Soroptimusings September 2013 Soroptimist International of Glendale P.O. Box 826 - Glendale, CA 91209 www.soroptimistglendale.org Chartered April 16, 1943 - Club # 112411 S.I.G. "Improving the lives of women and girls, in local communities and throughout the world." 2013-2014 OFFICERS PRESIDENT Susan Hunt 818-240-0897 [email protected] PRESIDENT-ELECT Paula Devine 1st VICE PRESIDENT (Programs) Carol Ann Burton Margo Bottcher, Assistant 2nd VICE PRESIDENT (Fundraising) Kathy Lefkovits Lola Abrahamian, Assistant 3rd VICE PRESIDENT (Membership) Sandy Doughty Leila Otey, Assistant RECORDING SECRETARY Lola Abrahamian Mary Lotz, Assistant CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Jill Lewis Sue Wilder, Assistant TREASURER Denise Michele Gayle Craig, Assistant “Women — Our History and Our Future” PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Greetings! Hard to believe that it’s time to get down to SIG business already! We made a great start at the Summer Planning Retreat – some new ways to approach our regular projects, some new collaborative projects coming in the next few months… and we had a few laughs to boot! Our Summer Party was a great success! Thanks to Margo and Bob Bottcher for opening up their lovely patio for us. And thanks to the committee of new members! We had a great time, good food, good vibes all around. I’m very much looking forward to our change of venue from the Hilton to Clancy’s… they are preparing a buffet selection for us that looks delicious. And your cost will be $21.50! With free parking too! A welcome change I think. I’m hoping this will encourage a higher attendance as well… see you there? The Fall Workshop is coming right up – we are hosting Camino Real Region at the YWCA on October 12. We need a strong showing from our club – to help and to learn! More on this at the September and October Business meetings. 2 YEAR DIRECTOR Kathy Lefkovits Liza Boubari, Alternate A quote from Oprah Winfrey, who also appreciates the women who have come before: “I have crossed over on the backs of Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Fannie Lou Hamer and Madam C.J. Walker. Because of them I can now live the dream. I am the seed of the free, and I know it. I intend to bear great fruit.” 1 YEAR DIRECTOR Margo Bottcher Mona Marcos, Alternate Let us join together and bear great fruit as well. Women - Our History and Our Future. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Gayle Craig Yours, Susan Hunt LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Once again I am blessed to be the Editor of Soroptimusings. We are all looking forward to our new Soropti-year under the leadership of President Susan Hunt with her theme of “Women — Our History and Our Future.” In keeping with Susan’s theme, throughout the year Soroptimusings will explore some important women in history as well as women in our club’s history. We got right down to examining women in history at the recent Planning Retreat where my agenda packet included an information card on a woman named M. Therese Bonney (pictured at right). Each one of us had a different woman featured on a card in our packet. I learned that M. Therese Bonney was an American woman who lived from 1894 to 1978. She was in Paris operating her own newsphoto service between the two World Wars when, out of exasperation over the lackluster work of her employees, she took her own camera into hand and began documenting military events as Europe once again slid into war. She proved to be quite the reporter and amassed a large collection of photographs recording modern warfare’s effects on civilians, particularly children. Her powerful and unprecedented collection of photographs were collected in the 1943 book Europe’s Children. Following the war, Bonney returned to her interest in Franco-US cultural exchange, which had taken her to France in the first place. She became well-known in art and literary circles and a film treatment she wrote based on Europe’s Children inspired the 1947 MGM motion picture The Search. (Excerpted from Knowledge Cards published by Pomegranate Publications in Rohnert Park, CA). “Life’s a Beach!” Annual Summer Party As is SI Glendale’s tradition, the annual summer party held on Saturday, August 17th, was planned by the new members under the guidance and leadership of 3rd Vice President of Membership, Sandy Doughty. Members participating on the summer party committee were Laila Villalobos (who will be inducted in September), Chris Gota and Lilit Aladadyan. Once again, the summer party was held at the lovely home of Bob and Margo Bottcher. The tone for the party was set by the theme of “Life’s a Beach!” Partygoers were encouraged to don their favorite beach wear for the casual atmosphere of fun and partying. In keeping with the beach theme, strains of Beach Boys music provided a backdrop for the festivities. The tables were festooned with bright pink and lime green tablecloths, garlands of hibiscus flowers and centerpieces of fishbowls filled with sand, adorned with shells, and holding candles. The BBQ dinner was provided by caterer Patrick Campbell and consisted of tasty barbequed chicken and beef, a selection of delicious salads, rolls and other accompanying dishes. Desserts were cookies and bars and the popular beverage was Mai Tai. Rounding out the evening of food, fun and socializing was a raffle for several items. One item was a coveted basket of fresh fish and beer as provided by the Villalobos. All reports are that it was a wonderful evening, lots of fun, with delicious food and drinks. Thank you to the new