city of alhambra alhambra city planning commission august 1, 2016
city of alhambra alhambra city planning commission august 1, 2016
CITY OF ALHAMBRA ALHAMBRA CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 1, 2016 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. City Council Chambers 111 South First Street CALL MEETING TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: THOMAS MALONEY, President TOM BERGE, JR. MARY LOUISE BUNKER SUZI DUNKEL-SOTO OWEN GUENTHARD DEBRA MORENO GARCIA, Vice President MARY HOSOKAWA STEVEN HUANG ROSS MAZA GARY TSE FLAG SALUTE: Led by President Maloney CONSENT AGENDA (Items 1-2): All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered by the Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion unless a citizen or Commissioner requests otherwise; in which case, the item will be removed for separate consideration. Items placed on the Consent Agenda include smaller scale projects, projects which do not require variances, and ministerial matters (minutes, resolutions, etc.). 1. MINUTES –July 18, 2016 Recommended Action: Commission review and approve as submitted the Minutes of the July 18, 2016 Regular Meeting of the Alhambra Planning Commission. 2. Request for One Year Time Extension for Residential Planned Development Permit RP-15-17 2631 Orange Grove Avenue Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution 16-40 approving a one year extension expiring on August 17, 2017. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 3. COMMERCIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT CP-16-10 & VARIANCE V-16-8 1 36 West Main Street Applicant: Befores, LLC This is an application for a Commercial Planned Development Permit and Variance to establish a 1,610 square foot ice cream shop in a vacant commercial tenant space last occupied by a jewelry store with less than the required number of parking spaces on an approximate land area of 7,865 square feet located in the Central Business District zone. Recommended Action: Pending public testimony, adopt Resolution 16-41 approving Commercial Planned Development Permit CP-16-10 and Variance V-16-8 subject to the Conditions of Approval. 4. RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT RP-16-7 900 Edith Avenue Applicant: Wing Kwong Lee This is an application for a Residential Planned Development Permit to construct a new 1,739 square foot one-story single family residence on an approximate land area of 5,750 square feet located in the R-3 (Multiple Family Residential) zone. Recommended Action: Pending public testimony, adopt Resolution 16-39 approving Residential Planned Development Permit RP-16-7 subject to the Conditions of Approval. 5. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CU-16-11 821 North Almansor Street Applicant: Sandra Estrada This is an application for a Conditional Use Permit to add an attached bathroom and laundry with shower to a proposed garage addition to serve a proposed swimming pool on an approximate land area of 8,974 square feet located in the R-1 (Single Family Residential) zone. Recommended Action: Pending public testimony, adopt Resolution 16-42 approving Conditional Use Permit CU-16-11 subject to the Conditions of Approval. DIRECTOR’S REPORT: At this time the Director of Development Services, or his/her designee, will provide updates on projects, programs or events within the City and make announcements as deemed necessary. PUBLIC COMMENTS/ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Citizens wishing to address the Commission on any matter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission not on the Agenda may do so at this time. Please STATE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS CLEARLY for the record. Please note that while the Commission values your comments, pursuant to January 1, 1987 amendments of the Brown Act, the Commission cannot respond nor take any action until such time as the matter may appear as an item on a forthcoming agenda. 2 COMMISSION ORALS: Each Commissioner at his/her discretion may address the Commission and public on matters of general information and/or concern, including announcements and future agenda items. ADJOURNMENT: The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Alhambra Planning Commission will be held on Monday, August 15, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., in Alhambra City Hall Council Chambers, 111 South First Street, Alhambra, California. NOTICE: AGENDA ITEMS: Copies of the staff reports or other written documentation relating to each item of business described hereinabove are on file in the offices of the Development Services Department in City Hall, 111 South First Street, Alhambra, California, and are available for public inspection during regular office hours, which are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Should any person have a question concerning any of the above agenda items prior to the meeting described herein, he or she may contact the Development Services Director either in person at the Department offices, or by telephone at (626) 570-5034 during regular office hours. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: If you require special assistance to participate in any City meeting (including assisted listening devices) please contact the Development Services Department at (626) 5705034. Notification of at least 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. APPEALS: Any person wishing to appeal any decision of the Planning Commission to the City Council may do so by filing an appeal in writing along with the appropriate appeal fee to the Development Services Department in City Hall within 10 calendar days of the Planning Commission decision. The appeal period for items on this agenda expires at the close of business on August 11, 2016. 3 Meeting Rules and Regulation Section 2.24.060 of the Alhambra Municipal Code provides for the Planning Commission to establish and enforce its own rules and regulations for its meetings. The Planning Commission uses those rules and regulations established by the Municipal Code and implemented for use by the City Council. Addressing the Commission: Any person wishing to address the Commission during the meeting must complete a Speaker Request Card and submit it to the Secretary. When called upon by the President, please step to the podium and give your name, address and organization or other party you represent, if any, in an audible tone of voice for the record. Remarks are limited to 5 minutes. All remarks shall be addressed to the Commission as a body and not to any member thereof. No person, other than the Commission and the person having the floor, shall be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through a member of the Commission, without the permission of the President. No question shall be asked a Commissioner except through the President. Standards of Decorum: Any person making personal, impertinent or slanderous remarks or who shall become boisterous while addressing the Commission shall be forthwith, by the President, barred from the meeting. Persons Authorized to be Within Rail: No person, except City officials, their representatives, and newspaper reporters, shall be permitted within the rail in front of the Council Chamber without the express consent of the Commission. 