Tuesday 25th February 2014
Tuesday 25th February 2014
MELIA AVENIDA AMERICA - MADRID Tuesday 25th February 2014 09.00: WEX Registration 11.00 - 11.30: Exchange Meeting 1 (SALONES ZARAGOZA III + IV FLOOR 4) 11.35 - 12.05: Exchange Meeting 2 (SALONES ZARAGOZA III + IV FLOOR 4) 12.10 - 12.40: Exchange Meeting 3 (SALONES ZARAGOZA III + IV FLOOR 4) 12.15 - 13.15: Light Refreshments to be served in the ULTURA Cafe 13.15 - 13.30: Welcome Address: Jim Southworth, Chairman, Utility Associates - Managing Water in Energy Constrained World (SALON TOLEDO II + III FLOOR 3) 13.30-13:45: Opening Keynotes: Dante Ragazzi, Executive Advisor to the Board - SABESP (SALON TOLEDO II + III FLOOR 3) 13:45- 14.45: Towards a Zero Waste Society, Waste to Energy Incineration (SALON TOLEDO II + III FLOOR 3) PANEL: Ky Dangtran, Vice President Biosolids, INFILCO DEGREMONT INC., Jose Maria Villanueva del Casal, Director of Sanitation Operations, Bilbao-Bikaia, Consorcio de Aguas, Ryan Welsh,Supervising Engineer, City of Cincinnati, William Ferdandes,Manager Treatment Capital Wastewater division, Region of Peel, Ontario (TBC) As the regulation of biosolids becomes ever more stringent, land values continue to rise andthe dangers of potential secondary pollution caused by leachate and the emission of methane(a potent greenhouse gas) many countries are phasing out landfill and are turning to new technologies which not only manage biosolids but also transform them into useful products. • • Bio-Solids to Energy Incineration: The Example of Galindo WWTP How Cincinnati’s New Fluid Bed Incinerators Are Saving Energy and Reducing Air Pollution Sponsored by: 14.50 - 15.50: Sustainable Water Cycle Management with Direct and Indirect Water Reuse (SALON TOLEDO II + III FLOOR 3) PANEL: Mohsen Mortada, General Manager, Arcadis, Prof. Walid Abderrahman, Chairman and CEO, Miahona; Matthew Griffiths, Director of Water Strategy and Reuse, Regulation and Supervision Bureau, Government of Abu Dhabi, Maurice Neo, Deputy Director Industry Development Singapore, PUB Singapore, Claudia Hernandez, Secretaria General Tecnica del Organismo de Cuenca Aguas del Valle de Mexico, CONAGUA • • • • • Water Cycle Management, Abu Dhabi Experience What are the major challenges that need to be overcome? The role of Innovation in improving reliability and energy efficiency Challenges for expanding water reuse in the agriculture and urban water Securing Economic viability and opportunities for potable reuse Sponsored by: 15.55 - 16.25: Exchange Meeting 4 (SALONES ZARAGOZA III + IV FLOOR 4) 16.30 - 17.00: Exchange Meeting Session 5 (SALONES ZARAGOZA III + IV FLOOR 4) 17.05 - 17.20: Presentation by NWC: Saud Alsabahn, Director, Senior Manager, Marketing & Research, National Water Company (SALON TOLEDO II + III FLOOR 3) • Future Plans & Water Enhancement Project – Case Study 17.25 - 18.25 Next Generation Desalination Technology, Innovations, Energy and Environment (SALON TOLEDO II + III FLOOR 3) PANEL: Leon Awerbuch, President and CTO of Leading Edge Technologies, Chairman of IDA Programs. Past President of IDA, Dr Boris Liberman, CTO, IDE Technologies, Ghassan Ejjeh, Senior Vice President, BESIX, IDA Presidential Ambassador, Dr. Masaru Kurihara, Fellow, Toray industries Inc, William Chang, Executive Managing Director, Emirates Sembcorp Water & Power Company • • • • • Fujairah 1’s SWRO Expansion – Innovative energy and water resources management “Mega-ton Water System” – Overview and Progress – Cost-effectiveness – innovative means of cost-control Competition and innovation Experimental technologies and processes Sponsored by: 18.30 - 19.10: Taking the Waste out of Wastewater Treatment! Panel: Osman Eyalp, Managing Director, Hidroteknik Su Arıtma Ltd; Afnan Din, Vice President and Process Manager – MENA, Headworks International 17.05-18:05: Business Development Forum: Central and Eastern Europe (SALON TOLEDO