for the damage to the environment which is done when energy is produced. These taxes, with a few exceptions, are on electricity, gas and solid fuels. Renewable resources or ecological sources and gas to provide heating in households are exempt from this tax. Vehicle Excise Duty has to be paid for road carriages and their attached vehicles used for business purposes. Details and more concrete rates are stated in law no. 16/1993, St., as amended. Among other taxes there are real-estate transfer taxes, gift taxes, succession duty and real estate (property) taxes. There are many associated administrative charges and these changes can be found in law no. 634/2004, 353/2003, St., as amended. The main regulations for entrepreneurs are Commercial Code (no. 513/1991St.), The Trade Licensing Act (no. 455/1991 St.), and Labour Code (no. 262/2006 St.). Overall legal regulations are fragmented and consist of many other regulations (mainly contained in the Civil Code, Consumer Protection, Employment Act, Building Act, Insolvency Act, Economic Competition Protection Act and many other tax laws). The Companies Register is the main registry for entrepreneurs, which is accessible on. The Trades Register is for sole traders with its website. Unless the applicant runs the business as an individual (there are some exceptions but they must have a business licence), the applicant can set up a number of types of companies. The two most common companies are a limited liability company and a joint stock company. Other forms of companies include a public limited company, a limited partnership company, and a contingent company, which are also mentioned in the Commercial Code. A limited liability company is a company whose capital stock is made up of deposits from all partners who are liable for the accountability of the company until the company is registered in the Companies Register. The company can be set up by one person and it can have up to 50 members. One individual may be a partner in up to three limited liability companies. The capital stock has to be at least 200,000 CZK. The company is liable for all its debts and liabilities. Partners are jointly and severally liable for the company’s liabilities up to the total amount of the unpaid part of the deposits of all the partners in accordance with the written status of the company in the Companies Register. Similar conditions for establishing limited liability companies can be found in § 105 - 153 of the Commercial Code. The capital stock of a joint stock company is itemized into a certain number of shares which have a nominal amount per share. The shares can be issued in the name of the owner or another individual. The company may be set up by one founder, if he is a corporate body, or by two or more founders. The capital stock of the company established by a tender offer has to be at least 20 million CZK. Where a company is set up without undergoing the tender offer the capital stock has to be at least 2 million CZK. The company is liable for all its debts and liabilities. Shareholders are not liable for the company’s liabilities. Detailed conditions for establishing joint stock companies are specified in § 154 – 220 of the Commercial Code. Ministries in Czech Republic Name of ministry Address Phone Fax E-mail www Ministry for Regional Development Staromûstské námûstí 6, 110 15 Praha 1 +420 224 861 111 +420 224 861 333 [email protected] www.mmr.cz Ministry of Agriculture Tû‰nov 17, 117 05 Praha 1 +420 221 811 111 +420 224 810 478 [email protected] www.mze.cz Ministry of Culture Maltézské námûstí 1, 118 11 Praha 1 +420 257 085 111 +420 224 318 155 [email protected] www.mkcr.cz Ministry of Defence Tychonova 1, 160 01 Praha 6 +420 973 201 111 +420 973 213 960 [email protected] www.army.cz Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports Karmelitská 7-8, 118 12 Praha 1 +420 257 193 111 +420 257 193 753 [email protected] www.msmt.cz Ministry of Finance Letenská 15, 118 10 Praha 1 - Malá Strana +420 257 041 111 +420 257 042 788 [email protected] www.mfcr.cz Ministry of Foreign Affairs Loretánské námûstí 5, 118 00 Praha 1 +420 224 181 111 +420 224 182 642 [email protected] www.mzv.cz Ministry of Health Palackého námûstí 4, 128 00 Praha 2 +420 224 971 111 +420 224 971 111 [email protected] www.mzcr.cz Ministry of Industry & Trade Na Franti‰ku 32, 110 15 Praha 1 +420 224 851 111 +420 224 811 089 [email protected] www.mpo.cz Ministry of Justice Vy‰ehradská 16, 128 10 Praha 2 +420 221 997 111 +420 224 919 927 [email protected] www.justice.cz Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs Na Pofiíãním právu 1/376, 128 01 Praha 2 +420 221 921 111 +420 224 918 391 [email protected] www.mpsv.cz Ministry of the Environment Vr‰ovická 1442/65, 100 10 Praha 10 +420 267 121 111 +420 267 310 308 [email protected] www.env.cz Ministry of the Interior Nad ·tolou 3, 170 34 Praha 7 - Letná +420 974 811 111 +420 974 816 863 [email protected] www.mvcr.cz Ministry of Transport nábfieÏí L. Svobody 1222/12, 110 15 Praha 1 +420 225 131 111 +420 225 131 184 [email protected] www.mdcr.cz 3 4 INTRODUCTION INVESTMENT WHY INVEST IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC In 2007 CzechInvest supported a total of 182 Czech and foreign investment projects. Business development activities covered fields of manufacturing, business support services and R&D in the Czech Republic. Domestic and international companies invested over 3.5 billion dollars and employed nearly 31,000 people. CzechInvest ·tûpánská 15, 120 00 Praha 2 tel.: +420 296 342 500 fax: +420 296 342 502 www.czechinvest.org CzechInvest foreign offices abroad: Belgium - EU Affairs Rue Trone 60, Czech House 1050 Brussels Belgium tel.: +32 2 213 9470 fax: +32 2 213 9471 [email protected] Benelux 5. Place du Champ de Mars 1050 Brusseles Belgium tel.: +32 2 550 3553 fax: +32 2 550 3535 [email protected] France 18, rue Bonaparte 75006, Paris France tel.: +33 1 56 24 8772 fax: +33 1 56 24 8773 [email protected] Germany Feringastrasse 6 85774 Munich Germany tel.: +49 89 9921 6362 fax: +49 89 9921 6366 [email protected] Germany Hansaring 61 50670 Köln Germany tel.: +49 221 1612 145 fax: +49 221 1612 227 [email protected] Japan 2-2-1 Shinko, Naka-ku Yokohama, 231-0001 Japan tel.: +81 45 222 2075 fax: +81 45 222 2076 [email protected] South-East Asia – Hong Kong Tower II, Lippo Centre 89 Queensway, Hong Kong Hong Kong tel.: +852 2530 8806 fax: +852 2530 8136 [email protected] U. K. & Ireland 1 Harley Street W1G 9QD London United Kingdom tel.: +44 20 7291 4610 fax: +44 20 7291 4612 [email protected] USA - Chicago - East 222 Merchandise Mart Plaza, Suite 938 Chicago, IL 60654, USA tel.: +1 312 245 0180 fax: +1 312 245 0183 [email protected] About a quarter of newly arriving investment projects directly consist of investments in technology centres and business support services. These kinds of investments fully demand a qualified and sophisticated labour force. Mentioned projects are making a major contribution to the knowledge-based economy. In the competition among countries for placement of direct foreign investment, it is absolutely necessary to offer a qualified and highly-educated working force. Czech Republic (the former Czechoslovakia) ranked among countries with the highest percentage of university-science and technology graduates in the world. Presently this tradition continues: the number of university-science and technology graduates directly related to the highest in Europe. Our country also pays considerable attention to foreign-language education, where English and German predominate. At least one world language is studied by 76 % of university students, while 20% study two and 4% study three or more languages. The outstanding geographical location of the Czech Republic - in the centre of Europe - offers excellent connections to the majority of the important transit routes. The Czech transportation network belongs to one of the best among countries in Central and Eastern Europe. As for the offer of business properties suitable for manufacturing and production, business support services and technology centres, CzechInvest – Business Development and Investment agency administers a business property database which currently consists of more than 350 industrial zones and buildings fully prepared for potential investors, including the necessary infrastructure. The Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade’s special support programme for industrial-zone development has been operated in the Czech Republic since 1998. The project also helps to mediate cooperation between the state, developers and local authorities. In addition to this fact, since 1998 the Czech Republic has been offering another benefit - investment incentives to the manufacturing, business support services and technology centres investors (both foreign and domestic). Investment incentives and support for investors The Investment Incentives Act precisely defines the criteria for receiving incentives, from the outset it has been discussed with the European Commission and complies with the EU’s rules for granting state aid. The Czech investment-support scheme includes tax relief, job-creation grants, training and retraining grants as well as construction and development of industrial properties. Investors can obtain distinctive state aid in the regions worst affected by unemployment (support of job creation programmes, employment of people registered at the labour office, secondary school graduates and the handicapped). However, companies or projects which, for whatever reason, do not meet the criteria of the Investment Incentives Act may take advantage of another form of the aid available in the Czech Republic, for example EU structural funds. The Czech Republic – a European hub of new technologies and innovation Since 1993 a host of major multinational companies have come to the Czech Republic, investing billions of dollars in our country and creating tens of thousands of new jobs. For example, Czech Republic is now home to global management centres of DHL; Accenture, Olympus, Honeywell and IBM. Among Central Bohemia production you can find the car factory of Toyota Peugeot Citroen Automobile (TPCA), which is one of the biggest investment projects of any kind in Europe. We shouldn’t forget to mention the most successful project from the automotive sector – Hyundai, whose investment of 1.2 billion dollars represents the investment record in the Czech Republic. Hyundai created more than 3,000 new jobs and its full production reached 300,000 cars a year. Investment projects such as IPS Alpha and Hitachi, which are involved in the unequalled concentration of production of LCD monitors and flat-screen televisions, requiring the creation of a remarkable number of new jobs. Each project employs up to 2,000 people. The structure of foreign investments recently shows that the Czech Republic is shifting from quantity towards quality. Investors who require thousands of cheap workers are moving further east and there are more and more smaller projects heading to the Czech Republic which employ a high educated labour force with language skills. The big potential of a small country In the near future the trend of direct investment into sophisticated production, research and development activities, business shared services can be expected to continue in the Czech Republic. Greater emphasis in business development projects will be placed on modern fields such as biotechnology, nanotechnology, microelectronics and pharmaceuticals. Czech Republic is directly located in the centre of Europe, often called the heart of Europe. It has huge potential and will not be afraid to use it. CzechInvest, the Investment and Business Development Agency, is an agency coordinated by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic. CzechInvest fully supports coming FDI (foreign direct investment), business activities of local small and medium sized enterpreneurs with a wide range of services, development programmes to attract investment projects and promote the development of Czech companies and the country’s business environment abroad. The main objective of CzechInvest is to advise and support existing and new entrepreneurs and foreign investors in the Czech Republic. The agency acts as an intermediary between the EU and small and medium-sized enterprises in utilizing EU Structural Funds in the Czech Republic. In order to facilitate contacts with foreign investors, CzechInvest has eight branch offices around the world – Brussels, Cologne, Munich, London, Paris, Hong Kong, Yokohama, and two in the United States (Chicago). With the aim of being as near as possible to our existing and potential clients within the Czech Republic, the agency also operates 13 regional offices. For more information please have a look at our web page: www.czechinvest.org. 6 INTRODUCTION ANALYSIS OFFICE MARKET IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC IS RAPIDLY GROWING Years 2006 and 2007 clearly showed that although most development activity and the majority of office space in the country is still concentrated in Prague, modern offices are no longer limited exclusively to the capital city. Rapid growth in Brno, a growing market in large regional cities such as Ostrava and PlzeÀ and emerging smaller regional markets are expected to contribute to the overall Czech office market in 2008. PRAGUE Prague, however, remains the central hub for modern offices in the country with most international companies present in the Czech Republic. The total modern office stock (A-class and B-class buildings with more than 800 m2 of rentable space) comprised 2,182,285 m2 at the end of the year 2007, increasing by more than 10 percent from 2006. Around 69.4 percent of the total stock is represented by A-class properties. In 2007, new supply reached 162,000 m2. 83 percent of this new supply was in inner city location–most of that in Prague 4. The rest is located in the outer city. The number of new construction or refurbishment in the city centre remained on the low level with only one significant project in the pipeline with expected completion in 1Q 2008. Around 68 percent of the total stock in 2007 is represented by newly built properties. Major completions in 2007 comprised âSOB building (37,700 m2), Gemini–building A (17,550 m2), E-Gate (16,855 m2), Technology Centre âeská Spofiitelna (15,000 m2), BB Centre–building E (14,600 m2), Oasis Florenc (14,393 m2), The Park–buildings 9 and 11 (7,600 m2 and 7,836 m2) and East Building (7,212 m2). Major completions expected in 2008 are Kavãí Hory (42,120 m2), City Tower (42,072 m2), Palladium (20,000 m2), PPF building–âeská poji‰Èovna seat (20,000 m2), Gemini–building B (18,734 m2), Opatov Park (13,500 m2), The Park–building 12 (12,000 m2) and Corso Karlín IIa (10,724 m2). When compared to the previous year, take-up of office space was significantly lower in 2007, reaching a volume of 195,197 m2. Regarding the structure of take-up, 2007 saw a shift back towards the newly built properties. These included more than 80 percent of all transactions - significantly more than in the previous year. The financial and professional services, banking, insurance, and manufacturing sectors recorded the largest take-up per sector in 2007. The average size of a deal in 2007 was 685 m2. We expect total take-up for 2008 to be around 200,000 m2. The most significant take-up deals in 2007 were Skanska (13,500 m2 in Opatov Park in Prague 4), Raiffeisenbank (8,796 m2, renegotiation in Raiffeisen Centrum in Prague 4), Generali Poji‰Èovna (8,389 m2 in City Element in Prague 4), âeská spofiitelna (8,300 m2 in E-Gate in Prague 6), PPF Investments (8,035 m2 in E-Gate in Prague 6), Vegacom (5,200 m2 in KCD 4 in Prague 10), Toyota (4,800 m2 in Toyota HG in Prague 5), âeské dráhy Cargo (3,200 m2 in Lighthouse in Prague 8), Unipetrol (3,143 m2 in Gemini building A in Prague 4), Komerãní banka (2,922 m2 in Rokytka I in Prague 9), TNS Aisa (2,739 m2 in Trianon in Prague 4), Ness Technologies (2,695 m2 in The Park building 9 in Prague 4) and Fujitsu Siemens (2,500 m2 in The Park building 11 in Prague 4). Prague 4 remained the most attractive district in Prague with more than 32 percent of the total take-up in Prague. The vacancy rate in Prague dropped from 7.72 percent at the end of 2006 to 5.76 percent at the end of 2007, which was 125,622 m2 of office space. This was mainly due to a lack of new office stock coming onto the market and constantly increasing demand. The vacancy rate of Class A office buildings reached 5.7 percent and Class B properties had a vacancy rate of 5.97 percent. Although Brno started to develop five years ago, the Brno office market already has a well established position among other regional markets. It is not only due to the existence of universities and direct traffic connections to Prague, Bratislava and Vienna, but Brno also offers attractive conditions to IT, shared services and call centres. The total modern office stock reached more than 177,000 m2 in 2007 and it is expected to grow to more than 240,000 m2 by the end of 2008. Although speculative development plays a significant role in current market growth and higher vacancy rate is related to the rapid expansion of the market, new projects are completed in response to expected demand. Ostrava is becoming an increasingly attractive location for developers as well as for international and Czech companies looking for office space to lease. With a population of approximately 1.2 million people, the Moravia-Silesia Region offers a sufficient quantity of qualified labour force as well as new university graduates. Educated people and an easily accessible location give the city an important competitive advantage. Large companies already recognised this high potential and some of them currently thinking above locating their call centres and shared service centres there. The total stock reached nearly 65,000 m2 in 2007. The office market in PlzeÀ is in its early stage of development with first signs of activity. The total office stock was almost 40,000 m2 in 2007. The future growth of supply will be strongly influenced by the success of the existing projects. The growth of the Czech economy is also contributing to the development of office markets in regions. An inflow of foreign direct investments and good relationships with neighbouring countries are the examples of the main key drivers. âeské Budûjovice, Hradec Králové, Liberec, Ústí nad Labem, Pardubice and Olomouc are shifting into the focus of developers and prospective tenants but currently offer only a small amount of modern office space. With the expected improvements of regional infrastructure and the shortage of qualified labour in Prague, the regional office markets will continue strengthening their position. CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC Cushman & Wakefield is one of the world’s largest commercial real estate services firms. Founded in 1917, the firm has 215 offices in 56 countries, and 12,000 talented professionals. Cushman & Wakefield delivers integrated solutions by actively advising, implementing and managing on behalf of landlords, tenants, lenders and investors through every stage of the real estate process. These solutions include representing clients in the buying, selling, financing, leasing and managing of assets. The firm also provides valuation advice, strategic planning and research, portfolio analysis, site selection and space location assistance, as well as many other advisory services. The company entered the Czech market in 1993 to assist clients in identifying and achieving their goals in commercial property in the Czech Republic. Clients vary from public to private sector, from major logistics and office occupiers to one-person set-ups, and from international to local retailers, developers, investors and banks. The company currently has 110 staff and disposes with dedicated teams by sector providing complete range of real estate services. - Office, Retail, Industrial, Hospitality and Residential Agency - Capital Markets Group - Tenant & Landlord Representation - Development Consultancy - Asset Management & Facilities Management - Valuations - Research & Consultancy The declining vacancy and the shortage of available stock in the city centre created favourable conditions for slight growth of prime rents than in previous years. Rents currently range between 19 and 20 per m2 per month. The overall rental prediction for 2008 is stable although the expected extensive new supply–with the exception of the city centre–may create a pressure for rent reduction. REGIONAL MARKETS There is a significantly growing interest from international occupiers for modern, A-class purpose-built office space in secondary cities across the Czech Republic. Demand is mainly driven by the shared service sector and call centre industries searching for a cost effective alternative to Prague. Up to now, developers have predominantly focused on Brno and Ostrava. Na Pfiíkopû 1, 110 00 Praha 1 Czech Republic (420) 234 603 603 [email protected] CZECHINVEST CZECHINVEST TODAY A thousand investors have relied on CzechInvest CzechInvest, the Investment and Business Development Agency of the Czech Republic, has helped nearly one thousand foreign and domestic investors to realise their plans in the country. Since its establishment in 1992, the agency has played a role in 963 investments worth a total of EUR 22.223 billion. Nearly 188,000 people have found or will find work directly in projects mediated by CzechInvest, with thousands of other jobs being created in related projects. In 2007 alone, 182 companies turned to CzechInvest with projects valued at nearly EUR 3.6 billion. In terms of the number of new investors, 2007 was thus the most successful year in the agency’s history. Czech companies were the most active, followed closely by investors from Germany and the United States. Last year, new investors in the Czech Republic undertook to create 30,598 new jobs. Investors find success in the Czech Republic Among the 182 projects in which the agency took part last year, 65% involved expansions. This means that companies in the Czech Republic have been successful to the point that not only are they not interested in leaving, but are rather expanding their activities. The expansion of production on the part of investors operating in the Czech Republic is clearly the most important indicator of the domestic business environment’s quality. Particularly gratifying is the fact that in the great majority of cases these expansions represent a qualitative leap and bring investment in state-of-the-art technologies, services and research and development. Credit for the lion’s share of these expansions goes to investors that CzechInvest has cooperated with over the years. A range of these investors first set up manufacturing projects in the Czech Republic and are now establishing development centres and centres providing the broadest range of business services, from accounting and customer service to custom software development. Strengthening research and development Twenty-eight new technology centres for science and research have been established in the Czech Republic with CzechInvest’s assistance, which is the same number of investors who decided for the Czech Republic in 2007 in this field. Half of these applied for inclusion in the national Framework Programme for the Support of Technology Centres and Centres of Shared Services, whereas the other half chose the European Potential Programme. In 2006, CzechInvest attracted 13 similar projects to the Czech Republic. CzechInvest expects similar development also among centres providing business services. There were 13 fewer investments last year in comparison with 2006. However, this was not due to a lack of interest on the part of investors, but rather on their waiting for the launch of national and European support programmes. The national programme started in the first half of April 2007; the European programme began this year. The greatest number of investors last year focused on South Moravia. In coming years, 3,900 people will find work there in 40 new companies worth CZK 13 billion. The Ústí region ranked second with 31 projects, while the North Moravia, Olomouc and Plzen regions each attracted 17 new investors. other 10 % automotive 25 % technology centres 3% biotechnology, medical technology 2% chemicals, plastics, rubber 15 % business support service centres 2% electronics and electrical engineering 25 % wood processing, paper, printing 2% Zlín Region 1% Prague 1% Central Bohemia 12 % Olomouc Region 6% South Bohemia 2% PlzeÀ Region 4% Karlovy Vary Region 1% South Moravia Region 18 % Ústí Region 26 % Vysoãina Region 1% Pardubice Region 7% Hradec Králové Region 11 % Hradec Králové Region Regiocentrum Nov˘ pivovar Soukenická 54/8, 500 03 Hradec Králové tel.: +420 495 817 711 fax: +420 495 817 710 [email protected] Karlovy Vary Region Na Vyhlídce 53, 360 01 Karlovy Vary tel.: +420 353 116 226 fax: +420 353 116 301 Liberec Region nám. Dr. E. Bene‰e 4/12, 460 01 Liberec tel.: +420 482 710 353 fax: +420 485 105 517 Moravia-Silesia Region NádraÏní 923/118, 702 00 Ostrava tel.: +420 595 198 480 fax: +420 595 198 488 [email protected] Olomouc Region Jeremenkova 40 B, 772 00 Olomouc tel.: +420 587 332 186 fax: +420 587 332 195 [email protected] Liberec Region 2% PlzeÀ Region Anglické nábfi. 1, PlzeÀ, 305 45 tel.: +420 378 226 630 fax: +420 378 226 632 [email protected] Prague, Central Bohemia Region ·tûpánská 14, 120 00 Praha 2 tel.: +420 234 703 555 fax: +420 234 703 566 South Bohemia Region Husova 5, 370 01 âeské Budûjovice tel.: +420 387 962 413 fax: +420 387 962 424 South Moravia Region Holandská 3, 639 000 Brno tel.: +420 534 422 780 fax: +420 543 422 795 [email protected] Volume of investment mediated by CzechInvest in 2007 by region of location Moravia-Silesia Region 9% CzechInvest Regional Offices: Pardubice Region nám. Republiky 56, 530 02 Pardubice tel.: +420 466 616 144 fax: +420 466 616 702 [email protected] Number of jobs mediated by CzechInvest in 2007 by sector engineering, metallurgy 3% CzechInvest ·tûpánská 15, 120 00 Praha 2 tel.: +420 296 342 500 fax: +420 296 342 502 www.czechinvest.org Ústí Region Mírové nám. 34, 400 02 Ústí nad Labem tel.: +420 475 201 158 fax: +420 475 201 135 [email protected] Vysoãina Region Komenského 31, 586 01 Jihlava tel.: +420 567 155 197 fax: +420 567 300 703 [email protected] Zlínsk˘ kraj Vavreãkova 5262, 769 01 Zlín tel.: +420 573 776 260 fax: +420 573 776 265 [email protected] 7 8 PRAGUE BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA PRAGUE ABOUT REGION The capital of Czech Republic is situated in the middle of Stfiedoãesk˘ kraj ( Central Bohemia Region) which surrounds it completely. On January 1, 2006 the area of Prague amounted to 496 km2 (0.6 % of Czech Republic territory). The region (kraj) of Prague is smaller then all other Czech regions. Its population was decreasing in the last 15 years but now it is growing again with more people moving to the capital. Population of the metropolitan region on December 31, 2006 reached 1,188,126 inhabitants, i.e. 11.6 % of the population of the Czech Republic. As number of inhabitants is concerned, Prague is number two among regions, second only to Moravskoslezsk˘ kraj (Moravia-Silesia). The Historic Centre of Prague was put on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1992 as one of the largest urban sanctuaries in the world. There are more then 1,300 historic buildings protected by law as national monuments. The capital’s economy is being strongly supported by the mass development of tourism. Prague accommodation services account for half of nights spent by foreign tourists in Czech Republic. The capital is also number one among destinations for all foreign tourists visiting the country (89.8 %). However, some indexes put Prague in an inferior position, e.g. average number of nights spent (by foreign tourists) per capita – in this respect Prague is second to the region Karlovy Vary. The Czech capital is still lacking accommodation capacity in the category of five star hotels. Prague is also the seat of several universities. Univerzita Karlova (Universitas Carolina - Charles University) was founded in 1348. Virtually all non-technical fields of studies are being taught at its 17 colleges, 14 of which are located in Prague. Other examples of Prague’s universities are: âeské vysoké uãení technické (âVUT - Czech Technical University), Vysoká ‰kola ekonomická (V·E - University of economics) âeská zemûdûlská univerzita (âZU - Czech University of Life Sciences) and Vysoká ‰kola chemicko-technologická (V·CHT - Institute of Chemical Technology). Study of the arts is available at Akademie múzick˘ch umûní (AMU - Academy of Performing Arts), Akademie v˘tvarn˘ch umûní (AVU - Academy of Fine Arts) and Vysoká ‰kola umûlecko prÛmyslová (V·UP - Academy of Arts Architecture and Design). The Police Academy of the Czech Republic is also located in the capital. More then 20 private universities have been founded in Prague since 1997. In the area of research and development of new technologies, Prague is the undisputed leader in the country. Nearly all of the institutes of the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic are seated in Prague. Expenditure on science and research in 2004 per capita in the Prague Region amounted to Kã 11,362 with 2.06 % of employees from the capital working in this field. For several years now, Prague has seen development in the line of retailing, transport and tourism. In the manufacturing industry, production of business machines and computers is in good shape and there is there is starting to be growth in the construction business. Prague, as a seat for business, has its advantageous points: there is a qualified workforce and supplying firms within easy reach. Furthermore, universities and other schooling institutions, as well as development centers, are at hand to provide education for prospective employees. Traditional domains that are well developed in Prague and its vicinity are car manufacturing, pharmaceutical and brewing industries. The strong potential of this region is re-enforced by its well developed structure of roads and railways connected to the European transportation network, well established municipal transport – although the road orbital has not been yet completed, and the newly refurbished airport with 50 regular flight connections. There is good accommodation capacity in the capital, many historic buildings and monuments, more than average density of the telephone system network, a population with a high proportion of people in productive age, highly qualified workforce and a high proportion of foreign investments flowing to the city. Suppliers are never far away. Sciences, education, health care and culture in the region are of a very top quality. BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA BASIC DATA ADMINISTRATIVE BREAKDOWN Land Area.............................................................................................................496 km2 POPULATION Number of districts .........................................................................................................1 Number of municipalities................................................................................................1 of that, number of towns ................................................................................................1 REPRESENTATION OF PROFESSIONAL CLASSES (%) Total .....................................................................................1,188,126 Percentage in the total population of Czech Republic (%).........................................11.6 Population density (persons/km2) ............................................................................2,395 Average work force ..............................................................................................720,113 Number of job seekers ..........................................................................................21,364 NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Total .......................................................................................437,882 Industry .................................................................................................................35,354 Construction ..........................................................................................................40,040 Agriculture & forestry ..............................................................................................2,964 Services ...............................................................................................................359,524 Unskilled and unqualified workers ...............................................................................4.7 Plant and machine operators and assemblers .............................................................5.8 Craft and related trades workers..................................................................................8.7 Skilled agricultural and forestry workers .....................................................................0.3 Workers in services & sales ......................................................................................11.2 Administrative..............................................................................................................8.5 Specialists..................................................................................................................23.5 Legislators, senior officials and managers...................................................................8.9 Armed forces ...............................................................................................................0.1 Technical, health care, pedagogical workers & workers in similar sectors ................28.2 of which Technicians in physical, technical & related branches ...............................................30.1 Technicians in biology, health care & agriculture.......................................................13.9 Pedagogical workers....................................................................................................3.2 Others assistant skilled workers ................................................................................52.8 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz AVERAGE MONTHLY GROSS WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD 28,000 22.4 % ■ Basic and without education ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education 12.9 % 23.8 % 41.0 % 26,160 Czech Republic Region 25,000 24,782 22,437 21,073 22,000 20,844 19,901 19,000 15,844 19,631 18,035 16,917 16,000 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 13,000 2002 CZK/year 2003 2004 2005 2006 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz GDP BY REGIONS UNEMPLOYMENT – 5-YEAR TREND Total Region Per capita mln. CZK mln. EUR CZK Prague 784,492 27,679 662,815 23,385 Average GDP for Czech regions 230,827 8,144 294,679 10,400 Share in GDP of the Czech Republic EUR District 12 9.8 10.3 10.1 9.6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Average in all regions 10.3 10 24.28 % Czech Republic 10.2 8 9.5 8.9 7.7 9.4 8.9 7.7 6 4 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT UNEMPLOYMENT ACCORDING TO SEX STRUCTURE Women Men Total number of job seekers Number Share 9,193 52.95 % 8,170 2 %/year Region 47.05 % 16,040 553 Prague 801,100 27,619 Prague (max) 801,100 27,619 Average 106,540 3,673 Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz 4.0 2003 3.6 2.7 3.3 2004 2005 Original methodology FDI (mln. CZK) FDI (mln. EUR) Karlovy Vary (min) 17,363 4.2 3.7 2002 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz AVERAGE GROSS MONTHLY WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND Year Region 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR Prague Average for Czech Republic 19,901 15,844 646 514 21,073 16,917 662 531 22,437 18,035 703 565 24,768 19,624 832 659 Average for Czech regions 14,499 471 15,509 487 16,557 519 17,903 601 CZK EUR 26,16 20,844 923 735 19,031 671 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 9 10 PRAGUE LISTS OF AIRPORTS Specifications Flight time (hrs) Public/Private Civil/Military/Varied International/Intranational Prague Berlin Vienna Kbely Private Military International/Intranational no flights no flights no flights Praha LetÀany Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Praha Ruzynû Public Civil International/Intranational London 1:40 0:50 0:45 Toãná Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Source: Ministry of Transport, www.mdcr.cz SCHOOL SYSTEM Dresden (150 km) Number of schools Number of students Number of graduates 204 77,066 17,055 Secondary schools Technical fields 50 17,744 4,238 Economic fields 75 21,575 5,819 ICT fields 20 6,504 1,551 Higher schools 37 6,580 1,734 Technical fields 4 268 80 Economic fields 12 2,007 535 3 188 60 30 120,612 NA 7 28,255 NA ICT fields Universities Technical fields Economic fields 14 31,390 NA ICT fields 11 11,212 NA Ústí nad Labem (80 km) Dresden (150 km) Liberec (105 km) Szczecin (510 km) Hamburg (779 km) R7 Karlovy Vary (130 km) Nürnberg (320 km) R10, E65 E55 D8 Hradec Králové (100 km) Warszawa (630 km) D11 R6, E48 Brno (255 km) Wien (400 km) D5 Praha R1 E50 PlzeÀ (90 km) Nürnberg (320 km) München (380 km) D1 E50, E65 PlzeÀ (114 km) München (440 km) R4 âeské Budûjovice (169 km) Linz (294 km) Pfiíbram Motorway Brno (200 km) âeské Budûjovice (150 km) Linz (240 km) Wien (320 km) Road Railroad Airport - Private Airport - Public Source: Institute for Information on Education, www.uiv.cz TOP 20 COMPANIES RANKED BY REVENUES 2006 Name of company Location www E-mail Phone Activity (sector) âEZ, a. s. Praha 4 www.cez.cz [email protected] +420 840 840 840 Electric services 105,196,000 6,467 RWE Transgas, a.s. Praha 10 www.rwe-transgas.cz [email protected] +420 267 971 111 Liquefied petroleum gas, distribution through mains 104,204,732 350 âEZ Prodej, s.r.o. Praha 4 [email protected] +420 602 590 693 Business services 68,743,818 217 Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s. Praha 4 [email protected] +420 271 411 111 Telephone communication, except radio 62,458,000 9,816 www.cz.o2.com Revenue 2006 (CZK) Employees âeské dráhy, a.s. Praha 1 www.cd.cz [email protected] +420 972 211 111 Passenger rail transportation 48,051,395 58,823 Shell Czech Republic a.s. Praha 4 www.shell.cz [email protected] +420 244 025 111 Gasoline service stations 40,746,277 230 âEPRO, a.s. Praha 7 www.ceproas.cz [email protected] +420 221 968 111 Service station supplies, petroleum 38,217,657 834 âeská poji‰Èovna a.s. Praha 1 www.cpoj.cz [email protected] +420 224 051 111 Life insurance 37,528,805 5,251 Tesco Stores âR a.s. Praha 10 www.itesco.cz [email protected] +420 272 087 247 Supermarkets, greater than 100,000 square feet 36,484,933 12,700 MAKRO Cash & Carry âR s.r.o Praha 5 www.makro.cz [email protected] +420 220 389 111 Variety store merchandise 35,557,009 3,297 OMV âeská republika, s.r.o. Praha 4 www.omv.cz [email protected] +420 261 392 111 Gasoline service stations 35,286,763 85 âeská spofiitelna, a.s. Praha 4 www.csas.cz [email protected] +420 224 402 228 Savings institutions, except federal 33,824,000 10,856 PCA LOGISTIKA CZ, s.r.o. Praha 4 Durable goods 33,775,220 T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s. Praha 4 www.t-mobile.cz [email protected] +420 603 603 603 Radiotelephone communication 31,935,472 5 Kaufland âeská republika v.o.s. Praha 4 www.kaufland-online.cz [email protected] +420 241 052 535 Supermarkets, greater than 100,000 square feet 31,269,840 6,050 METALIMEX a. s. Praha 1 www.metalimex.cz [email protected] +420 224 492 111 Precious metal mill shapes 28,305,859 72 Agip âeská republika, s.r.o. Praha 4 www.agip.cz [email protected] +420 224 495 111 Gasoline service stations 27,635,142 65 âeské aerolinie a.s. Praha 6 www.csa.cz [email protected] +420 220 111 111 Air transportation, scheduled 25,424,072 5,442 Komerãní banka, a.s. Praha 1 www.kb.cz [email protected] +420 222 432 155 National commercial banks 24,352,000 7,552 LUKOIL Czech Republic s.r.o. Praha 5 www.lukoil.cz [email protected] +420 257 414 444 Gasoline service stations 23,797,974 600 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz LABOUR OFFICE City Address Phone Fax Praha DomaÏlická 1139/11,130 00 Praha 3 +420 221 921 111 +420 257 328 198 E-mail [email protected] Praha - v˘chod nám. Republiky 3/4, 110 00 Praha 1 +420 950 151 111 +420 950 151 302 [email protected] Praha - západ Kartouzská 200/4, 150 00 Praha 5 +420 950 152 111 +420 950 152 302 [email protected] Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz 11 A-CLASS OFFICE SPACES (PRAGUE) Project District Total size (m2)* Completed Amazon Court Prague 8 19,800 2Q 2009 Comments Andûl Park Prague 5 32,518 1st phase 2004, 2nd phase 2005 Avenir Business Park Prague 5 28,927 BB Centrum Prague 4 220,000 "1st phase 2004, 2nd phase 2005, 3rd phase 2007" ongoing phased development since 2002 City Tower Prague 4 38,353 4Q 2007 Corso Karlín I-III Prague 8 19,878 ongoing phased development since 2001 âSOB Prague 5 37,700 2007 The seat of âSOB headquarters located next to metro station Radlická. Fully occupied by âSOB. Danube House - River City Prague Prague 8 19,814 2003 First phase of succesful River City Project, situated in booming office district of Prague 8. Danube house offers A class office space and unique displacement ventilation system. Two metro stations nearby. Diamond Point Prague 8 18,231 2006 The project is located in the middle of several main roads junction. Metro station Florenc in walking distance. Hilton hotel accross the street. Explora - Jupiter Prague 5 21,100 Autumn 2008 Gemini Prague 4 33,000 1st phase Dec 2007, 2nd phase 4Q 2008 Third part of the project River City Prague. Environmentally friendly technologies, low cost office building. Easy access from the city centre, metro stations Florenc and KfiiÏíkova in walking distance. Successful office project in Smichov area close to metro station Andûl, Novy Smichov shopping centre and three international hotels nearby. Phased office development located in walking distance from metro station Nove Butovice, direct connection to D5 highway leading to Germany. Shopping centre Galerie Nove Butovice nearby. Very succesful office park, at the moment composed of 17 buildings situated next to D1 highway. The tallest building in the Czech Republic (109 m) offers great visibility, high standard of technology and design, next to metro station Pankrác. The phased development located in developing office district of Prague 8. The metro station KfiiÏíkova nearby. The phased development located in developing district of Prague 5, well established administrative and residential area. Metro station Nové Butovice next to the project. The project is located in a dynamically developing district of Pankrác, surrounded by a wide range of services. Metro station Pankrác is close to the project. Hadovka Office Park Prague 6 22,000 1999 The scheme is situated next to Evropská street, direct connection to Prague airport. Tram stop in front of the project. International Business Centre Prague 8 24,000 2003 Three buildings around a lanscaped yard. Close to Florenc bus and metro stations. Hilton hotel nearby. IPB Vinice Vinohradská Prague 10 22,000 1999 The office building located close to the metro Stra‰nická. In the location where residental element prevails. Jungmannova 29 Prague 1 23,000 2006 The historical building reconstructed for The Prague City Hall. Located in the city center nearby to the metro station MÛstek. Kavãí Hory Prague 4 36,550 Q3 2008 Lighthouse Prague 7 22,632 2004 Luxembourg Plaza Prague 1 23,949 2006 Office Park Nové Butovice Prague 5 33,435 ongoing phased development since 2000 Extensive office development with the nice view to the Prague Castle. Two metro stations in walking distance. Situated in developing location of Prague 7 - Hole‰ovice, overlooking the banks of Vltava river. Close to a tram stop. Fully occupied office building located next to metro Flora. Close to the city center. The office project which is composed of 4 buildings in developing district of Prague 5. The metro station Nové Butovice is adjacent to the scheme. Opatov Park Prague 4 33,500 1st phase 2008, 2nd phase 2009 Palladium Prague 1 19,500 3Q 2007 Phased development located in walking distance from the metro station Opatov. The first phase is fully leased. Prosek Point Prague 9 25,300 ongoing phased development since 2008 Consists of three separate buildings located next to metro station Prosek at outer city location. The Park Prague 4 108,200 ongoing phased development since 2002 Successful office development with 11 buildings at the moment. Good visibility from D1 highway. T-Mobile Center Prague 4 29,000 2003 Trianon Prague 4 18,500 1Q 2009 Prominent office and retail project in the city centre. Above metro station Námûstí Republiky. The office project fully occupied by T-Mobile. Located in walking distance from the metro station Roztyly. New office project located close to metro station Budûjovická. *) Total size of office space Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o., www.cushmanwakefield.com OFFICE AND RETAIL SPACE RENTALS EUR/m2/month Location In demand Other Office space 10.6 - 21.2 7.1 - 14.1 Retail space 35.3 - 70.6 17.6 - 52.9 A-Class Office Space (Prague) City Centre 19.0 - 20.0 Inner City 13.0 - 16.5 Outer City 13.0 - 14.5 Shopping Centre Area * - 40.0 - 140.0 - * Rental levels for average 100 m2 retail unit. The given prices are for rental in the regional city. The prices are listed separately as prices in locations in demand and other locations. Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o. (A-Class office space and Shopping Centre Area) and European Club of Estate Agencies (other data) SELECTED CZECHINVEST PROJECTS IN THE REGION Name Location Investor Country Sector Year Accenture Services, s.r.o. Praha Accenture USA shared services center 2006 CSC Computer Sciences s.r.o. Praha Computer Sciences Corporation USA shared services center 2006 CSC Computer Sciences s.r.o. Praha Computer Sciences Corporation USA IT, software 2006 Deutsche Börse Services s.r.o. Praha Deutsche Börse Germany software development 2006 InBev Business Services Czech s.r.o. Praha InBev Belgium shared services center 2006 JNJ Global Business Services s.r.o. Praha JNJ Global Business Services s.r.o. USA SC 2007 Logos a.s. Praha LOGOS SC Czech Republic IT , software development 2007 2006 Sita Information Networking Computing B.V. - org. sloÏka Praha SITA Switzerland IT, software Skype Czech Republic s.r.o. Praha Skype Technologies Luxembourg software development 2006 NA Praha GE Aviation USA aircraft 2007 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org 12 PRAGUE LIST OF SCHOOLS Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Students BcA., MgA., Ph.D. 1,386 Universities Akademie múzick˘ch umûní v Praze [email protected] www.amu.cz Variety of Programmes Akademie v˘tvarn˘ch umûní v Praze (AVU) [email protected] www.avu.cz Fine arts Anglická mezinárodní ‰kola Praha [email protected] www.eisp.cz International baccalaureate Anglo-americká vysoká ‰kola [email protected], [email protected] www.aac.edu, www.aavs.cz Business management, economics Bankovní institut vysoká ‰kola a.s. (BIV·) [email protected] www.bivs.cz Banking, finance, economics, insurance Bc., Mgr. MA, Ph.D. 140 Bc. 220 Mg.A IB 327 BA, MA, MBA 409 CERGE-EI (Centrum pro ek. v˘zkum a doktorské stud., Národohosp. ústav) office@cerg www.cerge-ei.cz Economics CEVRO Institut, o.p.s. [email protected] www.cevroinstitut.cz Specialisation of law, politology Czech Management Institute Praha - manaÏerská fakulta [email protected] www.esma.cz, www.esma.es Economics and management BBA, MBA, DBA 15 âeská zemûdûlská univerzita v Praze (âZU) [email protected] www.czu.cz Agriculture, forestry and economics Bc. Mgr., Ing. 16,216 âeské vysoké uãení technické v Praze (âVUT) [email protected] www.cvut.cz Technical Bc. Ing. Ph. D. 21,765 Francouzsko-ãesk˘ institut fiízení pfii V·E [email protected] http://nb.vse.cz/fcir French MBA Master en admin. des affaires Christian International School of Prague, o.p.s. [email protected] www.cisprague.org MBA 31 College prepartory, TNT Bc. 53 Bc. Mgr. 233 Literární akademie (Soukromá vysoká ‰kola Josefa ·kvoreckého) [email protected] www.lit-akad.cz Media, communication MANAGEMENT TC, s.r.o. [email protected] www.tcbs.cz MBA programs MasarykÛv ústav vy‰‰ích studií, âVUT v Praze [email protected] www.muvs.cvut.cz Management Mezinárodní vysoká ‰kola podnikatelství a práva v Praze [email protected] www.mipp.cz Law, economics MBA MBA Bc., Mgr. Open University v âeské republice [email protected] www.openuniv.cz MBA program Policejní akademie âeské republiky [email protected] www.mvcr.cz/akademie Security management, public service MBA Prague College [email protected] www.praguecollege.cz Int’l business, graph. design, computing PraÏská mezinárodní manaÏerská ‰kola pfii V·E v Praze [email protected] www.pibs.cz Business Administration PraÏská vysoká ‰kola psychosociálních studií [email protected] www.viap.cz Social work focused on communication and applied psychotherapy PraÏsk˘ technologick˘ institut o.p.s. [email protected] www.pti.cz Engineering ecology Bc. 59 Soukromá vysoká ‰kola ekonomick˘ch studií [email protected] www.svses.cz Economics and mgmt, Security mgmt Bc. 353 University of New York in Prague [email protected] www.unyp.cz Business Administration, Communication and Mass Media Bc., Mgr., MBA 558 University of Northern Virginia - Prague, s.r.o. [email protected] www.unva.cz Variety of Programmes University of Pittsburgh in Prague [email protected] www.pitt.cz Executive MBA, custom EMBA Univerzita Jana Amose Komenského Praha [email protected] www.ujak.cz Special education, social and mass communication, etc. Univerzita Karlova v Praze [email protected] www.cuni.cz Variety of Programmes Vysoká ‰kola aplikovaného práva, s.r.o. [email protected] www.vsap.cz Law specialization Vysoká ‰kola cestovního ruchu, hotelnictví a lázeÀství [email protected] www.vscrhl.cz Economics, management of tourism Vysoká ‰kola ekonomická v Praze (V·E) [email protected] www.vse.cz Variety of Programmes Bc., Mgr., Ph.D. Bc. 60 MBA 150 Bc., Mgr. 119 BS, MBA 93 MBA 94 Bc., Mgr., Ing., PhDr., Ph.D. 5,300 Bc., Mgr., MUDr., MDDr., ThLic., ThDr., RNDr., PhDr., PharmDr., JUDr., Ph.D., Th.D. 47,831 Bc. Bc. 73 Bc., Mgr., Ph.D, doktor honoris causa 14,500 1,353 Vysoká ‰kola ekonomie a managementu (V·EM) [email protected] www.vsem.cz Variety of Programmes Bc., Ing., MBA Vysoká ‰kola finanãní a správní [email protected] www.vsfs.cz Economics and management Bc., Mgr., MBA Vysoká ‰kola hotelová v Praze [email protected] www.vsh.cz Gastronomy, hotel industry and tourism, economics and management Vysoká ‰kola chemicko-technologická v Praze (V·CHT Praha) [email protected] www.vscht.cz Variety of Programmes Vysoká ‰kola manaÏerské informatiky a ekonomiky [email protected] www.vsmie.cz Economics and management Vysoká ‰kola mezinárodních a vefiejn˘ch vztahÛ Praha [email protected] www.vip-vs.cz Vysoká ‰kola obchodní v Praze, o.p.s. (V·O) [email protected] Vysoká ‰kola regionálního rozvoje (VSRR) [email protected] Vysoká ‰kola tûlesné v˘chovy a sportu PALESTRA, s. r. o. [email protected] www.palestra.cz Physical Education and Sport Vysoká ‰kola umûlecko-prÛmyslová v Praze (V·UP) [email protected] www.vsup.cz Fine arts Vysoká ‰kola vefiejné správy a mezinárodních vztahu v Praze, o.p.s. [email protected] www.vsvsmv.cz Economics, finance, informatics, administration Vysoká ‰kola zdravotnická [email protected] www.vszdrav.cz Nursing Bc., Ing. 1,950 Bc., Ing. Ph.D. 4,138 Bc. 421 International Relations, Public Relations, Diplomatic Relations and Services Bc., Mgr. 550 www.vso-praha.eu International territorial studies Bc., Ing. 1,665 www.vsrr.cz Regional development Bc. Bc. 185 MgA, Ph.D. 439 Bc., Ing. 2,950 Bc. Higher schools Akademie tûlesné v˘chovy a sportu Palestra - Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola [email protected] www.palestra.cz Management of Sports DiS. 192 BANKOVNÍ AKADEMIE – Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola [email protected] www.bank-akademie.cz Banking, insurance, management DiS. 99 CEDUK - Soukromá VY··Í ODBORNÁ ·KOLA spol. s r.o. [email protected] www.ceduk-svos.cz Appraisement, project management DiS. 21 Collegium Marianum - T˘nská vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, s.r.o. [email protected] www.tynska.cuni.cz Music DiS. Evangelická akademie - vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola sociálnû-právní [email protected] www.eapraha.cz Sociallaw DiS. 90 Institut informatiky-Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, s.r.o. Jabok - Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola sociálnû pedagogická a teologická [email protected] [email protected] www.iivos.cz www.jabok.cz Information technology Social pedagogy, philosophy and theology, languages, arts and sports DiS. DiS. 288 177 Konzervatofi a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola Jaroslava JeÏka [email protected] www.kjj.cz Music DiS. 84 PB-Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední ‰kola managementu [email protected] www.pbvos.cz Management, finance DiS. 198 Soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední podnikatelská ‰kola, spol. s r.o. [email protected] www.svospraha.cz Law, management DiS. Soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola umûní a reklamy, s.r.o. [email protected] www.svosur.cz Advertisement DiS. 240 Soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická MEDEA, s.r.o. [email protected] Rescue worker, nursing DiS. 300 Soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická pro dentální hygienistky, s.r.o. [email protected] www.dhskola.cz Dental hygiene DiS. 120 Stfiední odborná ‰kola specializaãní a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola ARITA, spol. s r.o. [email protected] www.arita.cz Travel movement DiS. 360 ·kola mezinárodních a vefiejn˘ch vztahÛ Praha, Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Stfiední odborná ‰kola, Gymnázium, s.r.o. [email protected] www.smvvpraha.cz Public relations, diplomatic services DiS. 332 TRIVIS - Stfiední ‰kola vefiejnoprávní a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola prevence kriminality a krizového fiízení Praha, s.r.o. [email protected] www.trivis.cz Variety of Programmes DiS. 500 VO·, SO·P a Gymnázium [email protected] www.pedevropska.cz Variety of Programmes DiS. 200 Vy‰‰í obchodní podnikatelská ‰kola [email protected] www.vops-praha.cz Management of tourism, finance DiS. 500 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola dopravní [email protected] www.spsdmasna.cz Car diagnostic DiS. 176 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola elektrotechnická F. KfiiÏíka [email protected] www.vosaspsekrizik.cz Heavy-current engineering DiS. 125 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola potravináfisk˘ch technologií [email protected] www.podskalska.cz Accounting DiS. 435 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední umûlecká ‰kola Václava Hollara [email protected] www.hollarka.cz Interactive graphics DiS. 60 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola âSTV s.r.o. [email protected] www.cstv.cz Management of Sports DiS. 270 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola herecká s.r.o. [email protected] www.vosherecka.cz Variety of Programmes DiS. 108 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz Note: You can find the complete list of schools on the CD-ROM City Invest Czech. 13 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE REGION City Hall - Praha Mariánské námûstí 2/2, 110 00 Praha 1 tel.: 236 001 111, 236 002 428 fax: 236 007 102, 236 007 088 [email protected] www.praha-mesto.cz CzechInvest - Regional Office ·tûpánská 14, 110 00 Praha 1 tel.: 234 703 555 fax: 234 703 566 [email protected] CzechTrade - Regional Information Place - Praha Dittrichova 21, 128 01 Praha 2 tel.: 224 907 500, fax: 224 907 503 [email protected] www.czechtrade.cz Labor Office - City of Prague DomaÏlická 1139/11, 130 00 Praha 3 - ÎiÏkov tel.: 221 921 111 fax: 224 918 391, 221 922 664 [email protected]; [email protected] CzechTrade - Regional Consultants Regional Consultant CzechTrade - Praha Ivana Lukasová tel.: 224 907 526, fax: 224 913 800 [email protected] Euro Info Center Vinohradská 46, 120 00 Praha 2 tel.: 221 580 201, fax: 221 580 284 [email protected], [email protected], www.crr.cz contact person: PhDr. Marie PavlÛ, CSc. Regional Economic Chamber of Capital Prague Franze Kafky 7, 110 00 Praha tel.: 224 818 197, -8 fax: 222 329 348 [email protected], [email protected] www.hkp.cz contact person: Mgr. Jifií Svoboda director: Zdenûk Kováfi 199 00 Praha 9 - LetÀany (areál LETOV) tel.: 234 312 375, fax: 234 312 383 [email protected], www.ceskaenergie.cz [email protected], www.pvk.cz www.spoluproprahu.cz UTILITIES Gas PraÏská plynárenská, a.s.- sídlo Národní 37, 110 00, Praha 1 - Nové Mûsto tel.: 267 171 111, fax: 267 171 030 [email protected], www.ppas.cz Postal address: PraÏská plynárenská, a. s. Národní 37, 110 00 Praha 1 - Nové Mûsto Stfiedoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Novodvorská 803/82, 142 01 Praha 4 tel.: 241 027 111, fax: 241 027 112 [email protected], www.stp.cz RWE Transgas, a.s. Limuzská 12/3135, 100 98 Praha 10 - Stra‰nice tel.: 267 971 111, fax: 267 976 965 [email protected] www.rwe-transgas.cz Milan Mézl, tel.: 224 907 599 milan [email protected] Electricity âEZ a.s. Duhová 1444/2, 140 53 Praha 4 tel.: 211 041 111, 840 840 840, fax: 211 042 001 [email protected], www.cez.cz Ludmila Brodová, tel.: 224 907 558 [email protected] âeská energie, a.s. Beranov˘ch 65/675 PraÏská energetika, a.s. Na Hroudû 1492/4, 100 05 Praha 10 tel.: 267 051 111, 267 055 555 fax: 267 310 817 [email protected], www.pre.cz První energetická, a.s. Washingtonova 17/1599, 110 00 Praha 1 tel.: 221 666 233, fax: 221 666 235 www.peas.cz Stfiedoãeská energetická, a.s. Vinohradská 325/8, 120 21 Praha 2 tel.: 222 031 111, fax: 222 032 555 [email protected], www.cezdistribuce.cz Water & sewage PraÏské vodovody a kanalizace a.s. PafiíÏská 11, 110 00 Praha 1 tel.: 840 111 112 Dykova 2514/3, 101 00 Praha 10 - Vinohrady client center: Ke Kablu 971, 102 00 Praha 10 - Hostivafi fax.: 272 172 390 Heat PraÏská teplárenská, a.s. Partyzánská 1/7, 170 00 Praha 7 tel.: 266 751 111, fax: 266 752 199 [email protected], www.ptas.cz ProThermic v.o.s Bûhounkova 2529/57, 158 00 Praha 5 tel.: 251 614 064, fax. 251 614 777 [email protected], www.prothermic.cz Dalkia âeská republika, a.s. Americká 415/36, 120 00 Praha 2 tel.: 221 511 911, fax: 222 512 219 [email protected], www.dalkia.cz Energotrans, a.s. Partyzánská 1/7, 170 00 Praha 7 tel.: 266 751 111, fax: 266 752 199 [email protected], www.ptas.cz âeské teplo, s.r.o. Klapkova 731/34, 182 00, Praha 8, Kobylisy tel.: 284 693 936, fax: 284 693 943 [email protected], www.ceske-teplo.cz 14 CENTRAL BOHEMIA REGION BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA CENTRAL BOHEMIA REGION ABOUT REGION The region of Middle Bohemia has afavorable position encircling the capital of Czech Republic. It is situated virtually in the middle of the country and neighbors eight other regions apart from Prague. The region (kraj) is divided among 12 districts (okres): Bene‰ov, Beroun, Kladno, Kolín, Kutná Hora, Mûlník, Mladá Boleslav, Nymburk, Praha-v˘chod (Prague-East), Praha-západ (Prague-West), Pfiíbram and Rakovník. Middle Bohemia is the largest of Czech regions. On January 1, 2006 its area amounted to 11,015 km2 (14 % of Czech territory). The region’s population on December 31, 2006 ranked third among the regions of Czech Republic with 1,172,254 persons, i.e. 11.4 % of the country’s population. There are altogether 1,146 communities in Middle Bohemia i.e. 18.3 % of all communities in Czech Republic (the most of all regions). The administration of the region is seated in Prague but its largest town is Kladno with 69,276 inhabitants. There are altogether 38 towns with a population exceeding 5,000 people in Middle Bohemia. Middle Bohemia is a region used by most Prague citizens for their leisure and entertainment activities on weekends. Protected landscape areas (Kfiivoklátsko, âesk˘ kras, âesk˘ ráj, Kokofiínsko) and river basins of Sázava and Berounka are among the most popular destinations. Big tourist highlights are located in the historic downtown of Kutná Hora with St. Barbora’s Dome, and Our Lady’s Assumption cathedral in Sedlec. Kutná Hora has certain limitations in the capacity of its accommodation and in gastronomic services. Karl‰tejn castle – which is only now trying to get on the UNESCO World heritage list – is undoubtedly the most visited castle in Czech Republic. There are other significant castles in the region, namely Kfiivoklát, Toãník, âesk˘ ·ternberk, Konopi‰tû, Lány or Mûlník. Citizens of the region study mostly at universities in Prague. In the territory of Middle Bohemia there is just one public university – Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of âVUT in Kladno. For private universities there is a branch of The Institute of Finance and Administration in Kladno, Academia Rerum Civilium in Kolín (political and social science university), Stfiedoãesk˘ vysoko‰kolsk˘ institut (MiddleBohemian Academic Institute) in Kladno and ·koda Auto University in Mladá Boleslav. The Czech Academy of Sciences has several of its institutes seated in Middle Bohemia: Astronomical Institute (Ondfiejov), Institute of Botany (PrÛhonice), Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Nuclear Physics Institute (¤eÏ u Prahy). Expenses per capita on research and science in Middle Bohemia in 2004 amounted to Kã 6,326. In this respect, Middle Bohemia is number two among the regions of Czech Republic. Economical structures of the region are in many respects complementing to those of Prague. Nevertheless, Middle Bohemia is more concentrated on farming (Labe lowlands) and the manufacturing industry. The dominant position belongs to the car making industry (Mladá Boleslav, Kolín) and sectors linked to it. There are also some important machinery producers in the region. In some respects Middle Bohemia gains from its proximity to Prague. The region’s car making industry and technological cluster could have an impact on an inter-regional or international scale. The region’s potential stems from its closeness to the capital, complemented by integrated transportation systems directly connected to Prague. Roads and railroads of crucial importance pass through Middle Bohemia. Ahigh rate of immigration from other regions is one of its assets, as well as a multitude of landmarks and monuments, the extent of spending on research and sciences, the strength of the car making industry (with a large network of sub-contractors) and generally good conditions for development of farming and industry. BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA BASIC DATA ADMINISTRATIVE BREAKDOWN Land Area........................................................................................................11,015 km2 POPULATION Number of districts .......................................................................................................12 Number of municipalities.........................................................................................1,146 of that, number of towns ..............................................................................................74 REPRESENTATION OF PROFESSIONAL CLASSES (%) Total .....................................................................................1,175,254 Percentage in the total population of Czech Republic (%).........................................11.4 Population density (persons/km2) ...............................................................................107 Average work force ..............................................................................................629,287 Number of job seekers ..........................................................................................35,498 NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Total .......................................................................................275,787 Industry .................................................................................................................37,542 Construction ..........................................................................................................36,220 Agriculture & forestry ............................................................................................16,151 Services ...............................................................................................................185,874 Unskilled and unqualified workers ...............................................................................7.9 Plant and machine operators and assemblers ...........................................................14.2 Craft and related trades workers................................................................................18.4 Skilled agricultural and forestry workers .....................................................................1.5 Workers in services & sales ......................................................................................12.9 Administrative..............................................................................................................8.8 Specialists....................................................................................................................8.3 Legislators, senior officials and managers...................................................................6.5 Armed forces ...............................................................................................................0.5 Technical, health care, pedagogical workers & workers in similar sectors ................20.7 of which Technicians in physical, technical & related branches ...............................................31.9 Technicians in biology, health care & agriculture.......................................................17.3 Pedagogical workers....................................................................................................4.8 Others assistant skilled workers ...................................................................................46 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz AVERAGE MONTHLY GROSS WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD 25,000 8.1 % ■ Basic and without education ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education 19.7 % 31.9 % 40.3 % Czech Republic Region 22,000 20,844 19,631 19,000 18,035 16,917 16,000 15,560 13,000 20,428 19,185 15,844 17,704 16,571 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 10,000 2002 CZK/year 2003 2004 2005 2006 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz GDP BY REGIONS UNEMPLOYMENT – 5-YEAR TREND Total Region Per capita mln. CZK mln. EUR CZK Central Bohemia Region 331,990 11,713 284,594 10,041 Average GDP for Czech regions 230,827 8,144 294,679 10,400 Share in GDP of the Czech Republic EUR District 12 9.8 10.3 10.1 9.6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Average in all regions 10.3 10 10.28 % Czech Republic 10.2 8 7.5 7.4 7.2 6 9.5 8.9 7.7 9.4 8.9 7.7 6.9 6.3 5.3 4 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT UNEMPLOYMENT ACCORDING TO SEX STRUCTURE Women Men Total number of job seekers Number Share 16,271 55.58 % 13,002 2 %/year Region 44.42 % 16,040 553 Central Bohemia 159,698 5,506 Prague (max) 801,100 27,619 Average 106,540 3,673 Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz 2003 2004 2005 Original methodology FDI (mln. CZK) FDI (mln. EUR) Karlovy Vary (min) 29,273 2002 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz AVERAGE GROSS MONTHLY WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND Year Region 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR Central Bohemia Region Average for Czech Republic 15,560 15,844 505 514 16,571 16,917 520 531 17,704 18,035 555 565 19,182 19,624 644 659 Average for Czech regions 14,499 471 15,509 487 16,557 519 17,903 601 CZK EUR 20,428 20,844 721 735 19,031 671 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 15 CENTRAL BOHEMIA REGION LISTS OF AIRPORTS Specifications Flight time (hrs) Public/Private Civil/Military/Varied International/Intranational Prague Berlin Vienna Bene‰ov Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Bene‰ov Private Civil International/Intranational NA NA NA Bubovice Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights âáslav Private Military International/Intranational no flights no flights no flights Hofiovice Private Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Kladno Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Kolín Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Mladá Boleslav Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Mnichovo Hradi‰tû Private Civil International/Intranational 0:17 0:40 0:45 Pfiíbram Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Rakovník Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Sazená Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Slan˘ Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Vla‰im Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Vodochody Private Civil International/Intranational 0:05 2:00 2:30 Zbraslavice Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Source: Ministry of Transport, www.mdcr.cz Motorway SCHOOL SYSTEM Road Number of schools Number of students 148 50,132 11,439 60 14,011 3,714 Econo flymic fields 67 13,550 3,823 ICT fields 19 3,592 922 Higher schools 18 2,414 675 Technical fields 4 369 82 Econo flymic fields 4 587 143 ICT fields 2 120 18 Universities 4 2,062 NA Technical fields 2 421 NA Secondary schools Technical fields Econo flymic fields 2 ICT fields 0 Number of graduates 980 NA 0 0 Liberec (105 km) Szczecin (510 km) Railroad Hamburg (779 km) Airport - Private Airport - Public Dresden (191 km) Ústí nad Labem (80 km) Dresden (150 km) R7 R6, E48 Karlovy Vary (125 km) Bayreuth (250 km) D8 LABE Kladno E50 Kolín Beroun R4 PlzeÀ (114 km) München (440 km) Hradec Králové (100 km) Warszawa (630 km) Praha D5 PlzeÀ (90 km) Nürnberg (320 km) München (380 km) Nymburk D11 Rakovník Source: Institute for Information on Education, www.uiv.cz Mladá Boleslav R10, E65 Mûlník E50, E65 VL TA VA 16 Slapy Pfiíbram Bene‰ov Kutná Hora Brno (255 km) Wien (400 km) D1 E55 Brno (200 km) Wien (320 km) âeské Budûjovice (169 km) âeské Budûjovice (150 km) Linz (294 km) Linz (240 km) LIST OF SCHOOLS Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Academia Rerum Civilium – Vysoká ‰kola politick˘ch a spoleãensk˘ch vûd, s. r. o. [email protected] www.vspsv.cz Politics Stfiedoãesk˘ vysoko‰kolsk˘ institut s. r. o. [email protected] www.svikladno.cz Marketing, economics and management ·KODA AUTO a. s. Vysoká ‰kola [email protected] [email protected] www.savs.cz Automotive industry, economics CMC Graduate School of Business o.p.s. [email protected] www.cmc.cz Hotelová ‰kola, VO· hotelnictví a turismu a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky [email protected] Obchodní akademie a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola Obchodní akademie, Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola ekonomická a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky Students Universities Bc. 435 Bc. 355 Bc., Mgr. 568 Variety of programmes MBA 108 www.hsvos.cz Management of tourism DiS. 170 [email protected] www.oapb.cz Economics and finace DiS. 83 [email protected] www.oamb.cz Finance DiS. 189 Higher schools Soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola územnû-správní a stfiední hotelová ‰kola s. r. o. [email protected] www.svoskladno.cz Finance, social work, managemenent DiS. Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola [email protected] www.spskladno.cz Engineering DiS. Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola [email protected] www.spspb.cz IT DiS. Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická Kladno [email protected] www.svzskladno.cz Nursing DiS. Svatojánská kolej – VO· pedagogická [email protected] www.svatojanskakolej.cz Pedagogy DiS. SZ· a VO· zdravotnická Pfiíbram [email protected] www.szs.pb.cz Nursing, rescue work DiS. Teologick˘ semináfi Církve adventistÛ sedmého dne – Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola teologická a pastoraãnû sociální [email protected] www.tscasd.cz Theology DiS. VO·, SP· a OA, âáslav [email protected] www.sps-caslav.cz Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola – Diplomovan˘ oãní technik, s. r. o. [email protected] Management of company DiS. Optics DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborná ‰kola [email protected] www.sbrez.cz Variety of programmes DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola MILLS, s. r. o. [email protected] www.cmail.cz Variety of programmes DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední zemûdûlská ‰kola Bene‰ov [email protected] www.zemsbn.cz Farming business DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola misijní a teologická [email protected] www.vosmt.cz Theology DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zahradnická a Stfiední zahradnická ‰kola [email protected] www.zas-me.cz Gardencraft DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky [email protected] www.vos-kh.cz Automation technique DiS. 51 83 189 310 76 73 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz Note: You can find the complete list of schools on the CD-ROM City Invest Czech. 17 A-CLASS OFFICE SPACES (CENTRAL BOHEMIA REGION) Due to extensive development activity in Prague, there is limited supply in regional cities in Central Bohemia Region. Although there are several logistic parks situated around Prague offering office space within the scheme. Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o., www.cushmanwakefield.com OFFICE AND RETAIL SPACE RENTALS EUR/m2/month Location In demand Other A-Class Office Space ** Office space 5.3 - 7.1 1.8 - 9.9 5.0 - 10.0 Shopping Centre Area * - Retail space 5.3 - 17.6 2.5 - 14.1 - 25.0 - 40.0 * Rental levels for average 100 m2 retail unit. The given prices are for rental in the regional city. The prices are listed separately as prices in locations in demand and other locations. ** A-Class Office space is to by found mainly in logistic parks in the vicinity of Prague and at a few localities in and around other cities and towns. The price therefore cannot be related strictly to one city (town) or one locality. Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o. (A-Class office space and Shopping Centre Area) and European Club of Estate Agencies (other data) LABOUR OFFICE City Address Phone Fax Bene‰ov Dukelská 2080, 256 01 Bene‰ov u Prahy +420 317 763 611 +420 317 763 657 E-mail [email protected] Beroun OkruÏní 333/26, 266 01 Beroun 1 +420 311 699 111 +420 311 699 113 [email protected] Kladno Dukelsk˘ch hrdinÛ 1372, 272 01 Kladno 1 +420 312 600 111 +420 312 248 993 [email protected] Kolín Kutnohorská 39, 280 02 Kolín 2 +420 321 613 600 +420 321 721 566 [email protected] Kutná Hora Bene‰ova 70/2, 284 01 Kutná Hora 1 +420 327 580 111 +420 327 514 112 [email protected] Mûlník Nová 204, 276 01 Mûlník 1 +420 315 639 911 +420 315 625 104 [email protected] Mladá Boleslav Jaselská 292, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav 1 +420 326 747 211 +420 326 322 042 [email protected] Nymburk Dûlnická 402/4, 288 02 Nymburk 2 +420 325 510 911 +420 325 510 916 [email protected] Pfiíbram námûstí T. G. Masaryka 145, 261 01 Pfiíbram 1 +420 318 427 544 +420 318 627 401 [email protected] Rakovník nábfi. T. G. Masaryka 2473, 269 01 Rakovník 1 +420 313 286 111 +420 313 513 023 [email protected] Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE REGION Regional Council Zborovská 11, 150 21 Praha 5 tel.: 257 280 111 fax: 257 280 203 [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] www.stredocech.cz www.kr-stredocesky.cz Town Hall - Kladno nám. Starosty Pavla 44, 272 52 Kladno tel.: 312 604 111, fax: 312 248 021 [email protected] www.mestokladno.cz CzechInvest - Regional Office ·tûpánská 14, 110 00 Praha 1 tel.: 234 703 555, fax: 234 703 566 [email protected] Regional Development Agency nám. Sítná 3105, 272 01 Kladno tel.: 312 681 347, 603 586 603, 603 140 790 fax: 312 681 347 [email protected] [email protected] www.rra-strednicechy.cz Regional Consulting & Information Center - APIS Nymburk, spol. s r.o. Topolová 4008, 288 02 Nymburk tel.: 325 514 209, fax: 325 623 029 [email protected], www.apis-nb.cz contact persons: Ing. Radek Mach, Ing. Milan Mach Regional Consulting & Information Center - FINVEST Pfiíbram s.r.o. nám. T. G. Masaryka 1, P.O.Box 111, 261 81 Pfiíbram 1 tel.: 318 628 777, fax: 318 629 884 [email protected], [email protected] www.finvest.cz contact persons: Ing. Václav Dvofiák, Ing. Pavel Komrska Regional Consulting & Information Center - Sigmin, a.s. Karlovo nám. 76, 280 02 Kolín 1 tel.: 321 715 036, 724 241 723 [email protected], www.sigmin.cz contact person: Ing. Jindfiich Syrov˘, M.B.A. CzechTrade - Regional Information Place - Kladno nám. Sítná 3106, 272 01 Kladno tel.: 312 681 347, 732 451 133 fax: 312 681 347 [email protected], [email protected], www.rra-strednicechy.cz contact person: Ludmila Brodová Regional Manager CzechTrade - Central Bohemia Ing. Václav ·tika tel.: 296 646 100, 724 613 805 fax: 296 646 113, -165 [email protected] Regional Economic Chamber Freyova 27, 190 00 Praha 9 - Vysoãany tel.: 296 646 206, fax: 296 646 165 [email protected], www.khkstrednicechy.cz contact person: Ing. Jifií Kraus chairman: Ing. Zbynûk Lukavec Regional Consultants Regional Consultant CzechTrade - Praha Milan Mézl, tel.: 224 907 599, fax: 224 913 800 [email protected] Regional Consultant CzechTrade - Praha Ivana Lukasová tel.: 224 907 526, fax : 224 913 800 [email protected] UTILITIES Gas Stfiedoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Novodvorská 803/82, 142 01 Praha 4 tel.: 241 027 111, fax: 241 027 112 [email protected], www.stp.cz Electricity Stfiedoãeská energetická, a.s. Vinohradská 325/8, 120 21 Praha 2 tel.: 840 840 840, 211 041 111 fax: 211042 001 [email protected], www.cez.cz Vodovody a kanalizace Mladá Boleslav, a.s. âechova 1151, 293 22 Mladá Boleslav tel.: 326 376 111, fax: 326 721 502 [email protected], www.vakmb.cz Vodovody a kanalizace Nymburk Bobnická 712, 288 21 Nymburk tel.: 325 513 243-5; 325 515 961-3 fax: 325 513 382 [email protected] www.vak-nymburk.cz ECK Generating, s.r.o Dubská, 272 01 Kladno, Teplárna, P.O.BOX 201 tel.: 312 644 853, fax: 312 644 850 [email protected], www.eckg.cz Heat Centrotherm Mladá Boleslav, a.s. Jana Palacha 1294, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav tel.: 251 510 908, fax: 251 510 908 E-mail: [email protected] Water & sewage Vodárny Kladno-Mûlník, a.s. U Vodojemu 3085, 272 80 Kladno tel.: 840 121 121, fax: 312 267 508 [email protected], www.vkm.cz, www.svas.cz ECK Generating, s.r.o Dubská, Teplárna, P.O. Box 201 272 01 Kladno tel.: 312 644 853, fax: 312 644 850 [email protected], www.eckg.cz Mûstská teplárenská Sedlãany, s.r.o. Církviãská 58, 264 01 Sedlãany tel.: 318 821 627 Mûstské tepelné hospodáfiství Kolín spol. s r.o. Klenovecká 597, 280 02 Kolín II tel.: 321 724 229, fax: 321 721 343 [email protected] www.mth-kolin.cz Tepelné hospodáfiství Kladno s.r.o. Petra Bezruãe 1556, 272 01 Kladno tel.: 312 243 530 Teplárenská a realitní spoleãnost Dobfií‰, spol. s r.o. Plk. B. Petroviãe 86, 263 01 Dobfií‰ tel.: 318 521 882 [email protected] www.tear.cz Teplárna T˘nec, s.r.o. K Náklí 523, 257 41 T˘nec nad Sázavou tel.: 317 704 763 18 CENTRAL BOHEMIA REGION TOP 20 COMPANIES RANKED BY REVENUES 2006 Name of company Location www E-mail Phone Activity ·KODA AUTO a.s. Mladá Boleslav www.skoda-auto.cz [email protected] +420 326 811 111 Motor vehicles and car bodies Revenue 2006 (CZK) 194,500,000 Employees Toyota Peugeot Citroën Automobile Czech, s.r.o. Kolín www.tpca-cz.com [email protected] +420 321 777 111 Motor vehicles and car bodies 52,181,140 300 Penny Market s.r.o. Jirny www.penny.cz [email protected] +420 281 018 210 Supermarkets, chain 16,302,086 2,500 22,554 SYNTHOS Kralupy a.s. Kralupy nad Vltavou www.kaucuk.cz [email protected] +420 315 711 111 Plastics materials and resins 12,638,624 100 VALEO AUTOKLIMATIZACE k.s. Rakovník www.valeo.com [email protected] +420 313 527 111 Air conditioning, motor vehicle 10,526,403 1,100 1,068 Philip Morris âR a.s. Kutná Hora www.philipmorris.com [email protected] +420 266 702 111 Cigarettes 9,171,000 Behr Czech s.r.o. Mnichovo Hradi‰tû www.behrgroup.com [email protected] +420 326 770 570 Motor vehicle parts and accessories 8,729,571 810 DELVITA a.s. Rudná www.delvita.cz [email protected] +420 311 609 111 Miscellaneous retail stores 8,615,572 6,500 FIC CZ s.r.o. Rudná www.fic.cz [email protected] +420 311 333 126 Computers, peripherals, and software 8,092,235 365 GEOSAN GROUP a.s. Kolín www.geosan-group.cz [email protected] +420 246 006 700 Single-family housing construction 6,759,058 284 SPOLANA a.s. Neratovice www.spolana.cz [email protected] +420 315 661 111 Chemical preparations 6,255,562 950 KOSTAL CR, spol. s r.o. Zdice www.kostal.com [email protected] +420 311 653 911 Automotive electrical equipment 5,503,444 1,800 ECK Generating, s.r.o. Kladno www.eckg.cz [email protected] +420 312 644 853 Electric services 4,940,510 33 Carrier Refrigeration Operation CR s.r.o. Beroun www.carrier-ref.cz +420 311 650 111 Refrigeration equipment, complete 4,240,000 1,260 RAAB KARCHER STAVIVA, a.s. Rudná www.rkstaviva.cz [email protected] +420 311 670 607 Building materials, exterior 4,105,257 623 VALEO V¯MùNÍKY TEPLA k.s. Îebrák www.valeozebrak.cz [email protected] +420 319 800 215 Separators for steam, gas, vapor, air (machinery) 3,789,575 950 LEGO Production s.r.o. Kladno www.lego.com [email protected] +420 312 811 114 Games, toys, and children's vehicles 3,687,802 811 Ingersoll-Rand Equipment Manufacturing CR s.r.o. Kolín www.irco.cz [email protected] +420 321 757 111 Industrial machinery 3,344,412 650 AERO Vodochody a.s. Odolena Voda www.aero.cz [email protected] +420 255 761 111 Aircraft 3,261,563 1,600 Faurecia Interior Systems Bohemia s.r.o. Mladá Boleslav www.faurecia.com [email protected] +420 326 370 111 Plastics processing 3,189,151 610 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz CzechInvest projects in the region SELECTED CZECHINVEST PROJECTS IN THE REGION Name Location Investor Country Sector Year Agroetanol TTD, a.s. Dobrovice UNION SDA France chemical 2006 Akuma a.s. Mladá Boleslav Akuma Switzerland electronics 2007 AUFEER DESIGN, s.r.o. Mladá Boleslav Aufeer Design Slovakia automotive 2007 BIOFERM - lihovar Kolín, a.s. Kolín BIOFERM - lihovar Kolín Czech Republic chemical 2006 DOTEC ENERGO INTERNATIONAL s.r.o. Kolín Dotec Energo International Czech Republic other 2007 GOLDBECK Prefabeton s.r.o. Dolní Buãice GOLDBECK Germany construction materials 2006 Kofola a.s. Mnichovo Hradi‰tû Kofola Holding a.s. Czech Republic other 2007 L I N E T spol. s r.o. Slan˘ Linet Germany medical devices 2007 LONZA BIOTEC s.r.o. Koufiim Lonza Group Switzerland pharmacy, biotechnology 2006 Muramoto Manufacturing Europe s.r.o. Pfie‰tice, Îebrák MURAMOTO INDUSTRY Japan metal-working 2006 Procter&Gamble - Rakona s.r.o. Rakovník Procter&Gamble TC USA chemical 2007 RETAL Czech a.s. Mûlník RETAL Industries Limited Cyprus plastic 2007 Shanghai Yuncheng Plate-Making Nymburk Shanxi Yuncheng Plate - Making Group China metal-working 2006 Strojírny Poldi a.s. Kladno Strojírny Poldi Czech Republic engineering 2007 UNILEVER âR, spol. s r.o. Nelahozeves UNILEVER Netherlands/United Kingdom food processing 2006 Vinterio s.r.o. Kfiivenice Danzer Switzerland wood-working 2006 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org The database of more than 4000 top businesses in the Czech Republic Order on +420 234 071 370 or www.bookoflists.cz. Ask about a free listing of your company in the online version of the Book of Lists at www.bookoflists.cz. 19 INDUSTRIAL ZONES, BROWNFIELDS Type Name District Area (ha) Industrial zone Kolín - Ovãáry Kolín 260.0 x Brownfield Contact - subject CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha Phone +420 234 703 555 Mladá Boleslav-v˘chod - v˘robnû obsluÏná zóna Mladá Boleslav 200.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Nymburk - sever Nymburk 120.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Kutná Hora - Na rovinách Kutná Hora 114.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 âáslav - sever Kutná Hora 89.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Pfiíbram, Suchodol Pfiíbram 68.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Nupaky, Logistic Park Praha-v˘chod 60.6 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Nové Stra‰ecí - PrÛmyslová zóna Severozápad Rakovník 60.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Skalka Pfiíbram 50.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Jeneã Praha-západ 42.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Tuchlovice Kladno 41.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Kladno-DfiíÀ Kladno 39.5 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Ratbofi Kolín 36.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Zdiby Praha-v˘chod 35.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Milovice nad Labem 3 (Pod Li‰kami) Nymburk 29.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Nymburk - jih Nymburk 28.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Hostivice Tulipán Park Praha-západ 25.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Kutná Hora - Karlov Kutná Hora 24.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Kozomín Mûlník 22.4 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Hlízov Kutná Hora 20.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 x Jirny Praha-v˘chod 20.0 Kladno-Libu‰ín, b˘val˘ dÛl Schöller Kladno 19.0 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Zruã n. S. Kutná Hora 14.8 Slan˘ Kladno 14.2 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha Zlatníky - Hodkovice Praha-západ +420 234 703 555 18.9 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha Unho‰È +420 234 703 555 Kladno 12.1 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Îebrák Beroun 10.5 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Zdice Beroun 9.6 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Benátky nad Jizerou Mladá Boleslav 8.8 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Mûlník, lodûnice Mûlník 6.3 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Velim Kolín 3.9 x x x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Praha +420 234 703 555 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org Note: You can find the complete list of industrial zones on the CD-ROM City Invest Czech. CzechInvest projects in the region 20 CENTRAL BOHEMIA REGION DISTRICT BENE·OV DISTRICT BENE·OV BASIC DATA Land Area.........................................................................................................1,523 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Bene‰ov........................................16,245 Vla‰im...........................................12,103 T˘nec nad Sázavou .........................5,092 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................92,084 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ..................................................7.8 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................60 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................50,248 Number of job seekers............................................................................................2,087 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 4.6 % 0.1 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 9.5 % 25.4 % 18.9 % ■ Secondary without GCE 24.6 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Elementary ■ Secondary 76.3 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 40.5 % Total: ................................................ 2,087 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 8.5 % 14.8 % 61.8 % 14.9 % ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,002 12 ■ Construction ................................. 3,493 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,526 8 ■ Services ...................................... 14,603 6 Total: .............................................. 23,624 4 9.8 3.9 Czech Republic 10.3 9.5 4.7 4.7 2003 2004 8.9 4.6 7.7 3.9 2 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 CZK Prague 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Bene‰ov CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 3,713,066 1,491,563,988 128,015 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Average CR Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - Bene‰ov Masarykovo nám. 100, 256 01 Bene‰ov tel.: +420 317 754 111, fax: +420 317 721 256 e-mail: [email protected] www.benesov-city.cz District Economic Chamber - Bene‰ov Tyr‰ova 2077, 256 01 Bene‰ov tel.: +420 317 729 458, fax: +420 317 729 460 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohkbn.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Sellier & Bellot a.s. Vla‰im Small arms ammunition www.sellier-bellot.cz Employees Mars âR, kom. spol. Pofiíãí nad Sázavou Candy and other confectionery products www.masterfoods.com 600 TRW Autoelektronika, s.r.o. Bene‰ov Electronic components www.trw.com 541 1,197 AMPHENOL-TUCHEL ELECTRONICS GmbH Ostrov Electrical industrial apparats www.amphenol.com 478 METAZ a.s. T˘nec nad Sázavou Nonferrous foundries www.metaz.cz 398 JAWA Moto spol. s r.o. T˘nec nad Sázavou Motorcycles and related parts www.jawa.as B E S s.r.o. Bene‰ov Highway and street construction BAEST, a.s. Bene‰ov Weldments www.baest.cz 240 TESLA TECH,s.r.o. Votice Electrical industrial apparatu www.teslatech.cz 212 Ing.Rudolf Ma‰ek - Balicí a zpracovatelské stroje Vla‰im Wrapping machines www.masek.cz 180 HYDRAULIKA INTERNATIONAL, s. r.o. Bene‰ov Pump jacks and other pumping equipment www.hydraulika.cz 170 PRORATIO, s.r.o. Pofiíãí nad Sázavou Aluminum wire and cable www.proratio.cz 120 MÁTRA TRANSPORT a.s. Bene‰ov Freight forwarding www.matratrans.cz 112 JAWA Divi‰ov a.s. Divi‰ov Motorcycles and related parts www.jawa.cz 105 PCB Bene‰ov, a.s. Bene‰ov Test equipment for electronic and electric measurement www.pcb-benesov.cz 90 M a v e l, a.s. Bene‰ov Turbines and turbine generator sets www.mavel.cz 90 352 270 ASTRO Vla‰im spol. s r.o. Vla‰im Wrapping machines www.astro-vlasim.cz 85 EBAS spol. s r.o. Bene‰ov Flat rolled shapes, aluminum www.ebasbn.cz 60 AGRODAT CZ, a.s. Bene‰ov Commercial art and graphic design www.agrodat.cz 55 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT BEROUN DISTRICT BEROUN BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................662 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Beroun..........................................17,808 Hofiovice .........................................6,617 KrálÛv DvÛr.....................................6,014 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................80,218 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ..................................................6.8 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................121 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................40,693 Number of job seekers............................................................................................1,929 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 4.0 % 0.2 % ■ Basic and without education 9.2 % 23.6 % 24.9 % ■ Without education 32.5 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Elementary 63.4 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 42.3 % Total: ................................................ 1,929 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 6.3 % 13.2 % 67.2 % 13.3 % ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,173 12 ■ Construction ................................. 2,458 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 2,474 8 ■ Services ...................................... 12,500 6 Total: .............................................. 18,605 4 9.8 5.6 Czech Republic 10.3 9.5 8.9 5.6 5.5 5.0 7.7 4.3 2 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK Beroun CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 20,880,297 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 719,886 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Beroun Husovo nám. 68/1, 266 01 Beroun-Centrum tel.: +420 311 654 111, fax: +420 311 621 242 e-mail: [email protected] www.mesto-beroun.cz Labour Office - Beroun OkruÏní 333/26, 266 01 Beroun-Mûsto tel.: +420 311 699 111, fax: +420 311 699 113 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/be_info IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW KOSTAL CR, spol. s r.o. Zdice Automotive electrical equipment www.kostal.com Employees 1,800 Carrier Refrigeration Operation Czech Republic s.r.o. Beroun Refrigeration equipment, complete www.carrier-ref.cz 1,260 VALEO V¯MùNÍKY TEPLA k.s. Îebrák Separators for steam, gas, vapor or air (machinery) www.valeozebrak.cz BUZULUK a.s. Komárov Metalworking machinery www.cgs.cz 777 GZ Digital Media, a.s. Lodûnice Prerecorded records and tapes www.gzcd.cz 630 Saint-Gobain Sekurit âR spol. s r.o. Hofiovice Safety glass: made from purchased glass www.saint-gobain-sekurit.cz 515 Cembrit CZ, a.s. Beroun Roofing, asbestos felt roll www.cembrit.cz 488 Mubea, spol. s r.o. Îebrák Fenders, automobile: stamped or pressed metal www.mubea.com 470 MECAPLAST CZ, s.r.o. Îebrák Plastics products www.mecaplast.com 350 300 950 HSS, a.s. Hofiovice Gray and ductile iron foundries www.hss-horovice.cz SOLITERA spol. s r.o. Hofiovice Timber tracts www.solitera.cz 220 KWW a.s. KrálÛv DvÛr Cold finishing of steel shapes www.kaltww.cz 212 HOFMANN A SPOL., s.r.o. Hofiovice Household cooking and kitchen utensils, metal www.alba-horovice.cz 200 TRANSKAM, spol. s r.o. Hofiovice Local trucking with storage www.transkam.cz 155 KORONA Lochovice,spol. s r.o. Lochovice Stationery products www.korona-lochovice.cz 155 Zemûdûlské druÏstvo Mofiina Mofiina General farms, primarily crop HRDLIâKA spol.s r.o. Tetín Precision measuring tools LAVITURA a.s. Beroun Drug stores and proprietary stores PAI s.r.o. Beroun Windshield wiper systems, motor vehicle 150 www.hrdlicka.cz 110 108 100 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 21 22 CENTRAL BOHEMIA REGION DISTRICT KLADNO DISTRICT KLADNO BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................691 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Kladno ..........................................69,329 Slan˘.............................................14,856 Stochov ..........................................5,597 POPULATION Population, total..................................................................................................154,214 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................13.0 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................223 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................82,974 Number of job seekers............................................................................................6,486 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 2.9 % 5.6 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 10.5 % 25.3 % ■ Elementary ■ Secondary without GCE 24.9 % 37.6 % 53.9 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 39.2 % Total: ................................................ 6,486 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 3.7 % 71.4 % 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,171 12.9 % 12.0 % 10.2 ■ Construction ................................. 4,074 Czech Republic 10.3 9.5 10 9.8 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,781 8 ■ Services ...................................... 22,564 8.9 9.9 7.7 8.9 8.4 7.4 6 Total: .............................................. 31,590 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 CZK CR (total) Prague Average CR 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Kladno 2004 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 11,024,706 380,097 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Town Hall - Kladno námûstí starosty Pavla 44, 272 01 Kladno tel.: +420 312 604 111, fax: +420 312 248 021 e-mail: [email protected] www.mestokladno.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz District Economic Chamber - Kladno námûstí Sítná 3105, 272 01 Kladno-Kroãehlavy tel.: +420 312 661 616, fax: +420 312 661 616 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohkkladno.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Celestica Czech Republic, s.r.o - závod Kladno Kladno Telephone and telephone equipment installation www.celestica.com Employees Energie - stavební a báÀská a.s. Kladno Industrial buildings and warehouses www.energie-as.cz 900 ESA s.r.o. Kladno Trucking, except local www.esa.cz 900 LEGO Production s.r.o. Kladno Games, toys, and children's vehicles www.lego.com 811 F.X. MEILLER Slan˘ s.r.o. Slan˘ Freight cars and equipment www.meiller.com 766 STROJÍRNY POLDI, a.s. Kladno Crankshafts and camshafts, machining www.strojpoldi.cz 600 BONTAZ CENTRE CZ, s.r.o. Velká Dobrá Motor vehicle parts and accessories www.bontaz-centre.com 490 Showa Aluminium Czech, s.r.o. Kladno Heat exchangers: coolers (after, inter), condensers, etc. www.showa.cz 450 1, 600 Stfiedoãeské vodárny, a.s. Kladno Water supply www.svas.cz 446 L I N E T spol. s r.o. Slan˘ Hospital beds www.linet.cz 360 nkt cables s.r.o. Kladno Current-carrying wiring services www.nktcables.cz 350 POLDI Hütte s.r.o. Kladno Metal heat treating www.poldi.cz 318 Furukawa Electric Autoparts Central Europe, s.r.o. Unho‰È Switchgear and switchboard apparatus MCE Slan˘, s.r.o. Slan˘ Fabricated structural metal for bridges 250 Demag Cranes & Components, spol. s r.o. Slan˘ Conveyors and conveying equipment Stavitelství Kladno spol. s r.o. Kladno Construction and civil engineering Martin Peroutka Bu‰tûhrad Commercial printing www.peroutka.cz DEKONTA, a.s. Dfietovice Refuse systems www.dekonta.cz 170 DACHSER E.S.T. a.s. Kladno Local trucking with storage www.est.cz 170 249 www.demagcranes.cz 220 200 190 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT KOLÍN DISTRICT KOLÍN BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................846 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Kolín......................................................................................................................30,175 âesk˘ Brod..............................................................................................................6,651 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................90,069 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ..................................................7.8 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................109 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................50,022 Number of job seekers............................................................................................3,427 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.7 % 0.2 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 9.4 % 24.7 % ■ Secondary without GCE 24.8 % ■ Elementary 30.4 % ■ Secondary 65.6 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 41.1 % Total: ................................................ 3,427 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 6.2 % 14.8 % 64.6 % 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,228 9.9 ■ Construction ................................. 2,932 14.4 % 10 9.8 ■ Industry ........................................ 2,848 Czech Republic 10.3 9.5 7.7 9.1 8 ■ Services ...................................... 12,782 8.9 10.2 7.9 6 Total: .............................................. 19,790 6.1 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 CZK Kolín Prague 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CR (total) 2005 Original methodology IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 6,440,872 222,061 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Average CR Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Kolín Karlovo námûstí 78, 280 02 Kolín I tel.: +420 321 748 111, fax: +420 321 720 911 e-mail: [email protected] www.mukolin.cz District Economic Chamber - Kolín Husova 48, 280 02 Kolín I tel.: +420 321 717 968, +420 724 613 955 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohk.kolin.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Toyota Peugeot Citroën Automobile Czech, s.r.o. Ingersoll-Rand Equipment Manufacturing Czech Republic s.r.o. Kolín Motor vehicles and car bodies www.tpca-cz.com Employees Kolín Industrial machinery www.irco.cz 650 Obchodní tiskárny, akciová spoleãnost Kolín Commercial printing www.otk.cz 474 SPEL, spol. s r.o. Kolín Panel and distribution boards and other related apparatus www.spel.cz 350 LONZA BIOTEC s.r.o. Koufiim Medicinal chemicals www.lonza.cz 304 GEOSAN GROUP a.s. Kolín Single-family housing construction www.geosan-group.cz 284 Luãební závody Draslovka a.s. Kolín Kolín Industrial inorganic chemicals www.draslovka.cz 261 Hügli Food s.r.o. Zásmuky Beverage bases, concentrates, syrups, powders and mixes www.huegli.com 250 ELMECH,a.s. Kolín Door locks, bolts, and checks www.elmech.cz 230 ALCO CONTROLS, spol. s r.o. Kolín Air conditioning equipment, complete www.ecopland.com 210 AEROCAN CZ s.r.o. Velim Metal cans www.aerocan.cz 188 J.M.KAPA, s.r.o. Kolín Sheet metalwork www.jmkapa.cz 180 3, 000 AIS AUTOMOTIVE INTERIOR SYSTEMS, s.r.o. Star˘ Kolín Plastics products Karma âesk˘ Brod a.s. âesk˘ Brod Hot water heaters, household www.karma-as.cz 160 152 BÜTTNER s.r.o. âesk˘ Brod Writing inks or other similar liquids www.buttner.cz 150 VODOS, S.R.O. Kolín Water supply www.vodoskolin.cz 128 Elektrárna Kolín a.s. Kolín Distribution, electric power www.elkolin.cz 120 Montex, spol. s r.o. Kolín Truck trailers www.montex.cz 120 ELEKTROTECHNIKA - Tesla Kolín, a. s. Kolín Panelboards and distribution boards, electric www.etko.cz 110 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 23 24 CENTRAL BOHEMIA REGION DISTRICT KUTNÁ HORA DISTRICT KUTNÁ HORA BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................917 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Kutná Hora............................................................................................................21,142 âáslav .....................................................................................................................9,966 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................74,618 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ..................................................6.3 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................81 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................38,044 Number of job seekers............................................................................................3,292 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.4 % 0.2 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 9.6 % 24.5 % ■ Secondary without GCE 24.7 % ■ Elementary 28.2 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary 68.2 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 41.1 % Total: ................................................ 3,292 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 8.1 % 15.1 % 61.4 % 15.3 % Czech Republic 14 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,323 12.6 ■ Construction ................................. 2,463 11.9 12 ■ Industry ........................................ 2,498 10.2 10 ■ Services ...................................... 10,010 9.8 9.4 10.3 8.4 9.5 8.9 8 Total: .............................................. 16,294 7.7 6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 CZK CR (total) Prague Average CR 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Kutná Hora 2004 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 8,622,537 297,278 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Town Hall - Kutná Hora Havlíãkovo námûstí 552/1 284 01 Kutná Hora-Vnitfiní Mûsto tel.: +420 327 710 111, fax: +420 327 512 706 e-mail: [email protected] www.kutnahora.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Labour Office - Kutná Hora Radnická 178/36 284 01 Kutná Hora-Vnitfiní Mûsto tel.: +420 327 523 448, fax: +420 327 524 725 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/kh IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW âKD Kutná Hora, a.s. Kutná Hora Gray iron castings www.ckdkh.cz Employees 1, 500 Philip Morris âR a.s. Kutná Hora Cigarettes www.philipmorris.com 1, 068 LESS & TIMBER s.r.o. Bohdaneã Sawmills and planing mills, general www.less.cz 366 LESS & FOREST s.r.o. Bohdaneã Timber tracts www.less.cz 335 ASMO Czech s.r.o. Zruã nad Sázavou Servomotors, electric www.asmo.cz 180 Zenit,spol.s r.o. âáslav Scouring compounds www.zenit-caslav.cz 130 CHARVÁT Group s.r.o. Zbraslavice Hose and tube couplings, hydraulic/pneumatic www.charvat-chs.cz 60 Tiskárna CICERO, spol. s r. o. Kutná Hora Manifold business form printers www.cicero.cz 53 GIRA - Jifií Bare‰ Svat˘ MikulበFresh fruits and vegetables METALCOM Kutná Hora a.s. Kutná Hora Iron and steel (ferrous) products www.metalcom.cz 47 45 O.K. KONSTRUKCE, spol. s r.o. Kutná Hora Fabricated structural metal www.ok-konstrukce.cz 40 ARBOR,spol.s r.o. Kutná Hora Telecommunications consultant www.arbor-tel.com INGPOS s.r.o. Kutná Hora Plumbing, heating, air-conditioning 25 17 25 Strojírny Kutná Hora s.r.o. Kutná Hora Durable goods MAGBUD Czech Republic s.r.o. Svat˘ MikulበBuilding materials, except block or brick: concrete Franti‰ek Kocourek Onomy‰l Beds and bedding Roman âermák Tupadly Exterior insulation and finish (EIFS) applicator www.mpi-izolace.cz 16 VV AUTO, s.r.o. Kutná Hora Automotive brokers www.vvauto.cz 15 HELLA CZ, s.r.o. Zruã nad Sázavou Automotive supplies and parts www.hella.cz 13 17 www.dormio.cz 16 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT MùLNÍK DISTRICT MùLNÍK BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................712 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Mûlník...........................................19,124 Kralupy nad Vltavou .....................17,104 Neratovice.....................................16,257 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................96,737 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ..................................................8.1 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................136 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................49,882 Number of job seekers............................................................................................3,589 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 2.1 % 0.3 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 9.6 % 24.5 % 23.6 % ■ Elementary 40.8 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary 56.8 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 42.3 % Total: ................................................ 3,589 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 6.6 % 14.9 % 65.4 % 13.2 % ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,459 12 ■ Construction ................................. 3,272 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 2,901 8 ■ Services ...................................... 14,396 6 Total: .............................................. 22,028 4 Czech Republic 9.8 7.8 10.3 9.5 8.7 8.9 8.2 7.7 8.1 6.8 2 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK Mûlník CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 4,520,074 155,838 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - Mûlník námûstí Míru 1, 276 01 Mûlník tel.: +420 315 635 111 fax: +420 315 622 318 e-mail: [email protected] www.melnik.cz District Economic Chamber - Mûlník Tyr‰ova 106, 276 01 Mûlník tel.: +420 315 624 432, +420 724 613 959 fax: +420 315 624 430 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohkmelnik.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW SYNTHOS Kralupy a.s. Kralupy nad Vltavou Plastics materials and resins www.kaucuk.cz Employees 1 ,000 VITANA, a.s. By‰ice Dried and dehydrated soup mixes www.vitana.cz 1, 000 SPOLANA a.s. Neratovice Chemical preparations www.spolana.cz 950 Erwin Junker Grinding Technology a.s. Mûlník Machine tools, metal cutting type www.junker-group.com 658 NOWACO Opava s.r.o. Kralupy nad Vltavou Frozen specialties www.nowaco.cz 500 Valsabbia Praha, s.r.o. Kralupy nad Vltavou Wire products, steel or iron www.ferostav.cz 160 THIMM Obaly, k.s. V‰etaty Corrugated and solid fiber boxes www.thimm.cz 150 MERO âR, a.s. Kralupy nad Vltavou Petroleum haulage, local www.mero.cz 114 Wincanton âeská republika, s.r.o. Kralupy nad Vltavou Transportation agents and brokers www.wincanton.cz 100 PATRON Bohemia s.r.o. Mûlník Metal sanitary ware www.patron-bohemia.cz ARBOEKO s.r.o. Mûlník Ornamental nursery products www.arboeko.com 91 MEFRIT, spol. s r.o. Mûlník Enamels, china painting www.mefrit.cz 91 ELMEP s.r.o. Kralupy nad Vltavou Instruments and control equipment www.elmep.cz 78 Cayman Pharma s.r.o. Neratovice Medicinal chemicals www.caymanpharma.com 75 Vibracoustic CZ, s.r.o. Mûlník Transportation equipment www.vibracoustic.com 66 ALULIFT s.r.o. Ti‰ice Antennas, receiving TNT Innight Czech Republic s.r.o. B˘kev Airports, flying fields, and services 5 H spol. s r.o. Kralupy nad Vltavou Freight forwarding www.5h.cz 60 RETAL CZECH a.s. Mûlník Plastics bottles www.retal.cz 55 97 65 63 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 25 26 CENTRAL BOHEMIA REGION DISTRICT MLADÁ BOLESLAV DISTRICT MLADÁ BOLESLAV BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,058 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Mladá Boleslav .............................43,162 Mnichovo Hradi‰tû .........................8,411 Benátky nad Jizerou .......................6,931 POPULATION Population, total..................................................................................................119,326 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................10.0 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................113 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................70,999 Number of job seekers............................................................................................2,370 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.8 % 0.4 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 10.0 % 23.6 % ■ Secondary without GCE 24.6 % ■ Elementary 33.1 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary 62.7 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 41.8 % Total: ................................................ 2,370 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 4.0 % 12.1 % 71.5 % 12.3 % ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,024 12 ■ Construction ................................. 3,097 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,150 8 ■ Services ...................................... 18,240 6 Total: .............................................. 25,511 4 Czech Republic 9.8 10.3 9.5 8.9 5.2 4.6 4.4 3.8 2 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 CR (total) Prague Average CR 2004 2005 Original methodology 3.1 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Mladá Boleslav 7.7 CZK EUR 67,557,005 2,329,150 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - Mladá Boleslav Komenského námûstí 61 293 01 Mladá Boleslav I tel.: +420 326 715 110, fax: +420 326 322 572 e-mail: [email protected] www.mb-net.