SEPT. 8th Rally Sunday - St. John`s Lutheran Church


SEPT. 8th Rally Sunday - St. John`s Lutheran Church
SEPT. 8th
9:45 - 10:45 am
Bennington, NE 68007
a new
Kingdom Quest
Sunday School
Building on
the Legacy
Tues & Thurs
at Lighthouse
9:00am - 4:00pm
First Day of
September 3 & 4
Jr. Choir Begins
September 18
Divorce Care
Fall Worship Schedule
Liturgical Worship-8:30
Kingdom Quest Sunday School-9:45am
Coffee Fellowship-9:30am
Contemporary Worship-11:00
September 10
6:00pm Reunion Potluck
7:00 Support Group
Class Begins
September 11
Fifth Quarter
September 13 & 20
Thru the Windows
Page 2
Pastor Stein Shares
“What is your #1
goal in life?”
at St. John’s. It is my sincere hope
and prayer that every member of
St. John’s will join one of the many
small groups that will be launched.
These small groups will meet
weekly and run in 6-week cycles.
In my own spiritual journey I have
experienced small-group ministry
as a tool that God used powerfully
to draw me closer to Him.
Your answer to that question will
reveal your dominant life value.
Everyone has one. It’s what we
unconsciously base our decisions
on. God tells us that love is to be
our dominant life value. In fact,
Jesus once said that of all the
commands in the Bible only two
are most important. Love God
with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself.
A leadership team for this smallgroup, spiritual growth campaign
has been assembled and consists of:
In October, our St. John’s Lutheran Church family will
begin a six-week focus on those two commands. That’s
when we will come together for 40 Days of Love. With
conflict, divorce, violence, prejudice, abuse, division,
and polarization around us daily, it’s obvious we all
need some lessons in building healthy relationships,
and that’s what 40 Days of Love is all about.
I’m asking every small group in our church to go
through 40 Days of Love together. And if you’re not
in a group, join one or start one yourself so that you
can be a part of what will happen in our church these
40 days. I know that this study of what the Bible
says about love will bring a revival of love to our
relationships! We were made for relationships. The
more we learn how to love authentically, the more like
Jesus we become.
Holly Ferguson (Campaign Director)
Jackie Larson (Communications)
Jamie Reynoso (Prayer Coordinator)
Trisha Schneider (Small-group Coordinator)
Shannon Mahnke (Weekend Services
You will receive plenty of information about this
upcoming campaign. Until then, I want to encourage
you to do two things:
a) Commit in your heart to make joining a
small-group a priority in your spiritual
journey and commit to joining a group.
b) Pray about becoming a host for one smallgroup and/or a small group leader.
In order to grow spiritually in our personal relationship
to Christ and to grow in our relationships with one
another at St. John’s Lutheran, we will move to
implement a vibrant and strong small-group ministry
I am excited to see how God will use “40 Days of
Love” to transform our relationships: Our relationships
to Him, and our relationships to one another.
(the description of the campaign has been taken from:
Pastor Andreas Stein
St. John’s by the numbers
Income through July 31st:
2012: $ 197,506.75
2013: $ 191,459.84
Average Attendance through 31 weeks:
2012: 198
2013: 210
A copy of the full monthly treasurer report is posted
on the bulletin board in the narthex hallway.
September 2013
New Members Welcomed July 28
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Thru the Windows
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St. John’s Women in Action
Join Us in
Bible Study!
All Women are Welcome!
Coming Events
Fair Trade Sales
September 8th
in the Narthex between services
Coffee, Tea, Cocoa,
Hot Chocolate, Nuts
& Chocolate Bars
Learn more about Fair Trade
Faith Bible Study
September 10th at 1:30 p.m.
Fellowship Hall
Lesson Leader – Jerri Petznick
Refreshments – Delores Thorell
Rejoice Bible Study
Synod Women’s
Plan now to attend the NSWO
Convention, Sept. 20-22
in Kearney
See registration form & info
on facing page!
September 16th at 7:00 p.m.
at the Lighthouse
Lesson/Refreshments –
Connie Dunn
Where do
Coffee Fellowship
Offerings Go?
Martha Study
for time and place contact
[email protected]
Young Women
of the ELCA
Don’t forget to leave food
items in the food pantry
shopping cart found in the
fellowship hall entry and in
the downstairs entry.
There is always a need!!!