members for planning and executing a very successful party, to Sandy Doughty for her leadership, and to Bob and Margo Bottcher for opening up their home! Last, I would mention that all things change and as such I am in the process of learning Windows 8, which prompted me to switch the newsletter from a scrapbooking software to Microsoft Publisher. Special thanks to my Soroptimister John Mallon for helping me make the transition. I hope you enjoy it! — Debbie Mallon September 2013 “Life’s a Beach” Partygoers Page 2 2013-2014 Installation Luncheon Pictured from left to right: Mary Lotz, Assistant Recording Secretary;; Paula Devine, President-Elect;; Jill Lewis, Corresponding Secretary;; President Susan Hunt;; Kathy Lefkovits, 2nd VP - Fundraising & 2 Year Director;; Margo Bottcher, Assistant VP - Programs & 1 Year Director;; Sandy Doughty, 3rd VP - Membership;; Carol Ann Burton, 1st VP - Programs. SI Glendale’s Installation Luncheon was held on June 20th at the Glendale Hilton. Guests were greeted by SI Glendale members Margo Bottcher, Sandy Doughty and Sue Wilder. The room was transformed by installation committee members Julie Beers, Val Douglas, Debbie Mallon and Anne Wilson under the leadership of co-chairs Liz Mirzaian and Lou Rhodes. Particularly striking were the flower arrangements by Beverly Ann Flowers and the adorable “Susan Hunt for President” party favors as designed by Steve Beers. Before the installation of the 2013-2014 officers, GEM Sandy Schultz oversaw presentations of funds to our three local hospitals – Glendale Adventist Medical Center, Glendale Memorial Hospital, Verdugo Hills Hospital. All three were most appreciative. Liz Mirzaian also surprised Margo Bottcher with induction into the Laurel Society. Next came the installation of officers by Lynne Raggio as well as the presentation of the President’s Pin to incoming President Susan Hunt by Sandy Doughty and Liz Mirzaian. Susan wrapped up the proceedings with her acceptance speech and announcements. A good time was had by all and it certainly looks like a great year ahead! Art by Steve Beers President Susan Hunt September 2013 Liz and Margo Verdugo Hills Hospital Glendale Adventist Glendale Memorial Hospital Page 3 on a tight lunch schedule. The meetings will take place in the room known as the “Crab Shack” and there is ample free parking available. Thanks to Dr. Carol Ann Burton, 1st Vice President – Programs, for ironing out all the details. Our first meeting of September 5th will be held at the new venue and we are looking forward to the change! PLANNING RETREAT by Debbie Mallon Saturday, August 24th approximately two dozen SI Glendale members retreated to the local YWCA on Lexington to plan the upcoming Soropti-year. Led by incoming President Susan Hunt, the women got down to business after mingling and socializing over a continental breakfast. The first order of business was to have some fun with an icebreaker. Utilizing a sheet in our agenda packet, our task was to determine our new name for the day from a children’s book, “Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants.” Just for your information, my name was Doombah Dippintush. Hearty laughter ensued as we went around the room and revealed our new names! Moving on to more serious business, Susan directed attention to the fast approaching Fall District Workshop, which SI Glendale is charged with hosting. The workshop will be held on Saturday, October 12th at the YWCA. Some plans were discussed and assignments doled out, but likely more help will be needed from the membership to make this a successful and smooth workshop. President Susan Hunt distributed the Committee roster and it was noted that there were important gaps in areas such as the Ruby Award and Fines, Whines & Brags. When the roster comes around at business meeting, please sign up for several committees. The committees are so much fun and it is rewarding to participate in them. The next order of business was the announcement that Clancy’s was selected as our meeting place. Clancy’s is centrally located in Glendale at 219 North Central Avenue. It was felt that this may help those September 2013 Dr. Carol Ann Burton also unveiled a list of programs for 2013-2014. September will bring a discussion on breast cancer and BRAC gene testing. October features Deborah Collins presenting “Crossing Over Boundaries.” A professor from USC will join us in November to discuss the important topic of Elder Care. Human Trafficking is the planned topic for January followed by PTSD/Female Veteran Issues in February. April’s program meeting will feature a Glendale author and friend of member Kathy Lefkovits. Planned for May, but not scheduled yet is something to do with Women in History, in line with President Susan’s theme for the year. Next on the agenda was exciting news that SI Glendale member Janet Hamilton has been selected as an honoree at the upcoming Women Achievers Business & Healthcare Conference “Saluting Women Achievers Luncheon” at the Glendale Hilton on September 30th. SI Glendale has put together a sponsor table (tickets $100 each) and is in the process of filling out an additional SIG table (tickets $65 each). Registration and networking is from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. followed by workshops from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The Women Achievers Reception & Networking is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. to Noon and the luncheon is from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. For more details, please contact Sandy Doughty. Planning retreat discussion next turned to our fundraising activities starting with the Wine Tasting. It was decided to hold the wine tasting in November since we will be busy hosting Fall District Workshop in October. More details will be forthcoming. 