4 MINUTES ALHAMBRA PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting July 18, 2016 ROLL CALL: The Alhambra Planning Commission met on July 18, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of Alhambra City Hall. Members present: Bunker, Garcia, Guenthard, Hosokawa, Maza, Tse, Maloney Members absent: Berge, Dunkel-Soto, Huang Also present: Vanessa Reynoso, Deputy Director of Development Services, Scott Lee, Principal Planner CONSENT AGENDA: ITEM 1: Minutes of July 5, 2016 MOTION Commissioner Bunker moved to approve Item 1 (Minutes of July 5) of the Consent Agenda, as recommended by staff. Seconded by Commissioner Garcia, the motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bunker, Garcia, Guenthard, Hosokawa, Maza, Tse, Maloney None Berge, Dunkel-Soto, Huang HEARINGS: ITEM 2: Commercial Planned Development Permit CP-16-11 & Variance V-16-9 45 South Garfield Avenue Applicant: Panasia Sweet & Savory, Inc. Request: This is an application for a Commercial Planned Development Permit and Variance to establish a restaurant in a 3,200 square foot commercial building last occupied by a nightclub and bar which has been vacant for more than six months and with less than the required number of parking spaces on an approximate land area of 5,000 square feet located in the Central Business District zone. Commissioner Bunker clarified the location of the patio. She commented that this was a good use of the building which would contribute to the area. There was also adequate parking in the area. 1 (07/18/16) Commissioner Maloney expressed concern over the number of parking spaces needed for the proposed business and the use of the adjacent South First Street parking structure to accommodate the parking for the business. Commissioner Garcia concurred and noted that in her experience, the South First Street parking structure had a high level of usage in the evenings. Commissioner Tse mentioned that if it was possible to keep a tally of which parking structures were counted toward being used by which businesses. Commissioner Bunker asked if the parking structure in the Alhambra Place complex could be counted toward satisfying the parking requirement for the proposed restaurant. Mr. Lee stated that the Alhambra Place garage was on private property and was for the use of customers and tenants of the on-site businesses and the residents of the apartments only. Ms. Reynoso and Mr. Lee noted that one of the broader goals of the Downtown and the public parking facilities was to encourage visitors to walk around and patronize different businesses. It was also noted that many businesses are able to count multiple public parking facilities toward meeting their parking needs rather than just one facility. Commissioners Garcia noted that in the past, the staff reports had included parking surveys of the nearby public parking facilities. She recognized the time and effort needed to provide these surveys and found them to be useful. MOTION Commissioner Bunker moved to adopt Resolution 16-38 approving Commercial Planned Development Permit CP-16-11 and Variance V-16-9 as recommended by staff. Seconded by Commissioner Tse the motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ITEM 3: Bunker, Garcia, Guenthard, Hosokawa, Maza, Tse Maloney Berge, Dunkel-Soto, Huang Commercial Planned Development Permit CP-16-12, Conditional Use Permit CU-16-9 & Variance V-16-10 8 West Main Street Applicant: Kerry Lam Request: This is an application for a Commercial Planned Development Permit, Conditional Use Permit and Variance to establish a restaurant in a 2,200 square foot commercial building last occupied by a print shop with less than the required number of parking spaces on an approximate land area of 2,200 square feet located in the Central Business District zone. The Conditional Use Permit has been requested to allow an on premise alcoholic beverage license (Type 41) for the sale of beer and wine in conjunction with meal service. 2 (07/18/16) Commissioner Hosokawa asked if there was a public entrance in the rear of the building. Kerry Lam, applicant and business owner, stated there would be a rear entrance for the public. MOTION Commissioner Guenthard moved to adopt Resolution 16-36 approving Commercial Planned Development Permit CP-16-12, Conditional Use Permit CU-16-9 and Variance V-16-10 as recommended by staff. Seconded by Commissioner Garcia the motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ITEM 4: Bunker, Garcia, Guenthard, Hosokawa, Maza, Tse, Maloney None Berge, Dunkel-Soto, Huang Conditional Use Permit CU-16-12 235 West Main Street, Suite B Applicant: Yun Juan Wang Request: This is an application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow an on premise beer and wine license (Type 41) for the sale of beer and wine in conjunction with meal service in an existing restaurant located in the Casita de Zen Specific Plan zone. Commissioner Bunker inquired about parking. Mr. Lee noted that all parking for the business was on-site and met all code requirements. Commissioner Bunker commented that the restaurant menu was exciting, interesting and different and supported the request. MOTION Commissioner Bunker moved to adopt Resolution 16-37 approving Conditional Use Permit CU-16-12 as recommended by staff. Seconded by Commissioner Hosokawa the motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Bunker, Garcia, Guenthard, Hosokawa, Maza, Tse, Maloney None Berge, Dunkel-Soto, Huang DIRECTOR’S REPORT: There were no items to report. PUBLIC COMMENTS/ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were none. 3 (07/18/16) COMMISSION ORALS: Commissioner Bunker inquired about the status of the proposed Nissan dealership on the former Bewley Allen Cadillac site. Ms. Reynoso explained that Nissan was changing its corporate dealership design prototype. The applicant would have to submit new plans and go through the entitlement process from the beginning. ADJOURNMENT: There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:29 PM to Monday, August 1, 2016 at 7:00 PM. _______________________________ Thomas Maloney President ATTEST: _______________________ Scott Lee Principal Planner 4 (07/18/16)