The Big 5 Exhibitor List
The Big 5 Exhibitor List
The Big 5 The Big 5 Exhibitor List* Company Name 10 Rajeb 3H Inc 3M 3tree Paint Hall, Stand No Sheikh Maktoum B131 Ar C235 6 C260 Ar A215 A A Barbosa 2 G45 A Cimenteira Do Louro 2 F77 A Proctor Group Zabeel C138 A Raymond Zabeel K139 AB Metals Concourse 424 ABC On Uretimli Moduler Zabeel R137 Abet Laminati Zabeel K133 Abo Building Material (Kunshan) Ar J210 Abu Saeed Trading 4 B166 Abus Zabeel K116 ACC Gulf 3 C120 Aceally (Xiamen) Technology Ar G251 Ace-Hellas 8 C330 ACF Zabeel V164 ACL Import and Export Ar G230 ACM 6 A243 ACO Group 2 D87 Acofal 1 E40 Action Floor Systems 5 G230 Adakaya Panel Zabeel D111 Adalya Mermer Sanayi Sheikh Rashid A206 Adbruf 2 F70 Adex 2 C55 Adexsi Souchier 1 F30 Adolin Boya Kimya Zabeel F139 ADS Advertising Materials Sheikh Rashid A240 Advanced Construction Supplies Factory (Lawazem) 4 B199 Advanced Facilities Management Multaqua B110 Advanced Metal Works Concourse 420 Advantage Austria Zabeel Y155, Y165, Y170, Y181 Aerauliqa Pav D15 AFG Middle East – Forster Profile Systems Zabeel J101 Afghanistan Builders Association-Pasaar Concourse 69 AFS Flexible Duct 3 E136 AGB 6 D255 Agir Haddecilik S1 C171 Agrob Buchtal Zabeel R126 AGT 1 B27 Ahlia Chemicals Zabeel P136 Aik Seng Industries Ar E190 Air Master Equipment Emirates 3 B151 Air Pohoda Zabeel T164 Ajanta Marbles Sheikh Rashid F170 Ajman Free Zone Authority Concourse 608 Akam – Volga Blue Quarry Owner Sheikh Maktoum C100 Akdag Granit Mermer Sheikh Rashid E217 Akpen Plastik PVC Accessories Manufacturing and Trading 7 C304 Akplas Kaucuk Lojistik Zabeel W154 Akrolithos Concourse 731 Aksu Armatur Sanayi Zabeel E145 Aksu Insaat Yapi Malzemeleri 7 C314 Aktav Akustik 7 B300 AKW A+V Protec Industry Zabeel R114 Al Arif AC Systems 2 A96 Al Bahar Industries Company Zabeel P137 Al Bassam International Factories 4 F187, 4 F189 Al Baz 3 C110 Al Fajer Establishment Concourse 611 Al Faw Shop Tools Sheikh Rashid A233 Al Ghurair Iron and Steel S1 A162 Al Haya Al Jameela Building Material 8 B357 Al Hoda 4 A199 Al Jawdah Ceramic Company Sheikh Rashid B171 Al Jazeera Paints 8 D341 Al Jihan Gulf Horizon General Contracting Concourse 648 Al Maha Ceramics Sheikh Rashid A190 Al Mamaleek Building Materials Concourse 206 Al Masaood Bergum Concourse 310 Al Mazroui Icas Zabeel G105 Al Misned Trading and Joinery S1 F166 Al Muftah Polymer S1 D156 Al Muhaideb Trading and Contracting 4 C181 Al Muqarram Industry 8 B351 Al Mutathawir Insulation (Sindbad Group) 8 G364 Al Nafie Steel S1 C150 Al Nimr Steel Trading Concourse 430 Al Shams Advanced Lighting Technologies S1 E151 Al Waleed Stone Manufacturing and Marketing Company Sheikh Rashid C175 Al Yousuf Greentech Concourse 230 Al Zubaidi Modern Decorative Systems 8 D357 Alaa Aljazeera General Trading Zabeel Q135 Alacakaya Mermer Ve Maden Isletmesi Concourse 622 Alafeef Kitchen Accessories Concourse 87 Alalamia For Rockwool (Rockal) 8 E370 Alam Steel Industries Zabeel R130 Alanan Stone and Marble Sheikh Rashid E176 Alaz Ahsap Tekn Pav G15 Alba 2 MPM 6 A271 Alca Plast Zabeel U163 Alchimica 3 D117 Alcoa Architectural 1 C32 Alcobond Aluminium Composite Panels and Aluminium Coated Coils Sheikh Maktoum A130 Alcopanel 1 A14 Aldeghi Luigi 6 E264 Aldrees Industrial & Trading (Alitco) Zabeel G139, H139 Aleris Aluminium Duffel Bvba 1 F21 Alexandr and Sylvester Concourse 216 Alfanar 3 A111 Alghanim and Alfaham Aluminium Factory Zabeel O135 Alghanim Fencing Industries Zabeel O137 Alhasawi Industrial Group Zabeel P134 Aliaxis Building Solutions 4 B171 All Victory Grass (Guangzhou) Ar G257 Allegion 2 A62 Allflex – All Metals Engineering 4 A170 Alluminia 6 C241 Almeer Industries for Control Panels Zabeel Q134 Almetsan Yapi Elemanlari S1 C176 Alomi Real Wood Floors 7 A302 Alp 4 A161 Alp Celik S1 D176 Alpa 7 E311 Alpha Plus 8 A358 Alrajhi Building Solutions S1 A131 Alre-It Regeltechnik Zabeel P112 Alubond USA Concourse 510 Alucoil 1 C47 Aluk Group 6 F241 Alumil Middle East Zabeel G121 Aluminco 7 A321 Alurays Lighting Technology Zabeel Q117 Alusol Rolling Shutter Industries Zabeel O131 Aluwood Emirates 7 A297 Alvenius 2 E95 12 7 Alvio Aluminium Systems 8 D332 Amable Stone Xiamen Sheikh Rashid E245 Amaltech Sheikh Maktoum A122 Amca 2 G101 Amcm Asiatic Metal Contracting and Manufacturing S1 A171 Amglobal Spain 1 G40 AMI – American Dolphin Concourse 701 Amiantit Qatar Pipes Company S1 E151 Amorim Cork Composites 2 F71 ANA Intergroup S1 C187 Anchor Pro 7 A281 Anhui Huilv Aluminium Industry Ar B205 Anhui Hyy Import and Export Ar J165 Anmax Watertec 4 A164 Annicom 2 D64 Annovi Reverberi 7 F307 Anping City Anrun Stainless Steel Hardware Products ArJ230 Anping County Guorun Hardware Mesh Products Ar H227 Anping County Heng De Li Wire Mesh Ar H231 Anping County Hua Guang Wire Mesh Production Ar J236 Anping County Xinxiang Metal Wire Mesh Manufacture Ar D240, Ar G210 Anping Joya Wire Mesh S1 J231 Anshun City Kaifeng Commercial Import and Export Trading Ar H201 Anshun Zhongyi Stone Ar J206 Antalya Mermer Sheikh Rashid A217 Antao Progetti Sheikh Rashid A228 Antony Zabeel K131 Apavisa Porcelanico 1 A47 Apell Sinks Sheikh Rashid B237 Apostolopoulos 7 B327 Applied DB Industrial S1 C183 Aqua Flow Multaqua C125 Aquafilter Europe Zabeel T173 Aquasan-Gulf Shores Zabeel P130 Aquatec Produktions-Und Vertriebs Zabeel Y172 Aquatechnik Group Pav A03 Aquaviva Sheikh Rashid B240 Aquis Sanitar Zabeel Y152 Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce Sheikh Rashid C221 Arab Suppliers 4 A192 Arabian Extrusions Factory Concourse 520 Arabian Fiberglass Insulation Company (Afico) 3 C156 Arabian Gulf Manufacturers 4 E177 Arangul Plastik Kalip 7 C306 Arbeitsgemeinschaft Der Hessischen Industrie-Und Handelskammern Zabeel N110, M101 Arcen Engenharia 2 G71 Archi-Foam Ar A193 Archistone Concourse 302 Arco Industrie 6 B256 Ard F Lli Raccanello 6 E241 Aree Trading 2005 S1 B187 Arfen Pav K01 Argent Alu 1 G20 Argesan Kalip 8 F331 Ari Makina 7 F315 Arili Plastik San 2 C91 Aristo Technology Corporation Ar D212 Ariston Thermo Spa Middle East Branch 7C290, 7C291 Arma Panel 8 E331 Armonia 6 C246 Armstrong Fluid Technology 2 D63 Arnon Plastic Industries Concourse 200 Arsan Kaucuk Plastik Makina Sanayi 7 E317 ☛ Gulf Construction, November 2014 The Big 5 ☛ Artglas 1 E25 Artificial Intelligence Sheikh Rashid A161 Artith Ventilators S1 B181 Artline Interiors Concourse 102 Arven 4 E172 Asa International Group 6 F266 Asahi-Thai Alloy (Sanwa) S1 B183 Asan Hazir Mutfak Sheikh Maktoum D137 Aseel Marble Sheikh Rashid C200 Ashirvad Pipes 3 A144 Asian Granito India Sheikh Rashid A167 Asil Krom Evye Pav L08 Askomet Askoxilaki Bros 3 D111 Asmaco 8 D351 Asoplast 6 E240 Aspec-Specialities Construction Chemicals Zabeel Q137 Aspen Pumps 2 D74 Aspin 2000 6 D241, 6 C241, 6 B241, 6 B251, 6 A251 Assaf Marble Company Sheikh Rashid C206 Assan Panel Sanayi Ve Ticaret 7 B301 Associacao Empresarial De Portugal/Portuguese Enterpreneurial Association (AEP) 2 G73 Asterm Isi 2 E96 Astral Poly Technik Multaqua A119 Atag 6 F262 A-Tech Thermo 3 E133 Atelier Sedap 1 E35 Athmer Zabeel Q116 Atlantic 3 E157 Atlantis and Owa Decoration and Building Materials Ar C212 Atlas Filtri 5 E237 Atlas Pool Middle East Concourse 71 ATP – Italy 7 F297 ATS 2 E91 ATT SP Zabeel T161 Audax Zabeel O120 Austrian Technical Systems Zabeel Z177 Awazel International 8 A332 Ay-Par Metal 7 D304 Aytas Akin Mermer Sheikh Rashid D236 Az System 6 B242 Azel Rock Wool 8 G358 Aziz for Advanced Technology Products S1 E150 B B&M 2 G61 Backsan 1 B17 Bagnara Nikolaus Sheikh Rashid A221 Bagno and Associati 5 D221 Bailey Metal Products 1 E16 Bajaj Tiles Sheikh Rashid F176 Bakis Pvc Ve Yapi Elemanlari Zabeel U157 Balmoral Tanks 3 E151 Bame 7 C282 Bampi 7 D280 Bandini Industrial Group Zabeel M133 Bangkok Tools Industrial S1 C184 Baniar Polymer – Pars Block Ahwaz Zabeel M139 Baoding Tianyu Slate Factory Ar F207 Bartoline 2 B67 BASYS Zabeel P110 Batalia Ceramic Tile Sheikh Maktoum A110 Bathco 2 C50 Baton Europe Zabeel Y181 Bautek 1 A13 Bavarian Pavilion Zabeel P127, Q127, Q117 Baypa Zabeel Q141 B-Chem Sheikh Rashid C236 Bdz International Ar B210 Bee’ah Concourse 845 Bei Na Tong Ceramics Ar B252 Beijing Beipeng New Building Materials Ar D255 Beijing Jingnanfang Decoration Engineering S1 E181 Beijing Xinshijiye Spray-Applied Thermal and Acoustic Insulation Ar G225 Beijing Zhongcaiwanxin Science & Technology Ar E254 Beijing Zhongkebaiya Technology S1 H173 Belimo 3 B147 Bellier 1 F34 Bellinzoni Sheikh Rashid A233 Bellota Zabeel X181 Bengbu Saier Time Industry Sheikh Maktoum D240 Beorol – Prima Doo 8 D361 Berryalloc 1 E23 Berti Sisto and C Industria Pietra Serena Sheikh Rashid A223 Besealed By Bekina Compounds 1 E21 Besler Makine 3 A101 Best Sheikh Rashid C230 Best Cheer (Xiamen) Stone Works Sheikh Maktoum F130 Best Choice Floors Protection Manufacturing 1 A36 Best Design In Touch Zabeel I136 Beteccad 3 B156 Betem International Socli Bouyer Yuma SynopsysZabeel V160 BGI Zabeel K135 Bianchi Sanitari 7 D287 Bicold Engineering Pav F17 Bien Seramik Pav J07 Bifire Zabeel L130 Big Bolt Nut Zabeel I139 Big Marbre/Somabella Sheikh Maktoum B131 Bin Dasmal Group 2 B81 Bin Dhahi Trading 8 A348 Biopietra Pav E12 Biopipe Tr Cevre Teknolojileri Zabeel N135 Biotecture 2 C76 Bi-Plast Plastik 1 F03 Birlesik Firca 7 A311 Biselarte 2 G57 Bison International 8 E351 Bl Tech 3 F123 Blaize Africa Concourse 63 Blankfort 1 F10 Blue Ocean Middle East 4 B167 Blue Stream Environmental Technology S1 C131 Bm Trada 2 C71 Bmc Gulf Trading and Contracting 4 E187 Bms Celik Hasir S1 B171 Bnt Air-conditioning Systems 3 D131 Bold International Sheikh Rashid B181 Bollhoff Attexor 3 F137 Bombas Ideal 2 G50 Bomeifloor Ar F240 Bonar Natpet Geosynthetics Zabeel Y167 Bond Events 2 E73 Bonomini 7 C287 Boom Makina Concrete Placing Booms Pav K09 Borana Pumps 4 F169 Borja Ceramic Tiles Design 1 E44 Boytem Boya Ve Kimya Zabeel W157 BPA Pav D07 Bq-Rohrsysteme Zabeel N121 Brama Doors Zabeel D117 Brandoni 5 D210 Breincobluefuture 2 C57 Brett Martin 2 E60 Brilliant Plumbing Group Ar D237 British Robertson Zabeel X187 Broad Windows and Doors System Ar D232 Bronx International Zabeel L136 Brugg Pipesystems Zabeel Z154 BSI Group Concourse 75 Btm Bitumlu Tecrit Pav K19 Buemag Zabeel M118 12 9 Building Exhibitions Management Building Materials Burg-Wächter Butzbach Gmbh Industrietore Buyuksaray Turistik Esya Buzon Pedestal International Byelorussian Steel Works 2 C72 Sheikh Maktoum B100 Zabeel O111 Zabeel P120 Zabeel R131 1 D20 S1 A190 C C + P Moebelsysteme Zabeel N110 C I Group S1 D181 Cad-Plan Zabeel K117 Cae Sanitary Fittings Industry Ar G206 Cairo Glass Zabeel J135 Caleffi 5 C223 Cal-Royal Products Zabeel E103 Came Zabeel M130 Canadian Pavilion 1 E11, 1 F11 Canbond 1 E15 Candan Makina Yedek Parca 7 D310 Candock 1 E11 Cantas Bakir Isletmeleri San 3 D121 Capstone Engineering 3 F124 