I FLOOR 3) PANEL: Pavel Policar, Chairman of the Board, Czech Water, Dobromir Simidchiev, Former Deputy Minister, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, Bulgaria, Mr.Gyorgy Palko, Managing Director of Veolia Water for Hungary and Southeast Europe, General Manager of the Budapest Sewage Works company (FCsM) and Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Sofiyska Voda AD, Mark Muller, Managing Director, Aqualia New Europe • • • • Key policies for adaptation to climate change and population growth to maintain sustainability Private foreign Operators / mixed municipal ownership and operations concept (effectiveness of each)PPP opportunities in future Effectiveness of the local regulatory frameworks and institu tions Moving Towards More Sustainable and Competitive Compa nies 18.10 - 19.10 PANEL DEBATE:Throwing the Baby out with the Bath Water - The Role of the Private Sector (SALON TOLEDO I FLOOR 3) PANEL:Yves Besse, Vice President of the Board, CAB Ambiental, Alistair Clark, Managing Director, Environment and Sustainability, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development; Sahana Singh, Editor, Asian Water, Nigel Ayton, Managing Director, Scottish Water International; Roberto Zocchi, Engineer, ACEA S.p.a., Maria Eduarda Berto, Project Director, Estruturadora Brasileira de Projetos The water sector is often being driven to “throw the baby out with the bath water”, by the “constant. drumming of well-organised, rich NGOs”, that blandly assert the evil profiteering of PPP and a blind opposition to major projects such as big dams. This is unfortunate given that a coherent water strategy should put all options on the table that utilise an array of financial and technological solutions to meet the challenges of bewildering complexity • New technologies offer a step change in the way wastewater is treated, making it safer, less expensive and less energy intensive. Solving the most pressing problems in wastewater treatment will require technologies that are not just effective but also affordable for • a rapidly growing market in the developing world. • What are the problems with traditional waste water treat • ment? • What are the potential for new technologies in terms of cost reduction and improved energy efficiency? • • OPEX Savings in IFAS Process Applications • How can a proper debate about the relative merits of PPPs solutions be mobilised when it is often not in the interest of the public sector to acknowledge the real reasons behind a failed PPP? Isn’t it time to ensure that the “real issues such as using PPPs to improve the capacity of public water utilities or tailoring PPPs to suit the needs of a city” move to the centre of the debate? Is the failure to take control of the agenda a failure of communications or courage on the part of both the private sector and policy makers fearful of making the case in the face of public hostility? What needs to be done in order to ensure that critical thinking and intelligent evaluation become the basis of decision making in the search for a proper water strategy? Sanitation projects in Brazil Bringing private sector skills into public sector utilities 19.15 - 19.45: Exchange Meeting Session 6 (SALONES ZARAGOZA III + IV FLOOR 4) 20.00 - 21:30: WEX Welcome Cocktail Reception - HOTEL Sponsored by: Wednesday 26th February 2014 08.25 - 08.55: Exchange Meeting Session 7 (SALONES ZARAGOZA III + IV FLOOR 4) 09:00 - 10.00: Zero Liquid Discharge- Is there an Environmental Benefit? (SALON TOLEDO II + III FLOOR 3) PANEL: Francis McKeever, Managing Director, APAC Region,ULTURA, Udo Kolbe, Business Development Director, ULTURA, Jayesh Shah, Consultant, Jenuine Solutions Pte Ltd Factors driving the growth of the ZLD market such as water scarcity, pollution reduction and regulation Benefits for water scarce regions such as the middle east and environmentally sensitive regions