in the press - The Moxie Agency
in the press - The Moxie Agency
JANUARY 2009 l"llrk~"(jl ,or Masters We ' re giving away 7~ee and hair-color appointments, makeup applications, and personal-training sessions this month. Every weekday in January, go to freestuff to win a service with one of these top experts. New York GARREN NEW YORI<, C:nren , h:lirstylisL ,\ master who SLII"(S {rends ~nd a.v'Q.ids I:\ds (sec Victoria B.xkham's larc~ut). ')700. 7S 1 Fifth Avc .. 212-$41-94 00. THE SERGE NORMANT AT JOHN F,RIEDA SALON, Serge Norlll:lm, hairstylist. Sarah iessi<:a 1',1fkcr' ~ tn.Ule lIlan. $600. 825 \V;\,hin~ton Sf ., 2ll-675-000 I. SALLY HERSHBERGER DOWNTOWN, ,\\ark Town"",nd, h:ursrylist. His left byers win .kvorccs 1ik.., Kate Ikrk~ak. $600. 425 \"(1, 14th St.. 212-206-POO, ORLO SALON, Orlandu Pita,'\i~!. (jor"l'OIl~ h.lir, any W;I)' he slices it. 5800. 34 Callst:\'Olm St., 212-242-3266. OC61 SALON, Louisl' O'Connor, hairstylist. An ('}T for derail ,md a knack for b},ers. $21'; ..H E. 6 hi St., 211-935-6261. RITA HAZAN SALON, Rita Ilazan, color1,[, She o..:raft~ jtCllllifer Lopez\ (arantd rihhons. $600 alld up. 720 Fifth Ave., 212-';86--114.3. EUZABETH ARDEN RED DOOR SALON & SPA, IInH! Johns. (olorist. UnfbpP:lb!c uptown hl(mdc~. S375 and up. 691 Fifth A\e.,211-S4fi-0l00. THE SERGE NORMANT AT JOHN FRIEDA SALON, Harry rosh, co!ori,t. ;"\odds'lre dre-h;lrd (ans o( IllS hlghli!;'hts. $-1 00 and lip. lllS W,lshingtun St., 212-6- ;;:-000 I. LOUIS UCARI SALON, Louis LICari. co!urist. The master of blondes. $575. 693 Orlando Pita, New Yoril City Fifth Avc"lJ2-758-1090. SHARON OORRAM COLOR AT SALLY HERSHBERGER, Sharon Dorram-Krause. (o!orist. Her ch'lmpaplt: hl{)nde~ to men" hl'ads. $150 and up. '7 E. 71st St .. 212-535-3519. KIMARA AHNERT MAKE UP STUDIO, Ki!l1ar,l Ahnerr, makeup Jrrist. '\!auy of her d i ('Jl(~ are l·debriril·~~the re~t Just rook like one. S250. II t3 f\,bdison Ave., 212-452-4252. RITA HAZAN SALON, Sandy Linter, nl<1keup artist. She C<1n make skin brighter and eyes bigger. $350 and up. 720 Fifth AI''''' 212-586-4343. EDRIS SALON, LandI' Dean, makeup artist. He re fines your makeup bag first, then your ieatu r ~~ . S250. 430 \'\/. 14th St.,112-989-6800. DAVID EVANGELISTA SALON AT CORNElIA DAY RESORT, Joette B:dsamo, makeup arti~t. Ach ieves a fresh look with m:urral shades. $300. (';6.1 Fifth Ave .. 212-871-3050. HOEBEL FITNESS, Breit Iloebel. if<1iner. His (ircuit-trJin ing workoUTS are intense (bllt he's so dreamy you won't mind). $200 for one hour. 54 W. 21st St., 212·366-1 341. MADISON SQUARE CLUB, David Kirsch, t ra iner. The secre t weapon behind Ileidi K!um '~ killer bod. $350 fur une hour. 210 Fifth Ave .. 112-683-1836 . ,,0 PEAK PERFORMANCE, Tim Davis, trainer. llltl·grates cardio and weight [f:lining with yoga <lnd l'iLltC~. S 130 for one hour. 54 W. 21st St.. 212-229-3670. Boston THE LOFT SALON & DAY SPA, ,\ lichael Albur. hairstyli~t. Low maHltenance: high ~tvk. $75, 207 Newhury St., 617-536-5638. JAMES JOSEPH SALON, Eva , h<1irsrylist. Body and shilll' from ncry angle. $105 and up. 30 Newbury St., 617-266-7222 . SALON MIZU, \1.lile Lopez, colorist. Subtle strokes of geniu~ . $235. 776 Boylston Sr., 617-585-\ llZU. DEAN MELLEN, (·oluriSI. EI1 \ iable color; unf:nhomable ~hine. $95 .md up. By appoUlrmem only, 917-723-0007. SHU UEMURA, !Jani Wagencr, m:lkeup arTist. Smoky eyes that transform your face. $ 125. 130 Ncwburv St.. 617-247-3500. REVOLUTION FITNESS, ,\ll ike IYAngdo. rminer. HIS lullge~ and crun..:hes ~C"t I'i~ inle re.~ult<;-Lm. $100 for one hour, 209 C..olumblls Ale., 617-536-3006. Philadelphia FOLLICLE STUDIO, Fr,lnccsc.l Rivetti. hairslylist. Prenr CUTS Ihat bruw out heaUliful!y . $135. 180 7 Chestnut St.. 115- 564-9099. Balayage at Mizu Posted by Carolyn on July 23, 2009 Who: Miguel Angarita What: Balayage style highlighting Where: Mizu Salon, New York 505 Park Ave. When: M: 10-7, T-Fri 9-8, Sat: 9-7 Why: Because highlights should look so natural that no one asks if you’ve gotten them. They should look like this, not this. Before heading out to the Hamptons last Saturday, I first paid a visit to my new favorite Park Ave Salon: Mizu. I had heard of the Boston salon from Sara, who had named it one the swankiest in her city, so when I needed a little emergency hair color, I immediately thought to call up the newly opened Manhattan location. I had gone months without a color touch up and gotten to