Cariolato Interior Design Concourse 422 Carl Stahl Zabeel N117 Carlisle Syntec 8 C368 Carpets International Thailand Public Company S1 D185 Carrino Design Pav E19 Casali 6 C240 Catnic – Tata Steel 2 E61 Caucci Marble Sheikh Rashid A247 Caucho Industrial Verdu 1 F45 Cavalli 5 A222 Cavatorta Group 6 A267 Cave Gontero Sheikh Maktoum E123 CB Doors 7 B282 CBF Blducci 6 C247 CBI Europe 6 B251 CCE Costruzioni Chiusure Ermetiche 5 E231 CCS Mining and Industrial Concourse 98 Ceam Amadeo Pav A12 Cebi Kilit Ve Mobilya Aksesuarlari 7 A312 Ceipo Ceramiche 6 A250 Cekicler Insaat Tasimacilik Sheikh Rashid C211 Cel Components Sheikh Rashid B232 Cemer Kent Ekipmanlari 1 D17 Cemom Moatti 1 C37 Central Trading (Al Rostamani Group) 3 D137 Century Pipe and Fitting Ar B235 Ceramats Ar H252 Ceramica Cleopatra Group Sheikh Rashid E221 Ceramicas Aparici 1 A41 Ceramicas Calaf 2 C51 Ces Zabeel P115 Cesan Sari Mam 7 C316 Ceusa Sheikh Rashid D222 Cevher Madencilik Sheikh Rashid B210 CGM Pav C15 Changzhou Dongjia Decorative Materials Ar A329 Changzhou First Laminate Molding Ar A349 Changzhou Golden Moon Fabric Factory Ar F236 Changzhou Good Partner Plastics Ar G231 Changzhou Huadu Building Materials Technology Ar A327 Changzhou Jianlian Reinforcing Bar Conjunction Ar E201 Changzhou Jinuo New Energy Ar E202 Changzhou Maite Decorative Material Ar A319 Changzhou Match-Well Electrical Products Ar H221 Changzhou Oudelong Decorative Material Ar F232 Changzhou Shuangou Flooring Ar A325 Changzhou Simpson Steel Ar A341 Changzhou Widerdare Laminate Decorative S1 F170 ☛ Gulf Construction, November 2014 The Big 5 ☛ Changzhou Xinbang Board Ar E233 Changzhou Yaming Wood Industry Ar C207 Changzhou Zhongtian Fire-Proof Decorative Sheets Ar A347 Chaozhou Chaoan Zhiru Building Ceramics Ar C251 Cheil Grinding Wheel Zabeel V167 Chemque 1 E15 Cheonil 1 B05 Cheqpoint Concourse 74 Chiller 2 E97 China Economic News Service ( S1 F175 China Refine Industry Sheikh Maktoum G141 China Shenzhen Quanhai Lighting Ar D253 China-Base Ningbo Foreign Trade Ar J243, Ar F257 Chiping Xinlida New Decoration Materials Ar H204 Chuzhou Shenglang Wood Industry Ar F231 Ciemme 6 F267 Cimm 6 F250 City Rubber 2 A70 Cixi Jinlong Copper and Aluminium Tube Manufacturing Ar F243 Cixi Metef Machinery Ar G220 Classic Metallic Factory 8 A350 Classix Electronics 1 H40 Clayton Communication Concourse 68 Clic Qatar Trading S1 F164 Climatech – Heatshield 3 F145 Cluster Lumiere 1 A35 Cmp Impianti 7 B285 CMS Sheikh Rashid B222 CMS – Group of Companies 3 B127 Co Ma Co and Officine Ricciato Zabeel N136 Co Me and Coverit 6 A272 Cobanlar Mermer Sheikh Rashid C216 Cobert Roof Tiles 1 C46 Cocreation Grass Corporation S1 E181 Coes Company 5 D237 Coim Group Zabeel M137 Coldspring Sheikh Maktoum C104 Colorado Sheikh Maktoum B131 Colorificio Atria Pav D03 Colorificio Sanmarinese Sheikh Rashid A230 Colortek 8 F357 Comaglio 7 D285 Comall International 7 F281 Comensal Zabeel T171 Comit 7 B280 Complementto – Vitrodecor 1 G44 Conares S1 A161 Concept Building Systems 4 C161 Condair Zabeel Y150 Conex Universal 2 B71 Confidustria Padova 6 E252 Coni by Bêkjo Sink Sheikh Rashid F200 Con-Imex Prefabrik Zabeel X150 Conjoint Export Services Near East 2 C66 Cons Export Sheikh Rashid B221 Consort Architectural Hardware 2 A71 Construction Computer Software (CCS) Concourse 98 Construction Week 4 F188/Concourse 130/Zabeel Y190 Contractors Association 2 G69 Convergent Group 1 D23 Convex Concourse 737 Conwood S1 A181 Coolex 2 A87 Coprabel 1 C21 Cordstrap Middle East 1 A40 Corys/Hepworth Pme 4 A191 Cosmo I & D Zabeel X171 Cosmoplast/Harwal Group 4 C191, D191 Cosmos Wallpaper 1 A17 Cosmosolar 3 E110 Gulf Construction, November 2014 Cotto Coverglobal Covertech Cpi Media Group CR Creabuild Trading CRI Pumps Crystal Marble/RAK Italiano CS – Coelho Da Silva Cubicle Solutions Cyg Tefa Czechtrade S1 B180 1 B15 1 E15 Zabeel Q139 Pav B05 2 A56 4 D180 Concourse 90 2 F67 Concourse 61 S1 H176 Zabeel U167 D D39s 1 D24 Dab Pumps Spa 5 E227 Daejin 1 C16 Daeyang Corporation 1 C14 Dakheel Aljassar Electrical Industries Zabeel Q131 Dallan 6 F257 Damla Yapi Sheikh Maktoum D147 Dan Phuong Wood Vietnam Pavilion Daniel Rubinetterie 5 A227 Danube 4 B191 Danyang Dongtai Hardware Ar B214 Daros 1 B10 Das International Concourse 601 Dasso Industrial Group Ar F195 Dasung Tech 1 C05 Dat Hoa Plastic Vietnam Pavilion Davut Insaat Sanayi Ve Ticaret 7 B316 Davut Panel Ve Sac San Sheikh Rashid C217 DC Yapi Zabeel S154 Decan Sports Equipment 1 E41 Decoral System 6 F247 Deflex Zabeel M127 Dekor Rulo Firca Zabeel X151 Dekorlit Concourse 216 Delabie 1 F37 Delta Plus Services 1 F31 Demir Makine 1 D01 Demirayak Metal S1 D170 Demirci Makina 1 D11 Demirsan Haddecilik S1 C177 Deni Zabeel L120 Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP) S1 A187 Deqing Kangpin Building Materials Ar H217 Deqing Roomeye Ar J207 Deqing Tongrui Construction Ar J226 Dermitzakis Concourse 624 Desi Alarm and Security 7 D306 Desiccant Rotors International 3 A130 Design Composite Zabeel Z164 Devrek Mermer Sheikh Rashid G211 Dezhou Haitian Electromechanical Technology Ar G213 Dezhou Zhenhua Decoration Ar E204 Dhybrid Power Systems Zabeel Q123 Di Bi Porte Blindate 6 A257 Diafil Sheikh Rashid B227 Diager 1 F32 Diasen 6 A251 Diffusion Sol Mur 1 B30 Digilock Zabeel S116 Dividers Folding Partitions 2 E61 Diyar Madencilik Sheikh Rashid E200 Dizayn 360 Zabeel D113 Dizayn Teknik Plastik Boru Ve Elemanlari 2 D91 DMCC Free Zone Concourse 720 Dnd By Martinelli 7 E284 Dng Celik Yapi Ve Uzay Kafes Sistemleri 8 G330 Doby Verrolec 2 A98 Doga Park Ins Turizm Tekstil Zabeel W156 130 Dogan Tel Orgu Demir Dekorasyon Imalat Montaj 7 F321 Dogu Iklimlendirme Sanayi Ve Ticaret 3 D110 Doha Cables S1 E151 Doha Extraco S1 C153 Doha Industry Zabeel W170 Doha Plastic S1 D153 Doha Precast Factory S1 E161 Dolphin Radiators and Cooling Systems 3 D156 Domus Schmitt Eurostar 4 B161 Dongguan Arts Building Materials Sheikh Rashid G239 Donghwa Win 3 E121 Dongyang City Plastic Zhejiang Ar D220 Dongyang Mesh Ware Ar C243 Dooch 3 E117 Doohyun 1 A10 Dorika Marbles 8 A337 Douglas Overseas 2 G43 Doukas 8 B341 DP World Concourse 432 Dragons Breath Solar 2 E61 Dreamnetworks Bellaluce 1 B13 Dry Mortar Company (DMC) 8 A362 DS Industry 3 F126 DSM Company 3 F133 DSP Sheikh Maktoum A116 Dubai Airport Freezone Concourse 500 Duc Duong Trading and Manufacturing Vietnam Pavilion Ducast Factory 2 A54 Ductfix 3 A110 Ducting and Servicing Company (Dasco) Concourse 306 Ductsox – Mena 3 D151 Duegi Rubinetterie 7 A296 Dui Global 1 D24 Duke International Concourse 406 Duke Plasto Technique Multaqua B127 Dukkaboard Sheikh Maktoum A138 Dunamenti Tuzvédelem Zabeel R111 Dunster House 2 D77 Dupont Products Sheikh Rashid B241 Durapipe 4 B171 Durkee America (Durkee Sox) (Durk Flex) 3 B141 Duro Dyne 3 C137 Dursun Mermer Sheikh Rashid G209 Dutchso Industrial Supply – Bosta Zabeel S120 Dutco Tennant 4 E191 Duyar Vana Pav J15 Dwyer Instruments 2 D71 E Eak Chareon International Enterprise S1 B186 ECA Serel Zabeel D131 Ece Seramik Akrilik Kimya Sheikh Maktoum D131 Eco Filters 2 D76 Eco Panel Group Concourse 840 Ecodis 1 C35 Ecophon 8 F361, 8 E361, 8 F368 Edma Zabeel W163 Edora Otomatik Kapi Sistemleri Zabeel N137 Eepc India Zabeel J130 Effepi 7 A287 Effeti-Ti Taroni 7 B286 Ege Antik Mermer Sheikh Rashid E211 Egebant Zabeel S155 Egeplast Ege Plastik 7 C311 Egesan Asindirici Taslar Zabeel S163 EJ Multaqua B121 EKS Kimya Zabeel U150 El Enterprise Sheikh Maktoum A166 Elektrovent 7 C280 E-Lighting Zabeel R111 Elleci 6 A245 ☛ The Big 5 ☛ Elumatec Zabeel H101 Emac 1 E46 Emco Zabeel O101 Emec 6 A241 Emfi 1 B37 Emigres Zabeel W181 Emirates Authority for Standardisation and Metrology Concourse 841 Emirates Green Building Council Zabeel P139 Emirates Steel S1 A151 Emmedue Division/Industrie Montanari Sheikh Rashid A232 Emmegi 7 E301 Energy Multaqua C124 Energy International 3 C140 Engel Europa International 2 E77 Enolgas Bonomi 4 E170 Environmental Street Furniture 2 E74 Eonmetall Systems Ar B197 EPI Sports and Rubber Surfaces and EPI Synthetic Surface Materials Zabeel R127 Epromis Construction and Trading ERP Software 1 G39 Equipceramic Sheikh Rashid E230 Era Architectural Hardware Factory Ar A273 Erich Dieckmann Zabeel K121 Erico S1 B151 Erku Dis Tic Paz Pav H05 Erramli Batiments Sheikh Maktoum B131 Errecom 4 E176 Ersas Aluminyum Zabeel D139 Ersoylar Demir Celik San S1 C170 Eryapi Metal – Erssystem Automatic Doors Zabeel R141 Esen Plastik Zabeel T151 Esinoks 1 B20 Essen Tech 3 E127 Etisalat Information Services Concourse 837 Euclideon – Hologram Room Zabeel K137 Euro Wrought Iron S1 C186 Eurobond Laminates 2 E61 Eurocob Pav D10 Eurodoccia 7 A285 Euroshrink 2 E56 Eurotec Zabeel O112 Eveready Industries India Zabeel J134 Everhot Water Heaters 4 D187 Evershine Stainless Steel Ar A195 Evs Evren Vana 7 D307 Evvo Retail Design Zabeel X190 Ex It 6 D241, 6 C241, 6 B241, 6 B251, 6 A251 Exotica Tiles Sheikh Rashid A248 Experior Partners S1 A176 Expoforum Adam Pawlowski Zabeel K141 F F Lli Facchinetti 7 D297 Fabita 6 D246 Fabitaly 5 A221 Fábrica De Aparelhos E Material Elétrico (Fame) Sheikh Rashid C221 Fadex 6 B272 Faggiolati Pumps 6 B257 Faisal Jassim Trading 2 A81 Falcon Pumps Multaqua A121 Fangda New Materials Ar F220 Fanzic 3 F136 Farg 5 C221 Farraus 2 D50 Fassa 7 G282 Fastech S1 B185 Fastfix-It Enterprise S1 G180 Favaro1 – Architectural Surfaces 6 E257 Favori Yapi Ve Dekorasyon 7 F311 Gulf Construction, November 2014 Fawaz Refrigeration and Air-conditioning 3 A131 FB Submersible Motors 6 E256 FBA 7 D282 Fbsprofilati 6 G252 Fein Middle East 2 A50 Felisatti Zabeel X180 Feliu Boet 2 B56 Felo Werkzeugfabrik Holland-Letz Zabeel N114 Ferat Elektrik Insaat Taahhut Sanayi Ve Ticaret 7 F310 Ferco Shutters and Seating Systems Zabeel X176 Fermo Promuove 6 D241, 6 C241, 6 B241, 6 B251, 6 A251 Feroof Zabeel V161 Ferplast 5 C210 Ferrero Legno Sheikh Rashid A241 FEV 6 A246 Fev Italia 5 A234 Fg Yapi Urunleri Pav K19 Fiberfix Concourse 77 Fila Surface Care Solutions Pav B06 Finalcad Zabeel W167 Finike Mermer Sheikh Rashid A214 Finpower 3 E147 Finsa Middle East 2 E54 Fiore Rubinetterie 5 C220 Firenzee Wallpaper Pav J17 Firmac 2 C62 First Corporation Pav D19 First International Zabeel W171 Fit 1 E21, 1 F21 Fixa Pav L05 Fixaflex Multaqua A132 Flexicam Zabeel Q101 Flexitaly 2 E81 Flexitub 2 A57 Flir Systems 3 C116 Flopark Oyun Gruplari Ve Kent Mobilyalari Pav L03 – Bricks 1 F22 Flow Me Sheikh Rashid B231 Flowflex Components 2 E66 Fo Shan Jin Hui Lian Tian Gate Ar G190 Foil Laminate Industries Ar D190 Fom Industrie 7 E281 Fome Pav E15 Fonderie Belli 6 A247 Forbatter Interior Decoration S1 G174 Forest Press Hydraulics 2 A77 Form Endustrisi Tesisleri Zabeel W150 Forme 6 B274 Formenti E Giovenzana (FGV) Pav C19 Formet Celik Kapi 7 B306 Formit Portable Toilets Zabeel V184 Formul Kalip Plastik 7 B317 Fornace S Anselmo 6 F240 