such as parts of Asia Key Challenges to the wider implementation: Increased capital costs, disposal of the solid waste, and the implications for energy efficiency Pros and cons for business against options such as better water management, more recycling and improving control over effluent • discharge Sponsored by: • • • The WEX Global Smart Future Forum Organsied in Association with WIPAC The WEX Global Sustainable Future Forum 10-05 - 10.20 - Introduction by Oliver Grievson, Flow Compli- 10.05 - 10.20 - Introduction Bill Barber, Technical Practice Leader ance & Regulatory Efficiency Manager, Anglian Water/WIPAC – Global Biosolids, AECOM (SALON TOLEDO II + III FLOOR 3) (SALON TOLEDO I FLOOR 3) • Where Smart Water meets Smart Cities 10.25 -11.25: Water Industry Process Control and Automation (SALON TOLEDO II + III FLOOR 3) PANEL:Tom Schaefer, Industry Sales Manager | Global Water Wastewater Business, Rockwell Automation, Laurent Misslin, Head of Automation, Ovivo Switzerland AG, Nigel Butler, Electrical Design & Construction Engineer, Morgan Sindall, Graham Powell, Area Maintenance Manager, Anglian Water The challenges of balancing ageing control equipment, maintenance costs, increased pressures for efficiency and sustainability and sourcing resources are driving innovations in process technologies. Improvements in water asset management and operations efficiency are critical to meeting population and climate challenges. So will the sector take a proactive approach to technology by making smart choices for the best long-term solutions for its operators and its citizens • Ultrapure Water in Semiconductor Industry • Lee Tunnel Presentation • “Smart” Pumping • How sewage and biosolids can assist with approaching energy neutrality at a wastewater treatment works 10.25 - 11.25: It’s Time for a New Look at Sludge! (SALON TOLEDO I FLOOR 3) PANEL: Harald Kleiven, Vice President of Business Development, CAMBI AS, Bill Barber, Technical Director, AECOM, Joan Canals, Technical Director, GS INIMA Sludge treatment and disposal represents a challenge to WWTP designers and operators. However sludge is also a valuable resource from which energy (biogas or electricity), fertilizers, fuel etc. can be recovered. Modern (advanced) sludge treatment plants focus on recovering energy and nutrients and on producing stable, safe and even re-usable end products. New biological process allow treatment of high strength reject water with minimum use of energy and carbon. It’s time for a new look at sludge! • • Cambi Thermal Hydrolysis for Advanced Sludge & Biowaste Treatment Case Study - Vigo Sponsored by: Sponsored by: 11.30 - 12.30 - Smart Networks (SALON TOLEDO II + III FLOOR 3) PANEL: Pedro Carreira, Director, Strategic Customer Team, EMEA & Asia, Pacific, Sensus GmbH, Erik Driessen, Head of Innovation,Vitens, Andrew Donnelly, Advisor to the Board and Head of Network Monitoring Unit, EPAL, Reinhard Hübner, Investment Manager, SKion GmbH 11.30 -12.30 - Reducing the Operational Costs and Improving the Energy Efficiency of WWTP’s (SALON TOLEDO I FLOOR 3) PANEL: Bert Dirks, Business Development Manager, Atlas Copco, Marek Gromiec, Chairman of the National Water Council and Permanent Advisor to the Polish Parliament, Lewis O’ Brien, Technical Manager, Hydrok UK Ltd, Nuno Broco, Engineer, Aguas de Portugal Improvements in water asset management and operations efficiency International are critical to meeting population and climate challenges. Can smart Growing awareness of the water-energy nexus means that the optiminetworks collect and share data to improve supplydemand managezation of energy economy is now the defining factor in designing and ment? What are the benefits to overall long term operations and operating wastewater treatment plants. Typically energy costs are up to management. 