precision turned parts
precision turned parts
PRECISION TURNED PARTS MICRODECO S.A. Poligono Urtia S/N Ermua (Vizcaya) Tlf: 0034 943 170317 Fax 0034943173115 E-mail: [email protected] History – Business Milestones • • Founded in 1963 in Eibar, specialized in manufacturing highly complex turned parts. Latest turning technology, highly qualified staff and quality are our three pillars. Business/Organisation Milestones 1963 Foundation of Microdeco 1997 First 5S implementation program 1999 Beginning of the “Mini Companies” management. Silver “Q” award from the Basque Goverment. 2002 Gold “Q” Q award form the Basque Goverment. Goverment 2003 European EFQM quality award for “Social Corporative Responsability” 2006 BAI Award (Basque Automotive Industry). 2008 P t Partner and d foundator f d t off AIC-Automotive AIC A t ti Intelligence I t lli C t Center. Beginning of production of Romanian plant MICRODECO Ro Robert Bosch Preferred Supplier nomination. 2009 Beginning of production in AIC MICRODECO BorP Beginning of MICRODECO INNOVA, (I+D unit) 2013 Introduction in RVCI (Basque Science and Innovation Net) 2014 50th Anniversary of Microdeco,S.A: 2014“Good practise award” for internacionalization by Basque Goverment 2015 Beginning of MICRODECO MEDICAL 110 History – Technological Millestones Core technology of our production processes is TURNING with Swiss-art machinery. Technological millestones 1982 First CNC lathe (elector, TOP, Deco). 1988 SPC (Stadistical Process control ) implementation. implementation 1990 First Multispindle cam-lathe. SAS 16.6. 1998 First CNC multispindle MULTIDECO. 2001 Extension of MICRODECO headquarters. 2002 Strategical alliance with TORNOS. 2006 production line implementation. p Bosch ZME3 First p 2007 First high technology 8 spindle CNC, MULTIALPHA. 2010 First “hard turning technology” machines KUMMER and MIYANO. 2011 Eddy Current tester implementation. 2012 First high precision multispindle MULTISWISS. 2012Cleanliness control laboratory implementation (gravimetry and granulometry.) 2014 First multispindle MultiSigma 111 History – Quality Millestones The reliability of the process is supported by artificial vision unitary controls, statistical process control ((SPC)) and q p quality y tools as Jidoka or Firewall. Quality millestones 1993 Certification according to ISO-9002 by AENOR 2003 Environmental certification according to ISO 14001 by AENOR. 2004 Certification according to ISO/TS 16949-2002 by AENOR. 2008 Certification according to ISO EFR (Social Responsibility Certification) 2009 Certification according to ISO/TS 16949-2002 by AENOR of Microdeco Ro 112 Business Plan Vision Business Drivers ‐ Turnover > 20 Mio € ‐ Transformation with Robert Bosch ‐ Improve our position in the turning parts market.(Champions League) g specialization p product p p position based in advanced multitechnologies. g ‐ High ‐ Actitude PRO (Contributing / solver / Interested) ‐Lean mindset ‐ German Productivity ‐ Recovering sustainable profitability. Organization Structure of Microdeco S.A. General Manager Administration and Systems Sales Quality Human Resources management R&D/ Process and Product Engineering MARKET/CUSTO OMER SERVIC CE CULTURE E/PEOPLE Management Control Operations p Management g Operations P d ti Plants Production Pl t Production Planning, Procurement 114 Key figures at Microdeco ‐ErP: 16,5 Mio € ‐BorP: 4 Mio € ‐Ro: Ro: 2,5 Mio 2,5 Mio € Tur nover 25 23,00 20,50 19,20 19,30 20 Turnover T Éxportation Investment K€ 15 15,60 9,66 10 7,30 3,78 4,41 17 20 17,20 17,20 17 20 16,66 15,50 12,89 12,00 5 18,50 18,20 4,6 4,48 Year 3 12 3,12 2,41 2,19 1,9122,12 1,68 1,60 2,05 2,05 1,3822,04 1,32 0,924 1,043 0,9141,11 1,34 0,91 0,859 0,826 0,385 11,40 13,00 6,3 5,40 3,48 12,28 12,50 8,73 8,07 8,19 5,11 5,57 14,60 13,50 11,04 18,00 17 00 17,00 3 1,8 2,4 1,35 1,9 2,6 1,2 1,5 2 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1.Transformation: • Internal reorganization • Empowerment 2nd. Transformation: TME ( Minimun efficience size) • Local Æ Global • TurningÆ Industrialization 3th Transformation • • New technologiesNew products. • Cleanliness controls • Productivity P d ti it • Hard Turning Investments 7,00 0% 7% 12% 12% 6,00 19% 18% 19% 16% 19% 23% 12% 14% 6,30 7% 8% 10% 14% 17% 24% 27% 23% 25% 5,00 4,60 4,48 Yearly ratio of Investment/Sales 38% 8% 20% 36% 30% 40% 4,00 50% 3,00 3 00 3,00 2,60 60% 2,40 1,91 2,00 1,68 1,38 1,00 0,91 0,86 0,83 0,92 2,00 1,90 1,80 1,50 1,35 1,32 70% 1,50 80% 1,04 90% 0,39 0,00 100% 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Yearly investment (Mio Euros) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 3era Transformación: • ... 116 Customer/Market • Microdeco is supplier of highly concentrated customer base in automotive industry (93%) and mainly foreign customers. customers Export rateÆ (73%) • Microdeco participates in a commercial partnership AUXI with other technologies enterprises (Gabi, (Gabi Alfa Group, Group Saljoar) as Common Commercial Export Dpt. Dpt • Microdeco participates also in DYNAMIK (Technological Alliance of 8 companies.) Share by sectors Share by Countries 117 Customer/Market: 118 Productive platform Microdeco Medical Microdeco ErP Microdeco BorP Microdeco Ro Microdeco Inn. (R&D) GINA S S.A. A Finesse Precimontajes 119 Geographical composition of Microdeco group -Group compositionÆ 169 people - Microdeco,S.A. (Head-Quarters - Ermua) Æ 110 people - Microdeco Mi d BorP B P (Boroa (B - AIC)Æ 25 people l - Microdeco Ro (Oradea-Romania)Æ 32 people - Microdeco Innova (Ermua – R&D)Æ 9 people Finesse Rectificados, Rectificados S S.A. A Precimontajes, S.A. - Finesse Æ 14 people - Precimontajes j Æ15 p people p Microdeco, S.A. Microdeco Inn., S.L.U. Microdeco Medical Microdeco, BorP. 2 000 m2 in 2.000 i A Amorebieta bi t 9500 m2 in Ermua Microdeco, Ro. 7500 m2 in Oradea (Romania) 120 Microdeco S.A. (Headquarters – Ermua) • • • General Manager: José Iraolagoitia Foundation: 1963 Capacities: – – – – Precision turning g and industrialization of high g volumes production lines. Group Management and Headquarters. Core production and tool shop. Medical activities. • Turnover: 16,5 Mio€ • p y : 110 Employees • Certifications: – – – – ISO 9001 ISO TS 16949 ISO 14001 EFR1000-1 121 Microdeco S.A. (Headquarters – Ermua) 122 Microdeco BorP. (Boroa – AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center) • General Manager: José Iraolagoitia • Foundation: 2008 • Capacities: • • – New technologies development center – T ti and Testing d industrialization i d t i li ti off new processes. – Technological antenne. Turnover: 4 Mio€ Employees: 25 123 Microdeco BorP. (Boroa – AIC-Automotive Intelligence Center) 124 Microdeco Ro. (Oradea - Romania) • • • General Manager: Florenta Loredana Toda Foundation: 2007 Capacities: – – – – – Strategic production center close to our customers in east Europe. W ll located Well l t d Plant Pl t closed l d to t Hungary. H Romanian General Manager. Romanian Responsibles trained in Ermua Plant during 6 months. All of them speak Romanian, Spanish and English Clear facilities, offering total freedom for the Lay-out design and enlargement possibilities. • • Turnover: 2,5 2 5 Mio€ Employees: 32 • C tifi ti Certifications: – – ISO 9001 ISO TS 16949 125 Microdeco Ro. (Oradea - Romania) 126 Microdeco Innova AIE (Ermua – I+D) • General Manager: José Iraolagoitia • Foundation: 2009 • Capacities: – – – – – • R&D Unit for whole group Product and Process Engineering and quick prototyping Scope: Technology, Quality and Organisation Alliance management Reinforce of our Business Drivers Employees: 9 127 Technological capabilities • Since the beginnings, Microdeco is preferential customer of Tornos (Swiss company), this partnership p p g generates feasible solutions for the industrialization of high g complex. p parts. • Turning as Core technology Æ Latest machines are Multialpha, Multiswiss, MultiDeco and give us flexibility to meet requirements of our customers. • We have a fleet of 75 machines of multi-spindle lathes and mono-spindles. • Complementary