Forsstrom High Frequency Zabeel V180 Fortune Enterprise Sheikh Rashid E171 Foshan Ablinox Sanitaryware Ar C241 Foshan Aijia Ceramics Sheikh Maktoum G129 Foshan Bardiss New Metalwork Ar F191 Foshan Bi Hui Ying Metal Products Ar E230 Foshan Bontile Ceramic Sheikh Rashid E241 Foshan China Ceramics City Group Sheikh Maktoum E115 Foshan Chuangshengdian Import and Export Ar C257 Foshan City Avantile Eco Material Sheikh Rashid E246 Foshan City Shuangou Ceramics Sheikh Rashid G205 Foshan Crysto Ceramics Sheikh Rashid D245 Foshan Dongpeng Sanitary Ware Sheikh Rashid G183 Foshan Dunhuang Building Materials Sheikh Rashid E237 Foshan Fortune Import and Export TradeSheikh Rashid D251 Foshan Gaoge Ceramics Sheikh Rashid D248 Foshan GP Import and Export Sheikh Rashid G197 Foshan Guci Industry Sheikh Rashid F240 Foshan Haoye Plexiglass Products Ar D252 132 Foshan Home Style Building Material Sheikh Rashid E244 Foshan Hongfa Machinery Sheikh Maktoum D101 Foshan Kent Ceramics Sheikh Rashid G179 Foshan Kewely Refrigeration Equipment S1 E175 Foshan Kingfer Building Materials Sheikh Rashid G175 Foshan Liangjian Ceramics Sheikh Rashid G203 Foshan Lmat Ceramics Sheikh Rashid E243 Foshan Louis Valentino Ceramic Sheikh Maktoum E127, G143 Foshan Mainland Import and Export Ar F253 Foshan Mayrose Ceramics Company Sheikh Rashid E231 Foshan Nanhai Pearl Decoration Materials Ar A255 Foshan Nanhai Yuexing Hardware Products Ar D234 Foshan Qualicer Industrial Sheikh Rashid G191 Foshan Rongguan Glass Material for Building Sheikh Rashid G243 Foshan Shiwan Eagle Brand Ceramics Sheikh Rashid C241 Foshan Shunde Duocaitang Tent Ar C206 Foshan Shunde Songsu Building Materials Industry Ar F197 Foshan Stonelution Sheikh Rashid B245 Foshan S-Versail Ceramics Sheikh Rashid F230 Foshan Tianli Jianlong Import and Export S1 D171 Foshan Victory Tile Sheikh Rashid C247 Foshan Viewgres Sheikh Maktoum E147 Foshan Vikia Trading Sheikh Rashid G233 Foshan Xinchuang Decorative Material S1 A121 Foshan Xinzhongwei Sheikh Rashid G171 Foshan Yinrui Import and Export Sheikh Maktoum D102 FR Accessories 6 D240 Framecad Zabeel Y161 Franke Sheikh Rashid D181, E181 Franken-Schotter Zabeel P125 Fränkische Rohrwerke Gebr Kirchner Zabeel R122 Franklin Electric Europe 2 D81 Fratelli Comunello 6 C255 Fratelli Mariani 6 E261 Fratelli Pettinaroli 5 E221 Freedom In Architecture Zabeel S172 Fresh Electric for Home Appliances Multaqua B120 Freshco General Trading Ar F206 Fromac Pav E06 Frunze Plant 8 A336 Fuding Basalt Stone Sheikh Maktoum G127 Fujairah Building Industries Sheikh Rashid A191 Fujairah Free Zone Authority Concourse 650 Fuji Fastener Manufacturing Ar B192 Fuji Litech 1 A16 Fujiaire (M) Ar B194 Fujian Bang-Up Fluorine Plastic Product Ar B233 Fujian Foch Group Zabeel S187 Fujian Hua Cheng Import & Export Sheikh Maktoum G123 Fujian Pengxiang Industrial Sheikh Maktoum F116 Fujian Quanzhou Foreign Trade Corporation Ar F255 Fujian Tenghui Stone Sheikh Maktoum F124 Fumasi By Gimap 6 C261 Funke Kunststoffe Zabeel N122 Future Pipe Industries S1 C151 Fuzhou Aonav Ceramic Tiles Sheikh Rashid D242 Fuzhou Vitton Sheikh Rashid G201 Fuzhou Xinhui Import and Export Sheikh Maktoum G145 FV Group 7 A291 G Gadr Brands 2 C60 Gail Ceramica Sheikh Rashid D228 Gail Ceramics International Zabeel N116 Gale Pacific Concourse 606 Gama Spray Equipment 1 A48, 4 A196 Gamma Meccanica 7 F305 Gammastone (Marmoelettromeccanica) Sheikh Rashid B223 Gams Enterprise S1 F185 Gandhi Automations Zabeel J140 ☛ The Big 5 ☛ Gaoyao Jinli Emperor Hardware Factory Ar H254 Gaoyao Jinli Kelang Hardware Factory S1 J160 Gardair Pav C10 Garden Gallery Trading Zabeel U175 Garofoli 6 C250 Gauzer – Bros Xenos 8 B347 Gayafores 2 E51 Gb Group 6 E246 Gcs Cati Izolasyon Taah 7 E321 Gea Bock 2 D86 Gebal Zabeel Q121 Geco Industrial and Packing 3 B120 Gedore Tools Zabeel O110 Gemcool Corporation 3 A146 Genebre 2 B51 General Fittings 7 C281 General Gas Zabeel N130 General Pumps Spain 2 C56 General Switchgear and Lighting Industries S1 D161 Genesis Manazil Group 1 F17 Genplus Corporation Zabeel U172 Geo Global 2 C86 Geoda Metal Industries Ar H251 Geomas Geo Kompozit Pav J09 Geostone Sheikh Rashid B226 Geumjin 1 B03 Ghalico for Plastic Industry Zabeel K134 Giacomini 5 C212 Giesse Gulf Group 6 C277 Giolli Pav F18 Glaser Zabeel Q120 Glaver Gulf 2 A94 Global Overseas Group Ar B201 Globe Lock And Hardware S1 G182 Gms Su Armaturleri Pav J08 Gnali Bocia Pav A03 Go Plast 5 A212 Goel Alloy and Steel (P) Zabeel J130 Golden Door Zabeel G131 Goldstar S1 F184 Gonmar(Xiamen) Trading Sheikh Maktoum E121 Good Leader Wooden Ar A251 Gp Enterprises Ar F204 Gpd (Gul Pres Dokum) Sheikh Maktoum D140 Grand Fibreglass Sheikh Rashid G229 Graphite 6 D277 Gratch International 1 F27 GRB Mixers 2 D56 Greatway S1 C140 Greco Gres – Venatto – Frontek 1 D47 Green Vision International Zabeel Y171 Greenfit Plastik Metal Yapi Elemanlari Uretim Zabeel Q136 Greenonetec Solarindustrie Zabeel Y174 Greenteam Global S1 F177 Greiner 7 E292 Gres De Aragon 1 C41 Gri Construction Engineering Ar A343 Griferias Antonio Borras 1 F44 Griffwerk Zabeel K110 Griltex Polska Zabeel T161 Grm Biowood S1 D177 Growtech Trading and Industrial Group S1 E161 Grp Ar C190 Gruppo Pozzi Zabeel N134 Gruppo Stamplast 6 A266 GS Rubinetterie 6 F271 Guan Yun Enterprise S1 G170 Guangdong Chigo Air-conditioning 2 A91 Guangdong Jma Aluminium Profile Factory (Group) Ar C237 Guangdong Maydos Building Materials Ar D210 Guangdong Midea Kitchen Appliances Ar A207 Gulf Construction, November 2014 Guangdong QHTC Ceramics Sheikh Rashid F246 Guangdong Ruirong Pump Industry Ar C201 Guangdong Sumwin New Materials Group Zabeel U181 Guangdong Tianbi Ceramics Sheikh Rashid B247 Guangdong Yingao Kitchen Utensils Ar D231 Guangzhou Act Industrial Ar D250 Guangzhou Auspoll Metalwork Ar A201 Guangzhou Citygreen Athletic Facility Zabeel U187 Guangzhou Goodsense Decorative Building Materials Sheikh Maktoum G133 Guangzhou Qiwin Import and Export Ar G221 Guangzhou Relang Industrial Sheikh Rashid G195 Guangzhou Scut Bestry Technology Ar H211 Guangzhou Winmate Building Materials and Technology Ar H256 Guard Industrie 1 A37 Guardian Zabeel X161 Guilbert Express Middle East 3 C101 Guizhou Chenchun Stone Industry Ar J200 Guizhou Tuopu Mining Ar J204 Gulf Construction Concourse 108 Gulf Extrusions Zabeel D121 Gulf Glass Fibre S1 E161 Gulf Mechanical Engineers and Suppliers 4 A188 Gulf Perlite 8 A372 Gulf Plastic Industries 1 G41 Gulf-O-Flex 3 E141 Guney Su Arm Pav J14 Guocera Marketing Ar A191 Guray Makina Yedek Parca 7 B310 Guven Plastik 7 E300 Gyproc 8 F361, 8 E361, 8 F368 Gypsemna – Advanced Premix Solutions 8 D366 Gypsemna Sustainable Drywall Systems 8 D360 H Habitat Ceramics 1 B40 Haci Ayvaz 3 C121 Haflex 2 C85 Haian Futai Decorative Board Manufacturing Ar D242 Hainan Standard Stone Sheikh Maktoum G137 Haining Luosini Plastic Industry Ar F254 Haining Xinlian Hardware Machinery Ar C242 Haining Yuanjie Industry and Trade Ar E257 Haisun New Material Technology Sheikh Maktoum E137 Halspan 2 B70 Hamad M Aldrees and Partners Holding for Industry and Mining Sheikh Maktoum A108 Hamilton Deed 2 E61 Hammer Ar C217 Hamriyah Free Zone Authority Concourse 726 Hanasink Zabeel U166 Hanbon Industries 1 A12 Handan Haosheng Fastener Ar E256 Handmade Moroccan Tiles Concourse 308 Hangzhou Afol Industry Ar G226 Hangzhou Deruibao Piping Technology Ar B220 Hangzhou Faerle Building Materials S1 J162 Hangzhou Feiyan Fluo Plastics Company Zabeel S180 Hangzhou Hexun Industry Zabeel T181 Hangzhou Hiland Technology Zabeel V181 Hangzhou John Hardware Tools Ar D206 Hangzhou Kinty Tool Manufacture Ar F213 Hangzhou Oushali Sanitary Ware Ar H206 Hangzhou Shunshi Hardware and Machinery S1 H165 Hangzhou Weibo Technology Ar D197 Hangzhou Yihan Decorating Material Ar E220 Hangzhou Yuhang Wujie Steel Product Ar G246 Hangzhou Zhijiang Silicone Chemicals S1 E177 Hangzhou Zunqiao Technology Ar D245 Hardcast Professional Adhesives and Sealants Zabeel R123 Harvia 2 F90 134 Haste Trading 3 C131 Hatko Dokuma Tekstil 1 C20 Hato Paint (JKR) S1 E180 Haws Zabeel Z153 Hayawe The Bio Wood Manufacturing 7 A290 Hbs Bolzenschweiss-Systeme Zabeel Q113 Hch System Zabeel T161 Heatrae Sadia 2 F76 Hebei Huike Steel Pipes 3 D101 Hebei Jihengyuan Group Ar E216 Hebei Tuohua Metal Products Ar J232 Hebei Xmf Tools Group Ar H233 Hebo Maschinenfabrik Zabeel L117 Hebo Yapi Prefabricated and Porta Cabin Technologies Zabeel R135 Hedef Sentetik Spor Zeminleri Pav L06 Heilongjiang Linke Wooden Product Ar F251 Heliroma Plasticos 2 G63 Hempel Paints 8 E357 Henan General Machinery Ar D215 Henan Jixiang Industry Ar D251 Henan NCY Ar J235 Henan Yongwei Security Ar F245 Hengshou Industry & Trade Zabeel T182 Henkel Polybit Industries 4 A171 Henrob 2 E61 Hepworth PMW S1 B161 Herculan Sports Surfaces 5 G230 Hertalan The Waterproof Solution Zabeel R123 Herz/Imt Zabeel Z158 Hess Timber Zabeel Q126 Hessen Trade and Invest Zabeel N110, Zabeel M101 Hessisches Ministerium Für Wirtschaft, Energie, Verkehr Und Landesentwicklung Zabeel N110, M101 Himpel 1 B16 Hira Industries 3 A118 Hk Kitaran Ar D195 Hoermann Middle East Zabeel J120 Holy Land Stone Group Sheikh Rashid C173 Holy Trinity by dreipuls Zabeel L125 Hoppe 6 E271 Hornos Pujol Zabeel Y187 Hotool Sheikh Rashid G169 Howick Zabeel X177 HP International Multaqua A127 HS-Worldlink Sanitary Ware 1 G10 Huangshan Belson Decoration Material Ar H264 Huangshan SunnyTech International Ar D244 Hubei Bai Yue Xin Industrial Ar A318 Hubei Green Environmental Protection Wood Ar D214 Huck Seiltechnik Zabeel L111 Huida Sanitary Ware Ar E247 Huizhou Chuang Xin Long Industrial S1 G171 Hungarian National Trading House Zabeel R111 Hurner Schweisstechnik Gulf 4 C167 Husson International 1 B31 Huya Modern Ventilation and Insulation Systems 3 A140 Huzhou New Insight Wpc Technology Ar H241 Hydrometal 7 B283 I IBFM IBL ICSA Serrature Idamar Mermer Granit Ideal Standard Mena Idral IES IFC Group Ikizler Polyester Yapi Urunleri Iktinos Hellas 6 C264 Pav D12 7 B284 Sheikh Rashid F216 Sheikh Rashid C191 6 A240 Zabeel N132 2 B76 Sheikh Maktoum D146 Sheikh Rashid C201 ☛ The Big 5 ☛ Ilpa Adesivi Sheikh Rashid A227 Ilpa Your Partner For Innovative Formwork Panels Pav E08 Iluminas 1 F25 Imdaad Concourse 418 Imeksan Izmir Menfez Klima 3 B101 Imex Décor S1 C181 IMP Zabeel U167 Imperbel 1 C27 Imperbit Membrane Industries 8 A368 Impertek Pav B13 Impo Motor Pompa 7 B311 Ims Mermer Sheikh Rashid B217 Inan Makina Pav J13 Index Korea 1 B11 Industrias Mateu 2 E57 Industrie Cotto Possagno 6 F251 Industrie de revêtement du sol Sheikh Maktoum B131 Iniziative Unindustria 7 F291 Inka Yapi Baglanti Eelemanlari 3 C117 Innovacia Ict Solutions Ar B195 Innovative Home Technology (IHT) 2 G83 Inox Schleiftechnik Zabeel M101 Inox USA – Unison Hardware Zabeel B101 Inoxa 6 D241 Instep Trading 8 D367 Insumat (Osman Group) 8 F341 Insutech 8 F347 