30% of WWTP operating costs and can rise as high as 40% which can put unsustainable pressure on municipal budgets and ultimately lead to • WONE Water Optimization for Network Efficiency: Appling higher tariffs for the customer base. effective tools for reducing Non-Revenue Water within a Major Water Utility • Hydrok Ultra Efficient Aeration with Integrated Fixed Film • Smart Water Networks Activated Sludge (IFAS) • Energy saving by choosing the right blower technology • Electrical Energy performance assessment in Águas de Sponsored by: Portugal WWTP Sponsored by: 12.35 - 13.15: Smart Cities (SALON TOLEDO II + III FLOOR 3) PANEL: Jorge Malfeito, R&D Director, Acciona Agua, Nivaldo Rodrigues da Costa, SABESP (TBC) 12.35 - 13.15: RECOVERY OF THE RIVER MEDELLiN :The Planning Design and Construction of the BELLO WWTP (SALON TOLEDO I FLOOR 3) SPEAKERS: Carlos Quijano, Wastewater Manager, Empresas Publicas de Medellin (Colombia), Dr. Ralf Bufler, Managing Director, Lahmeyer GKW Consult GmbH By 2050, the world’s population is projected to be more than 9 billion, with roughly 70% of people residing in urban areas. With more people flocking to cities, there is an urgent demand for smarter, more sustainable cities. How will smart cities change the way that we The Bello Wastewater Treatment Plant serves 2.75 million people in live and what opportunities do they offer for improving the sustain- Medellin. The plant was designed between 2006 and 2008, and construction began at the end of 2012. The plant includes all modern asable management of water and energy? pects of treatment including nitrogen removal and full energy recovery and in many ways sets the benchmark for WWT in Latin America. • Managing growth and development in a sustainable way This intriguing session looks at the history of the project from the that minimises disruptions and ensures the realisation of point of view of the owner (EPM) and examines the development of world class infrastructure • Optimising investment through a coordinated and coherent the solutions in consultation with the designer (Lahmeyer). approach to infrastructure development • Demonstration of Integrated Smart Water Supply Solutions: Cáceres demo site. 13.20 - 13:50: Exchange Meeting Session 8 (SALONES ZARAGOZA III + IV FLOOR 4) 14:00 - 15:30: WEX GLOBAL EXCHANGE ROUNDTABLE WORKING LUNCH 15.35 - 16.35: Effective Underground Asset Management (SALON TOLEDO II + III FLOOR 3) PANEL: Mark Loveday, Regional Manager Europe, Echologics Engineering, Enrique Cifres, Advisor to General Manager, Tecnicas Reunidas, Marc Bracken, VP, General Manager, Echologics Engineering; Steve Tooms, Consutant, Tooms Moore Consulting Ltd Effective management of underground assets is critical for all utilities in order to prolong asset life and to sustainably reduce non-revenue water. By combining advanced leakage detection and non-invasive pipe condition assessment, a utility can cost effectively reduce non-revenue water and prioritise its mains repair, rehabilitation and replacement programmes. The life cycle of underground pipes can be optimised enabling deferment or re-allocation of capital and operational expenditure. • Permanent Leakage Monitoring of critical Transmission Mains • Acoustic Leak Detection and Pipe Condition Assessment - Thinking Outside the Pipe Sponsored by: 15.35 - 16.35: Sub- Saharan Africa Business Development Forum (SALON TOLEDO I FLOOR 3) PANEL: Jack Noble, Commercial Director Europe, Middle East, Africa & India, Koch Membrane Systems, Ralf Bufler, Managing Director, Lahmeyer GKW Consult GMBH, Americo Ferreira, Member of the Board, Aguas de Portugal Internacional, Dr.Vaino P. Shivute, CEO, NamWater Many developing countries need water infrastructure to improve the livelihoods of their citizens and their quality of life and nowhere is this more acute than in Africa. While there are many constraints to the delivery of water infrastructure, one of the most obvious factors that hampers