May 2015 Section B - Alhambra Chamber of Commerce


May 2015 Section B - Alhambra Chamber of Commerce
MAY 2015
Mother’s Day
Sunday, May 10
Local businesses invite families to
celebrate mom with brunch, gifts
Almansor Court (See ad, news on Pages
10-11B) invites the community for its annual Mother’s Day Brunch from 9 a.m. to 3
p.m. Sunday, May 10. Reservations are recommended. Enjoy a Mother’s Day brunch
with a specialty select menu of brunch items.
700 S. Almansor St. • Alhambra 91801
626-570-4600 •
Remember Mother this Mother’s Day
with a gift that will leave a lasting impression from 58 Facets Jewelry. A gift of jewelry, a special charm, or a beautiful watch is
sure to leave a long lasting memory of special love for Mom.
36 W. Main St. • Alhambra 91801
626-569-7289 •
Come in to Adiva Intimates for the
whole month of May to celebrate Mother’s
Day. Take advantage of the low priced
swimwear now available in sizes ranging
from small to 3XL. There is a wide range of
summer wraps and cover ups. Be sure to
check Adiva Intimates out online at or Yelp.
815 S. Fremont Ave. • Alhambra 91803
626-300-9100 •
Enjoy Mother’s day at Alondra Hot
Wings (See ad on Page 10B). Show mama
what she means to the family, and introduce
her to Alondra’s family by treating her to the
best wings, pizza, and East Coast sandwiches
this side of New York. All moms will receive
a carnation flower to remind them of how
much they are appreciated. Fugetaboutit!
515 W. Main St. • Alhambra 91801
626-576-7119 •
Mosaic Lizard Theater (See ad, news on
Page 14B) will offer a special preview of its
new production of Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Ernest. Mothers get in free for
this one special performance at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 10. Admission for others is $15 and
$12. Seating is limited; RSVP is strongly suggested.
112 W. Main St. • Alhambra 91801
626-202-2859 •
The Mama Dip is the heart of Dip’s Grill.
In honor of mama and Mother’s Day, Dip’s
Grill is offering a free dessert to all moms who
dine there on Mother’s Day.
39 W. Main Street • Alhambra 91801
626-284-3477 •
Main Street Jewelry & Watches will offer 30% off on all jewelry items and special
deals on all new and vintage watches. Find a
special gift for mom in the store’s unique selection of vintage items. Main Street Jewelry
& Watches looks forward to helping customers find that special gift.
210 W. Main St. • Alhambra 91801
seniors / health
dining / entertainment
auto / real estate
Real Estate
Gary Frueholz
Gary Frueholz is a realtor with Dilbeck Real Estate, a past member of the Alhambra Planning
Commission, a certified Senior Real Estate Specialist and a Certified International Property Specialist. Mr. Frueholz can be reached at 626-3189436 or by e-mail at [email protected].
To see all of Gary’s articles on Alhambra, visit
Alhambra’s Stan Freberg
His humor touched people
“I was in the polio
ward for young boys at
Orthopedic Hospital.
They had a television set,
and the first program I
ever saw was Beany and
Cecil,” said Glenn Barnett, native and lifelong
resident of Alhambra, describing his experiences as
one of the final young
people in our community
to be affected by polio in
the 1950s.
Barnett, who was 8
years old at the time, Stan and wife Betty Hunter Freberg, 2003.
added, “I was glued to the
tube. Beany and Cecil was so funny.”
The voice of Cecil, the Seasick Sea Serpent, on television belonged
to Stan Freberg, Alhambra High School graduate, class of 1944.
On April 7, Stan Freberg died at UCLA Medical Center from pneumonia. He was 88 years old.
If you grew up in Los Angeles during the 1950s and ’60s, you were
likely entertained by Beany and Cecil, the Seasick Sea Serpent. The
comic duo had silly adventures on the high seas and entertained young
Sizzling Salsa Cook Off, Cantina Crawl on May 5
To celebrate Cince de Mayo,
Tuesday, May 5, the Downtown
Alhambra Business Association
will present its fourth annual Salsa
Cook Off. As an addition to this
year’s event, there will be a
Cantina Crawl.
Fronteras Grill, 118 W. Main
St., will host the salsa competition beginning at 4 p.m. Judges,
who will be announced, will
choose a winner, whose salsa will
be featured at Fronteras Grill as
Salsa of the Month.
The competition has grown
over the years with more competitors and attendees. “This is a community event, suitable for all Bring friends and have fun at the fourth annual Salsa Cook Off and
ages,” said Salsa Cook Off orga- Cantina Crawl on Tuesday, May 5.
nizer Amanda Pacheco. “I love to see the community
“We are expecting at least 20 cantina crawlers,”
trying the different salsas. They are always surprised said Ms. Pacheco. “This event is a great way to meet
at the variety of tastes.”
new people and find new places to come back to in
Beginning at 5:30 p.m., after the salsa competi- order to enjoy dinner and drinks with friends. Evtion, a mariachi band will lead cantina crawlers down eryone is excited to have an additional crawl followMain Street to different locations, such as Havana ing our St. Patrick’s Day festivities. I am thrilled to
House, 38 degrees, 28 West, Ohana Brewery Tasting have more events that bring the Alhambra commuRoom, and so many more.
nity together.”
Wellness Expo offered to
seniors, families May 30
The City of Alhambra Wellness Expo for seniors and
their families will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, May 30, at the Joslyn Adult Recreation Center, 210
N. Chapel Ave. The expo will be packed with information
and activities, including numerous screenings that promote
improved health and wellness in the senior community.
Vital information will be available on fitness, nutrition,
leisure, housing, transportation, and many other issues. Professionally led seminars are scheduled on adult living, home
care, stress management, caregiving, Social Security, and
other topics.
Noted author Lee Gale Gruen will present a seminar on
Reinventing Yourself in Your Retirement Years.
Health care providers will be on hand to provide screenings concerning bone density, thyroid, stroke, and memory.
Participants will have the opportunity to have other essential screenings and tests performed.
A free continental breakfast will begin the full day of
health and wellness information, and lunch will be available for $5. Lunch must be purchased by Friday, May 15.
Door prizes will be raffled throughout the day.
The City of Alhambra Wellness Expo is made possible
in part by platinum sponsor Atherton.
Seniors / Retirees News |Activities, Projects, Features
Pets are just plain healthy friends for seniors
“Dogs are a man’s best friend.”
That familiar sentiment, certainly promoted by the pet food
companies, may have an old and
shopworn quality to it, but a
growing body of solid scientific
research tends to support the notion that pets can be important
Dr. Dennis E. McFadden is the
forner president and CEO of
Atherton Baptist Homes, 214
S. Atlantic Blvd. Alhambra.
Phone him at 626-863-1768.
supports for the physical and
emotional health of seniors.
“Just like sunshine and vitamins, pets are just plain healthy
for seniors. They are that spark
plug to getting out among
friends, keeping fit, and just making a senior’s day better,” accord-
ing to Dr. Ed Kane, PhD.
Part of the value of a pet involves the responsibility required
to keep one. “One of the benefits that we get from them is
that we have a responsibility to
these animals,” said Florence
Kellog, who enjoys the company
of Nicky, her 8-year-old Siberian
Husky-Norwegian Elkhound
“When you get older, you try
to stay very active, but older
people have a tendency to just
sit. Because you have the responsibility for the animal, you don’t
have that tendency.” Kellog
takes Nicky on twice-a-day walks
to a nearby park.
Dr. Kane summarizes the
benefits of pets when he writes
• Seniors with dogs go to the
doctor less. Dogs are preventative and therapeutic against everyday stress.
• For people aged 65-78, dogs
are a major factor of conversations with passersby. Companion animals readily elicit friendly
• Pet owners have lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels.
• Pet owners have fewer minor health problems, lower
medical costs, better psychological well being, and
higher one-year survival
rates following coronary
heart disease.
• Pets promote social interaction, decrease the feeling of loneliness and isolation, and increase morale
and optimism.
• Pets encourage playfulness, exercise, and promote laughter.
• Pets satisfy the need
for touch and to be
nonjudgmental warmth
and affection.
One study, conducted in
England, suggested an even
greater impact of dog ownership on men than
women. The results showed
that male pet-owners reported the lowest incidence
of psychological symptoms
associated with stress or
anxiety as compared to
male non-pet owners.
Men often evidence
more difficulties dealing
with bereavement and living alone than women; they
are less likely to become involved in community volunteer efforts; and they do
not disclose feelings to oth-
ers as readily as women. In these
cases, a companion animal seems
perfect for drawing a man out of
his shell and getting him to interact again.
The presence of pets can
prove therapeutic in other ways
as well. One of the scourges of
aging in America is the fact that
a full 50% of all seniors over 85
will have some form of dementia.
These progressive neurological disorders rob us of our cognitive function and lead to loss
of memory, agitation, aggression,
wandering, incontinence, and a
variety of other social problems
as the disease progresses. Television commercials will inform
you of the available medications
such as Aricept and Namenda
that can sometimes slow the
steep decline and memory loss.