Intermac – Biesse 6 B250 Interplast 8 B331 Interplast Muhendislik Plastikleri Pav H07 Interway Zabeel V165 Intradoor Zabeel H131 Ionic Stone Sheikh Rashid A218 IPM Schober Fenster Zabeel Z175 IPPI 2 E62 Iris Coatings – Fire Trap 6 G278 Isam Pav D05 Iseo 5 F221 Isidem Tesisat Klima 3 D120 Isik Kalip (Port-Bag) 7 C307 Isil Muhendislik 3 C111 Ismont Tekstil Uretim Zabeel S150 Isomat 7 C321 Isosystem Pav B07 Ispo France 1 C30 Istanbul Genlesme Ve Hidrofor Tanklari Makine 2 D90 Iston Pav L09 Itaca Sheikh Rashid D161 Italbox – Utilidades Domésticas 2 G77 Italexcel Group 6 D252 Italian Shower Pav C14 Italian Trade Agency – Trade Promotion Office of The Italian Embassy 6 A261 Italian Trade Design 7 E296 Italmesh 7 D281 Italporphyry Sheikh Rashid C220 Itap 6 B277 Ivars 7 D291 Izopoli Yapi Elemanlari 4 A162 J J Pinto Leitao Jabal Al Shams General Trading Jae Hyun Autonics Jahan Profil Pars Jainson Cables Jakob Rope Systems Jawdah for Trading and Industrial Jdff Ductile Fittings Factory Jebel Ali Free Zone (Jafza) Jeflex 2 G70 Zabeel C101 3 E131 S1 A166 3 F159 Zabeel Y154 8 A366 4 D167 Concourse 620 1 C10 Jersey Glass S1 D157 Jerusalem Marble and Stone Sheikh Rashid E170 Jerusalem Stone Group Sheikh Rashid C171 Jiangmen Boshing Enterprise Ar H200 Jiangsu Baibo Wood Industry Ar E207 Jiangsu Beitai Wallpaper Products Ar F200 Jiangsu Goldenmaterial Technology Ar G260 Jiangsu Hippo Plastics Ar E231 Jiangsu Joyful New Material Ar C200 Jiangsu Linuo Decorative Material S1 H163 Jiangsu Positive Energy New Materials Technology Ar F230 Jiangsu Romin Stainless Steel Ar H243 Jiangsu Sen Po Stainless Steel Ar H247 Jiangsu Teeyer Engineering Machinery Ar F202 Jiangsu Winner Industry Zabeel U185 Jiangxi Guolian Import and Export Ar E211 Jiangxi Hongtai Industry Group Ar A211 Jiangxi Ruiyuan Ceramics Ar E223 Jiangxi Taiyang Ceramics Ar F212 Jiangxi Xinyang Ceramics Ar F210 Jiangxi Zhongyang Ceramics Ar F214 Jiangxi Dingguan Ceramics Ar E215 Jiangyin Meiyuan Industries Corporation Ar G194 Jiangyin Newway Plastics Ar C245 Jiaxing Easy Metal Products Ar H224 Jilin Zhongxin Chemical S1 F172 Jinan Easyway Stone Ar H234 Jinan Qiangzhuang Decoration Engineering Ar J197 Jinan Saijun CNC Technology Ar H246 Jinbeilin New Building Material Sheikh Rashid D247 Jinghong Trade Company of Yunfu Sheikh Maktoum G100 Jingzhi Glass Artistic Factory Ar G255 Jinjiang Huabao Stone Ar G207 Jinjiang Jianxin Ceramics Sheikh Maktoum D100 Johann Eberhard Gmbh – Fisch Tools Weststeirische Bohrerfabrik Zabeel Y176 Joiner Fastener Enterprise S1 F181 Joongang Control 1 A03 Jorns Zabeel Y153 Josef Krenn Zabeel Y168 JRD International (RMD Board Division) 8 D331 Junan Jinyide Import and Export Ar G233 Jungwoo Metal 3 E135 K K Paralik Metal Isleri Pav L14 Kaban Mak Zabeel E110 Kaifeng Group Ar F227 Kaiping City Kangtai Sanitaryware S1 E187 Kalde Klima Orta Basinc Fittings Zabeel V151 Kale Kilit Ve Kalip San 7 A317 Kale Musluk Zabeel V154 Kalingastone Concourse 244 Kama industries Concourse 62 Kamet 7 E280 Kan Zabeel T161 Kanat El Arabasi Imalat 7 G312 Kanat Makina Gida Hayvancilik Pav K21 Kangli Stone Shuitou Nanan Sheikh Maktoum F136 Kangton Industry Ar A274 Kansai Paint 8 B361 Karbosan Zimpara Tasi 7 D301 Kaspa Dis Ticaret 3 D127 Kataskeves Dapedon (KDF) 8 A347 Kaufmann Zabeel Y165 Kayse End Mamuller Pav K16 Kazancioglu Aritma Zabeel Q139 Kazema Portable Toilets Zabeel V184 Keepworld Electrical Ar B247 Kerion – Indústria De Cerâmica Técnica 2 G60 Kerma Pav E10 Kessel Zabeel P126 13 7 Keymark Enterprises – Global Steel Systems S1 A152 KGM Granit Mermer Dekorasyon Sheikh Rashid D207 KGS Diamond International Sheikh Rashid A233 Khalid Manufacturing S1 D151 Khind-Mistral Industries Ar A197 Kich Architectural Products Zabeel I131 Kilang Papan Ar D194 Kimmco Insulation 3 C147 Kinam Metal Zabeel Y189 Kinghose Industry Ar G215 Kinshofer Zabeel Q127 Kirby Building Systems 8 A357 Kirloskar 4 F160 Kiro Marble for Marble and Granite Sheikh Rashid E207 Kisan Mineral Sheikh Rashid G165 Klausner Trading International Zabeel Z167 Klb Kötztal Lacke + Beschichtungen Zabeel Q119 Klose Marble Concourse 330 Knipex Zabeel N115 Kompozit Kimya Ve Elektromekanik Pav H18 Korea Ceramics (Porto Cera) Sheikh Maktoum A114 Korea Engineering 1 A15 Korea Hot Fix 1 B12 Korea Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Industry Association 3 F134 Korina – Stainless Steel Sink Zabeel U176 Kosedag Tel Orme 7 C301 Kotra 1 C07 Kottmann Technology 2 C87 Kronn – Advanced Technology for Sandwich Panel Lines Pav B08 Krosswood Zabeel X166 KS Bureau Engineering Consultants Concourse 320 Kubala Tools Aleksander Lamacz Zabeel T167 Kueberit Zabeel Q110 Kulthorn Kirby Public S1 D182 Kunshan Good Life Household Board Ar A281 Kurtoglu Bakir Kursun 7 D316 Kuwait Foundry Zabeel Q136 Kuwait Gypsum Manufacturing and Trading Zabeel R136 Kuwait International Advanced Industries Zabeel P131 Kuzeysan Mak Enerji San Pav K07 L La Torre 5 D221 La Splendor Service’s Sheikh Rashid A226 Labor Legno ’90 5 B232 Laizhou Jieli Industrial Ar D207 Lamilux Heinrich Strunz Zabeel Q124 Laminam 7 B291 Landwide S1 F171 Langfang Greenplains Irrigation Technology Ar F224 Laticrete Rak 8 D365 Lausin Y Vicente 2 A51 Lawton Tubes 2 D70 LB Plast 6 B271 LC Power 3 F135 Le Cose Di Chiara Di Pergola Chiara 5 A235 Lebo Doors and Frames Zabeel J111 Legnoquattro Pav A17 Leiyuan Building Material Ar F222 Leminar Air-conditioning 3 B131 Lennox 3 B121 Leo Engineering Services 4 D161 Leo Group Ar B241 Leonardo Tools (Comitel) 6 E266 Leov Company Multaqua B130 Les Charpentiers Des Alpes Et Provence Zabeel W161 Lesso Concourse 212, Sheikh Rashid E191 Lesso Middle East General Trading Sheikh Rashid E191 Levante – Luxury of Nature Sheikh Rashid B246 ☛ Gulf Construction, November 2014 The Big 5 ☛ Levantina Sheikh Rashid D231 LG Hausys Sheikh Maktoum A131 Lianxing Deli Decoration Material Zabeel T176 Lianyungang Kede Instruments Ar G224 Lianyungang Longmai Mining Ar H257 Lianyungang Orientcraft Abrasives Ar B240 Liaoning Chaoshuo Toma Technology Steel Plate Printing Zabeel S175 Liaoning Yingjin Machinery Ar G222 Lifo Air 3 E156 Ligetech Automation Ar C192 Limax Security Services Concourse 66 Linan Hongcheng Telecommunication Material Ar F221 Lince 1 B46 Lindab KFT S1 A180 Linhai G-Good Adhesives Ar C244 Linhai Xinhe Import and Export Ar E222 Linyi Daxingdong International Trade Ar B225 Linyi Gold Promises International Trading Ar E240 Linyi Ruifeng Wood Ar H240 Linyi Xinbang Handicrafts Sheikh Rashid G241 Linyi Xingda Aluminum and Plastic Decoration Materials Ar H236 Linyi Zhongyong Building Materials Ar D230 Lions N/P Ar H253 Lipom Elektrik Aydinlatma Zabeel Y151 Liva Ceramics Sheikh Rashid E167 LM Monticelli 6 B241 Locksis – Segos Zabeel V174 Logical 1 A32, 8 C341 Lord Middle East Zabeel L110 Lorient 2 B66 Re WIDOS GC Ad_31250.indd 1 L’outil Parfait Loyalstep International Limited LP Dubai Lpcb (BRE) Lubi Industries Lusavouga Lutfi Takavci Mermer Maden LYL Coatings Zabeel W165 Sheikh Rashid A184 Vietnam Pavilion 2 C77 4 A178 2 G66 Sheikh Rashid C164 Ar C194 M M A H Y Khoory 4 A181 Macplast Sheikh Rashid C237 Made In Vicenza/Padova Promex 6 E252 Made-In-China.Com Ar A237 Maghin S1 F183 Magicfloor Zabeel O126 Magniplast Zabeel M131 Mahendra Pumps Multaqua C112 Maincor Rohrsysteme Zabeel R108 Majestic Jetties and Marinas 1 E11 Makel Elektrik Malz Zabeel E149 Mammut Building Systems S1 A172 Manfred Huck Zabeel L111 Manital 7 C286 Mantion 1 D37 Mapei 7 E291 Mappy Italia 6 F277 Marble Market Concourse 607 Marbrasa Mármores E Granitos Do Brasil Sheikh Rashid D224 Marchet – Ancona Agency for the World 6 D241, 6 C241, 6 B241, 6 B251, 6 A251 Mare Muhendislik Taah Zabeel O130 13 9 Margaroli Margraf Maris Polymers Marley Deutschland Marmi Graniti Manologlou Marmocheck Marmoles Serrat Marmyk Iliopoulos Mart Mart Marble and Mining Martinica Maruti Hardware Products Mas-Daf Makina Sanayi Masdar Master Masterpiece Hardware Industrial Mat Mathios Refractories Matra Water Pumps Maxidor Mb Group Mbc Mdete Mea Water Management Mea Wood Meccanica Industriale Meera and Ceiko Pumps Mega Hissotto Maroc Mega Yapi Urunleri Mehler Texnologies Mekar Mekmar 5 D221 6 C257 8 B340 4 B171 Sheikh Rashid D200 Sheikh Rashid D237 Sheikh Rashid D221 Concourse 660 Zabeel R111 Sheikh Rashid D217 7 E286 Zabeel I133 2 D96 Concourse 836 7 G292 S1 G176 Zabeel T162 8 C340 Pav D14 Concourse 58 7 E294 7 D286 1 E14 Zabeel Q121 Sheikh Maktoum B131 5 A233 Zabeel J132 Sheikh Maktoum B131 Sheikh Maktoum E136 Zabeel M126 3 C157 Sheikh Rashid D201 ☛ 10/14/14 12:35 PM Gulf Construction, November 2014 The Big 5 ☛ Mellow Group Ar J216 Meroni Serrature 6 D261 Mert Plastik Ondumit Roof Tiles Pav H09 Mert Yapi Baglanti Zabeel S161 Mertoglu Cevre Tasarim Ve Reklamcilik 1 B26 Meru Electric Ar C196 Mesa Teknik Tesisat Sanayi Ve Ticaret 7 E320 Metal Deploye Belge 1 E26 Metal Product Zabeel R134 Metalbox Technology 2 A61 Metalurgia Pons 1 F47 Metalway Hardware Manufacturer S1 E171 Mete Ticaret Pav L08 Metel Industries 3 A116 Metropolitan Air Technology 3 E140 Metrotile Europe 1 F20 Mevas Zabeel L121 MFB 6 A273 Mgi – Acorn Engineering Jay R Smith – Sloan Valves – Charlotte Pipes 4 E161 Micomdoor 2 F57 Middle East Construction Computer Software Solutions (MECCSS) Concourse 98 Mie Events – Mighty Shield Industries Ar C191 Minusco Pav C06 Mircom Group of Companies 1 E15 Miro Europe 5 F220 Missouri Iron Works Concourse 210 Ml Rappresentanze Sheikh Rashid C233 Mmp Group (Al Munif Pipe) 4 B187 Modern Metal Industry Concourse 104 Moeller-Chemie Steinpflegemittel Zabeel R116 Mohm Chemical Ar C193 Mokarrar Composite Company 8 A330 Molaro Windows and Doors 6 C270 Monopole Ceramica 2 F56 Montanstahl Zabeel Z151 Monte-Bianco Diamond Applications Sheikh Maktoum E111 Monto Paints 1 B41 Moroccan Centre For Export Promotion (Maroc Export) Sheikh Maktoum B131, C131 Moschou Marmi Graniti Sheikh Rashid C207 Motorfan Elektrik Zabeel S136 MPG Projects Concourse 67 MR Tape Sourcing Zabeel U186 M-Tec Mathis Technik 8 A364 Muflesystem 6 D247 Multipanel Zabeel G117 Munters Concourse 106 Mutlusu Pompalari Mehmet Demirtas 7 G316 MV Line Insect Screen & Roller Blinds Pav E04 N N Tarps Zabeel V170 Naffco 4 C171 Nahar WPCC 8 A351 Nanjing Jinxingyu Energy Saving Technology Zabeel T172 Nano Mimizu Ar C195 Nano Tech Coatings Concourse 82 Nanofilm Zabeel U174 Nantong Jingcai Building Materials Sheikh Rashid G237 Narcisi Pav B15 Naser Al Sayer 3 A141 Nasreddin Orman Urunleri 7 A322 Nassar Plastic and Pipe Factories Multaqua C125 Nassar Stone Group Sheikh Rashid C177 Nastoma Stone Vietnam Vietnam Pavilion National Marketing (IKK Group) 3 A127 National Paints Factories S1 E161 Naturelmar Madencilik Sheikh Rashid D211 Naturinform Zabeel O112 NCP – Fabrico De Produtos Metalicos 2 B97 Neisco for Modern Water Systems Multaqua B124 Nelissen Steenfabriek 1 E27 Nema Kimya Zabeel X156 