the point where I was tempted to Photoshop my hair before posting pictures. As I was hoping to impress the polo players, I realized that two inch roots was not a good look. The salons, opened by Elan Sassoon (as in Vidal’s son), boasts a sleek, modern all white interior and brings New York’s downtown design to a discerning uptown clientele. Even on a Saturday morning in the summer, the space was bustling with activity- yet as expected, service was quick, friendly, and attentive. I was lucky to have been taken care of by Miguel Angarita, a friendly, non pretentious and incredibly talented colorist. I gave him the ultimate task- the same one that I ask of every colorist- to remove all the red pigment from my naturally dark black hair, work over 3 years of nonstop color (including impulsive box coloring in my bathroom), and deliver a Milla Jovovichesque light ashy brown with golden highlights. Check out the before and after below! So how did Miguel do it? Well first, he pointed out that the last gal who did my hair went crazy with the foils- which is totally true. As the purpose of highlights is to accentuate the texture and movement of hair, a full head of foils defeats the purpose as it flattens out the contrast between the highlights and the hair’s naturally darker shade. Second, he pointed out that Milla’s hair is strategically lightened around the face and along the ends to recreate the natural look of sun hitting her hair. Lastly, he said my color had faded into orange- which was mostly my fault, but also partly because the last colorist didn’t remove enough of the red out of my hair. Instead of using foils, Miguel used a technique called balayage, a coloring method where the highlights are swept onto the hair. If you thought that highlights result in unnaturally looking streaks (like this, from an old dye job)- think again! First the hair is teased and backcombed, then the color is painted on in sections. Unlike traditional foil highlights which is very scientific and accurate, the balayage method is more like the artist freely painting on canvas. In the hands of a skilled artist, balayage highlights deliver the most natural looking results. Within each section of hair, part of it is teased back and only the section below is highlighted. Therefore, when the uncolored hair rests over over the treated hair, the contrast in color creates depth and movement. Balayage is also not as damaging to the hair as traditional highlights since the paint stays on the hair for a shorter amount of time (about 10 minutes) and the hair cuticle is not forced open with heat. While I was getting my head painted, Miguel shared some valuable tips for color. - Bring in a picture to the salon of what color you want you hair to be. While many salons, Mizu included, offers swatches, it is impossible to determine from a 1in by 1in piece of synthetic fiber how that color would look transcribed to a full head of hair. - Ask for highlights towards the middle to ends of your hair instead of at the roots. As a serious colorist, Miguel DVRs every single fashion show and he claimed that not one model had highlights around the roots. Not to mention, avoiding highlights around the roots can extend your in-between salon visits by up to another 4 weeks! - In order to avoid over processing your hair, make sure your colorist can work with your existing hair color. As it turns out, Miguel only colored about 50% of my brassy hair but he strategically placed lowlights in certain areas to create the illusion of lightness next to the darkened hair. Then he took a blue toner to remove the remaining orange out of my color. - Have your colorist go lighter around your hairline and around your face in order to illuminate your skin. Here’s another shot of my “after hair” in artificial lighting- where you can see still see the contrast between the light and the dark and how natural it looks. Now when I look back at pictures of highlights I’ve gotten before, I’ve realized that the point is to fake people out into thinking you have naturally gorgeous hair that just happens to be 100 shades of brown (or blonde or red) instead of having someone call you out and ask “did you get highlights?” Miguel only works in the New York Mizu location, but he has offered three lucky TDO readers a $50 off gift card to see him at Mizu! Simply leave a comment if you’re in the market for a new color, and