skoda 440
skoda 440
Company Profile · KO DA J S a . s . C o m p a n y P r o f i l e author: A. Kolros, KJR FJFI Engineering for nuclear power plants Construction and completion of VVER units – primary circuit and fuel handling systems, upgrade and renovation of operated VVER units, interim spent fuel storage facility, construction and renovation of research reactors 1 VVER 1000 reactor hall (Temelín NPP) 2 Refurbishment of instrumentation & control system (Dukovany NPP) 3 Interim spent nuclear fuel storage facility (Dukovany NPP) 4 Type VR-1 "Vrabec" training reactor (FJFI, Czech Technical University Prague) 2 1 2 3 4 · KO DA J S a . s . C o m p a n y P r o f i l e Service for nuclear power plants Software and computational analyses of operational safety and reliability, material analyses and tests, inspection of equipment condition and life time extension, measurement of fluences, thermal-hydraulic, tensometric, radiation and diagnostic measurements, in-service inspections, diagnostics, outage management, supply of spare parts, fixtures and manipulators, repairs and erection works, reactor pressure vessel recovery annealing 1 2 3 4 1 Ultrasonic testing of VVER 440 reactor closure head nozzles (Dukovany NPP) 2 RPV material sampling module 3 Tubeplate replacement at VVER 440 reactor protecting tube system (Paks NPP) 4 SKIN manipulator for RPV in-service inspections 3 · KO DA J S a . s . C o m p a n y P r o f i l e Equipment for VVER nuclear power plants Reactor components, linear stepping drive mechanism LKP-M, control rod drive mechanism PRO-M, self-powered neutron detector assembly, reactor concrete cavity embedded parts, flange joint stud tensioners 1 VVER 1000 reactor core barrel with core baffle (Temelín NPP) 2 Linear stepping drive mechanism LKP-M for VVER 1000 reactor 3 Control rod drive mechanism PRO-M for VVER 440 reactor 4 Self-powered neutron detector assembly 4 1 2 3 4 · KO DA J S a . s . C o m p a n y P r o f i l e Equipment for VVER nuclear power plants Reactor operation and maintenance equipment, fuel assembly components, diagnostic and monitoring equipment, hermetic cable penetrations, thermocouples, pressure vessels and tanks, shielding, nickel and graphite sealing rings, connecting parts 1 2 3 4 1 Equipment for repair of reactor main flange sealing groove 2 VVER 440 fresh fuel components 3 Hermetic cable penetration ·KODA/Conax 4 Expanded graphite sealing rings 5 · KO DA J S a . s . C o m p a n y P r o f i l e Equipment for western-type nuclear power plants Internal parts for PWR and BWR reactors, reactor main flange joint stud tensioners, hydrogen recombiners, special heat exchangers 1 BWR reactor core grid and shroud (Forsmark NPP, Sweden) 2 ABWR reactor main flange joint stud tensioner (Lungmen NPP, Taiwan) 3 Hydrogen recombiner (Lungmen NPP, Taiwan) 4 Heat exchanger for the spent fuel storage pool (Krsko NPP, Slovenia) 6 1 2 3 4 · KO DA J S a . s . C o m p a n y P r o f i l e Spent nuclear fuel storage High-density spent fuel storage racks, transport and storage casks, storage equipment for radioactive waste 1 2 3 4 1 A section of the VVER 1000 high-density spent fuel storage racks (Zaporozhe NPP, Ukraine) 2 Spent fuel transport and storage cask CASTOR® 440/84 (Dukovany NPP) 3 Type VTUK cask for fuel transfer between two RBMK 1500 units (Ignalina NPP, Lithuania) 4 Type VPVR cask for spent fuel transport from research reactors 7 Contact: ·KODA JS a.s. Orlík 266 316 06 PlzeÀ Czech Republic Tel.: +420-378 042 410 Fax: +420-377 520 600 e-mail: [email protected]
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