Nema Winkelmann 4 F180 Nemutlu Pompa Dokum Muhendislik 8 F335 Neokem 8 C337 Neolith 1 D46 Neoperl 2 E57 Neotex 8 C336 Nestler System Zabeel L123 Nevra Insaat Yapi Teknolojileri Zabeel N139 Newforma 2 C63 Newtechwood Composite Decking 2 B60 NIF 2 D73 Nikolidakis Group 8 B337 Ningbo Amico Plastic Industry Ar E206 Ningbo Cnf Hardware Ar D200 Ningbo Dingcheng Adhesive Ar B207 Ningbo Etdz Holdings Ar D217 Ningbo Fuhua Chemicals and Building Materials Ar H222 Ningbo Haiyu Electromechanical Technology Zabeel T170 Ningbo J&K Industrial and Trade Sheikh Rashid C248 Ningbo Jintian Copper Tube Ar H225 Ningbo Kexing Pipe Industrial Ar C205 Ningbo Marquis Hi-Tech Ar G200 Ningbo Meibisheng Auto Door Ar C232 Ningbo Minbang New Material Technology S1 E183 Ningbo Minde Building Materials Ar A203 Ningbo Qingyuan Plastic Rubber Zabeel U171 Ningbo Runner Industrial Corporation Ar C231 Ningbo Xingao Plastic and Chemistry Zabeel V187 Ningbo Yinzhou Woofan Hardware Industry S1 E173 Ningbo Youyou International Ar A241 Ningbo Yuhua Electric Appliance Zabeel U172 Nl Scientific Instruments Ar E192 NMC 1 D21 NMS Sheikh Rashid E201 Nobel, Xilinakis 7 B321 Nofly Pencere Zabeel J139 Norm Baglanti Ve Tesbit Elemanlari (Norm Fixing) 2 C97 Norma Group Holding Zabeel M103 Normacadre Sas International 1 B33 Nortech Innovation 1 G16 Novamix – Domochemical 8 B330 Novaplast Plastik 1 B21 Novawood 1 A21 Novelis Zabeel R101 Nsf International Multaqua C130 NSV 3 F130 Nueva Ceramica Newker 2 D51 Nuova Osmo 5 B221 Nupigeco 4 C167 Nurichem 1 A20 NWS Germany Produktion W Noethen EK Zabeel L101 O O Erre 6 E260 Oasis Coils and Coatings 3 B117 Oceanic Trading 2 A68 Ode Yalitim 2 E90 Odice Sas Fire Protection 1 C31 Odyssey Sheikh Rashid A249 Oemme Pav A06 Officine Di Cortenova – Osca 6 E267 Officine Mandelli 6 C267 Officine Rasera 6 F255 Officine Ricciato Di Raffaele Ricciato Zabeel N136 Officine Rigamonti 5 C227 Oguz Mermer Sanayi Ve Ticaret Sheikh Rashid B211 Olab – Solenoid Valve For Refrigeration Pav B14 14 1 Oli 2 F61 Olivari 5 E226 Omaf 6 E250 Omar Crane Sheikh Rashid B230 Omez 5 D222 OMGE 6 F260 OMS Group 1 A48 Onur Marble Sheikh Rashid D216 Openaire 1 E17 Openspace Zabeel E137 Orgadata Zabeel K117 Origin Middle East Zabeel H116 Orka Ahsap Urunleri Zabeel U156 Orkim Ortaklar Boya Pazarlama Zabeel W151 Orlando Group 6 C266 Oro and Oro 7 A283 Oryx International (Elallar) 4 A160 Otlav Pav C03 Otte Endustriyel Izolasyon Matba Kagit Kimyevi Madde Pav H17 Outilex Zabeel W165 Ozcinar Mermer Sheikh Rashid C166 Ozda Yapi Elemanlari Sheikh Maktoum C143 Ozgur Atermit 7 F316 P PGS 5 G210 PMT 7 E290 P3 2 F81 Pado Vietnam Pavilion, Sheikh Rashid C223 Padova Promex 6 E252 Pakdus Dus Ve Kuvet Kab Sheikh Rashid B161 Pakpen Plastik Boru 8 F330 Pal System International 3 D147 Palace Chemicals 2 D67 Palami Led Technologies Zabeel D101 Palestine Trade Centre (Paltrade) Sheikh Rashid C171 Panaspacer Ig Systems Zabeel E112 Panelsan Cati Ve Cephe Sistmleri Zabeel T150 Panjin Yu Wang Non-Woven Ar E252 Panter – Rombull 1 F40 Parador Floorings – Kira Floorings Zabeel K130 Pasini Metals Productions 7 D293 Patentverwag Italia Zabeel L132 Patta International Ar E191 Pavan Ernesto and Figli 6 F245 Pavestone Sheikh Rashid D227 Paxis Gate and Door Automation Ar E221 Paysa Prefabrik Zabeel S156 PB Pipe S1 A183 PBA 6 E254 Pearl Industries 2 C90 Pe-Ba Tekstil Pav K14 Pedrollo Gulf 5 C231 Pegler Yorkshire Group (Middle East) 2 G97 Peka-Plast 6 E266 Pellet ASC 1 G34 Pennellificio Arte 7 D284 Pennellificio Condor 5 G236 Pensa Plastik Pencere Kapi San 7 F327 Pentafloor CC 7 A328 Pentagono Rubinetterie 7 B281 Pentrilo 1 F46 Permafinish Pergolas Concourse 88 Pervedant – Perfis E Vedantes 2 G81 Pestan Doo Multaqua C100 Pettrus Mineracao E Comercio Sheikh Rashid C229 PF WaterWorks Multaqua A102 PF-Schweisstechnologie Zabeel L115 Ph Dizayn Yapi Urunleri Sanayi Sheikh Rashid A200 Piceno Promozione 6 D241, 6 C241, 6 B241, 6 B251, 6 A251 ☛ Gulf Construction, November 2014 The Big 5 ☛ Pichit Industrial Works S1 C182 Piedras Y Marmoles San Isidro Sheikh Rashid E234 Pikrakis Aluminium Industry Zabeel G137 Pimtas Plastik Insaat Malzemeleri 7 C317 Pinar Is – Pingxiang New Power Trade Ar G256 Pinnacle Building Technology Zabeel Y177 Pioneer Motor S1 E182 Pioneer Water Tanks 4 C199 Pipeco Tanks Trading 3 F111 Pipeline Erectors Concourse 60 Pipetech Italia 6 G242 Piz Cladding System Zabeel N138 Planet Gdz Zabeel S101 Plasteck 5 F236 Plasteco Pav A14 Plastic Extruders 2 E71 Plastic Pipes and Fitting Factory – Yousif Khalid Al Adasani Zabeel P135 Plastica Alfa 6 A252 Plastima Sheikh Maktoum B131 Plastofer 5 B234 Platre.Com International 1 F36 PM Group Zabeel T161 PMS and Thaico 1 A31 PMSA – Concrete Pumps Concourse 65 Polawat Engine S1 D183 Polimar Kimya Pav J19 Polin Kimya 8 F337 Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (Paiiiz) Zabeel T161 Polivinil Rotomachinery 5 C224 Poloplast Zabeel N120 Polser Fiberglas Levhalari Pazarlama/Polser FRP Panels 7 F320 Polycell 3 F121 Polycon Gulf 2 A80 Polystone (Zhuhai) Zabeel T183 Pool Cover 1 D27 Popula Fan 2 B90 Porcela Bobo Ar B250 Porcellan Sheikh Rashid A171 Porta Nova Zabeel I130 Pozza PE 6 D250 Pradillos 1 E45 Prakash Pump Concourse 318 Presanella Pav D11 Prestile Industries Ar B191 Presto Group 1 G30 Presto International 2 C75 Prettie Grass Ar J201 Priedemann Zabeel K117 Prihoda Arab Peninsula Concourse 140 Prime – Focus Air-conditioning Industries 3 D157 Primeco 3 D141 Pro-Brixia Chamber of Commerce Brescia 6 A271, 7 A281, 7 B281 Procore – Imagine 2 G87 Profilpas 5 F230 Progress Profiles 7 F291 Proline Systems Zabeel P113 Prolumis S1 G186 Proma Doors 2 F50 Prometal Metal Industries Factory Concourse 501 Prometeo Consorzio 5 A230/Pav A09 Pronema 5 D221 Proteco 5 D227 Proter Imex Radiant Ceiling Design 5 F232 Providus Group 5 C236 PSIber HR Solutions Concourse 98 PSL Elektrik Elektronik 1 C11 Gulf Construction, November 2014 Punching Tools Morfomichaniki Pure Purstar Technology Development Pushpull Doorlock Pyroplex Pywtsyyxgs Zabeel F137 S1 B182 Ar E245 Zabeel U170 2 D66 Ar D216 Q Q Nap/Q Bond Zabeel E117 Qatar Aluminium Extrusion Company S1 E166 Qatar German Pipes S1 C151 Qatar Glass Industries S1 E161 Qatar Metals Coating Company S1 D163 Qatar Pavilion S1 B161, S1 C161, S1 C151, S1 D161, S1 D151, S1 E161, S1 D161 Qatar Paving Stones S1 E160 Qatar Plastic Products S1 E164 Qatar Sand Treatment Plant S1 C163 Qatar Steel Company S1 C141 Qatar Wooden Products S1 D160 Qatari Gypsum Factory S1 C166 Qatartechnical Steel Fabrication and Industrial Refrigeration S1 C151 Qictrims Zabeel H110 Qing Yuan Yue Feng Decorative Building Materials Ar H213 Qingdao Chuanghui Industry Ar A247 Qingdao Longgreen New Building Material Technology Ar C236 Qingdao Orient Industry S1 F176 Qingdao Qingde Rigging Hardware Ar E227 Qingdao Rulong Machinery Ar D202 Qingdao Samac International Trading Sheikh Maktoum G121 Qingdao Taimei Products Ar H242 Q-Tec Switchgear S1 E161 Quantum Industries 4 E167 Quanzhou Velex Valves Ar A217 Quartzforms Made In Germany Zabeel O127 Quzhou Sen Wang Industry and Trade Ar F254 R Rainbow Power Sheikh Maktoum A140 Rajay International 3 A157 Rak Ceramics Sheikh Rashid A181 Rak Investment Authority (Rakia) Concourse 715 Rako Zabeel U165 Raksha Pipes Concourse 76 Raktherm 4 B177 Rapid EPS (Middle East) 2 D65 Rastelli Rubinetterie 5 A210 Rastone Sheikh Rashid C226 Ravak Zabeel U161 RBM 3 F151 Real Esquadrias Sheikh Rashid D220 Recogroup 5 D231 Red Sea Pipes Multaqua A112 Reetaj General Trading 3 A150 Reflex Winkelmann 4 F180 Regal Aluminyum Ve Kupeste Aksesuarlari 7 F317 Regione Marche 6 D241, 6 C241, 6 B241, 6 B251, 6 A251 Reivilo Joliboisvv 1 D33 Remax Construction and Trading Zabeel Y155 Remer Rubinetterie 5 B226 Renato Nisi Pav E11 Reppel BV Specialist Building Products Zabeel R121 Revisglass Glass Mosaics 2 D54 Reynaers Aluminium Zabeel F111 RF Trading 8 G340 RFJ Acoustics 1 G19 Rheinzink Zabeel P101 Ridgid – Ridge Tool Company 3 B157 Riho Zabeel U167 Rinaldi and Pettinaroli 5 B212 142 Rinse Tech S1 D180 Riou Glass 1 C36 Ritmo Plastic Welding Pav E07 RITS-N Zabeel V177 Ritver Paints and Coatings 8 A361 Rivacold 2 E87 RMD 1 G46 Rock Solid Industries Concourse 59 Rodi – Sinks and Ideas 2 G80 Rohde Zabeel R110 Roll Roy 2 C67 Rolla Invest Zabeel R111 Rombull 1 F40 Rome Chamber Of Commerce 5 A237 Roser 3 E111 Round Universe Valve Ar D211 Rovatti Pompe 5 A231 Royal Ceramica Sheikh Maktoum A141 Royal Decoration and Building Materials Ar D201 Royal Rodin Zabeel U183 Rubi 2 B50 Rubinetteria Quaranta 5 F214 Rubinetterie F Illi Frattini 5 E212 Rubinetterie Mariani 5 C237 Rubinetterie Ritmonio 5 B220 Rug Semin Zabeel N112 Ruian Nandu Plastic-Steel Profile Ar G214 Ruipedra – World of Natural Stone 2 G76 Ruskin Titus Gulf – Air and Sound Control 3 E130 S S Polytech Zabeel W177 Sab 6 C256 Sabar Pumps-Motors Multaqua A126 Sabic (Saudi Basic Industries Corporation) S1 A141 Sabo 8 C331 Sach Central Vacuum Systems 2 G56 Sadaf Gypsum 8 B370 Saer Elettropompe 5 B231 Safario Cooling Factory 3 E150 Safranbolu Cam Mozaik Sheikh Maktoum C147 Sagar Polytechnik Multaqua A130 Sahara Emirates/Plastitalia 4 D181 Sahinler Form Metal Pav K03 Sahyadri Industries Zabeel I137 Saif International Group 3 D150 Saimex 6 B265 Saint-Gobain 8 F361, 8 E361, 8 F368 Saint-Gobain Adfors 8 F361, 8 E361, 8 F368 Saint-Gobain Glass 8 F361, 8 E361, 8 F368 Saint-Gobain Pam 8 F361, 8 E361, 8 F368 Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics 8 F361, 8 E361, 8 F368 Saint-Gobain Solar Gard 8 F361, 8 E361, 8 F368 Salice Paolo 6 B261 Sam Outillage 1 D31 Sampo Industrial 3 F120 Samsung Staron and Radianz Sheikh Rashid C190 Samyang System Group 3 E125 Sangnam Tarps Zabeel W173 Sanitärtechnik Eisenberg 4 B171 Sari Insaat Malzemeleri 7 D321 Sarplast Qatar S1 C161 SAT Group 3 C141 Saudi Bitumen Industries 8 A367 Saudi Ceramics Sheikh Rashid A201 Saudi Export Development Authority Concourse 610 Sav 2000 Glass Company 5 B237 Savio 5 F231 Saxony- Saxony Economic Development Corporation Zabeel M120 Say Plastik Sheikh Maktoum C141 ☛ See us at The Big 5 Stand 2E61 in Hall 2 A Tata Steel Enterprise OUR QUALITY All developers want to ensure a trouble-free handover, with a delighted client who is impressed with the professional and quality finish delivered. Catnic products have been installed on projects throughout the Gulf for over 30 years. We manufacture an extensive range of quality plaster beads that have been designed to support a range of applications. Contact us at [email protected] to find out more. BEAD WILL SAFEGUARD YOUR REPUTATION Incorrect product and application, bead appears through the render after time. The harshness of arid environments can be deceiving and using the wrong quality bead on any application can result in future scaring. Catnic recommends quality, fit for purpose bead every time and with excellent