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz District Economic Chamber - Mladá Boleslav Staromûstské námûstí 150 293 01 Mladá Boleslav I tel.: +420 326 722 411, fax: +420 326 722 228 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohkmb.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW ·KODA AUTO a.s. Mladá Boleslav Motor vehicles and car bodies www.skoda-auto.cz Employees TRW-Carr s.r.o. Mladá Boleslav Plastics products www.trw.com Behr Czech s.r.o. Mnichovo Hradi‰tû Motor vehicle parts and accessories www.behrgroup.com 810 AKUMA, a.s. Mladá Boleslav Lead acid batteries (storage batteries) www.akuma.cz 700 Faurecia Exhaust Systems s.r.o. Bakov nad Jizerou Exhaust systems and parts, motor vehicle www.faurecia.com Delphi Czech Republic, k.s. Bakov nad Jizerou Automotive wiring harness sets KAF - Clean Service, s.r.o. Mladá Boleslav Cleaning services www.kaf-clean.cz Faurecia Interior Systems Bohemia s.r.o. Mladá Boleslav Plastics processing www.faurecia.com 610 SAPE CZ s.r.o. Mladá Boleslav Testing services www.sapecz.cz 500 SAS Autosystemtechnik s.r.o. Mladá Boleslav Motor vehicle parts and accessories M.Preymesser logistika, spol. s r.o. Mladá Boleslav Freight transportation arrangement WAGON AUTOMOTIVE spol. s r.o. Bûlá pod Bezdûzem Tools and accessories for machine tools 22, 554 1, 300 700 684 638 481 www.preymesser.de 428 420 Cukrovary a lihovary TTD, a.s. Dobrovice Beet sugar www.ttdcukrovary.cz 387 Papírny Bûlá a.s. Bûlá pod Bezdûzem Paper mills www.papirny-bela.cz 380 BOSTAS a.s. Mladá Boleslav Operative builders www.bostas.cz 370 Würth, spol. s r.o. Mladá Boleslav Electrical apparatus and equipment www.wuerth.cz 343 Kautex Textron Bohemia spol. s r.o. KnûÏmost Gas tanks, motor vehicle www.kautex.textron.com 300 CARBORUNDUM ELECTRITE a.s. Benátky nad Jizerou Abrasive products www.carborundum.cz 280 PROMUS KATOWICE - organizaãní sloÏka Kosmonosy Steel building construction www.promus.katowice.pl 271 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT NYMBURK DISTRICT NYMBURK BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................876 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Nymburk.......................................14,298 Podûbrady ....................................13,250 Lysá nad Labem .............................8,294 Milovice ..........................................6,606 POPULATION Population, total ...................................................................................................87,786 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ..................................................7.4 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................100 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................43,229 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................3,706 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.9 % 0.9 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 10.5 % 23.4 % 26.6 % ■ Secondary without GCE 24.3 % 41.8 % ■ Elementary 68.6 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 3,706 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 7.0 % 13.9 % 64.5 % 14.6 % ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,419 12 ■ Construction ................................. 2,794 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 2,951 8 9.8 ■ Services ...................................... 13,002 6 Total: .............................................. 20,166 4 9.2 Czech Republic 10.3 9.5 8.9 7.9 9.0 9.1 8.7 7.7 2 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK EUR Nymburk 1,907,045 CR (total) 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague 2005 Original methodology Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 65,749 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Nymburk Námûstí PfiemyslovcÛ 163/20, 288 02 Nymburk tel.: +420 325 512 111, fax: +420 325 514 283 e-mail: [email protected] www.mesto-nymburk.cz Labour Office - Nymburk Dûlnická 402/4, 288 02 Nymburk tel.: +420 325 510 911, fax: +420 325 510 916 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/nb_info IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW JEDNOTA, spotfiební druÏstvo v Nymburce Nymburk Druggists' sundries www.okres-nymburk.cz Employees 415 LINDE + WIEMANN CZ, s.r.o. Lysá nad Labem Motor vehicle parts and accessories www.linde-wiemann.com 270 TEMAC, a.s. Zvûfiínek Insulation materials www.temac.cz 225 KOVONA a.s. Lysá nad Labem Fixtures, office: except wood www.kovona.com 220 PROAGRO Nymburk a.s. Nymburk General farms, primarily animals www.proagro.as 200 TONA, a.s. Peãky Screw drivers, pliers, chisels, etc. (hand tools) www.tona.cz 200 193 INPROMA, spol. s r.o. Kfiinec Machine tools, metal cutting type www.inproma.cz Podûbradka, a.s. Podûbrady Mineral water, carbonated: packaged in cans, bottles, etc. www.podebradka.cz 167 VARI, a.s. Libice nad Cidlinou Farm machinery and equipment www.vari.cz 115 Autosalon Louda,spol.s r.o. Podûbrady Automobiles www.louda.cz 110 BOMACO-ROSSI s.r.o. Podûbrady Flat glass www.bomaco-rossi.cz 110 KOBLA, spol. s r. o. Peãky Windows, plastics www.kobla.cz 105 VYROLAT spol. s r.o. Nymburk Latex, foamed Golgot, spol. s r.o. Nymburk Power laundries, family and commercial www.golgot.cz 100 JDK, spol. s r.o. Nymburk Refrigeration equipment, complete www.jdk.cz 61 PEMAX PRINT,spol.s r.o. Podûbrady Tags and labels, paper www.pemax.cz 60 82 Technické sluÏby mûsta Podûbrad s.r.o. Podûbrady Street refuse systems www.tsmp.cz 60 TNM PRINT s.r.o. Podûbrady Commercial printing www.tnm.cz 50 PolyComp, a.s. Podûbrady Boilers, steam www.polycomp.cz 45 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 27 28 CENTRAL BOHEMIA REGION DISTRICT PRAHA-V¯CHOD DISTRICT PRAHA-V¯CHOD BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................584 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Brand˘s nad Labem-Stará Boleslav .............................15,727 ¤íãany...........................................11,800 âelákovice.....................................10,498 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................123,608 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ...............................................10.4 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................212 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................57,060 Number of job seekers............................................................................................1,326 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 0.7 % ■ Basic and without education 13.3 % 20.2 % 9.1 % ■ Secondary without GCE 26.0 % ■ Elementary 70.9 % ■ Secondary with GCE 40.4 % ■ Without education 19.3 % ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 1,326 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 4.1 % 12.1 % 71.3 % 12.5 % ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,375 12 ■ Construction ................................. 4,009 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 2,587 8 ■ Services ...................................... 23,688 6 Total: .............................................. 33,216 4 9.8 Czech Republic 10.3 9.5 8.9 7.7 3.6 3.8 3.5 2.5 2.1 2005 2006 2 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 Original methodology New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK Praha-v˘chod EUR 11,881,882 CR (total) 2004 409,649 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - Brand˘s nad Labem-Stará Boleslav Masarykovo námûstí 1/6 250 01 Brand˘s nad Labem-Stará Boleslav tel.: +420 326 909 111, fax: +420 326 902 555 e-mail: [email protected] www.brandysko.cz Labour Office - Praha-v˘chod nám. Republiky 3/4, 110 00 Praha-Nové Mûsto tel.: +420 950 151 111, fax: +420 950 151 302 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/py_info IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Penny Market s.r.o. Jirny Supermarkets, chain www.penny.cz Employees 2 ,500 BILLA, spol. s r. o. ¤íãany Supermarkets www.billa.cz 2 ,200 2 ,000 Continental Automotive Czech Republic s.r.o. Brand˘s nad Labem-Stará Boleslav Measuring and controlling devices www.siemens.cz/siemjet/cz/home/vdo/uvod/M PLUS - DISCOUNT spol. s r.o. Radonice Supermarkets, chain www.plus.cz 1 ,750 AERO Vodochody a.s. Odolena Voda Aircraft www.aero.cz 1 ,600 Mountfield a.s. Mnichovice Retail nurseries and garden stores www.mountfield.cz 1 ,088 Ústav jaderného v˘zkumu ¤eÏ a.s. Husinec Research institute www.ujv.cz 885 FASHION Sportswear CZ, spol. s.r.o. âestlice Teenage apparel www.kenvelo.com 700 NYK Logistics (Czech Republic) s.r.o. ¤íãany Special warehousing and storage www.cz.nyklogistics.com 696 D˘hovan˘ nábytek ¤íãany a.s. ¤íãany Wood office furniture www.interier-ricany.cz 500 BOSAL âR, spol. s r.o. Brand˘s nad Labem-Stará Boleslav Exhaust systems and parts, motor vehicle www.bosal.com 450 STROJMETAL KAMENICE, a.s. Kamenice Aluminum forgings www.strojmetal.cz 430 REHAU, s.r.o. âestlice Plastics processing www.rehau.cz 350 KOVOHUTù HOLDING DT, a.s. âelákovice Copper rolling and drawing www.khc.cz 330 VEKRA, spol. s r.o. Láznû Tou‰eÀ Windows, plastics www.vekra.cz 320 Kastner + Öhler spol. s r.o. âestlice Sporting and recreation goods www.gigasport-cr.cz 265 Phoenix-Zeppelin, spol. s r.o. Modletice General construction machinery and equipment www.p-z.cz 260 FERMATA, a.s. âelákovice Compact laser discs, prerecorded www.fermata.cz 246 TOS - MET spol. s r.o. âelákovice Gray and ductile iron foundries www.tos-met.cz 190 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT PRAHA-ZÁPAD DISTRICT PRAHA-ZÁPAD BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................586 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Roztoky...........................................6,286 Hostivice.........................................5,607 âerno‰ice........................................5,302 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................103,105 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ..................................................8.7 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................176 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................50,508 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................1,217 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION ■ Basic and without education 14.8 % 20.6 % 10.8 % ■ Secondary without GCE 25.2 % ■ Secondary with GCE 39.4 % ■ Without education 22.7 % ■ Elementary ■ Secondary 66.6 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 1,217 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND 3.2 % District 11.2 % 72.9 % 12.7 % ■ Agriculture & forestry ...................... 953 12 ■ Construction ................................. 3,294 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,728 8 ■ Services ...................................... 21,478 6 Total: .............................................. 29,453 4 9.8 Czech Republic 10.3 9.5 8.9 7.7 2.8 3.0 2.9 2002 2003 2004 2.6 2.1 2005 2006 2 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year Original methodology CZK Praha-západ CR (total) New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK EUR 14,889,304 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 513,336 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - âerno‰ice Riegrova 1209, 252 28 âerno‰ice tel.: +420 251 081 521, fax: +420 251 642 329 e-mail: [email protected] www.mestocernosice.cz Labour Office - Praha-západ Kartouzská 200/4, 150 00 Praha-Smíchov tel.: +420 950 152 111, fax: +420 950 152 354 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/pz_info IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW DELVITA a.s. Rudná Miscellaneous retail stores www.delvita.cz Employees 6 ,500 AAA AUTO a.s. Hostivice Automobiles www.aaaauto.cz 1 ,700 RAAB KARCHER STAVIVA, a.s. Rudná Building materials, exterior www.rkstaviva.cz 623 SCHENKER spol.s r.o. Rudná Freight transportation arrangement www.schenker.cz 478 TNT Express Worldwide, spol. s r.o. Chrá‰Èany Courier services, except by air www.tnt.com 450 FIC CZ s.r.o. Rudná Computers, peripherals and software www.fic.cz 365 Kika Nábytek s.r.o. PrÛhonice Furniture www.kika.com 305 GEBRÜDER WEISS spol. s r.o. Rudná Trucking, except local www.gw-world.com 300 FM âESKÁ, s.r.o. Tuchomûfiice Local trucking with storage www.fmlogistic.cz 300 SAFINA, a.s. Jesenice Precious metals www.safina.cz 260 BENE· a LÁT, slévárna a strojírna a.s. PrÛhonice Nonferrous foundries www.odlitky.cz 212 ALGON PLUS, a.s. Statenice Structural engineering www.algon.cz 170 IVA Roztoky s.r.o. Roztoky Furniture www.ivasro.cz 150 TECHFLOOR s. r. o. Roztoky Floor laying and floor work www.techfloor.cz 150 BT âeská republika s.r.o. Rudná Materials handling machinery www.bt-forklifts.cz 135 RHG spol. s r.o. Roztoky General medical and surgical hospitals www.rhg.cz 132 Hilti âR spol. s r.o. PrÛhonice Tools, power www.hilti.cz 130 ACIS,Construction and Technology Services, s.r.o. Zvole Service station equipment installation, maint. and repair www.acis.cz 123 ` A L L E G R O ` s.r.o. âerno‰ice Construction and civil engineering www.sadrokarton.com 120 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 29 30 CENTRAL BOHEMIA REGION DISTRICT P¤ÍBRAM DISTRICT P¤ÍBRAM BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,628 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Pfiíbram.........................................34,884 Dobfií‰.............................................7,951 Sedlãany .........................................7,784 POPULATION Population, total..................................................................................................110,479 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ..................................................9.3 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................68 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................56,998 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................4,186 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 2.8 % 0.1 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 10.1 % 24.3 % 23.7 % ■ Secondary without GCE 25.0 % ■ Elementary ■ Secondary 73.4 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 40.6 % Total: ................................................ 4,186 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 7.7 % 13.9 % 63.9 % 14.5 % ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,125 12 ■ Construction ................................. 3,825 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,991 8 ■ Services ...................................... 17,603 6 Total: .............................................. 27,544 4 9.8 Czech Republic 10.3 9.5 8.9 7.7 8.5 9.0 8.6 7.9 7.0 2 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 CZK CR (total) Prague Average CR 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Pfiíbram 2004 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 2,278,649 78,561 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Town Hall - Pfiíbram Tyr‰ova 108, 261 01 Pfiíbram I tel.: +420 318 402 211, fax: +420 318 631 014 e-mail: [email protected] www.pribram-city.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Labour Office - Pfiíbram námûstí T. G. Masaryka 145, 261 01 Pfiíbram I tel.: +420 318 471 444, fax: +420 318 627 401 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/pb_info IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW SIPADAN a.s. Pfiíbram Security guard service www.sipadan.cz Employees 900 RAVAK a.s. Pfiíbram Shower stalls, fiberglass and plastics www.ravak.cz 530 Povltavské mlékárny, a. s. Sedlãany Cheese, natural and processed www.pm-sedlcany.cz 450 BIERHANZL GROUP, a.s. Bfieznice Contractor's materials www.bierhanzl.cz 300 Kovohutû Pfiíbram nástupnická, a.s. Pfiíbram Secondary nonferrous metals www.kovopb.cz 245 HEKO PLAST P¤ÍBRAM spol. s r. o. Obecnice Plastics products www.hekoplast.cz 214 Primagra, a.s. Milín Prepared feeds www.primagra.cz 210 SUBLIMA Bfieznice, s.r.o. Bfieznice Sawmills and planing mills, general www.sublima.cz 200 Elko Nov˘ Knín, v˘robní druÏstvo Nov˘ Knín Miscellaneous metalwork www.elkonk.cz 191 186 STROS-Sedlãanské strojírny, a.s. Sedlãany Hoists www.stros.cz SENCO Pfiíbram spol. s r.o. Pfiíbram Distribution transformers, electric www.sencopb.cz 150 Zdenûk Kulda Mokrovraty Freight forwarding www.kulda.cz 110 ZEMùDùLSKO-OBCHODNÍ DRUÎSTVO STAROSEDLSK¯ HRÁDEK Starosedlsk˘ Hrádek General farms, primarily crop STAVUS, a. s. Pfiíbram Special industry machinery www.stavus.cz 100 Quinn Plastics s.r.o. Pfiíbram Plastics products www.quinn-plastics.com 100 AIR âENKOV, a.s. âenkov Machinery mfrs, except electrical www.aircenkov.cz 97 Halex - Schauenberg ocelové konstrukce s.r.o. Pfiíbram Fabricated structural metal www.halex.cz 90 www.sedlacek-karcher.cz 80 Franti‰ek Vesel˘ HVD - ruk Dobfií‰ Gloves, leather: dress or semidress Sedláãek, v.o.s. Pfiíbram Cleaning equipment, high pressure, sand or steam 103 90 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT RAKOVNÍK DISTRICT RAKOVNÍK BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................930 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Rakovník ...............................................................................................................16,238 Nové Stra‰ecí..........................................................................................................5,096 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................53,116 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ..................................................4.5 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................57 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................29,610 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................1,883 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 2.9 % 0.3 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 8.9 % 26.4 % 23.4 % 64.4 % ■ Secondary with GCE 41.3 % ■ Elementary 32.4 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 1,883 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 8.7 % 12.0 % 66.5 % 12.9 % ■ Agriculture & forestry ...................... 976 12 ■ Construction ................................. 1,350 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 1,447 8 ■ Services ........................................ 7,482 6 Total: .............................................. 11,255 4 9.8 Czech Republic 10.3 9.5 8.9 7.7 7.7 7.9 7.3 6.7 6.1 2 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK EUR Rakovník 5,982,091 CR (total) 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 206,243 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Rakovník Husovo námûstí 27, 269 01 Rakovník I tel.: +420 313 512 845, fax: +420 313 517 302 e-mail: [email protected] www.mesto-rakovnik.cz Labour Office - Rakovník nábfi. T. G. Masaryka 2473, 269 01 Rakovník I tel.: +420 313 286 111, fax: +420 313 513 023 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/ra_info IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW VALEO AUTOKLIMATIZACE k.s. Rakovník Air conditioning, motor vehicle www.valeo.com Employees âeské lupkové závody, a.s. Nové Stra‰ecí Nonmetallic minerals development and test boring www.cluz.cz 233 ANEXIA s.r.o. Rakovník Truck transportation brokers www.anexia.cz 218 PERMON s.r.o. Kfiivoklát Machine tools, metal cutting type www.permon.cz 195 Procter & Gamble Czech Republic s.r.o. Rakovník Chemicals and allied products www.pg.com 116 PML Protein.Mléko.Laktóza, a.s. Nov˘ BydÏov Creamery butter www.promil.cz 105 Fronûk, spol. s r.o. Rakovník Highway and street construction www.fronek.cz WEPOL, spol. s r.o. Nov˘ BydÏov Cable, fiber NOBYKO, s.r.o. Nov˘ BydÏov Tanneries, leather www.nobyko.cz 60 KOVORAKO, s.r.o. Rakovník Miscellaneous metalwork www.kovorako.cz 48 Zdenûk Linhart spol. s r.o. Rakovník Plastics products www.zdeneklinhart.cz 40 CZECH BREWERY - RAKOVNÍK, a.s. Rakovník Beer (alcoholic beverage) www.rakovnikbeer.cz 40 NAVIJÁRNA Rynholec s.r.o. Nové Stra‰ecí Motors and generators www.navijarna.cz 36 Metall Holding Lány a.s. Lány Miscellaneous metalwork www.metall.cz 35 RAKOTRANS DOPRAVA CZ s.r.o. Rakovník Freight forwarding www.rakotrans.cz 35 QALT Rakovník, spol. s r.o. Zavidov Soap and other detergents www.qalt.cz 31 INVERA s.r.o. Rakovník General industrial machinery www.invera.cz 30 Ing. Zdenûk Franãe, Ph.D. Rakovník General industrial machinery www.pqs-rakovnik.cz Miloslav Formánek Nov˘ BydÏov Freight forwarding 1, 100 82 80 30 25 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 31 32 SOUTH BOHEMIA REGION BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA SOUTH BOHEMIA REGION ABOUT REGION The region of South Bohemia is situated on the boundary with Bavaria and Austria. Its neighbors are Kraj Vysoãina (Vysoãina Region), PlzeÀsk˘ kraj (PlzeÀ Region), Middle Bohemia and Jihomoravsk˘ kraj (South Moravia Region). There are seven districts in this region: âeské Budûjovice, âesk˘ Krumlov, JindfiichÛv Hradec, Písek, Prachatice, Strakonice and Tábor. On January 1, 2006 the area of South Bohemia was 10,057 km2 which is 12.8 % of Czech Republic territory. South Bohemia is the second largest region in the country but only the seventh most populated – on December 31, 2006 there were only 630,006 inhabitants living in South Bohemia (6.1 % of the population in the Czech Republic). âeské Budûjovice is the capital of South Bohemia with a population of 94,747. There are 20 towns with populations exceeding 5,000 in the region. Tourists coming to South Bohemia seek its well preserved nature. There is the national park ·umava and three other sanctuaries in the region. South Bohemia has areas that are well disposed for outdoor sports in the summer (Lipno reservoir, TfieboÀ with its ponds and the Vltava valley) and in winter there are skiing resorts in the ·umava Mountains. Fairs of national importance are organized every year in the city of âeské Budûjovice. Two of South Bohemia’s landmarks are on the UNESCO World Heritage List – the medieval downtown of âesk˘ Krumlov and “rural baroque” sanctuary in Hola‰ovice village. The town of Slavonice and the complex of ponds in the TfieboÀ area are also contending for a place on UNESCO list. âeské Budûjovice, JindfiichÛv Hradec, Tábor and TfieboÀ are protected by law as urban sanctuaries. The most visi- ted castles in South Bohemia are Hluboká nad Vltavou, âesk˘ Krumlov, Orlík and Zvíkov. “Jelení” bridge in the town of Písek dates from the end of the 13th century and is the oldest existing bridge built of stones on Czech territory. Jihoãeská universita (University of South Bohemia; JâU) has seven colleges. Mainly local works in disciplines linked to agriculture and biology have national importance. Prague’s V·E College of management is located in JindfiichÛv Hradec and in âeské Budûjovice there are two institutes of the AV âR: The Biology Center and the Institute of Systems of Biology and Ecology. Thanks to the long local tradition in fishpond cultivation South Bohemia economy is marked with a high participation in this primary sector. Other traditional domains are construction, machinery and the food industry. A typical feature of South Bohemia’s economy is a high number of industrial clusters. The most developed industries are those in waterworks technologies, renewable resources of energy, and construction materials production. CzechInvest agency is surveying possibilities concerning new clusters in welding, brewing and lumber domains. South Bohemia has its potential in preserved nature, numerous landmarks, a relatively advantageous age structure of the population, a contemplated construction of a railway corridor and a highway leading to âeské Budûjovice, sufficiency of accommodation capacity in mountain areas, numerous expositions and fairs, the opening of new border check points, building of new thematic industrial clusters and research and development in biology and farming. BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA BASIC DATA ADMINISTRATIVE BREAKDOWN Land Area........................................................................................................10,057 km2 POPULATION Number of districts .........................................................................................................7 Number of municipalities............................................................................................623 of that, number of towns ..............................................................................................46 REPRESENTATION OF PROFESSIONAL CLASSES (%) Total .......................................................................................630,006 Percentage in the total population of Czech Republic (%)...........................................6.1 Population density (persons/km2) .................................................................................63 Average work force ..............................................................................................331,240 Number of job seekers ..........................................................................................20,426 NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Total .......................................................................................146,325 Industry .................................................................................................................19,672 Construction ..........................................................................................................18,255 Agriculture & forestry ............................................................................................13,314 Services .................................................................................................................95,084 Unskilled and unqualified workers ...............................................................................7.6 Plant and machine operators and assemblers ...........................................................15.9 Craft and related trades workers................................................................................21.1 Skilled agricultural and forestry workers .....................................................................2.8 Workers in services & sales ......................................................................................12.1 Administrative..............................................................................................................5.7 Specialists....................................................................................................................9.5 Legislators, senior officials and managers...................................................................6.2 Armed forces ...............................................................................................................0.9 Technical, health care, pedagogical workers & workers in similar sectors ................18.2 of which Technicians in physical, technical & related branches ...............................................32.6 Technicians in biology, health care & agriculture.......................................................18.7 Pedagogical workers....................................................................................................5.8 Others assistant skilled workers ................................................................................42.1 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz AVERAGE MONTHLY GROSS WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD 25,000 8.7 % ■ Basic and without education ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education 20.1 % 32.7 % 38.6 % Czech Republic Region 22,000 20,844 19,631 19,000 15,844 16,000 13,000 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 18,035 16,917 18,320 17,161 14,041 14,883 2002 2003 15,771 10,000 CZK/year 2004 2005 2006 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz GDP BY REGIONS UNEMPLOYMENT – 5-YEAR TREND Total Region Per capita mln. CZK mln. EUR CZK South Bohemia Region 178,400 6,294 283,701 10,010 Average GDP for Czech regions 230,827 8,144 294,679 10,400 Share in GDP of the Czech Republic EUR District 12 9.8 10.3 10.1 9.6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Average in all regions 10.3 10 5.52 % Czech Republic 10.2 8 9.5 8.9 7.7 9.4 8.9 7.7 6 7.2 7.0 6.7 6.6 6.7 5.7 4 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT UNEMPLOYMENT ACCORDING TO SEX STRUCTURE Women Men Total number of job seekers Number Share 16,271 55.58 % 13,002 2 %/year Region 44.42 % 29,273 2003 2004 2005 Original methodology FDI (mln. CZK) FDI (mln. EUR) Karlovy Vary (min) 16,040 553 South Bohemia 56,948 1,963 Prague (max) 801,100 27,619 Average 106,540 3,673 Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz 2002 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz AVERAGE GROSS MONTHLY WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND Year Region 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR South Bohemia Region Average for Czech Republic 14,041 15,844 456 514 14,883 16,917 467 531 15,771 18,035 494 565 17,170 19,624 576 659 Average for Czech regions 14,499 471 15,509 487 16,557 519 17,903 601 CZK EUR 18,320 20,844 646 735 19,031 671 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 33 34 SOUTH BOHEMIA REGION LISTS OF AIRPORTS Specifications Flight time (hrs) Public/Private Civil/Military/Varied International/Intranational Prague Berlin Vienna âeské Budûjovice Public Civil Intranational 0:40 2:00 0:50 âeské Budûjovice Private Military International/Intranational 0:40 2:00 0:50 Hosín Public Civil Intranational 0:28 1:27 0:42 Hosín Private Civil International/Intranational 0:28 1:27 0:42 JindfiichÛv Hradec Public Civil Intranational NA NA NA Sobûslav Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Strakonice Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Strunkovice Public Civil Intranational NA NA NA Tábor Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Source: Ministry of Transport, www.mdcr.cz SCHOOL SYSTEM Hamburg (964 km) Motorway Road Number of schools Number of students Number of graduates 106 37,112 8,676 Airport - Private 43 10,695 2,763 Airport - Public Secondary schools Technical fields Economic fields 41 9,904 2,635 ICT fields 17 2,997 775 Higher schools 16 2,486 641 Technical fields 6 790 168 Economic fields 4 939 231 ICT fields 3 187 54 Universities 5 12,086 NA Technical fields 2 273 NA Economic fields 4 2,778 NA ICT fields 2 491 NA Railroad Praha (150 km) Dresden (295 km) Praha (169 km) Dresden (360 km) PlzeÀ (130 km) Magdeburg (600 km) E49 D3 Tábor PlzeÀ (136 km) Nürnberg (377 km) Písek Humpolec (110 km) E55 Strakonice JindfiichÛv Hradec E551 Prachatice E49 âesk˘ Krumlov âeské Budûjovice Wien (180 km) DE E55 AT Source: Institute for Information on Education, www.uiv.cz Linz (125 km) Linz (90 km) LIST OF SCHOOLS Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Students Bc. 140 Bc., Mgr., Ing., Ph.D. 11 Universities Filmová akademie Miroslava Ondfiíãka v Písku, o. p. s. [email protected] www.filmovka.cz Film Jihoãeská univerzita v âesk˘ch Budûjovicích [email protected] www.jcu.cz Variety of programmes Vysoká ‰kola aplikovan˘ch ekonomick˘ch studií, s. r. o. [email protected] www.vsaes.cz Economic in social sphere Vysoká ‰kola evropsk˘ch a regionálních studií, o. p. s. [email protected] www.vsers.cz Variety of programmes Bc. Vysoká ‰kola technická a ekonomická v âesk˘ch Budûjovicích [email protected] www.vstecb.cz Economic and management, construct. engineering Bc. Obchodní akademie a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola ekonomická [email protected] www.oatabor.cz Accounting, banking DiS. 160 Soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola filmová s. r. o. [email protected] www.filmovka.cz Film DiS. 64 SP· a VO· Písek [email protected] www.sps-pi.cz Information technologies DiS. 65 Stfiední ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola cestovního ruchu [email protected] www.skolacrcb.cz Tourism DiS. 140 Stfiední ‰kola obchodu, sluÏeb a podnikání a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola âeské Budûjovice [email protected] www.ssvos.cz Banking, accountancy, marketing, building, graphics DiS. Bc. 536 Higher schools Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická [email protected] www.szscb.wz.cz Health care DiS. 70 VO· a SP· Strakonice [email protected] www.prumstra.cz Engineering DiS. 105 VO· a SZe· Tábor [email protected] www.szes.tabor.cz Landscaping DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední ‰kola, s. r. o. [email protected] www.vosss.cz Banking, IT, international trade DiS. 14 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola lesnická a Stfiední lesnická ‰kola B. Schwarzenberga [email protected] www.lespi.cz Forestry DiS. 90 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola sociální [email protected] www.spgspt.cz Social work DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola umûleckoprÛmyslová [email protected] www.vosup.cz Preservation DiS. 50 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola vodního hospodáfiství a ekologie, VodÀany [email protected] www.srs-vodnany.cz Water management and ecology DiS. 75 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola Volynû [email protected] www.vos.volyne.cz Furniture DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická Bílá vloãka, s. r. o. [email protected] www.bilavlocka.cz Health care DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola automobilní a technická [email protected] www.spsautocb.cz Engineering, transport, diagnostic of vehicles DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Stfiední ‰kola, Centrum odborné pfiípravy, Sezimovo Ústí [email protected] www.copsu.cz Electrotechnics DiS. 105 40 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz Note: You can find the complete list of schools on the CD-ROM City Invest Czech. SELECTED CZECHINVEST PROJECTS IN THE REGION Name Location Investor Country Sector Year AISIN EUROPE MANUFACTURING CZECH s.r.o. Písek Aisin Japan automotive 2006 Engel strojírenská spol. s r.o. Kaplice, Îìár u Kaplice ENGEL Austria engineering devices 2006 Faurecia Components Písek, s.r.o. Písek FAURECIA France parts for motor vehicles 2006 Silon s.r.o. Planá nad LuÏnicí Silon s.r.o. Germany chemical 2007 TSR Czech Republic s.r.o. PlzeÀ, Jihlava, â. Budûjovice TSR Czech republic s.r.o. Germany other 2007 UMDASCH Shop - Concept spol. s r.o. âeské Budûjovice UMDASCH Austria manufacturing industry 2006 NA Hodonín, Planá nad LuÏnicí IMG Bohemia Czech Republic plastic 2007 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org 35 A-CLASS OFFICE SPACES (âESKÉ BUDùJOVICE) Project Total size (m2)* Completed City Centre âeské Budûjovice 15,500 2007 Comments Modern office building. Fully occupied by E-ON âeská republika. IGY 7,350 2004 Mixed use scheme with great visibility to PraÏská, one of the main arterial routes in the city. *) Total size of office space Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o., www.cushmanwakefield.com OFFICE AND RETAIL SPACE RENTALS EUR/m2/month Location In demand Other A-Class Office Space (â. Budûjovice) Office space 5.3 - 10.6 3.5 - 7.1 7.0 - 10.0 Shopping Centre Area * - Retail space 8.8 - 15.9 5.3 - 7.1 - 25.0 - 40.0 * Rental levels for average 100 m2 retail unit. The given prices are for rental in the regional city. The prices are listed separately as prices in locations in demand and other locations. Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o. (A-Class office space and Shopping Centre Area) and European Club of Estate Agencies (other data) LABOUR OFFICE City Address Phone Fax Jeseník Karla âapka 1147/10, 790 01 Jeseník 1 +420 584 461 111 +420 584 411 130 E-mail [email protected] Olomouc Vejdovského 988/4, 779 00 Olomouc 9 +420 950 141 111 +420 950 141 302 [email protected] Prostûjov Plumlovská 458/36, 796 01 Prostûjov 1 +420 582 301 811 +420 582 301 899 [email protected] Pfierov Îerotínovo nám. 168/21, 750 02 Pfierov 2 +420 581 272 111 +420 581 738 801 [email protected] ·umperk Starobranská 2700/19, 787 01 ·umperk 1 +420 583 300 111 +420 583 213 986 [email protected] Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE REGION Regional Council U Zimního stadionu 1952/2, 370 76 â. Budûjovice tel.: 386 720 111, fax: 386 359 049 [email protected], www.kraj-jihocesky.cz City Hall - âeské Budûjovice nám. Pfiemysla Otakara II. 1, 2 370 92 âeské Budûjovice tel.: 386 801 804, 386 801 805, 386 801 807 fax: 386 801 850 [email protected], www.c-budejovice.cz CzechInvest - Regional Office Husova 5, 370 01 âeské Budûjovice tel.: 387 962 413, 387 962 414, -6, fax: 387 962 424 [email protected] Regional Development Agency of the South Bohemia, RERA a.s. âeské Budûjovice, 370 01 Husova 5 tel.: 387 014 111, fax: 387 014 110 [email protected], [email protected], www.rera.cz Regional Development Agency ·umava, o.p.s. Stachy 422, 384 73 Prachatice tel.: 380 120 216, fax: 380 120 272 e-mail: [email protected] www.rra-sumava.cz South Bohemian Economic Chamber Husova 9, 370 01 âeské Budûjovice tel.: 387 318 433, fax: 387 318 431 [email protected], [email protected], www.jhk.cz contact person: Eva Procházková Regional Consulting & Information Center - LEGRO PLUS s.r.o. Rooseveltova 37, 381 01 âesk˘ Krumlov tel.: 380 711 562, 777 044 852 [email protected], www.legroplus.cz contact persons: Dr. Daniel Hilbert, Ing. Jakub âepelák CzechTrade - Regional Information Place Husova 9, 370 01 âeské Budûjovice fax: 387 318 431 [email protected], www.jhk.cz contact person: Mgr. Pavel ·imánek South Bohemian Economic Chamber Husova 9, 370 01 âeské Budûjovice tel.: 387 318 433, fax: 387 318 431 [email protected], www.jhk.cz Regional Consultant CzechTrade - Praha Vladimír Tesárek tel.: 224 907 529, fax: 224 913 800 [email protected] Regional Consultant CzechTrade - Praha Eduard ¤eháãek, tel: 224 907 542, 724 966 511 fax: 224 913 800 [email protected] UTILITIES Gas Jihoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Vrbenská 2, 371 47 âeské Budûjovice tel.: 389 100 111, fax: 389 100 213 [email protected], www.jcp.cz Electricity E.ON âeská republika, a.s. Lannova 205/16, 370 49 âeské Budûjovice tel.: 387 861 111, 840 111 333 fax: 387 862 900 [email protected], www.eon.cz Water & sewage Vodovody a kanalizace JiÏní âechy, a.s. B. Nûmcové 12/2, 370 80 âeské Budûjovice tel.: 389 132 111, 844 844 870 fax: 389 132 395 [email protected], www.vakjc.cz JVS, a.s. Severní 8/2264, 370 10 âeské Budûjovice tel.: 387 761 911, fax: 387 761 225 [email protected], www.1jvs.cz Heat AES Bohemia spol. s r.o. PrÛmyslová 451, 391 02 Planá nad LuÏnicí tel.: 381 732 400 [email protected], www.aes.com Teplárna âeské Budûjovice, a.s. Novohradská 32, 372 15 âeské Budûjovice tel.: 389 003 111, fax: 389 003 456 [email protected], www.teplarna-cb.cz Teplárna Písek, a.s. U Smrkovické silnice 2263, 397 01 Písek tel.: 382 730 111, fax: 382 265 959 [email protected], www.tpi.cz Teplárna Strakonice, a.s. Komenského 59, 386 43 Strakonice tel.: 383 318 111, fax: 383 324 651 [email protected], www.tst.cz Teplárna Tábor, a.s. U Cihelny 2128, Tábor, 390 02 tel.: 381 417 202 fax: 381 417 286, 381 417 247 [email protected], www.tta.cz 36 SOUTH BOHEMIA REGION TOP 20 COMPANIES RANKED BY REVENUES 2006 Name of company Location www E-mail Phone Activity E.ON Energie, a.s. âeské Budûjovice www.eon.cz [email protected] +420 387 862 001 Generation, electric power 27,894,094 E.ON Distribuce, a.s. âeské Budûjovice +420 387 862 002 Transmission, electric power 12,362,185 25 MADETA a. s. âeské Budûjovice +420 389 136 220 Milk processing 6,611,267 1,700 www.jihomilk.cz [email protected] Revenue 2006 (CZK) Employees 192 Autoservis u viaduktu s.r.o. âeské Budûjovice +420 387 412 543 Automotive maintenance services 3,763,805 9 Jihoãeská plynárenská, a.s. âeské Budûjovice www.jcp.cz [email protected] +420 387 707 303 Gas production & distribution 3,708,860 192 Schneider Electric, a.s. Písek www.schneider-electric.cz [email protected] +420 382 760 111 Switchgear and switchboard apparatus 2,912,300 709 TRW - DAS a.s. Daãice www.trw.com [email protected] +420 384 456 144 Motor vehicle parts and accessories 2,810,815 709 Wienerberger cihláfisk˘ prÛmysl, a. s. âeské Budûjovice www.wienerberger.cz [email protected] +420 387 766 105 Brick and structural clay tile 2,724,764 466 Nemocnice âeské Budûjovice, a.s. âeské Budûjovice www.nemcb.cz [email protected] +420 387 871 111 General medical and surgical hospitals 2,374,279 2,500 Budûjovick˘ Budvar, národní podnik âeské Budûjovice www.budvar.cz [email protected] +420 387 705 111 Beer (alcoholic beverage) 2,132,311 898 BOHEMIA ASFALT, s.r.o. Sobûslav [email protected] +420 381 541 111 Structural clay product manufacturers 1,935,028 152 ZVVZ a. s. Milevsko www.zvvz.cz [email protected] +420 382 552 661 Pollution control equipment installation 1,847,994 723 AISIN EUROPE MANUFACTURING CZECH s.r.o. Písek www.aisin.co.cz [email protected] +420 382 909 111 Automotive and internal combustion engine forgings 1,835,302 320 JIP - Papírny Vûtfiní, a. s. Vûtfiní www.jip.cz [email protected] +420 380 909 111 Paper mills 1,769,537 723 Maso Planá, a.s. Planá nad LuÏnicí www.masoplana.cz [email protected] +420 381 419 201 Meat packing plants 1,744,713 482 JEDNOTA, spotfiební druÏstvo âeské Budûjovice âeské Budûjovice www.jednotacb.cz [email protected] +420 386 790 111 Cooperative food stores 1,708,416 722 Teplárna âeské Budûjovice, a.s. âeské Budûjovice www.teplarna-cb.cz [email protected] +420 387 841 111 Steam heating systems (suppliers of heat) 1,641,771 434 KOVOSVIT MAS, a.s. Sezimovo Ústí www.kovosvit.cz [email protected] +420 381 631 111 Machine tools, metal forming type 1,514,501 723 JCL - obchod, a.s. âeské Budûjovice www.jcl-obchod.cz [email protected] +420 387 713 266 Lumber: rough, dressed, and finished 1,496,794 19 FEZKO a.s. Strakonice www.fezko.cz [email protected] +420 383 315 464 Automotive fabrics, cotton 1,447,479 469 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz CzechInvest projects in the region INDUSTRIAL ZONES, BROWNFIELDS Type Name District Area (ha) Industrial zone âeské Budûjovice Contact - subject Phone âeské Budûjovice 68.0 x Brownfield CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 389 962 413, -16 Strakonice, U Hajské Strakonice 67.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 406 962 413, -16 Planá nad LuÏnicí âesk˘ Krumlov 64.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 398 962 413, -16 JindfiichÛv Hradec JindfiichÛv Hradec 58.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 392 962 413, -16 Kaplice, 4 prÛmyslové zóny âesk˘ Krumlov 53.1 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 393 962 413, -16 Blatná - Sádlov Strakonice 52.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 388 962 413, -16 Veselí nad LuÏnicí - Hybe‰ova ãtvrÈ, Machovka, Rekord Tábor 52.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 410 962 413, -16 âeské Velenice, Hospodáfisk˘ park JindfiichÛv Hradec 47.5 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 390 962 413, -16 VodÀany Strakonice 46.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 413 962 413, -16 Písek, âíÏovská Písek 44.5 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 397 962 413, -16 Vimperk, kasárna Prachatice 40.6 Protivín Písek 40.0 Sobûslav Tábor Tábor-Chotoviny Tábor âesk˘ Krumlov - Domoradice CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 411 962 413, -16 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 401 962 413, -16 38.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 403 962 413, -16 37.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 407 962 413, -16 âesk˘ Krumlov 32.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 391 962 413, -16 T˘n nad Vltavou Tábor 29.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 409 962 413, -16 Tábor, VoÏická Tábor 24.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 408 962 413, -16 Sedlice Strakonice 21.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 402 962 413, -16 Zábofií u âesk˘ch Budûjovic, zemûdûlské druÏstvo âeské Budûjovice 14.3 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 414 962 413, -16 Kaplice, Jihostroj âesk˘ Krumlov 11.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 394 962 413, -16 Prachatice Prachatice 10.2 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 399 962 413, -16 Blatná Strakonice 10.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 387 962 413, -16 Milevsko, ZVVZ Písek 7.0 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 395 962 413, -16 Strakonice, U Blatenského mostu Strakonice 6.0 Prachatice, Jitona Prachatice 5.8 Mydlovary DIAMO (odkali‰tû) âeské Budûjovice 5.3 Strakonice, Na Jelence Strakonice 3.0 Vimperk, ·umavan Prachatice 2.8 x x x x x x x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 405 962 413, -16 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 400 962 413, -16 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 396 962 413, -16 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 404 962 413, -16 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi â.Budûjovice +420 412 962 413, -16 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org CzechInvest projects in the region DISTRICT âESKÉ BUDùJOVICE DISTRICT âESKÉ BUDùJOVICE BASIC DATA Land Area.........................................................................................................1,626 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 âeské Budûjovice ..................................................................................................94,653 T˘n nad Vltavou ......................................................................................................8,420 POPULATION Population, total..................................................................................................183,227 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................29.0 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................113 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................94,605 Number of job seekers............................................................................................4,238 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 0.2 % ■ Basic and without education 14.1 % 21.4 % 23.9 % ■ Secondary without GCE 36.6 % ■ Elementary ■ Secondary 68.4 % ■ Secondary with GCE 27.8 % ■ Without education 7.5 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 4,238 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 4.8 % 12.3 % 70.4 % 12.5 % ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,130 12 ■ Construction ................................. 5,485 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 5,540 8 ■ Services ...................................... 31,310 6 Total: .............................................. 44,465 4 9.8 Czech Republic 10.3 9.5 4.7 4.8 2002 2003 8.9 4.6 4.1 7.7 4.0 2 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2004 2005 Original methodology CZK Prague Average CR New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK âeské Budûjovice CR (total) 2006 EUR 43,339,248 1,491,563,988 1,494,199 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - âeské Budûjovice nám. Pfiemysla Otakara II 1/1 370 01 âeské Budûjovice 1 tel.: +420 386 801 111, fax: +420 386 801 850 e-mail: [email protected] www.c-budejovice.cz Labour Office - âeské Budûjovice Klavíkova 1570/7 340 04 âeské Budûjovice 3 tel.: +420 387 709 111, fax: +420 387 315 267 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/cb_info IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW MADETA a. s. âeské Budûjovice Milk processing (pasteurizing, homogenizing, bottling) www.jihomilk.cz dm drogerie markt s.r.o. âeské Budûjovice Toiletries, cosmetics and perfumes www.dm-drogeriemarkt.cz 1 ,146 Groz-Beckert Czech s.r.o. âeské Budûjovice Needles, hand or machine www.groz-beckert.com 1 ,090 MOTOR JIKOV Group a.s. âeské Budûjovice Motor vehicle supplies and new parts www.micb.cz 1 ,000 KOH-I-NOOR HARDTMUTH a.s. âeské Budûjovice Stationery products www.koh-i-noor.eu 741 Budûjovick˘ Budvar, národní podnik âeské Budûjovice Beer (alcoholic beverage) www.budvar.cz 680 MOTOCO a.s. âeské Budûjovice Internal combustion engines www.motoco.cz 680 Wienerberger cihláfisk˘ prÛmysl, a. s. âeské Budûjovice Brick and structural clay tile www.wienerberger.cz 559 GAMA GROUP a.s. âeské Budûjovice Bandages and dressings www.gama.cz 524 EGE, spol. s r.o. âeské Budûjovice Building components, structural steel www.ege.cz 425 MADETA Logistic a. s. âeské Budûjovice Farm to market haulage, local www.madeta.cz 405 Jihoãeské lesy âeské Budûjovice, a.s. Nové Hrady Forestry services www.jcl.cz 350 KERN-LIEBERS CR spol. s r.o. âeské Budûjovice Seat belts, automobile and aircraft www.kernliebers.com 350 SWIETELSKY stavební s.r.o. âeské Budûjovice Highway and street construction www.swietelsky.cz 333 NICOTRANS a.s. âeské Budûjovice Freight forwarding www.nicotrans.cz 290 www.csadcbas.cz âSAD AUTOBUSY âeské Budûjovice a.s. âeské Budûjovice Bus transportation VISCOFAN CZ s.r.o. âeské Budûjovice Polyethylene film E.ON Energie, a.s. âeské Budûjovice Generation, electric power www.eon.cz KeyTec âeské Budûjovice s.r.o. âeské Budûjovice Metal parts www.keytec.cz Employees 1 ,700 280 261 240 230 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 37 38 SOUTH BOHEMIA REGION DISTRICT âESK¯ KRUMLOV DISTRICT âESK¯ KRUMLOV BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,615 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 âesk˘ Krumlov......................................................................................................13,861 Kaplice ....................................................................................................................7,248 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................61,075 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ..................................................9.7 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................38 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................33,932 Number of job seekers............................................................................................2,988 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 2.2 % 0.2 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 8.8 % 28.3 % 22.2 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Elementary 41.4 % 56.2 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 40.7 % Total: ................................................ 2,988 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 9.4 % 12.4 % 65.5 % ■ Construction ................................. 1,740 12.7 % Czech Republic 14 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,327 12 10.4 ■ Industry ........................................ 1,783 10 ■ Services ........................................ 9,193 9.8 10.7 10.2 10.3 10.1 8.2 9.5 8.9 8 Total: .............................................. 14,043 7.7 6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2005 Original methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK âesk˘ Krumlov CR (total) 2006 New methodology EUR 4,075,063 140,495 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - âesk˘ Krumlov námûstí Svornosti 1 381 01 âesk˘ Krumlov-Vnitfiní Mûsto tel.: +420 380 766 102, fax: +420 380 766 101 e-mail: [email protected] www.obcan.ckrumlov.info Labour Office - âesk˘ Krumlov Vûncova 248 381 01 âesk˘ Krumlov-Ple‰ivec tel.: +420 380 303 888, fax: +420 380 728 935 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/ck_info IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Jihostroj a.s. Vele‰ín Motors: hydraulic, fluid power or air www.jihostroj.cz Employees 650 JIP - Papírny Vûtfiní, a. s. Vûtfiní Paper mills www.jip.cz 500 Schwan Cosmetics CR, s.r.o. âesk˘ Krumlov Cosmetic preparations www.schwancosmetics.com 420 LIRA, obrazové li‰ty a rámy, a.s. âesk˘ Krumlov Picture and mirror frames, wood www.lira.cz 357 Schwan-STABILO âR,s.r.o. âesk˘ Krumlov Lead pencils and art goods www.stabilo.com 325 BRAWE, spol. s r.o. Kaplice Automobile bodies, passenger car, not including engine, etc. www.brandl-hb.com D+G ELEKTRIK, spol. s r.o. Kaplice Housings for business machines, sheet metal GRAFOBAL ARTYPA s.r.o. KfiemÏe Corrugated and solid fiber boxes www.artypa.cz 200 Kopp Elektrotechnika, spol. s r.o. Kaplice Switchgear and switchboard apparatus www.kopp-czech.cz 200 Lesy Vy‰‰í Brod, a.s. Vy‰‰í Brod Forestry services www.vyssibrod.cz/lesyvbas 200 Engel strojírenská spol. s r.o. Kaplice Panel and distribution boards and other related apparatus www.engel.at 190 JOUZA s.r.o. Kaplice Electrical equipment and supplies JWM-SLR, spol. s r.o. Bujanov Metal reshaping and replating services www.slr.cz 160 FRONIUS âeská republika s.r.o. âesk˘ Krumlov Welding apparatus www.fronius.com 156 MEPLA, s.r.o. âesk˘ Krumlov Furniture parts, metal www.mepla-alfit.com 150 KEB - EGE spol. s r.o. Kájov Steel building construction www.keb-ege.cz Agrana Fruit Bohemia s.r.o. Kaplice Fruits and fruit products, in cans, jars, etc. www.agrana.com 75 OKNOTHERM spol. s r.o. Kaplice Windows, plastics www.oknotherm.cz 70 Auböck s.r.o. Kájov Construction and civil engineering 305 230 190 76 60 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT JIND¤ICHÒV HRADEC DISTRICT JIND¤ICHÒV HRADEC BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,944 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 JindfiichÛv Hradec.........................22,643 TfieboÀ ............................................8,871 Daãice.............................................7,886 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................92,624 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................14.7 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................48 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................49,767 Number of job seekers............................................................................................3,152 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.0 % 0.2 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 8.9 % 27.0 % 22.9 % 28.1 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Elementary ■ Secondary 68.7 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 41.1 % Total: ................................................ 3,152 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 11.1 % 13.3 % 62.6 % 12.9 % ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,131 12 ■ Construction ................................. 2,549 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 2,476 8 ■ Services ...................................... 11,991 6 Total: .............................................. 19,147 4 9.8 6.7 Czech Republic 10.3 9.5 8.9 7.5 7.1 7.7 7.4 6.0 2 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2005 Original methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK JindfiichÛv Hradec CR (total) 2006 New methodology EUR 1,899,506 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 65,489 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - JindfiichÛv Hradec Klá‰terská 135, 377 01 JindfiichÛv Hradec II tel.: +420 384 351 111, fax: +420 384 361 503 e-mail: [email protected] www. twist.jh.cz/public/mujh District Economic Chamber - JindfiichÛv Hradec nám. Míru 140, 377 01 JindfiichÛv Hradec I tel.: +420 384 361 804 fax: +420 384 361 804 www.hkcr.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW TRW - DAS a.s. Daãice Motor vehicle parts and accessories www.trw.com Employees 893 Otavan, a.s. TfieboÀ Men's and boy's suits and coats www.otavan.cz 550 LEXA & POSEL s.r.o. Hamr Electron tubes CENTROPEN, a.s. Daãice Stationery products www.centropen.cz 470 Jitka, a.s. JindfiichÛv Hradec Broadwoven fabric mills, cotton www.jitka.cz 450 Magna Cartech spol. s r.o. âeské Velenice Automotive stampings www.magnacartech.com 408 MASNA Studená, a.s. Studená Sausages and other prepared meats www.masna-studena.cz 349 481 ÎOS âeské Velenice CZ a.s. âeské Velenice General automotive repair shops www.zos-cv.cz 300 Kasalova pila, s.r.o. JindfiichÛv Hradec Sawmills and planing mills, general www.kasalovapila.cz 270 TECNOCAP s.r.o. Strmilov Crowns and closures www.tecnocapclosures.com 200 DELTA Karda‰ova ¤eãice, a.s. Karda‰ova ¤eãice Sawmills and planing mills, general TEBO, a.s. Nová Vãelnice Nonwoven fabrics www.tebo.cz PKD, s.r.o. Daãice Fabricated structural metal www.pkd.cz 117 JH TRANS s.r.o. JindfiichÛv Hradec Freight forwarding www.jhtrans.cz 100 SOME SEVER s.r.o. JindfiichÛv Hradec Farm and garden machinery www.somejh.cz 100 KTW CZ s.r.o. JindfiichÛv Hradec Special industry machinery www.ktw-group.com SOME JindfiichÛv Hradec s.r.o. JindfiichÛv Hradec Agricultural machinery and equipment www.somejh.cz 82 KORES PRAHA, spol. s r.o. Strmilov Stationery products www.kores-praha.cz 80 Edscha Tools a.s. JindfiichÛv Hradec Machine tools, metal cutting type 175 149 98 74 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 39 40 SOUTH BOHEMIA REGION DISTRICT PÍSEK DISTRICT PÍSEK BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,138 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Písek .....................................................................................................................29,877 Milevsko..................................................................................................................9,220 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................70,498 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................11.2 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................62 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................35,056 Number of job seekers............................................................................................2,632 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 4.1 % 0.3 % ■ Basic and without education 11.0 % 23.3 % 26.4 % ■ Elementary 71.9 % ■ Secondary with GCE 39.3 % ■ Without education 23.7 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 2,632 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 10.6 % 12.2 % 62.4 % 14.8 % ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,735 12 ■ Construction ................................. 1,996 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 2,412 8 ■ Services ...................................... 10,201 6 Total: .............................................. 16,344 4 9.8 8.4 Czech Republic 10.3 9.5 8.4 8.9 8.3 7.7 8.5 6.9 2 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2005 Original methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK Písek CR (total) Prague Average CR 2006 New methodology IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 1,956,915 67,468 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Town Hall - Písek Velké námûstí 114/3 397 01 Písek-Vnitfiní Mûsto tel.: +420 382 330 111, fax: +420 382 214 431 e-mail: [email protected] www.mesto-pisek Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz District Economic Chamber - Písek nábfieÏí 1. máje 2259 397 01 Písek-Budûjovické Pfiedmûstí tel.: +420 603 348 215 fax: +420 382 212 518 www.jhk.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW ZVVZ a. s. Milevsko Pollution control equipment installation www.zvvz.cz Employees Schneider Electric, a.s. Písek Switchgear and switchboard apparatus www.schneider-electric.cz 650 OTAVA, v˘robní druÏstvo Písek Electric conduits and fittings www.vdiotava.cz 478 KOâÍ a.s. Písek Operative builders www.koci-pisek.cz 200 JITEX a.s. Písek Broadwoven fabric mills, cotton www.jitex.cz 189 OM PROTIVÍN a.s. Protivín Transmission housings or parts, motor vehicle www.omprotivin.cz 150 Polansk˘ch, spol. s r.o. Protivín Food brokers www.polanskych.cz 120 1 ,050 JUREX, vefiejná obchodní spoleãnost Písek Operative builders www.estav.cz/jurex 68 InTePs, s.r.o. Písek Water, sewer and utility lines www.inteps.cz 60 www.k-froehlich.de Kunststoff-Fröhlich GmbH o.s. CZ Písek Plastics containers, except foam SMOM CZ s.r.o. Písek Tinners' hand tools, except snips 60 52 "POLARI" spol. s r.o. Písek Petroleum products www.polari.cz 43 Tools+ s.r.o. âíÏová Special dies and tools www.toolsplus.cz 35 ZVVZ-Enven Engineering, a.s. Milevsko Civil engineering www.enven.cz 30 BROTEX Z & J s.r.o. Písek Bedding, manmade or silk fabric www.brotex.cz 30 NEOTECH a.s. Písek Computers, peripherals and software www.neotech.cz 30 KV2 Audio International spol. s r.o. Milevsko Sound reproducing equipment www.kv2audio.cz 20 1. písecká lesní a dfievafiská, a.s. Písek Forestry services CEF, s.r.o. Cerhonice General farms, primarily crop 18 15 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT PRACHATICE DISTRICT PRACHATICE BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,375 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Prachatice .............................................................................................................11,743 Vimperk ..................................................................................................................7,942 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................51,409 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ..................................................8.1 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................37 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................26,701 Number of job seekers............................................................................................1,613 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.8 % 0.9 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 9.3 % 26.6 % ■ Secondary without GCE 23.0 % ■ Elementary 30.4 % 64.9 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 41.0 % Total: ................................................ 1,613 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 16.7 % 13.1 % 57.0 % 13.2 % ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,122 12 ■ Construction ................................. 1,665 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 1,673 8 ■ Services ........................................ 7,234 6 Total: .............................................. 12,694 4 9.8 7.3 Czech Republic 10.3 9.5 8.9 7.1 7.0 7.7 6.4 5.2 2 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2005 Original methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK EUR Prachatice 843,465 CR (total) 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague 2006 New methodology Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 29,080 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Prachatice Velké námûstí 3, 383 01 Prachatice I tel.: +420 388 607 111, fax: +420 388 313 567 e-mail: [email protected] www.mesto.prachatice.cz District Economic Chamber - Prachatice Za Ba‰tou 394 383 01 Prachatice II tel.: +420 388 310 092 www.jhk.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW ROHDE & SCHWARZ závod Vimperk, s.r.o. Vimperk Tower sections, radio and television transmission www.rohde-schwarz.com Employees Seaquist - Löffler Kunststoffwerk spol. s r.o. âkynû Bolts, nuts, rivets and washers 380 305 Vimperská masna, a.s. Vimperk Meat packing plants www.vimperskamasna.cz 170 ELIM spol. s r.o. Volary Electrical equipment and supplies www.elim.cz 160 Dfievostroj âkynû, a.s. âkynû Woodworking machinery www.drevostroj.cz 112 ESPI Wiring s.r.o. Prachatice Outlets, electric: convenience www.espi-wiring.cz 110 STS Prachatice, a.s. Tû‰ovice Farm & garden machinery & equipment mfrs www.stsprachatice.cz 75 D¤EVO - PALETY - VLK s. r. o. Husinec Pallets, wood www.drevo-palety-vlk.cz 73 www.strojvimp.cz Strojírna Vimperk spol. s r.o. Vimperk Parts and accessories, internal combustion engines OV Media s.r.o. Vimperk Wrappers, lithographed Zemûdûlské obchodní druÏstvo Vacov Vacov General farms, primarily crop BEATA, spol. s r. o. Netolice Flour and other grain mill products MOLDA spol. s r.o. Volary Picture and mirror frames, wood 70 60 44 www.beata.cz 40 40 INOS-SERVIS s.r.o. Volary Fabricated structural metal product mfrs ESP I. s.r.o. Tû‰ovice Building components, structural steel www.espi.cz 38 Tepelné hospodáfiství Prachatice s.r.o. Prachatice Steam heating systems (suppliers of heat) www.prachatice.cz MB - Truhláfiství s.r.o. Svatá Mafií Sawmills & planing mills KERIF ELECTRONIC s.r.o. Prachatice Electronic components Václav Bene‰ - Autodoprava Strunkovice nad Blanicí Freight forwarding 30 27 25 www.kerif.com 22 18 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 41 42 SOUTH BOHEMIA REGION DISTRICT STRAKONICE DISTRICT STRAKONICE BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,032 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Strakonice.....................................23,256 VodÀany .........................................6,735 Blatná .............................................6,667 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................70,388 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................11.1 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................68 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................36,522 Number of job seekers............................................................................................2,557 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 4.6 % 0.2 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 9.6 % 25.0 % 25.1 % ■ Secondary without GCE 71.0 % ■ Secondary with GCE 40.3 % ■ Elementary 24.1 % ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 2,557 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,820 12 12.3 % ■ Construction ................................. 1,911 10 13.1 % ■ Industry ........................................ 2,036 8 ■ Services ........................................ 9,833 6 Total: .............................................. 15,600 4 11.7 % 63.0 % Czech Republic 9.8 7.4 10.3 9.5 8.1 8.9 7.5 7.3 7.7 6.6 2 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2005 Original methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK Strakonice CR (total) Prague Average CR 2006 New methodology IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 1,340,485 46,216 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Town Hall - Strakonice Velké námûstí 2, 386 01 Strakonice I tel.: +420 383 700 111, fax: +420 383 324 535 e-mail: [email protected] www.mu-st.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Labour Office - Strakonice TextilákÛ 393, 386 01 Strakonice II tel.: +420 383 353 911, fax: +420 383 324 490 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/st_info IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity LEIFHEIT s.r.o. Blatná Carpets and rugs WWW Employees FEZKO a.s. Strakonice Automotive fabrics, cotton www.fezko.cz 469 âZ Strojírna, s.r.o. Strakonice Pistols or pistol parts, 30 mm. and below www.czas.cz 256 METAL PROGRES Strakonice spol. s r.o. Strakonice Aluminum extruded products www.metal-progres.cz 243 Jednota, spotfiební druÏstvo ve Volyni Volynû Miscellaneous food stores www.jednota.volyne.cz 225 Knürr s.r.o. Volynû Furniture parts, metal www.knuerr.com 222 PRIMA, akciová spoleãnost Strakonice Industrial buildings and warehouses www.prima-strakonice.cz 210 Zemûdûlské zásobování a nákup Strakonice a.s. Strakonice Prepared feeds www.zznstrakonice.cz 180 500 Obaly Blatná s.r.o. Blatná Nailed wood boxes and shook PENTA CZ s.r.o. Strakonice Computer peripheral equipment www.penta.cz 150 Václav Cimburek - CIVA Trans Strakonice Freight forwarding www.civatrans.cz 140 ZEMCHEBA, s.r.o. Chelãice Orchard tree and vine services www.zemcheba.cz 105 JOLAVA, spol. s r.o. VodÀany Knit underwear mills JATKY Hradsk˘, s.r.o. Strakonice Meat packing plants MEYSTER CZ, s.r.o. Strakonice Bicycle racks, automotive www.meyster.cz 74 ZNAKON, a.s. Sousedovice Highway and street construction www.znakon.cz 70 FEZKO SERVIS, a.s. Strakonice Real property lessors NAFO Strakonice s.r.o. Strakonice Industrial molds www.nafo.cz 50 A. Pöttinger, spol. s r.o. VodÀany Farm machinery and equipment www.pottinger.cz 46 150 82 78 59 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT TÁBOR DISTRICT TÁBOR BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,327 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Tábor ............................................35,898 Sobûslav .........................................7,314 Sezimovo Ústí.................................7,304 Veselí nad LuÏnicí...........................6,598 Bechynû..........................................5,681 POPULATION Population, total..................................................................................................102,407 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................16.2 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................77 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................53,516 Number of job seekers............................................................................................3,246 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 5.6 % 1.3 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 11.7 % 23.1 % ■ Secondary without GCE 26.1 % ■ Secondary with GCE 39.1 % ■ Elementary 23.3 % ■ Secondary 69.8 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 3,246 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 8.3 % 13.6 % 62.7 % 15.5 % ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,026 12 ■ Construction ................................. 3,323 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,800 8 ■ Services ...................................... 15,367 6 Total: .............................................. 24,516 4 9.8 Czech Republic 10.3 9.5 8.9 7.7 5.7 6.4 6.2 5.9 5.5 2 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2005 Original methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK Tábor CR (total) 2006 New methodology EUR 3,492,943 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 120,426 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Tábor ÎiÏkovo nám. 3/3, 390 01 Tábor tel.: +420 381 486 111, fax: +420 381 486 100 e-mail: [email protected] www.tabor.cz Labour Office - Tábor Husovo nám. 2938, 390 02 Tábor tel.: +420 381 483 111, fax: +420 381 251 232 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/ta_info IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW KOVOSVIT MAS, a.s. Sezimovo Ústí Machine tools, metal forming type www.kovosvit.cz Employees JITONA a.s. Sobûslav Wood household furniture www.jitona.cz BRISK Tábor a.s. Tábor Engine electrical equipment www.brisk.biz 739 SILON s.r.o. Planá nad LuÏnicí Cellulosic manmade fibers www.silon.eu 620 VSP DATA a.s. Tábor Computers, peripherals and software www.vspdata.cz 550 Maso Planá, a.s. Planá nad LuÏnicí Meat packing plants www.masoplana.cz 481 COMETT PLUS, spol. s r.o. Tábor Local passenger transportation www.comettplus.cz 414 Lesy Tábor, a. s. Tábor Forestry services www.lesytabor.cz 414 INTERSNACK a.s. Choustník Potato chips and similar snacks www.intersnack.cz 350 FLOSMAN a.s. Tábor Groceries and related products www.flosman.cz 332 ELK a.s. Planá nad LuÏnicí Windows, plastics www.elk.cz 300 GRENA, a.s. Veselí nad LuÏnicí Furniture squares, hardwood www.grena.cz 210 IMG Bohemia, s.r.o. Sezimovo Ústí Plastics products www.img-management.cz 180 KOH-I-NOOR Mladá VoÏice a.s. Mladá VoÏice Aerosol valves, metal www.kohinoor.cz 176 COGEBI a. s. Tábor Insulators and insulation materials, electrical www.cogebi.cz 152 FONTEA a.s. Veselí nad LuÏnicí Bottled and canned soft drinks www.fontea.cz 150 JIHOTVAR v˘robní druÏstvo Veselí nad LuÏnicí Veselí nad LuÏnicí Concrete products www.jihotvar.cz 104 AES Bohemia spol. s r.o. Planá nad LuÏnicí Distribution, electric power Zeelandia spol. s r.o. Mal‰ice Breading mixes 1 ,051 980 94 www.zeelandia.cz 90 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 43 44 PLZE≈ REGION BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA PLZE≈ REGION ABOUT REGION The region of PlzeÀ is located in the western part of Bohemia on the boundary with Bavaria, neighboring with Middle and South Bohemia and with the regions of Karlovy Vary and Ústí nad Labem. The PlzeÀ Region is divided among seven districts: DomaÏlice, Klatovy, PlzeÀ-mûsto (City), PlzeÀ-sever (North), Rokycany and Tachov. On January 1, 2006 the area of the PlzeÀ region was 7,561 km2, i.e. 9.6 % of the country’s territory. It is the third largest of regions. On December 31 the PlzeÀ Region had a population of 554,537 which is 5.4 % of the Czech Republic population and the ninth place among the country’s region. The region’s capital PlzeÀ with 163,392 inhabitants is the fourth largest city in Czech Republic. There are 14 towns with a population over 5,000 in the PlzeÀ Region. The most important natural monuments include the National Park of ·umava, sanctuary ·umava and sanctury âesk˘ les in the PlzeÀ Region. All of these are continuously gaining importance as winter sports resorts. This trend is being helped by the gradual easing of controls on the boundary with Bavaria. Areas in the vicinity of PlzeÀ also offer interesting space for leisure and recreation activities. Though none of the landmarks and historic buildings in the region belongs to the UNESCO list of World Heritage, the region is virtually covered with them. Among the most interesting are monasteries in Plasy and Kladruby and castles Kozel, Rábí (ruins) and ·vihov. There are three urban sanctuaries in PlzeÀ Region. The tower of St. Bartholomew’s Dome (the highest church tower in Czech Republic) has become a symbol of the sanctuary in PlzeÀ. The other two sanctuaries are in DomaÏlice and Hor‰ovsk˘ T˘n. The folklore festival organized every year in DomaÏlice (sub-region Chodsko) is an event of utmost cultural importance for the region. The largest university in PlzeÀ Region is Západoãeská univerzita (West Bohemia University) in PlzeÀ, with seven colleges offering courses in engineering, science, and humanities, as well as new disciplines of applied sciences. There is also a local faculty of Medicine belonging to Prague’s UK. Private universities are not of much importance in PlzeÀ. One of them, Vysoká ‰kola v Plzni (University of PlzeÀ) is focused on health care. PlzeÀ and its outskirts have always belonged to the most industrialized areas in the country, mainly thanks to rich deposits of raw materials. The machinery sector in the city suffered heavily when ·koda Works was weakened by voucher privatization. Now the factory is being restructured. Foreign investments are flowing in the electronics, machinery and food industries. Lumber and car making industries have their importance here as well. Thematic industrial clusters are not well developed yet. CzechInvest agency is currently conducting studies on possible clusters in mechatronics (mechanics and electronics). This region’s potential depends on its advantageous position in the western part of the country. Other promising assets include the finishing of a circumferential highway in PlzeÀ in 2006, sufficient supplies of raw materials for the manufacturing industry, the status of the local university, qualified workforce, good conditions for tourism in mountain areas and numerous landmarks and natural monuments. BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA BASIC DATA ADMINISTRATIVE BREAKDOWN Land Area..........................................................................................................7,561 km2 POPULATION Number of districts .........................................................................................................7 Number of municipalities............................................................................................501 of that, number of towns ..............................................................................................46 REPRESENTATION OF PROFESSIONAL CLASSES (%) Total .......................................................................................554,537 Percentage in the total population of Czech Republic (%)...........................................5.4 Population density (persons/km2) .................................................................................73 Average work force ..............................................................................................302,462 Number of job seekers ..........................................................................................17,959 NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Total .......................................................................................129,639 Industry .................................................................................................................16,641 Construction ..........................................................................................................14,897 Agriculture & forestry ..............................................................................................9,279 Services .................................................................................................................88,822 Unskilled and unqualified workers ...............................................................................8.2 Plant and machine operators and assemblers ...........................................................15.8 Craft and related trades workers................................................................................18.5 Skilled agricultural and forestry workers .....................................................................2.4 Workers in services & sales ......................................................................................12.8 Administrative..............................................................................................................5.4 Specialists....................................................................................................................8.2 Legislators, senior officials and managers...................................................................5.6 Armed forces ...............................................................................................................0.4 Technical, health care, pedagogical workers & workers in similar sectors ................22.7 of which Technicians in physical, technical & related branches ...............................................29.5 Technicians in biology, health care & agriculture.......................................................16.2 Pedagogical workers....................................................................................................4.9 Others assistant skilled workers ................................................................................49.3 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz AVERAGE MONTHLY GROSS WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD 25,000 8.5 % ■ Basic and without education ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education 20.2 % 32.0 % 39.4 % Czech Republic Region 22,000 19,000 15,844 16,000 13,000 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 20,844 19,631 18,035 16,917 19,356 18,184 14,824 15,816 2002 2003 16,831 10,000 CZK/year 2004 2005 2006 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz GDP BY REGIONS UNEMPLOYMENT – 5-YEAR TREND Total Region Per capita mln. CZK mln. EUR CZK PlzeÀ Region 162,829 5,745 294,501 10,391 Average GDP for Czech regions 230,827 8,144 294,679 10,400 Share in GDP of the Czech Republic EUR District 12 9.8 10.3 10.1 9.6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Average in all regions 10.3 10 5.04 % Czech Republic 10.2 8 8.9 7.7 8.9 7.7 7.6 7.1 6 9.5 9.4 7.4 6.7 6.5 5.6 4 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT UNEMPLOYMENT ACCORDING TO SEX STRUCTURE Women Men Total number of job seekers Number Share 7,937 54.68 % 6,579 2 %/year Region 45.32 % 14,516 2003 2004 2005 Original methodology FDI (mln. CZK) FDI (mln. EUR) Karlovy Vary (min) 16,040 553 PzeÀ 48,536 1,673 Prague (max) 801,100 27,619 Average 106,540 3,673 Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz 2002 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz AVERAGE GROSS MONTHLY WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND Year Region 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR PlzeÀ Region Average for Czech Republic 14,824 15,844 481 514 15,816 16,917 497 531 16,831 18,035 528 565 18,165 19,624 610 659 Average for Czech regions 14,499 471 15,509 487 16,557 519 17,903 601 CZK EUR 19,356 20,844 683 735 19,031 671 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 45 46 PLZE≈ REGION LISTS OF AIRPORTS Specifications ErpuÏice Flight time (hrs) Public/Private Civil/Military/Varied International/Intranational Prague Berlin Vienna Private Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Klatovy Public Civil Intranational 0:21 1:11 0:53 KfiíÏenec Private Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Letkov Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Plasy Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights PlzeÀ/Línû Private Civil International/Intranational no flights no flights no flights StaÀkov Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Tachov Private Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Source: Ministry of Transport, www.mdcr.cz Karlovy Vary (75 km) Magdeburg (405 km) SCHOOL SYSTEM Motorway Number of schools Number of students Number of graduates Secondary schools 96 36,723 8,390 Technical fields 50 12,240 3,198 Economic fields 45 7,813 1,944 ICT fields 16 2,832 Higher schools 7 1,308 333 Technical fields 4 440 127 Economic fields 2 109 30 ICT fields 2 358 97 Universities 3 89,367 NA Technical fields 3 688 NA Economic fields 4 1,084 NA ICT fields 2 620 NA Cheb (106 km) Road E49 Railroad Praha (90 km) Bratislava (415 km) E50 DE Airport - Private PlzeÀ Airport - Public Tachov D5 Praha (114 km) E50 D5 Rokycany 716 D5 Nürnberg (210 km) Zürich (605 km) E49 DomaÏlice âeské Budûjovice (130 km) Wien (320 km) Klatovy âeské Budûjovice (136 km) Linz (261 km) Nürnberg (241 km) DE E53 Source: Institute for Information on Education, www.uiv.cz München (430 km) LIST OF SCHOOLS Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Vysoká ‰kola v Plzni, o. p. s. [email protected] www.vsplzen.cz Health care Západoãeská univerzita v Plzni [email protected] www.zcu.cz Variety of programmes Students Universities Bc. Bc., Mgr., Ing. 506 17,270 Higher schools Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická [email protected] www.zdravka-plzen.cz Health care DiS. VO·, OA a SZ· DomaÏlice [email protected] www.oadomazlice.cz Social Work DiS. 300 82 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola elektrotechnická PlzeÀ [email protected] www.spse.pilsedu.cz Marketing, electrotechnics, IT, building DiS. 287 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická Dr. Ilony Mauritzové, s. r. o. [email protected] www.svzsplzen.cz Health care, social work DiS. 340 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Obchodní akademie a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky [email protected] www.oakt.cz/cz Accountancy, economics, administration DiS. 200 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz Note: You can find the complete list of schools on the CD-ROM City Invest Czech. SELECTED CZECHINVEST PROJECTS IN THE REGION Name Location Investor Country Sector Year A. Pöttinger, spol. s r.o. VodÀany Alois Pottinger Maschinenfabrik Gesellschaft Austria engineering 2006 Behr Thermot-tronik Czech, s.r.o. Hol˘‰ov BEHR V. Germany automotive 2007 Haselmeier s.r.o. Dne‰ice Haselmeier Switzerland medical devices 2007 CHRIST CAR WASH s.r.o. Hradi‰tû u Plznû Otto Christ Germany engineering 2006 JTEKT Automotive Czech PlzeÀ s.r.o. SkvrÀany, PlzeÀ JTEKT Europe S.A.S. France automotive 2007 NARETEC s.r.o. PlzeÀ NARETEC II Czech Republic automotive 2007 PA Business Systeme CZ s.r.o. PlzeÀ PA Business Systems Ltd. United Kingdom electronics 2007 Solectron Czech s.r.o. PlzeÀ Solectron Corporation USA repair centre - PC 2006 ·KODA POWER a.s. PlzeÀ ·KODA HOLDING Czech Republic engineering 2006 ·KODA TRANSPORTATION s.r.o. PlzeÀ ·KODA HOLDING Czech Republic electronics 2006 ZAT a.s. PlzeÀ ZAT Czech Republic medical engineering 2006 ZF Engineering PlzeÀ s.r.o. PlzeÀ ZF Engineering PlzeÀ s.r.o. Germany engineering 2007 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org 47 A-CLASS OFFICE SPACES (PLZE≈) Project Total size (m2)* Completed 10,715 2007 New office building situated in the city centre close to the main bus station. Business Centre Bohemia 8,500 2004 Significant administrative building, former Hutní projekt PlzeÀ, originaly built in 1970’s and reconstructed in 2004. Diplomat Centre 3,500 2007 New administrative and hotel centre situated in an attractive location in walking distance from the city centre. 6th River 4,700 2007 PlzeÀ Science and Technology Park situated in the Bory Field industrial zone in the southern part of the city. 22,400 2009 Phased A-class office development situated in the Bory Field industrial zone in the south of PlzeÀ. Avalon Business Center The Offices Comments *) Total size of office space Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o., www.cushmanwakefield.com OFFICE AND RETAIL SPACE RENTALS EUR/m2/month Location In demand Other A-Class Office Space (PlzeÀ) Office space 4.2 - 8.5 2.8 - 5.3 9.5 - 11.0 Shopping Centre Area * - Retail space 6.0 - 9.2 4.9 - 7.1 - 25.0 - 40.0 * Rental levels for average 100 m2 retail unit. The given prices are for rental in the regional city. The prices are listed separately as prices in locations in demand and other locations. Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o. (A-Class office space and Shopping Centre Area) and European Club of Estate Agencies (other data) LABOUR OFFICE City Address Phone Fax E-mail DomaÏlice Msgre. B. Sta‰ka 265, 344 01 DomaÏlice 1 +420 379 739 011; 379 724 698 +420 379 725 841 [email protected] Klatovy Krameriova 180, 339 01 Klatovy 1 +420 376 349 111 +420 376 349 497 [email protected] PlzeÀ - jih Kaplífiova 2731/7, 301 00 PlzeÀ 1 +420 377 411 111 +420 377 429 671 [email protected] PlzeÀ - mûsto Kaplífiova 2731/7, 301 00 PlzeÀ 1 +420 377 411 111 +420 377 429 669, -70 [email protected] PlzeÀ - sever Kaplífiova 2731/7, 301 00 PlzeÀ 1 +420 377 411 111 +420 377 429 668 [email protected] Rokycany Palackého 162, 337 01 Rokycany 1 +420 371 701 111 +420 371 701 314 [email protected] Tachov tfi. Míru 1633, 347 01 Tachov 1 +420 374 799 411 +420 374 723 754 [email protected] Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE REGION Regional Council ·kroupova 18, 306 13 PlzeÀ tel.: 377 195 111, fax: 377 195 078 [email protected] www.kr-plzensky.cz City Hall - PlzeÀ nám. Republiky 1, 301 00 PlzeÀ tel.: 378 031 111 fax: 378 032 002 [email protected] www.plzen-city.cz CzechInvest - Regional Office Anglické nábfi. 1, 301 45 PlzeÀ tel.: 378 226 630, 378 226 631 fax: 378 226 632 [email protected] Regional Development Agency Riegrova 1, 301 11 PlzeÀ tel.: 377 237 679, fax: 377 235 320 [email protected], www.rra-pk.cz Regional Consulting & Information Center - Institut prÛmyslového managementu, s.r.o. Univerzitní 22, 320 00 PlzeÀ tel.: 377 638 475, fax: 377 638 402 [email protected] www.ipm-plzen.cz, www.eisod.com contact persons: Ing. Robert Caithaml, Ing. Miroslav TÛma, Ph.D. CzechTrade - Regional Information Place Anglické nábfi. 1, 301 45 PlzeÀ tel.: 378 226 957, fax: 378 226 950 [email protected], www.hkplzen.cz Regional Manager CzechTrade - PlzeÀ Marie Ba‰tafiová tel.: 378 134 363, fax: 378 134 364 [email protected] Regional Consultant CzechTrade - Praha Eduard ¤eháãek tel.: 224 907 542, fax: 224 913 800 [email protected] Regional Consultant CzechTrade - Praha Vladimír Tesárek tel.: 224 907 529, fax: 224 913 800 [email protected] Regional Economic Chamber Tylova 57, 316 00 PlzeÀ tel.: 378 134 659, fax: 378 134 364 [email protected], [email protected] www.khkpk.cz contact person: Markéta Janovská chairman: Ing. Zdenûk MuÏík Euro Info Center Riegrova 1, 301 16 PlzeÀ tel.: 377 235 379, fax: 377 235 320 [email protected], www.bic.cz contact person: PhDr. Eva Beranová UTILITIES Gas Západoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Guldenerova 17 326 00 PlzeÀ tel.: 840 113 355, fax: 377 093 125 [email protected], [email protected], www.zcp.cz Electricity Západoãeská energetika, a.s. Guldenerova 19, 303 28 PlzeÀ tel.: 738 002 128, fax: 378 002 018 [email protected], www.zce.cz Water & sewage Vodárna PlzeÀ, a.s. Malostranská 2, 317 68 PlzeÀ tel.: 377 413 111, 377 413 300 fax: 377 413 555 [email protected], www.vodarna.cz ·umavské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. âs. legií 37, 339 01 Klatovy tel.: 376 321 387, fax: 376 321 413 [email protected] Chodské vodárny a kanalizace, a.s. Bezdûkovské pfiedmûstí 388, 344 01 DomaÏlice tel.: 379 792 311 [email protected], www.chvak.cz Heat PlzeÀská energetika, a.s. Tylova 1/57, 316 00 PlzeÀ tel.: 378 133 790, fax: 378 133 007 [email protected], www.pe.cz BOKRO·OVÁ, s.r.o U Borského parku 1213/3, 301 00 PlzeÀ - Bory tel.: 377 371 250, 723 963 847 fax: 377 371 250 [email protected], www.bokrosova.cz HF - ENERGO spol. s r.o. Kfiiãkova 1203, 342 01 Su‰ice tel.: 376 520 277, 602 650 027 fax: 376 520 277 [email protected] PlzeÀská distribuce tepla, a.s. Edvarda Bene‰e 430/23, 301 00 PlzeÀ tel.: 377 499 111, 800 505 505 fax: 377 423 509 [email protected] PlzeÀská teplárenská, a.s. - centrála Doubravecká 2578/1, 304 10 PlzeÀ tel.: 377 180 111 [email protected], www.pltep.cz Polyteza, spol. s r.o. Holoubkov 293, 338 01 Holoubkov tel.: 371 751 167, fax: 371 722 239 [email protected], www.seap.cz Termglobal, s.r.o. Na Roudné 433/46, 301 00 PlzeÀ tel.: 377 528 467, fax: 377 528 467 Transteplo Kdynû, spol. s r.o. Dûlnická 425, 345 06 Kdynû tel.: 379 732 137, 603 574 290, fax: 379 527 694 [email protected] 48 PLZE≈ REGION TOP 20 COMPANIES RANKED BY REVENUES 2006 Name of company Location www E-mail Phone Activity Panasonic AVC Networks Czech, s.r.o. PlzeÀ www.pavccz.panasonic.cz [email protected] +420 378 211 111 Television receiving sets Revenue 2006 (CZK) 45,000,000 Employees 1,900 PlzeÀsk˘ Prazdroj, a. s. PlzeÀ 3 www.pilsner-urquell.com [email protected] +420 603 557 896 Beer (alcoholic beverage) 15,237,990 2,575 LASSELSBERGER, a.s. PlzeÀ www.lasselsberger.com [email protected] +420 378 021 240 Ceramic wall and floor tile 8,182,142 3,318 Daikin Industries Czech Republic s.r.o. PlzeÀ www.daikinczech.cz [email protected] +420 378 773 112 Air conditioning equipment, complete 7,111,132 950 IACG s.r.o. Pfie‰tice www.lear.com [email protected] +420 377 864 111 Automotive stampings 5,322,472 862 JTEKT Automotive Czech PlzeÀ s.r.o. PlzeÀ 3 www.jtekt.cz [email protected] +420 378 011 011 Steering mechanisms, motor vehicle 3,920,089 350 BORGERS CS spol. s r.o. PlzeÀ www.borgers-group.com [email protected] +420 371 700 111 Seat covers, automobile 3,802,643 Yazaki Wiring Technologies Czech s.r.o. PlzeÀ [email protected] +420 378 213 107 Automotive wiring harness sets 3,557,193 âEZ Data, s.r.o. PlzeÀ www.cezdata.cz [email protected] +420 371 103 400 Computer software development and applications 3,372,335 3,300 438 "HP-Pelzer k. s." PlzeÀ www.pelzer.de [email protected] +420 377 830 011 Motor vehicle parts and accessories 3,281,571 1,001 ·KODA POWER a.s. PlzeÀ www.skoda.cz [email protected] +420 378 185 939 Grinding machines, metalworking 2,902,101 970 ·KODA TRANSPORTATION s.r.o. PlzeÀ www.skoda.cz [email protected] +420 378 186 000 Railroad equipment 2,714,408 630 Alcoa Fujikura Czech s.r.o. Stfiíbro www.alcoa.com/czech_republic [email protected] +420 374 610 111 Automotive wiring harness sets 2,650,752 PlzeÀská teplárenská, a.s. PlzeÀ 4 www.pltep.cz [email protected] +420 377 180 111 Generation, electric power 2,486,666 Stora Enso Timber Planá s.r.o. Planá www.storaenso.com [email protected] +420 374 707 701 Posts, treated wood 2,079,779 290 ·KODA JS a.s. PlzeÀ www.skoda-js.cz [email protected] +420 378 041 111 Plate work for the nuclear industry 2,079,083 730 BERGER BOHEMIA a. s. PlzeÀ www.berger-holding.com [email protected] +420 378 777 111 Concrete construction: roads, highways, etc. 1,977,126 310 NOVEM Car Interior Design s.r.o. Mûsto Tou‰kov www.novem.de [email protected] +420 378 015 730 Interior and ornamental woodwork and trim 1,945,965 513 STOCK PlzeÀ a. s. PlzeÀ www.stock.cz [email protected] +420 377 419 111 Distilled and blended liquors 1,783,233 180 ·KODA ELECTRIC a.s. PlzeÀ 3 www.skoda.cz/electric [email protected] +420 378 181 155 Turbines and turbine generator sets 1,623,309 530 285 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz CzechInvest projects in the region INDUSTRIAL ZONES, BROWNFIELDS Type Name District Area (ha) Industrial zone Línû, Mezinárodní leti‰tû s komerãní zónou Contact - subject Phone PlzeÀ-sever 400.0 x Brownfield CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -665 N˘fiany - Jihozápad PlzeÀ-sever 399.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -670 PlzeÀ, Litice-Radobyãice PlzeÀ-mûsto 217.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -676 PlzeÀ - ·koda PlzeÀ-mûsto 180.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -683 Úherce PlzeÀ-sever 72.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -687 PlzeÀ, Borská pole - Západ PlzeÀ-mûsto 66.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -674 Stfiíbro, kasárna Tachov 46.8 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -646 Hrádek PlzeÀ-sever 45.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -660 Rokycany, Exit 62 Rokycany 43.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -682 x Rokycany - jih Rokycany 37.4 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -681 Hol˘‰ov - sever DomaÏlice 34.7 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -657 Bor, Industriální zóna Vysoãany Tachov 33.8 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -650 Bor, Logistick˘ park Tachov 33.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -651 PlzeÀ, kasárna Slovany PlzeÀ-mûsto 32.5 Myslinka PlzeÀ-sever 30.0 x x x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -644 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -667 PlzeÀ, Karlovarská PlzeÀ-mûsto 30.0 Su‰ice, Solo Klatovy 29.4 Stra‰ice, kasárna Rokycany 27.3 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -634 Pfie‰tice - západ PlzeÀ-jih 26.5 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -678 Klatovy - Za tratí Klatovy 26.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -661 Chotíkov - jihov˘chod PlzeÀ-sever 25.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -670 M˘to Rokycany 24.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -668 Mûsto Tou‰kov - Sever PlzeÀ-jih 21.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -666 Klatovy - Pod Borem Klatovy 20.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -662 Tachov - sever Tachov 20.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -686 Dobfiany, Nad nádraÏím PlzeÀ-jih 19.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -652 Blovice PlzeÀ-jih 18.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -649 ·tûnovice PlzeÀ-jih 17.5 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -685 Rokycany, kovohutû Rokycany 17.4 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -634 PlzeÀ, Ko‰utka PlzeÀ-mûsto 15.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -672 DomaÏlice - V˘chod DomaÏlice 13.5 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -654 Hor‰ovsk˘ T˘n DomaÏlice 12.3 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -659 KoÏlany PlzeÀ-sever 12.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -664 Stod PlzeÀ-jih 10.9 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -683 PlzeÀ - Kfiimice PlzeÀ-mûsto 10.7 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -675 Tfiemo‰ná, v˘robní areál PlzeÀ-sever 10.7 DomaÏlice - Za kasárny DomaÏlice 10.2 Planá Tachov 10.2 x x x x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -673 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -634 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -647 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -655 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi PlzeÀ +420 378 226 630, -631, -633, -671 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org CzechInvest projects in the region DISTRICT DOMAÎLICE DISTRICT DOMAÎLICE BASIC DATA Land Area.........................................................................................................1,140 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 DomaÏlice .............................................................................................................10,808 Kdynû......................................................................................................................5,131 POPULATION Population, total ...................................................................................................59,120 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ...............................................10.7 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................52 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................32,843 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................1,754 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.0 % 0.5 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 7.9 % 25.6 % 23.8 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Elementary 36.2 % 60.3 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 42.8 % Total: ................................................ 1,754 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 8.4 % 66.6 % 10.5 % 9.8 ■ Construction ................................. 1,277 14.5 % Czech Republic 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,030 10.3 9.5 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 1,770 8.9 7.7 8 ■ Services ........................................ 8,116 6 Total: .............................................. 12,193 6.1 6.8 6.5 2003 2004 6.5 5.1 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 Original methodology CZK Prague 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK DomaÏlice CR (total) 2005 EUR 399,611 1,491,563,988 13,777 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Average CR Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - DomaÏlice námûstí Míru 1, 344 01 DomaÏlice-Mûsto tel.: +420 379 719 111, fax: +420 379 722 763 e-mail: [email protected] www.domazlice.info District Economic Chamber - DomaÏlice nám. Míru 40, P.O.BOX 81, 344 01 DomaÏlice-Mûsto tel.: +420 379 720 421, +420 724 325 354 fax: +420 379 720 423 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohkdomazlice.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW AMERICAN CHANCE CASINOS a.s. âeská Kubice Casino hotel www.american-chance-casinos.com Employees PLASTIK HT a. s. Hor‰ovsk˘ T˘n Plastics products www.plastikht.cz 375 LST a.s. Trhanov Interior and ornamental woodwork and trim www.lst.cz 353 JoWo - Com s.r.o. Kdynû Trucking, except local www.jowo.cz 250 Podhoran âerníkov a.s. Kdynû Pallets, wood www.podhoranpalety.cz 230 Autoprogress - Markmiller APM - Automotive s.r.o. Kdynû Motor vehicle supplies and new parts www.apm.cz 197 stauner palet s.r.o. Mrákov Miscellaneous metalwork www.stauner.cz 186 Holzindustrie Donau s.r.o. Trhanov Siding (dressed lumber) www.holz-pfeifer.com 166 Mûsto DomaÏlice DomaÏlice Executive offices mu.domazlice.info 139 ZEAS Puclice a.s. StaÀkov General farms, primarily crop IMAGOLUX s.r.o. DomaÏlice Plate and sheet glass DELTEC ELECTRONIC DomaÏlice s.r.o. DomaÏlice Timing devices, electronic Nieten Internationale Spedition, k.s. Chrastavice Freight transportation arrangement www.nieten.com DSP DomaÏlick˘ stavební podnik s.r.o. DomaÏlice Construction and civil engineering www.dsp-domazlice.cz 87 KOVOBEL, v˘robní druÏstvo DomaÏlice Farm machinery and equipment www.kovobel.cz 80 INTESCO, s.r.o. DomaÏlice Cleaning, polishing, and finishing www.intesco.cz 70 KABELOVNA KABEX a. s. Hol˘‰ov Aluminum wire and cable www.kabex.cz 59 Wuppermann Kovotechnika s.r.o. Hol˘‰ov Metal heat treating www.wuppermann.com 53 TAUBENHANSL s.r.o. Hor‰ovsk˘ T˘n Wood office furniture www.taubenhansl.cz 50 500 130 www.flabeg.com 125 100 100 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 49 50 PLZE≈ REGION DISTRICT KLATOVY DISTRICT KLATOVY BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,940 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Klatovy..........................................22,898 Su‰ice...........................................11,520 HoraÏìovice....................................5,704 N˘rsko ............................................5,074 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................88,021 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ...............................................15.9 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................45 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................45,055 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................3,592 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.7 % 0.1 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 9.5 % 25.2 % 27.3 % ■ Secondary without GCE 24.8 % ■ Elementary 68.8 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 40.5 % Total: ................................................ 3,592 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 62.8 % 10.0 % ■ Construction ................................. 1,958 12.7 % ■ Industry ........................................ 2,490 Czech Republic 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,847 14.5 % 9.8 10.3 9.5 10 8.9 7.7 8 ■ Services ...................................... 12,289 6 Total: .............................................. 19,584 8.4 8.5 2003 2004 8.6 7.4 7.7 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 CZK Klatovy Prague 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 2,243,587 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 257,214 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Klatovy námûstí Míru 62, 339 01 Klatovy I tel.: +420 376 347 111, fax: +420 376 310 194 e-mail: [email protected] www.klatovy.cz/mukt District Economic Chamber - Klatovy námûstí Míru 154, 339 01 Klatovy I tel.: +420 376 313 251, fax: +420 376 313 259 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohkklatovy.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Západoãeské konzumní druÏstvo Su‰ice Su‰ice Groceries, general line www.zkdsusice.cz Employees 647 Rodenstock âR s.r.o. Klatovy Spectacles www.rodenstock.cz 565 HAAS FERTIGBAU spol. s r.o. Chanovice Residential construction www.haas-fertigbau.cz 550 OKULA N˘rsko a.s. N˘rsko Optical goods www.okula.cz 330 Mlékárna Klatovy a. s. Klatovy Fluid milk www.mlekarna-kt.cz 200 DOPLA PAP a.s. Su‰ice Food and beverage containers www.giostylepap.cz 190 Otavské strojírny, a.s. HoraÏìovice Fabricated structural metal www.otavstroj.cz 185 SOLO SIRKÁRNA, a.s. Su‰ice Matches and matchbooks www.solosirkarna.cz 160 OLHO - Technik Czech s.r.o. Janovice nad Úhlavou Plastics products www.olho-technik.cz 124 MEDICA FILTER spol. s r.o. Ka‰perské Hory Work apparel, except uniforms www.medicafilter.cz 120 Proagro, a.s. Klatovy Feed concentrates www.proagro.cz 113 KORAMEX a. s. Su‰ice Switchgear and switchboard apparatus www.koramex.cz 100 Dobler Metallbau s.r.o. N˘rsko Fabricated structural metal www.metallbau.com EMP - Centauri, spoleãnost s ruãením omezen˘m Klatovy Satellites, communications www.emp-centauri.cz 90 SG strojírna s.r.o. Su‰ice Industrial machinery www.sg-stroj.cz 85 Lesní spoleãnost Îelezná Ruda, a.s. Îelezná Ruda Forestry services SPAR ·umava s.r.o. Su‰ice Food brokers Lesní spoleãnost Královsk˘ Hvozd, a. s. N˘rsko Forestry services Stavba Klatovy s.r.o. Klatovy Construction and civil engineering 92 78 www.spar.cz 70 66 60 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT PLZE≈-JIH DISTRICT PLZE≈-JIH BASIC DATA Land Area.........................................................................................................1,076 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Pfie‰tice...................................................................................................................6,475 Dobfiany ..................................................................................................................5,868 POPULATION Population, total ...................................................................................................58,735 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................10.6 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................64 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................37,237 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................1,600 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 4.9 % 0.3 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 7.9 % 25.6 % 22.5 % 28.3 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Elementary 66.6 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 43.9 % Total: ................................................ 1,600 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 59.7 % 13.9 % ■ Construction ................................. 1,635 15.4 % ■ Industry ........................................ 1,806 Czech Republic 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,301 11.1 % 9.8 10.3 9.5 10 8.9 7.7 8 ■ Services ........................................ 7,019 5.2 5.4 2002 2003 6 Total: .............................................. 11,761 4.9 4.7 4.0 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year CZK CR (total) Prague Average CR 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK PlzeÀ-jih 2004 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 5,160,190 177,907 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Labour Office - PlzeÀ-jih Kaplífiova 2731/7 301 00 PlzeÀ-JiÏní Pfiedmûstí tel.: +420 377 411 111, fax: +420 377 429 671 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/pj_info Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz District Economic Chamber - PlzeÀ-jih Palackého 460, P.O.Box 76, 334 01 Pfie‰tice tel.: +420 377 320 290, +420 607 512 726 fax: +420 377 320 290 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohkplzen-jih.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW VISHAY ELECTRONIC spol. s r.o. Pfie‰tice Electronic components www.vishay.com Employees 1 ,780 MD ELMONT spol. s r.o. Chotû‰ov Current-carrying wiring services www.md-elektronik.de 1 ,094 IACG s.r.o. Pfie‰tice Automotive stampings www.lear.com 862 KS Katalog - Servis, s.r.o. ·Èáhlavy Packaging and labeling services www.katalogservis.cz 550 253 BOHEMIA SEKT, a.s. Star˘ Plzenec Wines, brandy and brandy spirits www.bohemiasekt.cz SERW, spol. s r.o. Star˘ Plzenec Power and distribution transformers www.serw.cz 247 LEKOV, a.s. Blovice Transportation equipment www.lekov.cz 188 www.prominentsystems.cz ProMinent Systems spol. s r.o. Blovice Sewage and water treatment equipment OKAL CZ s.r.o. Nezvûstice Cabinet and finish carpentry 162 108 KOVO KASEJOVICE MONT s.r.o. Kasejovice Plumbing, heating, air-conditioning www.kovokasejovice.cz SWA, s.r.o. Stod Special dies, tools, jigs and fixtures www.swa.cz 103 85 G - Team a.s. Dobfiany Industrial fittings www.g-team.cz 82 ELASTO FORM Bohemia s.r.o. Pfie‰tice Plastics products www.elastoform.cz 80 MAL¯ stavební a montáÏní spoleãnost s.r.o. Dobfiany Construction and civil engineering www.malystav.cz 69 GERWAH, s.r.o. Dobfiany Machine tool accessories www.gerwah.cz 65 STAWO Pfie‰tice s.r.o. Pfie‰tice Construction and civil engineering Loma Systems s.r.o. Dobfiany Metal detectors www.loma.com 63 60 TESAS TOP , s.r.o. Nepomuk General construction machinery and equipment www.tesastop.com 50 G - Team Progres, spol. s r.o. Dobfiany Plumbing, heating, air-conditioning www.gteam.cz 49 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 51 52 PLZE≈ REGION DISTRICT PLZE≈-MùSTO DISTRICT PLZE≈-MùSTO BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................138 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 PlzeÀ ...................................................................................................................162,759 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................178,812 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................32.2 Population density (pers./km2)................................................................................1,179 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................92,750 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................4,912 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 0.8 % 17.1 % ■ Basic and without education 18.2 % 26.8 % ■ Secondary without GCE 29.9 % ■ Elementary 64.6 % ■ Secondary with GCE 34.7 % ■ Without education 7.8 % ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or University education Total: ................................................ 4,912 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND 2.2 % District 10.9 % 9.8 ■ Construction ................................. 5,572 75.9 % Czech Republic 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,097 11.1 % 10.3 9.5 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 5,485 8.9 7.7 8 ■ Services ...................................... 38,239 6 Total: .............................................. 50,393 7.4 7.6 6.2 5.5 4.9 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK PlzeÀ-mûsto CR (total) 2005 CZK EUR 35,029,973 1,207,722 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - PlzeÀ námûstí Republiky 1/1 301 00 PlzeÀ-Vnitfiní Mûsto tel.: +420 378 031 111, fax: +420 378 032 002 e-mail: [email protected] www.plzen.eu District Economic Chamber - PlzeÀ Anglické nábfieÏí 2434/1 301 00 PlzeÀ-V˘chodní Pfiedmûstí tel.: +420 378 226 955, fax: +420 378 226 950 e-mail: [email protected] www.hkplzen.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW LASSELSBERGER, a.s. PlzeÀ Ceramic wall and floor tile www.lasselsberger.com Employees Yazaki Wiring Technologies Czech s.r.o. PlzeÀ Automotive wiring harness sets PlzeÀsk˘ Prazdroj, a. s. PlzeÀ 3 Beer (alcoholic beverage) www.pilsner-urquell.com Panasonic AVC Networks Czech, s.r.o. PlzeÀ Television receiving sets www.pavccz.panasonic.cz 1 ,900 Statutární mûsto PlzeÀ PlzeÀ 3 Urban and community development info.plzen-city.cz 1 ,074 3,318 3 ,300 2 ,575 "HP-Pelzer k. s." PlzeÀ Motor vehicle parts and accessories www.pelzer.de 1 ,001 PILSEN STEEL s.r.o. PlzeÀ Iron and steel products, hot-rolled www.pilsensteel.cz 1 ,000 ·KODA POWER a.s. PlzeÀ Grinding machines, metalworking www.skoda.cz Daikin Industries Czech Republic s.r.o. PlzeÀ Air conditioning equipment, complete www.daikinczech.cz 950 BRUSH SEM s.r.o. PlzeÀ Motors and generators www.fki-et.com 767 ·KODA JS a.s. PlzeÀ Plate work for the nuclear industry www.skoda-js.cz 730 Gerresheimer Wilden Czech spol. s r.o. PlzeÀ Special dies and tools www.wilden.de 650 ·KODA TRANSPORTATION s.r.o. PlzeÀ Railroad equipment www.skoda.cz 630 ·KODA ELECTRIC a.s. PlzeÀ 3 Turbines and turbine generator sets www.skoda.cz/electric 530 Masokombinát PlzeÀ s.r.o. PlzeÀ 3 Sausages and other prepared meats www.schneider-group.cz 490 âEZData, s.r.o. PlzeÀ Computer software development and applications www.cezdata.cz 438 ·KODA MACHINE TOOL a.s. PlzeÀ Machine tools, metal cutting type www.skoda.cz 425 MOVO spol. s r. o. PlzeÀ 2-Slovany Gray and ductile iron foundries www.movo.cz 380 JTEKT Automotive Czech Plzen s.r.o. PlzeÀ 3 Steering mechanisms, motor vehicle www.jtekt.cz 970 350 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT PLZE≈-SEVER DISTRICT PLZE≈-SEVER BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,314 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 N˘fiany ....................................................................................................................6,885 POPULATION Population, total ...................................................................................................71,915 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ...............................................13.0 Population density (pers./km2)....................................................................................57 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................40,209 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................2,239 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 2.9 % 0.4 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 7.4 % 26.7 % 21.8 % 28.8 % ■ Secondary without GCE 44.1 % ■ Elementary 67.8 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 2,239 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 8.7 % 14.3 % 62.1 % 14.9 % Czech Republic 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,286 10.3 9.8 ■ Construction ................................. 