Studies, some of them dating
back to the 1990s, have pointed
to the help animals can be as
“therapeutic interventions” to assist persons with such conditions
as Alzheimer’s Disease. The use
of therapy dogs has been demonstrated to increase socialization, improve social behaviors,
and decrease agitation. One
month-long study observed that
when a resident dog was introduced into an Alzheimer’s Disease special care unit, problem
behaviors were reduced and the
decrease remained in force during the entire time of the study.
Seniors in a private home setting were similarly affected. Episodes of verbal aggression and
moody outbursts were sharply
curtailed when people had regular contact with a companion
animal. And among those who
had difficulties with weight loss
due to decreased appetite or disinterest in activities of normal
living, companion animals
seemed to have a positive effect
on helping people eat properly
and regain lost weight.
Retirement communities
such as Atherton Homes in
Alhambra recognize the manifold health benefits of pets in the
lives of seniors and have crafted
permissive regulations related to
pet ownership.
On any given day you can observe a variety of cats sunning
themselves in their owners’ windows or dogs out for a walk with
their Atherton friends. The
community even offers the service of care givers who will walk
dogs for a frail or infirm resident.
Pets, as one person observed, are
City announces Wellness Expo
The city is thankful to partner with community-minded individuals and organizations for the benefit and promotion of
senior independence, health, and wellness.
Come early, spend the day, and head home with lots of important new information that can provide enhanced enjoyment
throughout the senior years.
For additional information, please contact the Joslyn Adult
Recreation Center during weekday business hours at 626-5705056, or visit
Joslyn events include seminars, celebrations, Mothers & Fathers Days
Spring is in full bloom, and the Joslyn
Adult Recreation Center, 210 N. Chapel
Ave., is in full swing with activities of interest for Alhambra’s senior set. Don’t miss
out on the action.
In addition to the activities described
below, two scheduled early May programs
had registration deadlines that expired in
April. These are:
Older American’s Brunch - 4 p.m. to
7 p.m. Tuesday, May 5. The fee is $5.
Mother’s Day Lunch & Tea - 11 a.m.
Friday, May 8. The fee is $5.
Phone the Joslyn office at 626-570-5056
to learn if any spaces are available.
Other May events are:
Happy May Birthday Luncheon Cel-
Joslyn Adult Recreation Center
ebration - 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 6.
May birthday celebrants will be honored,
each of whom, in attendance, will receive
a token gift.
On the Move with METRO informational seminar - 10 a.m. Monday,
May 11. Presented by Gayle McKinney,
METRO representative.
“Hoarding” informational seminar
- 10 a.m. Tuesday, May 12. Presented by
the County of Los Angeles Department
of Mental Health.
Senior Outings planned for the beach
“Let’s go to the beach” is an expression
often used in Southern California households every summer, and no less so in residences in which seniors live. Thus, the
City of Alhambra Senior Outings program, anxious to please, offers several
beach-visit opportunities in the months
to come.
Beginning in June, with registration
beginning on Tuesday, May 12, the Senior Outings luxury coach is heading for
Pets ideal for seniors
not our whole lives, but they help make
our lives whole.
As I write this column, my faithful dog,
Mr. Calvin, looks up at me with reassuring eyes. It reminds me of the Josh Billings line: “A dog is the only thing on earth
that loves you more than you love yourself.”
Venice Beach from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. Friday, June 12. The fee is $12. An
outing to Fisherman’s Village in Marina
Del Rey will be from 10 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. Friday, June 26. The fee is $12.
Venice Beach comes complete with entertainment; recreation, sports; many dining establishments, where Senior Outings
participants will be lunching on their own;
and lots of shopping opportunities. Register, hop on board, and check it out.
Marina del Rey is celebrating its golden
anniversary this year, and the Senior Outings coach will take Alhambra seniors to
Fisherman’s Village, a replica of a New
England seaport and fishing town, for a
full day of shopping, spectacular Marina
views, possibly a boat or bike ride, and
certainly for enjoying one of the many
waterfront restaurants. The price of lunch
is not included in the activity fee.
Bingo - 12:30 p.m. Monday, May 18.
Sponsored by AGA Medicare Options.
Minimizing the Risk of Identity
Theft informational seminar - 10 a.m.
Tuesday, May 19. Presented by Floe Financial Partners.
Managing Trusts Pre and Post Death
- 10 a.m. Thursday, May 21. Part of the
Managing Elder Care, Trusts & Medi-Cal
seminars presented by Elder Law Attorney Carlos A. Arcos.
City of Alhambra Wellness Expo - 9
a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 30. Includes
free health screenings, guest speakers and
seminars, information booths, raffles, and
entertainment. A great opportunity to
learn about the latest trends, health issues,
leisure opportunities, housing resources,
legal and financial assistance, and get the
resources needed to improve one’s quality
of life. Lunch will be served and requires
Registration opens on Monday, May
11, for the Father’s Day BBQ that will
take place at 10:30 a.m. Friday, June 19.
Registration ends on June 12. For a modest fee of $5, participants will enjoy a luauthemed barbecue lunch and entertainment in Story Park. No lunch indoors on
“When we needed help,
we discovered Vista Cove at San Gabriel”
• Assisted Living
• Memory Care
• Respite Care
For more information or to schedule a tour, please phone
(626) 289-8889
901 W. Santa Anita St., San Gabriel, CA 91776 Lic. #197606796
Health & Medical News|Hospitals, Physicians, Dentists, Facilities
Wine tasting can dissolve your enamel
A new study suggests that winetasting
can be bad for your teeth. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (3/25,
Nancarrow) reports that a study from
the University of Adelaide in Australia
has shown that “just 10 one-minute
wine tastings can bring a softening of
the tooth enamel.”
Researchers said that the “acidic levels found in wine were similar to those
in orange juice,” and that people who
taste wine, as opposed to simply drinking it, have an increased risk for tooth
break-down because of the additional
swirling of wine in the mouth associ-
Smile Talk
Another way you can lose enamel is
over-brushing your front teeth.
ated with tasting wine, increasing exposure of wine to the tooth. The researchers advise frequent wine tasters use
fluoride treatments to help protect their
tooth structure.
Joslyn Senior Center
this day. Hawaiian shirts are highly recommended.
Wednesday, May 13, is the first day
to register for the Hot Fun in the Summertime dinner and dance scheduled
from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday,
June 10. It is $10 per person, or $90
per table, and includes dinner at 4 p.m.
followed by groovy live dance music.
The theme is The ’60s, so brave participants may well be wearing mini-skirts
and Nehru suits. Brave or not, don’t miss
this fun event.
Informational seminars are free, unless
otherwise noted. Due to space limitations,
pre-registration is highly recommended.
The Senior Nutrition Program luncheon requires pre-registration one day in
advance. Please phone 626-458-4455
weekdays between 9:30 a.m. and noon.
The suggested donation is $2.
For general information concerning
Joslyn Center programs and services, please
phone 626-570-5056 weekdays from 8
a.m. to 5 p.m.
This does not mean that you can’t
ever occasionally go wine tasting. You
obviously have to do a lot of wine-tasting to get a detrimental after-effect.
For the same reason that has to do
with acidity, it is not advisable to frequently suck on lemons, oranges, or
anything else that’s acidic.
If you suspect there has already been
chemical erosion of your front teeth,
check with your dentist about what you
should do to address the erosion and
how to prevent future damage.
Citric fruits taken in moderation are
beneficial to your health in many ways,
including being a good source of vitamin C.
Another way you can lose enamel is
over-brushing your front teeth. The back
and forth motion with the hand brush
can cause not only enamel erosion but
For more information, contact Dr.
John Chao at 626-308-9104. Visit Dr.
Chao’s Web site,
also shrinkage of the gums. Receding
gums is associated with the “long tooth
syndrome.” This exposure of the roots
of the teeth can give you can undesirable smile.
Check with your dentist as to how
you should brush your teeth correctly,
without leaving plaque or over-brushing your teeth.
New patented treatment for receding gum line
Pinhole Surgical Technique™ Restores Smiles in One Visit
• Do you have receding gums?
• Are your teeth sensitive to hot or cold?
• Are your teeth sensitive to brushing?
• Are receding gums ruining your smile?
Restore Your Beautiful Smile
New no-cut, no gum grafting technique is:
knifeless, stitch-free, and relatively pain free
Brief Procedure is
Quick Healing
John C. Chao, DDS, MAGD
of Alhambra
Inventor of Patented
Pinhole Surgery Technique™
• Patent No. US 8.007.278.B2 • Patent No. US 8.202.092.B2
To solve your problem
using Dr. Chao’s patented technique,
Call 888-928-5905
* Published in
The International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, October 2012.
Cleaner air tied to healthier
lungs in So. Cal. kids
In Southern California – long known
for its levels of air pollution – public policies have helped to improve air quality
over the past few decades. A team of researchers led by Dr. W. James Gauderman
of the University of Southern California
used these changes to examine the association between air quality improvements
and children’s lung function.
The team used data from the 20-year
Children’s Health Study, which took measurements of children’s health and outdoor air pollution levels in communities
throughout Southern California.
The researchers examined data from
three different groups of children taken
during the time periods 1994-1998,
1997-2001, and 2007-2011.