2nd Sunday coffee fellowship
is served by Rejoice Circle
members and they designate
their offering to “ELCA
World Hunger”. So far this
year they have donated
3rd and 4th Sunday coffee is
served by St. John’s Quilters
who designate their offering
to quilting supplies, So far
this year they have $486.61 to
use toward quilting projects.
That is where the Coffee
Fellowship offerings go!!!
Thank You!
Check out these websites!
Café is a free, monthly on-line
magazine for young women
18 to 35 years old and is offered
by Women of the ELCA.
Women of all ages are reading it!
Café stands for Community,
Advocacy, Faith, &
September 2013
Page 5
NSWO Convention Registr ation
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 2013 2:00PM - SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2013 12:00PM
fee is be
Early Bird Registration
$90.00 Must
postmarked by August 10th
Late registration $105.00
Registration includes three meals on Saturday plus Sunday breakfast
Registrations are transferable but not refundable
Please note that you must make your own room reservations
with the Kearney Holiday Inn by calling 1-308-237-5971
Ask for the Women of the ELCA Convention rate:
$79.95 plus tax per night for one to four persons per room
Deadline for the Convention rate is August 21, 2013
If you cannot climb stairs, be sure to ask for a first floor room
Check-in time for your room is 4:00pm
Watch Expressions newsletter for more detailed schedule information
Please fill out the form below and send it to our Registrar:
JoAnn Rohrs
Phone 402-274-3058
Email: joannrohrs1409@
1409 10th St.
Auburn, NE 68305
Make checks payable to Women of the ELCA
Name _____________________________________
Phone __________________
Address ___________________________________
City _____________ Zip _____
Congregation ______________________________
City _______________
Conference ________________________________
I am a . . . .
Visitor Participant
Board Officer
Board member
Conference Coordinator
Invited Guest
Are you a Scholarship recipient?
___ Yes
___ No
Which one did you receive: ___ First Timer ___ Young Woman ___ Beth Bohling
Please list any special needs you may have:
Is this your first NSWO Convention: ___ Yes
___ No
Will you be attending the Saved To Serve Reunion ___ Yes
___ No
Thru the Windows
Page 6
Quilters in Action
When you use the gifts that God has
given you, it is an act of worship.
What is it that makes God smile?
Some people think God only smiles
when you’re praying of singing or
going to church. The truth is, God
smiles when you use the gifts that
he’s given you. When you’re doing
what were wired to do and shaped
to do, God goes, “That’s so cool! I
made him or her to do that!”
“When you
much fruit,
My Father is
honored and
doing what I made him to do.”
And you go, “This feels good!”
The greatest feeling in the world
comes from using your gifts for
God’s purpose because it works,
and you know it, and you enjoy it.
It is the greatest thrill in the
world to be used by God. If you
haven’t ever felt that, I pity you.
You need to develop the spiritual
John 15:8a AMP
gifts that are in you so you can
enjoy your life and bring glory
God shaped some to run; some to
to God. There’s no feeling in
ride bikes, drive fast cars or surf.
the world like being used by God, knowing that you’re
They’re just good at it and when God looks at them,
doing what he made you to do.
he says, “That’s so cool! I made the wave. I made the
surfer, this is cool.” You don’t have to always be doing
The Camp Carol Joy Quilt Auction was held on
something spiritual to bring God to glory.
July 27th. It was an awesome auction. They had over
400 quilts and other items to be sold. We quilters
When you use your gifts correctly, God gets the glory.
donated five quilts for their auction: Our Batik Beauty
And you certainly can’t please God with gifts you don’t
sold for $550.00, The Adage Quilt - $150.00, Hearts
have, God doesn’t expect you to be talented or gifted
and Flowers quilt - $60.00, Scotties Galore - $75.00,
at everything. He just wants you to use what he’s given
Sports Galore - $90.00. Our total contribution came to
$925.00 for the auction. All together the Camp totaled
In the Bible, the word “joy” and the word “gift”
a new record of $112,000. All the proceeds are to help
actually come from the same Greek word. It’s the word
the camp and campers enjoy their camping experience.
for “grace.” When you use your spiritual gifts, it brings
joy to God, and it brings joy to you. God goes, “He’s
September Quilting Days
September 9
9:00am (all day)
September 10
9:00am (half-day)
Quilter’s Pr ayer:
Thank you for blessing me with the ability
to quilt. Thank You for the joy, peace, and
blessing it brings into my life. It is a gift that
has brought me countless hours of pleasure
& enjoyment. Father, I return this gift to
You. Use this talent to serve Your purpose
in the world. Bless each item we quilt so
that it radiates Your love to the person who
receives it. Amen
On August 12th, the following 10 ladies met
and completed 4 lap robes, 11 full size quilts,
2 crocheted preemie pads and 2 crocheted baby
caps: Karen Arp, Mary Weberg, Addie Backhuus,
Justine Brown, Norma Collins, Arlene Youman,
Delores Thorell, Darlene Langendorfer,
Lorene Andersen, and Betty Deardoff.