2,109 9.5 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 2,197 8.9 7.7 8 ■ Services ........................................ 9,161 6.9 6 Total: .............................................. 14,753 6.4 5.9 5.8 5.1 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 CZK CR (total) Prague Average CR 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK PlzeÀ-sever 2004 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 1,179,385 40,661 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Town Hall - N˘fiany Bene‰ova tfiída 295, 330 23 N˘fiany tel.: +420 377 832 311, fax: +420 377 832 300 e-mail: [email protected] www.mesto-nyrany.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz District Economic Chamber - PlzeÀ-sever Stará cesta 558 331 01 Plasy tel.: +420 373 340 634 www.khkpk.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW DIOSS N¯¤ANY a.s. N˘fiany Industrial machinery www.dioss-ny.cz Employees NOVEM Car Interior Design s.r.o. Mûsto Tou‰kov Interior and ornamental woodwork and trim www.novem.de 513 ZIEGLER Automobiltechnik spol. s r.o. N˘fiany Transformers, except electric www.ziegler-gmbh.com 455 987 meiller direct cz s.r.o. N˘fiany Direct mail advertising services www.meiller.de 450 BEST, a.s. Rybnice Concrete products www.best-as.cz 307 Lesní spoleãnost Plasy, a.s. Plasy Timber tracts www.lasplasy.cz 295 PATINTER CZECH, s.r.o. N˘fiany Trucking, except local www.patinter.net 250 EPIQ CZ s.r.o. Tfiemo‰ná Electronic components www.epiq.com 182 Schwer Fittings, s.r.o. Mûsto Tou‰kov Sealing compounds for pipe threads or joints www.schwer.cz 150 ATMOS Chrást s. r. o. Chrást Air and gas compressors www.atmos-chrast.cz 150 NET KRALOVICE, spol. s r.o. Kralovice Cheese, natural and processed www.mlekarna-kralovice.cz 120 HANSA âESKO s.r.o. Kralovice Plumbers' brass goods and fittings www.hansametall.com 112 Sklárna Hefimanova HuÈ, a.s. Hefimanova HuÈ Barware www.shh.cz 101 AIR POWER s.r.o. Chrást Air and gas compressors Amagasaki Pipe Czech s.r.o. KoÏlany Tubing, copper and copper alloy www.amagasaki-pipe.cz 91 INTEROBAL k.s. D˘‰ina Plastics film and sheet www.interobal.cz 90 Perri Crisps & Snacks, s. r. o. Tfiemo‰ná Potato chips and similar snacks www.perri.cz 80 Elkamet s.r.o. Myslinka Plastics products www.elkamet.cz 80 Îilovská zemûdûlská a.s. Îilov General farms, primarily crop 97 65 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 53 54 PLZE≈ REGION DISTRICT ROKYCANY DISTRICT ROKYCANY BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................575 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Rokycany ..............................................................................................................13,743 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................46,117 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) .................................................8.3 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................80 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................24,088 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................1,424 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.6 % 0.3 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 9.4 % 23.5 % 34.1 % ■ Secondary without GCE 25.0 % 42.2 % ■ Elementary ■ Secondary 62.1 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 1,424 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 6.8 % 14.7 % 63.0 % 9.8 ■ Construction ................................. 1,517 15.5 % Czech Republic 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ...................... 706 10.3 9.5 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 1,609 8.9 7.7 8 ■ Services ........................................ 6,516 7.5 8.3 7.1 6 Total: .............................................. 10,348 6.8 5.5 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK EUR Rokycany 1,712,557 CR (total) 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 59,043 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Rokycany Masarykovo nám. 1, 337 01 Rokycany-stfied tel.: +420 371 706 111, fax: +420 371 706 115 e-mail: [email protected] www.rokycany.cz District Economic Chamber - Rokycany Havlíãkova 218, 337 01 Rokycany-stfied tel.: +420 371 729 903, fax: +420 371 729 903 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohkro.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW HUTCHINSON s.r.o. Rokycany Automobile hoses, rubber www.hutchinsonrubber.com EuWe Eugen Wexler âR, s.r.o. Rokycany Plastics processing www.euwe.cz 450 ZBIROVIA, a.s. Zbiroh Hammers (hand tools) www.zbirovia.cz 250 SMS CZ, s.r.o. Rokycany Farm machinery and equipment www.smscz.cz DUVENBECK LOGISTIK s.r.o. Volduchy Freight transportation arrangement WESTTRANSPORT PlzeÀ a.s. Rokycany Freight forwarding MONTEFERRO HRÁDEK a. s. Hrádek Elevators and equipment PROWELL s.r.o. Rokycany Paperboard mills www.prowell.de 66 Interfreight Bohemia, k.s. Volduchy Freight forwarding www.duvenbeck.de 65 Strojírenská v˘roba HBH s.r.o. Osek Construction machinery www.strojirenska-vyroba-hbh.it 45 STROJÍRNA TYC s.r.o. M˘to Machine tools, metal cutting type www.strojirna-tyc.cz BERDYCH plus spol. s r.o. Rokycany Construction and civil engineering PRIMA KLIMA TRADING CZ s.r.o. Radnice Metal parts B.A.F. centrum s.r.o. Rokycany Tobacco distributors and products Employees 650 150 130 www.westtransport.cz 110 100 42 41 www.pk-trading.de 40 25 MONTFER s.r.o. Dobfiív Grinding machines, metalworking Rondo obaly s.r.o. Ejpovice Paper mills www.montfer.cz 24 Emil Rabovsk˘ Klabava Miscellaneous metalwork www.rabovsky.com 20 SALTICA, spol. s r. o. Radnice Sawmills and planing mills, general www.saltica.cz 18 allkabel s.r.o. Cheznovice Cable, wire www.allkabel.cz 22 10 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT TACHOV DISTRICT TACHOV BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,379 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Tachov ..........................................12,528 Stfiíbro ............................................7,615 Planá...............................................5,459 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................51,817 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) .................................................9.3 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................38 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................30,540 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................2,438 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 2.0 % 1.6 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 7.5 % 30.8 % 21.8 % ■ Elementary 38.1 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary 58.2 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 39.8 % Total: ................................................ 2,438 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 9.0 % 9.0 % 70.6 % 11.4 % Czech Republic 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,062 9.8 ■ Construction ................................. 1,066 10.3 9.5 10 8.9 10.2 ■ Industry ........................................ 1,357 8 ■ Services ........................................ 8,368 9.2 8.0 9.0 8.6 7.7 6 Total: .............................................. 11,853 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 CZK CR (total) Prague Average CR 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Tachov 2004 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 2,810,562 96,899 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Town Hall - Tachov Rokycanova 1, 347 01 Tachov tel.: +420 374 703 111 fax: +420 374 722 381 e-mail: [email protected] www.tachov-mesto.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz District Economic Chamber - Tachov ·kolní 1094, 347 01 Tachov tel.: +420 374 724 295, +420 602 490 548 fax: +420 374 724 294 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohk-tachov.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW WILLI BETZ Logistik s.r.o. Bor Freight forwarding www.willibetz.de Employees 980 IDEAL AUTOMOTIVE Bor, s.r.o. Bor Carpet and rug cushions, foamed plastics www.ideal-automotive.com 560 Eissmann Automotive âeská republika s.r.o. Bor Automotive fabrics, manmade fiber www.eissmann.de 480 Lesní spoleãnost Stfiíbro, a.s. Stfiíbro Timber tracts www.lsstribro.cz 371 J e d n o t a , spotfiební druÏstvo v Tachovû Tachov Variety stores Stora Enso Timber Planá s.r.o. Planá Posts, treated wood www.storaenso.com 310 Key Plastics Czech, s.r.o., ãlen skupiny Key Plastics Tachov Motor vehicle parts and accessories www.keyplastics.com 266 Lesní spoleãnost Pfiimda, a.s. Pfiimda Timber tracts www.lasprimda.cz 248 INOTECH âR, spol. s r.o. Tachov Plastics products www.inotech.cz NOVASPORT spol. s r.o. Tachov Winter sports equipment OK Záchlumí, a.s. Záchlumí Miscellaneous metalwork www.okz.cz Léãebné láznû Konstantinovy Láznû a. s. Konstantinovy Láznû Spas www.konstantinovy-lazne.cz 125 Formy Tachov s.r.o. Tachov Dies, plastics forming www.formy.cz 114 70 290 200 190 130 A.R. OKENNÍ TECHNIKA spol.s r.o. Kostelec Windows, plastics www.arokna.cz EUROSERUM s.r.o. Stfiíbro Dairy product manufacturers www.euroserum.com 42 SIT-Scherm International Transports, s.r.o. Bor Freight forwarding www.scherm.com 33 Bohuslav Turner Tachov Sawmills and planing mills, general BODIT TACHOV s.r.o. Tachov Prepared feeds www.bodit.cz 28 KONFORM, s.r.o. Planá Aluminum sheet, plate, and foil www.konform.cz 27 31 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 55 56 KARLOVY VARY REGION BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA KARLOVY VARY REGION BASIC DATA Karlovy Vary Region is situated on the western boundary with Saxony and Bavaria. It is neighboring only with two other Czech regions, Ústeck˘ and PlzeÀ. The region consists of three districts: Cheb, Karlovy Vary and Sokolov. Its area on January 1, 2006 was 3,315 km2 (4.2 % of the country’s territory, 12th largest region in Czech Republic). Only Liberec Region and Prague are less spacious. With 304,602 inhabitants (3.0 % of the country’s population) on December 31, 2006 Karlovarsk˘ was the third least populated region in the Czech Republic. There are only 132 communities in the region (the lowest number in the country). Karlovy Vary, with a population of 50,691, is regional capital. There are 13 towns with populations over 5,000 in the region. Tourism is the most important economical sector in the region. Spas in its four towns (Karlovy Vary, Franti‰kovy Láznû, Mariánské Láznû, Jáchymov) provide for about 44 % of all balneal health care in Czech Republic and over 70 % of their clientele come from abroad. Therefore the region is easily keeping itself on the top of statistics with 7.6 days as the “foreign visitor’s average length of stay,” Prague being the second (4.1 days). Accommodation and gastronomy provide for 4 percent of gross added value created in the region. Also in this respect Karlovy Vary Region is number one in the country, ahead of Prague (3.1 %). Of interest for tourists are the castles in Cheb, Loket, KynÏvart, Ostrov and Beãov nad Teplou. The mountain range of Kru‰né hory is well suited for outdoor sports. The vicinity of the Kru‰nohorská ski highway is known for its large offer of accommodation. In the last several decades there have been numerous golf courses built in the region. Large parts of the region are parts of the sanctuary Slavkovsk˘ les. There are many bicycle paths, as well. Some universities from other parts of the country have established their affiliates in the Karlovy Vary Region. The economic college of Západoãeská universita (West Bohemia University) in Cheb is the most important among them. The importance of âZU Prague College in Cheb and UK Medical College in Mariánské Láznû is marginal. Key disciplines are tourism, balneology, and third market economy. A private university (V· Karlovy Vary) provides a bachelor degree program for students of law. Karlovy Vary Region shows extreme figures in many areas of statistics. The reason is mainly its anomalous economic structure fully focused on tourism. Besides ceramic manufacturing the most developed industries in the region are lumber, textiles and chemistry. Lately there was a certain growth in automobile spare parts production. The industrial clusters that are well established here are related to the production of musical instruments. CzechInvest agency is surveying possibilities for the building of clusters in tableware and renewable sources of energy. Karlovy Vary Region’s potential is based on self-sufficiency in raw materials for traditional industries (balneology, ceramic manufacturing, and lumber). There are many entrepreneurs in the region, a very high rate of employees in the sector of services, the highest concentration of spas in Czech Republic, one of the largest accommodation capacities and the longest average stay of foreign tourists. A high speed transport connecting Karlovy Vary to the capital (III. railway corridor and a motorway) is being built, the number of flights at Karlovy Vary Airport is to be enlarged and the age pattern of the local population is rather positive. BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA BASIC DATA ADMINISTRATIVE BREAKDOWN Land Area..........................................................................................................3,315 km2 POPULATION Number of districts .........................................................................................................3 Number of municipalities............................................................................................132 of that, number of towns ..............................................................................................28 REPRESENTATION OF PROFESSIONAL CLASSES (%) Total .......................................................................................304,602 Percentage in the total population of Czech Republic (%)...........................................3.0 Population density (persons/km2) .................................................................................92 Average work force ..............................................................................................168,470 Number of job seekers ..........................................................................................16,221 NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Total.........................................................................................76,814 Industry ...................................................................................................................8,653 Construction ............................................................................................................8,376 Agriculture & forestry ..............................................................................................3,459 Services .................................................................................................................56,326 Unskilled and unqualified workers .............................................................................10.3 Plant and machine operators and assemblers ...........................................................15.8 Craft and related trades workers................................................................................20.2 Skilled agricultural and forestry workers .....................................................................1.2 Workers in services & sales ......................................................................................14.8 Administrative..............................................................................................................6.5 Specialists....................................................................................................................7.5 Legislators, senior officials and managers...................................................................6.6 Armed forces ...............................................................................................................0.2 Technical, health care, pedagogical workers & workers in similar sectors ................17.1 of which Technicians in physical, technical & related branches ...............................................30.3 Technicians in biology, health care & agriculture.......................................................20.1 Pedagogical workers....................................................................................................5.3 Others assistant skilled workers ................................................................................44.3 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz AVERAGE MONTHLY GROSS WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD 25,000 6.9 % ■ Basic and without education ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education 26.4 % 28.5 % 38.1 % Czech Republic Region 22,000 19,000 15,844 16,000 16,917 17,543 16,498 13,000 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 20,844 19,631 18,035 13,517 15,414 14,477 10,000 2002 CZK/year 2003 2004 2005 2006 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz GDP BY REGIONS UNEMPLOYMENT – 5-YEAR TREND Total Region mln. CZK mln. EUR CZK EUR 73,122 2,580 240,082 8,471 230,827 8,144 294,679 10,400 Karlovy Vary Region Average GDP for Czech regions Per capita Share in GDP of the Czech Republic 2.26 % District 11.6 10.8 10.6 10 10.3 10.2 9.5 9.4 10.3 10.1 9.8 9.6 8 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT Women Men Total number of job seekers Number Share 6,462 49.80 % 6,513 7 %/year Region 50.20 % 12,975 16,040 553 Karlovy Vary 16,040 553 Prague (max) 801,100 27,619 Average 106,540 3,673 Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz 9.2 8.9 8.9 7.7 2005 2006 7.7 2002 2003 2004 Original methodology FDI (mln. CZK) FDI (mln. EUR) Karlovy Vary (min) 10.3 10.1 9 UNEMPLOYMENT ACCORDING TO SEX STRUCTURE Average in all regions 12 11 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Czech Republic 13 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz AVERAGE GROSS MONTHLY WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND Year Region 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR Karlovy Vary Region Average for Czech Republic 13,517 15,844 439 514 14,477 16,917 455 531 15,414 18,035 483 565 16,516 19,624 555 659 Average for Czech regions 14,499 471 15,509 487 16,557 519 17,903 601 CZK EUR 17,543 20,844 619 735 19,031 671 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 57 58 KARLOVY VARY REGION LISTS OF AIRPORTS Specifications Flight time (hrs) Public/Private Civil/Military/Varied International/Intranational Moscow Prague Berlin Karlovy Vary Public Civil International/Intranational 1:00 0:30 0:57 Vienna 1:21 Mariánské Láznû Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights no flights TouÏim Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights no flights Source: Ministry of Transport, www.mdcr.cz SCHOOL SYSTEM Number of schools Number of students Number of graduates Secondary schools 43 16,114 3,652 Technical fields 16 4,221 1,083 Economic fields 19 4,712 1,310 ICT fields 5 815 194 Higher schools 3 250 52 Technical fields 0 0 0 Economic fields 1 170 52 ICT fields 0 0 0 Universities 2 1,799 NA Technical fields 0 0 NA Economic fields 2 871 NA ICT fields 0 0 0 Ústí nad Labem (115 km) Dresden (160 km) DE Ústí nad Labem (130 km) Dresden (215 km) Motorway Road E442 Railroad Airport - Private E48, E49 Magdeburg (360 km) DE Airport - Public Karlovy Vary Sokolov E48 E49 Praha (125 km) R6 Cheb E48 E49 Frankfurt am Main (390 km) Nürnberg (189 km) PlzeÀ (75 km) Wien (410 km) DE PlzeÀ (158 km) Linz (420 km) Source: Institute for Information on Education, www.uiv.cz LIST OF SCHOOLS Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Students [email protected] www.vskv.cz Law, public administration Bc. 1,200 Obchodní akademie, vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola cestovního ruchu a jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky Karlovy Vary [email protected] www.voskv.cz Tourism DiS. 186 Soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola územnû-správní a stfiední hotelová ‰kola s. r. o. [email protected] www.svoskladno.cz Social work, self government DiS. Universities Vysoká ‰kola Karlovy Vary, o. p. s. Higher schools Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í zdravotnická ‰kola Karlovy Vary [email protected] www.szsvzskv.cz/portal/ Health care DiS. 95 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola [email protected] www.pedgym-kv.cz Social pedagogy DiS. 64 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz Note: You can find the complete list of schools on the CD-ROM City Invest Czech. INDUSTRIAL ZONES, BROWNFIELDS Type Name District Area (ha) Industrial zone PrÛmyslov˘ park Cheb Cheb 108.0 Dolní Rychnov - Silvestr Sokolov 79.6 A‰, Hospodáfisk˘ park Cheb 73.0 x x Brownfield x x Contact - subject Phone CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Karlovy Vary +420 353 116 226, -24 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Karlovy Vary +420 353 116 226 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Karlovy Vary +420 353 116 226, -24 Sokolov - v˘chod Sokolov 73.0 Velká Hleìsebe, kasárna Klimentov Cheb 55.2 Cheb Cheb 30.0 Ostrov, ·koda Karlovy Vary 26.2 PotÛãky Karlovy Vary 22.6 x Sokolov - jih Sokolov 20.0 x Mariánské Láznû-Hamrníky, kasárna Cheb 14.3 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Karlovy Vary +420 353 116 226, -22 Sokolov, Chebská (BáÀská stavební spoleãnost) Sokolov 14.3 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Karlovy Vary +420 353 116 226, -23 x x x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Karlovy Vary +420 353 116 226, -24 Obecní úfiad Velká Hleìsebe +420 354 624 328 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Karlovy Vary +420 353 116 226, -24 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Karlovy Vary +420 353 116 226, -25 Obecní úfiad PotÛãky +420 353 820 123 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Karlovy Vary +420 353 116 226, -24 Podstrání, zemûdûlsk˘ areál Sokolov 9.7 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Karlovy Vary +420 353 116 226, -24 Îlutice, zemûdûlsk˘ areál Karlovy Vary 9.2 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Karlovy Vary +420 353 116 226, -24 Ostrov nad Ohfií Karlovy Vary 8.0 Mûstsk˘ úfiad Ostrov, Odbor majetku mûsta +420 353 801 111, -299 A‰, OHARA Cheb 7.4 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Karlovy Vary +420 353 116 226 x Karlovy Vary-Dvory, kasárna Karlovy Vary 5.2 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Karlovy Vary +420 353 116 226 Teplá, Jitona Karlovy Vary 3.7 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Karlovy Vary +420 353 116 226, -24 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org CzechInvest projects in the region Find detailed information about the companies in the region of Karlovy Vary at www.bookoflists.cz/Regions 59 A-CLASS OFFICE SPACES (KARLOVY VARY) There is no A-class development in Karlovy Vary. The supply comprises of several residential buildings in the city centre reconstructed to the B and C-class standard. Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o., www.cushmanwakefield.com OFFICE AND RETAIL SPACE RENTALS EUR/m2/month Location In demand Other A-Class Office Space (Karlovy Vary) Office space 6.7 - 10.6 3.5 - 5.6 - Shopping Centre Area * - Retail space 10.2 - 12.0 4.6 - 8.8 - 25.0 - 40.0 * Rental levels for average 100 m2 retail unit. The given prices are for rental in the regional city. The prices are listed separately as prices in locations in demand and other locations. Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o. (A-Class office space and Shopping Centre Area) and European Club of Estate Agencies (other data) LABOUR OFFICE City Address Phone Fax E-mail Cheb Svobody 207/52, 350 02 Cheb 2 +420 354 565 111 +420 354 422 359 Karlovy Vary Svahová 1170/24, 360 01 Karlovy Vary 1 +420 353 239 511 +420 353 225 544 [email protected] [email protected] Sokolov Jednoty 654, 356 01 Sokolov 1 +420 352 327 211 +420 352 327 302 [email protected] Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs SELECTED CZECHINVEST PROJECTS IN THE REGION Name Location Investor Country Sector Year Nejdecká ãesárna vlny, a. s. Nejdek G.MODIANO United Kingdom textile 2006 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE REGION Regional Council Závodní 353/88, 360 21 Karlovy Vary tel.: 353 502 111, -2, fax: 353 331 509 [email protected] www.kr-karlovarsky.cz City Hall - Karlovy Vary Moskevská 21, 361 20 Karlovy Vary tel.: 353 118 111, fax: 353 222 913 [email protected] www.mmkv.cz, www.karlovyvary.cz CzechInvest - Regional Office Na Vyhlídce 53, 360 01 Karlovy Vary tel.: 353 116 226, 353 116 222 fax: 353 116 301 [email protected] Regional Development Agency - Egrensis - RRAE Závodní 357/90, 360 06 Karlovy Vary tel.: 353 560 777, fax: 353 560 777 [email protected], www.rrae.cz Regional Consulting & Information Center - RPIC pfii RHK Poohfií U Divadla 339, 356 01 Sokolov tel.: 352 638 483, -9, fax: 352 628 489 [email protected] [email protected], www.rhkpoohri.cz contact person: Monika Halaãová CzechTrade - Regional Information Place - Sokolov U Divadla 339, 356 01 Sokolov tel.: 352 638 489, 724 613 974 [email protected] CzechTrade - Regional Consultants Regional Consultant CzechTrade - Praha Mgr. TomበVrána, tel.: 353 569 173, 724 613 924, fax: 224 913 817 [email protected] Regional Consultant CzechTrade - Praha Vladimír Tesárek tel: 224 907 529, 224 913 800 [email protected] Regional Manager CzechTrade - Sokolov EvÏen Shánûl, fax: 352 638 492 tel.: 352 638 426, 724 613 974 [email protected] www.rhkpoohri.cz contact person: Ing. EvÏen Shánûl Regional Economic Chamber - Poohfií U Divadla 339, 356 01 Sokolov tel.: 352 638 484, -9, 352 624 450, 606 954 244 fax: 352 638 487, 352 628 489 [email protected], [email protected] [email protected], www.rhkpoohri.cz contact person: Radek Pa‰ava director: Josef Píseck˘ UTILITIES Gas Západoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Jateãní 15, 360 21 Karlovy Vary tel.: 840 113 355, fax: 353 244 312 [email protected], www.zcp.cz Electricity Západoãeská energetika, a.s. Jateãní 15, 360 21 Karlovy Vary tel.: 840 840 840, 840 850 860 fax: 371 102 008 [email protected] www.cez.cz Water & sewage Vodárny a kanalizace Karlovy Vary, a.s. Studentská 328/64, 360 07 Karlovy Vary tel.: 359 010 111, 353 163 111 fax: 353 332 211 [email protected], www.vakkv.cz Vodohospodáfiská spoleãnost Sokolov, s.r.o. Dimitrovova 1619, 356 44 Sokolov tel.: 352 304 111, fax: 352 623 544 [email protected], www.voss.cz Heat Terea Cheb, s.r.o. Májová 588/33, 350 48 Cheb tel.: 354 524 411, 354 524 414, 354 524 424 fax: 354 524 419 [email protected] www.terea-cheb.cz BYTOV Mariánské Láznû, s.r.o. Chebská 252/14, 353 01 Mariánské Láznû tel.: 354 625 546, 354 623 310, 354 600 811 fax: 354 600 834 [email protected], [email protected] www.bytov.cz Franti‰kolázeÀská v˘topna, spol. s r.o. Koneãná 219/10, 351 01 Franti‰kovy Láznû tel.: 354 542 519, fax: 354 542 325 [email protected], www.flv.wz.cz Karlovarská teplárenská, a.s. Na V˘‰inû 348/26, 360 04 Karlovy Vary tel.: 353 176 102, 353 176 141, 800 185 327, 606 603 353, fax: 353 224 535 [email protected], [email protected], www.kvtas.cz Ostrovská teplárenská, a.s. Mofiiãovská 1210, 363 38 Ostrov tel.: 353 610 300, 353 610 321, fax.: 353 610 315 [email protected], www.ostrovska-teplarenska.cz Vytápûní Mariánské Láznû, s.r.o. Nákladní 298/17, 353 01 Mariánské Láznû tel.: 354 627 079, fax: 354 624 429 [email protected], www.vtml.cz Îlutická teplárenská, a.s. Ulice 5. kvûtna 129, 364 52 Îlutice tel.: 353 396 451, 724 262 889, fax: 353 396 449 [email protected] www.ztzlutice.cz 60 KARLOVY VARY REGION TOP 20 COMPANIES RANKED BY REVENUES 2006 Name of company Location www E-mail Phone Activity Sokolovská uhelná, právní nástupce, a.s. Sokolov www.suas.cz [email protected] +420 352 641 111 Underground mining, subbituminous WITTE Nejdek, spol. s r.o. Nejdek www.witte-nejdek.cz [email protected] +420 359 016 111 Automotive stampings VELTA PLUS EU, s.r.o. Karlovy Vary www.veltaplustobacco.com [email protected] +420 353 447 444 Hexion Specialty Chemicals, a.s. Sokolov www.hexionchem.com [email protected] +420 352 614 111 Karlovarsk˘ porcelán a.s. Nová Role www.thun.cz [email protected] +420 353 410 111 Semivitreous table and kitchenware 925,989 1,800 Rexam Petainer A‰ s.r.o. A‰ www.rexam.com [email protected] +420 354 501 253 Food containers (liquid tight), incl. milk cartons 788,773 120 NEMOS PLUS s.r.o. Ostrov www.nemostrov.cz [email protected] +420 353 612 501 General medical and surgical hospitals 772,942 Autodoprava Rand˘sek s.r.o. Staré Sedlo Real property lessors 721,125 Léãebné láznû Mariánské Láznû a. s. Mariánské Láznû www.marienbad.cz [email protected] +420 354 655 501 Spas 715,105 672 Láznû Franti‰kovy Láznû a.s. Franti‰kovy Láznû www.franzensbad.cz [email protected] +420 354 201 104 Spas 665,527 800 Sedleck˘ kaolin a. s. BoÏiãany www.sedlecky-kaolin.cz [email protected] +420 353 366 111 Kaolin, ground or otherwise treated 598,572 400 Sokolovské strojírny a. s. Sokolov www.sokstr.cz [email protected] +420 352 467 620 Mining machinery 574,794 320 Trelleborg Lesina, s.r.o. Skalná [email protected] +420 354 524 911 Cyclo rubbers, natural 570,106 54 Vodárny a kanalizace Karlovy Vary, a.s. Karlovy Vary [email protected] +420 374 616 160 Water supply 560,075 539 www.vakkv.cz Revenue 2006 (CZK) Employees 12,994,399 4,767 5,810,469 1,480 Tobacco and tobacco products 4,647,768 85 Industrial organic chemicals 3,925,403 Slévárna HEUNISCH, a. s. Krásná www.heunisch-guss.cz [email protected] +420 354 503 333 Aluminum foundries 504,979 400 VLNAP a.s. Nejdek www.vlnap.cz [email protected] +420 353 162 111 Wool yarn: twisting, winding, or spooling 477,745 375 OK STS TouÏim, a.s. TouÏim www.oksts.cz [email protected] +420 353 312 125 Pallets, metal 454,645 352 Léãebné láznû Jáchymov a. s. Jáchymov www.lazne-kur-spa-jachymov.cz [email protected] +420 353 811 126 Spas 427,594 Karlovarská teplárenská, a.s. Karlovy Vary www.kvtas.cz [email protected] +420 359 011 111 Steam supply 398,983 BAU - STAV, spol. s r. o. Karlovy Vary www.baustav.cz [email protected] +420 353 561 341 Residential construction 381,559 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz CzechInvest projects in the region DISTRICT CHEB DISTRICT CHEB BASIC DATA Land Area............................................................................................................933 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Cheb .............................................33,681 Mariánské Láznû...........................14,026 A‰ .................................................12,840 Franti‰kovy Láznû ...........................5,456 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................90,117 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................29.6 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................97 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................51,520 Number of job seekers............................................................................................3,880 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 2.3 % 4.7 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 9.1 % 28.5 % 24.2 % ■ Secondary without GCE 38.3 % ■ Elementary 34.3 % 58.7 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 3,880 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 4.1 % 9.8 ■ Construction ................................. 2,583 11.2 % 75.0 % Czech Republic 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,078 9.8 % 10.3 9.5 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 2,966 8.9 7.7 8 ■ Services ...................................... 19,836 8.8 8.3 7.2 7.2 6 Total: .............................................. 26,463 8.1 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK Cheb CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 3,580,990 1,491,563,988 123,461 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - Cheb nám. Krále Jifiího z Podûbrad 1/14, 350 02 Cheb tel.: +420 354 440 111, fax: +420 354 440 550 e-mail: [email protected] www.mestocheb.cz District Economic Chamber - Cheb Jakubská 380/4, 350 02 Cheb tel.: +420 354 435 049, fax: +420 354 435 049 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohkcheb.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Láznû Franti‰kovy Láznû a.s. Franti‰kovy Láznû Spas www.franzensbad.cz Employees Léãebné láznû Mariánské Láznû a. s. Mariánské Láznû Spas www.marienbad.cz 672 Slévárna HEUNISCH, a. s. Krásná Aluminum foundries www.heunisch-guss.cz 400 T E K A Z, s.r.o. Cheb Rubble mining www.tekaz-cheb.cz 175 ASTOS A· a.s. A‰ Machine tool accessories www.astos.cz 150 ZÁPADNÍ STAVEBNÍ DL a.s. Cheb General bldg contractors-nonresidential www.zapadni-stavebni.cz 147 ELROZ a. s. Plesná Panelboards and distribution boards, electric www.elroz.cz 124 www.rexam.com 800 Rexam Petainer A‰ s.r.o. A‰ Food containers (liquid tight), including milk cartons AGRO & KOMBINÁT Dolní Îandov spol. s r.o. Dolní Îandov General farms, primarily crop PREFA-BETON Cheb, spol. s r.o. Cheb Concrete, gypsum & plaster product mfrs www.prefa-beton-cheb.cz 118 RPC BEBO âR, s.r.o. A‰ Plastics containers, except foam www.rpc-group.com/bebo 110 Playmobil CZ spol. s r.o. A‰ Plastics products FEP,a.s. Cheb Lumber, hardwood dimension Trelleborg Lesina, s.r.o. Skalná Cyclo rubbers, natural 120 119 66 www.fep.euweb.cz 55 54 âeské rybáfiství s.r.o. Mariánské Láznû Animal aquaculture www.ceske.rybarstvi.cz 53 HB PRINT, s.r.o. Cheb Commercial printing and newspaper publishing combined www.hbprint.cz 50 JSP International, s.r.o. Cheb Plastics products www.jsp.com HFK DELTA CHEB v.o.s. Cheb Steel building construction A·-ET spol. s r.o. A‰ Nonresidential construction 45 40 www.as-et.cz 40 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 61 62 KARLOVY VARY REGION DISTRICT KARLOVY VARY DISTRICT KARLOVY VARY BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,628 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Karlovy Vary .................................50,839 Ostrov...........................................17,111 Nejdek.............................................3,995 POPULATION Population, total..................................................................................................120,778 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................39.7 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................74 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................67,361 Number of job seekers............................................................................................6,400 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 1.9 % 0.9 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 10.3 % 27.4 % ■ Secondary without GCE 24.2 % 38.1 % ■ Elementary 43.8 % 53.5 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 6,400 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 4.8 % ■ Construction ................................. 3,321 9.8 % 75.3 % Czech Republic 14 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,580 10.1 % 12 10.2 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,203 10 ■ Services ...................................... 24,703 9.8 10.3 10.3 9.0 9.5 8 Total: .............................................. 32,807 10.1 10.3 8.9 7.7 6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK Karlovy Vary CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 7,460,486 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 257,214 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Karlovy Vary Moskevská 1281/21, 360 01 Karlovy Vary tel.: +420 353 118 111, fax: +420 353 222 913 e-mail: [email protected] www.mmkv.cz Labour Office - Karlovy Vary Svahová 1170/24, 360 01 Karlovy Vary tel.: +420 353 239 511, fax: +420 353 225 544 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/kv_info IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Karlovarsk˘ porcelán a.s. Nová Role Semivitreous table and kitchenware www.thun.cz Employees 1, 800 WITTE Nejdek, spol. s r.o. Nejdek Automotive stampings www.witte-nejdek.cz 1, 480 Vodárny a kanalizace Karlovy Vary, a.s. Karlovy Vary Water supply www.vakkv.cz 539 CHODOS CHODOV s.r.o. Chodov Special industry machinery www.chodos.cz 400 Sedleck˘ kaolin a. s. BoÏiãany Kaolin, ground or otherwise treated www.sedlecky-kaolin.cz 400 VLNAP a.s. Nejdek Wool yarn: twisting, winding or spooling www.vlnap.cz 375 MOSER, a.s. Karlovy Vary Ornamental glass: cut, engraved or otherwise decorated www.moser-glass.com 370 Karlovarské minerální vody, a. s. Karlovy Vary Pasteurized and mineral waters, bottled and canned www.mattoni.cz 360 OK STS TouÏim, a.s. TouÏim Pallets, metal www.oksts.cz 352 METALIS Nejdek s.r.o. Nejdek Tool and die steel and alloys www.metalis.cz 347 KE Ostrov - Elektrik s.r.o. Ostrov nad Ohfií Automotive wiring harness sets www.konfektion-e.de 330 Concordia a. s. Sadov Vitreous china table and kitchenware www.porcelaplus.cz 260 Jan Becher - Karlovarská Becherovka, a.s. Karlovy Vary Cordials, alcoholic www.becherovka.cz 250 Nejdecká ãesárna vlny, a. s. Nejdek Wool yarn, spun www.ncv.cz 245 GOLEM - autodoprava s.r.o. Karlovy Vary Freight transportation arrangement www.golem-kv.cz 200 OZT-OBCHODNÍ ZA¤ÍZENÍ TOUÎIM, a.s. TouÏim Store fronts, prefabricated: wood www.ozap.cz 180 Lesní spoleãnost Teplá, a. s. Teplá Forestry services www.lesytepla.cz 160 ZMA a.s. Ostrov nad Ohfií Prefabricated buildings, wood TECWOOD s.r.o. Chy‰e Hardwood veneer and plywood 140 www.tecwood.cz 140 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT SOKOLOV DISTRICT SOKOLOV BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................754 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Sokolov.........................................24,579 Chodov .........................................14,433 Kraslice...........................................7,204 Horní Slavkov .................................5,761 Habartov .........................................5,319 Kyn‰perk nad Ohfií..........................5,074 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................93,379 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................30.7 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................124 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................50,395 Number of job seekers............................................................................................5,941 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 0.9 % ■ Basic and without education 6.3 % 32.2 % 20.5 % ■ Without education 14.9 % ■ Elementary ■ Secondary without GCE 43.0 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary 41.2 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 40.9 % Total: ................................................ 5,941 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 4.7 % 68.6 % 14 ■ Agriculture & forestry ...................... 823 13.4 % 13.3 % 12.5 ■ Construction ................................. 2,349 Czech Republic 13.1 13.2 12.7 11.5 12 ■ Industry ........................................ 2,329 10 ■ Services ...................................... 12,016 9.8 10.3 9.5 8.9 8 Total: .............................................. 17,517 7.7 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 6 %/year 2002 2003 CZK CR (total) Prague Average CR 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Sokolov 2004 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 4,998,819 172,343 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Town Hall - Sokolov Rokycanova 1929, 356 01 Sokolov tel.: +420 352 325 111, fax: +420 352 602 510 e-mail: [email protected] www.sokolov.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Labour Office - Sokolov Jednoty 654, 356 01 Sokolov tel.: +420 352 327 211, fax: +420 352 327 302 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/so_info IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Sokolovská uhelná, právní nástupce, a.s. Sokolov Underground mining, subbituminous www.suas.cz Employees AMATI - Denak, s.r.o. Kraslice Musical instruments www.amati-denak.cz 450 Sokolovské strojírny a. s. Sokolov Mining machinery www.sokstr.cz 320 STASIS - ZBA, a.s. Horní Slavkov Screeds and screeding machines www.stasis.cz 290 HAAS & CZJZEK - První porcelánová manufaktura v âechách, spol. s r.o. Horní Slavkov China www.haasczjzek.cz 283 PLASTMETALCHEM, s.r.o. Sokolov Tanks, standard or custom fabricated: metal plate www.plastmetalchem.cz 85 ALLIGARD, s.r.o. Libavské Údolí Finishing plants www.alligard.cz 73 ·légr, s.r.o. Horní Slavkov Weldments www.slegrsro.cz 71 ISSO - InÏen˘rské stavby Sokolov, s. r. o. Svatava General building contractors www.volny.cz/isso 63 GPH, spol. s r.o. Kyn‰perk nad Ohfií Noncurrent-carrying wiring services www.gph.cz 57 4 ,767 L.C. SOKOTRANS REALITY, a.s. Sokolov Liquid transfer services www.lcsokotrans.cz 45 DEHONIT-FALKE, s.r.o. Sokolov Veneer stock, hardwood www.dehonit.cz 45 KAB-TECH, s.r.o. Sokolov Current-carrying wiring services www.k-tech.cz 40 ZPA-RP, a.s. Sokolov Switchgear and switchboard apparatus www.zpa-rp.cz 28 EUROELEMONT, spol. s r. o. Královské Pofiíãí Electronic controls installation www.euroelemont.cz 25 Auto BroÏovsk˘, s.r.o. Sokolov Automobiles www.toyotasok.cz 21 www.hilzinger.cz Hilzinger okna + dvefie, spol. s r. o. Kraslice Windows, plastics WIRO PLAST, s.r.o. Dolní Rychnov Windows, plastics D.I.S. EXPORT - IMPORT, spol. s r.o. Sokolov Freight forwarding 21 18 15 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 63 64 ÚSTÍ REGION BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA ÚSTÍ REGION ABOUT REGION The Ústí Region in North Bohemia stretches along the border with Saxony. Its neighbors within limits of the Czech Republic are the regions of Karlovy Vary, Liberec, Central Bohemia and PlzeÀ. The region is divided in seven districts: Dûãín, Chomutov, Litomûfiice, Louny, Most, Teplice and Ústí nad Labem. The region’s area on January 1, 2006 was 5,335 km2 (6.8 % of Czech Republic territory), the seventh largest in the country. Population on December 31, 2006 amounted to 823,265 inhabitants (8.0 % of the country’s population, number five among all regions). There are 354 communities in Ústeck˘ kraj (5.7 % of all communities in Czech Republic). The regional capital Ústí nad Labem has 94,565 inhabitants. There are 26 towns with a population over 5,000 in the Ústí Region. The Ústí Region is full of historical landmarks, none of which have been put on the UNESCO list of World Heritage. The site with the most potential for getting on the list is Terezín, once a fortress and later a Jewish ghetto. Urban sanctuaries are found in KadaÀ, Litomûfiice, Ú‰tûk and Îatec. The rotunda of St. George on top of ¤íp Mountain belongs to the symbols of the region. Other valuable monuments include castles (Duchcov, Ploskovice) and monasteries (Doksany, Osek). National park âeské ·v˘carsko (Czech Switzerland) abounds with natural monuments. There are also protected landscape areas Labské pískovce (Labe Sandstones), âeské stfiedohofií (mountains) and LuÏické hory (mountains). There are many bicycle paths passing through the region, and a long cross country skiing track “Kru‰nohorská ski-highway” is running along the Kru‰né hory range. In mining town Most there is quite an uncommon building to be seen – a Gothic church that had to be pushed away by half a mile in 1975 to clear the way for bucket excavators. Most also offers a large range of sporting facilities that include a car race circuit, a horse racing track and an aqua park. The most important university in the Ústí Region is Jan Evangelista Purkynû in Ústí nad Labem (UJEP) with five colleges focused mainly on pedagogy, humanities and partially also on artistic studies. For private universities there is an affiliate of The Institute of Finance and Administration in Most. In 2004, research and development regional expenses per capita amounted to Kã 621 (13th place, second to last in the country). Only 0.13 % of employees took part in development and research (also 13th place for the region). The Ústí Region, with all the area below the Kru‰né hory mountain range, is an industrial site of international importance. There is a great tradition in construction, mining, power engineering, glass blowing and chemical industries. Agriculture also has its importance in the region–mainly hop farming, fruit production and viticulture. There is no important industrial clusters working in the area. CzechInvest agency’s surveys are focused on possibilities in line of compostable plastics. The potential of the Ústí Region is based, among other things, on raw materials in abundance for supplying local sectors of power engineering and construction. Thanks to its position, the region is well connected to main transportation arteries both at home and abroad. The railway corridor there is finished and serving, the highway D8 copying the road E55 is under construction. The chemistry industry is traditionally strong, the fertile soil is promising (and giving) prosperity to local viticulture, and there is much potential in skiing, mountain trekking and tourism bound to local historic landmarks. BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA BASIC DATA ADMINISTRATIVE BREAKDOWN Land Area..........................................................................................................5,335 km2 POPULATION Number of districts .........................................................................................................7 Number of municipalities............................................................................................354 of that, number of towns ..............................................................................................46 REPRESENTATION OF PROFESSIONAL CLASSES (%) Total .......................................................................................823,265 Percentage in the total population of Czech Republic (%)...........................................8.0 Population density (persons/km2) ...............................................................................154 Average work force ..............................................................................................437,556 Number of job seekers ..........................................................................................63,652 NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Total .......................................................................................169,083 Industry .................................................................................................................19,482 Construction ..........................................................................................................21,803 Agriculture & forestry ..............................................................................................8,609 Services ...............................................................................................................119,109 Unskilled and unqualified workers ...............................................................................8.9 Plant and machine operators and assemblers ...........................................................15.5 Craft and related trades workers................................................................................18.3 Skilled agricultural and forestry workers .....................................................................1.1 Workers in services & sales ......................................................................................14.1 Administrative..............................................................................................................8.3 Specialists....................................................................................................................7.6 Legislators, senior officials and managers...................................................................5.2 Armed forces ...............................................................................................................0.1 Technical, health care, pedagogical workers & workers in similar sectors ................20.7 of which Technicians in physical, technical & related branches ...............................................32.4 Technicians in biology, health care & agriculture.......................................................18.2 Pedagogical workers....................................................................................................5.3 Others assistant skilled workers ................................................................................42.1 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz AVERAGE MONTHLY GROSS WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD 25,000 5.9 % ■ Basic and without education ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education 24.4 % 31.2 % 38.4 % Czech Republic Region 22,000 19,000 15,844 16,000 13,000 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 20,844 19,631 14,269 18,035 16,917 18,527 17,490 16,320 15,322 10,000 2002 CZK/year 2003 2004 2005 2006 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz GDP BY REGIONS UNEMPLOYMENT – 5-YEAR TREND Total Region Per capita mln. CZK mln. EUR CZK EUR Ústí Region 209,041 7,375 253,939 8,959 Average GDP for Czech regions 230,827 8,144 294,679 10,400 Share in GDP of the Czech Republic 6.47 % Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT UNEMPLOYMENT ACCORDING TO SEX STRUCTURE Women Men Total number of job seekers Number Share 26,811 53.74 % 23,083 District 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 %/year Region 46.26 % 49,894 Czech Republic Average in all regions 16.9 15.9 17.9 16,040 553 Ústí nad Labem 61,918 2,135 Prague (max) 801,100 27,619 Average 106,540 3,673 15.4 13.8 9.8 10.3 10.3 9.6 10.1 10.2 9.5 8.9 9.4 2002 2003 7.7 7.7 8.9 2004 2005 2006 Original methodology FDI (mln. CZK) FDI (mln. EUR) Karlovy Vary (min) Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz 17.1 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz AVERAGE GROSS MONTHLY WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND Year Region Ústí Region 2002 2003 2004 2005 CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK 14,269 463 15,322 481 16,320 512 17,485 2006 EUR 587 CZK EUR 18,527 654 Average for Czech Republic 15,844 514 16,917 531 18,035 565 19,624 659 20,844 735 Average for Czech regions 14,499 471 15,509 487 16,557 519 17,903 601 19,031 671 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 65 66 ÚSTÍ REGION LISTS OF AIRPORTS Specifications Flight time (hrs) Public/Private Civil/Military/Varied International/Intranational Prague Berlin Chomutov Public Civil Intranational NA NA Vienna NA Most Public Civil Intranational 0:20 no flights no flights Panensk˘ T˘nec Private Civil Intranational NA NA NA Raná Public Civil Intranational NA NA NA Roudnice nad Labem Public Civil Intranational NA NA NA Roudnice nad Labem Private Civil International/Intranational NA NA NA Ústí nad Labem Private Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Îatec/Macerka Private Civil Intranational 0:12 no no Source: Ministry of Transport, www.mdcr.cz SCHOOL SYSTEM Motorway Road Number of schools Secondary schools Number of students 128 45,729 10,132 Technical fields 54 13,950 3,439 Economic fields 60 14,112 3,547 ICT fields 19 3,074 820 Higher schools 10 1,413 403 Technical fields 2 259 42 Economic fields 2 171 43 ICT fields 1 58 12 Universities 2 12,058 NA Technical fields 5 2,315 NA Economic fields 2 3,111 NA ICT fields 4 1,189 NA Hamburg (656 km) Railroad Number of graduates DE Airport - Private Dûãín Dresden (80 km) Berlin (280 km) Airport - Public E442 Hradec Králové (190 km) Wroczlaw (281 km) E55 Teplice R63 Ústí nad Labem D8 DE E55 Most LABE Litomûfiice Chomutov E442 D8 Karlovy Vary (130 km) Nürnberg (320 km) Louny Karlovy Vary (115 km) Nürnberg (360 km) Praha (106 km) Linz (400 km) Praha (80 km) Linz (320 km) Karlovy Vary E48 Source: Institute for Information on Education, www.uiv.cz Praha LIST OF SCHOOLS Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Students Bc., Mgr., Ph.D., Ing. 10,284 Bc., Mgr., MBA 1,500 Universities Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkynû v Ústí nad Labem [email protected] www.ujep.cz Variety of programmes Vysoká ‰kola ekonomie a managementu, o.p.s. [email protected] www.vsem.cz Management, Economics, Communication Higher schools Stfiední ‰kola sociální PERSPEKTIVA a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola s. r. o. [email protected] www.skola-perspektiva.cz Social, Personal DiS. 200 VO· a SO· Roudnice nad Labem [email protected] www.vosasos.cz Management DiS. 140 VO· a SP· stavební [email protected] www.stavarnadc.cz Building, Landscape and Relics Protection DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola obalové techniky ·tûtí [email protected] www.odbornaskola.cz Design DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická a Stfiední ‰kola zdravotnická [email protected] www.szsvzs.cz Health Care DiS. 400 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Stfiední pedagogická ‰kola a Obchodní akademie [email protected] www.vos-oamost.cz Economics, Social Law DiS. 170 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz Note: You can find the complete list of schools on the CD-ROM City Invest Czech. INDUSTRIAL ZONES, BROWNFIELDS Type Name District Area (ha) Industrial zone Îatec, Triangle Louny 363.0 x Lovosice (PLCL) Litomûfiice 200.0 Most, HavraÀ-Joseph Most 190.0 Brownfield x x Contact - subject Phone KÚ Ústeckého kraje, TRIANGLE +420 475 657 356 Dopravnû zboÏové centrum Lovosice, a.s. +420 416 532 499; 603 141 405 Magistrát mûsta Mostu +420 476 448 374, -232 Klá‰terec nad Ohfií-Vernéfiov, industriální park Verne Chomutov 142.0 x Mûsto Klá‰terec nad Ohfií, odbor rozvoje a investic +420 474 359 643 Libouchec, Îìárek Ústí nad Labem 105.0 x Labská investiãní, a.s. +420 475 207 495; 607 890 322 KadaÀ, Královsk˘ vrch Chomutov 81.0 x Spoleãnost investiãního rozvoje, a.s. +420 474 342 356; 602 369 138 Krupka-Modlany Teplice 74.0 x Investorsko inÏen˘rská a.s. +420 485 253 333; 602 449 418 Chomutov, Libu‰ina 4778 Chomutov 60.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ústí nad Labem +420 475 201 158; +420 475 200 961 Chomutov, Beethovenova (Ïelezárny) Chomutov 59.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ústí nad Labem +420 475 201 158; +420 475 200 961 Ústí nad Labem-V‰ebofiice Ústí nad Labem 53.0 x Tlaková plynárna Ústí nad Labem a.s. +420 475 600 511 Podbofiany-Alpka, Podbofiany-Vroutecká Louny 40.0 x Mûsto Podbofiany +420 415 237 529 Ústí nad Labem-Ne‰tûmice (TONASO) Ústí nad Labem 40.0 x Tonaso holding, a.s. +420 475 507 170; 724 265 372 Jirkov-Otvice Chomutov 39.7 x Mûsto Jirkov, Odbor majetku mûsta a útvar investic +420 474 616 442, -440 Louny, Postoloprtská (b˘valé sklárny) Louny 30.0 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ústí nad Labem +420 475 201 158; +420 475 200 961 Rumburk, Vilémov Dûãín 30.0 Rumburk Dûãín 29.1 x x x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ústí nad Labem +420 475 201 158; +420 475 200 961 Mûstsk˘ úfiad Rumburk +420 412 356 111; 412 356 111 Lovosice, zóna II. Litomûfiice 29.7 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ústí nad Labem +420 475 201 158; +420 475 200 961 Louny-jihov˘chod Louny 26.4 x Ekostavby Louny s.r.o. +420 415 654 094 Ústí nad Labem-JiÏní Pfiedlice Ústí nad Labem 26.1 x Statutární mûsto Ústí nad Labem, Odbor aktivní politiky +420 475 241 659 Bylany u Mostu, Domes Most 25.0 Litvínov-Louka Most 24.6 x x Ústí nad Labem-Severní Pfiedlice Ústí nad Labem 24.8 Louny Louny 21.2 Bílina Teplice 12.8 Chomutov-Severní pole Chomutov 18.2 Chomutov-Nové Spofiice Chomutov Pfiestanov Lovosice cukrovar x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ústí nad Labem +420 475 201 158; +420 475 200 961 MûÚ Litvínov +420 476 767 600 Magistrát Mûsta Ústí nad Labem +420 475 241 764 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ústí nad Labem +420 475 201 158; +420 475 200 961 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ústí nad Labem +420 475 201 158; +420 475 200 961 x Mûstsk˘ úfiad Chomutov, odbor správy majetku mûsta +420 474 637 472 18.0 x Mûstsk˘ úfiad Chomutov, odbor správy majetku mûsta +420 474 637 472 Ústí nad Labem 17.3 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ústí nad Labem +420 475 201 158; +420 475 200 961 Litomûfiice 10.0 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ústí nad Labem +420 475 201 158; +420 475 200 961 x x Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org CzechInvest projects in the region 67 A-CLASS OFFICE SPACES (ÚSTÍ NAD LABEM) Project Total size (m2)* Completed CPI City Centre 5,300 2009 Administrative and commercial complex situated in close vicinity of the city centre. The project comprises of office building, congress hall, retail element, hotel, residential building and fitness centre. Comments Palác Jordán 1,800 2007 Administrative and residential bulding situated close to one of the main routes of the city not far from the city centre. *) Total size of office space Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o., www.cushmanwakefield.com OFFICE AND RETAIL SPACE RENTALS EUR/m2/month Location In demand Other A-Class Office Space (Ústí n. Labem) Office space 3.9 - 5.3 3.2 - 4.2 8.0 - 12.5 Shopping Centre Area * - Retail space 5.3 - 8.8 5.3 - 8.8 - 25.0 - 40.0 * Rental levels for average 100 m2 retail unit. The given prices are for rental in the regional city. The prices are listed separately as prices in locations in demand and other locations. Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o. (A-Class office space and Shopping Centre Area) and European Club of Estate Agencies (other data) LABOUR OFFICE City Address Phone Fax E-mail Dûãín Bfiezinova 442/1, 405 02 Dûãín 2 +420 412 708 111 +420 412 511 683 [email protected] Chomutov Cihláfiská 4107, 430 03 Chomutov 3 +420 474 628 485 +420 474 638 205 [email protected] Litomûfiice Michalská 259/12, 412 01 Litomûfiice 1 +420 416 713 111 +420 416 735 724 [email protected] Louny Postoloprtská 2664, 440 01 Louny 1 +420 415 634 111 +420 415 672 448 [email protected] Most tfi. BudovatelÛ 1989, 434 01 Most 1 +420 476 440 611 +420 476 440 672 [email protected] Teplice Vrchlického 3175, 415 01 Teplice 1 +420 417 552 111 +420 417 552 127 [email protected] Ústí nad Labem Dvofiákova 1609/18, 400 21 Ústí nad Labem +420 474 728 411 +420 474 728 496 [email protected] Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE REGION Regional Council Velká Hradební 3118/48, 400 02 Ústí nad Labem tel.: 475 657 111, fax: 475 200 245 [email protected] [email protected], [email protected] www.kr-ustecky.cz City Hall - Ústí nad Labem Velká Hradební 8, 401 00 Ústí nad Labem tel.: 475 241 111, fax: 475 211 503 [email protected] www.mag-ul.cz, www.usti-nl.cz CzechInvest - Regional Office Mírové nám. 34, 400 02 Ústí nad Labem tel.: 475 201 158, 475 200 960 fax: 475 201 135 [email protected] Regional Development Agency residence: Velká Hradební 3118/48, 400 02 Ústí nad Labem workplace: BudovatelÛ 2830, 434 37 Most tel.: 475 657 331, 605 556 186 fax: 475 657 399 [email protected], [email protected], www.rra.cz Regional Consulting & Information Center - OHK Ústí nad Labem Velká Hradební 8, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem tel.: 475 241 589, fax: 475 241 360 [email protected], www.ohk-ul.cz /rpic.htm contact person: Mrs. Nikoliãová Regional Consulting & Information Center - REGIONCONSULT s.r.o. Nerudova 19, 430 01 Chomutov tel.: 474 651 937, fax: 474 652 121 [email protected] www.regionconsult.cz contact person: Ing. Josef Kadlec Regional Consulting & Information Center - RPIC Teplice s.r.o. Dr. Vrbenského 1, 415 01 Teplice tel.: 417 531 600, 417 531482 fax: 417 531 482 [email protected], www.rpicteplice.cz contact person: Ing. Josef Troller CzechTrade - Regional Consultants Regionální konzultant CzechTrade - Praha Eduard ¤eháãek tel: 224 907 542, 224 913 800 CzechTrade Regional Information Place - Ústí nad Labem Velká Hradební 3118/48, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem tel.: 475 657 340, 724 613 981 fax: 477 011 121 [email protected] www.khk-usti.cz/remuk.php contact person: Ing.TomበStanûk Regional Manager CzechTrade - Ústí nad Labem Ing.TomበStanûk tel.: 477 011 212, 724 613 981 fax: 475 657 335 [email protected] Regional Economic Chamber residence: Velká Hradební 3118/48 400 02 Ústí nad Labem tel.: 475 657 335, fax: 475 657 340 workplace: Mírové námûstí 37, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem tel.: 477 011 122, fax: 477 011 121 [email protected], [email protected] www.khk-usti.cz contact person: Martina Francírková Euro Information Center - Most BudovatelÛ 2830, 434 37 Most tel.: 476 206 538, fax: 476 706 331 [email protected], www.rra.cz contact person: Ing. Jifií Polívka UTILITIES Gas Severoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Klí‰ská 940, 401 17 Ústí nad Labem tel.: 475 233 269, fax: 475 233 324 [email protected] www.rwe-scp.cz Electricity Severoãeská energetika, a. s. TrÏní 1873, 405 49 Dûãín IV tel.: 840 840 840, fax: 411 122 977 [email protected], www.cez.cz Water & sewage Severoãeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. Pfiítkovská 1689, 415 50 Teplice tel.: 417 808 111, 840 111 111 fax: 417 562 585 [email protected] www.scvk.cz Heat DOTERM SERVIS, s.r.o. Javorová 110, 435 13 Mezibofií tel.: 476 748 193 [email protected] www.dotermservis.cz Bene‰ovská teplárenská spoleãnost spol. s r.o. âeskolipská 208, 407 22 Bene‰ov nad Plouãnicí tel.: 412 586 679 Teplo BraÀany, spol. s r.o. Bílinská 76, 435 22 BraÀany tel.: 476 129 093 ESON, s.r.o. U Tonasa 172/2, 403 31 Ústí nad Labem tel.: 475 245 225 www.tonaso.cz/index.html#eson Teplo Chomutov, s.r.o. Jakoubka ze Stfiíbra 112/113, 430 01 Chomutov tel.: 474 651 058, fax: 474 651 984 [email protected], www.teplochomutov.cz První mostecká, a.s. StavbafiÛ 32, 434 01 Most-Velebudice tel.: 476 702 554, fax: 476 706 569 [email protected], www.prvnimostecka.cz Termo Dûãín, a.s. Oblouková 25, 405 02 Dûãín tel.: 412 518 686, fax: 412 518 688 [email protected], www.termo-decin.cz Quick I. v.o.s Nová v˘stavba 200, 435 21 Obrnice tel.: 476 118 031, [email protected] United Energy, a.s. Teplárenská 2, 434 03 Most tel.: 476 447 471, fax: 476 447 429 [email protected], [email protected] www.ue.cz Tepelné hospodáfiství mûsta Lovosic spol. s r.o. ÎiÏkova 1122, 410 02 Lovosice 2 tel.: 416 532 309, fax: 416 532 309 [email protected] Tepelné hospodáfiství mûsta Ústí nad Labem, s.r.o. Malátova 2437/11, 400 11 Ústí nad Labem tel.: 472 770 140, fax: 472 772 116 [email protected], www.thmu.cz Îatecká teplárenská akciová spoleãnost Svatováclavská 1020, 438 34 Îatec tel.: 415 735 851, 605 211 763 fax: 415 727 299 [email protected], www.ztas.cz 68 ÚSTÍ REGION TOP 20 COMPANIES RANKED BY REVENUES 2006 Name of company Location www E-mail âEZ Distribuce, a. s. Dûãín www.cezdistribuce.cz [email protected] SETUZA a.s. Ústí nad Labem www.setuza.cz [email protected] âESKÁ RAFINÉRSKÁ, a.s. Litvínov www.ceskarafinerska.cz Severoãeské doly a.s. Chomutov AGC Flat Glass Czech a.s., ãlen AGC Group Mondi Packaging Paper ·tûtí a.s. Mostecká uhelná a.s. Phone Activity Revenue 2006 (CZK) Employees 2006 Distribution, electric power 30,254,417 +420 475 291 111 Scouring compounds 13,587,924 [email protected] +420 315 718 579 Petroleum refining 10,705,824 687 www.sdas.cz [email protected] +420 474 602 111 Underground mining, subbituminous 9,784,628 3,525 Teplice agc-flatglass.com [email protected] +420 417 501 111 Flat glass 9,460,175 1,204 ·tûtí www.mondipackaging.com [email protected] +420 416 802 029 Paper mills 8,363,522 500 Most www.mus.cz [email protected] +420 476 203 140 Coal mining services 7,804,310 4,650 898 Severoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Ústí nad Labem www.rwe-scp.cz [email protected] +420 475 233 111 Gas transmission and distribution 5,762,857 434 GRAMMER CZ, s.r.o. Most www.grammer.de [email protected] +420 376 948 411 Seats, automobile 5,722,994 1,660 Alcan Dûãín Extrusions s.r.o. Dûãín www.alcan.cz [email protected] +420 412 508 217 Aluminum rod and bar 5,032,278 680 SANDVIK CHOMUTOV PRECISION TUBES spol. s r.o. Chomutov www.steel.sandvik.com [email protected] +420 474 401 111 Tubes, seamless steel 4,061,843 540 TRCZ s.r.o. Lovosice www.trcz.cz [email protected] +420 416 421 111 Electronic switches 4,048,536 1,200 Severoãeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. Teplice www.scvk.cz [email protected] +420 417 808 111 Water suppliers 3,707,118 Toyoda Gosei Czech, s.r.o. Klá‰terec nad Ohfií www.tgssc.cz [email protected] +420 474 316 555 Motor vehicle parts and accessories 2,751,211 Avirunion, a.s. Dubí www.avirunion.cz [email protected] +420 352 372 112 Glass containers 2,541,833 KABELOVNA Dûãín - Podmokly, s.r.o. Dûãín www.kabelovna.cz [email protected] +420 412 706 111 Communication wire 2,371,577 725 Norske Skog ·tûtí a.s. ·tûtí www.norskeskog.com [email protected] +420 411 801 122 Catalog, magazine, and newsprint papers 2,059,058 215 UNIPETROL DOPRAVA, s.r.o. Litvínov [email protected] +420 476 163 133 Haulage service local and long distance 1,936,762 692 TOS VARNSDORF a.s. Varnsdorf www.tosvarnsdorf.cz [email protected] +420 412 371 145 Machine tools, metal cutting type 1,900,821 523 SCA Packaging âeská republika, s.r.o. Jílové www.scapackaging.com [email protected] +420 412 595 111 Paperboard mills 1,855,255 940 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz CzechInvest projects in the region SELECTED CZECHINVEST PROJECTS IN THE REGION Name Location Investor Country Sector Year Benteler Automotive Rumburk s.r.o. Horní Jindfiichov Benteler Automobiltechnik Germany parts for motor vehicles 2006 BEST, a.s. Most Best Czech Republic construction materials 2006 BOHEMIA PRINT a.s. Trnovany BOHEMIA PRINT Czech Republic printing 2006 D.S.K. spol. s r.o. Teplice D.S.K. Czech Republic engineering 2006 2007 Donaldson Czech Republic s.r.o. Klá‰terec nad Ohfií Donaldson CR s.r.o. (III) USA automotive Electropoli Galvia s.r.o. Rumburk Group Electropoli S.A. France engineering 2007 ELTE, s.r.o. Ústí nad Labem ELTE, s.r.o. Czech Republic engineering 2007 EPISPOL, a.s. Ústí nad Labem Spolchemie Czech Republic chemical 2006 EURO MODULES s.r.o. Louny Concentus i Kalix Aktiebolag Sweden plastic 2006 Filafest ITT a.s. Vilémov u ·luknova Filafest ITT Germany textile 2006 FRK Technik s.r.o. Krupka FRK Technik Germany plastic 2006 FUJIKOKI CZECH s.r.o. Cítoliby Fujikoki Czech s.r.o. Japan automotive 2007 Glaverbel Czech a.s., ãlen skupiny Glaverbel Teplice €etûnice AGC Japan glass 2006 Hitachi Home Electronics (Czech), s.r.o. Îatec Hitachi Japan electronics 2006 HOPPE s.r.o. Chomutov Hoppe Austria other 2007 IPS Alpha Technology Europe s.r.o. Îatec IPS Alpha Technology Japan electronics 2006 Jeyes s.r.o KadaÀ Jeyes United Kingdom chemical 2006 JJS Electronics s.r.o. Chomutov BAXCOL United Kingdom electronics 2006 KOS WIRE EUROPE s.r.o. Lovosice KOS WIRE South Korea metallurgy 2006 KS Kolbenschmidt CR, a.s. Ústí nad Labem KS Kolbenschmidt CR, a.s. Germany automotive 2007 Leaplast Podbofiany Leaplast Italy plastic 2006 Maurice Ward & Co., s.r.o. Most Maurice Anthony Ward Ireland plastic 2006 NERTECH s.r.o. Teplice Schiedel Germany other 2006 Odenwald CZ, s.r.o. KadaÀ, Tu‰imice Odenwald-Chemie + ISL Germany plastic 2006 ORTMANN s.r.o. Dûãín ORTMANN s.r.o. Germany engineering 2007 Pi-Concept CZ s.r.o. Louny PI-Concept Germany parts for motor vehicles 2006 PREOL, a.s. Lovosice Agrofert Czech Republic chemical 2007 R. B. Farquhar, s.r.o. Chomutov R.B.FARQUHAR (MANUFACTURING) United Kingdom construction materials 2006 REFRAMO, s.r.o. KadaÀ KERAVIT Czech Republic other 2006 Ros Czech s.r.o. Most Ros Germany plastic, rubber industry 2006 SHANGHAI MALING (CZECH) a.s. Hrobãice Shanghai Maling China food processing 2006 NA Krupka Guardian USA plastic 2007 NA Rumburk Gustav Stabernack GmbH Germany other 2007 NA Louny Lightbody United Kingdom food processing 2006 NA Varnsdorf Pretty Legs Hosiery Limited United Kingdom other 2007 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org DISTRICT CHOMUTOV DISTRICT CHOMUTOV BASIC DATA Land Area............................................................................................................935 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Chomutov .....................................50,027 Jirkov............................................21,093 KadaÀ ...........................................17,807 Klá‰terec nad Ohfií ........................15,593 POPULATION Population, total..................................................................................................125,040 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................15.2 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................134 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................69,289 Number of job seekers............................................................................................9,124 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 1.5 % 1.0 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 7.5 % 30.5 % 21.7 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Elementary 48.2 % 49.4 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 40.4 % Total: ................................................ 9,124 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,453 6.2 % 14.4 % 68.8 % ■ Construction ................................. 3,345 10.6 % 21 19 18.7 17.7 16.5 17 ■ Industry ........................................ 2,467 15 ■ Services ...................................... 15,997 13 Total: .............................................. 23,262 Czech Republic 11 15.5 12.3 9.8 10.3 9.5 8.9 9 7.7 7 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK EUR Chomutov 5,965,105 CR (total) 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague 2005 Original methodology Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 205,658 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Chomutov Zborovská 4602, 430 01Chomutov tel.: +420 474 637 111, fax: +420 474 652 777 e-mail: podatelna@chomutov-mûsto.cz www.chomutov.cz District Economic Chamber - Chomutov Cihláfiská 4132, 430 03 Chomutov tel.: +420 474 628 288, fax: +420 474 628 288 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohkcv.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Severoãeské doly a.s. Chomutov Underground mining, subbituminous www.sdas.cz Employees HOPI s.r.o. Klá‰terec nad Ohfií Freight transportation arrangement www.hopi.cz 900 Bezpeãnostní sluÏba IBIS s.r.o. KadaÀ Security guard service www.bs-ibis.cz 899 Toyoda Gosei Czech, s.r.o. Klá‰terec nad Ohfií Motor vehicle parts and accessories www.tgssc.cz 692 SANDVIK CHOMUTOV PRECISION TUBES s.r.o. Chomutov Tubes, seamless steel www.steel.sandvik.com 540 Energetické opravny, a.s. KadaÀ Electrical equipment repair services www.eopru.cz 457 Eaton Industries s.r.o. Chomutov Power steering equipment, motor vehicle www.eaton.com 396 Intier Automotive Seating Chomutov s.r.o. Chomutov Seat covers, automobile www.intier.com 295 DONALDSON CZECH REPUBLIC s.r.o. Klá‰terec nad Ohfií Filters: oil, fuel and air, motor vehicle www.donaldson.com 270 R. B. Farquhar, s.r.o. Chomutov Tubs (bath, shower and laundry), plastics www.rbfarquhar.cz 250 3, 525 BOS Automotive Products CZ s.r.o. Klá‰terec nad Ohfií Rubber automotive products www.bos.de 240 HOPI Activity s.r.o. Klá‰terec nad Ohfií Food brokers www.hopi.cz 210 Kru‰nohorské lesy, a.s. Jirkov Forestry services www.khlesy.cz 205 FraCon Electronic Systems s.r.o. Chomutov Switch boxes, electric www.burkhart.cz 180 KEBEK s.r.o. Chomutov Air conditioning appliances www.kebek.cz 170 135 Stavební a investiãní realizace S.I.R. spol. s r.o. Raãetice Construction and civil engineering www.sirhofman.cz ACTHERM servis, a.s. Chomutov General electrical contractor www.acthermservis.cz 105 AMP Chomutov a.s. Chomutov Building components, structural steel www.amp-cv.cz 100 REFRAMO, s.r.o. KadaÀ Fireproofing tile, clay www.reframo.cz 90 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 69 70 ÚSTÍ REGION DISTRICT DùâÍN DISTRICT DùâÍN BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................909 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Dûãín ............................................51,875 Varnsdorf......................................15,786 Rumburk.......................................11,181 ·luknov...........................................5,713 âeská Kamenice .............................5,485 Jílové ..............................................5,292 POPULATION Population, total..................................................................................................134,576 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................16.3 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................148 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................71,635 Number of job seekers............................................................................................9,846 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 1.3 % 0.2 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 7.3 % 29.0 % 22.8 % ■ Elementary ■ Secondary without GCE 41.0 % 40.5 % 57.9 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 9,846 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 4.7 % 69.9 % 19 ■ Construction ................................. 3,844 12.1 % Czech Republic 21 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,338 13.4 % 17 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,841 15 ■ Services ...................................... 20,110 13 11 Total: .............................................. 28,773 15.2 15.6 15.1 14.9 12.9 9.8 10.3 9.5 8.9 9 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 7.7 7 %/year 2002 2003 2004 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK Dûãín CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 8,501,574 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 293,107 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Dûãín Mírové námûstí 1175/5, 405 38 Dûãín IV tel.: +420 412 593 111, fax: +420 412 530 051 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] District Economic Chamber - Dûãín Pohraniãní 1288/1, 405 02 Dûãín tel.: +420 412 512 323, fax: +420 474 628 288 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohkdecin.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW VELVETA a.s. Varnsdorf Textile goods www.velveta.cz Employees SCA Packaging âeská republika, s.r.o. Jílové Paperboard mills www.scapackaging.com 940 KABELOVNA Dûãín - Podmokly, s.r.o. Dûãín Communication wire www.kabelovna.cz 725 Alcan Dûãín Extrusions s.r.o. Dûãín Aluminum rod and bar www.alcan.cz 680 Chart Ferox, a.s. Dûãín Food products machinery www.chart-ferox.com 616 1, 200 TOS VARNSDORF a.s. Varnsdorf Machine tools, metal cutting type www.tosvarnsdorf.cz 523 UNILES, a.s. Rumburk Forestry services www.uniles.cz 370 ABX, spoleãnost s ruãením omezen˘m Rumburk Heating equipment, except electric www.abx.cz 350 Benteler Automotive Rumburk s.r.o. Rumburk Axles, motor vehicle www.benteler.de 300 YUCATANA, a.s. Mikulá‰ovice Tobacco and tobacco products HOCO BAUELEMENTE, spol. s r.o. Dûãín Windows, plastics www.hoco.cz 220 K W L, s.r.o. Varnsdorf Electric connectors www.kwlz.de 220 250 HAAS + SOHN Rukov, s.r.o. Rumburk Stoves, wood and coal burning www.haassohn-rukov.cz 194 DAYMOON, a.s. Dûãín Miscellaneous metalwork www.daymoon.cz 160 AIR PRODUCTS spol. s r.o. Dûãín Industrial gases www.airproducts.com 150 Technické sluÏby Dûãín a.s. Dûãín Refuse systems www.tsd.cz 139 Josef ·USTA Varnsdorf Truck transportation brokers www.noprosu.cz 130 WICO B.G.M., a.s. Dûãín Fabricated structural metal www.wico.cz 128 BRONSWERK HEAT TRANSFER spol. s r.o. Bene‰ov nad Plouãnicí Heat exchangers, plate type www.bronswerk.cz 120 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT LITOMù¤ICE DISTRICT LITOMù¤ICE BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,032 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Litomûfiice.....................................23,909 Roudnice nad Labem....................12,923 Lovosice .........................................9,209 ·tûtí ................................................9,144 POPULATION Population, total..................................................................................................113,443 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................13.8 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................111 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................60,179 Number of job seekers............................................................................................6,840 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 2.1 % 0.7 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 9.1 % 27.2 % 22.8 % 64.0 % ■ Secondary with GCE 40.9 % ■ Elementary 33.2 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 6,840 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 7.9 % 16.6 % 62.6 % 19 ■ Construction ................................. 4,546 12.9 % Czech Republic 21 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,172 17 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,543 15 ■ Services ...................................... 17,185 13 11 Total: .............................................. 27,446 14.4 13.2 9.8 13.0 12.1 10.6 10.3 9.5 8.9 9 7.7 7 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK Litomûfiice CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 9,985,298 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 344,261 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Litomûfiice Mírové námûstí 15/7, 412 01 Litomûfiice-Mûsto tel.: +420 416 916 111, fax: +420 416 916 211 e-mail: [email protected] www.litomerice.cz District Economic Chamber - Litomûfiice Velká Krajská 52/2, 412 01 Litomûfiice-Mûsto tel.: +420 416 797 409, fax: +420 416 797 409 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohk-ltm.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW TRCZ s.r.o. Lovosice Electronic switches www.trcz.cz Employees Lovochemie, a.s. Lovosice Nitrogenous fertilizers www.lovochemie.cz Glanzstoff - Bohemia s.r.o. Lovosice Glass tire cords and tire cord fabrics www.glanzstoff.com 530 Procházka spol. s r.o. Roudnice nad Labem Meat packing plants www.prochazka.cz 522 1 ,200 590 Mondi Packaging Paper ·tûtí a.s. ·tûtí Paper mills www.mondipackaging.com 500 MEVA a.s. Roudnice nad Labem Industrial vessels, tanks and containers www.meva.cz 288 2 JCP a.s. Raãice Pipes, iron and steel www.2jcp.cz 273 Norske Skog ·tûtí a.s. ·tûtí Catalog, magazine, and newsprint papers www.norskeskog.com 215 Lafarge Cement, a.s. âíÏkovice Cement, hydraulic www.lafarge.cz 200 Mondi Bags ·tûtí a.s. ·tûtí Paper bags: made from purchased materials www.mondipackaging.com 172 SEGNOR spol. s r.o. Budynû nad Ohfií Rivets, metal www.segnor.cz 135 Hennlich Industrietechnik spol. s r.o. Litomûfiice Industrial machinery and equipment www.hennlich.cz 110 TRIS Czech s.r.o. Lovosice Brush blocks, carbon or molded graphite www.trisczech.com 110 Aroma Praha, a.s. Hrobce Flavoring extracts and syrups www.aroma.cz 108 Lesní spoleãnost Litomûfiice, a.s. Litomûfiice Forestry services www.lesniltm.cz 100 Mondi Flexibles ·tûtí a.s. ·tûtí Shipping and shopping bags or sacks www.mondipackaging.com 100 Mondi Coating ·tûtí a.s. ·tûtí Paperboard mills www.mondipackaging.com 100 KOVOBEL a.s. Litomûfiice Furniture and fixtures www.kovobel.com 70 TECHNICOM, s.r.o. Roudnice nad Labem Safety equipment and supplies www.technicom.cz 64 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 71 72 ÚSTÍ REGION DISTRICT LOUNY DISTRICT LOUNY BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,118 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Îatec.............................................19,517 Louny ...........................................18,841 Podbofiany ......................................6,298 Postoloprty .....................................5,002 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................86,134 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................10.5 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................77 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................51,962 Number of job seekers............................................................................................6,571 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 1.7 % 0.7 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 8.4 % 29.4 % 22.3 % ■ Secondary without GCE 55.7 % ■ Secondary with GCE 39.9 % ■ Elementary 42.0 % ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 6,571 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 8.9 % 12.2 % 66.1 % 21 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,538 19 ■ Construction ................................. 2,107 12.8 % 18.6 Czech Republic 18.9 17 ■ Industry ........................................ 2,214 15 ■ Services ...................................... 11,446 13 11 Total: .............................................. 17,305 15.1 13.2 9.8 10.3 9.5 9 8.9 12.1 7.7 7 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK Louny CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 4,177,774 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 144,036 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Louny Mírové námûstí 35, 440 01 Louny tel.: +420 415 621 111, fax: +420 415 621 100 e-mail: [email protected] www.mulouny.cz District Economic Chamber - Louny Komenského námûstí 2661, 440 01 Louny tel.: +420 415 633 255, fax: +420 415 633 254 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohkln.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW CONTA, s.r.o. Podbofiany Household refrigerators and freezers www.candy.it Employees 720 Elektroporcelán Louny a.s. Louny Porcelain electrical supplies www.epl.cz 400 Aisan Bitron Czech s.r.o. Louny Pumps and pumping equipment www.abeczech.cz 400 PRAGA Louny CZ a.s. Louny Body parts, automobile: stamped metal www.pragalouny.cz 315 Takada Industries Czech Republic s.r.o. Louny Automotive stampings www.ticz.cz 95 POPROKAN s.r.o. Louny Stationery and office supplies www.poprokan.cz 80 Chmelafisk˘ institut s.r.o. Îatec General farms, primarily crop www.beers.cz 67 HARMONIKAS s.r.o. Louny Musical instruments www.harmonikas.cz 60 www.portpack.com Portola, s.r.o. Louny Closures, plastics PRAGA Service, s.r.o. Louny Real property lessors 52 48 SEMA LENE·ICE, spol. s r.o. Lene‰ice Fishing equipment www.sema.cz R A N s.r.o. Kryry Fabricated structural metal www.ran-kryry.cz 45 Pavel Caga‰ - SERVIS, s.r.o. Podbofiany Keys, locks and related hardware MatyበKarel - BUSMAT Jimlín Freight forwarding www.busmat.cz Zdenûk Kopta-AUTO KOPTA Îatec Automotive maintenance services www.autokopta.com 19 UNREAL S s.r.o. Louny Electrical equipment and supplies www.unreals.cz 19 35 27 20 ARMO Steel s.r.o. Louny Fabricated structural metal www.armosteel.cz 19 EXIMET PLAST spol. s r.o. Îatec Plastics products www.eximetplast.cz 18 Ludmila Raisová - KALÍR V˘‰kov Food brokers 10 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT MOST DISTRICT MOST BASIC DATA Land Area .........................................................................................................467 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Most......................................................................................................................67,805 Litvínov .................................................................................................................27,056 POPULATION Population, total..................................................................................................116,832 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................14.2 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................250 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................64,607 Number of job seekers..........................................................................................13,007 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 1.4 % 0.7 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 8.1 % 29.9 % 22.0 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary with GCE 40.0 % ■ Elementary 45.2 % ■ Secondary 52.7 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: .............................................. 13,007 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND 2.0 % District 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 ■ Agriculture & forestry ...................... 430 10.5 % 10.9 % ■ Construction ................................. 2,240 76.5 % ■ Industry ........................................ 2,324 ■ Services ...................................... 16,270 Total: .............................................. 21,264 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 21.7 Czech Republic 23.5 22.7 19.5 9.8 2002 10.3 2003 9.5 8.9 2004 2005 Original methodology 7.7 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK Most CR (total) 21.2 EUR 12,351,124 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 425,827 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Most Radniãní 1/2, 434 01 Most tel.: +420 476 448 111, fax: +420 476 703 162 e-mail: [email protected] www.mumost.cz District Economic Chamber - Most Vi‰Àová 666/28, 434 01 Most tel.: +420 476 206 515, fax: +420 476 206 516 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohk-most.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Mostecká uhelná a.s. Most Coal mining services www.mus.cz 4 ,650 GRAMMER CZ, s.r.o. Most Seats, automobile www.grammer.de 1 ,660 âESKÁ RAFINÉRSKÁ, a.s. Litvínov Petroleum refining www.ceskarafinerska.cz Kru‰nohorské strojírny Komofiany a.s. Most Boiler and furnace contractors www.ksk-as.cz 420 EUROMONT GROUP a.s. Most Wiring boards www.euromont.cz 400 Gumotex Automotive, s.r.o. Most Fabricated rubber products www.gtxa.cz 180 Speciální stavby Most spol. s r.o. Most Renovation, remodeling and repairs: industrial buildings www.specialnistavbymost.cz 173 Nemak Czech Republic s.r.o. Most Cylinder heads, motor vehicle www.nemak.cz 166 LANNUTTI CZECH, s.r.o. Louka u Litvínova Trucking, except local 140 SI UNIMONTEX s.r.o. Most Exterior insulation and finish (EIFS) applicator 130 Dfievafiská a lesnická spoleãnost, s.r.o. Most Forest management services ALFA TERM MOST a.s. Most Boiler and heating repair services www.alfaterm.cz 110 V˘zkumn˘ ústav pro hnûdé uhlí a.s. Most Noncommercial social research organization www.vuhu.cz 107 FIRECLAY, spol. s r.o. Litvínov Special trade contractors www.fireclay.cz 100 V V V M O S T spol. s r.o. Most Trolley conveyors www.vvvmost.cz Primed-Halberstadt-CZ s.r.o. Litvínov Miscellaneous personal service RENOLIT Czech, s.r.o. Most Polypropylene film and sheet BoTec s.r.o. Most Sponges, plastics STOZ, spol. s r.o. Most Construction and civil engineering Employees 687 122 93 66 www.solvay.com 61 50 www.stoz.vyrobce.cz 48 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 73 74 ÚSTÍ REGION DISTRICT TEPLICE DISTRICT TEPLICE BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................469 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Teplice ..........................................51,010 Bílina.............................................15,669 Krupka ..........................................13,894 Duchcov .........................................8,937 Dubí................................................7,714 POPULATION Population, total..................................................................................................127,980 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................15.5 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................272 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................57,345 Number of job seekers............................................................................................9,702 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 1.5 % 0.1 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 8.0 % 29.9 % 21.6 % ■ Secondary without GCE 40.6 % ■ Elementary 50.4 % 48.0 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 9,702 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND 3.6 % District 19 ■ Construction ................................. 2,979 11.0 % 73.8 % Czech Republic 21 ■ Agriculture & forestry ...................... 913 11.6 % 18.2 19.9 16.6 17 ■ Industry ........................................ 2,829 15 ■ Services ...................................... 18,945 13 11 Total: .............................................. 25,666 9.8 10.3 16.8 9.5 8.9 9 15.7 7.7 7 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK Teplice CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 11,748,543 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 405,052 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Teplice námûstí Svobody 2/2, 415 01 Teplice tel.: +420 417 510 111, fax: +420 417 578 679 e-mail: [email protected] www.teplice.cz District Economic Chamber -Teplice U Císafisk˘ch lázní 352/19, 415 01 Teplice tel.: +420 417 533 644, +420 724 121 878, fax: +420 417 579 525, email: [email protected], www.ohkteplice.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity AGC Flat Glass Czech a.s., ãlen AGC Group Teplice Flat glass WWW Employees AGC Automotive Czech a.s. Bílina Flat glass www.agc-automotive.com Ideal Standard s.r.o. Teplice Bathroom accessories/fittings, vitreous china or earthenware www.idealstandard.cz 530 Vodohospodáfiské stavby, spol. s r. o. Teplice Water, sewer and utility lines www.vhs.cz 450 Teplická strojírna s.r.o. Teplice Fabricated metal products www.tesas.cz 300 VITRABLOK, k.s. Duchcov Industrial-use glassware www.vitrablok.com 250 235 1, 204 792 AGC Processing Teplice a.s., ãlen AGC Group Teplice Construction glass www.glaverbel.com Mahr, spol. s r.o. Probo‰tov Gauges (machine tool accessories) www.mahr.com 150 Auto-Kabel Krupka, s.r.o. Krupka Automotive wiring harness sets www.autokabel.com 150 MANDÍK, a.s. Hostomice Refrigeration and heating equipment www.mandik.cz 145 ·ROUBY Krupka s.r.o. Krupka Screw machine products www.sroubykrupka.cz 133 Jansen Display s.r.o. Krupka Advertising display products www.jansen-display.cz 130 1. Betonstav s.r.o. Bystfiany Operative builders www.betonstav.com 125 DESK - FORM a. s. Újezdeãek Kitchen cabinets: metal www.deskform.cz 120 Teplotechna - Prima, s.r.o. Teplice Kilns www.teplotechna-prima.com 100 TECHNIMAT s.r.o. Novosedlice Metals service centers and offices www.technimat.cz 95 SIAG Stahlbau Teplice, s.r.o. Ko‰Èany Fabricated structural metal www.siag.cz 80 80 SEVEROâESKÁ PAPÍRNA, s.r.o. Novosedlice Paper mills www.papirna.cz ROKA RáÏa, spol. s r.o. Teplice Chimney construction and maintenance www.roka-kominy.cz 70 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT ÚSTÍ NAD LABEM DISTRICT ÚSTÍ NAD LABEM BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................404 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Ústí nad Labem ....................................................................................................95,436 POPULATION Population, total..................................................................................................119,260 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................14.5 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................293 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................60,459 Number of job seekers............................................................................................8,562 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 2.1 % 0.6 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 10.9 % 25.3 % ■ Secondary without GCE 26.2 % ■ Elementary 46.6 % 50.7 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 37.5 % Total: ................................................ 8,562 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND 3.0 % District 9.7 % 19 ■ Construction ................................. 3,236 75.3 % Czech Republic 21 ■ Agriculture & forestry ...................... 814 12.0 % 17 ■ Industry ........................................ 2,596 15 ■ Services ...................................... 20,238 13 11 Total: .............................................. 26,884 15.3 14.8 13.4 12.0 9.8 10.3 9.5 8.9 9 13.3 7.7 7 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 CZK Ústí nad Labem Prague 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 9,188,322 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 316,784 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Ústí nad Labem Velká hradební 8, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem tel.: +420 475 241 111 fax: +420 475 241 503 e-mail: [email protected] District Economic Chamber - Ústí nad Labem Velká hradební 2336/8, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem tel./ fax: +420 475 241 360, fax: +420 475 241 360 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohk-ul.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Spolek pro chemickou a hutní v˘robu, a.s. Ústí nad Labem Chemical preparations www.spolchemie.cz Employees 1, 006 SETUZA a.s. Ústí nad Labem Scouring compounds www.setuza.cz 1, 000 âETRANS a.s. Ústí nad Labem-mûsto Domestic freight forwarding www.cetrans.cz 951 KS Kolbenschmidt Czech Republic, a.s. Trmice Parts and accessories, internal combustion engines www.metal.cz 700 DRINKS UNION a.s. Ústí nad Labem-Ne‰tûmice Malt beverages www.drinksunion.cz 540 VIAMONT a.s. Ústí nad Labem Passenger rail transportation www.viamont.cz 500 ROGER - security, a.s. Ústí nad Labem-mûsto Security guard service www.roger-security.cz 450 Severoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Ústí nad Labem Gas transmission and distribution www.rwe-scp.cz 415 340 Chabafiovické strojírny, a.s. Chabafiovice Upholstery work www.intier.com KLEMENT a.s. ¤ehlovice Miscellaneous metalwork www.klementas.cz 268 Mûì Povrly a.s. Povrly Copper rolling and drawing www.medpovrly.cz 253 MATTHEY s.r.o. Ústí nad Labem-mûsto Steel pipe and tubes www.matthey.cz SKD PrÛmstav - stavby, a.s. Ústí nad Labem-mûsto General building contractors-residential Stapox spol. s r.o. Ústí nad Labem-mûsto Fabricated plate work (boiler shop) Jotun Powder Coatings (CZ) a.s. Trmice Paints and allied products www.jotun.com 82 DC SPED spol. s r.o. Ústí nad Labem Trucking, except local www.dc-sped.cz 79 BROUK s.r.o. Ústí nad Labem-mûsto Travel agencies www.beruska-usti.com 67 STOREX, spol. s r.o. Ústí nad Labem Tires and tubes www.storex.cz 60 Pierburg s.r.o. Ústí nad Labem-mûsto General industrial machinery www.pierburg.com 152 124 120 60 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 75 76 LIBEREC REGION BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA LIBEREC REGION BASIC DATA The Liberec Region is located in North Bohemia on the borders of Saxony and Poland, neighboring the regions Hradec Králové, Central Bohemia and Ústí nad Labem. The region of Liberec is divided among four districts: âeská Lípa, Jablonec nad Nisou, Liberec and Semily. It is the smallest region of the Czech Republic. Its area as confirmed on 1.1. 2006 was only 3,163 km2 or 4.0 % of the national territory. On December 31, 2006 the region had 430,774 inhabitants, which was 4.2 % of the population of the Czech Republic, one of the smallest among all regions in the country. There are 215 communities in the region, which is 3.4 % of all communities in the country, only the region Karlovy Vary is behind Libereck˘ in this respect. Liberec (population 98,781) is the regional capital. There are only 15 towns with a population exceeding 5,000 in the region. Although Liberec Region is the smallest region in the Czech Republic, there are five protected landscape areas (among others: Jizerské hory, âesk˘ ráj, Kokofiínsko) and a part of the National park Krkono‰e. The Liberec Region is remarkable for the density of recreational facilities built on its territory, mainly in âesk˘ ráj and around the lake Máchovo jezero. There are ideal conditions for winter sports in the region, mainly in western Krkono‰e and in Jizerské hory with Jizerská magistrála, a ski highway running along the main range of the mountains. Even Liberec is an important winter sport center. The capital of the region is the venue of the Nordic ski World championship in 2009. No landmark from the list of UNESCO can be found on the territory of this region but rock towns in âesk˘ ráj are among candidates. As for castles, the most important are Hrub˘ Rohozec, Bezdûz, Zákupy and Sychrov. Glass blowing museums in Nov˘ Bor, Kamenick˘ ·enov and Îelezn˘ Brod, as well as the “Krkono‰ské museum” in Jilemnice, display local traditions to visitors. The zoo, botany garden and aquacentrum in Liberec belong to the most visited places. There is just one university in the Liberec Region, the Technical University of Liberec (TUL) with six colleges. Art and Architecture College and Mechatronics College have certain importance, exceeding the regional boundaries, while a textile engineering college keeps the very top international level. The only school on this level for textile technologies in Czech Republic has a large share in research and development in Europe. In 2004 research and development investment in the region per capita reached Kã 2,029 (€ 74.80) giving jobs to 0.39 % of local employees. In this respect, the Liberec Region is sixth place in the Czech Republic. This region has the highest proportion of manufacturing in the Czech Republic. Glassworks and trinket factories are among the largest enterprises here and there is a big inflow of foreign investment to the local car making industry. The importance of the textile industry is of course very high. Another primary sector is the lumber industry and strong clusters of glassmaking and technical textiles production have been here for a long time. The region’s potential is in cluster initiatives growing from local traditional activities, supplies of raw materials for glassmaking and the construction industry, good road connection to the capital, research potential of universities in the area of technical textiles, both natural and cultural landmarks, good condition for development of winter sports, a high number of frontier - transit points and a high density of recreation facilities. BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA BASIC DATA ADMINISTRATIVE BREAKDOWN Land Area..........................................................................................................3,163 km2 POPULATION Number of districts .........................................................................................................4 Number of municipalities............................................................................................215 of that, number of towns ..............................................................................................36 REPRESENTATION OF PROFESSIONAL CLASSES (%) Total .......................................................................................430,774 Percentage in the total population of Czech Republic (%)...........................................4.2 Population density (persons/km2) ...............................................................................136 Average work force ..............................................................................................227,088 Number of job seekers ..........................................................................................17,258 NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Total .......................................................................................111,299 Industry .................................................................................................................18,120 Construction ..........................................................................................................15,331 Agriculture & forestry ..............................................................................................6,064 Services .................................................................................................................71,784 Unskilled and unqualified workers ...............................................................................7.1 Plant and machine operators and assemblers ...........................................................19.4 Craft and related trades workers................................................................................22.4 Skilled agricultural and forestry workers .....................................................................1.0 Workers in services & sales ........................................................................................7.7 Administrative..............................................................................................................6.6 Specialists....................................................................................................................8.4 Legislators, senior officials and managers...................................................................8.7 Armed forces ...............................................................................................................0.3 Technical, health care, pedagogical workers & workers in similar sectors ................17.9 of which Technicians in physical, technical & related branches ...............................................31.0 Technicians in biology, health care & agriculture.......................................................13.0 Pedagogical workers....................................................................................................5.6 Others assistant skilled workers ................................................................................50.4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz AVERAGE MONTHLY GROSS WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD 25,000 7.8 % ■ Basic and without education ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education 21.7 % 28.7 % 41.9 % Czech Republic Region 22,000 19,000 15,844 16,000 13,000 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 20,844 19,631 14,089 18,035 16,917 18,582 17,498 16,231 15,117 10,000 2002 CZK/year 2003 2004 2005 2006 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz GDP BY REGIONS UNEMPLOYMENT – 5-YEAR TREND Total Region Per capita mln. CZK mln. EUR CZK EUR Liberec Region 114,565 4,042 266,553 9,405 Average GDP for Czech regions 230,827 8,144 294,679 10,400 Share in GDP of the Czech Republic 3.55 % District 11 10.3 10.1 9.8 9.6 10 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Czech Republic Average in all regions 12 9 10.3 10.2 9.5 9.4 9.5 8.9 8.9 7.7 7.7 9.1 8.7 8 8.2 7.7 7 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT UNEMPLOYMENT ACCORDING TO SEX STRUCTURE Women Men Total number of job seekers Number Share 8,027 55.11 % 6,539 6 %/year Region 44.89 % 14,566 2003 2004 2005 Original methodology FDI (mln. CZK) FDI (mln. EUR) Karlovy Vary (min) 16,040 553 Liberec 46,116 1,590 Prague (max) 801,100 27,619 Average 106,540 3,673 Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz 7.0 2002 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz AVERAGE GROSS MONTHLY WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND Year Region Liberec Region 2002 2003 2004 2005 CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK 14,089 457 15,117 475 16,231 509 17,492 2006 EUR CZK EUR 587 18,582 656 Average for Czech Republic 15,844 514 16,917 531 18,035 565 19,624 659 20,844 735 Average for Czech regions 14,499 471 15,509 487 16,557 519 17,903 601 19,031 671 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 77 78 LIBEREC REGION BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA LISTS OF AIRPORTS Specifications Flight time (hrs) Public/Private Civil/Military/Varied International/Intranational Prague Berlin Vienna Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Hodkovice nad Mohelkou Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Liberec Private Civil Intranational NA NA âeská Lípa NA Source: Ministry of Transport, www.mdcr.cz SCHOOL SYSTEM Motorway Road Number of schools Number of students Number of graduates Secondary schools 61 22,483 5,070 Airport - Private Technical fields 28 7,080 1,780 Airport - Public Economic fields 30 7,106 1,825 8 1,253 321 ICT fields Higher schools 8 776 163 Technical fields 1 43 19 Economic fields 2 425 89 ICT fields 1 43 19 Universities 1 7,857 NA Technical fields 1 3,895 NA Economic fields 2 1,677 NA ICT fields 1 1,100 Railroad DE PL Szczecin (445 km) Warszawa (540 km) Dresden (130 km) Karlovy Vary (200 km) E442 Liberec Jablonec nad Nisou E65 R35 E442 âeská Lípa Semily R10 E65 NA Praha (105 km) Regensburg (360 km) Source: Institute for Information on Education, www.uiv.cz E442 Hradec Králové (95 km) Îilina (450 km) Praha (140 km) Linz (434 km) Wien (454 km) LIST OF SCHOOLS Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Students [email protected] www.tul.cz Variety of programmes Bc., Mgr., Ph.D., BcA., Ing. arch., Ing. 8 SP·SE a VO· [email protected] www.pslib.cz Stfiední ‰kola právní a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola právní, s. r. o. [email protected] www.prak.cz Computer Systems DiS. 64 Social, Law DiS. Stfiední umûleckoprÛmyslová ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola [email protected] www.supsavos.cz Manufacture of coins DiS. 16 Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická [email protected] www.szsvzslib.hiedu.cz Health care DiS. 80 SUP· a VO· [email protected] www.sups.info Restoring Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola hospodáfiská, s. r. o. [email protected] www.vosh.lvi.cz Taxes, Accountancy DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola mezinárodního obchodu a Obchodní akademie [email protected] www.vosmoa.cz International Comm. Relations, Insur. DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola skláfiská a Stfiední ‰kola [email protected] www.glassschool.cz Glass Making DiS. Universities Technická univerzita v Liberci Higher schools DiS., Bc. 53 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz Note: You can find the complete list of schools on the CD-ROM City Invest Czech. INDUSTRIAL ZONES, BROWNFIELDS Type Name District Area (ha) Industrial zone Liberec, Jih - Doubí Liberec 128,0 x Brownfield Contact - subject CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Liberec Phone +420 495 817 557, -558 Liberec, Západ - RÛÏodol Liberec 75,0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Liberec +420 495 817 557, -558 StráÏ pod Ralskem - Na Americe âeská Lípa 56,0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Liberec +420 495 817 557, -558 MimoÀ - prÛmyslová zóna 1 a 2 âeská Lípa 55,0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Liberec +420 495 817 557, -558 Hrádek nad Nisou Liberec 29,0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Liberec +420 495 817 557, -558 Okrouhlá âeská Lípa 26,0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Liberec +420 495 817 557, -558 Ralsko - Kufiivody âeská Lípa 25,0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Liberec +420 495 817 557, -558 x Nov˘ Bor - Za Crystalexem âeská Lípa 18,0 Doksy, v˘zkumn˘ ústav âeská Lípa 17,6 Dobranov âeská Lípa 6,5 Nov˘ Bor - Za tratí âeská Lípa 4,0 Nové Mûsto pod Smrkem, Textilana Liberec 2,6 Svor, sklárny âeská Lípa 2,6 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Liberec +420 495 817 557, -558 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Liberec +420 482 710 353, -065 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Liberec +420 482 710 353, -065 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Liberec +420 495 817 557, -558 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Liberec +420 482 710 353, -065 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Liberec +420 482 710 353, -065 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org CzechInvest projects in the region Find detailed information about the companies in the region of Liberec at www.bookoflists.cz/Regions BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA A-CLASS OFFICE SPACES (LIBEREC) Project Total size (m2)* Completed Elite Office Park 6,200 2008 Office project, originally built in 1970’s and reconstructed in 2008. Comments Polyfunkãní dÛm 672 2008 Newly reconstructed building located in the most frequented street in the city centre of Liberec. *) Total size of office space Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o., www.cushmanwakefield.com OFFICE AND RETAIL SPACE RENTALS EUR/m2/month Location In demand Other A-Class Office Space (Liberec) Office space 4.2 - 7.1 2.5 - 3.9 7.5 - 12.0 Shopping Centre Area * - Retail space 10.6 - 28.2 4.4 - 10.6 - 25.0 - 40.0 * Rental levels for average 100 m2 retail unit. The given prices are for rental in the regional city. The prices are listed separately as prices in locations in demand and other locations. Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o. (A-Class office space and Shopping Centre Area) and European Club of Estate Agencies (other data) LABOUR OFFICE City Address Phone Fax E-mail âeská Lípa Paní Zdislavy 419, 470 01 âeská Lípa 1 +420 487 882 111 +420 487 882 110 [email protected] Jablonec nad Nisou Emilie Floriánové 1004/3, 466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou 1 +420 483 346 611 +420 483 346 658 [email protected] Liberec Dr. Milady Horákové 361/23, 460 01 Liberec 1 +420 485 236 111 +420 485 101 183 [email protected] Semily Bofikovská 572, 513 01 Semily +420 481 650 111 +420 481 650 317 [email protected] Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE REGION Regional Council U Jezu 642/2a, 461 80 Liberec 2 tel.: 485 226 111 fax: 485 226 444 [email protected] www.kraj-lbc.cz City Hall - Liberec - magistrát nám. Dr. E. Bene‰e 1, 460 59 Liberec tel.: 485 243 111, 488 050 111 fax: 485 243 113 [email protected] [email protected] www.liberec.cz CzechInvest - Regional Office nám. Dr. E. Bene‰e 4/12, 460 01 Liberec tel.: 482 710 353, 482 710 065 fax: 485 105 517 [email protected] Regional Development Agency tfi. 1. máje 97/25, 460 01 Liberec III tel.: 488 577 070, 606 603 194 fax: 488 577 071 [email protected], www.arr-nisa.cz Euro Info Center - Liberec tfi. 1. máje 97/25, 460 01 Liberec 3 tel.:488 577 070, 606 603 194 fax: 488 577 071 [email protected] www.arr-nisa.cz contact person: Tomበ·ámal Regional Consulting & Information Center - REGIOINFO, spol. s r.o. Jablonecká 8/31, 460 01 Liberec 5 tel.: 482 710 625, fax: 482 710 626 [email protected], www.regioinfo.cz contact person: Ing. Vladimíra Îìárská CzechTrade - Regional Information Place - Liberec Rumunská 655/9, 460 01 Liberec 1 tel.: 485 100 148, fax: 485 100 767 [email protected], [email protected], www.ohkliberec.cz contact person: Ing. Jifií Hartvich CzechTrade - Regional Consultants Regional Manager CzechTrade - Liberec Jifií Hartvich tel.: 486 123 652, 724 613 026 [email protected] Regional Consultant CzechTrade - Praha Adriana Dohnalová tel.: 224 907 544, fax: 224 913 805 [email protected] Regional Consultant CzechTrade - Praha Jana Herzová tel.: 224 907 572, fax: 224 913 805 [email protected] Regional Economic Chamber - Liberec Rumunská 655/9, 460 01 Liberec tel.: 485 100 148, fax: 485 100 767 [email protected], www.khkliberec.cz Fr˘dlantské vodárenské sdruÏení nám. T. G. Masaryka 37, 464 01 Fr˘dlant tel.: 482 312 122 fax: 482 312 388 TEPLO FR¯DLANT Fügnerova 1405, 464 01 Fr˘dlant tel.: 482 312 442 [email protected] Heat WTG-LK, spol. s r.o. Soudní 379, 463 31, Chrastava tel: 482 772 712, 602 447 961, 777 800 080 fax: 482 772 715 [email protected] www.wtglk.cz TEPLO NOV¯ BOR, spol. s r.o. Wolkerova 588, 473 01 Nov˘ Bor tel.: 487 727 894 UTILITIES Gas V˘chodoãeská plynárenská, a.s. (for Eastern part of the region) PraÏská ulice 702, 500 04 Hradec Králové tel.: 495 060 103, fax: 495 060 109 [email protected], [email protected], www.vcp.cz Electricity Severoãeská energetika, a. s. (for Western part of the region) Teplická 874/8, 405 49 Dûãín IV tel.: 840 840 840, fax: 411 122 977 [email protected], www.cez.cz V˘chodoãeská energetika, a.s. (for Eastern part of the region) Sladkovského 215, 501 03 Hradec Králové tel.: 495 842 201, 840 840 840 fax: 495 842 198 [email protected], www.vce.cz Water & sewage Vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. Turnov (VaK) Kotlerovo nábfi. 1379, 511 01 Turnov tel.: 481 322 141, fax: 481 324 471 [email protected] www.turnov.cz/org/vak.htm Desenská teplárenská, spol. s r.o. Údolní 295, 468 61 Desná tel.: 483 383 662 Jablonecká teplárenská a realitní, a.s. Liberecká 480, 466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou tel.: 483 359 811 fax: 483 311 897 Lenoxa, a.s. Bukovského 222/4, 460 12 Liberec tel.: 485 201 010, fax: 485 201 770 [email protected] www.lenoxa.cz Teplárenství Tanvald, spol. s r.o. Pod ·piãákem 546, 468 41 Tanvald tel.: 483 394 579 fax: 483 395 898 Teplárna Liberec, a.s. Dr. Milady Horákové 641/34a, 460 06 Liberec tel.: 485 386 240, 485 386 111 www.tlib.cz Teplárny Jablonec, a.s. Liberecká 2167/18, 466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou tel.: 483 312 921, fax: 483 712 920 [email protected] [email protected] www.teplarnyjablonec.cz Informujte se o konferencích a akcích pro podnikatele na www.skoleni-konference.cz 79 80 LIBEREC REGION BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA TOP 20 COMPANIES RANKED BY REVENUES 2006 Name of company Location www E-mail Phone Activity Lucas Varity s.r.o. Jablonec nad Nisou www.trwauto.com [email protected] +420 483 354 111 Motor vehicle brake systems and parts Revenue 2006 (CZK) 8,916,106 Employees 900 DENSO MANUFACTURING CZECH s.r.o. Liberec www.denso.cz [email protected] +420 488 101 111 Air conditioning, motor vehicle 7,875,710 1,694 Delphi Packard Electric âR s.r.o. âeská Lípa www.delphi.com [email protected] +420 605 226 328 Automotive wiring harness sets 5,635,080 3,532 KM - PRONA, a.s. Brni‰tû www.km-proma.cz [email protected] +420 485 246 706 Petroleum products 4,596,641 DIAMO, státní podnik StráÏ pod Ralskem www.diamo.cz [email protected] +420 487 851 135 Overburden removal, metal mining 4,193,965 3,021 Benteler âR s.r.o. Chrastava www.benteler.de [email protected] +420 482 421 111 Transportation equipment 3,622,392 950 Fehrer Bohemia s.r.o. âeská Lípa www.fehrer.com [email protected] +420 487 828 141 Seats, automobile 3,586,100 800 SYNER, s.r.o. Liberec www.syner.cz [email protected] +420 486 123 111 Prefabricated building erection, industrial 2,950,965 301 JABLONEX GROUP a.s. Jablonec nad Nisou www.jablonex.com [email protected] +420 483 350 111 Glassware, art or decorative 2,814,017 3,000 GRUPO ANTOLIN TURNOV s.r.o. Turnov www.grupoantolin.com [email protected] +420 481 363 711 Plastics products 2,690,176 494 Technolen technick˘ textil a. s. Lomnice nad Popelkou www.technolen.cz [email protected] +420 481 641 101 Canvas and related products 2,433,182 800 GRUPO ANTOLIN BOHEMIA, a.s. Chrastava www.grupoantolin.com [email protected] +420 482 428 011 Motor vehicle parts and accessories 2,082,194 800 Cutisin, s.r.o. Jilemnice www.cutisin.cz [email protected] +420 481 563 111 Sausage casings, natural 1,672,894 1,000 LVZ, a.s. Liberec www.gealvz.cz [email protected] +420 485 225 111 Blowers and fans 1,618,333 300 CRYSTALEX a.s. Nov˘ Bor www.crystalex.cz [email protected] +420 487 742 228 Glass containers 1,576,665 2,750 Protool a.s. âeská Lípa www.narex.cz 1,126,232 PEKM Kabeltechnik s.r.o. Liberec Bombardier Transportation Czech Republic a.s. âeská Lípa BTV plast, s.r.o. JabloCOM s.r.o. [email protected] +420 487 887 200 Power-driven handtools [email protected] +420 485 248 111 Electronic components 928,192 www.transport.bombardier.com [email protected] +420 487 802 111 Train cars and equip., freight or passenger 925,471 470 Jablonec nad Nisou www.btvplast.cz [email protected] +420 483 336 101 Plastics products 859,489 750 Jablonec nad Nisou www.jablocom.com [email protected] +420 483 559 811 Telephones and telephone apparatus 760,511 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz CzechInvest projects in the region SELECTED CZECHINVEST PROJECTS IN THE REGION Name Location Investor Country Sector Year AKT plastikáfiská technologie âechy, spol. s r.o. R˘novice AKT altmärker Kunststoff-Technik Germany plastic 2006 DENSO MANUFACTURING CZECH s.r.o. Liberec Denso Japan automotive 2007 Faerch Plast s.r.o. Liberec R. Faerch Plast Denmark plastic 2006 KSM Castings CZ a.s. Hrádek Nad Nisou KSM Castings CZ Germany automotive 2007 Lucas Varity s.r.o. Jablonec nad Nisou, Fr˘dlant v âechách TRW Automotive USA parts for motor vehicles 2006 Suchánek a Walraven s.r.o. âistá u Horek, Horka u Staré Paky J. van Walraven Holding B.V. Netherlands engineering 2007 Tessitura Monti Cekia s.r.o. Studenec u Horek, Borovnice u St. Paky GRUPPO TESSILE MONTI Italy textile 2006 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org CBW is a timely, effective and trustworthy source of information about the Czech business market. CBW provides its readers with: SUBSCRIBE TO CBW AT WWW.CBW.CZ • Breaking stories across all business sectors • Comprehensive industry coverage • Exclusive and in-depth profiles of the most influential local business leaders • Regular lists—including contact information —of the foremost businesses in the Czech Republic 82 LIBEREC REGION DISTRICT âESKÁ LÍPA DISTRICT âESKÁ LÍPA BASIC DATA Land Area.........................................................................................................1,137 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 âeská Lípa ....................................38,489 Nov˘ Bor.......................................12,192 MimoÀ ............................................6,742 Doksy .............................................5,103 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................102,462 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................23.8 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................93 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................57,623 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................4,491 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 2.4 % 0.4 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 8.0 % 25.7 % 21.6 % 38.1 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Elementary 59.1 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 42.8 % Total: ................................................ 4,491 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 5.1 % 67.1 % 10.3 9.8 ■ Construction ................................. 2,623 16.0 % Czech Republic 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,137 11.8 % 9.5 10 8.9 10.0 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,570 9.2 8 ■ Services ...................................... 14,949 7.7 8.9 8.0 7.4 6 Total: .............................................. 22,237 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 CZK Prague Average CR 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK âeská Lípa CR (total) 2005 Original methodology IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 22,533,694 1,491,563,988 776,890 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Town Hall - âeská Lípa námûstí T. G. Masaryka 1/1, 470 01 âeská Lípa tel.: +420 487 881 111, fax: +420 487 521 829 e-mail: [email protected] www.mucl.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz District Economic Chamber - âeská Lípa Moskevská 82, 470 01 âeská Lípa tel.: +420 487 521 454 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Delphi Packard Electric âeská republika s.r.o. âeská Lípa Automotive wiring harness sets www.delphi.com Employees JOHNSON CONTROLS AUTOMOBILOVÉ SOUâÁSTKY, k.s. âeská Lípa Seats, automobile www.jci.com 3 ,175 DIAMO, státní podnik StráÏ pod Ralskem Overburden removal, metal mining www.diamo.cz 3 ,021 CRYSTALEX a.s. Nov˘ Bor Glass containers www.crystalex.cz 2 ,750 PRECIOSA - LUSTRY, a.s. Kamenick˘ ·enov Residential lighting fixtures www.preciosa.com 870 NEMOCNICE S POLIKLINIKOU, âESKÁ LÍPA âeská Lípa General medical and surgical hospitals www.nemcl.cz 846 800 3 ,532 Fehrer Bohemia s.r.o. âeská Lípa Seats, automobile www.fehrer.com AUTOBATERIE, spol. s r.o. âeská Lípa Lead acid batteries (storage batteries) www.varta.com 594 Bombardier Transportation Czech Republic a.s. âeská Lípa Train cars and equipment, freight or passenger www.transport.bombardier.com 470 MITOP, akciová spoleãnost MimoÀ Nonwoven fabrics www.mitop.cz 242 SaM silnice a mosty a.s. âeská Lípa Highway and street construction www.sam-cl.cz Masn˘ prÛmysl âeská Lípa s.r.o. Zákupy Meats and meat products 236 180 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, 28.fiíjna 2707 âeská Lípa High school, junior or senior JAKUB a.s. Nov˘ Bor Metal wires, ties, cables and screening www.jakub.cz 150 Forest âeská Lípa, a.s. âeská Lípa Forest management services www.forestceskalipa.cz Gabriela Îehová âeská Lípa Real estate agents and managers DELTA HL, spol. s r.o. Jablonné v Podje‰tûdí Weldments Ú¤AD PRÁCE V âESKÉ LÍPù âeská Lípa Trade commission, government Pilkington Czech spol. s r.o. Noviny pod Ralskem Insulating materials 120 120 100 www.delta-hl.cz 94 90 www.pilkington.com 75 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT JABLONEC NAD NISOU DISTRICT JABLONEC NAD NISOU BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................402 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Jablonec nad Nisou ......................44,748 Tanvald ...........................................6,966 Îelezn˘ Brod...................................6,409 POPULATION Population, total ...................................................................................................88,783 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................20.6 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................220 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................44,641 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................3,090 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.4 % 1.6 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 10.3 % 24.4 % ■ Secondary without GCE 25.0 % ■ Secondary 62.2 % ■ Secondary with GCE 40.3 % ■ Elementary 32.8 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 3,090 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 4.2 % 62.0 % 9.8 ■ Construction ................................. 3,068 20.5 % Czech Republic 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ...................... 964 13.3 % 10.3 9.5 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 4,727 8.9 7.7 8 ■ Services ...................................... 14,309 8.2 8.2 7.1 6 Total: .............................................. 23,068 6.6 5.9 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 CZK Jablonec nad Nisou Prague 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 7,249,951 249,955 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Average CR Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - Jablonec nad Nisou Mírové námûstí 3100/19 466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou tel.: +420 483 357 111, fax: +420 483 357 353 e-mail: [email protected] www.mestojablonec.cz District Economic Chamber - Jablonec n. Nisou Jiráskova 572/9 (Budova Eurocentra) 466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou tel.: +420 483 346 000, fax: +420 483 346 001 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohkjablonec.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW PRECIOSA, a.s. Jablonec nad Nisou Pressed and blown glass www.preciosa.com Employees 4 ,000 JABLONEX GROUP a.s. Jablonec nad Nisou Glassware, art or decorative www.jablonex.com 3 ,000 Lucas Varity s.r.o. Jablonec nad Nisou Motor vehicle brake systems and parts www.trwauto.com 900 BTV plast, s.r.o. Jablonec nad Nisou Plastics products www.btvplast.cz 750 Seba T, akciová spoleãnost Tanvald Fabricated textile products www.sebat.cz 650 TI GROUP AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS s.r.o. Jablonec nad Nisou Pipes and tubes www.tiautomotive.com 545 TI Automotive AC s.r.o. Jablonec nad Nisou Air conditioning, motor vehicle www.tiautomotive.com 400 AKT plastikáfiská technologie âechy, spol. s r.o. Jablonec nad Nisou Plastics products www.akt-cechy.cz 380 SOLITER, a.s. Jablonec nad Nisou Jewellery, silverware & plated ware mfrs www.soliter.cz 300 CIKAUTXO CZ s.r.o. Jablonec nad Nisou Rubber automotive products www.cikautxo.cz 240 JABLOTRON, spoleãnost s ruãením omezen˘m Jablonec nad Nisou Safety and security specialization www.jablotron.cz 200 A.RAYMOND JABLONEC s.r.o. Jablonec nad Nisou Plastics products www.araymond.com 190 Sklenûná biÏuterie, a.s. Pûnãín Costume jewelry www.beadworld.cz ARTEP v˘robní druÏstvo Jablonec nad Nisou Textile UNITHERM, s.r.o. Jablonec nad Nisou Aluminum foundries www.unitherm.cz SCHURTER, spoleãnost s ruãením omezen˘m Malá Skála Switchgear and switchboard apparatus www.schurter.cz 127 Technické sluÏby Jablonec nad Nisou, s.r.o. Jablonec nad Nisou Engineering services www.tsj.cz 124 Detesk s.r.o. Îelezn˘ Brod Float glass www.detesk.cz 120 FIPOBEX, spol. s r.o. Pûnãín Pressed and blown glass www.fipobex.cz 178 150 130 115 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 83 84 LIBEREC REGION DISTRICT LIBEREC DISTRICT LIBEREC BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................925 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Liberec..........................................97,950 Fr˘dlant ..........................................7,500 Hrádek nad Nisou ...........................7,358 Chrastava........................................6,038 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................164,955 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................38.3 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................173 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................88,705 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................7,025 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 4.0 % 1.1 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 12.0 % 23.5 % 25.2 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Elementary 32.3 % 62.6 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 39.3 % Total: ................................................ 7,025 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 4.7 % 15.9 % 9.8 ■ Construction ................................. 7,663 65.4 % 13.9 % Czech Republic 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,273 10.5 9.5 10 8.9 10.3 ■ Industry ........................................ 6,699 8 ■ Services ...................................... 31,413 9.2 7.7 8.7 8.2 7.4 6 Total: .............................................. 48,048 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 CZK CR (total) Prague Average CR 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Liberec 2004 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 11,087,490 382,261 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Town Hall - Liberec nám. Dr. E. Bene‰e 1/1 460 01 Liberec I-Staré Mûsto tel.: +420 485 243 111, fax: +420 485 243 113 e-mail: [email protected] www.liberec.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz District Economic Chamber - Liberec Rumunská 655/9, 460 01 Liberec IV-Per‰t˘n tel.: +420 485 100 148 fax: +420 485 100 767 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohkliberec.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Cadence Innovation s.r.o. Liberec Bumpers and bumperettes, motor vehicle www.cadenceinnovation.cz Employees 1 ,760 DENSO MANUFACTURING CZECH s.r.o. Liberec Air conditioning, motor vehicle www.denso.cz 1 ,694 Benteler âR s.r.o. Chrastava Transportation equipment www.benteler.de 950 GRUPO ANTOLIN BOHEMIA, a.s. Chrastava Motor vehicle parts and accessories www.grupoantolin.com 800 ArvinMeritor LVS Liberec a.s. Liberec Motor vehicle body components and frames www.arvinmeritor.com 700 Monroe Czechia s.r.o. Hodkovice nad Mohelkou Industrial shock absorbers www.taeu.com 650 PEGUFORM PLASTIC, s.r.o. Liberec Plastics products www.cadenceinnovation.cz 450 JIZERSKÉ PEKÁRNY spol. s r.o. Liberec Bread, cake and related products www.jipek.cz 374 âSAD Liberec, a.s. Liberec Bus transportation www.csadlb.cz 369 CiS SYSTEMS s.r.o. Nové Mûsto pod Smrkem Noncurrent-carrying wiring services www.cis-systems.cz 360 Steinel Elektronik s.r.o. Raspenava Electronic controls installation www.steinel.de 350 Laird Technologies s.r.o. Liberec Electronic component making machinery www.lairdtech.com AIRS Manufacturing Czech, s.r.o. Liberec Air conditioner parts, motor vehicle 350 340 KNORR - BREMSE Systémy pro uÏitková vozidla,CR, s.r.o. Hejnice Motor vehicle brake systems and parts www.knorr-bremse.cz 338 SYNER, s.r.o. Liberec Prefabricated building erection, industrial www.syner.cz 301 Zdravotnická záchranná sluÏba Libereckého kraje, pfiíspûvková organizace Liberec Health and allied services www.zzslk.cz 300 LVZ, a.s. Liberec Blowers and fans www.gealvz.cz 300 Tarmac CZ a.s. Liberec Cut stone and stone products www.tarmac.cz 290 BERTERO s.r.o. Liberec Textile goods www.interlana.cz 280 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT SEMILY DISTRICT SEMILY BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................699 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Turnov ..........................................14,489 Semily.............................................8,924 Lomnice n. Popelkou......................5,896 Jilemnice ........................................5,710 POPULATION Population, total ...................................................................................................74,574 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................17.3 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................107 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................36,350 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................2,652 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 4.3 % 0.2 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 10.1 % 24.0 % 24.7 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary with GCE 41.2 % ■ Elementary 25.9 % ■ Secondary 69.6 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 2,652 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 9.3 % 12.0 % 62.6 % 16.1 % ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,731 ■ Construction ................................. 2,223 ■ Industry ........................................ 2,998 ■ Services ...................................... 11,637 Total: .............................................. 18,589 Czech Republic 12 10.3 9.8 9.5 10 8.9 7.7 8 8.1 7.4 7.4 7.4 6 6.9 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 CZK CR (total) Prague Average CR 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Semily 2004 EUR 5,245,124 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 180,835 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Semily Husova 82, 513 01 Semily tel.: +420 481 629 211, fax: +420 481 622 534 e-mail: [email protected] www.semily.cz District Economic Chamber - Semily Riegrovo námûstí 15, 513 01 Semily tel.: +420 481 622 411, +420 481 313 523 fax: +420 481 622 413 [email protected] IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Cutisin, s.r.o. Jilemnice Sausage casings, natural www.cutisin.cz Employees Technolen technick˘ textil a. s. Lomnice nad Popelkou Canvas and related products www.technolen.cz 800 ONTEX CZ s.r.o. Turnov Feminine hygiene paper products www.ontex.cz 562 GRUPO ANTOLIN TURNOV s.r.o. Turnov Plastics products www.grupoantolin.com 494 Granát, druÏstvo umûlecké v˘roby, Turnov Turnov Jewelry, precious metal www.granat-cz.com 370 âSAD Semily, a.s. Semily Intercity and rural bus transportation www.csadsm.cz 318 Sklostroj Turnov CZ, s.r.o. Turnov Industrial machinery and equipment www.sklostroj.cz 285 1, 000 Saint - Gobain Advanced Ceramics, s.r.o. Turnov Laboratory and industrial pottery www.sgac-turnov.cz 230 ·roubárna Turnov, a.s. Turnov Bolts, nuts, rivets and washers www.sroubtu.cz 220 TREVOS, a.s. Turnov Lighting equipment www.trevos.cz 214 MEHLER ENGINEERED PRODUCTS s.r.o. Jilemnice Broadwoven fabric mills, cotton www.mep.technolen.cz 200 JILOS HORKA, s.r.o. Horka u Staré Paky Pallets, wood www.jilos.cz 180 E M B A , spol. s r. o. Paseky nad Jizerou Boxes, solid fiber: made from purchased materials www.emba.cz 135 SKLÁRNA A MINIPIVOVAR NOVOSAD & SYN HARRACHOV s.r.o. CZECH REPUBLIC Harrachov Barware www.sklarnaharrachov.cz 125 Ing. Henry Kyncl - Komerãní slévárna ‰edé a tvárné litiny Turnov Pfiepefie Gray and ductile iron foundries www.slevarna-turnov.cz 122 TREVOS Ko‰Èálov s.r.o. Ko‰Èálov Cellulosic manmade fibers www.trevos-kostalov.cz 120 TRIGA - MF spoleãnost s ruãením omezen˘m Lomnice nad Popelkou Construction machinery attachments www.triga.cz 110 Lib‰tátsk˘ textilní závod spol. s r.o. Lib‰tát Blankets, comforters and beddings www.ltz.cz 105 SAMOHÝL, a.s. Lomnice nad Popelkou Animal medicines www.samohyl.cz 100 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 85 86 HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ REGION BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ REGION ABOUT REGION The Hradec Králové Region is located in Eastern Bohemia. It is neighboring Pardubice, Central Bohemia and the Liberec Region, and it shares a long part of its boundary with Poland. It is divided among five regions: Hradec Králové, Jiãín, Náchod, Rychnov nad KnûÏnou and Trutnov. The region’s area is 4,758 km2 (January 1, 2006) which is about 6 percent of national territory. Hradec Králové is the 9th largest region in the country. On December 31, 2006 the population of the Hradec Králové Region was 549,643, 5.3 % of the Czech Republic population, 10th place among regions. There are 448 communities in the Hradec Králové Region (7.2 % of all Czech Republic communities). Hradec Králové is the regional capital with a population of 94,255. The region has 22 towns with populations exceeding 5,000. Krkono‰sk˘ národní park (National Park Krkono‰e) is the most important preserved territory in this region. Protected areas in Jizerské hory, âesk˘ ráj and Broumovsko are also rather popular among tourists. There is no landmark belonging to the list of UNESCO in the region, although Kuks castle grounds with adjacent Betlém are getting very near to being qualified. Urban sanctuaries are in the downtowns of Hradec Králové, Jiãín, Nové Mûsto nad Metují; other sanctuaries can be found in the fortress Josefov and in Kuks. Hrádek u Nechanic, Chlumec nad Cidlinou, Ratibofiice, Náchod, Opoãno and âastolovice are the most frequented castles in the region. Another of its tourist highlights is the Safari Zoo in DvÛr Králové. The region occupies a prominent place in tourism statistics. There are quite a number of universities and colleges in the region. Hradec Králové University (UHK) with two colleges (Pedagogical College and Informatics and Management College) is seated in the region. There are also two colleges of Charles University (UK) in Hradec Králové – Medicine and Pharmacy. There is also a military healthcare college of the University of Defense located in the city. In the region, Kã 2,151 per capita were spent on research and development in 2004 and in the same period 0.39 % of employees worked in R&D, which put the region on 5th, resp. 7th place in CR. Region Hradec Králové is a rather important area in farming. The automotive and rubber industries are among the most important employers here. Many people work in the textile industry, as well. Nevertheless, some textile producers have serious problems now. Two industry clusters focused on packing technologies and stone working have been created in the region. CzechInvest agency is surveying possibilities of building new clusters in the pharmacy, medicine and ICT fields. The potential of the region is in intensive farming along the Labe River and the fields of contemporary medicine and pharmacy are well developed. There is a sufficient quantity of persons with academic erudition suitable for key local lines of business. The motorway to Prague is being finished, there are many landmarks attractive for tourists, parts of the territory are suitable for winter sports and there is a great capacity for accommodation. BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA BASIC DATA ADMINISTRATIVE BREAKDOWN Land Area..........................................................................................................4,758 km2 POPULATION Number of districts .........................................................................................................5 Number of municipalities............................................................................................448 of that, number of towns ..............................................................................................43 REPRESENTATION OF PROFESSIONAL CLASSES (%) Total .......................................................................................549,643 Percentage in the total population of Czech Republic (%)...........................................5.3 Population density (persons/km2) ...............................................................................116 Average work force ..............................................................................................289,431 Number of job seekers ..........................................................................................19,298 NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Total .......................................................................................125,433 Industry .................................................................................................................17,843 Construction ..........................................................................................................15,111 Agriculture & forestry ............................................................................................10,223 Services .................................................................................................................82,265 Unskilled and unqualified workers ...............................................................................7.1 Plant and machine operators and assemblers ...........................................................16.1 Craft and related trades workers................................................................................16.6 Skilled agricultural and forestry workers .....................................................................1.0 Workers in services & sales ......................................................................................11.9 Administrative..............................................................................................................7.0 Specialists....................................................................................................................9.7 Legislators, senior officials and managers...................................................................7.4 Armed forces ...............................................................................................................0.1 Technical, health care, pedagogical workers & workers in similar sectors ................23.2 of which Technicians in physical, technical & related branches ...............................................30.1 Technicians in biology, health care & agriculture.......................................................18.9 Pedagogical workers....................................................................................................7.7 Others assistant skilled workers ................................................................................43.3 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz AVERAGE MONTHLY GROSS WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD 25,000 3.1 % 22.4 % ■ Basic and without education ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education 29.3 % 45.2% Czech Republic Region 22,000 19,000 15,844 16,000 16,917 17,913 16,934 13,000 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 20,844 19,631 18,035 13,757 15,732 14,734 10,000 2002 CZK/year 2003 2004 2005 2006 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz GDP BY REGIONS UNEMPLOYMENT – 5-YEAR TREND Total Region Per capita mln. CZK mln. EUR CZK EUR Hradec Králové Region 150,207 5,300 273,541 9,651 Average GDP for Czech regions 230,827 8,144 294,679 10,400 Share in GDP of the Czech Republic 4.65 % District 11 10.3 10.1 9.8 9.6 10 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Czech Republic 10.3 10.2 9.5 9.4 7.7 7.7 Women Men Total number of job seekers Number Share 7,723 53.27 % 6,776 6 %/year Region 46.73 % 14,499 7.7 16,040 553 Hradec Králové 24,501 845 Prague (max) 801,100 27,619 Average 106,540 3,673 7.3 7.3 6.3 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Original methodology FDI (mln. CZK) FDI (mln. EUR) Karlovy Vary (min) Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz 8.3 7.9 7 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT 8.9 8.9 9 8 UNEMPLOYMENT ACCORDING TO SEX STRUCTURE Average in all regions 12 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz AVERAGE GROSS MONTHLY WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND Year Region 2002 2003 2004 2005 CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK Hradec Králové Region 13,757 446 14,734 463 15,732 493 16,937 Average for Czech Republic 15,844 514 16,917 531 18,035 565 Average for Czech regions 14,499 471 15,509 487 16,557 519 2006 EUR CZK EUR 569 17,913 632 19,624 659 20,844 735 17,903 601 19,031 671 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 87 88 HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ REGION LISTS OF AIRPORTS Specifications Flight time (hrs) Public/Private Civil/Military/Varied International/Intranational Prague Berlin Vienna Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights DvÛr Králové nad Labem Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Hofiice Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Hradec Králové Private Civil International/Intranational no flights no flights no flights Jaromûfi Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Jiãín Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Nové Mûsto nad Metují Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Velké Pofiíãí Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Vrchlabí Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights Broumov no flights Source: Ministry of Transport, www.mdcr.cz PL Motorway SCHOOL SYSTEM Road Number of schools Number of students Number of graduates Secondary schools 90 31,001 7,468 Technical fields 40 9,437 2,571 Economic fields 42 7,233 2,078 ICT fields 14 3,143 777 Higher schools 10 1,047 332 Technical fields 3 262 72 Economic fields 4 348 120 ICT fields 0 0 0 Universities 1 11,154 NA Technical fields 0 0 0 Economic fields 2 1,827 NA Railroad Airport - Private ICT fields 2 1,280 Airport - Public Liberec (95 km) Dresden (230 km) Trutnov Dresden (285 km) Labe Jiãín Warszawa (525 km) E67 E442 Náchod PL Hradec Králové E67 D11 NA Praha (100 km) München (490 km) Source: Institute for Information on Education, www.uiv.cz Rychnov nad KnûÏnou E442 Opatovice LABE Pardubice (22 km) Praha (116 km) Olomouc (135 km) Îilina (290 km) LIST OF SCHOOLS Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Students [email protected] www.uhk.cz Variety of programmes âesko-anglické gymnázium, vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a stfiední odborná ‰kola podnikatelská, s. r. o. [email protected] www.voshk.cz Business for the shops and services DiS. 120 OA, VO· cestovního ruchu a J· s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky, s. r. o. [email protected] www.soavoshk.cz Tourism DiS. 98 VO· a SP· [email protected] www.vos-sps-jicin.cz Engineering DiS. 60 VO· rozvoje venkova [email protected] www.szes-horice.cz Rural renewal and development DiS. 195 Universities Univerzita Hradec Králové Bc., Mgr., Ing., Ph.D. 7 Higher schools VO· stavební a SP· stavební arch. Jana Letzela [email protected] www.voss-na.cz Building DiS. 404 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborná ‰kola [email protected] www.sosnb.cz Accountancy DiS. 76 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola lesnická a Stfiední lesnická ‰kola [email protected] www.slstrutnov.cz Forestry DiS. 34 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola technicko-ekonomická [email protected] www.vosrk.cz Economics DiS. 126 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická a Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola [email protected] www.zshk.cz Health care DiS. 250 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû [email protected] www.szeskostelec.cz Seed shop and breeding work DiS. 50 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz Note: You can find the complete list of schools on the CD-ROM City Invest Czech. INDUSTRIAL ZONES, BROWNFIELDS Type Name District Area (ha) Industrial zone Dobfienice Contact - subject Phone Hradec Králové 230.0 x Brownfield CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 Nové Mûsto Hradec Králové 185.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 Jiãín - PrÛmyslová zóna I, II, III Jiãín 75.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 Solnice-Kvasiny Rychnov nad KnûÏnou 50.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 Hradec Králové - Ploti‰tû Hradec Králové 40.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 Opoãno - Podzámãí I, II Louny 34.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 Rychnov nad KnûÏnou - Lipovka Rychnov nad KnûÏnou 33.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 âerven˘ Kostelec - Lhota - Stolín Náchod 25.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 Kopidlno - PrÛmyslová zóna Jiãín 25.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 Smifiice Hradec Králové 24.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 Trutnov - Krkono‰ská Trutnov 23.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 Nov˘ BydÏov - Zábûdov Hradec Králové 20.8 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 Lánov - Kovársko Trutnov 20.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 Îacléfi Trutnov 20.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 Vrchlabí Trutnov 12.5 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 DvÛr Králové nad Labem-ZboÏí Trutnov 12.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 Hradec Králové sever Hradec Králové 12.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 Kopidlno, cukrovar Jiãín CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 9.1 Police nad Metují, Bûlská Náchod 5.0 Horní Mar‰ov Trutnov 4.2 âeská Skalice Náchod 3.2 Hradec Králové Hradec Králové 1.0 x x x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Hradec Králové +420 495 817 557, -58 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org CzechInvest projects in the region 89 A-CLASS OFFICE SPACES (HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ) Project Total size (m2)* Mera Nov˘ pivovar Completed 4,200 within 12 months after prelease Comments Planned mixed-use project located in an attractive administrative location close to the city centre. 10,000 2007 Technology Centre 2,817 2008 Reconstructed historical building (brewery) situated in the city centre. Fully occupied by the Regional Authority and the University. Project of Science and Technology Park includes Business Incubator and Technology Transfer Centre. Located at Hradec Králové airport. Vrchlického 1,000 2006 Historical building reconstructed to high standard. Located in a quiet location close to the city centre.. *) Total size of office space Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o., www.cushmanwakefield.com OFFICE AND RETAIL SPACE RENTALS EUR/m2/month Location In demand Other A-Class Office Space (Hradec Králové) Office space 5.3 - 9.9 2.8 - 5.6 9.0 - 11.5 Shopping Centre Area * - Retail space 10.6 - 14.1 7.1 - 14.1 - 25.0 - 40.0 * Rental levels for average 100 m2 retail unit. The given prices are for rental in the regional city. The prices are listed separately as prices in locations in demand and other locations. Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o. (A-Class office space and Shopping Centre Area) and European Club of Estate Agencies (other data) LABOUR OFFICE City Address Phone Fax Hradec Králové Na Okrouhlíku 1371/30, 500 02 Hradec Králové 2 +420 495 868 111 +420 495 213 244 E-mail [email protected] Jiãín Havlíãkova 56, 506 01 Jiãín 1 +420 493 580 249 +420 493 532 259 [email protected] Náchod Kladská 1092, 547 01 Náchod 1 +420 491 449 111 +420 491 426 195 [email protected] Rychnov nad KnûÏnou ·ternberkova 1433, 516 01 Rychnov nad KnûÏnou +420 494 506 111 +420 494 534 496 [email protected] Trutnov Horská 5, 541 01 Trutnov 1 +420 499 811 050; 499 859 343 +420 499 811 050 [email protected] Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE REGION Regional Council Wonkova 1142, 500 02 Hradec Králové tel.: 495 817 111, fax: 495 817 336 [email protected] http://epodatelna.kr-kralovehradecky.cz www.kr-kralovehradecky.cz City Hall - Hradec Králové âeskoslovenské armády 408 502 00 Hradec Králové tel.: 495 707 111, fax: 495 707 100 [email protected] [email protected] www.hradeckralove.org CzechInvest - Regional Office Wonkova 1142, 500 02 Hradec Králové tel.: 495 817 557, -558, fax: 495 817 556 [email protected] Regional Development Agency - CEP - Centrum evropského projektování Wonkova 1142, 500 02 Hradec Králové tel.: 495 817 191, fax: 495 817 380 [email protected], [email protected] www.cep-rra.cz Regional Development Agency - Euroregion Glacensis Panská 1492, 516 01 Rychnov nad KnûÏnou tel.: 494 531 054, fax: 494 531 054 [email protected], www.euro-glacensis.cz Poland: Chrobrego 1, 57 - 300 K∏odzko tel./fax 0048/74/8677130 [email protected] www.euroregion-glacensis.ng.pl Regional Consulting & Information Center - EPIS spol. s r.o. Karla IV. 502, 500 02 Hradec Králové 2 tel.: 495 523 514, 495 530 209 604 607 907, 604 607 902 fax: 495 523 514 [email protected], www.epis-rpic.cz contact persons: Ing. Jan Barto‰, Ing. Václav Masner [email protected] [email protected], www.rhkhradec.cz contact person: Ivo Rybafiík Regional Consulting & Information Center - Profit Real, a.s. Holubova 978, 547 01 Náchod tel.: 491 420 046, fax: 491 422 012 [email protected], www.profitreal.cz contact persons: Mgr. Martin Tér, Mgr. Petr Hrnka CzechTrade - Regional Consultants CzechTrade - Regional Information Place - Hradec Králové ·kroupova 957, 500 02 Hradec Králové tel.: 495 581 960, 724 613 804 fax: 495 516 056 Regional Consultant CzechTrade - Praha Jana Herzová tel.: 224 907 572, fax: 224 913 805 [email protected] Regional Manager CzechTrade - Hradec Králové Ivo Rybafiík tel.: 495 581 960, 724 613 804 [email protected] Regional Economic Chamber of the North-East Bohemia ·kroupova 957, 500 02 Hradec Králové tel: 495 521 603, fax: 495 516 056 [email protected], www.rhkhradec.cz contact person: Dana Hátlová director: Vlastimil Juppa Regional Consultant CzechTrade - Praha Adriana Dohnalová tel.: 224 907 544 fax: 224 913 805 [email protected] UTILITIES Gas V˘chodoãeská plynárenská, a.s. PraÏská ul. 702, 500 04 Hradec Králové tel.: 495 060 113, fax: 495 060 109 [email protected], [email protected] www.vcp.cz Vodohospodáfiská a obchodní spoleãnost, a.s. Na Tobolce 428, 506 45 Jiãín tel.: 493 533 637 fax: 493 522 208 [email protected], [email protected] www.vosjicin.cz Electricity V˘chodoãeská energetika, a.s. Sladkovského 215, 501 03 Hradec Králové tel.: 495 842 201, 840 840 840 fax: 495 842 198 [email protected], [email protected] www.vce.cz Vodovody a kanalizace Náchod, a.s. Kladská 1521, 547 01 Náchod - Bûloves tel.: 491 419 200 fax: 491 419 267 [email protected] www.vakna.cz Water & sewage Vodovody a kanalizace Hradec Králové, a.s. Víta Nejedlého 893, 500 03 Hradec Králové tel.: 495 715 111, fax: 495 715 239 [email protected], [email protected] www.vakhk.cz Heat Centrální zdroj tepla Dobru‰ka, a.s. âs. odboje 50, 518 01 Dobru‰ka tel.: 494 623 103, fax: 494 623 693 [email protected] Energis 92, s.r.o. ·imkova 904, 500 02 Hradec Králové tel.: 495 518 725, -7, fax: 495 518 725, -7 [email protected] www.energis.cz Tepelné hospodáfiství Mezimûstí, s.r.o. 5. kvûtna 1, 549 81 Mezimûstí tel.: 491 582 393 Teplo Jaromûfi, spol. s r.o. Husova 112, 551 01 Jaromûfi-PraÏské Pfiedmûstí tel.: 491 813 108 Teplo Krkono‰e, a.s. Labská 964, 543 01 Vrchlabí tel.: 604 311 347, fax: 499 421 144 [email protected] www.teplokrkonose.cz 90 HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ REGION TOP 20 COMPANIES RANKED BY REVENUES 2006 Name of company Location www E-mail Phone Activity Lesy âeské republiky, s.p. Hradec Králové www.lesycr.cz [email protected] +420 495 860 111 Timber tracts Revenue 2006 (CZK) Employees 13,936,557 V˘chodoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Hradec Králové www.rwe-vcp.cz [email protected] +420 495 060 800 Natural gas distribution 7,968,585 3,761 511 ESAB VAMBERK, s.r.o. Vamberk www.esab.cz [email protected] +420 494 501 413 Welding wire, bare and coated 4,817,947 640 JUTA a.s. DvÛr Králové n. Labem www.juta.cz [email protected] +420 499 314 211 Linings and interlinings, cotton 4,263,838 1,681 TOJIBA, s.r.o. Lánov www.tojiba.cz [email protected] +420 499 432 060 Millwork 4,060,344 nkt cables Vrchlabí k.s., ãlen skupiny NKT Vrchlabí www.kabloelektro.cz [email protected] +420 499 401 111 Current-carrying wiring services 3,976,295 Hradecká lesní a dfievafiská spoleãnost a.s. Hradec Králové www.hlds.cz [email protected] +420 495 860 301 Timber tracts 3,121,273 536 RUBENA a. s. Hradec Králové www.cgs.cz [email protected] +420 495 753 111 Fabricated rubber products 3,004,588 C.S.CARGO a.s. Jiãín www.cscargo.cz [email protected] +420 493 506 111 Trucking, except local 2,641,313 KRKONO·SKÉ PAPÍRNY a.s. Hostinné www.krpa.cz [email protected] +420 499 990 111 Paper mills 2,273,281 Impress, a.s. Skfiivany [email protected] +420 495 019 111 Packing house machinery 2,244,828 Ammann Czech Republic a.s. Nové Mûsto nad Metují www.ammann-group.cz [email protected] +420 491 476 111 Construction machinery 1,943,417 KARSIT, s. r. o. Jaromûfi www.karsit.cz [email protected] +420 491 845 114 Exhaust systems and parts, motor vehicle 1,937,121 760 Kingspan a.s. Hradec Králové www.kingspan.cz [email protected] +420 800 119 911 Insulating materials 1,920,955 230 VEBA, textilní závody a.s. Broumov www.veba.cz [email protected] +420 491 502 111 Broadwoven fabric mills, cotton 1,756,623 1,370 SAINT-GOBAIN ORSIL s.r.o. âastolovice www.orsil.com [email protected] +420 494 331 111 Insulating materials 1,681,898 321 Cerea, a. s. Hradec Králové www.cerea.cz [email protected] +420 495 013 111 Farm-product raw material wholesalers 1,665,862 194 QUELLE s.r.o. Hradec Králové www.quelle.cz [email protected] +420 495 858 183 Catalog sales 1,545,902 300 Ametek elektromotory, s.r.o. Náchod [email protected] +420 491 423 877 Motors and generators 1,472,098 422 Marius Pedersen a.s. Hradec Králové [email protected] +420 495 500 550 Refuse systems 1,466,697 www.mariuspedersen.cz 2,200 822 550 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz CzechInvest projects in the region SELECTED CZECHINVEST PROJECTS IN THE REGION Name Location Investor Country Sector Year Alcan Packaging Skfiivany s.r.o. Nov˘ BydÏov Finnanciere Europeenne D’emballages Pechiney S.A. France plastic 2007 Dietfurt s.r.o. DvÛr Králové, Trutnov Dietfurt Italy other 2007 Graziano transmissioni Czech s.r.o. Lhota za âerven˘m Kostelcem Saurer group Switzerland other 2007 SQS Vláknová optika a.s. Nová Paka SQS Vláknová optika Czech Republic telecommunications 2006 SWELL,spol.sr.o. Hofiice SWELL Czech Republic other 2006 2007 ·koda Auto a.s. Kvasiny ·koda Auto - SUV Kvasiny Netherlands automotive Tessitura Monti Cekia s.r.o. Studenec u Horek, Borovnice u St. Paky GRUPPO TESSILE MONTI Italy textile 2006 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org Je jednatelem Má dvacet zamûstnancÛ Podniká v oboru odborn˘ch sluÏeb Jeho obrat ãiní 50 milionÛ Chcete-li oslovit tohoto podnikatele, staÀte se partnerem obchodních a spoleãensk˘ch akcí vydavatelství Stanford v Praze a v krajsk˘ch mûstech âeské republiky. Více informací najdete na www.skoleni-konference.cz e-mail: [email protected] DISTRICT HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ DISTRICT HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ BASIC DATA Land Area............................................................................................................876 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Hradec Králové .............................94,431 Nov˘ BydÏov...................................7,126 Tfiebechovice pod Orebem ..............5,796 Chlumec nad Cidlinou.....................5,313 POPULATION Population, total..................................................................................................159,502 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................29.0 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................182 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................86,144 Number of job seekers............................................................................................4,656 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 5.8 % 0.4 % 15.1 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 20.3 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary with GCE 28.2 % 36.4 % ■ Elementary 28.7 % ■ Secondary 65.1 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 4,656 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 5.1 % ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,014 11.4 % 69.8 % ■ Construction ................................. 4,515 13.7 % ■ Industry ........................................ 5,432 ■ Services ...................................... 27,583 Total: .............................................. 39,544 Czech Republic 12 9.8 10.3 9.5 10 8.9 7.7 8 6 6.5 6.9 6.7 2003 2004 6.3 5.4 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK Hradec Králové CR (total) 2005 EUR 6,402,963 1,491,563,988 220,754 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - Hradec Králové âeskoslovenské armády 408/51 500 03 Hradec Králové tel.: +420 495 707 111, fax: +420 495 707 100 e-mail: [email protected] www.hradeckralove.org Regional Economic Chamber - Hradec Králové ·kroupova 957/4, 500 02 Hradec Králové tel.: +420 495 521 603 fax: +420 495 516 056 e-mail: [email protected] www.rhkhradec.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Lesy âeské republiky, s.p. Hradec Králové Timber tracts www.lesycr.cz Employees 3, 761 Fakultní nemocnice Hradec Králové Hradec Králové Health and allied services www.fnhk.cz 3, 638 RUBENA a. s. Hradec Králové Fabricated rubber products www.cgs.cz 2, 200 ARROW International CR, a.s. Hradec Králové Catheters www.arrow.cz 1, 000 PETROF, spol. s r.o. Hradec Králové Keys, piano or organ www.petrof.com 650 V˘chodoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Hradec Králové Natural gas distribution www.rwe-vcp.cz 511 ZVU POTEZ a.s. Hradec Králové Food products machinery www.zvupotez.cz 475 BEZ MOTORY, a.s. Hradec Králové Motors and generators www.bezmotory.cz 460 372 FOMA BOHEMIA spol. s r.o. Hradec Králové Photographic equipment and supplies www.foma.cz QUELLE s.r.o. Hradec Králové Catalog sales www.quelle.cz 300 KONZUM, spotfiební druÏstvo Hradec Králové Miscellaneous food stores www.konzumhk.cz 270 RADIÁLKA HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ, s. r. o. Hradec Králové Freight forwarding www.radialka.cz 254 CHOVSERVIS a.s. Hradec Králové Artificial insemination services, livestock www.chovservis.cz 233 www.kingspan.cz 230 Kingspan a.s. Hradec Králové Insulating materials Královéhradecká provozní, a.s. Hradec Králové Water supply H A C A R a.s. Hradec Králové Automobile assembly, including specialty automobiles www.hacar.cz 200 Cerea, a. s. Hradec Králové Farm-product raw material wholesalers www.cerea.cz 194 SV metal spol. s r.o. Divec Sheet metal specialties, not stamped www.svmetal.cz 180 AXIS spol. s r.o. Hradec Králové Fabricated structural metal www.axis-hk.cz 230 177 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 91 92 HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ REGION DISTRICT JIâÍN DISTRICT JIâÍN BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................887 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Jiãín..............................................16,253 Nová Paka.......................................9,263 Hofiice .............................................8,811 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................77,306 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................14.1 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................88 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................40,458 Number of job seekers............................................................................................2,952 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.7 % 0.4 % 9.7 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 23.6 % 27.6 % ■ Secondary without GCE 24.7 % 42.0 % ■ Elementary 68.3 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 2,952 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 12.5 % 62.1 % 9.8 ■ Construction ................................. 2,258 16.1 % Czech Republic 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,674 9.3 % 10.3 9.6 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 2,913 8.9 9.5 8 ■ Services ...................................... 11,214 7.7 8.7 8.3 8.0 7.0 6 Total: .............................................. 18,059 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK Jiãín CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 6,420,235 221,349 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - Jiãín ÎiÏkovo námûstí 18 506 01 Jiãín-Valdické Pfiedmûstí tel.: +420 493 545 103, fax: +420 493 545 222 e-mail: [email protected] www.mujicin.cz District Economic Chamber - Jiãín Havlíãkova 177, 506 01 Jiãín tel.: +420 493 524 020 fax: +420 493 535 788 e-mail: [email protected] IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Continental Teves Czech Republic, s.r.o. Jiãín Brake drums, motor vehicle www.contiteves.com Employees MILETA a.s. Hofiice Household furnishings www.mileta.cz 750 RONAL CR s.r.o. Jiãín Aluminum foundries www.ronal.cz 650 AEG components a.s. Jiãín Electronic capacitors www.aeg-components.cz 340 SpofaDental a.s. Jiãín Hand pieces and parts, dental www.spofadental.com 278 SQS Vláknová optika a.s. Nová Paka Fiber optic cable (insulated) www.sqs-fiber.cz 268 Masokombinát Jiãín, spol. s r.o. Jiãín Meat packing plants www.masojicin.cz 205 DEPRAG CZ a.s. Láznû Bûlohrad Power-driven handtools www.deprag.cz 195 STAVING, spol. s r.o. Valdice Operative builders www.staving.cz 130 ALUCON s.r.o. Láznû Bûlohrad Dryers, laundry: commercial, including coin-operated 110 LPM s.r.o. Jiãín Dies, plastics forming 110 PENT, a.s. Hofiice Food products machinery www.pentas.cz FABRICOM CZ a.s. - divize ARis Jiãín Jiãín Air conditioning equipment, complete www.aris.cz 105 PFT, spol. s r.o. Jiãín Windows, plastics www.pft.cz 105 KAR-BOX, s.r.o. Hofiice Demountable cargo containers www.karbox.cz 100 QUITTNER & SCHIMEK s.r.o. Nová Paka Electronic parts www.qscomp.cz 91 SWELL, spol. s r.o. Láznû Bûlohrad Computer related services www.swell.cz 90 V K - SPED spol. s r.o. Jiãín Freight forwarding www.vksped.cz 85 ENIKA, spol. s r. o. Nová Paka Electronic components www.enika.cz 1, 600 108 80 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT NÁCHOD DISTRICT NÁCHOD BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................852 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Náchod .........................................21,079 Jaromûfi ........................................12,767 Nové Mûsto nad Metují.................10,054 âerven˘ Kostelec ............................8,419 Broumov.........................................8,136 Hronov............................................6,488 âeská Skalice..................................5,429 POPULATION Population, total..................................................................................................112,293 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................20.4 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................132 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................56,777 Number of job seekers............................................................................................3,746 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.3 % 0.2 % 9.6 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 23.9 % ■ Secondary without GCE 24.7 % ■ Secondary with GCE 41.7 % ■ Elementary 32.6 % ■ Secondary 64.0 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 3,746 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 9.5 % 13.2 % 63.4 % 13.9 % Czech Republic 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,350 9.8 ■ Construction ................................. 3,275 10.3 9.5 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,444 8.9 7.7 8 ■ Services ...................................... 15,706 6.8 6 Total: .............................................. 24,775 6.7 6.2 6.0 4.5 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 CZK CR (total) Prague Average CR 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Náchod 2004 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 3,361,565 115,896 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Labour Office - Náchod Kladská 1092, 547 01 Náchod tel.: +420 491 449 111, fax: +420 491 433 141 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/na_info Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Regional Economic Chamber - Hradec Králové ·kroupova 957/4, 500 02 Hradec Králové tel.: +420 495 521 603, fax: +420 495 516 056 e-mail: [email protected] www.rhkhradec.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW VEBA, textilní závody a.s. Broumov Broadwoven fabric mills, cotton www.veba.cz Employees KARSIT, s. r. o. Jaromûfi Exhaust systems and parts, motor vehicle www.karsit.cz 760 ATAS elektromotory Náchod a.s. Náchod Motors, electric www.atas.cz 730 Saar Gummi Czech s.r.o. âerven˘ Kostelec Fabricated rubber products www.saargummi.com 580 Ammann Czech Republic a.s. Nové Mûsto nad Metují Construction machinery www.ammann-group.cz Ametek elektromotory, s.r.o. Náchod Motors and generators TEXTONNIA CZECH, spol. s r.o. Hronov Broadwoven fabric mills, manmade www.textonnia.cz Wikov MGI a.s. Hronov Motor vehicle transmissions, drive assemblies and parts www.wikov.cz 316 VERNER POTRAVINY s.r.o. Nové Mûsto nad Metují Groceries, general line www.poverner.cz 250 1, 370 550 422 370 BARTO≈ - textilní závody a.s. Náchod Broadwoven fabric mills, cotton www.barton-textil.cz 225 Kovopol a.s. Police nad Metují Machine tools, metal forming type www.kovopol.cz 220 SICO RUBENA s.r.o. Velké Pofiíãí Fabricated rubber products www.cgs.cz 220 Mesa Parts s.r.o. Vysokov Industrial machinery www.mesa-parts.com 210 AGRO CS a.s. âeská Skalice Fertilizers and agricultural chemicals www.agrocs.cz 200 Farmet a.s. âeská Skalice Farm machinery and equipment www.farmet.cz 183 Platex, s.r.o. âeská Skalice Book cloth www.platex.cz 173 NOV¯ ELTON a.s. Nové Mûsto nad Metují Metal parts www.eltn.cz 152 DÍTù SPEDITION s.r.o. Náchod Freight forwarding www.ditespedition.cz 150 JESVA s.r.o. Nové Mûsto nad Metují Machine tools, metal cutting type www.jesva.cz 140 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 93 94 HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ REGION DISTRICT RYCHNOV NAD KNùÎNOU DISTRICT RYCHNOV NAD KNùÎNOU BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................998 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Rychnov nad KnûÏnou..................11,672 Dobru‰ka ........................................7,033 T˘ni‰tû nad Orlicí............................6,303 Kostelec nad Orlicí..........................6,163 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................79,245 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................14.4 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................80 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................40,691 Number of job seekers............................................................................................1,973 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.9 % 0.2 % 9.9 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 23.6 % ■ Secondary without GCE 25.0 % ■ Secondary with GCE 41.5 % ■ Elementary 28.2 % ■ Secondary 67.8 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 1,973 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 62.9 % 10.1 % ■ Construction ................................. 1,730 13.9 % ■ Industry ........................................ 2,382 Czech Republic 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,221 13.0 % 9.8 10.3 9.5 10 8.9 7.7 8 ■ Services ...................................... 10,750 6 Total: .............................................. 17,083 6.8 6.7 2003 2004 6.2 6.0 4.5 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 CZK Rychnov nad KnûÏnou Prague Average CR 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 4,374,062 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 150,804 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Rychnov nad KnûÏnou Havlíãkova 136, 516 01 Rychnov nad KnûÏnou tel.: +420 494 509 111, fax: +420 494 534 440 e-mail: [email protected] www.rychnov-city.cz Regional Economic Chamber ·kroupova 957/4, 500 02 Hradec Králové tel.: +420 495 521 603, fax: +420 495 516 056 e-mail: [email protected] www.rhkhradec.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Federal-Mogul Friction Products a.s. Kostelec nad Orlicí Motor vehicle brake systems and parts www.federal-mogul.cz Employees 890 ESAB VAMBERK, s.r.o. Vamberk Welding wire, bare and coated www.esab.cz 640 KBA-Grafitec s.r.o. Dobru‰ka Polygraph devices www.kba-grafitec.cz 410 SAINT-GOBAIN ORSIL s.r.o. âastolovice Insulating materials www.orsil.com 321 Lesní spoleãnost Hradec Králové, a.s. Borohrádek Forestry services pewag s.r.o. Vamberk Tire chains www.pewag.cz 269 STUHA a.s. Dobru‰ka Pin stripes, cotton www.stuha.cz 200 VASPO VAMBERK, s.r.o. Vamberk Industrial machinery www.vaspo.cz 200 ¤ETùZY VAMBERK spol. s r.o. Vamberk Chains, forged steel www.retezy-vam.com 194 MATRIX a.s. Rychnov nad KnûÏnou Wood products www.matrix-as.cz 178 PZP KOMPLET a.s. Dobru‰ka Heat pumps, electric www.pzp.cz 140 BOHEMILK, a.s. Opoãno Dried and powdered milk and milk products www.bohemilk.cz 135 Serafin Campestrini s.r.o. Borohrádek Lumber & other construction material www.seca.at 125 MADOS MT s.r.o. Kostelec nad Orlicí Construction and civil engineering www.madosmt.cz 113 ASV v˘robní druÏstvo Solnice Wire products, steel or iron www.asv-solnice.cz 90 JECH CZ s.r.o. Dobru‰ka Chair beds www.jech.cz 90 PETRIS Solnice spol. s r.o. Solnice Clothing, fire resistant and protective www.petris.cz 70 PARABIT Technologies, s.r.o. Rychnov nad KnûÏnou Asphalt lamps and asphalt based coverings www.parabit.cz 65 AGE s.r.o. âeské Mezifiíãí Farm machinery and equipment www.age.cz 56 250 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT TRUTNOV DISTRICT TRUTNOV BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,147 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Trutnov .........................................31,195 DvÛr Králové nad Labem ..............16,111 Vrchlabí ........................................13,065 Úpice ..............................................5,927 POPULATION Population, total..................................................................................................120,022 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................21.8 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................105 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................63,795 Number of job seekers............................................................................................5,701 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 2.8 % 0.2 % 9.2 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 25.8 % ■ Secondary without GCE 23.3 % ■ Elementary 29.3 % ■ Secondary 67.7 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 41.8 % Total: ................................................ 5,701 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 7.2 % 13.5 % 65.7 % 13.6 % Czech Republic 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,959 9.8 ■ Construction ................................. 3,659 10.3 9.5 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,693 8.9 9.3 8 ■ Services ...................................... 17,852 9.7 8.6 8.5 8.6 7.7 6 Total: .............................................. 27,163 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 CZK CR (total) Prague Average CR 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Trutnov 2004 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 3,952,472 136,269 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Town Hall - Trutnov Slovanské nám. 165 541 01 Trutnov-Vnitfiní Mûsto tel.: +420 499 803 111, fax: +420 499 803 103 e-mail: [email protected] www.trutnov.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Regional Economic Chamber ·kroupova 957/4, 500 02 Hradec Králové tel.: +420 495 521 603, fax: +420 495 516 056 e-mail: [email protected] www.rhkhradec.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW JUTA a.s. DvÛr Králové nad Labem Linings and interlinings, cotton www.juta.cz Employees KRKONO·SKÉ PAPÍRNY a.s. Hostinné Paper mills www.krpa.cz 822 Tyco Electronics EC Trutnov s. r. o. Trutnov Electronic components www.tycoelectronics-trutnov.cz 700 BAK a.s. Trutnov Multi-family dwelling construction www.bak.cz 680 TAKATA - PETRI PARTS, s.r.o. Dolní Kalná Motor vehicle parts and accessories nkt cables Vrchlabí k.s., ãlen skupiny NKT Vrchlabí Current-carrying wiring services www.kabloelektro.cz 536 AVON AUTOMOTIVE a.s. Rudník Fabricated rubber products www.avon-rubber.com 496 1 ,681 550 Tessitura Monti Cekia s.r.o. Borovnice Textile goods www.monti.it 422 Siemens NízkonapûÈová spínací technika s. r. o. Trutnov Power switching equipment www.siemens.cz 410 ARGO-HYTOS, s.r.o. Vrchlabí Hydrostatic drives (transmissions) www.argo-hytos.com Dietfurt, s.r.o. DvÛr Králové nad Labem Tatting thread GRUND a.s. Mladé Buky Bath accessories www.grund.cz KERAMTECH, spoleãnost s ruãením omezen˘m Îacléfi Wiring boards www.keramtech.cz 185 CARLA spol. s r. o. DvÛr Králové nad Labem Chocolate www.carla.cz 160 400 231 200 FOL-Obal, spoleãnost s ruãením omezen˘m Vrchlabí Polyethylene film www.folobal.cz 150 Automotiv-Petex s.r.o. Hostinné Automotive rubber goods (mechanical) www.petex.net 100 HAVEX-auto s.r.o. Vrchlabí Automotive dealers www.havex.cz 99 STRÁNSK¯ A PETRÎÍK, PNEUMATICKÉ VÁLCE, spol. s r.o. Bílá Tfieme‰ná Fluid power cylinders, hydraulic or pneumatic www.stranskyapetrzik.cz 88 I N O T E X spol. s r.o. DvÛr Králové nad Labem Finishing plants www.inotex.cz 76 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 95 96 PARDUBICE REGION BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA PARDUBICE REGION ABOUT REGION The Pardubice Region is located in Eastern Bohemia; a short part of its boundary in the Orlické Mountains lies along the state boundary with Poland. It neighbors with the regions Hradec Karálové, Central Bohemia, South Bohemia, South Moravia, Olomouc and Vysoãina. The region is divided into four districts: Chrudim, Pardubice, Svitavy and Ústí nad Orlicí. Its area is 4,518 km2 (valid data taken on January 1, 2006) or 5.7 % of the national territory. The region is the 10th largest in the country. On December 31, 2006 there were 507,751 inhabitants which make it the 12th most populated among regions of the Czech Republic. There are 452 communities (7.2 % of all communities in the country, 6th place among all regions). The city of Pardubice, the regional capital, has a population of 88,316. There are 17 towns and cities with a population exceeding 5,000 in the region. Large protected landscape areas, Orlické hory, Îelezné hory and a part of Îdárské vrchy, are located in the territory of the Pardubice region and they are frequently visited by tourists. The vicinity of reservoir Seã is most visited in summer; otherwise lots of facilities serve mainly for purposes of congressional tourism. Agricultural tourism, focusing on horse breeding, is also very popular in the Pardubice region. Velká pardubická Steeplechase and Zlatá pfiílba (Golden Helmet) dirt track race are sporting events of international importance, taking place in Pardubice every year. The historic downtowns in Pardubice, Moravská Tfiebová and Litomy‰l were declared urban sanctuaries. The castle in Litomy‰l is the only landmark in the region placed on UNESCO list of world heritage. In spite of this, the region is lagging behind all others is some areas of tourism, i.e. number of accommodation facilities, their capacities and the average number of nights a visitor spends in the region. Univerzita Pardubice, with five colleges, is the largest university in the region. The colleges of transportation and chemical technologies are focused on traditional disciplines and their importance exceeds the regional level. The faculty of restoration in Litomy‰l is the only one in the country. Research and development expenses in 2004 reached Kã 2,700 per capita in the Pardubice Region with 0.46 % of local employees working in research and development field – both parameters put the region in 4th place among all regions in the country. It means actually Kã 1,346 million were spent (5th place in the Czech Republic) and 2,310 people were working in R&D (6th place in Czech Republic). Farming has a more than average share in the regional GDP, mainly as plant production is concerned. Electrotechnics, chemistry and machinery firms are the most important employers in the region. Industrial plastics and nanotechnology clusters have been created in the region. At present, CzechInvest agency is studying possibilities for building clusters in the areas of tool making and electrotechnics. The potential of the region lies in: the tradition of the chemical industry, the focus of local universities on local lines of business, the location of the city of Pardubice on I. and III. railway corridors, the finishing of the motorway D11 and the building of a new speed communication further on, development of agro - tourism, natural and cultural landmarks and eventual attempts to extend transportation by riverboats. BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA BASIC DATA ADMINISTRATIVE BREAKDOWN Land Area..........................................................................................................4,518 km2 POPULATION Number of districts .........................................................................................................4 Number of municipalities............................................................................................452 of that, number of towns ..............................................................................................32 REPRESENTATION OF PROFESSIONAL CLASSES (%) Total .......................................................................................507,751 Percentage in the total population of Czech Republic (%)...........................................4.9 Population density (persons/km2) ...............................................................................112 Average work force ..............................................................................................265,950 Number of job seekers ..........................................................................................19,369 NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Total .......................................................................................105,304 Industry .................................................................................................................15,864 Construction ..........................................................................................................12,833 Agriculture & forestry ..............................................................................................8,058 Services .................................................................................................................68,594 Unskilled and unqualified workers .............................................................................10.7 Plant and machine operators and assemblers ...........................................................15.8 Craft and related trades workers................................................................................19.9 Skilled agricultural and forestry workers .....................................................................1.8 Workers in services & sales ......................................................................................11.8 Administrative..............................................................................................................6.2 Specialists....................................................................................................................7.7 Legislators, senior officials and managers...................................................................4.3 Armed forces ...............................................................................................................0.6 Technical, health care, pedagogical workers & workers in similar sectors ................20.9 of which Technicians in physical, technical & related branches ...............................................36.3 Technicians in biology, health care & agriculture.......................................................16.9 Pedagogical workers....................................................................................................6.4 Others assistant skilled workers ................................................................................40.4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz AVERAGE MONTHLY GROSS WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD 25,000 9.2 % ■ Basic and without education ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education 19.2 % 30.6 % 40.9 % Czech Republic Region 22,000 19,000 15,844 16,000 16,917 17,871 16,916 13,000 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 20,844 19,631 18,035 13,501 15,579 14,581 10,000 2002 CZK/year 2003 2004 2005 2006 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz GDP BY REGIONS UNEMPLOYMENT – 5-YEAR TREND Total Region Per capita mln. CZK mln. EUR CZK EUR Pardubice Region 130,295 4,597 257,090 9,071 Average GDP for Czech regions 230,827 8,144 294,679 10,400 Share in GDP of the Czech Republic 4.03% District 11 10.3 10.1 9.8 9.6 10 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Czech Republic Average in all regions 12 9 10.3 10.2 9.5 9.4 7.7 7.7 8.9 8.7 8 8.9 8.9 9.6 9.4 8.4 7 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT UNEMPLOYMENT ACCORDING TO SEX STRUCTURE Women Men Total number of job seekers Number Share 8,259 53.57 % 7,158 6 %/year Region 46.43 % 15,417 2003 2004 16,040 553 Pardubice 36,014 1,242 Prague (max) 801,100 27,619 Average 106,540 3,673 2005 2006 Original methodology FDI (mln. CZK) FDI (mln. EUR) Karlovy Vary (min) Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz 6.9 2002 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz AVERAGE GROSS MONTHLY WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND Year Region 2002 2003 2004 2005 CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK Pardubice Region 13,501 438 14,581 458 15,579 488 16,919 Average for Czech Republic 15,844 514 16,917 531 18,035 565 Average for Czech regions 14,499 471 15,509 487 16,557 519 2006 EUR CZK EUR 568 17,871 631 19,624 659 20,844 735 17,903 601 19,031 671 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 97 98 PARDUBICE REGION LISTS OF AIRPORTS Specifications Flight time (hrs) Public/Private Civil/Military/Varied International/Intranational Prague Berlin Vienna Moravská Tfiebová Public Civil Intranational 0:40 no flights no flights Pardubice Public Civil International/Intranational 0:14 1:05 0:55 Pardubice Public Military International/Intranational 0:14 1:05 0:55 Podhofiany Public Civil Intranational 0:35 no flights no flights Poliãka Public Civil Intranational NA NA NA Skuteã Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Ústí nad Orlicí Public Civil Intranational NA NA NA Vysoké M˘to Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Vysoké M˘to Private Civil International/Intranational no flights no flights no flights Îamberk Public Civil Intranational NA NA NA Source: Ministry of Transport, www.mdcr.cz SCHOOL SYSTEM Hradec Králové (22 km) Number of schools Number of students Number of graduates Secondary schools 90 28,095 6,397 Technical fields 33 8,744 2,258 Economic fields 28 6,785 1,659 ICT fields 12 1,993 549 Higher schools 9 1,711 434 Technical fields 4 347 97 Economic fields 4 387 94 ICT fields 1 158 45 Universities 1 8,549 NA Technical fields 2 4,119 NA Economic fields 1 2,492 NA ICT fields 1 1,752 NA Hradec Králové (23 km) Dresden (250 km) Pardubice Praha (105 km) PL E442 LABE Ústí nad Orlicí Chrudim E442 E442 Olomouc (140 km) Îilina (295 km) Svitavy Motorway Road E461 Railroad Airport - Private Source: Institute for Information on Education, www.uiv.cz Airport - Public Brno (150 km) Wien (295 km) Brno (140 km) Wien (260 km) LIST OF SCHOOLS Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Students [email protected] www.upce.cz Variety of programmes Bc., Mgr., Ing., Ph. D. 8,622 Anglické gymnázium, Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, s. r. o. [email protected] www.agys.cz Finance and taxes DiS. 70 Obchodní akademie a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola ekonomická [email protected] www.oa.svitavy.cz Finance and taxes DiS. 125 Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola strojnická, technická a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola [email protected] www.spss-cr.cz Quality and metrology DiS. 40 Stfiední ‰kola zemûdûlská a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola Chrudim [email protected] www.szes.chrudim.cz Agriculture, environment DiS. Vojenská stfiední ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola MO [email protected] www.vsmt.cz Army DiS. VO· a SO· Gustava Habrmana [email protected] www.vda.cz Logistics and management, social work DiS. 300 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborná ‰kola technická Litomy‰l [email protected] www.sost.lit.cz Technical specialization DiS. 35 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola pedagogická Litomy‰l [email protected] www.vospspgs.cz Educational DiS. Universities Univerzita Pardubice Higher schools Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola stavební a Stfiední ‰kola stavební Vysoké M˘to [email protected] www.stavebniskola.cz Building DiS. 83 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Pardubice [email protected] www.spse.cz IT, computers, social work DiS. 245 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz Note: You can find the complete list of schools on the CD-ROM City Invest Czech. INDUSTRIAL ZONES, BROWNFIELDS Type Name District Area (ha) Industrial zone Pardubice, Synthesia Pardubice 238.0 Brownfield Pardubice - Pfiístav - Multimodální logistické centrum Pardubice 90.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Pardubice +420 466 616 144 Pardubice Pardubice 70.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Pardubice +420 466 616 144 Chrudim ãást SZ, ãást SV Chrudim 67.0 x Pardubice-Semtín, Aliachem Pardubice 46.0 x x Contact - subject Phone CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Pardubice +420 466 616 144 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Pardubice +420 466 616 144 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Pardubice +420 466 616 144 Vysoké M˘to - SZ Ústí nad Orlicí 40.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Pardubice +420 466 616 144 Svitavy Svitavy 39.9 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Pardubice +420 466 616 144 Litomy‰l - Benátky u Litomy‰le Svitavy 30.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Pardubice +420 466 616 144 Pfielouã Pardubice 23.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Pardubice +420 466 616 144 Hlinsko Chrudim 20.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Pardubice +420 466 616 144 Moravská Tfiebová Svitavy 11.5 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Pardubice +420 466 616 144 Ústí nad Orlicí Ústí nad Orlicí 8.1 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Pardubice +420 466 616 144 Pardubice, nedostavûná sportovní hala Pardubice 3.1 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Pardubice +420 466 616 144 x Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org CzechInvest projects in the region 99 A-CLASS OFFICE SPACES (PARDUBICE) Project Total size (m2)* Completed Magnum 3,000 2008 Pyramida 3,500 2006 Comments New mixed-use project situated in a very good location close to the city centre at the beginning of the main pedestrian zone. The building is composed of office and retail part. Modern mixed-use project favourably located close to the city centre directly on the main pedestrian zone. The scheme comprises of office, retail and residential element. *) Total size of office space Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o., www.cushmanwakefield.com OFFICE AND RETAIL SPACE RENTALS EUR/m2/month Location In demand Other A-Class Office Space (Pardubice) Office space 4.6 - 7.4 3.2 - 4.8 9.0 - 11.5 Shopping Centre Area * - Retail space 7.4 - 30.0 1.9 - 5.6 - 25.0 - 40.0 * Rental levels for average 100 m2 retail unit. The given prices are for rental in the regional city. The prices are listed separately as prices in locations in demand and other locations. Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o. (A-Class office space and Shopping Centre Area) and European Club of Estate Agencies (other data) LABOUR OFFICE City Address Phone Fax E-mail Chrudim Pardubická 310, 537 01 Chrudim 1 +420 469 613 211 +420 469 613 220 [email protected] Pardubice BoÏeny Vikové-Kunûtické 2011, 530 02 Pardubice 2 +420 466 751 111 +420 466 310 039 [email protected] Svitavy Bezruãova 2055/13, 568 02 Svitavy 2 +420 461 544 511 +420 461 530 608 [email protected] Ústí nad Orlicí 17. listopadu 1394, 562 01 Ústí nad Orlicí 1 +420 465 559 111 +420 465 559 720 [email protected] Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE REGION Regional Council Komenského nám. 125, 53211 Pardubice tel.: 466 026 111, fax: 466 611 220 [email protected] www.pardubickykraj.cz City Hall - Pardubice Pern‰t˘nské nám. 1, 530 21 Pardubice tel.: 466 859 111, fax: 466 859 103 [email protected] [email protected] www.mesto-pardubice.cz www.pardubice.eu CzechInvest - Regional Office nám. Republiky 56, 530 02 Pardubice Palác Hybsk˘ch tel.: 466 616 144, fax: 466 616 702 [email protected] Regional Economic Chamber - Pardubice Karla IV. 42, 530 02 Pardubice tel.: 466 613 782, 466 613 492 466 658 002, fax: 466 613 491 [email protected], www.khkpce.cz contact person: Petra Chrudimská director: Ing. Franti‰ek Karolín Regional Consultant CzechTrade - Praha Jana Herzová tel.: 224 907 572, fax: 224 913 805 [email protected] Regional Consultant CzechTrade - Praha Adriana Dohnalová tel.: 224 907 544, fax: 224 913 805 [email protected] Regional Manager CzechTrade - Pardubice Peter Lukáã, tel.: 466 687 251 mobil: 724 613 801, fax : 466 613 491 [email protected] Euro Info Center - Pardubice Karla IV. 42, 530 02 Pardubice tel.: 466 053 917, fax: 466 053 910 [email protected] contact persons: Hana Pindurová, Gabriela Chovancová UTILITIES Regional Development Agency Karla IV. 42, 530 02 Pardubice - Polabiny tel.: 466 053 911, fax: 466 053 910 [email protected], www.rrapk.cz Gas V˘chodoãeská plynárenská, a.s. PraÏská ulice 702, 500 04 Hradec Králové tel.: 495 060 103, 840 113 355, fax: 495 060 109 [email protected], [email protected] www.vcp.cz Regional Consulting & Information Center - RPIC Pce s.r.o. Nová 306, 530 09 Pardubice tel.: 466 415 687, -9, fax: 466 415 690 [email protected], www.rpicpce.cz contact person: Ing. Vojtûch âerník Electricity V˘chodoãeská energetika, a.s. Riegrovo námûstí 1493, 501 03 Hradec Králové tel.: 495 841 111, 840 840 840 fax: 495 842 198 www.vce.cz Water & sewage Vodovody a kanalizace Pardubice, a.s. Teplého 2014, 530 02 Pardubice tel.: 466 798 411, fax: 466 304 643 [email protected], www.vakpce.cz Vodovody a kanalizace Chrudim, a.s. Novomûstská 626, 537 28 Chrudim tel.: 469 660 301, fax: 469 315 286 [email protected], www.vakcr.cz TEPVOS, s.r.o. Tfiebovská 287, 562 03 Ústí nad Orlicí tel.: 465 519 841, fax: 465 519 857 [email protected], www.tepvos.cz Heat International Power Opatovice, a.s. Opatovice nad Labem 532 13 Pardubice 2 tel.: 466 843 111, 467 043 111 fax: 466 536 030 e-mail: [email protected], www.ipplc.cz Teplárenská spoleãnost Hlinsko, spol. s r.o. DruÏstevní 1523, 539 01 Hlinsko tel.: 469 311 669, fax: 469 311 453 [email protected] 100 PARDUBICE REGION TOP 20 COMPANIES RANKED BY REVENUES 2006 Name of company Location www E-mail Phone Activity Revenue 2006 (CZK) Employees FOXCONN CZ s.r.o. Pardubice www.foxconn.cz [email protected] +420 466 057 200 Electronic computers 73,414,651 2,676 PARAMO, a.s. Pardubice www.paramo.cz [email protected] +420 466 810 111 Petroleum refining 12,127,934 856 Iveco Czech Republic, a. s. Vysoké M˘to www.karosa.cz [email protected] +420 465 451 111 Truck or bus inner tubes 9,233,454 1,710 International Power Opatovice, a.s. Opatovice nad Labem www.ipplc.cz [email protected] +420 467 043 111 Electric services 6,298,317 419 Saint-Gobain Vertex, s.r.o. Litomy‰l www.vertex.cz [email protected] +420 461 651 111 Yarn, fiberglass 6,132,607 1,272 Synthesia, a.s. Pardubice VII www.synthesia.cz [email protected] +420 466 821 111 Industrial organic chemicals 4,768,524 2,225 KORADO, a.s. âeská Tfiebová www.korado.cz [email protected] +420 465 506 105 Heating equipment, except electric 4,282,174 700 Rieter CZ a.s. Ústí nad Orlicí www.rieter.cz [email protected] +420 465 557 221 Fiber and yarn preparation machinery and equip. 3,932,400 SPEKTRUM CZ a.s. Lan‰kroun www.spektrum.cz [email protected] +420 465 467 730 Napkins, paper 2,574,061 M - SILNICE a.s. Pardubice III www.msilnice.cz [email protected] +420 495 842 111 Highway and street construction 1,980,366 JIP majetková, s.r.o. Pardubice VII www.jip-napoje.cz [email protected] +420 466 310 795 Groceries, general line 1,856,072 Z¤UD - Masokombinát Poliãka, a.s. Poliãka www.mkp.cz [email protected] +420 461 752 111 Sausages and other prepared meats 1,758,990 SOR Libchavy spol. s r.o. Libchavy www.sor.cz [email protected] +420 465 519 416 Buses, all types 1,752,105 375 Chládek a Tintûra, Pardubice a.s. Pardubice www.cht-pce.cz [email protected] +420 466 791 111 Railroad and railway roadbed construction 1,718,057 220 ETA a. s. Hlinsko www.eta.cz [email protected] +420 469 802 111 Electric housewares and fans 1,691,682 1,100 voestalpine Stahlhandel spol. s r.o. Pardubice www.voestalpine.cz [email protected] +420 466 047 111 Steel 1,639,381 KONZUM, obch. druÏstvo v Ústí n. Orlicí Ústí nad Orlicí www.konzumuo.cz [email protected] +420 465 553 407 Grocery stores 1,413,769 TRAFFIC a.s. Pardubice VII www.traffic.cz [email protected] +420 466 944 033 Tobacco distributors and products 1,294,110 86 195 536 Westvaco Svitavy s.r.o. Svitavy www.meadwestvaco.com [email protected] +420 461 552 111 Wrapper and seal printing, lithographic 1,245,286 290 Poliãské strojírny a.s. Poliãka www.pos.cz [email protected] +420 461 751 300 Gasoline pumps, measuring or dispensing 1,230,295 497 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz CzechInvest projects in the region SELECTED CZECHINVEST PROJECTS IN THE REGION Name Location Investor Country Sector Year Brück AM spol. s r.o. Zámrsk Brück Handelsgesellchaft Germany engineering 2006 iPLATO s.r.o. Pardubice iPLATO United Kingdom software development 2006 KORADO, a.s. âeská Tfiebová KORADO Czech Republic metal-working 2007 Kovolis Hedvokov a.s. Tfiemo‰nice nad Doubravou KOVOLIS Czech Republic automotive 2007 2007 Rieter CZ a.s. ChoceÀ, Dvofiisko Rieter Holding AG Switzerland automotive SIAG CZ, s.r.o. Chrudim SIAG Schaaf Industrie AG Germany high-tech engineering 2007 SOMA spol. s r. o. Lan‰kroun SOMA Czech Republic engineering 2006 Westvaco Svitavy s.r.o. Svitavy MeadWestvaco USA printing 2006 NA Chrudim BREWER Czech Republic food processing 2006 NA Pardubice Rannoch Corporation USA aircraft 2006 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org - Praktické rady a typy pro va‰e podnikání - Ucelené a pfiehledné informace ze svûta daÀové problematiky, legislativy, vefiejn˘ch zakázek, práva, financí a marketingu - Objektivní zpravodajství z ekonomického prostfiedí - Profily úspû‰n˘ch ãesk˘ch podnikatelÛ Pfiedplatné objednávejte na www.profit.cz 102 PARDUBICE REGION DISTRICT CHRUDIM DISTRICT CHRUDIM BASIC DATA Land Area.........................................................................................................1,030 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Chrudim........................................23,385 Hlinsko .........................................10,925 Skuteã.............................................5,304 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................104,784 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ............................................20.6% Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................102 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................55,053 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................4,097 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.4 % 1.9 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 8.9 % 24.9 % 22.9 % ■ Elementary 24.2 % ■ Secondary without GCE 70.5 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 43.2 % Total: ................................................ 4,097 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 14.6 % 60.8 % ■ Construction ................................. 3,079 12 10.0 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,440 16.3 % Czech Republic 14 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,766 8.4 % 10 ■ Services ...................................... 12,861 9.8 10.4 9.6 8.9 10.3 9.5 7.7 8 Total: .............................................. 21,146 8.0 6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 Original methodology 7.2 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK Chrudim CR (total) 2005 EUR 2,952,824 1,491,563,988 101,804 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - Chrudim Resselovo námûstí 77, 537 01 Chrudim I tel.: +420 469 645 111, fax: +420 469 622 013 e-mail: [email protected] www.chrudim-city.cz Labour Office - Chrudim Pardubická 310, 537 01 Chrudim IV tel.: +420 469 613 211, fax: +420 469 613 220 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/cr_info IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW ETA a. s. Hlinsko Electric housewares and fans www.eta.cz Employees Ol‰anské papírny a.s. Lukavice Paper mills www.olpa.cz Nemocnice Chrudim Chrudim General medical and surgical hospitals âSAD Hodonín a.s. Hodonín Intercity and rural bus transportation www.csad.com KOVOLIS HEDVIKOV a.s. Tfiemo‰nice Primary metal products www.kovolis-hedvikov.cz 542 DAKO-CZ, a.s. Tfiemo‰nice Brakes, air and vacuum: railway www.dako-cz.cz 460 1, 100 900 726 600 Holcim (âesko) a.s., ãlen koncernu Prachovice Cement, hydraulic www.holcim.cz 370 EVONA a.s. Chrudim Hosiery www.evona.cz 306 ELECTROPOLI-GALVIA, s.r.o. Tfiemo‰nice Electroplating of metals or formed products www.electropoli.com 271 ALUKOV HZ, spol. s r.o. Orel Hardware www.alukov.cz 246 T M T spol. s r. o. Chrudim Chrudim Bulk handling conveyor systems www.tmt.cz 170 NIKA Chrudim s.r.o. Chrudim Truck transportation brokers www.nika-chrudim.cz 170 SIAG CZ, s.r.o. Chrudim Fabricated structural metal www.siag.cz 167 BOS GROUP spol. s r. o. Chrudim Security guard service www.bos.as 120 CS Expres, a.s. SlatiÀany Household goods transport www.csexpres.cz 116 Strojírna PotÛãek s.r.o. SlatiÀany Station wagons (motor vehicles) www.sps-thz.cz 111 GRANITA s.r.o. Skuteã Rubble mining www.granita.cz 100 DÍLO, v˘robní a obchodní druÏstvo Svratouch Miscellaneous metalwork www.dilo-svratouch.cz 90 Jan Ficek Dfievov˘roba s.r.o. Chrudim Wood products www.jfdrevovyroba.cz 84 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT PARDUBICE DISTRICT PARDUBICE BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................889 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Pardubice .....................................88,260 Pfielouã ...........................................8,467 Holice .............................................6,298 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................83,120 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ...............................................16.4 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................181 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................84,852 Number of job seekers............................................................................................4,729 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 5.5 % 0.2 % 13.1 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 20.1 % ■ Secondary without GCE 27.1 % ■ Secondary with GCE 39.6 % ■ Elementary 27.7 % ■ Secondary 66.6 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 4,729 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 4.8 % 68.5 % ■ Construction ................................. 4,420 15.1 % Czech Republic 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,839 11.6 % 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 5,764 9.8 10.3 9.5 8.9 7.7 8 ■ Services ...................................... 26,173 6 Total: .............................................. 38,196 7.2 6.9 2003 2004 6.7 6.2 5.2 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 Original methodology CZK EUR Pardubice 12,484,962 CR (total) 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Average CR 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Prague 2005 430,442 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - Pardubice Pern‰t˘nské námûstí 1 530 02 Pardubice-Staré Mûsto tel.: +420 466 859 111, fax: +420 466 859 103 e-mail: [email protected] www.mesto-pardubice.cz Labour Office - Pardubice BoÏeny Vikové-Kunûtické 2011 530 02 Pardubice-Zelené Pfiedmûstí tel.: +420 466 751 111, fax: +420 466 310 039 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/pa_info IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW FOXCONN CZ s.r.o. Pardubice Electronic computers www.foxconn.cz Employees 2, 676 Synthesia, a.s. Pardubice VII Industrial organic chemicals www.synthesia.cz 2, 225 Krajská nemocnice Pardubice Pardubice IV General medical and surgical hospitals www.nem.pce.cz 1, 700 KIEKERT-CS, s.r.o. Pardubice V Motor vehicle parts and accessories www.kiekert.cz 1, 500 1, 000 Panasonic Automotive Systems Czech, s.r.o. Pardubice Audio electronic systems www.panasonic.cz PARAMO, a.s. Pardubice Petroleum refining www.paramo.cz 856 Explosia a.s. Pardubice Emulsions (explosive) www.explosia.cz 574 TraÈová strojní spoleãnost, a.s. Pardubice I Railroad maintenance and repair services www.tssas.cz 502 ·MIDBERSK¯ TRANSPORT, a.s. Pardubice Freight forwarding www.smidbersky.cz 500 International Power Opatovice, a.s. Opatovice nad Labem Electric services www.ipplc.cz 419 Plynostav Pardubice holding akciová spoleãnost Pardubice I Process piping contractor www.plynostav-holding.cz 320 Nedcon Bohemia, s.r.o. Pardubice IV Furniture parts, metal www.nedcon.com 290 V˘zkumn˘ ústav organick˘ch syntéz a.s. Pardubice Noncommercial research organizations www.vuos.com 285 Serum-Werk CZ, s.r.o. Pfielouã Electromedical apparatus www.mph.cz 250 APAG Elektronik s.r.o. Pardubice Semiconductor circuit networks www.bohemiatech.cz 240 JIP v˘chodoãeská, a.s. Pardubice VII Groceries and related products www.jip-napoje.cz 240 Chládek a Tintûra, Pardubice a.s. Pardubice Railroad and railway roadbed construction www.cht-pce.cz 220 INTER CONTRACT WBC s.r.o. Pardubice Fabricated textile products www.intercontract.cz 218 STAPRO s. r. o. Pardubice I Medical and hospital equipment www.stapro.cz 213 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 103 104 PARDUBICE REGION DISTRICT SVITAVY DISTRICT SVITAVY BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,335 km2 Svitavy..........................................17,248 Moravská Tfiebová ........................11,251 Litomy‰l........................................10,118 Poliãka............................................9,029 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................101,827 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ...............................................20.1 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................77 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................52,322 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................5,596 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.0 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 9.4 % 26.3 % 22.1 % ■ Elementary 26.8 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary 70.2 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 42.2 % Total: ................................................ 5,596 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 10.0 % 12.9 % 62.7 % 14.5 % Czech Republic 14 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,928 12.4 ■ Construction ................................. 2,487 12 13.4 12.4 11.7 10.3 ■ Industry ........................................ 2,805 10 ■ Services ...................................... 12,125 9.8 10.3 9.5 8.9 8 Total: .............................................. 19,345 7.7 6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 CZK CR (total) Prague Average CR 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Svitavy 2004 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 9,119,783 314,421 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Labour Office - Svitavy Bezruãova 2055/13 568 02 Svitavy-Pfiedmûstí tel.: +420 461 544 511, fax: +420 461 530 608 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/sy_info Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz District Economic Chamber - Svitavy Kijevská 423/8 568 02 Svitavy-Pfiedmûstí tel.: +420 461 568 238 fax: +420 461 568 300 e-mail: [email protected] IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Saint-Gobain Vertex, s.r.o. Litomy‰l Yarn, fiberglass www.vertex.cz Employees ITG Automotive Safety Czech s.r.o. Jevíãko Motor vehicle parts and accessories www.safetycomponents.com 900 HEDVA, a.s. Moravská Tfiebová Broadwoven fabric mills, cotton www.hedva.cz 558 1 ,272 Poliãské strojírny a.s. Poliãka Gasoline pumps, measuring or dispensing www.pos.cz 497 KOH-I-NOOR PONAS s.r.o. Poliãka Forms (molds) for foundry and plastics working machinery www.ponas.cz 315 Westvaco Svitavy s.r.o. Svitavy Wrapper and seal printing, lithographic www.meadwestvaco.com 290 AGRICOL s.r.o. Poliãka Cheese, natural and processed www.agricol.cz 274 PONAS INTERNATIONAL s.r.o. Poliãka Dies, plastics forming www.ponas.cz 250 MILTRA B s.r.o. Mûsteãko Trnávka Cheese, natural and processed www.miltra.cz 200 Armaturka Vranová Lhota, a.s. Vranová Lhota Armatures, industrial www.armaturka.cz 195 VHOS, a. s. Moravská Tfiebová Water supply www.vhos.cz 186 161 STORY DESIGN, a.s. Litomy‰l Media buying service www.story-design.cz PROFISTAV s.r.o. Litomy‰l Operative builders www.profistav.cz Forest Svitavy, a.s. Svitavy Timber tracts Lamitek s.r.o. Litomy‰l Textile machinery www.lamitek.com 117 D¤EVOZÁVOD PRAÎAN s.r.o. Poliãka Sawmills and planing mills, general www.drevozavod-prazan.cz 100 100 160 160 Plastic Parts & Technology s.r.o. Linhartice Plastics products www.ponas-mt.cz H. R. G. spol. s r.o. Litomy‰l Commercial printing www.hrg.cz 99 Agro druÏstvo Sebranice Sebranice General farms, primarily crop www.agrosebranice.cz 94 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT ÚSTÍ NAD ORLICÍ DISTRICT ÚSTÍ NAD ORLICÍ BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,265 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 âeská Tfiebová ..............................16,533 Ústí nad Orlicí...............................14,918 Vysoké M˘to.................................12,432 Lan‰kroun.......................................9,807 ChoceÀ ...........................................8,953 Letohrad .........................................6,202 Îamberk .........................................6,017 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................138,953 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................27.4 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................110 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................72,811 Number of job seekers............................................................................................4,947 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.9 % 0.3 % 10.0 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 23.9 % 30.6 % ■ Secondary without GCE 25.4 % 40.8 % ■ Elementary 65.2 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 4,947 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 9.1 % 65.4 % ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,518 11.4 % ■ Construction ................................. 3,147 14.1 % Czech Republic 12 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,911 9.8 10.3 9.5 8.9 7.7 8 ■ Services ...................................... 18,123 7.7 8.4 8.2 8.1 6 Total: .............................................. 27,699 6.3 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK Ústí nad Orlicí CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 11,456,847 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 394,996 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Ústí nad Orlicí Sychrova 16, 562 01 Ústí nad Orlicí tel.: +420 465 514 111, fax: +420 465 525 563 e-mail: [email protected] www.ustinadorlici.cz District Economic Chamber - Ústí nad Orlicí Moravská 340 560 02 âeská Tfiebová tel.: +420 465 536 016 IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity AVX Czech Republic s.r.o. Lan‰kroun Electronic capacitors WWW Employees Iveco Czech Republic, a. s. Vysoké M˘to Truck or bus inner tubes www.karosa.cz 1 ,756 OEZ s.r.o. Letohrad Switchgear and switchboard apparatus www.oez.cz 1 ,346 KORADO, a.s. âeská Tfiebová Heating equipment, except electric www.korado.cz 700 SCHOTT Electronic Packaging Lan‰kroun s. r. o. Lan‰kroun Electronic components www.schott.com/czech/index.html 553 Isolit-Bravo, spol. s r.o. Jablonné nad Orlicí Electric housewares and fans www.isolit-bravo.cz 550 KONZUM, obchodní druÏstvo v Ústí nad Orlicí Ústí nad Orlicí Grocery stores www.konzumuo.cz 536 3 ,385 Papírny Vltavsk˘ ml˘n, a.s. Lan‰kroun Paper mills www.pvm.cz 401 SOR Libchavy spol. s r.o. Libchavy Buses, all types www.sor.cz 375 ORPA, a.s. Lan‰kroun Plastics processing www.orpa.cz 324 INA Lan‰kroun, s.r.o. Lan‰kroun Special dies, tools, jigs and fixtures www.schaeffler.com 320 Zemûdûlsko obchodní druÏstvo Zál‰í Zál‰í General farms, primarily crop www.dvo.zalsi.cz 290 FOREZ s.r.o. Ostrov Special dies and tools www.forez.cz 281 TWIST, spol. s r.o. Ústí nad Orlicí Plastics products www.twistcz.com 269 ¤etûzárna âeská Tfiebová s.r.o. âeská Tfiebová Screw machine products www.pewag.cz 250 KÖGEL, a.s. ChoceÀ Truck trailers www.koegel.cz 240 ORLÍK-KOMPRESORY v˘robní druÏstvo âeská Tfiebová Air and gas compressors www.orlik.cz 190 SOMA spol. s r. o. Lan‰kroun Paper cutters, trimmers and punchers www.soma.cz 190 INTERCOLOR, akciová spoleãnost Ústí nad Orlicí Dyeing and finishing: wool or similar fibers www.intercolor-bv.cz 168 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 105 106 VYSOâINA REGION BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA VYSOâINA REGION ABOUT REGION The Vysoãina Region is situated in the southern half of the country, astride over the boundary between both the historic countries of the Czech crown. It borders with regions Central Bohemia, Pardubice, South Moravia and South Bohemia. The region is divided among five districts: HavlíãkÛv Brod, Jihlava, Pelhfiimov, Tfiebíã and Îìár nad Sázavou. Its area is 6,796 km2 (January 1, 2006), 8.6 % of the national territory, making it the 5th largest region in the country. On December 31, 2006 there were 511,645 inhabitants (5 % of the population of the Czech Republic, 11th most populated region in the country). There are 704 communities in the Vysoãina Region, 11.3 % of all communities in the Czech Republic. In this respect the region of the Vysoãina Region assumes 2nd place in the country but its communities are mostly very small. Jihlava, with population of 50,916, is the regional capital. There are 18 towns with populations exceeding 5,000 in the Vysoãina Region. There are two protected landscape areas – Îìárské vrchy and Îelezné hory in the Vysoãina Region. The region is well suited for tourism throughout the year. The best conditions for skiing can be found around Nové Mûsto na Moravû, the venue of a regular World Cup cross-country ski race Zlatá lyÏe Vysoãiny (Golden ski of the Highlands). Thanks to its well preserved nature, the region is a coveted area of agro- and eco-tourism. There are three UNESCO registered landmarks. The oldest registration is that of the historic center of the town of Telã, and then there is a traditional pilgrimage venue in the church of St. Jan Nepomuck˘ in Zelená hora. The third item in the region was put on the UNESCO list only in 2003: Jewish Town and basilica of St. Prokop in Tfiebíã. In Jihlava, Tfiebíã and Telã, there are also urban sanctuaries. Public universities were lacking for a long time in the Vysoãina Region. A remedy for this deficiency was found in 2004 when the College of Polytechnics in Jihlava was made available for the public. The offer of studies, at first rather poor (finances and tourism only) was enlarged in 2006-2007 with information and machinery, which are key lines of business in the Jihlava region. For private universities there is Západomoravská vysoká ‰kola (West Moravia University) in Tfiebíã, focused exclusively on IT disciplines at present. Many businesses in the region are contributing to scholarships for students in order to keep an educated workforce within the region. In 2004 expenses on research and development in the Vysoãina Region reached Kã 1,023 per capita and 0.15 % of all employees worked in research and development. Both these parameters put the Vysoãina Region to 12th place among the regions of the Czech Republic. Although the Vysoãina Region were focused mostly on farming and forestry for a long time, there are industries developing there. Among the most important industries are machinery, energy, production of parts for car making factories and partially also the food industry and glassmaking. Cluster development conditions are more difficult then elsewhere in a way. CzechInvest agency is surveying possibilities to build up a wood-working cluster. Possibilities for new clusters in the machinery field are to be studied soon. Potential of the region: traditional farming production, optimal conditions for production of selected crops, transportation lines of European importance, placement of new machinery businesses, gradual development of universities, UNESCO World heritage landmarks, developing eco-tourism. BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA BASIC DATA ADMINISTRATIVE BREAKDOWN Land Area..........................................................................................................6,796 km2 POPULATION Number of districts .........................................................................................................5 Number of municipalities............................................................................................704 of that, number of towns ..............................................................................................33 REPRESENTATION OF PROFESSIONAL CLASSES (%) Total .......................................................................................511,645 Percentage in the total population of Czech Republic (%)...........................................5.0 Population density (persons/km2) .................................................................................75 Average work force ..............................................................................................265,108 Number of job seekers ..........................................................................................20,060 NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Total.........................................................................................97,157 Industry .................................................................................................................15,065 Construction ..........................................................................................................11,600 Agriculture & forestry ............................................................................................10,695 Services .................................................................................................................59,797 Unskilled and unqualified workers ...............................................................................7.3 Plant and machine operators and assemblers ...........................................................17.8 Craft and related trades workers................................................................................21.5 Skilled agricultural and forestry workers .....................................................................3.2 Workers in services & sales ......................................................................................10.4 Administrative..............................................................................................................6.3 Specialists....................................................................................................................7.8 Legislators, senior officials and managers...................................................................5.3 Armed forces ...............................................................................................................0.4 Technical, health care, pedagogical workers & workers in similar sectors ................19.8 of which Technicians in physical, technical & related branches ...............................................28.7 Technicians in biology, health care & agriculture.......................................................18.6 Pedagogical workers....................................................................................................5.9 Others assistant skilled workers ................................................................................46.8 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz AVERAGE MONTHLY GROSS WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD 25,000 8.1 % ■ Basic and without education ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education 20.5 % 30.1 % 41.2 % Czech Republic Region 22,000 19,000 15,844 16,000 16,917 18,069 16,748 13,000 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 20,844 19,631 18,035 13,447 15,562 14,496 10,000 2002 CZK/year 2003 2004 2005 2006 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz GDP BY REGIONS UNEMPLOYMENT – 5-YEAR TREND Total Region Per capita mln. CZK mln. EUR CZK EUR Vysoãina Region 135,618 4,785 265,339 9,362 Average GDP for Czech regions 230,827 8,144 294,679 10,400 Share in GDP of the Czech Republic 4.20 % District 11 10.3 10.1 9.8 9.6 10 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Czech Republic Average in all regions 12 9 10.3 10.2 9.5 9.4 9.2 8 8.9 8.9 9.4 7.7 7.7 8.9 8.2 8.3 7 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT UNEMPLOYMENT ACCORDING TO SEX STRUCTURE Women Men Total number of job seekers Number Share 8,736 53.92 % 7,466 Region 46.08 % 68,657 2,305 Vysoãina 124,700 4,187 Praha (max) 713,814 23,966 PrÛmûr/Average 212,162 7,123 Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz 7.1 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Original methodology FDI (mln. CZK) FDI (mln. EUR) Karlovarsk˘ (min) 16,202 6 %/year New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz AVERAGE GROSS MONTHLY WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND Year Region 2002 2003 2004 2005 CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK Vysoãina Region 13,447 436 14,496 455 15,562 488 16,747 Average for Czech Republic 15,844 514 16,917 531 18,035 565 Average for Czech regions 14,499 471 15,509 487 16,557 519 2006 EUR CZK EUR 562 18,069 638 19,624 659 20,844 735 17,903 601 19,031 671 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 107 108 VYSOâINA REGION LISTS OF AIRPORTS Specifications Flight time (hrs) Public/Private Civil/Military/Varied International/Intranational Prague Berlin Vienna HavlíãkÛv Brod Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Chotûbofi Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Jihlava Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights KfiiÏanov Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Námû‰È Private Military International/Intranational no flights no flights no flights Pfiibyslav Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Source: Ministry of Transport, www.mdcr.cz SCHOOL SYSTEM Motorway Praha (160 km) Dresden (325 km) Road Number of schools Number of students Number of graduates Secondary schools 70 28,782 6,837 Airport - Private Technical fields 31 7,703 2,193 Airport - Public Economic fields 38 8,133 2,058 ICT fields 14 1,828 481 Higher schools 14 1,436 475 Technical fields 4 179 43 Economic fields 6 534 162 ICT fields 2 103 43 Universities 2 1,378 NA Technical fields 2 334 NA Economic fields 2 980 NA ICT fields 0 0 0 Railroad Praha (120 km) Nürnberg (450 km) HavlíãkÛv Brod E50, E65 Îìár nad Sázavou D1 Pelhfiimov E551 E50, E65 Jihlava D1 âeské Budûjovice (135 km) Brno (110 km) Wien (450 km) Brno (90 km) Bratislava (210 km) Tfiebíã E59 Source: Institute for Information on Education, www.uiv.cz Wien (160 km) LIST OF SCHOOLS Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Vysoká ‰kola polytechnická Jihlava [email protected] www.vspji.cz Informatics, Tourism, Finance, Management, Computer Systems Západomoravská vysoká ‰kola Tfiebíã, o. p. s. [email protected] www.zmvs.cz Management, Statutory Study, Information Tech. Titles awarded Students Bc., Mgr. 1,560 Universities Bc. 73 54 Higher schools Akademie – VO·, Gymnázium, SO·UP Svûtlá nad Sázavou [email protected] www.vossvetla.cz Production control DiS. FARMEKO – Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická a Stfiední odborná ‰kola, s. r. o. [email protected] www.farmeko.ji.cz Assistant of Pharmacy DiS. Gymnázium, Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola Ledeã n. Sázavou [email protected] www.gvi.cz Economics, Management DiS. 85 Soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola grafická a Stfiední umûlecká ‰kola grafická s. r. o. [email protected] www.vosg.cz Artistic Work DiS. 30 Soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola sociální o. p. s. [email protected] www.svoss.cz Social Work DiS. 120 Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická [email protected] www.zdravskol.hbnet.cz Staff Nursing DiS. Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická [email protected] www.szszdar.cz Staff Nursing DiS. 78 Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická Jihlava [email protected] www.szs-ji.cz Staff Nursing DiS. 100 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Obchodní akademie Chotûbofi [email protected] www.oachot.cz Securing Quality, Insurance, Work Safety DiS. 280 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola [email protected] www.spszr.cz Informatics, Economics DiS. 138 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední ‰kola hotelová SâMSD Pelhfiimov, s. r. o. [email protected] www.hs-pe.cz Management DiS. 36 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední ‰kola veterinární, zemûdûlská a zdravotnická Tfiebíã [email protected] www.szstrebic.cz Staff Nursing, Accounting DiS. 63 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz. Note: You can find the complete list of schools on the CD-ROM City Invest Czech. INDUSTRIAL ZONES, BROWNFIELDS Type Name District Area (ha) HavlíãkÛv Brod, leti‰tû HavlíãkÛv Brod 109.4 Bystfiice nad Per‰tejnem Îìár n. Sázavou 60.0 Jihlava Jihlava Îdírec nad Doubravou, ãást sever a jih HavlíãkÛv Brod Pelhfiimov Industrial zone Brownfield Contact - subject Phone CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -198 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -198 45.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -198 36.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -198 Pelhfiimov 35.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -202 Velká Bíte‰ Îìár n. Sázavou 35.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -198 Velké Mezifiíãí Îìár n. Sázavou 25.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -198 Îìár nad Sázavou - Jamská Îìár n. Sázavou 18.4 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -198 Telã, areál Panského dvora Jihlava 13.0 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -201 Ledeã nad Sázavou HavlíãkÛv Brod 12.5 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -198 Kamenice nad Lipou Pelhfiimov 11.7 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -198 Tfiebíã Tfiebíã 11.4 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -198 HavlíãkÛv Brod HavlíãkÛv Brod 10.6 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -198 Krucemburk HavlíãkÛv Brod 10.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -198 Námû‰È nad Oslavou Tfiebíã 9.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -198 Pfiibyslav HavlíãkÛv Brod 8.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -198 Svûtlá nad Sázavou HavlíãkÛv Brod 6.5 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -198 Pacov Pelhfiimov 6.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -198 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -200 Jemnice, armádní garáÏe Tfiebíã 5.0 Nové Mûsto na Moravû Îìár n. Sázavou 5.0 Tfie‰È, INTEA I. Jihlava 4.7 Námû‰È nad Oslavou, b˘valá v˘robna kobercÛ Tfiebíã 2.0 x x x x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -198 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -199 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Jihlava +420 567 155 197, -202 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org CzechInvest projects in the region 109 A-CLASS OFFICE SPACES (JIHLAVA) There is no A-class development in Jihlava. The supply comprises of several residential buildings in the city centre reconstructed to the B and C-class standard. Although there is one large office park in the pipeline. Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o., www.cushmanwakefield.com OFFICE AND RETAIL SPACE RENTALS EUR/m2/month Location In demand Other A-Class Office Space (Jihlava) Office space 6.4 - 7.8 4.9 - 6.4 - Shopping Centre Area * - Retail space 8.8 - 24.7 5.3 - 19.4 - 25.0 - 40.0 * Rental levels for average 100 m2 retail unit. The given prices are for rental in the regional city. The prices are listed separately as prices in locations in demand and other locations. Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o. (A-Class office space and Shopping Centre Area) and European Club of Estate Agencies (other data) LABOUR OFFICE City Address Phone Fax HavlíãkÛv Brod Jihlavská 42, 580 01 HavlíãkÛv Brod 1 +420 950 114 111 +420 569 475 342, -234 E-mail [email protected] Jihlava Brtnická 2531/21, 586 01 Jihlava 1 +420 567 128 111 +420 567 309 965 [email protected] Pelhfiimov PraÏská 127, 393 01 Pelhfiimov +420 565 351 111 +420 565 324 488 [email protected] Tfiebíã Komenského nám. 1189/6, 674 01 Tfiebíã 1 +420 568 838 011 +420 568 843 118 [email protected] Îìár nad Sázavou Strojírenská 2210/28, 591 01 Îìár nad Sázavou 1 +420 566 685 111 +420 566 620 771, -198 [email protected] Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE REGION Údolní 54, 602 00 Brno branch: Humpolec Podûbradova 476, 396 01 Humpolec tel.: 565 533 506, 565 543 246 fax: 565 533 506, 565 543 211 [email protected] contact person: Ing. Pavel Malimánek Regional Council ÎiÏkova 57, 587 33 Jihlava tel.: 564 602 111, fax: 564 602 420 [email protected] www.kr-vysocina.cz City Hall - Jihlava Masarykovo námûstí 1, 586 28 Jihlava tel.: 567 167 111 fax: 567 310 044 [email protected] www.jihlava.cz CzechTrade - Regional Information Center - Jihlava Bene‰ova 13, 586 01 Jihlava tel.: 567 213 917, 724 613 800 CzechInvest - Regional Office Komenského 31, 586 01 Jihlava tel.: 567 155 197, -198 fax: 567 300 703 [email protected] fax: 567 320 170 [email protected], www.hkjihlava.cz contact person: Ing. Ivan Kameník Regional Consultant CzechTrade - Praha Petr Sochor tel.: 224 907 542, fax: 224 913 800 [email protected] CzechTrade - Regional Consultants Regional Manager CzechTrade - Jihlava Radim ·mídek [email protected] tel.: 224 907 592, 724 966 516 fax: 224 913 805 [email protected] Regional Economic Chamber - Jihlava KfiíÏová 2, 586 01 Jihlava tel.: 567 309 320 Bene‰ova 13, 586 01 Jihlava tel.: 567 309 320 [email protected], www.hkjihlava.cz contact person: Ing. TomበPrchal E.ON âeská republika, a.s. (for Southwestern part of the region) Lannova 205/16, 370 49 âeské Budûjovice tel.: 840 111 333, 387 861 111 [email protected], www.eon.cz VODAK Humpolec, s.r.o. PraÏská 544, 396 01 Humpolec tel.: 565 533 381, fax: 565 533 307 [email protected] www.vodakhu.cz V˘chodoãeská energetika, a.s. (for Northwestern part of the region) Sladkovského 215, 501 03 Hradec Králové tel.: 495 841 111, 840 840 840 fax: 495 842 198 Humpolecká 448, 580 01 HavlíãkÛv Brod tel.: 840 840 840 [email protected], www.vce.cz Heat Novomûstská teplárenská, a.s. Hornická 973, 592 31 Nové Mûsto na Moravû tel: 731 413 409, 777 877 077, fax: 566 617 274 UTILITIES Regional Development Agency - Vysoãina KfiíÏová 2, 586 01 Jihlava tel.: 567 578 500 fax: 567 578 501 [email protected] www.rrav.cz Regional Consulting & Information Center - Hospodáfiská komora Jihlava Bene‰ova 13, 586 01 Jihlava tel.: 567 309 320, fax: 567 320 170 [email protected], www: www.hkjihlava.cz contact person: JUDr. TomበMarek Regional Consulting & Information Center - RPIC IPI Strojírenská 34, 591 01 Îìár nad Sázavou tel.: 566 651 011, fax: 566 626 557 [email protected], [email protected] www.ipi.cz contact person: Jifií Novotn˘ Regional Consulting & Information Center - TEMPO-ãeskomoravská auditorská s.r.o. Gas Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s. (for Eastern part of the region) Plynárenská 499/1, 657 02 Brno tel.: 545 548 111, fax: 545 578 571 [email protected], www.jmpas.cz Jihoãeská plynárenská, a.s. (for Southwestern part of the region) Vrbenská 2, 371 47 âeské Budûjovice tel.: 389 100 111, fax: 389 100 213 [email protected], www.jcp.cz V˘chodoãeská plynárenská, a.s. (for Northwestern part of the region) PraÏská ulice 702, 500 04 Hradec Králové tel.: 495 060 113, 800 900 101 fax: 495 060 109 [email protected], www.vcp.cz Electricity E.ON âeská republika, a.s. (for Eastern part of the region) Lidická 36, 659 44 Brno tel.: 840 111 333, 545 141 111 [email protected], www.eon.cz Water & sewage Vodárenská akciová spoleãnost, a.s., division Jihlava ÎiÏkova 93, 586 29 Jihlava tel.: 567 569 111, fax: 567 308 421 [email protected], www.vodarenska.cz Vodovody a kanalizace HavlíãkÛv Brod, a.s. ÎiÏkova 832, 580 01 HavlíãkÛv Brod tel.: 569 430 211, fax: 569 430 299 [email protected], www.vakhb.cz Find detailed information about the companies in the region of Vysoãina at www.bookoflists.cz/Regions Satt, a.s. OkruÏní 1889/11, 591 01 Îìár nad Sázavou tel.: 566 654 811, 777 734 903 fax: 566 623 268 [email protected], www.satt.cz TTS energo, s.r.o. PrÛmyslová 163, 674 01 Tfiebíã tel.: 568 837 611, fax: 568 840 035 [email protected], www.tts.cz 110 VYSOâINA REGION TOP 20 COMPANIES RANKED BY REVENUES 2006 Name of company Location www E-mail Phone Activity BOSCH DIESEL s.r.o. Jihlava www.bosch.cz/jihlava [email protected] +420 567 581 111 Parts & access., internal combustion engines Revenue 2006 (CZK) 22,767,159 Elektro v˘robní druÏstvo Pacov Pacov [email protected] +420 565 442 125 Electrical work 11,976,536 Employees 6 Automotive Lighting s.r.o. Jihlava www.al-lighting.cz [email protected] +420 567 562 111 Automotive lighting fixtures 7,588,241 1,700 KRONOSPAN CR,spol. s r.o. Jihlava www.kronospan.cz [email protected] +420 567 124 204 Wood products 6,407,638 400 Draka Kabely, s.r.o. Velké Mezifiíãí www.drakakabely.cz [email protected] +420 566 501 511 Fiber optic cable (insulated) 5,270,432 612 Valeo Compressor Europe s.r.o. Humpolec www.valeo.com [email protected] +420 565 505 115 Air and gas compressors 4,678,643 950 Stora Enso Timber Îdírec s.r.o. Îdírec nad Doubravou www.storaenso.com [email protected] +420 569 776 611 Special product sawmills 4,003,811 320 ÎëAS, a.s. Îìár nad Sázavou www.zdas.cz [email protected] +420 566 642 378 Machine tools, metal forming type 3,766,230 CTP Invest, spol. s r.o. Humpolec www.ctpinvest.cz [email protected] +420 565 535 565 Subdividers and developers 3,469,739 PSJ holding, a.s. Jihlava www.psj.cz [email protected] +420 567 550 111 Multi-family dwelling construction 2,682,750 CTP Invest, spol. s r.o. Humpolec www.lgphilips-displays.cz [email protected] +420 581 644 020 Picture tube reprocessing 2,284,852 AGROSTROJ Pelhfiimov, a.s. Pelhfiimov www.agrostroj.cz [email protected] +420 565 360 111 Farm machinery and equipment 2,175,384 900 Dfievozpracující druÏstvo Lukavec www.ddl.cz [email protected] +420 565 411 111 Flakeboard 2,157,811 604 MANN + HUMMEL (CZ) s.r.o. Okfií‰ky www.mann-hummel.com [email protected] +420 568 898 111 Filters: oil, fuel and air, motor vehicle 2,102,405 550 JAS âR,a.s. Jihlava www.jas-ji.cz [email protected] +420 567 563 534 Tobacco and tobacco products 2,062,685 63 IMI International s.r.o. Humpolec www.imi-international.cz [email protected] +420 465 533 602 Valves and pipe fittings 1,653,280 407 ICOM transport a.s. Jihlava www.icomtransport.cz [email protected] +420 567 121 111 Bus transportation 1,635,517 950 GCE, s.r.o. Chotûbofi www.gce.cz [email protected] +420 569 661 111 Fuel tanks (oil, gas, etc.), metal plate 1,601,966 750 Tchibo Praha, spol. s r.o. Jihlava www.tchibo.cz [email protected] +420 567 112 111 Roasted coffee 1,585,908 203 Jaromûfiická mlékárna, a.s. Jaromûfiice n. Rokytnou www.mlekarna.cz [email protected] +420 568 408 611 Cheese, natural and processed 1,519,051 248 1,197 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz CzechInvest projects in the region SELECTED CZECHINVEST PROJECTS IN THE REGION Name Location Investor Country Sector Year atx - technická kanceláfi pro komplexní automatizaci, s.r.o. Îìár nad Sázavou ATX Czech Republic IT 2006 Automotive Lighting s.r.o. Pávov Automotive Lighting Reutlingen Germany parts for motor vehicles 2006 BOHEMIAN TECHNOLOGIES a.s. HavlíãkÛv Brod BOHEMIAN TECHNOLOGIES Czech Republic software development 2006 Humpolecké strojírny Humpolec a.s. Humpolec Humpolecké strojírny Humpolec Czech Republic engineering 2006 MANN + HUMMEL (CZ) s.r.o. Nová Ves MANN+HUMMEL Germany parts for motor vehicles 2006 MANN + HUMMEL (CZ) s.r.o. Okfií‰ky MANN+HUMMEL Germany BSS 2007 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org CBW je rychlým, efektivním a spolehlivým zdrojem informací o českém trhu. CBW svým čtenářům poskytuje: PŘEDPLAŤTE SI CBW NA WWW.CBW.CZ • Exkluzivní zpravodajství z různých sektorů ekonomiky • Podrobné analýzy aktuálních kauz • Netradiční profily nejdůležitějších hráčů na místním trhu • Pravidelné seznamy nejvýznamnějších firem v České republice včetně kontaktních informací DISTRICT HAVLÍâKÒV BROD DISTRICT HAVLÍâKÒV BROD BASIC DATA Land Area.........................................................................................................1,265 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 HavlíãkÛv Brod .............................24,296 Chotûbofi.........................................9,914 Svûtlá nad Sázavou.........................6,965 Ledeã nad Sázavou.........................5,881 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................90,117 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................29.6 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................97 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................51,520 Number of job seekers............................................................................................3,880 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 4.7 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 9.4 % 23.6 % 19.8 % ■ Secondary without GCE 25.6 % ■ Elementary 75.6 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 41.4 % Total: ................................................ 3,880 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 61.1 % 11.8 % ■ Construction ................................. 2,063 15.8 % ■ Industry ........................................ 2,770 Czech Republic 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,981 11.3 % 9.8 10.3 9.5 10 8.9 7.7 8 ■ Services ...................................... 10,708 7.7 6 Total: .............................................. 17,522 7.0 6.7 5.8 5.6 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK HavlíãkÛv Brod CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 5,533,521 1,491,563,988 190,778 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - HavlíãkÛv Brod Havlíãkovo námûstí 57, 580 01 HavlíãkÛv Brod tel.: +420 569 497 111, fax: +420 569 497 197 e-mail: [email protected] www.muhb.cz District Economic Chamber - HavlíãkÛv Brod Bûlohradská 1128, 580 01 HavlíãkÛv Brod tel/fax: +420 569 426 258 e-mail: [email protected] www.hkhb.org IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW P L E A S a.s. HavlíãkÛv Brod Underwear, knit www.pleas.cz Employees GCE, s.r.o. Chotûbofi Fuel tanks (oil, gas, etc.), metal plate www.gce.cz 750 ACO Industries k.s. Pfiibyslav Metal parts www.aco.cz 650 Futaba Czech, s.r.o. HavlíãkÛv Brod Exhaust systems and parts, motor vehicle www.fcz.cz 500 PRIBINA, spol. s r.o. Pfiibyslav Cheese, natural and processed www.pribina.cz 380 1 ,200 Stora Enso Timber Îdírec s.r.o. Îdírec nad Doubravou Special product sawmills www.storaenso.com 320 TENEZ a.s. Chotûbofi Food products machinery www.tenez.cz 316 ROSS Holding s.r.o. HavlíãkÛv Brod Electrical work www.rosshb.cz 310 Slévárna a modelárna Nové Ransko, s.r.o. Îdírec nad Doubravou Gray and ductile iron foundries www.slevarna.cz 248 DEKORA-Jeníãek, a.s. Îdírec nad Doubravou Upholstery, tapestry and wall coverings: cotton www.dekora.cz 228 CAESAR CRYSTAL BOHEMIAE, a.s. Svûtlá nad Sázavou Glass containers www.caesar-crystal.cz 180 J.P. PLAST, s. r.o. Kyjov Plastics products www.jp-plast.cz 160 MORAVSK¯ LIHOVAR KOJETÍN a.s. Kojetín Ethyl alcohol for beverage purposes www.lihovar.com 150 Tiskárny HavlíãkÛv Brod a.s. HavlíãkÛv Brod Miscellaneous publishing www.thb.cz 147 GALATEK a.s. Ledeã nad Sázavou Industrial machinery www.galatek.cz 125 AQUACOMP HARD s.r.o. Ledeã nad Sázavou Sewage treatment equipment www.aquahard.cz 116 FEROPLAST spol. s r.o. Chotûbofi Miscellaneous fabricated metal product mfrs www.feroplast.cz 115 LECOM LEDEâ, a.s. Ledeã nad Sázavou Rolling mill machinery www.lecom.cz 110 EST + a.s. Ledeã nad Sázavou General industrial machinery, www.estplus.cz 89 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 111 112 VYSOâINA REGION DISTRICT JIHLAVA DISTRICT JIHLAVA BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,180 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Jihlava ..........................................50,859 Tfie‰È ...............................................5,927 Telã .................................................5,751 Polná ..............................................5,061 POPULATION Population, total..................................................................................................111,043 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ...............................................21.7 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................94 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................60,021 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................3,966 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 4.5 % 10.3 % ■ Basic and without education 24.2 % 24.6 % ■ Without education 27.5% ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Elementary 68.0 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 41.0 % Total: ................................................ 3,966 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 7.6 % 10.9 % 66.8 % 9.8 ■ Construction ................................. 2,339 14.7 % Czech Republic 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,632 10.3 9.5 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,151 8.9 7.7 8 ■ Services ...................................... 14,350 8.2 6 Total: .............................................. 21,472 7.5 6.9 6.8 6.1 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK Jihlava CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 21,158,901 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 729,491 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Jihlava Masarykovo námûstí 97/1, 586 01 Jihlava tel.: +420 567 167 111, fax: +420 567 310 044 e-mail: [email protected] www.jihlava.cz Labour Office - Jihlava Brtnická 2531/21, 586 01 Jihlava tel.: +420 567 128 111, fax: +420 567 309 965 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/ji_info IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW BOSCH DIESEL s.r.o. Jihlava Parts and accessories, internal combustion engines www.bosch.cz/jihlava Employees 6, 000 Automotive Lighting s.r.o. Jihlava Automotive lighting fixtures www.al-lighting.cz 1, 700 ICOM transport a.s. Jihlava Bus transportation www.icomtransport.cz 950 TESLA Jihlava, a.s. Jihlava Electronic components www.teslaji.cz 900 Moravské kovárny, a.s. Jihlava Iron and steel forgings KRONOSPAN CR,spol. s r.o. Jihlava Wood products www.kronospan.cz 800 400 JIHLAVAN, a.s. Jihlava Pumps, hydraulic, aircraft www.jihlavan.cz 250 Lesostavby TfieboÀ a.s. Jihlava General building contractors-residential www.lstb.cz 250 Tchibo Praha, spol. s r.o. Jihlava Roasted coffee www.tchibo.cz 203 Lesní spoleãnost Jihlava, a.s. Jihlava Timber tracts C. BECHSTEIN EUROPE s.r.o. Jihlava Keyboards, piano or organ www.bohemiapiano.cz 150 ARCÁDE COLOR s.r.o. Luka nad Jihlavou Sheets and sheetings, cotton www.arcadecolor.cz 150 IMTEC CZECH REPUBLIC s.r.o. Jihlava Plastics products www.imtec-net.net Telãská strojírenská, a.s. Telã Cleaning, polishing and finishing Vysoãina,a.s. Tfie‰È Sausages and other prepared meats JEDNOTA, spotfiební druÏstvo v Tfie‰ti Tfie‰È Miscellaneous food stores EKON, druÏstvo Jihlava Commercial printing www.ekon.cz AKI ELECTRONIC, spol. s r.o. Jihlava Keyboards, computer, office machine www.aki-electronic.cz 140 Podzimek a synové s.r.o. Tfie‰È General building contractors www.podzimek.cz 135 193 150 148 www.vysocina-as.cz 146 142 140 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT PELH¤IMOV DISTRICT PELH¤IMOV BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,290 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Pelhfiimov .....................................16,462 Humpolec .....................................10,941 Pacov..............................................5,103 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................72,703 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................14.2 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................56 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................38,851 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................1,599 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.7 % 0.1 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 9.6 % 24.6 % 24.2 % 19.9 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Elementary ■ Secondary 76.2 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 41.5 % Total: ................................................ 1,599 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 12.2 % 11 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,828 13.1 % ■ Construction ................................. 1,975 14.8 % ■ Industry ........................................ 2,232 59.9 % Czech Republic 9.8 10.3 9 9.5 8.9 7.7 7 ■ Services ........................................ 8,999 5.5 5.6 4.9 4.5 5 Total: .............................................. 15,034 3.7 3 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 CZK 2006 New methodology IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR Pelhfiimov 2,879,826 CR (total) 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Average CR 2005 Original methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Prague 2004 99,287 Town Hall - Pelhfiimov Masarykovo námûstí 1, 393 01 Pelhfiimov tel.: +420 565 352 111, fax: +420 565 323 676 e-mail: [email protected] www.mupe.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz District Economic Chamber - Pelhfiimov Tfiída legií 1115, 393 01 Pelhfiimov tel.: +420 565 322 004, fax: +420 565 322 005 e-mail: [email protected] www.hkpe.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW CTP Invest, spol. s r.o. Humpolec Picture tube reprocessing www.lgphilips-displays.cz Employees Valeo Compressor Europe s.r.o. Humpolec Air and gas compressors www.valeo.com AGROSTROJ Pelhfiimov, a.s. Pelhfiimov Farm machinery and equipment www.agrostroj.cz 900 Dfievozpracující druÏstvo Lukavec Flakeboard www.ddl.cz 604 Spojené kartáãovny a.s. Pelhfiimov Brooms and brushes www.spokar.com 500 IMI International s.r.o. Humpolec Valves and pipe fittings www.imi-international.cz 407 1 ,197 950 Jan Prantl - Masn˘ prÛmysl Îirovnice Îirovnice Meat packing plants www.janprantl.cz 200 Huperz CZ. s.r.o. Kamenice nad Lipou Automotive related machinery www.huperzcz.cz 196 Pacovské strojírny, akciová spoleãnost, Pacov Pacov Food products machinery www.pstrading.cz 195 I P C plast spol. s r. o. Îirovnice Paint rollers www.ipcplast.cz 192 HSE, spol. s r.o. Humpolec Window and door frames www.hse.cz 150 KANA, spol. s r.o. Pelhfiimov Paint brushes, rollers, sprayers www.kana-pe.cz 150 CEREPA, a. s. âervená ¤eãice Paper mills www.cerepa.cz 145 Lesy Pelhfiimov, a.s. Pelhfiimov Forestry services www.lesy.pel.cz 110 HRANIPEX a.s. Komorovice Poles, posts and pilings: untreated wood www.hranipex.cz 96 RUI spol. s r.o. Humpolec Chair covers and pads: made from purchased materials www.rui.cz 90 DETAIL CZ s.r.o. Îirovnice Electronic components www.detail-cz.cz 87 Gebr. Ostendorf - OSMA zpracování plastÛ, s.r.o. Komorovice Plastics products www.osma-komorovice.cz 75 NEZA Pelhfiimov, spol. s r.o. Pelhfiimov Refrigeration and heating equipment www.neza.cz 63 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 113 114 VYSOâINA REGION DISTRICT T¤EBÍâ DISTRICT T¤EBÍâ BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,509 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Tfiebíã............................................38,654 Moravské Budûjovice......................7,934 Námû‰È nad Oslavou.......................5,142 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................114,052 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................22.3 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................76 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................59,271 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................6,991 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.5 % 0.1 % 9.8 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 26.2 % 20.1 % ■ Secondary without GCE 23.8 % 40.2 % ■ Elementary ■ Secondary 76.3 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 6,991 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,546 16 13.1 % ■ Construction ................................. 2,843 14 16.2 % ■ Industry ........................................ 3,526 12 ■ Services ...................................... 12,868 10 Total: .............................................. 21,783 8 11.7 % 59.1 % 13.5 Czech Republic 14.0 13.8 13.0 11.1 9.8 10.3 9.5 8.9 7.7 6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 Original methodology CZK Tfiebíã Prague 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CR (total) 2005 EUR 1,584,979 54,645 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Average CR Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - Tfiebíã Masarykovo nám. 116/6 674 01 Tfiebíã-Vnitfiní Mûsto tel.: +420 568 896 111, fax: +420 568 847 155 e-mail: [email protected] www.trebic.cz District Economic Chamber - Tfiebíã Bedfiicha Václavka 59/11 674 01 Tfiebíã e-mail: [email protected] IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW I & C Energo a.s. Tfiebíã Systems analysis and engineering consulting services www.ic-energo.cz Employees MANN + HUMMEL (CZ) s.r.o. Okfií‰ky Filters: oil, fuel and air, motor vehicle www.mann-hummel.com JMB druÏstvo Moravské Budûjovice Variety stores Outuln˘, a.s. Námû‰È nad Oslavou Operative builders www.outulny.cz 350 ALTREVA spol. s r.o. Tfiebíã Industrial garments, men's and boys' www.altreva.cz 276 Jaromûfiická mlékárna, a.s. Jaromûfiice nad Rokytnou Cheese, natural and processed www.mlekarna.cz 248 DrÛbeÏ-Vysoãina spol. s r.o. Moravské Budûjovice Poultry slaughtering and processing www.drubez-vysocina.cz 230 AGSTAV T¤EBÍâ a.s. Tfiebíã Operative builders www.agstavtrebic.cz 192 Huhtamaki âeská republika, a.s. Pfiibyslavice Food containers, folding: made from purchased material www.cz.huhtamaki.com 170 CENTA, spol. s r.o. Tfiebíã Book publishing www.centa.cz 150 Oldfiich Svoboda - SVA Tfiebíã Tfiebíã Plastics products www.sva.cz 150 S.O.K. stavební, s.r.o. Tfiebíã Operative builders www.sok.cz 150 1,120 550 449 KPS Metal a.s. Moravské Budûjovice Waste water and sewage treatment plant construction www.kpsmetal.cz 115 SWN Moravia, s.r.o. MladoÀovice Staircases, stairs and railings www.swn.sk 110 POZEMSTAV T¤EBÍâ, spol. s r. o. Tfiebíã Excavation and grading, building construction www.pozemstavtrebic.cz 105 ENVINET a.s. Tfiebíã Computers, peripherals and software www.envinet.cz 100 TIPAFROST, a.s. Tfiebíã Ice cream and frozen deserts www.tipafrost.com 100 Jemãa a.s. Jemnice Tea blending www.jemca.cz EMPO HOLZ, s.r.o. Jemnice Lumber: rough, sawed, or planed www.empo-holz.cz 90 85 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT ÎëÁR NAD SÁZAVOU DISTRICT ÎëÁR NAD SÁZAVOU BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,552 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Îìár nad Sázavou .........................23,841 Velké Mezifiíãí................................11,776 Nové Mûsto na Moravû.................10,478 Bystfiice nad Pern‰tejnem...............8,879 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................119,590 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................23.3 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................76 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................58,834 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................4,755 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 4.8 % ■ Basic and without education 10.6 % 24.6 % 23.9 % ■ Without education 17.7 % ■ Elementary ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary 77.5 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 40.9 % Total: ................................................ 4,755 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 11.8 % 11.7 % 60.8 % 15.6 % Czech Republic 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,644 9.8 ■ Construction ................................. 2,624 10.3 9.5 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,495 8.9 8.9 8 ■ Services ...................................... 13,600 8.9 8.9 8.5 7.7 7.5 6 Total: .............................................. 22,363 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 CZK CR (total) Prague Average CR 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Îìár nad Sázavou 2004 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 4,104,676 141,516 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Town Hall - Îìár nad Sázavou ÎiÏkova 227/1, 591 01 Îìár nad Sázavou 1 tel.: +420 566 688 111, fax: +420 566 621 012 e-mail: [email protected] www.zdarns.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz District Economic Chamber - Îìár nad Sázavou Jihlavská 1007/2 591 01 Îìár nad Sázavou 1 tel.: +420 566 628 680 fax: +420 566 627 908 IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW První brnûnská strojírna Velká Bíte‰, a. s. Velká Bíte‰ Air conditioning equipment, complete www.pbsvb.cz Employees 800 Draka Kabely, s.r.o. Velké Mezifiíãí Fiber optic cable (insulated) www.drakakabely.cz 612 MEDIN, a.s. Nové Mûsto na Moravû Surgical and medical instruments www.medin.cz 520 Hettich âR k.s. Îìár nad Sázavou Furniture and fixtures www.hettich.cz 470 Wera Werk s.r.o. Bystfiice nad Pern‰tejnem Cutlery ZDAR, a.s. Îìár nad Sázavou Local and suburban transit www.zdar.cz 433 SPORTEN, a.s. Nové Mûsto na Moravû Snow skis www.sporten.cz 290 DEL a.s. Îìár nad Sázavou Signaling transformers, electric www.del.cz 285 390 BÍTE·SKÁ DOPRAVNÍ SPOLEâNOST, spol. s r.o. Velká Bíte‰ Bus transportation www.bds-vb.cz 200 LISOVNA PLASTÒ, spol. s r.o. Velké Mezifiíãí Plastics products www.lisovnavm.cz 181 PBS Turbo s.r.o. Velká Bíte‰ Blowers and fans www.pbsturbo.cz 160 VÝTAHY, s.r.o. Velké Mezifiíãí Hoists www.vytahy.com 150 POEX Velké Mezifiíãí,a.s. Velké Mezifiíãí Dried and dehydrated fruits www.poex.cz AGROFARM, a.s. Îìár nad Sázavou Hogs VEZEKO s.r.o. Velké Mezifiíãí Truck trailers www.vezeko.cz 120 ROTTER,s.r.o. Vír Ball and roller bearings www.rotter.cz 115 105 145 140 Zemûdûlská a dopravní technika, spol. s r.o. Nové Veselí Farm truck bodies www.zdt.cz RACOM s.r.o. Nové Mûsto na Moravû Modems www.racom.cz 95 atx - technická kanceláfi pro komplexní automatizaci, s.r.o. Îìár nad Sázavou Automation and robotics consultant www.atx.cz 90 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 115 116 SOUTH MORAVIA REGION BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA SOUTH MORAVIA REGION ABOUT REGION South Moravia Region is located on the boundaries with Austria and Slovakia. It borders with regions Highlands, Pardubice, Olomouc, Zlín and South Bohemia. The region is divided among seven districts: Blansko, Brno-mûsto (City of Brno) Brno-venkov (Brno-countryside) Bfieclav, Hodonín, Vy‰kov and Znojmo. Its area is 7,196 km2 (January 1, 2006), 9.1 % of the national territory, making it the 4th largest region in the country. On December 31, 2006 there were 1,132,563 inhabitants (11 % of the population of the Czech Republic, 4th most populated region in the country). The South Moravian capital, Brno (366,680 inhabitants), is the second largest city in the Czech Republic. There are 22 towns and cities in the region with populations exceeding 5,000. South Moravia belongs to the most valuable areas of nature in the country. Protected landscape areas Pálava and Bílé Karpaty were given the status of UNESCO biosphere reserves; landscape protected area Moravsk˘ kras (Moravia karst) is one of most remarkable karst areas in Europe. Also we should not forget the National park Podyjí. Brno is a city of international fairs, and is well known throughout the continent. There are two UNESCO landmarks in the region: The complex of Lednice-Valtice belongs to largest artificially built-up and groomed landscapes in Europe. Villa Tugendhat in Brno is a magnificent piece of functional architecture from the period between the wars. An ancient Slavonice fort excavated by Mikulãice is also trying to find its place on the UNESCO list of World heritage. There are urban sanctuaries in Brno, Mikulov and Znojmo. Also the battlefield at Austerlitz is very popular among tourists. Brno is the second largest center for universities in the Czech Republic. Masarykova univerzita (MU) with nine colleges offers studies in pedagogy, medicine, information, humanities and natural sciences. Vysoké uãení technické, the Brno University of Technology (VUT) has eight colleges. Apart from technical disciplines, it offers studies in economy and fine arts. Janáãkova akademie múzick˘ch umûní (Janáãek Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno, JAMU) is another university focusing on artistic areas. Mendelova zemûdûlská a lesnická univerzita (Mendel University of farming and forestry, MZLU) offers studies in traditional South Moravian specializations including gardening and viticulture. There are also veterinary and pharmaceutical universities (VFU) and a Defense University in Brno, the latter of which has a branch in Vy‰kov as well. There are seven private universities in the region. Some institutes of the Academy of sciences (AV âR) are also placed in Brno: the Institute of Biophysics, the Institute of Physics of Materials, and the Institute of Analytical chemistry. In 2004 of all employees in the region 0.91 % worked in research and development, which puts the region to the 2nd place in the Czech Republic. Both industry and farming maintain their importance in South Moravia Region, and the service sector is growing stronger. Even lesser businesses are getting more successful in machinery. The most developed cluster initiatives are in furniture production, biotechnologies and bioinformatics. CzechInvest agency is surveying possibilities of typical clusters for development in viticulture, aircraft production and the garment industry. Potential of the region lies in the large number of its universities; there is a high proportion of means being spent on research and development, and great focus on technical specializations. Two modern trans-European transportation corridors are crossing through the territory of South Moravia Region has motorway connections to other countries as well as to other Czech regions. Clean air, local landmarks and biosphere reserves of UNESCO are also of certain importance. There is a long tradition in viticulture, good conditions for biking tourism and the reputation of Brno as a city of international fairs. BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA BASIC DATA ADMINISTRATIVE BREAKDOWN Land Area..........................................................................................................7,196 km2 POPULATION Number of districts .........................................................................................................7 Number of municipalities............................................................................................672 of that, number of towns ..............................................................................................48 REPRESENTATION OF PROFESSIONAL CLASSES (%) Total .....................................................................................1,132,563 Percentage in the total population of Czech Republic (%)............................................11 Population density (persons/km2) ...............................................................................157 Average work force ..............................................................................................590,492 Number of job seekers ..........................................................................................55,230 NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Total .......................................................................................236,069 Industry .................................................................................................................36,776 Construction ..........................................................................................................29,855 Agriculture & forestry ............................................................................................16,994 Services ...............................................................................................................179,444 Unskilled and unqualified workers ...............................................................................6.6 Plant and machine operators and assemblers ...........................................................12.2 Craft and related trades workers................................................................................18.6 Skilled agricultural and forestry workers .....................................................................1.9 Workers in services & sales ......................................................................................11.0 Administrative..............................................................................................................7.7 Specialists..................................................................................................................11.2 Legislators, senior officials and managers...................................................................5.9 Armed forces ...............................................................................................................0.4 Technical, health care, pedagogical workers & workers in similar sectors ................24.4 of which Technicians in physical, technical & related branches ...............................................30.3 Technicians in biology, health care & agriculture.......................................................15.2 Pedagogical workers....................................................................................................5.1 Others assistant skilled workers ................................................................................49.3 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz AVERAGE MONTHLY GROSS WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD 25,000 12.5 % ■ Basic and without education ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education 20.3 % 31.8 % 35.4 % Czech Republic Region 22,000 19,000 15,844 16,000 13,000 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 20,844 19,631 14,076 18,035 16,917 19,016 17,641 16,226 15,188 10,000 2002 CZK/year 2003 2004 2005 2006 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz GDP BY REGIONS UNEMPLOYMENT – 5-YEAR TREND Total Region Per capita mln. CZK mln. EUR CZK South Moravia Region 323,553 11,416 286,079 10,093 Average GDP for Czech regions 230,827 8,144 294,679 10,400 Share in GDP of the Czech Republic EUR 4.62 % District Czech Republic 12 11.6 11.5 11.2 10.7 11 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 10 8 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT Number Region 8.8 24,092 54.46 % Men 20,147 45.54 % 2003 2004 44,239 16,040 South Moravia 58,966 968 Prague (max) 801,100 27,619 106,540 3,673 Average Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz 7.7 2005 2006 Original methodology FDI (mln. CZK) FDI (mln. EUR) Karlovy Vary (min) 8.9 8.9 7.7 2002 Share Women Total number of job seekers 7 %/year 10.3 10.3 10.2 9.5 9.4 10.3 10.1 9.8 9.6 9 UNEMPLOYMENT ACCORDING TO SEX STRUCTURE Average in all regions 13 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz 553 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz AVERAGE GROSS MONTHLY WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND Year Region 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR South Moravia Region Average for Czech Republic 14,076 15,844 457 514 15,188 16,917 477 531 16,226 18,035 509 565 17,627 19,624 592 659 Average for Czech regions 14,499 471 15,509 487 16,557 519 17,903 601 CZK EUR 19,016 20,844 671 735 19,031 671 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 117 118 SOUTH MORAVIA REGION LISTS OF AIRPORTS Specifications Flight time (hrs) Public/Private Civil/Military/Varied International/Intranational Prague Berlin Vienna Brno/Tufiany Public Civil International/Intranational 0:45 no flights no flights Bfieclav Public Civil Intranational NA NA NA Kyjov Public Civil Intranational 1:20 no flights no flights Medlánky Public Civil Intranational NA NA NA Vy‰kov Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Znojmo Private Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Source: Ministry of Transport, www.mdcr.cz Wroczlaw (275 km) Pardubice (140 km) SCHOOL SYSTEM Motorway Number of schools Number of students Number of graduates 147 66,411 15,510 56 19,710 5,338 Economic fields 68 15,118 4,116 ICT fields 25 5,945 1,588 Road Railroad Secondary schools Technical fields Higher schools 15 3,446 Technical fields 3 230 71 Economic fields 4 522 136 ICT fields 1 147 36 Universities 10 3 19,951 NA Economic fields 10 10,402 NA 8,437 NA ICT fields 2 Olomouc (80 km) Krakow (300 km) R46 Blansko Praha (200 km) Berlin (540 km) Ostrava (185 km) Vy‰kov E56, E65 D1 E462 D1 Ostrava (172 km) D1 E50 Brno Trenãín (130 km) R52 Jihlava (70 km) NA Technical fields E461 Airport - Public 1,071 69,502 Praha (255 km) Dresden (445 km) Airport - Private D2 E65 E59 Znojmo Hodonín E461 Source: Institute for Information on Education, www.uiv.cz SK Bfieclav E59 Wien (120 km) Wien (120 km) AT Wien (142 km) Bratislava (130 km) Budapest (326 km) LIST OF SCHOOLS Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded AKADEMIE STING, o. p. s. [email protected] www.sting.cz Economics, Management, Economic Policy Brno International Business School (B.I.B.S., a. s.) [email protected] www.bibs.cz Students Universities Bc., Ing. 800 BA., MSc., MBA, DBA, LLM, Bc. 2,079 Janáãkova akademie múzick˘ch umûní v Brnû [email protected] www.jamu.cz Music, Theatre BcA., MgA, Ph.D. 500 Masarykova univerzita v Brnû [email protected] www.muni.cz Variety of Programmes Bc., Mgr., Ph.D. 39 Mendelova zemûdûlská a lesnická univerzita v Brnû [email protected] http://mendelu.cz Economics, Agriculture, Forestry, Gardening Ra‰ínova vysoká ‰kola s. r. o. [email protected] www.ravys.cz Law, Economics Bc., Mgr., Ing. 8 Bc. 198 Bc. 332 Soukromá vysoká ‰kola ekonomická Znojmo, s. r. o. [email protected] www.svse.cz Economics, Marketing, Management, Accounting Univerzita obrany [email protected] www.unob.cz Military, Strategic, Medicial, Economics Bc., Mgr., MUDr., Ph.D., Ing. Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita Brno [email protected] www.vfu.cz Veterinary medicine, Hygiene, Pharmacy Bc., Mgr., MVDr., Ph.D., PharmDr. 2,565 Vysoká ‰kola aplikovaného práva, s. r. o. [email protected] www.vsap.cz Law Bc. 407 Vysoká ‰kola Karla Engli‰e v Brnû, a. s. [email protected] www.vske.cz Economics, Management Bc. 268 Vysoká ‰kola NEWTON College [email protected] www.newtoncollege.cz Economics, Management Bc. 216 Vysoká ‰kola obchodní a hotelová [email protected] www.hotskolabrno.cz Management Vysoké uãení technické v Brnû [email protected] www.vutbr.cz Technical, Chemistry, Art, Business Bc. Bc., Ing., Ing.arch, MgA, Ph.D., MBA 22,347 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz Note: You can find the complete list of schools on the CD-ROM City Invest Czech. INDUSTRIAL ZONES, BROWNFIELDS Type Name District Area (ha) Industrial zone Brno - âernovická terasa Brno 160.0 x Brownfield CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Brno +420 543 422 780, -85 ·lapanice Brno - venkov 92.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Brno +420 543 422 780, -85 Znojmo Znojmo 71.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Brno +420 543 422 780, -85 Buãovice - Marefy Vy‰kov 60.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Brno +420 543 422 780, -85 Veselí nad Moravou Hodonín 55.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Brno +420 543 422 780, -85 Bfieclav - Po‰torná Bfieclav 44.0 x Regionální rozvojová agentura jiÏní Moravy +420 541 212 125 Pohofielice - Dolní ·tingary Bfieclav 40.5 x Mûstsk˘ úfiad Pohofielice +420 519 301 387; 519 301 311 Brno, Zetor Brno 24.0 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Brno +420 543 422 780, -85 Hodonín - Nesyt Hodonín 23.4 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Brno +420 543 422 780, -85 Hodonín - Kapfiiska Hodonín 19.6 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Brno +420 543 422 780, -85 Adamov, ADAST Blansko 19.4 Mûnín - Îerotín Brno - venkov 17.0 Bfieclav Bfieclav Blansko Blansko Vy‰kov - Sochorova II x x Contact - subject Phone CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Brno +420 543 422 780, -85 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Brno +420 543 422 780, -85 15.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Brno +420 543 422 780, -85 13.6 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Brno +420 543 422 780, -85 Vy‰kov 12.4 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Brno +420 543 422 780, -85 Vy‰kov - Nouzka II Vy‰kov 11.5 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Brno +420 543 422 780, -85 Kufiim Brno - venkov 11.4 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Brno +420 543 422 780, -85 Mikulov Bfieclav 11.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Brno +420 543 422 780, -85 Hodonín, Pánov Hodonín 10.4 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Brno +420 543 422 780, -85 Brankovice Vy‰kov 10.1 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Brno +420 543 422 780, -85 Brno (TP) Brno 4.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Brno +420 543 422 780, -85 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org CzechInvest projects in the region 119 A-CLASS OFFICE SPACES (BRNO) Project Axis Office Park Total size (m2)* Completed Comments 10,000 2005, 2006 The office scheme in the south of Brno. It is located in the area where industrial schemes prevailing. Brno Business Park 48,000 ongoing phased development since 2006 Modern office complex currently comprising of four buildings located in the commercial part of south Brno. CT Zone 23,800 ongoing phased development since 2006 The mixed-use scheme, combination of reconstructed office buildings, new office buildings, retail warehouse units and storage units. Located close to the city center. Czech Technology Park 120,000 ongoing phased development since 1996 This technology park is situated adjacent to the technical university campus in the north part of Brno. Office and hi-tech production elements prevail. DIS Building 1,400 2006 Newly built office building situated in the northern part of the city close to the city ring-road. M-Palác 9,000 1997 One of the earliest office buildings in Brno. Located in the commercial zone of south Brno. Platinium 9,000 2005 The stand alone fully occupied office building. Situated in walking distance to the city centre. Spielberk Office Centre 80,000 ongoing phased development since 2006 The biggest modern office development in city located in the commercial part of south Brno. The project is composed of several office buildings and an international hotel. The Campus 50,000 ongoing phased development since 2008 Complex of five modern office buildings and a retail scheme. Located close to the D1 highway and at the junction of main roads going from/to Brno. Titanium 45,000 2009, 2010 Trinity Office Centre 10,800 2008 Vienna Point I and II 24,900 ongoing phased development since 2006 Modern office project favourably located in close vicinity of the city centre. The mixed-use project is composed of three connected buildings. It is located in walking distance from the city centre. Modern office scheme situated close to the main highways in/out of town location. *) Total size of office space Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o., www.cushmanwakefield.com OFFICE AND RETAIL SPACE RENTALS EUR/m2/month Location In demand Other A-Class Office Space (Brno) Office space 9.5 - 15.9 4.2 - 10.6 10.5 - 15.0 Shopping Centre Area * - Retail space 19.8 - 29.6 7.8 - 16.2 - 30.0 - 50.0 * Rental levels for average 100 m2 retail unit. The given prices are for rental in the regional city. The prices are listed separately as prices in locations in demand and other locations. Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o. (A-Class office space and Shopping Centre Area) and European Club of Estate Agencies (other data) LABOUR OFFICE City Address Phone Fax E-mail Blansko Vodní 1992/9, 678 01 Blansko 1 +420 516 482 111 +420 516 417 118 [email protected] Brno - mûsto Kfienová 111/25, 602 00 Brno 2 +420 543 517 111 +420 543 211 349 [email protected] Brno - venkov ·ujanovo námûstí 302/3, 602 00 Brno 2 +420 543 160 332 +420 543 211 093 [email protected] Bfieclav Fintajslova 1976/7, 690 02 Bfieclav 2 +420 519 301 211 +420 519 301 210 [email protected] Hodonín Lipová alej 3846/8, 695 01 Hodonín 1 +420 518 301 111 +420 518 321 319 [email protected] Vy‰kov Palánek 375/3a, 682 01 Vy‰kov 1 +420 517 304 111 +420 517 304 666 [email protected] Znojmo námûstí Svobody 2889/8, 669 02 Znojmo 2 +420 515 203 111 +420 515 203 130 [email protected] Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE REGION Regional Council Îerotínovo námûstí 3/5, 601 82 Brno tel.: 541 651 111, fax: 541 651 209 [email protected] www.kr-jihomoravsky.cz www.jizni-morava.cz Magistrát mûsta/City Hall - Brno Malinovského nám., 601 67 Brno tel.: 542 171 111, 542 173 013 fax: 542 173 530 [email protected], [email protected] www.brno.cz CzechInvest - Regional Office Holandská 3, 639 30, Brno, Vila K - 4. patro tel.: 534 422 780, -785, fax: 543 422 795 [email protected] Regional Development Agency of the South Moravia Královopolská 139, 612 00 Brno - Îabovfiesky tel.: 541 212 125, 541 211 635, 541 219 282 fax: 541 211 635 [email protected], [email protected] www.rrajm.cz Regional Consulting & Information Center - BEVE, spol. s r. o. Havlíãkova 7, 682 01 Vy‰kov tel.: 517 347 332, fax: 517 347 332 [email protected], www.beve-rpic.cz Regional Consulting & Information Center Trade & Economic Chamber V˘stavi‰tû 1, 648 04 Brno tel.: 532 194 911, fax: 532 194 938 [email protected], [email protected], www.ohkbrno.cz contact person: Ing. Petr Bajer Regional Consulting & Information Center - Profit, spol. s r.o. Zelenáfiská 28/19, 669 01 Znojmo tel.: 515 266 851, 777 271 026 fax: 515 266 868 [email protected], www.profitzn.cz contact person: Ing. Jaroslav Kylián Business and Innovation Center - BIC Brno, spol. s r.o. Pfiíkop 4, 602 00 Brno tel.: 545 176 130, fax: 545 176 120 [email protected], www.bicbrno.cz CzechTrade - Regional Information Place - Brno V˘stavi‰tû 1, 648 04 Brno tel.: 532 194 91, fax: 532 194 938 [email protected] www.ohkbrno.cz contact person: Bc. Alexandra StaÀková CzechTrade - Regional Consultants Regional Manager CzechTrade - Brno Alexandra StaÀková tel.: 541 159 544, mobil: 724 613 027 [email protected] Regional Consultant CzechTrade - Praha Radim ·mídek tel.: 224 907 592, fax: 224 913 805 [email protected] Regional Consultant CzechTrade - Praha Milan RáÏ tel.: 224 907 541, fax: 224 913 800 [email protected] Euro Info Centrum/Euro Info Center - Brno V˘stavi‰tû 1, areál BVV 648 04 Brno tel.: 532 194 911, fax: 532 194 938 [email protected] www.ohkbrno.cz/eic/cz/index.php contact persons: Jana ·indelková, Ing. Libor Kejda Regional Economic Chamber South Moravia V˘stavi‰tû 1, 648 04 Brno tel.: 532 194 911, fax: 532 194 938 [email protected], www.rhkbrno.cz contact person: Ing. Petr Bajer, CSc. - director tel.: 532 194 911 [email protected] representative: Ing. Jaroslava Trégerová Austrian-Czech Trade Company Mariánské nám. 6, 669 Znojmo Tel.: +420 515 505 271, fax: +420 515 505 518 email: [email protected] UTILITIES Gas Jihomoravská plynárenská a.s. Plynárenská 499/1, 657 02 Brno tel.: 545 548 111, 840 113 355 fax: 545 578 571 [email protected], www.rwe-jmp.cz Electricity E.ON âeská republika, a.s. Lidická 36, 659 44 Brno tel.: 840 111 333, [email protected], www.eon.cz Water & sewage Brnûnské vodárny a kanalizace, a.s. Hybe‰ova 254/16, 657 33 Brno tel.: 543 321 117, 543 433 111, 840 177 177 fax: 543 433 000 [email protected], www.bvk.cz Vodovody a kanalizace Vy‰kov, a.s. Brnûnská 13, ã.p. 410, 682 01 Vy‰kov tel.: 517 324 930, fax: 517 348 066 [email protected], www.vakvyskov.cz Vodovody a kanalizace Hodonín, a.s. PurkyÀova 2, ã.p. 2933, 695 11 Hodonín tel.: 518 305 911, 800 800 825, fax: 518 351 221 [email protected], www.vak-hod.cz Heat STOS - TZ Brno v.o.s Korejská 3082/4, 616 00 Brno tel.: 541 217 324 [email protected] TEPLO Kyjov spol. s r.o. Svatoborská 27, 697 01 Kyjov 1 tel.: 518 612 467, [email protected] Tepelné zásobování Brno a.s. Hlinky 135/68, 603 00 Brno tel.: 543 424 311, fax: 543 211 924 [email protected], www.tezabrno.cz Teplárna Kyjov a.s. Havlíãkova 180/18, 697 01 Kyjov tel.: 518 698 712, fax: 518 698 713 [email protected] Teplárny Brno a.s. OkruÏní 25, 638 00 Brno - Lesná tel.: 545 161 111, fax: 545 169 999 [email protected], www.teplarny.cz Vusterm a.s. Hudcova 78, 612 00 Brno tel.: 541 513 218, fax: 541 513 217 [email protected], www.vuste.cz Zásobování teplem s.r.o. Sukova 6, 678 01 Blansko tel.: 516 498 711, fax: 516 417 173 [email protected], www.zt-blansko.cz 120 SOUTH MORAVIA REGION TOP 20 COMPANIES RANKED BY REVENUES 2006 Name of company Location www E-mail Phone Activity AHOLD Czech Republic, a.s. Brno www.ahold.cz [email protected] +420 257 297 111 Supermarkets, chain Revenue 2006 (CZK) 36,359,487 Employees Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Brno www.rwe-jmp.cz [email protected] +420 545 548 111 Natural gas transmission 18,092,835 1,120 Skanska DS a.s. Brno www.skanska.cz [email protected] +420 582 304 111 General contractor, highway and street construction 14,782,266 2,500 OHL ÎS, a.s. Brno www.ohlzs.cz [email protected] +420 541 571 111 Railroad and subway construction 9,288,828 1,500 Inventec (Czech), s.r.o. Modfiice www.inventec.com [email protected] +420 543 124 911 Electronic computers 9,115,771 320 Microtech electronic, s.r.o. Blansko www.microtech.cz [email protected] +420 516 418 592 Appliance regulators 8,803,214 20 ALTA, akciová spoleãnost Brno-Královo Pole www.alta.cz [email protected] +420 541 550 111 Industrial machinery and equipment 6,896,357 69 BGS LEVI CZECH a.s. Brno-Slatina www.bgslevi.cz [email protected] +420 531 011 111 Computers, peripherals, and software 5,874,852 270 KORDÁRNA, a.s. Velká nad Veliãkou www.kordarna.cz [email protected] +420 518 312 122 Tire cord and fabrics 5,046,166 898 Zetor, a.s. Brno www.zetor.cz [email protected] +420 533 430 111 Industrial trucks and tractors 4,506,269 1,146 Zetor Trade, s.r.o. Brno www.zetor.com [email protected] +420 544 424 703 Tractors, agricultural 3,958,435 49 Moravské naftové doly, a.s. Hodonín www.mnd.cz [email protected] +420 518 315 111 Crude petroleum and natural gas 3,827,268 482 WOOD & PAPER a.s. Ivanãice www.wood-paper.cz [email protected] +420 546 418 215 Pulpwood 3,385,061 49 HARTMANN - RICO a.s. Veverská Bít˘‰ka www.hartmann.cz [email protected] +420 549 456 111 Sanitary paper products 3,298,611 1,763 CASH REFORM, a.s. Brno www.cashreform.cz [email protected] +420 800 111 008 Purchasers of accounts receivable, com. paper 3,272,007 49 AGROTEC a.s. Hustopeãe www.agrotec.cz [email protected] +420 519 402 111 Farm and garden machinery 3,259,474 722 13,900 COOP MORAVA, s.r.o. Brno www.coopmorava.cz [email protected] +420 542 216 122 Groceries, general line 3,119,256 22 Qisda Czech s.r.o. Brno www.quisda.com [email protected] +420 545 220 128 Electrical equipment and supplies 2,935,569 300 PENAM, a.s. Brno www.penam.cz [email protected] +420 545 518 111 Flour and other grain mill products 2,855,456 2,161 S MORAVA Leasing. a.s. Znojmo www.smorava.cz [email protected] +420 515 200 511 Equipment & vehicle finance leasing 2,834,149 91 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz CzechInvest projects in the region SELECTED CZECHINVEST PROJECTS IN THE REGION Name Location Investor Country Sector Year Alca Plast s.r.o. Bfieclav Alca Plast Czech Republic plastic 2007 BenQ technologies Czech s.r.o. Brno-mûsto BenQ Corporation Tchajwan electronics 2007 BOC Edwards Services s.r.o. Brno The BOC Group United Kingdom repair centre 2006 Bosch Rexroth, spol. s r.o. âernovice Bosch Germany electronics - electric motor and generator production 2006 CANABIA, a.s. Hodonín CANABIA Czech Republic wood-working 2006 CPE, spol. s r.o. CPE Czech Republic IT, software 2006 Czechdesk s.r.o. Hur‰ovany Aceros Switzerland High-Tech engineering 2007 DSG International SSC s.r.o. Brno-mûsto DSG international plc United Kingdom other 2007 Eden Europe s.r.o. Adamov Eden Indutries UK United Kingdom other 2007 EKOL ENERGO s.r.o. Lí‰eÀ EKOL Czech Republic engineering 2006 EKOL spol. s r.o. Brno EKOL II. Czech Republic engineering 2007 EMERSON CLIMATE TECHNOLOGIES, s.r.o. Mikulov Emerson Copeland USA electronic devices 2006 Heluz s.r.o. Hevlín Heluz cihláfisk˘ prÛmysl, v.o.s. Czech Republic other 2007 Hill’s Pet Nutrition Manufacturing, s.r.o. Hustopeãe Colgate-Palmolive USA food processing 2006 IBA CZ, s.r.o. Brno IBA Group Czech Republic IT, software 2006 IMG Bohemia, s.r.o. Hodonín IMG Bohemia Czech Republic plastic, rubber industry 2006 Logica Systems, s.r.o. Brno LogicaCMG United Kingdom custom centre 2006 METRA BLANSKO a.s. Blansko Metra Blansko Czech Republic medical engineering 2006 Novibra Engineering s.r.o. Hrádkov, Boskovice Novibra Boskovice s.r.o. Switzerland engineering 2007 PLIVA - Lachema a.s. Brno-Řeãkovice Pliva Netherlands chemicals 2007 Red Hat Czech s.r.o. Brno Red Hat USA software development 2006 RI OKNA a.s. Bzenec RI OKNA Czech Republic plastics 2007 Robert Bosch odbytová s.r.o. Mikulov Robert Bosch Germany repair centre - electroinstruments 2006 s.n.o.p. CZ a.s. Pohofielice Financiere SNOP - Dunois S.A. France automotive 2007 SAPCON, a.s. Brno Sapcon a.s. Czech Republic IT and software development 2007 SLOVML¯N, spol. s r.o. Hodonín SLOVML¯N Czech Republic food processing 2006 Software Development Europe s.r.o. Brno SDE USA IT and software development 2007 Soluziona s.r.o. Praha; PlzeÀ; Brno SOLUZIONA INTERNACIONAL SERVICIOS PROFESIONALES Spain IT, software 2006 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org The database of more than 4000 top businesses in the Czech Republic Order on +420 234 071 370 or www.bookoflists.cz. Ask about a free listing of your company in the online version of the Book of Lists at www.bookoflists.cz. DISTRICT BLANSKO DISTRICT BLANSKO BASIC DATA Land Area............................................................................................................942 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Blansko.........................................20,557 Boskovice .....................................10,942 Letovice ..........................................6,895 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................108,573 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ..................................................9.6 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................115 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................52,440 Number of job seekers............................................................................................3,815 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 4.4 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 10.5 % 22.9 % ■ Secondary without GCE 24.1 % ■ Elementary 24.0 % 71.6 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 42.5 % Total: ................................................ 3,815 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 7.6 % 11.1 % 63.0 % ■ Construction ................................. 2,124 18.3 % Czech Republic 14 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,449 12 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,508 9.8 10.3 9.5 10 ■ Services ...................................... 12,070 8.9 8.9 8 Total: .............................................. 19,151 9.5 7.7 8.7 8.1 6.7 6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 Original methodology CZK Prague Average CR 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Blansko CR (total) 2005 EUR 4,043,663 1,491,563,988 139,413 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - Blansko nám. Svobody 32/3, 678 01 Blansko tel.: +420 516 426 111 e-mail: [email protected] www.blansko.cz Labour Office - Blansko nám. Republiky 1316/1 P.O.Box 20, 678 01 Blansko tel.: +420 950 103 502, fax: +420 516 775 483 www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/bk_info IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Celestica Czech Republic, s.r.o. Rájeãko Electronic components www.celestica.com Employees 2,000 METRA BLANSKO a.s. Blansko Analytical instruments www.metra.cz 1 ,150 P-D Refractories CZ a.s. Velké Opatovice Nonclay refractories www.mslz.cz MINERVA BOSKOVICE, a.s. Boskovice Shoe making and repairing machinery www.minerva-boskovice.com 780 ALPS Electric Czech, s.r.o. Boskovice Television broadcasting and communications equipment www.alps.cz 650 âKD Blansko Strojírny,a.s. Blansko Turbines and turbine generator sets and parts www.ckdblansko.cz 620 âKD Blansko Holding, a.s. Blansko Turbines and turbine generator sets www.ckdblansko.cz 560 795 JEDNOTA, spotfiební druÏstvo v Boskovicích Boskovice Variety stores www.jednotabce.cz 519 DSB EURO s.r.o. Blansko Gray and ductile iron foundries www.dsbblansko.cz 490 APOS-AUTO, s.r.o. Blansko Automotive related machinery www.apos-auto.cz 420 Novibra Boskovice s.r.o. Boskovice Textile machinery www.novibra.cz 389 LETOVICKÉ STROJÍRNY, s.r.o. Letovice Farm machinery and equipment www.lsletovice.cz 286 BAUMÜLLER BRNO, s.r.o. Skalice nad Svitavou Electric motor and generator parts www.baumueller.cz 270 BUSE s.r.o. Blansko Communications equipment www.buse.cz 230 ADAMOV - SYSTEMS, a.s. Adamov Gasoline pumps, measuring or dispensing www.adamov-systems.cz 175 Mlékárna Ole‰nice, rolnické mlékafiské druÏstvo Ole‰nice Milk processing (pasteurizing, homogenizing, bottling) www.mleko.cz 165 ITAB Shop Concept CZ, a.s. Blansko Store and office display cases and fixtures www.itab.cz 160 SKLÁRNY MORAVIA, akciová spoleãnost Úsobrno Glass containers www.sklomaravia.cz 160 âKD Blansko Engineering, a.s. Blansko Hydraulic systems equipment and supplies www.cbeng.cz 135 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 121 122 SOUTH MORAVIA REGION DISTRICT BRNO-MùSTO DISTRICT BRNO-MùSTO BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................230 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Brno ....................................................................................................................366,757 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................366,680 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................32.4 Population density (pers./km2)................................................................................1,594 Average labour force (2006 average value) ........................................................203,736 Number of job seekers..........................................................................................17,078 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 0.1 % 17.9 % 22.8 % 29.9 % 29.3 % ■ Basic and without education ■ Without education 9.1 % 29.2 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Elementary 61.6 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: .............................................. 17,078 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND 1.1 % District 11.1 % 79.4 % Czech Republic 14 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,235 8.4 % ■ Construction ................................. 9,398 12 ■ Industry ...................................... 12,375 10.9 10.0 10 ■ Services ...................................... 88,620 9.8 9.8 7.9 9.5 8 Total: ............................................ 111,628 9.2 10.3 8.9 7.7 6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 CR (total) Prague Average CR 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Brno-mûsto 2004 CZK EUR 35,994,384 1,240,972 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - Brno Dominikánské námûstí 196/1 602 00 Brno-mûsto tel.: +420 542 171 111, fax: +420 542 173 530 e-mail: [email protected] www.brno.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz District Economic Chamber - Brno V˘stavi‰tû 405/1 603 00 Brno-Pisárky tel.: +420 532 194 911, fax: +420 532 194 938 e-mail: [email protected] www.rhkbrno.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW AHOLD Czech Republic, a.s. Brno Supermarkets, chain www.ahold.cz Employees 13, 900 Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Brno Natural gas transmission www.rwe-jmp.cz 10, 007 Dopravní podnik mûsta Brna,a.s. Brno Street and trolley car transportation www.dpmb.cz 2, 903 Fakultní nemocnice u sv. Anny v Brnû Brno-stfied General medical and surgical hospitals www.fnusa.cz 2, 518 Skanska DS a.s. Brno General contractor, highway and street construction www.skanska.cz 2, 300 PENAM, a.s. Brno Flour and other grain mill products www.penam.cz 2, 161 OHL ÎS, a.s. Brno Railroad and subway construction www.ohlzs.cz 1, 840 EDYMAX-CZ s.r.o. Brno-stfied Employment agencies www.edymax.com 1, 600 Mendelova zemûdûlská a lesnická univerzita Brno-sever University www.mendelu.cz 1, 480 Nová Mosilana, a.s. Brno Worsted fabrics, broadwoven www.mosilana.cz 1, 150 Zetor, a.s. Brno Industrial trucks and tractors www.zetor.cz 1, 000 IMOS Brno, a.s. Brno Operative builders www.imos.as 884 OKAY s.r.o. Brno Electric household appliances www.okaycz.eu 800 TOS KU¤IM - OS,a.s. Brno Machine tools, metal cutting type www.tos-kurim.cz 680 ·meral Brno a.s. Brno Machine tools, metal forming type www.smeral.cz Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery s.r.o. Brno-Îidenice Turbines and turbine generator sets ZKL Brno, a.s. Brno-Lí‰eÀ Bearings, motor vehicle www.zkl.cz 540 PTÁâEK-velkoobchod, a.s. Brno Hardware www.ptacek.cz 530 PLIVA - Lachema a.s. Brno-¤eãkovice a Mokrá Hora Diagnostic substances www.lachema.cz 500 660 542 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT BRNO-VENKOV DISTRICT BRNO-VENKOV BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,238 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Kufiim..............................................9,764 Ivanãice ..........................................9,337 Ti‰nov.............................................8,314 ·lapanice ........................................6,438 Rosice.............................................5,344 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................175,151 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................15.5 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................141 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................88,028 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................5,571 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 5.0 % 0.1 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 10.3 % 23.7 % 25.9 % ■ Secondary without GCE 23.7 % ■ Elementary 69.1 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 42.3 % Total: ................................................ 5,571 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 7.4 % 13.8 % 62.1 % 9.8 ■ Construction ................................. 5,359 10.3 9.5 10 ■ Industry ........................................ 6,490 16.7 % Czech Republic 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,860 8.9 7.7 8 ■ Services ...................................... 24,069 8.7 8.6 7.2 6 Total: .............................................. 38,778 6.7 5.7 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 CZK Brno-venkov Prague 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 7,440,990 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 256,542 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Labour Office - Brno-venkov ·ujanovo námûstí 302/3, 602 00 Brno-Trnitá tel.: +420 543 160 332, fax: +420 543 211 093 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/bo_info District Economic Chamber - Brno-venkov Nové sady 946/30, 602 00 Brno-Staré Brno tel.: +420 543 242 600, fax: +420 543 242 600 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohkbv.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity LIEBHERR-STAVEBNÍ STROJE CZ s.r.o. PopÛvky Construction and mining machinery WWW Employees Tyco Electronics Czech s.r.o. Kufiim Electronic connectors www.tycoelectronics.com HARTMANN - RICO a.s. Veverská Bít˘‰ka Sanitary paper products www.hartmann.cz 1, 600 Inventec (Czech), s.r.o. Modfiice Electronic computers www.inventec.com 1, 000 KOVOLIT, a.s. Modfiice Aluminum and aluminum-based alloy castings www.kovolit.cz 600 JULI Motorenwerk, s.r.o. Moravany Motors, electric www.juli.cz 433 24, 000 1, 867 Brnûnské papírny, státní podnik Pfiedklá‰tefií Paper mills www.papirny-tisnov.cz 370 IFE-CR,a.s. Modfiice Metal doors, sash www.ife.cz 300 JOSEF SEIBEL, s.r.o. Hru‰ovany u Brna Footwear, except rubber LAC, s.r.o. Rajhrad Industrial furnaces and ovens www.lac.cz 250 Metaldyne Oslavany, spol. s r.o. Oslavany Motor vehicle hardware www.metaldyne.com 245 IMPACT INDUSTRY BRNO, a.s. Rosice Plate work for the metalworking trade www.impactbrno.cz 200 Walter s.r.o. Kufiim Grinders, portable: electric or pneumatic www.walter-machines.de 173 ADOSA a.s. Rosice Intercity bus line www.adosa.cz 170 STROJÍRNA OSLAVANY, spol. s r.o. Oslavany Industrial shock absorbers www.st-os.cz 143 BACHL, spol. s r.o. Modfiice Concrete block and brick www.bachl.cz 140 Bode-Panzer s.r.o. Rajhrad Doors, safe and vault: metal www.bodepanzer.eu 140 Richard Masafiík Zakfiany Candles www.krab-brno.cz 130 Moravsk˘ Plynostav,a.s. Rosice Oil and gas pipeline construction www.mopl.cz 128 291 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 123 124 SOUTH MORAVIA REGION DISTRICT B¤ECLAV DISTRICT B¤ECLAV BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,174 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Bfieclav..........................................25,652 Hustopeãe.......................................5,951 Mikulov...........................................7,556 POPULATION Population, total..................................................................................................120,778 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................39.7 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................74 Average labour force.............................................................................................67,361 Number of job seekers............................................................................................6,400 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.1 % 0.1 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 8.2 % 29.8 % ■ Secondary without GCE 21.9 % ■ Elementary 29.3 % 67.6 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 40.1 % Total: ................................................ 6,400 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 56.8 % ■ Construction ................................. 3,061 12.2 % 12 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,434 13.7 % Czech Republic 14 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 4,312 17.2 % 11.8 11.3 9.8 10.3 9.5 8 Total: .............................................. 25,037 11.1 9.6 10 ■ Services ...................................... 14,230 11.7 8.9 7.7 6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 CZK Bfieclav Prague 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 3,459,619 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 119,277 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Bfieclav nám. T. G. Masaryka 38/10, 690 02 Bfieclav tel.: +420 519 311 111, fax: +420 519 311 238 e-mail: [email protected] www.breclav-city.cz District Economic Chamber - Bfieclav nám. T. G. Masaryka 38/10, 690 02 Bfieclav tel.: +420 519 326 116, fax: +420 519 374 126 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohk.breclav.net IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW GUMOTEX, akciová spoleãnost Bfieclav Plastics boats and other marine equipment www.gumotex.cz Employees DHL Exel Supply Chain, s.r.o. Pohofielice Trucking, except local www.tbcz.cz 500 OTIS a.s. Bfieclav Elevators and moving stairways www.otis.com 500 OTIS Escalators s.r.o. Bfieclav Escalators, passenger and freight www.otis.com 476 Worthington Cylinders a.s. Hustopeãe Cylinders, pressure: metal plate www.worthingtonindustries.com 420 MORAVIAPRESS, a.s. Bfieclav Offset and photolithographic printing www.moraviapress.cz 380 Hortim-International, spol. s r.o. Bfieclav Fruits www.hortim.cz 352 1, 662 BORS Bfieclav a.s. Bfieclav Freight forwarding www.bors.cz 330 Roman Blanáfi Brumovice Upholstered household furniture www.blanar.cz 310 NERIA a.s. Hustopeãe Room and wall heaters, including radiators www.neria.cz 300 Euro - Jordán, s.r.o. Podivín Windows, plastics www.euro-jordan.cz 263 SIGNUM spol. s r.o. Hustopeãe Sherardizing of metals or metal products www.signumcz.com 250 ZVOS Hustopeãe, a.s. Hustopeãe General farms, primarily crop www.zvos.cz 204 150 CPI Moravia Books s.r.o. Pohofielice Book printing www.cpi-moravia.com Westfalia Metal s.r.o. Hustopeãe Industrial machinery www.westfalia-group.com 150 Molãík, s.r.o. Valtice Motor vehicle hardware www.molcik.cz 120 PRAMOS, a.s. ·itbofiice Windows, plastics www.pramos.cz 107 MAUTING spol. s r.o. Valtice Food products machinery www.mauting.cz 100 VINIUM a.s. Velké Pavlovice Wines www.vinium.cz 100 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT HODONÍN DISTRICT HODONÍN BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,086 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Hodonín........................................26,226 Kyjov.............................................12,003 Veselí nad Moravou ......................11,971 DubÀany .........................................6,607 StráÏice...........................................5,829 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................156,951 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................13.9 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................145 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................78,091 Number of job seekers..........................................................................................10,834 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.1 % 0.1 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 8.8 % 28.5 % 22.0 % 23.5 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Elementary 73.2 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 40.8 % Total: .............................................. 10,834 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 10.5 % 13.7 % 59.5 % 16.4 % ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 3,278 16 ■ Construction ................................. 4,268 14 ■ Industry ........................................ 5,115 12 ■ Services ...................................... 18,595 10 Total: .............................................. 31,256 8 Czech Republic 15.8 15.4 15.2 14.7 13.3 10.3 9.8 9.5 8.9 7.7 6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 CZK Hodonín Prague 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CR (total) 2004 86,993 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 2,523,240 Town Hall - Hodonín Masarykovo nám. 53/1, 695 01 Hodonín tel.: +420 518 398 111, fax: +420 518 353 456 e-mail: [email protected] www.hodonin.com Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz District Economic Chamber - Hodonín Svatoborská 591/87, 697 01 Kyjov tel.: +420 518 340 103, +420 775 610 513 fax: +420 518 610 621 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohkhodonin.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW FERROMET GROUP, s.r.o. Veselí nad Moravou Corrugating iron and steel, cold-rolled www.ferromet.cz Employees PLOMA, a.s. Hodonín Building and structural materials, wood www.ploma.cz KORDÁRNA, a.s. Velká nad Veliãkou Tire cord and fabrics www.kordarna.cz 665 Jihomoravská armaturka spol. s r.o. Hodonín Armatures, industrial www.jmahod.cz 507 www.vetropack.com 1, 500 700 VETROPACK MORAVIA GLASS, akciová spoleãnost Kyjov Glass containers DELIMAX, a.s. Hodonín Canned and cured fish and seafoods MWG, s.r.o. Bzenec Garden furniture, metal The Candy Plus Sweet Factory, s.r.o. Rohatec Candy and other confectionery products www.candyplus.cz 400 KM Beta a.s. Hodonín Roofing tile and slabs, concrete www.kmbeta.cz 380 Îelezárny Veselí,a.s. Veselí nad Moravou Cold finishing of steel shapes www.zeves.cz 370 ·roubárna Kyjov, spol. s r.o. Kyjov Screw machine products www.sroubk.cz 285 MND Servisní a.s. LuÏice Oil and gas field services www.mnd.cz 273 Pozemní stavitelství Hodonín, spol. s r.o. Hodonín Commercial and office building contractors www.psh.cz 250 Jáchymov invest a.s. Hodonín Flakeboard www.dyas.cz 246 T Machinery a.s. Ratí‰kovice Mining machinery www.tmachinery.cz 240 Narex Îdánice, a.s. v˘roba nástrojÛ silniãní motorová doprava Îdánice Taps, machine tool www.narexzd.cz 236 ORFUS s.r.o. DubÀany Miscellaneous metalwork www.crossline-int.com 130 www.laznehodonin.cz 110 CVM Moravia spol. s r.o. Moravsk˘ Písek Computer peripheral equipment repair and maintenance Láznû Hodonín Hodonín Spas 503 461 400 120 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 125 126 SOUTH MORAVIA REGION DISTRICT VY·KOV DISTRICT VY·KOV BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................889 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Vy‰kov..........................................22,013 Buãovice .........................................6,401 Slavkov u Brna ...............................6,049 POPULATION Population, total....................................................................................................87,443 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ..................................................7.7 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................98 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................45,930 Number of job seekers............................................................................................3,340 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 5.0 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 10.2 % 25.9 % 22.9 % 26.0 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Elementary 69.0 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 41.1 % Total: ................................................ 3,340 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 7.9 % 16.5 % 9.8 ■ Construction ................................. 2,853 59.2 % 10 9.6 ■ Industry ........................................ 2,848 16.5 % Czech Republic 12 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,370 10.5 10.4 8.9 10.3 9.5 8 ■ Services ...................................... 10,239 7.7 8.8 6 Total: .............................................. 17,310 6.8 4 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 CZK Vy‰kov Prague Average CR 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 2,450,599 84,489 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - Vy‰kov Masarykovo námûstí 108/1 682 01 Vy‰kov-Mûsto tel.: +420 517 301 111, fax: +420 517 348 060 e-mail: [email protected] www.vyskov-mesto.cz District Economic Chamber - Vy‰kov Havlíãkova 342/7, 682 01 Vy‰kov-Pfiedmûstí tel.: +420 517 348 324, fax: +420 517 347 332 e-mail: [email protected] www.sweb.cz/ohkvyskov IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW VYDOS BUS a.s. Vy‰kov Intercity bus line www.vydos.net Employees BKR âR, s.r.o. Vy‰kov Window shades Fritzmeier s.r.o. Vy‰kov Cabs, for industrial trucks and tractors VYDOS SERVIS a.s. Vy‰kov Automotive maintenance services ROSTEX VY·KOV, s.r.o. Vy‰kov Hardware www.rostex.cz 340 Skfiivánek s.r.o. Vy‰kov Translation services www.skrivanek.cz 330 Lear Corporation Electrical and Electronics s.r.o. Vy‰kov Connectors and terminals for electrical devices www.lear.com 295 Bioveta, a.s. Ivanovice na Hané Veterinary pharmaceutical preparations www.bioveta.cz 274 1 ,319 450 www.fritzmeier.cz 414 403 fischer automotive systems s.r.o. Vy‰kov Durable goods DINA - HITEX, spol. s r.o. Buãovice Nonwoven fabrics 261 fischer Vy‰kov spol. s r.o. Vy‰kov Bolts, nuts, rivets and washers JAF HOLZ spol. s r.o. Vy‰kov Lumber, plywood and millwork www.jafholz.cz 200 STABILA âR, s.r.o. Nemotice Rulers and rules, wood www.stabilacr.cz 190 Strojírny Bohdalice, a.s. Bohdalice-Pavlovice Food products machinery www.bohdalice.cz 115 LIKO-S, a.s. Slavkov u Brna Steel building construction www.liko-s.cz 103 BUâOVICE TOOLS a.s. Buãovice Hardware www.narex-bu.cz 100 SPECTRUM, spol. s r. o. Vy‰kov Electric alarms and signaling equipment www.spectrum-cz.cz 100 PEGAS - GONDA s.r.o. Slavkov u Brna Saws and sawing equipment www.pegas-gonda.cz 88 ELMONT-swiss, s.r.o. Raãice-Pístovice Metal wires, ties, cables and screening www.elmont.cz 65 www.dina-hitex.com 220 210 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT ZNOJMO DISTRICT ZNOJMO BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,637 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Znojmo..................................................................................................................35,032 Moravsk˘ Krumlov..................................................................................................6,021 POPULATION Population, total..................................................................................................114,391 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................10.1 Population density (pers./km2)....................................................................................70 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................57,751 Number of job seekers............................................................................................8,050 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 2.3 % 0.1 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 8.2 % 30.7 % 20.8 % 29.0 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Elementary ■ Secondary 68.6 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 40.4 % Total: ................................................ 8,050 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,498 16 14.8 % ■ Construction ................................. 3,444 14 14.1 % ■ Industry ........................................ 3,277 12 ■ Services ...................................... 14,031 10 Total: .............................................. 23,250 8 10.7 % 60.3 % Czech Republic 15.5 14.6 14.1 13.7 9.8 10.3 9.5 8.9 7.7 6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 CZK CR (total) Prague Average CR 2004 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Znojmo 13.6 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 3,053,219 105,265 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Town Hall - Znojmo Obroková 2/10, 669 02 Znojmo tel.: +420 515 216 111, fax: +420 515 222 008 e-mail: [email protected] www.znojmocity.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Labour Office - Znojmo námûstí Svobody 2889/8, 669 02 Znojmo tel.: +420 515 203 111, fax: +420 515 203 130 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/zn_info IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW PEGAS NONWOVENS s.r.o. Znojmo Nonwoven fabrics www.pegas.cz Employees 327 RETEX a.s. Moravsk˘ Krumlov Nonwoven fabrics www.retex.cz 270 PROIMPEX, spol. s r. o. Moravsk˘ Krumlov Automotive wiring harness sets www.proimpex.cz 200 FK dfievûné li‰ty, spol. s r.o. Bojanovice Trim, wood www.fklisty.cz 190 SKLÁ¤SKÉ STROJE ZNOJMO, s.r.o. Znojmo General industrial machinery www.sszn.cz 181 ZNOJEMSKÉ STROJÍRNY, s.r.o. Znojmo Castings, except die-castings, precision www.strojirny.cz Impress Znojmo, a.s. Znojmo Casings, sheet metal 150 135 Haas Profile s.r.o. Znojmo Miscellaneous metalwork www.haasprofile.cz 120 POZEMNÍ STAVBY, spol. s r.o. Znojmo Nonresidential construction www.psznojmo.cz 116 E.S. Processing, spol. s r.o. Znojmo Plastics products www.esprocessing.cz 113 ZNOVÍN ZNOJMO,a.s. ·atov Wines, brandy and brandy spirits www.znovin.cz S MORAVA Leasing, a.s. Znojmo Equipment and vehicle finance leasing companies www.smorava.cz 91 Bohemia Bag s.r.o. Znojmo Curtains and draperies www.storsack.cz 80 AGRODRUÎSTVO Miroslav Miroslav General farms, primarily crop PEGAS-NT a.s. Znojmo Nonwoven fabrics STATEK B¤EÎANY, spol. s r.o. BfieÏany General farms, primarily crop 92 71 www.pegas.cz 63 55 1.Miroslavská strojírna, spol. s r.o. Miroslav Structural shapes and pilings, steel www.niro-miroslav.cz 54 ECOLAB Znojmo, spol. s r.o. Znojmo Agricultural chemicals www.silvamix.com 53 Mexx Czech Republic s.r.o. Chvalovice Women's specialty clothing stores www.mexx.com 45 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 127 128 OLOMOUC REGION BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA OLOMOUC REGION ABOUT REGION The Olomouc Region is stretches from central Moravia across the Jeseníky mountains north up to the frontier of Poland. On other sides it borders regions MoraviaSilesia, Zlín, South Moravia and Pardubice. The region is divided among five districts: Jeseník, Olomouc, Prostûjov, Pfierov and ·umperk. Its area is 5,267 km2 (January 1, 2006), 6.7 % of the national territory, making it the 8th largest region in the country. On December 31, 2006 there were 639,894 inhabitants (6.2 % of the population of the Czech Republic, the 6th most populated region in the country). Its 397 communities make up for 6.4 % of all communities in the country. Olomouc, the regional capital with a population of 100,168 is the 5th largest city in the Czech Republic. There are 13 towns and cities with populations exceeding 5,000 in the region. Protected landscape areas include the Jeseníky Mountains, Litovelské Pomoraví and Hranická propast and they belong to the most valuable natural monuments. The most visited castles are Bouzov, Helf‰t˘n, ·ternberk, Námû‰È na Hané or Velké Losiny. A number of folklore organizations take care of preserving the local tradition in the Haná region, taking part in various festivals. Svat˘ Kopeãek at Olomouc is an important pilgrimage venue. The Jeseníky Mountains form about a third of the region’s territory in its northern part. There are good conditions for skiing, cross country and alpine, as well as for summer outdoor activities. There are over 70 biking paths in the region. The urban sanctuaries in the region are at Olomouc and Lipník nad Beãvou. A 35 meter high pillar of Saint Trinity in Olomouc City is the only regional landmark registered on the UNESCO list of the world heritage but the historic paper mill in Velké Losiny is also trying to obtain the registration. Local spas are also of great importance for tourism. Jeseník was among the first of several places in the world applying hydrotherapy. Other spas in the region are Lipová láznû, Teplice nad Beãvou, Velké Losiny and Bludov. The second oldest university in the Czech Republic, Univerzita Palackého (UP) in Olomouc, with its seven colleges, is the largest university in the region. Studies available there include medicine, theology, philosophy, law, pedagogy and sports. Possibilities to study information and some of the natural sciences make up somewhat for the deficiency of technical studies. A branch of Vysoká ‰kola báÀská (Mining University) in ·umperk is oriented mostly on studies in the line of machinery. As for private universities there is Vysoká ‰kola logistiky (Logistics University) in Pfierov and Moravská vysoká ‰kola (Moravian University) oriented mainly on informatics and management. In 2004 expenses on research and development in the Region Olomouc reached Kã 1,660 per capita (9th place in the Czech Republic) and 0.39 % of all employees worked in research and development (5th place in the Czech Republic). Farming provides for more than the average share of the regional GDP (mainly sugar beet and hops), as well as the processing industry. Garment, machinery and electronics industries are of the utmost importance. There are clusters in the car making and garment industries, as well as nanotechnologies and information technologies in the Olomouc Region. As further development potential is concerned, there is fertile soil in the Olomouc Region, good railway connections (corridors I. and III.), the second oldest university in the country, clean air, a large number of historic landmarks, many folklore festivals, mountain areas usable for tourism throughout the year, and a large network of biking trails. BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA BASIC DATA ADMINISTRATIVE BREAKDOWN Land Area..........................................................................................................5,267 km2 POPULATION Number of districts .........................................................................................................5 Number of municipalities............................................................................................397 of that, number of towns ..............................................................................................27 REPRESENTATION OF PROFESSIONAL CLASSES (%) Total .......................................................................................639,894 Percentage in the total population of Czech Republic (%)...........................................6.2 Population density (persons/km2) ...............................................................................121 Average work force ..............................................................................................326,595 Number of job seekers ..........................................................................................31,187 NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Total .......................................................................................130,425 Industry .................................................................................................................18,138 Construction ..........................................................................................................15,115 Agriculture & forestry ............................................................................................10,427 Services .................................................................................................................86,747 Unskilled and unqualified workers ...............................................................................7.6 Plant and machine operators and assemblers ...........................................................15.9 Craft and related trades workers................................................................................21.1 Skilled agricultural and forestry workers .....................................................................2.8 Workers in services & sales ......................................................................................12.1 Administrative..............................................................................................................5.7 Specialists....................................................................................................................9.5 Legislators, senior officials and managers...................................................................6.2 Armed forces ...............................................................................................................0.9 Technical, health care, pedagogical workers & workers in similar sectors ................18.2 of which Technicians in physical, technical & related branches ...............................................32.6 Technicians in biology, health care & agriculture.......................................................18.7 Pedagogical workers....................................................................................................5.8 Others assistant skilled workers ................................................................................42.1 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz AVERAGE MONTHLY GROSS WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD 25,000 9.9 % ■ Basic and without education ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education 20.2 % 29.1 % 40.8 % Czech Republic Region 22,000 19,000 15,844 16,000 16,917 17,639 16,675 13,000 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 20,844 19,631 18,035 13,351 15,448 14,326 10,000 2002 CZK/year 2003 2004 2005 2006 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz GDP BY REGIONS UNEMPLOYMENT – 5-YEAR TREND Total Region Per capita mln. CZK mln. EUR CZK EUR Olomouc Region 149,436 5,272 233,705 8,246 Average GDP for Czech regions 230,827 8,144 294,679 10,400 Share in GDP of the Czech Republic 4.62 % District 13 Czech Republic 11.7 12 10.7 11 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 10 10.3 10.2 9.5 9.4 10.3 10.1 9.8 9.6 9 8 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT UNEMPLOYMENT ACCORDING TO SEX STRUCTURE Number 9.0 12,785 54.42 % Men 10,710 45.58 % 2003 2004 16,040 Olomouc 28,079 968 801,100 27,619 106,540 3,673 Prague (max) 23,495 Average Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz 7.7 2005 2006 Original methodology FDI (mln. CZK) FDI (mln. EUR) Karlovy Vary (min) 8.9 8.9 7.7 2002 Share Women Total number of job seekers 7 %/year Region Average in all regions 12.5 12.5 12.2 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz 553 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz AVERAGE GROSS MONTHLY WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND Year Region 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR Olomouc Region Average for Czech Republic 13,351 15,844 433 514 14,326 16,917 450 531 15,448 18,035 484 565 16,679 19,624 560 659 Average for Czech regions 14,499 471 15,509 487 16,557 519 17,903 601 CZK EUR 17,639 20,844 622 735 19,031 671 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 129 130 OLOMOUC REGION LISTS OF AIRPORTS Specifications Flight time (hrs) Public/Private Civil/Military/Varied International/Intranational Prague Berlin Wien Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights BohuÀovice Hranice Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Mikulovice Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Olomouc Public Civil International/Intranational 0:45 1:25 0:35 Prostûjov Private Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Pfierov Private Civil International/Intranational no flights no flights no flights Pfierov Private Military International/Intranational no flights no flights no flights Stichovice Private Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights ·umperk Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Source: Ministry of Transport, www.mdcr.cz PL SCHOOL SYSTEM Number of schools Number of students Number of graduates Secondary schools 96 36,723 8,390 Technical fields 50 12,240 3,198 Economic fields 45 7,813 1,944 ICT fields 16 2,832 716 Higher schools 7 1,308 333 Technical fields 4 440 127 Economic fields 2 109 30 ICT fields 2 358 97 Universities 3 89,367 NA Technical fields 3 688 NA Economic fields 4 1,084 NA ICT fields 2 620 NA PL Jeseník Motorway Road Railroad Airport - Private ·umperk Airport - Public Pardubice (148 km) Hradec Králové (170 km) Dresden (375 km) Karlovy Vary (360 km) E442 R35 Olomouc R35 Îilina (160 km) Krakow (230 km) Ostrava (106 km) R46 Pfierov Prostûjov E462 Source: Institute for Information on Education, www.uiv.cz Brno (80 km) Brno (100 km) Wien (205 km) LIST OF SCHOOLS Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Moravská vysoká ‰kola Olomouc, o. p. s. [email protected] www.mvso.cz Economics and management Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci [email protected] www.upol.cz Variety of programmes Vysoká ‰kola logistiky o. p. s. [email protected] www.vslg.cz Logistics, transport infrastructure Centrum bakaláfisk˘ch studií V·B-TU Ostrava [email protected] www.fs.vsb.cz Variety of programmes Students Universities Bc. Bc., Mgr., MUDr., Ph.D., PhDr., 265 18,000 Bc., Mgr. 402 Bc. Higher schools CARITAS – VO· sociální Olomouc [email protected] www.caritas-vos.cz Charity and social DiS. 397 Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická E. PŒttinga [email protected] www.epol.cz Health care DiS. 251 VO· a S·A [email protected] www.spsa-za.cz Automotive, road DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola [email protected] www.vsps-su.cz IT DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola elektrotechnická [email protected] www.spseol.cz IT DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola sociální a teologická – DORKAS [email protected] www.dorkas.cz Social, theological DiS. 132 45 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola Ïivnostenská Pfierov, s. r. o. [email protected] www.sszprerov.cz Logistics, marketing DiS. 190 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz Note: You can find the complete list of schools on the CD-ROM City Invest Czech. INDUSTRIAL ZONES, BROWNFIELDS Type Name District Area (ha) Mikulovice, muniãní sklad Jeseník 180.0 Olomouc - Holice, Keplerova Olomouc 80.0 Pfierov jih a terminál kombinované pfiepravy Pfierov Hranice na Moravû Industrial zone Brownfield Contact - subject Phone x Obec Mikulovice +420 584 429 100, -195 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Olomouc +420 587 332 186, -187 75.5 x Mûstsk˘ úfiad Pfierov, Odbor rozvoje +420 581 268 111 Pfierov 52.8 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Olomouc +420 587 332 186, -187 Olomouc, Pfiíkopy Olomouc 45.0 x Magistrát mûsta Olomouc, oddûlení hospodáfiského rozvoje +420 588 488 405; 602 752 360 Prostûjov/Kralice na Hané, sektor G Prostûjov 40.0 x Mûstsk˘ úfiad Prostûjov, odbor koncepce a rozvoje mûsta +420 582 329 731 Velk˘ T˘nec - K1, Z2, Z3 Olomouc 35.0 x Obecní úfiad Velk˘ T˘nec +420 585 151 113 ·ternberk-Lhota jih Olomouc 31.0 x Mûsto ·ternberk +420 585 086 111 Uniãov Uniãov 30.4 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Olomouc +420 587 332 186, -187 Bûlotín Pfierov 28.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Olomouc +420 587 332 186, -187 Litovel - jihozápad Olomouc 23.2 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Olomouc +420 587 332 186, -187 Zábfieh - Le‰tinská u âOV ·umperk 23.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Olomouc +420 587 332 186, -187 Hustopeãe nad Beãvou, Rzové Pfierov 22.0 x Úfiad mûstyse Hustopeãe nad Beãvou +420 581 626 111 +420 581 828 200 Hranice na Moravû, Ml˘nská Pfierov 21.3 x Mûstsk˘ úfiad Hranice, vedoucí odboru rozvoje mûsta Prostûjov, Západnû od R/46 Prostûjov 21.2 x Mûstsk˘ úfiad Prostûjov, odbor koncepce a rozvoje mûsta +420 582 329 204 Hranice - V poli Pfierov 21.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Olomouc +420 587 332 186, -187 Prostûjov - severozápad Prostûjov 21.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Olomouc +420 587 332 186, -187 Hranice na Moravû, V Poli Pfierov 20.2 x Mûstsk˘ úfiad Hranice, vedoucí odboru rozvoje mûsta +420 581 828 200 Olomouc, ·lechtitelÛ Olomouc 16.8 x Magistrát mûsta Olomouc, oddûlení hospodáfiského rozvoje +420 588 488 405; 602 752 360 ·umperk ·umperk 13.4 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Olomouc +420 587 332 186, -187 Velká Bystfiice Olomouc 1.6 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Olomouc +420 587 332 186, -187 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org CzechInvest projects in the region 131 A-CLASS OFFICE SPACES (OLOMOUC) Project Total size (m2)* Completed CPI City Centre Olomouc 8,000 2009 Comments Regional Center Olomouc 25,000 1997, 2003 Modern mixed-use project comprising of administrative building, hotel and congress centre located in the business district of Olomouc. In walking distance to the city center. Administrative scheme located in close proximity to the main railway station and close to the city centre. *) Total size of office space Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o., www.cushmanwakefield.com OFFICE AND RETAIL SPACE RENTALS EUR/m2/month Location In demand Other A-Class Office Space (Olomouc) Office space 4.2 - 7.8 2.8 - 5.3 9.0 - 12.0 Shopping Centre Area * - Retail space 24.7 - 44.1 5.6 - 17.6 - 25.0 - 40.0 * Rental levels for average 100 m2 retail unit. The given prices are for rental in the regional city. The prices are listed separately as prices in locations in demand and other locations. Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o. (A-Class office space and Shopping Centre Area) and European Club of Estate Agencies (other data) LABOUR OFFICE City Address Phone Fax Jeseník Karla âapka 1147/10, 790 01 Jeseník 1 +420 584 461 111 +420 584 411 130 E-mail [email protected] Olomouc Vejdovského 988/4, 779 00 Olomouc 9 +420 950 141 111 +420 950 141 302 [email protected] Prostûjov Plumlovská 458/36, 796 01 Prostûjov 1 +420 582 301 811 +420 582 301 899 [email protected] Pfierov Îerotínovo nám. 168/21, 750 02 Pfierov 2 +420 581 272 111 +420 581 738 801 [email protected] ·umperk Starobranská 2700/19, 787 01 ·umperk 1 +420 583 300 111 +420 583 213 986 [email protected] Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE REGION Regional Council Îilinská 7, 779 00 Olomouc [email protected] www.kr-olomoucky.cz City Hall - Olomouc Horní námûstí, 779 11 Olomouc tel.: 585 513 111, 724 270 665 fax: 585 513 433 [email protected] [email protected] www.olomoucko.cz CzechInvest - Regional Office Jeremenkova 40 B, 772 00 Olomouc tel.: 587 332 186, 587 332 187 fax: 587 332 195 [email protected] Regional Agency for Development of the Middle Moravia Horní nám. 5, 772 00 Olomouc tel.: 585 228 698, fax: 585 228 581 [email protected], www.rarsm.cz Regional Consulting & Information Place - IRP-RPIC Jeseník, s.r.o. Masarykovo nám. 14/159, 790 01 Jeseník tel.: 584 409 211, 605 253 848, 736 675 020, fax: 584 409 214 [email protected], http://rpic.jesenik.cz contact persons: Ing. Hana Klime‰ová, Ing. Bronislava ¤ezníková Regional Consulting & Information Place - RPIC - EKONOMSERVIS Pfierov s.r.o. Blahoslavova 4, 750 02 Pfierov tel.: 581 204 397, -8, fax: 581 204 397 [email protected], www.ekonomservis.cz contact persons: Ing. Franti‰ek Schröpfer, Ing. Dita VaÀatková CzechTrade - Regional Information Place - Pfierov Generála ·tefánika 8, 750 02 Pfierov tel.: 581 208 735, 581 210 205 fax: 581 299 729 [email protected], www.hkprerov.cz contact person: Andrea Kubáãková tel.: 224 907 536, fax: 224 913 805 [email protected] Regional Consultant CzechTrade - Praha Jana BrzoÀová tel.: 224 907 546, fax: 224 913 817 [email protected] [email protected] Regional Economic Chamber - Olomouck˘ kraj Jeremenkova 40B, 722 00 Olomouc tel.: 602 708 246, 587 332 066 fax: 587 332 066 [email protected], www.khkok.cz CzechTrade - Regional Consultants Regional Consultant CzechTrade - Praha Zuzana Jesenská Regional Manager CzechTrade - Pfierov Iveta Klime‰ová tel.: 581 299 728, 724 613 029 UTILITIES Gas Severomoravská plynárenská, a.s. (for Northern part of the region) Plynární 2748/6, 702 72 Ostrava tel.: 595 141 111, 840 113 355, fax: 595 141 190 [email protected], www.rwe-smp.cz Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s. (for Southern part of the region) Plynárenská 499/1, 657 02 Brno tel.: 545 548 111, fax: 545 578 571 [email protected], www.jmpas.cz Electricity Severomoravská energetika, a.s. (for Northern part of the region) 28. fiíjna 3123/152, 709 02 Ostrava - Mor. Ostrava tel.: 596 671 111, fax: 596 672 388 [email protected], www.sme.cz E.ON âeská republika, a.s. (for Southern part of the region) Lidická 36, 659 44 Brno, tel.: 840 111 333 [email protected], www.eon.cz Water & sewage Jesenická vodohospodáfiská spoleãnost, s.r.o. Tovární ul. 202/3, 790 00 Jeseník tel.: 584 494 111, 584 494 370 [email protected], www.voda-jvs.cz EKOLTES Hranice, a.s. Zborovská 606, 753 01 Hranice tel.: 581 615 168, 581 674 400 fax: 581 674 414 [email protected], www.ekoltes.cz Vodovody a kanalizace Prostûjov, a.s. Krapkova 1635/26, 796 01 Prostûjov tel.: 582 333 510, fax: 582 344 180 [email protected], www.vak.prostejov.cz Mûstská teplárenská spoleãnost Litovel, a.s. Boskovicova 780/1, 784 01 Litovel tel.: 585 343 218, fax: 585 343 218 [email protected], www.mtslitovel.cz Stfiedomoravská vodárenská, a.s. Tovární 41, 772 11 Olomouc tel.: 585 243 225, 585 243 263 fax.: 585 243 117 [email protected], [email protected] , www.smv.cz Olterm & TD Olomouc, a.s. Janského 469/8, 779 00 Olomouc tel.: 585 705 111, 585 423 537, 602 579 259 fax: 585 705 131, 585 423 537 [email protected], [email protected] www.olterm.cz Heat Dalkia âeská republika, a.s. (branch Olomouc) Janského 8,779 00 Olomouc tel.: 585 705 111, fax: 585 705 131 www.olterm.cz Sateza, a.s. 8. kvûtna 41, 787 01 ·umperk tel.: 583 212 459, 583 212 329, 583 212 842, 585 215 383 fax: 583 214 362 [email protected], www.sateza.cz 132 OLOMOUC REGION TOP 20 COMPANIES RANKED BY REVENUES 2006 Name of company Location www E-mail Phone Activity Odûvní podnik,a.s. Prostûjov www.op-profashion.cz [email protected] +420 582 311 211 Women's and misses' outerwear Revenue 2006 (CZK) 3,814,251 Employees Cement Hranice, akciová spoleãnost Hranice www.cement.cz [email protected] +420 581 651 111 Portland cement 2,520,818 PRECHEZA a.s. Pfierov www.precheza.cz [email protected] +420 581 252 111 Inorganic pigments 1,990,307 IRCR Manufacturing s.r.o. Uniãov www.ircr.cz [email protected] +420 585 093 111 Air and gas compressors 1,859,277 211 Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci Olomouc www.upol.cz [email protected] +420 587 441 111 University 1,812,350 1,978 5,000 608 ÎELEZO HRANICE s.r.o. Hranice www.zelezo-hranice.cz [email protected] +420 581 694 177 Iron and steel (ferrous) products 1,666,695 58 Ol‰anské papírny a.s. Lukavice www.olpa.cz [email protected] +420 583 492 111 Paper mills 1,652,982 900 800 SSI Schäfer s.r.o. Hranice www.ssi-schaefer.cz [email protected] +420 581 606 726 Bins, prefabricated sheet metal 1,515,866 VOP-026 ·ternberk, s.p. ·ternberk www.vop.cz [email protected] +420 585 083 111 Tanks and tank components 1,450,710 MORA AEROSPACE, a.s. Hluboãky www.honeywell.com [email protected] +420 585 128 111 Research and develop. on aircraft engines and parts 1,395,011 875 Meopta - optika, s.r.o. Pfierov www.meopta.cz [email protected] +420 581 241 111 Optical glass 1,378,950 2,,251 Pramet Tools, s.r.o. ·umperk www.pramet.com [email protected] +420 583 381 111 Bits for use on lathes, planers, shapers 1,348,630 468 Pars nova a.s. ·umperk www.parsnova.cz [email protected] +420 583 213 021 Railroad car customizing 1,285,129 750 PSP Engineering a.s. Pfierov www.pspengineering.cz [email protected] +420 581 231 111 Industrial machinery 1,086,591 600 SULKO s. r. o. Zábfieh www.sulko.cz [email protected] +420 583 411 167 Windows, plastics Klein & BlaÏek s. r. o. ·títy www.kleibl.cz [email protected] +420 583 482 111 Motor vehicle parts and accessories 912,436 570 Omya CZ s.r.o. Vápenná www.omya.cz [email protected] +420 584 492 111 Cut stone and stone products 846,923 155 971,647 FORTEX - AGS, a.s. ·umperk www.fortex-ags.cz [email protected] +420 583 310 111 Waste water and sewage treatment plant constr. 782,062 Roman Mazák - NUGET ·umperk www.nuget.cz [email protected] +420 583 313 250 Groceries, general line 760,755 80 PANAV, a.s. Senice na Hané www.panav.cz [email protected] +420 585 947 323 Semitrailers for truck tractors 745,085 344 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz CzechInvest projects in the region SELECTED CZECHINVEST PROJECTS IN THE REGION Name Location Investor Country Sector Year FRAMAT s.r.o. Velká Kra‰ FRAMAT s.r.o. Czech Republic other 2007 Meopta - optika, s.r.o. Pfierov Meopta optika Czech Republic medical engineering 2006 MICOS spol. s r.o. Kralice na Hané ADIX Czech Republic electrointegrated circuits production 2006 MORA AEROSPACE, a.s. Hluboãky, okres Olomouc MORA AEROSPACE USA Aircraft 2007 O & M Solar s.r.o. Olomouc Onamba Japan electronic device 2006 Olympus Medical Products Czech s.r.o. Pfierov Olympus TC Japan health service 2007 Olympus Service Facility Czech, s.r.o., ãlen koncernu Pfierov Olympus Japan repair centre - eletroinstruments 2006 Pramet Tools, s.r.o. ·umperk Pramet Scandinavia AB Sweden metallurgy 2006 PROFROST a.s Prostûjov AGROFERT HOLDING Czech Republic food processing 2006 REINOLD s.r.o. Stará âervená Voda Manfred Reinold Czech Republic other 2007 TANABYT s.r.o. Îulová TANABYT Czech Republic woodworking 2006 TONDACH âeská republika s.r.o. Hranice Tondach âR s.r.o. Austria other 2007 TOUAX s.r.o. Jeseník TOUAX s.r.o. France other 2007 Vítkovice Hard, a.s. Jeseník Vítkovice Hard, a.s. Czech Republic other 2007 WAREX spol. s r.o. Jeseník Warex II Czech Republic engineering 2007 NA Litovel Pivovar Litovel Czech Republic other 2007 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org DISTRICT JESENÍK DISTRICT JESENÍK BASIC DATA Land Area............................................................................................................719 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Jeseník..................................................................................................................12,377 POPULATION Population, total ...................................................................................................41,726 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ..................................................6.5 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................58 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................20,668 Number of job seekers............................................................................................3,236 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 1.8 % 1.0 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 8.9 % 28.3 % ■ Secondary without GCE 21.1 % ■ Elementary 33.4 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary 63.8 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 41.6 % Total: ................................................ 