technologies Æ Hard turning, Grinding, Flat Grinding, Deburring (high pressure oil), Trobalization, Heat treatment and Assemblies. • Close to customerÆ Use of WebEdi conexion (Supplyon, GXS, Covisint, 128 Annex : Technologies Columna1 Columna2 R10 NAT-125 TOP-100 Deco 2000-26 Deco 2000-20 Deco 2000-13 Deco 2000-10 Evo Deco SwissNano SAS-16 MultiDeco 20.6 MultiDeco 20.8 MultiDeco 26.6 MultiDeco 32.6i MultiAlpha p 6.32 MultiAlpha 8.20 MultiAlpha 8.28 MultiSigma MultiSwiss Miyano Kummer LSK250 M hi i ttransfer Machining f Schaublin turning finishing Grinding centerless+plongee CNC Grinding centerless+plongee CNC Flat Grinding High pressure deburring Annealing (Heat Treatment) Hardening Teflon Electroless Nickel Chemical Nickel Galvanic Coating AOD (Anodyzing) Automatic assembly line Manual assembly line 100% Final Robot control White room facilities and laboratory Soap cleaning machine Monospindle cam Monospindle cam Automatic monospindle CNC Automatic monospindle CNC Automatic monospindle CNC Automatic monospindle CNC Automatic monospindle CNC Automatic monospindle CNC Automatic monospindle CNC Automatic multispindle cam Automatic multispindle CNC Automatic multispindle CNC Automatic multispindle CNC Automatic multispindle CNC Automatic multispindle p CNC Automatic multispindle CNC Automatic multispindle CNC Automatic multispindle CNC Automatic multispindle CNC Hard turning one spindle CNC Hard turning two spindle CNC Mi d Microdeco own d design i (L (Launik) ik) Schaublin TM-100 CNC Estarta 301 CNC Estarta 318 CNC (proxi) XXX (proxi) Piller Arrola BMI (proxi) Strategic Partnership Berritzen Strategic Partnership Berritzen Strategic Partnership Berritzen Strategic Partnership Berritzen Strategic Partnership Microdeco own design Microdeco own design (ISV, Visicontrol, Betx, Kokatu, Lazpiur) Microdeco own design (proxi) Microdeco own design (Surfat/Milama/Alphaso Columna3 ERMUA 12 1 2 1 6 5 2 1 2 4 1 4 5 Columna4 ORADEA 4 3 Columna6 Columna7 FINESSE PRECIMONTAJES 1 3 2 1 1 5 1 1 5 2 2 1 Columna5 BOROA 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 2 4 3 1 1 1 1 129 Technological capabilities/Value chain Process machining • T i Turning. • Prototyping. Finishing • • • • • Machining Tests. Deep hole drilling. Deep-hole drilling CUSTOMER REQUEST /BUSINESS OPPORTUNIT Y • • • • • • TURNING Galvanic (SC) AOD (SC) Zinc plating (SC) Electroless Nickel (SC) Nickel plating (SC) Teflon (SC) • • • • • • PROCESSING A Annealing li Eddy current test. Inductive hardening (SC) Case hardening (SC) Carbonitriding (SC) Gasnitriding (SC) FINISHING Secondary process • Ab Abrassive i deburring. d b i • Trobalization • High Pressure Oil deburring CLEANING 100% CONTROL Surface Treatment • • • • • • Fi Turning-Reprise Fine T i R i Grinding (ED) Centerless through-feed Grinding (ED) Centerless plongee Flat grinding Honing(SC) Lapping Hard Turning (Kummer / Miyano) Reaming Roller burnishing Heat Treatment Assembly Cleaning 100% F.Control/Packaging • Mechanical pressing. • Gravimetry controls • Artificial vision controls. • Manual- automatic assembly. • Granulometry controls. • Surface visión controls. • White room- In progress • Mechanical measuring controls. • Mat label/Odette/KLT. Nuclear Technologies 130 Technological capabilities Process machining CUSTOMER REQUEST Surface Treatment Finishing TURNING PROCESSING Heat Treatment FINISHING Secondary process CLEANING 100% CONTROL Assembly Cleaning Packaging Nuclear technologies 131 Technological madurity matrix: Technological position Technological madurity Cam Lathes Old Go out Mature Technological Transference Go out SAS New applications Value engineering Deco Diversify Improve MKTG Quote increase Estandarization MultiDeco Growth Technological cooperation Developments increase Open market Kummer Embrionic Colaboration, subcontractor Multi Swiss Consolidate Knowledge and protect Develop new applications and technologies patents CORE Technologie MultiAlpha Low Medium Strongh Enterprises position 132 Range of Products and Materials Range of Products: • • • • Wide range of parts between Ø1 to Ø34 mm with a maximum length up to 700mm. Tolerance in diameters IT7 and IT11 in lengths. Our series, ranging from 20k up to 5 Mio parts. > 250 parts running in serial production with total production of >50Mio parts/year. Raw materials: • Cylindrical bars, hexagonal, etc and raw material refractory high-alloy steels, and ductile steels difficult chip fragmentation like: – – Stainless steel and hardnenable s.steel (1000Tn), free cutting steel (1000Tn), brass(300Tn), aluminum(40Tn), titanium and miscellaneous.