We are so blessed to able to share this time
with each other and serve God by making these
items. Thank you to all for your contributions and
donations, we need more sheets and pillow cases
each month to continue serving God and our
“fellow men, women, and children.” With winter
months coming up, it seems rather quickly, there
will be more needed than ever.
September 2013
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Lighthouse coffee Shoppe
Open Tuesdays & Thursdays
from 9:00am to 4:00pm
Serving Coffees, Teas, & specialty beverages.
Homemade goodies are always available.
at the Coffee Shoppe!
A new session of Divorce Care will begin
September 10 at the Lighthouse.
Potluck reunion at 6:00 to 7:00. The class will start at 7:00
(regular starting time is 6:30).
Volunteers are needed to help staff the
Coffee Shoppe. If you are interested,
Call Jodi Pooley 402-238-2109
If anyone you know is going through a separation or
divorce please let them know about St. John’s
weekly support group.
Call Mary Pat Schmidt at 402-238-2453 if you have any
questions or you can e-mail her at [email protected].
Annual CFC Cookout!
CFC is having its annual cookout at the home of
Gary & Mary Pat Schmidt on Sunday, September 22 at 5:30.
Meat and drinks will be provided. Please bring a dish to share.
your pans!
Baked items needed for the Bake Shop at the
Harvest Festival. Cookies, candy, pies
(no cream), cupcakes, cakes, breads and rolls.
Check your recipes and sign up to donate.
Hooks & Needles
September sessions will focus on
making stocking caps.
September 5th & 19th
1-3 pm at the
Join us for fellowship, coffee and
a little crocheting and knitting.
Beginners welcome!
It’s time to get those hooks and needles
out and start making hats and scarves
for the Christmas Giving Tree!
Need yarn?
Call Sharon, 402-571-6791
Thru the Windows
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Music Ministry
It’s a wonderfully exciting time to be at St.
John’s!!!! The summer is over, school is back
in session and on September 8 we begin a new
season at St. John’s with our Rally Sunday, the new
session of Kingdom Quest Sunday School and the
kick-off of our Fall hours.
Thank you to all of those musicians who shared
their talent as special music for our Liturgical
service during the summer!! We so appreciate
your willingness to share your talent!
And as we begin a new season at St. John’s with so
many wonderful programs to join, I’m just going
to remind you of all of the “musical” opportunities
we have for you.
Chancel Choir season has begun. Rehearsals
are every Wednesday evening from 7-8 p.m.
in the Sanctuary. The Chancel Choir sings at
the Liturgical service each Sunday and at most
special services. Come join the choir – call Kerry
Greunke if interested.
Exultation, our resident praise band, practices
year round on Wednesday evenings, now from
8-9 p.m. We lead the Contemporary services at
11 a.m. each Sunday as well as some special
services. We are always looking for more singers
(male variety especially!!!!), band members – i.e.
guitar, bass, drummers, and anyone who would
like to be more involved in planning our services.
Please, please call me if you are interested or if you
know of someone who might be!
Joyful Noise, our Jr. Praise Band, began
practice on July 24 this year and will meet weekly
on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. We also help lead the
Confirmation Opening at 6:30 pm each week. Jr.
Praise Band plays at the 11 am service at least once
a month – probably the 3rd Sunday this year. Call
me if you want to join us!!!
Jr. Choir, under the direction of Julie Rothermund
and Chris Tomjack, will again meet each
Wednesday from 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. beginning on
Sept. 18. They will sing twice a month, once at
the early service and once at the late service. All
children, grades 2-5, are welcome. We’d love to
have you. We have some really fun music planned
for this year!
We have lots of opportunities, so please come join
us – it will be worth your time!!!
Jan Braden
Director of Music
BYGS Defy Gravity Lock-In
September 2013
Page 9
Youth Ministry
What is the BYG Deal?
Well JESUS is of course!!!
The Bennington Youth Group (BYGs) is
open to any High School Student in the
9th - 12th grades for the upcoming
2013/ 2014 school year.