3,236 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,134 10.6 % 15.6 % ■ Construction ................................. 1,668 59.6 % 14.2 % 19 17 ■ Industry ........................................ 1,517 15 ■ Services ........................................ 6,371 13 Total: .............................................. 10,690 Czech Republic 21 11 18.2 18.3 16.9 16.9 14.7 9.8 10.3 9.5 9 8.9 7.7 7 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 CZK Prague 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Jeseník CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 1,447,439 1,491,563,988 49,903 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Average CR Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - Jeseník Masarykovo nám. 167/1, 790 01 Jeseník tel.: +420 584 498 111, fax: +420 584 498 156 e-mail: [email protected] www.mujes.cz District Economic Chamber - Jeseník Masarykovo nám. 159/14, 790 01 Jeseník tel.: +420 584 411 039, +420 602 745 273 fax: +420 584 411 039 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohk.jesenik.com IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW VÍTKOVICE HARD a.s. Jeseník Fabricated structural metal www.hard.cz Employees 250 Omya CZ s.r.o. Vápenná Cut stone and stone products www.omya.cz 155 Plastkon product s.r.o. Mikulovice Plastics products www.plastkon.cz 150 STOMIX, spol. s r. o. Îulová Insulating materials www.stomix.cz OCELIT, s.r.o. Velké Kunûtice Iron & steel foundries www.ocelit.cz 66 FENIX s.r.o. Jeseník Refrigeration and heating equipment www.fenixgroup.cz 35 www.moravolen.cz 30 83 Moravolen a.s. Jeseník Finishing plants, cotton TRUL DISTILLERS spol. s r.o. Mikulovice Ethyl alcohol for beverage purposes JESENICKÁ TEPELNÁ SPOLEâNOST s.r.o. Jeseník Steam heating systems (suppliers of heat) FENIX Trading, s. r. o. Jeseník Furnaces, heating: electric SluÏby BPK, s.r.o. Jeseník Testing services DOMIST, spol. s r.o. Jeseník Prefabricated building erection, industrial TRUL AUTO a.s. Mikulovice Freight forwarding 6 ITS - informaãní technologie a systémy s.r.o. Jeseník Computer related services 2 PENET, spoleãnost s ruãením omezen˘m Jeseník Trucks, noncommercial 23 16 www.fenixgroup.cz 8 8 www.domist.cz 7 1 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 133 134 OLOMOUC REGION DISTRICT OLOMOUC DISTRICT OLOMOUC BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,618 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Olomouc .....................................100,381 ·ternberk......................................13,872 Uniãov ..........................................12,283 Litovel...........................................10,073 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................229,486 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................35.8 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................142 Average labour force (2006 average value) ........................................................119,781 Number of job seekers............................................................................................9,704 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 5.5 % 0.1 % 13.8 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 22.9 % 27.6 % ■ Secondary without GCE 26.1 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Elementary ■ Secondary 66.9 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 37.2 % Total: ................................................ 9,704 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 6.0 % 70.1 % ■ Construction ................................. 3,133 12.8 % Czech Republic 14 ■ Agriculture & forestry ...................... 815 11.1 % 12 11.6 11.8 10.3 ■ Industry ........................................ 2,587 10 ■ Services ...................................... 20,030 9.8 9.3 10.3 9.5 8.9 8 Total: .............................................. 26,565 7.7 7.6 6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK Olomouc CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 7,576,911 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 261,228 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Olomouc Horní námûstí 583, 779 00 Olomouc tel.: +420 585 513 111, fax: +420 585 513 433 e-mail: [email protected] www.olomouc.eu District Economic Chamber - Olomouc Opletalova 364/1, 779 00 Olomouc tel.: +420 585 225 231, fax: +420 585 223 554 e-mail: [email protected] www.hkol.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Employees Fakultní nemocnice Olomouc Olomouc General medical and surgical hospitals www.fnol.cz 21, 959 Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci Olomouc University www.upol.cz 1, 978 UNEX a.s. Uniãov Construction machinery www.unex.cz 1, 400 SIGMA GROUP a.s. Lutín Pumps and pumping equipment www.sigma.cz 1, 200 MORA MORAVIA, s.r.o. Hluboãky Ovens, portable: household www.mora.cz 980 M.L.S. Holice, spol. s r. o. Olomouc Alternators, automotive www.leroysomer.com 950 MORA AEROSPACE, a.s. Hluboãky Research and development on aircraft engines and parts www.honeywell.com 875 OLMA, a.s. Olomouc Condensed, concentrated and evaporated milk products www.olma.cz 650 MILKAGRO a.s. Olomouc Meat packing plants www.martinov.cz 500 Moravské Ïelezárny, a.s. Olomouc Valves and pipe fittings www.mzol.cz 500 Timken âeská republika s.r.o. Bystrovany Bearings, motor vehicle www.timken.com 460 UNEX Slévárna, s.r.o. Uniãov Nonferrous foundries www.slevarna.unex.cz 450 GEMO OLOMOUC, spol. s r.o. Olomouc Operative builders www.gemo.cz Invensys Appliance Controls s.r.o. ·ternberk Air conditioning condensers and condensing units 430 390 PANAV, a.s. Senice na Hané Semitrailers for truck tractors www.panav.cz 344 CAT-GATO, s.r.o. Lutín Pet supplies www.cat-gato.com 290 FARMAK, a.s. Olomouc Medicinal chemicals www.farmak.cz 259 SEV Litovel, s.r.o. Litovel Phonographs www.sev-litovel.cz 235 PAPCEL, a.s. Litovel Paper industries machinery www.papcel.cz 230 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT PROSTùJOV DISTRICT PROSTùJOV BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................770 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Prostûjov...............................................................................................................47,058 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................109,801 Percentage in the total population of the region ...................................................17.1% Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................143 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................54,923 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................3,783 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 5.2 % 1.1 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 9.7 % 23.7 % 25.5 % ■ Secondary without GCE 24.3 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Elementary ■ Secondary 68.1 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 42.3 % Total: ................................................ 3,783 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 9.0 % 11.3 % 63.1 % ■ Construction ................................. 2,521 16.6 % Czech Republic 14 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,009 12 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,695 10.0 10 ■ Services ...................................... 14,079 9.8 10.3 9.9 8.9 10.2 9.5 7.7 8 Total: .............................................. 22,304 8.4 6.2 6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK EUR Prostûjov 3,667,226 CR (total) 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 126,434 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Prostûjov nám. T. G. Masaryka 130/14 796 01 Prostûjov tel.: +420 582 329 722 www.mestopv.cz District Economic Chamber - Prostûjov Lidická 1715/8, 796 01 Prostûjov tel.: +420 582 332 489, fax: +420 582 332 721 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohkpv.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Odûvní podnik, a.s. Prostûjov Women's and misses' outerwear www.op-profashion.cz Employees FTL - First Transport Lines, a.s. Prostûjov Freight transportation arrangement www.ftl.cz EASTERN SUGAR âESKÁ REPUBLIKA, a.s. Nûmãice nad Hanou Beet sugar www.easternsugar.cz 400 Javofiice, a.s. Ptení Sawmills and planing mills, general www.pila-javorice.cz 347 HELAR, s.r.o. Prostûjov Helmets, athletic www.helar.cz 300 SLADOVNY SOUFFLET âR, a.s. Prostûjov Malt www.slad.cz 298 CZ EIKA, s.r.o. Prostûjov Electronic components & accessories mfrs www.eika.es 283 GALA a.s. Prostûjov Balls, rubber www.gala.cz 260 MICOS spol. s r.o. Prostûjov Computers, peripherals and software www.micos.cz 235 AMF Reece CR, s.r.o. Prostûjov Sewing machines and attachments, industrial www.amfreece.cz 190 MODùVA odûvní druÏstvo Konice Konice Fabricated textile products www.modeva.cz 190 AGROP NOVA a.s. Ptení Sawmills and planing mills, general www.agrop.cz 190 Îelezárny-Annahütte, spol. s r.o. Prostûjov Wire products, steel or iron www.annahutte.cz 171 Mürdter Dvofiák, nástrojárna, spol. s r.o. Ol‰any u Prostûjova Pressing machines www.muerdter.cz 100 VPO Protivanov, a.s. Protivanov Plastics products www.vpo.cz 100 Koutn˘ spol. s r.o. Prostûjov Men's and boys' uniforms www.koutny.cz ALIKA a.s. Klenovice na Hané Salted and roasted nuts and seeds www.alika.cz Prostûjovská stavební spoleãnost-PROSTAS, s.r.o. Prostûjov Construction and civil engineering Zemûdûlská spoleãnost TERRIS Budûtsko, a.s. Budûtsko General farms, primarily crop 5, 000 408 90 80 73 www.volny.cz/terris 55 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 135 136 OLOMOUC REGION DISTRICT P¤EROV DISTRICT P¤EROV BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................845 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Pfierov...........................................46,858 Hranice .........................................19,525 Lipník nad Beãvou ..........................8,421 Kojetín ............................................6,409 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................134,987 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ...............................................21.1 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................160 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................68,329 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................7,741 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.6 % 0.5 % 10.6 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 24.4 % ■ Secondary without GCE 25.8 % ■ Secondary with GCE 39.2 % ■ Elementary 29.4 % ■ Secondary 66.6 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 7,741 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 8.0 % 11.1 % 67.3 % 13.5 % Czech Republic 14 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,041 13.8 ■ Construction ................................. 2,812 12 12.6 12.7 11.6 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,413 10 ■ Services ...................................... 17,078 9.8 10.6 10.3 9.5 8.9 8 Total: .............................................. 25,362 7.7 6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 CZK CR (total) Prague Average CR 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Pfierov 2004 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 8,068,575 278,179 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Town Hall - Pfierov Bratrská 709/34, 750 02 Pfierov I-Mûsto tel.: +420 581 268 111, fax: +420 581 268 279 e-mail: [email protected] www.mu-prerov.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz District Economic Chamber - Pfierov gen. ·tefánika 1992/8, 750 02 Pfierov I-Mûsto tel.: +420 581 208 735, fax: +420 581 299 729 e-mail: [email protected] www.hkprerov.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Meopta - optika, s.r.o. Pfierov Optical glass www.meopta.cz Employees KAZETO, spoleãnost s ruãením omezen˘m (spol. s r.o.) Pfierov Valises www.kazeto.cz SSI Schäfer s.r.o. Hranice Bins, prefabricated sheet metal www.ssi-schaefer.cz 800 PRECHEZA a.s. Pfierov Inorganic pigments www.precheza.cz 608 PSP Engineering a.s. Pfierov Industrial machinery www.pspengineering.cz 600 MontáÏe Pfierov a.s. Pfierov Assembly machines, non-metalworking www.montaze.cz 420 Láznû Teplice nad Beãvou a.s. Teplice nad Beãvou Spas www.ltnb.cz 399 2 ,251 950 PSP Slévárna a.s. Pfierov Gray and ductile iron foundries www.pspslevarna.cz 384 CIDEM Hranice, a.s. Hranice Structural brick and blocks www.cidem.cz 235 FAGUS, a.s. Slu‰ovice Residential construction www.fagus.cz 227 EMOS spol. s r.o. Pfierov Electronic parts and equipment www.emos.cz 200 VÁHALA a spol. s r.o. v˘roba a prodej masn˘ch a lahÛdkáfisk˘ch v˘robkÛ Hustopeãe nad Beãvou Meat product manufacturers www.vahala.cz 200 Lindab-Astron s.r.o. Pfierov Fabricated structural metal www.astron-buildings.com 192 PSP Pohony a.s. Pfierov Drives, chains and sprockets www.pohony.cz 182 Pivovar ZUBR a.s. Pfierov Beer (alcoholic beverage) www.zubr.cz 180 BETONIKA spol. s r.o. Lobodice Concrete block and brick www.betonika.cz 178 KoÏe‰nická, a.s. Hlinsko Fur goods www.kozesnicka.cz 170 KROK CZ, v.o.s. Hranice Clothing, fire resistant and protective www.krok-hranice.cz 150 STROJTOS LIPNÍK, a.s. Lipník nad Beãvou Machine tools, metal cutting type www.strojtos.cz 149 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT ·UMPERK DISTRICT ·UMPERK BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,316 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 ·umperk .......................................28,196 Zábfieh ..........................................14,268 Mohelnice .......................................9,734 POPULATION Population, total..................................................................................................124,567 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................19.4 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................95 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................61,283 Number of job seekers............................................................................................6,723 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.3 % 0.2 % 9.4 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 26.5 % 29.7 % ■ Secondary without GCE 23.5 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Elementary ■ Secondary 66.8 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 40.5 % Total: ................................................ 6,723 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 9.4 % 12.4 % 64.4 % 13.7 % 14 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,331 Czech Republic 13.1 12.5 ■ Construction ................................. 3,064 12.6 12.0 12 10.4 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,388 10 ■ Services ...................................... 15,889 9.8 10.3 9.5 8.9 8 Total: .............................................. 24,672 7.7 6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 Prague Average CR 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz CZK CR (total) 2005 Original methodology FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK ·umperk 2004 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 7,318,553 252,320 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - ·umperk nám. Míru 364/1, 787 01 ·umperk tel.: +420 583 388 111, fax: +420 583 214 188 e-mail: [email protected] www.sumperk.cz District Economic Chamber - ·umperk Hlavní tfiída 8/13, 787 01 ·umperk tel.: +420 583 280 071, fax: +420 583 280 074 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohk-sumperk.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Siemens Elektromotory s.r.o. EPCOS s.r.o. Mohelnice ·umperk Motors, electric Electronic components www.siemens.cz www.epcos.com Employees Pars nova a.s. ·umperk Railroad car customizing www.parsnova.cz 750 HELLA AUTOTECHNIK NOVA, s.r.o. Mohelnice Light sources, standard www.hella.cz 660 3, 100 1, 050 Klein & BlaÏek s. r. o. ·títy Motor vehicle parts and accessories www.kleibl.cz 605 OP papírna, s.r.o. Ol‰any Paper mills www.vitejte.cz/objekt.php?oid=1893&j=cz 510 Pramet Tools, s.r.o. ·umperk Bits for use on lathes, planers, shapers www.pramet.com 468 MEP POST¤ELMOV, a.s. Postfielmov Switchgear and switchboard apparatus www.mep.cz 465 HDO, spol. s r.o. Zábfieh Finishing, metals or formed products CeramTec Czech Republic, s.r.o. ·umperk Gaskets, packing and sealing devices www.ceramtec.cz 380 ZKL Hanu‰ovice, a.s. Hanu‰ovice Ball and roller bearings www.zkl.cz 300 www.usovsko.cz 392 ÚSOVSKO a. s. Klopina General farms, primarily crop SUMTEX CZ s.r.o. ·umperk Textile goods 294 Hanu‰ovická lesní a.s. Hanu‰ovice Logging ·umperská provozní vodohospodáfiská spoleãnost, a.s. ·umperk Water supply www.spvs.cz 200 HELLA AUTOTECHNIK, s.r.o. Mohelnice Motor vehicle parts and accessories www.hella.cz 187 SAN-JV s. r. o. ·umperk Operative builders www.san-jv.cz 160 PAS Zábfieh na Moravû a. s. Zábfieh Automobiles www.pas-zabreh.cz 150 Desná a. s. Velké Losiny Forest products www.desna-as.cz 232 210 133 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 137 138 MORAVIA SILESIA REGION BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA MORAVIA-SILESIA REGION BASIC DATA The Moravia-Silesia Region lies in northern Moravia along the Polish and Slovak borders. Its other neighbors are the regions of Olomouc and Zlín. Moravia-Silesia is divided among six districts: Bruntál, Fr˘dek-Místek, Karviná, Nov˘ Jiãín, Opava and Ostrava. Its area is 5,427 km2 (January 1, 2006), 6.9 % of the national territory, making it the 6th largest region in the country. Moravia-Silesia is the most populated region in Czech Republic. On December 31, 2006 there were 1,249,290 inhabitants (12.1 % of the population of the Czech Republic). Inhabitants are concentrated in rather large towns and cities; therefore the region is highly urbanized. Ostrava, the regional capital with a population of 3,096,098 is the third largest city in the Czech Republic. There are 31 towns and cities with populations exceeding 5,000 in the region. There are three protected landscape areas in the region, Jeseníky, Poodfií and Beskydy (the largest protected landscape area in the Czech Republic). There are downhill pistes, cross country skiing tracks and hiking tracks in sufficient quantity in the Jeseníky and the Beskydy mountains; tourists are going there in all seasons. There are three urban sanctuaries in Moravia-Silesia: Nov˘ Jiãín, Pfiíbor and ·tramberk. The most visited castles are Hradec nad Moravicí, Kravafie, Sovinec and Hukvaldy. None of the region’s landmarks are registered on the UNESCO list of world heritage but the complex of former mines in Ostrava is on a list of candidates. There are three universities in Moravia-Silesia. Vysoká ‰kola báÀská-Technická univerzita Ostrava (a mining university, V·B-Technical university of Ostrava) with seven colleges. New specializations are being added to traditional studies of this region (mining, geology, metallurgy), including nanotechnologies and mechatronics. Ostravská univerzita (OU) offers studies in both natural sciences and humanities; also pedagogy and art. Slezská univerzita (Silesian University - SU) is divided between Opava and Karviná. Philosophy and natural science is studied in Opava, the business and commerce college is seated in Karviná. There is a similarly oriented Vysoká ‰kola podnikání (Business University) in Ostrava. In 2004 expenses on research and development in Moravia-Silesia reached Kã 1,759 per capita (8th place in the Czech Republic) and 0.30 % of all employees worked in research and development (11th place in the Czech Republic). Moravia-Silesia Region is an area with a long industrial tradition, but nowadays it is in profound decline. The basic sector of activities here consists of metallurgy, mining, energy and heavy industry. Chemistry and electronics industries are other important fields of business. A high number of cluster initiatives are a phenomenon typical for Moravia-Silesia. The most developed clusters are in the fields of renewable sources of energy, machinery, car making and wood working. New technological clusters were founded in the construction industry, ICT and selected specializations of the chemical industry. The region’s potential is in the rich supplies of quality raw materials for the energy and the construction industry as well as a plentitude of qualified workers for selected industries. There is the second largest national airport in the region and two modern railway corridors. Local life environment has been improving substantially, and mountain areas are suitable for further development of tourism in all seasons and cycling. BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA BASIC DATA ADMINISTRATIVE BREAKDOWN Land Area..........................................................................................................5,427 km2 POPULATION Number of districts .........................................................................................................6 Number of municipalities............................................................................................299 of that, number of towns ..............................................................................................39 REPRESENTATION OF PROFESSIONAL CLASSES (%) Total .....................................................................................1,249,290 Percentage in the total population of Czech Republic (%).........................................12.1 Population density (persons/km2) ...............................................................................230 Average work force ..............................................................................................638,773 Number of job seekers ..........................................................................................85,422 NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Total .......................................................................................231,786 Industry .................................................................................................................28,893 Construction ..........................................................................................................22,527 Agriculture & forestry ............................................................................................11,443 Services ...............................................................................................................168,923 Unskilled and unqualified workers ...............................................................................7.2 Plant and machine operators and assemblers ...........................................................14.6 Craft and related trades workers................................................................................21.3 Skilled agricultural and forestry workers .....................................................................1.1 Workers in services & sales ......................................................................................13.3 Administrative..............................................................................................................5.4 Specialists....................................................................................................................9.5 Legislators, senior officials and managers...................................................................5.6 Armed forces ...............................................................................................................0.1 Technical, health care, pedagogical workers & workers in similar sectors ................21.8 of which Technicians in physical, technical & related branches ...............................................33.0 Technicians in biology, health care & agriculture.......................................................13.7 Pedagogical workers....................................................................................................6.1 Others assistant skilled workers ................................................................................47.2 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz AVERAGE MONTHLY GROSS WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD 25,000 8.4 % ■ Basic and without education ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education 22.2 % 28.5 % 40.9 % Czech Republic Region 22,000 19,000 15,844 16,000 14,912 13,000 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 20,844 19,631 18,035 16,917 19,145 18,067 16,909 15,851 10,000 2002 CZK/year 2003 2004 2005 2006 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz GDP BY REGIONS UNEMPLOYMENT – 5-YEAR TREND Total Region Per capita mln. CZK mln. EUR CZK EUR Moravia-Silesia Region 337,926 11,923 270,360 9,539 Average GDP for Czech regions 230,827 8,144 294,679 10,400 Share in GDP of the Czech Republic 10.46 % Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT UNEMPLOYMENT ACCORDING TO SEX STRUCTURE Women Men Total number of job seekers Number Share 34,504 52.42 % 31,312 District 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 %/year Region 47.58 % 65,816 15.9 Average in all regions 16.9 15.7 16.8 14.2 12.6 9.8 10.3 10.3 9.6 10.1 10.2 16,040 553 Moravia-Silesia 88,830 3,063 Prague (max) 801,100 27,619 Average 106,540 3,673 9.5 8.9 9.4 2002 2003 7.7 7.7 8.9 2004 2005 2006 Original methodology FDI (mln. CZK) FDI (mln. EUR) Karlovy Vary (min) Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz Czech Republic New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz AVERAGE GROSS MONTHLY WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND Year Region 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR Moravia-Silesia Region Average for Czech Republic 14,912 15,844 484 514 15,851 16,917 498 531 16,909 18,035 530 565 18,051 19,624 606 659 Average for Czech regions 14,499 471 15,509 487 16,557 519 17,903 601 CZK EUR 19,145 20,844 675 735 19,031 671 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 139 140 MORAVIA SILESIA REGION LISTS OF AIRPORTS Specifications Flight time (hrs) Public/Private Civil/Military/Varied International/Intranational Prague Berlin Vienna Krnov Public Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Ostrava/Mo‰nov Public Civil International/Intranational 1:00 1:40 0:50 Zábfieh Public Civil Intranational 3:30 no flights no flights Source: Ministry of Transport, www.mdcr.cz SCHOOL SYSTEM Motorway Road Number of schools Number of students Number of graduates 153 73,221 16,648 67 21,715 5,615 Secondary schools Technical fields Economic fields 72 20,154 5,262 ICT fields Higher schools 29 6,500 1,716 11 2,345 614 Technical fields 3 138 50 Economic fields 8 1,354 285 ICT fields 1 20 20 Universities 5 35,066 NA Technical fields 2 13,608 NA Economic fields 4 11,348 NA ICT fields 5 4,732 NA Railroad PL Airport - Private Airport - Public Katowice (102 km) Bruntál Opava Karviná Katowice (110 km) Krakow (150 km) Ostrava E462 R48 E75 R56 Olomouc (106 km) PL Fr˘dek-Místek Nov˘ Jiãín Wien (270 km) E462 Olomouc (100 km) Brno (185 km) E462 Îilina (125 km) Source: Institute for Information on Education, www.uiv.cz SK LIST OF SCHOOLS Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Students NEWPORT UNIVERSITY, spol. s r.o. [email protected] www.newportu.cz Variety of programmes BBA, MBA, DBA, Ph.D. Ostravská univerzita v Ostravû [email protected] www.osu.cz Variety of programmes Bc., Mgr., BcA.,MgA., Ph.D. Slezská univerzita v Opavû [email protected] www.slu.cz Variety of programmes Bc., Mgr., Ph.D. 4,757 Vysoká ‰kola báÀská – Technická univerzita Ostrava [email protected] www.vsb.cz Variety of programmes Bc., Mgr., Ph.D. 21,683 Vysoká ‰kola podnikání, a. s. [email protected] www.vsp.cz Informatics, Management, Internet Bc., Mgr., Ing. 2,700 AHOL – Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola o. p. s. [email protected] www.ahol.cz Finance, Computer Technology System of Insurance, Travel Movement DiS. 282 GOODWILL – vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, s. r. o. [email protected] www.vos-goodwill.cz Travel Movement, Foreign Trade DiS. 465 Masarykova stfiední ‰kola zemûdûlská a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Opava, pfiíspûvková organizace [email protected] www.zemedelka.opava.cz Politics of agriculture DiS. 36 Obchodní akademie a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola sociální, Ostrava-Mariánské Hory, pfiíspûvková organizace [email protected] www.voss-ova.cz Social-Work DiS. 290 Universities 235 8,682 Higher schools SO· poÏární ochrany a VO· poÏární ochrany ve Fr˘dku-Místku [email protected] www.sospofm.cz Firefighting DiS. 91 Soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola podnikatelská, s. r. o. [email protected] www.eco.cz Management, Economics DiS. 125 Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická, Ostrava [email protected] www.zdrav-ova.cz Assistant of Pharmacy, Dental Technicial VO· a Hotelová ‰kola Opava [email protected] www.vosahs.cz Hotel Business, Tourism Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola Dakol a Stfiední ‰kola Dakol, o. p. s. [email protected] www.dakol-karvina.cz Business Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola Havífiov s. r. o. [email protected] www.obaka-havirov.cz Gastronomy, Public Service Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Kopfiivnice, pfiíspûvková organizace [email protected] www.voskop.cz Economics, Management, Engineering DiS. 307 DiS., Bc. 220 DiS. 72 DiS., Bc. DiS. 179 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz Note: You can find the complete list of schools on the CD-ROM City Invest Czech. CzechInvest projects in the region INDUSTRIAL ZONES, BROWNFIELDS Type Name District Area (ha) Industrial zone Contact - subject Phone No‰ovice Fr˘dek-Místek 270.0 x Brownfield CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ostrava +420 595 198 480, -84 Ostrava - Mo‰nov Ostrava 208.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ostrava +420 595 198 480, -84 Paskov Fr˘dek-Místek 198.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ostrava +420 595 198 480, -84 Dolní Lutynû Karviná 186.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ostrava +420 595 198 480, -84 Vlãovice Nov˘ Jiãín 88.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ostrava +420 595 198 480, -84 Kopfiivnice Nov˘ Jiãín 73.3 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ostrava +420 595 198 480, -84 Horní To‰anovice Fr˘dek-Místek 67.5 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ostrava +420 595 198 480, -84 Tfianovice Fr˘dek-Místek 47.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ostrava +420 595 198 480, -84 Ostrava, Hru‰ov Ostrava 45.5 Krnov - âerven˘ DvÛr Bruntál 42.0 Karviná, dÛl Barbora Karviná 35.0 Ostrava - Hrabová Ostrava 28.5 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ostrava +420 595 198 480, -84 Karviná-Nová Pole Karviná 26.3 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ostrava +420 595 198 480, -84 Horní Suchá, dÛl Franti‰ek Karviná 22.0 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ostrava +420 595 198 480, -84 Tfiinec Fr˘dek-Místek 19.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ostrava +420 595 198 480, -84 Jablunkov Fr˘dek-Místek 16.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ostrava +420 595 198 480, -84 Fr˘dek-Místek, Chlebovice Fr˘dek-Místek 12.5 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ostrava +420 595 198 480, -84 âesk˘ Tû‰ín Karviná 12.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ostrava +420 595 198 480, -84 Ostrava - VTP Ostrava 10.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ostrava +420 595 198 480, -84 Fr˘dek-Místek, Lískovec Fr˘dek-Místek 3.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ostrava +420 595 198 480, -84 x x x x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ostrava +420 595 198 480, -84 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ostrava +420 595 198 480, -84 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Ostrava +420 595 198 480, -84 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org CzechInvest projects in the region 141 A-CLASS OFFICE SPACES (OSTRAVA) Project Total size (m2)* Completed Axis Office Park 30,000 ongoing phased development since 2006 Comments CTP Tower 25,000 2009 Nordica 12,000 2009 Nová Karolina 80,000 2010 - 2016 Ostrava Science and Technology Park 16,600 ongoing phased development since 2003 Modern A-class office development in the western part of Ostrava. The Orchard 36,000 ongoing phased development since 2007 Mixed-use scheme comprising of three office buildings and an international hotel. Varenská Office Centre 7,500 2007 The office scheme is in the south of Ostrava. It is located in the area where industrial schemes prevail. Complex of two office buildings in walking distance to the historical city centre. Modern office building located close to the city centre. The area of 30 hectares in the south part of the city centre. The mixed-use project is composed of office retail and residential element. Located in the northwest part from the city center. Newly reconstructed fully occupied office building located close to the city centre of Ostrava. *) Total size of office space Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o., www.cushmanwakefield.com OFFICE AND RETAIL SPACE RENTALS EUR/m2/month Location In demand Other A-Class Office Space (Ostrava) Office space 4.2 - 12.3 2.8 - 4.6 9.5 - 13.0 Shopping Centre Area * - Retail space 15.9 - 35.3 5.3 - 8.8 - 25.0 - 40.0 * Rental levels for average 100 m2 retail unit. The given prices are for rental in the regional city. The prices are listed separately as prices in locations in demand and other locations. Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o. (A-Class office space and Shopping Centre Area) and European Club of Estate Agencies (other data) LABOUR OFFICE City Address Phone Fax E-mail Bruntál Kvûtná 1457/64, 792 01 Bruntál 1 +420 554 705 111 +420 554 712 773 [email protected] Fr˘dek-Místek NádraÏní 1088, 738 01 Fr˘dek-Místek 1 +420 558 412 111 +420 558 631 409 [email protected] Karviná tfi. Osvobození 1388/60a, 735 06 Karviná 6 +420 596 300 111 +420 596 311 948 [email protected] Nov˘ Jiãín Msgr. ·rámka 1030/8, 741 01 Nov˘ Jiãín 1 +420 556 786 111 +420 556 710 020 [email protected] Opava Bochenkova 2712/4, 746 01 Opava 1 +420 553 608 111 +420 553 608 110 [email protected] Ostrava-mûsto 30. dubna 3130/2c, 702 00 Ostrava 2 +420 950 143 511 +420 950 143 537 [email protected] Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs. www.mpsv.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE REGION Regional Council 28.fiíjna 117, 70218 Ostrava tel.: 595 622 222, fax: 595 622 126 [email protected] www.kr-moravskoslezsky.cz City Hall - Ostrava Proke‰ovo námûstí 8, 729 30 Ostrava tel.: 599 444 444, fax: 599 442 386 [email protected], [email protected] www.ostrava.cz CzechInvest - Regional Office NádraÏní 923/118, 702 00 Ostrava tel.: 595 198 480-4, fax: 595 198 488 [email protected] Regional Development Agency - Hospodáfiská rozvojová agentura Tfiinecká (HRAT, s.r.o.) Podnikatelské centrum, s.r.o. DruÏstevní 294, 739 61 Tfiinec tel.: 558 321 280, fax: 558 321 300 [email protected], www.hrat.org Regional Development Agency - Moravskoslezsk˘ kraj/Moravia-Silesia Region Na Jízdárnû 7, 702 00 Ostrava 1 tel.: 595 691 211, fax: 595 691 204 [email protected], www.rdaova.cz Business and Innovation Centre - BIC Ostrava s.r.o. Mostárenská 1156/38, 703 00 Ostrava - Vítkovice tel.: 595 957 458, 731 187 857 fax: 595 956 751 [email protected], www.bicova.cz contact person: Jan Legersk˘ Regional Consulting & Information Center - Institut rozvoje podnikání, s.r.o. Michálkovická 1859/226, 710 00 Ostrava - Slezská Ostrava tel.: 596 229 000, 596 229 001 fax: 596 229 009 [email protected], http://rpic.irp.cz contact person: doc. Ing. Dagmar Válková Regional Consulting & Information Center - KAZUIST, spol. s r.o. Husova 401, 739 61 Tfiinec tel.: 558 335 479, 558 339 728, fax: 558 339 727 [email protected], www.kazuist.cz contact persons: Ing. Jarmila ·agátová, Ing. Jana Szczuková Regional Consulting & Information Center - RPIC-ViP s.r.o. V˘stavní 2224/8, 709 00 Ostrava - Mariánské Hory tel.: 596 616 794, 606 748 429, 596 626 917 fax: 596 626 917 [email protected], [email protected] www.ric-vip.cz contact persons: Zdenûk Karásek, Ing. Ondfiej LedvoÀ CzechTrade - Regional Information Place - Ostrava V˘stavní 8, 709 00 Ostrava-Mariánské Hory tel.: 597 479 330 [email protected] www.khkmsk.cz âesko-polská obchodní komora ul. Sadová 39, 702 00 Ostrava tel. 596 612 230, fax: 596 612 231 [email protected] contact person: Barbara Kurzejová Regional Manager CzechTrade - Ostrava Du‰an Kupka, tel.: 597 479 322 fax: 597 479 322, 724 613 973 [email protected] Regional Economic Chamber of the Moravia-Silesia Region V˘stavní 2224/8 709 00 Ostrava - Mariánské Hory tel.: 597 479 330, 597 479 325, fax: 597 479 324 [email protected], www.khkmsk.cz contact person: Hana Gajdo‰íková Euro Information Center - Ostrava Na Jízdárnû 7, 702 00 Ostrava tel.: 595 691 232, 595 691 231, fax: 595 691 204 [email protected], [email protected] www.rdaova.cz/eic_index_c.php UTILITIES Gas Severomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Plynární 2748/6, 702 72 Ostrava tel.: 595 141 111, fax: 595 141 490 [email protected], www.rwe-smp.cz Water & sewage Ostravské vodárny a kanalizace, a.s. NádraÏní 28/3114, 702 00 Ostrava-Mor. Ostrava tel.: 597 475 111, 595 152 111 [email protected], www.ovak.cz Heat Dalkia âeská republika, a.s. 28. fiíjna 3123/152, 709 74 Ostrava tel.: 596 609 111, fax: 596 609 300 [email protected], www.dalkia.cz Electricity Severomoravská energetika, a.s. 28. fiíjna 3123/152 729 71 Ostrava-Mor. Ostrava tel.: 840 840 840, 596 671 111, fax: 596 612 388 [email protected], www.cez.cz Severomoravské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. 28. fiíjna 169, 709 45 Ostrava tel.: 596 697 111, fax: 596 624 205 [email protected], www.smvak.cz Dalkia Ostrava, a.s. Pivovarská 84/1, 729 38 Ostrava-Mor. Ostrava tel.: 596 114 321, fax: 596 123 543 [email protected], www.dalkia.cz 142 MORAVIA SILESIA REGION TOP 20 COMPANIES RANKED BY REVENUES 2006 Name of company Location www E-mail Phone Activity MORAVIA STEEL a.s. Tfiinec www.moravia-steel.cz [email protected] +420 558 531 111 Metal scrap and waste materials Revenue 2006 (CZK) 59,216,181 Employees 317 ArcelorMittal Ostrava a.s. Ostrava www.mittalsteelostrava.com [email protected] +420 595 684 202 Blast furnaces and steel mills 58,679,214 9,368 T¤INECKÉ ÎELEZÁRNY, a. s. Tfiinec www.trz.cz [email protected] +420 558 532 007 Blast furnaces and steel mills 35,087,292 5,417 OKD, a.s. Ostrava www.okd.cz [email protected] +420 596 262 830 Bituminous coal-underground 20,589,550 17,600 VÍTKOVICE HEAVY MACHINERY a.s. Ostrava-Vítkovice www.vitkovicemachinery.com [email protected] +420 595 951 111 Axles, rolled or forged: made in steel mills 12,938,206 2,700 Visteon - Autopal, s.r.o. Nov˘ Jiãín www.visteon.com [email protected] +420 556 780 111 Motor vehicle parts and accessories 12,310,154 4,333 PHARMOS, a.s. Ostrava www.pharmos.cz [email protected] +420 597 575 211 Drugs, proprietaries, and sundries 10,340,857 700 eD` system Czech, a.s. Ostrava www.edcz.cz [email protected] +420 597 444 111 Computers, peripherals, and software 9,975,474 140 ÎDB GROUP a.s. Bohumín www.zdb.cz [email protected] +420 596 081 111 Steel wire and related products 7,655,450 3,090 AT Computers a.s. Ostrava www.atcomp.cz [email protected] +420 596 253 120 Computers and access., pers. and home ent. 7,476,274 197 OKD, OKK, a.s. Ostrava www.okd.cz [email protected] +420 596 291 111 Coke 5,960,901 1,248 H R U · K A , spol. s r.o. Ostrava hruska.info [email protected] +420 596 948 111 Groceries, general line 5,594,158 2,244 IVAX Pharmaceuticals s.r.o. Opava www.ivax-cr.com [email protected] +420 553 641 111 Pharmaceutical preparations 5,415,524 1,090 BorsodChem MCHZ, s.r.o. Ostrava www.bc-mchz.cz [email protected] +420 596 642 040 Chemical preparations 5,314,537 600 Sochorová válcovna TÎ, a.s. Tfiinec [email protected] +420 312 643 001 Blast furnaces and steel mills 5,089,789 714 1,500 TATRA, a.s. Kopfiivnice www.tatra.cz [email protected] +420 224 510 641 Motor vehicles and car bodies 5,078,700 Dalkia âeská republika, a.s. Ostrava www.dalkia.cz [email protected] +420 596 609 122 Distribution, electric power 5,052,036 2,347 AL INVEST Bfiidliãná, a.s. Bfiidliãná www.alinvest.cz [email protected] +420 554 221 111 Aluminum sheet, plate, and foil 4,703,495 1,294 Biocel Paskov a.s. Paskov www.biocel.cz [email protected] +420 558 461 111 Sulfite pulp 4,677,103 443 BRANO a.s. Hradec n. Moravicí www.brano.cz [email protected] +420 553 632 111 Door opening/closing devices, except electrical 4,091,341 NA Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz CzechInvest projects in the region SELECTED CZECHINVEST PROJECTS IN THE REGION Name Location Investor Country Sector Year Abnote Czech s.r.o. Ostrava - Svinov Abnote Czech s.r.o. USA NA 2007 ALFUN a.s. Bruntál ALFUN Czech Republic other 2007 atx - technická kanceláfi pro komplexní automatizaci, s.r.o. Ostrava ATX Czech Republic machinery 2006 Bang & Olufsen, s.r.o. Kopfiivnice, Ostrava BANG & OLUFSEN Denmark electronic device 2006 Baumann Springs s.r.o. Karviná Baumann Springs Switzerland engineering 2006 Baumit spol. s r.o. Karviná Baumit Beteiligungen GmbH Austria other 2007 Behr Ostrava s.r.o. Mo‰nov Behr Germany parts for motor vehicles 2006 Bekaert Petrovice s.r.o. Petrovice u Karviné N. V. BEKAERT Belgium metalworking 2006 Bonatrans Group a.s. Bohumín KKCG Industry B.V. Netherlands engineering 2007 Briggs & Stratton (Czech) Power Products, s.r.o. Ostrava Briggs & Stratton USA precision engineering 2006 Brose CZ spol. s r.o. Kopfiivnice Brose International Germany parts for motor vehicles 2006 Brose CZ spol. s r.o. Kopfiivnice Brose III Germany automotive 2007 CENTRAL EUROPE AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE a.s. Mo‰nov CCG Czech Republic repair centre - aviation 2006 CROMODORA WHEELS s.r.o. Mo‰nov Cromodora Wheels Italy parts for motor vehicles 2006 âKD VAGONKA, a.s. Moravská Ostrava ·KODA HOLDING Czech Republic automotive 2006 ELCOM, a. s. Ostrava ELCOM Czech Republic electronic devices 2006 ELFE s.r.o. Krnov ELFE Czech Republic engineering 2007 FINIDR, s.r.o. âesk˘ Tû‰ín FINIDR Czech Republic printing 2006 Goodyear Engineered Products Ostrava s.r.o. Ostrava GOODYEAR TYRE AND RUBBER COMPANY USA plastic, rubber industry 2006 Hanil E - Hwa Co. Chlebovice Hanil E - Hwa Co. South Korea plastic 2006 Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech s.r.o. No‰ovice Hyundai Motor Company South Korea automotive 2006 Leitinger Bio Pellets Paskov s.r.o. Stafiíã Mayr-Melnhof + Holzindustrie Leitinger Austria wood-working 2006 Linaset, a.s. Bruntál Firstinvest holding Czech Republic plastic 2006 Ostravské opravny a strojírny, s.r.o. Ostrava Ostravské opravny a strojírny, s.r.o. Czech Republic engineering 2006 PEKÁRNA HRU·KA, spol. s r.o. Ostrava - Martinov H R U · K A , spol. s r.o. Czech Republic food processing 2006 PLAKOR CZECH s.r.o. Mo‰nov ARRK South Korea automotive 2006 Ringier Print Praha a.s. Ostrava - Hrabová RINGIER Switzerland printing 2006 ROCKWOOL, a.s. Bohumín ROCKWOOL International Denmark construction materials 2006 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org CBW is a timely, effective and trustworthy source of information about the Czech business market. SUBSCRIBE TO CBW AT WWW.CBW.CZ 144 MORAVIA SILESIA REGION DISTRICT BRUNTÁL DISTRICT BRUNTÁL BASIC DATA Land Area.........................................................................................................1,549 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Krnov............................................25,282 Bruntál..........................................17,568 R˘mafiov .........................................8,943 Vrbno pod Pradûdem......................5,951 POPULATION Population, total ...................................................................................................98,173 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ..................................................7.9 Population density (pers./km2).....................................................................................63 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................51,291 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................7,396 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 1.7 % 0.5 % 64 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 8.2 % 29.0 % 22.5 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Elementary 35.4 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary 62.4 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 40.3 % Total: ................................................ 7,396 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 12.8 % 62.4 % 19 ■ Construction ................................. 2,461 13.2 % Czech Republic 21 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,247 11.7 % 17 ■ Industry ........................................ 2,545 15 ■ Services ...................................... 12,032 13 11 Total: .............................................. 19,285 18.2 17.5 16.7 15.9 13.4 9.8 10.3 9.5 8.9 9 7.7 7 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK Bruntál CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 3,551,274 1,491,563,988 122,437 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - Bruntál NádraÏní 994/20, 792 01 Bruntál tel.: +420 554 706 111, fax: +420 554 712 193 e-mail: [email protected] www.mubruntal.cz Labour Office - Bruntál Kvûtná 1457/64, 792 01 Bruntál tel.: +420 554 705 111, fax: +420 554 712 773 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/br_info IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW AL INVEST Bfiidliãná, a.s. Bfiidliãná Aluminum sheet, plate and foil www.alinvest.cz Employees 1, 294 OSRAM Bruntál spol. s r.o. Bruntál Bulbs for electric lights www.osram-bruntal.cz 1, 048 Advanced Plastics s.r.o. Vrbno pod Pradûdem Plastics products www.advplast.cz 820 Alfa Plastik, a.s. Bruntál Plastics products www.alfaplastik.cz 750 Krnovské opravny a strojírny s.r.o. Krnov Railroad equipment www.kos.cz 559 PEGA - VEL, a.s. Krnov Narrow fabric mills www.pega.cz 530 RD R˘mafiov s. r. o. R˘mafiov Speculative builder, single-family houses www.rdrymarov.cz 430 GRANITOL akciová spoleãnost Moravsk˘ Beroun Plastics film and sheet www.granitol.cz 370 KATR a.s. Stará Ves Flooring (dressed lumber), softwood www.katr.cz 269 âesko-slezská v˘robní, a.s. Zlaté Hory Containers, shipping (bombs, etc.), metal plate www.csv.cz 262 IKTUS, s. r. o. Zátor Upholstered household furniture www.iktus.cz 245 COPRECI CZ, s.r.o. Dvorce Electronic components www.copreci.com 240 HOBES, spol. s r. o. Horní Bene‰ov Keys, locks and related hardware www.hobes.cz 180 KARDE s.r.o. R˘mafiov Windows, wood www.karde.cz 150 Pradûdsk˘ lesní závod, a.s. Vrbno pod Pradûdem Timber tracts www.plz.cz 116 AGROFOREST a.s. Bruntál Forest management services www.agroforest.cz 113 Segezha Packaging s.r.o. Úvalno Bags: uncoated paper and multiwall www.korsnas-packaging.com 105 Okresní soud Bruntál Courts www.justice.cz 105 Odetka a.s. Vrbno pod Pradûdem Lacings, textile www.odetka.cz 104 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT FR¯DEK-MÍSTEK DISTRICT FR¯DEK-MÍSTEK BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,273 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Fr˘dek-Místek ...............................59,682 Tfiinec............................................37,841 Fr˘dlant nad Ostravicí.....................9,698 Vratimov .........................................6,595 Jablunkov .......................................5,762 ·enov .............................................5,522 Bystfiice...........................................5,139 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................209,585 Percentage in the total population of the region (%).............................................16.8% Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................179 Average labour force (2006 average value) ........................................................116,444 Number of job seekers..........................................................................................12,771 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 64 % 3.7 % ■ Basic and without education 11.1 % 24.8 % 25.1 % ■ Elementary 75.2 % ■ Secondary with GCE 39.1 % ■ Without education 21.1 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: .............................................. 12,771 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 7.8 % 19 ■ Construction ................................. 3,475 12.7 % 70.4 % Czech Republic 21 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 3,001 9.1 % 17 ■ Industry ........................................ 4,879 15 ■ Services ...................................... 27,010 13 14.4 14.3 12.0 9.8 11 Total: .............................................. 38,365 15.0 10.3 9.5 9 10.4 8.9 7.7 7 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 CZK Fr˘dek-Místek Prague 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 17,661,018 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 608,896 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Fr˘dek-Místek Radniãní 1148, 738 01 Fr˘dek-Místek - Fr˘dek tel.: +420 558 609 111, fax: +420 558 609 166 e-mail: [email protected] www.frydekmistek.cz Labour Office - Fr˘dek-Místek Na Pofiíãí 3510, 738 01 Fr˘dek-Místek - Fr˘dek tel.: +420 558 412 111, fax: +420 950 113 302 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/fm_info IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW T¤INECKÉ ÎELEZÁRNY, a. s. Tfiinec Blast furnaces and steel mills www.trz.cz Employees 5,417 SLEZAN Fr˘dek-Místek a. s. Fr˘dek-Místek Broadwoven fabric mills, cotton www.slezanfm.cz 1 ,739 V Á L C O V N Y P L E C H U, a.s. Fr˘dek-Místek Cold finishing of steel shapes www.vpfm.cz 950 Strojírny Tfiinec, a.s. Tfiinec Industrial machinery www.trz.cz/sv 950 D 5, akciová spoleãnost, Tfiinec Tfiinec Weldments www.d5.trz.cz Sochorová válcovna TÎ, a.s. Tfiinec Blast furnaces and steel mills Slévárny Tfiinec, a.s. Tfiinec Gray and ductile iron foundries www.slevarny.trz.cz 650 Nemocnice Podlesí a.s. Tfiinec General medical and surgical hospitals www.nempodlesi.cz 520 PR market, s.r.o. Tfiinec Miscellaneous food stores www.prmarket.cz 500 âSAD Fr˘dek-Místek a.s. Fr˘dek-Místek Local and suburban transit www.csadfm.cz 454 Lesostavby Fr˘dek-Místek a. s. Fr˘dek-Místek Forestry services www.lesostavby.cz 450 KES - kabelové a elektrické systémy, spol. s r.o. Vratimov Motor vehicle parts and accessories www.kes.cz 450 Biocel Paskov a.s. Paskov Sulfite pulp www.biocel.cz 443 OKD, DPB, a.s. Paskov Gas transmission and distribution www.dpb.cz 402 WALMARK, a.s. Tfiinec Vitamin preparations www.walmark.cz 400 MORAVIA STEEL a.s. Tfiinec Metal scrap and waste materials www.moravia-steel.cz 317 Beskyd Fryãovice, a.s. Fryãovice Potato products, quick frozen and cold pack www.beskyd.cz 300 STEELTEC CZ, s.r.o. Tfiinec Farm & garden machinery & equipment mfrs www.steeltec.cz 300 PROMET CZECH s.r.o. Stará Ves nad Ondfiejnicí Pig iron www.procento.cz 300 770 714 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 145 146 MORAVIA SILESIA REGION DISTRICT KARVINÁ DISTRICT KARVINÁ BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................347 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Havífiov .........................................84,427 Karviná .........................................63,385 Orlová ...........................................33,717 âesk˘ Tû‰ín...................................25,913 Bohumín .......................................23,028 Petfivald ..........................................6,928 Rychvald.........................................6,791 Petrovice u Karviné ........................5,090 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................275,754 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................22.1 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................795 Average labour force (2006 average value) ........................................................137,588 Number of job seekers .........................................................................................24,557 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 2.0 % 0.7 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 9.4 % 27.9 % 22.7 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Elementary 32.9 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary 64.3 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 40.0 % Total: .............................................. 24,557 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND 2.7 % District 8.7 % 10.4 % 78.3 % Czech Republic 21 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,084 19 ■ Construction ................................. 3,544 17 ■ Industry ........................................ 4,231 15 ■ Services ...................................... 31,965 13 17.7 19.6 18.6 16.9 11 Total: .............................................. 40,824 20.4 9.8 10.3 9.5 8.9 9 7.7 7 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 CZK CR (total) Prague Average CR 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Karviná 2004 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 5,491,460 189,328 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Town Hall - Karviná Fry‰tátská 72/1, 733 01 Karviná-Fry‰tát tel.: +420 596 387 111, fax: +420 596 387 264 e-mail: [email protected] www.karvina.org Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz District Economic Chamber - Karviná Svatováclavská 97/6, 733 01 Karviná-Fry‰tát tel.: +420 596 311 707, +420 724 613 920 fax: +420 596 324 723 e-mail: [email protected] www.hkok.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW ÎDB GROUP a.s. Bohumín Steel wire and related products www.zdb.cz Employees Láznû Darkov, a.s. Karviná Health and allied services www.darkov.cz 540 FINIDR, s.r.o. âesk˘ Tû‰ín Books, printing only www.finidr.cz 350 TRESTLES, a.s. Karviná Primary metal products www.trestles.cz 330 MW-DIAS, spol. s r.o. Tûrlicko Building and office cleaning services www.mwdias.com 300 Shimano Czech Republic, s.r.o. Karviná Brakes, friction clutch and other: bicycle www.shimano.com Tû‰ínské jatky, s. r. o. âesk˘ Tû‰ín Meat packing plants Park Lane Confectionery, s.r.o. Petfivald Candy and other confectionery products GASCONTROL, spoleãnost s r.o. Havífiov Oil and gas pipeline construction ORFA, a.s. Orlová Furniture stores www.orfa.cz Tû‰ínské papírny, s.r.o. âesk˘ Tû‰ín Paper mills www.tepap.cz 150 Bekaert Bohumín s.r.o. Bohumín Welded steel wire fabric www.bekaert.com 139 3, 090 300 200 www.parklane.cz 186 176 165 Havífiovská teplárenská spoleãnost, a.s. Havífiov Steam heating systems (suppliers of heat) www.htsas.cz 130 VOP GROUP, s.r.o. âesk˘ Tû‰ín Receivers, radio communications www.vopgroup.cz 116 89 STAVOKOMP, stavební a.s. Karviná Construction and civil engineering www.stavokomp.cz Lichtgitter CZ spol. s r. o. Horní Suchá Fabricated structural metal www.lichtgitter.cz 80 Bekaert Petrovice s.r.o. Bohumín Steel wire and related products www.bekaert.com 80 EXELSIOR GROUP s.r.o. Bohumín Food and beverage containers www.exelsior.org 80 CZECH PLASTIC PRODUCTION, s.r.o. Karviná Plastics products www.czechplastic.cz 70 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT NOV¯ JIâÍN DISTRICT NOV¯ JIâÍN BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................918 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Nov˘ Jiãín.....................................26,271 Kopfiivnice.....................................23,314 Fren‰tát pod Radho‰tem ..............11,201 Sudénka........................................10,261 Pfiíbor .............................................8,764 Bílovec............................................7,511 Odry................................................7,349 Fulnek .............................................6,046 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................151,957 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................12.2 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................174 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................83,422 Number of job seekers............................................................................................7,891 NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD 4.1 % 0.2 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 10.2 % 24.8 % 28.6 % ■ Secondary without GCE 23.7 % 41.3 % ■ Elementary 67.1 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 7,891 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 6.9 % 67.9 % 19 ■ Construction ................................. 2,944 15.0 % Czech Republic 21 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,966 10.3 % 17 ■ Industry ........................................ 4,281 15 ■ Services ...................................... 19,434 13 11 Total: .............................................. 28,625 15.0 13.4 9.8 12.6 10.9 10.3 9.5 9 8.9 8.8 2005 2006 7.7 7 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 Original methodology New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK EUR Nov˘ Jiãín 11,407,470 CR (total) 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 393,293 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Nov˘ Jiãín Masarykovo nám. 1/1, 741 01 Nov˘ Jiãín tel.: +420 556 768 222, fax: +420 556 768 289 e-mail: [email protected] www.novy-jicin.cz Labour Office - Nov˘ Jiãín Msgr. ·rámka 1030/8, 741 01 Nov˘ Jiãín tel.: +420 556 786 111, fax: +420 556 710 020 e-mail: [email protected] www.portal.mpsv.cz/sz/local/nj_info IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Visteon - Autopal, s.r.o. Nov˘ Jiãín Motor vehicle parts and accessories www.visteon.com Employees Continental Automotive Systems CR, s.r.o. Fren‰tát pod Radho‰tûm Engine electrical equipment www.siemens.cz 2, 300 TATRA, a.s. Kopfiivnice Motor vehicles and car bodies www.tatra.cz 1, 500 Brose CZ spol. s r.o. Kopfiivnice Motor vehicle hardware www.brose.net 1, 000 TONAK a.s. Nov˘ Jiãín Hats, caps and millinery www.tonak.cz 974 Vojensk˘ opravárensk˘ podnik 025 Nov˘ Jiãín, s.p. ·enov u Nového Jiãína Tanks, military, including factory rebuilding www.vop025.cz 972 GDX Automotive s.r.o. Odry Rubber automotive products Tawesco s.r.o. Kopfiivnice Primary metal products www.terex-tatra.com/cz MASSAG, a.s. Bílovec Motor vehicle parts and accessories www.massag.com 637 Tafonco a.s. Kopfiivnice Ductile iron castings www.tatra.cz 569 Semperflex Optimit s.r.o. Odry Rubber hoses www.semperit.at 550 Dura Automotive Systems CZ, s.r.o. Kopfiivnice Motor vehicle parts and accessories www.duraauto.com 500 NC Line s.r.o. Suchdol nad Odrou Fabricated metal products www.ncline.cz 408 Mlékárna Kunín a.s. Kunín Fluid milk www.mlekarna-kunin.cz 350 MSV Metal Studénka, a.s. Studénka Iron and steel forgings www.irsgroup.eu 349 240 4, 333 950 845 VVM - IPSO s.r.o. Fulnek Industrial machinery www.vvm-ipso.cz Erich Jaeger, s.r.o. Kopfiivnice Automotive wire and cable, except ignition sets: nonferrous www.ejr.cz 215 Bang & Olufsen, s.r.o. Kopfiivnice Solid state electronic devices www.bang-olufsen.com 200 PETCO technology s.r.o. Velké Albrechtice Miscellaneous metalwork www.lucco.cz 180 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 147 148 MORAVIA SILESIA REGION DISTRICT OPAVA DISTRICT OPAVA BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,126 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Opava ...........................................59,426 Hluãín ...........................................14,201 Kravafie ...........................................6,835 Vítkov .............................................6,200 Hradec nad Moravicí.......................5,222 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................176,624 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................14.1 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................160 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................90,501 Number of job seekers .........................................................................................10,057 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.3 % 0.3 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 9.8 % 26.6 % 26.5 % ■ Secondary without GCE 22.7 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Elementary ■ Secondary 70.0 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 40.8 % Total: .............................................. 10,057 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 6.5 % 13.4 % 65.1 % 14.9 % Czech Republic 21 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,262 19 ■ Construction ................................. 4,660 17 ■ Industry ........................................ 5,158 15 ■ Services ...................................... 22,568 13 11.7 12.1 11.5 11.3 11 Total: .............................................. 34,648 9 9.8 10.3 9.5 8.9 2004 2005 7 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 CZK CR (total) Prague Average CR 7.7 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Opava Original methodology 10.4 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 7,389,818 254,777 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Town Hall - Opava Horní námûstí 382/69, 746 01 Opava-Mûsto tel.: +420 553 756 111, fax: +420 553 756 141 e-mail: [email protected] www.opava-city.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz District Economic Chamber - Opava NádraÏní okruh 695/27, 746 01 Opava-Pfiedmûstí tel.: +420 553 219 246, fax: +420 553 714 259 e-mail: [email protected] www.komora.opava.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW IVAX Pharmaceuticals s.r.o. Opava Pharmaceutical preparations www.ivax-cr.com Employees OSTROJ a.s. Opava Farm machinery and equipment www.ostroj.cz 870 Model Obaly a.s. Opava Paperboard mills www.modelgroup.com 800 1,090 LANEX a.s. Bolatice Ropes and fiber cables www.lanex.cz 745 TEMPO, obchodní druÏstvo Opava Cooperative food stores www.jednota.opava.cz 701 Linaset, a.s. Budi‰ov nad Budi‰ovkou Dies, plastics forming www.linaset.cz 629 MSA, a.s. Dolní Bene‰ov Armatures, industrial www.msa.cz 560 MERKURO TEMP. s.r.o. Opava Employment agencies ISOTRA a.s. Opava Window shades www.isotra.cz 398 PF PLASTY CZ s.r.o. Chuchelná Plastics products www.pfplasty.cz 380 ·tûrkovny spol. s r. o. Dolní Bene‰ov Dolní Bene‰ov Gravel mining www.sterk.cz 375 Technické sluÏby Opava s. r. o. Opava Road, airport, and parking lot maintenance services www.tsosro.cz 280 ARMATURY Group a.s. Kravafie Armatures, industrial www.armaturygroup.cz 215 400 SELIKO Opava a.s. Opava Vegetables and vegetable products, in cans, jars, etc. www.seliko.opava.cz 200 Akzo Nobel Coatings CZ, a.s. Opava Paints and allied products www.balakom.cz 183 JASPA s.r.o. Opava Office cleaning www.jaspa.cz 150 HP trend, s.r.o. Ludgefiovice Plastics products www.hp-trend.cz 140 ABEL-Computer s.r.o. Opava Computer peripheral equipment repair and maintenance www.abel.cz 130 AUTOCENTRÁLA s.r.o. Hluãín Miscellaneous general merchandise www.autocentrala.cz 100 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT OSTRAVA-MùSTO DISTRICT OSTRAVA-MùSTO BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................214 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Ostrava................................................................................................................310,078 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................337,197 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................27.0 Population density (pers./km2)................................................................................1,447 Average labour force (2006 average value) ........................................................161,956 Number of job seekers..........................................................................................22,750 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 64 % 3.7 % 0.3 % 14.1 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 24.9 % ■ Secondary without GCE 24.5 % ■ Elementary 38.5 % ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Secondary 57.6 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 36.5 % Total: .............................................. 22,750 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND 1.2 % District 8.9 % 10.9 % 18.4 19 ■ Construction ................................. 6,387 79.0 % Czech Republic 21 ■ Agriculture & forestry ...................... 899 17.2 16.6 17 ■ Industry ........................................ 7,832 15 ■ Services ...................................... 57,007 13 14.8 13.3 11 Total: .............................................. 72,125 9 9.8 10.3 9.5 8.9 2004 2005 7 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 Original methodology CR (total) Prague Average CR New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Ostrava-mûsto 7.7 2006 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT CZK EUR 43,328,744 1,493,837 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Ostrava Proke‰ovo námûstí 1803/8 702 00 Ostrava-Moravská Ostrava tel.: +420 599 444 444, fax: +420 599 442 386 e-mail: [email protected] www.mmo.cz District Economic Chamber - Ostrava V˘stavní 2224/8 709 00 Ostrava-Mariánské Hory tel.: +420 597 479 330, fax: +420 597 479 324 e-mail: [email protected] www.khkmsk.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW OKD, a.s. Ostrava Bituminous coal-underground www.okd.cz Employees ArcelorMittal Ostrava a.s. Ostrava Blast furnaces and steel mills www.mittalsteelostrava.com 9, 368 VÍTKOVICE HOLDING, a.s. Ostrava-Vítkovice Holding companies www.vitkovice.com 7, 351 VÍTKOVICE, a.s. Ostrava-Vítkovice Blast furnaces and steel mills www.vitkovice.cz 5, 197 VÍTKOVICE HEAVY MACHINERY a.s. Ostrava-Vítkovice Axles, rolled or forged: made in steel mills www.vitkovicemachinery.com 2, 700 Dalkia âeská republika, a.s. Ostrava Distribution, electric power www.dalkia.cz 2, 347 17, 600 H R U · K A , spol. s r.o. Ostrava Groceries, general line hruska.info 2, 244 Vysoká ‰kola báÀská - Technická univerzita Ostrava Ostrava Technical institute www.vsb.cz 2, 028 EVRAZ VÍTKOVICE STEEL, a.s. Ostrava Iron and steel products, hot-rolled www.vitkovicesteel.com 1, 585 OKD, OKK, a.s. Ostrava-Moravská Ostrava a Pfiívoz Coke www.okd.cz 1, 248 OKD, BASTRO, a.s. Ostrava-Radvanice a Bartovice Construction machinery www.bastro.cz 1, 143 ArcelorMittal Tubular Products Ostrava a.s. Ostrava Pipes and tubes www.mittalsteelostrava.com 1, 100 Severomoravské vodovody a kanalizace Ostrava a.s. Ostrava Water supply www.smvak.cz 943 VVT-VÍTKOVICE VÁLCOVNA TRUB, a.s. Ostrava Pipes and tubes www.trubky.cz 929 AutoCont CZ a.s. Ostrava Computers, peripherals, and software www.autocont.cz 700 Hutní montáÏe, a.s. Ostrava-Vítkovice Iron and steel forgings www.hutni-montaze.cz 700 PHARMOS, a.s. Ostrava Drugs, proprietaries, and sundries www.pharmos.cz 693 ODS-Dopravní stavby Ostrava, a.s. Ostrava Highway and street construction www.ods-dso.cz 600 BorsodChem MCHZ, s.r.o. Ostrava Chemical preparations www.bc-mchz.cz 600 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 149 150 ZLÍN REGION BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA ZLÍN REGION ABOUT REGION The Zlín Region is situated in the eastern part of Moravia along the Slovakian frontier. Otherwise it borders with regions South Moravia, Olomouc and Moravia-Silesia. It is divided among four districts: KromûfiíÏ, Uherské Hradi‰tû, Vsetín and Zlín. Its area is 3,963 km2 (January 1, 2006), 5.0 % of the national territory, making it the 11th largest region in the country. On December 31, 2006 there were 589,839 inhabitants (5.7 % of the population of the Czech Republic, the 8th most populated region in the country). Its 304 communities make up for 4.9 % of all communities in the country. Zlín, with a population of 78,122, is the regional capital. There are 20 towns and cities with populations exceeding 5,000 in the region. The Zlín Region is mountainous and very indented. Parts of two protected landscape areas are stretching to its territory, Beskydy and Bílé Karpaty. These mountains are sought after by tourists both in summer and in winter. Popularity in folk traditions is typical for this region. From among folklore events, taking place every year, there is Haná days in Chropynû, the Ride of Kings in Vlãnov, or Slivovitz Vintage days in Vizovice. Tourists also like the large area of the Vala‰ské museum in nature (RoÏnov pod Radho‰tûm). There has also been growing interest in BaÈa’s boating channel in the last several years. Religion has an important place in the life of local inhabitants. Velehrad belongs to the most important pilgrimage venues in the Czech Republic. The most valuable architectonic monuments are concentrated in KromûfiíÏ, which is also the only town in the region with an urban sanctuary. The castle with its gardens is the only landmark registered on the UNESCO list in the region of Zlín. Luhaãovice is the most important spa in the region and this town is also trying to get to the UNESCO list of the world heritage. TomበBaÈa University in Zlín (UTB) has five colleges with specializations in economy, arts, chemistry and informatics. A branch of the Mining University is located in Uhersk˘ Brod, offering studies in machinery and the local specializations of firearms and ammunition. The European Polytechnic Institute is the oldest private university in Moravia. Seated in Kunovice, it offers studies in economy, management and informatics. It has a branch in Hodonín as well. In 2004 expenses on research and development in the Region Zlín reached Kã 1,333 per capita (11th place in the Czech Republic) and 0.32 % of all employees worked in research and development (10th place in the Czech Republic). It means that actually Kã 787 million were spent (11th place in the Czech Republic) and 1,895 people were working in research and development (10th place in the Czech Republic). BASIC ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DATA BASIC DATA ADMINISTRATIVE BREAKDOWN Land Area..........................................................................................................3,963 km2 POPULATION Number of districts .........................................................................................................4 Number of municipalities............................................................................................304 of that, number of towns ..............................................................................................30 REPRESENTATION OF PROFESSIONAL CLASSES (%) Total .......................................................................................589,839 Percentage in the total population of Czech Republic (%)...........................................5.7 Population density (persons/km2) ...............................................................................149 Average work force ..............................................................................................303,246 Number of job seekers ..........................................................................................25,601 NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Total .......................................................................................130,477 Industry .................................................................................................................23,105 Construction ..........................................................................................................15,322 Agriculture & forestry ............................................................................................10,124 Services .................................................................................................................81,926 Unskilled and unqualified workers ...............................................................................6.0 Plant and machine operators and assemblers ...........................................................18.2 Craft and related trades workers................................................................................21.1 Skilled agricultural and forestry workers .....................................................................1.2 Workers in services & sales ......................................................................................11.8 Administrative..............................................................................................................5.3 Specialists....................................................................................................................7.9 Legislators, senior officials and managers...................................................................8.2 Armed forces ...............................................................................................................0.3 Technical, health care, pedagogical workers & workers in similar sectors ................19.1 of which Technicians in physical, technical & related branches ...............................................32.9 Technicians in biology, health care & agriculture.......................................................17.8 Pedagogical workers....................................................................................................3.6 Others assistant skilled workers ................................................................................45.3 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz AVERAGE MONTHLY GROSS WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD 25,000 9.2 % ■ Basic and without education ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Higher or university education 20.7 % 30.6 % 39.6 % Czech Republic Region 22,000 19,000 15,844 16,000 13,000 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 20,844 19,631 13,736 18,035 16,917 17,866 16,900 15,629 14,694 10,000 2002 CZK/year 2003 2004 2005 2006 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz GDP BY REGIONS UNEMPLOYMENT – 5-YEAR TREND Total Region Per capita mln. CZK mln. EUR CZK EUR Zlín Region 150,102 5,296 254,466 8,978 Average GDP for Czech regions 230,827 8,144 294,679 10,400 Share in GDP of the Czech Republic 4.64 % District 10.6 10.6 10.3 10.1 9.5 10.3 10.2 9.5 9.4 10.2 10 9.8 9.6 9 8 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT UNEMPLOYMENT ACCORDING TO SEX STRUCTURE Women Men Total number of job seekers Number Share 11,206 55.56% 8,965 7 %/year Region 44.44% 20,171 16,040 553 Zlínsk˘ 29,547 1,019 Praha (max) 801,100 27,619 PrÛmûr/Average 106,540 3,673 9.3 8.9 8.9 7.8 7.7 7.7 2002 2003 2004 2005 Original methodology FDI (mln. CZK) FDI (mln. EUR) Karlovarsk˘ (min) Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz Average in all regions 12 11 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Czech Republic 13 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz AVERAGE GROSS MONTHLY WAGE – 5-YEAR TREND Year Region 2002 2003 2004 2005 CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK EUR CZK Zlín Region 13,736 446 14,694 461 15,629 490 16,901 Average for Czech Republic 15,844 514 16,917 531 18,035 565 Average for Czech regions 14,499 471 15,509 487 16,557 519 2006 EUR CZK EUR 567 17,866 630 19,624 659 20,844 735 17,903 601 19,031 671 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz 151 152 ZLÍN REGION LISTS OF AIRPORTS Specifications Flight time (hrs) Public/Private Civil/Military/Varied International/Intranational Prague Berlin Vienna Hole‰ov Public Civil Intranational 1:20 no flights no flights KromûfiíÏ Private Civil Intranational no flights no flights no flights Kunovice Public Civil International/Intranational NA NA NA Otrokovice Private Civil International/Intranational no flights no flights no flights Source: Ministry of Transport, www.mdcr.cz SCHOOL SYSTEM Olomouc (62 km) Motorway Road E442 Katowice (225 km) Number of schools Number of students Number of graduates Secondary schools 83 34,708 8,873 Airport - Private Technical fields 38 10,737 3,148 Airport - Public Economic fields 41 9,590 2,659 ICT fields 15 2,949 818 Higher schools 11 1,260 328 Technical fields 1 66 13 Economic fields 4 636 145 ICT fields 0 0 0 Universities 2 9,202 NA Technical fields 4 2,942 NA Economic fields 4 4,329 NA ICT fields 2 976 NA Railroad Îilina (50 km) Vsetín Zlín KromûfiíÏ Brno (95 km) E50 Uherské Hradi‰tû E50 Bfieclav (83 km) Wien (165 km) Source: Institute for Information on Education, www.uiv.cz Trenãín (50 km) Budapest (330 km) LIST OF SCHOOLS Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Evropsk˘ polytechnick˘ institut, s.r.o. [email protected] www.edukomplex Management and Marketing of Foreign Trade, Information in Economics, Computer Science, Finance and Tax Univerzita Tomá‰e Bati ve Zlínû [email protected] www.utb.cz Technology, Management, Economics, Multimedia Communications, Applied Informatics, Humanities Obchodní akademie a VO· Vala‰ské Mezifiíãí [email protected] www.oavm.cz Economics Obchodní akademie Tomá‰e Bati a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola ekonomická Zlín [email protected] www.vosezlin.cz Marketing, Accounting, Financial Management Titles awarded Students Bc. 927 Universities Bc., BcA., Ph.D., Ing., Mgr. 11,320 Higher schools Bc. 41 DiS., Bc. 190 DiS. 230 Stfiední ‰kola podnikatelská a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, s.r.o [email protected] www.spos.cz Economics, Tourism Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola filmová Zlín [email protected] www.filmovaskola.cz Film DiS., Bc. 85 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola právní, s.r.o. [email protected] www.vos.cz Law DiS. 124 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická Vsetín [email protected] szs-vzs.xf.cz Health care DiS. 120 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola pedagogická a sociální a Stfiední pedagogická ‰kola v KromûfiíÏi [email protected] www.ped-km.cz Educanional, social DiS. 180 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola potravináfiská a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola mlékárenská KromûfiíÏ [email protected] www.vospaspsm.cz Food technology, Dairy DiS., Bc. Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz. Note: You can find the complete list of schools on the CD-ROM City Invest Czech. INDUSTRIAL ZONES, BROWNFIELDS Type Name District Area (ha) Industrial zone Contact - subject Phone Slaviãín Zlín 320.0 x Brownfield CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 Hole‰ov KromûfiíÏ 280.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 Hulín, Za drahou KromûfiíÏ 187.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 Hulín, Zápotoãí KromûfiíÏ 130.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 Hulín, Odska‰tí KromûfiíÏ 90.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 Spytihnûv Zlín 84.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 Pravãice-Tfiebûtice, Záhumenní KromûfiíÏ 71.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 Zlín, Svit Zlín 69.6 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 Slaviãín, Vlárské strojírny Zlín 61.8 Kunovice - Dlouhé Vsetín 45.0 x x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 Uhersk˘ Brod - u Slováck˘ch strojíren Uherské Hradi‰tû 30.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 Hulín - jih KromûfiíÏ 25.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 Staré Mûsto - ·pilov Uherské Hradi‰tû 24.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 Vsetín - Bobrky Vsetín 24.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 Za‰ová - Haãov Vsetín 23.7 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 Hulín - v˘chod KromûfiíÏ 23.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 Zlín - Cecilka Zlín 23.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 RoÏnov pod Radho‰tûm - Zubfií - Zubersko Vsetín 20.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 Vala‰ské Mezifiíãí Vsetín 20.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 Kelã - Za lázenkou Vsetín 19.0 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 Zlín Zlín 16.4 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 Otrokovice Zlín 11.0 Halenkov, armádní sklady Vsetín 10.7 Nivnice Uherské Hradi‰tû 10.0 x x CzechInvest, Regionální kanceláfi Zlín +420 573 776 260 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org CzechInvest projects in the region 153 A-CLASS OFFICE SPACES (ZLÍN) Project Total size (m2)* Polyfunkãní dÛm 4,260 Completed Comments within 6 months after prelease Historical but flexible building located close to the city centre. *) Total size of office space Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o., www.cushmanwakefield.com OFFICE AND RETAIL SPACE RENTALS EUR/m2/month Location In demand Other A-Class Office Space (Zlín) Office space 5.6 - 8.8 3.0 - 4.4 7.0 - 9.0 Shopping Centre Area * - Retail space 11.8 - 20.6 3.0 - 5.8 - 25.0 - 40.0 * Rental levels for average 100 m2 retail unit. The given prices are for rental in the regional city. The prices are listed separately as prices in locations in demand and other locations. Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o. (A-Class office space and Shopping Centre Area) and European Club of Estate Agencies (other data) LABOUR OFFICE City Address Phone Fax E-mail KromûfiíÏ Erbenovo nábfieÏí 4251/2c, 767 01 KromûfiíÏ 1 +420 573 311 111 +420 573 311 700 [email protected] Uherské Hradi‰tû Na Morávce 1215, 686 52 Uherské Hradi‰tû 1 +420 572 520 211-2 +420 572 552 227 [email protected] Vsetín Pod Îambo‰kou 1024, 755 01 Vsetín 1 +420 571 413 640; 571 412 321 +420 571 417 509 [email protected] Zlín âiperova 5182, 760 01 Zlín 1 +420 577 577 111 +420 577 432 318 [email protected] Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE REGION [email protected], www.kreditvm.cz contact person: Ing. Stanislav Pernick˘ Regional Council Tfiída Tomá‰e Bati 3792, 761 90 Zlín tel.: 577 043 111, fax: 577 043 202 [email protected] www.kr-zlinsky.cz CzechTrade - Regional Information Place - Zlín ·tefánikova 167, 760 30 Zlín tel.: 576 011 541, 724 613 803 fax: 576 011 505 [email protected] www.ohkzlin.cz/exportni_misto.html contact person: Ing. Viktor ·imeãek Town Hall - Zlín námûstí Míru 12, 761 40 Zlín tel.: 577 630 111, fax: 577 432 901 [email protected] [email protected] www.mestozlin.cz CzechInvest - Regional Office Vavreãkova 5262, 761 01 Zlín tel.: 573 776 260, fax: 573 776 265 [email protected] CzechTrade - Regional Consultants Regional consultant - CzechTrade - Praha Klára Jirousková, tel: 224 907 536, fax: 224 913 805 [email protected] Regional Economic Chamber - Zlín ·tefánikova 167, 760 30 Zlín tel./fax: 576 011 526 [email protected], www.hkzlin.czcontact person: Ing. Rita Leãbychová, CSc. Regional consultant - CzechTrade - Praha Jana BrzoÀová tel.: 224 907 546, fax: 224 913 817 [email protected] Regional manager CzechTrade - Zlín Viktor ·imeãek, tel: 576 011 541, 724 613 803, fax: 576 011 541 [email protected] Water & sewage Slovácké vodárny a kanalizace, a.s. Za Ol‰ávkou 290, 686 36 Uherské Hradi‰tû tel.: 572 530 111, fax: 572 551 118 [email protected], www.svkuh.cz [email protected] UTILITIES Gas Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s. (for Southwestern part of the region) Plynárenská 499/1, 657 02 Brno tel.: 545 548 111, fax: 545 578 571 [email protected], [email protected], www.jmpas.cz Regional Development Agency Vavreãkova 5262, 760 01 Zlín tel.: 573 776 202, fax: 573 776 201 [email protected] www.rra-vychodnimorava.cz Severomoravská plynárenská, a.s. (for Northeastern part of the region) Plynární 2748/6, 702 72 Ostrava tel.: 595 141 111, fax: 595 141 490 [email protected], www.rwe-smp.cz Regional Development Agency - Bílé Karpaty, o.p.s. Su‰ilova 952, 687 71 Bojkovice tel.: 603 530 615, [email protected] www.mikroregion-bojkovsko.cz Electricity E.ON âeská republika, a.s. (for Southwestern part of the region) Lidická 36, 659 44 Brno tel.: 840 111 333 [email protected], www.eon.cz Regional Consulting & Information Center - JVM-RPIC, spol. s r.o. ·tefánikova 167, 760 30 Zlín tel.: 577 210 729, 603 511 687 fax: 576 011 457 [email protected], www.jvmrpic.cz contact person: Ing. Jifií Kuãera Regional Consulting & Information Center - KREDIT, v.o.s., ekonomické sluÏby Sokolská 1268, 757 01 Vala‰ské Mezifiíãí tel.: 571 613 419, -21, fax: 571 611 117 Severomoravská energetika, a.s. (for Northeastern part of the region) 28. fiíjna 3123/152, 709 02 Ostrava - Mor. Ostrava tel.: 596 671 111, fax: 596 612 388 [email protected], www.sme.cz Vodovody a kanalizace Zlín, a.s. tfi. Tomá‰e Bati 383, 760 49 Zlín tel.: 577 104 619, fax: 577 158 854 [email protected], www.vakzlin.cz Vodovody a kanalizace KromûfiíÏ, a.s. Kojetínská 3666, 767 11 KromûfiíÏ tel.: 573 517 111, fax: 573 517 501 [email protected], www.vak-km.cz Vodovody a kanalizace Vsetín, a.s. Jasenická 1106, 755 11 Vsetín tel.: 571 484 011, fax: 571 431 910 [email protected], www.vakvs.cz Heat SATE Hulín, s.r.o. DruÏba 1198, 768 24 Hulín tel.: 573 350 167, fax.: 573 350 167 Find detailed information about the companies in the region of Zlín at www.bookoflists.cz/Regions CTZ, s.r.o. Sokolovská 572, 686 01 Uherské Hradi‰tû tel.: 572 579 305, fax: 572 551 825 [email protected] Energoaqua, a.s. 1. máje 823, 756 61 RoÏnov pod Radho‰tûm tel.: 571 844 389, 571 842 772 fax: 571 842 692, [email protected] www.energoaqua.cz Teplárna Otrokovice, a.s. Objízdná 1777, 765 39 Otrokovice tel.: 577 649 111, fax: 577 921 600 [email protected], www.tot.cz Teplo Zlín, a.s. DruÏstevní 4651, 760 05 Zlín, tel.: 577 242 586 Zásobování teplem Vsetín, a.s. Jiráskova 1326, 755 01 Vsetín tel.: 571 815 111, fax: 571 815 405 [email protected], www.vsteplo.cz 154 ZLÍN REGION TOP 20 COMPANIES RANKED BY REVENUES 2006 Name of company Location www E-mail Phone Activity Revenue 2006 (CZK) Employees Barum Continental spol. s r.o. Otrokovice www.contitrade.cz [email protected] +420 577 512 201 Tires and inner tubes 44,000,757 4,145 Continental v˘roba pneumatik, s.r.o. Otrokovice www.contitrade.cz [email protected] +420 577 511 111 Tires and inner tubes 11,723,497 340 DEZA, a.s. Vala‰ské Mezifiíãí www.deza.cz [email protected] +420 571 691 111 Chemical preparations 9,249,249 1,070 Continental HT Tyres, s.r.o. Otrokovice www.barum.cz [email protected] +420 577 511 111 Tires and inner tubes 5,942,884 187 ALLWOOD,a.s. Zlín www.allwood.cz [email protected] +420 577 243 423 Timber tracts 4,722,863 217 HAMÉ, a.s. Babice www.hame.cz [email protected] +420 572 534 111 Ethnic foods, canned, jarred 4,550,825 2,800 HP TRONIC Zlín, spol. s r.o. Zlín www.hptronic.cz [email protected] +420 577 055 111 Electrical apparatus and equipment 4,113,198 320 SWS a.s. Slu‰ovice www.sws.cz [email protected] +420 577 640 111 Computer software 3,961,447 150 1,480 Fatra, a.s. Napajedla www.fatra.cz [email protected] +420 577 501 111 Plastics products 3,414,079 KONTY G TRADE a.s. Zlín www.konty-g.cz [email protected] +420 577 525 366 Custom compounding of rubber materials 3,378,438 210 CE WOOD, a.s. Zlín www.cewood.cz [email protected] +420 577 005 412 Forestry services 2,837,553 1,675 BAËA, akciová spoleãnost Zlín www.bata.cz [email protected] +420 577 685 111 Boot and shoe accessories 2,820,330 1,600 LUKROM, spol. s r.o. Lípa www.lukrom.cz [email protected] +420 577 902 111 Feed milling, custom services 2,180,959 200 greiner packaging slu‰ovice s.r.o. Slu‰ovice www.greiner-gpi.com [email protected] +420 476 713 222 Plastics products 1,879,545 470 ROSA market s.r.o. KromûfiíÏ www.rosamarket.cz [email protected] +420 573 330 641 Groceries, general line 1,704,759 450 EURONICS âR a.s. Zlín www.euronics.cz [email protected] +420 577 055 111 Consumer electronic equipment 1,647,190 8 VA & JA TABÁK, s.r.o. Dolní Beãva www.vajatabak.cz [email protected] +420 571 759 759 Tobacco and tobacco products 1,583,790 95 MP Krásno, a.s. Vala‰ské Mezifiíãí www.krasno.cz [email protected] +420 571 855 253 Meat packing plants 1,404,217 408 Krajská nemocnice T. Bati a.s. Zlín General medical and surgical hospitals 1,373,430 1,855 Teplárna Otrokovice a.s. Otrokovice Steam heating systems (suppliers of heat) 1,373,214 NA www.tot.cz [email protected] +420 577 922 298 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz CzechInvest projects in the region SELECTED CZECHINVEST PROJECTS IN THE REGION Name Location Investor Country Sector Year INDET SAFETY SYSTEMS a.s. Vsetín, JablÛnka Nippon Kayaku Japan parts for motor vehicles 2006 Nippon Kayaku CZ, s.r.o. JablÛnka Nippon Kayaku Japan parts for motor vehicles 2006 KEMMERICH CZECH s.r.o. Vsetín Gebr. Kemmerich Germany metalworking 2006 SCHOTT CR, a.s. Vala‰ské Mezifiíãí SCHOTT Germany glass 2006 Kovov˘roba Hoffmann s.r.o. OstroÏská Nová Ves Kovov˘roba Hoffmann Czech Republic engineering 2007 Fatra, a.s. Napajedla Fatra, a.s. Czech Republic plastic 2007 MITAS a.s Zlín, Otrokovice Mitas Czech Republic rubber industry 2006 Kovárna "VIVA" Zlín, spol. s r.o. Zlín Kovárna VIVA Czech Republic other 2007 Source: CzechInvest, www.czechinvest.org The database of more than 4000 top businesses in the Czech Republic - 93 lists according to market fields - Contacts for executives of listed companies - Validated phone numbers and e-mail addresses - Advanced search function - Choice between Czech or English language interface - Regular updates of the data throughout whole year - Comprehensive review of economic indicators in Czech regions - Supports the export of data to MS Excel - Information about revenues and numbers of employees of listed companies Order on +420 234 071 370 or www.bookoflists.cz. Ask about a free listing of your company in the online version of the Book of Lists at www.bookoflists.cz. DISTRICT KROMù¤ÍÎ DISTRICT KROMù¤ÍÎ BASIC DATA Land Area............................................................................................................799 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 KromûfiíÏ .......................................29,024 Hole‰ov.........................................12,332 Bystfiice pod Host˘nem ..................8,762 Hulín ...............................................7,449 Chropynû ........................................5,145 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................107,673 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................18.3 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................135 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................51,842 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................5,420 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 3.9 % 0.1 % 10.7 % ■ Without education ■ Basic and without education 24.1 % 22.4 % ■ Secondary without GCE 23.9 % ■ Secondary with GCE 41.3 % ■ Elementary ■ Secondary 73.6 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 5,420 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 12.1 % 62.5 % ■ Construction ................................. 2,612 16.2 % Czech Republic 14 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 1,993 9.2 % 12 ■ Industry ........................................ 3,511 11.9 11.6 11.7 11.0 9.5 10 ■ Services ...................................... 13,504 9.8 10.3 9.5 8.9 8 Total: .............................................. 21,620 7.7 6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CZK KromûfiíÏ CR (total) 2005 Original methodology EUR 678,663 1,491,563,988 23,398 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Prague Average CR Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - KromûfiíÏ Velké námûstí 115/1, 767 01 KromûfiíÏ tel.: +420 573 321 111, fax: +420 573 331 481 e-mail: [email protected] www.mesto-kromeriz.cz District Economic Chamber - KromûfiíÏ Kotojedská 269/1, 767 01 KromûfiíÏ tel.: +420 573 331 650, fax: +420 573 331 650 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohkkm.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW TON a.s. Bystfiice pod Host˘nem Kitchen and dining room furniture www.ton.cz Employees ROSA market s.r.o. KromûfiíÏ Groceries, general line www.rosamarket.cz 450 PLASTIKA a.s. KromûfiíÏ Plastics products www.plastika.cz 390 TOSHULIN, a.s. Hulín Lathes www.toshulin.cz 340 ChropyÀská strojírna, a.s. Chropynû Special industry machinery www.chropynska.cz 218 PILANA TOOLS Knives spol. s r.o. Hulín Cutlery www.pilana.cz 185 AEV, spol. s r. o. KromûfiíÏ Motor vehicle parts and accessories www.aev.cz 175 PILANA TOOLS Wood Saws spol. s r.o. Hulín Utensils, cast aluminum www.pilana.cz 155 1, 500 MANëÁK a.s. KromûfiíÏ Prefabricated building erection, industrial www.mandak.cz 151 ELKO EP, s.r.o. Hole‰ov Relays and industrial controls www.elkoep.cz 143 KMOTR - Masna KromûfiíÏ a.s. KromûfiíÏ Sausages and other prepared meats www.kmotr.cz 140 NET PLASY, spol. s r.o. Bystfiice pod Host˘nem Creamery butter www.mlekarna-bystrice.cz 138 KRODOS BUS a.s. KromûfiíÏ Intercity bus line LAPP KABEL s.r.o. Hole‰ov Wire and cable www.lappkabel.cz 136 130 mopas a.s. Hole‰ov Automotive maintenance services www.mopas.cz 110 Fremach Morava, s.r.o. KromûfiíÏ Plastics products www.fremach.cz 110 TRIANGOLO spol. s r.o. Hulín Iron and steel forgings www.triangolo.cz 105 VW WACHAL a.s. KromûfiíÏ Structural engineering www.wachal.cz 100 NWT Computer s.r.o. Hulín Computers, peripherals, and software www.nwt.cz 92 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 155 156 ZLÍN REGION DISTRICT UHERSKÉ HRADI·Tù DISTRICT UHERSKÉ HRADI·Tù BASIC DATA Land Area ..........................................................................................................991 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Uherské Hradi‰tû ..........................26,131 Uhersk˘ Brod................................17,399 Staré Mûsto ....................................6,759 Kunovice.........................................5,241 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................143,731 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................24.4 Population density (pers./km2)...................................................................................145 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................72,256 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................5,386 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 4.5 % 0.1 % ■ Basic and without education 9.8 % 27.2 % 22.7 % ■ Elementary ■ Secondary 74.1 % ■ Secondary with GCE 40.2 % ■ Without education 21.3 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 5,386 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 7.1 % 13.3 % 60.0 % ■ Construction ................................. 3,937 19.6 % Czech Republic 14 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,099 12 ■ Industry ........................................ 5,803 10 ■ Services ...................................... 17,783 8 Total: .............................................. 29,622 9.8 8.7 10.3 9.5 8.9 7.7 9.2 8.0 7.7 2004 2005 6.5 6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 Original methodology CZK Uherské Hradi‰tû Prague New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK CR (total) 2006 EUR 1,266,579 43,668 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Average CR Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT Town Hall - Uherské Hradi‰tû Masarykovo námûstí 19 686 01 Uherské Hradi‰tû tel.: +420 572 525 111, fax: +420 572 551 071 e-mail: [email protected] www.mesto-uh.cz District Economic Chamber - Uherské Hradi‰tû Studentské námûstí 1531, 686 01 Uh. Hradi‰tû tel.: +420 572 557 849, +420 608 888 594 fax: +420 572 555 482 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohkuh.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW HAMÉ, a.s. Babice Ethnic foods, canned, jarred, etc. www.hame.cz Employees 2, 800 âeská zbrojovka a.s. Uhersk˘ Brod Small arms www.czub.cz 1, 300 Uherskohradi‰Èská nemocnice a.s. Uherské Hradi‰tû General medical and surgical hospitals www.nspuh.cz 984 EUROTEC, k.s. Uhersk˘ Ostroh Electronic components www.eurotec-ks.cz 750 Slovácké strojírny, akciová spoleãnost Uhersk˘ Brod Cranes www.sub.cz 720 âSAD Uherské Hradi‰tû a.s. Uherské Hradi‰tû Intercity and rural bus transportation www.csad.uh.cz 513 ZEVETA MACHINERY a.s. Bojkovice Brake drums, motor vehicle www.zeveta.com 486 Aircraft Industries, a.s. Kunovice Aircraft www.let.cz 400 LINEA NIVNICE, a.s. Nivnice Bottled and canned soft drinks www.lineanivnice.cz 250 FERROMORAVIA, s.r.o. Staré Mûsto Machine tools, metal cutting type www.ferromoravia.cz 242 RAMET C.H.M. a.s. Kunovice Search and navigation equipment www.rametchm.cz 240 IBEROFON CZ, a.s. Uhersk˘ Brod Plastics products www.kastek.cz 230 ND Logistics CZ s.r.o. Uherské Hradi‰tû Special warehousing and storage www.nd-logistics.cz 230 PEVEKO, spol. s r. o. Bor‰ice u Buchlovic Solenoid valves www.peveko.cz 200 FIMES, a.s. Uherské Hradi‰tû Gray and ductile iron foundries www.fimes.mesit.cz 190 MESIT pfiístroje spol.s r.o. Uherské Hradi‰tû Aircraft/aerospace flight instruments and guidance systems www.msp.mesit.cz 170 MORAVIA CANS a.s. Bojkovice Aluminum cans www.moraviacans.cz 170 KASKO spol. s r.o. Horní Nûmãí Plastics processing www.kasko.cz 165 CZECH AIRCRAFT WORKS spol. s r.o. Kunovice Aircraft www.airplane.cz 160 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz DISTRICT VSETÍN DISTRICT VSETÍN BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,143 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Vsetín ...........................................28,261 Vala‰ské Mezifiíãí ..........................27,362 RoÏnov pod Radho‰tem ...............17,129 Zubfií ...............................................5,458 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................145,661 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................24.7 Population density (pers./km2)..................................................................................127 Average labour force (2006 average value) ..........................................................74,489 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................7,773 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 4.2 % 0.1 % ■ Basic and without education 10.8 % 25.7 % 24.8 % ■ Without education 21.2 % ■ Secondary without GCE ■ Secondary with GCE ■ Elementary ■ Secondary 74.5 % ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education 38.6 % Total: ................................................ 7,773 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 9.6 % 11.3 % 60.6 % 18.5 % Czech Republic 14 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 2,930 ■ Construction ................................. 3,461 11.8 12 ■ Industry ........................................ 5,646 12.1 10.9 10.8 9.7 10 ■ Services ...................................... 18,498 9.8 10.3 9.5 8.9 8 Total: .............................................. 30,535 7.7 6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 CZK CR (total) Prague Average CR 2005 Original methodology 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Vsetín 2004 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT EUR 3,281,011 113,119 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Town Hall - Vsetín Svárov 1080, 755 01 Vsetín tel.: +420 571 491 111, fax: +420 571 419 278 e-mail: [email protected] www.mestovsetin.cz Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz District Economic Chamber - Vsetín Dolní námûstí 1356, 755 01 Vsetín tel.: +420 571 421 080, fax: +420 571 421 090 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohkvsetin.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW DEZA, a.s. Vala‰ské Mezifiíãí Chemical preparations www.deza.cz Employees 1, 070 ON SEMICONDUCTOR CZECH REPUBLIC, s.r.o., právní nástupce RoÏnov pod Radho‰tûm Electronic components www.onsemi.com 1, 000 Gumárny Zubfií, akciová spoleãnost Zubfií Fabricated rubber products www.guzu.cz JEDNOTA, spotfiební druÏstvo ve Vsetínû. Vsetín Variety stores www.jednota-vs.cz 613 Austin Detonator s.r.o. Vsetín Explosives www.austin.cz 600 900 Hirschmann Czech s.r.o. Vsetín Automotive wiring harness sets www.hirschmann.cz 543 TES VSETÍN, s.r.o. Vsetín Motors and generators www.tes.cz 532 LOANA, a.s. RoÏnov pod Radho‰tûm Women's hosiery, except socks www.loana.cz 500 IRISA, v˘robní druÏstvo Vsetín Plastics products www.irisa.cz 480 INDET SAFETY SYSTEMS a.s. Vsetín Seat belts, automobile and aircraft www.iss-cz.com 460 MP Krásno, a.s. Vala‰ské Mezifiíãí Meat packing plants www.krasno.cz 408 TVM, spol. s r. o. Vala‰ské Mezifiíãí Speaker systems www.tvm-valmez.cz 373 BONAVIA servis, a.s. Vsetín Automobile recovery service www.bonavia.cz 340 SVùT OKEN s.r.o. Vsetín Windows, plastics www.svet-oken.cz 320 SCHOTT CR, a.s. Vala‰ské Mezifiíãí Pressed and blown glass www.stvglass.cz 300 RONAS s.r.o. RoÏnov pod Radho‰tûm Special dies, tools, jigs, and fixtures www.ronas.com 296 ROBE lighting s. r. o. RoÏnov pod Radho‰tûm Light communications equipment www.robe.cz 296 Jifií Posád, POSAD-TECH-MONTAGE Vala‰ské Mezifiíãí Weldments www.posad.cz 250 Vodovody a kanalizace Vsetín, a.s. Vsetín Water supply www.vakvs.cz 250 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz 157 158 ZLÍN REGION DISTRICT ZLÍN DISTRICT ZLÍN BASIC DATA Land Area .......................................................................................................1,030 km2 Towns with population over 5,000 Otrokovice ....................................18,665 Napajedla........................................7,584 Slaviãín ...........................................7,004 Brumov-Bylnice ..............................6,014 Luhaãovice .....................................5,442 Vala‰ské Klobouky..........................5,143 POPULATION Population, total .................................................................................................192,774 Percentage in the total population of the region (%) ................................................32.7 Population density (pers./km2)..................................................................................187 Average labour force (2006 average value) ........................................................100,805 Number of job seekers ...........................................................................................7,022 EDUCATION – POPULATION MORE THAN 15 YEARS OLD NUMBER OF JOB SEEKERS ACCORDING TO EDUCATION 64 % 11.9 % 5.7 % ■ Basic and without education 24.6 % ■ Elementary 72.9 % ■ Secondary with GCE 38.1 % ■ Without education 21.3 % ■ Secondary without GCE 25.3 % 0.1 % ■ Secondary ■ Higher or university education ■ Higher or university education Total: ................................................ 7,022 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz NUMBER OF ECONOMIC UNITS ACCORDING TO PREVAILING ACTIVITY Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs UNEMPLOYMENT - 5-YEAR TREND District 6.3 % 65.9 % ■ Construction ................................. 5,548 16.6 % Czech Republic 14 ■ Agriculture & forestry ................... 3,141 11.2 % 12 ■ Industry ........................................ 8,227 10 ■ Services ...................................... 32,728 9.8 9.7 10.3 9.5 10.0 Total: .............................................. 