delivery is project costs. Access to finance is the lifeblood of water infrastructure delivery, as is the packaging of the funding model for each project or groups of projects. Sponsored by: 16.40 - 17.10: Exchange Meeting Session 9 (SALONES ZARAGOZA III + IV FLOOR 4) 17.15 - 18.15:The Latin American Business Development Forum (SALON TOLEDO II + III FLOOR 3) PANEL: Francisco Beltran, CEO, Degremont Mexico, Ing. Ramón Aguirre Díaz, CEO, Sistema de Aguas de la Ciudad de México, Guillermo Fernandez de Soto, Director for Europe, CAF, development bank of Latin America, Dante Ragazzi, Acessor da Presidência, SABESP (TBC) • • • • • El Plan Hídrico de la Ciudad de México Emerging opportunities for investment and development at an international level Regulatory inconsistencies: what can be learnt from success ful models? Agua y Energía Political, climatic and financial instability: what does it mean for the future of the water, wastewater and energy industry? Sponsored by: 18.20-19.15: Business Development Forum: North Africa (SALON TOLEDO II+III FLOOR 3) PANEL: Mohamed Chaffi, Deputy Director, Beni Saf Water Company, Algeria, Hedi Belhadj, Director General, Desalination& Environmental Directo,SONEDE, (Tunisia), Samir Bensaid,Director General,IEA-ONEE, Morocco • • • Financing Water, Sanitation and Energy Infrastructure in North Africa The future of Desalination in North Africa Presentation de la SDEM de Beni Saf et son impact positif dans la region 17.15 - 19.15:The aqualia Innovations Forum at WEX Global CHAIR: Fiona Griffith, Managing Director, Isle Utilities; PANEL: Frank Rogalla, Director of Innovation and Technology, aqualia, Mark Lane, Chairman, Mark Lane Water Consultancy; Reinhard Hubner, Investment Manager, Skion Gmbh, Patrick Andrew Mullen, Water and Sanitation Specialist, International Finance Corporation - Infrastructure Investment (CINUT) Our panel of experts examine the concept of Innovation follow by presentations of selected innovative technologies in the water sector. The panel in consultation with the audience will decide which technology will win The aqualia WEX Innovation Forum Award. This will be presented to the winner at the WEX Gala Dinner on the night of the 26th of February 2014 at the Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid Presentations by: - ecoBETA Denmark - Lisbeth Sylvester - Genesys International Limited - Ursula Annunziata - Sorbisense - Carsten Frederiksen - Syrinix - James Dunning - Strathkelvin - Michael Dooley Sponsored by: 19.20 - 19.50: Business Meeting Session 10 (SALONES ZARAGOZA III + IV FLOOR 4) 20:30: Buses depart from Hotel to WEX GLOBAL Gala Dinner at the Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid (Return at around 00:00) Sponsored by Thursday 27th February 2014 08:25 - 08.55: Business Meeting Session 11 (SALONES ZARAGOZA III + IV FLOOR 4) 09.00:10.00: Desalination and Sustainable Development (SALON TOLEDO II + III FLOOR 3) PANEL: Miguel Angel Sanz, Director of Development and Innovation, Degremont and 2nd VP International Desalination Association, Khalid Tahri, Technical and Engineering Senior manager, ONEE, Gabriela Mañueco, International Development Manager, ACUAMED, Ursula Annunziata, President, European Desalination Society Many countries are facing chronic water security challenges. In arid, coastal cities, water demand is satisfied by large-scale desalination systems reliant on fossil fuels. The growth of urban populations married to the impact of climate change places increasing pressure increasingly scarce groundwater and surface water resources and more desalination plants will be required to meet the water demand gap. • • • • Water availability and demand assessment, including implications of climate change impacts on both resources and demands; Assessment of options to close MENA’s water gap, including scope of regional desalination needs; Energy needs