Numbering more than 2,100, the children came from five communities: Long
Beach, Mira Loma, Riverside, San Dimas,
and Upland.
All received two or more tests of lung
function from the ages of 11 to 15 years
old. The scientists compared lung function with levels of nitrogen dioxide,
ozone, and particulate matter of different sizes. The study was funded by NIH’s
National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences (NIEHS) and others.
Results appeared on March 5, 2015, in
New England Journal of Medicine.
The researchers found improvements
in lung function development were asso-
ciated with declining levels of nitrogen
dioxide; fine particles, which are 2.5 micrometers in diameter or less (found in
smoke and haze); and larger particles with
diameters up to 10 micrometers (including wind-blown dust).
The proportion of children with clinically low lung function at 15 years of age
also declined as air quality improved.
Across the three time periods, the proportion with low lung function fell from
7.9% to 6.3% to 3.6%. These associations held after adjustment for several
other variables, including smoking habits, health insurance, parental education,
and exposure to cats, dogs, mold, and
The effects of the three different pollutants couldn’t be separated, as their levels were highly correlated. However, these
results show that broad-based efforts to
improve general air quality can significantly improve lung function in children.
Improvements were seen in both boys and
girls, in children with and without
asthma, and in children of different racial/ethnic backgrounds.
“We expect that our results are relevant
for areas outside Southern California,
since the pollutants we found most
strongly linked to improved health-nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter-are elevated in any urban environment,” Dr.
Gauderman says. The researchers said the
results and others suggest that further improvements to air quality could lead to
even better lung health.
Joslyn Center Senior Outings
July, August, fall trek schedule
July Senior Outings, with resident
registration beginning on Tuesday, June
2; non-residents on June 3, include:
Seal Beach, the gateway to Orange
County beach communities, from
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday, July 17.
The fee is $12. It is frequently noted as
a quiet and relaxed community but provides great sea views from the pier, from
the shoreline, from restaurants - for
lunch on one’s own, and shopping opportunities galore.
Laguna Beach from 8 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. Thursday, July 30. The fee is $12.
It is the site of the famed Pageant of the
Masters, and Senior Outings participants will have plenty of time to visit
the related Sawdust Festival, where original collectables, created by talented artisans and crafters, abound. Shopping at
the festival and in the town may take a
lot of time, but don’t forget the sea views
and even catching a free ride on the trolley to enjoy Laguna and surrounding
August Senior Outings head for:
The Orange County Fair, just inland from the coast in Costa Mesa,
where the 2015 Fair theme is One Big
Party. Senior Outings participants, from
1 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Friday, Aug.7, will
party with food (lots of it; lunch not included), animals, carnival rides, games,
competitive exhibits, concerts, community entertainment, and more. From
noon to 4 p.m., visitors can enjoy
samples of select Fair treats for just $2.
Huntington Beach, from 10 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 21, is famous
for its serene climate, clean environment,
and lots of shops located just a few minutes from the beach. Visitors will also
enjoy the Huntington Beach Farmer’s
Market and Craft Fair, in full swing on
August Senior Outings registration is
available for Alhambra residents on Tuesday, July 7, and for non-residents on July
The fall lineup of Senior Outings
heads inland, and includes many interesting and fascinating sites, including
Lake Arrowhead, the San Manuel Casino, the Los Angeles County Museum
of Art, Downtown Disney, the
Camarillo Outlets, and so much more.
But that is for another time. First get on
board the luxury coach, get a great tan,
and enjoy the summer.
Senior Outings registration may now
be completed online - just head for, click on “Online Services,” click on “Leisure, Recreation &
More,” click on “Sr. Svcs. - Outings” and
that will be just steps away from fabulous Southern California Outings.
For more information, phone 626-5705056 during weekday business hours.
Are baby teeth important?
If we were like sharks, then every time
a tooth got loose or decayed, a new one
would come in to replace it. That would
be nice, but in reality people get one set
of baby teeth that fall out by the time
we reach 13 years of age, and one permanent set of teeth that fall out depending on how we take care of them. You
might wonder how important these
baby teeth really are.
After all, primary teeth are destined
to fall out and be replaced by a full set
of permanent teeth. However, baby teeth
have important functions, and proper
care should be taken for them.
Primary teeth help maintain good
nutrition with proper chewing
The appearance of your baby’s primary teeth around 6 to 12 months of
Dr. Dara,
age coincides with changes in your
infant’s nutritional needs. As your little
one’s teeth grow in, multiply, and triple,
their chewing abilities progress, and by
30 months of age, infants are equipped
with a full set of 20 well-functioning
teeth to chew on real food.
Primary teeth help
with the development
of speech
Baby teeth maintain room for the
permanent teeth and guide proper
The primary teeth must be present
to help guide the proper path for eruption of the permanent teeth and stimulate the jaw to grow. Let’s start by saying
that baby teeth serve a very important
purpose: to save the space for the adult
If a baby tooth is lost before the permanent tooth is ready to erupt, adjacent
teeth will drift and tip into the empty
space. If baby teeth are lost prematurely,
permanent teeth can drift forward and
block the space for the teeth that will
erupt later in life. This causes severe
crowding and teeth to stick out of the
Kids start losing their baby front teeth
naturally between 5 and 6 years of age;
however, baby molars aren’t ready to
come out until 11 to 13 years of age.
Baby teeth can affect the health of the
permanent teeth. Not treating baby
Dr. Dara Gashparova, D.D.S. is located at 1933 W Valley Blvd. Readers with dental
questions or concerns should contact her at 626-289-6131, or e-mail [email protected].
If a baby
tooth is lost
before the
tooth is ready
to erupt,
adjacent teeth
will drift and
tip into the
empty space.
teeth can result in severe pain and possibly contribute to developing an abscess.
An abscess can be very dangerous, and
that infection may spread and damage
the adult tooth that is developing underneath the primary tooth.
Treatment for baby teeth
• If a baby tooth has decay, your dentist will recommend fillings to prevent
spreading of the decay. If the decay is
too advanced and the tooth cannot be
restored with a filling, the doctor may
recommend a white or silver cap.
• When the decay travels to the center of the tooth where the nerve lies, a
baby root canal can be performed to remove the infection. If the infection
spreads to the bone and causes an abscess, the tooth will need to be removed.
• Soon after the extraction, a space
maintainer should be fabricated to mainCONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
Karen H. Chao, O.D.
A poor report card could indicate vision problems
As the school year is quickly wrapping up, report cards will be headed
If your child’s report card doesn’t reflect your child’s potential, and you have
tried tutoring or special services in
school, this article is for you.
According to the American Optometric Association, 60% of problem learners have undiagnosed vision problems
contributing to their challenges. In my
experience, children who struggle with
reading and learning often have underlying eye coordination and eye movement problems.
For example, a common eye coordination problem is Convergence Insufficiency — a condition regarding how the
eyes work together when doing “near”
work, such as reading. Both eyes must
converge, turn in together, for all the
words to be clear and single. In some
children, this visual skill can be underdeveloped. It is treatable with vision
therapy. Convergence Insufficiency is
only detected through a comprehensive
eye exam; there are no obvious signs,
which is why it is missed by most vision
Symptoms can include eyestrain,
headaches, blurred vision, double vision,
difficulty concentrating, loss of place,
and reading slowly. As reported in the
Optometry & Vision Science Journal, Feb-
ruary 2012, studies show that reading
and academic performance can improve
when this or other underlying vision
problems are found and treated.
You might be interested to know that
a recent study shows that children with
IEPs, Individualized Education Plans,
were found to have a higher rate of vision problems that can impact learning
than children without IEPs. Many of
these vision problems are treatable with
glasses and vision therapy. In fact, the
study states, “Many of these vision problems would be undetected by vision
screenings based on distance visual acuity.” Visual acuity is how clearly one
can see the letters on the eye chart, often referred to as 20/20 when the child
can see the line he or she is supposed to
see from 20 feet.
One of the easiest ways to identify
children who have a visual component
to their challenges is to compare their
verbal performance to their reading or
writing performance. For example,
many parents will tell me they can’t
understand why their child is so bright
when they talk with them or read to
them, yet reading and academic performance doesn’t reflect their true abilities.
Following are some additional signs
that your child may have a vision problem that is contributing to his or her
difficulty with reading and learning:
Baby teeth
tain the space available for the corresponding adult tooth. The space maintainer is an appliance that is custom fit
to the patient’s mouth and stays in the
child’s mouth until the permanent tooth
starts to show or is very close to erupt.
The appliance itself will prevent the adjacent teeth from drifting or tipping into
the space.
How to take care of baby teeth
• Brush your child’s baby teeth twice
a day as soon as they come in. If the child
does not like the taste of tooth paste, use
dry toothbrush or finger brush.
• Do not let your baby fall asleep with
a bottle in his or her mouth. You can
quickly wipe off the milk with a secured
piece of dry gauze or simple give water
after the milk.
• Floss your child’s teeth as soon as
he or she has two teeth that touch.
• Visit a friendly dentist to check your
child’s jaw and teeth development.
