August VLGMA eNews
August VLGMA eNews
VLGMA August eNews Having trouble viewing this email? Click here VLGMA August eNews Supporting local government managers building great communities through inclusion, innovation and leadership In This Issue A Memo from Steve O Tedd's Take Innovation Edge A DAO in the Life Certificate News A Memo from Steve O A Memo from Steve O Dear Friends, Last month I wrote about re-engaging VLGMA members and former members. That effort continues and will be on-going. Again, please let me know if you can help me identify or reach out to a colleague that we need to bring back to VLGMA. This month I want to cover another goal I have for the year: increasing our corporate sponsorships. Just as the recession has reduced our travel, training, and dues budgets, it has also impacted our corporate partners and some sponsorships have slipped. I am hoping that some of our traditional sponsors as well as some new ones will want to assist us now that the worst seems to have passed. Some of us may take a dim view of our sponsorship arrangements, given that our engineering, architectural, legal, and financial advisor sponsors basically pay to spend time with us. Some of us may equate this with lobbying and influence peddling in Richmond and Washington, but it is not the same. Sure, our sponsors buy time with us, but nothing is promised or even implied insofar as a quid pro quo. We may or may not engage them down the road. Often, such decisions are not ours to make anyway; our procurement officers and department heads handle vendor selection. Our sponsors have marketing budgets for this purpose and want to get their names out there among the membership. Also, many of them have become our friends and colleagues and want to strengthen those relationships for mutual benefit. A few of them were local government managers too at some point. Most importantly, we really could not provide the quality conferences we have 1 of 6 8/6/12 10:39 AM VLGMA August eNews without them. Either registration fees or membership dues would have to be set prohibitively higher, or we would have to serve crackers and Kool-Aid at our functions and completely forego quality speakers and programs. Nobody would be happy with that. Sponsorships are like NASCAR. Those Tide and Go Daddy and Viagra sponsorships are keeping the costs down so more folks can enjoy racing, but nobody is making you buy those products - whether you need them or not! So, please take a few minutes to look through your contact list, business card pile, and accounts payable records and see if you can identify a potential sponsor. Let Molly know if you know of a business that might like to help sponsor an event at our next conference (or the VLGMA Scholarship Fund) and she will make the "ask." Increased sponsorship is a sustainability measure. We need them and they need us. Help us make more connections. --Steve Contact Steve Owen Tedd's Take A DAO in the Life VA Local Governments Keep Doing Great Things It's been my pleasure this year to serve as a judge for both the Virginia Municipal League and Virginia Association of Counties' local government awards programs. Working with staffers David Parsons (VML) and Gage Harter (VACo) is always enjoyable because of their enthusiasm for local government and the positivity of their respective programs. It's all about good stuff! The key point I want to make is that both award programs illustrate the fact that, no matter how fiscally or politically tough things become, Virginia local governments stay the course and keep doing great things. Many of the applications depict projects years in the making or programs with a history of success. The environments these 2 of 6 What Local Government Does Best I learned a new word this summer derecho - a storm that seems to be a Anne Marie Green cross between a hurricane and a tornado. One ripped through the Roanoke Valley around 9 PM on June 30 with no warning. It just hit, taking hundreds, if not thousands, of trees with it. When dawn broke on July 1, the devastation became apparent. Electricity was out for thousands of people in the Valley and broken limbs and uprooted trees were on almost every block. Two main county administrative buildings were also off-line, forcing staff to set up office space in the generator powered Public Safety Center. In an instant, the work week changed - the 8/6/12 10:39 AM VLGMA August eNews localities operate in has changed dramatically over the past few years, but those challenges have not deterred them from going the extra mile, being creative, finding new and innovative solutions, and shaping a better quality of life for their citizens. The award applications themselves take considerable time and effort to prepare. The pride of accomplishment displayed, no matter how big or small, simple or complex the endeavor, is clear. Each reinforces my pride in Virginia local government, and its well-earned reputation as one of the very best in municipal management. These awards programs may seem trivial to some, but most understand that, especially now, we need to celebrate and share our successes, particularly the most extraordinary ones. Judging these awards is a tough job since there are so many excellent submittals. It is truly encouraging at a time when the outlook for local government is unsettled, at best. Contact Tedd Povar Innovation Edge hours increased, we were in temporary office space with laptops and portable radios, and the challenges were varied. But this is part of being a DAO - leaving your home and family to help the citizens who need you more. It took a week for the power to be fully restored, so many people