Please visit our Facebook Page St Johns BYG
BYGs September
September 11
BYGS at the Lighthouse
6:30pm - 8:00pm
September 25
BYGS at the Lighthouse
6:30pm - 8:00pm
September Schedule
September 4
Acolyte Training
September 4
Confirmation Leadership
September 11
2013/2014 Confirmation
Classes Begin
Fellowship Hall
6:30pm - 8:00pm
September 18
No Confirmation class
due to BHS Home
September 25
Confirmation Classes
6:30pm - 8:00pm
THANK YOU to Cindy Giebelhausen for
volunteering as my adult sponsors for
the BYGS Defy Gravity Lock-In!!
Youth Ministry Board – 2013/2014:
Angie Menard, Fritz Vannornam,
Debbie Depperman, Eileen Baker,
David Sandstedt, Di Loptin and Pastor
Andreas Stein
Doug Smith, Heather Goertz and
Shelly Christensen
Confirmation Coordinator:
Eileen Baker
Confirmation Coordinator Assistant:
Fritz Vannornam
Confirmation Fellowship Coordinator:
Chris Tomjack
Confirmation Leaders – 2013/2014:
6th Grade Confirmation Leader:
Mary Carol Junker
7th & 8th Grade Confirmation Leaders:
Kelly Witt, Mark Carl, Dick Flynn,
Jane Frost, Angie Knutson-Smith,
Thank you to the St. John’s Property
Committee for their assistance with the
Lighthouse Basement Renovation Project!!
I want to thank these leaders for their
time and commitment to our BYGS and
our Confirmation Students!!
5th Quarter
Donation Requests
It is that time of year again! BADGER
FOOTBALL means the return of 5th Quarter!!
We are in need of pop and water for
these evenings and would appreciate any
donations! You can bring your donations to
the Youth Ministry office! THANK YOU for all
you do for the Youth Ministry!!
The BYGS and Confirmation Ministries are also in need of snack items for
our fellowship times and small group times. We are looking for candy
bars, Little Debbie snacks, cookies, popcorn and Kool-Aid etc. You can
bring your donations to the Youth Ministry office! THANK YOU for all you
do for the Youth Ministry!!
5th Quarter Schedule & Information
September 13 • September 20 •
October 11 • October 25
:00pm – 11:00pm @ The Lighthouse following
the 4 home Varsity Football games.
th Quarter is open to all students entering the 7th – 12th
grades for the upcoming 2013/2014 school year.
op and water is available for purchase during these
5th Quarter events.
Thru the Windows
Page 10
Community Events
Alzheimer/Dementia Support Group
Ridgewood Active Retirement Community
is proud to announce that it will be hosting a
community Alzheimer/Dementia Support
Group to be conducted on the last Thursday
of every month at 6pm.
other forms of Dementia, will be introduced.
Topics will range from how finances are
impacted on the family to what therapies
have been known to aide in comforting
those with dementia.
The meeting will be held in the clubhouse
of Ridgewood in the multi-purpose room.
Snacks and beverages will be provided.
Every month a new topic relating to the
caring of individuals with Alzheimer’s and
This community support group is open to
anyone in and outside of the Ridgewood
family as well as their children, friends and
other family members. Please call Hannah
at 402-598-9245 if you have any questions.
Our Family Barcode Collection
Miriam Sukraw continues to
gather up the Our Family product
barcodes as a Bennington High
School vocal music fundraiser. If
you shop at No Frills or Bag and
Save you may have purchased the
Our Family Products.
If you have codes and are willing
to participate, save only the
barcodes on any Our Family
items and place them in the
brown envelope near the church
mailboxes located in the FH Foyer
by September 12 for the current
promotion offering ten cents for
each barcode submitted. Normally
we collect 5 cents for each barcode
we send in.
Together we can make a difference,
and every little bit adds up!
September 2013
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Teacher Breakfast
Many thanks to everyone who assisted with the annual Back to School Teachers Breakfast on August 13th.
Special thanks to Annette Kay for being our coordinator! We served 200 Bennington teachers and staff.
Outreach Ministry
Reaching Out,
Through Outreach Ministry
The Healthy by Design program continues with the
following schedule:
H FIT (Faith Intensity Training)
Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri 5:30am
Mon/Wed/Fri 8:00am
H LIFT (Low Impact Fitness Training)
Mon/Wed/Fri 9:00am
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Music Ministry
Thru the Windows
Kid’s Kingdom Preschool News
Kid’s Kingdom Preschool will soon be
welcoming all of our students back to
school! The teachers are busy creating
exciting lesson plans and setting up their
classrooms in anticipation of students
We have added one teacher thus far;
Michelle Sorensen from Blair has joined
our staff and will be teaching the K-Prep
classes everyday.