Dr. Karen H. Chao, O.D. has been an
Optometrist in private practice for more
than 20 years. In addition to general optometric care, her services include Vision
Therapy, Neuro-Optometric Evaluation
for Traumatic Brain Injury, Corneal Refractive Therapy, and Low Vision Services. She can be reached at 121 S. Del
Mar Ave., Ste. A, San Gabriel 91776.
Phone Dr. Chao at 626-287-0401 or
visit for more information.
• Skips or repeats lines when reading.
• Poor reading comprehension.
• Homework takes longer than it
• Headaches at the end of the day.
• Trouble keeping attention on reading.
• Difficulty completing assignments on
• Difficulty copying from board.
• Burning, itchy, watery eyes.
• Tilts head and closes one eye when
• One eye turns in or out.
• Avoids near work and reading.
• Holds reading material too close.
• Poor handwriting.
If your child has any of these symptoms, there is a strong possibility that a
treatable vision problem is contributing
to his or her difficulties. Depending on
the depth of the vision problem, these
vision problems can often be treated over
the summer, which will give your child
a better start to the new school year.
The first step to determining if a vision problem is contributing to your
child’s learning challenges is a developmental vision evaluation performed by
an optometrist who provides an in-office program of optometric vision
therapy. For more information, give our
office a call.
Peanut consumption in infancy lowers peanut allergy
A food allergy occurs when
the immune system reacts to a
harmless food as if it were a
threat. Symptoms can range
from upset stomach and diarrhea, to hives and itching, to
tightening of the throat and
trouble breathing.
Peanuts are one of the most
common foods that cause aller-
gic reactions. Peanut allergy
develops early in life, is rarely
outgrown, and is the leading
cause of death due to food allergy in the United States.
Clinical guidelines previously recommended that infants at high risk for allergy
avoid allergenic foods, such as
peanuts. Studies showed, however, that food elimination
Fremont Optometry Center
Se Habla Español
2447 W. Valley Blvd. • Alhambra, CA 91803 • (626) 300-9251
…in Israel, foods containing peanuts are
often introduced at around 7 months of
age. The researchers hypothesized that
regular exposure to peanuts in the diet
might help protect against the
development of peanut allergy.
doesn’t prevent the development of food allergies, and the
American Academy of Pediatrics withdrew this recommendation in 2008.
A research team led by Dr.
Gideon Lack of King’s College
London observed that the risk
of developing peanut allergy
was 10 times higher among
Jewish children in the United
Kingdom than in Israeli children of similar ancestry. In the
U.K., peanut-based foods are
typically avoided in the first
year of life.
But in Israel, foods containing peanuts are often introduced at around 7 months of
age. The researchers hypothesized that regular exposure to
peanuts in the diet might help
protect against the development of peanut allergy.
To test this theory, the researchers followed more than
600 infants beginning at 4 to
11 months of age. All were considered at high risk of developing peanut allergy because they
already had egg allergy and/or
severe eczema, an allergic skin
The infants were randomly
assigned to either avoid peanut
entirely or to regularly eat at
least 6 grams of peanut protein
per week (provided in the form
of a snack food or as smooth
peanut butter). The regimen
was closely monitored with recurring clinic visits and telephone calls until participants
were 5 years old.
The study was funded primarily by NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (NIAID). Results appeared in the Feb. 26, 2015,
issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.
The researchers tested the
participants for peanut allergy
at age 5. They found that peanut allergy was present in
17.2% of children who had
avoided peanuts, but in only
3.2% of the children who had
consumed peanuts.
This represented an 81%
reduction of peanut allergy in
children who regularly ate peanut products beginning in infancy.
“Food allergies are a growing concern, not just in the
United States but around the
world,” NIAID Director Dr.
Anthony S. Fauci says. “For a
study to show a benefit of this
magnitude in the prevention of
peanut allergy is without precedent. The results have the
potential to transform how we
approach food allergy prevention.”
The researchers will continue to follow the children to
determine if protection against
peanut allergy remains once
children stop consuming peanut products.
“Because there are risks, parents of infants and young children with eczema or egg allergy
should consult with an allergist,
pediatrician, or their general
practitioner prior to feeding
them peanut products,” Dr.
Lack said.
For Your Good Health
Sit up straight! How a strong core can help reduce knee problems
During a seminar focusing on core
and trunk stability, I was shocked to find
that a young, trim, healthy looking female physical therapist had a very unstable core with back pain. Plus, I
learned that young girls playing very
competitive soccer have weak and unstable core muscles. In fact, in the span
of three to four years, female soccer players sustain a high percentage of knee
injuries. I feel very strongly that soccer
for females should be banned unless
something is done to stop the progression of knee injuries in young girls.
The continued use of cell phones,
tablets, video games, and backpacks also
contributes to poor posture, muscle
weakness, muscle imbalances, and early
onset of arthritis, pain, and nerve entrapment. Moms and teachers used to
insist on sitting up straight and encouraged exercising. I often see 30-year-olds
with slumped postures having arm pain,
jaw pain, neck pain, back pain, and
My optometrist mentioned there is a
direct correlation between eye strain and
poor trunk tone, strength and posture,
which affects a child’s ability to learn. It
is harder to focus the eyes when the
trunk can’t stay stable, which makes
reading more difficult and ultimately
affects learning.
If this problem affects a young, rela-
responsible for keeping us upright, but
it will result in using smaller amounts
of energy and decreasing degenerative
changes in joints. Physical therapists are
experts in observing posture and movement and can guide people in getting
stronger, moving around more efficiently, and decreasing wear and tear on
the body. Exercise classes are great for
this, and a customized program to address specific problems is one way to
make sure that imbalances are corrected
Sheila Yonemoto, P.T., has been a physical therapist for more than 30 years, specializing in integrative manual therapy, using a holistic approach. She can be reached at Yonemoto
Physical Therapy, 55 S. Raymond Ave, Suite
100, Alhambra 91801. Sheila also offers a
“Chinese Energy” exercise class. Phone 626576-0591 for more information or visit
tively healthy and more active population, then trunk or core instability probably affects many mature adults as well.
This can contribute to balance problems, breathing difficulties, incontinence, and lower energy levels.
The good news is that something can
be done about it. It might take some
work to bring awareness to the muscles
first. Gym classes often focus on the
larger movement muscles of the trunk
and don’t pay attention to the smaller
and less visible postural muscles.
Moms use to say, “Stand up straight,”
and I believe mom was right. Instead of
rebelling against good posture, switch
your thinking to developing a good
stable core. You will have increased energy and look younger, and you may
reduce a lot of strain on your knees and
Arkansas man’s kidney failure caused
from consuming too much tea
Doctors recently traced an Arkansas
man’s kidney failure to an unusual cause
— his habit of drinking a gallon of iced tea
each day.
They ruled out several potential causes
before stumbling on a reason for the 56year-old man’s kidney problems. He said
he drank about 16 8-ounce cups of iced
tea every day. Black tea has a chemical
known to cause kidney stones or even kidney failure in excessive amounts.
“It was the only reasonable explanation,”
said Dr. Umbar Ghaffar of the University
of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little
Rock. She and two other doctors describe
the case in the April 2 New England Journal of Medicine.
The unidentified man went to the hospital last May with nausea, weakness, fatigue, and body aches. Doctors determined
his kidneys were badly clogged and inflamed by the food chemical called oxalate.
The man is on dialysis, perhaps for the rest
of his life, Dr. Ghaffar said.
Besides black tea, oxalate is found in
spinach, rhubarb, nuts, wheat bran, and
chocolate. In rare cases, too much oxalate
can lead to kidney trouble, but often there’s
also a contributing intestinal problem. That
didn’t seem to be the case for the Arkansas
man, and he had no family or personal history of kidney disease. He was taking in
three to 10 times more oxalate than the
average American, Dr. Ghaffar and colleagues said.
“I wouldn’t tell people to stop drinking
tea,” said Dr. Randy Luciano, a Yale School
of Medicine kidney specialist. He said it
was the quantity of oxalate that was consumed that caused the problem.
Dining & Entertainment | What’s Happening for Food & Fun
Almansor Court serves the community for 29 years
Almansor Court, Banquet and Conference Center is located on the Alhambra
Golf Course in Alhambra. It hosts events
such as meetings and conferences, weddings and receptions, quincinearas, banquets, holiday events, brunch reservations,
and more. Almansor Court opened in August 1986. General Manager Gary Miller
has been with Almansor Court for 19 years.
“When I came to Almansor Court, we
would book typical weekend events such
as weddings, anniversaries, and
quincinearas two to three days per week,”
Diner on Main
Diner on Main
Proudly Serving Alhambra Since 2003
The Home of
Mother’s Day
7-11 A.M. Mon.-Fri.
Just $6.95
Enjoy our
Cakes & Pies to Go
Celebrate with us
Sunday, May 10th from 11 a.m.
Chef’s Special Mother’s Day Menu
N.Y. Steak &
Breaded Shrimp
Almansor Court offers eight elegant banquet and conference rooms with varying décor and
views. Rooms can hold as little as 50 people and up to 550 guests
Pacific Sea Bass
Includes bread and choice of soup or salad
with the purchase of two beverages
second entree must be equal or lesser value up to $9.00
This offer limited to one person per group, party or table seating, regardless of separate checks.