had no air conditioning and lost food in refrigerators and freezers. It was a strong reminder of what local government does best and why we are so motivated to do our jobs. The front line staff becomes the face of the government for the citizens during disaster recovery. Trash collectors, public safety personnel, office staff and librarians all had a hand in helping to alleviate the stress that hot, tired citizens felt as they tried to clean up and restore some sense of normalcy for their families, even though many of those employees faced the same issues in their own homes. It is what we do every day, but a crisis can help us remember why we do it. Contact Anne Marie Green Certificate News The Certificate program is getting Leader's Challenge in ready to wrap up another successful Arlington summer! The County, VA three courses The Leader's Challenge program in being taught this summer have offered Arlington County Government was our students new insights into the varied created as a fast track program to train and complex workings of local high potential employees to take on government in Virginia. Furthermore, senior management level jobs. "High the students have been given many potential" employees are identified using opportunities to have discussions with the Corporate Executive Board definition each other and other local government - someone with the ability, engagement, professionals in order to see all aspects 3 of 6 8/6/12 10:39 AM VLGMA August eNews and aspiration to rise to and succeed in more senior, critical positions. The primary goal of the Leader's Challenge Program is to increase the number of leaders ready to compete for promotional positions as a significant number of retirements in leadership are anticipated in the next three to five years. Secondly, the County is seeking to develop leaders who can work effectively in cross-functional teams on complex problems that require crossdepartmental solutions and cooperation. In the program these teams are created and they use action learning techniques to develop innovative solutions to complex County issues. The teams are sponsored by senior leaders of the organization, where they are exposed to the leadership of the organization and vice versa. The third goal is to develop self-aware, resilient leaders who understand that a critical aspect of leadership is a journey of self-discovery, managing energy and personal engagement. Continue Reading and/or view their presentation from the 2012 TLG Conference. Visit the Alliance for Innovation for more information or contact Toni Shope, East Regional Director at [email protected] Local Government Virginia News Stay connected via Facebook with relevant stories from our group called " Local Government Virginia News " - simply request to be a member of this group (it is a closed group so only other accepted members participate). Once you're a member, feel free to comment on postings and 4 of 6 of local government administration. In fact, students consistently say that the class discussions with their peers are the best part of the Certificate courses. So, in those times when public service can seem challenging and isolating, these discussions with peers in the field can be both educational and uplifting! In addition to the summer courses coming to an end, the Certificate program is looking forward to an amazing fall. The program is on track to have some of its highest course enrollments yet. When classes start at the end of August, there will be more than 60 students enrolled in Certificate courses. This illustrates the great demand for the top-notch Certificate program in Virginia. As the excitement grows for the upcoming semester, remember it is never too early to start thinking about the possibility of beginning the Certificate program. Applications to begin the program in the spring will be accepted through December 1. Please contact Bob Stripling if you or anyone else you know is interested in starting the program. Even though he will be teaching a course this fall, Bob is always willing to discuss the Certificate program with anyone (usually while wearing a Virginia Tech polo shirt). Feel free to contact him at [email protected] or 540-448-1102. Find the Certificate online: Future Newsletter Articles 8/6/12 10:39 AM VLGMA August eNews post stories from your local government to share with others. This new communications tool is designed for us to share, network and learn. Calendar Upcoming Events PDC Meeting August 24th in Staunton VML Conference - September 23-25 in Williamsburg PDC Meeting - September 24, 10-11:45 a.m. at VML Conference Executive Committee Meeting September 24, 1 p.m. at VML Conference A goal of this e-newsletter is to keep you informed on activities relative to our profession. As with any membership-based organization, contributions by members are welcome and encouraged. Topics can range from a recent achievement in your locality to an upcoming event with networking potential to human interest stories about current or retired members. To contribute simply send your brief e-newsletter content (~5 sentences or less) via email to Molly Harlow. More Dates Quick Links VLGMA Website ICMA Website Alliance for Innovation Virginia Municipal League VA Association of Counties Weldon Cooper Center forPublic Service Website Contact Forward this email 5 of 6 8/6/12 10:39 AM VLGMA August eNews This email was sent to [email protected] by [email protected] | Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribeâ„¢ | Privacy Policy. VLGMA | P.O. Box 400206 | Charlottesville | VA | 22904 6 of 6 8/6/12 10:39 AM
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