assessment of desalination and the potential for utilizing renewable energy (primarily Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Environmental implications of desalination and mitigations especially in fragile eco-systems such as the Gulf of Arabia. Sponsored by: 10.05 - 11.05:The Middle East BusinessDevelopemnt Forum (SALON TOLEDO II + III FLOOR 3) PANEL: Richard Menezes, Chairman and Managing Director,UTICO; Dr. AlaEldin Idris, Planning Coordinator and IAO Member for the Evaluation Commission, Sharjah Electricity & Water Authority, Prof. Abdulaziz Al-Turbak, Consultant and Professor of Civil Engineering at the King Saud University • • • • Changes and developments in regulation, policies and privatisation strategies Emergency Water Supply Response in Sharjah Emirate, UAE. Guaranteeing the security and supply of water and energy resources to meet the demands of population and industry by improving interconnection between countries Sharjah’s response to the emergency water supply challenge Sponsored by: 11.10-12.10: Business Development Forum Asia (SALON TOLEDO II + III FLOOR 3) MODERATOR: Sahana Singh, Editor, Asian Water PANEL:Yoshihiro Kobi, Executive Vice president and COO, PT Bekasi Fajar Industrial Estate, Patrick Couzinet, Business Development Director, Veolia, Maurice Neo, Director of Industry Development, PUB Singapore and Managing Director of the Singapore International Water Week • • • Water Quality and Water Service Reliability Private Sector Participation Case Study: PT Bekasi Fajar Industrial Estate - HUMAN CONNECTION – The Best Way in Resolving Industrial Park’s Paradox 12:15 - 12.45: Business Meeting Session 12 (SALONES ZARAGOZA III + IV FLOOR 4) 12.50 -13.50 Plenary Session: Creative Financing Tools to Fund Water Infrastructure (SALON TOLEDO II + III FLOOR 3) PANEL: Patrick Andrew Mullen, Water and Sanitation Specialist, International Finance Corporation - Infrastructure Investment (CINUT), Dr Dirk Wittenberg, COO, Remondis Aqua International GmbH, Bastien Simeon, Global Head of Water, KPMG, Dr. Ulrich B Wilhelm, Partner, KROHN Rechtsanwalte • • • • What is the current status of the PPP global water market? Will the advent of performance contracts address issues of underperformance and how widespread will be their adoption through out the world What is the role, operations and impacts of IFI investment in developing countries Sewage Sludge – Earnings out of Residues 13.55- 14.55: Managing Water Within and Energy Constrained World: Panel Debate (SALON TOLEDO II + III FLOOR 3) PANEL: Andrea Zillig, Director of Marketing Municipal & Industrial, Kemira, Frank Rogalla, Director od Innovation and Technology, aqualia; Miguel Angel Sanz, Director of Development and Innovation, Degremont, Patrick Andrew Mullen, Water and Sanitation Specialist, International Finance Corporation - Infrastructure Investment (CINUT), Harald Kleiven, Vice President of Business Development, CAMBI AS This final session brings together the key theme of this year’s WEX GLOBAL programme. The relationship of water and energy is ageless and continues to evolve. Understanding how best to optimize the use of water and energy will be critical for business leaders and policymakers alike. Neither government nor industry alone can single-handedly solve the growing global water crisis and both need to engage with all stakeholders if progress is to be made. • • • • Wastewater as an energy resource Current challenges in expanding renewable energy from waste products including the importance of a clear regulatory and eco nomic framework Innovative technologies and processes for sludge treatment and management including reduction of energy demand and generation of energy from the process Integration of renewable energy technologies Sponsored by: 14.55- 15.00: Closing Remarks by Jim Southworth, Chairman, Utility Associates 15:00: WEX GLOBAL Closing Buffet Lunch