Not valid on holidays. Offer valid when presented with this ad coupon. Special offer valid only at
369 Main St. Alhambra
Phone 626-281-6701
Not valid with 2-4-6-8 Value Menu or Complete Skillet Meals or any other offer or discount. Offer expires 5-31-2015.
KIDS EAT FREE MON. – FRI. 4 PM – 10 PM (see store for detail)
Almansor Court, Banquet and Conference Center is located on the Alhambra Golf Course in
said Mr. Miller. “But when we introduced banquet and conference rooms with varythe Meeting Planners Package, the word ing décor and views. Rooms can hold as
spread quickly, and we began to host events little as 50 people and up to 550 guests.
When booking a banquet event, customseven days per week.”
Almansor Court offers eight elegant ers choose from 10 different menu selections including some national
themes such as American, Mexican,
and Italian, as well as other menu
choices like vegetarian, Asian, and
Sunday brunch is offered weekly.
Some items offered are an omelet
station, a hot carving station, freshly
prepared pastas, iced shrimp and
crab, bacon and waffles, and eggs
Almansor Court is known for its
great prime rib, omelets, and freshly
made waffles. “Because we have a
special mix and we make all of our
waffles fresh at a special station
equipped with waffle irons, people
will come just for the waffles,” said
Mr. Miller. “But my personal favorite is the eggs benedict because it is
made to order at your table, from
the toasted muffin to the poached
This past Easter, families from
the community enjoyed a traditional Easter champagne brunch
overlooking Alhambra Golf course
and lake. “This year we served
1,400 people,” said Mr. Miller.
Recycle Your E-Waste
Help send Mark Keppel H.S.
actors & musicians to Scotland
Mark Keppel High School’s
production of
is going to
Filet Mignon served with green onions on top paired
with potato and vegetables.
Teriyaki Chicken served with pineapple on top paired
with potatoes and vegetables.
Almansor Court is known for its great prime
rib, omelets, and freshly made waffles. Sunday
Brunch is offered weekly.
Almansor Court will offer a Mother’s Day
brunch from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. this Mother’s Day,
May 10. Reservations are recommended for families who would like to spend quality time together
and enjoy a Mother’s Day brunch with flowers and
a specialty select menu of brunch items.
Almansor Court hosts a semi-annual open house
event on the first Tuesday in April and October.
This event is open to the community to help plan
their upcoming events and includes from 30 to 40
different vendors, such as deejays, musicians, photographers, limousine services, live bands, and
more. The event gives guests an opportunity to
sample Almansor Court’s most popular entrees and
hors d’oeuvres, as well as to experience champagne
and wine tastings.
Diner on Main’s (See ad on Page 10B)
menu will include steak and pasta entrees
for Mother’s Day.
201 W. Main St. • Alhambra 91801
626-281-3488 •
Fit Factor invites the community to
visit the studio at
biz/the-fit-factor-alhambra to get introductory class discounts for May.
38 W. Main St. • Alhambra 91801
626-310-7454 •
Hot Red Bus Happy mothering Sunday to all the mummies. If children really
love their mums, they’d get her fish &
31 E. Main St. • Alhambra 91801
626-576-2877 •
9 a.m. To 3 p.m. Saturday or Sunday, May 2 & 3
in the front parking lot at
501 E. Hellman
All proceeds benefit the Scotland trip
and are tax deductible
“I encourage those who haven’t had a chance to
come visit Almansor Court to do so,” said Mr.
Miller. “Whether it’s to plan an event or come to
Sunday brunch, we invite the community to come
discover what we have to offer.”
More information can be found on how to book
your event, make reservations for Sunday brunch,
view menus, read reviews, and view a full gallery
of photos at, available in
English and Spanish.
Visit Almansor Court in person at 700 S.
Almansor St. Business hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. You may also
call for reservations at 626-570-4600. And don’t
forget to “Like” Almansor Court on Facebook at
Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
Baskin Robbins invites the community to receive a special price on all
Mother’s Day cake orders.
838 E. Valley Blvd • Alhambra 91801
626-458-0898 •
Recycle Your E-Waste
Middle East Restaurant
Jayvee Dance Center invites the community to get
ready for swimsuit season with the center’s Zumba fitness classes. Mention Around Alhambra for the Mother’s
Day Special rate of 10% off the first enrolled session.
216 E. Main St. • Alhambra 91801
626-281-JVJV (5858) •
Marini Music invites the community to buy mama a
ukulele for Mother’s Day and receive one
free lesson. Take the loved ones on a row
boat and play the ukulele like Groucho
Marx used to do.
222 W. Main St. • Alhambra 91801
626-289-0241 •
Shakas is celebrating Mothers Day by
offering Happy Hour from 11 a.m. to 10
p.m. on Sunday, May 11. Shakas wants to
thank all the moms by serving the first
Hawaiian mimosa drink for free.
101 W. Main St. • Alhambra 91801
626-293-5520 •
s Grill
Thursday Lunch Special
4.95 – any Burger & Fries
Served 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Must purchase beverage with each Burger.
Must present coupon before ordering. Coupon valid for up to 6 guests.
May not be used in conjunction with other Birdies or Golf promotion. Thursdays only. Expires 5/29/15.
700 S. Almansor St. • Alhambra, CA 91801 • 626-570-4600 ext.18
Downtown Alhambra rocks on Saturday nights
Enjoy great music every Saturday from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Rick’s Main
Street Café’s stage, 132 W. Main St., in Downtown Alhambra, brought to you by
Marini Music and Rick’s:
May 2: The Blood Moon - oldies
May 9: Pandora’s Box - classic rock
May 16: L.A. Undercover - classic rock
May 23: Debbi Dagger - oldies and R&B
May 30: Elementary Penguin - ’60s and up
June 6: Janie Steele & Pacific Electric - ’60s and country
For more information, contact Marini Music at 626-289-0241.
Mosaic Lizard Theater
Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
Steven’s Steak & Seafood House will
serve an upscale brunch buffet with live
music from a Mariachi band.
5332 Stevens Place • Commerce 90040
323-723-9856 •
Wahib’s Middle East Restaurant (see
ad, Page 11) is offering an open buffet all
day featuring chicken kabob, lula kabob,
and a variety of Middle Eastern dishes.
In the evening, there will be a special
Lebanese dinner paired with live entertainment available in the Banquet Hall from
2 to 6 p.m. Wahib’s wishes all the mothers a very happy Mother’s Day.
910 E. Main St. • Alhambra 91801
626-281-1006 •
Main Street Jewelry & Watches co-owner David Alvarez (photo above) said the store
is offering 30% off on all jewelry items and special deals on all new and vintage watches
for Mother’s Day.
Performing Arts Center presents
Beatlemania in Alhambra
Fine Dining for Thai Cuisine
909 W. Las Tunas Drive • San Gabriel, CA 91776 • 626-570-8887
Check Our Web Site for Menu, More Special
10% Discounts and FREE Items with Purchase
5% OFF on $20 minimum order
Please bring in this coupon for discount on
dine-in or takeout orders – Expires 5/31/15
FREE DELIVERY within 3 miles radius • Small fee for delivery beyond 3 miles
Alhambra Performing Arts Center will
present Beatlemania in Alhambra at 7
p.m. Sunday, May 17, at Sage Granada
Park United Methodist Church, 1850 W.
Hellman Ave., Alhambra. This free program will feature recording artist, guitarist, singer, and songwriter Mark Carter,
who will perform many Beatle hits from
the ’60s. Audience participation is welcomed and ’60s style attire is encouraged.
Mr. Carter has worked as a musician
and entertainer in Southern California
since 1973, performing in restaurants,
hotels, and other concert venues. He has
performed in many situations, from intimate solo guitar settings to bands that play
blues, rock, country and pop, as well as
singing and playing in big bands at
Disneyland and on cruise ships.
As a guitarist, he has played with some
of the biggest names in music, including
Al Jarreau, Dave Koz, David Foster, Roger
Williams, Glen Campbell, Englebert
Humperdink, Lee Greenwood, and he features many times with the Crystal Cathedral Orchestra.
Smooth As Silk is his latest CD featuring contemporary jazz greats Greg Adams,
Jeff Kashiwa, and Tim Redfield. Mr.
Carter’s music has received airplay on
more than 50 radio stations across
America, including KSBR in Mission
Viejo, KJJZ in Palm Springs, XMRadio,
and The Weather Channel. Jazz Internet
radio stations play his music around the
world daily.
Mr. Carter has also enjoyed a career in
education. He is on staff as a guitar instructor at Singer Music in La Puente.
Alhambra Performing Arts Center is a
member of the Consortium of Southern
Recording artist, guitarist, singer, and
songwriter Mark Carter will perform many
Beatle hits from the ’60s at the Alhambra
Performing Arts Center on May 17.
California Chamber Music Presenters and
a member of the Alhambra Chamber of
Commerce since 2006.
For more information, please contact
Artistic Director Bill Yee at 626-230-5435,
or e-mail [email protected].