Currently we are still in need of a teacher
for our Monday/Wednesday afternoon
3 year-old class. If you are interested,
please contact Nicole Cloudt at 402-2905014; we would love to welcome you to
our preschool family! Our three year-old teachers for the
upcoming school are Hilary Cemer and Mindi Gansebom;
the four year-old teachers will be Jacquie Dugan and Kim
Mitchell; and Michelle Sorensen taking over the K-Prep
classes. Elizabeth Pooley will continue to serve as the
preschool’s office assistant.
We are extremely pleased that our
enrollment has increased by 22%
compared to last school year! During
2012-2013 we averaged 63 students; for 2013-2014 we
currently have 77 students enrolled! Everyone at Kid’s
Kingdom sincerely thanks the congregation of St. John’s
for your continued support of our program. Without your
assistance and prayers we would be unable to minister to
and educate the young children of our community.
Due to this increase of our enrollment we have added
two new class sessions. We now offer four sessions for
three year olds, three sessions for four year olds, and two
sessions for five year olds. We also found it necessary to
open a new classroom due to the additional five year-old
class. Therefore, the Choir Room has been transformed
into a new K-Prep classroom. We would like to thank the
Church Council, Kerry Greunke, and Fred Barnhard for
all of their hard work and assistance in getting our new
classroom functional for both teachers and students! It
looks absolutely fabulous, if you have a chance come down
and take a peek!
The Open House for students and their parents was on
Monday, August 26 and Tuesday, August 27. Our students
will join us full time beginning on Tuesday, September
3 and Wednesday, September 4, our First Days of
School! Everyone at Kid’s Kingdom is busy with excited
anticipation, eager to begin the school year! Again, thank
you to the congregation of St. John’s for your continued
prayers and support!
Nicole Cloudt, M.Ed.
Preschool Director
Kid’s Kingdom Preschool is in need of a part-time
teacher! Due to our increased enrollment we have
opened another section for 3 year-olds.
The days and times are Monday and Wednesday
afternoons from 11:45 a.m. – 3:00/3:15 p.m. If
getting out of the house a few times a week to enjoy
rewarding afternoons teaching 3 year-olds about
God’s Love, The Golden Rule, and academic concepts
sounds like fun, contact Nicole Cloudt, Preschool
Director, at 402-290-5014.
School starts soon so don’t wait! We look forward to
having whomever God calls join our dynamic staff!
September 2013
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Preparing for Kid’s Kingdom Preschool.....
First Day
of Preschool
September 3 & 4
Thru the Windows
Page 14
Kingdom Quest Sunday School
I hope everyone had a wonderful
summer! The Kingdom Quest
Leadership Team has been hard
at work getting ready for the new
Sunday School Year!
For where your
treasure is,
there your heart
will be also.
Matthew 6:21
Rally Sunday will be September 8th
from 9:45-10:45 am. Then Sunday
School will resume the following
Sunday. We are excited to see
everyone and meet new friends!
We hope families of Sunday School
aged children can come to Rally
Sunday for a treasure hunt! Jesus
said in Matthew 6:21, “For where
your treasure is, there your heart will
be also.” So what treasures should we
have in our hearts? Come and find
out September 8th! We will meet
downstairs in the Sunday School area.
Be looking in your home mailboxes
for more information and registration
forms to fill out and return to the
church office. If you don’t receive a
form, be sure to pick one up in the
narthex. Sunday School is available
for children three years old through
sixth grade.
If you feel led to volunteer in any way
with Sunday School, please contact
Angela Sukraw at the church office
(402-238-2483) or through e-mail at
[email protected].
We are in need of supply coordinators
and teachers.
Thank you for considering being a
volunteer and God bless you!
Angela Sukraw
Joys & Concerns
July 28
August 18
Rose on the altar was given by Mike and Deb Almquist
on the July 25th birth of their grandson, Owen Graham
Crawford. Owen’s parents are Mark & Sheri Crawford.
Owen weighed 8 lbs.,10 oz. and was 21 ½ inches long.
Owen is also welcomed home by big brother, Jake.
The rose on the altar was given by Dave & Dee Clark in
celebration of the August 12th birth of their grandson,
Lane Cameron Furstenau. Lane weighed 8 lbs. and
was 21 inches long. Lane is the son of Jenny & Cory
Furstenau. Lane is also welcomed home by brothers,
Dylan and Tyler.