technical support you can be sure of the right result no matter the environment. Visit us at: Correct product and application, ensures long-lasting professional finish. The Big 5 ☛ Scaramuzzi 5 G210 Schuco Zabeel J116 Schulte-Schlagbaum Zabeel K123 Schwarte Zabeel L126 Scon Valves and Castings 3 E101 Scuderi Saliscendi Pav D06 Sedes Group 6 E255 Sedna Lighting (GB) 2 E61 Seko 6 B240 Selena Yapi Pav K15 Sempa Pompa Imalati Demir 8 E337 Senler Mermer Sheikh Rashid F210 Sensing Precision (Formerly Airflow) 2 E70 Sente Makina Zabeel T157 Senzo Ar C197 Serge Ferrari 1 E36 Sertsan Pav K08 Service Metal Company Pav D13 SG 5 D224 Shahe Tongyuan Trade Ar F241 Shakti Pumps 4 E171 Shan Qian Stone Products Sheikh Maktoum F140 Shandong Baolongda Adhesive Industry Ar J237 Shandong Boxing Huaxing Ar A318 Shandong Boxing Ying Xiang International Ar G236 Shandong Dianshi Ceramics Sheikh Rashid F234 Shandong Dongcheng Aluminium Ar E234 Shandong Fulin Wood Group Ar E241 Shandong Grad Group Ar H244 Shandong Guoqiang Hardware Technology Zabeel U177 Shandong Haitian Seven Color Panel Ar C254 Shandong Hengrun Carpet Ar B203 Shandong Huajing Household Appliances Glass Ar G241 Shandong Huanri Group Zabeel S186 Shandong Huidong Construction Materials Ar C226 Shandong Huijin Color Steel Ar B223 Shandong Huixin Steel Plate Industry Ar J196 Shandong Jianling Machinery Ar E246 Shandong Lujiang Group Zabeel U190 Shandong Peili Geotextile Material Technology Ar E224 Shandong Shouguang Ruihua Non-Woven Fabrics Ar G247 Shandong Sunny Ar B221 Shandong Tianyi Machinery Ar J233 Shandong Wanjia Building Materials Ar J214 Shandong Whitley New Material Ar G237 Shandong Yongan Adhesive Industry Ar E200 Shandong Yuantong Forging Ar C220 Shandong Yufengze Trade Ar D241 Shandong Yunguang Steel Sheikh Maktoum F112 Shanghai Akf International S1 G173 Shanghai Broaden Building Materials Ar H216 Shanghai Fullcom Cabinet Ar G240 Shanghai Huayuan New Composite Materials S1 F174 Shanghai Jinrun Decoration Materials Sheikh Maktoum E141 Shanghai Jinyi Self Adhesive Material Ar F246 Shanghai Jixiang Industry Ar D256 Shanghai Juneng Aluminium Ar D236 Shanghai Nari Trading Ar C253 Shanghai Pincheng Plastics S1 J164 Shanghai Rural Industries Ar C252 Shanghai Shiya New Materials Ar C233 Shanghai Smith Adhesive New Material Ar G245 Shanghai Worldin Machinery Equipment Ar G227 Shanghai Wright Bros Technology Ar E236 Shanghai Xiao Jin Industrial Ar C211/S1 H185 Shanghai Yongguan Adhesive Products Ar A276 Shanxi Datong Casting Ar B237 Shanxi Putai Aluminium Foam Manufacturing Zabeel S182 Shanxi Yujin Guotai Microcrystal Technology Sheikh Rashid C245 Shanxian Qingzhihua Glass Fibre Products Ar E196 Gulf Construction, November 2014 Shaoxing Hemei Decoration Materials Zabeel U173 Shelter Tent Manufacturing Ar E225 Shengda Machinery/Al Jedar Trading Sheikh Maktoum A144 Shenghua Group Deqing Huayuan Pigment Ar H223 Shenyang Jinjixiang Industry and Trade Zabeel U182 Shenyang Wrdi Door Panel Ar H205 Shenyang Yabang Decorative Materials Ar C213 Shenyang Youbang Wood Industry S1 F180 Shenzhen Ebelong Technology Zabeel T180 Shenzhen Healthway Electronics S1 H170 Shenzhen Lancer Import and Export Ar G254 Shenzhen Locstar Technology S1 H186 Shenzhen Richon Industry S1 G177 Shenzhen Sawa Abrasives S1 G181 Shenzhen Taiqiang Chemicals Zabeel S179, S183 Shenzhen Tian Yu Hardware and Electrical S1 H183 Shenzhen Wangyelong Solar Technology Ar J196 Shenzhen Winpower Industrial Ar E214 Shenzhen Wriled Ar D251 Shenzhen Xintaixing Precision Technology S1 H180 Shinhwa Metal 1 C01 Shouguang Dasen Wood Ar B227 Shouguang Jingyi Wood Ar C211 Shouguang Yujing Business and Trade Ar C224 SIA Pietrucha Poland Zabeel S166 Siba Kimya Endustriyel Urunler 7 A307 Sibm Trading S1 C147 Sican S1 G172 Sichuan Xinda Adhesive Technology Sheikh Rashid E242 Siimco 8 F361, 8 E361, 8 F368 Sik Dogaltas Elegance Marble Sheikh Rashid C160 Sikotec Zabeel Q115 Silcoat Duvar Kaplamalri Pav H19 Silky Paste 8 D369 Silver Pumps and Motors Multaqua C116 Simonin 1 E37 Simonswerk Middle East Zabeel P116 Simsekler Mermer Otom Sheikh Rashid E216 Sina Serrature 6 A277 Sino Foils and Sanmulisen Ar D257 Sinocau Import and Export Ar G205 Sinochem Guangdong Ar G242 Sinochem Ningbo 3 F129 Sinoma Science and Technology Ar E237 Sinorock (Jiangxi) Import and Export Ar F216 Sinosteel Yantai Steel Grating Ar H179 Sintecno 8 C333 Sinus Elektrik Elektronik PAV J18 Sipar 6 B276 Sirca 6 E247 Sirl 2 G74 Sisale Trading Ar E253 Sistem Aluminyum 7 F326 SIT Spa Italian Industrial Wire Brushes 5 C236 Sit Urban Design 2 G65 Sitco 1 A48 Skyline Pittsburgh Sheikh Maktoum A148 SLR Consulting Zabeel W190 Smardt Chiller Group 1 F11 Smg Sportplatzmaschinenbau Zabeel R120 SMI 3 E137 SNIC Sheikh Rashid A180 Soba Inter Zabeel S99 Sobime 1 E47 Sodamco-Weber 8 F361, 8 E361, 8 F368 SOL 8 C346 Solar Technologies 2 G96 Solex International S1 A185 Solin 8 A341 Solmmate 2 B61 Somai Pav A15 Sommer Informatik Zabeel R112 144 Son Reklam Insaat Zabeel V150 Sonitec-Vortisand Mena 4 A198 Sopormetal 2 B91 Soudal 1 F26 Source Almanac Shenzhen Trading Ar E243 Spain Pavilion 1 C40 Span Trading 1 G31 Spantech International 1 D25 Spazioquadro 6 G264 Specialinsert 5 E230 Speed Middle East General Trading 4 D163 Speedybycasma 6 D265 Spiro International 3 F141 Spits Luc – Bureau d’architectes 1 E20 Src Yapi Malzemeleri Sheikh Maktoum D141 Sruite Cooper Ar D225 Ssab Swedish Steel 1 G11 ST Mosaic Sheikh Rashid F242 Stabila Zabeel N111 Stagnoli Pav D09 Stahl-Mont Zabeel S167 Stalatube 7 A292 Standard Packing Materials Trading Zabeel E105 Standart Pompa Ve Makina Zabeel S130 Stanley 2 C70 Star Industrial Products 2 B87 Starry Sky Company Zabeel R111 Starshine Zabeel P121 Stati-Cal Zabeel U169 Stauf Klebstoffwerk/Btme Zabeel O113 Stayer 2 D57 Steel Color 6 D271 Steel Wood Industries 1 H30 Stone Asia Sheikh Maktoum A100 Stonini Zabeel V186 Stuart Turner 2 D75 Stv Serrature 6 C251 Stworld Zabeel V176 Style Metal Manufacturing S1 C137 Styro Insulation Material 8 F351 Süd-Metall Beschläge Zabeel P127 Sultaco – Sultan Bin Rashed Zabeel P127 Summit International Sheikh Rashid D226 Sumoto 6 D251 Sun International 3 F135 Sun Stone Sheikh Rashid F236 Sunchang ITS 1 C12 Suncover 6 G246 Sunjut Suni Jut Sanayii Ve Ticaret 1 E01 Sunpor Kunststoff Zabeel Y170 Super Cerame Sheikh Maktoum B131 Supersafe Industries Ar B196 Superwood Industries Ar D196 Supreme 4 C198 Suqian Easy Decorate Carpet Ar F226 Suqian Stronger Building Material Ar A213 Survex Corporation S1 F173 Suzhou Futong New Materials and High-Tech Ar H210 Suzhou Guohao Wallpaper Company Ar F247 Suzhou Porshseal uPVC Windows S1 F186 Sveden 6 F261 Swisspearl Zabeel J117 Synthesia Internacional 1 A48 T T 2 S Ta Hsiang Containers TA Tecno Automazione Tae Heung Lee Ki Taesung Chemical Tai Zhou Classic Hardware 1 D30 Ar F196 6 B244 1 A11 1 A18 S1 H185 ☛ The Big 5 ☛ Taizhou Ailisheng Electric Ar G217 Taizhou Alpffa Building Material Ar H226 Taizhou Aolijie Sanitary Ware Ar G211 Taizhou City Desheng Sanitary Ware Ar C216 Taizhou City Tengda Construction Machinery S1 J175 Taizhou Guangxing Electronics Tech Ar A221 Taizhou Happy Water Pump Ar A270 Taizhou Huangxin Electronic Science and Technology Ar C221 Taizhou Huangyan Huida Plastic Machinery Ar A280 Taizhou Jinba Industry Trade Ar C223 Taizhou Roger Trading Ar F256 Taizhou Shengkai Sanitary Ware Sheikh Rashid E240 Taizhou Xinya Sanitary Ware Ar A271 Talleres Jose Arroyo Zabeel X192 Tangshan Donghua Iron and Steel Enterprise Group Ar D247 Tangshan Dushibao Industrial Ar G243 Tatamsport – Toldos Serrano 2 F51 Tau 6 D257 Tavar Wood Floor and Wood Decking 6 C265 Tazzetti 2 F87 Tdm Brass 7 E282 Technal Middle East Zabeel G130 Technical Glass Products 1 G21 Technilum 1 E31 Technistone Trade Zabeel T160 Techno Actors 3 C151 Techno Marble – Castle Rock Sheikh Rashid F206 Technoform Middle East Zabeel E116 Technonicol 6 E276 Tecnalco Concourse 530 Tecno K Giunti Pav D08 Tecnodinamica Pav C09 Tecnokrom 6 F256 Teco 4 E174 Tecofi 1 G36 Tehnomarket Zabeel G136 Tejas Borja 1 B44 Teknopanel Cati Ve Cephe Panelleri Uretim 7 B307 Telwin 6 D256 Temporary Floor Protection 2 D61 Tensaform Membrane Structures 7 E315 Tensioned Fabric Structure Ar B190 Tepe Betopan Yapi Malzemeleri 7 A301 Terno Scorrevoli 6 D266 Terreal 1 E30 Tesa Middle East Zabeel O121 TGN By DGN Srgroup 7 F301 Thai Prasit Textile S1 C180 The Matter Of Taste S1 D186 Thermo Zabeel R111 Thermobreak Thermal Insulation 2 F97 Thermoduct 1 E22 Thermowatt 6 B247 Thirard 1 D36 Thomas Bell-Wright International Consultants Concourse 626 Thrislington Cubicles 2 E61 TI Laminates Concourse 73 Tian Xin Technology Sheikh Maktoum E117 Tianjin Baolai Steel Pipe Ar E244, Ar F211 Tianjin Bridge Steel Ar F264 Tianjin Byland International Trade Ar A260 Tianjin Dl Logistic Equipment Technology Ar G264 Tianjin Elecmotor Ar H212 Tianjin Goldensun Import and Export Ar C230 Tianjin Haigang Steel Sheet Ar J241 Tianjin Haisheng Steel Manufacture Ar J245 Tianjin Hengfeng Metal Wire and Rope Company Ar A314 Tianjin Huilai International Trade Ar C247 Tianjin Jiawei Warehouse Equipments Engineering Ar E260 Tianjin Jin Xin Sheng Long Metal Products Ar B260 Tianjin Jinfuding Wooden Industry Ar F250 Gulf Construction, November 2014 Tianjin Lefin Industrial Ar A310 Tianjin Litailai Metal Products Ar A262 Tianjin Master Storage Facilities Ar A312 Tianjin Prosperous For Centuries Foreign Trade Ar B231 Tianjin Qunshengda Steel Pipe Group Ar C262 Tianjin Sincere Import and Export Ar B262 Tianjin Zhaolida Steel Pipe Ar A316 Tianyuan Company Ar F252 Tien Dat Stainless Steel Group Vietnam Pavilion Tietan Fiberglass S1 F160 Tiger Profiles and Insulation Concourse 511 Tigerturf 2 B63 Tiking Ti-Gold Technology S1 G184 Tikzn Concourse 64 Tilcor Roofing Systems Zabeel X166 Timberwolf 1 A26 Tinaz Kaucuk Kimya Pav H06 Tirim Ins Mimarlik Pav H08 Titan Ledway Ar D192 Tixe Pav E18 Tmg Dogaltas Sheikh Rashid A211 Toan Thang Company Vietnam Pavilion Toda United Industrial (Zhejiang) Ar J220 Todagres 1 D40 Tognana Industrie E Fornaci 6 E251 Tongun Elektrik Dogalgaz Zabeel V157 Tonucci 6 F264 Top Cuscinetti 6 D267 Top Design Furniture Ar G223 Top Honest Stainless Steel (Zhejiang) Ar C204 Topbro Ceramics Ar B251 Toprise Energy Saving Technology (Taicang) Ar D243 Torbey Pav J05 Torneiras Roriz Concourse 124 Toshio Pumps Multaqua C120 Tover Security Systems 1 D41 Tovic 1 F41 Trafilerie Chioderie Sas 6 B267 Tran Hai Services Trading Production Vietnam Pavilion Trap Ciney 1 D26 Tre Emme/Landi Group Sheikh Rashid A231 Trespa International Zabeel S126 Trevi Engineering Pav B19 Triton Middle East 2 F91 T-T Pumps 2 E72 Tte 3 B111 Turan Makina Plastik Boru Sistemleri 1 F01 Turkish Ceramics Promotion Group Sheikh Rashid B167 U UAE Society of Engineers Ucm Kompozit Yapi Malzemeleri UK Cares Ukinox Ankastre Sistemleri UKS Yapi (Izotum