Admission is free; donations are requested during intermission.
Mosaic Lizard Theater to present Wilde’s
The Importance of Being Earnest in May
The Mosaic Lizard Theater will present
The Importance of Being Earnest, by Oscar
Wilde, May 15 through May 31, at 8 p.m.
Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays.
There will be a special Mother’s Day preview at 2 p.m. May 10. Admission will be
free to all mothers.
Jack and Algernon are two young
gentlemen who have taken to bending the
truth in order to put some excitement into
their lives. Jack has invented a brother,
Earnest, whom he uses as an excuse to
leave his dull country life behind to visit
the ravishing Gwendolyn. Algernon decides to take the name Earnest when vis-
iting Jack’s young and beautiful ward,
Cecily. Things start to go hilariously awry
when they end up together and their deceptions are discovered, threatening to
spoil their romantic pursuits.
General admission is $15. Students and
seniors are $12.
At 8 p.m. every Sunday, Mosaic Lizard
Theater presents its ongoing satire of Bat
Knight. Episodes change periodically. It
is family friendly. Tickets are $5 per person.
Mosaic Lizard Theater is located at 112
W. Main St., Alhambra 91801. For more
information, phone 626-202-2859.
Automotive News | Auto Dealers, Repairs, Services
Tougher, lighter 2015 Ford F-150 welcomes new high-output 2.7-liter EcoBoost® with standard Auto Start-Stop to broaden its engine lineup by providing mid-range V8-like towing
capability of 8,500 pounds, payload of 2,250 pounds, 325 horsepower, 375 lb.-ft. of torque.
2015 Ford F-150 earns 5-star top
government crash ratings for all cab
configurations and crash tests
Classic Car Cruz and Vintage
Rides car shows continue on
third Wednesdays, monthly
The 2015 Summer Series Classic Car Cruz and Vintage Rides car
shows will be presented from 5 p.m. to dark every third Wednesday of each
month through September at the Diner On Main restaurant, 201 W.
Main St., Alhambra. The event is free to spectators and participants. All
pre-1975 vehicles are invited: hot rods, muscle cars, modified trucks,
custom motorcycles, lead sleds, rat rods, fire trucks, and tractors. For more
information, contact John Chappell at 626-483-9522, or e-mail
[email protected].
The all-new Ford F-150 has earned the
government’s highest possible crash safety
rating – adding to the F-150’s strengths as
the toughest, smartest, most capable F-150
The 2015 F-150 is the only full-size,
light-duty truck to earn NHTSA’s highest
rating, a 5-star crash test rating, for the
driver and passenger for all crash test modes
and cab configurations – SuperCrew,
SuperCab and Regular Cab.
The F-150’s improved performance is
enabled by up to a 700-pound weight savings through the use of high-strength steel
in the frame; high-strength, military-grade,
aluminum alloy in the body; and smart engineering. A cross-functional group composed of Ford truck product development
veterans and researchers worked to optimize
vehicle weight savings and manufacturing
design to deliver improved durability, capability, fuel economy and crashworthiness.
The team created 31 safety-related innovations including new structures, materials and joining methods that were tested
virtually with supercomputer simulations,
then retested in Ford’s advanced laboratories to engineer the safest F-150 ever.
400 S. Atlantic Blvd.
All advertised prices are in addition to government fees and taxes, and finance charges, any dealer document preparation charge and any emission testing charges. On approved credit.
Photos for illustration purposes only. All prices in this ad expire 5-31-15.
Shop for a new car in
Alhambra and get
a great deal
Alhambra’s Auto Row News
The Alhambra Chamber of Commerce salutes
Alhambra Auto Row
Browning Mazda
1200 W. Main St.
New Century BMW
1139 W. Main St.
Alhambra Nissan
726 E. Main St.
Sierra Acura
1700 W. Main St.
Alhambra • Chrysler,
Dodge • Jeep • Ram
1100 W. Main St.
Volkswagen Alhambra
1811 W. Main St.
The 2016 Nissan Maxima, created by driving enthusiasts for driving enthusiasts, looks
like nothing else on the road today – and drives like nothing in the segment. The all-new
Nissan flagship not only resets Maxima’s iconic “4-Door Sports Car” positioning, it sets a
new standard for style, performance and technology in the large sedan segment.
Goudy Honda
1400 W. Main St.
Bob Wondries Ford
400 S. Atlantic Blvd.
Nissan begins production of eighth
generation Maxima ‘4-door Sports Car’
Kia of Alhambra
1247 W. Main St.
Wondries Toyota
1543 W. Main St.
The Chamber of Commerce urges all residents to
shop locally for their new or used cars and trucks.
Nissan’s Smyrna Vehicle Assembly
Plant continued its reign April 21 as the
top-producing automotive plant in
North America, as Gov. Bill Haslam,
U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander and Tennessee Economic and Community Development Commissioner Randy Boyd
joined plant employees to celebrate the
start of production for the all-new 2016
Nissan Maxima.
“When Nissan came to Tennessee
more than 30 years ago, there were almost no auto jobs in the state,” said Sen.
Alexander. “Three decades later, about
one-third of our manufacturing jobs are
auto related, auto suppliers have located
in 80 counties, and our family incomes
are higher. I want to thank Nissan for
providing opportunities for thousands
of talented Tennesseans.”
New technical details of the next
generation Acura NSX revealed
In advance of the market launch of the highly
anticipated next generation
Acura NSX, the engineers
leading the supercar’s development shared new technical details and design strategies with the automotive
engineering community at
the April 22 SAE Detroit
Section dinner, presented in Sneak peak of Acura NSX supercar.
conjunction with the SAE
2015 World Congress and Exhibition.
of a revolutionary multi-material space
Additional information about the
frame design that delivers class-leading
team’s efforts to achieve a true “New Sports
body rigidity while remaining lightweight.
Experience” included details of the NSX’s
• World’s first automotive application
world’s first body construction process that
of new ablation casting technology resulthelped create a multi-material space frame
ing in world-class body rigidity for ultiresulting in class-leading body rigidity, the
mate handling and control.
advanced total airflow management sys• World’s first use of a three-dimentem and an update on NSX’s power unit
sionally formed, ultra-high-strength steel
A-pillar, supporting class-leading rigidity
Ted Klaus, chief engineer and global deand crash performance while providing
velopment leader of the new NSX, introoutstanding outward visibility.
duced key powertrain, body and dynamic
• The NSX achieves top-in-class aeroperformance engineers who shared new
dynamics targets without the use of acproduct and technical details in their retive aerodynamic elements, while its threelated areas of the development.
motor Sport Hybrid power unit is cooled
The unprecedented sharing of technithrough 10 heat exchangers all thanks to
cal details prior to the car’s market introa total airflow management strategy that
duction reflects the desire of the NSX demaximizes the flow of air around and
velopment team and the company to inthrough NSX.
spire the imagination of automotive and
• Displacement of the NSX’s all-new
technology enthusiasts along with the next
twin turbo V-6 engine was confirmed to
generation of engineers.
be 3.5-liters.
“Our goal is to create something alto• The NSX will mark the introducgether new and exciting, something that
tion of the most capable and highest
advances the concept of a next generation
torque capacity Super Handling Allsupercar in the spirit of the original NSX,”
Wheel Drive system in Acura history.
said Mr. Klaus. “In order to provide NSX• The latest proprietary logic advances
level value, we needed to push ourselves
Acura’s two decades-long pursuit of Suto experiment with, refine and then realper Handling that proactively responds to
ize many new technologies.”
driver inputs, allowing the NSX to achieve
Significant technical revelations cona new level of line trace while at the same
cerning the NSX included:
time intelligently supporting the driver in
• The NSX includes Acura’s first use
changing environments.
Volkswagen debuts C Coupé GTE in Shanghai
New plug-in hybrid concept car points the way to the future of large Volkswagen sedans
Volkswagen is expanding its
model range at high speed
and the latest show of this
intent is on display at Auto
Shanghai — the C Coupé
GTE. This sport sedan,
which is about five meters
long, sprints right into the
middle of the C-segment. If
it were to go into production
it would find its place bedans have changed hugely in recent years.
tween the Passat and the Phaeton. ExplainThe new rear-end design that is oriented to
ing the design concept, Walter de Silva, Head
the classic two-door ‘coupé’ has given them
of Design of the Volkswagen Group, said, “Semore personality.”
4 Wheel Computerized Wheel Alignment & Suspension Repair
Alhambra’s Auto Row News
Alhambra’s Auto Row News
From left are Leo Ioannidis, Regional Used/CPO Manager, Pacific Region, Volkswagen of
America; prize-winner Jorge Garcia; and John Frank, Sales Operation Manager - Area 5C
Los Angeles, Volkswagen Group of America.
Volkswagen Alhambra’s Garcia wins national award
Jorge Garcia of Volkswagen Alhambra
won the 2014 National Retail Championship Award from Volkswagen of America.