August 4
Congratulations to David & Lisa Logemann on the
August 1st birth of their daughter, Khloe Raeann. Khloe
weighed 5 lbs. and was 18 ½ inches long. Khloe is also
welcomed home by her sister, Kyleigh.
August 11
Kenzlie Jo Eckhardt was received into God’s Holy
Kingdom through the washing of Holy Baptism at the
10:30am service. Kenzlie was born March 23, 2013 and
is the daughter of Clint & Mollie Eckhardt. Kenzlie’s
sponsor is Abbie Witherbee.
In October 2013, we will be launching the
“40 Days of Love” small group campaign.
Please keep this ministry in your prayers.
More information will be announced soon.
Please keep Joe & Kayla Frerichs in your prayers.
We encourage all to send Joe a note or card to:
Joseph Frerichs
455 EAPS/Special Handling
Bagram Airfield, APO, AE 09352
September 2013
Page 15
upcoming Events
Loess Hills Trip
Bank of Bennington Premiere Club planning Loess
Hills trip to Woodbine, IA September 28 for Apple
Festival. Dunlap for wine & Cheese tasting &
Boutique shopping, Manning, IA for tour of German
Hausbarn & full German Dinner. Cost is $95.00/
person. Includes bus, treats, box lunch & dinner &
much more.
Amish Tour
October 15 - Jamesport, MO to Amish community.
Full meal at noon, 2 1/2 hr. tour thru countryside
and lots more. $95.00. Call Jean Olsen at
402-238-2573 for more details and reservations.
Harvest Festival
October 26th
Dinner • Bake Shop
Save the date!
Still time to join!
Sunday afternoon
classes: 4:30pm in the
Conference Room
Next class:
September 8th
For further details on this amazing class, go to
Dave Ramsey’s website
For more Info: Call Julie at 402-203-2649
or email [email protected]
Thru the Windows
Page 16
Church Office
Hours, Due Dates & Such
Please help our office to be as
efficient and helpful as possible by
keeping the following in mind:
Monthly Publication –
Thru the Windows
The due date for information for
the monthly newsletter “Thru the
Windows” is the 15th of each month.
Any articles or information after that
date will not be included.
Please submit all articles to the editor
at [email protected]
Office Hours
Monday through Friday are 8:00 am
to 4:00 pm. The church staff meets
at 10:00 am on Mondays. Usually
volunteers answer the phones during
that time. If not, the phone will go
to voicemail. Occasionally, the staff
will have lunch offsite on Tuesdays,
so please call before coming to make
Church Staff
Church Pastor
Office Administrator
Interim Director of
Children’s Ministry Interim Director of
Youth Ministry
Director of Music
Chancel Choir Director
Jr. Choir
Pre-school Director
Pre-school Teachers
Pre-School Administrative
sure we are here. If you need access to
the church at other times, please call
and we will work with you to make
Voice Mail & Email
All voicemail & email messages
will be answered as soon as possible.
Messages left after 4:00 pm on Friday
will be returned on the next business
Church Council
Rev. Andreas Stein
Debbie Misfeldt
Pastor Andreas Stein
Stacy Laue President
Angie Sukraw
Matt Geiseman Vice President
Di Loptin Connie Dunn
Jan Braden
Kerry Greunke
Julie Rothermund &
Chris Tomjack
Nicole Cloudt
Gail Pfahl
Tom & Cindy Koziol
Hilary Cemer
Jacquie Dugan
Mindi Gansebom
Kim Mitchell
Michelle Sorensen
Deb Almquist Treasurer
David Sandstedt Jr. Secretary
Jan Braden Special Funds Treasurer
Fred Barnhard Property
David Burgers Mutual Ministry
Jake Lage Pre-school Liaison
Scott Pierson Property
Mary Pat Schmidt Social Ministry
Tricia Schneider
Zach Melvin Youth Representative
Elizabeth Pooley
Thank you to everyone one has been
sharing their homegrown vegetables
Special thanks to Joan Havekost
and Pat Taylor
September 2013
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Page 17
Thru the Windows
Page 18
Service Schedule
Damon Miller
September 2013
Page 19
September Calendar
St John’s Lutheran Church
322 North Molley Street
Bennington, NE 68007
Reverend Andreas Stein
402-238-2483 (Church)
402-238-3398 (Fax)
St. John’s Lutheran Church
“The Place to Be”
Save the Date
Harvest Festival
Saturday, October 26th