2nd Vice President of Fundraising, Kathy Lefkovits led a discussion on Bras for a Cause. She emphasized that BFAC is a CLUB project … not just for the fundraising committee to pull off. She said she needs everyone in SI Glendale to be involved. Kathy had a long list of committees and while many of those at the retreat signed up to participate, more members will be needed. The goal is to make this very much a club (Continued on page 5) Page 4 (Continued from page 4) event with everyone participating in some way. It really is a lot of fun that way and as the saying goes, “Many hands make light work.” The excitement over this event was palpable at the retreat and the goal is to get everyone excited. So what is your area of interest? Area of skill? How can you assist or chair a committee? Assist at the event? What are your solicitation suggestions for decorating a bra, sponsoring the event, buying a program ad, donating a live or silent auction item, attending the event? These are all questions Kathy is asking of every member. After a delicious lunch prepared by Patrick Campbell of sandwiches, salads, chips, cookies and a variety of drinks, attendees turned their attention to our award winning Menu of Service Opportunities – the dream child of GEM Sandy Schultz. Sandy asked if it might not be better to focus our efforts in a more concerted way rather than collect cans of food each month, or supplies for the military women each month. The general consensus of those in attendance is that it would be worthwhile to try designating one cause per month. This may make it easier for members to bring donations. More information will be forthcoming. Wrapping up the day, we went around the room and shared information about an important woman in history. The information came from cards in our agenda packets, each member having a different card. We really gained an appreciation for the accomplishments of women that came before us in history and who had “set the stage” for where we are today. But where we are today is not where we stay. Lou Rhodes, Val Douglas and Jill Lewis enjoy lunch at the retreat September 2013 ANNOUNCEMENTS SAVE THE DATE! SI GLENDALE MEMBER JANET HAMILTON will be honored at the “Saluting Women Achievers Luncheon” September 30, 2013 Glendale Hilton (Contact Sandy Doughty for more information on SIG tables) 15th Annual Camino Real Region Fall Workshop Hosted by Soroptimist International of Glendale THE WAVE OF CHANGE — INCREASED COLLECTIVE IMPACT Saturday, October 12, 2013 - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. YWCA Glendale 735 East Lexington Drive, Glendale, CA 91206 SI Glendale Members: Your registration is due to Gayle Craig by 9/27/13. The club pays the registration fee! PARTICIPATION NEEDED! Your participation is needed! See SI Glendale’s award winning Menu of Service Opportunities, our recipe for success, for a list of Service and Hands-On projects as well as opportunities to serve on Committees and Fundraising Events. Our “Sous Chefs” and their special “spices” are what make each SIG menu offering unique. Help with a dish, or create one of your own! SIG is always open to serving new ideas on their menu. We are always cooking Lou Rhodes, Val Douglas, Julie something up at SIG! No Beers and Lynne Raggio - members reservations required. of last year’s Installation Committee Page 5 SAVE THE DATE! MARK YOUR CALENDAR SEPTEMBER: Wine Tasting Wednesday November 20, 2013 at Rosso Wine Bar 3459 1/2 North Verdugo Rd. Glendale, California 2 - Ascencia Guest Chef Program Ascencia at 5:30 p.m. 5 - Business Meeting Clancy’s Crab Broiler at 12:00 p.m. 11 - Service Committee Meeting Home of Sandy Schultz at 6:00 p.m. 12 - Fundraising Committee Meeting Glendale Police Dept. at 6:00 p.m. 19 - Program Meeting Clancy’s Crab Broiler at 12:00 p.m. 26 - Board Meeting Glendale Unified School District at 6:00 p.m. 30 - Saluting Women Achievers Luncheon Glendale Hilton at 12:00 p.m. OCTOBER: (October is Color Me Pink & Purple Month) Annual Holiday Party Saturday, December 7, 2013 Location to be determined S.I. OF GLENDALE Membership Meetings 1st and 3rd Thursdays 12:00 noon Clancy’s Crab Broiler 219 North Central Avenue Glendale, California (free parking in rear) R.S.V.P. Nancy Kochi 818-243-1494 or Suzanne Bangert (818) 247-6638 September 2013 3 - Founder’s Day 3 - Business Meeting Clancy’s Crab Broiler at 12:00 p.m. 7 - Ascencia Guest Chef Program Ascencia at 5:30 p.m. 10 - Fundraising Committee Meeting Glendale Police Dept. @ 6:00 p.m. 12 - Camino Real Region Fall Workshop YWCA - Glendale at 8:00 a.m. 16 - Service Committee Meeting Home of Sandy Schultz at 6:00 p.m. 17 - Program Meeting Clancy’s Crab Broiler at 12:00 p.m. 24 - United Nations Day 24 - Board Meeting Glendale Unified School District at 6:00 p.m. Soroptimusings Editor Debbie Mallon 661-254-8482 [email protected] Assistant Editor Julie G. Beers [email protected] Publication Schedule September;; November;; January;; March;; May. Printed on recycled paper For further information about Soroptimist go to: Soroptimist International of Glendale: www.soroptimistglendale.org Camino Real Region: www.caminorealregion.org Soroptimist International of the Americas: www.soroptimist.org Soroptimist International: www.soroptimistinternational.org Page 6
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