He finished second place in the nation out
of more than 600 dealers. Born in a small
town called Yahualica, close to Guadalajara,
Mexico, Mr. Garcia met his wife in 2001
while she was visiting relatives, and they
married in 2008. In 2009, he came to Los
Angeles as a warehouse worker and in 2011
a friend invited him to work for
Volkswagen. “I love working for VW
Alhambra, and I am a VW enthusiast,” said
Mr. Garcia. “Everyone in my family drive
VWs and so do most of my friends. I always feel comfortable and safe driving my
VW with myfamily.”
The Volkswagen team is proud of Mr.
Garcia’s achievements as he continues to
grow with the VW Alhambra family.
1811 W. Main St. • Alhambra 91801
626-407-0500 •
Mazda MX-5 Miata production kicks off April 20
The wait is almost over, as North America-bound 2016 Mazda MX-5 Miata production
began April 20, signaling the imminent arrival of the next generation of the world’s most
popular two-seat roadster at U.S. dealers. Additionally, Mazda North American Operations
(MNAO) has released pricing for the entire MX-5 range, including the first 1,000 cars earmarked as Launch Edition models. “The three trim levels available – Sport, Club and Grand
Touring – are tailored for three very different types of customers, broadening the MX-5’s appeal,” said Rod McLaughlin, MX-5 vehicle line manager, MNAO. “Whether customers opt for
a Sport, Club, Grand Touring or Launch Edition, we’re confident the new MX-5 will deliver
the same owner passion, excitement and pride that have made the previous generations among
the most beloved cars on the road or racetrack at any price point.”
Browning Mazda
of Alhambra
Invites you to see the new Mazda3
Car and Driver
Top Choice
Open 7 days a week
A lhambra
Full Service Polish Dept.
Visit our shopper-friendly dealership at
1200 West Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Check out our entire stock
and featured specials at
Alhambra Car Wash
704 W. Main Street, Alhambra, CA 91801
Sales: 877-972-3444 • Service: 877-972-4111 • Parts: 877-972-3555
Toyota Mirai, shown left at Richmond International Raceway, above on a highway.
moving forward
SCION FR-S Waits for No One
$ 259+tax special lease with
$ 2999 due
at inception plus dmv, doc,
and sales tax.
Lease is for 36 month
with 12k miles annually
on model 6253.
The 200 HP front-mounted flat boxer engine, six-speed transmission,
and rear-wheel drive FR-S is made for going places.
Gas Miser for the 21st Century
2014 Prius C
$ 149+tax special lease with
$ 1999
Toyota Mirai takes Earth Day stage at
National Mall, as pace car for NASCAR
Fifteen years ago, a little hybrid no one
knew rolled onto the National Mall to
celebrate Earth Day. That hybrid was the
Toyota Prius. On April 14, nearing the
45th anniversary of Earth Day (April 22),
Toyota returned to Washington, D.C., to
showcase yet another revolutionary technology, the hydrogen fuel cell electric
Toyota Mirai.
Toyota partnered with Earth Day Network to sponsor the Global Citizen 2015
Earth Day celebration, April 17-19, featuring leading environmental voices, government leaders, star-studded performances and a Mirai activation. The celebration begins a month of fuel cell features and festivities for Toyota.
On Saturday, April 25, the 2016 hydrogen fuel cell electric Toyota Mirai
paced the Toyota Owners 400 NASCAR
Sprint Cup Series race at Richmond International Raceway. In doing that Mirai
became the first hydrogen-fueled vehicle
to pace a NASCAR race.
The Toyota Mirai is a four-door, midsize sedan with performance to pace the
43-car NASCAR field at Richmond International Raceway (RIR) while using no
gasoline and emitting nothing but water
vapor. The groundbreaking fuel cell electric vehicle is powered by hydrogen, refuels in about five minutes and travels up
to 300 miles on a full tank. It will arrive
first to buyers in California later this year.
Alhambra’s Auto Row News
at inception plus
dmv, doc, and sales tax.
Lease is for 36 month
with 12k miles
annually on
model 1201.
Estimated mpg: 53 city / 46 hwy
Starting MSRP
at $18,950
*Contact Mgrs Paul Luong or Quang Huyhn
Direct line 626-414-2528 or 626-414-2418
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Wondries Toyota/Scion
1543 W. Main St. • Al hambra • 626.289.8000
visit our Web site:
Get complimentary Toyota Care
when you buy or lease a new Toyota
May brings special promotions
to Alhambra’s Auto Row
Alhambra’s auto companies and
dealerships have new and pre-owned vehicles and parts ready for the community.
From special deals to community events,
there is a lot of value to be found on Auto
Drop in and take advantage of the special offers in May. Alhambra’s finest auto
businesses guarantee personalized attention from the friendly staffs while getting
the customers’ auto needs filled precisely.
Bob Wondries Ford is celebrating 65
years of serving the Alhambra community
since it first opened its doors in 1950.
With so many years of experience, Bob
Wondries Ford prides itself on building
family-like relationships among their employees and customers.
400 S. Atlantic Blvd. • Alhambra 91801
626-289-3591 •
Goudy Honda announced the latest
addition added to their fleet: the wellequipped HR-V, launching at Honda
dealerships nationwide. The vehicle will
enter the fast-growing entry crossover
market with dynamic yet refined exterior
styling, fun-to-drive performance, classleading fuel economy ratings, and unmatched interior spaciousness and cabin
Using a new global platform, the allnew Honda HR-V has the most spacious
and versatile cabin in its class. Using its
unique platform design with a centermounted fuel tank and reconfigurable second-row Magic Seat, the HR-V has voluminous interior space along with a flexible cabin featuring multiple seating and
cargo modes.
1400 W. Main St. • Alhambra 91801
626-576-1114 •
Browning Mazda of Alhambra completely remodeled the dealership earlier
this year. The service area got a face lift,
additional service bays were added, and the
dealership hired new Mazda certified technicians. The dealership repainted and carpeted, added a children’s play area, added
new TVs for the customer lounge and all
new computer systems, upgraded the wireless Internet and phone systems, and much
more. With all the newly redesigned vehicles, Mazda is offering low rate financing and lease specials that can meet any
budget. Please stop by the all new Browning Mazda of Alhambra.
1200 W. Main St. • Alhambra 91801
626-576-2800 •
Real Estate News | Residential, Commercial, Loans
# Homes
March 2015
March 2014
# Condos
*Data was obtained from Multi-Regional MLS Alliance and deemed to be reliable.
March proved to be one of
best months in recent years
South Pasadena
634 Forest Ave., South Pasadena, CA 91030
4 BD/3.5 BA; Approx. 2,600 sq. ft.
Brand New, Craftsman Style; Large lot
North Arcadia
2556 Ganesha Ave., Altadena, CA 91001
4BD/3BA Approx. 2,300 sq. ft.
Stunning Spanish Style; pool home. Coming
Approx. List price: $1,225,000
2029 Highland Oaks Dr., Arcadia, CA 91006
3BD/2BA – Prairie Style Home
Beautifully remodeled; desirable location.
sale — the identical amount at
the end of last month. ReversSpring began with a faning the recent trend, single
tastic start in the Alhambra
Approx. List price: TBD
family homes represented more
Real Estate Market as we
North Alhambra
Mt. Washington
than half of all available prophad a robust month of
3BD/1.5BA • Beautiful Spanish Style
429 Beech St., Los Angeles, CA 90065
erties at 55% of all offered
March with brisk home
Spacious Lot; desirable area
3BD/2BA Brand New Construction
properties. As of March 31,
sales and rising prices. AfDetached 2 car garage & utility room
Great Location with Views! Contemporary Design
there were only 33 total condo
ter a sluggish start to 2015,
Approx. List price: TBD
Approx. List Price: TBD
and townhouse listings for sale.
single family homes, conIn terms of quantity, the
dos, and townhouses all
condo and townhouse market
posted one of the best
remained healthy in March. A
months in recent years.
solid total of 14 were sold this
This is not too unusual, as
past month — up from the 11
March is consistently
closed in March, 2014. And
strong, reflecting the New Alhambra resident
way up from only the four sold
Year’s fresh listings.
Michael Carvaines is a
in February, 2015.
The big news is that Real Estate Agent with
The median condo and
Alhambra’s median home Dilbeck Real Estate. He
townhouse price dipped
price rose all the way up to can be reached at 323slightly to $414,500, which is
$600,000. This is a recent 697-0704 or
high for that figure and one [email protected] down from both March, 2015,
and the previous month of February. The
of the highest median home prices
condo and townhouse price-per-squareAlhambra has seen in many years. It defifoot also dropped to $318, representing a
nitely shows signs of a fully recovered,
more affordable alternative to a singlehealthy market.
family house.
This past March, a vigorous total of 21
As new construction continues and
single-family homes were sold in
businesses keep expanding, Alhambra reAlhambra, up from the 17 sold in March
mains a hot neighborhood. With many
of 2014. As mentioned, the median home
new restaurants and stores scheduled to
price reflected a trend toward higher-end
open this year, along with the ongoing
sales. Digging deeper into the statistics,
popularity of the established ones, look
however, reveals a bit more stability. The
for more people to conmedian price-per-square-foot remained
sider moving into town.
consistent, reflecting the market’s overall
As a result, homes
strength. The price-per-square-foot was
should continue selling
right at $400 — the same level where it’s
quickly and at rising
been most of the past year and a half.