Yalitim) Ulih Tide Enterprise Ulkumen Ardila Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Unex Unger Stahlbau Uni Lite Stone Unibiz Unico Consumer Products (Amena) Unidelta Uniflo – Al Shihhe Industry Unigulf Development Unindustria Union Camere Lazio Union Glass Union Pipes Industry Unipack Containers and Carton Products Uniplast 146 Zabeel R139 7 D327 S1 B157 Pav H15 Pav H12 Ar E195 Zabeel O134 Concourse 314 Zabeel T166 Zabeel Z171 Ar E217 4 B160 S1 E186 5 B227 1 G01 3 A151 6 B246 5 A237 6 F254 4 D171 8 A374 S1 E156 United Electrical Ar E194 United For Developed Industries Zabeel K136 United Supplies Establishment – subsidiary of Hassan Abul Group of Companies Concourse 730/ Sheikh Rashid A178, C161 Unival Pav C12 Universal MP – Decorative Paints 6 C271 Unostone Sheikh Rashid C246 Untes Isitma Klima Sogutma 3 E120 Unverdi Metal Pav J08 Unveren Hava Sistemleri 2 C95 Ureatac 1 B14 Uret Makina Isi Tesisat 3 D116 Usakligil Ins Tel Orme Cit 1 D16 USG Boral 8 C357 Ustunel Submersible Pump 7 D315 Uzay Konstruksiyon Sistemleri Insaat 7 E327 Uzay Modul Kafes Cati Tesisleri Ve Malzemeleri 7 G326 V V One Industries Ar B193 Vaillant 2 C81 Valbruna Stainless Steel 5 A224 Valchromat 2 B93 Valencia Ceramic Sheikh Rashid E161 Valvosanitaria Bugatti 7 B287 Vansan Makina Sanayi 7 D311 Varem 6 F244 Vargon Installation System 4 E181 Varisan 6 B270 Varuna 4 B181 Vchoice Dubai S1 A177 VD Werkstaetten Zabeel N109 Vekon Prefabricated Construction Solutions Zabeel S134 Veltek Plastik Teknolojileri Sanayi Ve Ticaret 1 C17 Vemekep 8 D330 Venman 7 C327 Ventech Ventilation Zabeel T186 Verincolor 7 D283 Vernilac 8 D336 Verseidag Indutex Zabeel P111 Verum Italy 6 D260 Vibrocomp Zabeel R111 Viet – Tiep Lock Joint Stock Company Vietnam Pavilion Vietnam Natural Stones Vietnam Pavilion Viexal 8 B336 Vifra Sheikh Rashid A245 Vinyl Column/Riser Pipes Multaqua B100 Vir Valve Industry Rizzio 2 F80 Vis By Bella Stone Concourse 86 Visaka Industries/ Moov General Trading Zabeel X170 Viso 1 D32 Visual Plus 1 C23 Vital Technical Ar D191 Vitra 5 A237 W W Kirchhoff (Aejaz Albenna for Trading and Contracting) Concourse 84 Wales 2 E61 Wally Locks Pav E17 Walo Bertschinger Zabeel S93 Wanxiang Aluminium Ar B256 Watani Group Zabeel Q130 Waterjet Corporation Sheikh Rashid A237 Watertec Ar D193 Wavin Tr Plastik Sanayi Zabeel N131 Wefatherm 4 B171 Wei Feng (Tianjin) International Trading Ar A311 Weifang Chenhua Waterproof Ar H230 Weld-On/IPS Corporation 3 A121 ☛ The Big 5 ☛ Wengling Younio Water Meter Ar D223 Wenling Meijia Sanitary Ware Ar A297 Wenling Yonton Electric Ar E242 Wenzhou Graciano Sanitary Ware Ar G203 Wenzhou Jinfu Locks Ar F215 Wenzhou Mvava Electrical Ar A287 Wenzhou Xuchang Hardware Trading Ar F217 Wera Zabeel N113 White Horse Ceramic Industries Concourse 202 Wienerberger 1 G26 Wieser Industrieanlagen Zabeel Z155 Wiha Werkzeuge Zabeel N126 Wiktori Zabeel R111 Wild Stone Zabeel U167 Wilka Schliesstechnik Zabeel L124 Willstar Trading Sheikh Rashid A242 Winmax Plus Concourse 114 Winone Elevator Corporation Ar H202 Winters Instruments Multaqua A100 Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen Zabeel M120 Wivast Decoration Material Ar F237 Wolf Bavaria Zabeel Q111 Worksite Tool Ar B216 World BMC 1 A01 Wt Burden Zabeel U167 Wuhan Keda Marble Protective Materials Sheikh Maktoum G119 Wujiang City Qidu Taishan Wooden Product Factory Ar B257 Wulff Entre 2 F90 Wulian Guolei Stone Sheikh Maktoum F110 Wuxi Diseno Decoration Material Zabeel S185 Wuxi Green Lawn Ar D246 Wuxi Well-Way Lock Factory Ar A345 X XChem International 2 C96 Xiamen Ally Stone Industrial Sheikh Maktoum F120 Xiamen Bestone Materials Sheikh Rashid E249 Xiamen C&D Metals Ar E232 Xiamen Castle Granite Sheikh Rashid B249 Xiamen Cerarock Import and Export Sheikh Rashid G219 Xiamen Deqinuo Import and Export Sheikh Rashid E251 Xiamen Dunfa Trade Sheikh Rashid E248 Xiamen Elite Import and Export Sheikh Rashid E245 Xiamen Golden Universe Stone Industrial S1 H161 Xiamen Good Partner Import and Export Ar F193 Xiamen Haorong Import and Export Sheikh Rashid G221 Xiamen Hola Import and Export Ar B253 Xiamen Hour Stone Sheikh Rashid F244 Xiamen Huangchang Import and Export Zabeel T175 Xiamen Ice Stone Import and Export Sheikh Rashid G215 Xiamen Idwo Trading Ar F233 Xiamen Ioka Import Export Ar E250 Xiamen Jinyuan Stone Sheikh Rashid D246 Xiamen Kunma Trade Sheikh Rashid C249 Xiamen Lian Fang Industry Sheikh Maktoum E102 Xiamen Lotus East Import and Export Sheikh Rashid B248 Xiamen Mas-Agee Electronic Technology Ar G234 Xiamen Midday Import and Export Sheikh Rashid G207 Xiamen New Changcheng Engineering Ar H215 Xiamen Olt Ar A201 Xiamen Realho Stone Sheikh Maktoum E125 Xiamen Sanxiangda Import and Export Sheikh Rashid G231 Xiamen Shiyue Stone Sheikh Maktoum F102 Xiamen Shuangyan Import and Export Sheikh Rashid E248 Xiamen SRS Trading Sheikh Maktoum F126 Xiamen Stone Enterprise Group Zabeel T177 Xiamen Stonelink Import and Export Sheikh Rashid G217 Xiamen Sunrise Import and Export Ar A253 Xiamen Sunward Import Export Zabeel S176 Xiamen Taiya Plastic Ar G196 Gulf Construction, November 2014 Xiamen Top Slate Sheikh Rashid G235 Xiamen Tubetech Ar F235 Xiamen Ussen Stone Sheikh Rashid E249 Xiamen Xinzhenxuan Stone Sheikh Maktoum E100 Xiamen Yangcheng Import and Export Sheikh Maktoum G115 Xiamen Ydstone Ar G232 Xiamen Zhongguanshi Industry Sheikh Rashid G248 Xpelair Middle East 2 C61 X-Per Technia S1 B184 Y Y&Q Home Plus Sheikh Maktoum A170 Ya’an Jian Yin Building Materials (Group)Sheikh Rashid C244 Ya’an Zhengxing Marble Sheikh Rashid D241 Yamama Company for Red Bricks and Clay Products S1 D130 Yangzhou Superman Sporting Equipment Ar A323 Yantai Ever-Rising International Sheikh Rashid D250 Yantai Jialong Nano Industry Ar G235 Yantai Yifanjidian Sheikh Maktoum E113 Yaparlar Insaat Ve Tarim Aletleri Zabeel U151 Yazd Baspar Group Multaqua C122 Yekalon Industry Ar H190 Yepsa Yelkenciler Plastik Zabeel V157 Yilmaz Tr Makine Zabeel L139 Yong Nuo Import and Export S1 J166 Yonggao (Era) Ar B247 Yongkang Bergman Industry Ar D227 Yongkang Hundredbloom Trading Ar B255 Yongkang Wanxin Sunfly Import and Export Ar B211 YPPC – Global Anti-Corrosion Solutions Zabeel V171 Yuce Nakliyat Emlak Sheikh Rashid D230 Yuhuan Futai Fluid Control Ar G212 Yuhuan Hongdaer Valve Ar A277 Yuhuan Miaoyi Valve Manufacturer Zabeel T187 Yuyao Trust Trade Ar C250 Z Zenfix Zabeel U164 Zennio 2 E50 Zhangjiagang Dongxin Tools Manufacturer Ar B246 Zhangjiagang Yihua Plastic Ar D235 Zhe Jiang Double-Lin Valves Ar G216 Zhejiang Alutal New Materials Zabeel V183 Zhejiang Brilliant Company Ar H220 Zhejiang Changxing Yaolong Ceramics S1 J176 Zhejiang Deqing Multi-Sinox Pigment Technology Ar J224 Zhejiang Efun Trading Ar E255 Zhejiang Ever-Power Decoration Ar H250 Zhejiang Flyke Pump Zabeel T185 Zhejiang Hanghai Electrical Machinery Ar C214 Zhejiang Haomen Plastic Industry Ar C246 Zhejiang Hualong Valves Ar G250 Zhejiang Huangyan Minghua Plastic Pipe Fitting Ar G244 Zhejiang Jinhao Electrical Ar E251 Zhejiang Jinyi Mechanical and Electrical Ar C240 Zhejiang Keju Industrial Ar H260 Zhejiang Kings Door Industry Ar F223 Zhejiang Longyang Industrial Ar B200 Zhejiang Sencl Adhesive Ar D254 Zhejiang Taida Miniature Electrical Machinery Zabeel Y190 Zhejiang Tasan Flow Tech Ar C227 Zhejiang Terasun Air Duct Zabeel U180 Zhejiang Tiannu Color Steel Ar H237 Zhejiang Tihope Advanced Materialtek Ar A257 Zhejiang Vogueshower Sanitary Ware Ar A227 Zhejiang Weixing New Building Materials Ar B217 Zhejiang Wtm Copper Ar A300 Zhejiang Huanli Electric Ar A243 Zhongnanxing Import and Export Sheikh Rashid G247 Zhongshan Chuzhile Bath and Kitchen Products Ar C256 Zhongshan Frae Shower Equipment Sheikh Rashid D244 148 Zhongshan Good Life Sun Sheet Zhongyuan Aluminium Zhuhai Xing Yuan Development Zhuji Huida Pipeline Technology Zibo All Way Import and Export Zibo Super Good Trade Zilmet Zine Creation Zip-Clip Zmc Plumbing and Sanitary Z-Parket Ar H207 Ar B212 Ar F244 Ar C210 Ar C222 Sheikh Rashid G173 6 A236, 6 A238 Sheikh Maktoum B131 2 E61 Ar D221 1 G24 * Big 5 list of exhibitors as supplied by the organiser on October 22, 2014 Ar – Trade Centre Arena Pav – Pavilion S – Saeed Halls Website: PCC PE 100 HDPE Piping Products Located in Jubail II Industrial City, Saudi Arabia. Petrochemical Conversion Company manufactures HDPE piping products for Water, Wastewater, Industrial, Mining, Gas, and agricultural applications. PCC prides itself on using the best HDPE resins in the market and guarantees only 100% virgin pre-compounded materials in our products. At PCC, our HDPE PE 100 pipes meet ISO 4427 requirements and are evaluated to the toxicological requirements for safe drinking water. PCC customers can be assured of the highest levels of quality and product performance leading to the lowest lifecycle costs. Petrochemical Conversion Company Ltd. Eastern Cement Tower Office #105, 8501 King Fahd Rd, Al Rawabi Khobar 34421, Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 -13-887 1315 Fax: +966 -13-887 0987 Email: [email protected] The Big 5 PMV/MEC Exhibitor List* A A&Z Technologies AMCS, UAE ABR Tools, Austria Ace Centro Enterprises, UAE Acrow Misr for Formwork and Scaffoldings, Egypt Ademsan Makina Muhendislik Asansor, Turkey Adipco, UAE Adler Technologies, France Advantage Austria, Austria Akar Makina, Turkey Al Bariq Equipment, UAE Al Jarsh Metal Sections, UAE Al Kiyumi Global, Oman Al Laith Scaffolding, UAE Al Wasit Machinery, UAE Allgaier Process Technology, Germany Altrex, Netherlands AME, Austria Anac Makina Insaat Tekstil, Turkey Anthon B Nilsen, UAE APS Advanced Precast Systems, France Aquamec – Watermaster, Finland Ari Dokum ve Makine, Turkey Ariadis, France Arkitech Ileri Yapi Teknolojileri, Turkey ASE Makina Insaat Elektrik, Turkey Asphalt Mixing Plant, Korea Asteq Wire and Rebar Machines, Italy Atco – Ale International, UAE Awex, Belgium Ayhan Gocmen Makina, Turkey PMV B127 MEC G63 OS 38 MEC G121 MEC F57 MEC J131 MEC F87 MEC H64 MEC J130 PMV C81 PMV A58 PMV C124 OS 73 OS 10 MEC D131 MEC G48 MEC H66 MEC G146 MEC G110 MEC F83 PMV B40 MEC H131 MEC F81 PMV A61 PMV B70 PMV A111 MEC F73 OSS 01 MEC E91 MEC F141 Comacchio@Total Foundation Solutions, Italy PMV C117 Comarcom Nano Modified, UAE MEC E147 Combijet, Cyprus MEC D97 Combisafe, UAE MEC E81 Comec – Binder, Italy MEC G131 Concool, US PMV B115 Condor Group, Italy MEC G71 Consent, UAE PMV B87 Constromech, UAE PMV B44 Construcciones Meccanicas Llamada, Spain PMV C117 Construction Machinery ME/CPI Media Group, UAE MEC J95 Contec, Germany MEC E126 Convergent Group, Belgium MEC F96 Coote Engineering, UK MEC H96 CPI Worldwide, Germany MEC J70 CST, Italy MEC G72 D D&T (Database and Technology), Italy PMV B65 Daewoo, Korea PMV A114 Daliform Group, Italy PMV D66 Darwish Bin Ahmed and Sons/United Motors, UAE OS 70 D-Cetinkaya, Turkey MEC