(ETG100)(200Tn) High experience in various grades of stainless steels.(1.4305,1.4301,1.4548,1.4841,etc…) Heat and Surface Treatments: • Following specifications of customers, we perform heat treatments and coatings like Nickel-Teflon, Anodizing, Zinc-Nickel. 133 Products • PowertrainÆ Most of our parts are assembled in Powertrain function of the vehicles (80%). • Our most representative products are for: – – – – – – – – Products family turnover in %(2012) Common Rail components. Airbag housings. EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) components. Proportional solenoid camshaft Hydraulics AdBlue (SCR, DNOX),Blue Efficiency Turbochargers (bushings and pins) Miscellaneous (H.appliances, office supplies, military equipment, etc..) 134 Customer/Market: Product Position Market • • • Focus:Product Driven Demand (Diversify customers) Volume Profit PLV PCV GLP HPV 25 SHOCK ABSOR VERS EGR ZME Blue Efficiency HYDRA ULIC DNOX POC EV650 TURB OO CHAR GERS 25 TGV Airbag 25 75 • • • Technology Service + Quality Know-How Microdeco Position 135 Products: Common Rail 1. Common Rail (Diesel): • Microdeco produces 11 P/N for common rail, divided in 3 groups, ZME, PLV, PCV and VCV: – VCVÆ Volume Control Valve and Flow pump (ZME) (Bosch Feuerbach and Kendrion) – PCV/PLVÆ Pressure Control\Limiting Valves (Bosch Jihlava) Microdeco is producing critical elements for this functions. 136 Products: Injectors 2. Injector (Gasoline) : Microdeco is producing a part for the piezoelectric injector called “Zentrierbolzen” ((Bosch Turkey). y) 137 Products: EGR, SCR y Blue Efficiency 3. EGR, SCR and Blue Efficiency – EGRÆ Microdeco Mi d produces d valves, l plungers l and d shaft (Pierburg Group). – SCRÆ Selective Catalytic Reducer. Mi d Microdeco i producing is d i one tube t b and d 2 buchses. b h (Bosch Aranjuez and Bosch Madrid). – Blue Efficiency, Efficiency Microdeco produces Polkern Daimler (Kendrion) for the hydraulic circuit and a family of 6 parts for the EV650 project with ((Bitron Spain). p ) T Tecnología l í EGR Válvula Fuente: Grupo Renault 138 Products 4. Variable Cam Timing solenoid VCT. The references produced by Microdeco are for the magnetic g core (Armature ( complete) p ) and housings g ((Pipe p y C-Pole). ) Kendrion China. 5. Hydraulics: Microdeco is producing several references for hydraulic components (Rings and d Polkerns) P lk ) Kendrion K d i CZ. CZ 6. Airbag: Microdeco is producing a family of parts the airbags. Autoliv France. 7. Turbochargers: We are producing a family of bushings and pins for Turbo application. (Mitsubishi Nederlands) 139 ProductsÆ EGR components, shaft, plates, guides and valve discs. 140 ProductsÆ EGR components, shaft, plates, guides and valve discs. 141 Products: Hydraulics, Polkerns, Valve-seats for EV. 142 Contacts General Manager Mr. Jose Iraolagoitia 34 943 17 03 17 34 943 17 31 15 [email protected] Commercial Manager Mr. Tony Goffard 34 94 424 30 21 34 94 424 29 86 [email protected] Customer support (Germany) Mr Richard Trautnitz Mr. +49 917 890800 0049 171 807 807 6 [email protected] @ Operations Manager Mr. Patxi Balerdi 34 943 17 03 17 Quality Manager Mr. Igor Eibar 34 943 17 03 17 34 943 17 31 15 [email protected] Engineering Manager Mr. Ina Telleria 34 943 17 03 17 34 943 17 31 15 [email protected] 34 943 17 03 17 34 943 17 31 15 [email protected] Sales/New Bussiness.Develop.Res. Mr. Enrique Mendia 34 943 17 31 15 [email protected] Many y thanks for y your attention