Thinking of buying or selling? Who you work with matters.
rates, provided interest
The median number of Days on the
rates remain low and
Market held firm at 31 days this March,
In Escrow
In Escrow
banks continue to ease
and selling prices on average remained
lending restrictions.
right at the listing price. This shows that
Alhambra resident
it’s still a sellers’ market, as the relatively
low quantity of homes makes listings close
Michael Carvaines is a Real
Estate Agent with Dilbeck
The rest of the spring season should be
Real Estate. He can be
an improvement as, despite the increase
reached at 323-697-0704 or
1720 S Ethel Ave., Alhambra / 2 Bedroom 1 Bath
1325 S 5th Ave., Arcadia / In Escrow
in sales, many more listings also were
[email protected]
Listed at $519,900
Listed at $899,000
added to the market. As of March 31,
Alhambra had 40 single family homes for
Properties Listed by Rhea Bai
In Escrow
Just Listed
Recycle Your E-Waste
Help send Mark Keppel H.S.
actors & musicians to Scotland
Mark Keppel High School’s
production of
is going to
1833 Watson Dr., Arcadia / In Escrow
Listed at $969,000
Just Listed
463 W. Winnie Way, Arcadia
Listed at $3,999,900
Just Listed
Recycle Your E-Waste
9 a.m. To 3 p.m. Saturday or Sunday, May 2 & 3
in the front parking lot at
501 E. Hellman
All proceeds benefit the Scotland trip
and are tax deductible
151 W. Las Flores Ave., Arcadia
Listed at $2,780,000
1896 Maplegate St., Monterey Park
Listed at $860,000
RE/MAX Premier Properties
Direct: (626) 229-2271
BRE # 01360246
Rhea Bai
Remembering the creative
mind of Stan Freberg
Real Estate
Gary Frueholz
D ILBECK R EAL E STATE • 626-318-9436
Gary Frueholz is a realtor with Dilbeck Real Estate, a past
member of the Alhambra Planning Commission, a certified
Senior Real Estate Specialist and a Certified International Property Specialist. Mr. Frueholz can be reached at 626-318-9436
people initially on the radio and
later on the television. The
or by e-mail at [email protected]. To see all of Gary’s arGary Frueholz
show’s satirical side even apticles on Alhambra, visit
pealed to adults such as Albert
Einstein and Jimmy Stewart.
Freberg was a comedian, radio personality, singer, actor,
composer, voice actor, puppeteer, and creative advertising executive.
Stan Freberg as an entertainer
would reach the heights of replacing Jack Benny on national
radio, frequently performing
Stan Freberg was an encomic routines on The Ed
tertainer endowed with a
Sullivan Show and The Tonight
great voice and a mind that not only created humor but engendered thought and fun.
Show, and acting in movies such
as It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad World.
In radio,Stan Freberg was the voice of Cecil, the Seasick
His efforts on Beany and Cecil helped win three
Christmas / Nuttin’ for Christmas, are still heard
Sea Serpent.
Primetime Emmy Awards.
during the holidays. The album Stan Freberg PreFreberg’s gene pool drew from a Baptist minissents the Untied States of America, Volume One:
ter father and a professional magician uncle. He
The Early Years (1961) took on serious topics like
was born in Pasadena, and his family moved to
McCarthyism and captured the optimistic feeling
Coming Soon!
Alhambra when he was a child.
of the Kennedy Administration’s New Frontier.
Perhaps the funniest student to ever graduate
Freberg’s parody recording of the popular telefrom Alhambra High was Stan Freberg. His irrevvision show Dragnet would make #1 in the hit paerent humor got its start at Alhambra High School
rade for four weeks in 1953. He also received critiwhere
cal acclaim and some negative blowback for his
Beautiful 2 bedroom, 1 bath, Beautiful single story Mid-Century Modern
Alhambra home coming on the market condominium for seniors (55+), 2 bedroom, 2
One memorable Freberg prank was drawing a
parodies of the Lawrence Welk Show and Harry
soon with brick fireplace, hardwood bathroom with mountain view, beautifully
Belafonte’s Banana Boat Song.
floors, dining room, and spacious remodeled bathrooms, and in elegant complex.
777 E. Valley Blvd. #144, Alhambra.
Street and Third Street. Here he threatened to jump
Stan Freberg had his adult followers too. Albert
off the fifth floor, only to be pulled off the roof by
Einstein once interrupted a high level conference
two men dressed in white, and then displayed a
by saying, “You will have to excuse me, gentlemen.
sign urging students to vote for him in upcoming
It’s Time for Beany (one of the names of the Beany
student elections. The stunt got him elected to stuand Cecil Show).”
dent council and reinforced to him the benefits of
Before political correctness became a national
creative marketing.
issue, Freberg would confront this with skits such
Beautiful contemporary condominium for
After graduating from Alhambra High School,
as one which rewrote the lyrics to Ole Man River
lease in one of Alhambra’s most popular
Freberg auditioned and was hired by Warner Brothand re-titled it Elderly Man River. He also had a
Charming 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom complexes, Woodward Manor. Within one block
of vibrant Main Street activity. Pristine kitchen
family home with large backyard, with granite counter and spacious refrigerator,
ers to do voice acting in cartoons. Here he met and
skit awarding the Father of the Year award to Edhardwood floors, dining room. 2012 S. central A / C / heat, walk-in closet, balcony,
worked with Mel Blanc on cartoons, where the duo
ward Teller for being the father of the hydrogen
Bushnell Ave., Alhambra.
washer / dryer. 200 N. 5th St. #105, Alhambra.
voiced animal characters such as the mice Hubie
Call Gary for a free market evaluation of your home! and Bertie and Spike the Bulldog and Chester the
Freberg innovated humor into television adverGo to
tising. His advertising clients included Heinz Great
By the late 1940s, Freberg worked his way from
American Soups, Encyclopedia Britannica, Chun
for Gary’s stories
the Warner Brothers cartoons to daily television,
King Chinese Food, and Jeno’s Pizza Rolls. Johnny
on Alhambra.
with producer / director Bob Clampett, who creCarson remarked that the Jeno’s Pizza Rolls ad was
Senior Real Estate Specialist &
ated Beany and Cecil.
International Property Specialist
the first time his audience ever applauded a ToFreberg’s creative sense of humor touched many
night Show commercial.
[email protected]
mediums. By the early 1950s, Freberg acted in the
Over the years, Freberg connected with just
comedy Callaway Went Thataway (1951) and
about everyone in entertainment. George Lucas
costarred with Mala Powers in Geraldine (1953).
tried to get Freberg to be the voice of C-3PO in
On top of doing movies, cartoons, and live teleStar Wars, but Freberg himself suggested mime acvision, Freberg wrote music. During this period,
tor Anthony Daniels, who ultimately got the part.
Freberg wrote more than a dozen songs and albums
Freberg continued to be very active in television
for Capital Records.
comedy, advertising, radio, and writing into the new
His seasonal recordings, The Night Before
Advertising Pays Returns
Phone 282-8481
DRE# 00465088
Music festival, Catalina Island
offered at Family Excursions
for May 23, June 20 events
Alhambra families who have music
in their soul, especially music of the
Cajun, Creole, zydeco, and blues varieties, should attend the Cajun & Blues
Festival in Simi Valley, one of the largest festivals of its kind.
The City of Alhambra Family Excursions program is sending a luxury coach
full of those musically inclined families
to the festival from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, May 23. The fee is $25 for all
ages. The excursioneers will, in addition
to grooving to the music, be able to
browse through the more than 150 food,
beverage, craft, and sponsor booths, and
many of the kids will want to head to
the Kid’s Craft Area or to the area housing the bouncers, rock climbing walls,
slides, and gyroscopes.
Another not-to-be-missed excursion
will take place from 8:30 a.m. to midnight Saturday, June 20, to Catalina Island. The fee is $75 for those 12 years
of age and older and $65 for children 3
to 11 years old. On a clear day one can
see Catalina across the bay, but it’s better to be there, partaking in all the family experiences available: great beach and
water fun, including snorkeling and
kayaking; hiking; museum visiting; zip
lining; miniature golfing; and shopping.
Early registration for these two Family Excursions is recommended. Register online at,
by phone at 626-570-3242, by mail at
Community Services Department, 111
S. First St., Alhambra 91801, or in person at the Alhambra Park Office, 500
N. Palm Ave.
For information about future Family
Excursions, please take a look at the upcoming City of Alhambra summer/fall
2015 Leisure Classes, Activities & Excursions Guide, soon to be in mail boxes and
always online at
Remembering Stan Freberg
millennia. He was inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame in 1995 and
wrote his best-selling autobiography It
Only Hurts When I Laugh in 1988.
Jackie Robinson said that “a life is not
important except in the impact it has on
other lives.” By that measure, Stan Freberg
had a very meaningful life.
Gary Frueholz is a realtor with Dilbeck
Real Estate, a past member of the Alhambra
Planning Commission, a Certified Senior
Real Estate Specialist, and a Certified International Property Specialist. He can be
reached at 626-318-9436. See his stories