we’ll draw three winners next week! Mizu New York is located at 505 Park Ave on 59th St. Manhattan's Top Ten Salons Hello Guest (Log In or Register Now) | Help Filter Photos Network Photos Videos Shopping Web more Beauty : Articles | Blogs | Topics | Photos | Videos | Quizzes Fashion Trends Runway Designers Beauty Hair Makeup Skin & Body Celebrities News Mizu Style A-List 1 | 2 | 3 of 10 Entertainment NEXT Television Music Movies Games Living Food & Drink Home & Design Travel & Leisure Luxury Fashion & Jewelry Fine Living New "Dance Flick" Trailer ... Street dancer Thomas Uncles is from the wrong side of ... Luxury Travel Family & Moms Glam Media Karl Lagerfeld Fal 2009 ... Karl Lagerfeld Fal 2009 Collection Pregnancy & Baby Fashion Week Daily Parenting Moms Communities Philippe Starck on design and ... Starck describes the peaks and troughs in the design ... Health Diet & Nutrition MyDeco Fitness & Exercise Conditions & Care Wellness See More Videos Rate: Mind, Body & Spirit 1 vote 1 | 2 | 3 of 10 Healthy Planet NEXT Empowerment Shopping Top 10 Manhattan Salons Filter Groups Scoop & Celebrity Coffee shops. Dry cleaners. Attractive (unavailable) men. Hair salons. All things that can be found on any given corner on the island of Manhattan. Sometimes the sheer quantity of salons can be overwhelming. How's a girl to choose where to get her cut, color, or blowout? We've weeded through them all to find the best options for you, and got the deets on their signature treatments. That way you know where to go depending on what you need. So relax, read on, and get ready to get coiffed! Culture & Lifestyle Mizu Black Life Face & Style Filter By Category The minimalistic decor of this Park Avenue salon fits perfectly with their philosophy that the beauty comes by working with, rather than against, nature. Try their amazing Shu Uemura treatments that use essential oils tailored to your specific hair type and needs. Each one is prefaced with an utterly relaxing scalp massage. Beauty Evolution Features Mizu is located at 505 Park Ave. Call 212.688.6498 or visit for[6/1/2009 1:21:11 PM] News - VIP Scene: Rosario Dawson Celebrates Her 30th Birthday | NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIBE VIDEO MOBILE RSS ADVERTISEMENT ShareThis VIP Scene: Rosario Dawson Celebrates Her 30th Birthday WEDNESDAY MAY 6, 2009 · Rosario Dawson celebrating her 30th birthday with Latininspired Rose's Mojito cocktails at The Gates in NYC. · Johnny Knoxville playing Rhythm Heaven on Nintendo Dsi at the Tribeca Film Festival in NYC. · Holly Madison taking photos with some NYPD police officers at Island nightclub in Astoria, NY. See photos of the Girls Next Door · Adrian Grenier hanging out at the DeLeon tequila launch at the Chateau Marmont in West Hollywood. · Lake Bell and Rashida Jones catching up at the Lyn Devon party at Arcade by Rochelle Gores in LA. · David Arquette listening to DJ Berrie's old school hiphop at Tao in Las Vegas. · Estelle jamming to her song "American Boy"at the launch of Belvedere Black Raspberry in NYC. · Sam Ronson - sans ex Lindsay Lohan hanging out with Jus Ske at Mr. West in NYC. · Jason Priestley talking about fatherhood at the Motherhood Begins Now event in Santa Monica, CA. · Whitney Port getting a blow out and manicure at Blow in NYC. · Madonna, Jesus Luz and daughter Lourdes dancing at Lady Gaga's sold-out show at Terminal 5 in NYC with opening acts Chester French and White Tie Affair. See Madonna's loves through the years Jerritt Clark ShareThis · Jeremy Piven sipping Bud Light Lime while browsing stores at Malibu Lumber Yard in Malibu, CA. Sponsored Links · Karina Smirnoff hitting the dance floor with her fiancé Maksim Chmerkovskiy at the Velvet Margarita 5th 1 Flat Stomach Rule: Obey Anniversary & Cinco de Mayo in LA. · Richard Gere getting his hair done at Mizu salon in NYC. Join Us on Facebook and Twitter for even more up to the minute celebrity news and photos! Hayden Panettiere Praises Teen Mom Bristol Palin Sponsored Links 1 Flat Stomach Rule: Obey I cut down 3 lbs of body fat every week by obeying this 1 simple rule. I Lost My Belly in 3 Weeks I Cut Down 4 lbs of Belly Fat Every Week by Obeying this 1 Simple Rule. Remove Stretch Marks Rapid, permanent stretch mark removal. Seen on Tyra. See Photos.[5/11/2009 9:54:51 AM] I cut down 3 lbs of body fat every week by obeying this 1 simple rule. Buy a link here