H56 Deewan, UAE MEC D91 Delmon Scaffolding and Formwork, UAE MEC D77 Delta Trading for Plastic Materials, UAE MEC H123 Dem Wire Rolling Technology, Italy PMV C64 Diewe Diamantwerkzeuge, Germany MEC B91 Digi Robotics Technologies, UAE OS 66 Dubai Plaster Dry Mix, UAE MEC F137 B B+S, Germany MEC G100 Balacchi Hf, Italy PMV C60 Basf Construction Chemicals, UAE MEC C51 Bauer Maschinen, UAE MEC D111 BCR Building Components Rimmele, Germany MEC F124 Belgian Fibres, Belgium MEC E95 Benvid White Cement Company, Iran MEC J71 Best Tyre Protection Sealant International, Greece PMV A40 Beton Tool Company, Italy MEC F71 Beton Trowel, Belgium MEC F40 BFS, Germany MEC F121 Bibko Umwelttechnik and Beratung, Germany MEC A107 Binzhou Sunshien, China MEC J163 Birco Drainage Channels, Germany MEC G105 Blastrac Middle East, UAE MEC F131 BM-Anlagenbau Und Dosiertechnik, Germany MEC G124 Brecon Vibration Technology, Germany MEC F106 Business Point International -Nettuno Sistemi, Italy MEC E61 E Ebawe Anlagentechnik, Germany MEC B96 Echo Precast Engineering, Belgium MEC B96 Ecocon Group, UAE MEC A87 Edil Lame, Italy PMV C61 Edilmatic, Italy MEC G70 Edilteco, Belgium MEC E97 EEPC, India MEC J95, MEC J97, MEC J99 Eirich, Germany MEC F117 Ekopons Madencilik, Turkey MEC E57 Elematic, Finland MEC G87 Elettrondata, Italy MEC E61 Elettrosigma, Italy MEC E61 Elkon Elevator Konveyor, Turkey PMV B60 Emfil, UAE MEC G141 Essar Modern Engineering, UAE OS 35 Etkin Hareketli Platform, Turkey MEC G56 Eurobend, Germany MEC E136, Italy MEC F60 EVG, Austria MEC F61 Express Engineering, UAE OS 67 C CAD 2000 MLS Worldwide Engineering, Italy California Scaffolding and Formwork, UAE Cams Repubblica San Marino, Italy CB Sabbiatrici, Italy CCL, UK Ceric Technologies, France Cesan Cevre Sagligi Sanayi, Turkey CGM, Italy Changzhou Machinery, China Clifford Welding Systems, South Africa Columbia Machine, US F Faresin Building, Italy MEC D61 Ferromod Handels, Austria MEC F67 FIT, Belgium MEC E91 Folk Molds, Germany MEC G120 Ford Trucks, UAE OS 60 Freiheit Skytech, UAE OSS 08 Frima, Germany MEC B106 Fujairah Rockwool Factory, UAE OS 80 Fujian Haiyuan Automatic Equipment, China MEC G166 Fujian Snowman, UAE PMV A86 Futuretech Engineering, UAE OS 102, MEC C107 MEC E61 PMV B83 MEC H130 MEC F76 MEC G91 MEC G86 MEC H137 PMV B42 MEC G156 MEC E140 MEC H129 15 1 G Gasparin Impianti, Italy Gaziantep Eser-Mak Makina, Turkey Genie, UAE Geo-Fennel, Germany Geoplast, Italy Gerhard Warning, Germany German Gulf Enterprises, UAE German Machinery Trading, UAE Globalmarket Group (Asia), China Gocmaksan, Turkey Goker Is Makinalari, Turkey Golden Spot Industry, Taiwan Golf Scaffolding Factory, UAE Good Use Hardware, Taiwan GP Papenburg International, Germany GPE German Plant Experience, Germany Guangdong Fushan Glass Machinery, China Guangdong Kolida Instrument, China Gulf Elevators and Escalators, Saudi Arabia Gur-San Insaat Makinalari, Turkey GYS, France PMV B67 PMV B76 OS 90 MEC E101 PMV C66 MEC F104 OS 50 PMV B79 MEC G162 MEC D147 MEC E51 MEC G161 MEC C71 MEC H164 MEC J137 MEC A107 MEC G160 MEC G152 PMV A62 PMV B56 MEC G84 H HA-BE Betonchemie, Germany Hala Used Heavy Equipment Trading, UAE Hambi Maschinenbau, Germany Hangzhou Truemax Machinery, China Hansoo Natech, Korea Hard Precast Building Systems, UAE Haver and Boecker, UAE Hawkeyepedershaab, Denmark Heitz, Germany Hess, Netherlands, Germany, UAE Heze Xingyu, China HKS Dreh-Antriebe, Germany Honcha Block Making Machine, China Hormozgan Cement Company, Iran Hosken Steel Pallet, Korea Hydraulic Gear Pump, Korea MEC G124 OS 48 MEC G101 OS 160 MEC J80 MEC B86 MEC F107 PMV A90 MEC E117 MEC C91 MEC H155 OS 20 MEC F167 MEC H83 PMV A117 MEC J78 I Imperbit Membrane Industries-Al Yousuf, UAE Indo Farm Equipment, India Instant Access, Kuwait International Construction Equipment, US I-Pass Corporation, Korea Iron Art, Egypt Ischebeck Titan (ME), UAE ITP, UAE PMV A52 OS 150 OS 05 PMV C117 PMV A113 OS 75 PMV B51 MEC J J K Cement Works (Fujairah), UAE J One, South Korea Jeonil Machinery, Korea Jiangsu Andy Steel Structure, China Jiangsu Deper Door Control Technology, China Jinan Parker Machinery, China Joy Hardware, Taiwan Jubaili Bros, UAE MEC G147 MEC F144 PMV A104 MEC J161 MEC H150 MEC G157 MEC G165 OS 31 K Kanca El Aletleri Dovme Celik, Turkey Kapriol, Italy KBH, Germany MEC F145 OS 71 MEC C106 ☛ Gulf Construction, November 2014 The Big 5 ☛ KCP Concrete Pumps, Korea Kemerli Metal Celik, Turkey Kenal, UAE Kern-Deudiam Diamantwerkzeuge, Germany KG Chemical Corporation, Korea Kice Construction Equipment, Saudi Arabia King Slide Works, Taiwan Kion Baoli Forklift, China Kobra, Germany Kraft Curing Systems, Germany Krantas Group, Uzbekistan KRB, US Kryton International, Canada KTI-Plersch, Germany KVM International, Denmark Kyocera Unimerco Fastening, Germany MEC J76 PMV B66 MEC H127 MEC F126 MEC J125 PMV A81 MEC H160 PMV A118 MEC B101 MEC B107 OSS 05 MEC E141 MEC G40 MEC A101 MEC H100 MEC H106 L Lagan Bitumen, Ireland MEC H71 Lamerd Cement Company, Iran MEC H146 Leca, UAE PMV D120 Liaocheng Rich-Joint International, China MEC H154 Linnhoff Technologies, Singapore PMV B81, PMV C80 Linyi Cathay Pacific Wood, China MEC J150 Linyi Consmos Import and Export, China MEC H157 Longinotti Group, Italy PMV B61 Lorev Impianti, Italy MEC F70 M M H Al Mahroos, Bahrain Made in Vicenza, Italy Malfer, Italy Manar Al Omran Scaffolding, Saudi Arabia M&P, UAE Marchet Azienda, Italy Mario Frigerio-MFL Group, Italy Masa, Germany Matsan IS, Turkey MB Crusher, Italy MBK, Germany Meka Beton Santralleri Imalat, Turkey Merko, Czech Republic MFE Formwork Technology, Malaysia Middle East Plant and Equipment, UAE Moldtech/German Gulf, Spain OS 90 MEC MEC E61 MEC D42 PMV B57 MEC E71 MEC F77 MEC D101 MEC F147 MEC D67 MEC F123 PMV A51 MEC H91 MEC G111 MEC J97 MEC H101 N Namtas Concrete Block Machines, Turkey NFT Specialised in Tower Cranes, UAE Nisbau, Germany Nixon Hire, Qatar MEC F50 PMV B77 MEC A107 OS 101 O Ocem, Italy Officine IORI, Italy Optimas Maschinenfabrik H Kleinemas, Germany Oscam, Italy Ozentas Makine, Turkey MEC G76 MEC F66 MEC C101 MEC D141 PMV A57 P Panalex-Comated Edilizia, Italy Pedax, Germany Peikko Group, Finland Pemat Mischtechnik, Germany Penetron, UAE Perfect Steel, UAE Personal Factory, Italy Philip A Tabone International, Malta Pimakina Otomotiv, Turkey Pioner Industries Factory, UAE MEC H57 MEC E130 MEC G87 MEC E107 MEC H87 MEC C71 MEC G137 MEC C111 PMV A71 MEC H147 Gulf Construction, November 2014 Plasmacem, Italy MEC H53 Plaxit Dry Mix Company, UAE PMV C110 Polipropilen Elyaf, Turkey MEC J134 Poqutec, Korea PMV A110 Port-A-Cool, US PMV C44 Power-Sprays, UK MEC G97 Poyatos Block Machines, Spain MEC H103 Pres Makina, Turkey PMV A67 Prinzing-Pfeiffer, Germany MEC C91 Pro-Brixia Chamber of Commerce Brescia, Italy MEC Probst Greiftechnik Verlegesysteme, Germany MEC D91 Progress Maschinen and Automation, Italy MEC B96 Prolinx SCM Trading, UAE PMV B81 & PMV C80 Promos Promozione Sviluppo, Italy MEC Putzmeister, UAE MEC D127 Q Qingdao Construction Forging, China Quadra, France Quanzhou City Sanlian Machinery, China Quarry and Mining, UAE Queen Lock, Taiwan MEC G164 MEC G80 MEC G151 PMV A76 MEC H166 R RAK Fix, UAE Rampf Formen, Germany Ratec, Germany Reckli Middle East, Germany Resdev, UK Rhein-Chemotechnik, Germany Ridgid – Ridge Tool Company, UAE Rimac Maschinen and Anlagen, Germany RMD Kwikform, UAE Rose Mine General Trading, UAE Rotho, Germany MEC G81 MEC E111 MEC A97 MEC F101 MEC G95 MEC J124 OS Demo 1 MEC B90 MEC D57 PMV C126 MEC D100 S Saes Makina, Turkey MEC H50 Sam Rock Industrial, Taiwan MEC G167 Samjinsteel Industry, Korea PMV B112 Samjung Industries, Korea PMV B116 Saricelik Machines, Turkey MEC G51 Sase Company, US MEC H141 SBM Mineral Processing, Austria MEC G64 SCH Formwork, UAE PMV B121 Schilt Engineering, Netherlands MEC E87 Schlatter Industries, Switzerland MEC E130 Schlüsselbauer Technology, Austria MEC G67 Schnell Home, Italy MEC E77 Schnell, Italy MEC E71 Schwamborn, Germany MEC F111 SCS – Steel Connection Studio, Italy MEC F146 Sehnaoui Plant DMCC/CGM, UAE PMV B42 Sehnaoui Plant DMCC/Curetec, Germany MEC G106 Sehnaoui Plant DMCC/Imer Group, Italy MEC E67 Sew-Eurodrive, Germany MEC G116 Shami Dong Industrial, Taiwan MEC H162 Shandong Huifeng Wood-Plastic Profile, China MEC H156 Shandong Sunite Machinery, China MEC J167 Shandong Tengfei, China MEC G154 Shandong Weifang Import and Export, China MEC F161 Shanghai Goldgun Mande Hi-tech, China MEC J152 Shenyang Lloyd Machinery and Equipment, China OS 69 Sicoma, Italy PMV C67 Sigma Enterprises, UAE OS 77 Sika GCC, UAE PMV C87 Simem Concrete Batching Plant, Italy MEC D91 Sinotech Machinery, China MEC G150 Skako Concrete, Denmark MEC H100 SKM, Germany MEC E127 152 Smooth-on, US MEC H81 Spancrete Global Services, US MEC C82 Spazio Habitat – Fidea, UAE OSS 06 Spe International, UK MEC G90 Specta, Russia MEC F140, MEC F136 Spiroll Precast Services, UK MEC G91 SR-Schindler Maschinen-Anlagentechnik, GermanyMEC C91 Stoopen and Meeus, Belgium MEC F90 T Taffys Concrete Canvas, UAE Technical Review Middle East, UAE Tecniwell@Total Foundation Solutions, Italy Tecnocom, Italy Tecwill, Finland Teka, Germany Tekla, Finland Tekla, UAE Testing, Germany The Preparation Group, UK Tiger Group of Companies, Japan Tillos Group, Greece Tjk, China Top-Werk Group, Germany Total Foundation Solutions, UAE TPG Publishing, UAE Tradecc, Belgium Tremco-Illbruck, UAE Trimble, US Tunelmak Is Makinalari, Turkey Turkish Machinery Promotion Group, Turkey TWF/Imeco, Austria U UBI France, France Ugur Makina, Turkey Ultra-Span Technologies, Canada Unindustria Treviso, Italy Unique Factories, UAE United Engineers Directory, Egypt United Motors and Heavy Equipment, UAE Uretek Worldwide, Finland MEC H90 MEC J99 PMV C117 MEC B96 MEC H48 MEC G104 MEC G87 PMV A130 MEC G126 MEC H92 PMV A122 MEC J90 MEC F163 MEC C91 PMV C117 MEC J107 MEC E91 MEC J86 MEC J92 MEC G57 MEC F51 MEC G61 MEC F81 MEC G144 MEC H107 MEC PMV B111 MEC J129 OS 25, OS 70 MEC J77 V Variant Factory Formwork and Scaffolding, Ukraine MEC D81 Vollert Anlagenbau, Germany MEC F127 W Wasa, Germany Wehrhahn, Germany Weifang Jinweida Steel Structure, US Weiler, Germany Wellgate Scaffolding, UAE West Baumaschinen, Germany Wiggert, Germany Wildcat Rock Drilling Tools, Korea Wolffkran Arabia, UAE Wuxi Weihua Machinery, China MEC B97 MEC D121 MEC H151 MEC E121 PMV C127 MEC H104 MEC A91 MEC H77 MEC E131 MEC F157 Y Yahgee Modular House, China Yoke Industrial, Taiwan Yongda Waterjet, China MEC F151 MEC G163 MEC J156 Z Z Makina Teknoloji, Turkey Zenith, Germany Zhejiang Headerboard Building Materials, China Zoad Factory International, Saudi Arabia MEC J136 MEC G107 MEC H147 PMV B117 * List of exhibitors as on the organiser’s website on October 23, 2014
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