49,644 8.9 7.7 8 8.4 8.0 6.3 6 Source: Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz %/year 2002 2003 2004 Original methodology CZK EUR 24,320,403 CR (total) Prague Average CR 2006 New methodology Source: Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT STOCK Zlín 2005 IMPORTANT CONTACTS IN THE DISTRICT 838,490 1,491,563,988 51,424,375 801,100,204 27,619,383 10,403,898 667,849 Source: Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz Town Hall - Zlín Námûstí Míru 12, 760 01 Zlín tel.: +420 577 630 111, fax: +420 577 432 901 e-mail: [email protected] www.mestozlin.cz District Economic Chamber - Zlín Vavreãkova 5262, 760 01 Zlín tel.: +420 573 776 001, fax: +420 573 776 003 e-mail: [email protected] www.ohkzlin.cz IMPORTANT COMPANIES IN THE DISTRICT ACCORDING TO NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Name of company Location Activity WWW Barum Continental spol. s r.o. Otrokovice Tires and inner tubes www.contitrade.cz Employees Krajská nemocnice T. Bati a.s. Zlín General medical and surgical hospitals CE WOOD, a.s. Zlín Forestry services www.cewood.cz Fatra, a.s. Napajedla Plastics products www.fatra.cz 1, 480 BAËA, akciová spoleãnost Zlín Boot and shoe accessories www.bata.cz 1, 247 TAJMAC-ZPS, a.s. Zlín Machine tools, metal cutting type www.tajmac-zps.cz 1, 093 ZPS - SLÉVÁRNA, a.s. Zlín Gray and ductile iron foundries www.sl.zps.cz 528 ZÁLESÍ a.s. Luhaãovice Automotive stampings www.zalesi.cz 500 greiner packaging slu‰ovice s.r.o. Slu‰ovice Plastics products www.greiner-gpi.com 470 OBZOR, v˘robní druÏstvo Zlín Zlín Electrical equipment and supplies www.obzor.cz 380 Prabos plus a.s. Slaviãín Footwear, except rubber www.prabos.cz 363 BC LOGISTICS s.r.o. Otrokovice Trucking, except local bc-logistics.trade.cz 360 Zlínstav, a.s. Zlín Zlín Industrial buildings and warehouses www.zlinstav.com 350 Continental v˘roba pneumatik, s.r.o. Otrokovice Tires and inner tubes www.contitrade.cz 340 PSG, a.s. Zlín Nonresidential construction www.psg.cz 330 TNS SERVIS, a.s. Slu‰ovice Windshield wiper systems, motor vehicle www.tnsservis.cz 325 BS Servis Centrum,s.r.o. Otrokovice Eating places www.mitas.cz 320 HP TRONIC Zlín, spol. s r.o. Zlín Electrical apparatus and equipment www.hptronic.cz 320 HP TRONIC-prodejny elektro a.s. Zlín Consumer electronic equipment www.elektroproton.cz 4, 145 1, 855 1, 675 320 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz ABL Pod Vi‰Àovkou 21, 140 00 Praha 4 tel.: 234 033 333, fax: 234 033 434 [email protected], www.abl.cz Ian M. Bird Member of the Supervisory Board ADECCO Radlická 113/a714 158 00 Praha 5 tel.: 251001 420, fax: 251 001 400 [email protected], www.adecco.cz/com Katefiina Jungová National Sales Manager APS AIG/Lincoln CZ s. r. o. Îatecká 55/14, 110 00 Praha-Josefov tel: 246 085 800, fax: 224 817 628 [email protected] Allen & Overy, Praha Advokátní kanceláfi V Celnici 4, 110 00 Praha 1 tel.: 222 107 111, fax: 222 107 107 [email protected], www.allenovery.com ALPHA MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS T˘nská 12, 110 00 Praha 1 tel.: 224 826 086, fax: 224 828 044 [email protected], www.alphamc.com ● ARCADIS Project Management Na StrÏi 1702/65, 140 62 Praha 4 tel.: 296 330 111, fax: 224 236 313 [email protected], www.arcadispm.cz Pavel Havlíãek Managing Director ● ● ASB Prague Stará Celnice, V Celnici 1031/4, 110 00 Praha 1 tel.: 224 931 367, fax: 224 931 368 [email protected], www.asbprague.com Petra Rychnovská Partner CB & I Lummus Milady Horákové 13, 656 80 Brno tel.: 222 319 123, fax: 222 319 123 [email protected], www.abb.com Colliers International Slovansk˘ dÛm, Na Pfiíkopû 859/22, 110 00 Praha 1 tel.: 221 451 518, fax: 221 451 514 [email protected] CTP Invest Central Trade Park D1, 396 01 Humpolec tel.: 565 535 565, fax: 565 533 501 [email protected], www.ctpinfo.cz Other Professional Services Insurance Interpreting and Translation Services Business Process Reengineering Public Relations & Media Management Information Technology Support Industrial Consultancy Management Consultancy Business Enterprise & Assets Valuation Project & Construction Management Architecture & Design Quality Control Personnel Consultancy and Recruitment Executive Search Taxation Consultancy & Srvices ● ● ● ● ● ● ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ● ● ✓ ● ✓ ✓ Ale‰ Krtiãka Statutory Representative ● ✓ Jaroslava Tyllerová General Manager Jan Mleziva Partner ✓ ✓ ✓ BUREAU VERITAS CZECH REPUBLIC spol. s r.o. Olbrachtova 1, 140 02 Praha 4 tel.: 210 088 241, fax: 210 088 293 [email protected], www.bureauveritas.cz Corporate Financing ✓ Jifií Krch Managing Director Bovis Lend Lease,a.s. Peckova 9, 186 00 Praha 8 tel.: 221 775 211, fax: 221 775 212 [email protected], www.bovislendllease.com Auditing ✓ American Appraisal Lomnického 1705/9, 140 00 Praha 4 tel.: 226 539 640, fax: 226 539 650 [email protected], www.american-appraisal.cz B. I. R. T. GROUP Salvátorská 8, 110 00 Praha 1 tel.: 224 231 371, fax: 224 236 812 [email protected]/[email protected], www.birt.cz ✓ ✓ ● AYS Placements & Workshops Krakovská 7, 110 00 Praha 1 tel.: 222 210 013, fax: 222 210 039 [email protected], www.ays.cz Financial Consultancy & Services ● Angus Mathews Partner ATELIER TSUNAMI Palachova 1742, 547 01 Náchod tel.: 491 401 611, fax: 491 420 817 [email protected], www.atsunami.cz Strategic Marketing ✓ Walter Dackiw Managing Director Petr Guth Associate Environmental Consultancy Contact person Position Legal Services Company name Address Telephone, fax E-mail, www Real Estate Consultancy LISTS ✓ ● ✓ ● ● Petr Kasl Operation Director Robert Hlinovsk˘ Technical Inspection Division Director ● Vladimír Srnsk˘ Manager Business Development Pavel ·míd Industry Broker ✓ Remon L. Vos Managing Director ✓ ✓ ● ● ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ● ● ✓ ✓ ● ✓ ✓ ● ● ● ✓ ● ✓ ✓ Main activity ● Additional activity 159 Alexandara Rudy‰arová Chief Executive Officer Deloitte Advisory s.r.o Nile House, Karolinská 654/2, 186 00 Praha 8 tel.: 246 042 500, fax: 246 042 015 [email protected], www.deloitteCE.com DELTAX Systems Lighthouse Towers, Jankovcova 1569/2c, 170 00 Praha 7 tel.: 251 029 230, fax: 251 029 222 [email protected], www.deltax.cz Jaroslav ·kvrna Partner ● Eva Bogrenová Managing Director ENVIROS Na Rovnosti 1, 130 00 Praha 3 tel.: 284 007 498, fax: 284 861 245 [email protected], www.enviros.cz Jaroslav Vích Executive Director Ernst & Young Tax & Transactions, s.r.o., ãlen koncernu Karlovo nám. 10, 120 00 Praha 2 tel.: 225 335 111, fax: 225 335 222 [email protected], www.ey.com/cz Richard Singer Marketing Director ● GLEEDS âESKÁ REPUBLIKA Konviktská 30, 110 00 Praha 1 tel.: 222 899 111, fax: 224 236 888 [email protected], www.gleeds.com Vladimír Bíl˘ Managing Director ✓ Hays Czech Republic Olivova 4/2029, 110 00 Praha 1 tel: 225 001 711, fax: 225 001 723 [email protected], www.haysworks.cz ✓ ● ✓ CHEMING Pernerova 168, 531 54 Pardubice tel.: 466 818 111, fax: 466 818 190 [email protected], www.cheming.cz Martin Slab˘ Managing Director Viktor Mal˘ Director Other Professional Services Insurance Interpreting and Translation Services Business Process Reengineering Public Relations & Media Management ✓ Information Technology Support Project & Construction Management ● ● ● ● ✓ ● ✓ ● ● ● ✓ ✓ ● ✓ ● ✓ ✓ ● ● ● ✓ ● ● ✓ ✓ ● ● ✓ ● ✓ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ✓ ✓ ● ✓ ● ✓ Monika Mrkviãková Division Manager Jakub Mikulá‰ek Projektleiter Architecture & Design ● ✓ Alena BartoÀová Managing Director Jan Holásek Partner Quality Control Personnel Consultancy and Recruitment Executive Search Taxation Consultancy & Srvices Corporate Financing Auditing Financial Consultancy & Services ● Martin JeÏek Branch Manager Hochtief Development Czech Republic Karla Engli‰e 3201/6, Praha 5 150 00 tel: 233 081 952, fax: 233 081 967 [email protected] CHEMOPRAG Na Babû 35/1526, 160 00 Praha 6 tel.: 233 007 112, fax: 233 330 355 [email protected], www.chemoprag.cz ● ● EBO Reality Baarova 35, 140 00Praha 4 tel.: 241 485 959, fax: 241 485 445 [email protected], www.ebore.cz HAVEL & HOLÁSEK T˘n 1049/3, 110 00 Praha 1 tel.: 224 895 950, fax: 224 895 980 [email protected], www.havelholasek.cz ● Martin Tax Chairman Vladimír Brenner Business Director GrECo International,poradenství pro riziko a poji‰tûní Novodvorská 994, 142 21 Praha 4 tel.: 296 331 211, fax: 296 331 241 [email protected], www.greco.eu ✓ ✓ EarthTech CZ Trojská 92, 171 00 Praha 7 tel.: 283 090 653, fax: 283 090 658 [email protected], www.earthtech.cz Grafton Recruitment Václavské nám. 1, 110 00 Praha 1 tel.: 224 475 400, fax: 224 218 435 [email protected], www.grafton.cz Industrial Consultancy CzechInvest ·tûpánská 15, 120 00 Praha 2 tel.: 296 342 500, fax: 296 342 502 [email protected], www.czechinvest.org ✓ Management Consultancy Jonathan Peter Hallett Head of Office Business Enterprise & Assets Valuation Cushman & Wakefield Na Pfiíkopû 1, 110 00 Praha 1 tel.: 234 603 603, fax: 234 603 604 [email protected], www.cushwake.com Strategic Marketing Contact person Position Environmental Consultancy Company name Address Telephone, fax E-mail, www Real Estate Consultancy LISTS Legal Services 160 ● ✓ ● ● ✓ ● ✓ ✓ ● ✓ ✓ ● ● ● ✓ ✓ ● ✓ Main activity ● Additional activity Jones Lang LaSalle Palác Myslbek, Ovocn˘ trh 8, 117 19 Praha 1 tel: +420 224 234 809, +420 224 239 520 [email protected], www.cz.joneslanglasalle.com Kocián ·olc Bala‰tík, advokátní kanceláfi Jungmannova 745/24, 110 00 Praha 1 tel: 224 103 316, fax: 224 103 234 [email protected],www.ksb.cz Kovoprojekta Brno ·umavská 416/15, 602 00 Brno tel.: 541 644 111, fax: 541 644 112 [email protected], www.kovoprojekta.cz KPMG âeská republika PobfieÏní 1a, 186 00 Praha 8 tel.: 222 123 111, fax: 222 123 100 [email protected], www.kpmg.cz TomበSpohr Chairman of the Board and Managing Director ● Kamil BlaÏek Managing Associate ✓ Barbara Kusak Local Partner ✓ Milana Chamberlain Partner ✓ PETERKA & PARTNERS v.o.s. advokátní kanceláfi Na Pfiíkopû 15/583, 110 00 Praha 1 tel: 246 085 300, fax: 246 085 370 [email protected], www.peterkapartners.com Ondfiej Peterka Managing Partner ✓ PricewaterhouseCoopers âeská republika Katefiinská 40, 120 00 Praha 2 tel.: 251 151 111, fax: 251 156 111 [email protected]/cz, www.pwc.com Stephen B. Booth Partner ● PSG Zarámí 4077, 760 40 Zlín tel.: 234 090 712, fax: 234 090 711 [email protected], www.psg.cz Ivan Vesel˘ Managing Director NÖRR STIEFENHOFER LUTZ Na Pfiíkopû 15, 110 00 Praha 1 tel.: 233 112 111, fax: 233 112 112 [email protected], www.noerr.com Norton Rose Betlémsk˘ palác, Husova 5, 110 00 Praha 1 tel.: 257 199 025, fax: 257 199 027 [email protected], www.nortonrose.com PST Ostrava NádraÏní 112/969, 702 00 Ostrava-Mor.Ostrava tel.: 596 126 844, fax: 596 134 626 [email protected], www.pst-clc.cz Jan Havránek Company Manager Chief Executive Red Group Lumírova 27, 128 00 Praha 2 tel.: 261 009 680, fax: 261 009 686 [email protected], www.redgroup.cz Richard Ness Investment Director RENOMIA Vlkova 46, 130 00 Praha tel.: 221 421 711, fax: 222 720 855 [email protected], www.renomia.cz Pavel Nepala Managing Partner Skfiivánek Na Dolinách 22, 147 00 Praha 4 tel.: 241 090 944, fax: 241 090 954 [email protected], www.skrivanek.cz Jitka Steinmetzová Managing Director ● ● ● Other Professional Services Insurance Interpreting and Translation Services Business Process Reengineering Public Relations & Media Management Information Technology Support Industrial Consultancy Management Consultancy Business Enterprise & Assets Valuation Project & Construction Management Quality Control Personnel Consultancy and Recruitment Executive Search Taxation Consultancy & Srvices ✓ ● ✓ ● ✓ ● ● ● ● ● ● ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ✓ ● ● ● ● ✓ ✓ ● ✓ ● ● ● Miroslav Bradna Chairman of Board and General Director RAVEN Consulting Jakubské nám. 2, 602 00 Brno tel.: 542 210 148, fax: 542 210 242 [email protected], www.raven.cz ✓ ✓ ✓ Franti‰ek Dostálek Managing Partner Linklaters, v. o. s., advokátní kanceláfi Palác Myslbek, Na Pfiíkopû 19, 117 19 Praha 1 tel.: 221 622 160, fax: 221 622 199 [email protected], www.linklaters.com ● ✓ Tewfik Sabongui Joint Managing Director Dagmar Dubecká Partner Corporate Financing ● Auditing ● Architecture & Design Milan DoleÏel Commercial Director Financial Consultancy & Services ● Contact person Position Strategic Marketing Environmental Consultancy Investorsko inÏen˘rská Gorkého 658/15, 460 01 Liberec tel.: 485 253 333, fax: 485 253 344 [email protected],[email protected], www.iias.cz Real Estate Consultancy Company name Address Telephone, fax E-mail, www Legal Services LISTS ● ● ✓ ✓ ● ● ● ✓ ● ✓ ● ● ✓ ● ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Main activity ● ● Additional activity 161 SOPHIA, tlumoãnické a pfiekladatelské sluÏby âeská 30, 370 01 âeské Budûjovice tel.: 387 318 240, fax: 387 318 240 [email protected], www.sophia-cb.cz Tebodin Czech Republic Prvního pluku 224/20, 186 59 Praha 8 tel.: 251 038 111, fax: 222 325 182 [email protected], www.tebodin.cz ✓ Jan Bobek Business Developer ✓ David J. Bouck Executive Director ✓ Technoprojekt Havlíãkovo nábfieÏí 38, 730 16 Ostrava tel.: 597 464 201, fax: 596 118 303 [email protected], www.technoprojekt.cz Martin Zu‰tík Chairman of Board of Directors and General Director ● The Source Network (CZ) s.r.o. Spielberk Office Centre (HQ, Holandská 1, 639 00 Brno tel: 533 443 411, fax: 533 443 420 [email protected], www.thesource-group.com Alan Honan Business Development Director ● ● TMF Czech, a.s. Praha City Center, Klimentská 46, 110 02 Praha 1 tel.: 225 000 522, fax: 225 000 555 [email protected], www.tmf-group.com Markéta Hejmová Managing Director Trenkwalder a.s. Hefimanická 1648/5, 710 00 Ostrava tel.: 596 243 009-11, fax: 553 105 116 [email protected], www.trenkwalder.cz Pavel Kaãán Sales Director TÜV SÜD Czech s. r. o. Novodvorská 994, 142 21 Praha 4 tel.: 239 046 816 [email protected] Ing. Ivo Dr‰Èák Director Weinhold Legal Karlovo nám. 10, 120 00 Praha 2 tel.: 225 335 512, fax: 225 335 444 [email protected], www.weinholdlegal.com Daniel Weinhold Partner ✓ Jan Matûjãek Managing Partner ✓ ● ✓ ✓ ● ● ✓ ● ● ✓ Other Professional Services Insurance Interpreting and Translation Services Business Process Reengineering Public Relations & Media Management Information Technology Support Industrial Consultancy Management Consultancy Business Enterprise & Assets Valuation Project & Construction Management Architecture & Design Quality Control Personnel Consultancy and Recruitment Executive Search Taxation Consultancy & Srvices Corporate Financing Auditing Financial Consultancy & Services Karla Bauerová Director The Charnwood Company s.r.o. Rytífiská 409/8, 110 00 Praha 1 tel 224 237 585, fax: 224 237 573 [email protected], www.charnwood.cz WHITE & CASE Na Pfiíkopû 8, 110 00 Praha 1 tel.: 255 771 111, fax: 255 771 122 [email protected], www.whitecase.com Strategic Marketing Contact person Position Environmental Consultancy Company name Address Telephone, fax E-mail, www Real Estate Consultancy LISTS Legal Services 162 ● ● ● ● ● ✓ ✓ ● ● ✓ ✓ ● ● ● ● ● ✓ ✓ Main activity ● Additional activity ASSOCIATION FOR FOREIGN INVESTMENT (AFI) The Association for Foreign Investment represents a group of Czech service companies with local experience that support the entry of foreign investors into the Czech Republic and provide a wide range of professional services to foreign investors entering the local market. The primary aim of the AFI is to ensure that the entry of foreign investors into the Czech market is as smooth and easy as possible. Companies from the AFI group are experts in the fi elds of advisory services, consultancy, project services and auditing. These companies also offer investors related services after the start of their business operations in the Czech Republic. Offi cial AFI webpage: www.afi.cz Services offered: www.afi.cz/en/services PARTNERSHIP TO SUPPORT FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC The Partnership to Support Foreign Direct Investment in the Czech Republic is a joint project of the Association for Foreign Investment and the Investment and Business Development Agency CzechInvest. The project is intended for stable companies that offer highly competitive services and products and that are interested in supporting the highquality investment climate in the Czech Republic while promoting the Czech Republic abroad. Programme activities support, to the maximum degree possible, communication between partners and foreign investors, Czech companies, representatives of the state administration and AFI members. www.afi.cz www.czechinvest.org METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH METHODOLOGY OF STATISTICAL & ECONOMIC DATA Region Land area (km2).....................................................................................................................as of 1.1.2006, according to âSÚ Administrative breakdown Number of districts ...........................................................................................................as of 31.12.2006, according to âSÚ Number of municipalities ..................................................................................................as of 31.12.2006, according to âSÚ of that, number of towns ..................................................................................................as of 31.12.2006, according to âSÚ Population Population, total................................................................................................................as of 31.12.2006, according to âSÚ Percentage in the total population of the Czech Republic .................................................as of 31.12.2006, according to âSÚ Population density (persons/km2) .....................................................................................as of 31.12.2006, according to âSÚ Average work force ........................................................................................................as of 31.12.2006, according to MPSV Number of job seekers...................................................................................................as of 31.12.2006, according to MPSV Number of economic units according to prevailing activity ..............................................as of 31.12.2006, according to âSÚ Representation of professional classes ISCO-88 International standard classification of occupations.....................................annual average 2006, according to âSÚ Structure of Group 3...................................................................................................annual average 2006, according to âSÚ Education Structure population more than 15 years old, according to level of education ................................as of 31.12.2005, according to âSÚ Gross domestic product in current prices (million) ....................................................................................................................2006, according to âSÚ Note: Average for Czech regions = GDP in the Czech Republic/14 Foreign direct investment stock FDI stock in the region ...................................................................as of 31.12.2005, 1 EUR = 29.005 CZK, according to âNB FDI stock average for Czech regions..............................................as of 31.12.2005, 1 EUR = 29.005 CZK, according to âNB Note: Average for Czech regions= Foreign direct investment stock in the Czech Republic/14 Average gross monthly wage (2002–2006) Enterprises based in region (excl. private enterprises with less than 20 employees)................................................................ ............................................................................................as of 31.12, according to âSÚ, exchange rates according to âNB Unemployment—5–year trend old methodology (2001-2004) ................................................................................................as of 31.12, according to MPSV new methodology (2004-2006)...............................................................................................as of 31.12, according to MPSV Unemployment according to sex structure ....................................................................as of 31.12.2006, according to MPSV Labour Office ...................................................................................................................as of 20.6.2007, according to MPSV Number of economic units according to prevailing activity ...............................................as of 30.6. 2007, according to âSÚ Note: The group Agriculture & forestry does not include fishery companies. Important companies in the district Selected industry companies ranked by number of employees......................................................................as of 15.12.2007 Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz School system Number of schools - total number of schools (total number of all subjects, possible duplicated of some subject) - number of high schools, skilled & apprentice high schools, total Number of graduates - total number of graduates for 2005/2006 school year Number of students - total number of students for 2006/2007 school year High schools, total ............................................................................................................................................as of 30.9.2006 Higher schools..................................................................................................................................................as of 30.9.2006 Universities .....................................................................................................................................................as of 31.10.2006 Selected main groups & groups of education subjects according to Classification of Basic Branches of Education (KKOV) (or according to groups of study programs at the universities) - technical .................................................................................groups 2, 3 according to general numbering of CBBE (KKOV) - economic.............................................................................groups 62-66 according to general numbering of CBBE (KKOV) - ICT.......................group 26 according to general numbering of KKOV, universities according to groups of study programs Source: Institute for Information on Education, www.uiv.cz List of schools Universities.................................................................................................Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz Higher schools.................................................Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz Secondary schools: technical fields ......................................................Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports, www.msmt.cz Note: List of selected schools. You can find the complete list of schools on the CD-ROM City Invest Czech. Infrastructure Motorways, roads ....................................Ministry of Transport, www.mdcr.cz; Road and Motorway Directorate, www.rsd.cz Railroads .............................................................................Ministry of Transport, www.mdcr.cz; Czech Railways, www.cd.cz Airports..................................................................................Ministry of Transport, www.mdcr.cz; www.aerobaze.cz; airports Source: Ministry of Transport, www.mdcr.cz; Road and Motorway Directorate, www.rsd.cz; www.aerobaze.cz; airports Office and retail space rentals Source: European club of estate agencies, www.ekrk.cz; Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o., www.cushmanwakefield.com (AClass Office Space, detail units in shopping centre) Note: The given prices are for rental in the regional city (in the Central Bohemia Region the prices are for rental in Mladá Boleslav). The prices are listed separately as prices in location demand and other location. District List of A-class office spaces ..........................................Source: Cushman & Wakefield, s.r.o., www.cushmanwakefield.com Land area (km2).....................................................................................................................as of 1.1.2006, according to âSÚ Towns with population over 5,000 ........................................................................................as of 1.1.2006, according to âSÚ Population Population, total................................................................................................................as of 31.12.2006, according to âSÚ Percentage in the total population of the region ...............................................................as of 31.12.2006, according to âSÚ Population density (persons/km2) .....................................................................................as of 31.12.2006, according to âSÚ Average labour force ......................................................................................................as of 31.12.2006, according to MPSV Number of job seekers...................................................................................................as of 31.12.2006, according to MPSV Education Population more than 15 years old, according to level of education ....................................as of 1.3.2001, according to âSÚ Foreign direct investment FDI stock in the district................................................................................................as of 31.12.2005, 1 EUR = 29.005 CZK FDI stock average for Czech districts...........................................................................as of 31.12.2005, 1 EUR = 29.005 CZK Note: Average for Czech districts = Foreign direct investment stock in the Czech Republic/77 Unemployment Average unemployment rate ...................................................................................................2002–2005, according to MPSV Number of jobseekers according to the highest educational attainment.......................as of 31.12. 2006, according to MPSV www.profit.cz Top 20 companies in the region Selected companies by revenue 2006. Source: Dun & Bradstreet, spol. s r.o., www.dnbczech.cz Industrial zones, brownfields The given data on industrial zones and investment opportunities are valid on 1.9.2007. Information comes from various sources accessible to general public, therefore CzechInvest does not guarantee complete correctness. Important contacts in the regions are listed without prefix +420. Sources âSÚ .................................................................................................................................Czech Statistical Office, www.czso.cz âNB ......................................................................................................................................Czech National Bank, www.cnb.cz MPSV............................................................................................................Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs, www.mpsv.cz Exchange rates—yearly averages (EUR to CZK) 2002 ...............................................................................................................................................................................30.812 2003 ...............................................................................................................................................................................31.844 2004 ...............................................................................................................................................................................31.904 2005 ...............................................................................................................................................................................29.784 2006 ...............................................................................................................................................................................28.343 www.cbw.cz www.bookoflists.cz 163 164 NOTES For a number of years, CzechInvest has successfully supported the inflow of foreign investment and development of the positive business environment in the Czech Republic. For this purpose City Invest Czech was first published in 1999 and provides its users with practical, easy to read information and data. City Invest Czech serves as an useful guide to the economy as well as the investment and business environment in the Czech Republic. Regional data provided in the print version are available in pdf format on the enclosed CD-ROM. www.czechinvest.org MUNICIPALITIES WITH EXTENDED POWERS IN THE TERRITORY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC CENTRAL BOHEMIA REGION DISTRICT BENE·OV DISTRICT KOLÍN DISTRICT MLADÁ BOLESLAV Town Hall - Bene‰ov Masarykovo nám. 100, 256 01 Bene‰ov tel.: +420 317 754 111, fax: +420 317 721 256 [email protected], www.benesov-city.cz Town Hall - Kolín Karlovo námûstí 78, 280 02 Kolín I tel.: +420 321 748 111, fax: +420 321 720 911 [email protected], www.mukolin.cz Town Hall - Mladá Boleslav Komenského námûstí 61, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav I tel.: +420 326 715 110, fax: +420 326 322 572 [email protected], www.mb-net.cz Town Hall - Votice Komenského nám. 700, 259 01 Votice tel.: +420 317 812 487, fax: +420 317 810 111 [email protected], www.votice.cz Town Hall - âesk˘ Brod námûstí Husovo 70, 282 01 âesk˘ Brod tel.: +420 321 612 111, fax: +420 321 612 116 [email protected], www.cesbrod.cz Town Hall - Mnichovo Hradi‰tû Masarykovo námûstí 1, 295 01 Mnichovo Hradi‰tû tel.: +420 326 772 203, fax: +420 326 772 209 [email protected], www.mnhradiste.cz Town Hall - Vla‰im Jana Masaryka 302, 258 01 Vla‰im tel.: +420 317 843 131, fax: +420 317 843 702 [email protected], www.mesto-vlasim.cz DISTRICT KUTNÁ HORA DISTRICT NYMBURK DISTRICT BEROUN Town Hall - Kutná Hora Havlíãkovo námûstí 552/1, 284 01 Kutná Hora tel.: +420 327 710 111, fax: +420 327 512 706 [email protected], www.kutnahora.cz Town Hall - Nymburk Námûstí PfiemyslovcÛ 163/20, 288 02 Nymburk tel.: +420 325 512 111, fax: +420 325 514 283 [email protected], www.mesto-nymburk.cz Town Hall - Beroun Husovo nám. 68/1, 266 01 Beroun tel.: +420 311 654 111, fax: +420 311 621 242 [email protected], www.mesto-beroun.cz Town Hall - âáslav nám. Jana ÎiÏky z Trocnova 1/1, 286 01 âáslav tel.: +420 327 300 200, fax: +420 327 300 209 [email protected], www.meucaslav.cz Town Hall - Lysá nad Labem Husovo námûstí 23/1, 289 22 Lysá nad Labem tel.: +420 325 510 211, fax: +420 325 552 066 [email protected], www.mestolysa.cz Town Hall - Hofiovice Palackého námûstí 2/2, 268 01 Hofiovice tel.: +420 311 512 503, fax: +420 311 513 063 [email protected], www.mesto-horovice.cz DISTRICT MùLNÍK Town Hall - Podûbrady Jifiího námûstí 20/1, 290 01 Podûbrady I tel.: +420 325 600 211, fax: +420 325 614 486 [email protected], www.mesto-podebrady.cz DISTRICT KLADNO Town Hall - Mûlník námûstí Míru 1, 276 01 Mûlník tel.: +420 315 635 111, fax: +420 315 622 318 [email protected], www.melnik.cz Town Hall - Kladno námûstí Starosty Pavla 44, 272 01 Kladno tel.: +420 312 604 111, fax: +420 312 248 021 [email protected], www.mestokladno.cz Town Hall - Neratovice Kojetická 1028, 277 11 Neratovice tel.: +420 315 650 333, fax: +420 315 682 052 [email protected], www.neratovice.cz Town Hall - Slan˘ Velvarská 136, 274 01 Slan˘ tel.: +420 312 511 111, fax: +420 312 522 771 [email protected], www.meuslany.cz Town Hall - Kralupy nad Vlavou U Cukrovaru 1087, 278 01 Kralupy nad Vltavou tel.: +420 315 739 811, fax: +420 315 723 479 [email protected], www.mestokralupy.cz DISTRICT PRAHA-V¯CHOD Town Hall - Brand˘s nad Labem - Stará Boleslav Masarykovo nám. 1/6 250 01 Brand˘s n. L.-St. Boleslav tel.: +420 326 909 111, fax: +420 326 902 555 [email protected], www.brandysko.cz Town Hall - ¤íãany Masarykovo nám. 53/1, 251 01 ¤íãany tel.: +420 323 618 111, fax: +420 323 603 734 [email protected], www.ricany.cz DISTRICT PRAHA-ZÁPAD Town Hall - âerno‰ice Riegrova 1209, 252 28 âerno‰ice tel.: +420 251 081 521, fax: +420 251 642 329 [email protected], www.mestocernosice.cz DISTRICT P¤ÍBRAM Town Hall - Pfiíbram Tyr‰ova 108, 261 01 Pfiíbram I tel.: +420 318 402 211, fax: +420 318 631 014 [email protected], www.pribram-city.cz Town Hall - Sedlãany námûstí T. G. Masaryka 32, 264 01 Sedlãany tel.: +420 318 822 742, fax: +420 318 875 666 [email protected], www.mu.sedlcany.cz Town Hall - Dobfií‰ Mírové námûstí 119, 263 01 Dobfií‰ tel.: +420 318 533 311, fax: +420 318 533 305 [email protected], www.mestodobris.cz DISTRICT RAKOVNÍK Town Hall - Rakovník Husovo námûstí 27, 269 01 Rakovník I tel.: +420 313 512 845, fax: +420 313 517 302 [email protected], www.mesto-rakovnik.cz HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ REGION DISTRICT HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ Town Hall - Hradec Králové âeskoslovenské armády 408/51 500 03 Hradec Králové tel.: +420 495 707 111, fax: +420 495 707 100 [email protected], www.hradeckralove.org Town Hall - Nov˘ BydÏov Masarykovo námûstí 1, 504 01 Nov˘ BydÏov tel.: +420 495 703 911, fax: +420 495 493 446 [email protected], www.novybydzov.cz DISTRICT JIâÍN Town Hall - Jiãín ÎiÏkovo námûstí 18, 506 01 Jiãín-Valdické Pfiedmûstí tel.: +420 493 545 103, fax: +420 493 545 222 [email protected], www.mujicin.cz Town Hall - Nová Paka Dukelské námûstí 39, 509 01 Nová Paka tel.: +420 493 760 111, fax: +420 493 760 120 [email protected], www.munovapaka.cz DISTRICT TRUTNOV Town Hall - Hofiice námûstí Jifiího z Podûbrad 342, 508 01 Hofiice tel.: +420 493 655 411, fax: +420 493 623 183 [email protected], www.horice.org Town Hall Náchod Masarykovo námûstí 40, 547 61 Náchod tel.: +420 491 405 111, fax:+420 491 405 298 [email protected], www.mestonachod.cz DISTRICT NÁCHOD DISTRICT RYCHNOV NAD KNùÎNOU Town Hall - Trutnov Slovanské nám. 165, 541 01 Trutnov-Vnitfiní Mûsto tel. : +420 499 803 111, fax: +420 499 803 103 [email protected], www.trutnov.cz Town Hall - Jaromûfi nám. âeskoslovenské armády 16, 551 01 Jaromûfi tel.: +420 491 847 111, fax: +420 491 810 292 [email protected], www.jaromer-josefov.cz Town Hall - Rychnov nad KnûÏnou Havlíãkova 136, 516 01 Rychnov nad KnûÏnou tel. : +420 494 509 111, fax: +420 494 534 440 [email protected], www.rychnov-city.cz Town Hall - Vrchlabí Zámek 1, 543 01 Vrchlabí tel.: +420 499 405 311, fax: +420 499 421 691 [email protected], www.muvrchlabi.cz Town Hall - Kostelec nad Orlicí Palackého námûstí 38, 517 41 Kostelec nad Orlicí tel.: +420 494 337 111. fax: +420 494 337 295 [email protected], www.kostelec-nad-orlici.cz Town Hall - DvÛr Králové nad Labem nám. T. G. Masaryka 38, 544 01 DvÛr Králové n. L. tel.: +420 499 318 111, fax: +420 499 320 178 [email protected], www.mudk.cz Town Hall - Broumov tfiída Masarykova 239, 550 01 Broumov tel.: +420 491 504 111, fax: +420 491 523 730 [email protected] www.broumov-mesto.cz Town Hall - Nové Mûsto nad Metují námûstí Republiky 6, 549 01 Nové Mûsto nad Metují tel.: +420 491 470 291, fax: +420 491 470 261 [email protected], www.novemestonm.cz Town Hall - Dobru‰ka nám. F. L. Vûka 11, 518 01 Dobru‰ka tel.: +420 494 629 580, fax: +420 494 629 582 [email protected], www.mestodobruska.cz KARLOVY VARY REGION DISTRICT CHEB Town Hall - Cheb nám. Krále Jifiího z Podûbrad 1/14, 350 02 Cheb tel.: +420 354 440 111, fax: +420 354 440 550 [email protected], www.mestocheb.cz Town Hall - A‰ Kamenná 473/52, 352 01 A‰ tel.: +420 354 524 211, fax: +420 354 524 242 [email protected], www.muas.cz Town Hall - Mariánské Láznû Ruská 155/3, 353 01 Mariánské Láznû tel.: +420 354 922 111, fax: +420 354 623 186 [email protected], www.marianskelazne.cz Town Hall - Ostrov Klínovecká 1204, 363 01 Ostrov tel.: +420 353 801 111, fax: +420 353 801 299 [email protected], www.ostrov.cz DISTRICT KARLOVY VARY DISTRICT SOKOLOV Town Hall - Karlovy Vary Moskevská 1281/21, 360 01 Karlovy Vary tel.: +420 353 118 111, fax: +420 353 222 913 [email protected], www.mmkv.cz Town Hall - Sokolov Rokycanova 1929, 356 01 Sokolov tel.: +420 352 325 111, fax: +420 352 602 510 [email protected], www.sokolov.cz Town Hall - Kraslice nám. 28. fiíjna 1438/6, 358 01 Kraslice tel.: +420 352 370 411, fax: +420 352 686 809 [email protected], www.kraslice.cz MUNICIPALITIES WITH EXTENDED POWERS IN THE TERRITORY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC LIBEREC REGION DISTRICT âESKÁ LÍPA Town Hall - âeská Lípa námûstí T. G. Masaryka 1/1, 470 01 âeská Lípa tel.: +420 487 881 111, fax: +420 487 521 829 [email protected], www.mucl.cz Town Hall - Nov˘ Bor nám. Míru 1, 473 01 Nov˘ Bor tel.: +420 487 712 311, fax: +420 487 726 160 [email protected], www.novy-bor.cz DISTRICT JABLONEC NAD NISOU Town Hall - Jablonec nad Nisou Mírové námûstí 3100/19, 466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou tel.: +420 483 357 111, fax: +420 483 357 353 [email protected], www.mestojablonec.cz Town Hall - Îelezn˘ Brod námûstí 3. kvûtna 1, 468 22 Îelezn˘ Brod tel.: +420 483 333 911, fax: +420 483 333 952 [email protected], www.zeleznybrod.cz Town Hall - Fr˘dlant nám. T. G. Masaryka 37, 464 01 Fr˘dlant tel.: +420 482 464 011, fax: +420 482 312 053 [email protected], www.frydlantvc.cz Town Hall - Tanvald Palackého 359, 468 41 Tanvald tel.: +420 483 369 511, fax: +420 483 369 512 [email protected], www.tanvald.cz DISTRICT SEMILY DISTRICT LIBEREC Town Hall - Semily Husova 82, 513 01 Semily tel.: +420 481 629 211, fax: +420 481 622 534 [email protected], www.semily.cz Town Hall - Liberec nám. Dr. E. Bene‰e 1/1 460 01 Liberec I-Staré Mûsto tel.: +420 485 243 111, fax: +420 485 243 113 [email protected], www.liberec.cz Town Hall - Jilemnice Masarykovo námûstí 82, 514 01 Jilemnice tel.: +420 481 565 111, +420 739 043 344 fax: +420 481 565 222 [email protected], www.mestojilemnice.cz Town Hall - Jablunkov Dukelská 144, 739 91 Jablunkov tel.: +420 558 340 611, fax: +420 558 340 619 [email protected], www.jablunkov.cz DISTRICT NOV¯ JIâÍN Town Hall - Turnov Antonína Dvofiáka 335, 511 01 Turnov tel.: +420 481 366 111, fax: +420 481 366 112 [email protected], www.turnov.cz MORAVIA-SILESIA REGION DISTRICT BRUNTÁL Town Hall - Bruntál NádraÏní 994/20, 792 01 Bruntál tel.: +420 554 706 111, fax: +420 554 712 193 [email protected], www.mubruntal.cz DISTRICT KARVINÁ Town Hall - Nov˘ Jiãín Masarykovo nám. 1/1, 741 01 Nov˘ Jiãín tel.: +420 556 768 222, fax: +420 556 768 289 [email protected], www.novy-jicin.cz Town Hall - R˘mafiov námûstí Míru 230/1, 795 01 R˘mafiov tel.: +420 554 254 100, fax: +420 554 254 112 [email protected], www.rymarov.cz Town Hall - Karviná Fry‰tátská 72/1, 733 01 Karviná-Fry‰tát tel.: +420 596 387 111, fax: +420 596 387 264 [email protected], www.karvina.org Town Hall - Bílovec Slezské námûstí 1/1, 743 01 Bílovec tel.: +420 556 411 301, fax: +420 556 411 549 [email protected], www.bilovec.cz Town Hall - Krnov Hlavní námûstí 96/1, 794 01 Krnov tel.: +420 554 697 111, fax: +420 554 610 418 [email protected], www.krnov.cz Town Hall - âesk˘ Tû‰ín námûstí âSA 1/1, 737 01 âesk˘ Tû‰ín tel.: +420 558 713 100, fax: +420 558 711 509 [email protected], www.tesin.cz Town Hall - Kopfiivnice ·tefánikova 1163/12, 742 21 Kopfiivnice tel.:+420 556 879 411, fax: +420 556 812 758 [email protected], www.koprivnice.cz DISTRICT FR¯DEK-MÍSTEK Town Hall - Havífiov Svornosti 1371/2a, 736 01 Havífiov-Mûsto tel.: +420 596 803 111, fax: +420 596 811 276 [email protected], www.havirov-city.cz Town Hall - Odry Masarykovo námûstí 16/25, 742 35 Odry tel.: +420 556 768 111, fax: +420 556 768 100 [email protected], www.odry.cz Town Hall - Bohumín Masarykova 158, 735 81 Bohumín-Nov˘ Bohumín tel.: +420 596 092 111, fax: +420 596 092 100 [email protected], www.mesto-bohumin.cz Town Hall - Fren‰tát pod Radho‰tem nám. Míru 1, 744 01 Fren‰tát pod Radho‰tûm tel.: +420 556 833 111, fax: +420 556 836 625 [email protected], www.frenstatpr.cz Town Hall - Orlová Osvobození 796, 735 14 Orlová-Lutynû tel.: +420 596 581 111, +420 604 236 941 fax: +420 596 581 123 [email protected], www.mesto-orlova.cz DISTRICT OPAVA Town Hall - Litovel Nám. Pfi. Otakara 778/1b, 784 01 Litovel tel.: +420 585 153 111, fax: +420 585 342 198 [email protected], www.mestolitovel.cz DISTRICT PROSTùJOV Town Hall - Fr˘dek-Místek Radniãní 1148, 738 01 Fr˘dek-Místek tel.: +420 558 609 111, fax: +420 558 609 166 [email protected], www.frydekmistek.cz Town Hall - Fr˘dlant nad Ostravicí Námûstí 3, 739 11 Fr˘dlant nad Ostravicí tel.: +420 558 604 111, +420 604 202 693 fax: +420 558 676 279 [email protected], www.frydlantno.cz/index.php3 Town Hall - Tfiinec Jablunkovská 160, 739 61 Tfiinec-Staré Mûsto tel.: +420 558 306 111, +420 602 577 564 fax: +420 558 321 427 [email protected], www.trinec-mesto.cz Town Hall - Vítkov Námûstí Jana Zajíce 7, 749 01 Vítkov tel.: +420 556 312 200, fax: +420 556 312 255 [email protected], www.vitkov.info Town Hall - Kravafie Námûstí 405/43, 747 21 Kravafie tel.: +420 553 777 911, fax: +420 553 777 922 [email protected], www.kravare.cz Town Hall - Hluãín Mírové námûstí 23/22, 748 01 Hluãín tel.: +420 595 041 007, fax: +420 595 043 238 [email protected], www.hlucin.cz DISTRICT OSTRAVA-MùSTO Town Hall - Ostrava Proke‰ovo námûstí 1803/8, 702 00 Ostrava tel.: +420 599 444 444, fax: +420 599 442 386 [email protected], www.mmo.cz Town Hall - Opava Horní námûstí 382/69, 746 01 Opava-Mûsto tel.: +420 553 756 111, fax: +420 553 756 141 [email protected], www.opava-city.cz OLOMOUC REGION DISTRICT JESENÍK Town Hall - Jeseník Masarykovo nám. 167/1, 790 01 Jeseník tel.: +420 584 498 111, fax: +420 584 498 156 [email protected], www.mujes.cz DISTRICT OLOMOUC Town Hall - Olomouc Horní námûstí 583, 779 00 Olomouc tel.: +420 585 513 111, fax: +420 585 513 433 [email protected], www.olomouc.eu Town Hall - Uniãov Masarykovo nám. 1, 783 91 Uniãov tel.: +420 585 080 011, fax: +420 585 088 298 [email protected], www.unicov.cz Town Hall - ·ternberk Horní námûstí 78/16, 785 01 ·ternberk tel.: +420 585 086 111, fax: +420 585 012 953 [email protected], www.sternberk.cz DISTRICT P¤EROV Town Hall - Prostûjov nám. T. G. Masaryka 130/14, 796 01 Prostûjov tel.: +420 582 329 722, fax: +420 582 342 338 [email protected], www.mestopv.cz Town Hall - Pfierov Bratrská 709/34, 750 02 Pfierov I-Mûsto tel.: +420 581 268 111, fax: +420 581 268 279 [email protected], www.mu-prerov.cz Town Hall - Konice Masarykovo nám. 27, 798 52 Konice tel.: +420 582 401 411, fax: 582 401 406 [email protected], www.konice.cz Town Hall - Lipník nad Beãvou námûstí T. G. Masaryka 89/11 751 31 Lipník nad Beãvou tel.: +420 581 722 111, fax: +420 581 722 202 [email protected], www.mesto-lipnik.cz DISTRICT ·UMPERK Town Hall - Hranice Pern‰tejnské námûstí 1, 753 01 Hranice I-Mûsto tel.: +420 581 828 111, fax: +420 581 828 272 [email protected], www.mesto-hranice.cz Town Hall - ·umperk nám. Míru 364/1, 787 01 ·umperk tel.: +420 583 388 111, fax: +420 583 214 188 [email protected], www.sumperk.cz Town Hall - Mohelnice U Brány 916/2, 789 85 Mohelnice tel.: +420 583 452 111, fax: +420 583 430 767 [email protected], www.mu-mohelnice.cz Town Hall - Zábfieh Masarykovo námûstí 510/6, 789 01 Zábfieh tel.: +420 583 468 111, fax: +420 583 416 505 [email protected], www.meu.zabreh.cz MUNICIPALITIES WITH EXTENDED POWERS IN THE TERRITORY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC PARDUBICE REGION DISTRICT CHRUDIM Town Hall - Chrudim Resselovo námûstí 77, 537 01 Chrudim I tel.: +420 469 645 111, fax: +420 469 622 013 [email protected], www.chrudim-city.cz Town Hall - Hlinsko Podûbradovo námûstí 1, 539 01 Hlinsko tel.: +420 469 315 300, fax: +420 469 319 255 [email protected], www.hlinsko.cz DISTRICT PARDUBICE Town Hall - Pardubice Pern‰t˘nské námûstí 1 530 02 Pardubice-Staré Mûsto tel.: +420 466 859 111, fax: +420 466 859 103 [email protected], www.mesto-pardubice.cz Town Hall - Holice Holubova 1, 534 01 Holice tel.: +420 466 741 211, fax: +420 466 741 206 [email protected], www.mestoholice.cz Town Hall - Pfielouã Masarykovo námûstí 25, 535 01 Pfielouã tel.: +420 466 094 111, fax: +420 466 094 104 [email protected], www.mestoprelouc.cz Town Hall - Svitavy T.G.Masaryka 25/35, 568 01 Svitavy tel.: +420 461 550 211, fax: +420 461 532 141 [email protected], www.svitavy.cz Town Hall - Králíky Velké námûstí 5, 561 69 Králíky tel.: +420 465 670 702, fax: +420 465 631 321 [email protected], www.kraliky.cz DISTRICT SVITAVY DISTRICT ÚSTÍ NAD ORLICÍ Town Hall - Moravská Tfiebová nám. T. G. Masaryka 29/35 571 01 Moravská Tfiebová tel.: +420 461 353 111, fax: +420 461 311 572 [email protected], www.mtrebova.cz Town Hall - Ústí nad Orlicí Sychrova 16, 562 01 Ústí nad Orlicí tel.: +420 465 514 111, fax: +420 465 525 563 [email protected], www.ustinadorlici.cz Town Hall - Vysoké M˘to B. Smetany 92, 566 01 Vysoké M˘to-Mûsto tel.: +420 465 466 111, fax: +420 465 466 110 [email protected], www.vysoke-myto.cz/portal Town Hall - Litomy‰l Bfií ·Èastn˘ch 1000, 570 01 Litomy‰l tel.: +420 461 653 333, fax: +420 461 612 218 [email protected], www.litomysl.cz Town Hall - Poliãka Palackého nám. 160, 572 01 Poliãka-Mûsto tel.: +420 461 723 888, fax: +420 461 725 926 [email protected], www.policka-mesto.cz Town Hall - Lan‰kroun nám. J. M. MarkÛ 12 563 01 Lan‰kroun-Vnitfiní Mûsto tel.: +420 465 385 111, fax: +420 465 385 244 [email protected] www.mesto-lanskroun.cz Town Hall - Îamberk Masarykovo námûstí 166, 564 01 Îamberk tel.: +420 465 670 211, fax: +420 582 342 338 [email protected], www.zamberk.cz Town Hall - âeská Tfiebová Staré námûstí 78, 560 02 âeská Tfiebová tel.: +420 465 500 111, fax: +420 465 531 159 [email protected], www.ceska-trebova.cz PLZE≈ REGION DISTRICT DOMAÎLICE Town Hall - DomaÏlice námûstí Míru 1, 344 01 DomaÏlice tel.: +420 379 719 111, fax: +420 379 722 763 [email protected], www.domazlice.info Town Hall - Hor‰ovsk˘ T˘n námûstí Republiky 52, 346 01 Hor‰ovsk˘ T˘n tel.: +420 379 415 112, fax: +420 379 422 300 [email protected], www.muht.cz DISTRICT KLATOVY Town Hall - Klatovy nám. Míru 62, 339 01 Klatovy I tel.: +420 376 347 111, fax: +420 376 310 194 [email protected], www.klatovy.cz/mukt Town Hall - HoraÏìovice Mírové námûstí 1, 341 01 HoraÏìovice tel.: +420 376 547 521, fax: +420 376 547 529 [email protected], www.sumava.net/horazdovice Town Hall - Su‰ice námûstí Svobody 138, 342 01 Su‰ice I tel.: +420 376 540 111, fax: +420 376 540 112 [email protected], www.susicenet.cz/susice Town Hall - Stod nám. âSA 294, 333 01 Stod tel.: +420 379 209 409, fax: +420 379 209 400 [email protected], www.mestostod.cz DISTRICT PLZE≈-JIH DISTRICT PLZE≈-MùSTO Town Hall - Pfie‰tice Masarykovo nám. 107, 334 01 Pfie‰tice tel.: +420 377 332 555, fax: +420 377 332 505 [email protected] www.prestice-mesto.cz Town Hall - PlzeÀ námûstí Republiky 1/1, 301 00 PlzeÀ tel.: +420 378 031 111, fax: +420 378 032 002 [email protected], www.plzen.eu Town Hall - Nepomuk námûstí Augustina Nûmejce 63, 335 01 Nepomuk 1 tel.: +420 602 486 723, fax: +420 371 591 422 [email protected], www.nepomuk.cz Town Hall - Blovice Masarykovo námûstí 143, 336 01 Blovice tel: +420 371 516 111, fax: +420 371 516 160 [email protected], www.municipal.cz/blovice DISTRICT ROKYCANY Town Hall - Rokycany Masarykovo nám. 1, 337 01 Rokycany-Stfied tel.: +420 371 706 111, fax: +420 371 706 115 [email protected], www.rokycany.cz DISTRICT TACHOV DISTRICT PLZE≈-SEVER Town Hall - Tachov Rokycanova 1, 347 01 Tachov tel.: +420 374 703 111, fax: +420 374 722 381 [email protected], www.tachov-mesto.cz Town Hall - N˘fiany Bene‰ova tfiída 295, 330 23 N˘fiany tel.: +420 377 832 311, fax: +420 377 832 300 [email protected], www.mesto-nyrany.cz Town Hall - Stfiíbro Masarykovo námûstí 1, 349 01 Stfiíbro tel.: +420 374 801 111, fax: +420 374 801 331 [email protected], www.mustribro.cz Town Hall - Kralovice Markova tfi. 2, 331 41 Kralovice tel.: +420 373 300 211, fax: +420 373 300 212 [email protected], www.kralovice.cz SOUTH BOHEMIA REGION DISTRICT âESKÉ BUDùJOVICE DISTRICT JIND¤ICHÒV HRADEC DISTRICT PRACHATICE DISTRICT TÁBOR Town Hall - âeské Budûjovice nám. Pfiem. Otakara II. 1/1, 370 01 âeské Budûjovice 1 tel.: +420 386 801 111, fax: +420 386 801 850 [email protected], www.c-budejovice.cz Town Hall - JindfiichÛv Hradec Klá‰terská 135, 377 01 JindfiichÛv Hradec II tel.: +420 384 351 111, fax: +420 384 361 503 [email protected], www. twist.jh.cz/public/mujh Town Hall - Prachatice Velké námûstí 3, 383 01 Prachatice I tel. : +420 388 607 111, fax: +420 388 313 567 [email protected], www.mesto.prachatice.cz Town Hall - Tábor ÎiÏkovo nám. 3/3, 390 01 Tábor tel.: +420 381 486 111, fax: +420 381 486 100 [email protected], www.tabor.cz Town Hall - T˘n nad Vltavou námûstí Míru 2, 375 01 T˘n nad Vltavou tel: +420 385 772 200, fax: +420 385 731 624 [email protected], www.tnv.cz Town Hall - TfieboÀ Masarykovo nám. 20, 379 01 TfieboÀ I tel.: +420 384 342 123, fax: +420 384 723 505 [email protected]. www.mesto-trebon.cz Town Hall - Vimperk Steinbrenerova 6/2, 385 01 Vimperk I tel.: +420 388 402 211, fax: +420 388 414 822 [email protected], www.vimperk.cz Town Hall - Sobûslav námûstí Republiky 59/0, 392 01 Sobûslav I tel.: +420 381 508 111, fax: +420 381 524 143 [email protected], www.musobeslav.cz Town Hall - Trhové Sviny ÎiÏkovo námûstí 32, 374 01 Trhové Sviny tel.: +420 386 301 411, fax: +420 386 301 430 [email protected], www.tsviny.cz Town Hall - Daãice Krajífiova 27, 380 01 Daãice I tel.: +420 384 401 211, fax: +420 384 401 235 [email protected], www.dacice-mesto.cz DISTRICT STRAKONICE DISTRICT âESK¯ KRUMLOV DISTRICT PÍSEK Town Hall - Strakonice Velké námûstí 2, 386 01 Strakonice I tel.: +420 383 700 111, fax: +420 383 324 535 [email protected], www.mu-st.cz Town Hall - âesk˘ Krumlov námûstí Svornosti 1, 381 01 âesk˘ Krumlov tel.: +420 380 766 102, fax: +420 380 766 101 [email protected], www.obcan.ckrumlov.info Town Hall - Písek Velké námûstí 114/3, 397 01 Písek tel.: +420 382 330 111, fax: +420 382 214 431 [email protected], www.mesto-pisek.cz Town Hall - VodÀany nám. Svobody 18, 389 01 VodÀany I tel.: +420 383 379 111, fax: +420 383 382 317 [email protected], www.vodnany.eu Town Hall - Milevsko nám. E. Bene‰e 420, 399 01 Milevsko tel.: +420 382 504 111, fax: +420 382 521 879 [email protected], www.milevsko-mesto.cz Town Hall - Blatná tfi. T. G. Masaryka 322, 388 01 Blatná tel.: +420 383 422 101, fax: +420 383 422 103 [email protected], www.mesto-blatna.cz Town Hall - Kaplice Námûstí 70, 382 41 Kaplice tel.: +420 380 303 113, fax: +420 380 303 110 [email protected], www.mestokaplice.cz MUNICIPALITIES WITH EXTENDED POWERS IN THE TERRITORY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC SOUTH MORAVIA REGION DISTRICT BLANSKO DISTRICT BRNO-MùSTO Town Hall - Blansko nám. Svobody 32/3, 678 01 Blansko tel.: +420 516 426 111 [email protected], www.blansko.cz Town Hall - Brno Dominikánské námûstí 196/1, 602 00 Brno-mûsto tel.: +420 542 171 111, fax: +420 542 173 530 [email protected], www.brno.cz District Brno-venkov Town Hall - Boskovice Masarykovo námûstí 1/2, 680 01 Boskovice tel.: +420 516 488 600, fax: +420 516 488 779 [email protected], www.boskovice.cz DISTRICT B¤ECLAV Town Hall - Bfieclav nám. T. G. Masaryka 38/10, 690 02 Bfieclav tel.: +420 519 311 111, fax: +420 519 311 238 [email protected], www.breclav-city.cz Town Hall - Mikulov Námûstí 158/1, 692 01 Mikulov tel.: +420 519 444 555, fax: +420 519 510 448 [email protected], www.urad.mikulov.cz Town Hall - Hustopeãe Dukelské nám. 2/2, 693 01 Hustopeãe tel.: +420 519 441 011, fax: +420 519 413 184 [email protected], www.hustopece-city.cz Town Hall - Pohofielice VídeÀská 699, 691 23 Pohofielice tel.: +420 519 301 311, fax: 519 301 309 [email protected], www.pohorelice.cz Town Hall - Kufiim Jungmannova 968, 664 34 Kufiim tel.: +420 541 422 311, fax: +420 541 230 633 [email protected], www.kurim.cz Town Hall - ·lapanice Masarykovo námûstí 100/7, 664 51 ·lapanice tel.: +420 544 228 007, fax: +420 544 228 096 [email protected], www.slapanice.cz Town Hall - Ivanãice Palackého námûstí 196/6, 664 91 Ivanãice tel.: +420 546 419 411, fax: +420 546 451 844 [email protected], www.ivancice.cz Town Hall - Rosice Palackého nám. 13, 665 01 Rosice tel.: +420 546 492 111, fax: +420 546 492 119 [email protected], www.rosice.cz Town Hall - Ti‰nov nám. Míru 111, 666 01 Ti‰nov tel.: +420 549 439 711, fax: +420 549 439 780 [email protected], www.tisnov.cz Town Hall - Îidlochovice Masarykova 100, 66 701 Îidlochovice tel.: +420 604 290 320, fax: +420 547 426 011 [email protected], www.zidlochovice.cz Town Hall - Buãovice Jiráskova 502, 685 01 Buãovice tel.: +420 517 324 411, fax: +420 517 324 431 [email protected], www.bucovice.cz DISTRICT HODONÍN DISTRICT ZNOJMO Town Hall - Hodonín Masarykovo nám. 53/1, 695 01 Hodonín tel.: +420 518 398 111, fax: +420 518 353 456 [email protected], www.hodonin.com Town Hall - Znojmo Obroková 2/10, 669 02 Znojmo tel.: +420 515 216 111, fax: +420 515 222 008 [email protected], www.znojmocity.cz Town Hall - Kyjov Masarykovo námûstí 30/1, 697 01 Kyjov tel.: +420 518 697 411, fax: +420 518 614 097 [email protected], www.kyjov.cz Town Hall - Moravsk˘ Krumlov námûstí Klá‰terní 125, 672 01 Moravsk˘ Krumlov tel.: +420 515 300 711, fax: +420 515 300 759 [email protected], www.mkrumlov.cz Town Hall - Veselí nad Moravou tfi. Masarykova 119, 698 01 Veselí nad Moravou tel.: +420 518 670 111, fax: +420 518 670 109 [email protected] www.veseli-nad-moravou.cz DISTRICT VY·KOV Town Hall - Vy‰kov Masarykovo námûstí 108/1, 682 01 Vy‰kov-Mûsto tel.: +420 517 301 111, fax: +420 517 348 060 [email protected], www.vyskov-mesto.cz Town Hall - Slavkov u Brna Palackého námûstí 65, 684 01 Slavkov u Brna tel.: +420 544 121 111, fax: +420 544 121 171 [email protected], www.slavkov.cz ÚSTÍ REGION DISTRICT CHOMUTOV Town Hall - Chomutov Zborovská 4602, 430 01 Chomutov tel.: +420 474 637 111, fax: +420 474 652 777 podatelna@chomutov-mûsto.cz,www.chomutov.cz Town Hall - Varnsdorf Nám. E. Bene‰e 470, 407 47 Varnsdorf tel.: +420 412 372 241, fax.: +420 412 371 051 [email protected], www.varnsdorf.cz DISTRICT LITOMù¤ICE Town Hall - KadaÀ Mírové námûstí 1, 432 01 KadaÀ tel.: +420 474 319 500, -501, fax: +420 474 319 504 [email protected],www.mesto-kadan.cz Town Hall - Litomûfiice Mírové námûstí 15/7, 412 01 Litomûfiice-Mûsto tel.: +420 416 916 111, fax: +420 416 916 211 [email protected], www.litomerice.cz DISTRICT DùâÍN Town Hall - Lovosice ·kolní 407/2, 410 02 Lovosice tel.: +420 416 571 111, fax: +420 416 532 130 [email protected], www.meulovo.cz Town Hall - Dûãín Mírové námûstí 1175/5, 405 38 Dûãín IV tel.: +420 412 593 111, fax: +420 412 530 051 [email protected] , [email protected] Town Hall - Rumburk Tfiída 9. kvûtna 1366/48, 408 01 Rumburk 1 tel.: +420 412 356 211, fax: +420 412 332 569 [email protected], www.rumburk.cz Town Hall - Roudnice nad Labem Karlovo námûstí 21, 413 01 Roudnice nad Labem tel.: +420 416 850 111, fax: +420 416 850 172 [email protected], www.roudnicenl.cz DISTRICT LOUNY Town Hall - Louny Mírové námûstí 35, 440 01 Louny tel.: +420 415 621 111, fax: +420 415 621 100 [email protected], www.mulouny.cz Town Hall - Podbofiany Mírová 615, 441 01 Podbofiany tel.: +420 415 237 500, +420 777 723 716 fax: +420 415 237 601 [email protected], www.podborany.net Town Hall - Îatec námûstí Svobody 1, 438 01 Îatec tel.: +420 415 736 111, fax: +420 415 736 148 [email protected], www.mesto-zatec.cz DISTRICT MOST Town Hall - Most Radniãní 1/2, 434 01 Most tel.: +420 476 448 111, fax: +420 476 703 162 [email protected], www.mumost.cz Town Hall - Litvínov námûstí Míru 11, 436 01 Litvínov-Horní Litvínov tel.: +420 476 767 600, fax: +420 476 767 601 [email protected], www.mulitvinov.cz DISTRICT TEPLICE Town Hall - Teplice námûstí Svobody 2/2, 415 01 Teplice tel.: +420 417 510 111, fax: +420 417 578 679 [email protected], www.teplice.cz Town Hall - Bílina BfieÏánská 50/4, 418 01 Bílina tel.: +420 417 810 802, fax: +420 417 810 809 [email protected], www.bilina.cz DISTRICT ÚSTÍ NAD LABEM Town Hall - Ústí nad Labem Velká hradební 8, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem tel.: +420 475 241 111, fax: +420 475 241 503 [email protected] VYSOâINA REGION DISTRICT HAVLÍâKÒV BROD Town Hall - HavlíãkÛv Brod Havlíãkovo námûstí 57, 580 01 HavlíãkÛv Brod tel.: +420 569 497 111, fax: +420 569 497 197 [email protected], www.muhb.cz Town Hall - Telã námûstí Zachariá‰e z Hradce 10, 588 56 Telã tel.: +420 567 112 411, fax: +420 567 112 403 [email protected], www.telc-etc.cz DISTRICT PELH¤IMOV Town Hall - Svûtlá nad Sázavou námûstí TrãkÛ z Lípy 18, 582 91 Svûtlá nad Sázavou tel.: +420 569 496 611, fax: +420 569 456 549 [email protected], www.svetlans.cz Town Hall - Pelhfiimov Masarykovo námûstí 1, 393 01 Pelhfiimov tel.: +420 565 352 111, fax: +420 565 323 676 [email protected], www.mupe.cz Town Hall - Chotûbofi TrãkÛ z Lípy 69, P.O.Box 28, 583 01 Chotûbofi tel.: +420 569 641 100, fax: +420 569 622 296 [email protected] Town Hall - Pacov nám. Svobody 320, 395 01 Pacov tel.: +420 565 455 111, fax: +420 565 455 155 [email protected], www.mestopacov.cz DISTRICT JIHLAVA Town Hall - Humpolec Horní námûstí 300, 396 01 Humpolec tel.: +420 565 518 111, fax: +420 565 532 199 [email protected], www.mesto-humpolec.cz Town Hall - Jihlava Masarykovo námûstí 97/1, 586 01 Jihlava tel.: +420 567 167 111, fax: +420 567 310 044 [email protected], www.jihlava.cz DISTRICT T¤EBÍâ DISTRICT ÎëÁR NAD SÁZAVOU Town Hall - Tfiebíã Masarykovo nám. 116/6 674 01 Tfiebíã-Vnitfiní Mûsto tel.: +420 568 896 111, fax: +420 568 847 155 [email protected], www.trebic.cz Town Hall - Îìár nad Sázavou ÎiÏkova 227/1, 591 01 Îìár nad Sázavou 1 tel.: +420 566 688 111, fax: +420 566 621 012 [email protected], www.zdarns.cz Town Hall - Námû‰È nad Oslavou Masarykovo nám. 104, 675 71 Námû‰È nad Oslavou tel.: +420 568 619 111, fax: +420 568 619 101 [email protected], www.namestnosl.cz Town Hall - Nové Mûsto na Moravû Vratislavovo námûstí 103 592 31 Nové Mûsto na Moravû tel.: +420 566 650 200, fax: +420 566 650 295 [email protected], www.nmnm.cz Town Hall - Moravské Budûjovice nám. Míru 31, 676 02 Moravské Budûjovice tel.: +420 568 408 311, fax: +420 568 421 022 [email protected], www.mbudejovice.cz Town Hall - Bystfiice pod Pern‰tejnem Masarykovo námûstí 57, 593 01 Bystfiice nad P. tel.: +420 566 590 311, fax: +420 566 590 347 [email protected], www.bystricenp.cz Town Hall - Velké Mezifiíãí Radnická 29/1, 594 01 Velké Mezifiíãí tel.: +420 566 501 111, fax: +420 566 521 657 [email protected], www.mestovm.cz MUNICIPALITIES WITH EXTENDED POWERS IN THE TERRITORY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC ZLÍN REGION DISTRICT KROMù¤ÍÎ DISTRICT UHERSKÉ HRADI·Tù Town Hall - KromûfiíÏ Velké námûstí 115/1, 767 01 KromûfiíÏ tel.: +420 573 321 111, fax: +420 573 331 481 [email protected], www.mesto-kromeriz.cz Town Hall - Uherské Hradi‰tû Masarykovo námûstí 19, 686 01 Uherské Hradi‰tû tel.: +420 572 525 111, fax: +420 572 551 071 [email protected], www.mesto-uh.cz Town Hall - Bystfiice pod Host˘nem Masarykovo nám. 137 768 61 Bystfiice pod Host˘nem tel.: +420 573 501 911, fax: +420 573 501 968 [email protected], www.mubph.cz Town Hall - Uhersk˘ Brod Masarykovo nám. 100, 688 01 Uhersk˘ Brod tel.: +420 572 615 111, fax: +420 572 615 112 [email protected], www.uherskybrod.cz Town Hall - Hole‰ov Masarykova 628, 769 01 Hole‰ov tel.: +420 573 521 111, fax: +420 573 521 210 [email protected], www.holesov.cz DISTRICT VSETÍN Town Hall -Vsetín Svárov 1080, 755 01 Vsetín tel.: +420 571 491 111, fax: +420 571 419 278 [email protected], www.mestovsetin.cz Town Hall - Vala‰ské Mezifiíãí Soudní 1221, 757 01 Vala‰ské Mezifiíãí tel.: +420 571 674 111, fax: +420 571 611 043 [email protected], www.muvalmez.cz Town Hall - Vala‰ské Klobouky Masarykovo námûstí 189, 766 01 Vala‰ské Klobouky tel.: +420 577 311 111, fax: +420 577 320 616 [email protected], www.valasskeklobouky.cz Town Hall - RoÏnov pod Radho‰tem Masarykovo námûstí 128 756 61 RoÏnov pod Radho‰tûm tel.: +420 571 661 111, fax: +420 571 654 488 [email protected], www.roznov.cz Town Hall - Otrokovice nám. 3. kvûtna 1340, 765 02 Otrokovice tel.: +420 577 680 111, fax: +420 577 933 369 [email protected], www.otrokovice.cz DISTRICT ZLÍN Town Hall -Zlín Námûstí Míru 12, 760 01 Zlín tel.: +420 577 630 111, fax: +420 577 432 901 [email protected], www.mestozlin.cz Town Hall - Vizovice Masarykovo nám. 1007, 763 12 Vizovice tel.: +420 577 599 111, fax: +420 577 599 160 [email protected], www.vizovice.eu Town Hall - Luhaãovice nám. 28. fiíjna 543, 763 26 Luhaãovice tel.: +420 577 197 411, fax: +420 577 133 182 [email protected], www.luhacovice.cz PUBLIC UTILITIES IN THE TERRITORY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC CENTRAL BOHEMIA REGION DISTRICT BENE·OV Gas Stfiedoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Komenského nám. 151, 259 01 Votice tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-stp.cz Electricity Stfiedoãeská energetická, a.s. Vinohradská 325/8, 120 21 Praha 2 tel.: +420 840 840 840, +420 211 041 111 fax: +420 211 042 001 [email protected], www.cez.cz Heat Teplárna T˘nec, spol. s r.o. K Náklí 523, 257 41 T˘nec nad Sázavou tel.: +420 317 704 763 Water & sewage Stfiedoãeské vodárny, a.s. U vodojemu 3085, 272 01 Kladno tel.: +420 840 121 121, fax: +420 312 812 291 [email protected], www.svas.cz Zemûdûlská vodohospodáfiská správa Divadelní 2143, 272 01 Kladno tel.: +420 312 248 618, fax: +420 312 249 877 [email protected], www.zvhs.cz DISTRICT KOLÍN Gas Stfiedoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Novodvorská 803/82, 142 01 Praha 4 tel.: +420 241 027 111, fax: +420 241 027 112 [email protected], www.stp.cz Water & Sewage PraÏské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. Hulice, 257 63 Hulice tel.: +420 327 518 201, fax: +420 327 531 853 [email protected], www.pvk.cz Electricity Stfiedoãeská energetická, a.s. Vinohradská 325/8, 120 21 Praha 2 tel.: +420 840 840 840, +420 211 041 111 fax: +420 211 042 001 [email protected], www.cez.cz Zemûdûlská vodohospodáfiská správa Po‰tovní 2079, 256 01 Bene‰ov tel.: +420 317 755 221 [email protected], www.zvhs.cz Elektrárna Kolín a.s. Tovární 21, 280 63 Kolín V tel.: +420 321 752 211, fax: +420 321 715 124 [email protected], www.elkolin.cz DISTRICT BEROUN Heat Mûstské tepelné hospodáfiství Kolín spol. s r.o. Klenovecká 597, 280 02 Kolín II tel.: +420 321 724 229, fax: +420 321 721 343 [email protected], www.mth-kolin.cz Gas Stfiedoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Novodvorská 803/82, 142 01 Praha 4 tel.: +420 241 027 111, fax: +420 241 027 112 [email protected], www.stp.cz Electricity Stfiedoãeská energetická, a.s. Vinohradská 325/8, 120 21 Praha 2 tel.: +420 840 840 840, +420 211 041 111 fax: +420 211 042 001 [email protected], www.cez.cz ENERGO KD s.r.o. Tovární 391, 267 01 KrálÛv DvÛr tel.: +420 311 662 520, fax: +420 311 662 396 [email protected], www.energokd.cz Heat ENERGO KD s.r.o. Tovární 391, 267 01 KrálÛv DvÛr tel.: +420 311 662 520, fax: +420 311 662 396 [email protected], www.energokd.cz Water & Sewage Vodovody a kanalizace Beroun, a.s. Mostníkovská 255/3, 266 01 Beroun-Závodí tel.: +420 311 747 111, fax: +420 311 621 372 [email protected], www.vakberoun.cz Zemûdûlská vodohospodáfiská správa Pod Hájem 324, 267 01 KrálÛv DvÛr tel.: +420 311 637 822 [email protected], www.zvhs.cz DISTRICT KLADNO Gas Stfiedoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Novodvorská 803/82, 142 01 Praha 4 tel.: +420 241 027 111, fax: +420 241 027 112 [email protected], www.stp.cz Electricity Stfiedoãeská energetická, a.s. Vinohradská 325/8, 120 21 Praha 2 tel.: +420 840 840 840, +420 211 041 111 fax: +420 211 042 001 [email protected], www.cez.cz Energetika Kladno, s.r.o. Dubská 257, 272 03 Kladno-Dubí tel.: +420 312 645 437, fax: +420 312 645 062 www.kladnoenergy.cz Heat ECK Generating, s.r.o Dubská, Teplárna, P.O. Box 201 272 01 Kladno tel.: +420 312 644 853, fax: +420 312 644 850 [email protected], www.eckg.cz Tepelné hospodáfiství Kladno s.r.o. Petra Bezruãe 1556, 272 01 Kladno tel.: +420 312 243 530, www.ites-kladno.cz Elektrárna Kolín a.s. Tovární 21, 280 63 Kolín V tel.: +420 321 752 211, fax: +420 321 715 124 [email protected], www.elkolin.cz Water & sewage Pavel Solãansk˘ - Vodovody a kanalizace Marie Majerové 1109, 282 01 âesk˘ Brod tel.: +420 777 263 245, fax: +420 321 620 097 [email protected], www.vodovodyakalizace.cz Vodos, s.r.o. Legerova 21, 280 02 Kolín III tel.: +420 321 724 242 DISTRICT KUTNÁ HORA Gas Stfiedoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Novodvorská 803/82, 142 01 Praha 4 tel.: +420 241 027 111, fax: +420 241 027 112 [email protected], www.stp.cz Electricity Stfiedoãeská energetická, a.s. Vinohradská 325/8, 120 21 Praha 2 tel.: +420 840 840 840, +420 211 041 111 fax: +420 211 042 001 [email protected], www.cez.cz âEZ, a.s. Horní Poãaply, 277 03 Horní Poãaply tel.: +420 311 101 111, fax: +420 311 102 102 [email protected], www.cez.cz Heat Teplo Neratovice, spol. s r.o. ·kolní 162, 277 11 Neratovice tel.: +420 315 682 798, fax: +420 315 682 724 www.ptas.cz/teplo_neratovice PraÏská teplárenská a.s. Partyzánská 1/7, 170 00 Praha 7 tel.: +420 266 751 111, fax: +420 266 752 199 [email protected], www.ptas.cz DISTRICT MLADÁ BOLESLAV Gas Stfiedoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Novodvorská 803/82, 142 01 Praha 4 tel.: +420 241 027 111, fax: +420 241 027 112 [email protected], www.stp.cz Electricity Stfiedoãeská energetická, a.s. Vinohradská 325/8, 120 21 Praha 2 tel.: +420 840 840 840, +420 211 041 111 fax: +420 211 042 001 [email protected], www.cez.cz ·ko - Energo, s.r.o. tfi. Václava Klementa 869, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav II tel.: +420 326 817 477, fax: +420 326 814 777 [email protected], www.sko-energo.cz Heat Centrotherm Mladá Boleslav, a.s. Jana Palacha 1294, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav tel.: +420 251 510 908, fax: +420 251 510 908 [email protected] ·ko - Energo, s.r.o. tfi. Václava Klementa 869, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav II tel.: +420 326 817 477, fax: +420 326 814 777 [email protected], www.sko-energo.cz Water & sewage Vodovody a kanalizace Mladá Boleslav, a.s. âechova 1151, 293 22 Mladá Boleslav tel.: +420 326 376 111, fax: +420 326 721 502 [email protected], www.vakmb.cz DISTRICT NYMBURK Gas Stfiedoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Novodvorská 803/82, 142 01 Praha 4 tel.: +420 241 027 111, fax: +420 241 027 112 [email protected], www.stp.cz Electricity Stfiedoãeská energetická, a.s. Vinohradská 325/8, 120 21 Praha 2 tel.: +420 840 840 840, fax: +420 211 042 001 [email protected], www.cez.cz Water & sewage PraÏské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. Hlavní 22, 250 75 Káran˘ tel.: +420 326 990 999, fax: +420 326 991 942 [email protected], www.pvk.cz Vodohospodáfiská spoleãnost Vrchlice - Maleã, a.s. Masarykovo nám. 122, 250 83 ·kvorec tel.: +420 606 685 315 [email protected], www.vhskh.cz DISTRICT PRAHA-ZÁPAD Gas Stfiedoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Novodvorská 803/82, 142 01 Praha 4 tel.: +420 241 027 111, fax: +420 241 027 112 [email protected], www.stp.cz Electricity Stfiedoãeská energetická, a.s. Vinohradská 325/8, 120 21 Praha 2 tel.: +420 840 840 840, +420 211 041 111 fax: +420 211 042 001 [email protected], www.cez.cz Ing. Petr âermák - âetrans nám. 1. máje 683, 253 01 Hostivice tel.: +420 220 980 342 Water & sewage Aquaconsult, spol. s r.o. Dr. Janského 953, 252 28 âerno‰ice tel.: +420 251 642 213, fax: +420 251 643 202 [email protected], www.aquaconsult.cz Hydria, spol. s r.o. Lidická 1642, 252 63 Roztoky tel.: +420 220 911 464, fax: +420 220 911 734 [email protected], www.hydria.cz DISTRICT P¤ÍBRAM Gas Stfiedoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Novodvorská 803/82, 142 01 Praha 4 tel.: +420 241 027 111, fax: +420 241 027 112 [email protected], www.stp.cz Electricity Stfiedoãeská energetická, a.s. Vinohradská 325/8, 120 21 Praha 2 tel.: +420 840 840 840, +420 211 041 111 fax: +420 211 042 001 [email protected], www.cez.cz Heat Teplárenská a realitní spoleãnost Dobfií‰, spol. s r.o. Plk. B. Petroviãe 86, 263 01 Dobfií‰ tel.: +420 318 521 882 [email protected] www.tear.cz Mûstská teplárenská Sedlãany, s.r.o. Církviãská 58, 264 01 Sedlãany tel.: +420 318 821 627 [email protected] Heat KH Tebis, s.r.o. Pu‰kinská 641, 284 01 Kutná Hora-Hlou‰ka tel.: +420 327 513 532, fax: +420 327 515 408 [email protected] Heat Thermoservis, spol. s r.o. Generála Antonína Sochora 2175, 288 02 Nymburk tel.: +420 325 531 136, fax: +420 325 531 105 [email protected], www.thermoservis.com Water & sewage Vodohospodáfiská spoleãnost Dobfií‰, spol. s r.o. Jiráskova 656, 263 01 Dobfií‰ tel.: +420 318 521 108, fax: +420 318 521 108 [email protected], www.vhs-dobris.cz Water & sewage Vodohospodáfiská spoleãnost Vrchlice - Maleã, a.s. Ku ptáku 387, 284 01 Kutná Hora-ÎiÏkov tel.: +420 327 588 111, fax: +420 327 588 191 [email protected], www.vhskh.cz Water & sewage Vodovody a kanalizace Nymburk Bobnická 712, 288 21 Nymburk tel.: +420 325 513 243, -5, fax: +420 325 513 382 [email protected], www.vak-nymburk.cz DISTRICT RAKOVNÍK Vodohospodáfiská spoleãnost Vrchlice - Maleã, a.s. Vrchovská 1550, 286 01 âáslav-Nové Mûsto tel: +420 327 313 587 [email protected], www.vhskh.cz DISTRICT PRAHA-V¯CHOD Gas Stfiedoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Novodvorská 803/82, 142 01 Praha 4 tel.: +420 241 027 111, fax: +420 241 027 112 [email protected], www.stp.cz Gas Stfiedoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Novodvorská 803/82, 142 01 Praha 4 tel.: +420 241 027 111, fax: +420 241 027 112 [email protected], www.stp.cz Electricity Stfiedoãeská energetická, a.s. Vinohradská 325/8, 120 21 Praha 2 tel.: +420 840 840 840, fax: +420 211 042 001 [email protected], www.cez.cz Electricity Stfiedoãeská energetická, a.s. Vinohradská 325/8, 120 21 Praha 2 tel.: +420 840 840 840, +420 211 041 111 fax: +420 211 042 001 [email protected], www.cez.cz Heat Tepelné zásobování Rakovník, spol. s r.o. Havlíãkova 2583, 269 01 Rakovník II tel.: +420 313 515 532, fax: +420 313 517 404 [email protected], www.tzr.cz DISTRICT MùLNÍK Gas Stfiedoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Novodvorská 803/82, 142 01 Praha 4 tel.: +420 241 027 111, fax: +420 241 027 112 [email protected], www.stp.cz Electricity Stfiedoãeská energetická, a.s. Vinohradská 325/8, 120 21 Praha 2 tel.: +420 840 840 840, +420 211 041 111 fax: +420 211 042 001 [email protected], www.cez.cz Heat Ing. Vladimír Hofiák, Hofiák - TRADING Lipová 1496, 250 01 Brand˘s nad Labem tel.: +420 326 903 600, fax: +420 266 799 113 [email protected], www.horak.cz Water & sewage Zemûdûlská vodohospodáfiská správa Vojtû‰ská 303, 269 01 Rakovník II tel.: +420 313 512 242 [email protected], www.zvhs.cz PUBLIC UTILITIES IN THE TERRITORY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ REGION DISTRICT HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ Gas V˘chodoãeská plynárenská, a.s. PraÏská tfiída 702/17, 500 04 Hradec Králové tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-vcp.cz VâP Net s.r.o. PraÏská tfiída 485/3, 500 04 Hradec Králové tel.: +420 495 060 000, fax: +420 495 060 009 [email protected], www.rwe-vcpnet.cz Electricity âEZ Obnovitelné zdroje s.r.o. KfiiÏíkova 788/2, 500 03 Hradec Králové tel.: +420 492 112 850, fax: +420 492 112 708 [email protected], www.cez.cz Free Trade Energy Agency s.r.o. Milady Horákové 1063/33, 500 06 Hradec Králové tel.: +420 602 438 748, fax: +420 602 106 039 [email protected], www.ftea.cz Heat Tepelné hospodáfiství Hradec Králové, a.s. Pouchovská 440/54, 500 03 Hradec Králové tel.: +420 495 279 160, fax: +420 495 545 977 www.thhk.cz Water & Sewage Vodovody a kanalizace Hradec Králové, a.s. Víta Nejedlého 893/6, 500 03 Hradec Králové tel.: +420 495 715 111, fax: +420 495 715 239 [email protected], www.vakhk.cz DISTRICT JIâÍN Gas V˘chodoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Husova 820, 506 01 Jiãín-Valdické Pfiedmûstí tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-vcp.cz Electricity TermoReal s.r.o. U Teplárny 1300, 509 01 Nová Paka tel.: +420 493 720 511, fax: +420 493 720 512 [email protected] Water & Sewage Mûstské vodovody a kanalizace, s.r.o. 5. kvûtna 148, 551 02 Jaromûfi-Josefov tel.: +420 491 813 006, fax: +420 491 813 006 [email protected] âEZ, a.s. - Energoservice s.r.o. Husova tfiída 48, 506 01 Jiãín tel.: +420 840 840 840, fax: +420 371 102 008 [email protected], www.cez.cz Vodovody a kanalizace Náchod, a.s. Kladská 1521, 547 01 Náchod tel.: +420 491 419 200, fax: +420 491 419 267 [email protected], www.vak.cz Heat TermoReal s.r.o. U Teplárny 1300, 509 01 Nová Paka tel.: +420 493 720 511, fax: +420 493 720 512 [email protected] DISTRICT RYCHNOV NAD KNùÎNOU Water & Sewage Vodohospodáfiská a obchodní spoleãnost, a.s. Na Tobolce 428, 506 01 Jiãín tel.: +420 493 544 811, fax: +420 493 522 208 [email protected], www.vosjicin.cz Gas V˘chodoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Jircháfiská 212, 517 41 Kostelec nad Orlicí tel.: +420 494 323 986 [email protected], www.rwe-vcp.cz DISTRICT TRUTNOV Gas V˘chodoãeská plynárenská, a.s. ·vábenicova 492, 541 01 Trutnov tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-vcp.cz Electricity âEZ, a.s. 541 37 Trutnov-Pofiíãí tel.: +420 492 102 111, fax: +420 492 102 199 [email protected], www.cez.cz Heat Vrchlabská teplárenská, s.r.o. Labská 969, 543 01 Vrchlabí tel.: +420 499 422 351 www.eStav.cz/vrchlabska-teplarenska DISTRICT NÁCHOD Electricity ALVYEN - Alternativní v˘roba energie s. r. o. Vodûrady-Nová Ves 20, 517 21 Vodûrady tel.: +420 494 628 157 www.eStav.cz/alvyen Gas V˘chodoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Krásnohorské 1748, 547 01 Náchod tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-vcp.cz Heat Centrální zdroj tepla Dobru‰ka, a.s. âs. odboje 50, 518 01 Dobru‰ka tel.: +420 494 623 103, fax: +420 494 623 693 [email protected] Water & Sewage Hydria, spol. s r.o. Na bûlidle 900, 543 01 Vrchlabí tel.: +420 499 425 662, fax: +420 499 425 662 [email protected], www.hydria.cz Electricity âEZ, a.s. - Elektroin s. r. o. âechova 326, 547 01 Náchod tel.: +420 840 840 840, fax: +420 371 102 008 [email protected], www.cez.cz Vambekon, s.r.o. Struhách 536, 517 54 Vamberk tel.: +420 494 541 840 [email protected] Vodovody a kanalizace Trutnov, a.s. Revoluãní 19, 541 01 Trutnov tel.: +420 499 848 523, fax: +420 499 848 520 [email protected], www.vaktu.cz Water & Sewage Vodárny a kanalizace Karlovy Vary, a.s. Studentská 328/64, 360 07 Karlovy Vary tel.: +420 359 010 111, fax: +420 353 332 211 [email protected], www.vakkv.cz Heat Vytápûní Mariánské Láznû s.r.o. Nákladní 298/17, 353 01 Mariánské Láznû tel.: +420 354 627 079, fax: +420 354 624 429 [email protected], www.vtml.cz Electricity âEZ, a.s. P.O.Box 98, 356 01 Sokolov tel.: +420 351 101 111, fax: +420 351 101 129 [email protected], www.cez.cz Ayin s.r.o. Závodu míru 626, 362 21 Nejdek tel.: +420 353 826 170, fax: +420 353 825 361 [email protected], www.ayin.cz Franti‰kolázeÀská v˘topna s.r.o. Koneãná 219/10, 351 01 Franti‰kovy Láznû tel.: +420 354 542 519, fax: +420 354 542 325 [email protected], www.flv.wz.cz DISTRICT CHEB Water & Sewage Chevak Cheb, a.s. Tr‰nická 4/11, 350 02 Cheb-Hradi‰tû tel.: +420 354 414 111, fax: +420 739 543 350 [email protected], www.chevak.cz Heat âEZ, a.s. P.O.Box 98, 356 01 Sokolov tel.: +420 351 101 111, fax: +420 351 101 129 [email protected], www.cez.cz Teplo Krkono‰e, a.s. Labská 964, 543 01 Vrchlabí tel.: +420 499 421 144, fax: +420 499 421 144 [email protected], www.teplokrkonose.cz Heat Tepelné hospodáfiství Mezimûstí, s.r.o. 5. kvûtna 1, 549 81 Mezimûstí tel.: +420 491 582 393 KARLOVY VARY REGION DISTRICT KARLOVY VARY Gas Západoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Jateãní 592/15, 360 01 Karlovy Vary tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-zcp.cz Electricity Západoãeská energetika, a.s. Jateãní 15, 360 21 Karlovy Vary tel.: +420 840 840 840, fax: +420 371 102 008 [email protected], www.cez.cz Heat Karlovarská teplárenská, a.s. Na V˘‰inû 348/26, 360 04 Karlovy Vary tel.: +420 353 176 111, fax: +420 353 224 535 [email protected], www.kvtas.cz Ostrovská teplárenská, a.s. Mofiiãovská 1210, 363 01 Ostrov tel.: +420 353 610 300, fax: +420 353 610 315 [email protected], www.ostrovska-teplarenska.cz Gas Západoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Svatopluka âecha 7, 350 02 Cheb tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-zcp.cz DISTRICT SOKOLOV Electricity Terea Cheb s.r.o. Májová 588/33, 350 02 Cheb tel.: +420 354 524 411, fax: +420 354 524 419 [email protected], www.terea-cheb.cz Gas Gasmont Sokolov s.r.o. Hornická 1613, 356 01 Sokolov tel.: +420 352 371 511 [email protected], www.gasmont.axis4.cz Západoãeská energetika, a.s. Svatopluka âecha 7, 350 02 Cheb tel.: +420 840 840 840, fax: +420 371 102 008 [email protected], www.cez.cz KMS Kraslická mûstská spoleãnost s.r.o. Pohraniãní stráÏe 367, 358 01 Kraslice tel.: +420 352 686 236 [email protected] Water & Sewage Vodohospodáfiská spoleãnost Sokolov s.r.o. Jifiího Dimitrova 1619, 356 01 Sokolov tel.: +420 352 304 111, fax: +420 352 623 544 [email protected], www.voss.cz/home.asp Vodárny a kanalizace Karlovy Vary, a.s. U Porcelánky 212, 357 35 Chodov tel.: +420 352 667 462 [email protected], www.vakkv.cz PUBLIC UTILITIES IN THE TERRITORY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC LIBEREC REGION DISTRICT âESKÁ LÍPA DISTRICT JABLONEC NAD NISOU DISTRICT LIBEREC Gas Severoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Ml˘nská 2982, 470 01 âeská Lípa tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-scp.cz Gas META - therm Jifií Kerhart PrÛmyslová 7, 466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou tel.: +420 483 313 413, fax: +420 483 313 413 [email protected], www.metatherm.cz Gas Severoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Mr‰tíkova 444/6, 460 07 Liberec III-Jefiáb tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-scp.cz Electricity Dubská energetická spoleãnost, a.s. PurkyÀova 1849, 470 01 âeská Lípa tel.: +420 487 524 920 Electricity R˘novická energetická, s.r.o. Belgická 400, 466 05 Jablonec nad Nisou tel.: +420 483 306 060, fax: +420 483 306 060 [email protected] Electricity Therm Plus Liberec s.r.o. Doubská 820, 460 06 Liberec VI-Rochlice tel.: +420 485 134 763, fax: +420 485 130 095 [email protected] Juwi, s.r.o. Podhorská 377/20, 466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou tel.: +420 482 427 015 [email protected], www.juwi.cz Heat TEPLO Fr˘dlant, s.r.o. Fügnerova 1405, 464 01 Fr˘dlant tel.: +420 482 312 442 [email protected] Wind technology s.r.o. Tyr‰ova 593, 471 14 Kamenick˘ ·enov tel.: +420 608 280 029 [email protected], www.windtechnology.cz Heat âeskolipská teplárenská, a.s. Pivovarská 2073, 470 01 âeská Lípa tel.: +420 487 805 901, fax: +420 487 805 970 [email protected], www.clt.cz Water & Sewage Severoãeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. Újezd 1400, 470 01 âeská Lípa tel.: +420 417 808 111 [email protected], www.scvk.cz Heat VNG Energie Czech, a.s. Liberecká 2167/18, 466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou tel.: +420 483 312 921, fax: +420 483 712 920 [email protected], www.teplarnyjablonec.cz Teplárna Liberec, a.s. Dr. Milady Horákové 641/34a - P.O.Box 68 460 01 Liberec IV. tel.: +420 485 386 111 [email protected], www.tlib.cz Water & Sewage Severoãeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. NádraÏní 1115/19, 466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou tel.: +420 417 808 111 [email protected], www.scvk.cz Water & Sewage Fr˘dlantská vodárenská spoleãnost, a.s. Zahradní 768, 464 01 Fr˘dlant tel.: +420 482 312 122, fax: +420 482 312 388 [email protected], www.fvs.cz Heat Distep, a.s. Ostravská 961, 738 01 Fr˘dek-Místek tel.: +420 558 442 111, fax: +420 558 442 141 [email protected], www.distep.cz Electricity Severomoravská energetika, a.s. 28. fiíjna 3123/152, 729 71 Ostrava tel.: +420 840 840 840, fax: +420 596 612 388 [email protected], www.cez.cz Water & Sewage Severomoravské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. 28. fiíjna 169, 709 45 Ostrava tel.: +420 596 697 111, fax: +420 596 624 205 [email protected], www.smvak.cz Mûstské inÏen˘rské sítû Studénka, a.s. Po‰tovní 772, 742 13 Studénka-Butovice tel.: +420 556 400 356, fax: +420 556 400 468 [email protected], www.miss.studenka.cz/index.php Severoãeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. Sladovnická 1082, 463 11 Liberec tel.: +420 417 808 111, fax: +420 482 416 710 [email protected], www.scvk.cz DISTRICT SEMILY Gas V˘chodoãeská plynárenská, a.s. PraÏská tfiída 702/17, 500 04 Hradec Králové tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-vcp.cz Electricity âEZ, a.s. - Miroslav Melich - ETMO Ko‰tofranská 414, 513 01 Semily tel.: +420 840 840 840, fax: +420 371 102 008 [email protected], www.cez.cz Water & Sewage Severoãeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. PraÏská 36, 460 31 Liberec 1 tel.: +420 482 711 079, fax: +420 482 711 073 [email protected], www.scvk.cz MORAVIA-SILESIA REGION DISTRICT BRUNTÁL Gas Severomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Plynární 2748/6, 702 72 Ostrava tel.: +420 595 141 111, fax: +420 595 141 490 [email protected], www.rwe-smp.cz Electricity Severomoravská energetika, a.s. 28. fiíjna 3123/152, 729 71 Ostrava tel.: +420 840 840 840, fax: +420 596 612 388 [email protected], www.cez.cz DISTRICT KARVINÁ Heat Mos, s.r.o. 1. máje 320, 793 51 Bfiidliãná tel.: +420 554 230 306 [email protected] Gas Severomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Plynární 2748/6, 702 72 Ostrava tel.: +420 595 141 111, fax: +420 595 141 490 [email protected], www.rwe-smp.cz Teplo Bruntál, a.s. ·milovského 659/6, 792 01 Bruntál tel.: +420 554 774 224, fax: +420 554 774 223 [email protected], www.teplobr.cz Plynar, s.r.o. Buãinská 1733, 735 41 Petfivald tel.: +420 596 541 099, fax: +420 596 541 102 [email protected] Water & Sewage Brvos Bruntál, s.r.o. tfi. Práce 1445/42, 792 01 Bruntál tel.: +420 554 711 051, fax: +420 554 712 059 [email protected] Electricity Severomoravská energetika, a.s. 28. fiíjna 3123/152, 729 71 Ostrava tel.: +420 840 840 840, fax: +420 596 612 388 [email protected], www.cez.cz Zemûdûlská vodohospodáfiská správa V Osadû 1020/22, 794 01 Krnov-Pod Cvilínem tel.: +420 554 611 013, +420 554 631 343 [email protected], www.zvhs.cz âEZ, a.s. Dûtmarovice, 735 71 Dûtmarovice tel.: +420 591 102 111, fax: +420 591 102 671 [email protected], www.cez.cz DISTRICT FR¯DEK-MÍSTEK Heat Dalkia âeská republika, a.s. Svobody 5, 735 06 Karviná-Doly tel.: +420 596 394 111, fax: +420 596 394 292 www.dalkia.cz Gas Severomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Plynární 2748/6, 702 72 Ostrava tel.: +420 595 141 111, fax: +420 595 141 490 [email protected], www.rwe-smp.cz Lumius, spol. s r.o. Míru 3267, 738 01 Fr˘dek-Místek tel..+420 558 638 780, fax: +420 558 633 658 [email protected], www.lumius.cz Havífiovská teplárenská spoleãnost, a.s. Konzumní 298/6a, 736 01 Havífiov-·umbark tel.: +420 596 411 906, fax: +420 596 411 960 [email protected], www.htsas.cz DISTRICT NOV¯ JIâÍN Electricity Severomoravská energetika, a.s. 28. fiíjna 3123/152, 729 71 Ostrava tel.: +420 840 840 840, fax: +420 596 612 388 [email protected], www.cez.cz Gas Severomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Plynární 2748/6, 702 72 Ostrava tel.: +420 595 141 111, fax: +420 595 141 490 [email protected], www.rwe-smp.cz Lumius, spol. s r.o. Míru 3267, 738 01 Fr˘dek-Místek tel..+420 558 638 780, fax: +420 558 633 658 [email protected], www.lumius.cz Mûstské inÏen˘rské sítû Studénka, a.s. Po‰tovní 772, 742 13 Studénka-Butovice tel.: +420 556 400 356, fax: +420 556 400 468 [email protected], www.miss.studenka.cz/index.php Water & Sewage TomበNovotn˘, s.r.o. Krnovská 71/216, 747 07 Opava-Jaktafi tel.: +420 553 624 150, fax: +420 553 624 150 Vodovody a kanalizace Hluãín, s.r.o. Ostravská 124/18, 748 01 Hluãín tel.: +420 595 042 369 DISTRICT OSTRAVA-MùSTO Heat Mûstské inÏen˘rské sítû Studénka, a.s. Po‰tovní 772, 742 13 Studénka-Butovice tel.: +420 556 400 356, fax: +420 556 400 468 [email protected], www.miss.studenka.cz/index.php Gas Severomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Plynární 2748/6, 702 72 Ostrava tel.: +420 595 141 111, fax: +420 595 141 490 [email protected], www.rwe-smp.cz Water & Sewage Mûstské inÏen˘rské sítû Studénka, a.s. Po‰tovní 772, 742 13 Studénka-Butovice tel.: +420 556 400 356, fax: +420 556 400 468 [email protected], www.miss.studenka.cz/index.php SMP Net, s.r.o. Plynární 420/2, 702 00 Ostrava-Moravská Ostrava tel.: +420 595 141 901, fax: +420 595 141 909 [email protected], www.rwe-smpnet.cz Zemûdûlská vodohospodáfiská správa Dostála Bystfiiny 1167/9, 741 01 Nov˘ Jiãín tel.: +420 556 712 041, fax: +420 556 719 249 [email protected], www.zvhs.cz DISTRICT OPAVA Gas Severomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Plynární 2748/6, 702 72 Ostrava tel.: +420 595 141 111, fax: +420 595 141 490 [email protected], www.rwe-smp.cz Intergasservis Opava, s.r.o. Podvihovská 46/22, 747 70 Opava-Komárov tel.: +420 553 794 195, fax: +420 553 794 331 [email protected], www.intergasservis.cz Electricity Severomoravská energetika, a.s. 28. fiína 3123/152, 729 71 Ostrava tel.: +420 840 840 840, fax: +420 596 612 388 [email protected], www.cez.cz Heat Opatherm, a.s. Horní námûstí 283/58, 746 01 Opava-Mûsto tel.: +420 553 777 555, fax: +420 553 623 828 [email protected] Teplo Hluãín, spol. s r.o. Ostravská 92/53, 748 01 Hluãín tel.: +420 595 041 017 [email protected] Electricity Severomoravská energetika, a.s. 28. fiíjna 3123/152, 729 71 Ostrava tel.: +420 840 840 840, fax: +420 596 612 388 [email protected], www.cez.cz âEZ Energetické sluÏby, s.r.o. V˘stavní 1144/103, 703 00 Ostrava-Vítkovice tel.: +420 591 110 201, fax: +420 591 110 211 [email protected], www.cez.cz Heat Dalkia âeská republika, a.s. 28. fiíjna 3123/152, 702 00 Ostrava tel.: +420 596 609 111, fax: +420 596 609 300 [email protected], www.dalkia.cz Energetika Vítkovice, a.s. V˘stavní 1144/103, 703 00 Ostrava-Vítkovice tel.: +420 597 015 300, fax: +420 597 015 309 [email protected], www.evias.cz Water & Sewage Ostravské vodárny a kanalizace, a.s. NádraÏní 3114/28, 702 00 Ostrava tel.: +420 597 475 111, fax: +420 597 152 111 [email protected], www.ovak.cz Ostravské vodárny a kanalizace, a.s. Na Helenû 5523/3, 722 00 Ostrava-Tfiebovice tel.: +420 596 964 070 www.ovak.cz PUBLIC UTILITIES IN THE TERRITORY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC OLOMOUC REGION DISTRICT JESENÍK Gas Severomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Plynární 2748/6, 702 72 Ostrava tel.: +420 595 141 111, fax: +420 595 141 190 [email protected], www.rwe-smp.cz Electricity Severomoravská energetika, a.s. 28. fiíjna 3123/152, 709 02 Ostrava tel.: +420 596 671 111, fax: +420 596 672 388 [email protected], www.sme.cz Water & Sewage Jesenická vodohospodáfiská spoleãnost, s.r.o. Tovární 202/3, 790 00 Jeseník tel.: +420 584 494 111, +420 584 494 370 [email protected], www.voda-jvs.cz Vak - Vodovody a kanalizace Jesenicka, a.s. Tyr‰ova 248/16, 790 01 Jeseník tel.:+420 584 411 545, fax: +420 584 450 241 [email protected], www.vakjes.cz OLOMOUC DISTRICT Gas Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Plynárenská 499/1, 657 02 Brno tel.: +420 545 548 111, fax: +420 545 578 571 [email protected], www.jmpas.cz Electricity E.ON âeská republika, a.s. Lidická 36, 659 44 Brno tel.: +420 840 111 333 [email protected], www.eon.cz Heat Olterm & TD Olomouc, a.s. Janského 469/8, 779 00 Olomouc tel.: +420 585 705 111, fax: +420 585 705 131 [email protected], [email protected], www.olterm.cz Dalkia âeská republika, a.s. Janského 8, 779 00 Olomouc tel.: +420 585 705 111, fax: +420 585 705 131 www.olterm.cz Water & Sewage Stfiedomoravská vodárenská, a.s. Tovární 41, 772 11 Olomouc tel.: +420 585 243 225, fax.: +420 585 243 117 [email protected], [email protected], www.smv.cz Vodohospodáfiská spoleãnost Olomouc, a.s. Tovární 1059/41, 779 00 Olomouc tel.: +420 585 536 384, fax: +420 585 226 869 [email protected], www.vhs-ol.cz DISTRICT P¤EROV Gas Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Plynárenská 499/1, 657 02 Brno tel.: +420 545 548 111, fax: +420 545 578 571 [email protected], www.jmpas.cz Electricity E.ON âeská republika, a.s. Lidická 36, 659 44 Brno tel.: +420 840 111 333 [email protected], www.eon.cz Heat Dalkia âeská republika, a.s. Tovaãovská 2924/18, 750 02 Pfierov I. tel.: +420 581 273 111, fax: +420 581 203 484 www.dalkia.cz Teplo Pfierov, a.s. Blahoslavova 1499/7, 750 02 Pfierov I. tel.: +420 581 217 295, fax: +420 581 217 306 [email protected], www.teploprerov.cz Zemûdûlská vodohospodáfiská správa Jana Olivetského 1345/20, 796 01 Prostûjov tel.: +420 582 344 390 [email protected], www.zvhs.cz Water & Sewage Vodovody a kanalizace Pfierov, a.s. ·ífiava 483/21, 750 02 Pfierov I-Mûsto tel.: +420 800 167 427, fax: +420 581 207 425 [email protected], www.vakpr.cz DISTRICT ·UMPERK Zemûdûlská vodohospodáfiská správa Tovaãovská 300, 750 02 Pfierov I-Mûsto tel.: +420 581 209 509 [email protected], www.zvhs.cz DISTRICT PROSTùJOV Gas Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Vrahovická 2472/12, 796 01 Prostûjov [email protected], www.rwe-jmp.cz Tesing TP komplet, s.r.o. Svatoplukova 2370/80, 796 01 Prostûjov tel.: +420 466 261 663, fax: +420 466 265 713 [email protected], www.tesing.cz Electricity E.ON âeská republika, a.s. Lidická 36, 659 44 Brno tel.: +420 840 111 333 [email protected], www.eon.cz Water & Sewage Vodovody a kanalizace Prostûjov, a.s. Krapkova 1635/26, 796 01 Prostûjov tel.: +420 582 333 510, fax: +420 582 344 180 [email protected], www.vak.prostejov.cz Gas Severomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Plynární 2748/6, 702 72 Ostrava tel.: +420 595 141 111, fax: +420 595 141 190 [email protected], www.rwe-smp.cz Electricity Severomoravská energetika, a.s. 28. fiíjna 3123/152, 709 02 Ostrava tel.: +420 596 671 111, fax: +420 596 672 388 [email protected], www.sme.cz Sateza, a.s. 8. kvûtna 670/41, 787 01 ·umperk tel.: +420 583 212 459, fax: +420 583 214 362 [email protected], www.sateza.cz Heat Rapos Rapotín, s.r.o. DruÏstevní 125, 788 14 Rapotín tel.: +420 583 242 784 Water & Sewage ·umperská provozní vodohospodáfiská spoleãnost, a.s. Jílová 2769/6, 787 01 ·umperk tel.: +420 583 317 238 [email protected], www.spvs.cz Zemûdûlská vodohospodáfiská správa Nemocniãní 1852/53, 787 01 ·umperk tel.: +420 583 212 868 [email protected], www.zvhs.cz PARDUBICE REGION DISTRICT CHRUDIM Gas V˘chodoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Tovární 315, 537 01 Chrudim IV tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-vcp.cz Electricity âEZ, a.s. - Uniservis s.r.o. Palackého tfiída 252, 537 01 Chrudim tel.: +420 840 840 840, fax: +420 371 102 008 [email protected], www.cez.cz Heat Teplárenská spoleãnost Hlinsko, s.r.o. DruÏstevní 1523, 539 01 Hlinsko tel.: +420 469 311 669, fax: +420 469 311 453 [email protected], www.pestr.cz Water & Sewage Vodovody a kanalizace Chrudim, a.s. Novomûstská 626, 537 01 Chrudim II tel.: +420 469 660 301, fax: +420 469 315 286 [email protected], www.vakcr.cz Mûstské vodovody a kanalizace Skuteã, s.r.o. Palackého námûstí 133, 539 73 Skuteã tel.: +420 469 350 425 DISTRICT PARDUBICE Gas V˘chodoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Dûlnická 392, 530 03 Pardubice tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-vcp.cz Electricity International Power Opatovice, a.s. 532 13 Opatovice nad Labem-Pardubice 2 tel.: +420 466 843 111, fax: +420 466 536 030 [email protected], www.ipplc.cz V˘chodoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Antonína Slavíãka 656/3, 568 02 Svitavy-Lány tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-vcp.cz âEZ, a.s. 533 12 Chvaletice tel.: +420 462 101 111, fax: +420 462 103 600 [email protected], www.cez.cz Electricity âEZ Distribuce, a.s. Teplická 874/8, 405 02 Dûãín tel.: +420 840 840 840, fax: +420 371 102 008 [email protected], www.cez.cz Heat International Power Opatovice, a.s. 532 13 Opatovice nad Labem-Pardubice 2 tel.: +420 466 843 111, fax: +420 466 536 030 [email protected], www.ipplc.cz Heat TEDOM ENERGO s.r.o. V˘ãapy 195, 674 01 Tfiebíã tel.: +420 568 837 111, fax: +420 568 837 100 [email protected], www.energetika.tedom.cz Tepelné zdroje Pfielouã, s.r.o. Karla âapka 812, 535 01 Pfielouã tel.: +420 466 672 109, fax: +420 466 672 109 Water & Sewage VHOS, a.s. NádraÏní 1430/6, 571 01 Moravská Tfiebová tel.: +420 461 357 111, fax: +420 461 357 190 [email protected], www.vhos.cz Water & Sewage International Power Opatovice, a.s. 532 13 Opatovice nad Labem-Pardubice 2 tel.: +420 466 843 111, fax: +420 466 536 030 [email protected], www.ipplc.cz Vodovody a kanalizace Pardubice, a.s. Trstenická 1490, 535 01 Pfielouã tel.: +420 466 959 113, fax: +420 466 304 643 www.vakpce.cz DISTRICT SVITAVY Gas V˘chodoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Olomoucká 188/37, 571 01 Moravská Tfiebová tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-vcp.cz Vodovody, spol. s r.o. Na Lánech 3, 570 01 Litomy‰l-Lány tel.: +420 461 612 169, fax: +420 461 613 247 [email protected], www.vodovody.lit.cz DISTRICT ÚSTÍ NAD ORLICÍ Gas V˘chodoãeská plynárenská, a.s. ·edivská 824, 561 51 Letohrad tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-vcp.cz Heat Démos s.r.o. Chodská 1115, 562 06 Ústí nad Orlicí tel.: +420 465 525 820 [email protected] Water & Sewage Orlická vodohospodáfiská spoleãnost âeská Tfiebová s.r.o. Kozlovská 1733, 560 02 âeská Tfiebová tel.: +420 465 531 042, fax: +420 465 531 042 [email protected] Vodovody a kanalizace Jablonné nad Orlicí, a.s. Popradská 1185, 562 06 Ústí nad Orlicí tel.: +420 465 525 793 [email protected], www.vak.cz PUBLIC UTILITIES IN THE TERRITORY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC PLZE≈ REGION DISTRICT DOMAÎLICE Gas Západoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Guldenerova 17, 326 00 PlzeÀ tel.: +420 840 113 355, fax: +420 377 093 125 [email protected], [email protected], www.zcp.cz Electricity Západoãeská energetika, a.s. Guldenerova 19, 303 28 PlzeÀ tel.: +420 738 002 128, fax: +420 378 002 018 [email protected], www.zce.cz Heat Teza DomaÏlice, s.r.o. Zahradní 542, 344 01 DomaÏlice tel.: +420 379 724 031, fax: +420 379 724 031 [email protected] Water & Sewage Praves, spol. s r.o. Petrovická 286, 344 01 DomaÏlice tel.: +420 379 725 478, fax: +420 379 725 478 [email protected] Chodské vodárny a kanalizace, a.s. Masarykova 388, 344 01 DomaÏlice tel.: +420 379 792 311, fax: +420 379 722 159 [email protected], www.chvak.cz DISTRICT KLATOVY Gas Západoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Guldenerova 17, 326 00 PlzeÀ tel.: +420 840 113 355, fax: +420 377 093 125 [email protected], [email protected], www.zcp.cz Electricity Západoãeská energetika, a.s. Guldenerova 19, 303 28 PlzeÀ tel.: +420 738 002 128, fax: +420 378 002 018 [email protected], www.zce.cz Heat HF - Energo, spol. s r.o. Kfiiãkova 1203, 342 01 Su‰ice II tel.: +420 376 520 277, fax: +420 376 520 277 [email protected] Water & Sewage Vodospol, s.r.o. Ostravská 169, 339 01 Klatovy IV tel.: +420 376 310 060, fax: +420 376 323 317 [email protected] Zemûdûlská vodohospodáfiská správa Kollárova 528, 339 01 Klatovy III tel.: +420 376 312 244 [email protected], www.zvhs.cz DISTRICT PLZE≈-JIH Water & Sewage Vodárna PlzeÀ, a.s. Malostranská 143/2, 326 00 PlzeÀ tel.: +420 377 413 111, fax: +420 377 416 555 [email protected], www.vodarna.cz Kanalizace a vodovody Star˘ Plzenec, a.s. Star˘ Plzenec 195, 332 02 Star˘ Plzenec tel.: +420 377 966 426, fax: +420 377 966 426 [email protected], www.kav-plzenec.cz Gas Západoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Guldenerova 17, 326 00 PlzeÀ tel.: +420 840 113 355, fax: +420 377 093 125 [email protected], [email protected], www.zcp.cz DISTRICT PLZE≈-SEVER Electricity Západoãeská energetika, a.s. Guldenerova 19, 303 28 PlzeÀ tel.: +420 738 002 128, fax: +420 378 002 018 [email protected], www.zce.cz Gas Západoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Guldenerova 17, 326 00 PlzeÀ tel.: +420 840 113 355, fax: +420 377 093 125 [email protected], [email protected], www.zcp.cz DISTRICT PLZE≈-MùSTO Electricity Západoãeská energetika, a.s. Guldenerova 19, 303 28 PlzeÀ tel.: +420 738 002 128, fax: +420 378 002 018 [email protected], www.zce.cz Gas Západoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Guldenerova 17, 326 00 PlzeÀ tel.: +420 840 113 355, fax: +420 377 093 125 [email protected], [email protected], www.zcp.cz Kalora, a.s. Bûlohorská 1087/11, 301 00 PlzeÀ tel.: +420 377 534 922, fax: +420 377 534 922 [email protected], www.kalora.cz Electricity Západoãeská energetika, a.s. Guldenerova 19, 303 28 PlzeÀ tel.: +420 738 002 128, fax: +420 378 002 018 [email protected], www.zce.cz âEZ Zákaznické sluÏby, s.r.o. Guldenerova 2577/19, 326 00 PlzeÀ fax: +420 371 102 008 [email protected], www.cez.cz Heat PlzeÀská teplárenská, a.s. Solní 239/3, 301 00 PlzeÀ tel.: +420 377 221 026 [email protected], www.pltep.cz Termglobal, s.r.o. Na Roudné 433/46, 301 00 PlzeÀ tel.: +420 377 528 467, fax: +420 377 527 694 [email protected] Water & Sewage Vodárna PlzeÀ, a.s. Antonína Uxy 388, 330 23 N˘fiany tel.: +420 377 931 315, fax: +420 377 931 219 [email protected], www.vodarna.cz DISTRICT ROKYCANY Gas Západoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Guldenerova 17, 326 00 PlzeÀ tel.: +420 840 113 355, fax: +420 377 093 125 [email protected], [email protected], www.zcp.cz Electricity Západoãeská energetika, a.s. Guldenerova 19, 303 28 PlzeÀ tel.: +420 738 002 128, fax: +420 378 002 018 [email protected], www.zce.cz Tehor Rokycany Pod Kostelem 117, 337 01 Rokycany tel.: +420 371 519 105 [email protected] Heat Tehor Rokycany Pod Kostelem 117, 337 01 Rokycany tel.: +420 371 519 105 [email protected] Polyteza, spol. s r.o. Holoubkov 293, 338 01 Holoubkov tel.: +420 371 751 167, fax: +420 371 722 239 [email protected] Water & Sewage Václav Vonásek - Bravos PlzeÀská 53, 338 28 Radnice tel.: +420 371 795 713, fax: +420 371 795 419 [email protected] Zemûdûlská vodohospodáfiská správa ·Èáhlavská 817, 337 01 Rokycany tel.: +420 371 724 657 [email protected], www.zvhs.cz DISTRICT TACHOV Gas Západoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Guldenerova 17, 326 00 PlzeÀ tel.: +420 840 113 355, fax: +420 377 093 125 [email protected], [email protected], www.zcp.cz Kalora, a.s. Tachov-Vítkov 95, 347 01 Tachov tel.: +420 374 723 224, fax: +420 374 723 224 [email protected], www.kalora.cz Electricity Západoãeská energetika, a.s. Guldenerova 19, 303 28 PlzeÀ tel.: +420 738 002 128, fax: +420 378 002 018 [email protected], www.zce.cz Heat Kalora, a.s. Tachov-Vítkov 95, 347 01 Tachov tel.: +420 374 723 224, fax: +420 374 723 224 [email protected], www.kalora.cz Water & Sewage Vodárny a kanalizace Karlovy Vary, a.s. Petra Jilemnického 1858, 347 01 Tachov tel.: +420 374 722 156 [email protected], www.vakkv.cz PUBLIC UTILITIES IN THE TERRITORY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC SOUTH BOHEMIA REGION DISTRICT âESKÉ BUDùJOVICE Gas E.ON âeská republika, s.r.o. Lannova 205/16, 370 01 âeské Budûjovice 6 tel.: +420 387 861 111, fax: +420 387 862 900 [email protected], www.eon.cz Electricity Lumen International, a.s. Nemanická 440/14, 370 10 âeské Budûjovice 3 tel.: +420 387 018 102, fax: +420 387 331 182 [email protected], www.lumen-int.com âEZ, a.s. Temelín, 373 01 Temelín tel.: +420 381 101 111, fax: +420 381 102 298 [email protected], www.cez.cz Heat Teplárna âeské Budûjovice, a.s. Novohradská 398/32, 370 01 âeské Budûjovice 6 tel.: +420 389 003 111, fax: +420 389 003 456 [email protected], www.teplarna-cb.cz Water & Sewage 1. JVS, a.s. Severní 2264/8, 370 10 âeské Budûjovice 3 tel.: +420 387 761 911, fax: +420 387 761 225 [email protected], www.1jvs.cz Jihoãesk˘ vodárensk˘ svaz S. K. Neumanna 292/19, 370 01 âeské Budûjovice 7 tel.: +420 386 350 379, fax: +420 386 353 239 [email protected], www.jvs.cz DISTRICT âESK¯ KRUMLOV Gas E.ON âeská republika, s.r.o. Lannova 205/16, 370 01 âeské Budûjovice 6 tel.: +420 387 861 111, fax: +420 387 862 900 [email protected], www.eon.cz Electricity âEZ, a.s. Temelín, 373 01 Temelín tel.: +420 381 101 111, fax: +420 381 102 298 [email protected], www.cez.cz E.ON âeská republika, s.r.o. Lannova 205/16, 370 01 âeské Budûjovice 6 tel.: +420 387 861 111, fax: +420 387 862 900 [email protected], www.eon.cz Electricity Energetické centrum, s.r.o. JindfiichÛv Hradec-Otín 3, 377 01 JindfiichÛv Hradec tel.: +420 384 322 701, fax: +420 384 322 704 [email protected], www.ecjh.cz âEZ, a.s. Temelín, 373 01 Temelín tel.: +420 381 101 111, fax: +420 381 102 298 [email protected], www.cez.cz Heat Energetické centrum, s.r.o. JindfiichÛv Hradec-Otín 3, 377 01 JindfiichÛv Hradec tel.: +420 384 322 701, fax: +420 384 322 704 [email protected], www.ecjh.cz Teplospol, a.s. sídl. Vajgar 585, 377 01 JindfiichÛv Hradec III tel.: +420 384 371 111, fax: +420 384 321 506 [email protected] Water & Sewage Energetické centrum, s.r.o. JindfiichÛv Hradec-Otín 3, 377 01 JindfiichÛv Hradec tel.: +420 384 322 701, fax: +420 384 322 704 [email protected], www.ecjh.cz Vodovody a kanalizace JiÏní âechy, a.s. Jiráskovo pfiedm. 622, 377 01 JindfiichÛv Hradec III tel.: +420 384 375 511, fax: +420 384 321 558 [email protected], www.vakjc.cz DISTRICT PÍSEK Gas E.ON âeská republika, s.r.o. Lannova 205/16, 370 01 âeské Budûjovice 6 tel.: +420 387 861 111, fax: +420 387 862 900 [email protected], www.eon.cz DISTRICT JIND¤ICHÒV HRADEC Electricity âEZ, a.s. Temelín, 373 01 Temelín tel.: +420 381 101 111, fax: +420 381 102 298 [email protected], www.cez.cz Gas Energetické centrum, s.r.o. JindfiichÛv Hradec-Otín 3, 377 01 JindfiichÛv Hradec tel.: +420 384 322 701, fax: +420 384 322 704 [email protected], www.ecjh.cz Heat Teplárna Písek, a.s. U Smrkovické silnice 2263, 397 01 Písek tel.: +420 382 730 111, fax: +420 382 265 959 [email protected], www.tpi.cz Water & Sewage Vodovody a kanalizace JiÏní âechy, a.s. NádraÏní 701/13, 397 01 Písek tel.: +420 382 204 711, fax: +420 382 213 929 [email protected], www.vakjc.cz Heat Teplárna Strakonice, a.s. Komenského 59, 386 01 Strakonice II tel.: +420 383 318 111, fax: +420 383 324 651 [email protected], www.tst.cz Zemûdûlská vodohospodáfiská správa NádraÏní 1988, 397 01 Písek tel.: +420 382 213 607, fax: +420 382 213 607 [email protected], www.zvhs.cz Water & Sewage Vodovody a kanalizace JiÏní âechy, a.s. Heydukova 321, 386 01 Strakonice I tel.: +420 383 322 061, fax: +420 383 322 068 [email protected], www.vakjc.cz DISTRICT PRACHATICE Gas E.ON âeská republika, s.r.o. Lannova 205/16, 370 01 âeské Budûjovice 6 tel.: +420 387 861 111, fax: +420 387 862 900 [email protected], www.eon.cz MaR Technik Plus, spol. s r.o. A. KfiíÏka 135, 389 01 VodÀany I tel.: +420 383 383 028, fax: +420 383 383 356 [email protected] DISTRICT TÁBOR Electricity Energetické sluÏby mûsta Volary, s.r.o. Ml˘nská 423, 384 51 Volary tel.: +420 388 333 431, fax: +420 388 333 431 [email protected] Gas E.ON âeská republika, s.r.o. Lannova 205/16, 370 01 âeské Budûjovice 6 tel.: +420 387 861 111, fax: +420 387 862 900 [email protected], www.eon.cz Heat Tepelné hospodáfiství Prachatice, s.r.o. NádraÏní 52, 383 01 Prachatice II tel.: +420 388 385 611, fax: +420 388 385 616 [email protected], www.prachatice.cz/teplo/index.php Electricity AES Bohemia, spol. s r.o. PrÛmyslová 748, 391 02 Planá nad LuÏnicí tel.: +420 381 732 400, fax: +420 381 732 402 www.aes.com Water & Sewage Vodovody a kanalizace JiÏní âechy, a.s. Ml˘nská 178, 383 01 Prachatice II tel.: +420 388 312 071, fax: +420 388 312 071 [email protected], www.vakjc.cz Teplárna Tábor, a.s. U Cihelny 2128, 390 02 Tábor tel.: +420 381 417 202, fax: +420 381 417 286 [email protected], www.tta.cz Zemûdûlská vodohospodáfiská správa Pivovarská 196, 383 01 Prachatice II tel.: +420 388 313 751, fax: +420 388 313 751 [email protected], www.zvhs.cz DISTRICT STRAKONICE Gas E.ON âeská republika, s.r.o. Lannova 205/16, 370 01 âeské Budûjovice 6 tel.: +420 387 861 111, fax: +420 387 862 900 [email protected], www.eon.cz Electricity VeMo Blansko, s.r.o. Ml˘nská 282, 387 11 Katovice tel.: +420 605 779 673 [email protected] Heat Teplárna Tábor, a.s. U Cihelny 2128, 390 02 Tábor tel.: +420 381 417 202, fax: +420 381 417 286 [email protected], www.tta.cz Eurotherm Tábor, spol. s r.o. Klokotská 744, 390 01 Tábor tel.: +420 381 252 601, fax: +420 381 254 965 [email protected], www.eurotherm.cz Water & Sewage Vodovody a kanalizace JiÏní âechy, a.s. Kosova 2894, 390 02 Tábor tel.: +420 381 473 111, fax: +420 381 281 004 [email protected], www.vakjc.cz PUBLIC UTILITIES IN THE TERRITORY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC SOUTH MORAVIA REGION DISTRICT BLANSKO DISTRICT BRNO-MùSTO Gas Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Zborovecká 1608/2a, 678 01 Blansko [email protected], www.rwe-jmp.cz Gas Jihomoravská plynárenská a.s. Plynárenská 499/1, 657 02 Brno tel.: +420 545 548 111, fax: +420 545 578 571 [email protected], [email protected], www.jmpas.cz, www.rwe-jmp.cz Electricity E.ON âeská republika, a.s. Lidická 36, 659 44 Brno tel.: +420 840 111 333 [email protected], www.eon.cz Wind Energy Systems CZ, s.r.o. Pod Stfielnicí 2088/30, 680 01 Boskovice tel.: +420 516 453 330, fax: +420 516 453 330 [email protected], www.vetrelektrar.info/portal Heat Zásobování teplem s.r.o. Sukova 6, 678 01 Blansko tel.: +420 516 498 711, fax: +420 516 417 173 [email protected], www.zt-blansko.cz Techko, spol. s r.o. Bofiitov, 679 21 Bofiitov tel.: +420 516 437 200, fax: +420 516 437 025 [email protected], www.techko.cz Water & Sewage Vodárenská Akciová Spoleãnost, a.s. Podlesí, 680 01 Boskovice tel.: +420 516 453 788 [email protected], www.vodarenska.cz Adavak, s.r.o. NádraÏní 455, 679 04 Adamov tel.: +420 516 446 405, fax: +420 516 446 405 [email protected], www.adavak.cz GrizzlyGas CZ, spol. s r.o. Lidická 710/57, 602 00 Brno-Vevefií tel.: +420 541 214 302, fax: +420 541 214 303 www.grizzlygas.cz Electricity E.ON âeská republika, a.s. Lidická 36, 659 44 Brno tel.: +420 840 111 333 [email protected], www.eon.cz Eneka, s.r.o. Îelezná 5, 619 00 Brno tel.: +420 731 621 846 [email protected], www.eneka.cz Heat Energzet, a.s. Jedovnická 4303/2a, 628 00 Brno-Îidenice tel.: +420 544 120 061, fax: +420 544 120 023 [email protected], www.energzet.cz Teplárny Brno, a.s. OkruÏní 828/25, 638 00 Brno-Lesná tel.: +420 545 161 111, fax: +420 545 169 999 [email protected], www.tepl-brno.cz DISTRICT B¤ECLAV Water & Sewage Brnûnské vodárny a kanalizace, a.s. Hybe‰ova 254/16, 657 33 Brno tel.: +420 543 321 117, fax: +420 543 433 000 [email protected], www.bvk.cz Gas Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Národního odboje 2311/4, 690 02 Bfieclav [email protected], www.rwe-jmp.cz Vodárenská Akciová Spoleãnost, a.s. Sobû‰ická 820/156, 638 00 Brno-Lesná tel.: +420 545 532 111, fax: +420 545 222 820 [email protected], www.vodarenska.cz Flaga âesk˘ Plyn, spol. s r.o. NádraÏní 564/47, 693 01 Hustopeãe tel.: +420 519 407 111, fax: +420 519 415 426 [email protected], www.flagaceskyplyn.cz DISTRICT BRNO-VENKOV Electricity E.ON âeská republika, a.s. Lidická 36, 659 44 Brno tel.: +420 840 111 333 [email protected], www.eon.cz Heat Tedos Mikulov, s.r.o. Republikánské obrany 1584/1, 692 01 Mikulov tel.: +420 519 510 841, fax: +420 519 510 841 [email protected], www.tedos.cz Water & Sewage Vodovody a kanalizace Bfieclav, a.s. âechova 1300/23, 690 02 Bfieclav tel.: +420 519 304 611, fax: +420 519 321 227 [email protected], www.vak-bv.cz Zemûdûlská vodohospodáfiská správa nám. T. G. Masaryka 976/13, 690 02 Bfieclav tel.: +420 519 371 743, fax: +420 723 969 289 [email protected], www.zvhs.cz Gas Qualitest, s.r.o. Zastávecká 371, 665 01 Rosice tel.: +420 546 411 073, fax: +420 546 411 073 [email protected], www.qualitest.cz Jihomoravská plynárenská a.s. Plynárenská 499/1, 657 02 Brno tel.: +420 545 548 111, fax: +420 545 578 571 [email protected], www.jmpas.cz, www.rwe-jmp.cz Electricity E.ON âeská republika, a.s. Lidická 36, 659 44 Brno tel.: +420 840 111 333 [email protected], www.eon.cz e3 vûtrná energie, s.r.o. Brnûnská 404, 664 42 Modfiice tel.: +420 515 229 229 [email protected], www.e3.cz Heat STOS - TZ Brno v.o.s Korejská 3082/4, 616 00 Brno tel.: +420 541 217 324 [email protected] Electricity E.ON âeská republika, a.s. Lidická 36, 659 44 Brno tel.: +420 840 111 333 [email protected], www.eon.cz Tepelné zásobování Brno a.s. Hlinky 135/68, 603 00 Brno tel.: +420 543 424 311, fax: +420 543 211 924 [email protected], www.tezabrno.cz QUANTUM, a.s. Brnûnská 122/212, 682 01 Vy‰kov-Nouzka tel.: +420 517 343 363, fax: +420 517 343 666 [email protected], www.quantumas.cz Water & Sewage Vodárenská Akciová Spoleãnost, a.s. B. M. Kuldy 870/20, 664 91 Ivanãice tel.: +420 546 435 427, fax: +420 606 747 420 www.vodarenska.cz Heat QUANTUM, a.s. Brnûnská 122/212, 682 01 Vy‰kov-Nouzka tel.: +420 517 343 363, fax: +420 517 343 666 [email protected], www.quantumas.cz DISTRICT HODONÍN Water & Sewage QUANTUM, a.s. Brnûnská 122/212, 682 01 Vy‰kov-Nouzka tel.: +420 517 343 363, fax: +420 517 343 666 [email protected], www.quantumas.cz Gas Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Brnûnská 3602/52, 695 01 Hodonín [email protected], www.rwe-jmp.cz Montpetrol, spol. s r.o. Velkomoravská 331/227, 696 18 LuÏice tel.: +420 518 358 382, fax: +420 518 358 382 [email protected], www.montpetrol.com Electricity E.ON âeská republika, a.s. Lidická 36, 659 44 Brno tel.: +420 840 111 333 [email protected], www.eon.cz Vodovody a kanalizace Vy‰kov, a.s. Brnûnská 13, 410, 682 01 Vy‰kov tel.: +420 517 324 930, fax: +420 517 348 066 [email protected], www.vakvyskov.cz DISTRICT ZNOJMO Gas Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Bolzanova 1533/46, 669 02 Znojmo [email protected], www.rwe-jmp.cz âEZ, a.s. U Elektrárny 3066/1, 695 01 Hodonín tel.: +420 511 100 111, fax: +420 511 100 411 [email protected], www.cez.cz AZ - Pokorny, s.r.o. âermákovice 20, 671 73 âermákovice tel.: +420 515 300 111, fax: +420 515 300 110 [email protected], www.az-pokorny.cz Heat Teplo Kyjov, spol. s r.o. Svatoborská 27/4, 697 01 Kyjov tel.: +420 518 612 467 [email protected] Electricity E.ON âeská republika, a.s. Lidická 36, 659 44 Brno tel.: +420 840 111 333 [email protected], www.eon.cz Teplárna Kyjov a.s. Havlíãkova 180/18, 697 01 Kyjov tel.: +420 518 698 712, fax: +420 518 698 713 [email protected] Heat AZ - Pokorny, s.r.o. âermákovice 20, 671 73 âermákovice tel.: +420 515 300 111, fax: +420 515 300 110 [email protected], www.az-pokorny.cz Water & Sewage Vodovody a kanalizace Hodonín, a.s. PurkyÀova 2/2933, 695 11 Hodonín tel.: +420 518 305 911, fax: +420 518 351 221 [email protected], www.vak-hod.cz Zemûdûlská vodohospodáfiská správa Koupelní 3274/19, 695 01 Hodonín tel.: +420 518 352 588 [email protected], www.zvhs.cz DISTRICT VY·KOV Gas Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s. TrÏi‰tû 368/75, 682 01 Vy‰kov-Pfiedmûstí [email protected], www.rwe-jmp.cz QUANTUM, a.s. Brnûnská 122/212, 682 01 Vy‰kov-Nouzka tel.: +420 517 343 363, fax: +420 517 343 666 [email protected], www.quantumas.cz Water & Sewage Vodárenská Akciová Spoleãnost, a.s. Kotkova 2518/20, 669 02 Znojmo tel.: +420 515 282 567, fax: +420 515 225 022 [email protected], www.vodarenska.cz PUBLIC UTILITIES IN THE TERRITORY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC ÚSTÍ REGION DISTRICT CHOMUTOV DISTRICT LITOMù¤ICE Gas Severoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Na Moráni 8, 430 01 Chomutov tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-scp.cz Gas Severoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Eli‰ky Krásnohorské 1717/8, 412 01 Litomûfiice tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-scp.cz Electricity âEZ, a.s. 432 01 KadaÀ-Prunéfiov tel.: +420 471 101 111, fax: +420 471 102 697 [email protected], www.cez.cz Electricity âEZ, a.s. - Dlouh˘ Petr - ELEKTROsluÏby Palackého 8, 412 01 Litomûfiice tel.: 416 594 896 [email protected] Gas Severoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Slovenského národního povstání 1191, 434 01 Most tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-scp.cz Proventi, a.s. Vr‰ovcÛ 1176/23 - P.O.Box 41, 430 01 Chomutov tel.: +420 474 624 733, fax: +420 474 624 733 [email protected], www.proventi.cz Heat Rate s.r.o. Dlouhá 670, 411 08 ·tûtí tel.: +420 416 813 064, fax: +420 416 815 058 [email protected], www.rate-steti.cz Electricity Teplárenská, a.s. Teplárenská 2, 434 01 Most-Komofiany tel.: +420 476 447 205, fax: +420 476 447 401 [email protected], www.teplarenska.cz Teplo - byty s.r.o. Alej 17. listopadu 1101 413 01 Roudnice nad Labem tel.: +420 416 830 554 [email protected] United Energy, a.s. Teplárenská 2, 434 01 Most-Komofiany tel.: +420 476 447 111, fax: +420 476 447 429 [email protected], www.unitedenergy.cz Heat âEZ, a.s. 432 01 KadaÀ-Prunéfiov tel.: +420 471 101 111, fax: +420 471 102 697 [email protected], www.cez.cz Water & Sewage Severoãeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. Moravská 2721/15, 430 03 Chomutov tel.: +420 417 808 111 [email protected], www.scvk.cz DISTRICT DùâÍN Gas Severoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Provaznická 737/12, 405 02 Dûãín tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-scp.cz Electricity ARMEX ENERGY, a.s. Folknáfiská 1246/21, 405 02 Dûãín tel.: +420 412 526 520, fax: +420 412 512 784 [email protected], www.armexenergy.cz âEZ Distribuce, a.s. Teplická 874/8, 405 02 Dûãín IV-Podmokly tel.: +420 411 121 111, fax: +420 411 122 997 [email protected], www.cezdistribuce.cz Heat Termo Dûãín, a.s. Oblouková 958/25, 405 02 Dûãín tel.: +420 412 518 686 [email protected], www.termo-decin.cz Water & Sewage Severoãeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. 5. kvûtna 68, 407 47 Varnsdorf tel.: +420 417 808 111 [email protected], www.scvk.cz Water & Sewage Severoãeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. U Katovny 724/2, 412 01 Litomûfiice-Pfiedmûstí tel.: +420 417 808 111 [email protected], www.scvk.cz DISTRICT LOUNY Gas Severoãeská plynárenská, a.s. - Hagas servis s.r.o. Bene‰e z Loun 132, 440 01 Louny tel.: +420 415 652 722 [email protected], www.rwe-scp.cz Electricity âEZ, a.s. 440 01 V˘‰kov-Poãerady tel.: +420 411 111 111, fax: +420 411 112 298 [email protected], www.cez.cz Supis s.r.o. âeradice 37, 438 01 âeradice tel.: +420 466 676 235 Heat Tepelné hospodáfiství s.r.o. Dvofiákova 549, 439 42 Postoloprty tel.: +420 415 783 297, fax: +420 415 783 297 [email protected], www.tepelnehospodarstvi.w1.cz Îatecká teplárenská Svatováclavská 1020, 438 01 Îatec tel.: +420 415 735 851, fax: +420 415 727 299 [email protected], www.ztas.cz Water & Sewage Severoãeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. ¤íãní, 440 01 Louny tel.: +420 417 808 111 [email protected], www.scvk.cz Water & Sewage Severoãeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. Pfiítkovská 1689/14, 415 01 Teplice tel.: +420 417 808 111, fax: +420 417 562 585 [email protected], www.scvk.cz DISTRICT MOST Severoãeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. ·kolní 467/14, 415 01 Teplice tel.: +420 417 808 111, fax: +420 417 816 595 [email protected], www.scvk.cz Heat DOTERM SERVIS, s.r.o. Javorová 110, 435 13 Mezibofií tel.: +420 476 748 193, fax: +420 476 748 193 [email protected], www.dotermservis.cz Water & Sewage Severoãeské vodovody a kalizace, a.s. Dûlnická 14, 434 01 Most-Velebudice tel.: +420 417 808 111, fax: +420 476 703 664 [email protected], www.scvk.cz Severoãeské vodovody a kalizace, a.s. tfi. BudovatelÛ 2957/108, 434 01 Most tel.: +420 417 808 111 [email protected], www.scvk.cz DISTRICT TEPLICE Gas Severoãeská plynárenská, a.s. PraÏská 1268/121, 415 01 Teplice tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-scp.cz Electricity âEZ, a.s. KfiiÏíkova 1042, 415 01 Teplice tel.: +420 840 840 840, fax: +371 102 008 [email protected], www.cez.cz Heat United Energy, a.s. Teplárenská 2, 434 01 Most-Komofiany tel.: +420 476 447 111, fax: +420 476 447 429 [email protected], www.unitedenergy.cz DISTRICT ÚSTÍ NAD LABEM Gas Severoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Brnûnská 1518/10, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-scp.cz SâP Net s.r.o. Klí‰ská 940/96, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem tel.: +420 475 233 131, fax: +420 475 233 130 [email protected], www.rwe-scpnet.cz Electricity Centropol CZ, a.s. Vaníãkova 1594/1, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem tel.: +420 475 259 444, fax: +420 475 210 208 [email protected], www.www.centropol.cz Heat Dalkia âeská republika, a.s. Edisonova 453, 400 04 Trmice tel.: +420 475 256 363, fax: +420 475 620 579 [email protected], www.dalkia.cz Tepelné hospodáfiství mûsta Ústí nad Labem s.r.o. Malátova 2437/11, 400 11 Ústí nad Labem tel.: +420 472 770 140, fax: +420 472 772 116 [email protected], www.thmu.cz Water & Sewage Severoãeské vodovody a kanalizace, a.s. Masarykova 125/368, 400 10 Ústí nad Labem tel.: +420 417 808 111, fax: +420 475 600 800 [email protected], www.scvk.cz PUBLIC UTILITIES IN THE TERRITORY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC VYSOâINA REGION DISTRICT HAVLÍâKÒV BROD Gas V˘chodoãeská plynárenská, a.s. Svatovojtû‰ská 2835, 580 01 HavlíãkÛv Brod tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-vcp.cz Electricity âEZ, a.s. Humpolecká 488, 580 01 HavlíãkÛv Brod tel.: +420 840 840 840, fax: +420 371 102 008 [email protected], www.cez.cz Heat Teplo HB, s.r.o. Sídli‰tû PraÏská 3551, 580 01 HavlíãkÛv Brod tel.: +420 569 428 461, fax: +420 569 428 189 Water & Sewage Vodovody a kanalizace HavlíãkÛv Brod, a.s. ÎiÏkova 832, 580 01 HavlíãkÛv Brod tel.: +420 569 430 211, fax: +420 569 430 299 [email protected], www.www.vakhb.cz DISTRICT JIHLAVA Heat Jihlavské kotelny s.r.o. Havlíãkova 111, 586 05 Jihlava tel.: +420 567 210 294 [email protected] Electricity âEZ, a.s. 675 56 Dukovany tel.: +420 561 101 111, fax: +420 561 104 980 [email protected], www.cez.cz Electricity Satt, a.s. OkruÏní 1889/11, 591 01 Îìár nad Sázavou 3 tel.: +420 566 654 811, fax: +420 566 623 268 [email protected], www.satt.cz Water & Sewage Vodárenská Akciová Spoleãnost, a.s. ÎiÏkova 1867/93, 586 01 Jihlava tel.: +420 567 569 111, fax: +420 567 308 421 [email protected], www.vodarenska.cz Tedom Energo, s.r.o. V˘ãapy 195, 674 01 V˘ãapy tel.: +420 568 837 111, fax: +420 568 837 100 [email protected], www.energetika.tedom.cz Heat Satt, a.s. OkruÏní 1889/11, 591 01 Îìár nad Sázavou 3 tel.: +420 566 654 811, fax: +420 566 623 268 [email protected], www.satt.cz DISTRICT PELH¤IMOV Electricity E.ON Energie, a.s. U Elektrárny 226, 393 01 Pelhfiimov tel.: +420 840 111 333, fax: +420 387 862 900 [email protected], www.eon.cz Heat Iromez, s.r.o. Pod Náspem 2005, 393 01 Pelhfiimov tel.: +420 565 323 439, fax: +420 565 323 439 [email protected], www.iromez.cz Gas Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Srázná 4788/26, 586 01 Jihlava tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-jmp.cz Water & Sewage Vodak Humpolec, s.r.o. PraÏská 544, 396 01 Humpolec tel.: +420 565 533 381, fax: +420 565 533 307 [email protected], www.vodakhu.cz DISTRICT T¤EBÍâ Electricity KV VENTI, s.r.o. Kosmákova 4795/10, 586 01 Jihlava tel.: +420 774 034 066 [email protected], www.vetrelektrar.cz Gas Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Srázná 4788/26, 586 01 Jihlava tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-jmp.cz Heat Tepelné hospodáfiství, s.r.o. Jiráskova 767, 675 71 Námû‰È nad Oslavou tel.: +420 568 620 447 Tedom Energo, s.r.o. V˘ãapy 195, 674 01 V˘ãapy tel.: +420 568 837 111, fax: +420 568 837 100 [email protected], www.energetika.tedom.cz Water & Sewage Vodárenská Akciová Spoleãnost, a.s. Kubi‰ova 1172/11, 674 01 Tfiebíã tel.: +420 568 899 111, fax: +420 568 849 849 [email protected], www.vodarenska.cz Novomûstská teplárenská, a.s. Hornická 973, 592 31 Nové Mûsto na Moravû tel.: +420 566 617 004, fax: +420 566 617 274 [email protected], www.nmp.cz Water & Sewage Vodárenská Akciová Spoleãnost, a.s. Studentská 1133/3, 591 01 Îìár nad Sázavou 4 tel.: +420 566 651 111, fax: +420 566 651 195 [email protected], www.vodarenska.cz DISTRICT ÎëÁR NAD SÁZAVOU Gas Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Vysocká 1378/3, 591 01 Îìár nad Sázavou 5 tel.: +420 840 113 355 [email protected], www.rwe-jmp.cz ZLÍN REGION DISTRICT KROMù¤ÍÎ DISTRICT UHERSKÉ HRADI·Tù DISTRICT VSETÍN Gas Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Na Sádkách 2776/6, 767 01 KromûfiíÏ [email protected], www.rwe-jmp.cz Gas Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Solná cesta 278, 686 01 Uherské Hradi‰tû [email protected], www.rwe-jmp.cz Electricity Sate Hulín, s.r.o. DruÏba 1198, 768 24 Hulín tel.: +420 573 350 167, fax: +420 573 350 167 [email protected] Electricity E.ON âeská republika, a.s. Lidická 36, 659 44 Brno tel.: +420 840 111 333 [email protected], www.eon.cz Gas Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Plynárenská 499/1, 657 02 Brno tel.: +420 545 548 111, fax: +420 545 578 571 [email protected], [email protected], www.jmpas.cz E.ON âeská republika, a.s. Lidická 36, 659 44 Brno tel.: +420 840 111 333 [email protected], www.eon.cz Heat Panorama Teplo a Servis nemovitostí, s.r.o. Horní valy 2074, 688 01 Uhersk˘ Brod tel.: +420 572 632 011, fax: +420 572 632 075 [email protected], www.panoramasbd.cz Heat Sate Hulín, s.r.o. DruÏba 1198, 768 24 Hulín tel.: +420 573 350 167, fax: +420 573 350 167 [email protected] CTZ, s.r.o. Sokolovská 572, 686 01 Uherské Hradi‰tû tel.: +420 572 579 305, fax: +420 572 551 825 [email protected] Water & Sewage Glasspol, spol. s r.o. Mal˘ val 1541/45, 767 01 KromûfiíÏ tel.: +420 573 331 277, fax: +420 573 338 206 [email protected], www.glasspol.cz Water & Sewage Slovácké vodárny a kanalizace, a.s. Za Ol‰ávkou 290, 686 01 Uherské Hradi‰tû tel.: +420 572 530 111 [email protected], www.svkuh.cz Vodovody a kanalizace KromûfiíÏ, a.s. Kojetínská 3666/64, 767 01 KromûfiíÏ tel.: +420 573 517 111, fax: +420 573 517 501 [email protected], www.vak-km.cz Zemûdûlská vodohospodáfiská správa NádraÏní 27, 686 01 Uherské Hradi‰tû tel.: +420 572 551 340 [email protected], www.zvhs.cz Electricity Energoaqua, a.s. 1. máje 823, 756 61 RoÏnov pod Radho‰tûm tel.: +420 571 844 389, fax: +420 571 842 692 [email protected], www.energoaqua.cz Heat Energoaqua, a.s. 1. máje 823, 756 61 RoÏnov pod Radho‰tûm tel.: +420 571 844 389, fax: +420 571 842 692 [email protected], www.energoaqua.cz Zásobování teplem Vsetín, a.s. Jiráskova 1326, 755 01 Vsetín tel.: +420 571 815 111, fax: +420 571 815 405 [email protected], www.vsteplo.cz Water & Sewage Zemûdûlská vodohospodáfiská správa Kollárova 765, 757 01 Vala‰ské Mezifiíãí tel.: +420 571 621 543 [email protected], www.zvhs.cz DISTRICT ZLÍN Gas Jihomoravská plynárenská, a.s. Vodní 4067, 760 01 Zlín [email protected], www.rwe-jmp.cz Atel Energetika Zlín, s.r.o. tfiída Tomá‰e Bati 650, 760 01 Zlín fax: +420 577 523 538 [email protected], www.mote.cz Electricity Atel Energetika Zlín, s.r.o. tfiída Tomá‰e Bati 650, 760 01 Zlín fax: +420 577 523 538 [email protected], www.mote.cz Energetika Malenovice, a.s. Tfiída 3. kvûtna 1173, 763 02 Zlín tel.: +420 577 533 111, fax: +420 577 103 306 [email protected], www.energetikamalenovice.cz Heat Teplárna Otrokovice, a.s. Objízdná 1777, 765 02 Otrokovice tel.: +420 577 649 111, fax: +420 577 921 600 [email protected], www.tot.cz Teplo Zlín, a.s. DruÏstevní 4651, 760 05 Zlín tel.: +420 577 001 116, fax: +420 577 242 585 [email protected] Water & Sewage Zlínská vodárenská, a.s. tfiída Tomá‰e Bati 383, 763 02 Zlín tel.: +420 800 100 063, fax: +420 577 124 264 [email protected], www.zlv.cz Zemûdûlská vodohospodáfiská správa ·kolní 3362, 760 01 Zlín tel.: +420 577 210 594, +420 607 847 276 [email protected], www.zvhs.cz LIST OF SCHOOLS IN CENTRAL BOHEMIA Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Students Academia Rerum Civilium – Vysoká ‰kola politick˘ch a spoleãensk˘ch vûd, s. r. o. [email protected] www.vspsv.cz Stfiedoãesk˘ vysoko‰kolsk˘ institut s. r. o. [email protected] www.svikladno.cz Politics Bc. 435 Marketing, economics and management Bc. ·KODA AUTO a. s. Vysoká ‰kola [email protected] www.savs.cz Automotive industry, economics 355 Bc., Mgr. 568 CMC Graduate School of Business o.p.s. [email protected] www.cmc.cz Variety of programmes MBA 108 [email protected] www.hsvos.cz Management of tourism DiS. 170 Universities Higher schools Hotelová ‰kola, VO· hotelnictví a turismu a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky Obchodní akademie a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola [email protected] www.oapb.cz Economics and finance DiS. 83 Obchodní akademie, Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola ekonomická a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky [email protected] www.oamb.cz Finance DiS. 189 Soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola územnû-správní a stfiední hotelová ‰kola s. r. o. [email protected] www.svoskladno.cz Finance, Social work, Managemenent DiS. Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Kladno [email protected] www.spskladno.cz Engineering DiS. Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Pfiíbram [email protected] www.spspb.cz IT DiS. Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická Kladno [email protected] www.svzskladno.cz Nursing DiS. Svatojánská kolej – VO· pedagogická [email protected] www.svatojanskakolej.cz Pedagogy DiS. SZ· a VO· zdravotnická Pfiíbram [email protected] www.szs.pb.cz Nursing, rescue work DiS. Teologick˘ semináfi Církve adventistÛ sedmého dne – Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola teologická a pastoraãnû sociální [email protected] www.tscasd.cz Theology DiS. VO·, SP· a OA, âáslav [email protected] www.sps-caslav.cz Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola – Diplomovan˘ oãní technik, s. r. o. [email protected] Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborná ‰kola, Bfieznice [email protected] www.sbrez.cz Variety of programmes DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola MILLS, s. r. o. [email protected] www.cmail.cz Variety of programmes DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední zemûdûlská ‰kola Bene‰ov [email protected] www.zemsbn.cz Farming business DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola misijní a teologická [email protected] www.vosmt.cz Theology DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zahradnická a Stfiední zahradnická ‰kola [email protected] www.zas-me.cz Gardencraft DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky [email protected] www.vos-kh.cz Automation technique DiS. 1. Kladenská soukromá stfiední odborná ‰kola (1.K·PA), s.r.o. [email protected] www.1kspa.cz Office Work, Statutory Gymnázium a Stfiední odborná ‰kola ekonomická [email protected] www.goasedlcany.cz General, Commercial Dvofiákovo gymnázium a Stfiední odborná ‰kola ekonomická [email protected] www.kralupy.cz/dg General, Commercial EDUCAnet - Soukromé gymnázium Kladno, s.r.o. [email protected] www.kladno.educanet.cz General, Technics Management of company DiS. Optics DiS. 51 83 189 310 76 73 High schools Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola Stanislava Kubra [email protected] www.issstredokluky.cz Business, Statutory, Gardener Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola technická, Bene‰ov [email protected] www.isstbn.cz Technics, Mechanic, Electric 531 468 348 Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola technická, Rakovník [email protected] isstrakovnik.cz Technics, Engineering, Electric 260 Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola technická, Mûlník [email protected] www.isstechn.cz Technics, Management, Mechanic, Business 329 Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola, Jesenice [email protected] issjesenice.net Gardener, Farmer, Business 110 Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola, Mladá Boleslav [email protected] www.issnakar.cz Business, Commercial, Shop Assistant Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola, Rakovník [email protected] sweb.cz/issrakovnik Business, Management, Woodwork Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola, Sadská [email protected] www.ousadska.cz Glas, Chef, Painter Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola, Slan˘ [email protected] www.iss-slany.cz Technics, Mechanic, Chef, Shop Assistant 320 ManaÏerská akademie [email protected] www.maberoun.cz Commercial, Statutory 176 Masarykova obchodní akademie, Rakovník [email protected] www.moarako.cz Economics, Commercial Obchodní akademie Vla‰im [email protected] www.vlasimoa.cz Economics, Commercial Obchodní akademie Kolín [email protected] www.oakolin.eu Commercial Obchodní akademie a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola [email protected] www.oapb.cz Economics, Commercial Obchodní akademie Dr. Edvarda Bene‰e [email protected] www.oaslany.cz Commercial 359 Obchodní akademie Neveklov [email protected] www.oaneveklov.cz Economics, Commercial, Management 300 Obchodní akademie, Lysá nad Labem, Komenského 1534 [email protected] www.oalysa.cz Economics, Commercial 224 Obchodní akademie, Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola ekonomická a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky, Mladá Boleslav [email protected] www.oamb.cz Economics, Commercial, Education Obchodní akademie, Stfiední pedagogická ‰kola a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky [email protected] www.oaberoun.cz Economics, Commercial Odborná stfiední ‰kola podnikatelská Kolín s.r.o. [email protected], [email protected] www.sspos.cz Economics, Informatics, Business SO· a SOU Beroun - Hlinky [email protected] www.soshlinky.cz Building, Mechanic, Electric, Business 870 SO· a SOU fiemesel [email protected] www.soukh.cz Statutory, Mechanic, Business 850 360 355 360 300 Soukromá obchodní akademie, o.p.s. [email protected] www.soaneratovice.cz Business, Commercial 250 Soukromá podnikatelská stfiední ‰kola Mûlník, o. p. s. [email protected] www.sspos-melnik.cz Business 115 Soukromá stfiední odborná ‰kola ITEC [email protected] www.itecskola.cz Road Transport 40 Soukromé stfiední odborné uãili‰tû a odborné uãili‰tû Sedlãany, o.p.s. [email protected] www.souch.sedlcany.cz Technics, Mechanic, Locksmithery 130 Stfiední odborná ‰kola âesk˘ Brod [email protected] www.sos-cebrod.cz Informatics, Business 220 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a stfiední odborné uãili‰tû Kralupy nad Vltavou [email protected] www.home.karneval.cz/ 00003090/ Informatics, Mechanic, Chemistry 264 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû Odolena Voda [email protected] www.sps-souodovoda.cz Mechanic, Informatics, Engineering Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Dubno [email protected] www.dubno.cz Technics, Mechanic Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Neratovice [email protected] www.sosasou.cz Statutory, Mechanic, Chef Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû TOS âelákovice, s.r.o. [email protected] www.skolatos.celakovice.cz Business, Technic, Mechanic, Engineering Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Horky nad Jizerou [email protected] www.souhorky.cz Business, Farmer, Chef, Waiter Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Kladno, Dubská [email protected] www.sou-dubska.cz Technics, Mechanic, Work with Cars Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Mladá Boleslav [email protected] www.odbskmb.cz Technics, Statutory, Electric, Business Stfiední odborná ‰kola a stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Nymburk [email protected] www.copnb.cz Technics, Engineering, Mechanic Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Kladno [email protected] www.sou-hvezda.cz Building, Woodwork Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Vla‰im [email protected] www.sou-vlasim.cz Business, Mechanic, Chef, Hotel [email protected] www.soshorovice.cz Technics, Informatics, Science, Engineering Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Hofiovice 530 360 680 395 411 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz, Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports, www.msmt.cz LIST OF SCHOOLS IN HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ REGION Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Students [email protected] www.uhk.cz Variety of programmes Bc., Mgr., Ing., Ph.D. 7,000 âesko-anglické gymnázium, vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a stfiední odborná ‰kola podnikatelská, s. r. o. [email protected] www.voshk.cz Businessman for the shops and services DiS. 120 OA, VO· cestovního ruchu a J· s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky, s. r. o. [email protected] VO· a SP· [email protected] www.soavoshk.cz Tourism DiS. 98 www.vos-sps-jicin.cz Engineering DiS. VO· rozvoje venkova [email protected] 60 www.szes-horice.cz Rural renewal and development DiS. 195 Universities Univerzita Hradec Králové Higher schools VO· stavební a SP· stavební arch. Jana Letzela [email protected] www.voss-na.cz Building DiS. 404 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborná ‰kola, Nov˘ BydÏov [email protected] www.sosnb.cz Accountancy DiS. 76 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola lesnická a Stfiední lesnická ‰kola [email protected] www.slstrutnov.cz Forestry DiS. 34 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola technicko-ekonomická [email protected] www.vosrk.cz Economics DiS. 126 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická a Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola [email protected] www.zshk.cz Health care DiS. 250 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Kostelec nad Orlicí [email protected] www.szeskostelec.cz Seed shop and breeding work DiS. 50 Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola, Nová Paka [email protected] www.issnp.cz Technics, Mechanic, Electric Masarykova obchodní akademie [email protected] www.moa-jc.cz Informatics, Commercial Obchodní akademie, Hofiice [email protected] www.isso.cz Business, Commercial, Shop Assistant Obchodní akademie, Náchod [email protected] www.oanachod.cz Informatics, Commercial Obchodní akademie a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky, Hradec Králové [email protected] www.oahk.cz Economics, Commercial 432 Obchodní akademie T. G. Masaryka, Kostelec nad Orlicí [email protected] www.oakostelec.cz Economics, Commercial, Informatics 366 Obchodní akademie, odborná ‰kola a praktická ‰kola pro tûlesnû postiÏené, Jánské Láznû [email protected] www.oajl.cz Commercial 101 284 High schools Obchodní akademie, Trutnov [email protected] www.oatrutnov.cz Commercial Obchodní akademie, Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola cestovního ruchu a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky,s.r.o., Hradec Králové [email protected] www.soavoshk.cz Economics, Commercial 302 Soukromá stfiední ‰kola podnikatelská - Altman, s.r.o. [email protected] www.sposka.cz Business Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Nové Mûsto nad Metují [email protected] www.sossou-nm.cz Business, Mechanic, Chef, Waiter Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Hradec Králové [email protected] www.hradebni.cz Informatics, Technic, Mechanic, Electric Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Hradec Králové [email protected] www.sosasou-vocelova.cz Building, Road Transport, Work with Cars Stfiední ‰kola technická a fiemeslná, Nov˘ BydÏov [email protected] www.sosnbsou.cz Mechanic, Electric, Road Transport 670 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Vrchlabí [email protected] www.sossou.cz Mechanic, Chef, Locksmithery 260 730 703 Stfiední odborná ‰kola podnikatelská Trutnov, s.r.o. [email protected] www.sosptu.cz Business Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Láznû Bûlohrad [email protected] www.soulb.cz Business, Metal Cutting 268 Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû a Stfiední odborná ‰kola SâMSD, Hronov, s.r.o. [email protected] www.hshronov.cz Commercial, Bussines, Management, Hotel 560 Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû obchodu a fiemesel, Rychnov nad KnûÏnou [email protected] www.sou-rk.cz Business, Engineering, Work with Cars 530 Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola, Nové Mûsto nad Metují [email protected] www.spsnome.cz Informatics, Engineering, Technics 308 Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola [email protected] www.spshronov.cz Technics, Mechanic, Engineering 416 Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola elektrotechniky a informaãních technologií, Dobru‰ka [email protected] www.spse.dobruska.cz Technics, Informatics Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola stavební, Hradec Králové [email protected] www.spsstavhk.cz Technics, Building, Geodetics Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola, Hradec Králové [email protected] www.spshk.cz Technics, Building, Engineering, Informatics 582 Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola, Trutnov [email protected] www.spstrutnov.cz Technics, Building, Engineering Stfiední ‰kola - Podorlické vzdûlávací centrum, Dobru‰ka [email protected] www.sspvc.cz Informatics, Mechanic, Business, Metal Cutting Stfiední ‰kola aplikované kybernetiky s.r.o., Hradec Králové [email protected] www.ssakhk.cz Graphics, Informatics 440 Stfiední ‰kola informatiky a sluÏeb, DvÛr Králové nad Labem [email protected] www.ssis.cz Informatics, Chemistry, Hotel, Hairdresser 545 115 Stfiední ‰kola lesnická a zemûdûlská Svoboda nad Úpou [email protected] www.sslz.cz Mechanization V˘chovn˘ ústav, stfiední ‰kola a ‰kolní jídelna www.vuhostinne.cz www.vuhostinne.cz Building 41 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborná ‰kola, Nov˘ BydÏov [email protected] www.sosnb.cz Business, Commercial 300 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola, Jiãín [email protected] www.vos-sps-jicin.cz Technics, Informatics, Engineering Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola rozvoje venkova a Stfiední zemûdûlská ‰kola [email protected] www.szes-horice.cz Business, Science Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola stavební a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola stavební arch. Jana Letzela [email protected] www.voss-na.cz Building, Technics, Woodwork Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola technicko-ekonomická a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola Rychnov nad KnûÏnou [email protected] www.vosrk.cz Technics, Engineering, Road Transport Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû [email protected] www.szeskostelec.cz Business, Science, Mechanic Stfiední ‰kola zahradnická [email protected] www.zahradnicka-skola-kopidlno.cz Gardener [email protected] www.gymjc.cz General Lepafiovo gymnázium 390 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz, Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports, www.msmt.cz LIST OF SCHOOLS IN KARLOVY VARY REGION Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Students [email protected] www.vskv.cz Law, public administration Bc. 1,200 [email protected] www.voskv.cz Tourism DiS. 186 Soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola územnû-správní a stfiední hotelová ‰kola s. r. o. Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í zdravotnická ‰kola Karlovy Vary [email protected] www.svoskladno.cz Social work, self government DiS. [email protected] www.szsvzskv.cz/portal/ Health care Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Karlovy Vary DiS. 95 [email protected] www.pedgym-kv.cz Social pedagogy DiS. 64 Universities Vysoká ‰kola Karlovy Vary, o. p. s. Higher schools Obchodní akademie, vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola cestovního ruchu a jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky Karlovy Vary High schools Evropské jazykové gymnázium, s.r.o. [email protected] www.ejg.wz.cz Languages Gymnázium, Cheb [email protected] www.gymcheb.cz General 750 15 Gymnázium, Sokolov [email protected] www.gymso.cz General 606 Gymnázium a obchodní akademie, Chodov [email protected] www.volweb.cz/oachodov/ General, Economics, Commercial Gymnázium a obchodní akademie Mariánské Láznû [email protected] www.gyml.cz General, Economics, Commercial 660 Gymnázium a stfiední odborná ‰kola A‰ [email protected] www.gymsos.com General, Technics, Management of cloth 396 Gymnázium Ostrov [email protected] www.gymostrov.cz General Hotelová ‰kola Mariánské Láznû [email protected] www.hotelovaskola.cz Hotel, Confectioner, Chef, Waiter Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola Cheb [email protected] www.iss-cheb.cz Variety of Programmes 1,684 Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola technická a ekonomická Sokolov [email protected] www.isste.cz Variety of Programmes 1,100 Jezdecká akademie-SO· Mariánské Láznû s.r.o. [email protected] www.jezdeckaakademie.cz /index+.php Horseman Obchodní akademie, VO· cestovního ruchu a jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky K. Vary [email protected] www.oakv.cz Economics, Commercial 405 Odborné uãili‰tû, Horní Slavkov [email protected] www.ouhornislavkov.cz/ Building, Locksmithery, Chef 120 První ãeské gymnázium v Karlov˘ch Varech [email protected] www.gymkvary.cz General 720 SdruÏení pro ãinnost Prvního soukromého stfiedního odborného uãili‰tû drogistického [email protected] web.quick.cz/soudrog Shop Assistant, Promotion, Photographer SO· obchodu, provozu hotelÛ a SOU, s.r.o. Karlovy Vary [email protected] www.sssou.cz Management, Hotel, Cosmetician, Hairdresser SOU stravování a sluÏeb Karlovy Vary [email protected] www.sou-stravovani.cz/ Chef, Waiter 173 Soukromá obchodní akademie Podnikatel, s.r.o. K. Vary [email protected] www.soapodnikatel.cz Commercial 225 Soukromá obchodní akademie Sokolov, s.r.o. [email protected] www.e-soas.com Commercial 201 Soukromé gymnázium a základní ‰kola Mánesova v Sokolovû s. r. o. [email protected] www.skolamanesova.cz Subjects od Science 900 27 415 Stfiední lesnická ‰kola Îlutice [email protected] www.slszlutice.cz Forestry 183 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a stfiední odborné uãili‰tû Nejdek [email protected] www.sosnejdek.cz Engineering, Tailor, Chef 326 Stfiední odborná ‰kola Karlovy Vary, s.r.o. [email protected] www.sou-kv.cz Electrotechnics, Woodwork, Work with Cars 145 Stfiední odborná ‰kola logistická a SOU Dalovice [email protected] www.logistickaskola.cz/ Logistics 258 Stfiední odborná ‰kola pedagogická, gymnázium a VO· Karlovy Vary [email protected] www.pedskolakv.cz Education, Gym, Aesthetics 450 Stfiední odborná ‰kola stavební Karlovy Vary [email protected] www.stavebniskolakv.cz/ Building, Woodwork Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû TouÏim [email protected] www.souz-touzim.cz Work with Cars, Chef, Gardener 150 Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola keramická a skláfiská Karlovy Vary [email protected] www.spskkv.cz Ceramics, Glasses 399 Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola Loket [email protected] www.spsloket.cz Building, Informatics 338 Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola Ostrov [email protected] www.spsostrov.cz/ Electrotechnics, Engineering, Work with Cars Stfiední ‰kola Ïivnostenská, Sokolov [email protected] NA Variety of Trades 733 1,300 Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a VO· zdravotnická Karlovy Vary [email protected] www.szsvzskv.cz Health 383 Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola Cheb [email protected] www.szscheb.cz Health 257 Stfiední zemûdûlská ‰kola Dalovice [email protected] www.szes-dalovice.cz Gardening, Business 120 Svobodná chebská ‰kola, Základní ‰kola a Gymnázium s.r.o. [email protected] www.schs.cz General 115 373 TRIVIS- Stfiední ‰kola vefiejnoprávní Karlovy Vary, s.r.o. [email protected] www.trivis-kv.cz Statutory Základní ‰kola a Praktická ‰kola A‰ [email protected] NA Utility 20 Základní ‰kola, M· a praktická ‰kola Karlovy Vary [email protected] NA Utility 10 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz, Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports, www.msmt.cz LIST OF SCHOOLS IN LIBEREC REGION Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation [email protected] www.tul.cz Variety of Programmes Titles awarded Students Bc., Mgr., Ph.D., BcA., 8,000 Universities Technická univerzita v Liberci Ing. arch., Ing. Higher schools SP·SE a VO· [email protected] www.pslib.cz Computer Systems DiS. Stfiední ‰kola právní a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola právní, s. r. o. [email protected] www.prak.cz Social, Law DiS. 64 Stfiední umûleckoprÛmyslová ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola [email protected] www.supsavos.cz Manufacture of coins DiS. 16 Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická [email protected] www.szsvzslib.hiedu.cz Nursing DiS. 80 SUP· a VO· [email protected] www.sups.info Restoring Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola hospodáfiská, s. r. o. [email protected] www.vosh.lvi.cz Taxes, Accountancy DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola mezinárodního obchodu a Obchodní akademie [email protected] www.vosmoa.cz International Commercial Relations, Insurance DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola skláfiská a Stfiední ‰kola, Nov˘ Bor [email protected] www.glassschool.cz Glass Making DiS. DiS., Bc. 53 High schools Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola, Vysoká nad Jizerou [email protected] www.iss-vysokenj.cz Variety of Programmes Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola, Turnov [email protected] www.issturnov.cz Variety of Programmes 414 Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola, Semily [email protected] www.iss.ipnet.cz Variety of Programmes 430 Obchodní akademie a Hotelová ‰kola, Turnov [email protected] www.oahs.cz Tourism, economics 360 SOUKROMÁ HOTELOVÁ ·KOLA HERGESELL spol. s r.o. [email protected] shs-hergesell.cz Tourism, economics 167 Soukromá stfiední podnikatelská ‰kola âeská Lípa v.o.s. [email protected] www.ssposcl.cz Enterprise Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Gymnázium, Liberec [email protected] www.issboj.cz Variety of Programmes 870 1,214 93 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, âeská Lípa [email protected] www.skolalipa.cz Variety of Programmes Stfiední odborná ‰kola, âeská Lípa [email protected] www.szes.clnet.cz Variety of Programmes 320 Stfiední odborná ‰kola, Liberec [email protected] www.oups.liberec.net Variety of Programmes 340 Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû nábytkáfiské, s.r.o. [email protected] www.spsn-lbc.cz Variety of Programmes 480 Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola stavební, Liberec [email protected] www.stavlib.hiedu.cz Variety of Programmes 420 Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola strojní a elektrotechnická a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Liberec [email protected] www.pslib.cz Variety of Programmes 682 Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola technická [email protected] www.bejasko.cz Variety of Programmes 580 Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola textilní, Liberec [email protected] www.spstliberec.net Textile Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola, âeská Lípa [email protected] www.sps-cl.cz Engineering Stfiední ‰kola gastronomie a sluÏeb, Liberec [email protected] www.sos-gs.cz Variety of Programmes 390 Stfiední ‰kola hospodáfiská a lesnická, Fr˘dlant [email protected] www.soufrydlant.cz Variety of Programmes Stfiední ‰kola Lomnice nad Popelkou [email protected] www.skola-lomnice.cz Variety of Programmes 1,140 Stfiední ‰kola právní a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola právní, s.r.o. [email protected] www.prak.cz Variety of Programmes Stfiední ‰kola fiemesel a sluÏeb, Jablonec nad Nisou [email protected] www.sosjbc.cz Variety of Programmes Stfiední ‰kola strojní, stavební a dopravní, Liberec [email protected] www.isssro-lb.cz Variety of Programmes Stfiední ‰kola tvorby a designu nábytku, s.r.o. [email protected] www.spsn-lbc.cz Production of furnishings Stfiední ‰kola umûleckofiemeslná a odûvní Liberec, s.r.o. [email protected] www.ssuo.net Textile Stfiední umûlecká ‰kola v Liberci s.r.o. [email protected] www.suslbc.cz Plastic arts and painting Stfiední umûleckoprÛmyslová ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Turnov [email protected] www.sups.info Variety of Programmes Stfiední umûleckoprÛmyslová ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Jablonec nad Nisou [email protected] www.supsavos.cz Variety of Programmes Stfiední umûleckoprÛmyslová ‰kola skláfiská Kamenick˘ ·enov [email protected] www.supss.clnet.cz Glass-work 90 Stfiední umûleckoprÛmyslová ‰kola skláfiská, Îelezn˘ Brod [email protected] www.supss.cz Glass-work 196 Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola, Turnov [email protected] www.szsturnov.cz Health care Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická, Liberec [email protected] www.szs-lib.cz Health care Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola mezinárodního obchodu a Obchodní akademie, Jablonec nad Nisou [email protected] www.vosmoa.cz Economics Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola skláfiská a Stfiední ‰kola [email protected] www.glassschool.cz Variety of Programmes Základní ‰kola a Stfiední ‰kola waldorfská [email protected] waldorf.semily.cz Lyceum Euro‰kola âeská Lípa stfiední odborná ‰kola s.r.o. [email protected] www.euroskola.cz Variety of Programmes Gymnázium, Turnov [email protected] www.gytu.cz General education 367 Gymnázium a Stfiední odborná ‰kola, Jilemnice [email protected] www.gymjil.cz Variety of Programmes 490 Gymnázium a Stfiední odborná ‰kola pedagogická, Liberec [email protected] www.jergym.cz Variety of Programmes 651 Gymnázium F. X. ·aldy, Liberec [email protected] www.gfxs.cz General education 642 Gymnázium Ivana Olbrachta [email protected] www.giosm.cz General education 360 Gymnázium Tanvald [email protected] www.gymtan.cz General education 360 109 120 360 73 Gymnázium, âeská Lípa [email protected] www.gym-cl.cz General education 560 Gymnázium, Jablonec nad Nisou [email protected] www.sportgym.cz General education 474 [email protected] www.gymjbc.cz General education 358 Gymnázium, Jablonec nad Nisou Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz, Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports, www.msmt.cz LIST OF SCHOOLS IN MORAVIA-SILESIA REGION Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded NEWPORT UNIVERSITY, spol. s r.o. [email protected] www.newportu.cz Variety of programmes BBA, MBA, DBA, Ph.D. Ostravská univerzita v Ostravû [email protected] www.osu.cz Variety of programmes Bc., Mgr., BcA., MgA., Ph.D. Students Universities 235 8,682 Slezská univerzita v Opavû [email protected] www.slu.cz Variety of programmes Bc., Mgr., Ph.D. 4,757 Vysoká ‰kola báÀská – Technická univerzita Ostrava [email protected] www.vsb.cz Variety of programmes Bc., Mgr., Ph.D. 21,683 Vysoká ‰kola podnikání, a. s. [email protected] www.vsp.cz Informatics, Management, Internet Bc., Mgr., Ing. 2,700 AHOL – Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola o. p. s. [email protected] www.ahol.cz Finance, Computer Technology System of Insurance, Travel Movement DiS. 282 GOODWILL – vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, s. r. o. [email protected] www.vos-goodwill.cz Travel Movement, Foreign Trade DiS. 465 Masarykova stfiední ‰kola zemûdûlská a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Opava [email protected] www.zemedelka.opava.cz Politics of agriculture DiS. 36 Obchodní akademie a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola sociální, Ostrava-Mariánské Hory [email protected] www.voss-ova.cz Social-Work DiS. 290 SO· poÏární ochrany a VO· poÏární ochrany ve Fr˘dku-Místku [email protected] www.sospofm.cz Firefighting DiS. 91 Soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola podnikatelská, s. r. o. [email protected] www.eco.cz Management, Economics DiS. 125 Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická, Ostrava [email protected] www.zdrav-ova.cz Assistant of Pharmacy, Dental Technicial VO· a Hotelová ‰kola Opava [email protected] www.vosahs.cz Hotel Business, Tourism Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola Dakol a Stfiední ‰kola Dakol, o. p. s. [email protected] www.dakol-karvina.cz Business Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola Havífiov s. r. o. [email protected] www.obaka-havirov.cz Gastronomy, Public Service Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Kopfiivnice [email protected] www.voskop.cz Economics, Management, Engineering Higher schools DiS. 307 DiS., Bc. 220 DiS. 72 DiS., Bc. DiS. 179 High schools AHOL - Stfiední odborná ‰kola, s.r.o. [email protected] www.ahol.cz Variety of Programmes AHOL - Stfiední ‰kola gastronomie, turismu a lázeÀství [email protected] www.ahol.cz Gastronomy 360 EDUCA - Stfiední odborná ‰kola, s.r.o. [email protected] www.educa-sos.eu Variety of Programmes Hotelová ‰kola a Obchodní akademie Havífiov s.r.o. [email protected] www.obaka-havirov.cz Gastronomy, economy IUVENTAS - Soukromé gymnázium a Stfiední odborná ‰kola, s.r.o. [email protected] www.iuventas.cz Variety of Programmes Masarykova stfiední ‰kola zemûdûlská a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Opava [email protected] www.zemedelka.opava.cz Variety of Programmes Mendelova stfiední ‰kola, Nov˘ Jiãín [email protected] mendelova-stredni.cz Variety of Programmes 1,200 Obchodní akademie a Stfiední zemûdûlská ‰kola, Bruntál [email protected] www.oaz.cz Variety of Programmes 330 Obchodní akademie a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola sociální, Ostrava-Mariánské Hory [email protected] www.oao.cz Variety of Programmes 870 Obchodní akademie Karviná, s.r.o. [email protected] www.obaka-karvina.cz Economy 325 Obchodní akademie, âesk˘ Tû‰ín [email protected] www.obaka-cestesin.cz Economy 530 Obchodní akademie, Fr˘dek-Místek [email protected] www.oafm.cz Economy 470 Obchodní akademie, Opava [email protected] www.oa-opava.cz Economy Odborné uãili‰tû a Praktická ‰kola, Hluãín [email protected] www.ouhlucin.wz.cz Variety of Programmes Odborné uãili‰tû a Praktická ‰kola, Nov˘ Jiãín [email protected] www.ouaprs.com Variety of Programmes RB Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû autoopravárenské, s.r.o. [email protected] www.souauto.cz Motor-car repair Soukromá stfiední odborná ‰kola Fr˘dek-Místek,s.r.o. [email protected] www.ssosfm.cz Social-work 67 200 Soukromá stfiední odborná ‰kola ochrany osob a majetku, s.r.o. [email protected] www.ssosoom-karvina.cz Variety of Programmes Soukromá stfiední odborná ‰kola PRIMA s.r.o. [email protected] www.prima.skolniweb.cz Variety of Programmes 240 Soukromá stfiední podnikatelská ‰kola s.r.o. [email protected] www.podnikatelskaskola.cz Business, economy 493 Soukromá stfiední ‰kola podnikatelská Fr˘dek-Místek, s.r.o. [email protected] www.sssp.cz Business 155 Soukromá stfiední ‰kola PRAKTIK s.r.o. [email protected] www.uciliste-hb.cz Variety of Programmes 288 Soukromá stfiední umûlecká ‰kola AVE ART Ostrava, s.r.o. [email protected] www.aveart.cz Variety of Programmes Soukromá stfiední umûleckoprÛmyslová ‰kola odûvní s.r.o. [email protected] www.sumprumodevni.cz Variety of Programmes Soukromá tfiinecká obchodní akademie a hotelová ‰kola,spol.s r.o. [email protected] www.tria-tr.cz Economy, gastronomy 105 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû podnikání a sluÏeb [email protected] www.sos.jablunkov.cz Variety of Programmes 474 Stfiední odborná ‰kola dopravní a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû [email protected] www.sosd.cz Variety of Programmes 840 310 Stfiední odborná ‰kola dopravy a cestovního ruchu [email protected] www.sos-dcr.cz Variety of Programmes Stfiední odborná ‰kola NET OFFICE Orlová, spol.s r.o. [email protected] www.nosch.cz IT Stfiední odborná ‰kola ochrany osob a majetku, s.r.o. [email protected] sosoomostrava.info Variety of Programmes Stfiední odborná ‰kola poÏární ochrany a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola poÏární ochrany Ministerstva vnitra [email protected] www.sospofm.cz Fire prevention Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû "BARON SCHOOL" spol. s r.o. [email protected] www.baronschool.cz Variety of Programmes Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû DAKOL, s r.o. [email protected] www.dakol-karvina.cz Variety of Programmes Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû stavební [email protected] www.soustop.cz Variety of Programmes Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola, Karviná [email protected] www.sps-karvina.cz Variety of Programmes Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola elektrotechnická, Havífiov [email protected] www.sselek-havirov.cz Variety of Programmes 364 Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola elektrotechniky a informatiky Ostrava [email protected] www.spseiostrava.cz Variety of Programmes 797 Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola chemická akademika Heyrovského a Gymnázium [email protected] www.chemgym.cz Variety of Programmes Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola stavební, Havífiov [email protected] www.ssstav-havirov.cz Variety of Programmes 232 59 1,076 461 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz, Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports, www.msmt.cz LIST OF SCHOOLS IN OLOMOUC REGION Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Moravská vysoká ‰kola Olomouc, o. p. s. [email protected] www.mvso.cz Economics and management Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci [email protected] www.upol.cz Variety of programmes Vysoká ‰kola logistiky o. p. s. [email protected] www.vslg.cz Logistics, transport infrastructure Titles awarded Students Universities Bc. Bc., Mgr., MUDr., Ph.D., PhDr. Bc., Mgr. 265 18,000 402 Higher schools CARITAS – VO· sociální Olomouc [email protected] www.caritas-vos.cz Charity and social DiS. 397 Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická E. PŒttinga [email protected] www.epol.cz Health care DiS. 251 VO· a S·A, Zábfieh [email protected] www.spsa-za.cz Automotive, road DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola, ·umperk [email protected] www.vsps-su.cz IT DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola elektrotechnická [email protected] www.spseol.cz IT DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola sociální a teologická – DORKAS [email protected] www.dorkas.cz Social, theological DiS. 45 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola Ïivnostenská Pfierov, s. r. o. [email protected] www.sszprerov.cz Logistics, marketing DiS. 190 Informatics, Commercial 132 High schools Obchodní akademie, Mohelnice [email protected] www.oam.cz Obchodní akademie a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky, ·umperk [email protected] www.oa-sumperk.cz Economics, Commercial Obchodní akademie a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky, Pfierov [email protected] www.oaprerov.cz Economics, Commercial 398 Obchodní akademie, Olomouc [email protected] www.oaol.cz Economics, Commercial 312 Obchodní akademie, Prostûjov [email protected] akademie.prostejov.cz Commercial 248 Odborné uãili‰tû a Praktická ‰kola [email protected] www.oulipova.cz Building, Engineering, Woodwork 198 Sigmundova stfiední ‰kola strojírenská, Lutín [email protected] www.soulutin.cz Technics, Mechanic, Locksmithery Soukromá stfiední odborná ‰kola Hranice, s.r.o. [email protected] www.ssos.cz Informatics, Commercial Soukromá stfiední odborná ‰kola Jeseník, s.r.o. [email protected] www.oajes.cz Commercial Soukromá stfiední odborná ‰kola Ïivnostenská Pfierov, s.r.o. [email protected] www.sszprerov.cz Business, Office Work 350 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, ·umperk [email protected] www.sossou-spk.cz Business, Technics, Hairdresser 712 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû strojírenské a stavební, Jeseník [email protected] www.soje.cz Technics, Building, Engineering Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû technické, Pfierov [email protected] www.kourilkova8.cz Mechanic, Technics, Locksmithery, Metal Cutting 700 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû zemûdûlské, Hefimanice [email protected] www.skolahermanice.cz Mechanization, Farmer, Business 209 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Uniãov [email protected] www.issunicov.cz Mechanic, Business, Engineering Stfiední odborná ‰kola ekonomiky a podnikání, s.r.o. [email protected] www.volny.cz/sssp.ol Business Stfiední odborná ‰kola podnikání a obchodu, spol. s r.o [email protected] www.skola.obchod-sluzby.cz Business, Management 296 Stfiední odborná ‰kola prÛmyslová a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû strojírenské, Hranice [email protected] www.sps.hranet.cz Chemistry, Building, Mechanic, Business 523 560 Stfiední odborná ‰kola prÛmyslová a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû strojírenské, Prostûjov [email protected] spsasou.prostejov.cz Technics, Building, Engineering Stfiední odborná ‰kola Ïelezniãní, stavební a památkové péãe a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû [email protected] www.soszs.cz Technics, Building, Woodwork, Road Transport Stfiední odborná ‰kola, Olomouc [email protected] www.sosol.cz Chemistry, Postal Services Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû Litovel [email protected] www.soulitovel.cz Mechanic, Business, Electric Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû stavební Prostûjov [email protected] www.pvskoly.cz/~soufan/ Electric, Woodwork, Building Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû stavební Pfierov [email protected] www.souprerov.cz Woodwork, Building Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû strojírenské a lesnické, ·ternberk [email protected] www.sou-stbk.cz Business, Mechanic, Locksmithery Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû zemûdûlské [email protected] www.souzlostice.cz Business, Farmer, Smith Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola a Obchodní akademie, Uniãov [email protected] www.unicprum.cz Building, Engineering, Commercial Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola elektrotechnická, Mohelnice [email protected] www.spsemoh.cz Technics Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola stavební, Lipník nad Beãvou [email protected] www.spsslipnik.cz Building Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola strojnická, Olomouc [email protected] alfa-spss.upol.cz Technics, Engineering Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola, Pfierov [email protected] www.sps-prerov.cz Technics, Engineering Stfiední ‰kola automobilní Prostûjov, s.r.o. [email protected] www.ssou.prostejov.indos.cz Technics, Mechanic Stfiední ‰kola elektrotechnická, Lipník nad Beãvou [email protected] www.sse-lipniknb.cz Informatics, Technics, Mechanic Stfiední ‰kola polytechnická, Olomouc [email protected] www.ssprool.cz Building, Technics, Woodwork, Mechanic Stfiední ‰kola stavební - HORSTAV [email protected] www.stavebniskola-olomouc.cz Building Stfiední ‰kola stavební a podnikatelská s.r.o. [email protected] soustav.olomouc.indos.cz Business, Electric, Painter Stfiední ‰kola technická, Mohelnice [email protected] www.sstmoh.cz Technics, Electric, Mechanic Stfiední ‰kola technická a obchodní, Olomouc [email protected] www.kosinka.com Technics, Electric, Mechanic, Business Stfiední ‰kola zemûdûlská, Olomouc [email protected] www.szes-olomouc.cz Business, Farmer, Gardener Stfiední ‰kola zemûdûlská, Pfierov [email protected] www.szesprerov.cz Business, Mechanic, Serviceman Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola, ·umperk [email protected] www.vsps-su.cz Technics, Informatics, Engineering Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola elektrotechnická, Olomouc [email protected] www.spseol.cz Technics [email protected] www.spsa-za.cz Business, Work with Cars, Road Transport Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední ‰kola automobilní, Zábfieh 306 170 370 487 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz, Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports, www.msmt.cz LIST OF SCHOOLS IN PARDUBICE REGION Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Students [email protected] www.upce.cz Variety of programmes Bc., Mgr., Ing., Ph.D. 8,622 Anglické gymnázium, Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, s. r. o. [email protected] www.agys.cz Finance and taxes DiS. 70 Obchodní akademie a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola ekonomická [email protected] www.oa.svitavy.cz Finance and taxes DiS. 125 40 Universities Univerzita Pardubice Higher schools Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola strojnická, technická a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola [email protected] www.spss-cr.cz Quality and metrology DiS. Stfiední ‰kola zemûdûlská a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola Chrudim [email protected] www.szes.chrudim.cz Agriculture, environment DiS. Vojenská stfiední ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola MO [email protected] www.vsmt.cz Army DiS. VO· a SO· Gustava Habrmana [email protected] www.vda.cz Logistics and management, social work DiS. 300 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborná ‰kola technická Litomy‰l [email protected] www.sost.lit.cz Technical specialization DiS. 35 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola pedagogická Litomy‰l [email protected] www.vospspgs.cz Educational DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola stavební a Stfiední ‰kola stavební Vysoké M˘to [email protected] www.stavebniskola.cz Building DiS. 83 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Pardubice [email protected] www.spse.cz IT, computers, social work DiS. 245 Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola technická, Vysoké M˘to [email protected] www.isstvm.cz Engineering, Mechanic, Locksmithery OA a VO· ekonomická Svitavy [email protected] www.oa.svitavy.cz Commercial 285 Obchodní akademie a J· s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky Pardubice [email protected] www.oapce.cz Commercial 445 High schools 520 Obchodní akademie, ChoceÀ [email protected] www.oa-chocen.cz Commercial 244 Obchodní akademie, Chrudim [email protected] www.oa.chrudim.cz Commercial 328 PrÛmyslová stfiední ‰kola, Letohrad [email protected] www.sps.letohrad.cz Building, Technics, Electric SO· elektrotechnická a strojní a SOU Pardubice [email protected] www.mujweb.cz/skolstvi/ /sosesasou Technics, Mechanic, Management, Electric 360 SO· stavební a SOU stavební Rybitví [email protected] www.sosstavebni.cz Building, Technics, Woodwork 500 SOU plynárenské Pardubice [email protected] www.sou-plynarenske.cz Mechanic, Technics SOU stavební Pardubice s. r. o. [email protected] ssou.webzdarma.cz/ Electric, Woodwork SOU Svitavy [email protected] www.sou.svitavy.cz Mechanic, Metal Cutting, Locksmithery SOU technické Pfielouã [email protected] www.sout-prelouc.cz Mechanic, Woodwork SOU zemûdûlské Chvaletice [email protected] www.souzchvaletice.cz Mechanic, Locksmithery, Serviceman 200 Soukromá SO· pro podnikatele Delta, s. r. o., Pardubice [email protected] www.delta-skola.cz Management 423 Soukromá stfiední odborná ‰kola TRADING CENTRE, s r.o., Litomy‰l [email protected] www.tradingcentre.cz Economics, Management 209 SP· elektrotechnická a VO· Pardubice [email protected], [email protected] www.spse.cz Technics 650 SP· chemická Pardubice [email protected] www.spsch.cz Chemisty Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû technické, Tfiemo‰nice [email protected] www.sou-tremosnice.cz Mechanic, Engineering, Woodwork Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû technick˘ch oborÛ, âeská Tfiebová [email protected] www.isstct.cz Mechanic, Engineering, Woodwork, Electric Stfiední odborná ‰kola a stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Lan‰kroun [email protected] www.spslan.cz Technics, Mechanic, Hairdresser Stfiední odborná ‰kola automobilní a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû automobilní, Ústí nad Orlicí [email protected] www.skola-auto.cz Technics, Work with Cars, Road Transport Indenture 87 580 Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû opravárenské, Králíky [email protected] soukraliky.alberon.cz Mechanic, Business, Locksmithery 210 Stfiední ‰kola automobilní Holice [email protected] www.spsauto.cz Work with Cars, Road Transport 500 Stfiední ‰kola obchodu a sluÏeb, ChoceÀ skola@sos - chocen.cz www.sos-chocen.cz Management, Statutory, Business Stfiední ‰kola obchodu, fiemesel a sluÏeb, Îamberk [email protected] www.zamek.zamberk.cz Business, Mechanic, Chef Stfiední ‰kola podnikání, Vysoké M˘to [email protected] www.sspo.cz Business Stfiední ‰kola prÛmyslová strojnická, technická a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola Chrudim [email protected] www.sspst-chrudim.cz Technics, Building, Engineering, Electric Stfiední ‰kola umûleckoprÛmyslová, Ústí nad Orlicí [email protected] www.ssup.cz Mechanic, Engineering, Clothing Industry Stfiední ‰kola zahradnická Litomy‰l [email protected] szas.lit.cz Gardener Stfiední ‰kola zemûdûlská a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola Chrudim [email protected] www.szes.chrudim.cz Business, Economics, Farmer Stfiední zemûdûlská ‰kola, Lan‰kroun [email protected] www.szes-la.cz Business Vojenská stfiední ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola Ministerstva obrany v Moravské Tfiebové [email protected] www.vsmt.cz Technics VO· a SO· technická Litomy‰l [email protected] www.sost.lit.cz Mechanization, Economics Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborná ‰kola Gustava Habrmana,âeská Tfiebová [email protected], [email protected] www.vda.cz Technics, Informatics, Economics 450 700 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola stavební a Stfiední odborná ‰kola stavební, Vysoké M˘to [email protected] www.stavebniskola.cz Building Anglické gymnázium, SO· a VO·, s. r. o., Pardubice [email protected] www.agys.cz Languages, Informatics, Commercial, Economics Biskupské gymnázium Skuteã [email protected] www.bigyskutec.cz General, Languages EDUCAnet - Stfiední odborná ‰kola Pardubice, s. r. o. [email protected] pardubice.educanet.cz Business, Informatics 200 Gymnázium a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky Svitavy [email protected] www.gy.svitavy.cz General 340 Gymnázium Aloise Jiráska Litomy‰l [email protected] www.glit.cz General 347 Gymnázium Dr. E. Holuba Holice [email protected] www.gyholi.cz General 346 Gymnázium Jevíãko [email protected] www.gymjev.cz General Gymnázium Josefa Ressela, Chrudim [email protected] www.gjr.cz General Gymnázium K. V. Raise, Hlinsko [email protected] www.gymhlinsko.cz General Gymnázium Moravská Tfiebová [email protected] www.gmt.cz General Gymnázium Pardubice, Da‰ická [email protected] www.gypce.cz General Gymnázium Pardubice, Mozartova [email protected] www.gymozart.cz General 302 Gymnázium Poliãka [email protected] www.gy.policka.unet.cz General 340 Gymnázium Pfielouã [email protected] www.gymnaziumprelouc.cz General Gymnázium, âeská Tfiebová [email protected] www.gymnct.cz General 359 Gymnázium, Králíky [email protected] www.gymnkral.orlicko.cz General 136 185 354 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz, Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports, www.msmt.cz LIST OF SCHOOLS IN PLZE≈ REGION Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Students Vysoká ‰kola v Plzni, o. p. s. [email protected] www.vsplzen.cz Health care Západoãeská univerzita v Plzni [email protected] www.zcu.cz Variety of programmes Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická [email protected] www.zdravka-plzen.cz Health care DiS. VO·, OA a SZ· DomaÏlice [email protected] www.oadomazlice.cz Social Work DiS. 82 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola elektrotechnická PlzeÀ [email protected] www.spse.pilsedu.cz Marketing, elektrotechnics, IT, building DiS. 287 Universities Bc. Bc., Mgr., Ing. 506 17,270 Higher school 300 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická Dr. Ilony Mauritzové, s. r. o. [email protected] www.svzsplzen.cz Health care, social work DiS. 340 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Obchodní akademie a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky [email protected] www.oakt.cz/cz Accountancy, economics, administration DiS. 200 Hotelová ‰kola [email protected] www.hotelovka.pilsedu.cz Variety of Programmes Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola Ïivnostenská [email protected] www.issziv.cz Variety of Programmes Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola, Klatovy [email protected] www.klatovynet.cz/isskt Clothing, gastronomy 400 Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola, Stod [email protected] www.issstod.cz Variety of Programmes 317 Obchodní akademie, PlzeÀ [email protected] www.oa.pilsedu.cz Economics 757 Odborné uãili‰tû a Praktická ‰kola, PlzeÀ [email protected] www.ouplzen.cz Variety of Programmes 142 PlzeÀská obchodní akademie s.r.o. [email protected] www.poa.pilsedu.cz Economics 149 Soukromá stfiední odborná ‰kola a Gymnázium Bean s.r.o. [email protected] www.bean.cz Variety of Programmes 296 Soukromá stfiední umûleckoprÛmyslová ‰kola - Zámeãek, s.r.o. [email protected] www.zamecek.cz Variety of Programmes 159 Soukromá stfiední umûleckoprÛmyslová ‰kola PlzeÀ-Litice s.r.o. [email protected] www.ssups.cz Variety of Programmes Sportovní a podnikatelská stfiední ‰kola, spol. s r.o. SPSS_ [email protected] www.sapss-plzen.cz Enterprise 312 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû Hor‰ovsk˘ T˘n [email protected] www.sos-souhtyn.cz Variety of Programmes 805 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû obchodu, sluÏeb a provozu hotelÛ s.r.o. [email protected] www.hotelovka-plzen.cz Variety of Programmes 310 High schools 800 28 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Su‰ice [email protected] www.sossusice.cz Variety of Programmes 704 Stfiední odborná ‰kola obchodu, uÏitého umûní a designu [email protected] www.sos.nerudovka.cz Variety of Programmes 670 Stfiední odborná ‰kola ochrany osob a majetku PlzeÀ s.r.o. [email protected] www.ssosoom.cz Variety of Programmes 210 Stfiední odborná ‰kola po‰tovní a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû po‰tovní [email protected] www.sospost.cz Finance, post 400 Stfiední odborná ‰kola profesora ·vejcara [email protected] www.rod.pilsedu.cz Variety of Programmes 119 Stfiední odborná ‰kola, Plasy [email protected] www.sosplasy.cz Economics, enterprise 211 Stfiední odborná ‰kola, Stfiíbro [email protected] www.sosstribro.cz Variety of Programmes 204 Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû elektrotechnické PlzeÀ [email protected] www.souepl.cz Variety of Programmes 1,170 Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû lesnické a zemûdûlské [email protected] soulzro.xf.cz Forestry, agriculture Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû obchodu a fiemesel , spol.s r.o. [email protected] www.volny.cz/souor/ sou/strana1.htm Enterprise 170 Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû potravináfiské [email protected] www.soupotr.cz Grocery Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû stavební, PlzeÀ [email protected] www.souplzen.cz Building 250 514 Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû zemûdûlské [email protected] souz-bor.pilsedu.cz Variety of Programmes 200 Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, DomaÏlice [email protected] www.soudom.cz Variety of Programmes 553 Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Horní Bfiíza [email protected] www.volweb.cz/souhornibriza/ Variety of Programmes 159 Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Planá [email protected] www.souplana.cz Variety of Programmes 207 Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Rokycany [email protected] www.sou-rokycany.cz Variety of Programmes Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola dopravní, Rokycany [email protected] www.sou-rokycany.cz Variety of Programmes Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola stavební, PlzeÀ [email protected] www.spsstav.cz Building, geodesy Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola strojnická [email protected] www.spstrplz.cz Variety of Programmes Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola, Klatovy [email protected] www.klatovynet.cz/spskt/ Machine 343 Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola, Tachov [email protected] www.cop-tachov.cz Variety of Programmes 241 Stfiední ‰kola zemûdûlská a potravináfiská, Klatovy [email protected] www.sszp.kt.cz Variety of Programmes 301 Stfiední ‰kola, HoraÏìovice [email protected] www.sou.horazdovice.cz Variety of Programmes 240 Stfiední ‰kola, Kralovice [email protected] www.sskralovice.cz Social-work, car mechanic, mechanic 229 Stfiední ‰kola, Oselce [email protected] www.sou.oselce.indos.cz Variety of Programmes 1,494 1,049 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz, Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports, www.msmt.cz LIST OF SCHOOLS IN PRAGUE Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Students Akademie múzick˘ch umûní v Praze [email protected] www.amu.cz Variety of Programmes Akademie v˘tvarn˘ch umûní v Praze (AVU) [email protected] www.avu.cz Fine arts BcA., MgA., Ph.D. 1,386 Anglická mezinárodní ‰kola Praha [email protected] www.eisp.cz International baccalaureate Anglo-americká vysoká ‰kola [email protected], [email protected] www.aac.edu, www.aavs.cz Business management, economics Bankovní institut vysoká ‰kola a.s. (BIV·) [email protected] www.bivs.cz Banking, finance, economics, insurence Bc., Mgr. CERGE-EI (Centrum pro ekonomick˘ v˘zkum a doktorské studium, Národohospodáfisk˘ ústav) office@cerg www.cerge-ei.cz Economics MA, Ph.D. 140 Bc. 220 Universities Mg.A IB 327 BA, MA, MBA 409 CEVRO Institut, o.p.s. [email protected] www.cevroinstitut.cz Specialisation of law, politology Czech Management Institute Praha - manaÏerská fakulta [email protected] www.esma.cz Economics and management Czech University of Agriculture [email protected] www.czu.cz Agriculture, forestry and economocs Bc. Mgr., Ing. 16,216 âeské vysoké uãení technické v Praze (âVUT) [email protected] www.cvut.cz Technical Bc. Ing. Ph. D. 21,765 Francouzsko-ãesk˘ institut fiízení pfii V·E [email protected] http://nb.vse.cz/fcir French MBA Master en administration des affires Christian International School of Prague, o.p.s. [email protected] www.cisprague.org BBA, MBA, DBA 15 MBA 31 College prepartory, TNT Bc. 53 Bc. Mgr. 233 The Writers' Academy [email protected] www.lit-akad.cz Media, communication MANAGEMENT TC, s.r.o. [email protected] www.tcbs.cz MBA programs Masaryk Institute of Advanced Studies, âVÚT in Prague [email protected] www.muvs.cvut.cz Management Mezinárodní vysoká ‰kola podnikatelství a práva v Praze [email protected] www.mipp.cz Law, economics Open University v âeské republice [email protected] www.openuniv.cz MBA program Policejní akademie âeské republiky [email protected] www.mvcr.cz/akademie Security management, public service Prague College [email protected] www.praguecollege.cz International business, graphic design, computing PraÏská mezinárodní manaÏerská ‰kola pfii V·E v Praze [email protected] www.pibs.cz Business Administration The Prague College of Psychological and Social Studies [email protected] www.viap.cz Social work focused on communication and applied psychotherapy PraÏsk˘ technologick˘ institut o.p.s. [email protected] www.pti.cz Engineering ecology Bc. 59 Private College of Economic Studies [email protected] www.svses.cz Economics and management, Security management, Bc. 353 University of New York in Prague [email protected] www.unyp.cz Business Administration, Comm. and Mass Media, International Economic Relations, Psychology Bc., Mgr., MBA 558 University of Northern Virginia - Prague, s.r.o. [email protected] www.unva.cz Variety of Programmes University of Pittsburgh in Prague [email protected] www.pitt.cz Executive MBA, custom EMBA Univerzita Jana Amose Komenského Praha [email protected] www.ujak.cz Special education, social and mass communication, special education Univerzita Karlova v Praze1) [email protected] www.cuni.cz Variety of Programmes MBA MBA Bc., Mgr. MBA Bc., Mgr., Ph.D. Bc. 60 MBA 150 Bc., Mgr. 119 BS, MBA 93 MBA 94 Bc., Mgr., Ing., PhDr., Ph.D. 5,300 Bc., Mgr., MUDr., MDDr. 47,831 PharmDr., JUDr., Ph.D., Th.D. ThLic., ThDr., RNDr., PhDr. US Business School Praha [email protected] www.usbsp.com MBA program University of Advanced Legal Studies [email protected] www.vsap.cz Law specialization College of Tourism, Hotel and Spa Hospitality [email protected] www.vscrhl.cz Economics, management of tourism, etc. University of Economics Prague [email protected] www.vse.cz Variety of Programmes Bc., Mgr., Ph.D 14,500 Vysoká ‰kola ekonomie a managementu (V·EM) [email protected] www.vsem.cz Economics and management, Master of Business Administration, Long life learning programme Bc., Ing., MBA 1,353 Bc., Mgr., MBA Vysoká ‰kola finanãní a správní [email protected] www.vsfs.cz Economics and management Vysoká ‰kola hotelová v Praze [email protected] www.vsh.cz Gastronomy, hotel industry and tourism, economics and management Vysoká ‰kola chemicko-technologická v Praze (V·CHT Praha) [email protected] www.vscht.cz Variety of Programmes Vysoká ‰kola manaÏerské informatiky a ekonomiky [email protected] www.vsmie.cz Economics and management University of International and Public Relations Prague [email protected] www.vip-vs.cz MBA 45 Bc. Bc. 73 Bc., Ing. 1,950 Bc., Ing. Ph.D. 4,138 Bc. 421 International Relations, Public Relations, Diplomatic Relations and Services, etc Bc., Mgr. 550 Bc., Ing. 1,665 Vysoká ‰kola obchodní v Praze, o.p.s. (V·O) [email protected] www.vso-praha.eu International territorial studies Vysoká ‰kola regionálního rozvoje (VSRR) [email protected] www.vsrr.cz Regional development Vysoká ‰kola tûlesné v˘chovy a sportu PALESTRA, s. r. o. [email protected] www.palestra.cz Physical Education and Sport Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague [email protected] www.vsup.cz Fine arts Vysoká ‰kola vefiejné správy a mezinárodních vztahÛ v Praze, o.p.s. (V· VSMV) [email protected] www.vsvsmv.cz Economics, finance, informatics, administration Vysoká ‰kola zdravotnická [email protected] www.vszdrav.cz Nursing Bc. Bc. Bc. 185 MgA, Ph.D. 439 Bc., Ing. 2,950 Higher schools Akademie tûlesné v˘chovy a sportu Palestra - Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola [email protected] www.palestra.cz Management of Sports DiS. BANKOVNÍ AKADEMIE – Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola [email protected] www.bank-akademie.cz Banking, insurence, management DiS. 192 99 CEDUK - Soukromá VY··Í ODBORNÁ ·KOLA spol. s r.o. [email protected] www.ceduk-svos.cz Appraisement, project management DiS. 21 Collegium Marianum - T˘nská vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, s.r.o. [email protected] www.tynska.cuni.cz Music DiS. Evangelická akademie - vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola sociálnû-právní [email protected] www.eapraha.cz Social-law DiS. 90 Institut informatiky-Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, s.r.o. [email protected] www.iivos.cz Information technology DiS. 288 Jabok - Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola sociálnû pedagogická a teologická [email protected] www.jabok.cz Social pedagogy, philosophy and theology, languages, arts and sports DiS. 177 Konzervatofi a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola Jaroslava JeÏka [email protected] www.kjj.cz Music DiS. 84 PB-College and Secondary School of Management [email protected] www.pbvos.cz Management, finance DiS. 198 Soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední podnikatelská ‰kola, spol. s r.o. [email protected] www.svospraha.cz Law, management, etc. DiS. Soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola umûní a reklamy, s.r.o. [email protected] www.svosur.cz Advertisement, etc DiS. 240 Soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická MEDEA, s.r.o. [email protected] Rescue worker, nursing DiS. 300 Soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická pro dentální hygienistky, s.r.o. [email protected] www.dhskola.cz Dental hygiene DiS. 120 Stfiední odborná ‰kola specializaãní a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola ARITA, spol. s r.o. [email protected] www.arita.cz Travel movement DiS. 360 ·kola mezinárodních a vefiejn˘ch vztahÛ Prah Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Stfiední odborná ‰kola, Gymnázium, s.r.o. [email protected] www.smvvpraha.cz Public relations, diplomatic services DiS. 332 TRIVIS - Stfiední ‰kola vefiejnoprávní a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola prevence kriminality a krizového fiízení Praha, s.r.o. [email protected] www.trivis.cz Variety of Programmes DiS. 500 VO·, SO·P a Gymnázium [email protected] www.pedevropska.cz Variety of Programmes DiS. 200 College of Economic & Banking Studies [email protected] www.vops-praha.cz Management of tourism, finance, etc. DiS. 500 College & Secondary School of Transport [email protected] www.spsdmasna.cz Car diagnostic, DiS. 176 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola elektrotechnická Franti‰ka KfiiÏíka [email protected] www.vosaspsekrizik.cz Heavy-current engineering DiS. 125 College & Secondary School of Food Technologies [email protected] www.podskalska.cz Accounting, etc. DiS. 435 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední umûlecká ‰kola Václava Hollara [email protected] www.hollarka.cz Interactive graphic DiS. 60 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola âSTV s.r.o. [email protected] www.cstv.cz Management of Sports DiS. 270 LIST OF SCHOOLS IN PRAGUE Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola herecká s.r.o. [email protected] www.vosherecka.cz Variety of Programmes Titles awarded DiS. Students Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola HusÛv institut teologick˘ch studií [email protected] www.voshits.zde.cz Theology DiS. 90 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola informaãních sluÏeb [email protected] www.sks.cz Business studies DiS. 680 108 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola loutkáfiského umûní s.r.o. NA NA Marionette play DiS. 10 College of Journalism [email protected] www.vosp.cz Journalism DiS. 225 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola sociálnû právní [email protected] www.vossp.cz Social-work DiS. 420 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická a Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola [email protected] www.vzsp5.cz Dental laboratory technician, health technician, etc. DiS. 990 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická a Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola [email protected] www.zdravka.wz.cz Rescue worker, trophotherapy DiS. 550 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická Suverénního fiádu maltézsk˘ch rytífiÛ [email protected] www.skolajecna.unas.cz Nursing DiS. 255 High schools Anglo-nûmecká obchodní akademie, s.r.o. [email protected] www.anoa-skola.cz Economics, Business Bankovní akademie - Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, a.s. [email protected] www.bank-akademie.cz Economics, Banking âeskoslovanská akademie obchodní, stfiední odborná ‰kola [email protected], [email protected] www.cao.cz Economics, Business âeskoslovenská obchodní akademie Dr. Edvarda Bene‰e, stfiední odborná ‰kola, Praha 2 [email protected] www.cao8.cz Commercial, Economics EKONOMA - SOA s.r.o. [email protected] www.ekonoma.cz Commercial 1,129 Euro‰kola Praha stfiední odborná ‰kola, s.r.o. [email protected] www.euroskola.cz Business Gymnázium pro zrakovû postiÏené a Stfiední odborná ‰kola pro zrakovû postiÏené, Praha 5 [email protected] goa.braillnet.cz Commercial 247 Masarykova stfiední ‰kola chemická [email protected] www.mssch.cz Chemistry, Technics MICHAEL - Soukromá stfiední ‰kola reklamní tvorby, s r.o. [email protected] www.skolamichael.cz Advertising, Management, Business Obchodní akademie Hole‰ovice [email protected] oaholesovice.cz Commercial Obchodní akademie Praha,s.r.o. [email protected] www.oapraha.cz Commercial Obchodní akademie Svatoslavova [email protected] www.oasvat.cz Economics, Business Obchodní akademie, Praha 1 [email protected] www.oadusni.cz Economics, Business, Informatics Obchodní akademie, Praha 10 [email protected] www.heroldovysady.cz Commercial, Economics 473 Obchodní akademie, Praha 2 [email protected] www.oavin.cz Commercial, Economics 587 Obchodní akademie, Praha 3 [email protected] www.oa-kubelikova.cz Commercial 500 Obchodní akademie, Praha 6 [email protected] www.oakrupkovo.cz Commercial, Economics 90 276 Obchodní akademie, Praha 8 [email protected] www.oahovorcovicka.cz Management, Commercial 570 Odborné uãili‰tû Vy‰ehrad [email protected] ouvratislavova.cz Technics, Chef, Gardener 227 PB - Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední ‰kola managementu,s.r.o. [email protected] www.pbvos.cz Commercial Smíchovská stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola [email protected] www.ssps.cz Technics, Informatics Soukromá obchodní akademie StodÛlky, s.r.o. [email protected] www.soastodulky.cz Hotel, Commercial 300 Soukromá stfiední odborná ‰kola (1. K·PA ) Praha s.r.o. [email protected] www.1kspa.cz Office Work 448 Soukromá stfiední odborná ‰kola a stfiední odborné uãili‰tû BEAN s.r.o. [email protected] www.bean.cz Business, Economics, Commercial 316 Soukromá stfiední odborná ‰kola START,s.r.o. [email protected] www.sos-start.cz Economics Soukromá stfiední ‰kola DANAÉ, s.r.o. [email protected] www.danae.cz General, Commercial, Statutory, Business Soukromá stfiední ‰kola v˘poãetní techniky [email protected] www.sssvt.cz Informatics SP· stavební, Du‰ní 17, Praha 1 [email protected] www.spsdusni.cz Building 615 90 Stfiední ekonomická ‰kola se sportovním zamûfiením, s.r.o. [email protected] www.sses.cz Business Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû [email protected] www.skolahostivar.cz Informatics, Work with Cars, Road Transport 145 Stfiední odborná ‰kola Bohemia Regia Praha, s.r.o. [email protected] www.bohemia-regia.cz Gardener Stfiední odborná ‰kola civilního letectví, Praha - Ruzynû [email protected] www.soscl-ruzyne.cz Aeromechanic, Commercial 241 Stfiední odborná ‰kola informatiky a podnikání s.r. o. [email protected] www.sopma.cz Informatics, Commercial, Business 140 Stfiední odborná ‰kola Kvarta spol. s.r.o. [email protected] www.kvarta.cz Economics, Hotel 300 Stfiední odborná ‰kola podnikatelská PROFIT, spol. s r.o. [email protected] www.skola-profit.cz Management, Business 220 Stfiední odborná ‰kola Praha 3 [email protected] www.sosp3.cz Chemistry, Science, Engineering, Technics 460 Stfiední odborná ‰kola stavební a zahradnická [email protected] www.skolajarov.cz Building, Woodwork, Gardener Stfiední odborná ‰kola Stfiíbrského, s.r.o. [email protected] www.eduso.cz Business, Management, Informatics Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Praha - Radotín [email protected] www.klapice.cz Mechanic, Serviceman Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola dopravní, a.s. [email protected] www.sps-dopravni.cz Technic, Mechanic, Road Transport, Electric 1) Number of students as of Oct. 1, 2006 at the university . 250 1,690 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz, Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports, www.msmt.cz LIST OF SCHOOLS IN SOUTH BOHEMIA REGION Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Students Universities Filmová akademie Miroslava Ondfiíãka v Písku, o. p. s. [email protected] www.filmovka.cz Film Jihoãeská univerzita v âesk˘ch Budûjovicích [email protected] www.jcu.cz Variety of programmes Bc. Vysoká ‰kola aplikovan˘ch ekonomick˘ch studií, s. r. o. [email protected] www.vsaes.cz Economic in social sphere Vysoká ‰kola evropsk˘ch a regionálních studií, o. p. s. [email protected] www.vsers.cz Variety of programmes Bc. Vysoká ‰kola technická a ekonomická v âesk˘ch Budûjovicích [email protected] www.vstecb.cz Economic and management, constructional eng. Bc. Obchodní akademie a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola ekonomická [email protected] www.oatabor.cz Accounting, banking DiS. Soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola filmová s. r. o. [email protected] www.filmovka.cz Film DiS. 64 SP· a VO· Písek [email protected] www.sps-pi.cz Information technologies DiS. 65 140 Bc., Mgr., Ing., Ph.D. 140 11,000 Bc. 536 Higher schools 160 Stfiední ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola cestovního ruchu [email protected] www.skolacrcb.cz Tourism DiS. Stfiední ‰kola obchodu, sluÏeb a podnikání a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola âeské Budûjovice [email protected] www.ssvos.cz Banking, accountancy, marketing, building, graphics DiS. Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická [email protected] www.szscb.wz.cz Health care DiS. 70 VO· a SP· Strakonice [email protected] www.prumstra.cz Engineering DiS. 105 VO· a SZe· Tábor [email protected] www.szes.tabor.cz Landscaping DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední ‰kola, s. r. o. [email protected] www.vosss.cz Banking, IT, international trade DiS. 14 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola lesnická a Stfiední lesnická ‰kola B. Schwarzenberga [email protected] www.lespi.cz Forestry DiS. 90 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola sociální [email protected] www.spgspt.cz Social work DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola umûleckoprÛmyslová [email protected] www.vosup.cz Preservation DiS. 50 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola vodního hospodáfiství a ekologie, VodÀany [email protected] www.srs-vodnany.cz Water management and ecology DiS. 75 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola Volynû [email protected] www.vos.volyne.cz Furniture DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická Bílá vloãka, s. r. o. [email protected] www.bilavlocka.cz Health care DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola automobilní a technická [email protected] www.spsautocb.cz Engineering, transport, diagnostic of vehicles DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Stfiední ‰kola, Centrum odborné pfiípravy, Sezimovo Ústí [email protected] www.copsu.cz Electrotechnics DiS. 105 40 High schools EDUCAnet - Soukromé gymnázium âeské Budûjovice, s. r. o. [email protected] www.educanet.cz General, Informatics, Gym, Commercial Gymnázium a Stfiední odborná ‰kola ekonomická, Vimperk [email protected] www.oag.cz General, Informatics Gymnázium, Stfiední odborná ‰kola ekonomická a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Kaplice [email protected] www.geukaplice.cz General, Commercial, Mechanic 482 Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola stavební, âeské Budûjovice [email protected] www.issstavcb.cz Business, Building, Technics, Woodwork 515 Obchodní akademie, âeské Budûjovice [email protected] www.oacb.cz Economics, Business 445 Obchodní akademie a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky, Písek [email protected] www.oa-pisek.cz Commercial 244 Obchodní akademie a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola ekonomická, Tábor [email protected] www.oatabor.cz Economics, Commercial 330 Obchodní akademie T.G. Masaryka a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky [email protected] www.oa-jhradec.cz Economics, Commercial 243 Obchodní akademie, TfieboÀ [email protected] www.oatb.cz Commercial 234 Soukromá stfiední odborná ‰kola a stfiední odborné uãili‰tû Prachatice, s.r.o. [email protected] www.soa.cz Mechanic, Business, Economics, Commercial Soukromá stfiední ‰kola a Jazyková ‰kola s právem jazykové zkou‰ky â. Budûjovice, s.r.o. [email protected] www.skolacb.cz Economics, Commercial, Business, Chef Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû [email protected] www.skoly.tsviny.cz/sousos Electric, Economics, Farmer 401 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, JindfiichÛv Hradec [email protected] www.sos-jh.cz Informatics, Economics, Electric 314 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Milevsko, âs. armády 777 [email protected] www.issou-milevsko.cz Mechanic, Business, Technics Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Písek, Komenského 86 www.sou-pi.cz [email protected] Work with Cars, Building, Business 409 460 1,040 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, TfieboÀ [email protected] www.sostrebon.cz Mechanic, Management, Business 480 Stfiední odborná ‰kola elektrotechnická, Centrum odborné pfiípravy [email protected] www.sosehl.cz Informatics, Technics, Electric, Mechanic 478 Stfiední odborná ‰kola strojní a elektrotechnická, Vele‰ín [email protected] www.sosvel.cz Technics, Informatics, Mechanic 490 Stfiední odborná ‰kola veterinární, mechanizaãní a zahradnická a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky [email protected] www.soscb.cz Mechanization, Gardener, Veterinary Prevention 644 Stfiední odborná ‰kola, Blatná [email protected] www.blek.cz Informatics, Commercial Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû technické, Sobûslav [email protected] www.soutau.cz Electric, Mechanic, Engineering Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû zemûdûlské a sluÏeb [email protected] www.souz-dacice.cz Mechanic, Farmer, Serviceman Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Blatná [email protected] www.soublatna.cz Electric, Mechanic, Business, Serviceman Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Písek [email protected] www.sps-pi.cz Informatics, Technics Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola keramická, Bechynû [email protected] www.keramickaskola.cz Chemistry, Ceramics Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola stavební, âeské Budûjovice [email protected] www.spsstavcb.cz Building Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola strojní a elektrotechnická, âeské Budûjovice [email protected] www.spssecb.cz Technics, Engineering Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola strojní a stavební, Tábor [email protected] www.spss-tabor.cz Technics, Engineering, Building, Woodwork 264 267 496 Stfiední ‰kola obchodní, âeské Budûjovice [email protected] www.sso.cz Commercial, Shop Assistant Stfiední ‰kola obchodu, sluÏeb a podnikání, âeské Budûjovice [email protected] www.ss-osp.cz Management, Business, Analyse 1,850 Stfiední ‰kola obchodu, sluÏeb a fiemesel a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky, Tábor [email protected] www.ssjs-tabor.cz Mechanic, Electric, Statutory, Commercial 1,200 Stfiední ‰kola podnikání, o.p.s. [email protected] www.stredniskola.cz Business 575 Stfiední ‰kola fiemesel a sluÏeb, Strakonice [email protected] www.ssrsstrakonice.cz Business, Mechanic, Electric 750 Stfiední ‰kola spojÛ a informatiky, Tábor [email protected], [email protected] www.sous.cz Mechanic, Electric, Informatics Stfiední ‰kola technická a obchodní, Daãice [email protected] www.issto.cz Commercial, Business, Engineering, Mechanic 367 Stfiední ‰kola, âeské Velenice [email protected] www.iss.velenice.cz Technics, Mechanic, Road Transport 205 Stfiední ‰kola, Vimperk [email protected] www.stredni-skola.cz Mechanic, Electric, Building Stfiední zemûdûlská ‰kola, Písek [email protected] www.szespisek.cz Environmentalism, Business Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola, Strakonice [email protected] www.prumstra.cz Technics, Engineering 202 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola, Volynû [email protected] www.sps.volyne.cz Building 467 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední ‰kola, s.r.o., âeské Budûjovice [email protected] www.vosss.cz General, Commercial 130 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední zemûdûlská ‰kola, Tábor [email protected] www.szes.tabor.cz Business, Management Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola automobilní a technická [email protected] www.spsautocb.cz Technics, Mechanic, Road Transport, Electric Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Stfiední ‰kola, Centrum odborné pfiípravy, Sezimovo Ústí [email protected] www.copsu.cz Technics, Informatics, Mechanic, Engineering 1,620 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz, Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports, www.msmt.cz LIST OF SCHOOLS IN SOUTH MORAVIA REGION Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Students AKADEMIE STING, o. p. s. [email protected] www.sting.cz Economic, Management, Economic Policy Brno International Business School (B.I.B.S., a. s.) [email protected] www.bibs.cz Variety of Programmes BA., MSc., MBA, DBA, LLM, Bc. 2,079 Janáãkova akademie múzick˘ch umûní v Brnû Masarykova univerzita v Brnû [email protected] [email protected] www.jamu.cz www.muni.cz Music, Theatre Variety of Programmes BcA., MgA, Ph.D. Bc., Mgr., Ph.D. 500 39,000 Mendelova zemûdûlská a lesnická univerzita v Brnû [email protected] http://mendelu.cz Economic, Agriculture, Forestry, Gardening Bc., Mgr., Ing. 8,000 Ra‰ínova vysoká ‰kola s. r. o. [email protected] www.ravys.cz Law Economic Bc. 198 Soukromá vysoká ‰kola ekonomická Znojmo, s. r. o. [email protected] www.svse.cz Economic, Marketing, Management, Accounting Bc. 332 Univerzita obrany [email protected] www.unob.cz Military, Strategic, Medicial, Economic Bc., Mgr., MUDr., Ph.D., Ing. Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita Brno [email protected] www.vfu.cz Veterinary medicine, Hygiene, Pharmacy Bc., Mgr., MVDr.,Ph.D.,PharmDr. Vysoká ‰kola aplikovaného práva, s. r. o. Vysoká ‰kola Karla Engli‰e v Brnû, a. s. [email protected] [email protected] www.vsap.cz www.vske.cz Law Economics, Management Bc. Bc. 407 268 Vysoká ‰kola NEWTON College Vysoká ‰kola obchodní a hotelová [email protected] [email protected] www.newtoncollege.cz www.hotskolabrno.cz Economics, Management Management Bc. Bc. 216 Vysoké uãení technické v Brnû [email protected] www.vutbr.cz Technical, Chemistry, Art, Business Higher schools Vefiejnû správní akademie – vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, s. r. o., Brno místo poskytovaného vzdûlávání Vy‰kov 1) [email protected] www.vsa.cz/vyskov Personal Management, Administration, Public Service DiS. Vefiejnû správní akademie – vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, s. r. o., Brno Odlouãené pracovi‰tû Bfieclav 1) [email protected] www.vsa.cz Administration, Public Service DiS. Evangelická akademie, Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola sociálnû právní Obchodní akademie a stfiední odborná ‰kola knihovnická, Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola knihovnick˘ch, informaãních a sociálních sluÏeb [email protected] [email protected], [email protected] www.eabrno.cz www.vosis.cz Social-Law Social, Information Systems DiS. DiS. 90 102 Obchodní akademie a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola obchodní, Brno Soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola daÀového poradenství STING, s. r. o. [email protected] [email protected] www.oapion.cz www.sting.cz Economic, Law, Foreign Business Economics DiS. DiS. 290 80 Stfiední ‰kola prÛmyslová a umûlecká a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Hodonín [email protected] www.prumyslovka.cz Building Industries, Waste Management DiS. 26 Stfiední ‰kola umûní a designu a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola restaurátorská [email protected] www.ssurbrno.cz Restoring DiS. 80 Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická, Brno, Merhautova 15 [email protected] www.szsmerh.cz Health Care DiS. Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická, Znojmo [email protected] http://sis.znojmo.cz/szdrav/ Staff Nurse DiS. 130 Vefiejnû správní akademie – vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola s. r. o. VO·, SO· a SOU, Bzenec [email protected] [email protected] www.vsa.cz www.sosbzenec.cz Personal Management, Public Service Technology of Food Processing DiS. DiS. 860 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola ekonomická a zdravotnická a Stfiední ‰kola Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola odûvního designu a managementu a Stfiední umûleckoprÛmyslová ‰kola textilní [email protected] [email protected] www.vassboskovice.cz www.volny.cz/spst Staff Nurse, Management, Finance Textil, Design DiS. DiS. 113 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická, Brno [email protected] www.voszbrno.cz Health Care DiS. 510 EDUCAnet - Soukromé gymnázium Brno, o.p.s. [email protected] www.educanet.cz General, Informatics Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola - Centrum odborné pfiípravy, Brno [email protected] [email protected] www.issho.cz www.iss-copbrno.cz Engineering, Business, Mechanic, Electric Engineering, Technics, Mechanic, Informatics Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola automobilní, Brno [email protected] www.issabrno.cz Road Transport, Work with Cars Universities 1) Bc., Ing. Bc., Ing., Ing.arch, MgA, Ph.D., MBA 800 2,565 22,347 High schools 1,500 Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola polygrafická, Brno [email protected] www.isspolygr.cz Technics, Printing Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola, Sokolnice [email protected] www.iss-sokolnice.cz Informatics, Mechanic, Electric 400 400 Mûstská stfiední odborná ‰kola, Klobouky u Brna Obchodní akademie, Bfieclav [email protected] [email protected] www.sosklobouky.cz www.oabv.cz Business, Informatics, Commercial Economics, Commercial 300 366 Obchodní akademie a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky [email protected] oahodo.cz Economics, Commercial, Informatics Obchodní akademie a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky, Znojmo [email protected] www.oaznojmo.eu Economics, Commercial, Health 350 Obchodní akademie a Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola, Blansko [email protected] www.oabk.cz Economics, Commercial 350 Obchodní akademie a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola obchodní, Brno [email protected] www.oapion.cz Commercial Obchodní akademie Buãovice [email protected] www.oabucovice.cz Obchodní akademie ELDO, o. p. s. Obchodní akademie, Stfiední odborná ‰kola knihovnická a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola knihovnick˘ch, informaãních a sociálních sluÏeb, Brno [email protected] [email protected] www.oaeldo.cz www.oakobrno.cz Economics, Commercial, Education Economics, Commercial, Statutory 243 496 486 Soukromá SCOLA COMENIANA - Obchodní akademie, spol. s. r. o. [email protected] www.comeniana.wz.cz Commercial. Health 100 Soukromá Stfiední odborná ‰kola manaÏerská a zdravotnická s.r.o. Soukromá stfiední odborná ‰kola Ïivnostenská Brno, s. r. o. [email protected] [email protected] www.mzbv.cz www.ssosz.cz Commercial Business 130 450 Soukromá stfiední ‰kola podnikání a managementu, o. p. s. [email protected] www.ssspm.cz Management Stfiední odborná ‰kola, StráÏnice [email protected] www.sosstr.cz Technics, Engineering 96 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Blansko [email protected] www.sosblansko.cz Mechanic, Electric, Technics 488 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû - Masarykova ‰kola práce [email protected] www.stredni-skola.cz Business, Building, Woodwork 400 384 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû André Citroena [email protected] www.soubce.cz Informatics, Technics, Work with Cars, Road Transport 911 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a stfiední odborné uãili‰tû automobilní, Kyjov Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû dopravní a mechanizaãní, Ivanãice [email protected] [email protected] www.sossoukyjov.cz www.sosi.cz Work with Cars, Road Transport Mechanic, Economics, Road Transport 360 600 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû Kufiim, s.r.o. [email protected] www.zamekkurim.cz Informatics, Mechanic, Technic Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû nábytkáfiské, Rosice [email protected] www.spssourosice.cz Technics, Woodwork 288 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû stavební, Brno - Bosonohy [email protected] www.soubosonohy.cz Building, Woodwork, Technics 692 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû strojírenské a elektrotechnické, Brno [email protected] www.sos-soubrno.cz Technics, Mechanic, Electric 900 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû Vy‰kov Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Hustopeãe [email protected] [email protected] www.sos-vyskov.cz www.sou.hustopece.cz Building, Technics, Engineering, Business Mechanic, Electric, Statutory, Business Stfiední odborná ‰kola Edvarda Bene‰e Bfieclav a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû [email protected] www.spsbv.cz Technics, Engineering, Business Stfiední odborná ‰kola ekonomická a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Veselí nad Moravou [email protected] www.oaveseli.cz Technics, Informatics, Commercial Stfiední odborná ‰kola Emila Holuba, s. r. o. [email protected] www.oaeh.cz Veterinary Prevention, Commercial Stfiední odborná ‰kola obchodní a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû fiemesel, Moravsk˘ Krumlov [email protected] sis.znojmo.cz/soumk Commercial, Technics, Work with Cars 649 Building, Informatics, Statutory 219 Stfiední odborná ‰kola Podyjí s.r.o. [email protected] www.podyji.cz Stfiední odborná ‰kola technická a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Znojmo Stfiední odborná ‰kola vinafiská a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû zahradnické Valtice [email protected] [email protected] www.sou-uhelna.znojmo.cz Technics, Business, Electric www.svisv.cz Business, Environmentalism, Gardener Stfiední odborná ‰kola zahradnická a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû Rajhrad [email protected] www.skolarajhrad.cz Environmentalism, Gardener, Serviceman Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Kyjov [email protected] www.soukyjhavli.cz Mechanic, Electric, Farmer Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû a Stfiední odborná ‰kola SâMSD Znojmo, s.r.o. [email protected] www.sousoszn.cz Mechanic, Hotel, Business Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû tradiãních fiemesel, spol.s r. o. [email protected] www.soutr.cz Mechanic, Electric, Business, Woodwork 1) Shared with Vefiejnû správní akademie - VO· s.r.o.. 343 1,200 610 94 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz, Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports, www.msmt.cz LIST OF SCHOOLS IN ÚSTÍ REGION Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Students Bc., Mgr., Ph.D., Ing. 10,284 Bc., Mgr., MBA 1,500 Universities Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkynû v Ústí nad Labem [email protected] www.ujep.cz Variety of programmes Vysoká ‰kola ekonomie a managementu, o.p.s. [email protected] www.vsem.cz Management, Economics, Communication Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola v Chomutovû [email protected] www.spscv.cz Computing Systems, Computerized System, Stfiední ‰kola sociální PERSPEKTIVA a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola s. r. o. [email protected] www.skola-perspektiva.cz Social, Personal DiS. 200 VO· a SO· Roudnice nad Labem [email protected] www.vosasos.cz Management DiS. 140 Higher schools DiS. Informatics, Engineering Construction VO· a SP· stavební, Dûãín [email protected] www.stavarnadc.cz Building, Landscape and Relics Protection DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola, Varnsdorf [email protected] www.vosvdf.cz Information Technology, Public Administration, Construction of Machine Tool DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola obalové techniky ·tûtí [email protected] www.odbornaskola.cz Design DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická a Stfiední ‰kola zdravotnická [email protected] www.szsvzs.cz Health Care DiS. 400 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická a Stfiední ‰kola zdravotnická J. E. Purkynû [email protected] www.szs-most.cz Health Care DiS. 90 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Obchodní akademie a Stfiední odborná ‰kola EKONOM, o. p. s. [email protected] www.skolaekonom.cz Management DiS. Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Stfiední pedagogická ‰kola a Obchodní akademie, Most [email protected] www.vos-oamost.cz Economics, Social-Law DiS. Euro‰kola Litvínov stfiední odborná ‰kola, s.r.o. [email protected] www.euroskola.cz Business 205 Evropská obchodní akademie, Dûãín I. [email protected] www.oadc.cz Commercial 420 Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola Litomûfiice [email protected] issltm.cz Informatics, Business, Mechanic, Hotel 650 Obchodní akademie [email protected] www.oaul.cz Economics, Commercial 175 170 High school Obchodní akademie a jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky, Ústí nad Labem [email protected] www.oaulpar.cz Economics, Commercial Obchodní akademie a Stfiední zemûdûlská ‰kola, Louny [email protected] www.louny.cz/oa Economics, Commercial Obchodní akademie, Rumburk [email protected] www.oarbk.cz Economics, Commercial 273 Obchodní akademie, Stfiední odborná ‰kola gastronomie [email protected] www.oacv.cz Commercial, Business, Variety of Trades 190 Obchodní akademie, Teplice [email protected] www.oateplice.cz Commercial Obchodní akademie, Îatec [email protected] www.sweb.cz/oa.zatec Commercial a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Chomutov PENSO Podnikatelská stfiední ‰kola, s.r.o. [email protected] web.telecom.cz/penso Business Soukromá obchodní akademie BSL s.r.o. [email protected] www.volny.cz/soa.purkynova/ Management, Commercial Soukromá obchodní akademie, spol. s r.o. [email protected] www.soazatec.cz Commercial Soukromá podfiipská stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, o.p.s., Roudnice nad Labem [email protected] podripskaskola.cz Management, Business, Hairdresser, Waiter 341 91 Soukromá stfiední odborná ‰kola (1.K·PA) s.r.o. [email protected] 1kspa.cz Statutory, Informatics, Business, Office Work 211 Soukromá stfiední odborná ‰kola specializaãní Chomutov, s.r.o. [email protected] www.ssoss.cz Commercial, Hotel 350 Soukromá stfiední ‰kola pro marketing a ekonomiku podnikání s.r.o. [email protected] www.sssmep.cz Commercial Soukromé stfiední odborné uãili‰tû LIVA, s.r.o. [email protected] www.livamost.cz Technics, Business, Operation SP· strojní a dopravní, Dûãín VI. [email protected] www.prumka.cz Technics, Engineering, Economics Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Roudnice nad Labem [email protected] sweb.cz/sos.roudnice Technics, Mechanic, Moulder, Road Transport Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Krupka [email protected] www.soskrupka.cz Business, Management, Electric Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû, Podbofiany [email protected] www.sos-podborany.cz Business, Mechanic, Farmer Stfiední odborná ‰kola dopravní a strojírenská, Dûãín VI. [email protected] www.dorado.cz Business, Mechanic, Road Transport, Metal Cutting Stfiední odborná ‰kola InterDACT s.r.o. [email protected] www.interdact.cz Informatics, Social Services Stfiední odborná ‰kola Libochovice [email protected] soslibochovice.cz Commercial Stfiední odborná ‰kola podnikatelská, s.r.o. [email protected] www.ssposmost.cz Business Stfiední odborná ‰kola sluÏeb a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû KadaÀ [email protected] www.amoskadan.cz Business, Mechanic, Hairdresser 700 Stfiední odborná ‰kola technická a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû Louny [email protected] www.sostlouny.cz Technics, Mechanic, Management, Engineering 420 470 Stfiední odborná ‰kola technická a zahradnická, Lovosice [email protected] spssoulovo.cz Technics, Mechanic, Business, Woodwork, Chemistry Stfiední odborná ‰kola, Mezibofií [email protected] www.issm.cz Technics, Engineering, Electric Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû technické, Chomutov [email protected] www.soutcv.cz Business, Mechanic, Metal Cutting Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola Chomutov [email protected] www.spscv.cz Technics, Engineering Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola elektrotechnická a zafiízení pro dal‰í vzdûlávání pedagogick˘ch pracovníkÛ, spol. s r.o. [email protected] www.zatecsspse.cz Technics Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola stavební a Obchodní akademie, KadaÀ [email protected] www.sps-kadan.cz Management, Engineering, Commercial Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola strojní a elektrotechnická, Ústí nad Labem [email protected] www.spsul.cz Technics, Engineering, Road Transport Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola, Duchcov [email protected] www.spsduchcov.cz Technics, Geodetics Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola, Most [email protected] www.spsmost.cz Technics, Engineering, Road Transport Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola, Teplice [email protected] www.spsteplice.cz Informatics, Engineering, Road Transport Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola, Ústí nad Labem [email protected] www.sps-ul.cz Chemistry, Building Stfiední ‰kola EDUCHEM, a.s., Mezibofií [email protected] www.educhem.cz Chemistry, Mechanic Stfiední ‰kola elektrotechniky a spojÛ Ústí nad Labem [email protected] www.sose-sou.cz Technics, Mechanic, Postal Services 300 688 172 280 385 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz, Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports, www.msmt.cz LIST OF SCHOOLS IN VYSOâINA REGION Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Students Vysoká ‰kola polytechnická Jihlava [email protected] www.vspji.cz Informatics, Tourism, Finance, Management, Computer Systems Bc., Mgr. 1,560 Západomoravská vysoká ‰kola Tfiebíã, o. p. s. [email protected] www.zmvs.cz Management, Statutory Study, Information Technology Bc. 73 Akademie – VO·, Gymnázium, SO·UP Svûtlá nad Sázavou [email protected] www.vossvetla.cz production control DiS. 54 FARMEKO – Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická a Stfiední odborná ‰kola, s. r. o. [email protected] www.farmeko.ji.cz Assistant of Pharmacy DiS. Gymnázium, Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola Ledeã nad Sázavou [email protected] www.gvi.cz Economics, Management DiS. 85 Soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola grafická a Stfiední umûlecká ‰kola grafická s. r. o. [email protected] www.vosg.cz Artistic Work DiS. 30 Soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola sociální o. p. s. [email protected] www.svoss.cz Social-Work DiS. 120 Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická, HavlíãkÛv Brod [email protected] www.zdravskol.hbnet.cz Staff Nurse DiS. Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická Îìár nad Sázavou [email protected] www.szszdar.cz Staff Nurse DiS. 78 Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická Jihlava [email protected] www.szs-ji.cz Staff Nurse DiS. 100 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Obchodní akademie Chotûbofi [email protected] www.oachot.cz Securing Quality, Insurance, Work Safety DiS. 280 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborná ‰kola zemûdûlsko-technická Bystfiice nad Pern‰tejnem [email protected] www.szesby.cz Agricultural Tourism DiS. 80 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola Îìár nad Sázavou [email protected] www.spszr.cz Informatics, Economics DiS. 138 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední ‰kola hotelová SâMSD Pelhfiimov, s. r. o. [email protected] www.hs-pe.cz Management DiS. 36 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední ‰kola veterinární, zemûdûlská a zdravotnická Tfiebíã [email protected] www.szstrebic.cz Staff Nurse, Accounting DiS. 63 Universities Higher schools High schools âeská zemûdûlská akademie v Humpolci, stfiední ‰kola [email protected] www.sos-humpolec.cz Business, Science, Technics, Mechanic Gymnázium, Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola Ledeã nad Sázavou [email protected] www.gvi.cz General, Business, Informatics, Engineering Stfiední odborná ‰kola Nové mûsto na Moravû [email protected] www.sos-nmor.cz Management, Mechanic, Business 1,050 667 Hotelová ‰kola Svûtlá a Obchodní akademie Velké Mezifiíãí [email protected] www.hotelskola.cz Business, Hotel ManaÏerská akademie - stfiední odborná ‰kola, s.r.o. [email protected] www.mg-akademie.cz Management, Statutory 570 300 Obchodní akademie a Hotelová ‰kola HavlíãkÛv Brod [email protected] www.oahshb.cz Economics, Chef, Waiter, Hotel, Business 780 Obchodní akademie a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky Jihlava [email protected] www.oa-ji.cz Commercial 356 Obchodní akademie Dr. Albína Bráfa a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky Tfiebíã [email protected] www.oatrebic.cz Commercial 417 334 Obchodní akademie Pelhfiimov [email protected] www.oa-pe.cz Economics, Commercial, Informatics Soukromá stfiední odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû s.r.o. [email protected] www.vostry.biz Business, Statutory, Woodwork 245 Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû technické, Chotûbofi [email protected] www.souch.cz Technics, Mechanic, Woodwork, Engineering 375 Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola Jihlava [email protected] www.sps-jia.cz Technics, Engineering, Informatics 576 Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola stavební akademika Stanislava Bechynû, HavlíãkÛv Brod [email protected] www.stavskola.cz Building, Technics 318 Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola Tfiebíã [email protected] www.spst.cz Informatics, Engineering, Technics, Mechanic 940 458 Stfiední ‰kola automobilní Jihlava [email protected] www.ssaji.cz Work with Cars, Business Stfiední ‰kola Kamenice nad Lipou [email protected] www.soukamenice.cz Business, Mechanic, Farmer 175 Stfiední ‰kola obchodní a sluÏeb SâMSD, Îìár nad Sázavou, s.r.o. [email protected] www.obchodskolazr.cz Economics, Commercial, Business 502 Stfiední ‰kola obchodu a sluÏeb Jihlava [email protected] www.ssos-ji.cz Commercial, Business, Science, Hairdresser Stfiední ‰kola Pelhfiimov [email protected] www.spssou-pe.cz Business, Informatics, Mechanic, Engineering Stfiední ‰kola fiemesel a sluÏeb Moravské Budûjovice [email protected] www.sours.cz Business, Mechanic, Technics, Chef Stfiední ‰kola fiemesel a sluÏeb Velké Mezifiíãí [email protected] www.ssrsvm.cz Business, Mechanic, Electric Stfiední ‰kola fiemesel Tfiebíã [email protected] www.ssremesel.cz Work with Cars, Business, Smith 400 Stfiední ‰kola SâMSD Humpolec, s.r.o. [email protected] www.stredniskola.com Business, Informatics, Shop assistant 370 Stfiední ‰kola stavební Jihlava [email protected] www.ssstavji.cz Technics, Building, Woodwork 694 Stfiední ‰kola stavební Tfiebíã [email protected] www.spsstavebni.trebic.net/ Technics, Building, Woodwork 574 Stfiední ‰kola technická Jihlava [email protected] soupol.ji.cz 520 Stfiední ‰kola technická Îìár nad Sázavou [email protected] www.sstzr.cz Technics, Mechanic, Smith Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Obchodní akademie Chotûbofi skola@oachot www.oachot.cz Commercial 203 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední odborná ‰kola zemûdûlsko-technická Bystfiice nad Pern‰tejnem [email protected] www.szesby.cz Business, Management, Work with Cars 450 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola Îìár nad Sázavou [email protected] www.spszr.cz Business, Technics, Engineering 600 Akademie - Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, Gymnázium [email protected] www.vossvetla.cz General, Business, Glasses 400 a Stfiední odborná ‰kola umûleckoprÛmyslová Svûtlá nad Sázavou Biskupské gymnázium [email protected] www.bigyzr.cz General 550 Gymnázium a Stfiední odborná ‰kola Moravské Budûjovice [email protected] www.gymsosmb.cz General, Statutory, Social Services Technics, Smith 1,000 432 Gymnázium Bystfiice nad Pern‰tejnem [email protected] www.gybnp.cz General 340 Gymnázium dr. A. Hrdliãky, Humpolec [email protected] www.gymhu.cz General 238 Gymnázium HavlíãkÛv Brod [email protected] www.ghb.cz General 530 Gymnázium Chotûbofi [email protected] www.gch.cz General Gymnázium Jihlava [email protected] www.gymnazium.ji.cz General Gymnázium Otokara Bfieziny a Stfiední odborná ‰kola [email protected] www.gymnsostelc.cz General 554 Gymnázium Pacov [email protected] www.gpacov.cz General 166 Gymnázium Pelhfiimov [email protected] www.gymnazium-pe.cz General 448 Gymnázium Tfiebíã [email protected] www.gtr.cz General Gymnázium Velké Mezifiíãí [email protected] www.gvm.cz General 366 Gymnázium Vincence Makovského se sportovními tfiídami Nové Mûsto na Moravû [email protected] www.gynome.nmnm.cz General, Gym 440 Gymnázium Îìár nad Sázavou [email protected] www.gymzr.cz General Katolické gymnázium, Tfiebíã [email protected] www.kgtrebic.cz General 345 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz, Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports, www.msmt.cz LIST OF SCHOOLS IN ZLÍN REGION Name of school E-mail WWW Orientation Titles awarded Students Evropsk˘ polytechnick˘ institut, s.r.o. [email protected] www.edukomplex Management and Marketing of Foreign Trade, Inf. in Economics, Comp. Science, Finance and Tax Bc. Univerzita Tomá‰e Bati ve Zlínû [email protected] www.utb.cz Technology, Management, Economics, Multimedia Communications, Applied Informatics, Humanities Bc., BcA., Ph.D., Ing., Mgr. Obchodní akademie a VO· Vala‰ské Mezifiíãí [email protected] www.oavm.cz Economics Bc. 41 Obchodní akademie Tomá‰e Bati a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola ekonomická Zlín [email protected] www.vosezlin.cz Marketing, Accounting, Financial Management DiS., Bc. 190 Obchodní akademie, Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky [email protected] www.oauh.cz Economics, Confidential Clerk, Management DiS., Bc. 160 Stfiední ‰kola podnikatelská a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola, s.r.o [email protected] www.spos.cz Economics, Tourism DiS. 230 Stfiední zdravotnická ‰kola, Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická Zlín [email protected] www.inext.cz/szs_zlin/ default.htm Health care DiS. 47 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola filmová Zlín [email protected] www.filmovaskola.cz Film Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola pedagogická a sociální a Stfiední pedagogická ‰kola v KromûfiíÏi [email protected] www.ped-km.cz Educanional, social Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola potravináfiská a Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola mlékárenská KromûfiíÏ [email protected] www.vospaspsm.cz Food technology, Dairy Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola právní, s.r.o. [email protected] www.vos.cz Law DiS. 124 Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola zdravotnická Vsetín [email protected] http://szs-vzs.xf.cz/ Health care DiS. 120 Zlínská soukromá vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola umûní, o. p. s. [email protected] [email protected] Art, Drama DiS. Integrovaná stfiední ‰kola - Centrum odborné pfiípravy a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky Vala‰ské Mezifiíãí [email protected] www.isscopvm.cz Technics, Chemistry, Chef, Waiter Obchodní akademie a Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola Vala‰ské Mezifiíãí [email protected] www.oavm.cz Commercial, Informatics, Statutory Obchodní akademie KromûfiíÏ [email protected] www.oakm.cz Economics, Commercial Obchodní akademie T. Bati a VO· Zlín [email protected] www.oazlin.cz Economics, Commercial Obchodní akademie, Vy‰‰í odborná ‰kola a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky Uherské Hradi‰tû [email protected] www.oauh.cz Economics, Commercial, Informatics 450 Soukromé gymnázium a stfiední odborná ‰kola, s.r.o. Kunovice [email protected] www.edukomplex.cz Commercial, Informatics, Law, Management 375 Soukromé stfiední odborné uãili‰tû obchodu a sluÏeb s.r.o. [email protected] sou.uh.cz Business 160 Stfiední odborná ‰kola - PaedDr.Jaromír Stratil, s.r.o. [email protected] www.sps-sro.euweb.cz Business, Management 387 Stfiední odborná ‰kola a Gymnázium Staré Mûsto [email protected] www.szesgsm.cz Business, Economics, General 550 Stfiední odborná ‰kola Hole‰ov [email protected] www.soshol.cz Business 195 Stfiední odborná ‰kola Josefa Sousedíka Vsetín [email protected] sosvsetin.cz Technics, Chef, Waiter, Woodwork 777 Stfiední odborná ‰kola Luhaãovice [email protected] www.sosluhac.cz Handcrafted quality, Chef, Waiter Stfiední odborná ‰kola Otrokovice [email protected] www.sosotrokovice.cz Management, Technics, Woodwork, Electric Stfiední odborná ‰kola Slaviãín [email protected] www.souslavicin.cz Technics, Electric, Business Stfiední odborná ‰kola technická Uherské Hradi‰tû [email protected] www.tauh.cz Mechanic, Building, Woodwork Universities 927 11,320 Higher schools DiS., Bc. 85 DiS. 180 DiS., Bc. High schools Stfiední odborná ‰kola Uhersk˘ Brod [email protected] www.sos-ub.cz Business Stfiední odborné uãili‰tû letecké s.r.o. [email protected] www.souletecke.com Aeromechanic Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola Otrokovice [email protected] www.spsotr.eu Technics, Chemistry, Science Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola polytechnická - Centrum odborné pfiípravy Zlín [email protected] www.spspzlin.cz Management, Technics, Mechanic Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola stavební Vala‰ské Mezifiíãí [email protected] www.spsstavvm.cz Building, Woodwork, Technics 1,170 362 420 1,050 520 110 970 Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola strojnická Vsetín [email protected] www.spssvsetin.cz Technics, Engineering Stfiední prÛmyslová a hotelová ‰kola Uherské Hradi‰tû [email protected] www.spsuh.cz Technics, Engineering Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola Uhersk˘ Brod [email protected] www.sps-ub.cz Technics, Engineering, Science, Business 707 Stfiední prÛmyslová ‰kola Zlín [email protected] www.spszl.cz Technics, Economy, Engineering, Building 1,064 Technics, Electric, Mechanic 1,094 Stfiední ‰kola - Centrum odborné pfiípravy technické KromûfiíÏ [email protected] www.coptkm.cz Stfiední ‰kola - Centrum odborné pfiípravy technické Uhersk˘ Brod [email protected] www.copt.cz Technics, Mechanic, Gunsmith Stfiední ‰kola informatiky, elektrotechniky a fiemesel RoÏnov pod Radho‰tûm [email protected] www.roznovskastredni.cz/ Technics, Business, Informatics Stfiední ‰kola MESIT, o.p.s. [email protected] www.skoly.mesit.cz Technics, Business, Mechanic Stfiední ‰kola obchodnû technická s.r.o. [email protected] www.ssot.cz Technics, Business 512 Stfiední ‰kola zemûdûlská a pfiírodovûdná RoÏnov pod Radho‰tûm [email protected] www.szesro.cz Business, Science 278 Arcibiskupské gymnázium v KromûfiíÏi [email protected] www.agkm.cz General Gymnázium a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky Zlín [email protected] www.gjszlin.cz General, Gym Gymnázium Franti‰ka Palackého Vala‰ské Mezifiíãí [email protected] www.gfpvm.cz General Gymnázium J. A. Komenského a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky Uhersk˘ Brod [email protected]; [email protected] www.gjak.cz General 844 720 711 Gymnázium Jana Piveãky Slaviãín [email protected] www.gjpslavicin.cz General, Languages Gymnázium KromûfiíÏ [email protected] www.gymkrom.cz General 592 Gymnázium Ladislava Jaro‰e Hole‰ov [email protected] www.gymhol.cz General 475 Gymnázium Otrokovice [email protected] www.gyotr.cz General 420 Gymnázium RoÏnov pod Radho‰tûm [email protected] gymroznov.cz General 458 Gymnázium Uherské Hradi‰tû [email protected] www.guh.cz General, Business Gymnázium Vala‰ské Klobouky [email protected] www.gymvk.cz General, Economy Gymnázium Zlín - Lesní ãtvrÈ [email protected] www.gymzl.cz General, Languages 428 935 Masarykovo gymnázium a Jazyková ‰kola s právem státní jazykové zkou‰ky Vsetín [email protected] www.mgvsetin.cz General 800 Source: Centre for Higher Education Studies, www.csvs.cz; Czech Association of Schools of Professional Higher Education, www.ssvs.cz, Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports, www.msmt.cz
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